#sasukeen: headcanons
sasukeen · 6 years
hello! happy new year!! it possible for me to request modern romantic headcanons for itachi with a female s/o? maybe like with him being the heir to the uchiha who run a huge company that he will inherit or something? so sorry if this request is weird! have a great day
It’s not weird at all!!
Itachi and his s/o probably met in college. Itachi strikes me as the type of dude who didn’t have any interest in girls because he was career-driven, but then there was that one girl he met in college and he was just like, “well shit. I like her”
So into romantic and intimate dates. Private dinners, little day trips, going to the beach, maybe even a weekend cruise or something. Itachi wants to spoil his s/o with stuff like that.
At the same time, his s/o needs to understand that Itachi has a huge company he’s going to inherit, so there’ll be times where they can’t do a whole lot together. For this reason, his s/o needs to be independent and enjoy having time to herself so when Itachi is busy with the company and all that, she’s not upset about him not being around.
Also Itachi is completely invested in this relationship. He fully intends on marrying his s/o one day, so hopefully she’s on the same page.
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sasukeen · 6 years
How would Rock lee take care of his sick s/o?
Omg Leeeeeee
Listen, this man would be amazing at taking care of his sick s/o. He’s gotta be the healthiest dude in Konoha (aside from Guy), so he probably has some remedies to help his s/o recover as soon as possible.
He’s got soup ready, maybe some natural remedies like herbs or shit like that, tea. Whatever he thinks can help them, he’s got it on hand.
He’ll insist that they need both bed rest and some exercise. He insists they’ll feel better if they get up and move around some instead of laying around all day until they’re healthy again.
Still, Lee’s probably really overwhelming. His s/o probably gets a headache from his hovering, and then he’s freaking out because he has to go get them ibuprofen. Poor s/o.
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sasukeen · 6 years
Hi! Could u write headcannons for Jugo and Darui with oversensitive s/os?
Ooh okay! These are short, sorry :(
So Jugo is just the sweetest human. He’d be so good with his oversensitive s/o. He’d be able to talk them through what upset them.
Jugo wouldn’t be the one to set them off, though. Maybe on accident once or twice, but for the most part it’s outside influences that upset his s/o. He’s really good at removing them from the situation and calming them down.
He’s super laidback so he wouldn’t really intentionally upset his s/o. However, because he is laidback, his s/o could convince themselves that Darui doesn’t care, so then that would upset them.
He just has this really calm and cool way of calming them down, though. He takes it in stride and makes sure they know he does care, he just doesn’t show it that well.
He’s super observant when they’re out and about so if his s/o does get upset by something, he can distract them or just remove them from the situation. He makes sure it’s lowkey though so they don’t freak out even more.
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sasukeen · 7 years
I had to go to desktop just to read your rules because I can't remember the last time I made a request! 😝 Could I please get headcanons for Naruto, Konohamaru, Sai, Yamato, and Shino finding out their s/o is pregnant? Sorry if that's too much, I couldn't find any limits in the rules lol! Please and thank you!
Yes absolutely!!
He’s going to be a dad!!!
Honestly you’d have to be pretty straightforward with him. Don’t try anything too clever or he might not realize what you’re trying to tell him.
Naruto will loudly announce it to the entire village if you let him, but he’d also be surprisingly good at keeping it to myself (and Sakura and Sasuke and Kakashi and Tsunade of course) if you asked him to.
Be prepared to be smothered with cuddles and kisses too. He’s just so excited and he’s just wanting to hold and kiss you and touch your belly. He can’t wait for you to have a bump.
Like Naruto, Konohamaru is so excited to find out he’s going to be a dad!
You have a little more room to be more clever about how you tell him, too, and he gets it pretty quickly.
Konohamaru might be a little apprehensive about having a kid, though, because he doesn’t want to always be gone while they’re growing up like his parents were.
However he gets over that fear pretty quickly with some reassuring from you and him promising to be around as much as he possibly can.
He’s already started brainstorming baby names by the end of the day, and he’s planning the baby’s room.
He’ll also announce it to the entire village given the chance.
At first it doesn’t really register with Sai what you’re telling him.
Like you have to show him multiple positive tests before he realizes you’re pregnant.
Naturally, in his Sai way, he smiles in a way that comes off as fake and asks what happens now, then says something about what you plan to do with the baby once you have it.
Since you’ve obviously been with Sai for quite a bit of time now, you understand he’s not trying to say you should get rid of the baby. You know he doesn’t really know what to say now and is only going by what he’s seen in TV shows and read in his books.
Be patient with Sai once he starts buying all kinds of baby and pregnancy books. They’ll be EVERYWHERE and he’ll always be reading one of them.
Yamato is a bit at a loss for words when you tell him.
He’s like really?? Are you sure??
And then you show him multiple positive tests (and a confirmation from the hospital) and he gets soo excited!
He never really thought he’d lead a normal life after all the shit he’s endured his entire life.
So this is easily the best thing that’s ever happened to him (aside from you, of course) so he’s just over the moon to find out he’s going to be a dad!
Let’s be real, Kakashi was the first person he told, too.
Honestly Shino probably knew you were pregnant before you confirmed it yourself.
Dude just had a feeling (and not to mention his bugs were probably telling him you were getting sick a lot and had bought pregnancy tests).
But he wouldn’t outright ask you about it. He’d let you come to him with the news, and he’d be so happy in his Shino way (so not really expressing it, but you know he’s really happy).
Shino would wait to tell anyone, even his family, until you told him it was okay. Then he’d tell his parents, then his team, and finally all your friends. You can tell by the tone of his voice as he announces it that he’s excited.
He probably dives into baby and pregnancy books, but he’s less intense about it compared to Sai. He casually reads them just so he’s aware of what to expect. He did help out Kurenai with Mirai when she was a baby so he isn’t totally clueless about babies.
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sasukeen · 7 years
Headcanons on how would Tobirama, Madara and Kakashi be with a s/o that's really affectionate, sweet and loving in private but not in public? I think they would like it that way, not being mushy in public :D Grumpy dorks ❤
Yesss absolutely!! Love these grumpy dorks
Regardless of whether or not his s/o is more affectionate in private, Tobirama is not an affectionate guy. That doesn’t mean he won’t let his s/o love on him in private, but don’t expect him to initiate any of it.
But he will appreciate that his s/o doesn’t like PDA. Tobirama doesn’t like any of that. He thinks affectionate, intimate moments should only be between them. The people of Konoha don’t need to see him kissing his s/o.
Catch Tobirama in the right mood and he’ll be down for some cuddles and mushy moments with his s/o. Sometimes it just hits him and he’s willing to be extra affectionate.
Tbh the people of Konoha probably question whether or not Tobirama and his s/o are together because of how they act in public. Like they might as well just be too acquaintances or casual friends.
I always headcanon Madara and Tobirama being very similar, especially where things concern their S/Os. This is no different. Madara is pretty anti-PDA.
However, I think he’s more likely to initiate affection than Tobirama. Madara likes cuddling with his s/o and if he’s had a rough day he’ll find his s/o and just curl up with them wherever, or drag them off to their bed to lay with them.
Madara is at least willing to *loosely* hold hands with his s/o in public. As in they have a couple of their fingers hooked together or something, or his s/o occasionally leans into him and holds onto his arm. Nothing major.
Ahhhh my main man Kakashi! Doesn’t like PDA beyond maybe wrapping his arm around his s/o’s shoulders or minimal hand holding.
Kakashi is a bit tricky when it comes to affection in private. It definitely comes down to what mood he’s in. He can either be all over his s/o or want to just be left alone.
Either way, his s/o is there whenever he wants the love.
They’re also that couple where no one is really sure if they’re actually together or not, but that’s fine by both of them. They don’t have people prying into their personal lives and that’s all that matters to them.
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sasukeen · 7 years
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Y’all really want these types of headcanons for Madara! But lemme tell you, I think about this shit a lot XD To the first anon, thank you, I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying my writing!! :D These are also kinda reader-insert-ish??? Idk there are a couple where I used “you” so XD
Clan leader Madara is undeniably one attractive man.
Not that he wasn’t attractive before (I mean LOOK AT HIM) but seeing him in such a position of power is just *heavy breathing*
Tbh he probably expected to get a lot more attention now that he was clan leader. Like I said, that position of power just draws in all the ladies.
He’d engage in flirting likely once Konoha was formed and things were more relaxed (you know, before he went nuts and defected). But before then, when they’re still heavily involved in war and he’s obsessed with destroying the Senju, he probably ignored them.
He’d interact more with the less pushy ones, not necessarily the quiet and demure ones but the ones who aren’t constantly in his face. Pushy women are a turn-off for him, so he’d hold a conversation (albeit a short one) with someone who isn’t trying sooo hard to get into his pants.
There’d be a lot of push from the elders for him to marry, too, so he can have heirs, but Madara is so set on destroying the Senju that he brushes them off. When Konoha’s formed and they’re all settled in, the elders get more persistent about it, and Madara probably starts to actually pay attention to the women flirting with him.
I can see Madara being attracted to enemy women if they’re beautiful enough (and also strong kunoichi), but he’d never act on it. Maybe if her clan joined with Konoha, but also most likely not. Too much pressure from the elders to marry within the clan to keep a pure bloodline.
Madara would be respectful to all women, but he’d be more relaxed with ones he was “friends” with (I put that in quotes because really Madara doesn’t strike me as the type of person to have many friends. His main friend is Hashirama).
I do see him being playful with some of his admirers, especially the ones he actually has some interest in.
He probably respects medics a lot because that’s tough. You’ve gotta be a tough cookie to be a medic, especially during the Warring States Era. That’s bonus points for any woman who wants a shot with him.
He’d also respect women who have high status, not just because of who their father is, but because of their hard work (I suppose this would be for someone outside the Uchiha clan??)
Like I said earlier, Madara’s type of woman is someone who isn’t pushy and is a hard worker, either as a regular kunoichi or a medic. He also looks for someone who is smart, respectful, and dedicated entirely to him. He doesn’t want to fight for anyone’s affection.
When Izuna was alive, I definitely see him pushing Madara towards specific women (i.e., the ones gifted with amazing bodies). Yet even Izuna can’t get Madara to get over his obsession with destroying the Senju long enough to pursue anyone.
You did something nice for Madara? Made him a few meals when you suspected he wasn’t taking the time to eat three meals a day? He’ll remember you and be interested in the woman who’s taking time out of her day to make sure he eats and stays healthy.
Give him a new pair of gloves? Nice. He’ll like that you thought of giving him a gift, especially if his old pair had recently been ruined beyond repair.
Someone like that is someone who Madara would eventually develop feelings for, especially once he confirmed she wasn’t just doing it so she could win his favor. The elders are pleased that he’s finally decided to pursue a relationship (or they’re not pleased if you’re not Uchiha)
I headcanon Madara as being awkward with casual flirting, but good at teasing and flirting with his s/o
He also doesn’t like PDA beyond hand-holding, but even then he only has a loose grip on your fingers or lets you hold onto his arm.
Before Konoha, Madara was more likely to show mercy to women on the battlefield, and if he came across an enemy medic he wouldn’t even give her any sort of warning. He’d just move on. Sometimes he could be an asshole, though, and tell women they don’t belong on the battlefield. That’s just his personal belief, and also the Uchiha clan isn’t known for letting their women fight in the first place.
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sasukeen · 7 years
How would Madara and Tobirama react to one of their students being quiet, smart, very skilled, respectful but in turn is secretive and has a hard time showing her emotions due to "shinobi dont cry" and she's used to her comrades dying so she tries not to get close to anyone?
Interesting, I like this request! And since it was in your request, obviously the student will be female for these headcanons :)
Tbh this is the type of student Madara would get along with best.
Quiet? Perfect. Smart? Fantastic. Skilled? Keep talking. Respectful? Oooh boy. She’s easily his favorite student now.
Madara obviously gets what it’s like to lose everyone he was close with. Izuna’s death still shakes him, so I guess that’s where they would bond most despite her insistence that she doesn’t want to form any kind of relationship beyond teacher and student with him.
They’d probably end up being friends, just not overly close.
This student is also the type Tobirama would get along with best.
One because he knows she won’t talk back to him because she’s respectful, and she’s skilled so he has something to work with.
Like Madara, Tobirama’s lost a lot of people and totally gets the not wanting to be close to anyone thing.
Except I don’t see Tobirama being one to form much of a bond with her beyond teacher and student. They wouldn’t be friends, but they wouldn’t interact as acquaintances either. They’re just comfortable around each other.
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sasukeen · 7 years
Madara and tobirama having deep romantic feelings for the same woman. How would this mess play out? Hcs pls.
So I feel soooooo bad for the poor woman. Like, yeah, she’s got the attention of two of the most attractive men in all of the Narutoverse, but, uh, it’s Madara versus Tobirama now. Good luck, honey.
Obviously she’s not from either the Senju or the Uchiha clans, so she probably didn’t know either of them before Konoha was formed.
Madara would be more…aggressive? Idk if that’s the right word. He’d be more straightforward and actively pursue her, whereas Tobirama is someone who’s more subtle.
Of course, once Tobirama realizes that Madara has a thing for his woman (because as far as Tobirama’s concerned, she’s “his”), he’ll start to be more straightforward. He’ll keep tabs on her and get pissed off if he senses Madara anywhere near her.
The other thing is Tobirama absolutely does not want an Uchiha, especially Madara, around his lady, although Hashirama (bc let’s face it, Hashirama is well aware of the situation) probably reminds him that she’s not really his significant other.
By this point, though, Madara’s probably being a smooth mf and bringing her flowers and stuff.
And then Tobirama starts doing the same thing, and suddenly this poor woman has a million flowers around her house and people are noticing how frequently both Tobirama Senju and Madara Uchiha are stopping by her place.
So of course the whispers start, and Tobirama, naturally, gets pissy about people talking about her. Madara does, too, and it’s about the only thing they agree on when it comes to her.
At some point there is going to be a confrontation between the two of them. It’s not going to end well, and it’ll end up turning into some sort of competition to see who can win her over.
But then I’d see it backfiring. Like she probably wouldn’t go for either of them because she doesn’t like the idea that they’re pursuing her so much just so the other one doesn’t “win” her. It pisses her off, so neither have her.
And it’s not like neither of them had legitimate feelings for her, but they turned any possible courtship into a competition and chased her away. Good job, boys.
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sasukeen · 7 years
I've had a horrible time the past few weeks and have been so anxious and nervous that my stomach won't stop feeling nauseous. Could you do some headcanons on what Shikamaru or Kankuro would do to help their significant other when they're so stressed out?
I feel ya, my love
Of course he’s going to understand the feeling. Believe it or not, Shikamaru gets reaaaaalllly stressed out himself. He’s just very good at hiding it.
Naturally, his first suggestion is to find a roof somewhere and cuddle and watch the clouds. He’ll sit there and point out shapes to distract his s/o until he realizes they’ve fallen asleep and then falls asleep himself. So cute.
He’ll make sure to bring lots of snacks, too, and he’ll stock up on their favorites.
Maybe, if his s/o’s feeling up to it, they’ll go for a walk in the Nara Forest and hang out with the deer. Those deer are stinkin’ cute.
Because of how close he is to Gaara now, Kankuro knows how to tell that his s/o is getting stressed out beyond belief. He’s seen it with Gaara–and Temari, too–so he’s not oblivious.
His first suggestion is probably to spar, which can be great stress relief by letting off some of that steam.
If that doesn’t work, he’ll suggest they go home and relax for a little while, maybe put in a movie or just cuddle in the dark.
He’ll even ask his s/o if they want to help him fix a couple of his puppets. That’s tough work that’s sure to distract them for the time and give them something to focus on other than what’s stressing them out.
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sasukeen · 7 years
Would you mind making a headcanon about Tobirama's S/O wanting to show him a new jutsu they've created?
So Tobirama is a tough one with this kind of stuff. Not that he wasn’t encouraging to his S/O. They probably told him they wanted to create their own jutsu long before they started really working on it.
Tobirama is hella encouraging because you have to really work to create a jutsu, and he’s super proud of them for deciding to do this.
He probably helped some, too, making pointers and giving them ideas.
But when the jutsu is finally created he’s soooo excited to see it! He doesn’t show that he’s excited, but you can tell he is by how his attention is completely on you when you tell him it’s ready.
Trust me, it’s hard to have Tobirama’s full attention on you, so you KNOW he’s really into it.
He’s so proud when he sees it too. He probably brags to Hashirama about how his S/O created their own jutsu.
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sasukeen · 7 years
Headcanons or scenerios...? (FUCK I CAN'T CHOOSE) The founders trio cheating on their S/Os, she discovers it and decides to leave them and disappears or commit suicide and the trio regrets their mistakes when it was too late and decides to make amends because in the end they still love her and will never let her go.
Ask and you shall receive! I decided to do this with a Modern AU, hope that’s okay! :)
So it has to be quite the person that gets Hashirama to cheat on his S/O. He’s just such a dedicated guy to his S/O, but he slips up.
He’s so overcome with guilt and anger at himself when he realizes his s/o has left. He wants to find them right away, but knows he needs to give her and himself time to cool off.
At the same time, though, he waits too long and she’s already moved as far away from him as she can possibly get.
But Hashirama of course still loves her and persists, and he eventually manages to get her to answer the phone when he calls so he can apologize. He’ll ask for another chance, but whether or not he gets that second chance is entirely dependent on her.
Again, that person must be really something to get Tobirama to slip up!
Honestly, he probably didn’t do anything sexual with the person, but interacted with them in a way that was definitely cheating. They probably kissed him and he didn’t push them away immediately, stuff like that.
Tobirama would be furious at himself, but also frustrated with his s/o for leaving without so much as a note or giving him a chance to explain. He’d find them pretty quickly but he wouldn’t help his case any by (unintentionally) being an asshole about her deciding to just leave.
Tbh I don’t see Tobirama actually successfully getting back together with someone he cheated on, mostly because of how he’d have handled the situation.
So while Madara isn’t particularly inclined to cheating, out of the three of them he’s the one who’s most likely to do it.
It probably happened after he and his s/o got into a fight and he went to cool off at a bar somewhere. Shit happened, and he ended up cheating on his s/o.
He’d feel guilty but he obviously wouldn’t confess, so when she finds out, his s/o just up and leaves.
Madara’s gonna be pissed that she didn’t give him an opportunity to even explain himself or attempt an apology.
Much like Tobirama, it’s highly unlikely that he’d get back together with his s/o. She just won’t give him another chance, especially after how he reacted to her leaving.
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sasukeen · 7 years
Would you happen to have any headcanons pertaining to Tobirama catching feelings for his assistant / advisor (them being what Shizune is to Tsunade or Shikamaru to Hokage!Naruto? Idk what the correct wording is I'm sorry!) Do you think anything could ever come of it?
I do not have any headcanons like this! I like where this is going XD
Tobirama is totally the type who’d fall for his assistant. After all, he wouldn’t pick just anyone. He’d pick someone smart and organized and quiet.
So it’s not unreasonable to think he’d develop feelings for them.
He’d hide his feelings for as long as possible, though. I don’t know if he’d ever actively pursue anything beyond casual hangouts with them.
But if he did admit his feelings and properly take them out on a date, yes, I do think something could come of it.
They spend so much time together that them hanging out just feels really natural, not to mention they already know a fair deal about each other. Going on dates gives them the opportunity to see some of the more deeply personal things.
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sasukeen · 7 years
I ask for a headcanon where Sasuke would be uncle.
Of course! So sorry that this took so long to do (and sorry that it sucks) :(
Uncle Sasuke Headcanons
Uncle Sasuke is definitely the cool uncle all the kids wish was their uncle.
Honestly, he lets his nieces/nephews do whatever as long as it couldn’t cause them potential harm, which is why all their friends want him to be their uncle.
He’s the confidant for them, too, even his nieces. You could tell him anything and he’d keep it to himself as long as he doesn’t think he needs to intervene.
Sasuke is also very protective of his nieces and nephews. Don’t you dare try to mess with them. Uncle Sasuke in Protective Uncle Sasuke Mode is a scary sight.
Tbh he was more than happy to help out when they were babies, too. He actually enjoyed helping take care of them–feeding, changing them.
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sasukeen · 7 years
Hi how would madara react if someone he wasn't interested in confessed to him? Can you do HCs for when he knew they liked him+ didn't know and was taken aback? Thanks :)))
Madara would be genuinely surprised that someone came up to him to confess they had feelings for him. Like that’s hard to do, especially with him!
He’d be pretty nice about his rejection, probably blaming it on not being the right time for him to be in a relationship or just flat out admitting that he’s not interested. He won’t be an asshole about it, as much of an asshole as he is. He admires that they had the balls to confess to him in the first place!
If he saw it coming, he’d know as soon as they came up to him and he’d let them confess, but the same thing would go down with the rejection.
If he had absolutely no idea they were into him, he’d probably be at a loss for words for a second, especially if it was from someone outside his clan. Within his clan he understands because he’s clan leader and all that, but someone from outside his clan? That’d be a huge surprise. He’d be flattered, but again, would reject them as nicely as possible (while still being very Madara about it).
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sasukeen · 7 years
Itachi's ideal s/o?
So Itachi’s ideal s/o is someone smart and independent.
They also need to be kind and selfless.
He isn’t overly picky about who he’s with, but those are just some of the top things he looks for.
He wants someone he can confide in and build a future with.
So he’s not looking for a summer fling or anything like that
He isn’t picky about their appearance. He doesn’t prefer blondes over brunettes or anything like that.
Loyalty is HUGE for Itachi. It’s one of the most important things he wants in an s/o. Show you’re loyal to him and he’ll be all over you, baby.
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sasukeen · 7 years
Oehh could you write some more Itachi stuff? (Doesn't really matter what, as long as it's including Itachi 😅) Btw I just followed you on insta! Love your blog!
Accepted your follow on Insta and requested back
Itachi is obviously the heir to the Uchiha clan and whatever huge company they own, but he doesn’t really want it all that much. He’d be content just going off to live a quiet life somewhere else, but he won’t tell his parents that.
He’s a really, really good cook. Like wow. He probably could’ve been a chef if he wasn’t the Uchiha heir.
Honestly that’s a huge dominating factor in his life, being the Uchiha heir. Everyone recognizes him immediately as the Uchiha heir. He hates that being associated with him.
Tbh Itachi and Sasuke probably have an odd relationship. Like one minute they could be playing video games together, having the time of their lives, and the next they’re not speaking to each other. Now, that’s probably Sasuke’s fault, and it upsets Itachi because he just loves his little brother so much.
Kisame is Itachi’s best friend, although I don’t see Fugaku being a huge fan of him. So they probably don’t hang out anywhere near Fugaku.
As for the rest of the Akatsuki, depending on what they get up to in this modern AU, who knows. They could be Itachi’s friends, his acquaintances, or simply friends of Kisame’s that he vaguely hears about from time to time.
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