ninaqueissner · 8 months
Nice! @linda-weiss @tempe-corals
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zegalba · 10 months
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Ahn Jong Yuen: Sound of Light (1999)
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rahabs · 1 year
current mood: eternally annoyed by people who refer to the variation of English spoken in the medieval era as “Old English.”
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mispatchedgreens · 7 months
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more of xu da's internet activity, placed thoughtfully (to me) in the reincarnated band au, featuring the most beautiful woman alive, one bug person crouched on the rooftop of the recording studio while ouyang is being Fussy downstairs, and the rarest creature ever to be caught on film: grumpy bitch ass smiling. permission to imagine esen, chin to chest, flopped on the couch, staring at ouyang's photo, ablaze with jealousy at all of his interactions with xu da, while wbx rubs at his temples in preparation for yet another oblivious, nonsensical sibling conversation.
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bonefall · 25 days
so........ stormclan, ay? any plans on incorporating that?
StormClan? Hmm... haven't caught up on Ivypool's Heart leaks yet, so I've gotta see what they've done. No that I'm entirely opposed to there being more Clans out there, mind you, but it feels Odd that they're adding yet another one when the main five already have trouble distinguishing themselves.
We just got a 6th Clan; but WarriorClan still has no unique content dedicated to it. AND they just introduced park cats. AND the Guardians are still out there. AND the Sisters and the Tribe. Not to mention that they've still got Sleekwhisker and Sol out there as loose plot threads...
So with that all in perspective, 7 Clans sounds excessive. I think I can make it work, but I do worry about the canonical implications of what seems like a pretty thoughtless choice.
I guess this is what happens when you have a team of writers who can't write anything except travel books. The cats just walk places, experience a Koolabi Mandated Hijinks Scene, and get involved in some other guys' drama.
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zarla-s · 7 months
Do/for you have to make references for any other characters in Handplates? Like the mouse or pterofractal? The same goes for the characters that have canon designs in Undertale. Did you ever need a ref for them?
Honestly I like never make reference sheets until something forces me, haha. With the mouse I just go back to the first comic he appeared in and just ref off of those. I might have mentioned this before, I forget, but originally that mouse was supposed to be the mole in the MTT comedy club but then I looked up their speech pattern and it didn't fit, so instead I made them a Rathbone cameo from The Lost Mind of Dr. Brain. :B
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I had to improvise his lower body so I just gave him big wading pants lol.
As for Pterofractal, Jaz gave me this!
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I do have a folder for canon refs, mostly screenshots I've taken to get colors and layouts for certain areas in the Underground, haha. And some sprite sheets if I need them.
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Nothing really official or purposeful though, just screencaps and snips from other files I end up reusing.
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tacosaysroar · 26 days
Soooo my dishwasher caught fire today.
I started a load, sat down in the living room to work, and a little while later there was a burning plastic smell in the air. I ran into the kitchen to find whitish gray smoke billowing out of the top of the door.
Bad News: the dishwasher is toast and must now be replaced.
Good news: it was old and not-so-great anyway and it’s Labor Day weekend, a rather lucky time to need a new appliance.
I spent more money than I would’ve liked but around $400 less than I would’ve if I’d needed to do this some other week, so I’m at peace.
And it’ll be nice to have a dishwasher where the top rack isn’t constantly falling out of the track and there aren’t holes in the silverware basket big enough for the silverware to fall through. (The new one has a top rack for silverware. Luxury of luxuries.)
Now I wait to get the call that lets me know when they can schedule my delivery. Might be as much as two weeks.
I have my fingers crossed it’ll be a day when I’m supposed to be in the office, so I can say I have to work from home that day.
Keep those silver linings coming.
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gideonisms · 2 years
how much of the vitriol everyone felt for each other on the ninth was due to the fact that they never saw the fucking sun
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
The Wayne doll house
Have some haunted doll au, since it's been bubbling away in my mind.
The bat cave is large and sprawling, many layers and tunnels and hollowed out cracks in the walls. It takes many years to fully reinforce to prevent stray kids from tripping into stagnant waters or fall down crags as he once did. The doll cave, as it becomes known, is in one of the deepest, darkest corners, one where the lights of the furnished caverns above don't reach.
It's one late night sitting at the computer when it suddenly occurs to Bruce that his first encounter with a doll was at the well entrance, many levels above.
There was nothing there when he went back.
The justice league stared at the subaru. The subaru, having no eyes, did not stare back.
The seven of them had just finished a very long, arduous mission, and narrowly escaped government censure after the base they'd been raiding had turned out to belong to some corrupt official. With the alert up, they couldn't escape through city airspace, or even in their hero suits.
So civilian it was.
Batman had hotwired some bloke's car while the rest of them ducked into alleys and shop bathrooms, but the problem remained. There was seven of them. And five seats.
"I can shift into something more suitable for being carried," suggested j'onn, "but I believe one of us might have to hide."
"Foot well?" Hal tried, and everyone looked around at the tall, bulky, broad heroes.
"Think they'd have to go in the boot," Barry finally said. Everyone immediately turned to him. "No."
Batman spoke up before the discussion could devolve.
"I think.... I would be best for that."
The team stared.
Having no lungs meant he could not drag in the tired sigh he wished, but whatever force allowed this body to talk was capable of approximating something suitably resigned.
"As I am, I am... incapable of fully passing as human. It would be best if I remained out of sight."
"So just? Go change? I swear we won't be weird about whoever you are under the mask. Even if you're like, bald."
"Thank you, Wally, but I'm afraid I'm being serious." Reaching for the mask in broad daylight was unpleasant, but the glue and wires held as he gave it a few thorough tugs. "It doesn't detach."
Everyone stared. Clark reached out as if he wanted to check, but withdrew.
"Do you even have a civilian identity??" Oliver eventually asked. "Because at this point I'm genuinely not sure."
Wayne Enterprises and Queen Industries had a meeting that same evening. "Hn."
"Can we go back to the 'incapable of passing as human' part?!"
"We can discuss it in the car," he snapped, stalking past Barry and popping the boot. "In case you haven't forgotten, we're on a time limit."
For once, that seemed to encourage them, and batman, with great dignity, folded his joints and cape into the small space, ignoring Hal's mutter of 'what kind of contortionist -' as he slammed the lid. With a little shuffling he managed to activate his comms.
"I will inform the watchtower of our delay."
"Batman, they're tapping all outgoing signals, you can't -"
"It won't trigger," he interrupted, before he twisted his consciousness and sent it spiralling across the country.
Bruce awoke with a groan, stretching his limbs and taking a moment to marinate in his annoyance before he reached for the comm and voice modulator on the beside table.
"Batman to watchtower, we've encountered delays. If the Texan state government calls we haven't entered the state in six weeks. Batman out."
"Reanimated corpse?"
"Uh... Demon?"
"Hm. No."
"You're not just a meta human, are you?"
"Batsy, please, someone's got to win the bet eventually. How do we even know you're not lying?!"
"You don't," Batman said, not looking up from his paperwork and Flash groaned, letting his sticky notes fall to the floor as he buried his head in his arms.
"One day," he bemoaned to the keyboard, "one day we'll figure it out."
"Until then please keep your eyes on the monitors."
Flash groaned again.
Robin ducked under superman's arm as he scuttled down the corridor, laden with the night's haul of snacks. The real problem wasn't getting them - stopping league members from raiding the kitchen would be extremely counterproductive - but keeping them until he could return home to his human body to eat them. Batman had started searching him each time they left and it was really cutting into his daily sugar intake. Unfair! Just because he didn't actually use energy to stay up my night to fight crime, it felt like he did!!
'Oh, you're broken, Robin, oh, don't go out until the glue has fully set, Robin' his arm was fine! It wasn't like there was much crime to be fought on the watchtower anyway! At least not physically.
So he was pretty pleased with himself until he went to set the snacks down and found that the tar like glue they used had soaked through the sleeve and gotten all over his chocolates.
With his other hand, he tried to pry them off, wincing as the wrappers tore and stuck. He tried to shake it, ignoring the way his elbow rattled in the joint.
"Come on, come on - aw, cheezits."
The arm fell off. Robin stared despondently at the limb, surrounded by torn wrappers and dripping black glue where it connected to the elbow. The sour stink of formaldehyde filled the air.
He was going to be in such trouble with Bruce.
The click of the door jerked his head up.
Flash stood in the doorway, wide eyed. Robin stared back.
Flash screamed.
Oh yeah @dehydratedmockingbird have a thing
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389 · 1 year
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Han Sung Hoon
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irbcallmefynn · 28 days
There's a lot stopping me from wanting to switch to Linux to the point where it's kinda funny. sure Linux gaming is in many ways better than windows and everything runs better and you have more control and it won't spy on you and you can do basically everything I'd want to do.
But! I don't like compatibility layers the concept itself is annoying to me i should be able to just run the thing and it works. Also I've heard Linux has issues with VR which is important to me. Also the mental image i have of Linux is that it's very technical and fickle and you have to do a lot of things manually and i don't like that. Also i think there being so many types of Linux is actually a bad thing for me cause i don't know the difference between them and i don't know which would work for what i want so I'm just confused and frozen by choice paralysis.
Linux scary and confusing I'm literally just a wolfdog you can't expect me to use commandline or tell the difference between an Ubuntu and an Arch and a ShitBalls
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monstersandmaw · 17 days
For those invested in the not-yautja-but-basically-ghosti's-own-headcanon-for-them story, Chapter Five is up on early release. It'll be free-to-read a week today.
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womenofnoise · 2 years
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Naama Tsabar - Melodies of Certain Damage (2022) (x) Watch the performance composed and performed in collaboration with: Rose Blanshei, Larkin Grimm, Maya Perry, Sarah Strauss and Naama Tsabar.
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skunkes · 2 months
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really truly genuinely in top 5 of favorite character designs of all time
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polychroniadis · 10 months
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Yuri suzuki, Sound of the Earth Chapter: 3, 2023. A sound installation driven by machine learning and sound submissions from all around the world.
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 2 months
i dont usually post random snippets like this but everyone PLS listen to chii she is adorable 🥺🐟
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