#Static [REDACTED]
sophaeros · 1 month
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julian casablancas live at les ardentes festival, belgium, 2010 / ph. gie knaeps (x x)
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topnotchquark · 11 months
There has been talk that Daniel left Renault to go to McLaren because of internal politics and a messy management dynamic in the team but no. The real reason Daniel left was because he understood that a driver-team principal dynamic filled to the brim with salacious, beautiful nosed, sad honey-amber eyed, olive skinned, authentic Mediterranean sexual tension that he shared with Cyril would simply have broken the space time continuum. Him sticking around with Cyril who obviously deeply loved him would have been too much. Which is why he had to uproot himself and sign up to be in that shitbox papaya with that ugly fraud Mak Frown. Daniel did that so the scales of the universe don't tip due to all that collective beauty being in one place.
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angel-archivist · 9 months
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Revamping old ocs rn <;3
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honestlyvan · 2 months
The tragedy of the Roots anime is that it's based on a game from 2007, and thus the character designs are simplified down from what the 3D models look like to be manageable in the animation pipeline of the time, resulting in severe nerfs to the hotness of a lot of the cast but as a tradeoff, animators can actually include nonverbal acting and subtle characterisation.
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How long until I can leave this place?
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I guess I can.
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But only if I leave my family for a while…
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msommers · 11 months
is there anything more satisfying than out loud saying what your character would say in response to a companion, then a moment later seeing it pop up as one of the dialogue options
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evergreenperi · 10 months
Mentioned this on twitter but I really love TV static/Lost reception/connection type characters!
Like they're just so damn intriguing and are usually really menacing/unnerving, GRRRAAAAAHHH so cool!!!!
So the fact Debunky's Entity in the latest [REDACTED] SMP video is a TV static character just sends this entity to the top of the list of my favourite Redacted Entities, I'm also obsessed with shapshifting characters hence why my sona is a shapeshifter and the TV Entity glitching into different Redacted Subjects is just so fuckin' good you have no idea how just bubbly I was seeing that happen AAAAAAAA !! 💥
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But yeah the example I compared the TV Entity to was Dream Peridot from Steven Universe Future which isn't a real chatacter (like she's just a figment of Steven's subconscious) and barely as menacing as the Entity but the blank/vacant face of Dream Peridot paired with the channel error colour screen glasses just fills me with dread whenever I watch the full episode is so powerful and hits a spot in my brain hehehe
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But I think a good inbetween of these 2 characters is Spamton (yes he's a static related character because whenever he's having his more serious moments it's often conveyed through his sprite having static flowing behind his glasses) because he can be dead serious one minute and incredibly menacing at other times with random outbursts but has a more comedic centre to his character, he's just such a complex but stupidly funny guy it's great, Toby Fox is a brilliant character designer.
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I honestly can't wait for Chapter 3+ of Deltarune with the TV character that was teased at the end of Chapter 2 and I can't wait to see what's in store with the TV Entity on [REDACTED] SMP!
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If you made it through my little ramble then I hope you enjoyed it and have a wonderful day 💜💛
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playtimepalace · 7 months
ough i always 4get to say when im gonna b gone but i got invited to a field trip last minute hehe so ill be p much offline from tomorrow till monday! missing u already kiss kiss mwah ♡
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famewolf · 2 days
time to obsessively think about my little freak before D&D tomorrow
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sophaeros · 1 month
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julian casablancas for hero magazine, issue 31, 2024 (x)
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roychewtoy · 1 year
roman roy has never once said anything true and honest and beautiful and his heart is also surgically grafted to his sleeve btw
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r-we-taire-yet · 1 year
PEIP Mystery 13
You gasp as you come back to yourself and shake your head in an attempt to clear it. "Sorry! Sorry! I lost control for a second! I'm fine!" you say, looking up the General.
McNamara pulls out a cigarette and begins to smoke. "That voice in your head telling you to attack won't go away until we get Blinky out of here. You need to focus and control yourself so we can finish this. Think about those you love, and find strength of heart in them. You have a strong soul, Agent [redacted], focus on that, on those that make you strong."
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krumbaphant · 5 months
can this headache please go away before i [redacted]
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28th April 2024.
I have decided to start these for experiment logs. My name is [REDACTED]. I work as a junior scientist at [REDACTED]. I used to be a cadet but… that didn’t go so well. Anyway, these will be amazing.
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werewolfest · 11 months
Posts that make you go wow I’m really sorry that’s been your experience but that’s. Not the total objective reality of the world. Um.
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nicollekidman · 1 year
kendall roy is to me what ottessa moshfegh protagonists are to other people (according to the rancid vibes i see).... he’s my pathetic suicidal joan of arc... he wants to die and his best friend handles him like a broken glass figurine he used to snort cocaine with. it’s so deadly serious. 
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