#Social Stigma
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ex-foster · 10 months ago
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TMP 20 Social Stigma
DPHW 2534
Transformation (Tattoo), Social Media (influencer)
It was about someone TRANSFORMATING into an avatar
TMP 1 First Shift, 2nd case
DPHW 2155
Transformation (eyes), Trespass
If we assume that then (R)ank A are cases about transforming into avatar. Then we can conclude (if correct) that the MFer for episode 1 case 2 got Jonah!ed..
Come on! They gouged out his eyes!
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persephone-in-spring · 2 years ago
Hi! my name is saya and I am a final year student pursuing the course B.A. hons. Applied Psychology. I am conducting a research on the topic of "Social Alienation in the LGBTQ+ Community" as a comparative study between queer and cisgendered heterosexual people.
The questionnaire will take a maximum of 5 to 10 minutes to complete.
I would be highly grateful if you could take the time to fill up this questionnaire, if you fall under the age range of 18-40.
Your responses will be kept confidential and will also be used for research and academic purposes.
I would really appreciate your participation as it would largely benefit my research study.
Thanks a lot.
I would really appreciate if you could take the time to share this as I need a 100 responses. please share it.
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fractal-voidling · 7 months ago
MAGP020 │ Social Stigma
CAT1RAB2534-12042024-12042024 Transformation (tattoo) -/- Social Media (influencer)
Alice, stfu
I mean, the one thing you can know for sure about what the O.I.A.R. looked like in 1999 is that they definitely had the same computer system and OS, lol
"Like, catastrophic, world-endingly bad." YUP
did you "find it out", or did you go through it yourself, CELIA?
"Shame. You’ve got lovely skin." y i k e s
local tattoo artist thinks she invented plagiarism
a fear eating tattoo artist, awesome
Gwen, Darling, you really need to stop provoking creatures much more powerful than you are
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cognizantluxation · 9 months ago
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potatotomatopomato · 2 years ago
Fuck NT culture. (Not being NT, but the assumption that everyone can, and should, perform the same way as an NT does in every sphere of life.)
Why does being ND have to be so stigmatized? It goes to the point where some of us who can live independently but still need accommodations refuse to get themselves or their children a diagnosis.
My sister's teacher told my mother she displays signs of ADHD. During dinner, she told her the following line:
"I don't think you have ADHD, I also struggle with focusing on things that disinterest me, but I can focus on something I like for HOURS in a row. You know what I would do when I lost focus in class? I would take a piece of paper and roll it and unroll it over and over. It really helped!"
Wait... did she just describe hyperfocusing and stimming?
Now that I rethink about it, it's jarring how little we learn about neurodiversity in our current education system beyond extreme cases.
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givemeonereason · 1 year ago
We are finally learning to reverse chain of bias and let kids be themselves. We can really learn something if we don’t try to have constant control. I think I would have liked school a lot more instead of having to suffer silently.
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I like this-a whole lot
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elimu-assistant · 14 days ago
The Dangers of Teenage Pregnancy: Understanding the Risks Involved
Explore the eight dangers of teenage pregnancy, including educational disruption, social stigma, potential abandonment of the baby, unsafe abortion practices, and health risks for both mother and child. Learn about the profound impacts of early motherhood. Questions: Explain eight dangers of teenage pregnancy. Answers: Interferes with Education as the Girl Drops Out of School: Teenage…
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frnwhcom · 1 month ago
Filius Nullius: The Forgotten Child of Law
“Filius nullius,” a Latin term translating to “son of no one,” denotes children who were not legally recognized by a father. This concept, rooted deeply in Roman law, has profound implications in the historical context of child legitimacy and inheritance rights, affecting societal structures and legal doctrines to this day. The Origins of Filius Nullius The term originates from a time when…
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theviraltruth · 3 months ago
Nischal Dharmasthala | Social evils like casteism
Social evils like casteism, dowry, addiction, unemployment were gorging upon all the human potential. Along with great education, healthcare, employment opportunities, medical and financial aid is being provided to curb all kinds of social stigma.
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I need more married friends without kids. All my married friends have children so their problems are different from mine, they're worried about schools and nutrition and children's television and children's hobbies. Their problems with their spouses are all about getting help with the household from their spouse, or getting their emotional needs met in the thirteen seconds without children that they have together every day.
Who do I chat with about going through early perimenopause with a spouse that's clearly going through early stage andropause but can't have any sort of conversation about it without instantly spiraling into self-critical talk designed to shut down both of our thought processes about it. Who can I talk to about finally understanding why women my age start becoming the notorious "cougar" prowling for younger men - men who demonstrate desire, who want them, who pursue them, who are capable of performing the motions of being passionate about anything outside of their own interests for even a moment (even if it's wholly ingenuine, even if we know it's ingenuine) - because it's been so long since the man in our life chased our affections the way they used to.
I just really feel like I need another 40yo woman who's been cohabitating with the same man for fifteen years and has no children that I can commiserate with about this stuff.
I keep hearing how women turn forty and discover one day that they're invisible, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly, inside my own home, five months before I technically turn forty.
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news24h · 6 months ago
The Inspiring Journey of a Man Without Legs: Overcoming Challenges to Build a Fulfilling Career
In a world that often equates physical ability with potential for success, there are extraordinary individuals who defy conventional expectations and carve out remarkable paths in their professional lives. One such story is that of a man who, despite the absence of his legs, has not only established a rewarding career but has also become a beacon of inspiration for many. His journey sheds light…
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sharkspez · 9 months ago
Badge: 🧹🧹🧹
I'm only 20 and I just know I'll be the topic to many. I'm going through it but I hope one day I can find my peace and be genuinely happy.
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moonbunnie7 · 11 months ago
I finally understood the controversy with the term “pick me” bc I’ve always thot….Mary as humans we always pick things
Video games
Whatever what have u we pick things??? But then I figured out a pick me is someone who would usually do anything harmful with their actions and words in order to be picked from many humans so they can “beat them” at a game that is this life. Not that i think life is a game but I understand the concept.
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againaweasel · 11 days ago
I think we need to confiscate the term lavender marriage from the marauder fandom until they learn how to use it correctly
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cosmic-espero · 3 months ago
Not to be Like That but I seriously don't like how P5 vanilla will try and tell me that Ryuji is bad and annoying for being a traumatized teenager wanting positive attention from the people around him and reacting negatively to bullying and then turn around and act like Akechi gets a pass for all the people he murdered because uhhh... reasons
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