#Springfield decorated
artworksstore · 11 months
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I have just added the Bird's Eye View of Savannah print to my Society6 Store. This store offers additional products created from this design. Please visit the store by following this link: Bird's Eye View
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quarlesfurniture · 2 months
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No matter your sleep style, comfort needs, or budget, Sealy® is a proud supporter of every person and bedroom in your home. Explore the collection at Quarles Furniture and find the quality sleep you need to take on tomorrow.
Request a quote- https://quarlesfurniture.com/sealy/
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peacelovefrog · 3 months
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betterthaneverservice · 10 months
Solid Foundations, Exceptional Craftsmanship, Springfield, MO's Trusted Concrete Contractors
Rely on the expertise of our Concrete Contractors in Springfield, MO, to build a foundation of strength and beauty for your projects. From driveways to patios, our skilled craftsmen deliver top-notch concrete work, ensuring durability and precision. Transform your space with confidence, as we bring decades of experience and unmatched quality to every concrete endeavor. Choose reliability, choose Springfield's premier concrete professionals. Feel free to contact us at 417-209-0054 or visit our website betterthaneverservice.com for details.
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The "religious liberty" angle for overturning the overturning of Dobbs
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Frank Wilhoit’s definition of “conservativism” remains a classic:
There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
Conservativism is, in other words, the opposite of the rule of law, which is the idea that the law applies equally to all. Many of America’s most predictably weird moments live in the tension between the rule of law and the conservative’s demand to be protected — but not bound — by the law.
Think of the Republican women of Florida whose full-throated support for the perfomatively cruel and bigoted policies of Ron Desantis turned to howls of outrage when the governor signed a law “overhauling alimony” (for “overhauling,” read “eliminating”):
This is real leopards-eating-people’s-faces-party stuff, and it’s the only source of mirth in an otherwise grim situation.
But out of the culture-war bullshit backfires, none is so sweet and delicious as the religious liberty self-own. You see, under the rule of law, if some special consideration is owed to a group due to religious liberty, that means all religions. Of course, Wilhoit-drunk conservatives imagine that “religious liberty” is a synonym for Christian liberty, and that other groups will never demand the same carve outs.
Remember when Louisiana decided spend tax dollars to fund “religious” schools under a charter school program, only to discover — to their Islamaphobic horror — that this would allow Muslim schools to get public subsidies, too?
(They could have tried the Quebec gambit, where hijabs and yarmulkes are classed as “religious” and therefore banned for public servants and publicly owned premises, while crosses are treated as “cultural” and therefore exempted — that’s some primo Wilhoitism right there)
The Satanic Temple has perfected the art of hoisting religious liberty on its own petard. Are you a state lawmaker hoping to put a giant Ten Commandments on the statehouse lawn? Go ahead, have some religious liberty — just don’t be surprised when the Satanic Temple shows up to put a giant statue of Baphomet next to it:
Wanna put a Christmas tree in the state capitol building? Sure, but there’s gonna be a Satanic winter festival display right next to it:
And now we come to Dobbs, and the cowardly, illegitimate Supreme Court’s cowardly, illegitimate overturning of Roe v Wade, a move that was immediately followed by “red” states implementing total, or near-total bans on abortion:
These same states are hotbeds of “religious liberty” nonsense. In about a dozen of these states, Jews, Christians, and Satanists are filing “religious liberty” challenges to the abortion ban. In Indiana, the Hoosier Jews For Choice have joined with other religious groups in a class action, to argue that the “religious freedom” law that Mike Pence signed as governor protects their right to an abortion:
Their case builds on precedents from the covid lockdowns, like decisions that said that if secular exceptions to lockdown rules or vaccine mandates existed, then states had to also allow religious exemptions. That opens the door for religious exemptions to abortion bans — if there’s a secular rule that permits abortion in the instance of incest or rape, then faith-based exceptions must be permitted, too.
Some of the challenges to abortion rules seek to carve out religious exemptions, but others seek to overturn the abortion rules altogether, because the lawmakers who passed them explicitly justified them in the name of fusing Christian “values” with secular law, a First Amendment no-no.
As Rabbi James Bennett told Politico’s Alice Ollstein: “They’re entitled to their interpretation of when life begins, but they’re not entitled to have the exclusive one.”
In Florida, a group of Jewish, Buddhist, Episcopalian, Universalists and United Church clerics are challenging the “aiding and abetting” law because it restricts the things they can say from the pulpit — a classic religious liberty gambit.
Kentucky’s challenge comes from three Jewish women whose faith holds that life begins “with the first breath.” Lead plaintiff Lisa Sobel described how Kentucky’s law bars her from seeking IVF treatment, because she could face criminal charges for “discarding non-viable embryos” created during the process.
Then there’s the Satanic Temple, in court in Texas, Idaho and Indiana. The Satanists say that abortion is a religious ritual, and argue that the state can’t limit their access to it.
These challenges all rest on state religious liberty laws. What will happen when some or all of these reach the Supreme Court? It’s a risky gambit. This is the court that upheld Trump’s Muslim ban and the right of a Christian baker to refuse to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. It’s a court that loves Wilhoit’s “in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”
It’s a court that’s so Wilhoit-drunk, it’s willing to grant religious liberty to bigots who worry about imaginary same-sex couples:
But in the meantime, the bigots and religious maniacs who want to preserve “religious liberty” while banning abortion are walking a fine line. The Becket Fund, which funded the Hobby Lobby case (establishing that religious maniacs can deny health care to their employees if their imaginary friends object), has filed a brief in one case arguing that the religious convictions of people arguing for a right to abortion aren’t really sincere in their beliefs:
This is quite a line for Becket to have crossed — religious liberty trufans hate it when courts demand that people seeking religious exemptions prove that their beliefs are sincerely held.
Not only is Becket throwing its opposition to “sincerely held belief” tests under the bus, they’re doing so for nothing. Jewish religious texts clearly state that life begins at the first breath, and that the life of a pregnant person takes precedence over the life of the fetus in their uterus.
The kicker in Ollstein’s great article comes in the last paragraph, delivered by Columbia Law’s Elizabeth Reiner Platt, who runs the Law, Rights, and Religion Project:
The idea of reproductive rights as a religious liberty issue is absolutely not something that came from lawyers. It’s how faith communities themselves have been talking about their approach to reproductive rights for literally decades.
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The Clarion Science Fiction Writers’ Workshop (I’m a grad, instructor and board member) is having its fundraiser auction to help defray tuition. I’ve donated a “Tuckerization” — the right to name a character in a future novel:
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If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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[Image ID: Moses parting the Red Sea. On the seabed is revealed a Planned Parenthood clinic.]
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Image: Nina Paley (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Moses-Splits-Sea_by_Nina_Paley.jpg
CC0 1.0 https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.en
Kristina D.C. Hoeppner (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/4nitsirk/40406966752/
CC BY-SA 2.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
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This is one for the humans! S/O is planning a surprise birthday party for them and is trying their best to keep it a secret, but the birthday gurl is getting suspicious!
(GFL) Angelia, Kalina, and Helianthus's S/O planning a birthday party for them
I meant to write this on the day of my actual birthday but oopsies, that chance has already passed.
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Being an intelligence agent, nothing escapes Angelia's notice for long.
S/O had tried to avoid her for some strange reason, always dodging the question when she asked them what they were up to.
So she tailed them one day without them noticing. Something that was simpler than she was expecting, honestly.
And they had bought...a cake?
Finally watching them enter their room, she decided to enter after S/O, who was lovingly setting up a lightly decorated room with a singular balloon, with a lone cake on their table.
(Angelia) "...This is the saddest room I have ever seen."
(S/O) "GAH! A-Ange?...Wait a second, I'm working hard on this!"
Angelia chuckled, stepping into the room much to S/O's flustered dismay.
(Angelia) "So, you've been trying to dodge me to set up a birthday party? You could've told me to help out, S/O."
(S/O) "That defeats the purpose of it being a surprise, Ange."
(Angelia) "You surprise me with how easy it is to tease you still."
She gives them a quick peck on the cheek as she smiles warmly at S/O's efforts.
(Angelia) "But, thank you, S/O. It's not necessary to do this, but I appreciate it anyway."
She walked out of the room, her prosthetic arm nonchalantly waving.
(Angelia) "Make sure it looks better by the time I get back!"
Angelia teased.
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Kalina is just extremely nosy when it comes to Non-Operation affairs, so she'll find out S/O is planning a party for her in no time.
But her heart skips a beat when she realizes that they're even going through the effort.
For their sake, she won't say a word about it, letting them think it was a surprise.
After all, they were trying so hard to keep a secret about it!
Too bad she looks at everyone's finances since it was her job to account for Griffin's spending, as well as seeing how rich everyone was.
Her love for money is how she found out about S/O's party, seeing how they had bought a lot of birthday supplies like cake, balloons, and other silverware.
(Kalina) "Hm...should I tell them?...Nah! I wanna see how far this can go!"
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Being second in command of Griffin, nothing escapes her eyes.
Especially S/O's suspicious behavior on how they refuse to even speak to her all of a sudden.
At first, she fears that she may have been to harsh on them at some point and were giving her the silent treatment, but that didn't make sense.
And if S/O was planning something more drastic, they would be far less obvious about it.
But as soon as she sees S/O leave Springfield's cafe with a cake, she immediately knows what they're doing.
(Helianthus) "S/O."
They yelp in surprise, almost dropping the cake before Helianthus rushes to prevent it smashing onto the floor.
(Helianthus) "...T-Thank you for the cake. But it's unnecessary to hide it from me."
(S/O) "Hah, guess I'm not very good at hiding things."
(Helianthus) "Not really, no."
She smiles and helps them carry the cake back to their room.
(Helianthus) "Besides, you know I don't need something as big as a party for my birthday. I have you, and that's enough."
(S/O) "Well now you have me and some cake!"
(Helianthus) "I suppose I do."
The smile she has doesn't disappear for the rest of the night.
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This beautiful 1879 gothic revival in Springfield, Illinois was converted to an office, but now it’s for sale, for $360K and they say it can be easily converted back to a home. It does need a kitchen, though.
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But, here’s the thing- it’s a law office and they decorated with magnificent church architectural salvage. The entrance hall has a church pew and what looks like part of an altar.
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If they’re featuring pieces like this, they must convey. 
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Conference room could be a dining room.
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Does this fabulous Lincoln statue convey?
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Look at the window, and there’s a beautifully preserved fireplace in here.
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This home has wonderful stained glass.
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The real estate description says that the reception room is the potential kitchen.
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Another beautiful door.
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But this. Just look at this amazing bathroom. 
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Cool mail slot window.
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Why do they convert these gorgeous homes into law offices? I hope whoever buys it, makes it a home.
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At least they put a nice red runner on the stairs.
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Beautiful original chandelier.
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Nice. Looks like there was some kind of a gate here.
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All of the pieces up here are magnificent.
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There’s another wonderful fireplace. The office lighting has to go, though.
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Beautiful shelving- it’s awfully narrow What could you even fit in those drawers?
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Architectural salvage from a post office. 
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These old mailboxes are beautiful.
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These oak pieces can be used in a kitchen.
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This amazing piece is an old confessional. This is the priest’s cubby- notice the windows on each side so he can go back & forth from sinner to sinner. 
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How cool is this- you walk thru the confessional to get to this bathroom. And, it has another great sink. These sinks are incredible.
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In love with the bathrooms. 
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This powder room has a nice piece with a red bowl sink.
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For $360K this is a gigantic house and w/all the architectural salvage, it’s well worth converting back, if you have the money to put into it.
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senjuushi · 1 year
White Day Lines (2023)
To show you how grateful I am for Valentine’s Day, I set my sights on preparing a White Day gift for you. ...it’s a new gun care kit! Y-You like it, right? Do you like it? 
Like Two:
Ah, thanks for Valentine’s Day. This is a gift for White Day. The sunlight gets stronger from here out, so I picked out a hat that suits you. ...if you like it, make use of it. 
Master! Here, a White Day lottery box from me. Go on, draw a stick from it! ...“Shoulder Massage” it is! Yes, gladly! There are thirty more sticks inside, so please, draw one every day! 
White Day? What’s that supposed to be? Valentine’s... ah, that’s right, you gave me sweets then. Hmph... fine. As punishment for demanding something in return, I’ll have some fun with you. Now, are you prepared?
Happy White Day, Master.☆ I made a photo album with pictures of flowers that bloom around the school~ And of course, both of us* are inside. If you like it, it’s all yours.☆
*George is referring to himself and Brown Bess here.
Happy White Day! Y’know, I’ve been thinkin’ super hard about how to make your day-to-day life happier... so please, take this present! It’s a super-fluffy bath towel...! 
Happy White Day, Master. I put together a swing for you. Yeah, on that tree in the school’s back garden... was it a mistake to go and do that? Well, I’m sure it’s fine. Try it out for me, okay? 
Master, as a White Day gift for you, this is a table lamp covered with stars. The gentle orange light reminded me of you... It’s not much, but I really hope you like it. 
Happy White Day, Master! A return gift from me just has to be macarons! They’re from my favorite shop in Paris, and they’re all March-limited flavors. Savor the swe~et joy of spring, alright?♪ 
In March, mimosas line the flower shops of Paris, all of them brilliant and beautiful. In the language of flowers, mimosas mean “gratitude”. That, and... well, never mind. I give you a bouquet overflowing with my feelings. 
You actually managed to surprise me back on Valentine’s Day, you know. In return... a hundred roses. None of your other Musketeers would offer such a romantic gift, now would they? 
Hey, Master-chan! To return the favor for Valentine’s Day... if you want to, how does a drive down to the coast sound? You can bask in the spring breeze, and lay back with the vast ocean before you.
Master, for Valentine’s Day, well... thank you. I would like to give you this as a show of my deepest gratitude. It’s a wreath of dried cornflowers. If it’s to your liking, please use it to decorate your room. 
Previously, I received chocolate from you. In return, your present is a souvenir. It’s a German-made chenille handkerchief— an artisan-created masterpiece made through a complex production process. I do hope you like it. 
Here, take it. It’s an extra-large throw blanket from Germany. It’s good to put over a sofa or a table, to cover a shelf, or pretty much anything else you want to use it for. ...... (Tch... after taking ages to pick something, I finally managed to get it together...!)
Hey there, Happy White Day! As thanks for all you’ve done for me, I’m giving you some candy. Because candy lingers in your mouth and doesn’t break easily, it’s meant to mean “the relationship will last”. May my relationship with you as my Master go on forever! 
Happy White Day, Master. This time, Arisaka will gift you his much-liked sweets. It’s konpeito. Apparently, it takes a full two weeks to make konpeito. Are you surprised? That’s why it’s so delicious, Arisaka thinks.
Happy White Day~♪ In return for the chocolate, I’m bestowing this folding fan to you. The design is a type of wave pattern that symbolizes a wish for days of eternal peace and happiness. All the best to you in the future.
H-Hey, uh... You gave me something for Valentine’s Day, so I figured I should return the favor... I’m only being polite, s-so don’t read some deep meaning into it. I ordered some sweets that are popular in Japan right now, but... d-don’t get your hopes up...! 
Thank you for the lovely gift back on Valentine’s Day. As thanks, Lorenz and I have prepared a set of presents for you. The one from me is a gramophone. Please, enjoy the elegant moments it provides. 
After discussing it with Karl-sama, I’ve prepared a gift for you, Test Subject #2. From me, here are ten classical-music records I recommend. Ten selections, carefully chosen! You’ll surely be intoxicated by their beautiful melodies. 
Chips are su~uper tasty, y’know! You want some too? I got pizza-flavored ones, mushroom, and fish too! I have like a hundred bags, so let’s eat some and read some manga~!
According to Hachikyu-san, if one receives sweets on Valentine’s Day, they’re supposed to return handmade sweets in kind. Thus, I tried to prepare something... here is something black that was intended to be a cheese sable. 
Did you think I didn’t know about White Day? Hmph! Jitte told me about it. And I have the perfect thing for a return gift. This... is called Merveilleux. It’s super tasty... hey, taste it now! 
I wonder why White Day is “White”. White... for pure love? Untainted feelings, perhaps? If that’s what it is, I can give this to you. Fingers dancing, a melody pours out to the sky, and the wind will carry it... to your heart. 
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thislovintime · 1 year
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Peter Tork’s first house, at 6416 Rodgerton Drive in Los Angeles: (photos 1 & 2) in 1967 and in 2011; Stephen Stills inside the house (photo by Ann Moses); Peter in 1967 (photos by Henry Diltz).
About photo 3 - “Steve Stills of Buffalo Springfield, a close friend of Peter’s, looks at a place of interior decorating by Monkee Davy, who has taken a number of ‘Davy Jones stamps’ and spelt out the word LOVE on the wall just inside the front door.” - Ann Moses, NME, August 10, 1968
"Davy Jones is an acknowledged practical joker: and he kept up his image when he returned from his vacation. The Monkees event three weeks at RCA Studios recording their new album. One night after a sessions Peter invited Davy over to his house and while Pete was getting something to eat Davy pasted Davy Jones stamps all over his dining room wall! You can see Pete’s best friend, Steve Stills checking them out on the left." - Ann Moses, Tiger Beat June 1967
“[At Peter’s house I] found the Davy stickers on the wall, put up by — I, in fact, I took a picture of Steve Stills standing next to the… and he had put the Davy stickers up, and he had put it, all the little stickers so they spelled Davy, and that was on the wall at Peter’s house. So I always thought that was really cute. But [Peter] lived very — you know, he had thrift-store coffee tables and things like that.” - Ann Moses, The Monkees Pad Show no. 10
* * *
"When Peter went looking for his first home he thought of ‘hills and cool green.’ He found them here. Pass through the open front door and you will see the dining room table and the floor-to-ceiling windows that look out on the city lights below. Here on the top floor are the living room, dining room and kitchen… and no matter what time of day or night you enter Pete’s home, the room is always dimly lit with candles and incense is burning. The kitchen, currently stocked with health foods, is to the right and to the left is the living room, the main feature of which is the two single beds that fit into the corner and double as sofas. Whereas green dominates the outside, orange is the feature color indoors because Peter feels it suggests warmth and goes well with candles and quiet. Between the beds is a heavy coffee table that matches the walnut of the color television set across the room. You can actually stand on the table — it is so heavy — and when there’s a crowd in the room the easiest way to get through is walk along it. There is a fireplace against one wall, where a fire is often burning. And the only thing here that doesn’t fit with Peter’s ‘natural’ feel is that he uses artificial logs because they burn more smoothly. The easy chairs in here are sculptured Danish modern and sit next to two huge amplifiers of the stereo system and beside Peter’s electric organ. Behind the sofas, on the wall, is a series of calendar posters called ‘13 ways of looking at a Blackbird’ — each one has a free verse like ‘on two snow-filled mountains, nothing moved but the eye of a blackbird.’ They were a gift of which Peter is very fond. The ground floor lacks the excitement of the upper one, having just two bedrooms and a bathroom. One bedroom is Peter’s, the other is for guests, and neither is decorated. Other bits of info about the house… in the kitchen are walls with paper flowers… there is another favorite poster of Peter’s, a present from his friend Steve Stills of Buffalo Springfield, showing a man and a woman hugging on a deserted beach… and as you walk in the front door to the right Davy Jones has spelled out the word ‘Love’ in big letters using ‘Davy Jones stamps.’ […] A typical evening at Peter’s is spent listening to/or playing music. Group discussions about everything from music to Eastern religious interests captivate Peter. His gatherings are usually spur-of-the-moment things where he’ll call up a few friends and say: ‘Come on up to my pad.’” - Ann Moses, NME, August 10, 1968
“As you walk in the front door of my house, directly across the room there are floor-to-ceiling glass windows that look out onto a small balcony and the green hills. At night you can look out on the lights of the little valley. It makes it very pleasant during the day with the sunlight streaming in. There are a couple of wall lamps, but the socket on one is burned out and the other lamp fell down off the wall, so all the light is by candle. There is no lighting except by candle and I even read by it. I enjoy the colors candles throw off." - Peter Tork, Monkee Spectacular, July 1967
“It’s really groovy at Peter’s house. People just come over and we talk or sit around and watch color TV. We don’t have any favorite programs, we just mainly like the color TV. Sometimes we mess it up so there’s dots and flashes, it’s like our own light show. I’ve learned some things about Peter that I didn’t know before, like he likes to live in a cold house. ‘72 degrees is plenty warm enough,’ he says. He doesn’t like the heat turned up. Also, he loves Chinese food, but he doesn’t cook if he can help it. He much prefers to be ‘cooked for.’ There’s usually a parade of fans every afternoon up at the house. They come up to the door and whisper ‘Is Peter here?’ and then they run away. If he’s home he’ll go out and sign some autographs, but he’s not home that often. He’s usually working. We often sit around and play guitars. His favorite song right now is ‘Strawberry Fields Forever.’ The groups we’ll listen to are the Spoonful, the Beatles, of course; the Mamas and Papas; and Peter digs the Springfield. When we’re not playing music or listening to music, we’re usually picking things apart — groups, ideas we hear from people, pieces of music, each other’s brain.” - Stephen Stills, Tiger Beat, July 1967
“Most of the people who live with him (there are seven now) have known Peter for years. Since money has no value to him, he lavishes his money on his friends. Peter has spent thousands of dollars just helping, with no thought of getting repaid. (That much has changed — a few years ago Peter couldn’t give much more than a sympathetic ear.) With all those people living with Peter now, he has very little privacy, but apparently it isn’t missed. Everyone at the house is working and ‘doing their thing,’ and the house is a simple, unpretentious, very lived-in home. As one person living there puts it[,] ‘It’s a happy, productive household, so full of love you can’t quite believe it.’” - Judy Sims, Disc and Music Echo, May 11, 1968 (x/x)
“Last week we went to Peter’s house to meet him. He had some friends over, but he came out and talked to us. He looked so groovy, and he was twice as friendly and nice as we’d ever expected! He talked with us, took pictures, and signed autographs. We’ll never forget that day, and we just want to thank Peter for making that day the most wonderful in our whole lives! L.E. and S.M. Los Angeles, Calif.” - Monkee Spectacular, March 1968 (x)
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ladyelissarose · 2 years
‘I think you’re cute’
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(In honor of @entertainmentgal8 who gave this wonderful idea!)
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x black curvy reader (nickname- Koko)
Warnings: sass and fluff... anything else?
Summary: Who knew that Bob would be sorta intimidated by confident girls? Well, with Jake’s help which was a shove, Bob falls into the lovely hands of a friendly stranger.
 Climbing out of her white convertible, Koko fluffed her short, shiny jet black hair that had gotten a little crazy due to the strong winds while driving down Fighter Town. The hot beaming sun shone down on her smooth bare shoulders, as she wore a spaghetti strap yellow blouse, a color that made her walnut colored skin glow beautifully. Koko had decided to come to California for a short vacation and visit her mother, wanting to take a break from books and numbers, after graduating with a Masters in Business and Financing back at Springfield, Georgia. At  first she wasn’t too sure about her choice of place to spend her free time at Hard Deck after her mother decided to call the day short, but soon she’d learn that it had been the best decision ever. Upon walking in, Koko was met with the jolly music playing through the speakers, it wasn’t familiar she thought, but still enjoyed a little bit of a twist when it came to different versions of music. What she did quickly notice though, was how a lot of the customers there were either wearing green flight suits or Naval khakis, making her realize immediately when she saw the decorated wall full of Naval badges and pictures,
  ‘This must be a Sailor’s hangout place... how cool.’
 Koko admired the many mugs that hung on the ceiling, and loved the view as she took a seat at the bar, waiting to get her order taken, she didn’t even know what to get, so she just figured that she’d ask the beautiful woman that just appreciate her with a lovely voice,
  “Hi dear, I’m Penny. What can I get for you?”
Penny’s warm smile made Koko feel more at ease as she asked,
 “What’s the best refreshing drink I can get here, maybe something that’s not necessarily alcohol but still good?”
  Perking her eyebrows Penny looked at the shelf’s behind her as she sighed,
  “Well, I can see if I can make you something interesting, give me a second, please.”
 Koko sent her a nod,
  “Of course, thank you.”
Just then she heard the door swing open and loud laughters filled the room as the new customers entered. Koko watched intently as she witnessed a tall brunette walk in with a well kept mustache in a Hawaiian shirt, along with another tall man who was a blond, with a toothpick sticking out of his lips barley hanging off his pink tongue. They pushed each other playfully while calling one another teasing names, but soon behind them walked in a short cute guy, with his glasses resting on the bridge of his nose as he was looking down trying to fix his belt that kept his khakis up. Koko was entertained for a moment as she watched him fiddle with his belt for quite a minute, though it was cute to watch him so concentrated that even a small line appeared between his brows and his tongue barely poked out his lips. A Texan accent drew Koko out of her daze when it was drawled in her direction,
  “Howdy there ma’am, who’s got ya here looking pretty today?”
 Realizing that he was clearly flirting and giving his attention to her, Koko smiled confidently as she sat up,
  “This is only for me sir.. how about yourself?”
 Smiling broadly at Koko’s sass while adding a wink, he puffed his chest and extended his hand to her,
  “Same here darling, I’m Jake by the way.”
 Shaking it firmly enough Koko replied,
  “I’m Koko, you must be a Naval Aviator right?”
 Taking in by surprise that she knew who he was, Jake couldn’t help but ask as he took a set next to her,
  “My my I hardly have anyone outside of the Navy telling me who I am, but I’m honored. Anyways, how’d you know specifically?”
  Knowing that she could count on her smarts when it came to these things Koko simply said,
  “Oh I didn’t know, I just put the pieces together now. Though It’s kinda obvious when your wearing a Wings badge right over your chest, it pretty much symbolizes what you do.”
  Letting out a surprised huff, Jake took in Koko’s appearance and smiled,
  “Well you must have the whole package then.”
 Quirking an eyebrow at Jake Koko hummed,
  “Oh really? And what does a whole package come with to you?”
 With a cheeky grin Jake replied honestly,
  “Brains and beauty Koko, brains and beauty. Not everyone has both, but you seem to be an exception to that.”
  With a proud smile Koko put forth,
  “I must be Mother Nature’s favorite then, Jake.”
 A hearty laugh was let out as Jake threw his head back, he couldn’t get enough of how sassy and confident Koko was, she wasn’t like other girls, who were shy and needed everyone’s approval, Koko knew who she was and stood by it proudly. Soon Penny came back and questioned,
  “Does a root beer sound good to you? It’s the best on in town I’ll tell you that.”
 Koko felt a wave of satisfaction hit her as her mouth watered,
  “Sounds perfect to me, I’ll take one.”
 Penny smiled happily,
 “Great! Now what can I get for you Hangman?”
 Jake placed his card on the table while ordering,
  “I’ll open a tab for my boys and I, and I’ll start with a light beer for now.”
 Picking up a cool bottle from the fridge Penny handed to him as he thanked her then yelled for Bob,
  “Thanks Penny. Hey Bob! Come over here and grab something.”
 Koko followed Jake’s fingers that pointed towards the person he called Bob, and a warm fuzz of butterflies filled her tummy when she locked eyes with the person she was entertained with earlier. His bright blue eyes soon looked away from Koko’s warm brown ones as he felt a rush of shyness go through his system, unbeknownst to him made Koko feel a pinch of sadness of the thought that he couldn’t bare the sight of her. Even though she was pretty confident about herself, she still couldn’t help but feel a little hint of self consciousness, Koko was pretty curvy, had her short ack hair, along with cute earrings that covered her ears. She had seen the others girls that filled the seats in Hard Deck, and they were nothing like her, they were more taller and slim, lighter skin, looking more attractive than her she thought. But soon Bob came trailing around shyly as he watched Penny from the other side of the bar preparing Koko’s root beer, he couldn’t tell what it quite was yet, so he watched curiously. A few seconds later Penny came back and placed the cool root beer in front of Koko as she said sweetly,
 “Enjoy dear.”
 “Thank you Penny.”
Koko mirrored Penny’s smile as she began to take a long sip of her delicious drink, and quickly relishing its goodness. Bob had watched Koko the entire time as she drank her root beer, to shy to ask what drink it was so he could get one too. You see, Bob was always a quiet one, not really talking much and staying in his own comfort square, and asking a complete stranger (though very beautiful to him) about what drink she was having was too much for him. But Jake came to the rescue when he nudged Bob’s side and whispered to him subtly,
  “You’re never going to be heard if you don’t speak, just ask. I promise you she’s really cool.”
  Bob looked at Jake with a glimpse of fear, shaking his head while stuttering,
 “A-Are you kidding me? M-Me.. talking to her is a joke, I’m totally out of her league perhaps, she probably likes strong and confidently guys like you, not quirky and n-nerdy guys like me Bagman-“
 Jake huffed under his breath as he threatened Bob,
  “Just shut up and ask, or I’ll ask for you and make you look like a total shy baby that has 4 eyes! Go!!”
 Hangman giving Bob a light shove was enough to catch Koko’s attention as Bob steadied himself on the chair that was right next to her. Hangman walked away towards Rooster while hoping that his shove helped Bob out of his comfort zone. And Koko being the sweet and attentive person she was, asked him nicely,
 “Oh! are you ok?”
The death of Bob was the moment he heard Koko’s sweet words that were directed to him, and he completely went blank as he stood there leaning on the stool he almost fell on. Koko smiled at him with confidence to show him that she was ok with him around her, and proved it more when she innocently giggled at his confused face as she fixed his glasses back in there place carefully while saying,
 “You might want to check your glasses sweetie, might need better ones, so you’re not tripping over.”
 Hearing her sweet sass made Bob break his ice easily, as he retorted back,
  “Oh- oh no.. I uh, was blinded by...”
 Koko raised a brow at him as she waited for him to finish his sentence, which came with a shock as he spurted out,
  “I was blinded by your beauty.”
Koko sent him a face of awe as she pushed her hair behind her ear,
  “Oh is that so... well, I’ll be here to catch you every time you fall for my beauty.”
 Sending him a wink afterwards only made his heart swoon as he let out a cute, short chuckle, grateful to know that she took his words kindly,
  “Oh! Well, thank you..”
  “No thank you... why don’t you take a seat.. I’m Koko.”
 Bob quickly sat down as he shook her hand gently,
  “I’m Bob, uh- it’s a pleasure Koko.”
 “Likewise Bob, so what brings you here?”
 Bob sighed gratefully once again to know that Koko was kind and talkative, making his social skills a little bit easier to get out, as he replied,
  “I just got back from training today.. I’m in the Navy.”
 Sending him a nod of approval Koko said,
  “A Naval Aviator correct?”
 Excited to know that she knew what he did, he replied, 
  “Yeah! Exactly. H-How about you? I’ve never seen you here.”
 2 hours then had passed as Koko and Bob chatted back and forth about one another’s lives and how they got to Hard Deck that very day. Bob was happy to know that Koko was quite the brains like he was, they were able to relate in a lot of things when it came to learning and education. Koko had even let him get a taste of her drink which soon convinced him to get his own glass that never went empty for the rest of the evening as they happily got to know each other more. Hangman watched in the distance and was proud to see that his planned worked, as Koko laughed happily with Bob as he talked so freely with her, like if they had known each other for years and years. When Bradley got with playing the piano after being paid by Hangman to do so, only because he wanted to see Bob and Koko get closer, he was even more excited when he saw Bob take Koko’s hand lovingly and pull her towards the open space and began to show her some moves as they danced while laughing like carefree teenagers. Koko could feel how nervous he was to lay his hands on her as they danced, but she did the move for him when she placed her hands in his own, and led them to rest on her curvy hips, Bob was wide eyed once he realized where exactly his hands were, but was calmed when Koko reassured him,
  “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, that’s ok.”
 Bob was quick to let her know that this was all he wanted,
  “Oh I’m completely happy- well fine with this- y-you know what I mean right?”
 His nervous giggles were enough to convince Koko that this was probably Bob’s first time ever doing this, so she asked him,
 “You’ve never danced with a girl Bobby?”
 Calling him Bobby made a blush creep his cheeks as he replied honestly,
  “Well, not with someone as great and beautiful as you. I was too scared to approach you at first.. I thought you might take me as a weirdo or something, because you’re so confident and amazing.”
 Koko awed,
  “Awe Bob, well you actually had caught my eye sense the moment you walked in. I thought- well actually I think you’re very cute.”
  Bob squeezed Koko’s hips lovingly as he replied back with a new confidence,
  “And I think you’re cute too... I really want to know you more.”
 Feeling bubbly inside Koko smiled as he raked his hands through her hair to put it behind her ears so he could see her face and earring he had grown to love as well, as she said,
  “I’d like to get to know you more too.”
When the bar was up to close, Bob walked Koko out of Hard Deck whole holding her arm as the walked down the steps, ever the gentleman Bob was. Once he took Koko to her car, he asked politely while looking at her doe eyes that beamed along with her skin that shone brightly under the moonlight, 
  “I’d like to take you out some time... whenever you’re free... is that ok?”
 Tip-toeing to peck his cheek lightly, Koko replied,
  “Of course that’s ok.. let me write you down my number and mom’s address on this receipt, I’ll be staying with my mom for quite a while, as I visit here.”
  Quickly Koko hand wrote her number and address, soon slipping it in Bob’s hands which he took and held onto it tightly, like if it was a precious diamond or his source to breathe. Koko then got into her car, and let Bob close the door for her after she was settled in, he looked down at her as she smiled happily at him, he made his most confident move when he bent down and laid a sweet kiss on her head, and said afterwards,
  “I’ll see you soon Koko... thank you for tonight.”
 “I’ll see you soon too... and you’re welcome. Thank you as well for being so sweet and you.”
 Waving to her goodbye as she began to pull away, Bob bid,
  “Goodnight! Drive safe.”
 “Goodnight Bob! Text me when you’re home!!”
  “I will!!”
Five minutes after walking inside her mothers home, Koko still felt all warm and giddy, remembering every word he said, every touch, even the kiss he left on her head. A large smile grew on her face when her phone beeped, and she read the new message,
 ‘Hi Koko! This is Bob, I made it home! Did you?’
Quickly replying Koko typed,
‘Hi Bobby, yes I did! I’m glad you’re home.’
  ‘Same here for you. Oh, I just checked in with my boss, and I have a free day Saturday, maybe I can have the day with you?’
 Thinking about it for a quick moment, Koko then remembered that her mom had a girls night with her aunts that day, meaning she’d be free sense her mom would be with her aunts, so she happily agreed,
 ‘I’m free that day! So yes, sounds fantastic!’
 ‘Great!! I’ll come and pick you up at 12pm!! Goodnight Koko☺️’
  ‘Perfect, ’ll be ready for you!! Goodnight Bobby😊’
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angelosearch · 6 months
After I graduated from college I sucked at file management and lost a lot of what I wrote in those years. I do have some stuff printed, though. I'm starting to transcribe some of my poems/essays/etc. for safekeeping.
I'm going to share this poem here because it's about writing but I want ya'lls opinion too (poem and poll under the cut).
Writer's Anxiety
Hi, I'm [angelosearch]. I'm a writing major. I'm a student of writing. I write. I write a lot. But I'm not a writer nor poet nor essayist nor author nor artist. Just a writing major. All my writer friends have a "writer's ego," but what if the ego is a no-go more concerned with grade pointed resume sectional blog posts than being pretty or clever with words? Scratch that, I am concerned. So concerned that I shrink at the sound of their sentences dancing above me, floating over my work even with each page I read, word I write, no matter how many cups of coffee or sleepless nights, my words come out sloppy. I watch them wear their writing effortlessly like those who only wear clothes that fit them, but my family never had the money to replace the things I outgrew, so maybe my poetry spills out my bra a bit while your sleek fiction fits your tongue like a glove. I can cover it up with scarves, an outerwear of excuses knitted with "I did this at the last minute"s and "I got writer's block on this one"s.
Everyone talks about writer's block, but what about writer's anxiety? That feeling you get when you realize everyone in the room knows what they're doing but you--or at least that's how they seem. How can they stay so cool as an epiphany slips out their lips? They just put rhythm to the meaning of life and said "Thank you." They fill out their toques and denim jackets, readers grown into writers clad in unbuttoned unbridled confidence... I want to feel that way. I want to write that way. BUT every poem feels like a car swerving into unmanageable metaphors or else a train traveling one way on a single track with no transfers to blandly named towns called Springfield or Coddington. BUT every fiction has a world like a piece of paper sparsely decorated with cardboard characters wearing cheap, floral-print adjectives, endings arriving contrived or premature. BUT every essay is stuck in one form, a record clichely repeating the same facts about your life: "my parents are emotionally divorced" "neither of them went to college" "I feel like I don't belong" "I don't belong-don't belong-DON'T BELONG."
My friends tell me that I am wrong but it sounds like that knee-jerk compliment you get get right after you say "I'm ugly."
Why does nothing I write sound right? I want to know where new style begins and no style ends. I want to think the world just isn't ready, but I'm not that conceded. I can't believe it. I can't assume I'm a writer because I write--most can form words on paper, but not everyone can turn a confession into an expression called art.
End poem!! I think I wrote that in 2013 (The spring of my junior year).
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artworksstore · 11 months
This is a digitally remastered and enhanced reproduction. It is based on the 1891 lithograph produced by the Morning News in Savannah, GA. The original copy contained signs of wear and tear, discoloration, small rips, and stains. Some minor imperfections remain. However, the completed print’s restoration presents a colorful characterization of life in Savannah, Georgia in 1891. The map features over 100 places of business, public buildings, railroads, canals, parks, and churches. Small insert images at the top and bottom include the Board of Trade Building, the Chatham County Court House, the historic De Soto Hotel, Guckenhelmer & Sons Wholesale House, and Altmeyer & Co's. Dry Goods Store. The original artist was German-born Augustus Koch. Kotch served in the Engineers Office of the Wisconsin Infantry during the Civil War as draftsman, and then later as an officer. He was a prolific artist producing a number of bird’s eye view illustrations.
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lboogie1906 · 5 months
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Perry Watkins (April 13, 1907 - August 14, 1974) was the first African American set designer on Broadway. He was a stage painter, makeup and costume artist, producer, and film art director.
Born in Providence, Rhode Island, he attended Hope High School where he and a friend hand-wrote and decorated a daily newspaper called “The Foolscape.” Awarded a scholarship to study art at the Rhode Island School of Design, he studied figure drawing and still life.
Despite having his paintings displayed at the Springfield Museum and the Providence Art Club, he struggled financially and worked as a waiter, chauffeur, insurance salesman, reporter, draftsman, and commercial illustrator. He applied to the Federal Theatre Project with a sample production and was employed.
Starting as a stagehand and becoming assistant technical director at Lafayette Theatre, he began a flurry of work, painting drops, dying costumes, and operating the lighting for Macbeth, designing sets for The Case of Philip Lawrence, Haiti, Plays of the Sea and Horse Play, as well as designing the costumes for Androcles and the Lion. He created sets for Mississippi Rainbow for the Chicago Negro Unit of the FTP and for the Los Angeles Negro Unit’s revival of Run Little Chillun!
He made a breakthrough, becoming the first Black Broadway set designer when he was commissioned for Mamba’s Daughters. He was permitted to take the drafting and art exam for admission into the Set Designer’s Union. He passed it easily and became the first African American to be admitted. He taught in the Rose McClendon Workshop Theatre and the following year designed the set for the revival of The Big White Fog at Lincoln Theatre.
In 1944 he served as the assistant technical director for Walk Hard, which was shown in Harlem and on Broadway. He co-produced Beggar’s Holiday. It was a success, showing one hundred and eight performances.
He ventured into film and television, working on art direction and design for films such as Hercules in New York, Come Back, Charleston Blue, Across 110th Street, and Gordon’s War. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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variousactionfigures · 7 months
For a very long time, the US Coast Guard has effectively operated as a smaller navy. But rather than fight on the high seas with battleships bristling with cannon, it simply made do with various patrol boats & cutters. Until WWII it mainly played the role of intercepting alcohol smugglers & the like. This all had changed by the time RD 3/c Alvin Cooke had enlisted.
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Now, the Coast Guard didn't merely prevent drug trafficking or save wayward boaters, it defended the boundaries of the nation.
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Alvin is an example of what was called the Beach Patrol, watching the shores of the United States for U-boats or raiders landing to cause havoc.
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For this he is dressed in the sensible undress blues, the middle ground between the stuffy dress blues & the unsightly dungarees (which for many years were not authorized to be worn off a ship). There were no decorations, no neckerchief, only a rating if one had earned it. There was no piping to keep clean, not even any buttons on the cuff.
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For equipment he carries a fairly typical set of equipment for someone who isn't posted far from the nearest galley.
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Alvin is armed with the even then aging & superseded M1903 Springfield, all the newest M1 Garands going straight to the front.
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While some patrolled in boats or on horseback, his unhappy lot is to negotiate the soft sand in his boots & curse the failings of his Dismounted Leggings
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Alvin is special for several reasons: firstly he is yet another type of non GI Joe action figure & his uniform is custom made - that set of undress blues can't simply be bought, I had to modify an existing knock off uniform. Considering everything, it turned out fantastically well. There are a few things I'm still working on before I can call him complete, but he's pretty darn close.
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jjflooringorlando · 6 months
Unleash Your Imagination: Why Universal Studios Orlando is a Must-Visit Destination
Have you ever dreamed of stepping into the fantastical worlds of your favorite movies and TV shows? At Universal Studios Orlando, those dreams become reality. This world-renowned theme park brings the magic of Hollywood to life, immersing visitors in the glamour, excitement, and creativity of the entertainment industry. Whether you're a movie buff, thrill-seeker, or simply looking for an unforgettable family vacation, Universal Studios offers something for everyone.
Thrilling Rides and Attractions for All Ages
One of the biggest draws of Universal Studios is its incredible selection of rides and attractions based on beloved films and TV series. Soar through the air with Harry Potter on the "Flight of the Hippogriff" roller coaster. Join the MIB as an agent trainee on the interactive "Men in Black: Alien Attack." Plummet 85 feet on the "Jurassic World VelociCoaster" as you're chased by velociraptors. And of course, no visit is complete without experiencing "Despicable Me Minion Mayhem," a hilarious 3D adventure alongside Gru and his mischievous Minions.
These are just a few examples of the exhilarating attractions that await you. With rides and experiences spanning a wide range of intensity levels and themes, Universal Studios ensures that there's something to delight visitors of all ages and interests. Whether you're a hardcore adrenaline junkie or prefer more mild thrills, you'll find plenty to keep you entertained.
Immersive Themed Lands Transport You to Another World
Beyond individual rides, one of the most impressive aspects of Universal Studios is how it crafts entire immersive lands that make you feel like you've stepped into the world of a movie. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is a prime example. This expansive area is meticulously designed down to the finest details to recreate the magic of the beloved book and film series.
Stroll the cobblestone streets of Hogsmeade village, where you can shop for wands at Ollivanders, sip Butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks tavern, and mail letters from the Owl Post. The towering replica of Hogwarts Castle looms over it all, housing the groundbreaking "Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey" attraction that takes you soaring through iconic scenes. It's an enchanting experience that will delight Potterheads and muggles alike.
Other immersive lands include the comic strip inspired city of Toon Lagoon, the vibrant Universal Music Plaza celebrating music legends, and the Simpsons' hometown of Springfield. Each transports you to a different world and is packed with details that will impress even the most avid fans.
Spectacular Live Entertainment and Character Encounters
In addition to rides, Universal Studios puts on an array of spectacular live shows and entertainment throughout the day and night. Watch death-defying stunts at the "Bourne Stuntacular." Sing and dance along at the "Shrek 4D" film with special effects. Marvel at the talented performers in the "Blues Brothers Show." And don't miss the nightly Universal Orlando's Cinematic Celebration, a stunning multimedia experience with thundering music, dazzling lights, water fountains and pyrotechnics that brings the movies to life.
Meeting your favorite characters is another highlight. Snap a selfie with Optimus Prime, get a hug from SpongeBob, or watch the Minions goof off. Seeing these icons in-person is a surreal experience that instantly transports you to your childhood. Both kids and kids-at-heart will be starstruck by these larger-than-life figures.
Fuel Up at Themed Dining Experiences
When it's time to refuel, Universal Studios offers a wide array of imaginative dining options. Many of the restaurants are attractions in themselves, with stunning themed decor and menus inspired by movies and TV shows.
Feast on Krusty Burgers and Lard Lad donuts in Springfield USA. Dine in a classic car at Richter's Burger Co. in Marvel Superhero Island. Enjoy a sweet treat at Seuss Landing's Hop on Pop Ice Cream Shop. And don't miss the chance to eat at Mythos Restaurant, consistently voted best theme park restaurant, which features spectacular carved rock formations and waterfalls.
With over 50 places to eat, ranging from quick and casual to full-service, sit-down restaurants, you certainly won't go hungry. The only trouble is choosing which of the many delicious and creative options to try!
Create Unforgettable Memories at Universal Studios Orlando
At its core, a visit to Universal Studios Orlando is about making memories that will last a lifetime. It's a chance to bond with loved ones while experiencing the wonder and excitement of your favorite movies and TV shows brought to life. To scream with glee on pulse-pounding rides. To smile ear-to-ear while meeting your heroes. To be awestruck by the creativity and magic of movie-making.
As John Williams, the Academy Award-winning composer of classic film scores like Star Wars, E.T., Harry Potter, and Jurassic Park said, "I think music has the ability to inspire and transport us. A great movie does that." At Universal Studios, you don't just watch that movie magic - you live it. You're transported to a world where anything is possible.
So what are you waiting for? It's time to unleash your imagination and experience the thrills, laughter, and unforgettable memories that await you at Universal Studios Orlando. Whether you're a long-time local or first-time visitor to Orlando, this world-class theme park is a destination you don't want to miss. Start planning your visit today at universalorlando.com and get ready for an adventure you'll never forget. See you at the movies!
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swforester · 1 year
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A flower decorates a faded gravestone.
Forestdale Cemetery
Springfield MA 8/3/23
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