#Star Trek Fanfiction
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bj-cuntycunt · 2 days ago
My McSpirk bingo masterpost
Come back: Unsent letters (G, multi)
Staying in: Spicy space stories (E, slash)
Space/supernova/pulsars/observation deck: Distracted (G, slash)
A gentleman: Gentlemen's quarrel (E, femslash)
Episode coda/blood/fullara: The need to remember the need to forget (T, gen)
Saving someone from danger/brainwashing/alternate canon: Not how it should go (G, slash)
Cooking lessons: Another kind of hunger (M, slash)
Free space - fever: Abnormalities (G, slash)
Clubbing: Forever young (M, femslash)
Fatrolls: Lights down to five percent (T, slash)
Hands on anatomy lesson: A practical lesson (E, slash)
Georgia/"put some ice on it": The mint julep incident (E, slash)
Poem/s'mores: S'mores (G, gen)
McCoy gets telepathy: The outsider (T, slash)
Heartwarming: Change in the weather (E, femslash)
Sore throat: Cigarettes and thyme (T, slash)
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essence-inked · 10 months ago
Man, being a therapist in the Trek universe must be absolutely wild. Like, imagine sitting down at work and hearing things along the lines of "I got caught in a temporal mess where I watched my son grow old and die and kill himself to save me, but now I'm pretending like none of that happened so I don't emotionally scar him because he knows none of this - is that healthy?"
Or "I watched my clone die an entirely avoidable death because he was convinced everyone was plotting against him, and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to trust my instincts again.”
Or "My alternate universe self is intensely horny and also evil. Does that mean if I get unusually horny I'm going to turn evil?"
Or "I am literally a religious icon with prophecies about me. How do I avoid letting that interfere with my work-life balance?"
Or "...Okay I see why you think I might be suffering from paranoia, but I need you to understand the station's tailor actually IS a spy. Also don't breathe a word of this, please."
I wish we'd seen more of that with Troi, but I also realize that would've messed with TNG's tone a bit - honestly, it would've fit really well in DS9. I'm actually tempted to write a fic about this. If I posted it here, would people want to read it?
Edit: soooo I'm actually only halfway through DS9, and based on the comments, I see I'm going to want to catch up so I can meet Ezri
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dinlukeandothers · 7 months ago
The best fanfictions i ever read! slow burn by arahir - hob gadling / dream of the endles [ the sandman ]
who wants to live forever? by ranchdiip - hob gadling / dream of the endles [ the sandman ]
just lovers (like we were supposed to be) by bizarrestars - james potter / regulus black [harry potter]
how (not) to meet your son's boyfriend by fifteenminutesoffame - din djarin / luke skywalker [star wars]
unintended consequence by itsmylifekay - roronoa zoro / sanji vinsmoke [one piece]
the rorona fruit by stark_black - roronoa zoro / sanji vinsmoke [one piece]
who did what now? by dancing_homestuck - roronoa zoro / sanji vinsmoke [one piece]
k'diwa: a steamy novel of interspecies romance, by jim kirk by branwyn - james t. kirk / spock [star trek]
part timer by 8ball - roronoa zoro / sanji vinsmoke [one pice]
wrong number by dangit - roronoa zoro / sanji vinsmoke [one piece]
the curse of 100 kisses by fanfictionaddiction23 - roronoa zoro / sanji vinsmoke [one pice]
where there's a will there's a way by xiaq - din djarin / luke skywalker [star wars]
naberrie blooms by zombified419 - din djarin / luke skywalker [star wars]
where hope is persevering by shyowl - din djarin / luke skywalker [star wars]
a sequence that you never learned by annataylor - james t. kirk / spock [star trek]
what the star let in by shyowl - din djarin / luke skywalker [star wars]
facade by hazel_athena - roronoa zoro / sanji vinsmoke [one piece]
what matters by junimokarter - jayce / viktor [arcane]
vitya by applesharon - jayce / viktor [arcane]
mother tongue by nightlilly - jayce / viktor [arcane]
retrograde by hazel_athena - roronoa zoro / sanji vinsmoke [one pice]
so wise we grow by deaster - james t. kirk / spock
always got your back by sydneyxface - roronoa zoro / sanji vinsmoke
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searchingforserendipity25 · 3 months ago
felix knightly, julian's much-mentioned friend felix, comes to the station, and he's this dashing and effete and supremely successful older human man. he wears excellent fabrics and dedicates his life to constructing beautiful fictions.
he calls julian darling and sweetheart all the time. he speaks often of how they met - something about old hardcover books and competitive bidding in a san francisco auction house for history and literature lovers.
so it went: a long chat that turned to a long night haunting bars, showing this bright young thing the best old spots in the city, where real bands play real songs, history clings to the walls and a holoprogrammer could see nearly into the past, the future, the heart of things.
we walked the bridge with dawn on our shoulders, spent the night without losing reasons to keep talking together, and i knew this was a very special young man i had just befriended, he says.
and julian bashir, chief medical officer, war-tried and brave, looks at him through his lashes, a little bit twenty and awe-struck at being liked still.
felix speaks often about how so much of the reliable realism in his holonovels depends on having his own clever doctor to give him accurate medical information. how his gifts of custom-made programs are nothing, barely anything in comparison to the pleasure of making sweet julian enjoy himself in his intervals between wonderful adventures and admirable medical work.
he is flighty and shameless and self-satisfied and he never fails to make julian flush and brighten - something flickering open around his eyes.
he kisses the back of his hands, and plays with his hair. as if it easy and natural; as if he should be allowed always to lay a hand on julian's shoulder, and smile down at him with a conspiratorial look.
it would be easier, perhaps, if it were more sordid. but they tease each other endlessly, argue like old friends, there is history between them and not only old infatuation.
to watch him is to see an image repeated. there is the twist of the wrist doctor bashir does, the way he raises his chin and picks a glass with elegance and flirts relentlessly, as he himself had been flirted with until he relented.
it is clear enough that knightly has been a guiding figure to him, a teacher in some fashion in the arts of playing the gentleman.
a mildly chiding word from him in a specific tone, and julian straightens his back and pays attentions, rethinks his position, eases back the strain in his shoulders, lets himself be challenged, seduced into a proper debate. so perhaps he was the one who taught him that, too; to argue without spite, with wit, brash but not bull-headed.
it is clear enough julian bashir trusts him fully with his fantasies, and does not fear any mockery.
it is clear he is a weak man, a man of vice, an hedonist with no sense of responsibility, who cannot stand to live outside his programs. he drinks prodigiously and gambles recklessly, enjoys the sort of mind-whirling substances the federation permits only in careful dosages -
he is not the one to mention how it was that a medical student came to be well-versed in treating withdrawals, in dealing with hateful words said in dire states. doctor bashir himself, of course, would never breach patient confidentiality. but one may guess; one may assume.
his presence is temporary, he will go away to do research on another singular and distant place, he'll leave his friend behind for the hundredth time and send back a consolation game whenever he remembers he exists at all.
anyone can see it, in the doctor's eyes. he is has been wounded many times, he has been trained well to be expect to be liked but not wanted long.
in unrelated news, garak of garak's clothiers has had to cite complications to explain the delay of his present and forthcoming commissions. several of his needles and sewing machines have taken unexpected tumbles against the floor, and a remarkable amount of his fabric has appeared shredded to rags, almost as if a vole or beast of some sort had laid furious claws on them.
well, so it goes: life is not an holonovel. in real life, sometimes accidents can't be avoided, and mistakes have consequences.
someone ought to remind felix knightly of that, perhaps.
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thebrisingamen · 1 year ago
So, to preface this: My father passed away earlier this year. We have been cleaning things out as much as we can, bit by bit. He was a hoarder and was only hampered by the fact that my mother wouldn't let him dominate the house with EVERYTHING.
This meant he did not throw away ANYTHING at all. So here's something interesting.
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in ye olden times before the internet, there were 'zines. And this was the collection of hand-written and drawn, then xeroxed...Star Trek Smut.
Specifically pertaining to Spock. It's WILD that this survived and is in as good of a condition as it is.
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1972, as you can see. And Hal Clement (author of Needle) contributed to this collection! (His article is not pictured here, but its still cool!)
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I'm sure this is of great interest to some people, how the 70s thought this stuff should go.
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Here's some art! There is more but it is not safe to post here, lest staff kicks me. Unless I'm allowed to post stuff like that again, now?
Anyways, Where will this go? Museum of Popular Culture; They Have A Vulcan Harp!!
This one, not the Seattle one
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sapsuckers-and-stardust · 2 months ago
I love fics where Kirk and Spock have to go undercover as "normal" people and that ends up with Kirk dressing like a lumberjack or a suburban dad but Spock is wearing a gay little outfit because that's just how Vulcans dress.
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stra-tek · 1 year ago
One of the things I love most about Star Trek is that is goes on forever. You like a character? Beyond the episodes, there's more than likely at least dozen novels about them. Not enough? Have a ton of comic books where they go on even more adventures. Still need more? Here's a thousand fanfics. Here's a background graphic from an episode seen for 0.2 of a second detailing their education and qualifications. Horny for them? There's art for that, fic for that and maybe even naughty photos of the actor. Starships your thing? Here's a technical manual explaining how things work, and a set detailed floorplans. Want more? Here are books on the histories of the pretend starships, with endless variant designs and backstory for their creation. Still not enough? Walk around the ship on the laptop or computer as if you're there. You like the aliens? Here's a novel detailing their backstory. Here's a pretend travel guide to their planet. Still not enough? Here's an old Star Trek book with details about their anatomy. Still want more? Here's a fan diagram of the alien's penis.
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space-dog-from-space · 4 months ago
Woke up and decided I should write a DS9 fic, POV the lenses of a docu-drama film crew following everyone around. At first it's fine but then the camera people start getting into peoples' businesses (filming people when they don't know they're being filmed) and causing problems (telling lies to incite drama). Kira chases a cameraman through the promenade with the intention to kick ass after figuring it out. Julian calls security on the camera people after they keep crowding around his patients while he's actively doing surgery. Keiko starts swearing like a trucker when the camera people walk into her classroom so they can't use wny footage of the kids. Odo uses footage taken to solve a crime. Garak tries to kill a cameraman after they see something they shouldn't.
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captainsophiestark · 11 months ago
Not A Doctor
Bones McCoy x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Star Trek
Summary: Bones' SO hurts themselves on an away mission and has to stitch themselves up as well as they can to buy time for a med evac to the Enterprise
Word Count: 1,533
Category: Fluff, Humor, a little bit of Angst
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Shit," I hissed, pressing a hand to my side as I slid down the wall. When I finally got up the courage to pull my hand back and look, it came away with a lot more blood than I'd hoped to find. I'd fallen pretty far and managed to avoid any broken bones based on my pain levels, but the wound in my side was gaping and looked concerningly serious.
I could practically hear the extended bridge crew chorusing "I told you so" from here.
As if on cue, my communicator beeped. I grimaced, but managed to take it out of my bag and open it to respond.
"What's up?" I groaned.
"Y/N, where are you?" came the voice of Jim Kirk, one of my best friends and the captain of the Enterprise. "Scotty's reporting he can only find two targets to beam up."
Dammit. That figured.
"I'm... not totally sure. I was trying to follow the signature on my tricorder to that plant I've been looking for when the ground just gave way under me. I'm not sure how far I fell, but I hit something pretty hard on the way down and I've got... quite the gash in my side."
Silence on the other end for a few moments, then:
"Hang tight. We're coming to find you."
The communicator hung up with a click, and I sighed, ignoring the flare of pain in my side. I had faith in Jim's determination and ability to find me, especially with Spock here helping him, but I still needed to do something if I wanted to be alive when they found me.
Thankfully, I'd watched my boyfriend, Doctor Leonard McCoy, stich people up often enough that I felt fairly confident I could do a passable job on myself. I dug some sewing supplies out of my bag that I hadn't removed from my last away mission misadventure, and pulled the hem of my shirt up to get a better look at the wound.
I grimaced, gritting my teeth and trying to prepare for this. I'd been so excited to join Kirk and Spock on this away mission. This planet was supposed to have one of the rarest plants in the galaxy, and I'd been looking forward to finding it since I'd first heard we'd be coming here. And now, I was at the bottom of this pit or cave or whatever, slowly bleeding out, without even a picture of the plant to show for it.
I tried to focus on my breathing as I threaded a needle and put it to my skin. I knew the wound needed to be disinfected before I totally closed it, but I didn't have anything on me to do that with, and I knew Bones would be able to take care of it for me if I could manage to get back to him.
I took a few deep breaths to steel myself, then stuck the needle through. I swore loudly and kept up a steady stream of expletives as I sewed up the wound. I pulled it closed as tightly as I dared, then held my jacket to my waist to try to staunch the remainder of the bleeding.
I sighed, long and hard, then leaned my head back against the wall of whatever hole I'd fallen into. I had no idea how long those stitches had taken me, but it certainly hadn't been quick. Hopefully, it wouldn't be too much longer before I heard Jim and Spock stumbling down some passage towards me.
I focused on deep breaths as the pain continued to throb in my side, completely zoning out to the time and environment around me. Finally, I heard some shuffling movement from a slightly more gradual incline up ahead of me. The voices of my friends echoed out, curious and searching.
"I'm here!" I called back, my voice a little weaker than normal. I cleared my throat, then tried again. "Here!"
A moment later, my friends came into view. Jim grinned at me as Spock started scanning the space, probably trying to decide on the best way to get me out of here.
"How're you holding up?" asked Jim. I forced a smile.
"Living the dream."
He scoffed, then moved to crouch beside me and put one of my arms over his shoulder.
"Spock! Come help me."
"We'll need to get around the corner and most of the way back up the incline we came down to reach a spot where Mr. Scott can register us," said Spock as he joined us. "There seems to be some property of this rock that's prohibiting the transporter signal from reaching us."
"Great," I huffed, grimacing as my friends pulled me to my feet. Even resting most of my weight on them, I was still seeing spots. "This is gonna be great."
Between the three of us, somehow, we managed to get back into transporter range. I almost lost consciousness at one point, but we'd paused, and I'd managed to pull myself back from the brink. When the Enterprise's transporter room finally materialized before me, the relief was palpable, not least of all because Bones was waiting for me.
"Y/N," he said, jumping to attention and rushing onto the pad to replace Jim at my side. With Spock's help, we started moving immediately for the Med Bay. "What happened?"
"I was following the signature of the plant I was looking for on my tricorder. Then all of a sudden, the ground gave way underneath me. It wasn't a straight drop, I don't think, but I fell a pretty long way, bouncing off the rock slide and the walls of the cave I fell into on the way down. I'm bruised, but I don't think it's anything bad besides the cut on my stomach."
Bones nodded. "We'll get you to Med Bay and make sure."
Luckily, my boyfriend was very good at staying calm and focused in a crisis for his patients. He was completely in the zone as he and Spock helped me into a bed once we reached Med Bay, and then Bones started checking my vitals and assessing my injuries. I watched him carefully for any break in his usual bedside manner to tell me if I needed to be worried about something, but none came.
Hopefully that was a good sign, and not just because he was an incredible doctor.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity to me, Bones returned from his testing and reappeared by  my bedside. His hands were on his hips, but he seemed calmer, and definitely out of intense doctor mode.
"Alright, the good news is you'll be just fine. But I'm still gonna need to disinfect the wound and stitch you up," he said. I gave him the best smile I could muster.
"Sounds like a plan."
He sighed, then gently lifted my shirt high enough to give him access to the gash in my side. The light touch of his fingertips sent goosebumps along my skin, but I did my best to ignore them, especially as Bones frowned.
"What the hell did you do to yourself?" he asked, not looking away from his work on my side.
"Uh... I slammed into a rock. We covered this already, remember?"
"No, I didn't mean your injury." Bones paused and looked up at me, the smallest smile tugging at his lips. "I meant these stitches. Yikes."
I scoffed and rolled my eyes, making Bones chuckle as he got back to work.
"Okay, whatever. I'm a biologist, not a doctor, dammit. I think I did a pretty good job, considering the circumstances."
"Mm, I guess so. Barely."
"Hey!" I laughed, hitting him lightly in the shoulder. "You better knock it off or I'm gonna start practicing my stitches on you."
Bones snorted, but I could see the smile on his face as he continued working. Thanks to the medical facilities of the Enterprise, it barely hurt as he undid my messy job and redid it with a much better one of his own.
"So... what are you doing after this?" I asked after a few long moments of letting him work in peace. He paused to look up at me again, one eyebrow raised.
"Don't tell me you're hitting on your own boyfriend after only the low-level painkillers I gave you?"
"I can and will hit on my own boyfriend whenever I want, no painkillers required. But I was mostly asking if you had other patients to deal with after me, or if you'd be free to come cuddle on the couch and eat junk food with me. I think it'd really help speed up my recovery process."
Bones' mouth quirked into a smile again as he put the finishing touches on my stitches.
"Well if it's for the wellness of a patient... I think Nurse Chapel might be willing to take over from me for the rest of the day."
"Thank goodness for Christine."
Bones and I shared a smile, then he returned to his work and I watched him contentedly. Obviously, life and death situations on away missions were never ideal—but I couldn't really bring myself to be upset about how this one had played out, even if I hadn't managed to get my plant in the end.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
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spirk-fic-recs · 1 month ago
Spirk Crack Fanfic Recs
Personally, when stressed, I find it best to unwind at with a few good laughs. Here are some Spirk fanfics guaranteed to get you bust a lung on a Friday night:
Spock 🖖 (TOS, 3714 words) by vaksur, WerewolvesAreReal
Spock decides to start utilizing emojis during intraship messaging in an attempt to better communicate with human colleagues.
Reactions are mixed, but Kirk wholly approves of the results.
love is an affliction (TOS, 5836 words) by WerewolvesAreReal
“A condition – you're sick? With spontaneous flowers? How do I get rid of them?”
“You do not.”
(Or: Hanahaki disease is not fatal, but it is exclusive to Vulcans. Honestly, death would be more dignified.)
Personal Personnel Protocol (TOS, 15412 words) by dothedeux
Someone wants Jim and Spock to get married. They just don’t know who. But whoever it is, Jim is going to slam the hammer of justice over their head hard enough to make up for all the times he got trapped in the turbolift with Spock.
Reasons We Should Date: A Logical Approach (AOS, 3055 words) by iknewaman
Jim really wants to get across to Spock how well they are together, but he's not sure how to go about it.
Eventually he decides fuck it, the simplest way to get Spock to understand is to walk him through it, and he does so using the wonderful medium of digital presentations
not my type (AOS, 7469 words) by soetry
Nyota now feels ridiculous for thinking that Commander The-Only-Reason-I-Don't-Always-Get-My-Way-Is-Because-I-Believe-In-Federation-Law Spock would ever actually let something go
Jim and Myself #28 (TOS, 5313 words) by lurikko
Someone on the Enterprise is writing smut about the captain
Vulcans do NOT flirt. Right? (TOS, 6273 words) by Qleo
It sure seemed to Jim that his second in command was getting, well, flirty but everyone knows that Vulcans don't flirt. It must be in his head, right?
this is what happens when you save earth, apparently (TOS, 5454 words) by WerewolvesAreReal
“So, why haven't you settled down with some lucky lady yet?” the interviewer asks.
Maybe it's the blinding set-lights, or the fact that he hasn't slept in thirty-five hours. But for some reason Kirk blurts, “Honestly, they all end up getting jealous of Spock.”
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the-kreizler-institute · 2 months ago
Lmfao fun fact for all the lovely fanfic writers out there (y'all do God's work🫡)
In some of the behind-the-scenes material of TNG (s3-s7), the actors aren't wearing the full uniform, and one can see that the uniform pants are held up by suspenders underneath the uniform top!
So far I haven't seen anyone mention them, so I thought I'd bring it up (also most of the actors wear a black tshirt underneath the uniform top)
For the non-believers:
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Even the uniforms from the movies have suspenders:
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Anyway, I personally think suspenders are sexy as hell- they should be way more commonly used in fics imo🙏 (I may or may not be begging on my knees)
(I could go on and on about how much functional sense adding suspenders to the uniform makes lmfao-- I wear them all the time. They keep one's pants in place, for sure, but more importantly, they keep one's outfit neat! They make sure your undershirt stays neatly tucked into your pants and kind of prevent your entire fit from moving out of place too much. And if I'm not mistaken, some military uniforms today also use suspenders)
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startrekbookshop · 1 year ago
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Damn Bones.
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meonea · 9 months ago
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“They walked quietly down the corridors of the Enterprise. Only the noise of their bumpy steps distracting them from certain thoughts and certain fears”.
(I’m obsessed)
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dataentryspecialist · 3 months ago
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"it was a long road getting from there to here... A dark road... A road so broken and wide you had to wear two sets of shoes just to make it to the other side..."
But I did make it. With a final flourish, my work, Electric Excavations, is now marked as complete and fully posted on Ao3.
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It ended up coming out to 387 chapters. Over 1.3 million words. (For context, that's over twice as many words as "War and Peace", about 300k more than the entire Harry Potter series, and almost three times the word count of "The Lord of the Rings")
And I still have more to write someday.
For now, I will rest on my laurels and appreciate this accomplishment. This was the first book I've ever made from start to finish (unless you count the comic book I made out of scrap paper and pencil back in elementary school--a Wolverine comic if you're wondering).
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c4t1l1n4 · 10 months ago
I know Spock’s misunderstanding of human things is generally played up, even by Spock himself because he’s a little shit like that, but I like to think there are some things Kirk/McCoy do that he genuinely does not understand.
Like they’re at some sort of carnival/festival and win one of those prize stuffed animals and Spock pretends to think that’s illogical and not understand the point of a worthless trinket but in reality he totally gets wanting to win something for your partner and feels all warm and fuzzy seeing them carry it around all night.
But then he swears, or makes a lewd comment or says something adult and McCoy gasps dramatically and covers the plushie’s ears and is like: “how dare you, Spock?!”
And Spock looks over at Jim all confused, but Jim just nods seriously and is like: “you can’t say something like that in front of Mr. Fluffles.”
And Spock genuinely blue screens.
He’s careful about what he says the rest of the night and when they beam back aboard he finds time to corner Uhura and tries to figure out the best way to ask WTF he did wrong. Uhura gleefully (and between giggles) explains that plushies are “innocent” and should be treated in a similar way as children (with great respect, care and not saying crude/adult things around them.)
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