#And also give you some Evans Sisters Angst
mrsfrecklesmarauders · 3 months
Lily had tried all her life to be liked by her older sister.
At the beginning it was easy. Playing together as kids was easy. It was always Petunia's way. She was the main princess. She had the best Barbie. She was the protagonist of their adventures.
Lily didn't mind. As such a young age, it was law to do whatever her mummy, daddy and Tuney say.
When Lily was seven years old, and Petunia was twelve, that was when she started losing her sister forever.
Petunia stop being interested in games, dolls, fairy tales to be interested in makeup, boys and her school friends. And Lily was sad, because she didn't have anyone else to play anymore.
Petunia was embarrassed of her "annoying little sister".
As time passed by, the two sisters became very different to one another.
Petunia liked parties, boyfriends, clothes, makeup, gossip. She believed it that status was important in order of finding a match or a friend group. She liked refined things for herself. She didn't want to settle with less. And she knew she had to fight to get what she wanted. Petunia was a realist.
Lily liked fantasy better than reality. Stay home, watch movies, read a book. She liked nice clothes and makeup but nothing about the brand, but about how comfortable they were. She believed in true love. She was a romantic through and through. She believed in happy endings simply because one deserved it. She was a dreamer.
Yet Lily tried to get along with her sister. But Petunia had a very difficult temper. She wasn't patient. She developed a bad mood. She was explosive and mean when she wanted to. And somehow with her strong character, Petunia managed to be the center of attention.
Lily believed that if she contradicted her or acted as explosive as she was, that Petunia was going to be always angry. And that she was going to lose her forever.
So Lily was patient. She tried to please Petunia. And talk about what she liked. About her life. About Vernon. Lily was dying to tell her about Hogwarts, about her friends, the classes, the teachers. But everytime she mentioned something, Petunia was immediately uninterested.
It always felt as if Lily annoyed her sister. It always felt as if they weren't sisters, Petunia would never even speak with her.
Petunia had good moments though, when she was in a good mood. When Vernon and her friends were around. Because it she was different with them, so aimable and nice.
In those moments, Petunia was more gentle. There was more room for talking. And sometimes, if Lily was lucky, Petunia would tell her she loved her.
Lily knew Petunia loved her. She had said it. She was her sister after all. But it didn't feel like it.
It didn't feel like the way Lily loved her. She was not Petunia's priority in her life. She would never be her favorite person.
Time with Lily at Hogwarts broke their relationship even more. Lily missed things from Petunia's life. Things that she only heard from her parents afterwards. Petunia never told her about her feelings. Nothing with much detail about her life. And Lily understood she wasn't important for Petunia.
Sisters love. Lily had seen sisters getting along in movies. They would be close as best friends, telling each other everything and spending time together. Being comfortable around each other. She wondered: why couldn't my sister and I be like that? Was it me? Did I do something wrong?
Nowadays, Lily walked between shells when it came to Petunia. Sometimes Lily was so uncomfortable around her, because she didn't know what to say, what to ask, what to talk about. And sometimes when she dared to ask stuff, Petunia always answered with disdain and bore. And Lily wanted to cry.
It was like loving someone who would never love you back. And the only source of love came from the fact that she had to because they were sisters. Nothing else. And it really really hurt sometimes.
The painful thing was that Lily and Petunia would never stop being sisters, but they might never fix their relationship.
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
What about a fic where reader is Evan’s sister and gets into a bad car accident? Lots of angst but also some fluff please. 🫶🫶
slipping through my fingers - e.b
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summary: request :)
evan buckley x sister!reader (a lot of maddie too 🩶)
a/n: i have an eddie diaz oneshot in the drafts currently that i’ve been debating on posting. it contains a pretty sensitive subject, so i really wanted to get it right. it was inspired by another request, along with another show. i hope you enjoy this and i’ll keep on writing some more for you guys :))
y/n could say growing up with as the youngest buckley wasn’t the easiest task. the consistency of begging for attention was draining from the start. going above and beyond for just a grain of appreciation was the default in their house. she was repeatedly looked through, almost as if she wasn’t there due to her parents grief.
she had come after buck in a desperate attempt to be able to save david, but failed in the end. he was gone too soon, so therefore, y/n was almost like a chore. sure, her parents loved her, but she wasn’t the child they wanted. dealing with the discovery of why she wasn’t loved enough was just as bad as experiencing it. maddie was in boston with doug, and buck had gone onto his own adventures. meanwhile y/n was stuck at home with nowhere to go and no plans of leaving. she dreamed about it, though. she heard about buck moving to los angeles and immediately wanted to be with him. she was almost done with college, and after that, she packed up her diploma and degree and flew away.
life in california was amazing. she had friends, she was loved, and she had no reminders of the lonesomeness she felt at home. for once, she was able to make a home out of where she was. maddie was safe, and it felt like they were a fixed version of their family.
out of the pure intentions in her heart, y/n invited her distant parents back to LA. with maddie expecting a new baby, and the years of a few texts, there was a new hope that maybe things could be turned around. it wouldn’t change their childhood experiences, but maybe they could heal them. maddie was on board, but buck was still skeptical. their words were like knives and the scars couldn’t be helped. he showed up anyway, wanting to give maddie and her baby the opportunity to have a life with them.
they travelled six hours, and chimney and maddie were gracious enough to host a dinner for everyone. maddie received hugs and gifts as buck and y/n were kind of nudged away. when maddie got her baby box that her parents had from when they were kids, buck and y/n had just become dusty figures. they didn’t say anything, at least not about that.
an explosive speech from buck had ignited from the judgmental words from their parents, causing him to be begging for love and expressing his inner teenage self. he had removed himself from the dining room of the apartment, and y/n sat in her seat, slumped over with her head in her hands.
“god, can you guys please just do something other than reprimand us?” y/n breaks the awkward silence.
“we were just speaking, y/n!” says their father. “if evan wants to storm out, let him.”
“well, maybe he wouldn’t have stormed out if you didn’t nit-pick ever part of his life.”
“you invited us, y/n. i don’t know what you want us to say. you know what we went through-“
“and you think that’s an excuse? if so, it’s a shitty one and we all know it. no parent should have to say goodbye to a child, but no child needs to go unloved because they don’t care anymore. and you didn’t even bat an eye when he begged you to ‘love him anyway’. so if you want to sit here, and tear down everything we have build from your actions, be our guest.”
“you always defend your siblings, y/n. you guys have never once put yourself in our shoes!” their mother cries out.
“oh, trust me, we did. for over 20 years,” maddie breaks in.
“how do you think we feel, maddie? you all just packed up your stuff and ran away to leave us with nothing,” speaks their father, again.
“dad, i can’t… i can’t do this. everything i did, i did it myself. i made this life here for myself! so did maddie, so did buck. don’t go putting yourselves on a pedestal,” she begins to gather her things, and put hers and bucks dinner plates away for maddie and chimney.
“where are you going?” chimney says, trying to calm everything down and he’s definitely in the most awkward situation.
“chim, thank you for dinner and letting us come over. you’re welcome over to my place anytime. i’m sorry, but i’m going to see my brother,” y/n says, shutting the door behind her.
while maddie stays back, trying to pick up the broken pieces, y/n drives over to bucks apartment. she repeatedly calls him, making sure he’s okay and to say that she’s coming over. the roads were dark from the early sunsets of the fall, barely illuminated from the streetlights.
“buck,” she says into her phone. “i know you’re pissed off, and im sorry i arranged this. but i need to know you’re ok, so im on my way over. please call me back.”
she ends the voicemail and tries to put her phone back into the holder. it slips out of her shaky hands and onto the floor of the seat. she groans out, worried he would call her back and she wouldn’t be able to answer. she doesn’t reach down, but she looks at the phone on the floor.
a drunk, someone intoxicated with alcohol, must have been driving like a maniac. swerving through lanes with no warning and passing several signs. she tried so hard. she tried to move out of the way, but the spontaneous movements of the driver had confronted their cars head on.
the flash of white from y/n’s airbags flew out at her. the glass of her windshield was shattered, laying all over the dashboard and the seats. her head drooped onto her shoulder. the cuts on her face were stinging and the other pain in her body went unnoticeable due to shock. the soft ringtone of her phone was vibrating on the bottom of the car. the ringing in her ears caused the sound to be faded out, and she couldn’t even get it to call 9-1-1.
“maddie, hey,” buck says as maddie picks up the phone. “have you, uh, tried calling y/n? she left me so many calls and now she won’t answer.”
“no, i haven’t. she said she was coming to see you,” maddie replies, confused.
“where’s mom and dad?”
“the hotel, they left soon after her.”
buck pulls his phone away from his ear and the buzzing on his hand. y/n’s name appears across the screen. “oh, she’s calling me know,” he hangs up the phone and answers it to a bone-chilling sentence.
“is this evan buckley?” a deep, unknown voice asks in bucks ear.
y/n was awake in the ambulance, hearing all the chaos and jargon around her. she knew she’d never hear the end from buck, being a firefighter. she begged them to let him know, telling them repeatedly, “my brother works at the 118,” and how maddie is a dispatcher.
she was wheeled into the hospital on her stretcher, collar on and a big bandage around her waist for a massive piece of glass in her abdomen. “y/n buckley, 27, three-car pileup with an oblique fracture to the tibia and penetration wound to the abdomen, likely to not have hit any major organs.” and before she knew it, she was sped into the trauma rooms and given more morphine. she just wanted her brother and sister. not all these doctors or her parents.
buck picked up maddie on the way to the hospital, not thinking twice before smashing the gas pedal down. he ran through those doors like a strike of lighting, being seen in one place and somewhere else the next. he forced her name out to the nurse as maddie caught up to him. “relation to the patient?”
“brother, and sister,” he says, impatiently, both hands flat on the counter.
the nurse typed rapidly on her computer. “she’s in surgery, honey. but she’s stable.”
buck puffs out a sigh of relief as maddie grabs his arm, leading him to the waiting room. almost all of the 118 was in this hospital, like she was a firefighter herself. chimney had brought hen, and eddie had come as well as bobby. athena had told bobby, as she was the one who arrested the man who caused the crash.
buck tries to calm himself down remembers all the times he tried to one-up her and smiles at the memories. he and maddie exchange small and sweet memories of their little sister, as her life remains in the hands of someone else.
“hey,” maddie nudges him, trying to think of something to cheer him up. “remember when she stole 20’s out of our wallet to buy us christmas gifts?”
buck giggles a bit, “yeah, and then we tried playing tag, so we spun her around a ton of times and hid inside until she just sat there.”
“and then she fell down the stairs from being so dizzy,” maddie smiles.
“ruthless!” chim interrupts, sitting next to maddie.
“you know you two are what made it so hard to leave.”
“i know. imagine having to leave her all alone with mom and dad, though. she’s gotta be ok, maddie.”
“she will, buck. no one’s getting rid of her that easy.”
the doctor with a scrub cap on comes walking into the waiting room, followed by a few interns and others. “buckleys?”
maddie and buck shoot out of their seat first, and chimney and hen follow soon after like a train. “oh, my bad.” hen says, pulling her and chim back down to sit.
“what’s goin’ on, doc?”
“y/n will be fine. she had a fracture in her leg which we fixed up. she’ll need some help getting around, but she’ll be good as new,” the doctor informs.
they knew she would make it out, but hearing it being confirmed by the doctor made it so much more real. buck was speechless, not being able to mutter out any words. “can we see her?” maddie asks.
“you can, she’s still sedated from anesthesia and intubated, but cynthia, here, can lead you to the room.”
seeing y/n’s fragile and hurt body on the bed was an agonizing sight. maybe if buck hadn’t stormed out, she wouldn’t be in this bed and have come across that driver. maybe he could’ve driven her home. all the ‘if’s’ and ‘maybes’ in bucks head were floating through, thinking it’s his fault. he always takes the blame for these situations when it is completely the opposite.
buck sees tragedy every day, and maddie hears it. maddies only sister was in the small hospital room with a tube down her throat. she needed y/n there to help her, and her baby needed her aunt. buck needed his little sister, the one always there for him and forever will be. the thought of her not being there scared him to death. even though they see get rushed into the hospital or sent to the morgue every day, it will never prepare you from seeing your favorite people in that position.
buck stumbled over to the chair by the side of the bed, pulling it out for maddie to rest her aching feet. he walked to the other side of the bed, sitting down and grabbing lightly onto y/n’s hand like he was scared to break it. “i don’t know if we should say something. let her know we’re here, you know.”
“she knows, evan,” maddie says, meeting bucks eyes with her own. “i know that.”
buck smiles and looks down at y/n, her chest rising and falling with the hissing of the tubes and machines. he observes the iv’s and cuts and fresh new bruises. he wants to kill whoever did this, but at the moment, his only concern is the well-being of y/n.
so, for the rest of the night, maddie and buck didn’t move from their spots once until she was awoken and the tube was removed. they held her hand, and when y/n was awoken, she knew she was safe from the hands that were tangled with hers.
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wildoceanstarz · 4 months
☆ Introduction ☆
Hi! You can call me Starz! (I have a few other names but this one is funky lol)
I'm 22 years old, I use them/them pronouns and if you just give me a nudge, i Will talk your ears out about my hc about the valkyries and the black sisters. Oh also fuck Joanne, hope you choke <3
Working on a register of marauders nicknames because it gets confusing :(+ new idea for the girls.
I'm mostly into:
✦ The Valkyries
✦ The Black Sisters (and their parents & partners)
✦ The Marauders
✦ And a sprinkle of Slytherin Skittles, Batfamily and Golden trio era (mostly Drarry)
(✦ Merlin is always in my mind but also I don’t wanna interact with it too much bcs they genuinely make me sick like I feel so strongly about them.)
Favorite ships:
Dorlene, Marylily, Pandalily, Jegulily, Quillkiller (+ Zabini on the weekend), Nobleflower, Noblesilver (Narcissa x Zabini), Wolfstar, Poppy x Minnie, and Sybill x Peter.
But honestly I can be sold anything that isn't icky (big age gap, power imbalance, INCEST, etc) if you’re convincing enough. I’m not a big fan of straight ships tho I’m gonna be frl… but any queer ship? Slay!
Fav platonic ships: Marlene & Peter & James, Marlene & Sirius, Moonflower
Favorite characters:
✶ Marlene McKinnon
✶ Peter Pettigrew
✶ Narcissa Malfoy
✶ Evelyn Zabini
✶ and honestly all the girlies ( Lily, Pandora, Mary, Dorcas, ...)
Beliefs, favorite headcanons and stuff under this (take a peek) :)
Things i believe in that can be controversial(?):
Begging people to stop making Peter fucking skinny I'm being so serious, I WILL block you. (also when people don't include Pete as a member of the group like he was chosen as Secret Keeper because he was their BEST FRIEND be frl)
Lily Evans is polyamorous and she's so real for that (with maybe a hint of aromantic vibes tbf)
PANDORA DOESN'T HAVE THE SAME PERSONALITY AS LUNA *cries* no but frl like Xenophilius is right there being a fucking Luna clone and you're gonna give her personality to Pandora?? (i need to get more into how i see her, will make a post at some point lol) Also I don't believe in the hc that she's a Rosier and Evans twin.
If you're gonna redeem Barty and Evan, you cannot go and shit on Bellatrix like let's be serious. You definitely can not like her but why are you over there calling her a psycho (derogatory).. have you seen your boys? (also people are sleeping on the Black Sisters as a whole)
Sybill Trelawney is such an interesting character and I think giving so much of her characteristics to Pandora water them both down. Also the angst is so good? Like come on guys (more on this)
I actually think Severus Snape is an interesting characters.
You shouldn't buy official merch or tickets to events or anything that would give money to jkr because that makes her believe people support her in her views about Trans People.
Favorite headcanons:
✮ Peter, James and Marlene being childhood best friends
✮ Fat Lily my beloved <3
✮ Dorcas and Marlene doing each other's hair every month after getting together (Dorcas dye Marlene's hair blonde and Marlene learn how to braid so she can do new protective styles for Dorcas)
✮ Bellatrix, Rita and Evelyn being the Diamonds and terrorising Hogwarts when they were there.
✮ Peter k!lling Marlene :)
More about me:
My first language is French. I have the shittiest sleep schedule known to man. I am a professional yapper.
I'm absolute shit with tone so might use tone indicator (but tbf the wonder of # here are making this much easier)
If you couldn’t tell from my choices up there, I fucking love angst. I’m writing sad shit and giggling, I’m writing happy shit so the angst is sadder. I Will make you cry (hopefully).
I’m also mad silly.
I have a few others account in the marauders community (Insta, Tiktok, Ao3, ...) but it's a secret (lol)
If you’re interested in what I like to say here, just look up the #starz yap tag, it’s what I use when I have ideas that I write more deeply about. :) + #starz hc for when it’s a personal add on headcanons. Using @starztakes for reposting just my hc and yapping without all the extra stuff.
Alright i think that covers it up. Hope you enjoy my account! P.S: idm stalking of my page and spamming lol so go for it (I do it by accident all the time… #starz struggle)
oh also i'm a Marlene kinnie. kiss.
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justannadahfanfictor · 5 months
Okay so I have an idea for a writing if anyone is interested in writing it please just tag me when you do I’d love to read it.
So this is a Sirius Black x Evans! Reader or Remus Lupin x Evans! Reader. The reader is Lily’s little sister (by a year) and is a hufflepuff. She grew up being a trio with Lily and Severus and although Severus was in love with Lily, the reader had a crush on Severus for quite a while. Lily knew about her crush but always just comforted her knowing about her unrequited feelings.
Around the time of Lily and Snapes falling out (a few days before it) school had just started back for the readers 4th year. The reader spent most of her summer working extra to buy Severus some new clothes so he didn’t have to always wear the same ripped up clothes or his cloak. It took her all summer to get enough money and she confided in Lily telling her how excited she was to give him this gift.
She pulls Severus aside from the group of young death eaters he had started to associate with one day at lunch time to give him the clothes she had picked out and got for him. He coldly tells her no thanks I don’t want them. She insists kindly and tells him she worked all summer to be able to afford them, which she didn’t mind but really wanted him to accept the gift. He eventually snaps at her quite loudly and tells her something along the lines of “can’t you see I don’t want your stupid present. How desperate and pathetic can you be” to which the reader nods, quietly apologizes places the clothes on the ground in front of them tells him quietly while all are staring “I’m sorry, throw them away if you don’t want them” then walks off super quickly to cry somewhere quiet.
Sirius or Remus, who had had a major crush on her since 2nd year is the one to comfort her and make her smile and laugh. They become good friends as well as Remus or Sirius as she starts to heal after deciding not to be friends with Severus anymore, especially after Lily went to stand up for her a day or 2 later and that lead to their falling out as well where he screamed that she was a mudblood. Suprisingly enough, Sirius gets off his playboy stuff (or Remus starts to become more confident in himself) and a love blossoms between the reader and him where he treats her like there is no other girl in the world. She’s finally happy, she has a relationship like no other, good friendships where Lily and her are closer than ever and Remus or Sirius is her other bestfriend.
Around this time, Severus realizes not only did he mess up with Lily, but he feels really bad for the way he treated the reader because he sees how happy she is with Sirius or Remus but also any time James or Sirius go to bully him, she still tells them to stop and gives them just a certain look. Because of her, Sirius and James barely ever bully’s him anymore.
I’d say this paragraph ^ would be best in snapes pov but all the others from the readers. Would love some good fluff from moments of Sirius or Remus and reader falling in love. I’m a sucker for angst and fluff combined. Hopefully someone will be intrigued enough to write this 🫶🏻
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wildlife4life · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @forthewolves, @bekkachaos, @giddyupbuck, @lover-of-mine, @fortheloveofbuddie, @disasterbuckdiaz, and @devirnis, Thank you! And I'm sorry for the angst that I'm about to bring upon you all. (I'm actually not...)
NFL Buck... Need I say more? Yes. Angsty NFL Buck from the Eddie Begin's arc. I'm drowning that man, not only with flood waters but with the angsty feels as well. Mwhahaha. Enjoy!
The only sign of Maddie’s irritation for this ordeal was the narrowing of her dark eyes, looking at Eddie over Christopher’s shaking form. “Evan already texted me. Didn’t give me a chance to fight him on this and I can’t exactly stand up to your mother, she barely knows or likes me.” He tries swallowing down another lump of personal loathing, “Maddie I’m-.” The sharp pierce of the station bell puts an end to the beginning of his pleading for forgiveness. Christopher’s sobs become louder, and, in the background, Eddie can’t barely make out the worried shouts of Helena.  Maddie glances back, features tightening further in exasperation, “Damnit.” She hisses softly and gives her attention back to Eddie, “You have to go Eddie…I’ve things under control here and I’ll…” She blows out a harsh breath, “I’ll talk to Evan, but I’m not fixing this for you.” “DIAZ LETS GO!” His captain shouts across the firehouse. “COMING!” Eddie yells back before returning to the glitching iPad screen with his crying son, his over concerned mother’s hollers and Buck’s irate sister, “I’m sorry. I love you mijo. So much.” He tries to catch Maddie’s eye, “I’ll fix this I promise. Tell Buck I love him please.” She purses her lips, but nods, “Stay safe Eddie.” The screen glitches once more before going blank. Eddie gives himself five seconds to feel the utter torment of upsetting not only his boyfriend, but his son as well. Then another five to be completely pissed at himself and his mother. After those ten seconds, he shoves the mess of his life and the emotions that go along with it, into a box and locks it away for another time. That lock is ripped off and pushed away with the flood waters that drag Eddie under less than an hour later.  
I suggest listening to Carry You by Ruelle for what it is to come, to prolong to angst. Hope you enjoyed!
If you want to see more NFL Buck just go here.
Tagging (no pressure): @prosperdemeter2 @alyxmastershipper @thekristen999 @911onabc @911-on-abc @bvckandeddie @brokenribsdiaz @ladydorian05 @glorious-spoon @spaceprincessem @elvensorceress @housewifebuck @transbuck @jeeyuns @monsterrae1 @eowon @bigfootsmom @theotherluciferr @jesuisici33 @rogerzsteven @try-set-me-on-fire @buddierights @cowboydiazes @cowboy-buddie @cowboy-buck @watchyourbuck @diazblunt @eddiediaztho @starlingbite @shortsighted-owl @gayhoediaz @gayedmundodiaz @athenagranted @rainbow-nerdss @thewolvesof1998 @hippolotamus @honestlydarkprincess @exhuastedpigeon @spotsandsocks @wikiangela @loserdiaz And anyone I forgot. Also anyone who wants to participate! Tag me! I love to read all the snippets! (Sorry for any double tags. Tumblr has been weird with my tagging for some reason)
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What To Expect When You're Not Expecting (5)
Chris Evans x Black (pregnant) Female Reader
Summary: It's no secret that Chris wants to be a daddy. He's said it in many different interviews and blogs before. He just never expected the mother of his child to be someone he didn't know, let alone fuck.
Warnings: 18+ angst, mentions of alcohol abuse and cheating/ malpractice, talk of abortions!, TALK OF SU*C*DE, TALK OF DMV! BE WARNED!
Note: Thank you for all the love so far! It means the world!
Edit: To my surprise, many of you like this and asked me to continue, here's the fourth part and a tag list to join! I'm trying to start my blog up so this really helps!
Series Masterlist
divider by: @firefly-graphics
Right me an ask to join the taglist!
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(The reader is nearing five months pregnant, it’s giving WandaVision speed lmao. Chris is a proud PAPAya)
You hadn’t spoken to Chris in a week, and it was another week he couldn’t see his child grow. It wasn’t like he was off in another state filming a movie. In fact, he was here in Boston filming Defending Jacob, so he had nothing but opportunities to see you and the baby. But you hadn’t wanted that, ignoring his calls and text. He knew he messed up asking your such personal questions. But he just wanted to help if he could.
So now on his day off work, he found himself walking up to your apartment with a bouquet of flowers and a pack of ginger ale. He truly hoped you would accept his peace offering—he also hoped your love for ginger ale wasn’t conditional to your pregnancy.
Chris adjusted his hoodie and hat, coughing before he knocked on your apartment door. From the other side he heard stampering, and before he knew it the door flew wide open and so did his eyes. The girl before him looked just like you, only shorter and not pregnant. His eyebrow rose as she chewed on a Twix bar, pulling at the carmel that fell from the bar while she stared him down.
“You gonna say anything, or do you just stare?” She burped causing Chris’s face to scrunch up.
“Um?” He coughed, peaking at the apartment doors number, yup still 338. “Am I at the right apartment?”
“You’re at the right place.’ She looked Chris up and down. “Y/n just taking her thirtieth bathroom break of the day.” She turned, walking away leaving the door wide open.
“Are you going to come in, or are you just going to stand there like a pedophile?” She wandered into the kitchen.
Unsure, Chris stepped inside, closing the heavy wooden door behind himself. “And you are?” He asked, following behind the girl. He watched as she pounced onto the counter, digging into a pint of moose tracks ice cream.
She laughed, kicking her legs. “I’m, Sarah. Y/n’s younger sister. Who are you?” She pointed at him with her spoon.
Chris opened his mouth to speak, but Sarah beat him to the chase. “Wait. Don’t tell me,’ she laughed, rubbing her chin. “You’re the baby daddy, Chris Evans. My roommates fucking obsessed with you.”
“Well, thanks.’ He chuckled awkwardly, placing the flowers down on the counter.
“Want some?” Sarah held her a spoonful of ice cream out in front of Chris’s mouth.
“I’m good.” Chris quickly declined.
“Your loss.” She jumped of the counter. “Y/N, GET OUT HERE—YOUR BABY DADDY IS HERE!” She shouted down the small hallway of your apartment.
Y/n stepped out of the bathroom, here brown eyes glaring at Chris’s blue ones as she emerged from the darkness of the hallway. Although he hadn’t known her long, her eyes always conveyed so much. And right now, they told him to get the hell out of her house. Which was nice by the way.
It was small and cozy, a blend of modern and almost Victorian style furniture with nice hints of pastels and neutrals blending together. A candles wick flickered in the background making the apartments living space smell immaculately . Chris was almost jealous of this place.
“What do you want?” You stuck your nose in the air, slouching back on her sofa.
Chris sighed, grabbing the flowers and walking around to your sofa. He took a seat behind you, placing the flowers on your dark brown coffee table.
“I wanted to say I’m sorry for prying, it wasn’t fair for me to drop those questions on you. Especially without your permission.” He said softly.
“Yeah, apologize as you should.” Sarah leaned over the top of the sofa, staring Chris down. “Digging into our personal shit like you’re Derek Morgan from Criminal Minds. Have several seats, Captain Underpants.” She rolled her eyes.
“Sarah,” you popped your little sisters lip. “Go away.”
Sarah smacked your hand back in retaliation, and you could have sworn you hear Chris stifle out a laugh. You glared at them both.
“Go away.” You growled at her, watching her step into the kitchen. “Further.” You pointed in the direction of her bedroom.
“Sorry.” You rubbed your eyes finally addressing Chris. “What did you want again.” You yawned, snuggling into your heated blanket more.
Chris smiled, looking at your ever growing belly, glowing skin, and messy hair. He liked that you were still intact with the child in you, some of your hair strands being dyed pink. Even with this ordeal and everything you’d been through, you still had an innocence about yourself, and that was more than he could say for others he had met.
“Right.” Chris emerged from the trance you seemed to put him in. “I just wanted to give you these and apologize.” He pointed toward the flowers.
“I hate the smell of flowers.” You blurted. Chris sat dumbfounded, what kind of girl hated the smell of flowers.
“Oh.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine,’ you got up and headed to the kitchen with your flowers in hand. “I guess they’ll make a cute center piece, until they die.” You plucked away at one of the red rose petals.
“Right.” Chris frowned, not sure how to take your response. He was walking on egg shells here.
“I accept your apology, by the way.” You flicked on the kitchen sink, pouring water into a clear purple vase.
“Really?” Chris beamed.
“Yeah,’ you trimmed the ends of the flowers, tossing them in the vase. “I guess you should know about how fucked up your child’s grandfather is, right?” You said. “How he almost killed me and the rest of my family.”
Chris’s heart pained hearing that. The thought that you could have been killed as a young girl, struck him deeply. How could someone who said he loved you do such horrid things.
“I’m really sorry about that, Y/n.” Chris grabbed your shoulder giving it a light squeeze.
“If you’re so sorry.’ Sarah’s head popped around the corner, followed by the rest of her body. “Cook us some dinner, I’m starved.”
You laughed, feeling your own belly rumble. “It’s only fair.” You shrugged.
“And we want pasta.” Sarah demanded.
Chris could tell the two of you were nothing alike. He shook his head, finally giving in to cooking for the two of you. Not that he had any other plans.
“Fine.” He smiled. “But I only know how to make Alfredo.”
Chris had been cooking for around thirty minutes, and you’d been staring at his back for the better half of it. And boy did he have a great back, but that wasn’t what most of your thoughts were consumed by. It was mostly consumed by the fact that he never rejected you, not even for a split second. You went through a denial phase of the pregnancy, wanting to end it all. But Chris never seemed to want that.
“Chris.” You spoke up.
He turned around looking at you, almost signaling for you to speak.
“Why do you want this baby so bad?” You bite into a banana.
Chris stopped stirring the Alfredo sauce. Putting the wooden spoon you had provided down. “Why do you ask?”
“What, i can’t ask thought provoking questions too?” You walked around the counter, standing directly in front of him now. “Why did you want this.” You pointed at the bump.
Chris shrugged. “I don’t know, I’ve always wanted a family.”
“No, there’s more to that story. Everyone wants a family, a village to come home to.” You explained.
“Well maybe that’s just it.” Chris turned around, throwing a kitchen towel over his shoulder. “Maybe I’m tired of coming home to an empty house, it’s been just me and dodger for the pass five years. Maybe I want more, Y/n.”
You sighed, and there it was. He was lonely. “I get that. Thank you for being honest.” You smiled.
“You’re welcome.” He smiled, turing back to the sauce.
“So you think this baby will be enough for you?” You asked.
“I know it will, and so will you.” He said back.
Your heart fluttered at that sentiment, you think you were staring to love your accidental family just a little bit more each and every day—and that included Chris.
Chris’s dinner was, interesting, to say the least. It wasn’t bad, but it was stellar either. Not that you were going to tell him that. But Sarah on the other hand. She had a mouth for anyone and anything.
“Did you season this?” She asked with a perplexed face
“Yes? Is it not to your standard, Queen Sarah.” Chris sassed her back.
Sarah scoffed. “Don’t get smart.” She frowned at him.
He put his hands up in defense, wiping the corners of his mouth. “Y/n? Your thoughts?”
You looked up, playing with the noodles. “Um, it’s cute.” You said quietly, hearing Sarah burst into a fit of giggles.
“Cute?” He said, narrowing his blue eyes.
“I mean,’ you stammered over your words. “Never mind, it’s great.” You lied to him, watching his face soften.
“Well, thank you,’ he coughed. “I actually have something to ask you.” He said.
“That’s funny,” Sarah interjected. “I was gonna ask you something to.”
Chris subtly rolled his eyes. “What is, Sarah?”
She smirked. “What’s it like to be famous? And what made you want to honker down and have this baby with my fabulous sister?”
“Being famous isn’t what everyone thinks. It’s not all glitz and glamour, it’s hard work too.”
“I bet.” She took a sip of her drink. “And my sister?” She nudged you.
Chris looked at you and then the baby, a glimmer of something you couldn’t explain was in his eyes. “I just—I don’t know I feel comfortable around your sister, and I’m in a position where I can take care of both of them. Relationship or not, I guess.” He mumbled.
“It’s not conventional,’ you gave his hand a pat. “But it’ll work.” You smiled.
“Aw, how cute!” Sarah said sarcastically. “So you know Sebastian?” She immediately changed the subject.
You giggled, spitting out your ginger ale a bit. “Stop.”
“No, don’t do that!’ Sarah laughed. “You should have seen what she was saying about him.” She told Chris
“You know Sebastian?” Chris grabbed his glass confused.
“No, I don’t. But after I found out who you were I kind of went on a stalking binge with Sarah on the phone, we found Sebastian. And I don’t know, he’s cute.” You smiled, before taking another sip.
alright, Chris didn’t know if he should be jealous. According to everyone he was just your baby daddy. But something about the woman carrying his baby finding his best friend ‘cute’ bothered him, badly.
“Hm, yeah well Sebastian’s a sweetheart.” He grumbled, rolling his eyes.
“Maybe he can be your next celebrity baby daddy, Y/n.” Now it was Chris’s turn to spit of his drink.
“Sorry.” Chris said as everyone’s eyes were on him, he wiped himself off with a napkin avoiding the girls eyes.
“You good bro?” Sarah asked, ripping off another piece of paper towel and passing it to him.
“Yeah.’ He coughed once more. “I’m fine.”
“But y/n,’ Chris carried on. “I was thinking we should plan for a baby shower.”
“Oh,’ y/n gasped.
“I mean if that okay with you?” He added.
“Yeah, it’s great. It’s just, I don’t have much family to bring. It’ll just be Sarah and Vada.” You told him.
“That’s ok.’ He smiled. “My family has been dying to you meet you.”
“Okay.“ you nodded.
“Good. When should we start planning?” Chris asked, pulling out his calendar.
“Are you opening your calendar?” Sarah laughed.
“Sarah, stop he’s busy. And next week should be fine, Chris.”
“Hopefully not too busy for the baby.” She grumbled underneath her breath, Chris hears her and glares.
“Never too busy.” He replied with a different look for both girls. “Next week is perfect Y/n.”
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exactlypinkavenue · 6 months
She has a sister P1
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(James Potter has always been obsessed with Lily Evans. But what if Lily’s sister, Rose Evans, was obsessed with James)
angst and more angst. Please do not copy this
James POV:
I get up, I shower, change and head for the Great hall. Some people find the walk from the gryffindor dorms to the great hall boring. But I definitely do not. In fact, I frankly cant quite understand how people think the opportunity to plan and think of your next brilliant day, is boring. As I push open the great hall doors, which are quite heavy by the way, I can’t help but stare at my beautiful Lily flower. Today she’s wearing a lovely red jumper, embellished with the lion of Gryffindor. She is also rocking some sexy ripped jeans, I mean would you look at those knee caps. She’s absolutely stunning, it’s like her beauty is pulling me in, I must go talk to her. “Hello my gorgeous Lily flower, soon to be wife, soon to be mother of my children. How are you doing on this fine Tuesday morning” “well I was doing fine, before you showed up that is” “oh come on, Lily flower I can’t be that bad can I?” “No, worse” I walked away with a sigh, right now might not be the best time to woo her. I walked over to my usual seat and waited for the jokes. “When are you gonna realize that she’s just not that into you mate” “I agree with Sirius, James, you been chasing after her for like six years now, it’s time to call it quits” “I heard that Nancy Dill is interested in you James, maybe you can work on that for a while” suggested Peter. “No, I want Lily, only Lily I am not giving up” classes went by faster then I expected. Mostly Because I was thinking of how to woo my precious Lily. Soon enough it was dinner time and I had the most brilliant idea.
I had just filled myself up to the brim with treacle tarts, fisherman’s pies, turkey legs, and all of the above when it was finally time to execute my brilliant plan. It consisted of the choir singing “say you, say me” by Lionel Richie, doves shooting from out of thin air, chocolate and letters that say “Lily go on a date with me” falling from the sky like rain, and myself taking my Lily on a beautiful ride around the Great Hall on my broom. Where we’ll catch chocolates and listen to the music, and she’ll say yes while holding me tight. It’ll be magical. I got up, stood on my chair, and gave three taps to my goblet. Very thing started to happen so fast I almost got forgot I had a part in this epic show. I ran to grab my broom which was at the end of the great hall, where the giant doors are, hopped on and sped towards my future bride. She was screaming by the time I was closing in on her, perhaps she was afraid I was going to crash into her. Anyway, I picked her up with one swift motion and placed her onto the broom, from there we soared high into the air, slightly turning to get a full view of the hall. She was starting to get more comfortable during our third lap so I decided now would be the best time to pop the question. “ evans, would you like to go out with me” “are you serious” I was super confused, why is she so mad I’d thought she would like my surprise, evans is complicated. “You arranged this whole thing, that is completely embarrassing by the way, and you expected me to say yes” “yes?” “Ughh, I hate you” can you believe this, out of nowhere she started slapping me, full on slapping “ you say you love me but this is not love potter, love is not pestering and annoying so that one can not have five minutes without wanting to pull their fucking hair out. Did you even care that I have a boyfriend. Did you even care about what kind of stress this puts On our relationship” she has a boyfriend, this is new news to me. “ you didn’t even know did you, ughh just put me down potter” I take us down and she basically sprints to the safety of this random guy’s arms, he’s some Hufflepuff. The choir has stopped singing, the chocolates and letters have stopped falling, and the doves actually never appeared. Everyone has left and I now have detention for two weeks. Funny how life is, the love of my life is dating someone else and living her best life while I have detention. “Mr. Potter I would like you to apologize to Ms. Evans, she has received an injury due to your.. actually I do not know what to call it” “ Lily is injured?” “No, thankfully not it’s her sister, Rose Evans. For some reason the chocolates fell most in her section, she was brutally pummeled the poor girl” she has a sister, Oh my Merlin she has a sister. My luck has suddenly changed for the better. “Where can I find her”
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alitgblog · 2 months
s9 vol 7 thoughts: ah fuck this season has its problems but I don't think I've ever been this conflicted over love interests in a while
STEFAN 😍😍😍 literally I have to change my top five islanders now like I'm so sorry evan. AND he's an artist?? And it's my own fault for already buying into the second chance romance bit before he even showed up but like he's not ugly? omg stop. oof it's tough, like, shit I'm so sorry Natasha and Hamish I don't know who to pick in this love square they've got
him illustrating his sister's book for his sisters?? 🥺 I may be folding for that alone
I like Cassius' design. I like it more than Theo's but he does remind me of Liam unfortunately. and also he's looking like my MC's cousin this season so I gotta pass this time but makes it easier for me. but he does seem great, I like him and he's sweet without being boring (so far), but I also kinda wish we had an LI that gave us more pushback/banter? bc I picked a few options that disagreed with his whole thing about love/fate and he was just like "yeah fs that's a cool opinion too" which OK I get it he's nice but I'm just kinda sick of all the Islanders being so agreeable to MC. I guess Marshall is supposed to be the banter-y one but I have problems with him being here so I wish it was Cassius instead.
that being said they're fucking teasing me with this response to why are you here though
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also at some point Cassius calls his season boring and I thought it was funny fusebox was dunking on themselves bc I didn't finish s7 either but no he was just referring to the fact he got dumped quickly.
I'm glad Lyle is back, like I'd be upset if an islander was only brought on for a date and then left, so I'm not mad at this even though he was momentarily mad at MC (and that became nothing?? like just take out that plot point) and i dont really care hes only coded in for Kat now. I'm just more upset bc they've literally already done this in S8 bc your LI has to pick between Sienna and Bea when they get "dumped" and then Sienna comes back in Casa.
And then we get to marshall and I don't even wanna talk about it. And ive made separate posts and reblogged some opinions on that so ill just add that also i hate his orange outfit. him dressing all white and ozzy all black was peak I hate he's out here in orange smh.. anyway so that'll be easy for me to not pick this season
although we get this and I thought it was funny like OK fine you got me marshall
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he says it with a smile too not even angry/sarcastic
then after that I honestly don't remember what happens apart from way too many challenges all at once and the whole Stefan storyline. I wanted him to be a little upset initially bc it did seem like MC had some misunderstanding and then left him so quickly like I just wanted a little bit of angst where he came in with the gameplan of wanting to give her a piece of his mind and was on the show bc he couldn't contact her any other way, before he realized he was being silly and just was happy to see her again. like if anything, the story beats that Lyle goes through being snarky at mc in episode 1 then immediately asking for forgiveness by episode 3 makes more sense for Stefan but nah instead it just feels like another perfect li loyal route (which is fine but I like some tension in the story). like we can still have the terrace scene where he explains things though.
also if I saw this on love island? I'd be voting for them without question the angst is so good
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OK I'm looking thru my screenshots and am now remembering I was upset at raunchy races for being subjective again. notable offenses:
straight out the gate, most creative boy and Kelly says "craft brewing is creative" gtfo as if it's not Chen the set designer (and anyone who brought back Lyle from the dates, I'd imagine musician over craft beer brewer as well)
Kat somehow doesn't win best dancer
I love Kelly and sure, biggest foodie but not when my mc is a chef smh at least in S6 the dialogue would change slightly with your occupation lmao
the physical challenge is OK but I just think it doesn't belong in casa. like on the actual show where they spend real days in casa it's fine but for the game that has to shorten it bc the volumes definitely don't add up to the length of real love island, it feels like a waste. if anything, the real villa needed a physical challenge rather than continuing to do variations on excess baggage type games.
someone help Kelly out with the mask pls
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anyway the OG islander to visit instead of a postcard is interesting. I think a postcard makes the most sense but bc the game has to fabricate drama while also probably wanting most of the guys to still look good since the villa is like 75% love interests for MC, maybe it makes sense?
I think having it be MC's partner doesn't give us a lot of drama unless MC wants to bring up Stefan. Finn and Hamish could be interesting whether you're pursuing them or not. Like under the guise of them checking in on their partner, but they just care about MC and are asking her not to forget them. Most likely i think it'll be Kat's partner and he'll make up some lies about what's happening in the villa.
anyway a little rough first few weeks of the season but I'm enjoying at least this episode, surprisingly, so we'll seeeeee.... I think the seasons generally gets worse post casa so I'm not betting on this being a good season overall, but I'm not calling it a flop just yet.
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quillkiller · 4 months
do you think regulily would lean more towards the kinkier side or not
yes!! my version of them does!! at the beginning of their relationship it’s mostly just a lot of exploring their sexuality together because to me neither of them have been with a lot of women before. they’re both late bloomers when it comes to realising they’re lesbians. in this au it would mean reg leaving the black household which i hc him doing a lot later than sirius, so maybe he’s like 22 when he gets his first taste of freedom. reg leaves that place and while doing that he’s leaving his entire sense of self that he had behind. he’s completely new in the world. navigating what it’s like to have authority of your own life and body, and he’s struggling a lot and he even misses home more often than he’d like to admit, and then he meets lily. lily who’s everything he’s ever desired personified. she’s tall and large and direct and ambitious and smart and sexy and grumpy and frowning.
so to me reg doesn’t even fully know or realise he’s a lesbian even when he starts dating lily. the only thing he knows about himself is that everythings confusing. gender freaks him out. he doesn’t want to change pronouns. but he knows he wants to be lilys girlfriend. he doesn’t feel like sirius’ brother, but sirius is his brother. he’s spent his entire life trying to fill a role that didn’t fit him that now that he’s out he doesn’t want to fit in anywhere at all. cue his nonbinary dyke era where he doesnt necessarily care about passing, he only cares about being comfortable and content
so. to me, lily has dated a lot of men. a lot of her internalised lesbophobia obviously comes from her family. petunia wanting to be normal. petunia calling lily a freak. ’why can’t you just be normal’ <— just a lot of evans sisters angst that fucked lily up royally. she genuinely tried to like severus back. she tried even harder to like james back. it takes her a long time to come to terms with the fact that she’s a lesbian who has no interest in forming relationships with men.
anyway! once again too long of an answe! sorry!
what i mean to say is that they spend a lot of time exploring their sexuality together. just each others bodies and desires and wants. they’re learning their own desires together. <— romance to me. so to me they start off very vanilla. eventually i see them leaning more towards a kinkier sex life. in my mind there’s a lot of bondage involved (and there is some in my regulily tag….) and blindfolds. i also see them doing lots of sensory play. i don’t personally think either of them would be into pain, to me they’re very soft with each other. they’re the kind of lesbian couple who would take a bondage class together. i also see reg giving lily lap dances, wanting to put on a show for her giant girlfriend while lilys hands are tied behind a chair. i also think reg likes tying lily up because lily is soooooo much stronger than her and reg likes having her at his mercy. however he also loves being manhandled by lily. loves how strong and gentle lily is with him…
some of my thoughts!!!
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mara-brekker · 1 year
Hi!! Saw you asking for requests... could you please write an angst for Evan Peters' character in AHS Asylum Kit Walker x female reader w them in Briarcliff? If you don't do his characters, it can be an angst with Evan himself pls! thank u!!
Ur wish is my demand
A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved
Pairing: Kit Walker x fem!reader
Words: 1526
Warnings: angst, cigarettes (don’t smoke guys!), Dr Arthur is a warning himself, fake facts (more in an), mention of suicide
An: Suicide and scolioses are not contagious diseases! If u have suicidal thoughts please talk with someone about it <3 Crazy that they though scolioses is contagious!
I was once again in the process of asking everyone possible for cigarettes. The guards already knew my behavior and only replied: "Get off, I have nothing for you!" They became really cheeky towards us. Suddenly the record player stopped playing the horrible song. It was a salvation for some, but quite the opposite for others. Like Pepper she was starting to lose her mind and I ran over to her. "Hey everything will be fine." I said calmly to her and she slowly came down again. Sister Mary, also known as Sister Devil by me, took care of the record player and quickly that annoying song had returned. Pepper hugged me gratefully and as she went back to what she had been doing before I looked around. Only a few other patients were a little upset. And as I looked around the crowd I noticed two beautiful brown eyes looking at me as well. He had to be the rebellious newbie as I've never seen him here before and I've been here for a number of years. So I went up to him to introduce myself. But while I was doing this, I noticed the fearful looks of my fellow patients. What did you have? When I stood in front of him and wanted to say something, he already interrupted me: "Finally someone who talks to me! What is this place and why is this nun looking at me like the devil himself?” he pointed to Sister Mary. I giggled to myself. "If you give me one of your cigarettes I'll answer your questions." He nodded hastily and handed me one."Ok listen.." I gave him a questionable look since I didn't know his name yet.
"Kit," he answered hastily.
"Listen, Kit, this nun," I smiled, "is Sister Mary, or how I call her Sister Devil. I think she was thinking of a satanic institution by the name of Briarcliff.” He looked at me sideways, but I just kept talking. “Briarcliff is a mental institution, as they would say among the genteel. People of all kinds are dropped off here. For example Pepper” I pointed to her “she is originally from a freak show and was then given to her sister after Peppers boyfriend died. She claimed that Pepper killed her child. However, I think it was her or her husband because Pepper loves babies.” Now I pointed to Lana, “This is Lana, she's a lesbian and that's Why she’s here.” I looked at him to see his reaction. Everyone I told that was mostly disgusted, how could such a thing even exist, they just said. But Kit remained silent and after half a minute he said: "It's not legal. It's not legal to have her locked up for something so natural.” I smiled sadly. "If I tell you why I'm here, will you also tell me why you're here?" He smiled but then said, "I'd love to make the deal, but I have no idea why I'm here."
"That's ok, I'm sure you'll remember it soon. Sister Jude puts you on a higher dose of drugs for the first few weeks than after, that can affect your memories.” Now that I took a closer look at him, I realized just how beautiful he actually was. Did he have a girlfriend out there or even a family.
"Have you been here long?" he asked me.
"Too long. You will probably think that you have been here too long than you should. But you won't know it's too long until you don't leave here. Because you know every patient, everyone is your family and this horrible place here is your home, Kit.” I didn't dare to look at him. My vision was now becoming glassy and I was about to cry terribly.
"Miss Y/N your kitchen duty is now ready to begin." Nurse Jude smiled at me.
“You Walker can follow her. Behave.”
"He won't slit my throat, Judy." I laughed at her, but she just looked back dejectedly.
On the way to the kitchen I said to Kit: "That was Sisters Jude, don't call her Judy." I laughed. "Why?" he asked. “Judy is a sadist. There will be whiplashes on your back or on your pretty butt if you do anything like that.”
"Where did I end up here?" he asked.
"In hell, Kit."
In the kitchen I showed him our tasks and of course he asked more questions.
But when we were done with that, we left the kitchen and were greeted by a happy Dr. Arthur.
"Miss Y/N please follow me."
I looked at Kit and nodded towards the sitting room.
When I got to his operating room, I sat down on the couch.
“I gathered from a conversation between Sister Jude and Mary that you wanted to kill yourself before your Briarcliff time. I would like you to avoid direct contact with our patients, because I don't want any more deaths."
How many times have I heard in this life that this was contagious.
”may I go now?" I said, rolling my eyes.
In the morning I stood next to Kit outside of our cells.
"What did Dr. arthur wanted?”
"Talking about an infectious disease I'm supposed to have."
"Which?" he said as he looked down at me. And I hesitated.
We all walked to breakfast.
"I was admitted back then because I wanted to kill myself, Kit." I whispered to him. I didn't dare look at him anymore.
"Are you still having those thoughts?" he asked.
"Not as often as I used to." I noticed his eyes on me. I thought he was about to step away from me, but he took my hand in his.
"A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved," he whispered.
"I don't think it works that way." I laughed back.
As is so often the case, our first meal of the day was interrupted by Dr. Arthur.
"Come with me Miss Y/N!" he almost yelled.
I quickly followed him and when he got to his operating room he said he wanted to examine me.
When he touched my back with his cold hands, he flinched and put on a mask.
"You have scoliosis, a highly contagious disease!" he finally shouted.
"I have to operate on her." He continued to speak more calmly. "I've only done this surgery once, but I'll be fine." He smiled creepily at me.
"What happened to that one person?"
"She is no longer alive. I have to be very precise and there are many things that can go wrong. In the worst case, you would die.”
All I could do was look at him in shock.
"Can I at least say goodbye to someone before they disassemble my back?"
"No way! But you can continue to eat your breakfast in the cell as long as I prepare the operation.”
As I walked out of the room, I purposely took the long way to our 'rooms' so I could get past the lounge. And then when I saw Kit seeing me looking for him, I nodded him to follow me. I slowly walked towards my cell as Kit caught up with me.
"What-" he asked but I cut him off.
"I have scoliosis Kit. Dr Arthur wants to operate me, he says the disease is highly contagious and that there is a slim chance I will survive.” We had now arrived at my cell.
"I don't know if I'll survive." I put my hands on his chest and looked up at him.
"It would be a shame if I died and didn't tell you I really like you Kit"
We've known each other for three weeks and I already said something like that?! But somehow it felt right.
"Kit say something he'll probably be right over to pick me up for the surgery. Please say something-"
But Kit said nothing and kissed me. As we broke apart, he began to speak.
"You will survive and I will wait for you. We're going to get out of here.” He said while his fingers made little circles on my hip.
"By the way, now I know why I was brought here Y/N" he started again.
"Y/N!" it yelled from the hallway. The doctor was done.
"Tell me if when I’m back." I whispered.
He nodded and kissed me again.
"I'm coming Doctor" I called as we broke away from each other.
And so I walked down the long corridor with the doctor who was about to perform a life-threatening operation on me.
And behind us a woman dressed in black was following us me.
Thanks for reading <3
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janeromeroshow · 6 months
Plots please for Sally, Evan &/or Doe if you’re comfortable with it! 👁👁
“plots please” | CLOSED ( + very late! )
PLEASE give me a plot with Sally and Jane being forced to coexist and work together for whatever reason and learning to understand each other (or alternately, shit getting absolutely FUCKED.) I think they are both similar but also extremely different and I need them to clash or mesh or whatever happens when we shove them together.
Something something tucks hair behind ear if you were down I would be partial to pairing these two together partially because I think Jane has a weakness to any pretty lady and Sally counts under that in both her and my mind.
These two are a lil more difficult I feel, but that does not mean I don't wanna see them interact! I feel like there's either a begrudging mutual respect there or they cannot STAND each other and very little in between. Like, IDK I just think they have the capability for silliness.
Alternately, Evan can be fucking terrifying and it would be remiss of me not to acknowledge that. Jane also would be remiss to not acknowledge that. I give him full permission to scare the shit out of her and worse.
Jane gang Jane gang!!! I am absolutely here for Jane ending up as somewhat of an older sister figure to Doe and being one of the people in the Fog who helps her make sense of herself and all that she's been through, but also not hounding her for answers or an explanation.
I also love the angst of Jane maybe pushing too hard or too far and breaking that trust ( because I know we both love to torment our girls!! ) Give me that angst and hurt and maybe some comfort !!!
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deexchanel · 2 years
Word Count: 3,339
Pairing: Chris Evans x BlackFem!OC
Warning: Swearing, Angst and a lil fluff plus smut (cause I'm a sucker for fluff!)
Summary: Trying to get her busy schedule organized along with being a single mom on top of the fame from the baby's father, it gets overwhelming.
A/N: Y'all, all I can say is just bear with me. very much edited!
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Ryelle counted everything that was on the list to be done for the day. "Now I need to pick up groceries." She clicked the pen, sitting it down then taking a sip of ice coffee. The party she's planning is for Lively's 3rd birthday and you know as the night progresses by, it'll be adult time so every thing has to be perfect.
Once done typing on her macbook, she checked the time seeing that it was 10:28 a.m. Ry wanted to get Liv on up so they could go to the grocery store.
"Lively baby , Good Morning my sunshine!" She spoke softy as she entered her baby girl's room. Lively sat up,rubbing her eyes. She's not much of a talker when first woken up.
"You ready for shopping with mommy?" Ryelle walked over to the closet to pick out to clothes to wear. Liv nodded her head, "I'm hungry."
With a smile, Ryelle held out her arms, "Well let's go eat breakfast princess." Lively placed her head on her mom's shoulder as they walked to the kitchen.
As Lively ate her breakfast, Ryelle scrolled on twitter keeping up with things. She rolled her eyes as she came across a article about Chris's allegedly new fling. The last time she saw Chris was before their argument when Liv was about 6 months old.
He call here and there but only to talk to Lively and that's only when his mother add her number to the facetime call. Chris and Ryelle fell out horribly on the terms of he wasn’t ready for the family and husband life. During Ryelle’s pregnancy they tried dating, key word tried.
She didn't want any hand outs for just being Chris's Evans baby mom so she got everything herself (Also with the help of her sister). That's why they don’t have any communication with each other.
Traffic was heavier then usual today along with the shopping crowd. Since she left the house, she's been getting none stop calls from everyone. It must've been call Ryelle day or something.
After finding a spot to park, her phone started ringing. Letting it ring she got out the truck then was soon swarmed with fans and paparazzi.
"Are you Chris Evans baby momma?!"
“Is she really his??”
“Ryelle look over here!”
“Ryelle are using Chris for his money??”
"What the hell?? move!" Ryelle yelled trying to get to the other side of the car. So much commotion was going on from everyone and she hate this for Liv. Once getting Liv from the car, it was completely to much for her. It's like the crowd went wild.
Without having security, the crowd was getting way to close. The cameras flashed in her eyes, almost blinding her which made Ryelle tripped. Liv fell back trying to clutch on to Ry as her her bow fell to the ground. This pissed Ryelle off as she gained her balance.
"Everybody get the fuck out my way!!" She placed her hand on the back of Liv's head for cover as she shoved her way through the crowd. Finding the nearest sitting section, Ryelle didn't even want to shop anymore. Her adrenaline was rushing and all she wanted to do was go home.
Lively sat in front of her mother on the table playing with Ry's hair. "Lively baby are you okay?" Ryelle checked her daughter for any bruises or scratches. Liv nodded her hhead, "Yes momma."
"Good, I'm so sorry that what happened outside, happened at all honey. Now give me some love."
Lively hugged Ryelle's neck.
Suddenly, Ryelle's phone start buzzing repeatedly and she picked it up trying to see what's the fuss about. When you think it could get better, it only got worse. It was multiple new papers, social media post , and blogs of her tripping. Tears grew in her eyes as the video played over and over. Seeing how dangerously close her daughters head was going to hit the ground had her in defeat.
"Why you cry momma?"
"Because momma didn't want you in this lifestyle baby."
She didn't want Lively to grow up in this lifestyle without Chris.
Through her mental breakdown, she still managed to get the food and other things for the party. The idea she had for it was moana theme but Liv wants to be a mermaid so they're doing both. It was just a simple party with a couple of cousins, friends and sisters coming by , she couldn't wait to get lit.
Ryelle had finally sat down with a glass of wine after putting Liv asleep . Groaning when hearing the phone ringing for the millionth time today, tipsy Ryelle answered the phone without checking the I.D.
"Ryelle, It's Chris."
Ry freezed hearing his deep voice over the phone. It's been at least 5 months since they've last talked on facetime for Liv and they barely spoke then. His smooth voice brought her back to the conversation.
"Chris? Hey! It's been a minute since we've heard from you..."
"Yeah I know, I've been busy with this Buzz Lightyear movie. I miss you guys, is Lively up?"
Ryelle took a sip to that.
"No, you just missed her, we've been out all day but I think you know about that though."
"Yeah Ry..."
Ryelle bit her lip thinking about how her name flowed off his tongue. 'Ry'
"I saw that and I'm so sorry about for you and our baby girl. I'm going to make a post and clear it up to the paparazzi and my fans to give you and Liv space. Their just excited-"
"And jealous because my dms is filled with mean messages about us."
"And I'll clear that up too, Ry. I'm sorry, you mean a lot to me for you to be getting hurt by people that quote on qoute support me. Expect security to be-"
"Security? Chris that's a bit much now, I just need a taser or something."
"Security Ry and I mean it. I need you and my beautiful baby girl safe. I need you guys."
Ryelle definitely took a gulp on that.
"Ry you drinking wine?"
"No... Anyway, how did the public find out about Liv, Chris we agreed on leaving her out the media until she wants to be out there."
Ryelle sat up on the couch now, conversation beginning to get interesting. "You only say Rydoll when you in deep shit Chris. What happened??"
"My fiancé found out about Liv from some messages that I thought I deleted but she found your instagram and all then shared a post from your page of Liv saying something about she loves her for life... Ryelle I'm so sorry."
Ryelle gulped the rest of that shit down, she couldn't understand the first part nor the second part or the third part. This some shit right here.
"Hold the fuck up Chris, I know you ain't call my phone dropping big bombs like this after you haven't talked to me in five fucking months."
"No don't fucking 'Ry' right now Chris. You're engaged to this woman who posted my daughter on some fake love shit when I don't even know who the fuck she is. She had me almost dropping my baby in front of the world because she was trying to expose us. Chris this is too much shit for me and Lively!"
"Ryelle, she didn't mean any harm. I haven't talked to her so I don't really know but I know her intentions wasn't for you to get hurt. She's eventually going to be a part of my life so you'll have to get use to her being around Lively. Also with saying she, her name is Minka. "
"Pfft, sure Chris. I think Ima keep calling her she."
Ryelle poured her another cup of wine because the way Chris stresses her out, she going to need it.
"Ry come on, chill out."
"I'm so dead ass Chris. You wanna know something, I wish we didn't have a one night stand with each other! I wouldn't be apart of your life, you wouldn't know me and I'll have baby by someone who actually wants to be a father and husband."
"Ry Chill out. You don't mean that shit you're talking. Lively is the best thing to happen to me-
"Best thing to happen to you? Chris when the last fucking time you came to see Lively? Huh? When was the last time?!"
"Exactly Chris, stop feeding me bullshit on wanting to be in Liv's life, you know you weren't ready and you still aren't!! So go live your happy life with your happy wife, leave me and Liv out of it!"
"No I do Ryelle, I'm not the scared boy you first met any more, I'm a man and I want to be in Liv's life. Starting now, I want to come be with her this weekend."
"This weekend is not a good-"
"Let me rephrase that, I'm not asking you, I'm telling you that I'm coming to be with Liv this weekend. I'm going to spend time with her personally before she meet Minka. Okay?"
Ryelle rubbed her face knowing this will be added to her list to stress about. "Yeah Chris but I don't know about her meeting Minka yet."
You could practically hear him smiling over the phone, "Great, I'll be there tomorrow!"
The phone hung up and Ryelle groaned out loud. So much ran through her brain that it made it hurt. Walking upstairs, she went into Lively's room picking her daughter up from the bed and brought her to her room. Ryelle laid Liv on her chest and just rocked her because she felt like that's the only person she had in the world on her side. Tears fell down her cheeks as she thought about the conversation with Chris.
A fiancé.
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Just as Ry finished with the deviled eggs, the doorbell ring. Ry rubbed her hands on the apron as she got closer to the door then she opened it. There stood Chris with a smile and shades on, not to far behind him was Henry.
"Hey, I hope we're not late."
"You're actually a hour early. Come in." Ryelle stepped aside so they could come in. "Hey Henry, I'm going to have to set up the second guest room real quick for you because I didn't know you were even coming."
"That's my fault!" Chris said as he took his bags upstairs. Henry gave her a smile,"That's alright, where is it and I'll set it up myself."
"Upstairs, third room on your left."
Ryelle took a deep breath as she watched him walk upstairs with his things. Before it was even peace and quiet, Chris walks downstairs. "Where's Lively?"
Ryelle stir the rotel cheese, just checking on it. "Outside with my little cousin and her friend that was dropped off early." Having Chris in her presence was weird and they both felt it. Ryelle bent over to check on the wings and she felt eyes on her. Trying to esse the tension, she sparked a conversation once she stood up.
"So Chris, how you been?"
"Great but I need to be asking you that." Chris laugh a bit.
Ryelle shifted her weight to the other foot,"Great until Ms. Minky brought my baby out to the public."
"Our baby you mean Ry?" Chris raised an eyebrow but Ryelle ignored the facial expression.
"My baby, exactly like I said. Chris don't start this shit."
"Start what Ryelle? I just want you to start clarifying her as our daughter, I'm going to be in the picture from now on."
"She'll be my daughter for as long as you're married to Ms. Minky! Fuck Classification!"
"Don't disrespect my fiancé like that Ry, it's Minka! There's nothing wrong with classifying Liv's as ours along with me being married to someone else!"
"Her name is Minka Bit-"
The slide door opened and Blake (the little girl who arrived early) walked in first then Neveah (the little cousin) holding Lively. Liv squirmed out of Neveah's arms so fast when she saw him.
Pure happiness painted on her face as she ran to her dad in joy. Chris squat down, welcoming her with open arms,"Livvy!!"
It was such a beautiful moment to Ryelle, she just wished that her and Chris relationship wasn't like this.
Eventually it was time for singing the birthday song. Ryelle lean down behind her baby girl, as Navyie (one of her same age cousins) lit the birthday candles. "Are you ready to make a wish baby girl?"
Lively nodded her head excitedly," Yes!!!" She looked around for her particular person. "Where's daddy?"
Ryelle held the opportunity to roll her eyes. "You want him to be up here while you blow your candles?"
"Yes momma, where is he?"
In seconds, word got out that Liv was looking for Chris before blowing the candles. He came and stood behind Liv on the other side.
"You ready to blow your candles Livvy Pop?"
"Happy Birthday to you!"
Ryelle felt his arm snake around her waist as they watched her daughter blow out her candles. This memory would last a life time to Ry.
As the night flowed by, Ry kept her distance from Chris even though the family still interacted with him once finding out he was the father.
"Oouu sis, you got a good taste in men. Where you find him and can I get on his friend?" Leilani, Ryelle's older sister, walked up to Ry who was at the food table, hoping that the seat by Chris was taken before the night started.
Needing this night for herself, she paid two of her lil pre teen cousins to watch the kids while the adults were outside. Lively had a blast for her birthday in the space jump so Ry knew she would be out like a light.
"Girl he was a one night stand." Ryelle admitted then took a shot of casamigos. Leilani mouth dropped,"Liv is a one-night stand baby? Oop let me eat this wing." She instantly taking a piece of meat into her mouth.
Rye asked nervously while holding up the casamigos bottle."Do I need to take another shot?"
Leilani instantly nodded her head ," take two."
"For all you couples in here since I'm the only single one here, we're going to play a game!" Leilani clinked her fork against the shot glass. Everyone was tipsy and rambling off at the mouth.
"When Leilani think of a game it's not good!"Armani didn't try to whisper which had Chris laughing. Ry faught the urge to laugh because she wasn't fucking with him at the moment but it's something about his contagious laugh.
"Hush Armani! Anyway! If y'all can think of the number, I'm thinking of, you can have the leftover rotel to eat after we play drunk uno and if you get if wrong you guys gotta choose which of your partner to drink liquor off of!"
"See!" Armani said in the background. "Well damn I'm trying to make the night lit, y'all scared of yo man of something??" Leilani poured herself another cup.
"But I'm single though?? That doesn't make sense?" Ryelle bulged into their conversation. Arielle waved her off,"Ry you know Chris yo man, don't play."
"He got-"
"I got a-"
"Anyway let's get it started!!! Everyone obviously knows their partners. You got 5 minutes!" Leilani cheered holding up her drinks!
Remember when she tried to wait for the seat to be filled? Yeah Armani forced her to sit beside him. Turning to her left, she drunk whatever else in the solo cup. She felt his eyes on her so Ryelle turned to Chris trying to keep a smile off her face. Chris leaned forward,"Ry are you drunk?"
"No." *Hiccup* "Tipsy."
"Well since you're tipsy, if we don't get the number right, you lay down and I'll lick it off okay?" Not even knowing, she bit her lip daydreaming about him. In his face. Chris was most definitely turned on as he took in her chocolate skin and highlighted cheek bones. God he have missed everything about her. Their night always swam through his mind because he craves her touch again. "I'm going to take that as your answer is yes."
God he hope this the one question he ever gets wrong."Time's up! Everyone name of their numbers!" Lelani had a marker and mini board all of a sudden.
Tammy- 9
Armani -25
Ry- 15
Arielle- 56
"Okay who's the closest??"Dakari, Arielle's husband, asked aloud for everyone in the backyard. Leilani rolled her eyes for the rushing, her attention was distracted when she noticed Henry on the phone. Henry most definitely caught her eye in the moment, the way his muscles bulge through his shirt as he talk on the phone.
It was now Chris and Ry turn. 6 shots deep, she is regret free. His strong hands placed themselves on her waist as he lifted her up ontop the table. Everyone was cheering them on making her blush harder.
Ryelle laid back, letting Chris pour the liquor on her stomach. Her core grew wet as she felt his tongue against her skin. She gasp as he licked while having his hands on her waist. When finished he picked her up again taking her straight in the house. Not wanting to waste another moment of not being inside her. Chris had a couple of drinks too.
"Good night yall!! Sleep anywhere!"She waved drunkenly from Chris's shoulder. Soon as the door closes, she attached her lips to his neck, kissing down it. Loving the feeling of his skin against her lips, she moaned as his hands went up her dress.
"Rybaby, I want you."
"I want you too daddy."
Clothes were off as Chris placed Ry on her back. He placed his lips onto her, then inserted his dick in so he could feel her gasp against his lip. With every thrust, the wetter she got. "Baby slow down." Ryelle moan as she scratches his back in pleasure. He placed a hickey on her neck while the strokes didn't stop.
The way she moaned in his ear made him weak. "This pussy mine, Rybaby." He moaned going deep with every thrust. "Yes-s." Ry whined in pleasure on how good he was fucking her.
"You can't answer? Get on all four."
He pulled out, hearing her groan. She got on all four, Chris rubs her pussy with his thumb, loving every drop of her honey. Ry was moaning mess from the finger play so him inserting had her running.
"Don't run." Chris grabbed her waist, seeing that she was covering his dick with cum. "Oou baby, this mine. Only mine, do you hear me?"
"Yes Daddy!"
A phone buzzing woke up Ryelle from her drunken slumber, She looked around the bright room to make out where she was at. She last remember was when the kids went inside with her cousins but nothing else after that.
Turning to her right, she noticed Chris's tatted naked arm. She looked down to see that she was naked and that mean they did something. Oh shit.
"Shit! Chris! Chris!"She shook him awoke. Chris slowly opened his eyes ,"Hmm?"
"Get up! We fucking slept together Chris!" Ryelle pressed the fact while wrapping the cover around her chest. Chris shrugged then closed his eyes.
"I know."
"You know and you're not freaking out about this?? You have a fiancé, a future wife! You need to call her!" Ryelle shook him again. So many thoughts was running through her mind.
"What if I don't want to marry her Ry." Chris sat up in the bed, he stared her in the eyes. Ryelle couldn't mumble a word out,"I- uh. huh?"
"You heard me right Ryelle, what if I don't want to marry her but instead I want to be with you?"
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Y'all gotta show some major love on this to get a part 2 for this long ass shit.
a little weird on Chris now wanting to be with her.
I know y'all expecting a part 2 to blind but I got to figure out how to end it.
I hope this was good!
stay slutty my friends 💗
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mysticalrambling · 3 years
Sick Baby (C.E)
My Main Masterlist is here.
Chris Evans Masterlist is here.
Summary: It is your first day back to work but you are worried to leave your baby girl behind. Chris is in charge of her while you’re gone and Emma spikes a fever. Chris takes care of her and is really sad to see his daughter sick.
Warnings: A little bit of angst but otherwise it is all fluff.
The past three months of your life have been constantly revolving around your daughter. She was the light of your life and you just couldn’t imagine your life without her. No one could compare to her and the twenty eight labour seemed like nothing when the reward was this fruitful. Of course, Chris loved her as much as you do but maternal love was different. You and Emma had a special bond and she was attached to your hip since she came into this world.
You haven’t left the house except for getting groceries with your little family. Chris and you had decided beforehand that you didn’t want to reveal your daughter’s face to the whole word yet. A normal life was what your daughter deserved and you both would make sure that she would get it.
“Maybe I can ask my boss-”
Interrupting you, Chris spoke up in his husky, soothing voice. “Darlin’, she’s my daughter as well. Can take care of her alone.”
“Not gonna do this again with you. Now, go to work before we kick you out.”
Your maternity leave ended yesterday, meaning you had to leave your baby and go to work. You were excited to meet your co workers and have a conversation with a person who didn’t respond in cute babbles. But you couldn’t just leave Emma. It felt like you were putting her second to work even though your husband assured you that wasn’t the case.
“Just call me if something goes wrong. ‘kay?” Taking your little angel in your arms, you smooched her rosy cheeks. “Mommy is going to be right back, darling.”
“Bye, darling!” The look that he gave you told you to get out of the house.
“She had a li’l cough this morning so monitor her temperature. And-”
“Goodbye.” A forceful kiss on your lips made you stop speaking and you left with a final wave to both your loves.
Closing the main door, Chris cradled the baby to his chest and walked slowly towards the kitchen. You had stored your milk in the fridge and it was sufficient enough to last the whole day. It had been two hours since Emma’s last bottle so Chris heated up the milk while making himself some breakfast. They ended up on the couch with both of them filling their stomachs to the brim. If you knew that Chris ate anywhere other than the dining table, you would strangle him with your bare hands. He really was a messy eater.
“Dodger, stop licking your sister’s feet.” Chris laughed as he told his first baby off. The pet was in love with your daughter from the first moment he met her. Sometimes Chris complained that Emma replaced him in Dodger’s life. It was all jokes in the end because he truly adored the bond between two of his babies.
He was about to put Emma to sleep but she lets out a piercing cry with a cough following it immediately. Pulling her up from her bassinet, he touched her forehead and found out that she was burning.
“Let’s check your temperature, angel. No need to panic. No need to panic.”
Picking up the thermometer, he placed it under her armpits. Emma has never gotten sick so this was uncharted territory. He didn’t want to call (Y/N) because he wanted her first day back to go as smoothly as possible. Also, he wanted to prove you that he could very well take care of your daughter.
“Woah. Your temp is 101 darling.” Chris placed the instrument back in the basket and beelined his way towards the master bedroom. The pediatrician’s phone number was saved in his phone.
The doctor’s voice drifted from the phone, “Hi, this is Dr Sexton. What can I help you with?”
“Hi. This is Chris Evans.”
“How can I help you today, Mr Evans?”
“Actually, it’s Emma. Emma has a 101 fever and cough. She is also crying a lot right now.”
“Give her a sponge bath and some ibuprofen. Did she drink some milk?”
“Yeah. Just fed her a bottle fifteen minutes ago.”
“That’s good. If the temperature doesn’t go down, bring her in to the clinic.” You thanked the doctor and ended the call.
Emma kept crying even though your husband gave him a dummy. Those little cries broke his heart because he didn’t want to see his little baby girl in any pain or discomfort. Ever. Dodger was following both of them and barked whenever Emma’s cries reached his ears.
Stacking up his daughter’s bath products near her small basin, Chris held her in one hand. Her little face was red from crying and small tears were running down her face. She was really exerting herself out and Chris felt like crying. He would have taken all of her pain away if it was in his hands. It was getting too much to handle alone and he was considering calling you. However, that went away when Emma stopped crying as soon as she got into the tub.
“You’re a li’l water baby, aren’t yeh?” Humming a nursery song, the man gave his daughter a soothing, sponge bath. “Are you feelin’ better?”
The little baby’s cheeks were still rosy but she had opened her eyes and was intently looking at her father.
“You look just like your mommy, sweet pea. Except for those eyes. That’s all me.” He kept talking to her until the water turned slightly cold. Taking her to her nursery, he changed her into a unicorn onesie. Courtesy of her uncle Seb. He gave her some of the medicine and rocked her back to sleep.
When he looked at the clock, a sigh escaped his lips. Only two hours had passed since you left but it felt like a lot more time. He was tired. Coming downstairs with the baby monitor, he laid back on the couch with Dodger and decided on a short nap.
Dodger’s barking woke him up with a start and he then noticed the little whimpers coming from the monitor. Running up the stairs, he entered the nursery and picked her up.
“It’s okay, little girl. Daddy’s got you.” Shushing her, Chris took her to the living room.
He warmed another milk bottle and fed her. Checking her temperature again, he heaved a sigh when he saw that her fever had went down. It was 99F. After burping her, the duo cuddled on the couch. Emma was in one of her clingy moods and Chris was more than happy to snuggle with her.
“Honey, I’m home.” Your voice echoed throughout the house. But when you didn’t get any response, you went into the living room. Seeing the sight in front of you made your heart melt. They both looked so cute, you couldn’t believe you were so lucky to have them as your family.
“Wha- What?”
“Just taking her upstairs.”
“No, let her stay. What time is it?”
Looking at your watch, you responded, “4:05. I’m gonna make some lunch.”
“Sit down and tell me about your day first, babe.”
Taking the baby in your arms, you realised that she was a little warm but Chris assured you that it was nothing. You both talked about your day with each other while you placed your head on his shoulder. You were glad to get back to work but you missed them a lot. Your family was your life and they were just perfect.
“Love you both so much.”
“We love you too, mommy.”
Hope you guys liked it!!
A/N: Here it is guys! My new fan fiction! I put in a lot of effort in this so I hope you like it. I’m back from my break and I’ll soon be posting my 400 follower celebration post. Notify me if you want to be added to my tag list and send in asks.
Tag list: @peculiarpenman, @kalopsia-flaneur, @justile, @agnesk, @caanyoonmoon, @nostxlgia18
Like, comment and reblog.
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buck x fem reader work together / secretly dating but they act like they hate each other and the team doesn’t know. reader is also bobby’s daughter (or niece up to you) and scared of his reaction (prompts 17, 37, 42, 81)
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Evan Buckley x Reader 
Prompts: #17: “We shouldn’t be doing this”, #37: “Uh why is your shirt inside out?”, #42: “I love you”, #81: “I can explain” 
Warnings: fem!reader, worrying, vulgar/suggestive comments (kinda but not really ?), suggested sexual content, a few swear words, kissing, mentions of hospitals, surgery and injuries. 
Category: fluff with a lil angst 
Word Count: 4.4k
Author's Note: I wrote it as bobby’s niece, it just made more sense :) hope you liked it!! 
Evan Buckley was a pain in your ass. 
He had been since the day you met him. His annoyingly attractive face, his stupid pretty blue eyes and his smile, not to mention how sweet he was. You couldn't help but hate him. Not in the typical “I hate your guts and hope you fall down a flight of stairs” way but in the “god you’re gorgeous and I want to marry you” way. 
Did you plan on liking the ridiculously attractive firefighter ? Most definitely not. 
Were you also planning on dating him in secret ? Also a no. 
Hence why you were sitting in his jeep on a Saturday at 3 in the morning. The two of you had gone on a date to this little restaurant outside of the city but everything that could go wrong kind of did go wrong.
Buck’s shift was supposed to end at 6 but they got a call last minute so he didn’t get home until 7:30. You called to push the reservation back and when he did pick you up, you got stuck in traffic. By the time the two of you got to the restaurant, it was 8:30 and the woman said she called to see if the two of you still needed the reservation but there was no answer (she didn’t call but neither of you were in the mood to argue) - Now it's 9 pm and the two of you still haven't had dinner. Venturing down the block, there was nowhere that seemed appealing. The night really began at some random mom and pop dinner you spotted by the beach. Deciding to have your own little dinner date on the beach, it was now 9:30. Buck had a blanket in the trunk (you didn’t ask why nor did you really wanna know) and you sat on the beach and had dinner. Time flew by, it was around 1 when the two of you began wondering what time it was. 
The date was now prolonged by Buck’s craving for something sweet so once again, the two of you were on a hunt but for somewhere to go. He googled the closest ice cream parlour but most places were closed, he searched until he finally found a place that was 20 minutes away. It was totally worth the drive considering it was some of the best ice cream you've had in your life. Which now brought you to 2:20 in the morning, the two of you were still sitting on the hood on his jeep, a container of half eaten ice cream between you. 
Buck looked over at you, a smile on his face. “Did you have fun ? despite, you know, all the shit that went wrong ?” you chuckled, “I did.” Buck had a shift at 11 so it was time for the night to come to an end. One of his hands held yours and the other on the wheel, you were staring out the window as the breeze blew by. 
“Something on your mind babe?” Buck asked you, glancing over at you as you turned towards him. 
“We shouldn’t be doing this” you mumbled, you didn’t want to end things with him but that didn’t mean that you didn’t have doubts about where this relationship was going. “What do you mean ?” he asks, his eyes on the road. “I mean how long are we going to hide this from everyone ?” your eyes back out the window, Buck sighed and the conversation dropped. There were a few minutes of silence and the tension filled the car, Buck finally spoke up “you were the one that didn’t want to say anything.” his voice came off a bit harsher than you expected, letting go of his hand, your body shifted towards the door and way from him. He noticed your change in emotion and seating. 
“Babe, I'm sorry. It's just that you didn’t want to say anything and it’s entirely your choice. I get it but we can figure it out. One step at a time, okay ?” Buck looks over at you when he pulls into the parking lot. “Yeah, I know. It’s fine.” leaning over the console to press a kiss to his cheek.  “Good night Buck, thank you for tonight” you give him a smile and get out of the jeep. Buck follows you, “let me walk you up,” he grabs your wrist, the two of you stopped in the middle of the parking lot. “That’s fine, I'll text you so you know I’m okay. You need to get home anyways, you have a shift and you need your sleep” shaking your head, you pull your hand away from him and head inside before he can ask again. 
He was right, it was your choice not to say anything but you weren't sure how your uncle would react. This relationship wouldn't just affect your relationship with him but also his relationship with Buck. You didn’t- couldn't let Buck jeopardize his work life for his love life. 
Shutting the door once you get into your apartment, you send a text to your boyfriend. 
To Lover Boy Buck: I’m home, text me when you get home. Sleep well <3
From Lover Boy Buck: Just pulled in, goodnight babe 
Athena’s birthday was on Saturday and Bobby had planned a surprise party for her. With a little help from May, things were in place. 
Bobby had taken Athena out for lunch at some fancy cafe that was impossible to get into and then to see a play. While they were out, you headed over to their place to help May set up. Upon arriving, you saw that Hen was already there as was Buck. 
“Good afternoon my loves!” you shout as you walk over to the kitchen. “I come with coffee” you hand a cup to May and the other to Hen, the two are thankful for the coffee as you had a shit ton of decorating to do and only a few hours to get it done. Buck leant against the wall by the kitchen entryway, “where's mine?” he asked which made you roll your eyes. “Didn’t know that you were gonna be here, no one invited you anyways.” you reply, sorting through the packages of balloons on the table, you toss one and it hits him square in the face. 
“Ow!” he shouts, rubbing his cheek. 
“Oh did I hurt you ?” you ask, pouting at him mockingly. 
Considering the weird note that the two of you left on during your last date, plus not being able to see each other that week left things in a bit of a mess. 
May and Hen exchange glances, “Buck, how about you help put up the banner in the backyard ?” she practically dragged Buck by the arm and into the yard. May was in the kitchen icing some cupcakes that she and Harry had made the night before when she called for you. 
“Why don't you get along with Buck ? I don't know him all the well but he seems like a good guy” May pleads his case unintentionally. 
He is a good guy 
“Ever meet someone and you just don’t like them ?” you ask, she hums. “That’s me with Buck” is what came out instead. 
“I get it.” she nodded, she began telling you about a guy in her chemistry class that just got on her nerves all the time. You excused yourself when the doorbell rang. Chim and Maddie had arrived right as Karen pulled into the driveway with Denny and Nia. You let everyone in and they began helping too. About an hour later, Eddie arrives with Chris and the cake. You take the cake from him so he can help Chris with his jacket.  
“Buck!” you shout
“Yeah ba- yeah ?” he corrects himself last second. Your eyes widen at the word that almost slipped out of his mouth. No one seem to catch it except for Chim who gave you a weird look but you just brush it off. 
“Take this, I need to change.” you hand the cake off to him and head to the bathroom to change into your dress. A few moments later, there was a knock on the bathroom door and then it opened. 
“Hey! I'm chang- oh it’s just you” you mumble as he shuts the door. Buck’s back pressed up against the door. “Are you just gonna watch me or are you going to help me?” you turn, your back towards him now. Pulling your hair over your shoulder, you feel one of Buck’s hands on your waist and then the tug of the zipper.  
“Must you always fight with me, y/n ?” he presses a kiss to your shoulder, his arms wrapping around your waist. “Must you always get on my nerves, Evan ?” you were looking back at him in the mirror, he flashed you a smile and nodded, a rather amused look on his face. “Yeah, it's kind of my job to irritate you” his arms loosen as you turn around to face him now, leaning back against the counter. “Well I guess then I have to fight with you” running your hand through his hair, he leans into you, his forehead against yours. 
“You know, they say make love, not war” he whispers, his lips almost touching yours. A little chuckle slips past your lips, “is this your way of saying that we should stop fighting ?” you mumble as you press a kiss to his lips. Buck pulls you closer to him - which you didn’t even think was possible, “no, it’s my way of saying we should make love” he smiles against your lips as he lifts you up onto the counter and you let out an obnoxiously loud laugh. “Oops” a hand comes up to cover your mouth. Buck can't help but smile, you were adorable and all he wanted was to go out there and tell everyone that he’s in love with you, something he hadn't even told you yet, but at last, he could not. 
“You’re cheesy, you know that right ?” looking up at him whilst you fiddled with the hem of his shirt. “If you want to fuck me, just say so” he tells you to which you reply “you're so vulgar Evan” while rolling your eyes. 
“Oh I'll show you vulgar” he chuckles and pulls off his shirt, his hand reaching behind you to unzip your dress. 
Buck left the bathroom first, the house had filled up within the 20 minutes the two of you were in the bathroom. He ran his hand through his hair in hopes to fix it from the tugging that just happened. As he stepped out into the backyard, his sister’s voice called out to him.
“Buck!” she walked over, “you’ve been so busy I haven't gotten a chance to say hi yet” she pulls her brother into a hug. Maddie’s face screws into a confused look. “Did you try a new body wash or something ?” she looks up at Buck, his brows furrow but he shakes his head. “Why?” he asks, “you smell like mint” she informs him. 
You step out into the backyard, a tube of mint chapstick between your fingers,  being applied to your lips. Buck’s eyes were on you, watching as the tube rubbed across your lips, his mind back to those lips were moments ago. Chimney’s voice caused him to pull his eyes away from you and onto him. 
“Uh why is your shirt inside out?” Chim asks him, brows raised. Buck looks down and his shirt is on inside out, “uh, I- uh I had to change.” he says, hoping they’d believe him. 
“You had that shirt on when we got here.” Chim had a puzzled look on his face. 
“Oh Christopher is calling for me, excuse me” Buck walks off before they could say anything. He did indeed make his way over to Eddie and Chris, you were on the other side of the backyard when your phone chimed. 
From Lover Boy Buck: Couldn't you have told me my shirt was on inside out?
To Lover Boy Buck: And how was I supposed to know that ? I didn’t have time to look at you
From Lover Boy Buck: Oh really ? You had plenty of time a few minutes ago 
To Lover Boy Buck: Behave. 
From Lover Boy Buck: Make me. 
You roll your eyes at his comment, May coming out and shouting that they just pulled in. Everyone stood by the backdoors, waiting for Athena and Bobby to come in. 
Athena had a blindfold on as Bobby led her down the stairs to the backyard. “I swear if you did somethin-” he undoes the blindfold mid sentence. 
“Surprise!!” everyone shouts, Athena had a huge smile on her face. She turns to Bobby, “you did all this ?” he smiles but shakes his head, “I had some help” nodding towards May, Athena walked over to her daughter to give her a hug. Bobby and Athena went around to say hello to everyone, Bobby coming over to you and Eddie, Buck and Chris were sitting beside each other. “Hey” Bobby smiled at the two of you, “hey” you smiled back before you gave him a hug. 
“What do I own you for today ?” he asks you
“Nothing at all, I'm glad I could help.” 
“Are you sure kid ?” 
“Yeah, I'm good. I’ll let you know if I need something uncle Bobby” 
He smiles and goes off to talk to Chim and Maddie. Eddie switches places with Buck, Christopher showing his father the trick that Buck just showed him. “You’re good with kids” you tell him, “yeah, I know” he replies. “You're also an arrogant asshole but perspective I suppose.” Buck chuckled at your comment, watching as you walked away. 
It was a while before you sat down for dinner, you were in the house with Bobby, helping him bring stuff out while everyone got seated. When you returned, there were two seats left. One at the head of the table, which was where your uncle was currently headed, leaving you no choice but to sit beside Buck. “Pass me the green bowl ?” he asks you, “no thanks” you reply nonchalantly. Bobby gives you a look, “y/n, pass him the bowl” you sighed and handed the bowl to Buck who was snickering. It took all of you not to smack this man in front of everyone. 
A hand on your upper thigh startled you, you coughed and Eddie looked at you from across the table, his brows furrowed. Your hand comes down to rest on top of Buck’s. Chris followed his father’s look over to you, “are you okay y/n?” he asked you sweetly, you smiled at him. “I’m okay buddy, thank you for asking” Buck bit the inside of his cheek, holding back a smile. Oh how he wanted to kiss you right now, but again, he couldn't really do that, could he? He settled for holding your hand under the table like teenagers for now. 
8 o'clock and you were supposed to be there 20 minutes ago. Bobby was probably there wondering where you were. You were supposed to be having dinner with your uncle tonight to tell him about you and Buck. Buck offered to tell him but you felt like it was only right for you to tell him. 
You dialled the number but it rang out. You assumed he was still driving or maybe he was ruining late too. The phone rang while you searched for something to wear. It was Bobby. 
“Hey!” you answer, “I'm gonna be a little late” 
“Y/n, we’re gonna have to take a rain check on dinner.” Something was wrong, you could tell from the way he answered. 
“Everything okay ? Are you still at work ?” 
“I’m at the hospital.” 
“What? Why? Are you okay ? Is it Athena ?” 
“Athena and I are fine. It’s Buck, he’s in surgery right now. I don't think I'll be leaving anything soon. I’m sorry about dinner.” 
Your heart dropped when he said it was Buck. 
“Did anyone tell Maddie ? Do you want me to pick her up ?” 
“It's alright, Chim went and got her. You don't have to come, we’re ok-” 
“I’ll be there in 10 minutes” 
Grabbing the keys, you’ve never run down the stairs so fast in your life. The whole drive over, it felt like the world was moving in slow motion. He’d still be in surgery when you arrived but you needed to know what happened. 
I love you Evan Buckley. 
The 5 words replaying in your head over and over again. The 5 words you hadn’t gotten the chance to say to him. The team plus Maddie and Athena were in the waiting room. Bobby came over and gave you a hug, “is he okay ? Did you guys hear anything ?” you ask as you sit beside Maddie. “Not yet” Bobby returns to his seat. 
“Mads, I'm sorry” you gave her a hug, she gave you a small smile. “It’s okay. Buck’ll pull through. He always does.” 
3 hours later and still nothing, he had been in surgery 2 hours prior to you arriving, bringing it to a total of 5 hours. Athena and Bobby left for a few minutes to see if they could get an update on him. You looked around the room, Eddie was leant against the wall, his legs on the chairs in front of him, Hen stood by the window on the phone with who you assumed was Karen. Chim’s arm was wrapped around Maddie, her head resting on his shoulder. 
Bobby and Athena returned telling everyone that there was no update other than he was still in surgery. Your leg bounced as you waited, Bobby rested a hand on your knee when he sat back down. 
“You okay kid ?” 
“Mhm hm why ?”
“You only bounce your leg when you’re nervous. You’re sure you’re okay ?” 
“Yeah, I'm gonna go get some coffee” you announce as you get up. If you spent another minute in that room, you were going to combust, you couldn't take it. “Does anyone want anything ?” there were a few mumbles of no but Eddie gets up and says he’ll come with you. The two of you walk down the hallway to the other end. Slipping a bill into the machine, it buzzes and then nothing. Eddie watches as you push the button a few times. Frustrated and tired, your hand smacks against the machine. A few nurses glare in your direction. 
“Hey, go get some air okay ? I’ll get the coffee and meet you outside” Eddie’s hand on your back, leading you to the doors.
“Eddie, I'm fine” 
“Y/n, go. You’ve been in here for a while and honestly, I could use the air too.” 
Not in the mood to protest, you step outside. It was a little past 11 now, it was dark and cold out. Your back pressed up against the brick wall, the coldness seeping through your shirt. A hand running over your face in an attempt to wake you up, you sigh as the door opens. 
“Here” Eddie handed you a mug that didn’t look like it came from a machine. The mug read “#1 nurse” on it and his says “world’s best mom” your brows furrow, looking at the man standing beside you. “I sweet talked one of the nurses, it's fine. I promised to return the mugs when we're done.” he says casually, making you smile. You had always enjoyed Eddie’s company, he didn’t ask questions or poke around in your life, he just lived in the moment. 
“Cute shirt” he chuckles, looking down at the blue t-shirt you had on. You hadn't realized that you left wearing it. “Oh thanks” you mumble, taking a sip of coffee. “It’s Buck’s, isn't it?” he asks, you almost choked on the coffee. 
“Wha- why would you ask me that ?” 
“It reeks of his cologne,” Eddie chucked. “I’ve known for months, y/n. The two of you aren't as slick as you think.” 
“Who else knows ?” 
“No one that I know of, Chim has an idea but he hasn't said anything” 
You hummed, looking out at the parking lot in front of you. “Does Bobby know ?” Eddie’s eyes practically burn into your side.
“I was going to tell him tonight.” 
Eddie’s phone buzzed before he could say anything else. “Let’s go in, the doctors are out.” Eddie followed you into the building and back into the waiting room. The doctor has just stepped in, she glanced back at you and Eddie, “Are you here for Buckley as well ?” 
“Yeah, how is he?” Eddie asks, the two of you step further into the room. “He’s stable as of now, we managed to stop the bleeding. He’s asleep but he’s got a long road ahead of him.” the doctor inform everyone, you watch as Maddie lets out a sigh, her hand squeezing Chim’s. “I can take someone in, if they’d like to go in” Chim let go of Maddie’s hand as she went to follow the doctor down the hall. Eddie could sense the change in body language, you were relaxed until Maddie stepped out with the doctor. His hand rests on your back again, “let’s sit down. You can go in after” he whispered to you. To anyone else in the room, it would look like something was happening between you and Eddie but he was just comforting you. There was nothing happening. 
The person you were in love with was laying in a hospital bed at the other end of the hallway. 
One by one, everyone went in to see him. Chim went in first, meeting Maddie in his room. When they return, they let everyone know he’s awake. Bobby and Athena are next, they go in for a few minutes. Hen was after them, you could hear them laughing from the other end of the hallway. 
It was so good to hear him laugh. 
You and Eddie went in last. Eddie sat beside his bed on the chair, he and Buck having a conversation. Eddie looked over at you, you were standing by the door. “I think I'll go call Chris and let him know you’re alright” Eddie pats Buck’s shoulder before stepping out the room. 
Buck’s attention was now on you. “hey you” he mumbles, trying to shift into a sitting position. “Don’t move, you’ll rip your stitches.” you take a seat where Eddie was a few moments ago. Buck’s hand reaches for yours, although he was awake, his hand felt cold. Your hand rubbed against his, his eyes on you. Neither of you say anything to the other. 
“I thought I lost you for a minute there.” 
“You’ll never lose me, y/n” Buck’s hand squeezes yours. 
“But I almost did and I hated every minute of it.” the tears welling up by your eyes, you blink a few times to get rid of them but instead a few slip down. Buck reaches up to wipe your tears, his hand cupping your cheek. 
“All of this for me ?” he teases, “there was no need to worry, you know that, right?” 
“You scared me you ass, don't do that” you sniffle, your hand wrapping around his wrist. 
“Y/n, I need to tell you something” his eyes were on yours, now you were worried again. “Okay, what is-” 
“I love you” he blurts out. 
“Oh Buck” you breathe, the soft expression on his face changes to a worried one. “Oh god, I'm sor-” your hand comes up and covers his mouth. 
“I love you too” you smile at him, you can feel him smile against your hand. Moving your hand to his cheek, “you do ?” he asks, you nod. “How can I not ?” Leaning out of the chair, your lips meet his. Your hand is still cupping his face and his hand lifting off the bed to meet your waist. Shifting from the chair to the bed, you sat beside Buck, your lips still on his. 
“Excuse me?” someone clears their throat, Buck pulls away to look at who's by the door. Bobby stood in the doorway, his arms folded in front of him and a rather amused Athena beside him. Buck’s eyes widen, you look over your shoulder to see your uncle standing there. 
“I can explain. Bobby I-” Buck starts, but Bobby cuts him off. “It’s okay Buck, I know.” he steps into the room. 
“You do?” the two of you say at the same time, both of you looking at him. Bobby nods, “I might be old - well older than you two but I’m not dumb” he chuckles, “if anything, you two are the dumb ones for thinking I wouldn't know.” he says 
“I was going to tell you at dinner” 
“I figured as much, I also figured you’d want to be here when Buck woke up” 
“Thank you for calling” you smile at him, he gives you a nod. “Everyone is heading home, are you going to stay with him ?” 
You hum, your attention back on Buck. You could hear Athena and Bobby whispering in the back and then the door shuts. Buck shifts slightly on the bed, making space for you. Laying on your side, beside him, your finger traces over the words tattooed on his forearm. The world had come to a pause finally, the things around you didn’t matter right now. Everything you cared about was beside you, the hospital wasn't the ideal place but all you cared about that he was okay. 
“Tell me again” you whisper, your head on his shoulder. Buck turns his head to look at you. 
“I love you y/n l/n” 
“I love you Evan Buckley” 
Turns out you did get to say those 5 words after all. 
Taglist: @reiidsbby @ssa-volturi @advicefromnixxxx @dralexreid @keenmarvellover @venusrosepetal @mikaelson-emma @beth-winchester21 @averyhotchner
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tomboy-writer · 3 years
Prompt: Chris Evans story where your boyfriend is a cheating douche-bag. He cheats on you time and time again and you get into a bit of a depression. You confide in your best friend, Chris Evans. His consoling leads to sex, the sex soon turns into a regular thing and you get happy again. Your boyfriend sees your change and promises that he will never cheat again and that he will treat you better. You’re happy but sad at the same time because now you have to break things off with Chris. But Chris won’t have it; he says that you should stay with him and not your boyfriend. You’re not sure of which decision to make, so Chris lists off reasons why you would be better off with him.
Chris Evans x black!reader
A/N: my first Chris Evans story!! Let me know what you guys think of it.
A/N 2: I started this story a few years ago and it took me a long time to finish cause I was on a very long writing hiatus and didn't finish this until earlier this year, so some of the story goes off of what the summary says and I decided to turn this into 2 parts (could be more, depending on how long the 2nd part is). So no smut in this part, just angst and dumb jokes. This also originally wasn't going to be a black reader story, but seeing how my ACTUAL 1st Chris Evans story went pretty well (the Game On story) I decided to make it another one cause I love it.
C/W: angst, swearing, my dumb jokes, 3rd person story (it hurt my brain to write it this way, but I wanted to try something different)
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“He did it again, Chris! Michael cheated on me with some big titted chick,” Y/N said as she sobbed into her best friend’s shoulder.
Chris rubbed his friend’s back, trying to calm her down. He knew how to handle situations like these since Y/N went through so many of them with her boyfriend. Chris thought her relationship with Michael was like a broken record: always repeating itself. It was good at first with the couple being so obviously in love, but that changed six months later when Michael decided that Y/N wasn’t enough and started to cheat on her with multiple women. Y/N had been given advice by Chris countless times about guys like Michael and she listened to him, she really did. But she always ended up forgiving her unfaithful boyfriend and enjoyed the makeup sex that Michael would give her after.
“He and that big titted chick can both go to hell for all I care,” Chris replied. Then he lifted his friend’s head from his shoulder and made her look directly in his eyes. “Hey hon,” he said using his ‘friendly’ nickname for Y/N. “I think it’s about time you dropped that lame ass zero and got yourself a hero.”
“Okay, Captain America,” Y/N chuckled while wiping her face.
Chris laughed too, but deep down he was really hoping that Y/N would actually consider dating him. They met seven years ago and became fast friends. But the bearded actor didn’t count on falling for Y/N a few years later when he was doing an interview for one of his new movies and Y/N was there to help support him and make sure his anxiety didn’t get the best of him. While in the middle of the interview, Chris started to feel a little fidgety, so he tugged on his ear; a sign that told Y/N that he needed her help. She was standing right behind the cameraman, so Y/N could see everything that Chris was doing. She saw the signal and started to make some weird faces for her best friend.
Y/N made Chris and the interviewer crack up that day, especially when she stood right behind the cameraman and started to bulge her eyes out at him, making him laugh as well. At that moment, Chris realized that he had found that special someone. That special someone that he wants to spend the rest of his life with and just keep forever, never let go. 
Y/N was sweet, considerate and loved Disney movies and dogs as much as he did. So he felt that she was just perfect for him. He even started to mentally kick his ass for taking so long to realize this.
The interviewer asked Chris one last question before he had to leave.
“So, Chris, is there a special lady in your life? Ya know, besides your mother and sisters,” she asked.
Chris chuckled and looked right in Y/N’s direction with a bright smile on his face. “Well, I don’t have anyone yet,” the blonde answered, his eyes never leaving Y/N’s, “but I’m looking for her.”
“Chris? Chris, did you hear me,” Y/N asked suddenly, stopping Chris from remembering the day he fell for her.
Evans shook his head no. “Sorry, I zoned out for a few seconds.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “I said I would love to find a new boyfriend, but I’m still in love with Michael.” Chris rolled his eyes this time. “Don’t do that, man. I can’t help that these are my feelings for him.”
“But what are your feelings for him right now! Aren’t you sad? Pissed? Or feeling like you just wanna punch that douche-bag in the face so hard that his face caves in a little bit?”
Chris’s friend nodded her head yes and started to sob again. He felt bad for making Y/N cry; he would never want to make her tears fall from her eyes unless they were tears of joy. He grabbed Y/N and embraced her for a few minutes until she was calm again. Once was she was, Chris pulled away from Y/N enough to look her in her eyes.
“Hey, promise me that you’ll forget about that douche for at least two weeks and just try to find someone better. Okay?” Chris begged with sincerity in his eyes. 
“Okay,” I promise,” Y/N complied.
Chris kissed Y/N’s head and, after saying goodbye, left his friend’s house for the night.
           * * *
Chris returned to Y/N’s house a few weeks later. He rung the doorbell and heard a faint ‘it’s open’. Evans opened and closed the door behind him and blushed at the sight in front of him: there stood Y/N, wearing only a pair of boy shorts and an over sized t-shirt, no makeup. That’s when Chris thought, no knew, that Y/N was the most beautiful woman out there.
"Hi Chris," Y/N greeted her best friend with a warm hug and a kiss on his cheek. Evans couldn't help the blush that crept onto his face. He also couldn't help but to imagine if he and Y/N were together and he'd come home from being on set all day long, her greeting him the same way she was now except that she'd try to pull back a little to ask him about his day. But Chris would hold his lover in a tight embrace, kiss her so lovingly, so passionately, and ask about her day instead.
Yeah, Christopher Robert [Jamal] Evans would love that.
"Hey, Y/N," Chris replied as he breathed in the embrace. "How've you been lately?"
"A little bit better; not fully okay, but I'm getting there I think," Y/N answered.
Chris shook his head in disbelief. He knew when his best friend was lying to him. "Y/N," he whispered, "I can see in your eyes that you're hurting more than letting on. You sure you're doing fine?"
Y/N's smile was quickly replaced with a small frown. "I'm doin' fine, Evans," she answered, mocking Chris's Boston accent. "And, before you ask, yes I have went on a few dates with other guys; three to be exact. First guy wouldn't shut up about his ex-wife; like I was supposed to be his therapist or something. Second guy -this gorgeous dreadhead- we connected and shit, but he too wouldn't stop talking about his ex and his table manners were terrible." You rolled your eyes before finishing your list. "Last but not least, I went on date with Mr. I-Got-Tons-of-Money-Baby. We didn't connect at all and I'm sure it was cause of his cocky attitude and the way he talked down to people -it was disgusting! " The dateless woman flounced into her big living room and plopped down onto her L-shaped sofa. "Trying to find a new man is pointless, Chris. Either I start dating women cause why the fuck not!? Or I just give up on love all together."
Chris chuckled but then nervously cleared his throat after he came up with a great -but what he also thought was a heart attack inducing- idea. "Y/N," he stammered.
"Yeah, man?"
"If the whole thing with you dating females doesn't work out, but you still want to try to find love, then I know exactly who you should date next."
Y/N gave Chris a questionable look. He didn't say anything back, just raised an eyebrow and grinned mischievously. It took Y/N a few seconds to understand what Chris was talking about. But once she did, her mouth went into an O shape, showing her shock and surprise.
"Are you serious, Evans," Y/N exclaimed; eyes now wide as golf balls. "You wanna date me!?!"
The actor chuckled. He didn't think that his friend would be so shocked by his words. "I've been wanting to date you basically almost ever since we first met, Y/N. I just- -I just never knew what to say to you about it, or if you felt the same way or not and if you didn't then I didn't want to ruin our friendship, or if you did feel the dame way but then something bad happens to us down the road and then that messes with up our friendship and then there's the thing with paparazzi..." Chris was rambling on and on but Y/N was listening to everything he was saying. Hanging onto every word that was coming out of her best friend's mouth.
Y/N had never known that Chris had felt this way about her. It wasn't that she was completely oblivious (well, maybe a little), but she also never saw any signs of her friend being in love with her. Wait. Was Chris in love with Y/N? As far as she knew -or as far as she thought from what she was told so far- this was just a crush. A crush confession that apparently was a long time coming. She wondered how she felt for Chris; did she have the same feelings for him like he did for her? When they first met, all Y/N cared about was how Chris acted as a person, not as Captain America or as an actor in general. But as Chris Evans, an everyday man. Y/N knew, after that one day of meeting Evans, that she wanted to be best friends with the man, nothing more and nothing less. But now, with Chris' confession and continuous ramblings, Y/N was having different and a little bit confusing thoughts.
Sure Chris Evans is an very attractive man, physically speaking. But Y/N doesn't care about looks -much- when it comes to dating or anything for that matter. She thinks what makes people attractive is their personality more than anything, and she knows Chris has the best personality she's ever seen from a person. But she wasn't sure if she was ready to date him or anyone else for that matter. Although, if Y/N was going to date more, then Chris would probably be her number one pick.
"So, what do you say, Y/N," Chris asked, hopeful.
And that's the end of part 1, everyone. Part 2 will be posted....probably next week or so. It is currently one of my WIPs so I'm definitely working on it.
But what do ya'll think will happen next? What will Y/N's answer to Chris be? Will she say yes, or will she say no? Who knows??? Except for me; I know. Also, you're Y/N; Y/N is you, so you better hope that you say something positive back :P Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this! Thanks for reading!!
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Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: angst, car accident (reader), sadness.
Also not fully proofed. Any mistakes are on me.
Summary: A car accident, left you in a coma and a confession.
Chris walked out of Boston Logan International Airport. With his luggage in tow, his jacket, and his signature Boston Red Sox hat. As he walked out into the cool fall afternoon, his mind and his heart dropped. He looked at his his brother, who had pulled up towards the curb and got out. The expression on Scott wasn't a happy one.
"Thanks for picking me up." Chris said as Scott grabbed his luggage and placed it into the tunk. The two got in, and Scott began to drive out into the city.
The drive was quiet, as he knew where he was going. Not to his home, but to a place where he never thought he would be.
Before he boarded the plane from LA, Chris had several missed calls from Tara, Scott, and everyone else. There, he had learned the news.
"You know where we are going, right?" Scott asked as he made a sharp exit towards Concord. The nerves in his body lit up, and he took a deep breath.
"I do." Chris said quietly. Scott sighed and turned to his brother.
"It's been a while right? 3 years?" Scot asked.
And he's right. It's been three years since Chris has seen you. It didn't end well for both of you. His fault mainly.
He left you hurt and upset due to his stupidity, thinking that it would be okay to take his ex as his date for an event in Australia. When you and him had plans, since it was around your birthday.
Just thinking about it made his heart hurt. He tried to make it up to you, but you didn't want to hear it. Chris even sent flowers to you but got word that you just threw them away.
Chris noticed, Scott had pulled up into Concord General. Finding a parking spot the two got out and headed inside. Going through a series of hallways, Scott and Chris ended up in the ICU. Your sister Tara was there.
She had gotten up and went to hug Chris. Even with the sadness in her eyes, Tara was grateful that he made it.
"Thank you for coming. I know you and my sister are not on speaking terms. But it would do her some good." Tara said, pulling away from Chris and taking a look at him.
Chris couldn't think of anything else to say but give a sympathy smile. But in reality, there was so much he wanted to say.
It was silent for a moment when Tara cleared her throat and led the two boys to your room.
Before Tara opened the door, she turned around and faced Chris.
"She's in a coma right now. But she can hear you. The doctor said it would help with her mind." Tara mentioned as she opened the door.
But the moment Tara opened the door, Chris couldn't hold in his emotions. In his mind, he thought he would be prepared for what's to come.
Nothing prepared him, for what's in front of him.
Machines beeping, breathing tubes that helped you get air into you. But what broke him the most, was your injuries.
Chris noticed a sling over your right arm, a broken left leg, that was being elevated, a large bandage around your forehead. He felt his tears run down his face, and he could no longer hide them.
Tara and Scott left Chris to give him some privacy. Once the door was closed, Chris slowly walked over to you, and the moment he came, more of your injuries were prominent.
Bruising on your face and arms, and you had a neck brace where more bruising was shown. Pulling up a chair, Chris took a seat and he reached for your hand.
Just like always, your hands were always so soft and gentle. Even if you knead dough for a living. Kissing the top of your hand , he held it close to him.
"Hi, squirt. Your sister told me that I could talk to you. I just finished my shoot in Atlanta. It's the final Avengers. I wished you could have been there to see it all. Scarlett asked about you, and I couldn't tell her how you've been because I don't know." Chris pauses for a moment.
"I heard you opened a new bakery and won a big award? Or that's what Tara told me. Let me tell you, I'm proud of you. I'm always proud of you for everything you've done." Chris paused again as his words got caught in his throat and wiped away some of his tears.
"Y/N, there's a lot I would need to say to you. I'm just a chicken shit to admit it to myself. I can't be without you. Not just in our friendship, but I just can't live without you. We been through so much together, and I miss that, and I miss you. But what I'm really trying to say here is that I love you. I always have, but I just couldn't say it and pushed the feeling away. I know this isn't the way I plan on telling you, but I needed you to know." Pausing again, Chris wiped more of his tears.
"I know you can hear me, and I'll be here. I'm not leaving you. I'm going to fight for you." Chris finally finished as he broke down. Leaning down, onto your hands, and he held it tight.
A single tear came down from the corner of your eyes.
And with that, your hand twitched, and a beep went off.
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