#Some Evans sisters angst
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 1 year ago
Lily was sick and tired of her sister treating her like trash. Lily thought perhaps there had been a time when Petunia was nicer, when they were kids. But now that Lily had grown, she realized Petunia had been nice only because she wanted something from Lily. It hurt, because Lily loved her sister.
Petunia had a strong personality, she had friends, she went to parties, she had always been the rebel girl. She had constant fights and tantrums with their parents. But she always got what she wanted. At the end, their parents gave in. Especially their mum who had a soft spot for Petunia.
On the other hand, Lily was sweet, calm and obedient. She didn't cause much trouble. She didn't have much friends and she preferred to stay home and read a book than going out. Lily had a nice relationship with her parents. She liked spending time with them. And perhaps that made her boring, like Petunia said.
There were times when the two sisters got along. But when Petunia was in a bad mood, it was impossible to talk to her.
"Nobody gets me. Nobody understands" Petunia used to cry "I have issues as well. Mum and dad don't pay me attention like they do to you"
When Petunia said things like that, Lily felt guilty. She didn't want to be the favorite child. She didn't want Petunia to hate her.
Lily needed to take advantage of the times when Petunia was in a good mood and she wanted to spend time with Lily. It was a good sign that Petunia wanted to spend her 22nd birthday with Lily.
"Of course I want you here, Lily" she had said over the phone "You are my sister after all, right?"
Lily's heart was filled with joy and hope. So she really got excited about that birthday dinner. Lily bought Petunia something nice, something she would like as a present. And she also spent the whole day choosing the perfect outfit.
"You look gorgeous, love" James said when he saw her. Honestly, she could never do this without him.
"Thanks..." Lily swallowed "Do you think I look too elegant with this dress? Petunia said it was something casual..."
"You look perfect, Lily" James squeezed her hand "I love that dress"
Lily bit her lip "It is the first birthday I actually spend with her in 7 years. I've been at Hogwarts and I couldn't go home. Of course I called her and made sure my parents gave her the present I prepared for her... But I feel awful for not actually being there... And now that we graduated I can finally spend her birthday with her... So of course I am nervous... "
"Lily..." James grabbed her face "It's not like you didn't want to be with her. We lived in a boarding school in fucking Scotland. It's not your fault... And she is your sister. You don't have to be nervous"
Lily sighed "I want to show her how much I care"
"I think that what you do for her is more than enough"
It wasn't the first time Lily visited Petunia and Vernon's place. She went there to help them move in last year. And she had been there a couple of times with her mum. But it was the first time she came here with James.
The house was big and pretty elegant. Vernon's family had a lot of money. And even if James was as rich or even richer, he still was surprised.
"Woow! You have a nice place, Petunia"
"Yeah, it's alright" Petunia shrugged "I am glad you could come"
Lily smiled when Petunia hugged her.
"Happy Birthday, Tuney!" Lily gave her her present.
"Thank you, Lily" Petunia gave her a small smile. But she didn't open the present, she put it aside.
"How does it feel to be a year older?" James asked trying to make a joke.
"Yeah, thank you for reminding me I am getting old..."
"I mean you look great" James chuckled nervously "Each year more beautiful"
Petunia raised an eyebrow.
"Stop flirting with my sister, James" Lily joked as well.
"Okay" James shrugged, laughing a little.
But Petunia didn't find it funny.
"Please come in" she said "Vernon and his friends are in the living room"
"Thank you"
James and Lily stepped in.
"Why are you wearing an apron?" Lily asked her sister.
"I am making dinner"
"You're cooking? On your birthday?"
"What is the big deal, Lily?" Petunia shrugged "I like to cook"
Lily had promised herself to not make Petunia angry and actually have a good time together on her birthday. Like sisters should.
"Do you need any help?"
James always a gentleman. Lily adored him.
"Lily can help me" Petunia said and Lily smiled "James, men are drinking in the living room. You should join them"
James and Lily exchanged looks.
"Really, I have no problem in helping. They say I am a great chef"
"Great chef?" Lily snorted "How about that chocolate tart that exploded on your mum's kitchen?"
"I don't know what are you talking about"
Lily laughed "Poor Effie had to clean that up for weeks"
"Sirius and I told you that in confidence, Lily"
Lily giggled.
Petunia faked a smile.
"Let's get you to see Vernon first"
Lily and James tried to fit in with Petunia and Vernon's circle. It wasn't easy.
James made conversation with most of the people there. He was always nice. He had the capacity of making everyone like him. Not like Lily who tried so hard and ended up being weird anyway.
Lily felt like a fish out of the sea. But luckily, James was there to make things easier. He held her hand. He whispered in her ear how beautiful she was. And he made fun of people's ways of talking. That made Lily laugh.
"Potter, let me get you a drink" Vernon said, patting his shoulder.
"Oh! Cheers, Vernon" he smiled "A beer is fine"
"A beer?" Vernon laughed and his male friends did as well "Let me get you a real drink.... I have the best whiskey around Europe"
"Oh, cool..."
"You have to see my bar" Vernon added, expecting James to follow him.
James looked at Lily.
"It's okay, babe. Go" she smiled, although she didn't want James to leave "I'll see if Tuney needs help"
"Okay" James kissed her cheek before following Vernon and his mates.
Lily gave James a sweet smile. At least Vernon was being nice with him. Not like last time.
Lily was forced to go to the kitchen where all the women where.
Lily learned that Petunia's friends liked to stay in the kitchen to gossip about their partners. It was mostly girl talk about men. Lily tried to chat with them but she didn't know these people very well. She wished she could be with James. Lily wondered how bored he would be with Vernon and the others. Although James Potter never got bored. He was the life of the party everywhere he went.
"Your boyfriend is nice, Lily" Marge said as she served herself some wine.
Lily didn't like Vernon's sister. She had been a bitch to Lily even since they met. Always putting her down.
"Oh... Yeah he is amazing" Lily said as she continued chopping some carrots.
"I always thought you would end up with that creepy friends of yours..."
Lily stopped cutting the carrots.
"Marge..." Petunia warned.
"Oh, the one with greasy hair and big nose?" Marge continued anyway "What was his name again?"
"Severus..." Lily whispered. She didn't want to remember everything Severus did to her, how much he had lied and manipulated her. It hurt to say his name.
"Severus, right!" Marge nodded "Was he your boyfriend?"
"Lily has an ex?" One of Petunia's friends asked. Ruth. "Didn't you say, Tuney, that Potter was her first boyfriend?"
"Honestly, Lily didn't deserve that wanker"
Lily was happy that Petunia defended her. She had always hated Severus. She had always warned Lily about him and she didn't listen.
"Well, who would've thought that you would end up with a cutie like Potter" Marge said.
Lily was disgusted and jealous.
"And he has his own company, that's a plus" Ruth added, with a wink.
"His father owns the company... So.."
"Same thing" Ruth giggled "Does he have cute single friends for you to introduce us?"
Lily almost laughed thinking about Sirius and Remus, and how they were so gay for each other. And there was Peter, he was single... But Peter deserved someone better than these bitches.
"Ruth!" Petunia laughed "I thought you had Paul"
"He doesn't have to know" Ruth laughed like a pig. That Paul lad was with Vernon and the rest downstairs.
"And I meant it for Nancy here"
Nancy was nice. Lily didn't understand why would she be part of that group. She barely spoke but she was always good with Lily. Apparently the fact that she didn't have a boyfriend bothered her friends.
"I'm fine by myself"
"Honestly you didn't like anyone of Vernon's friends, perhaps you would like James' friends" Ruth tutted.
Marge nodded, then she leaned towards Lily "I checked your boyfriend's social media and look at this gorgeous friend of his" she showed them a picture of Sirius "Tell me he is single, Lily!"
Lily almost told them he had a boyfriend, just to see their faces. But she didn't want to speak about Sirius' life.
"He is with someone..."
"Doesn't matter who she is, I think I will take her boyfriend away..."
If she meant it as a joke, Lily didn't find it funny. But Ruth and Nancy laughed. Luckily Petunia didn't.
"Marge... Could you set the table?" she said with scolding eyes "Dinner is almost ready"
"Sure" Marge shrugged and walked away to the dinning room.
"Sorry" Petunia whispered to Lily as Ruth and Nancy began talking about something else.
"It's okay" Lily smiled. She was so glad her sister was on her side "Dinner smells great"
"It's nice that you wanted to cook for everyone" Lily added "I honestly would've just ordered a pizza" she giggled.
"Lily, don't be simple" Petunia rolled her eyes "I cannot just give pizza to my guests... Are you insane?"
Lily didn't say anything else.
Dinner was torture. They ate with the boys but their conversation was only between them. Lily noticed that when one of the girls made a comment, Vernon completely ignored them. Nobody else seemed to notice this. Lily wanted to ask James, but he was innocently listening to Vernon speak.
Vernon's conversation with his friends consisted on football, taxes, cars and stupid male anecdotes about how he had wanted to punch men who had been flirty with Petunia.
Everyone seemed to find Vernon speech funny, even Petunia. James laughed politely but Lily noticed he was uncomfortable. Lily wanted to tell Vernon to shut up.
"Babe, the smash potatoes are cold. You should have learned to use the microwave by now"
Vernon said it as a joke. And everyone laughed.
Lily was losing patience. She squeezed James' hand under the table.
"Very funny, sweetheart" Petunia smiled and kissed Vernon's cheek as she stood up "I'll heat this up"
Lily was going to say something "Hey Ver..."
"Everything is delicious, Petunia" James interrupted "You are an incredible cook"
"Oh, she is the best" Vernon kissed her hand "You should try her meat pie. Isn't it the best, Lily?"
That was the first time Vernon spoke to her during the night.
"Yeah it is wonderful" You stupid wanker.
"Darling, bring more wine from the cellar. The best you can find. And more glasses"
"Yeah sure"
Petunia smiled and walked to the kitchen. Didn't Vernon have fucking legs to do it himself? Petunia had done enough and it was her freaking birthday.
Vernon continued talking about himself again. Lily couldn't stand it anymore. She stood up and followed her sister. Even if James tried to stop her.
Petunia didn't seem upset or anything. She was heating the mash potatoes as if nothing had happened.
"Why do you let him treat you like that?" Lily asked.
Petunia turned.
"Excuse me?"
"Vernon..." Lily pointed to the door "He practically humiliated you out there. I don't like the way he orders you things. He hasn't done anything to help with dinner"
Petunia crossed her arms.
"Don't you fucking start with Vernon, okay, Lily?"
"Tuney" Lily sighed "You don't deserve this..."
"I don't deserve what?" Petunia snapped "Vernon is my husband and he is a gentleman with me"
"A gentleman?" Lily snorted.
"You have no fucking idea about my relationship, Lily. So don't medle just like I don't medle between you and Potter" Petunia tutted "And trust me, I have a lot of things to say about Potter"
"There's nothing wrong about James" Lily whispered.
"Vernon treats me like a queen and I love him" Petunia continued "He is amazing with me. And if I cooked tonight or if I want to pass him things is because I freaking want to! I like making him meals and helping him out"
"That's not right, Tuney" Lily shook her head "He is not supposed to get used to you serving him...."
"Oh shut up, Lily!" Petunia rolled her eyes "Don't bring me that stupid feminist bullshit"
"It is not feminine bullshit!" Lily exclaimed "Is the truth! Tuney you might not see it now but..."
"This is unbelievable" Petunia snorted and shook her head "You cannot stand that I am happy, can you?"
"You are so selfish, always thinking about yourself. Because Lily must have the perfect life. Lily must have the perfect boyfriend. Lily must always be right!"
Lily let out a surprised chuckle.
"Selfish? All I've done this evening is try to like you and your friends. I wanted us to get along"
"Do you want me to get along with the person who comes here and talks shit about my husband?"
"Tuney" Lily sighed "Vernon is..."
"Vernon is the love of my life" Petunia spat with tears in her eyes "I married him because I love him, he is my husband and the father of my future child"
Lily was taken aback.
"What? Are you...."
"We were going to announce it after dinner" Petunia interrupted "I am pregnant"
Lily didn't know what to say. Part of her was happy for Tuney and the fact that she would be an aunt. But she really thought Petunia deserved better than Vernon. She didn't like that asshole.
"I shouldn't have listened to mum when she insisted to invite you" Petunia said "You really ruin things, Lily. You are always fucking my life"
Now it was Lily's turn to cry.
"You only invited me because mum made you?"
Lily really thought her sister liked her, cared for her. She really thought they could have a good relationship like other sisters. But Petunia hated her. Petunia would never like Lily.
"You should freaking leave, Lily"
Lily blinked tears when James walked into the kitchen.
"Everything, alright?"
"We are leaving, James" Lily sniffed and wiped her tears away "We are leaving now"
James looked worriedly between the two sisters. Petunia blinked away the tears and took the smash potatoes out of the microwave.
"I better take this to Vernon" Petunia said "I will tell him you suddenly didn't feel well and you had to leave"
"Hey, Petunia..."
"This is none of your business, Potter" Petunia interrupted "Just take her home" and she walked out of the kitchen.
"Let's just get out of here, James" Lily pleaded.
James simply nodded. And Lily loved him for not insisting.
James went into the living room to retrieve their jackets and Lily's purse. He gave everyone a silly excuse about Lily feeling ill. Lily was glad she didn't have to say goodbye.
Once inside James' car, Lily broke down crying. James wrapped his arms around her.
"It's okay, baby" he said as he kissed her head gently.
When Lily calmed down, she told everything to James.
"Didn't you notice how much of an asshole Vernon was with my sister?" she asked "I mean what a bunch of sexist wankers! Girls belong in the kitchen. And boys are supposed to be assholes with them? What was that?..."
"Yeah I noticed that"
"Why didn't you say something?" Lily asked "Of course you don't care because you are a boy..."
"No no Lily... It's not that" James shook his head "I didn't want to be rude inside your sister's house. I didn't want to cause trouble. I thought you wouldn't like that"
"What did you talk with Vernon and the rest of his friends?"
James shrugged "Just rugby, footie and they asked me about my dad's company. Vernon was actually being nice to me"
"Because you are male. But he ignored all of Tuney's female friends... Even his bitchy sister!"
James grabbed her hand.
"I am sorry I left you alone" he said "I shouldn't have gone with them"
Lily laughed "It's okay, James. I know you are not like them"
"Aren't you going to cook me dinner tomorrow, woman?"
Lily raised an eyebrow.
James smiled "I was joking.... Sorry, bad joke"
Lily smiled and shook her head.
"I would never treat you like that. I will always treat you like the queen you are"
Lily looked down.
"I really wanted to get along with Tuney but all of it was awful. Those people suck"
James nodded "The steak was great though" he smiled "Not even my mum buys such an expensive steak..."
Lily smiled "Yeah the steak was really good"
"And you didn't taste it but Vernon's whiskey was really good"
"The wine was amazing!"
"See? At least we had a delicious posh dinner"
That made Lily laugh.
"You are the definition of posh"
"I don't go around bragging about..." then he imitated Vernon's irritating voice "my collection of liquors and my fancy furniture... Or my new HDTV.... Or my new fancy car..."
Lily giggled even more.
"Vernon's car is fine though..."
"Aah... Hello? I dream about that car"
Lily smiled.
"I love you" she said "I love the way you are..."
James smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear.
"I love you more"
"And I love how amazing our friends are, not stupid and superficial like them"
"Our friends are pretty great" James nodded.
Lily smiled and moved to face her boyfriend.
"When we live together..."
"And we have people over, let's not worry about fancy dinners and fine liquors and dressing up elegantly.... The important thing will be to have fun, okay?"
James smiled widely "Okay..."
"We'll order pizza and drink beer and cheap vodka"
"Cheap vodka is the best"
Lily giggled "And everyone could walk in the kitchen. Everyone will help cook or wash the dishes. And we will all have conversations, boys and girls. Adults and kids. Our house will be a welcoming place for everyone. They can even stay to sleep if they want..."
James giggled.
"And we will not care if our guests are well dressed or if they have a job, or a partner, if they are gay or not... Our dinners will be friendly and welcoming and actually fun!"
Lily smiled.
"So you want to live with me?" James asked with a mischievous smirk.
Lily blushed.
"Yeah, some day..." Lily bit her lip "Only if you want to"
"I love you so much, gorgeous" James gave her a sweet kiss "Absolutely I do! Let's get married"
Lily's heart stopped for a second.
"Don't joke, James"
James looked into her eyes.
"I am not joking"
Lily laughed "James, we are eighteen... I need to finish Uni. You need to go to Uni. I am going to become the best journalist in the country..." Lily smiled "And you are going to be the best Rugby Player to ever exist. And only then we can marry"
Lily thought about what she said to Petunia when she got engaged with Vernon. She was only 20 years old. She had a whole life ahead of her. She wasn't doing well at Uni according to their mum. But Lily knew if she found a career she liked, she would be great at it. But Petunia left Uni to marry Vernon and she didn't care about anything else. Now she had married an asshole and she was expecting a baby from him.
Lily needed to do the things right. Even if James was perfect and Lily was so in love with him.
"So I will get to marry you in about ten years till all these things happen?" James asked.
"I think 28 is a perfect age for marriage, don't you?" Lily giggled.
"I waited for you for you to date me for six years, I can wait ten more"
Lily hit his arm gently.
"You wanker"
But she loved him.
James smiled.
"Let's get you home"
Lily nodded. She was exhausted.
James drove away leaving Petunia's neighborhood behind. And Lily hoped her sister would be okay.
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inevitablestars · 4 months ago
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read on ao3
It isn’t until one morning that he’s caught trying to go out to send the letter he spent all night writing. It’s a girl in his year. They haven’t talked much, just a few times during classes or passing food down the table at meals. Her name is Lily, she’s much quieter than Sirius and his friends. That’s probably why they never talk.  “Where are you off to?” “Oh, sending a letter.” He holds it up from where he tucked it in the waistband of his pajama bottoms.  She steps closer. “Who is it to?”  “My brother.” For some reason he doesn’t mind saying it now, he wants a reason to talk about him.  (He misses him. )  “I wish I could write to my sister.”  Something goes off in his head. Not an alarm bell, but something better. She understands this part of him. She understands how he feels. Like he has a missing limb. Part of his is unattached and he desperately needs to get it back. Those few words open the flood gates. This is someone he can talk to about it. This is just the start. Someone here will understand Regulus finally. Maybe after this he can even talk to more of his friends about him. 
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iamgonnagetyouback · 5 months ago
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ⠀────۶ৎ breakdown
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synopsis: after sirius runs away, you find yourself breaking down in an empty corridor. james potter isn’t your friend, but he finds you anyway. you don’t ask for comfort—you just ask him to take care of your brother content warnings: angst, mentions of family trauma, emotional breakdown, abandonment issues, hurt/comfort
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ᡣ𐭩 words.ᐟ 1,004
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The halls of Hogwarts were silent this time of night, the only sound the occasional creak of floorboards or the soft wind brushing against the stone walls outside. James Potter had been patrolling—another night of prefect duty—when he saw a figure slumped near a window, head in their hands.
He wouldn’t have paid much attention, probably would’ve assumed it was someone sneaking out past curfew, but the gleam of dark hair caught his eye. He stopped, his heart sinking. It was you.
You and James weren’t friends. In fact, you weren’t friends with anyone, really, except your own family and some Slytherins like Barty, Evan and Pandora. Most people knew to keep their distance from the Black siblings, pure-blooded and cold. You walked with your chin high, always distant and aloof, like you didn’t care about the world around you.
But now, huddled near the window, your shoulders shook with quiet sobs. James hesitated, unsure if he should leave or approach. He wasn’t used to seeing you like this—broken.
Slowly, he stepped forward. “Hey…”
You didn’t respond. Your sobs didn’t falter, and he suddenly felt out of place. He wasn’t supposed to see this—wasn’t supposed to see you like this. But something inside him couldn’t just walk away.
“Black?” His voice was softer this time, unsure, but you still didn’t move. He took another step closer, and that’s when you finally looked up, eyes red and puffy. There was a desperation in your gaze that caught him off guard, and before he could say anything, you shook your head.
“Please…” your voice was hoarse, a whispered plea. “Don’t look at me.”
James froze. He’d seen people cry before, but never like this. Never someone so proud, so unbreakable, shatter in front of him.
You wiped your face quickly, trying to compose yourself, but it was no use. Your mask had already crumbled. You knew James could see everything now—the pain, the hurt, the cracks in the perfect image of the Black family. And for some reason, that made it worse. He wasn’t supposed to see you like this. No one was.
“Look, I didn’t mean to—” he began, but you cut him off.
“Just… don’t,” you choked out, voice shaky. “Please.”
James swallowed hard, guilt flooding him. He could leave, give you your space like you asked, but something in his gut told him that’s not what you really needed.
“What happened?” he asked softly.
You stiffened, staring down at your hands, the silence stretching unbearably. James was about to give up when you finally spoke, your voice barely audible.
“Sirius… he ran away.”
James blinked, his heart skipping a beat. Sirius had only run away from home a few days ago, but he hadn’t told anyone where he’d gone—only that he’d shown up at the Potter’s doorstep with nothing but the clothes on his back. How did you know?
You must have sensed his confusion because you let out a bitter laugh, though it was tinged with more sadness than anything else. “I know he’s with you.”
James’s throat went dry. Of course you knew. Sirius was your brother, after all. But that didn’t explain why you were crying—why the tough, untouchable Black sister had broken down in the middle of a dark corridor.
“He didn’t even tell me,” you continued, voice wavering. “He just… left.”
The words hit James like a blow to the chest. He’d always seen Sirius as invincible, but to you—his sister—Sirius leaving must have felt like betrayal. Like abandonment. And for the first time, James understood. You were left behind to deal with the mess of the Black family while your brother escaped.
You sniffled, wiping your face again, but this time your hands trembled. “I’m supposed to be the strong one. The one who holds it together. But…” You broke off, biting your lip hard, as if trying to stop yourself from crying more. “But I couldn’t. Not this time.”
James crouched down beside you, unsure of what to say. “It’s okay to not be strong all the time,” he said quietly, surprised at how soft his own voice sounded.
You shook your head, squeezing your eyes shut. “Not for me. Not in my family.”
He understood that. The Blacks had a reputation to uphold—a legacy of power, of purity. Emotions had no place in their world.
But you were just a person. A sister who had lost her brother to a world that wasn’t yours.
“I can’t hate him for leaving,” you whispered, almost to yourself. “I just… I just wish he’d told me.”
James’s chest tightened. “He was probably trying to protect you.”
“I don’t need protecting,” you snapped, though the words came out too broken to sound convincing.
Silence stretched between you, the weight of everything pressing down. James wanted to say something to fix it, but he knew there was nothing he could say. Sirius was gone, and you were left to pick up the pieces.
“He’s going to be okay,” James finally said. “I’ll… I’ll look after him.”
You looked up at him then, eyes glassy but determined. For a moment, the vulnerability vanished, and you were the strong, unshakable Black again. But this time, James saw beneath it. Saw the hurt that came with that strength.
“Promise me,” you said softly. “Promise you’ll take care of him. No matter what.”
James nodded, his voice firm. “I promise.”
Your shoulders slumped in relief, but the sadness in your eyes didn’t fade. You stood slowly, brushing off your robes like nothing had happened, though the cracks were still there, visible to him now.
Without another word, you turned to leave, but before you walked away, you paused, looking back over your shoulder. “Thank you,” you whispered.
James opened his mouth to respond, but you were already gone, disappearing into the shadows of the corridor, leaving him alone with the weight of your words.
He’d keep his promise. For you, for Sirius. Because now, more than ever, he understood just how much it mattered.
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© iamgonnagetyouback ⋆.˚ please do not copy, translate, or repost any of my work.
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newobsessionweekly · 11 months ago
Rays of hope
Main masterlist | The Rookie masterlist
Tim Bradford x wife!reader
Fandom: The Rookie
Summary: Your son is kidnapped and you and your husband, Tim, do everything you can to get him back.
ANGST | Hurt to comfort
Requested: Yes - here
Warnings: Kidnapping, kid being held hostage, description of being shot, injuries, losing consciousness.
A/N: I LOVE WRITING ANGST. I've worked so hard on this one and I absolutely love how it turned out. I won't say anything else, I'll let you enjoy it. I have so many ideas and I seriously make it a full time job writing everything.
Words: 6.1k
GIF not mine, credits to the owner.
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As the soft light of dawn filtered through the curtains, the Bradford household stirred with the promise of a new day. The aroma of brewing coffee mingled with the gentle sounds of morning chatter as you and Tim bustled around the kitchen, preparing for the day ahead.
Evan, your bright-eyed three-year-old, bounced around the room with infectious energy, his laughter filling the air. Tim knelt down, scooping his son up into his strong arms, showering him with tickles and kisses.
"Hey there, little man," he chuckled, his voice infused with affection. "What adventures are you up today?"
Evan giggled gleefully, wrapping his tiny arms around his father's neck. His response was a jumble of words, excitement evident despite his struggles with forming coherent sentences. "Catch the bad guys like mommy and daddy!"
Tim chuckled, planting a gentle kiss on Evan's cheek. "That's right, buddy. Just like Mommy and Daddy" he said, his voice gentle as he tousled Evan's hair affectionately. "But first, how about some superhero breakfast?"
Tim's presence seemed to illuminate the room even more. He approached you with a tender smile, his eyes reflecting the depth of his love as he enveloped you in his embrace. His arms wrapped around you securely, a comforting shield against any worries or doubts.
"Morning, baby," his voice, like a soothing melody, whispered into your ear, sending shivers of warmth down your spine. "How are my two favorite girls this morning?"
In that moment, as his hand brushed over your bump with such tender care, you felt an overwhelming rush of love and gratitude for the man standing before you. Tim's gaze lingered on you, his eyes filled with an unspoken promise of unwavering support and devotion.
"We're doing great," you replied, leaning into his embrace, savoring the feeling of being held so close.
Tim pressed a gentle kiss to your temple, his lips lingering there for a moment as if to convey all the love he felt. "You look absolutely radiant," he murmured, his voice filled with awe and admiration. "I swear, every day you glow even more."
As Tim settled Evan into his chair, you couldn't help but admire the sight before you. Tim embodied strength and tenderness in equal measure. Dressed casually, his rugged charm shone through effortlessly. With every movement, his love for you and your son was evident, his hands deftly helped Evan eat breakfast while his eyes sparkled with warmth. Watching him with Evan, you couldn't help but feel a wave of adoration for the man who filled your home with love and security.
"Uh-oh. We have a problem," you announced, your voice tinged with concern as you glanced down at your phone. "Nanny just texted me. She can't make it today."
Tim's brow furrowed slightly as he considered the situation, his mind already working on a solution. "What about your mom?" he suggested. "Can't she babysit Evan today?"
You shook your head regretfully, a sigh escaping your lips. "I don't think so. She's outside LA now," you explained, your thoughts racing to find an alternative. "Maybe your sister?"
At the mention of Genny, Tim's expression darkened slightly, "No, custody battle today," he murmured, his voice tinged with a hint of worry. "We'll figure something out, baby. Don't worry."
As you and Tim exchanged worried glances, Evan piped up from his seat, his innocent voice breaking the tension in the room. "Mommy, Daddy, no worry," he declared, his eyes wide with determination. "Evan help!"
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You stepped into the familiar hustle and bustle of the station and Evan's eyes widened in wonder at the sight of officers in their crisp uniforms bustling about their duties. With a gleeful tug on Tim's hand, he eagerly dashed around, taking in every detail with unbridled enthusiasm.
"Daddy, look! Cops!" Evan exclaimed, his words a jumble of excitement as he pointed at the officers. "Lots and lots!"
Tim chuckled softly, his heart swelling with pride at his son's eagerness. "That's right, buddy," he affirmed, his voice warm with affection. "This is where mommy and daddy work, with all their friends."
Your son darted around, his boundless energy matched only by his excitement, he greeted each familiar face with enthusiasm, his words a mixture of gibberish and genuine attempts at conversation.
"Hi, Lulu!" Evan exclaimed, flashing Lucy a toothy grin as he reached up to give her a high-five.
Lucy laughed, her eyes crinkling at the corners with amusement. "Hi there, little buddy! If it isn't our favourite visitor!" she replied, returning the high-five with a gentle pat on the head. "You've grown so much since the last time we saw you!"
Evan beamed at the attention, his chest swelling with pride. "I big boy!" he declared proudly, his words punctuated by a triumphant grin.
Next, Evan turned his attention to Angela, his eyes alight with recognition. "Hi, Auntie Angie!" he chirped, reaching out to tug on her sleeve.
Angela's heart melted at the endearing nickname, her smile softening as she crouched down to Evan's level. "Hey, champ," she said, ruffling his hair affectionately. "He's the spitting image of his mother." she said to Lucy, shooting you a playful wink.
Evan beamed at the praise, his chest puffing out with pride. "I grow big like Daddy!" he declared, his words filled with confidence.
Nyla and Nolan watched the exchange with fond amusement, their own smiles widening as Evan made his rounds. You watched your son with amusement, glad he's terrorising your friends and gave you and your husband a moment to catch your breath.
"Don't forget Nyla and John." Evan eagerly nodded at your words, making his way to Nyla first.
She joined in, her face breaking into a wide smile as she crouched down to Evan's level. "Hey there, buddy! You remember my name?" she extended her hand for a handshake.
Evan shook her hand vigorously, his eyes shining with excitement. "You Nyla! I Evan, I help mommy and daddy catch bad guys!" he announced proudly, his words punctuated by a giggle.
Nolan chuckled, ruffling Evan's hair affectionately. "Looks like you've got quite the little helper there, Tim," he remarked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
Evan saw the opportunity for more attention and he grabbed Nolan's pants, "John, look!" he exclaimed, pointing at something only he could see.
Nolan chuckled, crouching down to Evan's level. "What am I looking at, buddy?" he asked with a grin.
Evan giggled mischievously, his eyes dancing with mischief. "You funny!" he declared, wrapping his tiny arms around the officer's neck in a spontaneous hug.
Then, in a burst of excitement, Evan's face lit up with a newfound revelation. "I meet baby sister soon!" he announced, his words tumbling out in a rush.
The officers exchanged surprised glances, their expressions shifting from amusement to shock at the unexpected news. "Baby sister?" Angela echoed, her voice tinged with disbelief. "Congratulations!"
Nolan grinned, clapping Tim on the back in hearty congratulations. "Well, Bradford. Looks like you're in for double trouble," he teased, his tone affectionate yet teasing.
Amidst the chorus of well wishes and congratulations, both you and Tim couldn't help but feel a swell of gratitude for the supportive community they had found within the station.
"So, what's the little guy doing here?" Angela inquired, her brow furrowed in concern.
Tim sighed, running a hand through his hair as he explained the morning's events. "Well, nanny bailed on us last minute," he admitted, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. "We didn't have enough time to find someone else to watch him."
Nyla nodded understandingly, her expression sympathetic. "I can call James," she offered, already reaching for her phone. "He can take Evan with him for the day."
Meanwhile, Lucy's eyes lit up with an idea. "And Tamara's here for a school project," she added eagerly, gesturing towards the young woman across the room. "She can watch Evan in the meantime."
Tim's shoulders visibly relaxed at the offers of help, gratitude flooding his heart. "Thank you, both of you," he said sincerely, his voice filled with relief.
You felt a wave of gratitude wash over you, touched by the kindness and support of your colleagues. Despite the unexpected hiccup in their morning routine, you couldn't help but feel reassured knowing that you had such caring friends to rely on.
As Evan bounced around the room, his excitement palpable, you couldn't help but smile at the sight of your son surrounded by so much love and warmth.
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Tamara returned from the restroom and her heart skipped a beat at the sight of the empty break room. Evan's toys lay abandoned on the table, but there was no sign of the energetic three-year-old. She left only for a moment, assigning Smitty to keep an eye on Evan but she couldn't find any of them.
"Evan?" she called out, her voice tinged with concern as she scanned the room frantically. "Where are you?"
Panic began to bubble up inside her as she rushed out into the hallway, calling out for Evan at the top of her lungs. "Evan!" she shouted, her voice echoing off the walls of the station. "Come on, kid! This isn't funny. We didn't agree to play hide and seek!"
Her heart pounded in her chest as she raced through the corridors, her eyes darting from room to room in search of any sign of the missing child. The fear gnawed at her insides, threatening to overwhelm her with its intensity.
"Y/N's gonna kill me," she murmured under her breath, her mind racing with worst-case scenarios. She couldn't bear the thought of facing you and Tim with the news that your son was missing on her watch.
With each passing moment, the weight of responsibility pressed down on her shoulders, driving her to search even more desperately for Evan. She prayed with all her might that he was safe and sound, waiting to be found somewhere within the station.
Tamara's heart raced as she rushed to Angela's desk, her hands trembling with fear. Her eyes widened at the sight of Tamara's panicked expression, immediately sensing that something was terribly wrong.
"What happened?" Angela asked, her voice filled with concern as she reached out to steady Tamara.
"It's Evan," Tamara blurted out, her words tumbling out in a rush. "I don't know what happened. He—uh, he's not in the break room. I can't find him."
Panic surged through Tamara's veins, threatening to overwhelm her as she struggled to catch her breath. She couldn't shake the feeling of dread that gripped her heart, knowing that Evan was missing and she was responsible for his safety.
Angela's eyes widened in alarm as she grasped the gravity of the situation. "Okay, okay, let's stay calm," she reassured, though her own heart raced with fear. "Let's go to talk to Grey."
Together, they hurried to Sergeant Grey's office, their steps quickening with each passing moment. Angela explained the situation to the sergeant, her voice urgent as she described Evan's disappearance. He wasted no time in springing into action, dispatching officers to search the station up and down and the surrounding area for any sign of Evan.
Returning to Angela's desk, they accessed the security cameras from the station, their hands shaking as they scrolled through the footage. With bated breath, they watched as a figure dressed in black approached Evan in the break room, his face obscured from view.
As they watched in horror, the figure took Evan's hand and led him out of the station through the front door, disappearing into the bustling city beyond.
Angela's stomach churned with dread as she exchanged a horrified glance with Tamara. "We have to find him," she said, her voice trembling with urgency.
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You and your rookie arrived as backup for Tim and the day seemed like any other—filled with the usual hustle and bustle of police work and the consuming thoughts about your son now more than ever. It wasn't about that you didn't trust Tamara or James, it was more the fact that your son was in a not so familiar place.
When Sergeant Grey's voice cut through the radio, your maternal instincts kicked in, suddenly feeling something was not right.
"7-Adam-19, 7-Adam-100, please return to the station," he commanded, his voice terse and filled with an unspoken sense of dread.
Immediately, you and your husband exchanged a look of concern, your hearts pounding in your chests as you hastily wrapped up the call. Questions swirled in your minds, but you could sense the urgency in Wade's voice, driving you to act without hesitation.
Rushing towards the station, your thoughts were racing with a million terrifying possibilities. The atmosphere was charged with tension, officers scurrying about with grim expressions etched upon their faces. You and Tim shared a look of mutual fear, your hearts pounding in your chests as you braced yourselves for the worst.
"What happened? Where's Evan?" your voice trembled with fear as you approached Sergeant Grey, your eyes searching desperately for any sign of reassurance.
Grey's expression was grave as he met your gaze, his own eyes filled with sorrow and sympathy. "Please sit down," he urged gently.
But Tim couldn't bring himself to comply, his chest tight with anxiety and dread. "Don't do that," he interjected. "Just tell us what happened."
Sergeant Grey sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping under the weight of the news he had to deliver. "Fine," he relented. "Evan's been kidnapped. We're waiting for the security footage of all cameras around the station, but Detective Lopez might have a lead."
The words hit you and Tim like a sledgehammer, leaving you reeling with disbelief and anguish. Your sweet, innocent son had been taken from you, and you both were powerless.
The weight of the situation settles over you like a suffocating blanket, "Thompson" the name escapes your lips in a whisper, heavy with the burden of past encounters with the man.
Memories flood your mind—the chilling threats, the sinister promises of retribution, the menacing glint in his eyes as he swore vengeance upon you and your loved ones.
Tim's expression darkens with a mix of anger and concern, his mind racing as he processes the implications of Thompson's involvement. "I didn't know he got out," he admits, his voice tight with frustration and worry.
Your eyes fill with tears, heart aching with the unbearable fear of the unknown as you grasp your husband's hand tightly. "We gotta find him, Tim. We need to find Evan," you plead, voice trembling with desperation.
Tim's jaw clenches with resolve as he pulls you into a tight embrace, his arms a comforting anchor amidst the storm of emotions raging within you. "We will, baby," he vows, his voice a steady reassurance in the face of uncertainty.
He holds you even tighter, his touch a silent reassurance amidst the chaos that surrounds you. With gentle strokes of his hand along your back, he tries to soothe the trembling of your body, his touch conveying more comfort than words ever could.
A wave of despair washed over you both as you sank into nearby chairs, minds racing with a whirlwind of emotions. In that moment, your world shattered into a million jagged pieces, leaving behind only a gaping void where your son's laughter once filled the air. Both of you were consumed by a sense of helplessness and grief, your hearts heavy with the unbearable weight of uncertainty.
Tim feels your trembling body in his arms, he knows that mere words can never be enough to ease the crushing weight of your fear. With gentle fingers, he brushes away the tears that stain your cheeks, his touch tender and comforting. Each stroke is a promise—a promise that he will do everything in his power to bring your son home safe and sound.
In the depths of his heart, Tim feels a surge of pain and helplessness, knowing that you, his wife, are bearing the weight of your son's disappearance with every fiber of your being. His own worries and fears are pushed aside as he focuses solely on providing comfort and strength to the one he loves most in the world.
Tamara rushes to your side, her usually composed attitude shattered by panic and guilt. Her face is pale, her hands shaking as she struggles to find the words to express her guilt.
"Y/N, Tim... I'm so sorry," she stammers, her voice quivering with emotion. "I was only gone for a minute, I left Smitty with him. I... I don't know what happened. When I got back, he—uh, he was gone. I'm so sorry."
Your heart breaks for Tamara, knowing the weight of guilt she must be carrying on her shoulders. Despite your own anguish, you reach out to embrace her, offering comfort and solace in the midst of the chaos.
"It's not your fault, Tamara," you reassure her, voice filled with compassion and understanding. "It's okay. We'll find him."
The tension in the room reaches a fever pitch, Angela breaks the heavy silence with a sense of urgency in her voice. "Guys, I think I've found something," she announces, her eyes darting between Tim and you.
Tim's heart leaps with hope as he strides over to Angela's desk, you close behind. "Show us," Tim demanded, his voice tight with barely contained emotion.
Angela quickly pulled up several surveillance footage clips on her computer screen, the images grainy but unmistakable. "Look here," she pointed, her finger tracing the path of a rusty van leaving the surroundings of the station.
Tim's jaw tightened with determination as he surveyed the footage, his mind already racing with plans and strategies to track down the van and bring Evan home. "It's worth a shot," he declared.
Your heart swelled with gratitude and relief, eyes shining with tears as you leaned in closer to the screen. "We have to go after it," you insisted, voice trembling with desperation and determination.
Tim nodded in agreement, his resolve unwavering. "Alright. Let's get airship support and all the surveillance footage we can find. We need to know every move that van makes," he commanded, already reaching for his radio to issue the orders.
Before you could finalize the plans, Tim's hand shot out to stop you in your tracks, his expression wrought with concern. "You should stay behind," he insisted, his voice soft but firm, his eyes pleading for you to consider your safety.
Your heart sank at the thought of being left behind, your fear for Evan overwhelming any sense of self-preservation. "Not a chance," you declared, your voice trembling with determination. "I'm coming with you. We need all the help we can get."
Tim's gaze softened as he looked into the your eyes, his heart swelling with love and admiration, "Y/N, please. I need to know you're safe. I need you and the baby girl safe," he confessed.
Your resolve only hardened at Tim's words, determination unyielding in the face of adversity. "And what about our boy? What about Evan? I need to find him," you insisted, voice filled with desperation.
In that moment, Tim knew that there was no arguing with your determination. With a heavy sigh, he relented, his heart heavy with worry but his resolve unshaken. "Alright," he murmured, pulling you into a tight embrace. "But promise me you'll stay close. I can't lose you too."
You nodded, your heart swelling with gratitude for Tim's understanding and support. "I promise," you vowed.
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With a sense of urgency driving forward, you quickly arrived at the last location where the van was seen. The air crackled with tension as you surveyed the surroundings, the weight of the mission pressing down on you.
Tim's voice cut through the silence as he commanded the team to split up and patrol on foot, his words echoing with authority. "We need to cover every inch of this area," he instructed. "Lucy, Nolan, take east side. Nyla, Angela, cover west. We'll take north."
You nodded in silent agreement, eyes scanning the area for any sign of movement. With each step you took, your hearts hammered in your chests, minds racing with a thousand terrifying possibilities.
Together, you moved cautiously towards the building, the footsteps echoing in the eerie silence of the abandoned street. Tim's hand brushed against yours, a silent gesture of reassurance as you approached the looming structure.
Around the corner, you caught sight of the van parked haphazardly in the alleyway, its doors hanging open as if inviting you inside. Tim's grip tightened on his radio, the other one squeezing your hand even tighter, as he relayed your location, his voice steady and controlled despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins.
"7-Adam-19, we've located the van. Requesting immediate backup at the north entrance," he spoke into the radio, his words precise and urgent.
With bated breath, you entered the building, hearts pounding in your chests as you navigated through the dimly lit corridors hand in hand. Every creak of the floorboards, every flutter of movement in the shadows, sent shivers down your spines as you pressed forward, determination unwavering in the face of danger.
Your hearts stopped as you took in the sight before you— your precious son, bound and gagged, his eyes wide with fear, and the kidnapper, a sinister glint in his eyes as he held the gun to Evan's head.
Evan's small body trembling in fear as he stared up at both you and Tim with tear-filled eyes. The sight of him, helpless and vulnerable, struck a deep chord within you, igniting a firestorm of emotions that threatened to consume you whole.
The knots that bound Evan's wrists and ankles were tight and unforgiving, cutting into his delicate skin and leaving angry red marks in their wake. The sight of your son restrained like a prisoner sent a wave of nausea crashing over, your stomach churning with a mixture of anger and helplessness.
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you took in the sight of your son, heart breaking with every whimper and cry that escaped his lips. It was a sight you had only imagined in your worst nightmares—a sight that would haunt you both for the rest of your days.
You attempted to approach Evan, heart pounding with desperation and fear as Thompson responded with a chilling gesture, taking off the safety of the gun and pressing it even more firmly against Evan's trembling head. You froze in your tracks as you watched in horror, helpless to do anything but stand by and pray for a miracle.
Tim maintained a facade of indifference and purpose despite the pain and anger that consumed both of you. His face was a mask of determination, his eyes burning with a fierce intensity as he faced down the kidnapper. Inside, however, his heart was a tornado of fear and worry, his mind racing with a million worst-case scenarios.
Your heart felt like it was being crushed in a vice grip, your breath catching in your throat as you struggled against the overwhelming urge to protect your child.
Evan's whimpering pierced through the tense silence, his small voice tinged with confusion and fear as he struggled to understand the gravity of the situation unfolding before him.
Tears streamed down your face as you reached out a trembling hand towards your son, desperate to comfort him, but Tim's firm grip on your arm stopped you in your tracks.
"We can't risk it," Tim whispered urgently as he pulled you back to his side, his eyes never leaving Evan.
Your heart felt like it was being torn apart as you watched Evan's innocent whimpering, your own fear for your son threatening to consume you whole.
"Please," Tim pleaded as he addressed Thompson, his hands held up in a gesture of surrender. "Let him go. We can talk about this. Just let him go."
But Thompson's face twisted with anger and resentment, his grip on the gun tightening as he protested vehemently. "You think I'm just gonna let you walk away after what you did to me?" he spat. "You think I'm just gonna let you go back to your perfect little life while I rot in prison?"
Your heart sank as Thompson's words echoed in your mind, "What do you want?" you asked, your heart breaking at the thought of what Thompson might demand. "I'll give you anything. I'll do anything, just please let him go."
His eyes narrowed with hatred as he glared at you, "I want you to suffer," he snarled, his words like daggers in the silence. "Just like I did."
You and Tim tried to talk Thompson down, your hearts pounded in your chests, every second feeling like an eternity as you desperately sought to keep the kidnapper occupied. With Lucy and Nolan slowly approaching from behind, you prayed that they would be able to disarm him before it was too late.
Nolan positioned himself strategically behind Evan, ready to act as a shield if needed, while Lucy positioned herself behind Thompson, her muscles tensed and prepared for action.
"You're making a mistake," Tim stated firmly, his gaze unwavering as he locked eyes with the kidnapper. "You don't want to do this. Let my son go, and we can figure this out."
Thompson's eyes narrowed, his grip on the gun tightening as he glared at Tim with undisguised hostility. "You think I'm just gonna let you walk away after what you did?" he growled.
Tim's jaw clenched with determination as he met his gaze head-on. "We made a mistake," he admitted, "But that doesn't mean you have to make things worse. Let's talk about this like rational adults."
The kidnapper's expression remained cold and unforgiving, his finger twitching on the trigger as he glared at Tim and you with a mixture of anger and resentment. "You ruined my life," he spat, his voice filled with bitterness. "Now it's time for you to pay."
Tim's heart sank as he watched Thompson's finger inch closer to the trigger, every fiber of his being screaming to protect Evan at all costs. "Listen to me," Tim urged, "This isn't the answer. Let Evan go, and we can work this through."
But Thompson's eyes burned with a fierce determination, his grip on the gun unyielding as he leveled it at Evan's head. "It's too late for that," he snarled, his voice filled with rage. "You took everything from me. Now it's time for you to suffer."
Your heart sank at his words, the weight of his hatred crushing you beneath its suffocating grip. "We're sorry," you whispered, "We didn't know..."
Thompson cut you off with a bitter laugh, his laughter echoing off the walls of the empty room. "You didn't know?" he scoffed, "You didn't know that because of you, my wife and daughter are dead?"
Tears stung your eyes as Thompson's words hit you like a punch to the gut, the guilt weighing heavy on your conscience. "We're sorry," you repeated, "We didn't mean for any of this to happen."
His expression remained cold and unforgiving, his gaze fixed on Evan with a mixture of rage and sorrow. "You think your apologies can bring them back?" he growled, his voice laced with bitterness. "You think your words mean anything to me?"
"Even if you take our son away, it won't bring your wife and daughter back," Tim interjected, his voice steady despite the tension in the air. "Don't make things worse for yourself. If you let him go, we won't say a word. You won't go back to prison."
His words hung heavy in the air, a plea for reason in the midst of chaos.
But Thompson's patience wore thin, his grip on the gun tightening as he grew increasingly agitated. His eyes gleamed with malice as he surveyed the scene before him, a twisted smirk playing on his lips.
"Maybe you're right," he sneered, his voice dripping with venom. "Maybe your little bastard isn't the solution. Your whore of a wife is. And pregnant with your daughter. She's perfect."
The words struck like a dagger to the heart, sending a wave of agony crashing over you. Tim's jaw clenched with barely contained fury, his hands curling into fists at his sides as he struggled to maintain his composure.
When the kidnapper's attention shifted towards you, pointing the gun in your direction with a menacing glare, it created a window of opportunity for Lucy and Nolan to intervene. In that harrowing moment, your heart skipped a beat as the barrel of the gun leveled towards you, but amidst the terror, a glimmer of hope flickered to life.
Lucy lunged forward, her eyes focused solely on disarming the kidnapper before he could harm Evan any further. She reached for the gun, her muscles tensing as she prepared to wrestle it from Thompson's grasp.
But in the chaos of the moment, his finger tightened on the trigger, the deafening sound of gunfire shattering the tense silence like a thunderclap. Your heart stopped as you watched in horror, a rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins as the bullet struck its mark. Pain erupted through your body, but in the heat of the moment, the adrenaline dulled the sensation, allowing you to push through.
Every second felt like an eternity as you and Tim rushed to your son's side, the adrenaline coursing through your veins driving you forward. With trembling hands, you helped Nolan loosen the knots, your fingers fumbling in your haste to free Evan from his restraints.
As the last knot came undone, Evan let out a whimper, his tear-streaked face turning towards you and Tim with a look of desperation.
"Mommy!" he cried, his voice trembling.
Your heart shattered into a million pieces at the sound of Evan's voice, tears streaming down your face as you gathered him into your arms. "I'm here, baby," you murmured, your voice shaking with emotion. "Mommy and daddy are here. You're safe now."
Lucy pressed on, pinning the kidnapper to the ground and she swiftly secured him in handcuffs, effectively neutralizing the threat he posed.
Tim knelt down beside you and Evan, his movements were a blur of frantic yet tender gestures. With trembling hands, he pulled you both into his embrace, holding you close as if his mere touch could ward off the looming threat.
"I've got you," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion as he pressed kisses to your foreheads. "I've got both of you. Everything's going to be okay." His words were a fervent mantra, repeated like a prayer as he desperately tried to reassure himself as much as you and Evan.
You found solace in Tim's embrace, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat a soothing lullaby against your ear. Despite the pain coursing through your body, his presence offered a sense of calm amidst the storm, grounding you in the midst of chaos. With each tender touch and whispered word,exhaustion began to overtake you, the weight of the ordeal bearing down on your weary body, sleep beckoned like a siren's call.
Your eyelids grew heavy with weariness, the pain fading into the background as you surrendered to the embrace of sleep, trusting Tim to keep you safe.
Tim's heart clenched with fear as he felt you grow limp in his arms, panic surging through him like a tidal wave. "No, no, stay with me," he pleaded, his voice thick with emotion. "Don't you dare leave me, Y/N."
But despite his desperate pleas, unconsciousness claimed you, your body going slack against him. Evan's worried voice pierced through the fog of Tim's panic, the little boy shaking your hand with his tiny fingers. "Mommy?" he called out.
Tim's heart shattered at the sight of you lying unconscious on the ground, your face pale and peaceful in sleep. With trembling hands, he scooped Evan into his arms, shielding him from the sight of his mother's still form.
"It's okay, buddy. Mommy's just resting, that's all." Tim whispered, his voice thick with emotion as he held Evan close. But inside, Tim's heart was gripped by fear, his mind racing with worry for you and your unborn baby.
Tim's shouts for help pierced through the chaos, his voice trembled with desperation, tears streaming down his cheeks unchecked as he held Evan tightly in his arms. Each cry for assistance was a desperate plea, a fervent prayer for the help that he so desperately needed.
As the paramedics rushed to your side, Tim watched in horror as they whisked you away on a stretcher. Fear gnawed at his insides, a cold dread settling over him like a suffocating blanket, his chest tightened with every step they took, each moment stretching out into an eternity of agonizing uncertainty.
Angela rushed at Tim's side, and with trembling hands, he handed over Evan into her care, his voice shaking with emotion as he tried to reassure his son in the midst of his own storm.
"It's okay, champ," Tim murmured, his voice choked with tears. "Go with Aunt Angela. Daddy's going with mommy to make sure she's okay." Despite the weight of his own fears bearing down on him, Tim forced a small smile for Evan's sake.
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Tim sat at your bedside, his fingers gently tracing patterns on the back of your hand as he watched over you. Evan was nestled against his chest, his soft snores filling the room with a comforting rhythm.
"How are you holding up, Tim?" Lucy asked, placing a reassuring hand on Tim's shoulders.
"Hanging in there." he whispered, caressing his son's hair like it was an anchor that kept his sanity at peace.
They took turns checking on you, their concern palpable in the air as Tim greeted them with a weary but grateful smile. With each visit, Tim's heart warmed by the unwavering support of his fellow officers and friends.
"Thanks for being here," he offered, his voice tinged with exhaustion but filled with appreciation. "It means a lot."
Angela's gaze softened as she placed a reassuring hand on Tim's shoulder. "We're here for you, Tim," she reassured him. "Whatever you need, just say the word."
As you began to stir, Tim's heart skipped a beat, his gaze never wavering from your face as you slowly blinked awake. "Hey there," he whispered softly, a tender smile gracing his lips as he brushed a stray lock of hair from your forehead. "How are you feeling?"
You returned his smile weakly, your voice barely above a whisper as you replied, "Better, now that you're here." The weight of the past few hours pressed heavily upon you, but the sight of Tim's presence beside you brought a sense of calm that you desperately needed.
Tim's heart swelled with relief at the sound of your voice, his fingers intertwining with yours as he leaned in to press another gentle kiss to your forehead. "I'm never leaving your side again," he vowed, his voice filled with conviction as he gazed into your eyes.
Evan stirred against Tim's chest, his sleepy voice calling out for you. "Mommy" he mumbled, his little arms reaching out in search of you.
Tim's heart melted at the sight of his son, his love for both you and Evan swelling within him like a tidal wave. "Shh, buddy," he whispered, his voice soft and soothing as he gently lifted Evan into his arms. "Mommy's right here."
Evan's sleepy eyes widened with delight as he caught sight of you, his face lighting up with joy. With a sleepy grin, he reached out towards you, his tiny fingers curling around your hand as Tim helped him to gently crawl onto the bed beside you.
You couldn't help but smile at the sight of your son, his presence bringing a sense of warmth and comfort that washed over you like a gentle wave. With Tim's steady hand guiding him, Evan nestled against your side, his sleepy gaze meeting yours with an expression of pure adoration.
"Love you, Mommy," Evan murmured, his voice filled with sleepy affection as he snuggled closer to you.
"I love you more, sweetheart," you whispered in reply as you pressed a tender kiss to Evan's forehead.
Tim's eyes glistened as he looked down at the two of you. With a tender smile, he leaned in to press a kiss to both your foreheads, his touch a silent affirmation of his love for you both.
"I love you both," Tim whispered, his voice thick with emotion as he held you and Evan close, "More than anything in this world."
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vigilante-3073 · 5 months ago
All Those Who Go Unnoticed
Evan Buckley x Female Reader
Summary: Evan Buckley has always been left behind and forgotten about. What happens when someone finally decides to stay?
TW: Mentions of neglect and self-deprecating thoughts, angst, friends to lovers.
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Evan Buckley was born to serve a purpose that he could not fulfill. His parents only had another child in a futile attempt to save his older brother Daniel. After his brother had passed away, Buck's parents treated him like he was a waste of space. Everything he did was wrong and he couldn't seem to ever find himself in their good graces.
Buck relied on his older sister Maddie for years until she eventually left him behind to start a life of her own. Buck left home as soon as he could, but struggled to find himself for years. He bounced between jobs in search of something that could make him feel like he mattered.
Everything fell into place when he decided to become a firefighter.
Buck loved his job at the 118, he saved lives everyday with some of the most amazing people he had ever met. He found a family that valued him and treated him how he deserved to be treated. Despite having everything he had spent his life searching for, Buck still felt like nothing he did was good enough.
He could have been smarter. He could have been faster. He could have done more.
Buck had never told anyone how critical he could be of himself. It was something that he always dealt with, definitely a mindset created by his parents.
Buck always felt like he had to prove himself and show everyone that he had value. It was a never-ending quest that weighed on him heavily.
Y/N had quickly become Buck's best friend when he joined the 118 all those years ago. She was a firefighter-paramedic and she was great at her job. Y/N never doubted herself and Buck admired her tenacity, especially when people challenged her in the field.
Y/N and Buck hardly went a day without seeing each other. He felt like his day wasn't complete until he talked to her.
They were the kind of friends that could have a 4-hour long video call while doing chores around the house or spend all day just chatting about nothing in particular. They knew everything there was to know about each other and seemed to share a brain at times.
Buck had never felt seen until he met Y/N.
Y/N always brought him into conversations or found her way over to him when she could tell he was pulling back. Y/N knew about how hard Buck could be on himself, she could tell when he was overthinking and was able to pull him out of that mindset.
"You need to be kinder to yourself, Buck," Y/N had told him one night when he was alone in the locker room after a rough shift.
"I'll try," He had replied.
Buck thought about that interaction quite often, he was always beating himself up for things he had little control over and it needed to end.
It was a hard cycle to break, but he was trying, and he was trying because of her.
Buck watched Y/N talk animatedly to Hen and Karen about a book they had all been reading. They laughed loudly at something she said before Hen began sharing her own thoughts on the book.
Y/N looked over, locking eyes with Buck from across the yard and sending him a small wave with a smile. He waved back, watching her as she returned to her conversation.
Bobby took a seat at the patio table beside Buck, "So, when are you gonna ask her out?" He questioned.
Buck's eyebrows raised, "Oh, no, I was just-," He started, "Save the excuse, I can tell that you like her as more than a friend," Bobby said with a knowing smile.
Buck looked down at the table with a sigh, picking at the label on his beer bottle with his thumb nail, "She's way too good for me," Buck said.
"What makes you say that?" Bobby asked.
Buck shrugged, "She's amazing and I'm just me... I don't deserve her," He stated.
"Buck, you're a good guy but you need to know when to get out of your own way. Don't overthink it, just ask her out. I'm almost 100% sure she would say yes if you asked her out on a date," Bobby assured.
"Almost 100%?" Buck asked.
"99.9% sure," Bobby amended.
Buck looked over at her to find her making her way over to the cooler full of drinks. He stood up from his seat and made his way over to her.
"Hey," He greeted.
"Hey, I was wondering when you were gonna stop hiding away in the corner," Y/N teased.
"Can I ask you something?" Buck questioned, "Of course," Y/N replied.
"Um, you can totally tell me if I'm looking at this the wrong way, but is there something- I don't know... Is there something more than friendship between us?" He asked.
"Do you want there to be something more?" Y/N asked.
"I think I do," Buck answered hesitantly.
Relief washed over him when a smile broke out across her face, "I do too," She said.
"Oh my god, you have no idea how fast my heart is beating right now," Buck said, huffing out a soft laugh.
Y/N rested her hand on his chest, feeling his heart pound against her palm, "You really weren't kidding. Do you need to sit down?" She asked.
"No, I'm good. I just- Will you go out on a date with me?" He questioned, resting his hand over her's on his chest.
"Of course I'll go out with you, Buck," Y/N replied.
Y/N and Buck had been dating for almost a year, she had moved into his apartment and everything seemed amazing. Buck still felt like he was waiting for the day she found someone better and left him in the dust, but she chose him each and every day.
Buck had never felt like the center of attention, he always went above and beyond to be noticed, but it was effortless with Y/N. Buck felt like he was being seen after a lifetime of feeling invisible and it was the best feeling in the world. He couldn't think of a way to repay Y/N for bringing him to life again.
Until he did.
He sat at a table in the busy coffee shop, a mug of coffee sat on the table in front of him. Buck felt jittery and he had yet to take a single sip of the hot beverage, instead choosing to watch the door closely. Buck straightened up in his seat as Maddie made her way into the establishment. She walked through the tables before sitting down in the chair across from him.
"Where's Y/N? Is she not coming?" Maddie asked.
"Um, no, actually. I kinda needed some time to talk to you... Alone," Buck said hesitantly, grimacing at his own awkwardness.
Maddie gasped, "Are you going to propose to Y/N?" She asked.
Buck's face fell, "How did you know that? I didn't even say anything yet," He questioned.
"I just knew," Maddie grinned, "Aw, Buck, this is so exciting!" She said.
"Yeah, I've been thinking about it for a while now. I mean, with everything we've gone through this year, I don't want to spend anymore time not being together, y'know?" Buck questioned.
"I do," Maddie said.
"I think she's my person, Maddie," Buck admitted.
Maddie smiled, her eyes glossing over with happy tears, "She definitely is, Evan," She said.
"I was wondering if you had some time today to help me pick out a ring. I've looked around a little bit, but I'm kinda useless at this stuff," He said.
"Of course I'll help. Do you have any idea what kind of ring she may want?" Maddie asked.
"I think she likes the ones with the jewel that's shaped like an egg," Buck said slowly.
"This is going to be a very long and expensive day for you, little brother," Maddie sighed with a smile.
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crescenthistory · 2 months ago
Please could you analyse a relationship (maybe how it starts/people finding out) between barty and potter!reader or black sister!reader 💓
thank you kindly sweetheart<33 i did poly!bartylus x potter!reader here, so i'm choosing the noble house of black scenario here lols. i loved this one so much, especially dynamic 2, so someone feel free to request a full version once i open my regular requests 🙂↕️🙂↕️
i will ANALYSE barty crouch jr. with black!sister!reader
carina's 2k celebration
cw: reference to walburga and orion's excellent parenting (abuse), fem!reader, sibling troubles, precocious barty
regulus was barty's first best friend and he is fiercely loyal to him, to a fault
however, he is loyal within barty's own moral compass, which, as we know, is a quite unique one
meaning he is "if i see you jumping someone, i'm jumping them with you, no questions asked" loyal and "if you are upset, it is my sworn duty to make you feel different" but he is NOT "your sister is off limits loyal"
which they both find out randomly one day, more or less like this:
"salazar's soggy balls, your sister is proper fit"
queue regulus whacking barty like he's a dog getting reprimanded while barty shrieks and yells some incoherent excuse like "what? she is???"
how it goes from there depends on which dynamic you have with the black brothers
i see two primary ones:
you were either really close with regulus and thus have a more problematic but still close relationship with sirius
OR you really looked up to sirius, which made regulus distance himself for you for periods of time
(the latter one prompts much more angst in the getting together process, naturally – in a good way)
DYNAMIC 1 (regulus centred)
if you and regulus are really close, you would be brought into the slytherin skittles from the get go and thus would have a friends to lovers arc with barty
after regulus whacked barty for drooling over "my baby sister" (you're like. eleven months younger than him.), he keeps an eye on barty
i think barty frankly would not care at all and would continue flirting with you unabashedly
"when have i ever let reg dictate my love/dating/sex life before?"
though he would be saving the more salacious comments for when regulus isn't around
and trust that he would be pursuing spending time with you when regulus isn't around – once he got hung up on you it's almost like a compulsive tic, he just has to be close to you
you would probably be the only one having any moral qualms about it, wondering how regulus would feel and how things might change
as a black sister, you would likely feel like everything good in your life is a hair width's away from falling apart and live in constant fear of that while trying to remain nonchalant
yet barty's pull towards you is far from one-sided – he gives you that calmness in the chaos and chaos in calmness that you craved
only when you nearly have your first kiss in a hallway and you pull away last second talking "what about regulus?" do i think it might register with barty that he could genuinely be upsetting his best friend
prompt the always direct barty more or less marching into his dorm he shares with regulus and evan, declaring: "regulus arcturus black, i love your sister. you have no right giving out blessings, but would you please get behind this, it's upsetting her."
it would be a ROUGH conversation, but regulus knows both of you well enough to know when you're being serious about something
and barty was being deadly serious
after they've talked it through and regulus has said something along the lines of "as long as you promise it's not just a shag, then sure, be my guest. but i want to hear NONE of it", i think he would make a beeline to gryffindor
to find sirius, of course, for once daring seek out his older brother's advice, because it's for their "better third"
"sirius, i need you to calm yourself and not be mad at them because i genuinely need your advice"
it took a LOT of schooling his face for sirius to not rip his eyeballs out at the mention that barty is interested in you, but he kept calm, for regulus
he could tell that he needed it
they talked it all out
it genuinely made regulus feel better and more secure in it, but the second he left the room, sirius turned around crying to james in the exact same way
queue sirius pulling barty aside the next day to borderline threaten him to not mistreat you
and for YOU to then pull SIRIUS aside and have an angsty sibling confrontation of "is it more important to you to go to him first and be all protective, instead of to me and offer any support or congratulations?"
i think regardless of if you have a troubled relationship for a while, he still sees you as his whole world; something to take care of
so he would nod his head, properly reprimanded and give you the first hug you've shared in a while
barty is by FAR sirius' least favourite in-law and barty adoreeeees that fact, loving to rub it in
you'll have to gently be like "babe, please" to have him calm down and not agitate sirius (and by consequence regulsu) too much
it was chaotic but just right
DYNAMIC 2 (sirius centred)
you grew up always looking up to sirius – he's three years older, so the perfect age for you to think everything he does is so cool
you were still relatively young when everything went down with sirius and walburga, so you had a slightly more coloured image and fuzzy memories surrounding the abuse at home
less resentment, more uncertainty towards your parents while still idolising sirius, at least for a while
i think sirius in any dynamic considers his sister his "baby" to some degree, partly because you were the youngest, partly because of his upbringing presenting women as someone to be taken care of – and largely because you let him baby you, unlike regulus
you saw sirius as more of an authority figure than you ever did regulus and he always felt safer than your parents, so when you had nightmares as a child, sirius was the one who could soothe you the best
when you were anxious, he was the one who could talk you out of it, tether you to the earth
sirius saw you as more innocent and less tainted than him, so you could in return make him feel a bit better, a bit more like he had a purpose
i think this dynamic would make regulus very resentful of the both of you
yet another example of him being the second option, of him not measuring up, etc. -> in regards to both you and sirius
in regulus' mind, you were the better younger sibling and sirius was the better older sibling – regulus was alone
so he isolated himself more and more from the both of you as he grew up in a misguided act of self-protection
to the extent that when you started hogwarts, you were never introduced to his friends
i think they asked about you when you finally started hogwarts, but he brushed it aside so assertively that they dropped it
this is in stark contrast to sirius' marauders who happily brought you along more often than not
you were not really a part of their friend group, more so that you became everyone's honorary little sister while you established yourself your own good friends within your house and year
sirius would meet you at every breakfast, even if only to ruffle your hair and kiss your head while you groaned, embarrassing you in front of your friends
you knew of who regulus' friends were and you saw him around often, but it had been made clear to you not to engage
i think it would be the kind of situation where regulus implied you stay away, which hurt you and made you stay away, which in turn hurt him – the cycle goes on
so you never really got to know them beyond their reputations and sirius' complaints about them
until around your fifth year when you would meet barty in some capacity (same class because you were excelling above your year, same secluded area of hogsmeade, etc.)
you hit it off massively, bantering back and forth in a way that makes barty feel both challenged and seen
his interest is piqued
after which is when he makes the comment to regulus about how he finds you "proper fit"
this time, regulus loses his mind over it not because it's his baby sister, but because of his resentment, jealousy and even fear that you would be taking someone else away from him
he would not be making sense to barty, reverting back to his younger and more hurt self before stalking off
if barty, evan or even dorcas tried to bring it up to regulus afterwards, he would just say "let's not talk about her/them" curtly
he only spoke to pandora about it and she kept quiet to the others, respecting his space and boundaries
in this instance, it would be clear to barty that his interest in you was not okay, but it didn't subside
on the contrary, it only continued blazing and he kept meeting you often, mostly by coincidence – but he stayed on purpose
you think nothing much of it before regulus angirly stalks up to you when he sees you chatting in the hallway, roughly grabs your arm to haul you away and whispers something along the lines of "you have sirius. you got sirius, you can't take barty too"
queue massive sibling fight that barty eventually has to get involved in, ignoring the sound of his breaking heart
while you often ignored each other, the tension that arose between you and regulus was now palpable and uncomfortable
you were hurt regulus viewed you the way he did and always competed with you – why did he care so much for sirius' love and not yours?
regulus was hurt because he felt abandoned yet again – both by barty, but also you because he loved you and missed you
having no idea what to do, i think barty would be forced to do the one thing he had sworn to himself, any god he occasionally spoke to and regulus he would never do:
he willingly went to speak with sirius black
"believe me, i don't want to do this any more than you do, but i don't think they can get over this on their own"
i think barty might be able to articulate how regulus feels like the "odd one out" of the siblings and show sirius that regulus' standoffishness is just years of pain schooled away and not him being an aloof bother
which sirius knows but has never been able to work past regardless, not before it was presented to him like this
and while sirius would still be disturbed by it, i think this might be the only way to make him understand that barty loves you – because there was no other word but love for the pull he felt towards you, the emptiness he felt without you
the two of them would plot and scheme to get you and regulus in the same room at the same time, locking all four of you inside
when they begin to try and start a civil conversation, you and regulus are on the offensive and hostile
it is when you burst out something along the lines of "why do you hate me?" that regulus' face falls
"i could never hate you."
it would be an even rougher talk, but you are able to understand each other's pain at last
"i never meant to take him away from you, i never meant to take anything away from you. i just want to be part of your life again."
"it's never felt like i deserve a spot in your life, though. like you want me there."
"regulus there is not a day that i don't wish you were sat beside me."
loooooooong awaited hug
barty and sirius would have stepped back as mediators once the first realisation set in between you, watching while leaning on a desk from afar, feeling oddly united for a moment
at last, regulus would murmur: "do you love him"
you looked at barty for a long time before looking back to regulus with a quivering lip, despite knowing the answer
"only if you'll let me. only if you'll be okay with it."
and though a part of him might still be scared and kicking and screaming, he would use all of his big brother love to pull you close, kiss you on the forehead and whisper repeatedly "it's alright, it's alright. i'm sorry, it's alright."
barty held it together well for regulus' sake, but the second he was left alone with you he swept you up in the closest embrace
"i'm so proud of you"
not only are you the most compelling, bewitching, well, witch he had ever met, but you seemed to be the one person capable of piecing his best friend back together
went through hell to be a match made in heaven
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marauder-misprint · 2 months ago
hii! could you please write a remus x reader angst, (the ending being good or bad is up to you :D) where the reader has a werewolf phobia due to past experiences? and after a lesson which involved the werewolf topic, reader says some hurtful words, obviously not on purpouse, but remus gets distanced / upset and later reader finds out why??
Did I just have a bad day or is the angst so good that I brought myself to tears writing it? You tell me.
Thank you for the request ❤︎
Werewolf prejudice
Remus Lupin x reader
3k words
cw: angst, Dead Sibling, angst, no happy ending
One of the things you had in common with your friend group was how you didn’t talk about your past or your homelife all that often. James was the most open about his, being that he came from a loving and safe home, a home that he said was open to all of them. Peter, Marlene and Mary all had similar stories, a decent enough family that they didn’t despise going back to over breaks. The rest avoided the topic. From what you knew, Remus moved around a lot as a child so nowhere really felt like home except for Hogwarts, Sirius loathed his family to the point of running away and taking the Potters up on their offer to be his new family, and Lily loved her family but her sister had gained a distaste for her. 
Your parents were intense. So intense to the point where Hogwarts was the only place where you felt free and able to relax. You knew your parents meant well, but it was a lot. They put all of their expectations on you, and you could only try your best to graze them. After all, you were trying to live up to the aspirations they had for your older brother. Your older brother who was buried six feet deep. 
In all honesty, you didn’t remember the night all that well. A therapist said your body was repressing the horrid memories as a coping mechanism. They had said it was probably for the better. But because the memory was fragmented in your mind, no one would risk casting Obliviate on you. What you did know is that a werewolf had killed your brother when he was eight years old, you witnessed it and were scratched but managed to survive. And so, you hated any and all conversations about siblings, your childhood, your scars and werewolves. 
“You with us?” Marlene asked as she threw a piece of candy at you from where she sat on the couch in front of the fireplace in the common room. 
You blinked, looking around the room. You were sitting on the floor among your friends. 
“Yeah,” you mumbled. “I’m with you.”
“So… how was your Christmas?” Mary asked, holding up her hands to catch a candy that Marlene was sending her way.
“It was fine. Nothing too special,” you said uninterested. 
It was fine. It wasn’t special. It was a lot of your parents nagging you about grades and applications to internships that you had no desire to partake in. The actual holiday was lackluster. There was the usual family meal and exchanging of gifts. You received a quill, shoes and some chocolate. It wasn’t anything to brag about, not when James had come back with a new broom and Sirius had several new vinyls that he was going to play on repeat until they all knew the words. 
“Ugh, boring,” Marlene groaned. “Why doesn’t anyone do anything fun over break?”
“We went to a-” James started to say before Lily cut him off. 
“A professional quidditch match and got to meet some of the players, we know.”
“No need to be jealous, Evans. You could’ve come with, you know,” James said, smirking at her. 
“I’m good,” she said firmly.
“Was fun though,” Remus said, stretching his legs out in front of him. “Shame the rest of you couldn’t come.” 
When Remus looked your way, you gave him a sad smile. You had received the invite, but your parents wouldn’t allow you to go, especially not when it was four boys going and no other girls. You argued that James’ parents would be there and if they let you go, maybe the other girls’ parents would let them go. No luck. So the boys got to meet famous players and you got to hear about it. 
“Rem, rest of your break good?” Mary asked.
He nodded with a hum. It was typical of him to not go into detail. 
“My sister came back from France! Was good to see her,” Peter said. 
You leaned back against the armchair Mary was sitting in, letting your eyes close. You listened to Peter recall the adventures his older sister had working for Beauxbaton. He noted that her French was getting so much better, although he said he couldn’t really be a judge of that being he didn’t speak it himself. 
“I can be the judge of that. Next time you write her, tell her I say bonjour,” Sirius said slyly. 
“You will not be flirting with my sister through my letters!” Peter gasped, causing the group to laugh. 
The peace that being with your friends brought you took over your senses. It was refreshing. Soon enough, one by one, your friends turned in for bed. You took Marlene’s spot on the couch after she left, putting you next to Remus. He moved his arm, which had been resting on the back on the couch, to be around your shoulder. As if it were second nature, you leaned into his side with a deep breath. 
Yes, it really had been a shame that you weren’t able to go to the quidditch match.
“So your break was fine?” he asked in a low voice when it was just the two of you left of your group. 
You sighed loudly as you gazed into the dying fire. 
“Grilled about grades, denied seeing my friends and best present were shoes,” you said dryly. “Yours?”
“Quidditch was definitely the highlight of it,” he said, sounding just as disappointed in his break as you did. 
“Wish I could’ve gone,” you grumbled, making Remus give your shoulder a gentle squeeze. 
“Me too,” he whispered.
Then you fell into a comfortable silence. You listened to the crackling of the embers and Remus’ steady breathing. You don’t know when your friendship with him started to feel like there might be a chance for something more. It was moments like this that heightened that feeling - his arm around you fueling the warmth inside your chest. The two of you had exchanged gifts before leaving on break and broke down into uncontrollable fits of laughter when you realized you bought each other the same book, saying ‘I heard it was good.’ (It was good. You wrote each other about every chapter.)
Remus nudged you awake. The fire was reduced to barely glowing coals and the entire common room had emptied out. 
“I think it’s time for bed, love,” he said.
You groaned but nodded, helping him up off the couch once you had stood up yourself. You bid each other goodnight before heading to your respective dorms. 
The professors wasted no time in getting back into the swing of things. You felt like you didn’t get to hang out with your friends as much as you wanted to with the piles of homework the professors assigned. You saw the most of Lily and Remus as they would join you in the library for hours on end. At least Professor Grimiski, your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, took the first week to review some of the spells you learned in the fall term. 
“Now that we’ve finished the fall review, we will be moving into a deep dive about werewolves,” he told the class. 
You shifted uncomfortably next to Lily, unable to Remus slouch in his chair as he braced for the worst. Werewolves had been discussed in your previous years and you had managed to suffer through those lessons. You had a few nightmares after those lessons, but you were able to push through it. 
“Let’s see what you remember. Can anyone tell me some defining characteristics?” 
“Murderous, bloodthirsty, horrid,” you listed off under your breath.
“What was that? Please speak up,” Professor Grimiski instructed. 
“Sorry, professor. I was just saying that they are murderous, bloodthirsty, horrid creatures,” you said loudly. 
Your comment received mixed reactions from the classroom. Several students agreed with you. James, Sirius and Peter voiced loud objections as Remus shrunk further into his chair. Of all the people in the classroom who might have said something like that, he wasn’t expecting it to be you. 
“I see. Um, those aren’t the characteristics I was looking for…” the professor said, speaking slowly and scanning the room. “Snape, do you know-”
“They have a shorter snout, more human-like eyes and a tufted tail,” Sirius interrupted aggressively, sounding annoyed. 
“Ah, Mr. Black! There we go! Ten points to Gryffindor.” 
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms, leaning back in your chair. Your expression was cold and unmoving for the rest of the lesson. You were only able to semi-pay attention. What you could remember of that night was on repeat in your mind. The night you lost your brother. The night your leg got the deep scars. The night you became an only child with the burden of living up to what he could never do. 
The moment Professor Grimiski dismissed the class, you stalked out of the room and disappeared into a bathroom. You needed to be alone for a little bit before you could tolerate another lesson. As you paced around the bathroom, you felt your breathing speed up. Fuck. You needed to be calming down, not getting more worked up. You splashed water onto your face and tried to take deep breaths. 
When you were composed again, you went to Transfiguration. You stood awkwardly off to the side of the room when you saw Remus sitting with James, deep in a whispered conversation. Usually you sat with Remus during Transfiguration. After a moment, you took an open seat next to Emmeline Vance. She gave you a kind smile. 
It was like that for the rest of the day. Remus sat next to James, Sirius or Peter in every class, even the ones he usually sat next to you. That left you sitting with new people and throwing off your groove. None of the boys would make eye contact with you. Even at lunch, they turned away from you. You were suddenly iced out without any inclination as to why. 
“Remus, Lil and I are headed to the library. You coming?” you asked in the common room after dinner. 
“No,” he said.
You swore that the armchair he was in was about to swallow him whole with how he was sitting in it. You doubted it was comfortable. The walk to the library with Lily was quiet. Both of you felt like something was up with Remus but neither was going to say anything. It was like each knew the other didn’t have the answer. 
After a few days of similar behavior from the Marauders, they returned to their usual seating habits. You were able to sit with Remus again, but it wasn’t the same as it was. He was far more quiet, more distant than before. He didn’t chuckle at any of your quiet jokes. He didn’t respond to any notes you slid his way. James, Sirius and Peter still seemed minorly upset with you, but at least they weren’t giving you the silent treatment anymore. 
Still, the silence from Remus was driving you crazy. How could you have gone from maybe almost something to not even friends? His behavior affected you more than the lessons on werewolves. Each lesson left you feeling tense and the more in depth Professor Grimiski got, the harder it was to breathe in the classroom. Remus, on the other hand, left you feeling empty and scared. You walked on eggshells around him, not wanting to upset him any more than you already had. 
In essence, it was a very rough start to the semester. 
Lily, Marlene and Mary all urged you to talk to Remus. You all knew him to be fairly level headed, at least out of the Marauders. He was reasonable. If you just asked, they were sure he would tell you what was wrong. 
You just had to wait for the right time. It had to be when he was alone and lately, it felt like he always had one of the boys glued to his side when classes weren’t in session. You figured your best bet was Saturday. James had quidditch practice and Sirius managed to get detention already. The girls said that they would rope Peter into a Wizards’ Chess tournament if they had to, which they did. Remus and Peter had walked into the common room together. Remus headed up to their dorm when the girls summoned Peter over with a prize for the first place that they knew he couldn’t turn down. 
It was your chance. You slipped up the boys’ stairs and knocked on the door to Remus’ dorm. 
“Wormtail, you don’t have to knock for your dorm, Merlin,” his voice called out. 
You opened the door tentatively. Remus froze where he stood. He was in the middle of putting on a sweater. You stared at each other, neither moving nor speaking.
You cleared your throat after a few beats. “Can I come in?” 
“It’s just me in here,” he said coldly.
“I… I know,” you said, entering and closing the door behind you. As you stepped further into the room, you fidgeted with your fingers. “I was hoping we could talk.”
He finished pulling on his sweater and crossed his arms defensively over his chest. He was on guard. 
“What did I do?” you asked, your voice cracking and tears immediately threatening to fall. “What did I do to upset you?” 
He took a sharp breath. He hadn’t expected you to sound so broken. He swallowed thickly in an attempt to keep himself steady. In that moment, he hated the effects you had on him. 
“I-” he started to say before needing to take another breath. “I didn’t expect you to be so prejudiced.” 
Confusion immediately appeared on your face.
“What do you mean? Prejudiced?”
“Yes. Erm, about werewolves.” He pressed his lips together as he watched you chew on the inside of your lips. 
“You shut me out because of what I said about werewolves?” you asked incredulously. 
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. 
“Not all werewolves are… that,” he said, his voice dripping with disgust as he finished his statement. 
“But they are,” you said, your voice warbling. “They are horrible, horrible beasts. They are capable of ruining lives.”
“I know what they’re capable of,” Remus said. 
“Do you? Because if you did, I don’t think you’d be so sympathetic towards them.” You took your own deep breath, exhaling loudly. “Did you know that I’m not an only child? I had a brother. Until one killed him.” Your voice hitched and you felt the tears begin to stream down your face. “It almost killed me.” 
You lifted your skirt enough to show the deep scars on your leg. 
“Oh,” Remus breathed, taking a step back despite raising his arm to reach out to you. “Oh.” 
You nodded. “Oh is right.” 
“Oh gods… you’re going to hate me,” he said in a quiet voice to himself. He chuckled but it sounded eerily similar to a sob. “You’re going to hate me.” 
“Why am I going to hate you?” you asked in a voice just as quiet. 
He ran a hand through his hair, turning to sit on his bed. 
“I think you should sit down.” 
You gave him a quizzical look, but listened, sitting down on Sirius’ bed across from him. 
“I’m… I’m a werewolf.”
You stared at him. You were certain you didn’t hear him right. There was no way that your favorite person, the scarred boy sitting across from you whose arms made you feel like everything was okay in the world, was the same kind of creature as the one who doomed you to a life of never being enough for your parents.
“What?” you gasped after what felt like an entire minute.
“I’m a werewolf,” he repeated. “Please, please don’t hate me.” 
“But… you can’t be,” you said, shaking your head. “No. You’re… you’re you! You can’t be a monster… You’re…”
“I’m a werewolf.” 
“Remus,” you whispered. “Oh, Remus…” 
“Please, even if you hate me now, please don’t tell anyone. Some of the teachers know. And Sirius, Peter, James. But that’s it. I can't… I can’t have this getting out.” 
Your features softened as you took in the worry on Remus’ face. 
“How long… how long have you been a… a…” You can’t bring yourself to call Remus a werewolf. It doesn’t feel real. It can’t be real.
“Since I was young. That’s, uh, that’s why I don’t talk about my childhood. It’s why we moved ‘round so much. I’m a risk. To everyone.” 
You nodded, not knowing what to say. You just looked at Remus and let your thoughts try to come to terms with it. 
“I… I don’t think I can hate you,” you said after a while. “Oh, Remus…” You paused. “What do you do… every… erm, full moon? How dangerous are you?” 
“I leave the grounds. I’m contained. Dumbledore made it so I could come to Hogwarts and not actively endanger anyone,” he explained. 
You nodded. You were full of conflicted feelings. You know you can’t hate Remus, but you don’t know how you can be around him when he’s a werewolf, not with your family. 
“I… I don’t hate you. And… I won’t say anything,” you said slowly. “But I need time. I… I don’t know if I can be friends with you.”
You stood up, wiping away the tears that stained your face. You left Remus sitting on his bed alone in his dorm. As much as it killed you to walk away, you knew you had to. At least for now. You had to figure out if you could separate the werewolf who ruined your family from the werewolf you sat next to in class. You didn’t know if you had the ability to accept the possibility of a good werewolf, although you did know that if there ever was a good werewolf, it would be in the form of Remus. 
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sirxlla · 2 months ago
It Comes Naturally
Warnings: Fluff, Pregnancy, Slight Angst
Prompt: "Dad things he does subconciously" with buck (request by anon)
Notes: female reader, italics are actions and thoughts.
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-With that said it's all under the cut-
A lot of the fatherly things he did initally came out in ways of making sure that you had properly bandaged your finger or carrying you to the bedroom when you fell asleep on the couch. It was just casually caring for your partner as one should, like making sure you had enough dinner or that you got to work safely.
As time went on in the relationship progressed, you noticed how fatherly he seemed to Chris. How he would help him every single time he had the opportunity, maybe with homework, girl talk or other general things.
Buck is so kind and attentive, most of the time he can tell how someone's feeling just by looking at their face or reading the room. He is always so good at making sure to clock your emotions and how you're feeling.
"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked as he came into the room.
"I promise it's nothing." You had said not wanting to put your shitty day on to him.
"I know that's entirely bullshit." He smiles, gently grabbing your chin so he can gaze into your eyes.
"I'm just having a rough day, I'm remembering some shit from my childhood." Your eyes slightly teared up as you are trying your hardest not to cry. He pulled you into a hug and everything starts to feel right, his hugs were all encompassing. You know how they say that everything faded and it was just you and him? Like the movies. That's exactly how it felt with him his hugs were just the best thing you could think of whenever you're feeling like shit.
His dad behavior seem to spike when his sister had a baby. Every single time that Maddie needed a babysitter he was the first person to jump on it. He tended to carry Jee around everywhere, showing her how he does everything even if she can't understand.
"And this is the smoke alarm." He held her up so she could see the smoke alarm. There was no rhyme or reason to the things that he showed her just random things around the house like the top of the fridge, the pantry or the microwave. Of course considering the fact that she's a baby she has no idea what's going on but she enjoys it just the same.
You often caught him watching Bluey, Max & Ruby, Blue's Clues or whatever TV show he had put on for the little girl, he had gotten sidetracked and sat down and started watching it. Of course it started the same way it does for every other father where they glance at the TV and slowly get sucked into the plot of the episode. A couple of times you've caught him passed out on the couch with her because the both of them had fell asleep watching television.
In a way he is very much an uncle but in so many different ways he is like a father, he's patient, kind, and understanding. Evan is the perfect partner and the perfect person that you could see yourself building a life with.
When there's a problem he always talks it out with you and you both come to an understanding and say sorry because what he says is that "it takes two people to argue" and both of you are to blame; apparently this is something that Maddie taught him when she essentially raised him. It was a way of making sure everyone felt understood and cared for in any type of relationship, it took him some time but he did realize it slowly that it was indeed true in most situations.
Evan isn't just fatherly but motherly as well, he's perfect with kids, he's a fantastic partner and a wonderful human being.
It was really early in your relationship and neither of you had talked about it, having kids. So when you saw that little blue plus sign you're nervous, not because you don't want this but because you're worried it's too soon.
"Baby, I-" You take a breath as you come out of the bathroom in your pajamas. Buck is remaking the bed that both of you didnt have time to do this morning. He hears the worry in your voice and turns around.
"Hey..." He sits at the end of the bed and pulls you between his thighs, those ocean eyes staring into yours with love and care.
"I- um... I missed my period and I didn't think anything of it because I've been stressed. You know with everything that's been happening, the fires and all?" You tell him, your heart heavy in your chest. He just listens as he knows that you'll continue when you're ready, his hands slowly rubbing your hips in silent support of whatever you have to say.
"...We- We only had one test laying around." You handed him the test and watched his reaction on his face, it took a minute of his brain processing but a huge smile covered his face.
"Oh! Oh my God! Baby, you're pregnant! This is- this is good news, this is great news!" He pulled you into his lap and hugged the doubt and worry out of you.
"You're not mad? It's really early in this relationship and I really didn't want to push anything on to you." You started crying cause you were so sure he'd be upset cause generally a lot of guys would be, it was a relief.
"Mad? Baby, I've never been happier. You- You're amazing. We can do this. Right? You wanna keep it, dont you? If you don't its okay but I just-" Evan starts to get nervous as he speaks cause he realizes he doesn't want to force any decision on you or make you feel obligated to keep this baby if you don't want to.
"I- Yeah. I do." Tears pouring down your face and onto his neck.
"You're going to be the most gorgeous mother out there." Buck rubs your back as he tries to help with the tears that are dampening his shirt You had never had this type of support in your life and you knew at this exact point you wanted him in your life in any way possible.
If at some point down the road you guys didn't love each other the same way that you do now, you know that you would want him in your life as a friend at least just to have him in your life. You'd always have a connection to him and that was even before you got pregnant, but now there was a bundle of life growing within you that was part you and part him stringing the two of you together forever.
"I'm going to be here with you as long as I breathe, I promise." He whispers into your ear before pulling back so he can see your face. Buck covers your salty tear filled face in kisses.
He always knew exactly what to do to make you smile and this was no exception, the love he gave you and the compassion and care was to be unmatched by anyone no one could make you feel like this but him.
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PAIRING — steve rogers x florist f!reader
CONTENTS — series; not at all canon compliant; fluff; light angst; rom-com vibes; fake dating trope; friends to lovers; language of flowers; mutual pining, not actually unrequited love; meddling kids; absolute idiots in love; some mentions of grief/mourning and minor character death; mild language; slow burn-ish; she falls first but he falls harder.
SERIES SUMMARY — Steve is tired of his friends scheming about his love life, or lack thereof, so he decides to do a little scheming of his own. Now all he has to do is get through the spring, his schedule full with carefully planned special occasions, all the while pretending to be madly in love with his only friend outside of the Avengers… how hard could it possibly be? Well, as it turns out, not that hard at all.
TOTAL W/C — tbd (est. 36.0k) STATUS — coming soon
NOTES — happy first day of spring! 🌷 i like posting masterlists… and maybe this will help kick my ass into gear so i actually finish writing this… we’ll see 👀 flower divider by @/strangergraphics.
✩ masterlist ✩ chris evans characters m.list ✩ library blog
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ꕥ ONE. gentle earthquakes [4.0k] ꕥ TWO. oh, my girl ꕥ THREE. a heart beating ꕥ FOUR. burning red ꕥ FIVE. sister, sister ꕥ SIX. the taste of ink ꕥ SEVEN. wild hopes ꕥ EIGHT. field of dreams ꕥ NINE. but darling, we were liars ꕥ TEN. your heart and mine ꕥ ELEVEN. blossom & bloom ꕥ TWELVE. promises, promises (fin.)
NOTE: if you have any suggestions for the series’ spotify playlist, please let me know! they just need to be flower-themed <3
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© 2025 by thereoncewasagirlnamedjane. do not repost, translate, or copy to third party sites. no part of this work may be fed into any AI software or websites. minors are asked not to interact with my blog; you are responsible for your own media consumption. followers with zero engagement, serial likers, and blank/ageless blogs will be blocked.
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fluentmoviequoter · 1 year ago
A Family at Your Side
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x shy!paramedic!fem!Buckley!reader
Summary: You, Evan Buckley's sister, are a paramedic with the 118. When you're called to a fire, it quickly becomes a crime scene when someone opens fire on you. Your boyfriend Tim Bradford and your fire station family have to work together to save you.
Warnings: angst, fluff, injuries (r is shot), depiction of arson/shooting, lots of teasing. [While r is Evan's sister, I don't put anything specific in here past some teasing, so it could be viewed as adoptive or some other relationship dynamic!]
Word Count: 2.6k+ words
A/N: I've only seen a few episodes of 911 (season 1), so I hope my characterization of them isn't completely terrible. I really like this dynamic though; it's so fun and complex!!
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
Picture from Pinterest
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“There’s no escape,” you whisper under your breath, desperately wishing for some relief.
“Oh, c’mon, we’re not that bad,” Buck replies, knocking his fist against your shoulder. “We’re better than the cop.”
“In every way!” Hen adds, smiling at you. “Why you started dating him is one of the two things I will never understand about you.”
“What’s the other?” you ask.
“How you-“ she turns to point to Buck as she continues, “and him are related. He can’t shut up and you can’t make eye contact.”
“I got all the good genes,” Buck explains, smiling.
“Yet none of the smarts,” Hen argues, pressing her lips together as she tilts her head.
“Or looks,” Nash calls from his place in the kitchen. “Now if you’re done bothering her, can someone set the table?”
You stand to help, and Nash points a spatula at you as he says, “Not you. You do it all the time. Make your brother do something for once.”
“She has no power over me!” Buck yells dramatically. “I have leverage. Like that time she-“
Chimney hits the back of his head, telling him to stop, as your chin drops to your chest. The alarm goes off before you can wonder which embarrassing story he was planning to use, and as you rush to the ambulance with Hen, you’re glad Chimney stopped him. Their attention was bad enough without him divulging your personal information.
“This is a suspected arson, meets the MO of a few previous fires. We need that fire out before the police get here so they can get in,” Nash announces.
“Anyone inside?” Hen asks.
As Nash answers, someone screams in pain, and you look at Nash. He hesitates before nodding, and you grab your bag before running into the clear side of the duplex.
“Los Angeles Fire and Rescue,” you call. “Is anyone in here?”
“Yes! I need help!” a man yells from the back of the dwelling.
Rushing through, you radio to the rest of the 118 that you’re looking for an injured resident.
“We can’t get the fire under control,” Buck answers, his voice tight. “You need to get out of there.”
“I see him. Keep trying, Buck. Sir, are you injured?”
“No, I don’t think so,” he answers shakily. “I smelled the smoke and- and I have asthma, but I couldn’t tell where it was coming from, and I was scared to leave.”
“Okay, take a deep breath, sir. I’m a paramedic, so I’m going to get you out of here and then we’ll make sure your airways are clear. Do you understand?”
He nods but refuses when you gesture for him to stand.
“It’s on fire!” he argues.
“Sir, we have a clear track to the front door, but the fire will spread with the Santa Anas blowing outside, so we need to go now,” you explain.
Something crashes outside, and you pull the man to his feet.
“Get out of there! If I don’t see you in ten seconds, I’m coming in after you,” Buck radios.
“We’re coming, Buck,” you answer, pulling the man along.
More sirens become audible as you reach the door, the fire much closer to the front of the building. Several police cars approach, and you breathe a sigh of relief. The man stops, and you turn toward him quickly.
“Sir, we’re almost there,” you remind him, pointing to the ambulance.
“He’s still out here!”
“Who?” you ask, your voice quieting again as the adrenaline wears off.
“The man who set the fire!”
You freeze, a sudden cold rush contrasting the heat from the fire.
“Where is he?”
“I- I don’t know.”
A shot rings through the air, and you drop to the small porch, pulling the man behind the railing beside you. The fire is moving toward you, but with no idea of where that shot came from, you can’t move and risk your life and this man’s.
“Everybody down!” Nash yells, ducking behind the truck.
“7-Adam-19, shots fired at my location. LAFD 118 and LAPD in need of backup, dispatch air support for possible sniper,” Tim calls, kneeling behind his shop before rushing to the fire truck.
“She’s still up there,” Buck calls, squatting behind the ambulance with Hen.
Buck and Nash look at each other and then Tim, and he immediately knows they’re talking about you.
“Backup is on the way, but we can’t do anything yet,” Tim explains.
“Bradford, the fire is spreading, we can’t stop it with this wind!” Nash adds.
“Or a sniper taking shots at us!” Buck yells. He drops his head to his radio to ask, “Sis, you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. What’s going on?”
“Bradford and Thorsen are here, they called for backup but we can’t do anything until-“
Another shot cuts him off, and you move back against the railing.
“Talk to me!” Buck yells into his receiver.
“I’m okay, Buck,” you reply quietly. “Our- uh- our guy passed out after working himself up, so…”
“He’s not our primary concern right now,” Buck responds.
“Careful,” you warn, your voice nearly inaudible.
“No, I happen to agree,” Nash adds to the conversation.
Tim pulls Chimney’s radio from his chest to say, “I do too. You take care of you, and we’ll worry about him when we can get up there.”
The radio stays quiet, and Tim looks around the end of the truck. He can’t see you, but knowing you’re out of sight and safe makes him feel better.
“Uh, Tim?” Aaron asks. “Eyes on our shooter.”
Tim turns quickly, looking up. He sees the end of the rifle, and when it lowers suddenly, he doesn’t think before yelling at you.
“Stay down!” he screams.
You drop lower, your face to the concrete as the shooter releases several rounds, making a line of bullet holes across the front of the duplex. The fire is moving slowly, but it’s still closing in on your hiding place.
The cold feeling hasn’t gone away, and as you look at the unconscious man at your side, you can only hope to make it out alive.
“Where is your backup?” Buck asks Tim, leaning forward to look past Hen.
“Still a minute out. Aaron and I are going to go through that building, find a way to the roof,” Tim answers.
“Be careful. We all care about the woman stuck back there,” Nash reminds him.
Aaron and Tim nod before moving between the shop and the fire truck, rushing to the main entrance and entering quietly.
“Go left, I’ll go right,” Tim whispers.
As they move up the stairs, Tim hears their backup and the airship approaching. He hopes that the shooter doesn’t do anything stupid when he sees the police and gestures for Aaron to go faster.
“LAPD, put the weapon down!” an officer demands over the speaker of the airship.
“Thorsen, go!” Tim yells, kicking the door open to walk onto the roof.
The man turns the rifle up, shooting toward the helicopter before it moves. Aaron and Tim approach from different sides, and when the gun suddenly drops and the man begins emptying his ammunition toward you, Tim doesn’t hesitate to shoot.
“7-Adam-19, suspect is down,” Aaron radios. “Tim, go get her.”
Nodding, Tim stands, rushing down the stairs and out into the road. The fire has worsened, and the 118 is still in place.
Evan sees Tim and clenches his jaw, stepping toward Tim to yell, “This is your fault! It’s all on you!”
 Tim’s brows furrow, looking to Nash for more information.
“She’s, uh- she’s not responding to the radio calls, and we can’t get up there until we get part of the fire out, enough to get through with our gear,” Nash explains.
“You should have brought enough backup to begin with or gone up there sooner!” Buck continues.
“You think I don’t know that?” Tim snaps. “But she was already stuck when I got here, so work on getting to her and getting her safe, and then you can get mad at me!”
“And if it’s too late?” Buck demands, his chest heaving in anger.
Tim looks away, and Buck moves forward quickly, causing Nash and Chimney to lunge forward and hold him back.
“I’ll kill you if we’re too late!”
“Buck!” Tim yells, walking to him. “I know this is my fault and if she doesn’t make it, her blood is on my hands. I’m sorry, I really am, but there is nothing I can do now except keep people back so you can get this fire out and find out if- and make sure she is okay.”
Buck relaxes slightly, pushing Chimney and Nash off of him.
“Let’s get her out!” Nash calls, directing everyone to their positions.
The man beside you groans as you tug him further against the wall. You’re caged in against the fire, and you dropped your radio, watching it burn as you kept your head down.
When water sprays onto your face, a steady stream coming from the street, you force a smile, hoping to get out, get warm, and hug your brother and Tim for as long as you can before they make you shy away from them. You love them for it, you remember, reminding yourself to think happy thoughts.
“Where’s the ambulance?” the man slurs before coughing.
“Just a minute, sir, keep your head down and breathe.”
The fire is driven back by two hoses, and when several feet are clear on the side of the railing, people begin yelling.
“Sis! Can you hear me?” Buck asks loudly, appearing in his turnout gear a moment later.
“Get him to the ambulance,” you reply, standing shakily as he pulls the man over his shoulder.
You walk into the small yard, looking for Tim. The persistent cold feeling is just beginning to concern you, and when you grow dizzy and stop in the yard, you realize that something is wrong. Raising your hands to press against your stomach, you begin to run through a mental list of potential injuries.
“Hey, hey, gorgeous, c’mon, we got to get back,” Tim calls as he jogs to your side. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you murmur, ducking away from his hands on your face.
“Good,” Tim replies, laying his hand on your upper back and directing you to the curb.
“You got lucky,” Buck grumbles, joining your other side across from Tim.
“We all did our jobs, Buck, she’s safe, just leave it,” Tim says lowly.
“No thanks to you!” Buck responds, stepping forward.
You recognize the look in his eyes, an anger he seems to reserve for you. Without thinking, you move a hand from your navel and push it against Buck’s chest to stop him. He and Tim look at your bloody hand before yelling your name as you tip back.
Buck catches you, lowering you onto the grass as he rips your shirt open.
“Hen!” he screams, a pained, guttural sound that draws the attention of the entire 118.
Hen sees you on the ground, unconscious between Buck and Tim, and rushes to you, her bag thrown over her shoulder.
“GSW,” she decides quickly, looking at your stomach, a mess of tattered fabric and blood. “Roll her over, carefully.”
Tim keeps his hands on your side, helping Buck tip you onto one side as Hen runs her hand down your spine.
“No exit wound, we need to go. Now.”
Leaning back, Tim gives Buck room to lift you, running to the ambulance as fast as possible.
“Are you coming?” he yells, raising his arms as he looks at Tim.
“Go!” Nash, Chimney, Aaron, and newly arrived Nolan yell.
Tim nods, rushing into the ambulance and sitting as it lurches into motion.
“I didn’t mean it,” Buck says, looking at you while he speaks to Tim. “It’s not your fault, but I can’t- I can’t lose her.”
“You won’t. We won’t,” Tim promises.
Hen works quickly, muttering under her breath about needing your help.
When you open your eyes, you first notice the unmistakable feeling of someone looking at you and touching your side, a gentle touch as fingers drag up and down your skin.
“Is he okay?” you ask, blinking against the harsh light above you.
“The man from the duplex?” Buck asks. “Yeah, he’s fine. Had an asthma attack and then a few panic attacks, but he’s good. You- you got shot and didn’t tell anyone.”
Tipping your head down, you’re surprised he’s standing at the end of your bed. This means the fingers on your exposed side belong to…
“Tim,” you whisper, glancing at him.
“You scared us, baby,” he replies softly, spreading his warm hand over your skin.
He smiles when your muscles tense beneath him, but it quickly disappears when you groan in pain.
“I didn’t mean not to tell you,” you say quietly, pinching the blanket between your fingers. “I didn’t know I got shot.”
“That’s kinda- that’s pretty epic, really,” Buck says, laying his hand on your foot. “Makes a good party story.”
“I don’t go to parties,” you grumble.
“I mean for me,” he replies happily.
“Are you two fighting?” you ask, looking between them.
“No,” they answer together, both squeezing you reassuringly.
“We were scared and upset, didn’t have anywhere else to take it out,” Buck explains with a shrug. “He’s just lucky you stopped me from hitting him. I would’ve removed him from active duty for six weeks minimum.”
“You wish,” Tim scoffs.
“Stop,” you say, chuckling when they look shocked at your bold demand. “Please.”
“You were in surgery for a long time,” Tim tells you. “How’s your pain?”
“It’s fine, manageable. I mean, I can feel it now, but it’s not too bad.”
You glance down, your brows furrowing as you realize why you could feel Tim’s skin directly on yours.
“Wondering where your hospital gown is?” Tim asks, a smile you know all too well on his face. “I put in a special request.”
“Gross. That’s my sister,” Buck interjects. When you look at him with wide eyes, he sighs and fills you in: “They couldn’t get to your stomach well enough with one on. If you want to cover up, we’ll make sure you’re comfortable.”
“It’s okay,” you reply, gently tugging the band of your sports bra down.
“More than okay,” Tim says, quiet enough that Buck can’t hear.
You look away quickly, and Buck makes a ‘tsk’ sound.
“The shooter is in custody,” Tim says, giving you a break from his ‘abuse.’
“Will I have to testify or anything?” you whisper.
“No,” Tim and Buck answer together.
Buck pulls his phone from his pocket, nodding before shaking your ankle, his hand still resting on you.
“I have to go, we’ve got a call, but when we’re done, everyone wants to come by,” he says.
You nod. “Be careful. I love you.”
“Love you, sis!”
Looking at Tim’s chest rather than his face, he takes the chance to tease you. “Maybe you should get a shirt before your team gets here.”
“Get out,” you mumble. “Or give me yours.”
“Whoa! You get shot once and become a whole new person.”
“Wasn’t worth it.”
“No, it wasn’t,” Tim replies, taking your hand. “And I’m sorry that I couldn’t do anything to keep it from happening.”
“’S not your fault.”
Turning your attention back to the blanket, Tim asks, “You get this shy with your patients?”
“No. But they’re not as pushy.”
“Hey,” Tim calls, using his hand to gently turn your chin toward him. “I love you. I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“I love you, too. Thanks for being here through all of it.”
“Try to get rid of me.”
“I do. You never listen.”
Tim laughs, loud and happy, and you smile, turning your face into his arm where it holds your hand, glad he’s at your side, and you have a whole team, a family, to be with you through everything.
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poeticallyspiteful · 2 years ago
hiii! could you please write a regulus black x potter! reader? maybe something like reg and reader secretly going out and getting discovered by James?
thank you!! have an amazing day 💗💗
his muse (pt. one)
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regulus black x reader
fluff / angst
cw: unedited as always 😌, a sex joke but it’s a titanic reference lol, marauders being overprotective, kissing, cuddling, someone may threaten to pull out someone’s teeth and put them on a necklace (it seemed like a very regulus threat), artist!regulus because 🥰
summary: you’re the honorary little sister of the infamous marauders; what happens when they catch you with a certain someone?
notes: hey love, thank you so much for the request!! just so you know, i don’t like to write readers to be related to another character, because i want my readers be able to relate to the ‘reader character’ without altering their preferred fancast for another one based on things like race or ethnicity. that is totally on me for not putting that in my request post and i will do that asap, but i hope you enjoy this anyway <33
more notes: i did get just a tad bit carried away and decided to divide this request into two parts, just to make it less overwhelming for me and y’all as well. anyways, enjoy <333
“oh reggie, paint me like one of your french girls,” you giggled, draping yourself dramatically across regulus’ pristine sheets.
he looked up from his sketchbook, brow furrowed in a way that made you want to kiss him until you both passed out from lack of oxygen.
god, you loved him.
“what?” he asked.
evan and barty had both left the slytherin dorms, off to some place or another, giving you the perfect opportunity for some alone time with your lovely boyfriend. you’ve made sure to do this at least once a week since you started dating in your fourth year. now that you’ve reached sixth year, the tradition had only grown more cherished; precious were the moments spent with someone you’d been otherwise forbidden to see.
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“he’s dangerous, (y/n),” sirius insisted, only just finished with his dramatic act of fake vomiting. you had made the grave mistake of assuming your friend would have a normal reaction upon hearing who had asked you to the yule ball.
“a slytherin, (y/n), how could you?” james moaned, collapsing onto the auto-man like he was faint in the heart. “you have been my little sister all my life—”
“you met me when you were twelve and we are not related,” you corrected.
james feigned offense. “how dare you question our bond? blood does not matter! we are family and that is that, young lady.”
“leave her alone, the both of you,” remus laughed, throwing an arm over your shoulder and pulling you to his chest. “our little girl had to grow up someday.”
sirius looked appalled. “not with my bastard, slimy, death eater of a brother—”
“he’s not a death eater, we’re fourteen!” you exclaimed, pouting dramatically at the older boy. “just one dance, i promise padfoot, if it’s that weird to you, i’ll never see him again.”
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you lied.
sunlight peaked in through the curtains, the golden rays hitting regulus in such a way that made him look angelic. so focused on his sketchbook, glancing up every few moments to gaze at you like you were something to be revered.
you sat up in his bed, fiddling with the hem of his sweater that lay around your mid thighs; though you loved to, you rarely got the opportunity to wear reggie’s clothes, given sirius would recognize them in an instant. so, you took advantage of these moments whenever they came your way.
you loved wrapping yourself in the soft, strong, warm smell of him: minty cologne, sea salt, and pine trees. the scent was practically woven in the fabric, making everything feel so much softer, so much more him.
you did have a couple shirts and sweaters you’d stolen over the years, but they remained in your dorm at all times.
well, mostly.
it was a moment of stupidity. a dreary saturday morning, a hogsmeade trip, and you had slept in. naturally, you had to rush out of your dorm to get to breakfast in time; but, you didn’t need to change, did you?
why not wear the sweater you had slept in and save yourself a little time?
so, after changing into more appropriate pants, you made your way down the breakfast and sat in your regular spot; in between remus and james, and smack dab across from sirius.
he noticed his brothers favorite sweater the second you sat down.
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“what’s that?”
you’d barely sat down by the time sirius spoke and continued making your morning coffee as the group grew silent around you. finally looking up, you glanced between your friends in confusion.
“what’s what?”
you lifted your sleeve to rub your nose, breathing in quickly through your stuffed up sinuses; stupid fall allergies.
you froze as the familiar sent cooled your insides, eyes darting over to the slytherin table across the great hall.
that’s ‘what’s what’.
“who’s jumper is that, (y/n)?” james asked, arm draping over your shoulders to tug the sleeve on the other side. “doesn’t look like one of mine—”
“or mine,” sirius chimed.
“or mine,” peter chirped, though you hardly stole borrowed his sweaters anyways (too scratchy).
“it’s mine!”
you were surprised to hear remus’ leap to your defense, as you knew damn well the sweater wrapped around you wasn’t his— still, you weren’t about to question it.
“mhm,” you hummed, taking a sip of your coffee, hoping the boys didn’t notice your shaking hands. “i don’t know what that third degree was about, but i stole this from moony a month ago.”
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“what’re you thinking about, lovely?”
regulus was suddenly just inches away from you, sketchbook tossed to the side, instead opting to look at his muse more close up.
“nothing,” you mumbled, smiling as he dipped down to kiss your collarbone, working his way up to your lips with featherlight kisses that made you wish you could stay with him forever.
though at this point, everything he did made you wish you could stay with him forever.
“you’re beautiful,” he whispered, eyes scanning every curve and point of your face like a work of art; his work of art, his muse.
he’ll never get tired of that word.
you breathed in deeply, the smell of him practically making you glow like some sort of protection charm; you’d never felt safer than you did with regulus near. you felt untouchable with him, like nothing could ever hurt you.
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“what are you doing here?”
a grating voice to disrupt your terrible day.
“hey,” severus called. “i’m talking to you.”
you spun around, glaring at the greasy haired boy across from you with as much contempt at you could muster. “piss off, severus!” you shouted; you’d never bit back like this before, but the shocked look on his face was worth it. “really, cornering a younger student in an empty hallway? pretty cowardly, don’t you think?”
before you could debate the consequences of your actions, severus’ hand was gripping your cloaks and you were shoved up against the wall.
“you filthy little—”
just as quick as snapes hands were on you, they’d been torn off, and you scrunched to the ground. regulus shoved him up to the wall opposite you.
“defending your little mudblood, huh?”
“shut your filthy mouth about her or i swear on merlins grave, i will rip every single one of your teeth out and put them on a necklace like a string of fucking pearls,” regulus bit, baring his teeth, an emphasis to the threat. “you got that?”
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that night, you ended up in a very similar position to where you were in now; wrapped up in your lovely boyfriends sweater, curled in his arms, and having sweet nothings whispered in your ear.
“y’know, i mean it when i say you are beautiful,” he muttered, pressing a kiss to your temple as he spoke, breath fanning over your face. it tickled, but you didn’t care; you just wanted to hear his voice. “breathtakingly gorgeous, inside and out.”
“really?” you teased, nuzzling your nose further into his chest, arms wrapped around his torso.
“really,” he laughed. “i could stay like this forever.”
you pouted, pulling yourself half on top of him. “but my daft friends just have to get in the way, don’t they?”
you hear a gasp from the doorway.
“did you just call us daft?”
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 10 months ago
Lily had tried all her life to be liked by her older sister.
At the beginning it was easy. Playing together as kids was easy. It was always Petunia's way. She was the main princess. She had the best Barbie. She was the protagonist of their adventures.
Lily didn't mind. As such a young age, it was law to do whatever her mummy, daddy and Tuney say.
When Lily was seven years old, and Petunia was twelve, that was when she started losing her sister forever.
Petunia stop being interested in games, dolls, fairy tales to be interested in makeup, boys and her school friends. And Lily was sad, because she didn't have anyone else to play anymore.
Petunia was embarrassed of her "annoying little sister".
As time passed by, the two sisters became very different to one another.
Petunia liked parties, boyfriends, clothes, makeup, gossip. She believed it that status was important in order of finding a match or a friend group. She liked refined things for herself. She didn't want to settle with less. And she knew she had to fight to get what she wanted. Petunia was a realist.
Lily liked fantasy better than reality. Stay home, watch movies, read a book. She liked nice clothes and makeup but nothing about the brand, but about how comfortable they were. She believed in true love. She was a romantic through and through. She believed in happy endings simply because one deserved it. She was a dreamer.
Yet Lily tried to get along with her sister. But Petunia had a very difficult temper. She wasn't patient. She developed a bad mood. She was explosive and mean when she wanted to. And somehow with her strong character, Petunia managed to be the center of attention.
Lily believed that if she contradicted her or acted as explosive as she was, that Petunia was going to be always angry. And that she was going to lose her forever.
So Lily was patient. She tried to please Petunia. And talk about what she liked. About her life. About Vernon. Lily was dying to tell her about Hogwarts, about her friends, the classes, the teachers. But everytime she mentioned something, Petunia was immediately uninterested.
It always felt as if Lily annoyed her sister. It always felt as if they weren't sisters, Petunia would never even speak with her.
Petunia had good moments though, when she was in a good mood. When Vernon and her friends were around. Because it she was different with them, so aimable and nice.
In those moments, Petunia was more gentle. There was more room for talking. And sometimes, if Lily was lucky, Petunia would tell her she loved her.
Lily knew Petunia loved her. She had said it. She was her sister after all. But it didn't feel like it.
It didn't feel like the way Lily loved her. She was not Petunia's priority in her life. She would never be her favorite person.
Time with Lily at Hogwarts broke their relationship even more. Lily missed things from Petunia's life. Things that she only heard from her parents afterwards. Petunia never told her about her feelings. Nothing with much detail about her life. And Lily understood she wasn't important for Petunia.
Sisters love. Lily had seen sisters getting along in movies. They would be close as best friends, telling each other everything and spending time together. Being comfortable around each other. She wondered: why couldn't my sister and I be like that? Was it me? Did I do something wrong?
Nowadays, Lily walked between shells when it came to Petunia. Sometimes Lily was so uncomfortable around her, because she didn't know what to say, what to ask, what to talk about. And sometimes when she dared to ask stuff, Petunia always answered with disdain and bore. And Lily wanted to cry.
It was like loving someone who would never love you back. And the only source of love came from the fact that she had to because they were sisters. Nothing else. And it really really hurt sometimes.
The painful thing was that Lily and Petunia would never stop being sisters, but they might never fix their relationship.
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thebestofoneshots · 2 years ago
Gilded Constellations | (wolfstar x reader)
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Summary: You meet Sirius and Regulus at a family vacation in the Caribbean, but things don't go as planned and you end up losing contact once the trip is over. Years later your family moves to England and you get accepted at Hogwarts where you finally meet Sirius once again, along with all of his friends. One of them with a mysterious secret, that you'll uncover as you embark on your own Hogwarts adventure. Mostly canon-compliant. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.
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Read Gilded Constellations on AO3
Read the French Translation by @nagareboshi-chiyo
Paring: Sirius Black x Reader / Remus Lupin x reader / Wolfstar x reader
Chapter average: 5k - 6.5 k
Content: Smut in later chapters, Poly!Marauders, throuple, graphic descriptions of violence, MAJOR and minor character death (this is The Marauders Era guys, you know), jealousy, angst, pining, love triangle, LGBTQ+ themes, The Wizarding war 1.0, implied child abuse, possible proofreading errors, mental health struggles, hurt no comfort, hurt with comfort, period typical attitude, first war with Voldemort, canonical character's death, fluff, Requited Love, F/M/M, mostly canon-compliant.
Status: Ongoing (Weekly updates)
♡ Indicates SMUT
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01 | Summer Breeze
02 | Escape
03 | Bitter Sweet Symphony
04 | Rainy Days and Mondays
05 | Good times
06 | Crazy Little Thing Called Love
07 | Peaceful Easy Feeling
08 I Fooled Around and Fell in Love
09 | The Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke
10 | Black Dog
11 | Do Ya
12 | You really got me
13 | Rebel, Rebel
14 | Maybe I’m Amazed
15 | No One Like You
Interlude (Q&A Event)
16 | Boogie Wonderland
17 | Tonight’s What It Means To Be Young
18 | Friends will be Friends
19 | Silver Bird
20 | Bad Moon Rising
21 | Fox on the Run
22 | Long Long Way From Home
23 | Hungry Eyes
24 | Peace of Mind
25 | I’ll get Even With You
26 | Hooked on a Feeling
27 | Can’t Take My Eyes Off You
28 | If You Want BIood, (You’ve Got It)
29 | With a Little Help From My Friends
30 | Bridge Over Troubled Water
31 | Strange Magic
32 | Come a Little Bit Closer
33 | More Than a Feeling
34 | You Belong to Me
35 | Chill of Desire
36 | Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy
37 | Gimme, Gimme, Gimme
38 | Let the Good Times Roll
39 | Running With the Pack
40 | Hot Stuff
41 | Urban Adventure
42 | Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
43 | Sympathy for the Devil
44 | No One But You
45 | Hold The Line
46 | Comfortably Numb
47 | Let Me Take You Home Tonight
48 | Dust in the Wind
49 | High Hopes
50 | Love the One You're With ♡
51 | Some Guys Have All The Luck ♡
52 | Twentieth Century Fox
53 | Too Much Love Will KiII You
54 | Sail Away Sweet Sister
55 | Noone Together
56 | Who Wants To Live Forever
57 | Play the Game
58 | Staying Power
59 | Break on Through
60 | Stone in Love
61 | Mr. Blue Sky
62 | Born to be Wild
63 | Something About You
64 | Put Out The Fire
65 | Spell Binder
66 | Hot Love
67 | What's On My Mind
68 | Mysteries and Mayhem
69 | Livin' Thing
70 | Back Talk
71 | We've Only Just Begun
72 | Relentless 
73 | Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin’
74 |
75 |
Your Theories, The Note, The Costumes, Sirius and the Chimney, Sirius and Vix after the bad moon, Evans and Vixen, Remus and Vixen at the infirmary, Remus holding Sirius at DADA, Remus and Sirius’ height difference, the FOXSTAR picture, Art by @nineloseteeth, We're going French,
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Leave a comment telling me if you want to join the tag list
A/N: Most Poly!Marauders fics are oneshots, where the relationship between characters is already established, and they're all happy and pleased with it. No issues, no drama, but I WANTED the drama. Couldn't find it, so I set myself up to write the story behind the stablished relationship. I wanted to know how they started dating each other, the jealousy, the will they won't they, because getting into a poly relationship can't be an easy task, and I wanted to explore that story. If you're interested: Welcome to Gilded Constellations!
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buddierecs · 1 month ago
evan buckley centric fics
all mature rating! Please check the tags for the fics for trigger warnings, some of them contain really heavy topics! make sure to kudos/comment on these amazing works :)
lonely little love dog by: littleghost "when the 118 is closed for reconstruction after an earthquake, buck is a floater for different stations around the city. he tries not to let it get to him. much." word count: 24k important tags: abandonment issues, getting together the pain will leave you once it's done teaching you by: fruitsdoesnotknow "when daniel buckley lives a little longer, evan buckley dies a little more. and this is how eddie diaz saves him, a little later on." word count: 43k important tags: angst, found family, slow burn, hurt/comfort, panic attack, grief it's hard to be what you need through a static screen by: earthtolovers "honestly, buck just really wants to help." word count: 35k important tags: character study, emotional infidelity, codependency, angst, mental breakdown, therapy
the rollercoaster (please check tags for trigger warnings) by: dqstcrdly "buck has a manic episode. he slowly descends into the throes of mania, and the people who love him notice that something is wrong. all of them, particularly eddie, are there to help him pick up the pieces in the aftermath." word count: 47k important tags: TW: bipolar disorder, mania, depression, paranoia, suicidal thoughts, self harm, pre-relationship, angst, mild sexual content infernal garden by: arithese "when chimney and maddie are presumed dead, buck gets appointed as jee-yun's guardian. on top of dealing with losing his sister and brother-in-law, he has to look after his niece and put up with his parents constantly pressuring him to give jee to them." word count: 17k important tags: presumed dead, evan buckley has adhd, meltdowns, grief/mourning TW: ableism, biphobia burn the straw house down by: rarakiplin "buck gets stuck in time, has a break down and then, relatedly, a break through" word count: 40k important tags: time loop, fake dating, angst with happy ending, car accidents if i said you could never touch me by: marviless "in which buck is avoiding having sex with eddie." word count: 15k important tags: character study, established relationship, developing relationship, unhealthy coping mechanisms, emotional hurt/comfort, communication wanna be your endgame by: literalmetaphor "eddie confesses. buck handles it poorly." word count: 10k important tags: mutual pining, jealous!evan buckley, pining!evan buckley, gay!eddie diaz don't let the tide come and wash us away by: writerforlife "buck develops a relationship with the ocean, avoids talking about the day eddie was shot, realizes he might be in love, and drives. order may vary." word count: 23k important tags: hurt/comfort, slow burn, ptsd, hurt!evan buckley, idiots in love, developing relationship wherever we're together, that's my home by: woodchoc_magnum "set post-5x06 "brawl in cell block 9-1-1", in which buck is struggling and unwilling to let anyone in (until eddie takes matters into his own hands)" word count: 18k important tags: emotional hurt/comfort, angst, mutual pining, loneliness, feelings realisation
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newobsessionweekly · 11 months ago
Under the radar
Main masterlist | 9-1-1 masterlist
Evan "Buck" Buckley x Bradford!reader
Crossover 911 x The Rookie
Fandom: 911; The Rookie
Summary: You and Buck are happily together in a relationship kept away from your big brother, Tim. Little did you know he's going to find out in a not so pleasant way.
A/N: Crossover! I looove this. Tim would surely be an overprotective brother, looking out for his sister every step. I loved the chemistry between Tim and Angela and how they have that brother-sister kind of relationship and couldn't help myself. I love Buck too. Hope you like it and can't wait for your feedback. Thank you for your support! Lots of love, bubs! I really appreciate all of you.
Fluff | A bit of angst
Requested: no
Words: 5.4k
Warnings: Description of a pileup, unconsciousness, hurt, fire
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You wake up to the sound of your alarm blaring, groaning as you roll over and squint at the bright light filtering through the curtains. Another day, another shift. You stretch, feeling the knots in your muscles protest from the previous day's exertion and made your way to the kitchen.
Tim groaned as he poured himself a cup of coffee, his expression as sour as the burnt toast sitting on the kitchen counter. "Morning," he muttered, barely sparing a glance in your direction.
You were lost in your own little world, your phone held tightly in your hand as you typed away furiously. A dreamy smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you texted Buck, your heart skipping a beat with each message exchanged.
You: Morning, sunshine
Buck: Good morning, beautiful. Did you dream of me last night?
Your feelings for Buck had blossomed gradually, like a delicate flower unfolding under the warmth of the sun. It had started innocently enough, with casual conversations and shared laughter during your shifts. But as you worked side by side, facing danger and disaster together, your bond had deepened into something more profound.
"Thank you for not ignoring me," your brother remarks sarcastically, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
You: Maybe... or maybe I dreamt of murdering Tim. Anyways I did had a good sleep.
Buck: Ouch, right in the heart! But seriously, can't wait to see you today.
Finally emerging from your daydream, you blink blearily, trying to focus on Tim's figure looming over you."Sorry," you mumbled, finally tuning into the conversation. "What were you saying?"
Tim eyed you suspiciously, his grumpiness giving way to mild annoyance. "You sleep well?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
You: Sameee. Just don't forget to bring coffee, or else I'll have to reconsider this whole relationship.
Buck: Yes, ma'am.
You nodded absentmindedly, a dopey smile spreading across your face as you relived your daydream. "Uh-huh," you replied, barely suppressing a yawn.
"What's with the smile, huh?" he eyes you suspiciously, his gaze lingering on your phone "Who are you texting?" he asks, his tone tinged with curiosity.
You feel a pang of guilt gnawing at your insides, knowing that if you tell Tim the truth, it could lead to a confrontation you're not ready for. But at the same time, you can't bring yourself to lie to him, not after everything you've been through together.
You found yourself drawn to Buck's magnetic charm, his unwavering dedication to his job, and his genuine kindness towards others. He had a way of making you feel safe and understood, of easing the burdens that weighed heavy on your shoulders. And as you spent more time together, you couldn't deny the growing affection that bloomed within your heart.
"Just picturing all the ways I'm gonna kill you some day," you quip, a mischievous glint in your eye.
All you can think about is Buck – his bright blue eyes that sparkled with mischief, his tousled blonde hair that fell effortlessly across his forehead, his strong, lean frame that radiated confidence and strength.
Tim rolls his eyes, but a hint of amusement flickers in his expression. "Very funny. You know, you're lucky I even let you live here rent-free."
"Yeah, yeah, remind me again why I agreed to be your roommate?" you retort, stretching lazily.
"Because you're too lazy to find your own place, that's why," Tim shoots back without missing a beat.
Your mind drifts back to Buck, his infectious laughter ringing in your ears. You can't help but smile at the thought of him, your heart fluttering at the mere mention of his name. But as Tim's voice pulls you back to reality, a pang of guilt washes over you. You know you should tell Tim about your relationship with Buck, but the fear of his disapproval holds you back.
"Lazy? Says the guy who leaves his dirty socks all over the living room," you tease, poking fun at his infamous habit.
"Hey, those socks are strategically placed as a warning to any potential intruders," Tim defends himself, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
"Right, because nothing scares off burglars like the smell of your sweaty feet," you counter, unable to suppress a giggle.
"You're hilarious, you know that?" Tim chuckles, shaking his head.
"Just calling it like I see it, Timmy," you reply cheekily.
"Don't call me that," Tim grumbles, though there's a trace of fondness in his voice.
"Whatever you say, Timmy," you tease, unable to resist poking fun at him.
"Ugh, you're impossible," Tim declares with mock exasperation.
"You love me, though," you say with a grin, knowing full well how much your brother cares for you.
"Yeah, yeah, don't push it," Tim replies, though there's a softness to his tone. "Well, I was actually gonna ask if you wanted to grab breakfast before we head out. There's this new place that just opened up-" he continues, but you quickly interrupt.
"Sorry, Tim, I can't. Got to get to the station early today," you interject hastily, hoping he won't press further.
"Early? Since when do you voluntarily show up early?" Tim's brow furrows in confusion.
"Since today! Gotta, uh, organize some... stuff," you lie, willing him to drop the subject before he uncovers your secret.
Tim eyes you suspiciously, but eventually shrugs, deciding not to push further. "Alright, suit yourself. Just don't forget to lock up before you leave."
"Got it," you reply, already mentally preparing yourself for the day ahead.
As Tim heads out the door, you let out a sigh of relief, grateful for the brief reprieve. But as you gather your things and make your way to the station, the weight of your secret hangs heavy on your shoulders. You know you can't keep hiding forever, but the thought of confronting Tim fills you with dread.
For now, you push aside your fears and focus on the task at hand, burying yourself in your work and trying to ignore the nagging voice in the back of your mind. But deep down, you know that sooner or later, you'll have to face the truth and find the courage to tell Tim about the man who has stolen your heart.
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As the morning sun streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room, you found yourself wrapped in Buck's arms, the two of you basking in the quiet intimacy of the moment. His touch was gentle against your skin, each caress igniting a spark of affection within you.
"Morning, sunshine," Buck murmured, his voice soft and filled with warmth.
You playfully nuzzled closer to him, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Hey, handsome," you replied, your heart fluttering at the sight of his endearing smile.
As Buck gazed at you, his heart swelled with a mixture of love and adoration. To him, you were a vision of beauty, your features illuminated by the soft morning light. Your eyes sparkled with warmth, reflecting the depth of your soul. He could lose himself in the depths of your gaze for hours, finding solace and comfort in the silent connection you shared.
He grinned as he handed you a steaming cup of coffee. "Here's your coffee, as promised," he said, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
"Oh! You're my hero," you teased, taking a grateful sip of the warm brew.
"Speaking of heroes," Buck said, a playful glint in his eye, "How about I save you from Tim tonight? A little date at my place. I'll get some pizza, we can continue our show. How does that sound?"
Your smile was like sunshine, lighting up the room and chasing away the darkness. It was infectious, capable of lifting his spirits even on the darkest of days. And when you laughed, it was music to his ears, a melody that echoed in his heart and filled him with joy.
You raised an eyebrow, unable to suppress a teasing grin. "Sounds like you want to save Tim," you quipped, leaning in to plant a soft kiss on his cheek. "But its perfect."
As you settled back into his embrace, enjoying the peaceful moment, Buck's fingers traced gentle patterns on your skin, sending shivers of pleasure down your spine. His touch was a soothing balm, a tangible reminder of the love and affection you shared.
It was the way you moved with grace and confidence, a silent strength that drew him to you like a moth to a flame. Your touch was gentle yet powerful, capable of soothing his soul with a single caress.
In your presence, Buck felt a sense of peace and contentment that he had never known before. You were his anchor in the storm, his rock in times of uncertainty. He cherished every moment spent with you, treasuring the memories you shared like precious gems.
But above all else, it was your love that meant the most to Buck. It was a love that transcended words, a bond that defied logic and reason. With you by his side, he felt invincible, ready to face whatever challenges life threw his way.
As he looked at you now, snuggled close in his arms, Buck couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude. And as he pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, he silently vowed to cherish you, to love you with every fiber of his being, for you were the light of his life.
You cuddled together, enjoying each other's presence, while Buck took a sip of his coffee. "It's a quiet morning," he remarked, his voice laced with contentment.
"Hey there, big guy, don't jinx it," you teased, snuggling closer to him. "I won't survive another catastrophe today."
Buck chuckled, leaning in to steal another kiss. "Make me shut up, then," he murmured against your lips, his touch sending shivers of delight through your body.
Just then, Hen's voice broke through the tranquility of the moment. "Morning, love birds. You're here early."
You exchanged a sheepish glance with Buck before responding. "Just wanted some peace and quiet. Tim's been overly grumpy and asking a lot of questions lately."
Across the room, Hen busied herself with her morning routine, flashing you a knowing smile as she prepared for the day ahead. Eddie glanced up from his paperwork, curiosity evident in his expression as he listened to your conversation.
"You still didn't tell him yet?" Eddie asked, his tone gentle yet probing.
"It's none of his business," you replied firmly. "But ever since what happened to Lucy and the serial killer she met at the bar, he's been overly protective."
Hen nodded in understanding, her gaze filled with empathy. "Not surprised. That man has seen a lot of bad things. And people."
"You should tell him, it'll be easier for both of you," Eddie suggested gently, his eyes meeting yours with unwavering support.
Before you could respond, the shrill sound of the alarm shattered the silence, announcing multiple calls at once. Everyone turned their attention to Buck, who raised his arms playfully in surrender.
You leaned into Buck, stealing a quick kiss before jumping into action. "You're in trouble, and I don't think I can save you this time," you whispered teasingly, a playful glint in your eye as you prepared for the day ahead.
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When you arrived at the scene, the full extent of the chaos became apparent. A pileup on the highway had caused a scene of utter devastation, with mangled cars strewn haphazardly across the road. Smoke billowed from the wreckage, obscuring the sky with a thick haze.
"My brother's here," you muttered, your voice tinged with resignation as you spotted Tim amidst the chaos.
Without hesitation, you and Hen rushed to assess the situation, your training kicking in as you surveyed the scene. Tim followed closely behind, his expression serious as he briefed you on the situation.
"Multiple vehicles involved, injuries reported," Tim explained, his voice tense with urgency. "We need to triage and assess the scene before you can begin extraction."
You couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration at the news. "What did you do until now?" you demanded, your tone gruff with irritation.
Tim sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping with weariness. "We tried to do some triage, but there are much more people trapped in cars than we thought," he admitted, his voice strained with exhaustion.
With a shared glance, you and Hen wasted no time in getting to work, your focus laser-sharp as you assessed the situation and began to formulate a plan of action. Despite the chaos surrounding you, you felt a sense of determination coursing through your veins, a fierce resolve to save as many lives as possible.
Eddie joined you, lending a helping hand as you worked together to triage the injured as Buck and Bobby prepared the necessary equipment, coordinating with the rest of the team.
Buck's eyes never strayed far from you, his gaze filled with concern and admiration as he watched you work. You spotted one victim in particular who needed immediate assistance. Their car showed signs of imminent danger, with smoke billowing from the engine and flames licking at the edges of the wreckage. The victim was unconscious, barely breathing, and time was of the essence.
"Buck! I need your help over here!" you called out urgently, your voice cutting through the chaos.
Without hesitation, Buck rushed to your side, his expression filled with determination as he assessed the situation. Tim couldn't help but notice the glances exchanged between you and Buck, couldn't deny the bond that existed between you and Buck, nor the unwavering support of Buck by your side.
"Bradford, take the conscious and slightly hurt victims out of the cars and away from this place," you instructed your brother, your voice firm with authority.
Tim nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze filled with pride as he followed your orders without question. With a shared glance, you and Buck continued to work tirelessly, your determination unwavering as you fought to save lives amidst the chaos of the scene.
The flames danced menacingly around the wrecked car as you and Buck exchanged a brief, determined glance before springing into action. With a sense of urgency, you assessed the situation, noting the victim's precarious position amidst the wreckage. Their breathing was shallow, and time was running out.
Working quickly but methodically, you and Buck coordinated your efforts, communicating silently as you devised a plan of action. Buck moved to one side of the car, while you positioned yourself on the other, your hearts pounding in unison as you prepared to extract the victim from the burning wreckage.
With practiced precision, you reached into the car, carefully maneuvering around the flames as you worked to stabilize the victim's condition. Buck mirrored your movements, his touch gentle yet firm as he assisted you in securing the victim's vital signs.
Tim's watchful gaze lingered on you and Buck as you worked together, his eyes narrowing slightly as he observed the subtle exchange between you. He couldn't help but notice the way your hands lingered on each other's, the way Buck never left your side in face of danger, guarding you from the fire.
You synchronized your movements, lifting the victim free from the wreckage with practiced precision. The flames licked at the edges of the car, threatening to engulf you in their fiery embrace, but you refused to be deterred, your determination unwavering as you fought to save the victim's life.
With a collective effort, you and Buck carried the victim to safety, laying them gently on the ground as you assessed their condition. Their breathing was shallow, their pulse weak, but there was hope yet. With swift yet careful movements, you administered emergency medical treatment, your hands moving with practiced precision as you fought to stabilize the victim's condition.
And as the flames finally engulfed the wrecked car, sending plumes of smoke billowing into the sky, your hearts racing with adrenaline as you watched the scene unfold before you.
When the last of the victims were safely extricated and the flames were extinguished, the chaos of the scene began to dissipate, replaced by an eerie calm. You gathered around the ambulance, watching as police officers worked to ease the flow of traffic, their lights flashing in the fading light of day.
Buck's arm was wrapped around your waist, a comforting presence amidst the chaos. He pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, his voice filled with admiration as he spoke.
"You were incredible out there, Y/N," Buck murmured, his eyes shining with pride. "And so beautiful in action."
You couldn't help but smile at his words, the warmth of his praise filling you with a sense of accomplishment. With Buck by your side, you felt invincible, ready to face whatever challenges came your way.
But as the scene began to return to normalcy, Tim approached with Lucy by his side. You and Buck subtly distanced yourselves, exchanging a quick glance of understanding. Tim's eyes flickered back and forth between you and Buck as he spoke, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern.
It was killing you to keep your love a secret, especially from your brother. Eddie's words painfully echoed through your mind, knowing that telling Tim might ease the awkward tension. But it might as well make it worse, considering Tim's opinion regarding Buck.
There was this general misconception of police officers about the other branch of first responders. In Tim's mind, Buck was this reckless guy, putting himself in danger without hesitation, without considering the risks. He is way out of your league, he thought. Fearing that one day, Buck's action will put you in danger as well.
Buck was this ball of happiness and joy, leaving the impression of childishness. But he was more than that. Buck was selfless, putting everyone's life upon his. He was this ray of sunshine, warming everyone's day.
"Damn, Y/N, you were seriously badass out there," Tim exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "You did a great job."
You couldn't help but grin at your brother's praise, his approval meaning more to you than words could express. Despite the occasional clashes and disagreements, Tim's support was unwavering, a constant source of strength and encouragement.
"Thanks, Tim," you replied, your tone sincere as you exchanged a brief hug with your brother. "I appreciate it."
Lucy chimed in, her eyes shining with admiration. "Seriously, you guys were like superheroes out there," she said, her voice filled with awe. "I don't know how you do it."
Buck chuckled, a playful twinkle in his eye. "Just another day at the office," he quipped.
Tim's gaze lingered on you and Buck for a moment longer, his brow furrowed in silent contemplation. Lucy nudged him gently, a knowing smile playing at the corners of her lips.
Tim's expression softened, his gaze filled with concern,"Be safe out there, okay?"
You nodded in acknowledgment, the weight of Tim's words settling heavily on your shoulders. "I will, Tim," you assured him, your voice filled with determination. "You too."
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Tim and Lucy patrolled the streets as the events of the chaotic scene replayed in his mind, his thoughts consumed by concern for his sister. He couldn't shake the image of you working alongside Buck, your undeniable chemistry and shared closeness impossible to ignore.
"Hey, Lucy," Tim began, his voice filled with uncertainty. "What do you think of Buck?"
Lucy glanced over at Tim, a knowing smile playing at the corners of her lips. She had sensed Tim's unease ever since you arrived at the scene, his protective instincts kicking into overdrive at the sight of you in danger, especially when Buck was the one who came to your rescue.
"Buck?" Lucy repeated, her tone thoughtful. "He seems like a good guy to me. Always ready to lend a helping hand, never backs down from a challenge."
Tim nodded, his brow furrowing in silent contemplation. "Yeah, but what about him and Y/N?" he pressed, his concern evident in his voice. "Do you think they're...you know..."
Lucy raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eye. "You mean, are they more than just friends?" she teased, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
Tim's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but he pressed on, his curiosity getting the better of him. "Yeah, exactly," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
Lucy considered Tim's question for a moment before responding, her tone gentle but firm. "I don't know. Tim, you know your sister better than anyone," she began, her voice filled with sincerity. "If Y/N cares about Buck, then maybe he's not as bad as you think."
Tim sighed heavily, his shoulders sagging with resignation. "I just want what's best for her," he confessed, his voice tinged with frustration. "I don't think Buck would be the best fit, but..."
Lucy smiled sympathetically, her eyes filled with understanding. "Sometimes, we have to trust that our loved ones know what's best for them. And if Y/N believes that Buck is the right guy for her, then maybe we should give him a chance."
Tim sighed heavily, knowing that Lucy was right. "Yeah, maybe you're right," he conceded, his tone resigned. "I just... I don't know what to do."
Lucy squeezed Tim's hand once more, her gaze filled with warmth and understanding. "Just be there for her, Tim," she said softly. "Support her, no matter what. And if Buck makes her happy, then that's all that matters."
Tim nodded in agreement, a sense of determination settling over him. "Yeah, you're right," he said, his voice filled with resolve. "And if Buck hurts her, I'll kill him."
Lucy couldn't help but chuckle at Tim's earnestness, her laughter ringing out in the quiet of the shop. "Yeah, sure tough guy." she teased, a playful twinkle in her eye.
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After the chaos of the call had subsided and the shift had come to an end, you and Buck retreated to the comfort of his apartment for a well-deserved date night. The soft glow of string lights cast a warm ambiance over the room, creating an atmosphere of intimacy and comfort.
Buck's place was a reflection of his personality – eclectic and inviting, with an array of knick-knacks and mementos adorning the shelves. The scent of pizza hung in the air, tantalizing your senses as you settled onto his bed, the soft comforter enveloping you in its warmth.
With the pizza box balanced precariously on your laps, you and Buck leaned back against the pillows, your laughter filling the room as you reminisced about the events of the day. The TV flickered to life, casting a soft glow across the room as you settled in to watch an episode of your favorite crime drama.
As the characters onscreen navigated the twists and turns of the case, you found yourselves drawn into the storyline, eagerly discussing each plot twist and revelation as it unfolded. Buck's arm was wrapped around your shoulders, holding you close as you leaned against him, your head resting on his chest.
"This episode is intense," you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper as the drama unfolded on screen.
Buck nodded in agreement, his gaze never leaving the television. "Yeah, but it's nothing compared to the real-life drama." he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of seriousness.
You couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at his words, grateful for the sacrifices he made to keep others safe. "I know," you said softly, reaching up to brush a stray lock of hair away from his face. "But I'm glad we can still find moments like this."
As the episode drew to a close, you and Buck found yourselves lost in conversation, discussing everything from your favorite moments in the show to your plans for the future. Despite the late hour, neither of you were ready to part ways, content to linger in each other's company for as long as possible.
"Do you think Tim would mind if you spent the night here?" Buck asked tentatively, his voice laced with concern.
You paused, considering his question carefully. "Maybe," you admitted, biting your lip nervously. "But what Tim doesn't know won't hurt him, right?"
Buck nodded in understanding, his fingers gently tracing circles on your back. "I just want to make sure you're comfortable," he said softly, his gaze filled with love and tenderness.
You leaned into his touch, feeling the weight of his words wash over you like a warm embrace. "I am," you replied, your voice filled with certainty. "With you, I always am."
You settled into Buck's embrace, the warmth of his body enveloping you, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over you. His arms around you felt like home, a safe haven in the midst of life's chaos.
"So, about that call," Buck began, his voice breaking the comfortable silence as he shifted slightly to get more comfortable. "Your brother was practically breathing down our necks the whole time."
You chuckled softly, remembering Tim's overprotective nature all too well. "Yeah, he does that," you replied with a playful smirk. "He thinks he's the big tough cop, watching over his little sister and all."
Buck's laughter filled the room, the sound warm and genuine. "Well, he certainly made his presence known," he replied, his tone filled with amusement. "I think he sent me enough death glares to fill a whole season of crime dramas."
You snorted in amusement, burying your face in his chest to hide your grin. "You should count yourself lucky he didn't pull out his handcuffs," you teased, earning a playful swat on the arm from Buck.
Buck chuckled at your playful remark, his fingers tracing lazy circles on your back. "Oh, I don't know," he said, his voice tinged with mischief. "I wouldn't mind borrowing them for the night."
You lifted your head from his chest, a mischievous glint in your eye. "Oh, really now?" you replied, a teasing smile dancing on your lips. "And what exactly would you do with my brother's handcuffs, hmm?"
Buck grinned back at you, his gaze smoldering with desire. "Oh, I think you can use your imagination," he said, his voice low and husky.
You felt a shiver run down your spine at his suggestive tone, the air between you crackling with anticipation. Leaning in closer, you captured his lips in a heated kiss, your hands tangling in his hair.
Buck responded eagerly, his lips soft and sweet against yours as he deepened the kiss, his hands wandering teasingly over your body. The heat between you intensified, desire simmering just beneath the surface as you lost yourselves in each other's embrace.
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And it was one of the most intense and beautiful nights you'd spent with Buck, wrapped in each other's arms, lost in a world of passion and desire. But the fairytale ended just as quickly as it began, the morning sun casting a soft glow across the room as the loud banging on the door shattered the peaceful atmosphere.
Groaning softly, you shifted in Buck's arms, the warmth of his embrace still lingering on your skin. Tangled in bed, naked and happier than usual, you didn't mind the sound at first. But when it grew louder with each passing second, you couldn't help but turn to Buck.
"Please make it stop," you pleaded, feigning a dramatic cry as you buried your face in his chest.
Buck chuckled at your reaction, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead before untangling himself from the sheets and reaching for his underwear. "I'll go check it out," he said with a smile, his voice filled with warmth and affection.
You watched Buck move gracefully across the room, his muscles flexing beneath his skin with every step. Despite the annoyance of the situation, you couldn't help but admire the sight of him, the way he exuded confidence and strength even in the most mundane of tasks.
As your boyfriend opened the door, his smile faltered at the sight of your brother standing on the other side. Tim's expression was a mix of concern and frustration, his eyes darting around the room as if searching for answers.
"Buckley," Tim greeted him, his voice tight with worry. "Have you seen my sister?"
Buck's mind raced as he tried to come up with a plausible explanation. "No," he lied, his heart sinking at the realization of the predicament you were both in. "Did something happened?"
Tim's brow furrowed in concern. "She didn't come home last night, and she's not answering her phone," he explained, his voice laced with worry.
Without waiting for permission, Tim urged his way into Buck's place, his eyes narrowing as he spotted you, covered only by the sheets, in Buck's bed.
"Thank you for letting me know you're not dead," Tim said sarcastically, disappointment evident in his voice as he addressed you.
You bristled at his tone, your patience wearing thin. "I don't need to report to you every hour, Tim," you snapped, your voice laced with frustration. "I'm an adult, and what I do is none of your business."
Tim snapped back, his voice sharp with anger. "I didn't asked you to do that, I just need to know you're safe," he insisted, his concern for your safety overriding any sense of courtesy. "I don't care what you're doing or who you're fucking."
You held your ground, meeting Tim's gaze with steely determination. "I'm safe with my boyfriend," you declared, your voice unwavering. "And you need to worry less about me and more about your own life."
Tim's expression softened slightly at your words, but he remained wary. "Your what?" he asked, his tone incredulous.
You sighed, knowing it was time to come clean. "Boy-friend. Lo-ver. Whatever you want to call him," you replied, spelling it out for him.
Tim's eyes widened in surprise, but he remained skeptical. "Does reckless child suit him?" he quipped, his attempt at humor falling flat in the tense atmosphere.
You bristled at his words, feeling a surge of protectiveness toward your boyfriend. "Buck is so much more than that," you began, your voice soft but firm. "He's selfless, caring, and always puts others before himself. He's seen things most people couldn't even imagine, and yet he still manages to find the good in every situation."
You paused, searching for the right words to convey the depth of your feelings for Buck. "He's my rock, Tim," you continued, your voice filled with emotion. "He's there for me when I need him, no matter what. And I love him."
Tim's expression softened as he listened to your words, the tension in the room easing slightly. "I just want you to be safe, Y/N," he said quietly.
Buck stepped in, his presence a comforting reassurance by your side. "I care about Y/N," he interjected, his voice filled with sincerity. "And I wouldn't allow anything to happen to her. I love Y/N."
Tim's gaze remained cautious. "If she gets even slightly hurt for whatever reason, you're the first I'll be hunting down," he warned, his tone serious.
Buck met Tim's gaze head-on, his own resolve unwavering. "Yes, sir," he replied, his voice filled with sarcasm and amusement.
As Tim shook his head in disbelief, still trying to come to terms with the idea of his little sister being in a relationship with a firefighter, he couldn't help but see both you and Buck as two reckless kids in his eyes.
"Kids these days," he muttered under his breath, a mix of exasperation and resignation in his tone.
You and Buck exchanged a knowing glance, unable to suppress a shared smile at Tim's reaction. Once he left Buck's place, the tension in the room dissipated, replaced by a sense of lightness and relief. You and Buck shared a laugh about the absurdity of the situation, finding humor in the unexpected turn of events.
"That's not exactly how I imagined you introducing me to your brother," Buck quipped, his laughter echoing through the room.
You chuckled softly, leaning into Buck's side. "Hey, at least he didn't pull out his handcuffs," you teased, a playful glint in your eye. "I think he likes you."
Buck grinned back at you, his playful air returning in full force. "It's not too late to ask him for the handcuffs," he joked, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.
You rolled your eyes, swatting playfully at his arm. "Oh, shut up," you laughed, the tension of earlier completely forgotten. "We're gonna be late for work."
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alliewritesthings · 5 months ago
papers - pt 6
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Pairing: Dad!Chris Evans x Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: angst, mentions of divorce, mentions of cheating. if ive missed anything please let me know!
A/N: two years later and im backkkkkk. she's back to finish what she started 🤓 this took me way too long, and also makes me sad that it's finally finished. just wanted to give a shoutout to my bestie while im here because we actually met because she stumbled across my shitty little blog a few years ago, shes consistently gone on at me for years about finishing this series and i probs wouldnt have finished it if it wasn't for her 🥲 also this gif felt relevevant as we lay papers to rest with a "night night" 🤍
series masterlist   |   main masterlist
Considering you’d found out you was pregnant three months into the pregnancy, the time flew quickly. Baby girl Evans was due 13th June, but decided she didn’t want to share a birthday with her daddy. 
At 5:15am on Saturday 9th June, Penelope Evans decided to make an appearance. Unfortunately for you, this was the weekend that Chris made a short trip back to Boston to have some well-earned birthday celebrations with his family. You’d decided that for multiple reasons, including being close to your own family, that you wanted to spend the rest of your pregnancy in London so returning to your family home in Boston wasn’t an option. 
Chris missed the entire birth of his second child, the event being unknown to him as his phone had died early on during his night out with old friends. Baby Penny was over twelve hours old when Chris finally received the news of his newborn child. A baby girl. News that brought the man to tears; he loved being a girl dad. 
But that was just over a month ago, baby Penny was quickly approaching seven weeks old. And Chris had spent every waking moment with both his young daughters. Summer was rolling in and Olivia had just finished her last week at school in London. It was two weeks until you packed up and once again moved your little family of four back to the USA. You’d made an agreement with Chris that your London apartment wasn’t to be sold and would instead be used by your family on your regularly planned visits. This luckily meant for you that there wasn’t much packing that needed to be done, only the essentials you’d need when you returned to your family home. You’d forever be grateful that you didn’t need to pack up the whole apartment with two little ones in tow. 
Penelope Evans was your perfect little secret for the first 5 weeks of her life, allowing yourself time to settle in being a parent of two. Being cooped up in your apartment from the day Penny was brought home from the hospital, both Chris and your parents taking it in turns to do the school run for Olivia. Of course, the rumour that Baby Evans was born spread when you weren’t spotted in public for weeks, but you were in your perfect newborn bubble. But you wanted to be present for Olivia’s last days in British school, so you made the effort to leave the house and walk the youngster to school every morning and watch her skip alongside her baby sister's buggy. 
It was 9pm, the evenings being the main time you got some silence in the little London apartment. Chris was perched on your shared bed, scrolling through his phone and replying to emails. You were sat on the carpeted floor, one leg outstretched and gently rocking the moses basket with your foot while you packed some of your newborn's clothes into one of the few suitcases dotted around the room. Both your daughters fast asleep in their respective beds. 
Your phone vibrated on the carpet next to you, ignoring it as you expected it to be Chris sending you something he’d seen on Instagram. You hummed quietly to yourself as you carefully folded clothes and placed them inside the case, your foot still gently rocking the moses basket. It wasn’t until your phone vibrated another two times that you curiously peeked down at the screen; your eyebrows furrowed as you noticed multiple Facebook messages from an old friend of yours that you’d not spoken to in years. 
I’m so sorry but I thought you should see this. One of the messages read, follow by a Sent a Photo and a link. You tilted your head in curiosity as you opened the messages, the link and screenshotted news article headline referencing the birth of your child and Chris’s whereabouts at the time. 
It wasn’t until you read further into the article that silence fell over the room, your humming coming to a sudden halt and your foot stopped pressing against the bassinet. Evans night out during birth of second child. Underneath the headline a picture of the alleged ‘Sarah’ from the previous cheating rumours that almost ruined your marriage a year ago. Chris had his arm wrapped around her shoulder as they sat in a booth in the corner of what seemed like a club, both leaning in closely and talking quietly amongst themselves. 
Recent discoveries show that Evans’ second child, a baby girl, was born on Sunday 9th June in the early hours of the morning. During this time Evans’ was in Boston on a night out with friends celebrating his approaching birthday, understood to also be his child’s due date. Evans has two children with his British wife. Rumours spread last summer of acts of infidelity within the marriage, however this did not seem to break the couple as they reunited and introduced their second child. 
Updates as they come. The article stated. 
You were speechless at the article, unsure how to process it as you placed your phone back on the carpet and focused back onto packing the suitcase in front of you. Was that even Chris in the photo? It was slightly blurry, and of course the club was dark. But you could pick Chris out of a crowd in an instant, and that certainly looked like the woman from previous photos. 
“You okay?” Chris questioned, peeking over his phone to look down at you. 
“Mhm.” You mumbled in response, a sigh leaving your lips as you picked up one of your favourite newborn onesies. Penny had grown out of it at this point, but you wouldn’t dispose of it; the onesie was Penelope’s first outfit, her coming home outfit. The same onesie that Olivia wore home when she returned from hospital. The neutral onesie with little Winnie The Pooh drawings printed across it. It almost made you cry at the thought of the perfect little family you once had, and could have continued to have. 
You closed your eyes and brought the onesie to your nose, taking a deep breath as you took in the scent of the laundry detergent you often used on your children's clothes, the milky honey scent filling your nostrils comforted you. 
Your phone vibrated next to you again, you’d turned on notifications for updates to the article. You were unsure if you wanted to return to read the update, a knot formed in your stomach and you began to fill sick. You laid the onesie on your lap as you reached again for your phone, following your gut feeling and reopening the article. 
Recent investigations show the woman believed to be Sarah Jenkins, a 35-year-old from Atlanta. This is the second time she has publicly been spotted with actor Chris Evans. Sarah, who is public on most social media accounts, has a one-year-old child with an unknown father. Sources believe that Evans could be the father of the child. 
“Hey, what’s up?” Chris questioned, worry filling his face as he moved to sit next to you on the floor as he watched your face completely drain of all colour. 
“I’m going to be sick.” You mumbled, quickly pushing yourself to your feet and away from Chris. You almost tripped over the suitcase and other items scattered across the floor as you made a beeline for the bathroom, dropping to your knees as you leaned over the porcelain toilet and threw up the contents of your stomach. 
“Hey. It’s okay.” Chris followed you, kneeling down to hold your hair out your face and rub your back. 
“Get away from me!” You almost shouted, tears beginning to fill your eyes as you withdraw from any contact from the man. “How could you?!” You cried. 
“What?!” Chris questioned; his brows furrowed as he stared at you in shock. 
Oh boy was he a good actor. 
“Don’t you dare fucking lie to me again!” You bit back with gritted teeth. “How could you do that to me?! How could you do that to our poor innocent Olivia?!” The sadness fell over your eyes, the tears falling down your cheeks at the thought of your two precious girls who got hurt in the process. How as you going to explain this to them? How was you going to tell Olivia that her daddy was the reason the family fell apart? 
“How could you?!” You repeated again, a sob getting caught in your throat. “How could you cheat?! How could you have a child with another woman and simply act like its nothing?!” A loud wail tumbled from your lips as you pulled yourself back to the toilet and vomited some more. 
“I’m sorry.” Chris accepted defeat. That was all the conformation you needed. He should have known that after some time the news would come out. 
“You’re sorry?!” You looked at him in complete shock, bringing the back of your hand up to wipe at your mouth. “You think that's going to take all this away?” You truly were stunned that he was acting like this wasn’t as large a crime as it was. 
“His name is Theodore. Theo.” He mumbled, pushing himself to his feet as the tears started to fill in his eyes. The realisation was beginning to hit of what he’d done. How much he’d hurt his wife, and would shortly hurt his two precious daughters too. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.” 
“You didn’t mean for this to happen?!” Your voice raised in complete disbelief at his words. “You didn’t mean to spend time with another woman? Didn’t mean to fall into bed with her? Didn’t mean to have a child with her? Didn’t mean to continue seeing her, even when the child wasn’t present. You lied to me! You lied and then played me into thinking everything was okay, we had another child!” You screamed, it was all beginning to boil over and push you to the edge. 
Multiple instances flashed through your mind; like Christmas, Chris had no work on the lead up to Christmas, but yet he couldn’t be in London until the twenty third of December. He claimed he had commitments to his family. He missed the birth of your child for a night out on his birthday, yet the only photo you’ve seen from the night is the previously posted photo with ‘Sarah’. He missed out on time with yourself, and your growing family, major events like the birth of his second, well technically third, child. You weren’t as big a priority as it was made out to be. 
A loud screaming cry came from your bedroom, your almost two-month-old child awakening due to the loud noises flowing through the apartment. 
“Get out.” You bit through gritted teeth, pushing yourself to your feet as you prioritised getting to your small baby girl crying out in need. You cradled her in your arms, cuddling her close as you tried to compose yourself, holding the little baby so tight as you rocked her back and forth but her crying wouldn’t stop. 
“Get away from me.” You almost growled at Chris as he approached you in the bedroom, your hold becoming more protective of your sweet innocent child. 
“Please, let me explain.” Chris tried to speak over the sound of the screaming baby which you continued to rock. 
“Explain what, Chris?!” You turned to look at him, tears streaming down your face which matched the face of the distraught newborn. “There is nothing to explain.” You were starting to get overwhelmed with the situation, the screaming of the baby, the cheating man stood in front of you trying to talk his way out of his sins. 
“Mummy?” A little voice spoke from the door. “Daddy?” The small child stood at the door, her fists rubbing at her tired eyes and chubby cheeks. “Is Penny okay? Mummy, are you okay?” she questioned, unsure what all the noise was about. Her tired eyes adjusted as she looked between you and her father, the upset visible on both your faces as well as her newborn sister. 
“Penny’s okay, princess.” Chris spoke up, turning to speak properly to his eldest daughter. He couldn’t comment on how you felt, and he didn’t want to lie to his daughter again. “Mummys got her. Let's get you back to bed.” He hummed, leading the little girl out of the room as he tried to compose himself. In that moment, you had to admit you was grateful for Chris stepping up for his eldest child. 
A few moments passed until you heard Olivia’s bedroom door closing, you’d managed to compose yourself to a certain extent but also calm Penelope down enough that she’d fallen back to sleep and was once again nestled in her basket. 
“I want you gone. You can collect your things during the week, my parents will be here to deal with it. You won’t see the girls. We’re not coming back to Boston.” You rambled out the words that you’d been planning in your head. 
“Babe, please!” He tried to beg, stepping closer to where you were perched on the edge of the bed and looking down at the newborn in her basket. 
“Don’t call me babe. You won’t see the girls until a plan has been made. You’ll leave tonight.” You sighed, defeated.
“My solicitor will be in contact to get the papers signed.”
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thank you again for reading, i hope you enjoyed!!!
it's finally finished!!! 🎉
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