#So thats trapeze :))))
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1796samuel-seabury1729 · 1 month ago
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ena in an evil universe is just . gemini and maz teehee
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its-haughty · 11 months ago
o new breakout character dropped what
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Meet Trapeze! A big elaborate joke character for a small spin-off story for my story: Breakout Civilisation!
(Lore stuuff)
Having been experimented on- once the security breach occured Trapeze took any chance to escape the laboratory.... Amongst the chaos and desperation to escape, they would find Grayson and letting out all their Rage- would maul him to death as revenge for the horrible things he's done. (horray!!)
Trapeze would manage to escape the labs and would run to a carnival to stay in hiding. Fortunately for her, a circus crew would find her and take her under their wing!
Now Trapeze learns to channel her Rage and uses her ability to transform into a Cassowary as a means to entertain audiences! Not only bringing entertainment but managing to find some comfort in herself... Maybe being half-human/half-animal had its perks that she could take advantage of.
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dapper-comedy · 3 months ago
it is quite funny how much of a weird throuple naoise, amos and henrietta look like, you'd never guess they werent dating
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nightthinker-08 · 1 year ago
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Messy design sketch dump for an AU that's been bouncing around my head for a couple of days now. Everything is basically the same except instead of adventures, they do actual circus performances, but it's every month, not every day. Though they do have practice time every day, which Caine supervises. He also assigns each member what their act is going to be, but everyone has their specialties tho  More below xP
Each player's specialties are: 
Ragatha: Trapeze Pomni: Jester (duh) Jax: Stilt Walker Gangle: Contortionist (or ribbon dancer? idk if thats a circus act-) Kinger Magician  Zooble: Plate Spinner Cain: Ringmaster/Lion tamer (he likes to perform too)
Most of them know more than their specialties cuz Caine likes to pair or group them up sometime. Like somtimes Ragatha or Jax pair up with kinger ( Jax mostly helps with his escape tricks) Rag's is also a bit of a jack of all trades cuz she likes helping out, but also cuz Cain likes to throw in twists in their acts mid-performance.
When Pomni first shows up in the middle of the final performance, which was Ragatha's, so she spawns high up on a tightrope. Ragatha (and everyone else) spots her while she does all these arial flips. In her panic, Pomni slips, but Rag's catches her and tries to calm her down mid-performance while also trying to make sure the two of them don't fall lol
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mostcard · 9 months ago
thinking about the quadruple somersault again....
theres something about how its a move for the trapze and it requires someone else there to catch you
and something about how dick is performing it all on his own and how even though its one of the last connections he has to his parents. its still different. they're not there to catch him!!
and like idk nightwing's the best arcobat in the world and thats something he's proud of, but he's also the best trapeze artist and that whole medium relies on performing with others. so what good is being the best??
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yippeeometer · 2 months ago
normal people jobs i believe wttt would have
okay so these losers have no need for jobs. theyre just bored. and they have to have some way to fight back when gov calls them all jobless.
arizona- circus performer.
he'd originally do it just so he could show off as a fire-eater but instantly gets bored and insists on learning how to trapeze. he brings it up daily in order to prove himself as more chaotic than florida. nobody gaf.
colorado- works at a climbing wall place for kids parties
frequently gets given warnings for 'bullying' because he instantly needs to prove he can climb faster than these children. also given warnings because he forgets to do the safety demonstrations. and smokes weed on the premises. and flirts with all the moms to get a slice of the birthday cake.
texas- low level bouncer/security guard
instantly takes everything too seriously and teh power goes straight to his head. absolutely convinced he's in a spy movie foiling secret plots to conspire against his bar. unable to be chill or cool. finds out that the current pope used to be a bouncer and doesnt shut up ab it for months. eventually quits bc okla starts calling him a city boy.
wyoming- movie reviewer
refuses to review anything but western movies and is techinically still jobless because he doesnt make any money. dedicates 20 years to the movies cali and vada were in just to piss them off and writes mean comments like 'costume choices were bad'. almost starts ww3.
mass- journalist
only does this to instigate and piss off people he hates. everything he writes is the nastiest most imflammatory shit you've ever seen and he's so proud of himself for it. gets way too political every time and has to be seperated at the NE meetings for bad mouthing them in increasingly ridiculous ways.
alaska- unspecified man of science.
no idea what he does but its something to do with science. hawai'i tells people he's making weapons and they're too scared to fact check her. gov becomes convinced he's a geographer when he sees the amount of maps on his walls but thats just him trying to pinpoint the exact location he should go for no one to bother him.
utah- youth pastor that no one respects
bless his heart. every week he's convinced he's made a breakthrough with these kids. there's more than one instagram page dedicated to taking pictures of him with filters when he doesn't notice. so smug ab his job for no real reason.
florida- livestreamer
livestreams himself eating random things. chat dares him to eat a shoe. cdc dreams about killing him with his teeth.
loui- backup trombone player
in a band, however was considered way too flakey because he's obsessed w his boy and frequently gets too drunk to remember when a performance is. damn that boy can play though.
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koifsssh · 1 year ago
okay first things first
a) i am insane
b) i really like clowns
so put these two things together and what do you get?
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you get clown rainy of course!!! look at him go!!!
I should probably explain what's going on, so i will! I had made clown rainy... and then sort of made an au centered around that idea, not that i really think of it as any proper au, since it's mostly for oc's and such! with that out of the way i will explain his acts! yippee!
he is a dreamer! a wanderer of the stars, if you will! He does tightrope and trapeze! At least, that's what i think fits him best!
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his stage name is the Sleepwalker! very sleepy, very tired, you get the gist! they call him that because he's often mistaken for having his eyes closed on the tightrope, so they think he's "sleepwalking"!
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his solo shows are mostly calmer segments, im not sure how to describe it really. usually he has a microphone attached to him, so he may talk to the audience! however, he's usually talking to himself really, but thats what they come for!
Rainy's ramblings are sort of hopeless romantic, but some of the things he says can be comedic as well, it depends really...
his shows are supposed to leave you sighing, if that makes sense! my favorite quote of his is this;
"I hope you don't make fun of me, but i've always wanted to dance amongst the stars... haha, do you think i would be good at it? Oh, if i had a partner with me we could dance on the rings of Saturn, that would so lovely, wouldn't it? ...Oh well, i suppose it's alright, i don't mind dancing alone, the stars are always a witness..."
on another note, he's a duo with Maverick! (because of course he is!)
they are very silly together, a couple of clowns... a clown couple... clowns...
they do various bits together!
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though, admittedly, Rainy's favorite bit to do with maverick is to gently smack him in the face, he thinks its hilarious
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very silly indeed!
(also! note! yes, i know, rainy's design did quite change a bit, but just know the colored reference is the one i'm going with! as much as i love a good clown, they never cease to make it difficult to draw...)
i should probably note that the au so far has mostly been about them specifically...
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hehe, it was probably obvious though!
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sleepisoverrated · 1 year ago
My headcanons about Dick Grayson
Dick is touched starved.
Think about it he grew up in a circus, that he considered family, when he was little he always got physical affection and after he was adopted by Bruce he still got some(because lets face it Bruce was a softie for Dick when he was Robin) though a lot less because Bruce isn't a touchy person, but after being fired and going solo he had a lot less physical affection from his loved ones(especially when he had a "falling out" with the Titans and YJ). I think over time he became touched starved, thats why he gives bear hugs and is more affectionate to everyone. AlsoI think it got slightly better when he was Batman and had his Robin. That's why Damian is more clingy with him and allows Dicks affection (He also knows when not to touch)(Also you can't convince me Dick isn't Damians favourite person and that they don't share a father-son relationship (mentor-student, older brother-younger brother, hero-sidekick, hero-fan all of these also aply))
Dick is still angry with Bruce about a lot of things.
How he took away Robin. How he dared give it away without his notice or permission. How he made Robin into a mantle. How he found out he took in Jason and gave him Robin from a newspaper. How he failed Jason and then blamed him. How he didn't say that Jason died. How he wasn't even invited to his funeral. How he kept secret that Jason was alive. How he used a batarang on Jason, almost killing him again, instead of Joker. How he treated Damian when he first came here and sometimes even now. How he purposely separated him from Damian, because he was jealous (of their father-son relationship). How Bruce beat him into submission to join Spyral. How that wasn't the first time Bruce hit him. How Bruce never made a backup plan to extract him from Spyral. How Bruce forgot(got amnesia) him in Spyral. How he lied to his siblings that he went along willingly with it. (If you can't tell I like Angry Dick Grayson fics)
‌Dick and Slade are frenemies.
Basically as long as Dick doesn't interfere with his jobs, they are close friends, but as soon as he interferes they don't hold back from lethal force. I know Slade kidnapped him and kinda tortured him and Dick was obsessed with him to the point of insanity, BUT they both obsessed over one another so much that they know eachother the best and after a while they sorta lost their motivation to constantly fight(though spars are still fair game, the only rule is the other doesn't die) eachother. So now they meet up monthly to bitch and complain about their lives and gossip like old ladies, with some alcohol on a random rooftop. They are the embodiment of don't mix business with pleasure, when they meet on one of Slades jobs they pull out all stops and fight viciously, mercilessly and brutally, but the next day(night?) Slade comes over with the good whiskey and they spend their night watching the rom-coms, because Dick thinks it's funny to force the Terminator to watch them and because he's endlessly amused when Slade actually gets invested in it.
Dick Grayson taught Damian.
About the Romani language/culture, acrobatics, trapeze, circus, travel, all the recipes of Romani dishes that he knows, Romani stories, Robin tricks, stories, secrets (By Romani culture Damian is his son and they both decided to keep that a secret from the others, btw he also learned about Damians Arabic traditions, foods, language). I think that Damian values this more than his inheritance as an Al-Ghul and Wayne, because Dick chose to give his culture and inheritance to him, not because he was obliged to.
...So you seemed to like my rant's/headcanon's *throws cautiously some more headcanons in your direction*... have some more?
P.S. Someone pointed out that there are a lot of canon in the last post instead of headcanon's, but I read so little of the comics that I can't really tell whats canon and whats not.
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serialadoptersbracket · 11 months ago
Full Propaganda: Bruce Wayne/Batman
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1. “Look at how many Robins there are. He has a problem”
2. “Batman has so many kids, so many. He just keeps adopting them. And then he puts them in costumes and sends them out to fight crime”
3. “I have a strong feeling Batman has already been submitted before and for good reason. That man sees an unattended child and is like "is anyone gonna adopt that?" and not wait for an answer”
4. “Na na na na na na na na na na na na BATMAN!!!!”
5. “This man has problems.”
6. “I mean. Come on.”
7. “He has so many kids I only included the ones that I probably missed a few. There's a running gag that if he met a child crime fighter he would just adopt them on the spot. He's such a serial adopter that DC made a whole webcomic about it called Wayne family adventures. At one point he missed his daughter's ballet recital so he rented out the area so she could still show him how well she did”
8. “cmon now, ive seen your pfp he's probably the reason this bracket exists [mod note: ur wrong lol], the man has an adoption problem, he is HOARDING orphans, he is hoarding not just orphans tbh there are many of his kids who are unofficially his kids who have still living parents. Also there was Tim too before his parents died.”
9. “he's adopted,, so many,, they just look at him with sad eyes and he succumbs. j”
10. “Dude blinks and like 10 children appear, orphaned, at his doorstep. Fixes his trauma about his dead parents by being an alive parent. Over and over and over again. I mentioned a few of his kids from different timelines and universes but thats just like. 3 of the most well known ones its doesn't come close to covering the hundreds of different Batgirls and Robins hes taken under his wings throughout the multiverse. In the beginning the adoptions were spaced every 24 weeks. Then 12 then 6 then every 2 weeks. The last one was in a week. In 4 days we could be seeing an adoption every 8 hours, until theyre coming every 4 minutes. We should witness a double adoption in seven days.”
11. “I feel like he’s the trendsetter for adoption addiction”
12. “Genuinely could not tell you if I got them all. I feel like I'm missing six.”
13. “He’s a traumatized baby girl with too many kids to keep track of”
14. “I'm sure someone else has already submitted Bruce Wayne and his entire gaggle of adopted children. But I want to make sure he does get in and add to anything that may have already been submitted.
Propaganda Begins Here: Bruce cannot help but adopt children who he believes are in need of guidance. Dick Grayson was adopted after his parents died in a trapezing "accident", where Bruce legally adopts him as he felt empathy for the boy's loss and none of Dick's family wanted him (https://comicvine.gamespot.com/dick-grayson/4005-1691/).
As for Jason, Batman found him stealing tires off the Batmobile in order to sell for cash to survive on the streets after his druggie mother had died and criminal father had run away, taking him as his own as Jason had no where else to go after running away from Ma Gunn's school for troubled youths Bruce had placed him in (https://comicvine.gamespot.com/jason-todd/4005-6849/).
As for Tim Drake, Bruce adopted him after Tim's parents had been kidnapped and Batman had been unable to save them from being poisoned, his mother died and his father in a coma. Before this though Tim had convinced Batman to take him on as the new Robin, believing Batman needed a Robin to keep him sane (https://comicvine.gamespot.com/tim-drake/4005-9290/).
Finally, Cassandra Cain was adopted after Batman saw she was able to overcome her demons, providing for her the fatherly loved she had always wanted (https://comicvine.gamespot.com/cassandra-cain/4005-65230/)
These are only Bruce Wayne's adopted children, he as an entire Bat Family which include Damian Wayne (his biological son) as the latest robin and other individuals who have taken up the mantle of the Bat or were/are part of his team at a young age who he has cared for such as Barbara Gordon (Batgirl) and Stephanie Brown (Spoiler)”
15. “please for the love of god bruce stop adopting people i can’t keep track”
16. “Look at how many kids he's got
Im pretty sure the batfam is seriously like one of the best known hero groups,
Old Batman and Robin comics were literally a foundational part of my childhood and then I grew up and found out that later Dick got like 8 siblings”
17. “Man can't deal with empty nest syndrome and cannot look past an orphan child without adopting them. He takes in Dick when Dick is 12 (he eventually does adopt Dick after Dick is already an adult), after being one of many people to witness Dick's parents die. After Dick went off to do his own thing he met Jason who was living on the streets after his Mom died. After Jason died, Tim shoved his way into Bruce's life saying that Bruce needed a partner in crime solving after Jason's death (Tim still had parents who were alive at this point, they did eventually die and was taken in by Bruce). Cassandra's circumstances I'm not fully clear on but she was raised by her bio dad to be a living weapon and she ran away (from my understanding at least) and Bruce took her in. Duke was taken in after his parents were hospitalized due to a Joker attack and were/are unlikely to recover. Bruce also mentors other children heroes including Barbara Gordon and Stephanie Brown, both are close to his kids and are sometimes seen as under his wing as well, but neither see him as a parent.”
18. “This man is known for picking up kids who need a home. He’s the batdad who sees a kid who has suffered like he has and just has to pick them up.”
19. “I'm not as invested in DC Comics as some other people are, but as a very lowkey fan of the bat family for other lowkey fans, I can direct you towards the webtoon Batman: Wayne Family Adventures, which I want to make very clear IS NOT PART OF DC CANON, but can give you a good idea of the little family that Bruce keeps for the purposes of this poll.”
20. “He and his many children fight crime and get into shenanigans”
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watashime-ciel · 7 months ago
rhythm heaven headcanons because im more sad than i should-
but first of all i have an announcement. and its that today, august 18th in argentina, its children's day and as im 16 im still technically a child to i asked my mom to get me something very specific as a gift. so, in a few weeks or months, dj yellow plushie is coming home! i wanted both yellow and blue, but she could only pay for one, so i chose yellow. hes gonna be with me in conventions from now on, either being tied up on the table so people buy me stuff to free him (/lh), or being my cosplay pal. thats all. if you wanna follow the dj yellow plushie adventures, follow me on instagram berry_lemon_arty, and if you cant find it, try with watashime_vkipper. its the same acc, but im changing the user soon to watashime_vkipper when i go back to my showroom. ANYWAYS lets go with the headcanons (and idc if i repeat some from past posts, i cant remember what i said)
-J.J is someone very insecure, actually. and lets out his anger on others (ahem, Yellow). but when he met Cecil, things changed a bit. Cecil allowed him to be angry, sad, disappointed, and make questions that were a call for reassurance
-Yellow has worked restlessly to buy a ticket to see Kikuo, no matter if he was in another country. and he never could- something happens everytime hes going to buy a ticket, and the money goes somewhere else. he cried for days because of that (reference to Kikuo just leaving argentina in this instant, although im not a fan lol)
-Cecil is also a germaphobic, but not as much(?) as Blue is. Cecil can at least touch whatever is contaminated to throw it away or clean it, whilst Blue cant because he feels like hes gonna pass out
-Yellow has been more time in a mental hospital than in school.🧍
-for a time, Blue was convinced he only signed up to Yellow's dj classes because he fell in love with him at first sight. it was during the time he was unsure how to express himself
-remember that Yellow's spirit animal is Len Kagamine? but its also Angel Dust, and possibly Spinel for how flexible he is. breakdancing? he can do it. pole dancing? he can do it. parkour? he can do it. lyra dancing? he can do it. dance trapeze? guess what. HE CAN DO IT. has he ever broken a bone or something? surprisingly, no. the only time he did was his right ankle at a comic con, participating on the cosplay contest as Kokoro Tsurumaki dancing Egao Sing A Song. Kokoro uses heels, and he loves them, and knows how to dance and do acrobatics with them. but he jumped and didnt get down very well, breaking his right ankle, but finishing the performance like nothing and winning the best performance prize. he only felt the pain once he sat down, but he did feel something wrong after not getting down properly
-you cant use your fingers to count the amount of times Blue got back home from work and saw Yellow in a female cosplay. and you cant also count the different reactions he had. dont use your imagination that much.
-Cecil is obsessed with Final Fantasy (a reference to Soushi)
-J.J may or may not accidentaly call acoustic guitars, "autistic guitars". most of the times he doesnt notices that
-whenever Cecil went to J.J's house (to his parents', actually), J.J's mom would do that classic "mom-embarassing-son" conversation thing. that way Cecil found out stuff about J.J that he couldnt even imagine lol
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dozyrogue · 10 months ago
I mentioned acrobatic circus performer qtubbo an my whole fyp is different circus and acrobatic stuff.
So for I think hed be good at the german wheel, a trapeze artist, contortionist because cctubbos bones are fucked and he won't go to a damn doctor. And of course the trampolines?? one main show is just mans just jumping around and over shit. Its very cool!!
The circus owner (whoever that may be) let's him do little sideshows when he isnt the main act where he makes matchines and does "magic"
I don't think circus!tubbo Would do a lot of partner work. Its very rare he has a partner thats actually ok with tubbos working conditions because tubbos pushing himself to the limits. Not because he wants to be the best or whatever. Its just to him if he's not constantly working the circus is gonna leave him behind. Heess sooo convinced hes gonna wake up and the circus and crew r gone.
Hes also notorious for not using a fuckin safety net.(the will to die will always be there) people have to set it up for him to actually use it. Like pac goes into the training area and sets it up for him cuz he knows tubbo just wONT DO IT. Even after pac's begges him too. Yeah its not safe but this is tubbo were talking about.
I think the only person who would try to keep up would be circus!pac. yeaaahh yeah pac for sure would! They r very similar characters in lore so i feel like he would get him, theyre pretty close when he isnt hanging with his boyfriend lol.
He also talks to the animals in there cages a lot because theyre nice to him and the animals love him right back.
Omg and he gets a cunty and slay preforming outfit. PERIOD!!!
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angelbaby-fics · 8 months ago
Hiyaaaaa, I think it's my first time requesting off anon but this year party just sounds so fun, I love your writing so much.
I was thinking of something with stucky or one of them on their own with a little, maybe going to the circus. I have a big obsession with specifically flying trapeze, I watch videos all the time and a couple days ago my sister and I did a flying trapeze class which was amazing lol. But maybe the little really like the flying trapeze act and is super excited to see it.
oooh thats so fun!! i've never actually been to a circus i don't think but it seems so cool 💕 198 words
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when steve told you he'd bought tickets to the circus, you could hardly contain your elation. you could see the massive tent from half a mile away as you kicked your feet in the back excitedly in the back seat. your daddy carried you into the big top, the sights, sounds, and smells filling up your senses. as you settled into your seats, a man approached with a huge handful of bagged cotton candy, and steve bought one for you before you even had to ask. the sugary treat melted in your mouth as the lights dimmed and the show began. your eyes lit up at performers swallowing swords and eating fire, and you giggled at the clowns circling the stage on their unicycles. your breath caught in your throat when the acrobats climbed up the big ladder, your favorite part of the show was about to happen. the glided through the air like fairies with invisible wings, flipping and catching one another as you tried to keep up. you couldn't pry your eyes away, but steve was watching you the whole time, making a mental note to sign you up for trapeze lessons when you got home.
you're invited to my summer tea party!
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ashoss · 8 months ago
My favorite option for Dick is Hermes legacy because of the whole traveling (circus) thing and Hermes has those flying winged sandals -> flying Graysons. He’s also the God of diplomacy which Dick tends to be good at, and languages, of which, at least in fanon, Dick speaks many.
I could also see son of Apollo (it was a triad with both his parents. If Apollo can have bio kids with male humans, he can have a bio kid with 3 humans). PJO!Apollo’s bad poetry => Dick’s endless puns. Sun god => sunshine boy. Drive the (flying) sun chariot => flies through the air on trapeze/grappling gun. Also PJO!Apollo’s personality just seems a little similar to Dick’s outward personality.
Legacy of Dionysus (performers and revelry) could maybe work as well.
Or, based on the way Nightwing is one of the most trusted members of the Justice league by so many, many different heroes, there’s a Greek god/personification of “good faith, trust, and reliability” named pistis. (Not to mention the shared penchant of those two names to be . . . Misinterpreted by modern English speakers, lol).
i do really like apollo as dick's parent- pjo!apollo and dick do have a lot of similarities but i think they're more similar if you look at dick's fanon portrayal rather than his canon one. i think if anything apollo fits robin!dick more than it does nightwing!dick. i do think hermes fits him a bit more, being the god of trickery and mischief might also fit how dick is a natural performer putting on an act a lot.
pistis is also good, but its kind of only relies on one aspect of dick's personality, and thats his reliability as a hero and brother.
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the-13th-kingdom · 3 months ago
GUYSSS normally im really skeptical about signs (i dont really believe anything is a 'sign' of shifting lmao) BUUUUT today my adblock decided to break just in time to show me trapeze boots?? something that ive never looked up, but relates very closely to my circus DR? yeah thats a sign 100%
im shifting and so are all of you!!
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hauntinggviolet · 1 year ago
If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your process for finding exacts for cheap on websites? I would love to know so I can use the advice to help find my zoe exacts!! ❤️���
All there really is to it is time and dedication (or luck).
I only started collecting exacts around october after wanting to dress up as vi for halloween, so i didn't know much. Most of the cheaper but rare exacts I found were a complete accident! I was looking for the scandalous lace top and found the gypsy rose cardigan for $9.
All I do is put in very generic terms or look for them on google using image search a few times a week. I usually go for 20 or lower for most of my exacts. I also go through sold listings and all alt colors of the exact to try and find one thats available. sometimes people will use the wrong photo so make sure to check! It could be a false hope. (Ive seen a lot of listings for the trapeze dress, but when clicked, its a slightly different one.) or it can be a positive thing! (same problem with the false hope except they use the wrong photo for the exact, hope that makes sense.) and don't get too upset if something gets sold! it will most likely pop up again soon, or you'll even find it for cheaper! that always happens to me :) I have also seen a lot on websites out of my country. You can still try to reach out and see if they can send it to you, but the shipping will be pricey!! Sometimes you will get very lucky. (i got the APC madras for cheap, seller was going to sell it to me for 95, but since the shipping was almost 50 dollars, they reduced the price so that the total was 95 instead of only the dress!)
Hope this is helpful at least in the slightest, but im not sure if its different for zoe exacts! (as ive only been interested in finding like 3 but im focusing on vi exacts so trying not to buy those yet lol)
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shutup-andletme-go · 1 year ago
hey bestie i lost my voice hows life
oh no I hope it comes back soon!! (What did u do to lose your voice?)
anyway I got co-opted into playing in the orchestra performance this afternoon at the big fair and so bc I didn't have my music folder, and they didn't have the right music for me, I played using 3 different folders, two of glockenspiel and one first violin ... I also completely sight read 2 out of the 5 pieces lol I got skillssssss
anyway I wore this kinda lacy top that's like a t-shirt but sorta see-through and my friend group (who are all younger than me 😭) was going "ITS SUPPOSED TO BE SMART CASUAL DRESS , that isn't smart or casual" so I asked what it was and he considered and went "smart and revealing" lmfao ok year 8
Then I found this amazing stall and nearly nearly bought a key chain that said "gay as fuck" on it but my brother was like "No you don't have keys you don't need a key chain" :( some of us like to have fun bro. Instead i got a notebook for my friend and a sticker that says
a sticker that says
"Can we fix it? No it's fucked!" with a little image of Bob the builder it was the best $5 I've ever spent
then I bought this prettttyyyy necklace for $20 (stupid me thats expensive) ill send u a photo
and then I got a little TOOTHLESS CARVED OUT OF CRYSTAL HE'S SO CUTE I'm giving him to my friend who's bday party it is tonight
Her party is circus themed so I'm going as a trapeze artist bc I literally just went to the opshop and bought a top and skirt and hair clip im pretty lazy abt costumes cos I can't visualise what it'll look like finished so I don't do it
but also I'm kinda worried the top is too low cut but that's a problem for future me to think about
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