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jockons · 3 months ago
Am I the only one who is always intrigued by the fact that Simon was a deviant for 2 years? since Connor doesn't say the first case of deviance happened nine months ago?
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considering he was the supposed leader of Jericho before Markus arrived, deviant for 2 years, so in theory he is one of the first deviants, which would suggest he has been through a lot and has learned some concepts that maybe North or Josh have yet to learn completely, he has more experience than them, I don't know but I would like Simon to have a role that would highlight him more, an active consultant role, maybe using his experience or something like that, maybe analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of two ideologies that Josh and North have, and maybe his thoughts on how it feels to be responsible for other people's lives and to feel frustrated at being powerless to prevent the death of androids, something like that
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spectatingcat · 3 months ago
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Monophia My sweet little dove
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Info on the drawing - I changed the TV's look to match the in-game model and changed the mono's appearance to match my interpretation of the TV boy (such as scars, bandages on his feet, a bite mark from six, and mono the rash). Added dead doves (Mourning doves Mixed with bleeding heart doves) and eggs from the easter egg room in Very Little Nightmares.
I like the idea that Mono is slumped over the TV as if he fell onto it, so I mimicked that Idea with the doves to make it seem that they died on impact.
Credit goes to @anime-grimmy-art of course!
Extra - Here is my entry for Grimmy's FTIYS challenge, I'm not truly interested in winning any of the prizes - I just wanted to use this challenge as an exercise
I have other entries that are unfinished that will likely be posted after the contest ends (But like I said before, I'm not too interested in the prizes lol)
This was super fun and I hope to do more in the future, also Grimmy is an amazing artist and I'm so glad to be a part of this contest/experience.
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mordorinmind · 3 months ago
The only adult other than James and Lily, that should be allowed to be Harry's parent is Sirius. You know the only person that canonically was there for Harry. You know the only person that cared. Not Remus " I will leave you alone in your grieve and then my stans will go cry online how I was always professor lupin and never uncle Moony" Lupin.
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valentinbelleyh505 · 3 months ago
⚠️ TADC Ep. 4 Spoilers ⚠️
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Comunism will always end up in misogyny. The woman is the only one who can birth the next generation of workers. When the guvernamant is the only employer, it will make sure that the laws will benefit its business. There is no comunist state that hasn't tried controlling the female body . They assured that the female reproductive system will become property of the state. Some examples would be: China's one child plocy, Romanias abortion and contraception ban, urss abortion ban, regardless of any circumstances and even the fact that homosexuality is illegal in all of the soviet countries.
I hate seeing Westerners talk about comunism as the saviour of women, when, in reality comunism ends up reducing people to only their labour and productivity. Real communism, like every extremist regime, is more dehumanizing and abusing than any form of capitalism Westerners have inhabited.
Comunism says that owning nothing and everything being shared is for the good of the people. But no one realises that at one point, the line between objects and creatures disappears.
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dayangaytransman · 9 months ago
While you are celebrating Pride, here, a father, according to himself, killed his 17 years old son ( or trans daughter) for shaving his legs. ( And femininity)
And although in Iran the punishment for a murderer is death, this father was only sentenced to one year in prison. Which is surprising.
Because In Iranian law, patriarchy is such that if a father kills his child, he will not be punished. He only has to pay ransom. And this is written in Article 220 of the Islamic Penal Code.
And the most disturbing point is that no media informs the true identity of the victim. I have no idea if they were a trans woman or a gay man. I just know I can strangle their father with my bare hands.
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linku0501 · 1 year ago
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Spring rolls
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chiefcroissantdeanbanana · 3 months ago
[SPOILERS] A Date with Death Bad Ending 2 & Beyond the Bet Bad Ending 7 Observations
I think calling these observations rather than analysis would fit it better, anyway! Enjoy my ramblings again if you do try to read this! Bad Ending 2 (Despondent) and Bad Ending 7 (Forget-me-not) spoilers
DISCLAIMER!! all the things I'm going to say is in my opinion!! I do not claim this as canon or real to the game, just me word-spewing my thoughts! thank you!
From the titles itself: Despondent and Forget-me-not, it's obvious that it's going to stab me in the heart multiple times and even more when I talk about them together hahahahahahahaha (laugh of a deranged croissant person in pain).
See, if you think about it, they really are one of a whole. In more ways than one, if soulmates really do exist, they'd be the prime example. They complete each other, not only in the happy endings but in the bad ones also. If you look at Caspers bad ending, it's where MC dies and he lives, while in MC's bad ending, Casper dies and they live. It's the opposite; they're halves, incomplete without the other.
In Casper's bad ending (Despondent), MC overused their healing powers too much leading to the near extinguishment of their soul, needing Casper to kill them before they disappear completely. After the end credits roll, you see him hugging Azrael and saying that he would never find love like that again, how he'd be alone forever, and that he feels empty.
^ He will ALWAYS remember this. He would never forget them, he promised after all. He promised to never forget them, no matter what happens, because MC wanted to be remembered. It doesn't matter if remembering them would hurt Casper, he loves them too much to even try and THINK about forgetting them, forgetting their talks, their puns, their nickname, their light. It was MC's light that shone through Casper's darkness, and now that he had a taste of that bliss, he could never truly go back without feeling empty; feeling like something is missing from his life. (Do you think seeing MC's pet after the Despondent ending gives him too much pain to look it in the eyes?). As shown before Casper kills MC, he would rather die than do so, because without his sunshine, without his sunflower, without his SUN. his SUNLIGHT. he would die! Honestly, Casper would be better as a sunflower because they always look for the sun and die if they can't find one. Even though Casper might not be dead, without his sunshine, he'd better off been dead anyway. What's life without them? Nothing. Only his memories are the things that'll keep him from going, and yet these memories are also the ones that make it hard for him to get going.
In contrast to MC's bad ending (Forget-me-not), it is quite literally the opposite of Despondent, 5012 made MC FORGET their experiences, quote: "every joke, every message, every time Casper called you sunshine, every time he said I love you", they forgot it all, only leaving behind a deep empty feeling, something that was supposed to be there, but it isn't. they can only wait, and wait, but nothing will happen, nothing will ever happen anymore.
See the parallels? See the similarities? Their bad endings are halves to a whole, even in death they both yearn for each other consciously and subconsciously, feeling empty, like a puzzle without its final piece, because what else are they supposed to do? They found their other half, they were finally complete, and then for destiny to rip them apart? That is cruel. It was fate that they met, and they would rather die trying to be together than let destiny tear them apart. Too bad destiny won. One remembers and one forgets, how truly otherworldly and mortal this situation is~
THIS GOT SO LONG omg I really do talk a lot haha ahaha hajdshfkjsfhjssfhsjsk omfgfhdgkjskhj
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alicavrozovomhotd · 1 year ago
Okay, but if one of the Targtower children gets sick, Alicent will be the one who tries to find the best, most proven medicine, because she's from Oldtown. And Criston is more familiar with traditional medicine because of his background, so he's like, "Need to breathe on potatoes."
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cyberskulzzz · 6 months ago
do you have any headcanons for Benny Weir?
⭑Benny Weir in a relationship headcanons ⭑ (Benny x gn human reader)
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•Sexuality wise I could see him being unlabeled.I don’t think he really cares,if he’s into you he’s into you. 
•Probably doesn’t really have a type physically,but I‘d guess that he’s into (a bit more) brainy chicks/dudes.
•You guys would first meet through Erica or Sarah or because you have classes together.He‘s head over heels immediately and would keep flirting with you in the most cheesy ways possible.
•Can literally not stop talking or thinking of you and simply adores everything you while you two are in the talking stage (cause we all know those boys are simps).
•When you make it official he‘s proudly showing you off to everyone he knows.
•Also has his favorite picture of you in his locker,mostly to brag about you.
•If anyone walks by and looks at it while he’s talking to Ethan he’d just be like "oh shh dont want anyone to know how hot my girlfriend/boyfriend/partner is!"
•Would absolutely drool if he sees you wearing his clothes,he‘s so proud BUT if he sees you wearing like his star wars shirt or something like that maybe,he‘d be even more head over heels in love with you although he didn’t know that would be possible.
•Will immediately include you into the friendgroup,bring you along to sleepover/hangouts at Ethan‘s (the bromance is still going strong ofc).
•He’s always be respectful of your boundaries,as soon as you even mention them (as he should) and will apologize a hundred times if he accidentally messes up.
•Forces you to have nerdy dates,like playing dnd,old video games or watch old movies while he explains the lore of the certain thing to you.
•However when its your turn to pick activities for date nights he absolutely loves your cheesy/girly or nerdy stuff too,although he‘d never admit that. 
•Benny will watch any of your comfort shows with you if he finds one he enjoys and start sending you memes of the show that quickly become insiders.
•Little spoon but wont admit it cause he’s too proud. 
•I personally think he’d really enjoy slasher movies (at least more than let’s say Ethan or Sarah).
•He‘d be one of those guys to take you out a horror movie on your first date in hopes that you‘ll hold his hand or etc if you get scared. 
•Rory will definitely third wheel at a LOT of your dates but you always kinda manage to shake him off a bit (poor guy).
Thank you soo much for the request,I found it easier to picture him as a significant other for the headcanons but I will do him as a character individually too soon,hope you like it<333
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nousernameyet · 11 days ago
poppy playtime au idea:
what if doey turned players into clay dough/clay-like?
but players never escaped playtime co, staying with safe heven 
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vihbrj · 10 months ago
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i have two sides:
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zoomzooml · 1 year ago
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Concept doodles I did specifically for redesign of The Nine Realms Night Lights but could actually work for Light Furies too (I mean colors)
They are very late, but Bubblehorn's existence was reminded to me and I found that I could try to do a redesign for it, but I got distracted and ended up with Night Lights lol
Kinda inspired by @/sparrowlucero's idea of Night Furies colors working like those of wolves so they aren't all black.
These Night Lights are just ideas and there probably would be possible different versions of each patterns but idk. Just ideas
And Thunder's design diss lmao
Now I think his tail fins should be bigger but I'm too lazy to come back to it now so let's agree it's bigger. Mostly longer.
Text from pic + some notes under the cut
For all we know Toothless was the last Night Fury, so it's theoretically impossible that after so many years his descendants would continue to have black coloration, especially that much of it (unless they are heavily inbreed what after looking at those models is possible-)
To distinguish our main dragon (because apparently the saddle is not enough???) from other representatives of the specie as well as dragons from the background, I thought it would be an interesting option to give the Light Furies (whose genes should now predominate, if not completely supplant those of the Night Fury) and Night Lights a naturally varied color scheme.
Since the popular interpretation is that Light Furies are a semi-aquatic variety of Furies I thought aquatic animals would be the best inspiration. There I have only dolphins but probably some other could be used too (like sharks??)
Thunder is, of course, inspired by the Killer Whale. Mainly because I didn't want to change his design very much.
All tail fins are shaped more like those of Light Fury but are ragged like those of Night Fury. I didn't write it on the doodle but wings are more like NF (they are kinda bat-like and dragons were living uderground.)
The wings have a much larger connection to his flank, giving a surface area that gives him the actual ability to fly
The legs are somewhere between NL and LF. Bulkier than LF, slimmier than NF
I kept his big ears. They are funky
Plus I made his body longer and neck thicker
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mordorinmind · 3 months ago
Curently rewatching Voltron for the last time and man. The Black Paladins episode is my 13th reason. The way Keith had to fight his brother in life/death situation and then had to led the rest to fight with Lotor. And NO ONE GAVE A SHIT. 13TH FUCKING REASON .
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fgsela · 2 years ago
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ssspaluba · 2 months ago
I really wanted Kai&Garmadon bonding when Garmadon was at «good side» cause there are so many parallels between them and I can't help but think how their personalities are quite similar. They both prefer focusing on their own goal, sometimes they might even (accidently or not) hurt their family because of them (remember how Kai was trying to rescue the rest of the ninja during S4, joining Chen for a time). They both don't like hurting people they love, but if Kai decided not to, Garmadon hesitated (when he was evil and fourhanded an... y'know) . They both have younger sibling btw, they already have a topic to discuss. They both love their family so much. They both was captured by evil for a while (Kai in S4, again). They both wanted more from this world. They both were jealous.
God i really wanted to see trying uncle Garmadon and angry nephew Kai...
But they killed sensei Garmadon instead
Okay, I cried
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