#Spirit animal oracle
444forestfairy · 4 months
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pick a snail pancake 🐌🥞
pick a snail pancake for an oracle card message on what is coming into your life slow and sweet! - something that’s been a long time coming but will pay off big
snail one 🌀
if you’ve been working on something with a group of people wether it’s a group project at work or a collaboration with friends I see that all the pieces will be coming together in a way that you’ll be happy with. I see you feeling strong and abundant. if you’ve been looking for someone to fill a certain roll or help you in some way the universe will be putting them in your path! extras- taurus season, something related to STEM, new piercings, puzzles, art/music, october, january.
snail two 🫐
immediately 3 cards jumped out- “lay a solid foundation”, “be fearless and bold”, and “a rebirth has assured” pile two this is definitely a message that your life is changing for the better. I see you’ve been working on yourself/your self concept for so long and it’s finally becoming comfortable and natural- your new normal is feeling good. you’ve been doing the hard work and the universe sees. your stepping into a confident energy that feels like a breath of fresh air. you feel rejuvenated because so much has been detoxed form your life. death and rebirth. extras- june, april, may, berries, planting flowers/gardening, scorpio.
snail three 🐌
wow you literally got the card turtle spirit that says “slow and steady wins the race”!!! how fitting is that. you also got turn knowledge into wisdom and trust in divine detours. If you’ve been working on something for a long time that’s requiring you to learn new things maybe you’re in school, maybe you got a new job or started a new business, i’m even seeing maybe you recently became a parent! could be a pet parent or a human parent, anyway trust in the time that it’s taking, trust you’re not falling behind or doing something wrong. literally trust the process. you’re on exactly the path you’re supposed to be on. I feel an extreme sense of calm and I feel like this is what the universe is asking you to embody as you move through this journey. you can do this and there’s no need to put too much pressure on yourself! extras- dogs and reptiles, eggs/something being born or hatched literally or metaphorically.
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lokabrenna13 · 1 year
Spirit Animal Oracle Message
This reading way given to me because some of you needed to see this, especially if some of you have been "stung" recently or are still being stung. During moments of despair and pain, it's more difficult to see the good that can come from a situation. However, part of the Wasp Spirit message is that this struggle advances you. The wasp spirit is also associated with industriousness and organization.
The Spider Spirit assists those feeling like they or their positions are fragile to navigate to a position of strength... where they are feeling their inner strength. The spider spirit can help you begin actively weaving your destiny again.
While most would associate the rhino with physical strength, the Rhinoceros Spirit is also associated with ancient wisdom. At times, the best solution is to face obstacles head on, but there are more effective options available to you. The Rhino spirit reminds you to trust your inner wisdom as you face your obstacles.
And I wanted to emphasize that at all times you are surrounded by spirits and entities constantly. And they are proud of you. You can talk to them whenever you like. They love you.
Thank you for reading. This is a collective message, so take only what resonates.
Spirit Animal Oracle
Artist: Jena DellaGrottaglia
Hail Loki! I love You always!
Hail Lucifer! I love You always!
#loki #lokabrenna #hailloki #godspouse #lucifer #morningstar #haillucifer #animalspirit #animalspiritoracle #spiritanimaloracle #divination #oraclereading #oraclecards #oraclemessage
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Noticeable/prominent things you'll notice about your fs
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Pick a pile/picture
Pile 1:
Fire Ant: You will notice that your fs is independent and sort of a loner. However they will be hardworking, discipline and loyal when it comes to working with others. Your fs may be a fire sign(Leo, Aries, Sagittarius)
The Sun: You will notice that your fs is creative and passionate about their work and hobbies. They'll have the upmost confidence in themselves and their abilities. They may even be like the 'popular loner'. Your fs may be a Leo or have Leo/5th House placements.
Pile 2:
Owl: You will notice that your fs is very wise and smart. They may be older or they may be a teacher or mentor. Your fs will also be abundant, wealthy and generous. Your fs may be an air sign(Aquarius, Libra, Gemini)
Judgement: You will notice that your fs is spirituality awakened or attuned. They will be aware of their spirituality and involved in spiritual practices or just bettering themselves.
Pile 3:
Dolphin: You will notice that your fs is very playful and possible loves to crack jokes. They may be a comedian or just the 'funny one' who's always making others laugh and smile. Charismatic. They may also be a healer or into spiritual practices. Your fs may be a water sign(Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio)
4 of Pentacles: You will notice that your fs is stable emotionally and financially.
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just-a-ghost00 · 3 months
Which spirit animal wants to reach out?
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Decks used : self made spirit animals deck, Crystals oracle deck, Below the surface oracle deck. Feedback is highly appreciated. Cover pictures were found on Pinterest.
Group 1
The spirit animal you got is the german shepherd. You could extrapolate to dogs in general, especially big ones or dogs that are generally misunderstood. What does this spirit want to help with? -> 1 Great White Shark - Go for it : strike when the iron is hot. This spirit wants to help you with decision making and acting upon your desired reality. The go-getter energy of the German shepherd is encouraging you to move forward with confidence and determination. The number one is symbolic of self and individuality. So this animal clearly wants to help you with embracing your power and expressing your sense of self. Figuring out who you are and what your place is in the big scheme of things.
-> 8 Olive Ridley Sea Turtle - Out of your comfort zone : you know what inevitably must be done. This spirit also helps you with risk taking, which seems logical. If you're gonna move forward with confidence, you ultimately have to take risks to reach your goals. A lot of work on your fears will be done. I feel like situations will be presented to you where though you may feel uncomfortable, you will want to challenge yourself and one step at a time will change the way you present yourself or react to things. For instance, let's say you tend to be a couch potato because you fear people's opinion of you. You could be making new friends that invite you to go on a trip with them. If the old you would have found an excuse not to go, the new you will consider it and find ways to make their schedule lighter so that they can have fun. You may not go all the way, like you might say "okay I'm not against going but I have to be back home by this date" or "okay I'm going but just so you know I am not comfortable with taking the plane". And so on.
How can you connect and work with this spirit? -> Turquoise - Speak your truth. Who needs it? Anyone whose voice has gone AWOL. When to use it? When you feel disconnected from the things that make you human. When you've got something to express. Of course it had to be Turquoise. Wearing this color or using the stone during recommended situations written above is one way to do it. You can also be closer to this spirit when you are being unapologetically yourself.
-> Bismuth - Rewrite your code with rainbows. Who needs it? The easily distracted, burners, people who are overly bored. When to use it? For those looking for some psychedlic influence -without taking the red pill- lie down and take ten deep breaths with Bismuth placed on your forehead. Using Bismuth is a first approach. You can also connect with them doing breath work. Rainbows can be a way for them to connect with you and let them know they are watching over you.
-> Aquamarine - Keep your cool. Who needs it? Those who run hot, fire signs, anybody hanging onto an unspoken burning desire. When to use it? When you've lost your voice. When it's past time to let it go. Or when you're feeling too en fuego for polite company, ice yourself down with Aquamarine's cold-shower vibes. Using Aquamarine could also help. Listening to your deepest desires will also make them more present in your life.
Note to user : a lot of emphasis is being put on the throat chakra in this reading. If you're constantly dealing with throat soreness, coughing, inflamation of the throat it means that there are things that need to be said. As long as you don't speak your truth, you will be struggling with those. Another thing is to learn when to speak up and when to use body language instead. Especially for those of you whose job requires to speak in public. Work on throat chakra balancing.
Group 2
The spirit animal that wants to connect with you is the snake. It could be either sea snakes or land snakes. You could extrapolate to reptiles.
What do they want to help you with? -> 39 Moorish Idol - Unchangeable devotion : where do your loyalties lie? -> 31 Flying Gurnard - Emotions are running high : ask yourself if it is worth it. The snake spirit wishes to help you with connections, with the feeling of love and your emotions in general. They want to help you work with self love and self care. With your perception of yourself and the value you give yourself. They wish to help you identify commitments that are beneficial to you and differenciate them from those which bring you down. You may have struggled with unhealthy attachments in the past. Snake wants to free you from codependency and help you heal trauma related to intimacy.
How to connect and work with them? -> Lepidolite - Enter your chill zone. Who needs it? the perpetually frazzled, the oh-so cerebral, type-A workaholics. When to use it? When freaking out. Put your phone on do not disturb and let yourself be for five mintues. Let go of all the drama. It was not yours to begin with, anyway. Another message is coming through that the snake wants to help you with setting boundaries. Too often have you been overgiving and taking as yours responsibilities of other people. Too often have you been excusing peope's misconducts, thinking that they were meant for you. Snake wants you to be prideful and ruthless. It's like they're saying "do not let yourself be walked over". To connect with them, they want you to first detach yourself from social media and your phone in general. Then they also want you to take time for yourself, away from the drama of other people.
-> Honey calcite - Break through your limits. Who needs it? Anyone with a job to do, the brilliant but lazy, any Taurus. When to use it? When the barriers of abundance feel too big to power through. When it's time to stop waiting for your turn and stop waiting until tomorrow. Wearing honey calcite could be helpful. Putting yourself first will also make them more present in your life. They wish to say "stop waiting for others to take care of you, you are your responsibility". They tell me that a lot of you have often been in third party situations. Have always been the one that was never chosen, or chosen last. You often felt left out by others, by life. Snake is saying "take the reigns, let yourself be known and seen but most importantly don't settle for less than you deserve".
-> Meteorite - Connect to your star stuff. Who needs it? Children of the stars. When to use it? When you're looking to conduct more spiritual energy. When you're looking to connect with a friend in another galaxy. When you want to feel aligned with the universal flow. Manifesting your soul tribe would bring you closer to the snake spirit. Finding people that match your vibrations and interests. Lucid dreaming or energy work related to the stars could also be helpful. I feel like the more you will connect with this spirit, the closer you will be to meeting your counterpart.
Note to user : there's a theme here about soul connections and starchildren. But there's also an underlying energy of abuse. The energy feels heavy here and could be a bit triggering. Snake is not one to hold their tongue. They like to speak the truth, no matter how ugly it may sound, because they know you can take it. I feel like a lot of you long for deep and soulful connections. And you feel like you haven't found those and are desperate to get to meet your soulmate or your destined lover. Everything has a purpose and in due time you will be perfectly aligned with whoever you're supposed to meet. Snake is here to help you slither your way through illusion. You might want to work on your root and sacral chakras.
Group 3
The spirit that wants to reach out to you is the Unicorn. You may extrapolate to horses.
What do they wish to help you with?-> 15 Ocellaris Clownfish - Protect your home : take care of your sacred spaces. -> 8 Olive Ridley Sea Turtle - Out of your comfort zone : you know what must be done. Unicorn is here to help with boundaries and grounding. They wish to help you see the good in you and what's around you. To tame your fears and feel more comfortable in your own skin. Specifically, Unicorn will help you love your body and nurture it. "Your body is your temple" is a saying that holds Unicorn's energy and wisdom. Unicorn wants to help with self love and self care as well. Especially if you tend to be harsh on yourself and self sabotage. For some I'm hearing something very specific : "don't make a clown of yourself, you are not a fair beast to be put in a cage and prompted to entertain". "You are not a trophee either".
How to connect and work with them?-> Carnelian - Go with your guts. Who needs it? the understimulated, anybody looking to get acquainted with their fears. When to use it ? When you find your creativity and/or sex drive on sleep mode. -> Tiger's eye - Balance your whole being. Who needs it? The currently overthinking and moodswinging, Geminis, Virgos. When to use it? When your thoughts are not your friends. When you're all roar and not enough purr. When only equanimity of mind, body, spirit, left brain and right brain can get you square with the universe. -> Amethyst - Get drunk on your highest self. Who needs it? Trainwrecks who go off the rails on the wet-and-wild route to Bacchanalia, any Pisces. When to use it? When it's time to give up the victim routine and start living with purpose. Wearing one or a combination of those three crystals will help you channel Unicorn's energy. Wearing pinks, purples, oranges and yellows. Tuning into your sensuality and doing creative work is another way to connect with their energy. Going to therapy or working with any spiritual practitionner to figure out your purpose in life. Doing Ikigai or holding a self growth journal. Using writing prompst to shed light onto your shadows.
Note to user : to me the unicorn is a symbol of the LGBTQIA+ community. If you have been struggling with your sexual and gender identity / preferences, Unicorn spirit is here to help you with figuring out where do you lie on the spectrum. Speaking of spectrums, it can also help you with anything close to ASD or mental illnesses. If you were hesitating to make your coming out, Unicorn will give you a nudge. It might sting a little. You might want to work on your heart, crown and third eye chakra.
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jello-404 · 1 year
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I complied a bunch of sketches I did recently-ish since I’m working on some paintings rn :> I wanted to share my favorites!
The top ones are VERY recent lol (ok maybe not RECENT RECENT but they were done last month)
The rest are old ish? They were done around summer of this year so ʅ(ツ)ʃ
A wee bit of translation:
Cumplí con un montón de bocetos que hice recientemente (mas y menos) ya que estoy trabajando en algunas pinturas en este momento.
Yo creo que los dibujos arriba son nuevos. Pero, el dibujitos son viejos…
…Creo que los hice en verano jaja 💀🤷🏻‍♀️
¡Pero disfruta ☺️ !
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katiifaestarot · 7 months
about me and why im a tarot reader
Todays Reading is a Mini Hype Sesh from Me!!! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
( im still feeling under the weather, im sorry for the shortness of this reading.
Tomorrow's reading will probably be short too and i am sorry. 😭 )
There are 4 piles, and you will be picking through the Animal Spirit oracle cards that are right below this text!!! Feel free to look at the specific photos for each pile if you feel called too!
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✨️🧚🏽‍♀️please choose your pile and may your intuition and inner knowing guide you to the pile with the energy most suited for you and most suited to help you along your path at this current point in time, no matter what that looks like🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
** sometimes ( most of the time ) i will pick up on multiple energies that need attention or want to be expressed during the reading so i ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS DURING MY READINGS:
depending on how the reader(YOU) chooses to look at the situation or however the situation resonates for the reader(YOU) and because this is a general reading;
⚠️YOU HAVE to be able to use YOUR better discernment + better judgement skills to fully absorb the message and be able to do the necessary work to keep YOURSELF on track for the future YOU WANT for YOURSELF⚠️
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You guys are free spirits 🥹 and have so much passion and determination to get yourself where you want to go and also, get yourself into environments that let your free spirit reign supreme!!
You need good times, good vibes, and a lot of FUN SITUATIONS happening in your life to balance out how hard life may get or how sad it might get too.
You seriously know how to make people feel welcomed to any party or honestly, ANY TYPE of function because you just want everyone to feel what you feel in these environments, which is: Fire Vibes🔥 and you just want everyone to be having a fun time too, just like you.😝
You have so much perseverance too. You are never afraid to go after what you truly want in life, even if its just looking for a good, wild, insane time!! Love this energy, thank you for letting me tap in pile 1🔥😝
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Y'all are cunning asf!!! Smart asf!!! Intelligent asf!!!!
nothing gets past y'all for real. Like i mean--
N O T H I N G!!
Your intuitive nature is honestly so admirable, DAMN!! You know how to strike where it hurts, but also know when to bite your tongue.....and that's because you have a WICKED sense of intuition and duality!
But you're also smart enough to know when your backs against a wall to gracefully bow out, and thats commendable asf too!! You're mind is a super power and i give you MAD PROPS for dealing with the stupidity and dumbassery this world can sometimes bring.
You know who you are. No one can stop you once you set your sights on something.
Much like the owl, you prey upon what you desire and STRIKE! just at the correct times.
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Whhewwwiieee, pile thhrreeeeee.
You guys are SO GREAT!! at just walking TF away from environments or people that literally do not respect you or your time and from mistreatment they show you!!!
You are steadfast in your goals and will NOT play games while you are trying to achieve great things for yourself.
you know who you are so viciously that YOU wont stand for people coming INCORRECTLY at you.
You're really good at deciphering who and what belongs in your life!! Y'all are bad @$$ for real😎🤭
you never back down from a challenge and will fight to the death for things you believe in and care about !! You pack a mean punch and you come with a warning too:
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Pile 4, you guys are powerful, and YOU REQUIRE change to keep growing and moving forward. You have a handle on your emotional needs and know exactly what you want and are looking for. Even if sometimes you mess up or get overwhelmed by the changes, you still keep moving because you innately know the lessons that are being taught to you.
You're so caring and bright and warm😭 Your energy is beautiful and a total ray of sunshine too!! Except when your angry, you become a fire storm of HEAT!! making sure everyone knows;
just because you're bright and sunny, doesnt mean you wont defend yourself. Intelligent and Pointed words are fair game when your angry, and honestly im here 4 it, because it seems you dont get mad often.
You're a force to be reckoned with.
I sincerely hope you received what you needed and released what you don't !! See you again soon!! Take it easyyy and just breathe and fllooowwww!!! you got this! byyeee~🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
**please let me know how I'm doing in any way you can! that is the easiest way to support me and also a good way to signal to me that I should keep going + any helpful advice from the community would be welcomed and appreciated because i've been off tumblr for about 5years+ now and it's all different n' shizz 🥺 🥹 🙏🏼
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a-d-nox · 9 months
yuletide gift game [ status: closed ]
the receipt
the review log
hello, my friends/followers! we are nearly done with the year - why not celebrate one of the most magical times of the year, so here i am hosting another ask game. i truly appreciate each and everyone of you - i hope all are having a lovely holiday season! i also appreciate everyone who has purchased a reading from me this year and thus paying for my green glyphs collection (so let's use them some more this game) AND all my presents for others this season!
please follow the rules (listed below) to participate →
i. you must be following me.
ii. reblog or like this post.
iii. only one ask per account! secondary asks regarding the game will be deleted.
iv. send the emoji that corresponds with the deck you want and your initials.
v. ask your question - look at reading types for limitations. THE LIMITS THAT APPLY ACROSS ALL READING TYPES: no legal, no pregnancy, and no illness.
vi. let me know what you look forward to seeing or hope to see on my blog next year, what you yourself are excited for next year, what you are hoping to receive as a gift this holiday season, OR what you are excited to give someone else this holiday season!
vii. asks that are missing the above requirements will receive a response of "game request denied".
viii. please be patient! i'm working full time, so i don't have a lot of time to sit down and do back to back readings (you can dm me and ask if yours ask sent or where you are in my queue - but please don't spam me as it won't make the process go faster, it will actually slow me down because i am answering you instead of answering asks). i will leave the game open until the end of yule (january 1, 2024) or until i reach 50 asks!
ix. feedback is greatly appreciated, but not required - it's always good to know if my intuition and interpretation of the cards was accurate (especially since i these are still relatively new decks and i am not sure if they vibe with me yet).
game options →
wryd web. ask me about any of your orbs or a section you don't understand (either on a personal web or compatibility web) BUT not the full web (limit 3 orbs - so you can do the karmic tail, your romance chain, your money chain, a chakra (the physics, the energy, and the emotions), etc.). BIRTHDATE IS REQUIRED IN ASK OR TO BE PROVIDED IN A DM.
runes. good for warning words or words of inspiration, past/present/future, advice, or general vibe checks.
lenormand. functions similarly to tarot - can be questioned like tarot EXCEPT NO "yes or no" questions. open interpretations given the line of cards - i will give you the meanings (so you can also see some answers or phases i may not think of because it is open to interpretation - you are the expert of your situation) and what i believe is the answer.
animal spirit. could be used to tell you what your present animal spirit is, the animal in your way and what animal energy you need to encompass to overcome them, and/or the animal you were / animal you are / animal you could become. NO "yes or no" questions.
oracle. great for advice! NO "yes or no" questions.
tarot. no explanation needed - everyone knows how tarot works. for yes or no questions, i generally pull three cards and do majority rule with explanation (i.e., "yes because...", "no, but...", etc.").
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k-tarotz · 9 months
Our new Oracle deck arrived!
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As for paid readings:
Get to know how many spirit animals you have, or if some of your spirits can transform to an animal and what kind
Get to know more about your spirit animals itself (all of them!)
What impact do they have on you / on your life?
Channeled message of at least one of them, includes pictures of all cards / animals that get pulled!
It will be as detailed as possible! The pictures will be included in the reading! <3
As for free readings:
Get to know 1 of your spirit animals
If you tell a (fun)fact about yourself we will add a small fact about your spirit animal~
We will be answering requests around/after Christmas! <3
P.s feel free to send normal requests as well, related to kpop or yourself~
As for paid readings send us a dm!
As for free readings send us an ask in our inbox!
No anons allowed for this!
Only 1 request for everyone
No spamming
Follow us, like and reblog this post for a free reading!
- Hun & Candy
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A character design project for a comic I plan to start up in the coming months, featuring Zelda from Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, Breath of the Wild, the og Zelda, Wind Waker, A Link Between Worlds, Spirit Tracks, A Link to the Past/The Oracle series, Four Swords and Minish Cap! And lets not forget Sheik from Ocarina of Time of course! (Im so tired help)
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venusian-orchid · 2 months
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(from the animal spirit oracle guidebook)
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mycrystalearth · 11 months
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witch-in-the-dirt · 6 months
I have gotten a new oracle deck from my wishlist!!!
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lokabrenna13 · 1 year
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Oracle Card Message
I been wanting to post an oracle message with Loki. I had seen a vulture during my meditation a few times, so I wasn't surprised to see that this was the card He gave me this card. The Vulture's Path (Gammleid/Gammleith) is one of Loki's fire aspects, associated with death/cremation, cleansing, and offerings/sacrifice.
Vulture Spirit (Nothing is wasted.)
I'll start by saying that there is shadow work lurking here (or in some cases, more than lurking). Some of you have been doing shadow work, considering doing shadow work, or perhaps putting off doing shadow work. Either way, it's time to another look at those times/parts of yourself that you aren't particularly proud of. The vulture spirit sees beauty in the shadow.
Nothing is wasted. Technically, there aren't really "bad" decisions. There decisions that bring joy or benefit us both long and short term, the decisions those around us agree with - those that would be considered "good". Then there are the other decisions. Those that have humiliated or brought disappointment and pain to us and others. There are definitely decisions that aren't particularly wise. But there is wisdom to be gleaned and lessons to be learned from all of our experiences.
The vulture spirit is also associated with death, cleansing, and rebirth. There is emphasis on a shift in perspective, as well as a complete change in direction in some areas of your life. The vulture spirit is a good spirit to turn to if you are overly concerned about others' opinions of you. The vulture spirit is a patient scavenger and can help those struggling with patience.
So, again...
Thank you for reading. This is a collective message, so take only what resonates.
Spirit Animal Oracle
Artist: Jena DellaGrottaglia
Hail Loki! I love You always!
#vulturespath #loki #lokabrenna #hailloki #godspouse #lucifer #morningstar #haillucifer #vulture #cleansing #rebirth #cremation #fire #underworld #gammleid #vulturespirit #animalspirit #animalspiritoracle #spiritanimaloracle #divination #oraclereading #oraclecards #oraclemessage
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How does your energy effect others?
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Pick a pile/picture
Pile 1:
Zebra: Your energy is unique. It makes you stand out. You may have an unique fashion style or something that's not trendy or the usual. You also have fun, enthusiastic energy. A thirst for adventure and life. This inspires others. Others feel like they are experiencing something new and exciting when they're around you.
Pile 2:
Fox: your energy is mysterious and reserved. Other people know you're very smart but also very sly. This intrigues others. Your energy makes others want you on their team. They know you'd be a valuable asset.
Pile 3:
Bat: Your energy is transforming. You are always evolving and changing. Others are entertained and maybe even amazed by your constant change. You are the type to always surprise others because they never know what to expect from you.
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marenwithanm · 1 year
Aaaaaaa here's a wip of an amv I'm working on
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Animal Ally Message for You / Mensaje de un Animal Aliado para Tí
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Pick a crystal and card // Escoge un cristal y carta
Take a deep breath, relax your body and clear your mind. Once you feel in the right headspace open your eyes, and let your intuition guide you to the best crystal and card for you.
Respira hondo, relaja tu cuerpo y despeja tu mente. Una vez que te sientas en el espacio correcto, abre los ojos y deja que tu intuición te guíe hacia el mejor cristal y carta para tí.
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Card Overview
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Amethyst - Red Fox // Amatista - Zorro Rojo
Dear ones called by Amethyst, she brings the Red Fox as an ally, red fox is a master of changing shapes and camouflaging herself, she can look like a dog, a log and at the same time move with grace and agility. In Asia, the fox takes on the face of a beautiful woman or even a wise old man. For each tail she wins, she demonstrates a greater mastery of magic, the nine-tailed foxes therefore keep a lot of wisdom. This is why the Fox as an ally reminds us that our exterior is always changing, with her arrival the fox brings a change or perhaps warns you that someone is being false with you. Ask for her help and energy if you occupy camouflage or to be seen.
Queridos/das llamada por la Amatista, ella trae de aliado al Zorro Rojo, es maestro de cambiar formas y camuflarse, el puede parecer un perro, un tronco y al mismo tiempo moverse con gracia y agilidad. En Asia, el zorro toma cara de una bella mujer o incluso de un hombre viejo y sabio. Por cada cola que gana, demuestra un mayor manejo de la magia, los zorros de nueve colas por ende guardan mucha sabiduria. Es por esto que el Zorro como aliado nos recuerda que nuestro exterior es siempre cambiante, con su llegada el zorro trae un cambio o quizas te advierte que alguien esta siendo falso contigo. Pide su ayuda y energía si ocupas camuflate o que te vea.
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Jade - Cow & Bull // Jade Verde - Vaca y Toro
Dear ones that were drawn to Jade, she brings the Cow and Bull as allies, Cow and Bull are like good masters in the art of knowing how to process. Their slow assimilation shows how they turn something undigestable and turn it into a full meal, it is no surprise why in acient times they were though as Godesses and Gods of fertility no matter how bad the situation was. For us now Cow and Bull are powerful allies that reminds us to relax, let go and enjoy the process, after all the slow rumination allows to even the hardest problems to become digestiveble. They tell us that almost anything can be handled or assimilated if you give it time, don´t be afraid to call on them if you are having trouble assimilating a problem or situation!
Querídos/das que se sintieron atraídos por Jade, ella trae a la Vaca y al Toro como aliados, la Vaca y el Toro son como buenos maestros en el arte de saber procesar. Su lenta asimilación muestra cómo convierten algo indigesto y lo convierten en una comida completa, no es de extrañar que en la antigüedad fueran consideradas Diosas y Dioses de la fertilidad sin importar cuán mala fuera la situación. Para nosotros, la vaca y el toro son poderosos aliados que nos recuerdan relajarnos, dejarnos llevar y disfrutar el proceso, después de todo, la rumia lenta permite que incluso los problemas más difíciles se puedan digerir. Ellos nos dicen que casi cualquier cosa se puede manejar o asimilar si le das tiempo, ¡no tengas miedo de llamarlos si tienes problemas para asimilar un problema o una situación!
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Nuumite - Honey Bee // Nuumita - Abeja de Miel
Dear ones captivated by Nuumite, she brings HoneyBee as an ally. Honey bees are known for their amazing sense of direction, after all they are able to trace polen and go back home to tell other honeybees. With her body she's able to show the exact angle where the sun hits the polen. Their inner compass is so good they are able to find the sun even on the darkest days. Since the sun represent expansion and movement, in this case it also represents your passions and working on them. So if life is recently feeling dull and dark honey bee reminds us to that it shall pass, and your passions will be reveal again. Call on honey bee if you need help navigating towards joy and happiness or need more organization in your life.
Queridos/das cautivados/das por la Nuumita, ella trae a la Abeja de Miel como aliada. Las abejas de miel son conocidas por su increíble sentido de la orientación, después de todo, son capaces de rastrear el polen y volver a casa para contárselo a otras abejas. Con su cuerpo ella es capaz de mostrar el ángulo exacto donde el sol golpea el polen. Su brújula interna es tan buena que pueden encontrar el sol incluso en los días más oscuros. Dado que el sol representa expansión y movimiento, en este caso también representa tus pasiones y trabajar en ellas. Entonces, si la vida recientemente se siente triste y oscura, la abeja nos recuerda que pasará, y tus pasiones se revelarán nuevamente. ¡Llama a la Abeja de Miel si necesitas ayuda para navegar hacia la alegría y la felicidad, o si necesitas más organización en tu vida!
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