#Soups Memory AU
fluffallamaful · 2 years
Non-Nuke DSMP AU’s with Llama and Soup
a compilation of ‘fix-it’ AUs from ‘Soup the Destroyer’ to heal the hearts of those mourning the dsmp 🥺 (in a easy to read format, ie. THE MASTERPOST)
below cut!!!!
Beach Party AU
The nuke fails mid air and no one dies. They instead throw a party to celebrate Tommy and Dream finally getting along
The nuke hits and only Dream is hurt badly. He can barely move on his own and requires the help of others (HERE)
Tickle Therapy AU MASTERPOST
Sam/Quackity use tickle therapy in prison instead of isolation/starvation (HERE)
Disc Finale AU
Instead of being thrown into prison Dream just gets tickled by the smp members
link 1 - Dream gets tickled
link 2 - Punz gets involved in tickles
link 3 - item teases
link 4 - interrogation turned comfort
Drunz Interrogation AU
The nuke fails. Tommy’s newfound hope for Dream creates confusion for the rest of the server. Dream and Punz are captured and interrogated
link 1 - Dream and Punz capture
link 2 - tickle interrogation expanded
Brotherly Foolish AU
Foolish finds Dream and provides comfort tickles (he’s also massive)
link 1 - travel tickles
link 2 - Dream provoking
link 3 - giant Foolish
link 4 - Dream provoking with Bad
link 5 - Foolish’s new rules
link 6 - Foolish punishing Sam
link 7 - Foolish punishing Quackity
link 8 - mandatory sleepover
link 9 - sleepover reasoning
link 10 - Foolish actually ruling
Manhunt AU
The nuke doesn’t hurt anyone but still scares them enough to get therapy. Dream is nowhere to be found and a manhunt search party is sent out for him
link 1 - tickles to calm
link 2 - tickles to catch
link 3 - protecting Punz, Q + Sam ed.
link 4 - protecting Punz, Sap ed.
The server realises that Dream will never heal if the prison is still standing; so they blow it up. (HERE) was once ‘Sapnap Manhunt AU’
Sleepy’s ( @sleepy--anon ‘s) AU
The nuke doesn’t explode and Dream allows Tommy to get him used to good touch again
Memory AU
The server reset occurs but Dream recovers from amnesia faster than everyone else
link 1 - intro
link 2 - people start to remember
link 3 - Quackity and Sapnap fight
link 4 - Dream omitting memories
link 5 - ‘evil’ Dream defence
link 6 - Dream’s manipulation techniques
link 7 - techniques don’t work
link 8 - tickles and reassurance
link 9 - pre vs post pandora vs s2 dream
Dream gets out of prison and is so weak that he transforms into his blob form (HERE)
Karlnapity AU
Karl’s memory is restored and Sapnap and Karl go to inform Quackity
All characters are sent to limbo in the reset. They get inspired to fix all their flaws, and then get sent back in time to the point where Techno breaks out of prison, with this knowledge in mind. All of them except Dream (HERE)
Limbo x Therapy AU
The Time Travel AU meets the Tickle Therapy AU. All characters go through limbo and break into prison to save Dream, meanwhile Sam has begun tickle therapy with a very confused Dream
link 1 - set up, everyone storming prison
link 2 - Sam’s explanation
link 3 - tummy kisses
link 4 - the schedule
Locked-In AU
Same as the Time Travel AU, except that Dream is sent into a coma after limbo. Everyone gets a self-reflective limbo except for him.
link 1 - set up, Dream’s coma + escape
link 2 - tickle amendment
link 3 - capture and explanation
link 4 - comfort tickles
link 5 - Dream’s confusion
link 6 - frozen lake amendment
link 7 - frozen Dream cuddles
link 8 - pre-lake fluff
Servant Quackity AU
Post-nuke. Dream is paralysed from physical detonation and Quackity is selected to be his carer
link 1 - Quackity’s new job
link 2 - shapeshifter Quackity
link 3 - dehumanised Quackity
link 4 - dehumanised Quackity 2.0
link 5 - Q feeling like he’s intruding
Dream Egg AU
Techno escapes the prison and Dream is left alone. Dream is so distraught that he lays eggs and develops animalistic traits lmao
link 1 - intro, Dream’s eggs
link 2 - transformation reasoning
link 3 - surrogate eggs
link 4 - Quackity’s abduction
link 5 - Quackity gets tickled
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
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Peach Noodles
I don't usually use stock tracers but I wasn't gonna try at 3:45 in the morning
Ty @soniclozdplove; this gives me the perfect opportunity to introduce the public to the Au we have been busting out in Messages (i sound like Im doing a commercial).
we present to you;
Peach Soup
On one rainy night; a monkey demon in torn clothing clutching a crying bundle wanders into the path of a delivery truck. The driver slams the brakes and gets out to yell at what he thinks is a jaywalker.
Pigsy instead finds a scared, hurt, possibly teenage, monkey demon protectively holding a baby to his tiny form. Both muddy and wet with rain. The pig demon's morals win out, driving the two young demons to his restaurant for shelter and a warm meal, hoping to get some information out of the older one.
But the older, red-eyed, ginger-furred monkey doesn't seem to know... well *anything*. No name, no approximate age, barely any human language, not even an explanation why he's covered in bleeding cuts and grisly scars - all he seems to know is that he's hurt and that he needs to protect the cub.
Pigsy calls up Tang for advice. He seriously suspects the pair were victims of some kind of demon trafficking, like he's heard horror stories about in the newspaper. The fact that one is clearly a newborn convinces him of this theory further. Tang advises to keep the pair there while he rushes over in person.
The older monkey has concerning habits too. He's too afraid of the steaming noodle broth to take a sip, so Pigsy improvises by grabbing some fruits from the fridge. The monkey cautiously sniffs the bowl of fruit, his pupils widening at the scent.
Within a minute, the monkey had eaten three peaches whole. Pigsy laughed, cautioning the boy to slow down and to not eat the pits.
Pigsy: "You really seem to love peaches, huh?" Unknown Monkey: (*nods happily*) Pigsy: "Since you can't recall a name... how about I call you Peaches for now?" "Peaches": (*thinks for a moment before nodding excitedly*) Pigsy, fond smile: "Ok then. Peaches it is!" Peaches, smile full of fruit: :D! Pigsy: "Now we need a name for the little guy..." (*both look at the baby monkey demon curled up against Peaches chest, sleeping soundly*) Peaches: "M'kay."
Within a few days and an investigation by the Metropolis Police Department in case it really was a case of trafficking or severe abuse, the two monkeys are given legal identities and now require a foster home that won't separate the pair (there has been an attempt to remove the newborn, but both had become inconsolable). Pigsy and Tang team up and step forward to take the responsibility for the two lost demons that had wandered into their lives.
Peaches is an odd kid (or maybe a young adult, it was hard for the doctors to gauge); very strong for his size, and has a few muscle tics that crop up time to time. He often flicks his arms towards his ears when he's startled or upset. He clutches his head when he's in any form of pain - a habit his adoptive parents put down to whatever caused the nasty-looking crown-like scar around his hairline.
He's also extremely protective of the baby monkey adopted as his little brother. MK, nicknamed due to confusion in processing his adoption papers, grows from a baby to a teenager in the typical amount of time, whilst Peaches barely grows at all. The two are inseparable, with MK loudly worshipping his big brother as the strongest, smartest brother in the whole wide world! Peaches even gains a fan with MK's school yard friend Mei.
Tang and Pigsy nearly had heart attacks the first time Peaches accidentally broke a fridge, or shattered a glass in his hand, or put a hole through the wall with his fist. Seeking out a way to teach their son how to manage his inner strength, an old friend was contacted for help. Sandy was surprised to be contacted after so long, but the sight of Pigsy and Tang's nervous, extremely strong son, made sense. The boy was afraid to hold any creature for fear of hurting them, even extending to his own baby brother. Sandy made sure to help the monkey demon measure and control his strength with lessons in martial arts and meditation. The boy also became a delightful companion for teatime, becoming fascinated in the properties of the different blends.
Peaches also has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. The second he grasped reading and writing, he wanted to know more. More about the world and the things in it. And he'd later gain a fixation for plants and medicine, on the track to becoming a doctor or a pharmacist if he so chose to.
But for now he's earning his keep (jokingly says Pigsy, he'd never kick out his eldest son) as a busboy and delivery driver for Pigsy's Noodles alongside his baby brother MK.
At least until he was called to deliver to a construction site deep into the city, and instead of a customer he found Princess Iron Fan, Red Son, and the legendary Ruyi Jingu Bang. Peaches was never a fairytale buff, but Papa Tang had read him and MK seemingly every book under the sun about this side of mythology - and if he weren't mistaken, there was a very good reason that the Staff was wedged into that mountain.
So without thinking he grabs if from Red Son's mechanical arm, his brain only catching up afterwards that he shouldn't be able to.
DBK: "SUN WUKONG!" Peaches: "Uh, no!? I'm just Peaches!"
The ginger monkey runs from the site, all three members of the Demon Bull family hot on his tail, but not just out for vengeance, but for concern. Why did he not remember them?
Peaches runs home, certain that Papa Tang knew what was going on, and why he was able to lift the Monkey King's Staff.
When the family makes it to Flower Fruit Mountain in search for the real Monkey King and to get some answers, they discover something horrifying.
Peaches is the Monkey King.
So how come he doesn't remember being him?
Tune in as the mystery unfolds >:3
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crimeronan · 27 days
thinking more about potential amnesiac hunter timelines. unless i did a Lot of plot finagling, i don't imagine it would be a very long-lived scenario: belos gets killed with hammers, luz flings herself on raine immediately, raine and darius pull her into hunter's mindscape to help, etc.
so the two main thoughts are:
1) how Unbelievably Disorienting this would be from hunter's perspective. purging his memories of luz would fuck him up So Bad that i'm having to think more of what he Does remember than what he doesn't.
he can recognize raine and darius. he knows belos is the emperor. he remembers having been hurt by belos and he knows there was a reason he wasn't fighting back but he can't remember what it was. a seemingly-angry emperor drags him into a room with a girl he's never seen before and within thirty seconds she's crying and begging hunter to talk to her. he has a Wild headache and he doesn't like seeing her upset. he does his best to convey this but it's hard to parse words into sentences.
then she kills belos with hammers in front of him.
like. good god.
2) we've had "everyone traipses through luz's mindscape uncovering new depths of horror".... but what about "luz raine and darius traipse through hunter's mindscape learning literally every single thing he never wanted any of them to know"??
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chuusheartattck · 3 months
Chapter 6- Apologies ☕️
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You’ve woken up to the sounds of the birds chirping and the morning sun peaking in through the windows. You would’ve loved waking up in the giant room provided by Ayaka, if only you weren’t so violently hung over.
The feeling of being incredibly nauseous while remembering some of the memories from last night, started hitting you like a semi truck.
Why did you have to drink so much? You’re never drinking again.
You always say this but never actually stick through with your word.
You loved being drunk but hated the consequences that come the next morning. Your phone was buzzing with new messages. Have you always hated the sounds of notifications? Or was it the headache talking? Annoyed, you checked your phone.
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Bergrudgingly, you got up. As soon as you stood up however, you felt like you needed to throw up.
Quickly, you rushed to the toilet. Expecting for something to come out. Nothing did.
“I hate being hungover.” You quickly muttered before making your way to the dining room.
You noticed everyone had arrived before you. They all looked like shit. Including you. Mona was in deep explanation of how she read Yae’s birthchart. Apparently the woman has a lot of baggage.
You sat down in between Hu Tao and Mona.
Ayaka handed you a bowl of miso soup, “It’s for your hangover. You look rough.” She smiles.
You quietly thank her. The miso soup looks good but were you able to eat this without throwing it back up? You took your chances and fed yourself.
Luckily you didn’t.
Before you could finish the soup, Hu Tao turned towards you.
“So are you going to explain what happened last night?” She questioned.
You cleared your throat and explained your experience at the party. From start to finish. Everyone had listened intently to your story. Someone would occasionally gasp.
“Well he sure does know how to act like he cares about someone.” Mona mentioned. Scaramouche is actually a good actor.
It seems like he practiced on you the most.
As you were showing the group the texts you sent to Scaramouche and Childe, your phone buzzed. It was a text from Childe. Everyone began freaking out.
“Shit what do I say??” You were panicking because you didn’t really expect him to answer.
“Maybe an apology?” Lynette suggested.
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So fucking annoying.
He’s so fucking annoying.
How can he be like this? Why was he being like this? You heavily sighed. The audacity of this man.
Lynette looked up at you, “Is everything alright?”
You put your phone in the middle of the table and stood up.
“Yes. Everything is so perfect.” You replied sarcastically, “Ayaka thank you for the breakfast and sleepover. Have fun everyone reading those stupid ass texts. I’ll be getting ready to leave.”
When the words left your mouth, you walked away and towards the room you were sleeping in.
As you were packing up you heard a knock at the door.
It was Hu Tao. She was returning your phone.
“I’m so sorry Y/n. He’s such a big dick. You don’t deserve this. She pulled you into a hug.
“It’s ok, don’t worry about it. It’s how he is.” You reassured her.
She helped you pack the rest of your stuff.
You then said goodbye to everyone and got inside your car.
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Masterlist II Previous II Next
A/N: Hi I’m back! Ik its been a few days but I haven’t been feeling the best so I took a while to update. I’m still sick but I feel better enough to update even if this chapter was a bit short. Another written chapter I hope you guys like it!! Also pls ignore the typo in furina’s text I meant to put ‘parties’ 😭
ALSOOO lmk if you guys want your users to be added to this au and i’ll make you a twitter user :)
Synopsis: You’re a new idol that just debuted under ‘Fontaine Entertainment’ with your new single ‘Espresso.’ You just graduated high school which means all your classmates are shocked to see you into stardom. Including your old situationship, who happens to be an actor.
Taglist: @skyoverkill1 @quacking-simp @lolmeowing @astro-stars @kaitfae @sl-vega @veekoko @scarawiki @yuminako @samyayaya @kur0kki @practicoi @kukikoooo @scaraenthusiast1 @shutingstar @lloovvv @moonjellyfishie @miy-svz @xionri @lalalaloveallmydays @hearts4lizzzz @kathiwis @state-of-grac3 @morgyyyyyyy
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whispereons · 11 months
Oracle!Reader Part 20
Masterlist - Part 1, Part 19, Part 21
1K special
Warning! This is yandere, sagau imposter au so expect lots of gore in the series. This chapter is tame in comparison to the others.
The moon glimmers in the starlit sky as a hand brushes against your newly scarred skin. Eyelashes fluttering, your vision begins to focus on the plain ceiling above you. 
A coarse groan leaves your cracked lips as you flinch from the sudden pressure on your stomach. The hand quickly retreats as a pale green blob comes into view.
"...are…eeling?" The voice is barely picked up as your ears ring. Squinting your eyes, you swallow the dried saliva tasting faintly of blood.
"W-Who?" The word is coughed out as your throat struggles to form the words. Before you can ask for water, a cup is brought to your lips. The cold water brings sweet relief to your parched body.
Your senses begin to sharpen and clarity is brought back to your vision. Baizhu stands next to your bed helping you drink from the cup, though Changsheng isn't wrapped around his neck like she normally would be.
The water runs out and he draws the cup away. "How are you feeling? Your body is technically healed of its major injuries but it's still trying to adjust. The pain will continue to persist for a long while."
"I feel better than before." The reply is automatic as your hand twitches in an effort to move your muscles. The recollection of what had even brought you to Baizhu's care is a slow trickle as you process his words.
Shenhe, Yelan, the treasure hoarders, the fall and Qiqi are slotted into your memory like perfect puzzle pieces. The small pitter-patter of footsteps coming closer to you and the sound of metal being set down goes unheard by you as you focus on sitting up.
Soreness and exhaustion are impossibly heavy weights as you struggle to lift your body a few inches away from the mattress. Gentle hands support your body, along with much smaller ones on your other side. 
"Thank you…" Your words are choked out between your bitten lips as a dull ache plagues your body. Clenching the blanket in your fists, you sigh in relief as a cold compress is applied to your bare back.
Wait, your bare back?
The strangeness is not lost on you as you look down at yourself. A thin hospital-like gown is all that you seem to be wearing with the blanket pooled around your waist. It takes a second for you to properly process what this means for you before you’re frantically reaching up to your face.
“No need to fret, your mask was left untouched during the treatment.”
It seems to be the truth, as your fingertips are met with cool porcelain and flaking blood. Not to mention the casual way Baizhu is speaking to you and the lack of Millelith guards swarming you.
Licking your chapped lips, you eventually arrive at the question: where do you go now? Ningguang would surely kill you if she finds out you’re still alive. Zhongli is still expecting an answer, god knows what Yelan would do and Shenhe is a wild card-
The thoughts racing in your mind are abruptly cut off as a metal tray is plopped onto your lap. A warm bowl of soup and yogurt with a soft pastel color greeted you. The refilled cup of water placed on your bedside is ignored as your mouth waters at the sight of the meal.
“Clear chicken carrot soup and fruit-flavored yogurt.” A child-like, monotonous voice comments with a deeper melodic voice following up. “I would have had food suited to your taste, but you hadn’t awoken until now. Are you allergic to anything?”
“Nope.” You replied by popping the ‘p’ before pulling the tray closer and picking up the utensils. Allergies didn’t concern your ravenous mind, as your dormant stomach awakened painfully at the smell of food. Who knows, maybe your creator buff will also prevent any allergic reactions.
An upside to being the creator was something you desperately needed after the saga of pure bullshit you’ve been through.
Baizhu gently directs Qiqi out of the room after instructing her a message you couldn’t bother to hear as you gulp down the food. When he returns, he sits next to you as the moonlight shines down from the window.
“Let me explain your previous and current state while you eat. Qiqi brought you in with multiple minor injuries, a few stab wounds, head trauma, elemental damage, with fractured and broken bones. That’s not even mentioning the severe blood loss and infections beginning to manifest on your poorly healed past injuries.” Each description is like a stab to the heart, with the visualization of your passed out body arriving to Baizhu on death's doorstep crystal clear.
“Thankfully your body reacted well with my elemental healing so the life-threatening wounds were healed, without infections, and your critical condition was toned down. That doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods yet.”
The soup and yogurt is picked clean, leading you to gulp down the water next. Looking at him, you open your mouth to ask for more food when he cuts you off firmly. “Don’t bother asking for food, the arrows didn’t hit your lungs or heart, but your abdominal organs weren’t spared. You’ll be stuck with light meals until I’m positive it’s safe.”
Resisting a scoff, you ask him. “So what’s my current condition? Will I have to stay here overnight? Hold on, can I even afford that? How much did this treatment even cost?!”
“Please calm down, Y/N.” 
“How did you-”
“Your name was etched onto the bag that Qiqi brought along. As for payment, there’s no need to worry. You had a rather generous benefactor that has given us more then enough mora to cover your total cost in every possible scenario.”
That was suspicious beyond belief, but you didn’t have a reason not to believe Baizhu either. Baizhu would have healed you even without payment, but not being in debt was ideal. 
This benefactor either wants something from you, wants to kill you themselves, or knows you personally. 
A few people come to mind that could fit your suspicions but with so little knowledge you couldn’t confirm anything. Instead, you asked. “Isn’t doctor-patient confidentiality a thing? Did they leave any message for me?”
If Baizhu was surprised, then he hid it well. “She knew your name and appearance, though I never confirmed that you were here. She simply left the money and a verbal message asking you to have dinner with her tomorrow at 1800 in Xinyue Kiosk. But please be aware that I’m not forcing this, whether you would like me to refund the money so you can avoid interacting with her or not is completely up to you.”
Shaking your head, you declined it. “I’ll go. Since everything is paid for by her, does that also include any medicine I have to take for whatever current injuries I still have?”
“That’s right. I’m mostly prescribing supplements for the blood loss and fluid imbalance. Some are for the bones that broke, even repaired they might cause problems, so calcium intake is also important. A simple drug for your immune system, as your body's defenses are relatively low from the wounds. As well as per needed fever and pain medications.”
… You didn’t want to imagine the cost of those medications, let alone the treatment. A dinner in the most expensive restaurant in Liyue within the city with an unknown woman isn't that bad. 
You've met people in worst locations and survived this long.
Pushing back the lingering worry, you focused on Baizhu’s explanation over what condition your body is in, what time to take the medicine and any other problems that could arise. It was boring, but you weren’t looking to get sick from your own stupidity.
The conversation had gone as you expected for a while until he brought up a strange topic. Flipping through a few papers, Baizhu steered the topic onto your- “Scars. Many of what you suffered from will leave new scars on your body. It’s the old scars that were peculiar.”
Knowing your luck, your scars must also be known to them. But you weren’t going to bring it up if he didn’t.
“They are imbued and cultivated with a power that is strikingly familiar, yet foreign. It actually perfectly correlates with my researched point of interest. I wanted to ask your permission on getting a sample of it before your discharge.”
That was a risky request. Your face stayed neutral as you thought to yourself. The consequences could be minor, but what if it became another situation of an accidental connection to the Creator again?
Looking back at the smiling snaked eye man, you opened your mouth to respond when he suddenly gave the fakest gasp.
“I almost forgot to mention that your old scar formations are the exact locations of the Creator’s real scars! This along with everything else I’ve seen is almost enough for me to report this to the Mille-”
“For fuck's sake just take it.” You could be excused for not playing mind games this time, being nearly dead should be enough reason for a day off. 
“I want some form of compensation, though!” Being stupidly tired is a different matter then being just plain stupid.
“That’s not a problem. I’ll most likely take the sample sometime tomorrow before your discharge. So please, tell me what you have in mind by noon tomorrow so I can fetch it in time.”
In hindsight, it wasn’t surprising that Baizhu would ask this of you. Your body has clearly undergone some changes as you lived in Teyvat and Baizhu is dead set on finding a way to be immortal. 
There was a time you had wondered if you might be immortal due to being the creator, so maybe Baizhu can figure it out with your sample.
“The last thing I want to address before you rest is-” Baizhu is cut off by a knock on the door. He glances at you, asking permission to open the door with his eyes before you nod firmly. Qiqi walked in earlier without knocking, so maybe it’s a visitor? But considering how late it is, maybe you were wrong…
“Come in Qiqi and bring the visitor in too.” 
The door opens slowly as you watch Qiqi walk in stiffly with a yawning girl following her in at a similar height. Long light brown hair is loose as the girl rubs her eyes tiredly. 
“Hello Dr. Baizhu, I came back to check one last time if the oracle- Oh!” Caramel colored eyes widen at the sight of you sitting on the bed, and the girl hurriedly gives a polite bow. A yellow plush bunny is smooshed in her arms in the process.
“Hello, pardon my rudeness. My name is Yaoyao and I was sent by my master to check on you! It’s my honor to make your acquaintance, Y/N, or would you rather me call you by the oracle title?”
The ‘little adult’ looks different without the decorative bells she usually wears in her tied up hair, but the bunny was a dead give away. You smile at the nervous girl while wondering just who told her about you being an oracle.
Baizhu was giving you a look that basically screamed suspicion.
“You can just call me Y/N. By master, you mean Madame Ping, right?” Yaoyao beams at that as she steps closer.
“That’s correct, we learned about you from the other Adepti and Xiangling.” You should have known. “When we heard that you were here, I was sent on my Master's orders and Ganyu’s concern. Visitors weren’t allowed earlier, but I wanted to check one last time.”
Ganyu too? That basically guarantees Ningguang, Keqing, Zhongli and even more knowing that you’re here. But more importantly was the fact that Baizhu investigated anything connected to the Adepti for his immortality quest. 
You could only hope that Baizhu would be happy with a basic explanation and the sample of your scar tissue as promised.
“Visitors was the last topic I wanted to address.” Baizhu smoothly joins as he gets up from his seat and heads toward a desk on the far side of the room. A small pile of letters and a pile of gifts sit on the table next to your bag. How didn’t you notice it before?
“After a patient here noticed you before she was discharged, she and her guardian left you a letter with a present. I believe she may have been the one to spread it, but I ask you to kindly not hold anger against her. She’s rather young.”
So the little leaker was a child? It could be one of the kids you saved, but none of them could really afford to go to Baizhu. Not that he would have denied them but most children in that situation don’t go unless on the verge of death or pushed by an adult.
“It’s okay, I’ll look through the stuff in the morning.” As if on cue, Yaoyao fails to hide a yawn as she walks to stand next to your bed.
“Auntie Cloud Retainer and the rest of the Adepti told Master what happened on Mt. Aocang. Master really wants to meet you, so if you have any time to spare, please pay her a visit here at the Yujing Terrace near the Yiyan temple.”
Nodding absentmindedly, you make a mental note of that before asking Yaoyao a question in return. 
“Just how many people in general know that I’m here? I know quite a few people and Qiqi being here must have been quite a spectacle… But surely it must not have been too much considering that it was the middle of the night.”
The nervous expression on Yaoyao face dashes away any hopes you had. 
“Sorry Y/N but a lot of the city was speaking about you. Even nature and the animals kept mentioning you! Though they were a little more vague. If it helps, most people know you as a masked person rather than your name.”
Sighing, you don’t even bother hiding the distaste on your face. Changing masks wouldn’t do much and you sure as hell can’t remove it either, leaving you with the sole option of leaving. 
Leaving before anyone else can attack you in this fast-pace city filled with greed and ambition. If you stayed here any longer, you’ll surely be pulled into whatever new situation happens and only get more attention. 
The dinner you had first worried about is almost miniscule compared to the threat of Yelan and Shenhe knowing your location. More so, Yelan as she has an obligation to get rid of you due to her job rather than Shenhe’s emotional motive. 
Your mind replays the last bit of your fight where you had touched the waypoint and- Oh fuck. Groaning, you dumped your face into your hands as Yaoyao watched you worriedly. Her worried calls rolled off you like waves as you remember how the teleport waypoint glowed in front of everyone.
That’s a complete group of people, treasure hoarders nonetheless, that saw you activate it. Yelan could use that information and the witnesses in whatever stupidly clever way she wants!
Yaoyao looks back at Baizhu confused as he shakes his head silently. Qiqi picks up a glass of coconut milk and begins to walk towards you with it before Baizhu blocks her way.
Fingers digging into your scalp, you resist the urge to pull your hair as you bite your still slightly bruised lips. The realization of what kind of ammo you gave Yelan was killing you. 
Baizhu takes the glass from Qiqi and puts it back down before handing her a glass of water. Qiqi stares blankly at Baizhu before switching the glasses again. As the two continuously switch cups, Yaoyao rummages in her bag.
A sting of pain begins to grow as you get dangerously closer to the recently healed head wound. The smell of something sweet yet earthy snaps you out of your stress-fueled self depreciation as small hands pry your rough ones away.
“Please be careful Y/N, Dr. Baizhu is a great doctor but you shouldn’t hurt yourself like this. Have a candied date, it's golden honey flavored and works great to get rid of the bitter medicinal taste that he prescribes.”
It didn’t smell too bad, so you hesitantly took it from her hands and glanced back at Baizhu in case he tries to confiscate it. With his back safely turned, you pop the candied date into your mouth.
It’s a nice taste and it does work well as a distraction from your worries. “Thank you Yaoyao.” Your hand reaches out instinctively and pats her head. “The Creator views you fondly and one day your fate will intersect with the creator’s just like it did with the Adepti.”
The lie flows smoothly from your mouth as she smiles brightly up at you. Her eyes move down to the blanket as she responds. “I still don’t quite know what that means, but I’m sure I’ll be able to properly appreciate it once I’m older.”
Qiqi joins you both and hands you a glass of water that you take from her gratefully. Your hand leaves Yaoyao’s head to rest on the bed, making Qiqi look away with a pout. Before you can question the unexpected reaction, Baizhu redirects the conversation.
“I understand that you hold some valid concerns over your safety, Y/N. This situation isn’t one we deal with frequently, but we do have measures in place.”
The look you send him speaks a thousand words as he sighs and adds. “Free of charge, of course, as it counts as patient confidentiality.” 
“Bubu’s Pharmacy has tight security measures and Millelith frequent the area due to it being near the Yiyan Temple and the Welkin Temple.” You were 100% sure that the second temple did not exist before you came here. “Me and Qiqi both reside here and as experienced vision holders, you’ll be in safe hands.”
Nodding in understanding, you can’t deny that it felt safer knowing you weren’t going to be left alone. Your body was still exhausted and in the midst of healing so you didn’t have much energy to defend yourself with if Ningguang were to send another person after you.
“Qiqi doesn’t sleep much, so she’ll keep an eye out for anything amiss.” And you were right back to feeling anxious. Baizhu was relaxed as he tidied up the room, while Yaoyao spoke softly to Qiqi.
Glancing at the zombie child, you repeated the mantra to yourself that anyone could be a DPS in Genshin. You just needed to check her equipment before bed.
Yaoyao turns back to you with a sleepy smile. “I’ll be taking my leave now. I wish you a swift recovery, and I look forward to seeing you again with my Master.” With a casual wave, you let that be your only farewell as you drink the glass of water Qiqi handed you earlier.
Baizhu pats his clothing down as he calls out to Yaoyao right as she opens the door.
“Oh Yaoyao, since you’ll be relaying the message to Madam Ping and Ganyu, please have Ganyu tell Ningguang about Y/N’s acceptance to dinner for me as well.”
The water you were drinking goes down the wrong way at those words. 
Coughing, you yank the glass away as you look back up to the surprised Baizhu. “Did you say Ningguang? Was she the one who paid for everything and asked for the dinner?”
Baizhu smiles pleasantly with little regard for your shaky tone as he nods. There goes every flicker of hope you had that Ningguang wasn’t your benefactor.
Every drop of blood your body synthesized to restore you back to normal is drained as you pale at the confirmation. Just how the hell did you manage to meet Zhongli, Yelan, and Ningguang!? 
They are all people you wanted to avoid, and you definitely shouldn’t have met, considering the fact that people pay to even get an hour with Ningguang, let along a whole ass dinner invite!
Was there some stupid rule that goes along with being the creator making you meet nearly every acolyte that exists?
So busy cursing yourself and the entirety of Teyvat out, you don’t notice how Baizhu corrals Yaoyao out of the room before heading to you, as Qiqi watches from the sidelines.
“My, my you’ve gone pale at the news Y/N.” Baizhu’s glasses glint a little from the flickering lantern illuminating the room. He smiles down at you with half-lidded eyes that stare at you strangely.
“I didn’t realize that I forgot to tell you who it was. If you decide to, we can always cancel it and send a priority letter before discussing a payment plan.”
Squinting your eyes, you shake your head ‘no’ as you try to read the simultaneously shady yet reckless doctor. It didn’t seem like he had any malicious intentions, as he very much did mean to hide it. But you can’t be sure that he had any good intentions either.
“That’s a shame, I was looking forward to discussing alternate ways of paying that don’t require mora.” …Yeah, no matter what way you put it or how clean Baizhu keeps his reputation. One can not simply not be seen as shady while going around saying stuff like that.
So not only is Baizhu showing signs of that strange attachment in a matter of hours, but Ningguang decided to suddenly switch her tactics. From ‘investigate and kill if deemed a threat’ to ‘generous wealthy person that totally isn’t covering up a crime’.
Could you possibly get Yanfei to sue Ningguang if you aren’t poisoned at the dinner?
Maybe, but that’s all riding on the chance that you aren’t killed in some coincidental accident before then. Waving away the pessimistic and slightly comical thoughts, you look up at Baizhu as he dims the lantern. 
“The pharmacy opens at 0900 in the morning. Are you willing to take visitors from that point on till your discharge at 1300?” Briefly looking at the letters and gifts, you nod silently.
Baizhu’s smile doesn’t waver as he responds casually. “Many people will be happy to hear that Y/N, you seem quite popular.”
He opens the door before kneeling to Qiqi’s height. “The last order I have for you tonight is to keep watch over Y/N and protect them if need be. Understand?”
Qiqi tilts her head at that and blandly states. “Order received. Order cannot be processed. Original intended function still active and in place.”
Baizhu frowns at that as you look at Qiqi curiously. His expression quickly smooths back to a calm smile as he stands up. “As long as the ending is the same, then I don’t mind.”
He glances at you one last time as the door creaks open to show the dark hallway. Slitted eyes meet yours, full of curiosity and intrigue. They almost glow as he steps into the hallway with Qiqi in tow before the door closes softly.
Sighing in relief, you flop back onto the bed and roll in the covers for a position that won’t put pressure on your aching muscles. Baizhu’s increasingly strange behavior slithers back into your mind as you close your eyes.
Just why didn’t he ask you about being an oracle yet? Is he planning on getting the Millelith? No, he would have done so much earlier. Maybe he’s trying to gather some blackmail on you? 
The possibilities torment your exhausted mind as you finally settle on just explaining yourself tomorrow when you get the scar sample from you. When you open your eyes, the flame has already burned away, leaving your only light as the moon. 
Staring at it, you think back to the waypoints. Are they finally fixed? Can you use them again? You couldn’t test it out now, but you could do so when you leave after the dinner with Ningguang. 
Which region should you travel to next? There was no may you could stay or go back to Inazuma, so it’s either Mondstadt or Sumeru as they are the closest. 
Closing your eyes, you try to imagine what traveling through the terrain would be like to arrive in the city. Frowning, you continue by imagining what it would be like traveling in that region for the weekly commissions.
It’s a simple decision really as Sumeru had a wide range of animals and poisonous plants to fight past. While Mondstadt had that sweet peaceful greenery from being the starter city with the lowest amount of treasure hoarders thanks to a certain Cryo user.
Deciding that you’ve picked your brain enough on the topic, you shut your eyes for some actual rest.
A moment passes, and then another, as the wind rustles the leaves on the tree outside the window. The faint sound of a sweet croon reaches your ears as you stubbornly keep your eyes closed.
As your mind is slowly consumed by the heavy exhaustion and the dimness of the room, two thoughts come to mind.
One, you forgot to check Qiqi’s equipment. Two, just what made you be locked out from the teleport waypoints if it counts as a game mechanic from Genshin Impact itself?
“The moon is quite beautiful at this time of night.” A kind and knowing voice says as wrinkled hands pick out the bits of leaves from long white hair. The moonlight illuminates the silvery strands as it gradually is picked clean to its former glory.
“Child, just what has happened that you come to me out of all the Adepti for assistance?” A red rope is cut into perfect portions and tied to form the perfect braid. A Cryo vision sits innocently as the centerpiece, while a monochrome ornament adorns the top.
“I cannot advise you on the matter that troubles you if you do not speak, Shenhe.” Iridescent eyes finally move up from the ground to meet the elderly woman’s warm ones. Shenhe struggles to speak as her head dips forward.
“I… I hurt someone badly. But they hurt me too.” Shenhe holds her hands together in a prayer like motion as her eyes flutter close. “But at the end, they showed me something I couldn’t believe. No. That I refused to believe and even helped me.”
With a hunched back and patience learned over thousands of years, the old woman stays quiet. Giving the oh-so apathetic disciple time to put her thoughts into words.
“I don’t know what to do, and master isn’t the most adept when it comes to humans. But you, Streetward Rambler are, in more than one way. You constitute as a human more than me.”
Shenhe closes her eyes as she thinks back to her encounter with you. The truth you didn’t hesitate to spit in her face, the raw anger you expressed at her delusions and denial.
“I just want to understand these emotions. Are they a witch’s, an Adepti’s or a human’s emotions? Not even these ropes are stopping them!” Shenhe tugs at the newly bound rope in frustration but stops at the touch of light fingertips.
Madam Ping smiles warmly down at Shenhe. “None of those answers are correct child. They are simply your emotions. And I believe deep down, you already know what you feel. You just don’t know what to do with them.”
Shenhe looks at the ground with a mixture of guilt and self-loathing swarming inside her. It was true, wasn’t it? That day you spoke her feelings in the bluntest way possible, but here she was, still trying to deny it.
“Then what do I do? Is it really okay to love someone that hurt you? I don’t want a repeat of my childhood… I just want to treasure and use this new chance at connecting with my entire self that the Creator has graced me with.”
The hand that pats her head is familiar and warm. Childhood memories of her shedding those human emotions she once thought weak come to mind before Madam Ping’s voice brings her back.
“Trusting in the Creator and following the path they opened for you, no matter how scary or concerning, is always the right path. Follow me Shenhe.” 
Madam Ping is quick to walk away toward the two temples, as Shenhe follows her swiftly. The Yiyan Temple for the Geo Archon is laughably small in comparison to the huge Welkin Temple behind it.
They climb the stairs past the Yiyan Temple and enter the luxurious archway leading into the Welkin Temple. Decorations laced with jewels, paintings of the highest caliber, and statues of the rarest minerals are a common sight in it.
As Liyue Harbors sole temple, the city and its citizens spared no expanse in making sure it was top-notch. That included the deceased Geo Archon who left it in the care of the Liyue Qixing before his passing.
The pair walked through the halls as many people prayed and worshiped within the dead of the night without care for the passing onlookers.
Everyone gathered here at this time of night is here to do the same thing after all.
A couple of people amble past the determined Adeptus and disciple into the barren clinic as physicians begin to care for them. The blood, bone, and missing parts of skin are applauded before quickly being catered to. 
Madam Ping enters the hallway where many citizens wait outside the rooms for their turn. Yet instead of stopping like Shenhe expected, the old woman brings her to a hidden staircase around the corner.
The two climb up and up, till they reach the rooftop where an alter sits. Shenhe is well aware what she must do for the answers she desires. Kneeling before it, Shenhe gratefully takes the ceremonial spear handed to her by Madame Ping.
“You have matured enough to earn the privilege of giving a piece of yourself to the Holy One. I can only excitedly wait for the day my own disciples can have this honor.” With a calm yet cheery chuckle, Madame Ping moves away from the grave faced Shenhe.
“Oh Holy Creator, God of all that has lived, lives, and lives on. Listen to this acolytes prayer and grant me but a crumb of your wisdom. Though I am foolish and mortal, your mercy shines down on in the form of that person.” 
The spear is raised into the air as Shenhe stays kneeling and points the spear down.
“Please, Divine One, show this wretched girl just how I’m supposed to make it up to Y/N.”
The spear drives down and the crimson droplets stain the altar like a dazzling flourish of rose petals.
Well this took a long while. This time it wasn't school but just personal stuff. Between house hunting, family feud, car problems, and just trying to keep up with school. I haven't got much of a break. But things have finally calmed down somewhat so I used it to get this done. What also helped was making the outline for the 1k special. I think I should have it done for the next update instead of the regular chapter. But I did notice that a good chunk wanted regular chapters instead so I got a compromise. The special features Mondstadt (as most sagau start in Mond so I thought it would be fun) and it'll be a teaser to what Mondstadt has in store for you all. I'm not sure how many of you have noticed but each region has a certain theme when it comes to worship. Inazuma with sacrificing, Liyue with self mutilation, and Mondstadt will be hinted at in the special. My editor, @serpent-benediction, did this super late last night so props for once. But if there are claims to being anything more than an editor then don't listen. I keep basically everybody in the dark. Kinda feel like death so if you have any questions or comments I will answer them as soon as I can read again. Taglist: is open for anyone so just comment if you want to join <3
@vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl, @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma, @kwqsla, @undecidingfate, @ehjane, @game-savvy, @akiramirae, @liansh3ng, @fluffy-koalala, @formacoon, @sxftiebee, @khxii-i, @ursinaw, @chuuya-brainrot, @sweetbills, @kazuchaos, @snowfoxnix, @bluebelony, @shellofthewell, @pencil-of-ashes, @ghostlyintervention, @taiformaifoe, @goaudduck, @carminerin, @maddysflowers, @zenith-of-all-zenith, @crazydreamcat, @leafanonsforest, @grimreapersscythe, @leylanx, @sapphireknown, @help-whatdoimakemyusername, @zhonglisfruityass, @mer0n37, @victoria1676, @mochinessss, @sinnful-darling, @emilymikado, @pix-stuff, @esthelily, @luxie963, @emmbny, @millienolife @kbar1013, @xxblackroses623xx, @chxrlxtteee, @aludicpoet, @yandematic, @atrcclovsxoxo, @0lshadyl0, @esthelily, @t-rex-red, @ck123, @steadybreadbluebird, @118gremlin, @stratonia, @time-shardz, @farelady-fate, @valeriele3, @francisnyx, @byakuren100, @waveto-earth, @flyingpansaurus, @silverstarred, @iamapotatoe
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imsosleepyofyourbull · 2 months
This is an impulsive draft of a scene I thought up based on @orange-artist‘s Time Travel AU of the Kamaboko Squad… if you read this, know that I love your art and that I genuinely can’t stop thinking about it. Please enjoy the hyper-fixation soup of words that I call my unedited writing!
“Kanata and Kiriya,” Kagaya gasped, his usually gentle and composed features overrun with surprise as he desperately hoped he had not misheard them. “How… how many of the children did you say survived this year’s Final Selection?”
“Of the thirty-three test takers, thirty-three have passed and will continue to serve the Demon Slayer Corps,” Kanata replied dutifully.
“Of those thirty-three,” Kiriya continued after, already anticipating their father’s next question. “Five were noted to be especially skilled.”
“The independent swordsman who developed his own breathing style, Hashibira Inosuke.”
“The independent swordsman who does not use a breathing style, Shinazugawa Genya.”
“The youngest student of the retired Rumbling Pillar Kuwajima Jigoro, Agatsuma Zenitsu.”
“The newest student of the retired Water Pillar Urokodaki Sakonji, Kamado Tanjiro.”
“And the only student of the current Insect Pillar Kocho Shinobu, Tsuyuri Kanao.”
Kiriya gave their father a moment to commit the different names to memory before concluding, “the remaining twenty-eight state one or more of these five had saved their lives at least once and stayed close by until they were healthy enough to survive the rest of the week. We saw each of them waiting at the edge of the forest for the rest of the stragglers before passing themselves. Additionally, the Kasugai Crows we sent on a final expedition of the forest afterward reported that only one or two of the demons were left alive.”
Kagaya had believed the Miracle Selection to be a once in a lifetime phenomena — marked by a lonely gravestone in their strange family’s shared cemetery and the memory of a peach colored fox wielding violent waters in defense of its peers.
Unimaginable, and unrepeatable.
He was right, but only because this Miracle Selection was nothing like the first. This one was intentional and decisive and everything that his family made of blood, bone, and steel had been waiting for. The beginning, or perhaps just the first visible omen, of a change in the very course of the world that Kagaya had been unable to foresee until it had already happened. Was it any coincidence that there were thirty-three survivors specifically? That, of those thirty-three, five of them in particular had saved the rest?
The Ubuyashiki were superstitious by nature; marrying their heirs to the daughters of priests and teaching their children to create rings of salt around their beds when they wanted some extra protection at night. The importance of the numbers three and five were not lost on him. With the three sacred treasures and the five directions (the five senses) marking their way, there was no question as to what he must do. Kanata and Kiriya know it too, or they would’ve sent a crow instead of making a personal report.
“Tell our most reliable kasugai to follow the five children you just mentioned,” he ordered Kanata, “they don’t have to be especially quiet… though I would appreciate it if they were undisruptive.”
He could not see her, but he knew that she gave him a solemn bow before turning to leave.
For Kiriya, “I need a missive to be sent to all of the currently active Pillars as well as the retired Rumbling and Water Pillars for a meeting at the northwestern estate three months from now.”
The tide of change was fast approaching, and he knows that it will spell the end of this centuries long battle against the night. Kibutsuji Muzan will not live to see the next era — that, he promises.
(What he does not know just yet is that his chosen children have already sat on the horizon of a demon free world, and they know that they cannot afford to fail twice. Once was enough.)
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coffee-in-rain · 2 months
Vulnerable Hannibal Fic Rec List
New addition (located @ the bottom of the page) as of 9/24/2024!
On my previous post, people were interested in finding fics where Hannibal is touch-starved and or dealing with separation anxiety post-fall. So here is a small list of some that may fit that theme! The first five fics are mine, but the rest are some of my favorite fics I’ve ever read that feature vulnerable Hannibal in various seasons, AUs, and post-canon. This list will be updated intermittently!
The Ache Against The Wind (Rewritten): He’d sustained a substantial amount of brain damage throughout the last eleven days, Will had been told. Resulting in Post-Traumatic Amnesia. (Hannibal is tortured in the BSHCI via beatings, laxatives, enemas, starvation and the “water curing” method after his toilet is removed. Will saves him).
Pareidolia: Six weeks post-fall, Hannibal suffers from a seizure during dinner.
Je Te Laisserai Des Mots: Six months have passed since Will pulled them over the cliff. Even in light of their progressing relationship, much of Hannibal still remains a mystery to Will. For reasons unknown, he’s begun to pull away. (A sequel to Shrike; my housewife Hannibal fic!)
Between The Hour Of Reprieve:
At the cliff house, Hannibal receives a much-needed-hug. (features crying, touch-starved Hannibal).
Shrike (To Your Sharp And Glorious Thorn): Hannibal feels anxious about the prospect of Will abandoning him one day because he isn’t at all capable of being like Molly. His anxiety only heightens when Will gets a job. (features crying housewife Hannibal speaking Lithuanian).
A Cabin In The Woods by KoolJack1: Hannibal is thirteen and runs away from the orphanage when he feels that a fate of the elements will be better than the fate of abuse. He finds a small cabin in the woods, thinking warmth will be all he finds. He also finds Will. But who changes who?
Recipricol Alchemy by Scifibabe: In the silent echoes of his dreams, Will Graham treads a line blurred between control and chaos, each step drawing him inexorably towards claiming Hannibal as his own. It's a perilous dance on the edge of darkness, where the thrill of possession whispers of a transformation too profound to resist.
Hold Me, Don’t Let Me Go by sourweather: It's a few months after the Fall when it finally hits him. Hannibal has barely been touched in 3 years. And Will won't let it go on for another moment.
Hosanna In The Highest by sainthannibal: During the fall, Hannibal receives the brunt of the injuries, which leaves him unable to care for himself. Will discovers how much he enjoys taking care of him.
You Made Me Soup by itsybitsylemonsqueezy: Hannibal comes down with pneumonia while incarcerated. Will decides to make him some soup. Absolutely no one thinks it's strange that Will comes to give his ex soup when he finds out he's sick. No one at all finds this suspicious. At. All.
The Boy Under The Monster’s Bed by Wr4tttttthh: There were deep wounds that needed healing, new and old, physical and otherwise. (features crying, vulnerable Hannibal).
Delicate Ghost by hannigramcracker & TimmyJayBird: She was different- not the ghost of his memories, but something about this bloodied child ripped right at Hannibal's chest, and left him drowning in a cold snow he thought he had left in his childhood, that he had locked away within his skull. Drowning, with only one hand to grasp at, one body to cling to. One man to work him through the trauma and remind him what life was.
You With Those Nails, Me With This Cross by TheBitterKitten:
Will goes too far.
The Distance Is Quite Simply Much Too Far For Me To Row by softhan: Hannibal is having a rough time recovering from his injuries post-fall, and retreats into himself to avoid confrontation with Will while he's still weak and ill. Having to play happy husbands hardly helps.
Silk and Lace by jonnimir: Bedelia leaves Hannibal and Will a gift at the house on the cliff.
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ckret2 · 3 months
mabill au = perfection! i really like the gender stuff you do with bill, is there anything similar going on here? i would like to imagine that being mabel is just adding another ingredient to the gender soup. yum.
Quick note, fandom's already using the term "mabill"—about 2/3 of the time it means shipping Mabel/Bill and 1/3 it means Bill-possessing-Mabel a la Bipper—so please don't call this "mabill au." That'd make some people refuse to read it because they misunderstand what it's about, while other people excitedly read it and then get disappointed by the truth. (It WOULD be a perfect name, but I'm not gonna muddle a fandom term that's already been taken.) We're sticking with Sparkly Coin AU.
I run with the "Bill's gender is triangle (it's actually pyramid but he still says triangle because that's easier for people to understand)" headcanon in basically any continuity I imagine up. In this AU, Mabel fully identifies as a girl; but as some of her premortem memories start resurfacing, she starts identifying as a girl and a triangle/pyramid, but being a triangle is secondary to being a girl.
At that point she'd be willing to take either she/her or he/him pronouns... but she'd be extremely leery of WHY you want to he/him her. If Kryptos he/hims Mabel, that's fine, they've known each other like a trillion years and what are human pronouns worth to Kryptos anyway. If *Ford* he/hims Mabel, that's a red flag—"has he stopped seeing me as his great niece and started seeing me as an evil triangular imposter wearing his niece's skin?"—and it would put her on edge.
(For my own part, I'm sticking to calling her she/her postmortem to emphasize the fact that the situation isn't "Bill has amnesia; Mabel's a facade that will fall off when his memories return and he becomes Bill again" but rather "Bill has changed and grown since he became Mabel; when she remembers her past she's still Mabel." Bill-Mabel aren't two different people who share a soul, but one single person who got a really weird fresh start thirteen years ago. When Mabel & Bill interact in canon, Mabel's talking to her younger self, but neither of them know it yet.)
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 3 months
snowflakes dancing on the wind
the wistful wyvern, chapter one
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a/n: this series is the second instalment i my eflorr trilogy. if you haven't already read fused with the foe, then i'd highly recommend reading that first so that you know what's going on.
summary: three years where you’d sworn off love entirely, tried to interpret it as a good thing, a gift really. You could be more productive, more focused. But now that you were home again, hearing the molasses tone of his voice and seeing the beads of sweat slowly rolling down the landscape of his body, over the ink that crawled up his left arm, you knew three years wasn’t enough to mend your heart. The rest of your life probably wasn’t long enough either. 
warnings: knight!bucky barnes x knight!reader, fantasy AU (monsters, but not much magic), original fantasy world, ex-friends to lovers, coworkers to lovers, former fuckboy!bucky, tattooed!bucky, slow burn, one-sided pinning, flashbacks, alcohol consumption, kissing, dragon attack, childbirth (with very ronja rövardotter timing), blood, weapons, violence, crying
word count: 4296
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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A biting chill swirled through the echoing halls of Yoslor Penitentiary that noon when two gruff guards yanked you from your cell and dragged you to the far side wing of the prison. 
Passing countless doors, at last, they arrived at one with someone already on patrol on the outside. As a rusty key twisted in the lock with a reverberating click, the guard, still barely letting your feet skim the dirty floor, practically shoved you inside the chamber. 
As they threw you down into a cold chair and yanked at your chains to fasten them in a strong loop smelted into the stone floor by your feet, a voice suddenly caught your ears and caused your squinting eyes to flicker up. 
“Easy, boys! No need to drag her by the scruff of her neck as if she were a cat and not an eighteen-year-old girl,” you noticed the man already seated on the opposite side of the table, “would you please uncuff her?” he requested with an outstretched hand, a command, to your surprise, the guards obeyed, “thank you,” he leaned back in his seat as the manacles fell from your sore wrists. 
Rubbing the angry marks wrapped around your joints, a shiver ran through you as you saw the cloud of your exhale clear in the air. 
When the guards had settled on either side of the exit behind you, the blonde stranger opposing you tilted his head and asked, “do you know who I am?” 
“Should I know who you are?” your gaze lifted from your wrists and met his, “look man,” you sighed heavily, “if I at some point stole something from you, I don’t have it anymore. I don’t really have much of anything anymore in here,” a short and dry chuckle tied a bow on your statement. 
With his stare never straying, his chin then tilted slightly as he said, “I am Steven Grant Rogers, crown prince of Eflorr,” his title rolled off his tongue with such ease as if it didn’t have any merit at all, “and you’re Y/n Y/l/n, daughter of the famed One-eyed Ollie,” he rested his forearms against the table’s edge, “it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Blinking back at the royal, your brows furrowed softly at the mystery of why a man such as him would pay someone like you the time of day, “…alright, uh, sure.”
“We’ve kept an eye on you for a very long time, long before your father slipped away and made you take the fall for the break-in at the Sulmier estate,” your jaw couldn’t help but clench at the memory, “you’re very talented.”
“Yeah, can you just hurry up and tell me what you want?” you grunted as your knee tensely bounced beneath the table, “they’re serving soup today for supper and I’d rather not miss it.”
Huffing out what seemed like an amused breath, the prince glanced down a moment as he announced, “I have a proposition for you,” he met your gaze once more, “either you can pay for your father’s crimes here in prison or you can come work for me,” he offered slowly, “twenty years either way, but in here you will be treated as, well, essentially an animal,” his eyes briefly flicked around the cold chamber, “whereas with me you will be just as any other warden. You will have the same rights, the same opportunities, maybe even a home by the end of it.”
“…you wanna give me a job?” you squinted back at him. 
To which he simply nodded, “yes.” 
“Me?” your eyebrows only seemed to knit together tighter. 
“Like I said, you’re very talented. I could use someone of your skillset,” he then leaned back in his seat, “so, I’ll give you some time to decide,” he clasped his hands together in his lap, “if you don’t show up at Fort Borün before all the snow has melted, then let’s just say that you wouldn’t be able to get very far with the bounty there’ll be on your head.”
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The heavy ivory pelts that made up your cloak billowed around your frame as the piercing wind whirled it around. You had to lean forward a bit to even make any headway in the howling blizzard that coursed around you. Icy snowflakes struck the upper part of your features that the tugged-up scarf didn’t cover. 
Squinting in the snowstorm as you crested the hill and walked under the archway, you glanced above and spotted icicles hanging from the drawn-up portcullis. 
As you glanced around the courtyard and the snow-dusted castle looming in the background, your feet soon carried you over towards a pair of bundled-up wardens posted outside a door. 
“Excuse me,” you interrupted the lewd joke one of them was halfway through telling, “could any of you–” 
But it wasn’t till the soldier to the right jumped and yelped, “ah, by Apa!” that it occurred to you just how camouflaged your frosty visage had been in the blizzard.
“Holy fuck!” the other one clutched his heart after nearly drawing the crossbow strapped to his back.
“Oh gods, sorry. Thought you were a snowman some fucking pixies had put a curse on,” the first knight, whose head was warmed by a thick knitted cap, steadied his breathing with a short laugh, “what do you need?”
Glancing between them, you asked, “could you point me in the direction of Master Tully’s office?”
“Ah,” the beanie-wearing warden nodded, “you’re a new recruit?”
Stifling a laugh, you tilted your head and huffed, “you could say that.” 
“I’ll show you,” the dark-haired one gestured, “come with me.”
“Thanks,” you offered him a small smile as he then held the door behind them open for you to enter first. 
The dining hall of the bustling barracks that you entered nearly gave you whiplash with the warm contrast it had to the freezing environment you’d just been trudging through for weeks. The fireplace down on the far wall warmed the interior and lit up the faces of the soldiers halfway through their meals. 
As you pulled back your snow-dusted hood and tugged your frosty scarf down to expose your nose and mouth, your palm attempted to brush some of the flakes off of you. 
“He’s right over there,” your guide pointed to the balding man sitting alone at a table in the corner of the chamber, before he disappeared from your side and joined some comrades on a long bench, sneakily stealing a chunk of bread from one of their bowls. 
Slowly stepping closer to the older man, hunched over some parchments as he dipped and softened a crusty piece of bread in his stew, you carefully croaked, “master Tully?”
“Aye?” he lifted his gaze to find you. 
“Hi, I was told to come talk to you,” you stepped closer and reached out your hand, “I’m Y/n, I don’t know if you–”
“Ah, yes, Y/n! Great to have you on board, lass,” his gruff hand swiftly gave yours a shake, “you must be tired after that long journey, so why don’t you grab a bowl,” he briefly pointed to the humble buffet off to the side, “have a wee rest, and then we’ll sit down and discuss everything after that, yeah?”
Offering him a light nod, you agreed, “sounds good, sir.” 
As you wandered over to fill up a bowl, Tully waved over the warden who’d shown you the way. 
Swiftly, the soldier rose from his seat, “yes, sir?”
“Go show Y/n her quarters,” Tully returned his attention towards his stew. 
Barnes’ dark brows then knitted together, “who’s Y/n?” to which his commander simply pointed with the hand still clutching a chunk of bread, “oh…” the warden’s glance followed the trail, “right…” before raising his voice to catch your ears, “oi, snow!” you didn’t turn around even as he neared, “hey!”
Dragging the curve of a spoon from your lips when you finally noticed his stare, you finally perked up, “who, me?” and pointed to yourself. 
“Yeah you,” he didn’t slow down as he gestured for you to shadow him, “come.”
“Oh, uh,” with the bowl of stew still in your gasp, you tried not to spill as you scurried to keep up, “my name is actually Y/n,” you corrected him.
Halting his step momentarily, he turned and reached out an inked hand for you to shake, “Bucky,” a small smirk tugged at his lips as your eyes finally got the chance to wash over his visage now that his striking features weren’t veiled by a blizzard, “welcome aboard, snow.”
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You felt like somehow you should have predicted that this would be your welcome home greeting. That this striking heartbreak could have somehow been prevented if you’d only remembered when training was usually held. 
It was just rubbing salt into the wound you’d been trying so fiercely to mend. Yet, it was still there, open and festering, bleeding till you nearly passed out. You couldn’t start doing that again, purposely seeking out the salt just to feel something, just to for a single second feel good before reality settled in again. Perhaps your timing had been on purpose, perhaps your subconscious had just been so strong that it had forced you to return home right at the time that practice was held in the middle of the courtyard, and none other than Bucky stood in the centre, shirtless and glistening with sweat, as he ran the newcomers through a drill, sparring with each and every one of them till they yielded. 
You tried to get your feet to move again, you truly did, but you couldn’t keep walking past, couldn’t look away, could barely even breathe as he moved like water through the trainees.
But then suddenly, as your fiddling fingers had found the long, braided leather cord wrapped nearly a dozen times around your wrist to form a bracelet, the playful comment that left Bucky’s lips to egg the recruits on fell short, as his ocean eyes flickered up to find you, only worsening the bittersweet agony you were in.
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“Oh, wow,” Bucky swiftly lowered his goblet from his lips and exclaimed as his stare found you, right as you passed over the threshold and entered the bustling ballroom, “holy shit.”
Closing the short distance between you as he was standing off to the side, your skin prickled at his alarm, “what?”
“No, just–, you’re in a dress,” his gaze danced across the emerald silk draped around your form, the fabric’s shade made you stand out amidst all of the warm harvest fest decorations, “never thought I’d see the day…”
“Well, they aren’t really that practical in our line of work, so–” 
“Oh, I beg to differ…” he smirked, taking a sip of wine which by the looks of it was in no way his first cup, “I think you should always be dressed like this…” slowly stepping closer, his stare continued to lick you up in a way it never had before, “especially with a neckline as low cut as that,” as his eyes brashly dipped to your cleavage, your hand couldn’t help but shoot up to tug it up a bit more, a nervous instinct that only conjured a deep chuckle within his chest, “happy harvest fest to me.”
With cheeks burning hotter than the sun, you coughed out, “you–, uh, you look good as well.” 
“Oh, yeah?” he cheekily cocked a brow and leaned in a bit closer, causing your spine to press up against the wall behind you, “how good?” 
As your heart fluttered and nearly flew out of your chest, you heard yourself sputter, “oh, well, I mean, you always look good, you just–, uh…” your words then poofed away into nothing as he nonchalantly tugged a stray piece of hair behind your ear and let his touch linger on your heated cheek, “uhm…” 
“I just what, snow?” he purred, and you swore you saw his gaze flicker down to your lips. 
“You–… you–…” 
But before your wildest dreams could come true, an individual accidentally bumped into Bucky and lodged him far enough away from you to snuff out your hopes of the taste of his lips. 
“Wow,” the guy briefly clapped Bucky’s wide shoulder, “sorry, mate.”
“It’s alright,” he smiled as the fella went on his way. Raising up his goblet for another sip, he then turned his attention back to you, “so,” his grin was still bright on his features, “you gonna let me dance with you tonight?” 
“Dance?” your eyes grew wide, “oh, y-yeah,” you tried your best, though still failed to sound casual, “sure, if you want to.”
“Great,” he held your gaze a moment longer before saying, “I’m gonna go grab another drink, you want anything?” 
“No thanks, I’m good,” though there was now a decent enough distance betwixt you two, you still stood virtually plastered against the wall. 
“Alright,” he breathed as he began to back up, offering your gown one last glance before he disappeared, “that dress…” his head gently shook from side to side as a long exhale flowed from his lungs, “gods, you look way too hot tonight, it’s not fair.”
When his visage was no longer in sight, you slumped down a bit and took a generous breather, the grin on your face nearly making your cheeks ache. 
After your pulse had settled back from the nervous butterfly he had transformed it into, a fellow warden spotted you and shouted. 
“Hey, Y/n!” he waved for you to come over and join the little cluster he was on the edge of, “you’re still here! I thought you’d left already with lord fancy pants or whatever.”
“Lord Witherington, and yeah, it’s first in the morning that the ship leaves port,” you walked up to him. 
“Well, at least you get to enjoy one last harvest fest extravaganza before becoming a babysitter.”
“Hey, he is doing important research up in Efira, in areas that haven’t been explored since Rimesunder’s demise,” you raised a slightly defensive hand as you noted the historical significance, “it’s an honour to protect him.”
“Yeah, yeah, honour and all that crap,” he sighed light-heartedly as he raised his mug up to his lips, “but you still have time to get seriously fucked up tonight.”
“So that I can be both seasick and hungover tomorrow?”
“So that you can for once cut loose and have one last fun night before you leave!” 
Marinating on his point a moment, your thoughts couldn’t help but float away to Bucky. 
What if tonight was the night? What if you just finally took the leap and told him how you felt? 
Then, like a clock arm clicking into the new hour, you made your decision. 
“Give me that,” you grabbed the drink out of his hands before he could take another sip. 
“Wow, that’s what I’m talking about,” the soldier cheered as you swiftly downed the strong brew, “yeah!”
“Gods,” your face screwed up when you swallowed the last gulp, “that’s disgusting. What is that?”
“My uncle’s mead.”
“Urgh,” the sickly sweet taste burned on your tongue. 
“Yeah, he’s not that good at it,” he accepted the mug as you passed it back in his grasp, “but it’ll sure get you pissed in two sips or less.”
Hoping that the half tankard you’d downed would grant you the courage you sought, you glanced around the ballroom, “I gotta–, uh, did you see where Buck went?” and when he then pointed out towards the main hallway, you offered him a small smile, “thanks,” before disappearing down that way. 
You felt like you were gonna be sick as you walked through the crowds. But if it was from the nerves or the mead that was already making you dizzy, that you weren’t sure of. 
As you searched the castle, carefully poking your head into drawing rooms and narrow hallways, you found yourself anxiously muttering just beneath your breath. 
“…I just thought you should know that I like you–, no, not like that…” you shook your head at your tongue-tied attempt at figuring out how you’d profess to him, “James, I have been in love with you since the day I met yo­u–, no, that’s stupid, I never call him James, that would just be weird–” 
Your murmuring then hushed as you turned down a secluded hallway and spotted the very warden that you had combed the palace for, down towards the end of it. 
The only thing was, he wasn’t alone.
Sliding deeper into the shadows, you couldn’t spare yourself the heartache and not look. 
Bucky’s lips were attached to the long neck of some leggy blonde. Her quiet whimpers echoed against the fortress walls as he felt her up and surely littered her skin with heated lavender marks. 
Suddenly, they shifted, turning till Bucky’s back was pressed up against the walls and, to your surprise, now no longer obscured by his bulky physique, another lady, a redhead, appeared beside the hickey-adored one. 
“So,” the redhead bit her lip as she slid her palm down to pet the palpable tent in his pants, “are you gonna show us to your chambers or what?”
“Yes,” he breathlessly nodded, “yes I am,” before seizing their hands, “right this way,” they then stumbled further down the dark hallway till they disappeared from your sight, leaving you frozen in the engulfing shadows with tears silently streaming down your face. 
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“Snow?” his eyes grew as wide as his grin, “gods, it is you!” Bucky then all but forgot about the training session he was in the middle of teaching and crossed the courtyard, “it’s really you!” once his brisk stride reached you, he plucked you up into his brawny arms and spun you around, “you’re back!” 
As soon as your feet touched the ground again, you took a large step back, though hated how the distance gave you a better view of his naked torso.
“Hi, Bucky,” you uttered, readjusting the bag strung over your back. 
Why did his touch still have to make your heart flutter? 
“Three years,” he placed a wide palm on your shoulder, “three fucking years!”
Three years where you’d sworn off love entirely, tried to interpret it as a good thing, a gift really. You could be more productive, more focused. But now that you were home again, hearing the molasses tone of his voice and seeing the beads of sweat slowly rolling down the landscape of his body, over the ink that crawled up his left arm, you knew three years wasn’t enough to mend your heart. The rest of your life probably wasn’t long enough either. 
“Yeah, you–, uh,” you swallowed the thickness of emotions that peeked through in your tone, “you grew a beard.” 
“And you still look exactly the same…” his gaze washed over you as a soft sigh flowed from his lungs, “gods, I’ve missed you,” he then tilted his head and asked, “you missed me?”
“I–,” blinking back into the stormy sea of his eyes, you felt your frame begin to tremble at the feelings that were still as alive as ever, “uhm…” averting your gaze, you had to get away before everything burst, “I need to go report to the king,”
“Oh, yeah, right,” his electric touch slid from your shoulder, “last I saw, he and the queen were in the blue drawing room. You haven't met her yet! She’s kind, you’ll like her.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” you refused to look back at him as you turned towards the main entrance to the castle. 
And as you began to walk away, you heard his voice call after you, “really is good to have you back, snow!”
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Nearly ripping the door off its hinges, a fleeting gasp escaped you as you saw the queen by the open window, shooting arrows after the beast that whirled outside. 
“Your majesty,” you exclaimed as your eyes briefly flickered to her pregnant belly, “there you are!” you then swiftly crossed the room to yank open the small servant’s door, “this way!” 
Reluctantly, the royal stepped back from the window, smoke and ash gushing into the castle from the opening, and followed you up the revealed stone spiral staircase. 
As you rushed up the tower, your glances didn’t just dart back to the queen, only a few paces behind you, but every time you passed one of the narrow windows, your vision couldn’t help but catch the chaos down below.
The stubborn dragon, that had plagued the town of Borün for two whole years now, had returned. 
With daggers still tight in your grasp, you tried not to think about the people you knew to be down there in the fray, wonder if they had all been burned to a crisp, but instead attempted to shake it off and focus on your mission at hand. The king had commanded you to flee the fight and protect his wife and unborn child. 
A glint of fire reflected in the queen’s eyes as you glanced back at her to find her pace halted and her palm clutched on her stomach as she stifled a groan. 
“My queen,” you dropped back down a step closer to her, “are you–”
“I’m fine,” she waved you off and drew in a shaky breath, “keep going, I’m right behind you.”
Soon at the top of the tower, you pushed the door open and held it for the noble to enter, your glance though darting out the window as she passed. 
But when a low groan seeped from her throat, your gaze darted back to her with worry, “alright, that really doesn’t sound that good,” the door slammed behind you as you sheathed your weapons and stepped closer to her, “did you get hurt?”
“No, I’m–, ah! I’m alright,” she uttered through gritted teeth, her eyes squeezed shut as one hand reached out for the wall while the other stayed on her belly, “fuck…” 
Glancing down towards her hand as it rubbed in slow, soothing circles, your eyes then widened, “are you–… your majesty, a-are you–”
“In labour?” her eyes barely opened as she met your tense gaze, “yeah. My waters broke a while ago.”
“Oh gods!” now you truly wished you’d just stayed down with the dragon, “now? Here? I–, I–, wha–, can’t you just turn it off?”
Letting both her quiver and bow slide off her frame and drop to the floor, she let out a strained exhale, “not really how it works.” 
“I–, I–, okay, I don’t know what to do–”
“That’s fine,” her arm then reached out for your support, “I do,” you carefully helped her further into the chamber before she sank down a wall till she was seated on the floor, her pale yellow gown bunching around her legs, “alright, I’m gonna need one of your knives when its time to cut the umbilical cord.”
“O-okay,” eyes still wide, you checked your belt just in case they’d mysteriously disappeared in your panic. 
Noticing the terrified expression on your face, the queen’s head tilted slightly as she said, “Y/l/n, please don’t pass out on me, I need you here with me.”
“No, no, I’m not gonna pass out,” you rushed to reply, though weren’t completely convinced yourself, “I just–, w-what do I do? Do I do anything?”
Raising up her fingers, she panted, “take my hand.”
“Alright, yes, of course,” you swiftly grabbed her palm. 
You had no idea how much time passed, if your hand would eventually fall off for how hard she was squeezing it, or even how many times the royal’s groans, which threatened to morph into screams, reverberated off the palace walls and mixed with the chaos rumbling from outside. 
Then suddenly, an echo shot through the castle, “dove!” and though she couldn’t find it in her to yell back, the familiar voice visibly thawed something within the queen. 
“Up here!” you yelled as loudly as you could. 
Swiftly, the door was kicked down, and in stormed a honey-haired man, whose bloodstained shield and stout axe promptly dropped to the floor with a loud clang. 
“Steve!” the queen cried out through the relieved smile that softened her pained expression, “you’re here!”
“Yeah,” he looked as if a feather could have knocked him over, “I’m here, I’m here,” the king then rushed to switch places with you, kneeling beside his wife and clutching her hand in both of his, “what fucking timing our daughter has,” a soft chuckle bubbled out of him as he bought the back of her palm up to his lips and planted a chased peck upon it, “not even born yet and she already wants to join the fray,” he uttered, conjuring a slight laugh to crack through her pain, “a real fighter, just like her mom.”
Gazing up at him, a sombreness suddenly washed over her features as she then murmured, “my love, if I don’t–”
“No,” he swiftly cut her off, “that’s not gonna happen, you hear me? History won’t repeat itself, you’ve done everything in your power to make that so. You can do this, dove. I know you can.” 
He held her hand through it all, took the sting as each one of her nails broke his skin and every ear-piercing curse she threw at him, till a new life was suddenly in the room, laying against the exposed skin on her mother’s chest and wailing about the sudden change in scenery.
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© 2024 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲 | Part 5
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A smile from you is all he needs to feel recharged.
Tags/Warnings: Game Designer!Jungkook, Non Idol AU, established relationship, Angst , emotional kook, suggestive messages, poor Maria pt.1 [Tags will be different for every part!]
Length: 1k Words
There is no taglist for this fic.
Collab with @euphoricfilter ! 💜
-> Masterlist
This is not going to plan at all.
Not only is he behind schedule wise, he's also not thought about the possibility of what this all might look like to you at all. Because why would you even think that in the first place? He'd be absolutely stupid to cheat on you, let alone with a 64 year old married woman of all people!
But then again, you don't know that part- and he also can't really properly explain it as he would surely blow his own cover, and he's just too close to the finish line to give up now. He already almost cried at deleting your face ID and fingerprint from his phone, feeling like he deleted the memory of setting those things up too, but he swore himself it's for a good cause down the line. You'll make so many more memories together for sure, and they'll top those more than by just a little. He'll make sure that they will.
[Alright, I'm so excited! Next time let's do it this way right from the start- no need to make it so complicated!] Maria had wrote him in full, and he reads over it with a bit of worry. Does she really understand what he meant by his worries?
[I'm not sure you understand. I'm planning something big, and I'm also behind when it comes to physical intimacy these days, you know?] He writes the woman, who he's asked prior about the rules and such regarding.. well, sex in the home he's renting out for the upcoming special occasion he's planned. He doesn't want to get locked up for not following some Airbnb laws he overlooked after all. That would just be embarrassing. [And we're very intimate people. I'm taking her pleasure and happiness seriously, if you get the hint.] He texts her as he boils some water on the stove for his absolute accurately made ramyeon.
[Oh trust me, I've been young too! No need to be shy, I can only imagine that emotions will run high most likely!] She responds, and Jungkook pursed his lips for a second, before he starts to play with his piercings deep in thought.
[No, Maria, I don't think you get it-] he begins to type. [-it's been almost two full weeks at this point, that's the longest we've ever gone without any sex, we're talking at least three orgasms a day times fourteen, I've got some major catching up to do..] jungkook sends her, before he puts his phone down for a second as to prepare the instant noodles properly.
[It's fine, really. No need to worry!] The woman responds. But jungkook wants to make sure.
[She's a squirter- you know what that is right? Either way it's gonna get messy so I'm just making sure you REALLY know what you're getting into if you say it's alright because the carpet looked really nice and I'm not sure how to get cum stains out of that] he rambles, not noticing you emerge from the bedroom now as you put your bag on one of the kitchen chairs. [I can replace it too if that happens no problem, you know how my girlfriend gets haha. Well you don't but you will know after we're done with the place-] he taps and accidentally sends out as you call his name, causing him to almost drop his phone into the soup pot on the stove, only barely catching it in time before he can practically throw it into the pocket of his sweatpants. "Yeah?" He asks towards you, and you look at him still way too hostile in his opinion.
He knows you can be a bit of a hot head. It's what he loves about you- how fierce you can get and how you'll always stand your ground. But he also knows that you're a bit of an aklebiter with some serious anger issues sometimes- once you see red, you don't see anything else anymore. So he's got to be careful not to fuck it up any further, because once he loses you, he loses for good.
Because you're stubborn if you've made up your mind.
"The water's boiling over." You mumble, avoiding his gaze as you sit at the kitchen table, arms crossed in defense. He jumps at your words and turns off the stove at that, somewhat awkwardly playing up some food into bowl for the both of you, watching you eat silently across from him with an almost needy gaze.
You're gonna probably try and kick his balls if he asks you to sit on his lap right now, so he swallows down the request to keep them intact.
He's gonna seriously crunch some hours while you're sleeping over at a friend's house so he can still make the deadline, able to pass up on sleep with you not actually home to scold him for it. He hates the fact that the app on his phone constantly reminds him of the lack of intimacy between you two- taunting him with notifications about his streak being broken, his record being topped, his spot up top on the scoreboard being taken. He hates it. He created this app, he should be the one who's best at it too!
God he can't wait to get his hands on you again. He feels like his dick is going to fall off in the next few days.
And it's not just that, either. He doesn't sleep well when you're not with him, he misses all the interactions you usually have during the day, the love, the intimacy of just being close, he misses it so bad. And he kind of doesn't want you to leave right now- he'd love to just call it quits and just cave in, but he's come too far now, and you're also a strong independent woman. You deserve to choose where you want to go or stay, he's got no say in that- or at least he shouldn't try to have it.
"I.. You'll text me when you wanna come back home, right?" He asks as he finishes his bowl, and you shrug.
"Whatever." You mumble. "S' not like you want me home for more than the chores anyways." You huff into your food, and he can't help but feel his eyes tear up. No, stupid Jungkook, don't fucking cry right now. You're gonna ruin it all with your dumb tears and weak heart just like always-
"I do want you home.." he mumbles quietly, blinking harder to avoid you spotting anything off- but you notice. Of course you do.
"...I'll text you." You say, and that at least soothes his mind for the moment as his phone falls out of his pocket, screen cracking and making him cringe.
Fuck. That's the what.. 20th time this year?
But it's all worth it, if it means he can at least see the hint of a smile pull at your lips for once.
The sight alone motivation enough to make him work even harder now.
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
I’m already in love with Peach Soup AU. I know a bunch of people are itching to know how Macaque is gonna fit in/react to all this (and I am among them), but I REALLY wanna know how MK growing up reacted to anyone slandering his amazing, bestest big brother in the world? Be it school bullies or rude customers at the restaurant?
Macaque is released by the Lady Bone Demon as in canon, with a hint to where Sun Wukong may be hiding.
However, instead of Macaque's smoke monster drawing out Sun Wukong, it drew out someone else.
MK, a young monkey demon proudly declaring that The Monkey King is his big brother!
Macaque smiles at first, thinking that Wukong had gone and taken in a protégé.
Macaque probes for information, gathering that Wukong... isn't going by that title anymore. He goes by Peaches. He's laugh if it wasn't all so confusing.
The little brother is nervous, asking if Macaque knows anything "about kicking butt monkey-style"? Seems that Wukong himself has gotten a bit rusty and needs some help relearning the basics. MK also wants to learn how to fight, declaring that "as siblings we spilt it evenly!". He also bashfully admits that he wants to be powerful enough so that he can defend his big brother from those who would make fun of him.
How sweet.
And how easy it is to get the kid and Wukong alone so he can confront his old friend one on one.
Macaque initially thinks its Wukong playing coy when the ginger monkey seems not to know what he's talking about. Until... Wukong seems to genuinely not seem to recognise him. HIM!?! How dare he!?
Macaque: "How can you be so selfish!? Did you even care to remember me!?" Peaches: "Uhh. Long story - but I got major memory loss. Btw, off-topic, but are you single by any chance?" :3? MK, aghast and pinned by the Staff: "BRO!" Peaches: "What? He looks cool." Macaque: (*stops grasping Peaches' by the collar, looking despaired*) Macaque: "You... do you remember anything? When does your memory begin and end? Tell me!" Peaches: "Whoa ok. i remember up til about... 18 years ago to now. Anything before then, nada." Macaque: "You..." (*Macaque collapses to his knees, crying*) Peaches: "Hey, hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to forget anyone.... I guess you and the old guy were friends?" Macaque, looks up with a mix of disgust and grief: "You have no idea."
From Macaque's perspective; the King he knew might as well have DIED those 18 years ago.
And even if Peaches regains his memory in the future... the last Macaque ever saw of his Peaches was that final fight all those centuries ago.
Macaque wanted to kill Sun Wukong when he came back to life. But he didn't think how he would feel if he were to have truly died.
Now he's experiencing it with his mate's new persona standing before him, offering a smile so kind that it throws the shadow back to when they were more than just friends...
Macaque sinks into the shadows to be alone with his thoughts. He needs to find Iron Fan.
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adonis-koo · 11 months
sweet nothing • 7
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↳ Description: being a guest at the Jeon Estate after a mishap of being kidnapped and dragged into your brothers affairs isn’t all that bad. Truth be told it brings you a lot closer to the mobster and owner of the estate Jeon Jungkook himself.
His two rules are simple, don’t cause trouble and don’t give him a hard time. Somehow you manage to constantly do both in the most endearing way despite being pregnant and waddling around most of the time.
Pairing: Jungkook/reader, ???/reader
↳ Genre: slice of life AU, mafia!AU, pregnancy, there’s like…a little bit of a plot but not a lot, future smut? maybe? it's very domestic!
Word Count: 2k
Previous | Next…
Note: IM ALIVEEE, barely, but my skin is clearing, my cortisol levels are lowering, nature is healing 🧘‍♀️ 🍃 I finally gave up and just decided that despite this story not being plot heavy, we’re still getting some plot anyways
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“Are the meds not working?” You frowned, standing at the entryway of Jungkook’s bedroom, his laptop abandoned on the other side of the bed as if in defeat, he wasn’t asleep, just vacantly staring at the ceiling while laying down.
You felt an amused sense of pity for him, you don’t think you’ve ever seen him look so utterly miserable before.
“They are, just not fast enough.” He rasped out, not bothering to look at you as he sighed, closing his eyes, “I can't even focus on anything.”
You could feel your heart tug just the slightest for him, he really did look awful, “Well how about we watch a movie? It could take your mind off the pain.”
“I need to work.” He stressed the word as best he could despite his eyes still being shut.
“Okay well, as far as I can tell, you aren’t working.” You replied walking up to the bedside as he opened his eyes into an unappreciative glare.
You offered a somewhat apologetic smile, “C’mon it’ll make you feel better, you’ll have something to focus on.”
Grabbing the remote off his nightstand you left him little choice in the matter, he said nothing, eyes following you as you rounded the bed, huffing a little as you managed to get sat down next to him.
“Remind me why I put up with your antics?” Jungkook asked dryly.
You shrugged as you turned on the TV, “You tell me.”
Jungkook only stayed silent, even as you gave him a side glance, perhaps a little curious, after all, how could you not?
If he had an answer, he kept it to himself as you browsed through the streaming services before eventually settling on an action movie, the plot however was difficult to keep up with, Jungkook however funny enough seemed invested.
Half way through the movie you had given up, the sleepy lethargy you had been experiencing the last few days winning out as you began nodding off.
“Are you really sleeping through the climax?” Jungkook’s raspy voice made your eyes open.
“This was for you not me,” You complained, managing to grab the throw blanket that had been hanging off the end of his bed, curling up against the fuzzy material.
For a brief moment, a memory pulled a smile to your face, “Y’know….when I was little, Wonho used to make me soup- it was from a can but it was the thought that mattered, he’d always get me a fizzy soda from the corner store and we’d watch cartoons together. I remember falling asleep against him and then I’d wake up tucked in on the couch.”
Jungkook’s eyes stared at the TV but you could tell he was no longer focused on the movie, dare you say he seemed almost bothered by your words.
He seemed to be debating something in his head, “You used to never go into detail…about your parents. Just that they weren’t around.”
You gave him a weak smile, you knew what he was asking. It rarely got brought up, but you did recall mentioning the few times he had tried to pry before, always shewing the question away with a ‘My parents were never around’.
You shrugged, “Would it be too simple to say that was the truth?”
Jungkook shifted a little to face you, “Was it that simple?”
There was no challenge in his tone, only a quiet raspy question, he was always good at hiding his intentions, shrouding it behind an unphased expression, but the more you had gotten to know Jungkook, the better you had become in the art of seeing the subtle shift in his gaze.
And right now he was nothing but curious, he always had been, but even moreso now.
Your hands had managed to hold the lower half of your stomach, otherwise you would’ve crossed them, eyes flickering away from him you gave a small shrug, “For me….”
You paused for a moment to gather your thoughts before you relented with a quiet sigh, “They were always off going to bars and clubs together, they were addicts. Wouldn’t come home for days at a time, and when they did they were never sober.” Your lips twisted into a frown, voice no louder then a whisper, “Then one day only my dad came home. Definitely not sober but he was crying, like hysterically sobbing, and he just collapsed in front of me and kept apologizing.”
“Grabbed me real tight around the shoulders and kept babbling incoherently, his mouth was all discolored and his skin was real clammy looking.” You rubbed your head, the memory leaving an icky feeling in your chest.
Jungkook looked pensive after a long moment of silence, it was as if he knew there was more, “And?”
“Apparently he overdosed on fentanyl on the living room floor,” You smiled bitterly, “In front of me…I don’t remember it though, can hardly recall the night anymore honestly. I was young, maybe eight or nine. Wonho was around thirteen at the time and he ended up intervening, he told me later that he found out my dad pimped out my mom to get enough money for the fentanyl, problem was that the dealer was apart of the Jang Hi mafia. I can’t even remember the last time I saw her before she disappeared, don’t know if she’s even alive anymore.”
“You never went to look?” Jungkook asked, a soft note could be detected in his voice.
You shook your head, “There was nothing to look for,” you couldn’t hide the sadness in your voice, your lips trembling a little, “She was never there to begin with…maybe that makes me a bad person, but I can’t imagine having a child and just…”
You couldn’t even think about it, your hands rubbing over the swollen skin of your stomach to try and calm your nerves.
“Out of all the people I’ve met- and trust me, I’ve met a lot,” Jungkook’s hand lifted, fixing your blanket back over your shoulder, “In comparison, you’re an angel.”
You stared at him for a long moment before you couldn’t help the smile that tugged on your lips, a smile of his own appearing, “You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”
“No, I'm saying it because it’s the truth.” Jungkook replied, it was quiet for a moment, his gaze dropping, “You’ll make a great mother.”
“You think?”
“I know,” He had a confident look about him that was difficult to not believe, “How do you feel about the delivery coming up?”
“I still have another twelve weeks to go Jungkook,” You tried to push the anxious feeling from your chest, “But I am nervous, I mean, I’ve never had a child before, don’t really know what to expect, other then I’ve heard it’s excruciating, which I guess is a given…”
You squinted a little, the movie long forgotten playing in the background, “I was terrified when I first found out I was pregnant, and the morning sickness was awful. I could hardly hold anything down the first few days, I was so sensitive to smells, any kind of strong scent gave me a raging headache…”
Jungkook’s lips parted and you could almost see it, hear it, the question of who the father was. But his lips immediately shut once more, as if perhaps sensing you would be unlikely to answer.
“I thought about it…” You admitted quietly, “Getting an abortion, but…” You shook your head, “I don’t know, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Any other woman in my shoes surely would. And even now, I wonder if I made the right decision, if I had known Wonho was going to disappear like this…” You sighed, “I don’t know, I guess some silly part of me, thought that maybe, this was meant to take me to a new path in life, one where I’d work hard and I’d be able to separate myself from this life. Was that too naive to think?”
“I think anyone who values their life would want that,” Jungkook concluded easily, “Someone who isn’t meant to be in this lifestyle, who’s honest, and still has a shred of dignity left.”
It was quiet for a moment before he continued, “You were always too good for the underground. Shame you got dragged into it.”
You shrugged, “I don’t really think about it much anymore, I mean, it is what it is.” You chewed on your bottom lip, “Maybe it would be better if I didn’t keep the baby. I’m sure any couple unable would kill for the chance to adopt.”
You had never seen Jungkook straighten the way he did on this moment and you couldn’t help but somewhat regret your words, not your thought on it, but the fact that you had voiced it aloud.
It wasn’t the first time you had thought about it either, it was stupid of you to think having this baby would do anything other than pull you into the underground further.
“What makes you say that?” Jungkook’s gaze was like steel, it made you shy away a little, almost feeling the same way when you had first met.
You couldn’t keep eye contact with him even if you wanted too, “A lot of reasons,” you confessed, nothing more then a whisper, “The fact that I’m a single mom for starters? Or the fact that my brother is in serious debt and I’m being held here as a makeshift safe house? Let’s not even begin to talk about being able to properly provide for a child. I never had present parents and I don’t have anyone to ask for help.”
You felt tears of frustration fill your eyes.
Jungkook parted his lips, but quickly shut them once more, you could tell he was battling a plethora of questions, which maybe he didn’t deserve an answer too, but you could tell it was beginning to slowly eat at him.
Instead Jungkook’s lip twitched as if in irritation at whatever he was thinking about, eventually vocalizing his thought, “Is the dad really that much of a deadbeat?”
He didn’t say it but you could see it on the tip of his tongue, ‘I never thought you’d go that low’
You didn’t say anything for a long moment, carefully thinking about how to reply, it wasn’t that you were purposely withholding information, it just simply brought back uncomfortable memories.
“Far from a deadbeat. Furthest thing possible,” you shuddered, “It did cross my mind,” You mumbled, “Finding him. Them. But…” you trailed off before shaking your head, “What good would that do me? He might want the baby but he isn’t gonna want me.”
You only glanced down at your stomach, hand rubbing around the swollen skin as you felt a flutter trill across, the baby once again kicking.
It briefly made you smile, your worries put at ease.
A hand suddenly reached out, grabbing your chin along with your attention.
You nearly jumped at Jungkook being nearly nose to nose with you, his lips parted and his eyes had so
many things they wanted to say, “You can always ask me for help.”
You hated the way you felt all of the old feelings you had once upon a time suppressed into nothing more than a blur of self-gaslit delusions.
But it was never delusions, it was never just all in your head.
“Can I?” Your voice wavered.
Jungkook stared at you for a long minute, his eyes dropping briefly to your lips before he eventually, almost reluctantly looked away, only letting out a small laugh.
Perhaps a tone of bitterness if you really listened close, possibly regret?
“We’re gonna have to replay entire last quarter of the movie,” Jungkook complained with a rasp, sinking into the bed frame and suddenly you remembered how easy it was to pretend like there was never anything there.
You cleared your throat, before giving him a weak smile, “I’ll get the remote.”
The past was the past anyways, you’d just have to figure things out one day at a time, just like you always have.
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nobody-nexus · 4 months
Obsession AU: UPDATED
I promise I didn't forget about this AU- In fact I've been updating it behind the scenes ever since episode 2 released! And now, with proper reference sheets, you now have a better idea of what they look like, and who they are! Alongside the new members!
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(5 Facts About Pomni)
-She will never feed human meat to any person. It is THEIR hunt, and therefore if she eats it, it's ALL THEIRS. She'd never give it to others for that very reason
-Their hands are heavily damaged, having MANY scars. Due to this, she will wear as much hand covering as possible, refusing to give any more details on their appearance due to her record
-As if their stalker like obsession with Amanda isn't enough of an issue, she also has a mannequin in their home that she practices dancing with to old songs they like
-She has Hematolagnia- AKA a blood fetish. YES, she has issues if that wasn't already clear enough
-The scars that are on their body are from self-defense attempts from three different victims
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(5 Facts About Amanda)
-Her damaged eye is from an incident where a kid hit her with a meat cleaver. Although she thankfully didn't lose her eye, she's 1/3rd blind and legally isn't allowed to drive because of it
-She knows how to cook! Although she does more baking than cooking, she loves to collect cookbooks and learn new recipes of various kinds! Especially ones from outside the United States
-She has scented candles in her home, and her home never smells like the same thing twice
-While she was away from her hometown, the only one that she kept in contact with was her brother, Jackson via text
-Her vitiligo started to pop up when she was 19
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(5 Facts About Jackson)
-He is Zoey's roommate
-Jackson was an accidental child unlike his older sister
-He plays violent video games of all kinds. He loves being able to cause blood, death, and chaos without having to go to jail for it
-He likes sour candy a bit too much. Like it's a borderline issue with how much he's willing to pay just for sour candy and the feeling of it numbing his mouth
-Has a habit of stealing and shoplifting, being a bit TOO good at the action. He's gotten in trouble a few times before, but nowadays no one really seems to notice or care
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(5 Facts About Grace)
-Grace was born an albino, having the palest skin out of most people in the town along with red eyes and white hair. It's unknown if her being albino was why she was so sickly as a child
-She loves to draw and will constantly have drawing/writing tools with her alongside notebooks or loose paper
-She's in the middle of quite the complicated situation between Amanda and Pomni
-Her most eaten food is soup, stew, and ramen
-She sees Ceaser as a father figure, being the most to visit him and keep him company ever since Quinn went missing. She'll occasionally even sing for him to make him feel better
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(5 Facts About Zoey)
-They're very talented on the drums and are willing to be a temporary drummer for a price
-Zoey has a bit of an anger problem, quick to snap and easy to piss off given the topic of discussion. However, they are going to anger management classes to help with it
-Strangling is a common attack it does
-They decorate their prosthetic leg commonly
-VERY much smokes weed and makes edibles. Once tricked Amanda into eating some- and it likes the memory
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(5 Facts About Kinger)
-He has a bit of a staring problem, however no one knows why
-He refuses to touch knives of any kind. This was a more recent thing about him, so most people just help him cut things in case he needs any help with it
-Still loves insects, and you can get him to ramble about bugs depending on his mood. He can't help but love em
-He has a nurse help him in his home, however it's not uncommon for Grace, Amanda, or even some of the new outbackers to come back and help him
-Has a daughter, but she moved out of state years ago. They talk occasionally
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(5 Facts About Caine)
-He wears a top hat to not only stick to his brand, but also because he's kind of compensating for his height
-He has a small limp to his walk, thus why he constantly has a cane
-Caine's pet is a white pug named Bubble
-Pomni is his favorite customer! He constantly attempts small talk whenever she buys from him because he's always so curious as to why his pigs love her so much
-Although it's undiagnosed, he very much has ADHD and is on the spectrum to some degree
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(5 Facts About Marina)
-She was a detective before she even moved into town, however her skills were finally noticed more so thanks to moving there
-She straightens out her hair
-Marina HAS to work in silence or she'll 100% get distracted. Caine's not allowed in her office for that very reason (but he knows)
-She is usually the one to come home late at night and snuggle in with her partner at like 2 in the morning
-Her favorite activity to do is stargazing, finding the night sky to be absolutly beautiful
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(5 Facts About Summer)
-She is LOUD. You can and WILL know when she's talking and what she's talking about
-Constantly will ask her sister Marina about Caine. She is VERY wary of him even if Marina keeps telling her to stop
-Never share secrets with her because she IS a gossip girl. She adores to overshare about others and spread rumors just because she finds it fun
-Summer's seen to be a lot better around kids then people closer to her age. Thus why she's a teacher
-Can NOT let go of grudges no matter what
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(5 Facts About Gabriela)
-She was the one who came up with the idea of the stripper outfits for her club. It somehow works
-She calls herself the 'Gloink Queen' as a bit of a joke whenever she's on the floor
-Can, will, and HAS flirted with at least half of the adult residence in the town just for the fun of it
-Although she claims to be married, no one has ever met her husband before, and probably never will
-Gabriela is the reason Pomni sees adult based activities as more of a transaction than anything else
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(5 Facts About Gareth)
-He has a picture of his mom in his wallet. His mom nicknamed him Gummi at some point, but it's not known why
-He seems bossy, but only around his friends OR when he's upset. He's a lot more chill when one on one
-He has a manual truck that he drives around, but no one is ever impressed by it
-The reason he's good with skinning and cutting up meat is because he helped his dad since his father was a hunter
-His favorite music is country music
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(5 Facts About Max)
-He's the one who came up with the idea that him, Gareth, and Chad all wore hats. He somehow convinced them to do so
-He bickers with Jackston a lot because they're both working at the same diner
-Out of the three friends, he's the most likely to flirt with someone, but if they reject him he will respect the fuck out of that
-Constantly forgets how NOT flexible he is as a person, will and has gotten stuck in multiple locations
-Always calls things that almost killed him 'the reaper'. He has also almost died WAY too many times
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(5 Facts About Chad)
-He has a super high metabolism, thus why he's so skinny
-Usually carried medication in his fanny pack alongside trail mix and breath mints for some reason
-He's trying SO hard to grow facial hair, but it never cooperates with him like ever
-Chad has a habit of slumping/crouching constantly, and he has back pain as a result
-Is the most likely out of the friend group to be VERY confidently incorrect
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(5 Facts About Loo)
-She was born in Britain but moved to the United States for an easier start. Who know it'd lead to being the mayor of a town?
-She's been the mayor for about 5 years by the time Amanda moves back to the town
-She dyes her hair cause she doesn't like the grays that have started to pop up
-She's painfully oblivious to how unhinged the town can be sometimes
-Loo hates being called Penelope unless it's by close friends or family
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(5 Facts About Ivy)
-Although she DOES shower, just speaking to them makes you think it doesn't actually shower
-She never thinks before they speak, leading in incredibly horrid things leaving its mouth in common conversation
-Ivy is the only one who actually knows Pomni is a killer, however she finds it very attractive (this is NOT a good thing)
-Their diet consists of purely junk food and as a result it has basically a beer belly
-She has a dark/deep web fanbase, and they simply refer to itself as 'The Influencer' on the web
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!
If you want to make your own OC for this AU, here's the blank sheet for it!
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pocketramblr · 4 months
AU where AFO decided to marry Kotaro to further humiliate Nana's memory and get closer him but faces many obstacles in the way.
do you mean. like. the obstacles are Kotaro's belief he's straight, his wife, the elderly in-laws who live with him, the kid, the fact that his coworkers think afo's his employee and HR would have something to say about that- there are many obstacles there
or, is this, "AfO when he finds Kotaro (already married) has the idea to get him to have a kid for his nefarious plot, buuuuutttttttt if he found Kotaro single, well. time to get a marriage certificate to further his nefarious plot!" and then suddenly the universe is conspiring to get water and mud splashed on him before every date, Kotaro is studying for his certification and doesn't have time for his every whim, and AfO is the one who encouraged him to do it so now if he tells him to not Kotaro will get mad at him and it'll take even longer to make up, plus while AFO was busy shopping for a date outfit his minions started talking about unionizing, and obviously he's going to kill them for that and throw them in the nomu soup but he's got to get replacements first and that's going to use even more of his time, plus he's juggling hero fights and quirk thefts and quirk sales and murders on top of surreptitiously researching what marriage actually is or requires because its not like he was ever really made aware of the concept while growing up and the screaming ghosts in his head are not super helpful.
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gooeseyleo · 1 year
Gooseyleo Masterpost
Welcome to Gooseyleo~
Leo awakens to a post-apocalyptic New York following the Krang invasion. To his horror, he seems to be the only survivor. For years, he lives alone, until he runs into a strangely intelligent goose that befriends him on the spot. Antics and mysteries ensue as what happened to Leo's family, and the city in general, are revealed. But mostly silly goose antics.
Warning: This AU contains a LOT of angst as well as comfort and silliness. Each angst post will be tagged accordingly
Bear with me as I work thru getting everything organized! ^^' I'm going to update this as I post more!
Before Goosey
Childhood memories
Soup (angst)
Leaves from the Vine (angst)
Kendra and Donnie (angst)
Need Some Sleep || Don't Make Promises
Donnie and Goosey
Prologue (heavy angst; grief, familial death, blood, thoughts of suicide, funeral, survior guilt)
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7||Part 8||END
Leo remembers Splinter (mild angst)
Food: step one (mild suicidal ideation, grief)
And so it begins...(first Gooseyleo ever!)
Bread and a Box
Petting the Goose
silly goose
Staying Warm
Best Buddies
Passing on the Mask
Leo finds a motorcycle
Leo tries to find clothes that fit him
Watching TV late at night isn't good for your brain
Peepaw having a moment
Goosey ESA
New Rule
Leo's birthday
Valentine's Day
Fear of water
Goosey's Nightmare (angst) Another nightmare (angst) And another nightmare (tw flashing, glitching)
Survivor's Guilt (mild angst)
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
The Next Morning...
Part 1 || Part 2
The Barrier
The Wilds
Prosthesis (angst)
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8 || Part 9 || Part 10 ||
Casey Junior
Goosey and Mikey (mild angst)
Yuichi has entered the chat
Miscellaneous (outside of timeline)
Robots FTW
You Got the Goods (although they do have fashion shows every friday, these are non-specific in the timeline)
Gooseyleo Requests
Ref sheets
Seeking shelter in a sandstorm (angst, blood, trauma) (SCRAPPED)
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8
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parmahamlarrie · 1 month
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Welcome back to another post for the directory of fic recs on my blog! If you would like a specific theme or trope, let me know! As always, these are all fics I have read and loved, not all the fics out there. You can find more Fluffy fics here! **This post will be updated as I have more fics in this theme to recommend!**
Of Mates and Men || @bananaheathen || 630.4k Weddings, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
knock, knock, I love you || beautlouis || 86k College AU, Virgin Harry, Fluff
With My Body and Soul, I Want You More Than You’ll Ever Know || BoosBabycakes || 58.8k   Strangers to Lovers, Mpreg Lou, So Fluffy
Homegrown || casuallyhl || 51.4k  Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Gardening, Fluff!
The Boys of Summer || @afirethatcannotdie || 45.2k Summer Camp AU, Secret Relationship, Fluff
Nothing Else But Us Right Here || supernope || 35.3k   Kid Fic, Single Dad Louis, Teacher Harry, Fluff
With A Little Kindness || @jacaranda-bloom || 33k KidFic, Mpreg Harry, Single Parent Harry, Rich Louis, Valentine’s Day, Fluff Frankincense-ational || @londonfoginacup || 31.5k Christmas, Librarian Harry, Firefighter Louis, Fluff and Humor
Has the Ocean Lost Its Way || @kingsofeverything || 28.3k Surfer Louis, Photographer Harry, Fluff, Slow Burn, Australia
daydream about me || louistomlinsons || 21.5k  Girl Direction, Famous/Famous, Fluff, Coming Out (sorta), Idiots to Lover
pink like the paradise found || @disgruntledkittenface || 18.4k  Girl Direction, Fluff/Smut
Everywhere and Nowhere || @2tiedships2 || 16.5k   Omegaverse, Neighbors AU, Courting, Fluff, Strangers to Lovers
balance between you and me || @beckydoesthings || 15.4k Omegaverse, Fluff and Humor, Courting Rituals, Demisexual Louis
The Sorority AU Series || louistomlinsons || 14.7k  Girl Direction, Sorority AU, Fluff and Humor
a picture of love, that’s this house || theprincessd || 13.5k KidFic, Domestic Fluff, Canon
Soup? || trackfive || 13.3k Canon, SickFic, Fluff
Mistletoe, Memories, and Mayhem || @jacaranda-bloom || 12.6k Established Relationship, Fluff, Humor
The Checkout || @silverstuff50 || 12.2k Omegaverse, Alpha Louis, Omega Harry, Awkward Flirting, Fluff
Bambi Legs || @disgruntledkittenface || 11.5k Girl Direction, Fluff, Coming Out, First date
Stumbling Into Your Arms ABO verse || @sunshineandthemoonlight || 11.3k - 2 parts Omegaverse, College AU, Train AU, Fluff
Faith and Trust and Pixie Dust || kotabear24 || 10.5k KidFic, Fluff, Meet Cute, Strangers to Lovers
Like a Picture Print by Currier & Ives || armadillosunset || 10k Christmas Fluff, Established Relationship, Knitting
Just the Start || @littleroverlouis || 9.6k Older Harry and Louis, Hair Stylist Harry, Fluff and Humor, First Dates
Find Me in the Kitchen || @neondiamond || 9.2k Omegaverse, Cooking Lessons, Fluff
Here We Come A-Wassailing || @lululawrence || 8.2k  Childhood Friends to Lovers, Christmas Fic, Fluff, Pining
Sun-Kissed Hurricane, Perfect Storm || iwillpaintasongforlou || 7.6k Nerdy Harry, ADHD Louis, Badboy Louis, Pining and Fluff
The Coach Tommo Universe || @enchantedlandcoffee || 6.8k Omegaverse, Kid Fic, Fluff and Smut, Bakery Owner Harry
I’m sticking to you like glue || peanutbutterapple || 6.2k  College AU, Sick Fic, Halloween, Fluff
I’ll Keep You Warm || @parmahamlarrie || 5.9k Neighbour AU, Winter Storm, Fluff
Won’t You Please Come Around || @allwaswell16 || 5.8k Meet Cute, Fluff, Strangers to Lovers
Everybody Wants You (And I Don’t Mind the Gold Rush) || @sunflouwerhabit || 5.3k Ice Skating, Fluff, Flirting, Meet-Cute
Love Mail || @neondiamond || 5k Neighbours AU, Fluff, Stress Baking
Stealing Flowers || @lululawrence || 4.8k   Strangers to Lovers, Meet Cute, Fluff and Humor
touch my neck and I’ll touch yours || gravitycentered, wigglesjoon || 4.5k Friends to Lovers, Roommates, Fluff, Intimacy
All I Need || @tommokat || 4.1k KidFic, Single Parent Harry, Therapy, Fluff
Somersault || @sun-lt || 4k Established Relationship, Comfort, Fluff
Wordplay 2023: there his charming nest doth lay || @bottomhaztoplou || 3.8k Omegaverse, Established Relationship, Nesting, Domestic Fluff
The Wrath of Gucci || louisunflower6 || 3.7k   Canon, Just fluffy, Some domestic bliss
Just a little taste || @lunarheslwt || 3.6k Vampire Harry, Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff
I’ve Been Running with the Wolves || RealityBetterThanFiction || 3.3k Werewolf/Shifter Harry, Human Louis, Established Relationship, Kidfic, Fluff
Just for you || @gaycousinlarry || 3.1k Canon, Fluff, Comfort
All The Way Home I’ll Be Warm || @justanothershadeofblue || 2.9k Friends to Lovers, Holiday Cards, Fluff and Humor
living love in slow motion || ashavahishta || 2.7k Canon, Fluff, Domesticity If Wishes Were Dishes || @londonfoginacup || 2.6k Domestic Fluff
Thesis Management || LadyLondonderry || 2.6k Werewolf Louis, Established Relationship, Fluff, Crack Fic
‘cause I built a home for you || angelsueavenue || 2.3k Omegaverse, Mpreg, Fluff, Nesting
Crowd Work || @littleroverlouis || 2.1k Stand Up Comedy, Banter, Fluff and Humor
Bless You! || @neondiamond || 2k Established Relationship, Kidfic, Fluff
The Wolf Wash || @haztobegood || 1.8k  Werewolves, Kid Fic, Fluff
Goodnight, Moon || @andtheywerebandmates || 1.6k Kid Fic, Established Relationship, Fluff
Wrap Your Legs Around Me || @evilovesyou || >1k Canon, Fluff, 2 Week Rule
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