#So I may not have gotten the start of this scene/ certain elements right
astrobolical · 11 months
A (Hopefully) Helpful Guide to What in "Hell" is Bad?
Part 3 - Chapters, Levels and Dark Sanctuary
Last Updated: Oct 30, 2023
I have a mild love of documentation (okay, it’s a problem) and I find it fun— so here we go! I’ve hopefully written out most of the options you’ll encounter while playing, as I know it’s been a confusing start with the game coming out in the state that it did.
And let’s be real here, most gacha-style games can feel overwhelming at first, especially if you’re new to them overall. It happens, and with all the questions I’ve seen floating about, I wanted to maybe help someone out, as well as have some fun. Or this’ll flop, either way, still fun.
There will absolutely be things I’ve missed, or glossed over— or even gotten wrong— so feel free to ask about anything, tell me things, or correct me.
For full transparency— I have spent money on this game, but I have not “whaled” whatsoever. I wanted to test certain things, and I have a strong sense of curiousity.
Looking for another part of the game? Check out the other parts:
Part 1 - General Overview, Achievements and Contracts
Part 2 - My Devils, Levelling, Skills and Artifacts
Part 3 - You Are Here!
Part 4 - Unit Types, Elements, Battle Boards & Battle Tips
Part 5 - Shop, Secret Shop, Inventory and Management
Part 6 - Secret Club (Adore), Secret Club (Unholy Board), Hell-Oh! Talk
Now, let's continue!
Go to Hell - Chapters
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When you select “Go to Hell” or “Story” you’ll be taken to the Chapter Select screen— this is where the story is! And where all those H-Scenes we’re all itching for (the depraved sinners we are), are hidden away in.
You must complete all levels in a chapter to unlock the next— but you do not need to clear every level perfectly
This means you also need to at least open all sub-stories, too, in order to unlock the next chapter
I recommend reading them— there’s actually a lot of little nuances learned in some of them, especially the chats which are very information heavy, but you can also skip any story scenes using the menu in the top right corner
Once completed, the chains will be removed from the next chapter, allowing you to continue
Easy, right? Let’s take a look at the actual level select.
Go to Hell - Story and Battle Levels
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Here’s what we’re all here for (outside of collecting sexy devils)— the story. Once you’ve selected your chapter, you’ll find a long line of levels contained within.
Types of Levels
Story - These are simply levels that continue the story from where you last left off. These cost no AP to read— so feel free to go back whenever you’d like
Battle - Usually around 5-6 placed between each story level, these are where your units are put to the test! We’ll talk about these more soon. They have a varying AP cost that grows per chapter
What the heck are these sub-story things?
They’re additional story— and these have indicators of what you can expect within them.
MH Sub-Stories - These follow our human buddy, left behind and waiting for us— Minhyeok! I won’t spoil what exactly goes on in these, but the poor boy is often very embarrassed. Such a loyal guy!
CHAT Sub-Stories - These are text-talks, usually with Sitri and Ppyong but they’ll bring others in here and there— the text moves fast, though! You may need to scroll back up to read what the heck was even said once it’s over
H Sub-Stories - These are what the sinners are looking for, the ones who want to see what the devils want to do to MC— these tend to be given in the order you meet the devils themselves, at least so far, so you can have an idea of who is in it before you get there
Each level that you complete will unlock the next, just like we saw on the chapter screen.
Level Requirements & Rewards
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When you tap on a battle level, you’ll be shown some details about it before you actually enter.
Recommended Elements - Each level has devil elements that are more favourable to bring, and they let you know before you enter— sometimes it does make a difference, if you’re challenging a level with a higher requirement than your current team
Obtainable Rewards - I’ll touch on these in a moment, but they’re visible along the bottom, just above the “Let me in!” Button
Level ‘Requirement’ - This is the level they suggest your team to be at to beat this level— often I’ve ignored these and tried anyway, to positive results. As long as you try, there’s a good chance you’ll get through it if you’re strategic enough— but we’ll get to that
Level Cost - Each level has an AP cost, and it raises as the levels rise in difficulty (usually per chapter)
Okay, I want the rewards!
Each level varies with rewards given, with higher difficulty levels obviously giving better rewards.
There are three types of reward given!
Repeatable Reward - Rewards that will be given each time you complete a level, if you so choose (usually this is Pure Gold and Crowley’s Books, but sometimes there is things like candy boxes and other useful items)
First-Clear Reward - Usually Guilty Gems, but this reward is only given once!
Perfect-Clear Reward - Another that’s only given once, and again typically Guilty Gems, but you’ll only get it if you perfectly clear it— meaning none of your devils died in the battle!
How do you know if you've cleared a level perfectly?
You can see a "P" pinned to the level, indicating it's already complete so you don't need to click to view it. If there's no "P" pinned, it means when you first completed that level, unfortunately one or more of your devils didn't survive!
Dark Sanctuary
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This place is where I personally spend most of my AP— and where you’ll grind for various items.
In the Dark Sanctuary, no matter what items you’re after, you’ll be fighting large bosses (with additional enemies at higher difficulties). I’ll cover what to expect from these in the Battle Section(s).
Portal for Jelly
This option is for the Promotion material(s) we saw during our delve into devil management, for each element.
Each Type is opened at different times— so one day the element you need may not be available, but there’ll be an indicator of when it’ll be open next
Each Element is separated into three difficulties - Easy, Normal and Hard (with three levels in each), and you’ll find varied rewards between them. You can see the rewards in the top-left corner when you select them, but let’s list them out here.
Remember, the type you get is based on the element that is currently opened and that you’ve selected!
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You can see the amount you will receive of the primary drop (the food) under the level icon itself. (I.e. Normal lvl1 will give you 2 gummies, lvl2 giving 3 gummies, etc.)
Chewy Devil Jellybean
Random Devil Jellybean Chest (Starting at the second level of the difficulty!)
Only available once all Easy levels are complete!
Squashy Devil Gummy
Random Devil Gummy Chest
Only available once all Normal levels are complete!
Bouncy Devil Pudding
Random Bouncy Devil Pudding Chest
Jellybeans/Gummies/Puddings are used for promoting your devils, or unlocking nodes on the Unholy Board (we’ll get there). The random chests will give you additional of the item in a random element when used.
Necronomicons we’ll get to when we talk about the shop! But trust me, they’re good to stock up on.
Portal for Pure Gold
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Like it says, this is where we’ll grind for Pure Gold. It’s a lot more straight forward than the Jellies— because you’ll always be getting Pure Gold, just more of it.
Once again, you’ll need to complete each level before being allowed to move onto the next difficulty.
Just like with the “food” items, you can see how much Pure Gold you’ll receive upon completion just below the icon for the level you’re selecting.
Available Items
Pure Gold
Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced Pure Gold Chest (Will give you a random amount of Pure Gold when used)
That’s about it! Much more simple than Jelly— this is where you grind for Pure Gold, and that’s that!
Portal for the Magic Book of Crowley
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Just like Pure Gold— this is just for grinding the one singular item, this time, books! Just beat the levels in order to unlock higher difficulties.
Available Items
Magic Book of Crowley
Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced Crowley’s Magic Book Chest (Will give you a random amount of Magic Books when used)
Just like with the “food” items, you can see how many Magic Books of Crowley you’ll receive upon completion just below the icon for the level you’re selecting.
TBA! Once I can even get into it!
Next, in Part 4, we'll start to delve more into the battle mechanics!
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maetheartist · 4 months
Hi I copy and pasted my last rp callout for Resident Evil 4, if you noticed, no you didn’t
Hi there! My name is Mae, pleasure to meet anyone who happens to come across this post- I am a young artist, hopping right back into Resident Evil 4 after the hype died down- yes, I joined last minute, I know… but I may or may have not gotten attached to a certain someone and am down horribly for- Major Krauser - AHEM. BUT ANYWAYS, I am looking for some people to rp with for the drama, romance and ships alike! I am dying to find fellow people who share my interests and are willing to hear me out on the concept ideas I made for Resident Evil 4! But nonetheless, let’s get right into it, ladies and gentlemen! :DD and yes, I rewrote my shit, new rules!
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So here are the rules
Lets start off with requirements and rules!
Self-inserts are welcome!
Have a semiliterate writing style, proper grammar, and use quotations marks.
I roleplay on discord, I will not be role playing anywhere else.
Do not try and convince me to do anything that goes against what I have as my personal rules… if you are a decent human being, I humbly ask of you to please respect my boundaries, and I’ll respect yours!
If you want to have an rp… please send me a writing sample of yours so I can get an understanding of how you write, and see if I wanna work with it. It’s not required! But highly preferred and appreciated!
No Mary Sues or Gary Sues, please, it is literally not any fun if your OC is too OP and has no weaknesses, just no, I will point it out in the RP if it Happens.
No Incest or Sexual Assault themes in role plays, a hard no.
No smut. If there is to be a smut scene in an rp, there will be a time skip to after the scene, no during it, no nada, only before and after scenes, I will NOT be writing two of our characters doing the nasty baby making ritual. 😭
No… but…
No Smut, definitely not… but suggestive and flirtatious dialogue is allowed! If there are to be any sexual scenes to happen, there will be time skips.
No controlling my OCs! but I can understand describing things like rain on their skin and certain pains they feel on their body.
No one sentence or very short replies… but I understand a small sentence or two, but don't do it the whole RP.
Do not keep the whole spotlight only to your character and their ship Partner, it is not Fair.
My writing style is Semi-literate, I prefer semi-literate writers over text talk writers unless it’s OCC.
Don’t what that is? Here!
Semi-Literate example:
The Moon goddess her lake from the bridge, sighing in contentment as she turned her attention to the moonlight reflecting the water’s surface with a soft gaze. "The best place to be for the silence is here..."
Text-talk example:
*Suijin looked at her confused* what do you mean? *She raised a brow*
Stuff I do and prefer!
I enjoy roleplaying fluff, romance, platonic relationships, action, and or comedic stuff!
I accept OC x Cannon, OC x OC and Cannon x Cannon ships! I also heavily encourage self-serts!
AUs are welcome! Though when I say AUs, I mean the fairly common ones like Yandere AU, Enemies to lovers AU, etc, etc. BUT! I’ll always be open to hearing out whatever you bring to the table!
Paragraphs? WHERE?!? Paragraphs are something I am absolutely down for, and I love them in roleplays! Especially when they are very detailed! I do em too and I would love it if someone else did as well!
If you know what Resident Evil 4 is all about… then you already know, violence and gore is definitely allowed, lol. Dark elements too, as long as they fit under the resident evil dark category.
Characters I’m able to play!
Leon S. Kennedy
Ashley Graham
Jack Krauser
Ramon Salazar
Luis Sierra
Bitores Mendez
Lord Saddler
Ada Wong
Ingrid Hunnigan
The Merchant
Characters I’d like you to play, if possible!
Jack Krauser (Top of my list because I’d very much would like to do an OC x Jack Krauser ship, lol)
Lord Saddler
Bitores Mendez
Ingrid Hunnigan
Ada Wong
The roles can be negotiated before an rp, we can switch stuff up depending n what you’d like to rp, I am flexible with who I play as! but I fear the only ship I will not be doing is Jack Krauser x Leon S Kennedy, I don’t know, it makes me uncomfortable as I see them with a Jim Hawkins and John Silver relationship, sorry! (I hope someone out there knows treasure planet to know what I mean.)
If you worry about getting responses back to me late- don’t get too worked up over it, we all have lives outside of the internet, and we just have to accept the fact that we can’t always be available! But do keep in mind that it’s good to let your friends online know that you may have to disappear for it bit, it also lets me know you’ll be busy for a bit! :D
If you want to RP with me, that’s great! I rp in Discord as it helps to organize everything, and if you’re interested and would like more questions- shoot me a dm, and I’ll answer when I can, thank you, and a have a wonderful day!
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
First of all, I'd like you to know that I'm a fan of your story.
However, I don't want to sound mean at all, and maybe it's just my own interpretation, but I get the impression that you've somehow taken certain traits from Layla/Aisha and put them in Flora? As I said above, I don't mean any harm, it's just my point of view, it's just that as a Winx Club fan, I find it a bit sad. For example, Aisha/Layla is a dancer, which you've kept, but you've mainly given the role of dancer to Flora. Although she's a ballet dancer only and you kept Aisha/Layla dance talents quite diverse, in one season we very clearly see her dancing ballet if my memory serves me right.
The same goes for combat and training. I may be wrong but, in the fourth season, when the Winx are doing their Winxology course, Aisha/Layla is the only one not doing magic and Tecna says "Layla is showing us that magic isn't everything. Training and healthy lifestyles are the secret to facing any challenge", so I think it's really sad that you're removing that aspect of her. Of course, I'm aware that this is your rewrite of Winx Club and that you don't always follow the elements of the show, but Layla/Aisha, from the moment she arrived, had shown that she was a resourceful girl and that she wouldn’t take sh*t from people. I'm going to say it again, but this message isn't meant to be mean, far from it. I tend to be defensive towards Layla/Aisha as I've seen plenty of people disregarding her or simply ignore her or dislike her for arriving after the first season (yes, just for that). Obviously I know you're not one of those people. I was just wondering why you decided not to let her have those aspects of her.
Also, sorry about the name changes, I grew up with Layla so I'm used to it but knowing that her real name is Aisha, it feels a bit weird not calling her that.
Sorry for the long message too… 😅
Anyway…. Happy Pride Month!!! 🏳️‍🌈
So, tbh, the dance thing is just smth that I decided to give both of them. Maybe I’ve given Flora a few more scenes actually dancing but due to Aisha’s plotlines there hasn’t been a lot of time to show her dancing, but that should change in s4 since it will be a lot calmer.
S2 was to introduce Aisha and establish all of her dynamics with all of the girls and the guys so that was my priority for her character in s2, not really showing the details of her personality, just the overall traits of loyalty, overcoming trauma and becoming confident in herself and her place in the group
S3 is just packed to the brim with plot, there is shit constantly going down, dynamics shifting and just so much going on I haven’t gotten the chance to include a lot of more quiet moments and when I have quiet moments, I tend to focus on friendships and relationships to have some breathing room, due to that I haven’t gotten the chance to show the interests and those kinds of things of… really any character, or if I do get to show those interests, they are very much in passing unfortunately. (Also a lot of Aisha’s quiet moments in S3 have been to deepen her bonds with Flora and Brandon and for her blooming relationship with Nabu)
So between those 2, I haven’t really gotten the chance to give Aisha more quiet moments to show off her passions.
That’s what s4 will be for. Not just for Aisha but for all of them. There will still be quite a bit of plot happening in s4 but it won’t be nearly as crazy as s3 has been. Also it’s going to be a very big part of s4 to have the gang starting to figure out what they want to do with their lives (since they will be on their second-to-last year at Alfea/Red Fountain) so we will get to delve more into all of their interests and passions and life crisis in s4. Which includes Aisha!
As for the fighting thing, I never really saw Aisha as a physical fighter if that makes sense. To me she is a dancer and the reason I made Flora a fighter was mostly to have a little activity that was solely hers and Riven’s. It has to do more with their friendship (Riven teaching her to set her boundries and Flora teaching him to be more vulnerable) than with Flora herself if that makes sense.
I hope that all made sense!
Happy Pride Month to you too!
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some-cookie-crumbz · 4 years
Howl’s Moving Castle AU for Toshinko please!!
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This is absolutely adorable~! I hope you don’t mind that I went with one scene, and I hope that I did it justice regardless~! x3
She hated having to go out on the city streets alone. She wasn’t brave and bold like Mitsuki, or delicate and ambivalent like Rei. When Mitsuki went out, men knew better than to try and make a pass at her. She would snarl and roar like a beast, tearing into a man’s fragile ego as if they were made of damp tissue paper. Meanwhile, Rei was a master at playing oblivious. Men would try to coo and fawn over her, but she would pretend not to understand their meaning until they just gave up. Midoriya Inko, however, had none of those skills. She was meek and easily intimidated, hesitant to engage in conflict and even more hesitant to defend herself. She preferred to keep her head down and focus on her work as opposed to go out and interact with the loud patrons of their hat shoo.
When she did go out, she found herself in situations such as this.
"It's okay, dear," one of the two soldiers said, taking a step closer. On instinct she stepped back, driving herself further into the alley and farther from the busy chatter of the marketplace. It was a poor move on her part. The more isolated she was, the easier prey she became. “We just want to chat with you a little.”
“Yeah,” the other chirped, stepping closer on her other side, “we just want to talk a little. Maybe buy you a drink.”
She shook her head and tried to step back and to the side, unable to make words come out. She knew what they were trying to do, she wasn’t stupid. If they blocked out any chance for escape, she’d have no choice but to play their game by their rules. And that thought was terrifying.
“Hey now, we’re just trying to be nice here, little rabbit,” the first one groused, an aggressiveness coming to his tone. She could feel her legs starting to wobble as she curled her arms more tightly into her chest, pressing the bag of hat trimmings she'd been picking up closer to herself. What should she do? Should she try shouting for help? If she did, would any even come? Or would they just claim she was being hysterical over a simple invitation?
And suddenly, there was a warm hand enveloping one shoulder and the firm feel of another form against her other and a portion of her back. “Ah, there you are, darling,” a deep, mirthful voice said, “I was looking everywhere for you.”
Shock registered in the faces of the two guards as they stared from her to the newcomer. She herself stole a glance up and felt her breath catch. The eyes that glanced down at her were a deep, luminous blue settled in a chiseled face and slicked back blonde hair with two lone bangs framing his face. The smile he sported was wide and inviting, making some of the tension leave her body. “Who the Hell are you?” shouted the first guard, scowling at them bitterly.
“Ah, where are my manners! Thank you both so much for looking after my darling for me,” he said warmly, leaning a bit closer to her. He loomed over her, but unlike these men, she didn’t feel the uncomfortable prickle of danger. Despite how much larger and stronger he was, she got the distinct feeling that if she wanted to break away from him he would let her do so.
What a strange man, indeed.
The second guard narrowed his own eyes before they snapped open wide and he sucked in a breath through his teeth. “Wait, this guy is-!” he cut off with a small choked noise as her blonde associate lifted his other hand and waggled a finger, causing both guards to stand straight as they had at their post before following Inko.
He dipped his head. “I think the pair of you should be along. You wouldn’t want to risk some ruffians making trouble while you dilly-dally where you aren’t wanted,” he mused, voice still warm but with an authoritative undercurrent. With stiff, wonky movements and quiet grumbled protests the pair turned and started marching back towards where they’d come. Her companion leaned a bit closer. “I apologize for them. A man should never go trying to bully a woman around like that.”
She opened her mouth to say it was okay or that she should be used to it but thought better of it as his grip slacked from her shoulder. "Thank you," she said instead, allowing genuine gratitude to trickle into her voice.
He smiled broad and warm, making her stomach flutter pleasantly. "Where are you off to? I'll escort you there personally," he said as he shifted to take her hand in his own. His were calloused and so much larger than hers, but they were warm and grounding.
"Oh, um, back to my work. The local hat shoo," she explained, allowing him to pull her closer and lead her along.
He dipped his head again to whisper low, "Not to alert you, but I am being followed. Just act normal and we will be fine." His instructions were simple and she forced herself to walk with him despite the unrest kicking back up inside her.
Their steps were precise but also at a leisurely brisk pace, hinting nothing. With each step, however, Inko could hear low, almost animal-like groans cropping up behind them. Her companion picked his pace up a bit, moving to curl his other hand around her wrist. At the other end of the alley, a hulking figure with beady eyes and jagged fangs and what seemed to be an exposed brain appeared, looming towards them.
She couldn't hold in a sharp gasp of horror, pressing closer to her escort.
"I apologize. It seems you've become a part of this now," he said. He took a sharp left down another corridor while drawing her in closer. As they headed down that alleyway, even more of the strange creatures loomed from the shadows towards them, blocking the new exit they’d found. “Hold on tight.” he advised before he released her hand to loop around her waist, pressing her flush against him, and leapt.
And suddenly they were high up in the air, floating above even the rooftops.
“O-Oh, goodness,” she breathed, looking down at the people beneath them.
“It’s okay, I have you,” he reassured, relinquishing his grip around her waist to instead hold both her hands. “Just straighten your legs and walk.” She hesitated a moment before doing as he said, looking at his own legs moving as if on the solid ground and matching him. A small giggle escaped her as she walked, her feet feeling as if there were invisibly cobblestones beneath them with each step. “There you go!” he praised with an excited chuckle, leaning over so they could lock gazes. “You are a natural.”
They kept going over the throngs of dancers and merriment beneath, leaping briefly from a tall point of one tall tower, gliding through the air as gracefully as a bird. Before she knew it, his feet touched the wooden gating of the second floor of the hat shoo, twirling her like a dancer to set her on the patio proper. “Sir,” she breathed softly, clutching his hand a bit tighter as she turned to face him fully.
“I will lead those unpleasant creatures far from here, but you should still wait a bit before going back outside,” he warned, slowly pulling his hand back from hers.
She found herself missing the warmth almost immediately. “Okay. And, thank you, um,” she trailed while tilting her head, hoping it would be enough to get a proper answer.
“My name is a dangerous thing in these parts, I’m afraid. But, I can promise that we shall meet again, darling,” he said, offering a grin before leaping backwards off the sill. She threw herself against the railing to call after him, scanning below for him but found nothing. There wasn’t even the faintest hint of golden hair or his red, white and blue checkered cape in the crowd.
Her stomach flipped as her mind suddenly called the significance of those colors up. That man was Yagi Toshinori, the fabled warlock.
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sokkastyles · 4 years
Abused kids are often not aware of or have trouble regulating their own emotions but tend to, conversely, be hyper aware of and tapped into the emotions of others. This is a survival mechanism in people who grow up with an abusive parent, because any sudden changes in the mood of the parent could indicate danger. See the scenes of Zuko when he is with Ozai, particularly in "The Awakening" and in the flashback to the war meeting in "The Phoenix King," when Zuko carefully measures his responses to his father's praise, because even accepting praise is dangerous and could be a trap.
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Although Zuko is often oblivious in social interactions, he actually shows a pretty keen insight when it comes to mediating and understanding what the others need once he joins the gaang. He figures out that the loss of his firebending is connected to his change of coat, he helps Aang overcome his fear of fire at the same time he overcomes his own mental blocks with regard to his element, and he realizes that Sokka will go on a foolhardy mission to rescue his father no matter how much Zuko warns him that it's dangerous, so he resolves to go with him. Particularly in "The Southern Raiders" he pretty astutely figures out that the source of Katara's anger was her unresolved feelings about her mother's murder, and knew how to help her. He also shows keen insight into what Katara needs. Aang, though he means well, responds to Katara with moralizing that just makes her angrier and more determined to go her own way. Zuko offers her the means and lets her lead the way, and defends her to Aang after Katara had made it clear she did not agree with Aang. Zuko, in fact, gets angry at Aang on Katara's behalf, and interestingly, Katara, the person who regularly told off anyone who ever said a bad word to Aang and who, a few episodes ago, threatened to kill Zuko himself if he ever hurt Aang, says nothing in response to Zuko’s sarcastic words to Aang, only thanks Aang for understanding in a tone that implies that she doesn’t think Aang understands at all.
Zuko also seems to be aware of the tension between Katara and Aang at the end of the episode, as he purposefully leaves Katara on Ember Island and goes to speak to Aang himself about what happened when they confronted Yon Rha. This implies not only that Zuko knew Katara needed space to process her feelings, but that he knew that Aang and Katara would need time away from each other after the angry way they parted, and it also implies that Zuko wanted to explain Katara's perspective to Aang, fearing that Aang would misunderstand. Aang actually misunderstands anyway, wrongly assuming that Katara had forgiven Yon Rha, and Katara angrily tells him that she will never forgive her mother's murderer, but does forgive Zuko.
Zuko tells Aang that he was right about Katara, although that is contradicted by what Katara just said and the events of the episode. I know some people theorize that this was a result of a lack of unity in the writing, but I also don't think it's out of character for Zuko to say this, even though he also ultimately disagrees with Aang's stance on violence. Zuko is again playing a mediator role and playing both sides a bit, because the episode positions him between Aang and Katara, but he also leaves Aang with a challenge to his moral absolutism.
So I don't think it's a stretch to assume that in the very next episode, Zuko was also picking up on some tension between Aang and Katara when he sat between them. I'm not sure he knows about Aang's romantic feelings for Katara - although he would when he hears his actor on stage call Katara "the Avatar's girl" and sees Aang nod. But he does seem to pick up on Aang's irritation being about more than just a taken seat, as he responds with unprompted anger. Zuko also takes note of Aang’s increasing anger throughout the play, with a concerned expression on his face. 
Remember what I said about abused kids being hypersensitive to the changing moods of others? It might be that, or Zuko might be feeling anxious about his role in the play and feeling like he doesn’t deserve forgiveness, or it might be that Zuko is hyper aware of the conflict between Katara and Aang carried over from the last episode to this one.
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Actually, this shot is particularly interesting because the rest of the gaang is laughing at the portrayal of Toph, including Katara, until Toph shows that she’s pleased by the play’s portrayal of her. Then we see Katara frown, her attention shifting to Aang. 
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Katara is unhappy that her attempt to get even with Toph backfired, then when she notices Aang as the camera pans to her left, she looks even more unhappy. Then we see the shot above of Zuko looking at Aang with clear concern over the situation. I’m pretty sure that Zuko is aware that something is going on between Katara and Aang at this point. Especially since Aang’s anger at being played by a girl (which is made worse by Toph’s happiness at being played by a boy) is linked to his insecurity about his relationship with Katara, and the play keeps making jokes about it, meant for us to feel sorry for Aang for being put in the “little brother” zone.
I think Zuko was generally anxious going into the play. You can see when they walk in that he has his hood pulled up, to hide his face, because he's aware there's a chance someone will recognize him. So even before the play starts, with its incriminating and humiliating portrayal of him, he is probably already on alert and wants to draw as little attention to himself as possible. Aang's outburst is the kind of thing that would draw attention, and Zuko tries to minimize the attention by insisting that Aang just sit next to him. Zuko also reacts with defensive anger, as he is wont to do when he is anxious or upset, which of course would have the opposite effect from drawing attention away from them. But Aang acquiesces in frustration, and Katara, interestingly, notices the dispute, but just like when Zuko defended her to Aang in "The Southern Raiders," says nothing. Katara also is facing away, fidgety, and looks unhappy while the confrontation is going on. This is also consistent with (and probably contributed to) the way Katara reacts to Aang’s pushiness and accusations later on.
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Zuko spends much of the back part of season three physically close to Katara, which is a visual way for the animators to show how close they have grown. It’s not necessarily an indication of romantic Zutara, although there is nothing wrong with interpreting it that way, and I find it hilarious how threatened some people are by shippers gushing over the idea that he wanted to sit next to her, particularly in this episode because this episode actually intentionally plays up the “love triangle” for the purposes of getting the audience to sympathize with Aang and root for him to “get the girl.” Regardless of whether we interpret it in a romantic context, I think it is a good indication of how Zuko feels about Katara once he has gotten her forgiveness. Given Zuko’s social ineptitude, it would make sense that he would be likely to want to stick close to the people he felt closest to, especially in situations where he is surrounded by potentially hostile strangers. Witness his behavior in “The Beach,” where he spent most of the time awkwardly glued to Mai’s side and it was when he was separated from Mai at the party that he ran into trouble with the other partygoers, who make fun of him. That might explain why Zuko, although he comes from the opposite direction when they enter the theater as everyone else does, walks all the way down the end of the aisle to sit next to Katara. 
It might also explain why he wants to sit in between Katara and Aang, as these are the two people who he now feels closest to. It also is very likely that he is subconsciously picking up on the tension between Katara and Aang, which comes to a head later in this very episode. It’s worth noting that Zuko is often positioned physically between Katara and Aang throughout this episode, which is meant to communicate to the audience Aang’s anxiety over Katara not returning his feelings (and Zuko plays an indirect part in that, or at least, his stage actor does).
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Zuko is also positioned narratively between Aang and Katara as a mediator and comfort to Katara after her fight with Aang in the very next episode, “The Phoenix King,” in which Zuko tells Katara to let Aang figure things out for himself when he runs away after yelling at Katara.
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So no, I don’t think the deliberate positioning of Zuko in between Aang and Katara is a coincidence, nor is it “lol Zuko is clueless!” I’m actually very tired of seeing people talk about how clueless Zuko is, especially since a lot of his reactions come from trauma. Even if Zuko didn’t pick up on Aang’s romantic feelings towards Katara he very obviously picks up on and reacts to and interacts with the dynamic between them. And it’s very telling that certain fans will complain about the “infantilization” of Zuko when it’s traits that make him seem sympathetic, but then talk about a traumatized abuse survivor as if they’re completely incompetent.
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Word count: 2150
Warnings: tickling, fluff
Ok, this one is a little different than the others I've written; it's about the actual cast (specifically our fav British actor Mr. Hiddleston 😉)
* * *
“And… cut! Alright, let’s move on to the next battle scene then.”
The voice of the director echoing through the set snapped you out of your thoughts. You stood up and stretched a little, preparing to film the first scene of the day that you’d be part of. Script in hand, you joined the other cast members on the set for the scene briefing.
It still felt surreal that you had actually gotten to this point. You had signed up for an audition the moment you’d heard this role was open, figuring you could at least get some exposure by trying out for a big-name movie like a Marvel movie. As an up-and-coming actress, you needed all the exposure you could get. Never in a million years did you think you’d actually land a part in the movie, let alone the role of a supporting character.
You were trying desperately to get over being star-struck by the actors and actresses you were working with. They were all surprisingly down-to-earth, nothing like you’d expected from such famous stars as these. The moment you’d arrived on set, they had welcomed you with open arms as they had all the cast members, no matter how small their role was. They’d been trying to get you to relax a little, to see them as friends and coworkers rather than A-list celebrities. And you were trying – really­ trying – but you were still pretty shy and reserved off-set.
“Ready for your first shoot of the day?” Chris Hemsworth asked as you approached the crowd of cast members standing in the middle of the set.
“Uh… yeah, I think so!” you replied uncertainly. You glanced down at the script in your hands. This particular scene didn’t have many lines, as it was mostly an action scene, but those were the scenes you tended to struggle with. You had gotten good at getting into character when you had to have conversations, but you really had to think hard about how your character would move in battle.
“Come on, you have to say it like you mean it!” he chided, grasping your shoulders in emphasis. “Try again – are you ready?”
“Yes sir!” you shouted. He laughed heartily, releasing you with a final pat on the shoulder.
“Alright, it may be a battle scene, but you aren’t a soldier. We’ll work on it.” The flowing crimson cape of his costume swished along the floor as he turned to find his place in the circle of cast members. You followed suit, slipping into an opening right beside Tom Hiddleston. He glanced at you with a warm smile, which you returned timidly.
“He can be a bit overenthusiastic sometimes, can’t he?” Tom whispered. You nodded, looking across to where Chris was now casually twirling his hammer by the strap on one finger. “He is right, though. I’m certain you’ll do just fine. Give yourself a little credit.”
“Thanks,” you said appreciatively. You turned to face the director as he reviewed the upcoming scene.
It was a pretty standard fight scene by Marvel standards. Your character was battling alongside Thor and Loki as the villain attempted to slip past your defenses to gain access to Odin’s vault of magic artifacts. Magic, explosions, weapon-swinging… the whole works. There were a complex number of camera angles included in the scene, which meant a lot of stopping and restarting of filming to change position.
Physically, this type of scene was exhausting. It required a lot of ducking, jumping, and running, not to mention a LOT of falling. It wasn’t uncommon for you to go home with a few scrapes and bruises after this type of active scene. Like Chris and Tom, you insisted on doing your own stunt work. It wasn’t like you were jumping from buildings or anything like that; you knew you could handle this yourself.
“Ok, next clip!” the director called out, prompting you to prepare for the most difficult part of the scene. In this part, your character is standing a bit too close to an explosion and is thrown backward into Loki, who catches you before you fall backward onto the ground. You stood still as the stunt crew hooked you up to the wire that would yank you backward.
“Nervous?” Tom asked, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“A little, maybe. Is it fun, being dragged around on the wire?” you inquired.
“It’s a bit like riding a roller coaster. Except… you’re not in a cart, and you may crash into things.”
“Hmm. Comforting.” He patted your shoulder firmly a couple of times before walking past you to get into position for the shot.
“Alright, y/n, we’re not going to count down for you – we need a genuine element of surprise in this scene. Got it?”
“Understood,” you confirmed. Your heart was racing with adrenaline, anticipating the moment you would feel the rope tug you backward. Not to mention, Tom was going to be the one to catch you. Your heart fluttered a bit more at that thought.
It felt like minutes went by, although it was probably only seconds. Suddenly you felt the harness under your costume tighten around your waist as the wire finally pulled you backward. True to character, your arms flailed out as your heels slid backward across the floor for a millisecond before Tom caught you, sliding his hands under your outstretched arms to hold you up.
The sudden gentle pressure of his fingertips under your arms tickled like hell. Your knees buckled a little and you yelped in surprise. Tom lowered you to the ground, giving you a moment to rest after your first take.
“The fall was perfect, y/n, but try not to bend your knees like that when Tom catches you. Remember, you’re supposed to be a fierce warrior; your character would jump right back up to their feet,” the director called from off set. You avoided Tom’s gaze as he helped you to regain your footing.
“Did I hurt you? You shouted when I caught you,” he asked, concern weighing in his tone.
“No! Nope, I’m fine, sorry. Just got nervous. First take and all, you know?” you responded quickly, trying to hide your blush.
“Understandable. I recall the first time I was pulled down to the floor by a wire during the infamous ‘Hulk smash’ scene…” he chuckled. “I’m just glad I didn’t hurt you.”
You set up for a second take, this time heart pounding for different reasons. How embarrassing would it be if Tom found out what really happened there? You needed to focus more this time.
This time, when the wire grew taught, you were at least prepared for the swooping sensation in your stomach as you slid backward. Once again, Tom caught you right on cue, his hands lifting your upper body up from under your arms. It still caught you off guard how much it tickled. You let a giggle slip out and went limp in his arms again, nearly causing him to drop you to the floor.
“Cut!” The director walked closer to you and Tom so you could hear him better. “Don’t forget – don’t bend your knees. And it’s probably breaking character to be grinning like that after getting launched by an explosion.”
“I know it’s fun doing stunts and all, but you have to think like your character even during the action scenes,” Tom advised, helping you up off the floor once again.
“It’s not that! I just… never mind,” you mumbled, feeling your cheeks burning again. Tom raised his eyebrows at you in confusion.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” he asked, ducking down to catch your gaze as you stared down at your feet.
“Promise. I’ll get it this time,” you assured.
You both set up for take three, this time determined you would get it completely right. You gritted your teeth, trying to envision the actual explosion they’d be adding with CGI later. The wire tugged, and you flew backward once again into Tom’s waiting arms. You almost maintained your composure, until he started to pull you to your feet, fingertips digging into the hollows under your arms. You shrieked, letting out a few more giggles as you stumbled forward to evade his fingers.
“Cut!” You steeled yourself and turned around to look at Tom, who was giving you a confused look. You shot him a look of apology.
“Am I missing a joke? Did Hemsworth put you up to something?” Tom asked, placing his hands on his hips, a grin tugging at his lips. Even after you ruined the take three times in a row, he only used the kindest tone with you. You couldn’t lie to him.
“No… I just… when you slide your hands under my arms to catch me, it… it sort of tickles. A lot,” you mumbled sheepishly. You risked a glance up from the floor to look at Tom, whose eyes had lit up with understanding.
“Ahh! Now it all makes sense!” he exclaimed. “Well, I do apologize; it was not my intention to tickle you. I’ll try not to this take.” He shot you a mischievous wink, not unlike his character.
“Thanks… I’ll try to keep my composure this time,” you promised.
The director shouted additional directions and reminders to you as you set up for yet another take. As you got into position, you turned your head to look at Tom standing behind you. He grinned at you, although you couldn’t tell if it was a smile of encouragement or a mischievous smirk. Maybe it was the costume…
The wire tugged you backwards once again, and the outcome was the same. Tom even tried to catch you closer to your upper arms, but the sensation was still too much for you to handle. A rapid stream of giggles bubbled from your chest as your muscles weakened once again. Tom was laughing with you this time, though, now that he knew better.
“You did that on purpose!!” you exclaimed, spinning around to face him once you’d regained your footing.
“On purpose!?” His mouth dropped open in mock offense. “You think I did that on purpose?? Come here, and I’ll show you ‘on purpose.’” You shrieked, spinning around to run away, but he grabbed hold of your wrist before you could get very far. He tugged you backwards, trapping you against him in a bear hug.
“Wait!! C-can’t we talk about this?” you begged.
“Sorry, no can do.” Before you could protest further, Tom’s fingers were digging into your ribs, eliciting a startled squeal from you. He laughed out loud at your overzealous reaction. “Mahaybe… eheh… maybe this will help you get all the giggles out, hmm?”
“No, Tom, wahahait!!” you begged, folding into yourself and twisting around to break his hold without success.
“I apologize, my dear, but this is for your own good. Can’t have you continuing to mess up these takes, now can we?” His fingers darted up and down your sides and ribs, and your knees buckled beneath you, sinking to the floor. Tom followed you down, still holding fast while he continued to skitter his fingertips over your belly.
“Stahahap!!” you pleaded, grasping feebly at his wrists as laughter poured out of you.
“Now, honestly, y/n – this is supposed to be a battle scene and you’re laughing like a schoolgirl,” he teased, wrestling to hold you still while he continued to torment you. “How are we going to get through this scene if you don’t start taking it seriously?”
“THEN STAHAHAP TICKLING MEHEHE!” you retorted, yelping as his hands spidered higher up your ribcage.
“Oh, is that what I’m doing?” Tom wrapped one arm further around your ribs so he could pull your arms up, giving him unrestricted access under your arms. He scribbled maddeningly gently at the hollows, making you explode with uncontrollable laughter.
“OK! OK! IHIHI’LL GET IT RIGHT THIS TIHIHIME!!” you shouted. Deciding you’d had enough torture, Tom finally released you from his hold. You took a moment to catch your breath before looking up at your fellow castmates, who were smirking at you, much to your dismay. You felt heat rising to your face as you picked yourself up off the floor, turning to face a grinning Tom (who was looking more and more like Loki by the second with that mischievous gleam in his eye).
“Well then! I’ve had my fun for the day,” he announced casually.
“Thahat was so mean!” you groaned. He stepped closer, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and squeezing you in a one-armed hug for a moment.
“You know you loved every second of it,” he teased.
“Shut up, you,” you muttered, pushing him away jokingly. The two of you got back into position to try the take again.
This time, you got it right. Because honestly, nothing could have been worse than the torment he’d just put you through. But, if you were being honest with yourself, he was right - you had loved every second of it.
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skzsauce01 · 3 years
God’s Menu
Synopsis: Two chefs face off in the final dessert round. Who will come out on top, and who will be the next Cooking God? Cooking competition AU inspired by Chopped. Possible cooking/baking inaccuracies.
Warning: none
Word Count: 6.6k
Pairing: fem!reader x chef!Felix
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“Who will win and become the next Cooking God?”
This is not a laughing matter, but your nerves about the situation think otherwise. The bright lights of the studio kitchen and the multitude of cameras pointed at you make your pulse thrum at an even quicker pace than the last two rounds. With your opponent in front of you and the host right beside you, you grow increasingly on edge. It’s becoming more real by the second — a chance to win ten million won, your dream of opening your own bakery being fulfilled, your future studded with three Michelin stars.
You would say you didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at such a wild scenario, but clearly your body has already decided on that.
Since you’ve already bursted out laughing on the last two takes, you can’t exactly do it again. It’s so difficult though. The host Park Jae is chatty and humorous behind the scenes, but the solemn way he delivers the cheesy line is such a big contrast to himself. It doesn’t help that you can see his jaw trembling as he holds back his laughter. It’s almost an invitation.
With the grin on your face barely concealed, you say, “I will.”
In front of you, Chef Lee Felix replies, “Not a chance,” in an extra deep voice, his thick Australian accent shining through, taunting you to give up your cracking charade of calm.
“Chefs, open your baskets.”
As soon as the clapper is dropped, all three of you let loose into peals of laughter. Jae and Felix clutch onto each other for support, and you grab the nearby edge of the work surface to steady yourself. It’s all so silly. You wonder if Jae is like this on all episodes of God’s Menu or if he simply finds you and Felix especially fun to be around. Felix is a charmer, but you’re not certain if you feel that way because he’s rather attractive, the head chef of the two Michelin star restaurant Levanter, or simply because you feel like your insides have been reduced to cotton candy ever since you stepped inside the studio. Either way, the combination of you, Felix, and Jae has not been easy for the filming crew.
However, as the director calls for you and Felix to head to your stations, you steel yourself for the most important part of the competition. You glance at Felix once more to see how he’s faring, and he mouths, “Good luck,” at you. You smile back and hope that it’s reassuring enough.
“And… action!”
Jae resumes his professional television persona from the far end of the studio where the judges are sitting. “Chefs, open your baskets.”
With unsteady hands, you pull apart the flaps of the giant wicker basket. Then you immediately grimace once you see the four ingredients you have to use in your dessert. Strange foods are part of the competition, but you are always surprised by some of the things the producers put in the basket.
“You have to make a dessert with camel milk…”
You have used cow milk, goat milk, sheep milk, even buffalo milk once, but never camel. Hopefully, it has a similar composition and taste to one of those.
“Rose syrup…”
This is an ingredient you use daily in the upscale restaurant you work at, so you can possibly modify one of your recipes if the other two ingredients aren’t too absurd. Macarons will take too long, so maybe a decadent flourless rose and chocolate cake. You could easily incorporate the camel milk into a dense, fudgy cake.
“Beer flour…”
Never mind on the flourless cake. The cake idea may still be possible, but what on earth is beer flour? If it tastes anything like beer though, you might have to nix the idea altogether.
“And jalapeños.”
They are bright red and thus, extra spicy. Your first instinctive is to candy them and to use them as a garnish on your maybe-cake. The spice would cut through the sweetness and richness of the cake as well.
“Forty minutes on the clock, and your time starts… now!”
Your previous nervousness dissipates completely. Compartmentalizing while cooking, or soon to be baking in this case, has always been a relatively easy feat for you; your mind forgets the rest of the world and refocuses on the task at hand.
While Felix heads straight to the pantry for his additional ingredients, you tear open the package of beer flour with your knife. Unfortunately for you, it smells exactly like old beer, so you forgo your initial idea. You warily eye the clock and calculate the time needed for the plan you have just created. If you’re quick in the kitchen, you could make a good tart. All the basket ingredients can easily be used for one purpose or another.
Yeah, you think you’ll do that.
As you rush to the pantry for some flour, butter, sugar, and vanilla for your shortbread tart crust, Felix walks past you with a sheet of puff pastry and a carton of cream. You wonder what he’s going to do with his repertoire of skills. Hand pies? Strudels? Something completely out of the box?
You push those thoughts out of your head and gather your ingredients for the crust along with the ones for the chocolate cream filling. The cameraman following you takes several steps back as you stack containers in your arms. You press down the topmost one with your chin and carefully balance them as you speed back to your work station. Fortunately, yours is the closest to the pantry.
While the flours, butter, sugar, and vanilla are being combined together in the stand mixer, you begin slicing your jalapeños before candying them in a pan with some sugar. After a moment’s hesitation, you add in a splash of rose syrup as well to further accentuate the flavors in the rose glaze. You hear a crash of metal on your left. Felix has set a pan on his stovetop and is dropping a handful of sliced jalapeños into his pan.
It’s never early too early to start getting your presentation dishes, is it?
You walk past him — “Behind, Chef” — and peer inside to confirm that he is also making candied jalapeños. It’s a little concerning that you and he have similar elements in this round since the judges may deem the idea “uncreative.” If push comes to shove, you can probably transform the peppers into something else, but you have no idea what else to do with them now. Instead, you grab four ceramic tart pans and head back to find that your dough is fully combined.
As you press a layer of the dough into the bottom of your pans, you overhear the panel of judges speculating over your and Felix’s desserts. Park Jihyo, a celebrity chef known for her wide variety of kimchi dishes, points out that both chefs appear to be making candied jalapeños. Jae mentions something about Felix possibly putting it between his puff pastry like a sandwich. Could he be making a dessert sandwich with puff pastry as the bread? You can’t help yourself. A quick glance over at Felix and then upwards towards the wall-mounted clock informs you that he is pouring something into his blender and that you have thirty-three minutes left, neither of which are helpful.
You place the pans on a baking sheet and slide the tray into the oven to bake. You take a sip of the camel milk, which tastes a little nutty and will work nicely in the pastry cream filling. As the milk and heavy cream heats up, you chop a dark chocolate bar to add into the mixture to melt. The main reason why you decided on a chocolate cream filling is because one of the judges, Lee Chaeryeong, is a self-proclaimed chocoholic as well as a renowned chocolatier and baker. If you can impress her with your dessert, everyone will flock to your bakery.
Being the head pastry chef at Hero’s Soup is fun, but to have full creative control and to make whatever you want, is what you truly desire. You have a menu already drawn up, paint colors selected, and even a storefront scoped out. All you need now is a lot of money to get it opened. Chef Lee Felix and his dish are the only thing standing in your way. He may have gotten his start as a pastry chef, but you have spent the last several years being one at a top restaurant. Only one Michelin star, you admit, but you know your work is superb. The critics at Clé magazine said so.
You whisk in the sugar and slowly add your beaten eggs into the chocolate mixture. You don’t want to risk having bits of scrambled egg in the tarts. After you mix it all until it turns smooth, you check your tart crust in the oven. It’s done blind baking, so you take it out to cool before filling it with your filling. In the meantime, you work on the rose flavored cream to be piped on top.
“Behind,” calls Felix.
As you run back to your station with a carton of whipping cream, Felix heads to the ice cream machine with his blender container. He pours his light pink mixture in. Rose ice cream, it seems, will be in his dessert. Rather unhelpfully to you and more for the cameras, Jae announces that Felix’s dish will feature ice cream.
“An ice cream sandwich maybe with the puff pastry he has in the oven?” he adds.
That certainly is a dessert sandwich. You can’t help but look at the judges’ reactions to that suggestion.
Ok Taecyeon, chef and owner of the Japanese restaurant Winter Hitori, seems pleased by that idea. “Or maybe a mille feuille,” he says as he cranes his neck to look at the ingredients at Felix’s station, “with ice cream instead of pastry cream.”
A mille feuille and a tart are pretty different from each other, but you don’t miss your dessert’s similarities to his. Unoriginality aside, this could become a direct comparison of technical abilities. You’re certain you’ve got him beat on that.
You pause on your rose cream to fill your empty tart shells with the chocolate filling. There is an audible gasp from Chaeryeong as she sees the silky smooth texture being poured into each pan. How can you blame her when you yourself are mesmerized by the shine of it?
“Chocolate’s on the menu!” Jae exclaims. “How do you think it will go with all of the mandatory ingredients?”
You suppress a smile at her excitement as she details the finer points of chocolate pairings. Without a doubt, she is the one you must impress. It won’t be an easy feat, but you think she’ll enjoy your dish.
You stick the now filled tart shells back into the oven to bake. Fifteen minutes left, and not only does the filling have to be baked through completely, it has to cool down with adequate time so you can pipe on the cream. The giant bowl of rose cream is completed and set aside.
Now the only thing left for you to finish are your candied jalapeños, which you should have paid more attention to because they are on the verge of being burnt. The sugar and rose syrup have caramelized into a dark brown mess around the edges of the pan, and the red peppers have gone mushy. At that moment, the camera leans in to get a closeup of the disaster and captures you loudly swearing at it.
They can censor that in post-production.
"Behind. All good?" Felix asks as he rushes by with a casserole dish for ice cream collection. You hope his ice cream base didn't work.
Jae's theatrical whisper and the approved hums from the judges inform you that Felix’s ice cream did turn out beautifully.
"Behind," he says again.
With an exasperated sigh, you set the ruined pan aside and turn back to your cutting board. You had the foresight to not use all of the peppers, but two measly ones are not going to be enough for the amount you want on each tart.
“Hey,” you shout to Felix, hoping that he can hear you over the whir of his food processor, “you have any jalapeños left over?”
He pushes the plastic container with one finger a smidge in your direction as he pulls off the parchment paper over his freshly baked puff pastry. “Take it.”
With a sigh of relief, you walk over to grab them. You expertly chop them into neat slices and throw them into a new pan. A sprinkling of sugar, a circle of rose syrup, and a turn of the stove knob later, the jalapeños are being candied, hopefully properly this time. As you wait, you check your baking tarts. They are still not done yet, which is to be expected but bothersome.
“Ten minutes left on the clock!”
The nervousness is back, and you whisper, “C’mon, c’mon,” at the oven door like it will encourage the tarts to cook faster. After letting yourself stare for a few more seconds because maybe they’ll suddenly be done in that short time, you pop back up to check on your peppers. They, fortunately, are turning out well. You turn down the heat so as to not let the syrup turn into rock candy as you wait for those cursed tarts to be done. Why did you decide on something so risky? Why couldn't you have done a puff pastry crust and not spend ten precious minutes fiddling around with the dough?
Because of the beer flour and because your pride demands that you prove your skills to all the talented chefs, that's why.
Another minute passes, and you drain the pan of the liquid and let the peppers cool down. Felix keeps running back to the pantry for more ingredients, and the judges voice their disapproval at that. You feel a breeze brush across the back of your neck as he dashes back to his station. It’s never a good sign when chefs grab last-minute items; it either means they’re behind schedule, forgot a component of a key element, or about to screw up whatever they have already made in an attempt to fill up time. Or maybe you’re just being cynical. All your nerves are on fire at the moment. Jihyo and Taecyeon soon turn their attention to you when they realize that your tarts are still in the oven.
“You can’t just look at them all day!” Jihyo exclaims at your crouching position.
She’s right, so you make a quick decision: finish these underbaked tarts in the microwave. You flounder for a towel, pull open the oven door, and walk to the microwave as you fast as you can with a tray of steaming hot pans. As all of the tarts are being cooked, you run back to your station to fill a pastry bag of your rose cream. You have six and a half minutes left, and if you’re quick, you can stick the tarts in the blast chiller to cool a little bit. Never mind that putting hot desserts into a freezer is considered blasphemous, you have a competition to win.
The microwave loudly beeps, and you run back to cart them back onto the baking sheet and shove them in the blast chiller. They could still be underdone for all you know, but that’s a risk you have to take. It will still be delicious at least. Felix decides to grab yet another ingredient, and you watch with interest as he selects a bunch of basil. You can’t say whether rose and basil is a good combination, but you trust that he has an idea of what he’s doing. He flashes you a panicked smile as he runs back. It’s the perfect embodiment of your current emotions.
“Less than five minutes, chefs!”
You’re certain the judges mean well when they begin to shout at you about starting on plating, but it only makes you more anxious. You keep watch of the clock, precious seconds disappearing in front of your eyes. Once it hits two minutes, you’ll take them out. Piping pastry cream is so easy, you could do it in your sleep. Garnishing should be simple too. You can do this.
Taecyeon yells, “There’s no time! Get it together!” exactly when there are three minutes left. One more agonizing minute later, you take out the tarts and head back to your station with the same kind of balancing act you performed when you made a mad dash to the microwave. At first glance, it appears the chocolate cream filling has set and cooled, but who really knows? You pick up your pastry bag and start squeezing fat dots in a crescent on the tops of each tart. The pink cream looks beautiful against the dark chocolate.
“Less than thirty seconds remaining!” shouts Jae.
“I can’t watch,” Chaeryeong declares. “Hurry!”
With a slightly shaky hand, you place your candied peppers on each dollop, grimacing when some of them are just the tiniest bit askew. You quite literally have no time to fix them though. A millisecond after you finish setting the last one, Jae calls out for you and Felix to stop cooking. You throw your hands up, showing that you have stopped. Then with a sigh, you grasp the edge of the table and look down at the final desserts. They all look amazing, minus the imperfect pepper placements, on the outside, so you hope that the insides match, no gooey filling in the center. Out of curiosity, you glance over at Felix and catch him eying yours as well. His mille feuilles look stunning — light pink ice cream sandwiched between golden brown puff pastry, topped with a row of pastry cream, red jalapeños, strawberries, and basil so finely chopped, you can barely see it.
You and Felix meet in the middle and nearly collapse on top of each other. He pulls you in more a congratulatory hug, and your unease about your dessert disappears for a second. His hold is strangely comforting considering you have only met him today. You could stay here all day. Then you remember that all of this is being filmed and that you’re hugging Chef Lee Felix, and your pulse jumps.
“We’re done now. Nice job,” he says. He pulls away and observes your frozen expression. “No laughing fits yet?”
A giggle escapes — they’re back and even worse than before, you can already feel it — and you clamp a hand over your mouth, embarrassed. “They’ve just started.”
“Good luck on the judging.”
“Yeah, you too.”
The director yells, “Cut!” and the moment is gone.
You and Felix idle around by the judges’ table as the production crew takes close-ups of the food. Felix easily makes conversation with all of the judges, especially Taecyeon. He smiles at the right parts, adds anecdotes when appropriate, and you wonder how he is so unphased by the dessert round. It’s all you can think about, replaying every single action you made.
“I can’t wait to try that chocolate tart,” Chaeryeong warmly says to you. “It looks amazing.”
Now all you can do is stare at her in disbelief with the silliest grin on your face. Felix gently nudges you to remind you to speak.
“I can’t wait for you to try it,” you hear yourself reply. It’s uncharacteristically high-pitched, and you feel yourself growing hotter despite the lack of harsh studio lights.
“The fourth one is for me, right?” Felix teases. “I want a bite of that too.”
“Only if I get some of your mille feuille,” you say. “It looks amazing.”
“What about me?” protests Jae, making everyone laugh.
Once the close-ups are completed, you and Felix return to your stations and make the dramatic walk to the judges’ table. The lighthearted atmosphere from before is gone, and your nerves are back in a completely different way. The anticipation from the beginning of the round is nothing compared to the fear you feel now. You stand tall with your hands behind you, the perfect picture of confidence, but behind the camera, you are twisting and knitting together your fingers. Felix, on the other hand, is solemn. Lucky him.
“In the dessert round,” Jae recites, “you were tasked to create a dish with camel milk, rose syrup, beer flour, and jalapeños. Chef Felix, what did you make for us today?”
With a steady voice, he answers, “Judges, I have made for you a rose and strawberry ice cream mille feuille topped with a strawberry rose syrup crumble, candied jalapeños, sliced strawberries, and some chopped basil. I hope you enjoy it.”
There’s a pause as the judges cut into the dessert and try it. Like in the previous rounds, their expressions are indecipherable as they chew and deliberate to themselves. Taecyeon is the first to speak.
“First off, your presentation is beautiful. Everything is very neat and precise, which shows your attention to detail. I especially love the basil. Not only does it complement the rest of the dish, it’s a nice addition of color to the plate.”
Chaeryeong nods. “I agree. Strawberry and basil is a classic combination, and I think you balanced those flavors very well. However, neither of those ingredients were in the basket.”
You can almost feel the temperature in the room drop at that revelation.
“Yeah, you definitely focused more on the pantry than the basket ingredients,” Jihyo adds. “Strawberry is the star of this dessert, and I wish you highlighted a basket ingredient instead, especially since you had so many good choices available. And ice cream wise, I think it is too sweet. And I can just barely taste the rose syrup in there.”
“Where is the beer flour in this?” Taecyeon asks as he lifts off the topmost layer of puff pastry. “Is it in the crumble?”
“Yes,” Felix quickly replies. “I didn’t like the flavor of the flour, so I decided it would be best to hide it with the strong syrup flavor.”
“You definitely did that well,” Taecyeon continues. “And your jalapeños are great, help cut through the sweetness of everything.”
It’s clear that there is nothing more to be said. You note that the baker of the trio of the judges said nothing negative about Felix’s dish.
“Thank you, Chef Felix,” Jae concludes. “Chef Y/N, what have you made for us today?”
There’s another cut as the production switches out the half empty plates for your tarts. Sensing your increasing anxiety, Felix reaches over and pats you on the shoulder.
“Good luck,” he whispers. “You got this.”
You can only give him a tentative smile in return before filming resumes. Jae repeats his line to help the transition.
“Judges, I have made for you a chocolate tart with a beer flour crust, rose pastry cream, and candied jalapeños. Please enjoy.”
Chaeryeong is the first to scoop into the tart with her spoon. When the spoon comes out clean and with a pile of solid chocolate tart, you breathe a sigh of relief. She mulls over it as she takes another bite, but Taecyeon already has one ready.
“This is rich and delicious.”
You stop wringing your fingers together. A smile is beginning to form on your face, and it takes some willpower to remain calm.
“I love the way you cut the beer flour with regular flour because let’s be real,” he continues, leaning in conspiratorially, “beer flour tastes pretty awful. I can still get some hints of it, but it’s not overpowering.”
Jihyo nods in agreement. “You have good textures, from the crunchiness of the tart shell to the silkiness of the filling. My only problem with your dessert is that it’s heavy. There’s a lot of chocolate and then you top it off with something pretty sweet. Your candied jalapeños do help, but the ratio of cream to peppers is off.”
Your joy wilts as you take in her comments. As much as you want for her to be wrong, you didn’t get a chance to eat your creation, so you can’t exactly deny it. However, everyone knows that the judge with the weightiest opinion in the dessert round is Chaeryeong. When you look over at her to see what she thinks, she is still picking apart the tart.
Jihyo, situated in between Taecyeon and Chaeryeong, nudges her. “Anything to add, Chaeryeong?”
She looks up at you, and you realize that likely already made a decision on her first bite. Her words are clear and decisive. “I think you made a lot of good choices. Finishing it in the microwave, using dark chocolate, incorporating the rose syrup in the candying process. I do agree with Jihyo that this is a little too rich though. Your rose syrup cream feels unnecessary, but overall, it’s a delicious dessert.”
Your heart is pounding. Everything feels hot, and you are suddenly hyperaware of the cameras around, waiting to capture your reaction. You remember your fiddling fingers and stop moving them.
“Thank you, Chef Y/N,” Jae says. “The judges need some time to deliberate the winner. Remember that the decision will be made on your dishes from all three rounds. Chefs, we will see you after.” He nods at you and Felix, and as per the instructions from the producers, you and Felix walk to the green room.
No other takes are needed. You follow behind Felix, wondering how he is still so poised after all of that. Inside the green room, there is a cameraman waiting, ready to film some commentary from you and Felix. You settle into a stool at the table, and he sits in front of you.
“You did a great job,” he says in an overly produced way. You bet he was rehearsing this. That’s what you should have been doing during his judging. Now your remarks won’t come out as smoothly. “I definitely focused on the pantry too much, but hopefully the other rounds will help me out. The beer flour really confused me.”
You swallow and try to concentrate on him instead of the tabletop. If you don’t get this right, you’ll have to redo it. “Yeah, definitely a tricky ingredient. It was smart of you to use it in your crumble. But yeah, I think we both did pretty good. May the best chef win.” You stick your hand out for him to shake, and he does.
“Cut,” interjects a producer. “Alright, that’s all for that scene. Let’s start on your interviews.”
You nearly forgot about those. You and Felix share glances, both of which are reluctant goodbyes, before being whisked away into separate rooms. As you sit in front of a green screen, you recount what you did in the dessert round, walking the audience through the choices you made and the emotions you felt. There’s a frenetic energy about you this time unlike the previous interviews after the appetizer and entrée rounds. You are so close to the ten million won, you can almost taste it.
Your interview takes almost all of the time. Just as you swallow your last sip of water, the producers are informed that the judges have finished discussing and that you are needed back to the kitchen studio. When you stand up, you nearly knock over the stool you were sitting on. The walk to the studio is longer than it was before, and you want to push the dawdling production crew aside so you can get there faster. Your heart pounds erratically underneath your mask of serenity.
Felix smiles at you from where he stands in front of the judging panel. The signature cloche of God’s Menu sits ominously from its location on the table, two spotlights illuminating its silver shine. Taecyeon, Jihyo, and Chaeryeong are getting last-minute makeup touches, and Jae is idling around, rereading his script even though he has said the lines numerous times before.
“Hey,” you greet Felix as you take your spot beside him. “You nervous?”
“Yeah. It all comes down to this, right? Ten million won and the title of Cooking God.” He says the last part like Jae does, no theatrics spared, and you laugh. It feels good to do so, like a small bit of tension has been released.
Someone adjusts the lights, and suddenly you and Felix are in the dark. Feeling a little courageous, you tell him, “No matter what happens, I just want to say that it’s been an honor competing against you. It’s been a lot of fun, and I think I’ve learned a few things from your cooking.”
“Same here. You’re an awesome chef and an even better person.” The lights shine back on you and Felix, and he sneaks a glance towards you after a producer calls a warning to begin shooting soon. “I’d say ‘good luck,’ but with the way you cook, I don’t think you’ll need it.”
Your face is as hot as an oven. “Thanks. Same to you.”
The clapper goes down. “Action!”
“Chefs,” Jae starts, “the judges have finished deciding. Let’s see who is our next Cooking God and who is getting ousted.”
His hand wraps around the handle of the cloche, and you hold your breath in anticipation. The sound of your pulse in your ears is deafening. You’re not one to wish for someone else’s downfall, but you hope that it’s Felix’s mille feuille underneath. Everything you have worked for today all comes down to this. You can’t lose. You knit and twist your fingers behind your back, and keep your eyes glued to Jae’s hand.
When you see the dish on the table and the judge’s impassive faces, you begin to cry. Your chest tightens, your throat suddenly has a cherry pit lodged inside, and your vision goes blurry. How funny that you start the round with laughter and end in tears. It’s all too poetic for such a moment.
“Chef Felix,” Jae solemnly says, “you have been ousted. Judges?”
You don’t hear what the judges have to say about Felix’s dishes from the past three rounds. All you can focus on is the wood paneling of the judges’ table as you stifle your bubbling sobs. It shouldn’t be too difficult, right? You suppressed all your laughs in the beginning, so this should be easy.
“It was an honor to cook for you today, judges,” Felix says after he has received all of their critiques. He turns to you and wraps in a warm embrace, making your flimsy grasp on your emotions disintegrate. “Congratulations. I knew you would win when I saw your dessert.”
“Thank you so much,” you whisper.
After he heads down the hallway to the green room to film his exit interview, the cameras are back on you and solely you. The judges give you encouraging smiles, Chaeryeong’s the largest.
“Chef Y/N, you are the new Cooking God,” Jae announces. “Congratulations.”
You wipe away your tears with the back of your hand in a vain attempt to make yourself appear more composed. However, when the applause begins, it all comes pouring out — your thanks, your appreciation, your rambles about the bakery you have planned.
“I’ll be sure to come by,” Chaeryeong says. “Your tart was your best dish of the day. If you put it on the menu, I’m definitely going to buy one.”
“Your creativity in all of the rounds was amazing,” Jihyo adds, “but dessert is really where you shine. Give us a call when your bakery is open.”
Taecyeon compliments your appetizer and also agrees with the other two. “Chef, you should be proud of yourself.”
You beam through your tears. For a momentous occasion, you half expect confetti to start raining down and a symphony to start playing. However, there is only production orchestrating a few more shots of you shaking hands with everyone and a closeup of your face. The small celebratory scene is over soon as you are led to another room for your victory interview. This one is easy, simply you expressing your joy and partially promoting your future business.
When you’re done, you are told to wait in the green room while they set up some paperwork for you to fill out later. To your surprise, Felix is there as well, sitting at the table with a tired look on his face. His water bottle is empty, and there is an unopened one next to it. When he sees that you are there, he lights up.
“Hey there, Cooking God,” he says. “Congrats again.”
“Hey. Thanks again.” You sit across from him and slump against the table. “I thought you would have left already.”
“I’ve got some paperwork to do and one more interview to finish up. You know,” he says, propping himself up on his arms, leaning forward, “I never got to try your tart. I was really looking forward to it.”
You can see yourself reflected in his eyes. He has very pretty eyes. “I never got to try your mille feuille either. Do you think production will be mad if we sneak back in and eat the leftovers?”
“We might have to dig through the trash, but I’m down.” He pulls back. “What are you going to do with the prize money, if you don’t mind me asking? I don’t think Jae asked you about it during the judging.”
So you tell him all about it. You tell him of the empty building on the corner of the street you have been eying for the last year, the late night hours you have spent experimenting with recipes, the white banner and silver ribbons you have envisioned for the grand opening of your dream. He listens intently, nodding along and cracking smiles when you draw the details in the air.
“Wow, you’ve got it all figured out already.”
“Yeah,” you agree, feeling flushed and breathless. “It’s been a long time coming.”
There’s a knock on the door, and a member of the production team pokes his head in. “Chef Lee Felix, we’re ready to shoot the interview now.”
Felix nods and stands up from his stool, taking the both water bottles with him. “I guess this is goodbye then. Good luck with everything.”
“What’s your number?” you blurt out before the nervous laughter starts up again. You just finished one of the most grueling cooking competitions in the country; asking someone for their number should be a cakewalk, but said someone also happens to be a highly esteemed chef. “I’d love for you to be at the grand opening.”
His mouth splits into a grin. He tears the label off of the empty bottle and asks the staff member if he has a pen. Then he scrawls down the digits and hands you the label, the fresh ink against the glossy paper shining underneath the lights.
“See you during the opening,” are his last words to you before he follows production out of the room.
You clutch the edge of the label and mouth the numbers to yourself, trying to commit them to memory. A needless action, but it feels right.
When you are called for paperwork and logistics, you carefully fold the paper and place it inside your chef jacket’s pocket, right by your heart. The check for eight million won — taxes unfortunately exist for prize money — goes in there as well.
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The grand opening is a grand affair: customers flocking to the street corner in droves, a giant banner and even a red ribbon celebrating the occasion, and display cases being emptied throughout the day. As promised, Chaeryeong and Jihyo show up to the opening. The day is nearly over when they arrive; only a few people linger around, buying last-minute treats. You decide to close for the night.
Even though the two celebrity chefs say they have finished filming a new episode, they are both in high spirits. They bring along a plaque for you to hang that reads “God’s Menu Approved,” and you are both mortified and thrilled. Chaeryeong wants you to put the plaque in the window, but Jihyo insists you have it behind the counter. However, you don’t really want it in either location. Your office seems like a wonderful place.
“How about a tart?” you ask to distract them. “On the house, of course.”
They nod enthusiastically at the offer, and you set down two familiar-looking ones. “As seen on God’s Menu, the Dessert Round Tart, chocolate with rose-flavored cream and candied jalapeños.”
The bell on the door chimes, and a voice you have not heard in months says, “Any left for me?”
“Felix!” you exclaim, rushing to him. He’s still in his chef’s uniform, and you can almost smell sriracha on him. “How are you here? I thought you said you had a shift.”
He shrugs and smiles boyishly at you. It makes you all sorts of nervous, and your stomach flutters with something that is not laughter. “Surprise!”
“Let me go get you a tart,” you say as you lead him to the same table as Chaeryeong and Jihyo, both who recognize Felix from the show.
You head behind the counter and reach for the last tart left in your hidden stash of desserts. You saved three for the judges, but Taecyeon isn’t here. He is apparently in the midst of opening a new location, and you understand. After all, you’re doing something similar. It all works out in your favor though since Felix is. With more care than the previous two, you place the tart on a small plate and set it down in front of Felix.
“Here you go. Enjoy.”
He cuts into it with the fork and savors the first bite. “It’s even better than I thought it would be. This is amazing.”
“Definitely agree,” says Jihyo. Hers is completely gone, only the smallest crumbs left. “You’ve really refined it.”
Chaeryeong, mouth full of chocolate, can only nod in agreement. You smile, flattered by their compliments. After some pushing from the trio, you sit down with them to eat the leftover desserts from the day and to catch up. Chaeryeong and Jihyo are predictably busy with the filming of God’s Menu and overseeing their respective establishments. Meanwhile, Felix is still head chef of Levanter and has been tasked with adding something new to their menu. You tell them all about the beginning of the day and how a dog almost tore apart the low-hanging streamers outside. Felix sympathetically pats your hand. You then join in on the laughter, yours of which is more induced by his touch than the memory of the dog.
Some time later, Chaeryeong announces that she has to go, and Jihyo follows. You send them off with some lemongrass cupcakes and lie about where you will be displaying the plaque. No matter what, it’s going in your office where only you can see it. Felix stays around, and with everyone else gone, it’s just you and him.
“Hi,” you say, suddenly feeling shy. “You’re not leaving yet?”
He shakes his head. “I wanted to ask you something."
"Oh, what is it?"
"Since you still haven’t tried my mille feuille from the show and since Levanter needs a new menu item, would you want to help me sometime?” He pauses and grimaces at his words. “Wait, you’re probably busy with your bakery now and—”
“I’d love to,” you abruptly say. “Probably only taste testing though, if that’s alright. Business conflicts and all.”
Your favorite thing about Felix, you decide, is the way he lights up, the way the excitement emitting from him is palpable. With a tinge of red across his cheeks, he says, “I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of each other soon.”
You let out a short laugh. “I guess we will. I’m alright with that.”
“So am I.”
~ ad.gray
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mettywiththenotes · 3 years
Amelia and The Twin Tapes
Hello hi again, this has been on my brain for a WHILE and seen as its June 27th aka finish-infinity-train day, I thought I might as well post this and see what people think
I remember once seeing somebody ask the question why specifically it was Ryan and Min-gi that were brought onto the train together. There are thousands upon thousands of people with damaged relationships [whether romantic, between siblings, friends, and the list goes on] that could probably end up on the train together, with a single tape, who need their relationship fixing again.
So why were Ryan and Min-Gi the first pair to ever have a twin tape? What was it about Ryan and Min-Gi that made the train break protocol?
Well, I have this theory.
It’s never truly been confirmed whether the train does things on purpose or not, like land certain passengers in certain cars to further their development, though I do believe in it. The whole train is basically a robot, with One-One at the centre of it all, so I think there’s a very low chance that everything the train does is by coincidence, though I also believe there’s an element of the train giving “nudges” in the right direction. Like, the train could land a passenger in a certain car to get them to start their journey, but from then on it’s the responsibility of the passenger to make themselves better and learn from their mistakes. The train gives a nudge and the passenger begins to walk in their own direction, so to speak.
It’s a case of nudging them in a direction that would either make them better if handled right, or make them worse if handled wrong,
So, the train does this. We know this.
So... what if Ryan and Min-gi were brought onto the train together for Amelia?
What if the train’s intention was for Amelia to see Ryan and Min-Gi and realize that they were just like her and Alrick?
Amelia would have AT LEAST watched their tape [which I think she did cause she was there in the first ep of Book 4, she was there in the tape car when they boarded] and HAD to have seen similarities, right?
Childhood friends? One is creative and expressive while the other is smart and expected to succeed? Short hair and long hair? Bringing out the best in each other? Devotion, and the general element of wanting to spend their lives together? Yeah
Of course, Amelia was more hellbent on learning more about One and the train to pay attention to their “destiny rubbish”
And, if Ryan and Min were sent there to help Amelia, that means the train failed at the lesson it was supposed to teach.
Every main character from each book has exceeded expectations:
Tulip was a passenger that managed to confront Amelia herself, an inventor who basically created worlds in cars, kept attacking her and threatening the lifes of her and her friends. She got to the conductor’s room, and put One-One, the real conductor, back in his rightful place.
Lake, A DENIZEN, rampaged the tape car and got off the train, at the same time proving that she was a person. Jesse came back onto the train mere hours after getting off it.
Grace and Simon created a goddamn cult which was never the intention of the train, it’s likely One-One [or whoever the creator of the train is] never took into account that passengers would create a cult, but Grace and Simon did that
Amelia, a passenger, TOOK OVER as conductor and created cars AND LIFE [Hazel]
So it stands to reason that maybe Ryan and Min-Gi exceeded some expectation that was placed onto them by the train
I assume that maybe the lesson the train wanted to teach was closure. That despite the love you have for another, if you continue to self-destruct then you’ll be alone forever. That grieving is fine, but there is always a way through it, to get help and support.
And we’ve seen elements of self-destruction in Ryan and Min.
Ryan bottles up and represses his feelings so much that he just shuts down and isolates himself. Doesn’t eat, doesn’t drink.
Min, as we’ve seen, can have outbursts and get super angry. This seems to be caused by bottling up his own feelings, failing to communicate until he reaches his boiling point and either gets angry or isolates himself from the people he loves [namely Ryan]
In these respects, they represent self-destruction. Ryan seems to be inward destruction, a hatred to himself, while Min is outward destruction, something that bursts out towards the people around him. But both sides can blend together too, because we’ve seen in Book 4 how they are in denial, fail to communicate, and push each other away with the wrong decisions.
Amelia has both of these. She inwardly destroys herself with denial and lack of a desire to accept change, making closure harder for her to accept, which is shown at the end of Book 1 when she admits she did this all for her dead fiance, and she outwardly destroys the friendships around her with lack of communication, which is shown at the funeral scene where she isolates herself away from her friends but in doing so destroys her connection with them.
The expectation may have been for Amelia to watch their tape, draw connections between herself and Alrick and these two, and see that there was no point in fighting change. That she would have to accept it at some point. And with this, I think the original expectation for Ryan and Min-Gi was for them to pass Amelia in the tape car, then the train would put the boys together, send them off, and by the end of the journey, the two would gain closure, accept their past connection, and get off the train seperately.
That’s what it seemed like, right? Ryan wanted to be a rock star and Min wanted [thought he wanted] to go to university. In another world, they WOULD have gotten off the train separately. That’s why the number dials on their palms were seperate, where they started off with the same number but the dials could change so one could get off without the other, it was so they could seperate.
You know, get closure.
This would show Amelia that that was what she needed to do.
But, the train didn’t count on the fact that maybe Min-Gi wasn’t being totally honest with himself. That he secretly wanted to be with Ryan and make music with him. That Ryan couldn’t bare to be away from Min, that despite his life on the road, all he wanted was to be with Min and make music. The train didn’t count on the fact that Min and Ryan’s connection was EXTREMELY CLOSE.
In conclusion:
Train was trying to say that these two represented her in different ways so she should look at them, learn from them and be better, but maybe all Amelia saw was how they were like herself and Alrick and got jealous, so instead of Amelia realising that everything she had done was wrong, she got jealous and it sped up her want to take over the train, along with the whole “Anything Is Possible Here” idea.
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caswarrenart · 3 years
hey this is a really random comment but your description ids for your art has really helped my abilities when i’m describing something that i have created.
i’m currently in ap drawing and for my profolio we had to describe our pieces and i had kinda stuggled w describing it but seeing your ids have helped, so thank you!! :)
Ahh! I’m so glad to hear that! I wish you the best of luck in your classes, I’d love to see your work sometime!
I hope people who use screen readers like them too. I’ve never gotten feedback thataways so I just hope I’m doing a good job. In art school, I was taught to do detailed image descriptions when writing art historical papers on specific artifacts. On the internet, I’ve heard some tips from the blind community about brevity and relevance. I try to combine those two things. If you’re interested, you may want to look into art historical writing and perspectives from blind people.
It was strangely difficult at first! So I try to break it down to make it less overwhelming for me. I start general, then go to specific. The first 1-2 sentences I go for a succinct description. Medium, main subject, setting/time period, sometimes color scheme, other important overall info. If I was smiling at my phone, and somebody asked me what I was smiling at, this first 1-2 sentences are what I’d say.
From there I might include a sentence of a more detailed general description if there is an aspect that affects most or all of the piece, or is throughout the piece, or frames the piece, OR I save that bit for the end. For instance, if there are white flowers throughout, I will either mention that first to set the scene or last as a sprinkle on top. Whatever feels right.
Then I either describe the main subject or break down the piece by composition. I might start with what is most prominent, or work right to left, or work through the foreground, middleground, and background. Sometimes I fall back on this when I don’t know what to say. Other times I choose what to start with by what is guiding my eye through the piece.
As for various parts of the piece- where is it located, what size is it, what color is it, does it have an expression or certain expressiveness to it, does it interact with the other elements of the piece in a way worth noting? Are my directions clear enough that I could imagine the placement of these parts in my mind?
I try not to center my opinion and focus on what is most important to the piece itself instead. For me, my work focuses a lot on color. So I might save my more poetic detail for the color and mood that my colors create.
Lastly, I keep it short, but not out of carelessness. Would I tell Siri to shut up halfway through the image ID? If so, I feel I’ve gone on too long.
I hope this helps more? 💖
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12tardis · 4 years
Empire Line (Part 1/?)
Warnings: none
Summary: Newt has been in love with you since your second year at Hogwarts. You have been in love with Newt for nearly as long. You’re both ridiculously oblivious and you think he has feelings for Tina. Will Newt set the record straight before he loses you for good?
Pairings: Newt Scamander x Reader, Reader x OC (super brief)
A/N: Sooooooo this is part 1 of ? maybe 2 or 3 I really really really hope you like it bc I’ve slaved over this one. I’ve been wanting to write something more than just one shots for a while but my self esteem hit rock bottom this last couple months and that has bled over into my writing- hence why I’ve been so absent on here I’m so sorry fam ☹ In my head, this is a companion piece to I’m Gonna Keep You In Love With Me , it’s their origin story. Pls let me know your thoughts! I’d love to know what you think or where you think it’s headed. What do we think of Alistair?... Title: Empire Line by The National - literally listened to this on repeat while writing this
Taglist (I LOVE YALL): @auror-lovie @moonkissk7 @sagittarius-flowerchild @fishdonttouch @cal-ifornication @haileygarciasunshine
You had been completely in love with your best friend Newt Scamander since your school days at Hogwarts. You two had been inseparable since you first met and were now living together in a shared flat in London as you had been for the past few years since graduation.
You had tried to make your feelings known several times over the span of your friendship but Newt was either oblivious or pretending to be so he didn’t have to deal with the awkwardness of turning you down. You thought it was the former but as the years drew on you grew suspicious because how could one person be so completely clueless?
The unrequited love was recently becoming harder and harder for you to push aside. Your heart ached with every letter he exchanged with your dear friend Tina and your stomach knotted every time he would mention her in passing.
At the end of the day his happiness was all that mattered to you and if Tina was the one to bring him that then you would accept it. You just weren’t sure how you would bear it when they finally did get together.
Maybe it was time for you to move on and open your heart up to other possibilities. Merlin knows there’d been plenty of willing men ever the years, but you’d always held out hope that the love of your life would one day return your feelings.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to settle for someone else.
Once you finished your cup of tea you set the empty mug in the sink and grabbed your handbag before you left the flat, starting the journey to your workplace. Walking through the streets distractedly you thought over all the times you had tried to tell Newt how you felt.
The most recent time was when you’d been standing beside him a few months ago, posing for a photo for the newspaper at one of his book signings. You were so immensely proud of Newt for his hard work and dedication in pursuing his passion despite everyone that had ridiculed him for it throughout his life.
You had accompanied him in his travels while he wrote the book and had only fallen more in love with your best friend as you watched him in his element. And you thought maybe he may have returned your feelings considering he’d dedicated the book to you. Even his brother Theseus had dropped a couple of not-so-subtle hints your way regarding you and his younger brother.
So, as you stood beside him a few months ago at his first book signing you held his hand tightly in your own. You were pressed close to him and beaming with pride for the camera and you caught yourself glancing up at him where he stood beside you. He looked so uncomfortable and nervous in front of the camera but at the same time he was just so ridiculously handsome. You continued to gaze up at him adoringly after the photographer had moved on, squeezing his hand.
“I love you.”
You uttered the words before you could even stop yourself. It just felt so right and after everything that had happened over the past few months you were certain you had ‘something’. But when he looked back down at you with a crooked smile and squeezed your shoulder casually you felt a sinking sensation in your stomach.
“I love you too,” he said back with such ease that you just knew he only meant it as a friend. Your smile dropped for a split second, but you quickly composed yourself, letting go of his hand.
“Aaaaand I’m going to go find myself a drink,” you said in a fake bright voice, leaving him behind, completely unaware of the way he was staring after you yearningly.
What you didn’t see was the older woman that stepped over to him telling him that you were a lovely couple. And you definitely didn’t see the way he smiled back at the woman, thanking her softly as he continued to look at your retreating figure.
People were always mistaking you for a couple. It had been a regular occurrence since you were 5th years but unbeknownst to you - Newt had recently stopped correcting people when they made the same assumption. Instead opting to smile warmly in response and allow himself to get lost in the illusion for the briefest moment.
                                          -     -     -     -     -     -
You sighed to yourself as you reminisced on the memory, slipping your apron over your head once you arrived at work. That particular moment had taken you a good few weeks to get over.
Were you that undesirable to Newt that he didn’t even consider the possibility of you harbouring romantic feelings for him beyond friendship?
And then there’d been the numerous events you’d asked him to over the years.
You had been the one to ask him to the Yule Ball in your 6th year.
You’d asked him to attend your brother's wedding with you a few years after.
Once again you’d asked him to go as your date with you to a cocktail ball your work company held just the previous year.
And each and every time he knocked you back. His excuses ranged from: ‘it’s not my scene’, to ‘Pickett is under the weather’. And each rejection hurt more than the last.
To his credit though, he did eventually change his mind each time and always ended up being the best plus one there ever was. But that didn’t quite erase the embarrassment and heartache you felt every time he turned you down.
Just last week you’d asked him to go with you to your old school friend’s wedding. You’d thought he’d agree easily this time as Sarah was a mutual Hufflepuff friend of both of yours and she and Newt had always gotten along but he’d simply told you, “I’ll think about it,” before he had scurried off to his bedroom.
“Excuse me, are you open yet?” You snapped out of your musings once more when you heard the first customer for the day enter the shop, plastering a bright smile on your face. You were determined to have a good day.
                                           -     -     -     -     -     -
Newt walked into the kitchen shortly after you’d left for the day, frowning when he saw you had indeed left without saying goodbye and that you’d forgotten your lunch too.
He was worried about you lately. You usually always wished him a good day before you headed off anywhere and you hadn’t done so a couple of times now during the last few weeks. You also appeared to be forgetting meals here and there too.
You had been uncharacteristically quiet since the two of you had returned back from New York and Newt figured you must have been upset about leaving behind Queenie and Tina.
He knew how much you had bonded with the Goldstein sisters and he’d tried his best to cheer you up but everything he tried appeared to be futile as the smile would disappear from your face after a few moments and you’d just go back to tending to your plants or reading your books.
The only thing that seemed to grab your attention was when he would talk about Tina so he found himself mentioning the other woman most days, feeling a sense of relief when you would actually utter more than a few words in response. But something still seemed off.
He didn’t have the slightest clue about the heart ache you felt each time he uttered the other woman’s name.
Newt grabbed your lunch off of the counter and made his way to your workplace, figuring he could grab some things from the nearby grocers afterwards. He was planning to cook your favourite meal for dinner in the hopes to cheer you up a bit and maybe ask if there was something upsetting you recently.
Smiling to himself when he arrived at the small plant nursery where you worked, he leaned in the doorframe as he watched you tend to the plants, humming quietly to yourself. He saw you happy and at ease for the first time in weeks and he couldn’t help the grin that spread on his face at seeing you huff in annoyance when you couldn’t reach one of the hanging plants, stretching up onto your toes to try and reach the offending plant. How could one person be so adorable?
He was just about to step in and retrieve it for you when another gentleman walked over to you, resting a hand on your waist as he leant over you to grab the planter down. The smile dropped from Newt’s face immediately as he watched this man grin down at you, still completely in your personal space.
The mystery man set the plant down on the counter in front of you and Newt felt bile rise in his throat at the giggle you let out when the man leant in even closer to you, brushing some soil from your face. He was obviously a co-worker of yours and Newt felt awful because he should have been happy that you were happy, considering your previous co-worker had been horrible to you but when he saw the way the other guy still had his hand on your waist he felt nothing but jealousy.
Who was this guy?
Why hadn’t you told him you had a new co-worker?
You usually told him everything.
He thought you told him everything.
And WHY was the guy still gripping your waist like that?
Jealousy. It was a rare feeling for him to experience but it definitely wasn’t a new one. He’d experienced it every time someone had come along over the years and dared to look at you a little too long, or touch you with too much familiarity.
And every time, he felt like the world's biggest ass because he knew he didn’t have some claim to you. You weren’t some prize to be won or fought over, and yet here he was, gritting his teeth as he watched the other man make you laugh and swoon, just like he wished he could.
It took him back to the very first time he’d experienced the wrath of the green-eyed monster when you were 3rd years at Hogwarts.
                                           -     -     -     -     -     -
Newt was rushing towards the common room to find you with the new Pixie he’d just found hidden in his robes. He was excited to show you his discovery because you’d been particularly fascinated in the pixies when you’d studied them in class but as he stepped into the common room he was entirely unprepared for the sight that greeted him.
Pierce Brixley, one of the popular Hufflepuff 5th years, was gripping your shoulders and saying something to you with a megawatt smile on his face.
He couldn’t quite make out what either of you were saying as he made his way towards you, pausing in his tracks when Pierce leant in and planted an eager kiss on your cheek. Newt then felt a foreign twisting sensation in his stomach as he watched you lift a hand to your cheek to brush over where Pierce’s lips had just been, laughing while you waved to the older boy as he turned to leave.
“You saved my life, Y/N!”, Pierce called out to you over his shoulder as he rushed to leave the room. Newt noticed the other boy had a potted plant grasped in his hands.
“Oh, hi Newt!”, he grinned but Newt simply nodded at him wordlessly, watching him leave the common room in a rush.
He didn’t know what this strange feeling was that had just washed over him. Newt really liked Pierce. The older Hufflepuff had gotten him out of strife with some of his bullies several times and had even offered to help him with his studies from time to time.
So why did Newt suddenly feel the urge to jinx him?
“There you are! I’ve been looking for you since Charms”, you beamed at him, practically bounding over to him and tipping your head aside at the blank expression he wore.
“What was that about?”, he asked, completely ignoring your earlier statement, feeling a twitch of annoyance when you frowned at him in confusion “with Pierce,” he quickly clarified.
“Oh! Right that,” you laughed, shaking your head.
“He was panicking yesterday because it’s his girlfriend's birthday tomorrow and he accidentally squashed the Puffapod he’d gotten for her but it was fine because I found some growing out by the pumpkin patch- remember that time?”, you barely paused for breath, waiting for him to nod in affirmation.
“Yeah so I just gave him a new one that I dug up today. And now I have a sad but still hopeful Puffapod of my own to nurse!” You smiled as you held up the crushed and wilted flower for him to see.
And just like that the foreign sensation in his gut was gone and he felt normal again.
“So, I got him out of a pickle apparently but I’m not too sure about that because I don’t know who in their right mind thinks a Puffapod is a romantic gift! They make you dizzy if you mishandle them, did you know that? I certainly wouldn’t appreciate that as a gift.”
You rambled on so quickly that Newt was struggling to keep up, but he couldn’t stop his growing smile because he absolutely loved listening and watching you go off on tangents. You were so passionate about plants and flowers and he utterly adored the way your eyes would light up when you got carried away talking about them.
He gazed back at you as you continued to talk about the qualities of a Puffpod while you inspected the plant in your hands, trailing your fingers over the foliage.
“So, what kind of gift would you appreciate then?” he chuckled, smiling softly back at you and you blinked back at him because it wasn’t really something you had thought about.
“Uh...just something that shows genuine thought and care I guess- WAIT is that a Pixie?!”
                                           -     -     -     -     -     -
Newt was broken out of his daydreaming when he heard you laugh once more, and he cleared his throat when he decided you had spent way too long gazing back at the mystery man.
He gritted his teeth when said man was the one to turn to greet him while you went back to watering the plants, not noticing his presence in the shop.
“Hi there! How can I help you today?”, your co-worker said brightly, heading around the counter towards Newt.
Newt held up the lunch bag in his hand. “I came to see Y/N”, he said flatly, so flatly that he almost didn’t recognise his own voice.
Newt stared at you desperately feeling some of the tension leave him when you looked up to see him, a bright smile appearing on your face not a moment later.
You smiled happily at him instinctively. You were always happy to see him, that much had never changed. It was just when you pictured him with Tina that that miserable shadow would fall over you again.
You cocked your head aside as you bounded over to him and Newt was entirely distracted by the sensation of his heart swelling on his chest at the sight of you, looking just like you did that time in your 3rd year.
Your lips parted when you recognised he was holding your lunch that you hadn’t even realised you’d forgotten. “Oh goodness, I totally forgot. Thank you, Newt! What would I do without you?”, you pecked him on the cheek quickly as you took the bag from him.
Newt blushed as he usually would at your affection, but he also felt a small sense of pride when he noticed the way your co-worker’s eyebrows shot up at the kiss.
“Starve probably,” he answered with a teasing smile, pausing when he spotted some lingering soil on your cheek that the other man had obviously failed to brush away.
He lifted his hand without a moment's hesitation and slowly and gently thumbed away the remaining dirt from your skin. Not noticing the way you held your breath and leant into his touch instinctively.
“I’ll see you later”, Newt murmured, dropping his hand quickly when he realised how long he’d been staring at you. He allowed his hand to brush down your arm, squeezing your hand in his own momentarily before he stepped away from you.
“Have a good day, Y/N,” he called looking back at you once he was in the doorway, simply nodding at your co-worker before he left the shop.
That evening when you arrived home to find Newt preparing your favourite meal for dinner, you’d felt a small spark of hope flourish in your chest, wondering if maybe he was trying to be romantic. Especially after that moment in the shop.
The meal was perfect, and you were sat there gazing back at Newt adoringly with your chin resting in your palm while he told you about his day with the creatures.
He paused in his ramblings as he got up “oh I nearly forgot, Tina wrote us both,” he grabbed two envelopes from the kitchen counter, passing you yours with a wide smile.
And just like that you felt all your hopes fade away once again. This time it really hurt to see the soft smile on his lips as he looked down at his own letter that looked considerably thicker than yours.
Of course it would be thicker than yours.
They were probably writing full romantic essays back and forth by now.
You plastered on a smile of resignation, pocketing your own letter and going straight to your bedroom once you’d finished cleaning up. Having no idea that Tina had actually written to Newt in great detail of all the reasons why she felt he needed to share his feelings for you.
                                        -     -     -     -     -     -
Newt had read over Tina’s letter at least a dozen times over the following week, knowing logically that everything the woman had written was true.
‘I know you’re nervous. Especially after all this time but you’ve known Y/N for so long now you know she would never ridicule you or lash out at you.
You should make the most of all the precious time you have together. Our time is never promised, I learnt that with the passing of my parents and there’s nothing I wouldn’t give to be able to tell them how much I loved them.
I can’t tell you for sure how she will respond but you will be able to finally rest without wondering what could be. Be brave Newt.’
He’d been re-reading that specific page over and over again and he was finally building a plan in his head of how he was going to tell you.
There had been so many moments over the years when he’d nearly told you of his feelings. The words had truly been on the very tip of his tongue more times than he could count.
But every time he grew anxious and backed out, promising himself he’d tell you ‘next time’.
The most recent time had been just a fortnight earlier when you’d been down in his case with him.
He went to the markets to fetch you a box of your favourite pastries and a bouquet of your favourite flowers, planning to present them to you when you got home from work. He had set the sweets and flowers in his study to give to you later before he’d headed down to check on the creatures, running through what he would say to you in his head as he cleaned around the enclosures.
“Newt?”, he startled when he heard your voice call for him because you weren’t due home for another hour. He looked up in time to see you coming down the stairs towards him.
“You will not believe who’s getting married!”, you said excitedly, waving the opened wedding invitation in front of his face “Sarah! Oh I’m so excited, it’s next month and the venue is incredible. Please come with me? Please?” you rambled on quickly.
Newt felt the courage to tell you of his feelings completely disappearing as he looked back at you and how beautiful you looked gushing excitedly over the wedding of your mutual Hufflepuff friend. “I-I’ll think about it,” he stammered, turning his attention back to his creatures because he simply couldn’t trust himself to look at you any longer without blurting out everything he had on his mind.
He was so focused on managing his own emotions that he was entirely oblivious to the hurt that washed over your features and the dejected way you slumped your shoulders before you left him alone in his case.
That evening he ended up tossing the pastries to Dougal and leaving the flowers on the doorstep of your workplace for you to find the next day, figuring it wouldn’t be too strange for a floral bouquet to show up at a plant and floral shop.
                                       -     -     -     -     -     -
The next time he worked up the courage to tell you how he felt wasn’t for another two weeks. The weeks had passed rather uneventfully as you both had continued on in your usual routines.
It was that morning as he watched you feeding the Mooncalves with the sweetest smile on your lips and Pickett perched on your shoulder that he decided he was going to try and tell you again.
You had seemed to perk up again recently so he took that as a good sign and once you’d left for work that day he once again went to buy you your favourite flowers and even booked a table at one of the restaurants you’d been nagging him to go to. Yes, he was going to put himself entirely out of his comfort zone tonight if it meant winning your heart.
Time got away from him though as he did a few other errands and got caught up in a menswear shop when he decided on a whim that he was going to buy a nice suit that you would hopefully like. He recalled you telling him how much you liked him in blue, so he was feeling quite confident with himself as he wandered back to the flat with his new blue suit and your flowers in hand.
It was 5.30 now. You would most likely be home from work but he figured that still gave you both ample time to get ready for dinner and enough time for him to plan out what he was going to say to you like he hadn’t already been rehearsing all day.
But his newfound confidence dissipated immediately as he approached the front door, hearing your voice and a distinct male voice that he didn’t recognise. Just like that he felt every last drop of courage drain from his body as he stepped into the flat and saw the very same co-worker from a few weeks ago.
He was sitting at the dining room table smiling back at you while you had your head tipped back in laughter at something that he’d said.
                                            -     -     -     -     -     -
Completely unbeknownst to Newt you had spent the last two weeks trying your very hardest to train your heart out of beating erratically every time you saw your best friend smile. Or stopping your stomach from doing somersaults every time he looked back at you with a little too much interest.
Sure, you loved him more than anything or anyone, but you simply couldn’t take any more of listening to him gush on and on about Tina. You knew it was time for you to move on.
So, you had to get over him and that meant turning your attention to your co-worker, Alistair. He was handsome, he was flirty, he was passionate about plants like you and most importantly he was into you.
You were still down in the dumps from Newt turning down your invite to Sarah’s wedding as you walked to work the next day but as you stepped towards the shop the most incredible bouquet of flowers sat waiting for you against the shop door. You felt your chest tighten as you scooped up the arrangement, seeing it was all your favourites.
“Blegh, who puts sunflowers with peonies and ranunculi?” Alistair said from beside you, having just arrived. You looked back at him suspiciously.
“...they’re my favourite flowers,” you said slowly, watching him closely because you were certain he’d heard you telling a customer that much just a few days ago.
“Oh, I knew that, I was just joking” Alistair played it off casually with a wink and such a charming smile that you were convinced he’d been the one to leave them for you.
When he set his hand on your waist and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek you were certain it had been him.
Who else could it be?
                                           -     -     -     -     -     -
“Oh hi, Newt! This is Alistair I’m not sure you’ve met properly yet,” you said brightly when you noticed Newt had arrived home, gesturing to the man sitting across from you. Alistair looked Newt up and down, keeping a pleasant smile on his face as he eyed the flowers Newt had tucked under his arm. Almost an exact replica of the bouquet from the other week, just in a different colour arrangement.
“Pleasure to finally meet you. I’ve heard plenty about you,” he said smoothly, holding his hand out to Newt.
Newt shook Alistair’s hand begrudgingly, feeling completely intimidated by just how classically handsome and built the other man was. He could never compare.
“Nice flowers you got there,” Alistair nodded at the bouquet just as you jumped to your feet excitedly, finally noticing the flowers.
“Uh...yeah I just found these on the doorstep,” Newt lied, holding the flowers out to you and stiffening at the calculating look Alistair was now giving him.
You blinked a few times as you took the stunning bouquet from Newt, whipping your head aside to look at Alistair.
“I KNEW it was you!”, you said happily as you poked a finger into Alistair’s chest, completely missing the look of confusion that passed over his face for a fleeting moment.
And missing the look of alarm Newt was giving you.
“You tried to pretend you didn’t know what my favourite flowers were! When did you even have the time to put them there?”, you giggled, truly thinking Alistair had managed to pull off such a romantic feat.
Newt gritted his teeth, feeling the strongest flare of jealousy yet when he saw Alistair quickly compose himself and plaster that stupid smug smirk back on his face “well I had them delivered of course,” he lied smoothly as his eyes flicked to Newt.
The two men locked eyes for a moment. Alistair was silently challenging Newt to tell you otherwise. Newt glanced back at you, opening his mouth to protest but he stopped himself just as quickly when he saw the happy glimmer in your eyes.
He just didn’t have the heart to ruin your good mood especially considering how down you had been lately.
So what if you thought the flowers came from Alistair? It was a harmless misunderstanding, right?
Not a moment later you were pressing a kiss to Alistair’s cheek and Newt was gritting his teeth again.
You wandered away to find a vase for the flowers, leaving the two men alone to just stare at each other. Alistair looked back at Newt and the stony expression he now wore, clearing his throat after a moment.
“I should really get going, Y/N,” he called out, keeping his gaze fixed firmly on Newt, another fake smile gracing his lips when you turned to look at him.
“It was nice to meet you, Newt.”
Alistair walked over to you and Newt wanted to die as he watched him press a kiss to the top of your head and saw the shy smile you gave him in return.
Newt briefly considered throwing the damn bouquet into his case for the creatures to feast on when you went to see Alistair off but when you returned to the room, he felt a horrible sense of guilt settle in his chest. You looked so happy and touched by the notion and he just didn’t have the will to wipe that smile from your face.
Would you have been so happy if you’d known who they were truly from?
Probably not.
“He seems nice,” he murmured quietly, staring back at you desperately and hoping you would realise the truth. But when you nodded your head in response, he knew it was a pointless hope.
“Yeah he’s lovely. He’s uh, a bit of a handful sometimes but he’s really sweet and he doesn’t get bored of all my plant talk,” you laughed, looking back at Newt, nodding at the bag he had in his hand “what did you buy?”
“Oh, just some stuff for in the case,” he lied quickly, forcing a smile at you before he walked away, pretending that his heart wasn’t in total shambles.
He decided it didn’t matter who the flowers were really from. All that mattered was that you were happy.
                                           -     -     -     -     -     -
Another week passed and Newt didn’t hear or see anything more of Alistair much to his relief. Strangely, you appeared to have slipped back into your more quiet subdued self and Newt was worried again.
Had Alistair done something to upset you maybe?
In actual fact you’d been wallowing for a few days now since you’d happened to glimpse one of Newt’s letters from Tina, mistakenly thinking it was yours.
There is so much to admire about you. You are handsome and inspiring and truly one of a kind. I know Queenie agrees with me on this. Don’t sell yourself short. Much love,
Not only were you completely unaware that the true intention of the letter was more of a friendly pep talk on Tina’s behalf after Newt had written to her about his failure in telling you his feelings and detailing how charming Alistair was comparatively. But you were also hurt to think that Newt had neglected to tell you that he and Tina had made things official.
Sure, the letter was a little lacklustre and you could think of roughly two thousand things to add to the list of things to admire about Newt, but it was still clearly a letter between two people holding affection for one another.
It wasn’t an idea you really wanted to accept yet, so you decided the safest course of action for your bruised heart was to limit your time with Newt. So as a result, you’d been busying yourself throughout the week with your garden.
He would tell you about his new relationship with Tina when he was ready, and you would smile and support him like a good friend.
You’d been up in your bedroom all morning and Newt was concerned so he set about making you a cup of tea deciding he would go and check on you but he nearly dropped the mug in his hand when you came sweeping into the kitchen, dressed up to the nines in the most magnificent dress he’d never seen before.
Your lips were painted to perfection and your hair was styled to frame your face. His chest was aching from your sheer beauty.
“Y/N, you look...incredible,” he breathed, his mouth agape as he looked back at you. “What’s...what’s the occasion?”, he managed to ask eventually, moving closer to you instinctively.
You were completely taken aback by his reaction and his sweet words because he almost looked...awed? You shook the thought away, remembering the letter from Tina and frowned at him.
“It’s Sarah’s wedding? Remember you were invited? I told you about it last month?”, you walked away from him when the doorbell rang, and Newt stared after you helplessly.
Had Sarah’s wedding seriously snuck up that quickly?
Why hadn’t you mentioned it to him again?
Usually you would remind him of such events with a few weeks’ notice, giving him plenty of time to get his act together.
He felt his stomach drop and he understood exactly why you hadn’t mentioned the wedding to him again when he saw you pull the front door open, revealing a fancy suit-clad Alistair. You were taking a practical stranger as your date to the wedding of one of your oldest friends and boy did that feel like a kick in the guts.
“Y/N, didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s rude to out-shine the bride on her wedding day?”, Alistair said loudly as he walked into the apartment, taking your hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it. Newt rolled his eyes so hard he thought they might roll right out of his head.
“Oh, you won’t be saying that when you see Sarah. She’s actual perfection”, you smiled back at Alistair bashfully.
“I highly doubt there is going to be a single lady who can hold a candle to you today”, Alistair smirked, and Newt grit his teeth because that was something he could actually agree upon but just the way the other man was leering at you as he said it had Newt wanting to cover you up in one of his long coats. They always did swim on your frame.
Alistair eventually stopped his leering long enough to thrust a huge bouquet of flowers into your face. You raised your eyebrows because this time it was a giant bouquet of red roses.
“I thought it was about time to change it up a little, don’t you think?”, Alistair smiled, reaching out to toy with a strand of your hair, making Newt want to break his hand.
When you just stared at the roses wordlessly Alistair pressed a kiss to your cheek “I think Roses are much better suited to a lady such as yourself. Elegant, beautiful and the flower of romance.”
As you took the bouquet from Alistair and offered him a thankful smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes Newt found himself being thrown back into his Hogwarts days when he’d first learned the truth of why you didn’t like roses.
                                            -     -     -     -     -     -
“Now remember this spell will only heal minor injuries.  Anything beyond that and I highly suggest that you still take a visit to the hospital wing.” Professor Jamieson’s dry voice carried through the classroom.
“Now repeat after me ep-PIS-kee...Episkey. Good.”
Newt was sat beside you in charms class during your second year, fidgeting with his quill nervously as he prayed the Professor wouldn’t call on him to demonstrate for the class.
Professor Jamieson had a penchant for making the entire class demonstrate their pronunciation and wand motions and it was often a source of great embarrassment for Newt as he would stutter when the entire class was watching him.
Newt groaned quietly from his spot beside you when the teacher did just that and he began to bounce his knee nervously as the students began to take turns one by one.
He blinked in surprise when you lay your hand on his knee. You offered him a smile of comfort and he felt his nerves melt away for a moment as he found himself getting lost in your eyes and the soft curve of your lips.
That moment was short lived though as the Professor had the class begin to recite the spell and the motion one by one.
He desperately whispered the spell to himself under his breath, but of course once it was his turn he froze, staring down at his desk as he fumbled with his wand.
Everyone’s eyes were on him as you nudged him gently and the Professor called on him again.
“...Ep-p-p...p-pisskey,” his flushed deep red right to his ears as one Colin Fligshaw guwaffed with laughter, already mocking Newt from the back of the classroom.
“P-p-p-p please Professor! I only speak FREAK!”, Colin mocked, and Newt sat in complete humiliation wanting nothing more than to disappear as the other students began to laugh along.
That was until you threw your ink pot with shocking accuracy, hitting Colin in the middle of his head and sending the ink all over the boy and his robes “Merlin, YOU’RE A GIT, FLIGSHAW!”
Your angry voice carried through the classroom as everyone else sat in stunned silence and Newt stared at you like you’d grown a second head.
“Miss L/N, Mr Fligshaw, detention for a week! And 10 points from Hufflepuff and Gryffindor!”  
You scowled back at the other boy who at least had the decency to look ashamed, remembering the time you had made him pay for stealing Newt’s textbooks the year before. He’d had a sore ear for an entire week after you’d dragged him the length of the entire school, ranting and raving at him like a complete lunatic.
“Y/N, you didn’t have to do that. Now you’re gonna be stuck in detention,” Newt said when you were leaving the classroom and you frowned at the guilty expression he wore.
“Newt, you’re my best friend. I’m not just going to sit back and watch you be poked fun of. Plus, you’re going meet me after detention every day with snacks, aren’t you?”, you grinned back at him. You were only joking but Newt nodded in response.
And he did just that. Waiting diligently outside the detention hall for you each afternoon with your favourite snacks hidden in his robes that he’d pinched from the kitchens.
“You’re free!”, he hugged you when you’d finally finished serving your punishment at the end of the week, handing you a cinnamon bun that was still warm.
You hummed happily in appreciation wasting no time in chomping down on the pastry as Newt held out a letter for you to see “Look what my parents wrote me h-oh no!”, he tried to grasp for the paper when a gust of wind sent it flying out of his hand.
You quickly chased after it across the courtyard and Newt tried to call out to get your attention, but it was too late. You managed to catch the paper at the same time you stumbled straight into a rose bush, crying out when the thorns dug into your skin.
“Y/N!” he ran over to you as you thrashed around trying to free yourself from the rose bush, only to end up with more thorns piercing your skin. “Y/N stop moving!”
He winced at your whimper of pain as he carefully pried the bushes away from you, helping you out from the garden bed and sitting you down carefully as he looked over your injuries and torn stockings.
“This IS WHY I HATE ROSES! Firstly, they remind me of my mum's funeral because Merlin, they were everywhere that day but now this! Terrible, stupid, overrated flowers!”
Newt hated the tears he could see you fighting back as you bit your lip in pain. Your stockings were torn and there was blood running down both of your legs. He didn’t hesitate as he knelt down in front of you, taking your hand and using his other to pluck his wand out from his pocket.
“Episkey,” he murmured, letting out a sigh of relief when your skin mended quickly and you were no longer wincing in pain.
“Newt! You did it!”, you gasped, looking at him with big eyes and gripping his shoulders with a proud smile.
“I guess I just needed a reason to get it right,” he smiled back at you crookedly, casting another charm to get rid of the blood and dirt off of you before he helped you to your feet.
He didn’t let go of your hand as he guided you towards the common room, vowing to never ever present you with roses as a gift.
                                                 -     -     -     -     -     -
Newt stepped towards you cutting Alistair from your view as you set the flowers in water with an unreadable expression on your face.
You looked up when he took your hand, looking back at him in confusion before you smiled weakly at him.
“It’s okay. I told Sarah you were busy with book signing things. She understands.” You squeezed his hand gently and Newt wanted to kick himself because that was the last thing that was on his mind. Really, he just wanted to stop you from leaving with him.
He wanted to tell you the truth. And he wanted to dash off to get into his own suit so he could take you to the wedding himself, but he knew he’d lost his chance.
Alistair’s low laughter filled the kitchen as he moved over to you and Newt gritted his teeth at the way he was still leering at you. “Don’t worry Newt, I’ll have her home by curfew,” Alistair teased, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you out of Newt’s grasp.
“Come on princess. We don’t want to be late,” Alistair fixed Newt with one last hard look over your shoulder before he pulled you from the house, missing the way you looked back at Newt in concern. Wondering what it was that he’d been trying to tell you.
Once you were gone from the flat Newt tried to go about his day as usual but the image of you looking so beautiful in Alistair’s arms was burned into his retinas and he found himself checking the time constantly.
He glanced at his watch with a sigh for the 4th time in an hour that afternoon, wondering what you were doing and if Alistair was being respectful. He knew it was silly. You were an adult and you could take care of yourself but that didn’t stop him from worrying and it certainly didn’t stop him from wallowing in self-pity.
As the hours wore on and the light faded, he found himself feeling more and more worked up, lingering in the living room by the front door when he would usually be in his case working.
It was the thought of you slow dancing in Alistair’s arms that had him rushing from the house and before he knew it, he was standing on his brothers’ doorstep, pounding on the door in a complete daze.
“Newt?”, Theseus frowned when he opened his door, knowing immediately from his younger brother’s body language and expression that something was bothering him. He stepped aside, motioning for Newt to come in and went to put the kettle on the boil while Newt sat himself down in the lounge room.
“I’m sorry I know it’s late and you’re probably busy- I can, I can go,” Newt stuttered when Theseus had returned with a pot of tea, getting to his feet to which Theseus frowned and cast him back into his seat.
“Newton. You know my door is open to you no matter the time. What’s upsetting you?”
Newt let out a deep sigh, brushing his fingers through his hair “I don’t...I don’t really know.”
But Theseus fixed Newt with a deadpan expression because he knew his brother only stumbled on his words like he was now over a select few reasons.
“Is one of the creatures ill?”
Newt shook his head.
“Have you lost Dougal again?”
He shook his head again.
“So, it’s Y/N.” Theseus said slowly, watching the younger man closely as he shook his head again.
“Well no...it’s not her specifically,” Newt ran a hand down his face and then let out a groan as his shoulders slumped.
“Merlin, who am I kidding. She’s at a wedding right now with some other man. Her co-worker. I was supposed to go with her, but I said no- I know I’m an idiot don’t give me that face Thes,” he rambled on as he wrung his hands in his lap.
“They’ve been getting closer lately and I just, I’m trying to be happy for her, but I can’t stand the guy Thes’ I seriously can’t stand the guy and it’s driving me mad!”
Newt’s voice grew louder as he continued on but Theseus watched him curl in on himself again when he finished.
The brothers sat in silence for a few moments as Theseus just looked back at Newt, choosing his words carefully.
“You...don’t like him because you’re simply jealous or you don’t like him because he’s genuinely unlikable?”
Newt blinked back at his brother in confusion “why’s it matter?” he sighed, shaking his head as he flopped back in the chair.
In the past he would have ardently argued that he wasn’t jealous and he didn’t see you that way but he knew there was no point trying to lie to Theseus.
“Well I just mean- do you dislike him just because you want to be him? Because you want to be in his shoes? Or do you dislike him because he’s not a good fit for Y/N? Does he treat her well? Will he make her happy?”
Newt looked down at his lap then, twisting his hands together once more as he pondered what Theseus had said.
“Not like I can,” he whispered eventually.
Theseus nodded in response, smiling softly back at him as he clapped him on the shoulder “then I think you better do something about it, Newt. You need to tell her how you feel before it’s too late.”
He noticed the hesitant look Newt wore so he continued, “you need to tell her before you have to watch her move on with someone who can never love her or treat her like you do.”
Newt got to his feet then, nodding to himself and determined to tell you the truth once and for all. Surely you would be home by now. When he arrived home though it was clear you still haven’t returned. That was fine. It just gave him more time to rehearse what he was going to say.
He paced around the kitchen as he imagined hearing you tell him you felt the same way.
“I had a great time tonight, Y/N.”
Newt’s head snapped up and he spotted you in the front terrace, your heels in one hand and Alistair’s hand gripped in the other.
That was okay too. It didn’t have to mean anything. He could still go through with his plan once you were inside and Alistair had left.
Then just as you reached for the door Alistair tugged your hand, spinning you around in his arms and leaning in for a kiss but you turned your cheek at the last second. You successfully dodged the kiss and Newt could almost hear his own heart sing.
That had to be a good sign! You didn’t want to kiss Alistair so maybe he still had a chance to tell you the truth. His brother's advice still echoed in his ears and he realised he had to tell you tonight before he lost his shot completely.
He sucked in a breath when you finally entered the house, standing in the hallway and just glimpsing Alistair’s retreating figure before you swung the door closed and turned to face him.
“Oh, Newt you’re still up”, you said in surprise and Newt had to focus on the task at hand when he realised just how distractingly gorgeous you were still looking.
“Yes, I have to tell you something,” he blurted out, stepping closer to you tentatively.
“Me too actually,” you murmured, smiling back at him weakly and Newt was caught off guard.
Why were you looking at him like that?
What did that smile mean?
He was so dumbfounded by your expression that he forgot to speak, so you eventually filled the silence.
“Alistair’s moving to South America to research the flora and fauna over there.”
Newt only blinked back at you dumbly, so you spoke up again.
“I said I’d go with him.” OTHER WORKS HERE! -
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Jan/Feb 2021 Picks
HELLO! It’s been a while, but I’M BACK!! Life has gotten a lot busier as I started Grad School this January. So, I feel it may be tough being on time with future Monthly Wraps like I’ve done in the past with working on my MFA, and my job. I’m going to probably do more seasonal wrap ups when I get the time. I also think I’ll be posting more individual posts as I watch an episode. Because even with a busier schedule, there is always time for TV and there’s so much I want to talk about!
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You know the drill. Spoilers are coming.....
You’ve been warned :)
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I want to start off by mentioning that I have not watched this week’s episode yet. So the last one I saw was EPISODE  6 with Halloween in the late 90s/early 2000s.
I didn’t know what I was signing up for when I watched the first episode and I have been blown away. It is such a cool concept and I love the fact that everyone who watches it is confused. There have been so many interesting theories out there and I am so curious what is going to wind up being true. I love all the nods to old sitcoms and TV shows as well as all the MCU Easter Eggs. (I mean they got X-men’s Quicksilver-like WOW.) It feels really Black Mirror at times with the breaking of the fourth wall. I will never be able to shake the feeling I got in Episode 3, when Vision reversed. (And then I saw a bunch of videos with him looking at the camera as Wanda looks at the TV. Eww I don’t like it, but it’s such a good move on their point.) I love the outside plot as well and the characters who were previously side characters in other MARVEL movies. The love for Jimmy Woo is astounding and I’m here for it. I’m glad it’s Friday, so I can watch the next episode. I’m just upset that we’re so close to the show ending. The next Disney Plus Marvel shows better be just as good. Wandavision set the bar high.  
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If you’ve visited this page recently, you know I have a very strong love for this show. It is the only one I am still watching religiously on the CW and I am tuning in the night it airs. (That is HUGE for me.) IT IS JUST SO GOOD AND I DON’T KNOW WHERE TO START....
2x05 just aired, which would have been the season 1 finale before COVID and I have it saved on my DVR to watch again. There’s just so much I want to relive and catch that I missed the first watch through. It would have been SUCH A GOOD FINALE, but I’m happy that we can continue with new episodes starting next week. And with the way it ended...there’s so much I need to know!! I’m just curious how fast they’re going to develop certain plots. I love the Drew Crew and how they are a family. Each character is so well developed and their chemistry is great. I love learning more about each of them and watching them develop. My favorite character is definitely Ace. I love all his witty lines and how he is opening up more to the group as well as to us, the audience, as we get more of a look into his personal life. I enjoy all of his scenes with his dad and specifically liked when they were celebrating Shabbat. (I am also here for the Nancy and Ace content. I gush more about this on my other blog: lydia-whogowith-stiles. Check it out if you want to hear more.)
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When I watched the Christmas special (or was it New Years? and why does that feel so long ago) of Doctor Who, BBC America kept advertising a new show called the Watch. Due to the extensive amount of commercials, I decided to tape the first two episodes (which premiered back to back) to see what it was all about. I was unaware that this series is based on the book series created by Terry Pratchett. When I came to see if people were talking about it on Tumblr, I saw that a lot of people didn’t like it because of how drastically different it was. As I was unfamiliar with the original, I can’t compare. The TV show was eight episodes and I just watched the last one that aired this past Sunday. I definitely liked the first half of the season more (I noticed my mind start to drift as I watched later ones), but thought the finale was good. I really enjoyed how they incorporated the theme song. I didn’t realize the connection earlier and now can’t stop humming it. (I don’t know if there will be another season or not.) I enjoyed the characters and how it was like nothing I’ve seen on TV before. It got me thinking a lot about blending genres. I would still recommend checking it out.  
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I was VERY excited for this show to come back. I loved the first season so much. It’s just such a heartfelt show and it helped me survive the early parts of quarantine. So far, this season I am noticing how detailed the musical performances are. Mandy Moore is doing an AMAZING job. The choreography is *chefs kiss* I also feel like the song choices have been great and not always the ones I think that would be picked. We are getting to learn more about each character and watch Zoey and her family as they continue life after losing Mitch. I am here for Mo and Max’s restaurant. I think the concept would be so cool in real life. Who knows maybe we’ll see one now. (Max’s rendition of ‘Numb’ was amazing. I’ve never heard the song like that and I think it might be one of my favorites of the season so far.) I hope Max and Zoey get back together by the end of the season. It did feel fast, so I do understand why they had to break up, but it still makes me sad that we watched them get together and then it was taken away from us. The last episode before the break was so powerful and I think the show did an amazing job applying real world issues into their plot. It did not feel forced at all and brought so much awareness. Upset we have to wait so long for a new episode. 
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Are you looking for a good mystery, but don’t think Disney Channel can provide it? Think again. I have to say, when I started watching I was not expecting this show to be a part of my monthly picks. It pleasantly surprised me. The show involves the mystery of a young girl, Savannah, who went mysteriously missing at camp back in the 90s. Apparently, her ghost still haunts the hotel that was on the camp grounds to this day. Then Griffin and his family buy the hotel with intent of fixing it up and reopening it after all these years. The people in the town think they’re crazy because of its past. But there’s something more going on with Griffin’s dad as well as some of the other adults in the town. They know something about Savannah’s disappearance, but aren’t saying anything about it. While this is a kid’s show (and only half hour episodes) it has been interesting to see where the story will go. I’m sure I am imagining much more intense things for her disappearance than what actually happened. It’s also not super cheesy or have bad acting, which is refreshing. (I really feel Disney Channel has gone down.) Either way, I don’t know how many episodes are left to air, but I think we’re pretty close to the end. If you’re looking for a quick, entertaining mystery I would highly recommend.  
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And here come my period pieces (ironically both from Masterpiece/PBS this time). I know last year I felt like I watched a lot of historical watches at the beginning of the year. We’ll see if that continues to happen this year too. It does serve as a nice escape. Plus, these are some really good stories. 
Miss Scarlet and the Duke is a part of Masterpiece Mystery on PBS, although it aired on a different network in the UK. It is (another) mystery series (shocking I know with that title!) It follows Eliza Scarlet who has a nose for mystery, but as a woman living in the Victorian era does not have any rights except for being a wife and mother (two things she would rather not be). When her father dies (apparently from a heart attack...emphasis on apparently), she takes over his Private Investigator business. Much to the dismay of long time family friend William “The Duke” who is a Detective Inspector for Scotland Yard. Eliza is often in his office as she gets arrested for being places she shouldn’t or trying to get information out of him. This element of Eliza having to work in a very male dominated Victorian society is one that I feel I haven’t really seen on a TV show. I really like her dynamic with William. There’s always that feeling of “will they won’t they,” but I don’t feel the show just focuses on that. The mystery is the heart of it all. This last week’s episode was REALLY GOOD. As we got to find out more regarding her father’s death. I hear a lot of people want a season 2 and I am right there with them. This show deserves it. 
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Another PBS Masterpiece watch. I love this show, so much more than I was anticipating. It is so heartfelt and makes me so happy and in a good mood after watching it. It follows James Herriot who has recently graduated from veterinary school, but is struggling finding a job. Then he gets a call from Siegfried Farnon’s veterinary practice in Yorkshire. Siegfried is known for having a harsh demeanor and temper, so the assistants he hires don’t often last long. Spoiler alert, that should be pretty obvious, James does. The cast of characters are so lovely and I like all their relationships with one another. The show takes places in the 1930s and I realized I don’t often watch things in this era, so that has been fun to explore. The sets and locations are BEAUTIFUL. In the episodes, we often get these amazing shots that sweep over the exterior and I want to travel to Yorkshire like tomorrow. (See more escapism, it’s great.) The main plot follows everyone interact in the town and watching James become a more confident and experienced veterinarian (which I decided I could never do after watching). I heard that it has been renewed for a second season so that is so fantastic. 
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The first things I heard about this show was how disappointed everyone was in how they decided to adapt the Winx Club show from their childhood. On this I can agree, but I decided to watch the show anyway. I pretended that it was something new entirely and I have to say I enjoyed it. Of course, there were parts that bothered me and then I had to remember it was a teen show, so angst would be annoying. I think overall it was too short (and should have at least 8 or 10 episodes), but I’m happy that they were able to conclude the main plot well. (Although we did get that cliffhanger, but it is exciting that it was released the show just got renewed for a second season the other day.) I really liked Silva-mainly because it was great seeing Thomas from Downton Abbey in something else. I also enjoyed seeing Jacob Duchman in more things. It was a surprise to see him in Medici and I am just happy he is adding more to his IMDB. 
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Quick and addicting watch. Add it to your queue. Just forget it’s supposed to be based on something else. 
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Continuing with the Netflix picks, one of my FAVORITE picks from 2020 got a season 2 and it is already on Netflix! That’s right Blown Away season 2 is now available. I seriously loved the first season of this show SO MUCH! Glass blowing is such a magical process and I am mesmerized every time I watch it. It felt weird starting this show with all new contestants, but then Alex came back as a guest judge and I was so happy. It is just as addicting and I cannot wait to see who wins this season. I am just trying not to rush the episodes. 
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I know you were all dying to know...
After taking a hiatus from watching during the holidays, I have gotten back into watching the Disney Channel telenovela on Disney Plus. I am now on episode 68. Things are really starting to happen and I am finding myself getting sucked in again, which makes me happy. Episode 60 (pictured above) had A LOT happen and really was a turning point for the second half of the show. Can’t wait to keep watching. Some really awesome songs from these last set of episodes. 
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This third season has really disappointed me so far. As I’ve previously discussed on this page, it feels like they are just reusing previous plots from the last two seasons when there is so much more they can do. There was so much promise for this show and I loved the Vampire Diaries and Originals so much, that it’s sad to see Legacies miss the mark. I wish they gave Hope more storylines that didn’t revolve around Landon. She is such a strong character and is SO POWERFUL. This is something we rarely see and it shouldn’t only be shown to save a guy (multiple times). Their couple plot is continually doing the same thing. I want to see a lot more development with this show over this season to keep me watching. I am actually happy that there isn’t a new episode until March 11th. (That’s saying something...) 
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marvella15 · 4 years
Astaire and Rogers Rewatch Part 11: Kisses, Partnership, and Final Thoughts
Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers made 10 films together. That’s more than Judy Garland and Andy Hardy. More than Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy. Almost one-third of Astaire’s musical filmography also stars Rogers. That’s incredible by the standards of any decade. 
I’ve had a lot of thoughts throughout this rewatch and I’ve distilled some of the larger ones into this wrap-up post. So here we go.
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It felt important to talk about the kisses and distinct lack of them in their own section. As I mentioned in my Carefree post, Astaire didn’t like big romantic scenes, especially those that involved kissing. He preferred to let the romance happen in the dancing. 
But here’s the problem with that:
After he made his last RKO film with Ginger Rogers, Astaire went on to make many more musicals with other leading ladies and he kissed all of them. 
Look at 1941’s “You’ll Never Get Rich” with Rita Hayworth. Or Holiday Inn with Virginia Dale and Marjorie Reynolds (though I can’t remember if he kisses Reynolds). Or Easter Parade with Ann Miller and Judy Garland.
Through the rest of his film career, Astaire almost always kissed his leading lady. So what was the hesitancy with Ginger Rogers?
I know it seems like I’m making this all Astaire’s “fault” but… well it kind of was. It’s not like Rogers was stomping around demanding to be kissed. But she certainly wasn’t the one going off with the script with her spouse and coming back to declare for any number of reasons why she and Astaire shouldn’t kiss in the film. On the other hand, he was definitely doing that. 
If you’re in any way thinking this was a case of “oh he didn’t like Ginger so he didn’t want to kiss her” let me stop you right there. Because you’re wrong (see my Barkleys of Broadway post as well as the Final Thoughts section here). And maybe it was the opposite.
Now look, I think you could chalk this up to Astaire being shy (which he was) or his newness to the movie business (also true) or simply an unease with romance on the screen. But it feels worth mentioning, again, that he and Rogers had a previous romantic relationship. They’d dated in New York prior to her moving to Hollywood. They also absolutely made out during that time because Rogers wrote about in her autobiography. So kissing each other was familiar territory. 
I’ll just cut to the chase. Astaire had only been married for a few months when he and Rogers started making their series of films. By all accounts, he was deeply in love with his wife, whom he had spent two years pursuing. He may have felt that repeatedly kissing his ex-girlfriend on screen while also performing some undeniably sensual dance numbers wasn’t a good idea for the health of his new marriage. 
Perhaps there were even lingering feelings between him and Rogers, though it must be noted that she was also married from 1934-1940 (to Lew Ayres). And if you have feelings for someone who is not your spouse, you need to have boundaries. Or maybe it was some combo of this and/or other factors. 
In all, the Astaire/Rogers films don’t necessarily suffer from the lack of kissing between the two leads. A strange element to this discussion is the kisses we do get prior to the first “romantic” clinch in Carefree. There’s a peck on the cheek in Gay Divorcee and a comical kiss on the lips by Rogers (and it’s mainly one-sided) in Top Hat. But why not make either of those, especially the first one, an actual kiss?? 
And if comical kisses were going to be inserted anywhere, they should land in Roberta or Follow the Fleet, the two films where Astaire and Rogers have the snarkiest relationships because their characters have a history together. 
Moreover, there are glaring moments where a kiss should obviously be. Such as somewhere in Swing Time. For goodness sake, they joke about not kissing in “A Fine Romance” and then have a scene where it appears they’ve kissed off-screen. Give us the real thing! Which they did, eventually, in Carefree and it’s… pretty lackluster imo. Their kisses in The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle and The Barkleys of Broadway look and feel much more heartfelt. 
So sure, the Astaire/Rogers films aren’t worse off for not having their leads kiss but they could have sometimes been improved. Shall We Dance’s plot hinges on a secret relationship between the two main characters and yet we never see them actually romantic together. That said, it’s a bit entertaining, if also kind of annoying, how often the plots in nearly every Astaire/Rogers film bend over backward to avoid showing us a kiss. 
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(my gif)
It’s undisputed that Rogers is Astaire’s greatest partner, both in terms of dance and on-screen companion. They play off each other remarkably well, with an ease that hints at their personal relationship. Astaire had spent most of his life partnered with his sister, Adele, so he had learned how to make a lady look good during a dance and put the audience’s focus on her. 
But Rogers doesn’t really need his help. She commands the screen so entirely at times that it takes pointed effort to look anywhere but her. Her ability to continue acting (and acting well) in the midst of dancing absolutely sets her apart from not only Astaire’s other dance partners but other musical stars of the day. A large part of what makes her dances with Astaire so enduring is that she sells the romance, rapture, and joy of those minutes with him. 
Katharine Hepburn quipped that Rogers gave Astaire “sex” and he gave her “class.” I think a more apt observation may be that he elevated/improved her dancing and she elevated/improved his acting. That makes sense to me since she was more experienced as an actress and he as a dancer. 
Doing this rewatch made me even more resolute that every critic who remarks on her lack of technical dancing skills is an idiot. Just look at “Isn’t it a Lovely Day.” She matches Astaire step for step and he’s not exactly going easy on her. 
Then there are the romantic duets. Let’s talk about the sexiness of those dances because look. Astaire had been partnered almost exclusively with his sister up until then. He’d had maybe maybe a handful of other partners prior to pairing up with Rogers on screen. 
There’s no question he was a talented performer and choreographer but I do find myself asking exactly when and how he learned to look at his partner so seductively. He certainly wasn’t doing that with his sister! 
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Plus there’s the nature of his dances with Rogers. There is a heat between them that is especially pronounced during the Hays Code era of Hollywood. Even Flying Down to Rio, where they barely dance together, has some steamy moments. “Night and Day” in Gay Divorcee and, to a slightly lesser extent, “Cheek to Cheek” in Top Hat are very obviously dancing metaphors for sex. And Astaire and Rogers get away with it while also not diluting the meaning of the dance one single bit. 
Astaire crafted those dances himself specifically for himself and Rogers so he knew exactly what he was doing and communicating and so did she. For a guy who jumped through hoops to avoid kissing his dance partner on screen until their eighth film together, he sure put a lot of tension, sexuality, and deep romance into their dances. 
For her part, Rogers again matched him. Although I often commented about how much he smiles and gazes at her while they are dancing, she regularly did the same towards him. They injected softness and genuine affection into those dances. They were both good actors but it wasn’t always acting. 
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(my gif)
Final Thoughts
Every time I watch one of their films, I discover something new. There’s so much I wish we knew but we never will, like what they’re whispering to each other those times we can see them talking during a dance. Or what rehearsals, which were apparently grueling but filled with laughter, really looked like (“I’ll Be Hard to Handle” in Roberta is the closest we’ll get). Or the many other ways Rogers fine-tuned their dances, adding elements here and there that made a marked difference. 
They held each other in very high regard and were extremely fond of one another. Michael Feinstein tells a story about meeting Astaire for the first time. Feinstein was playing piano at a party and Rogers, whom he knew, asked if he’d “met Fred.” When Feinstein replied he hadn’t, she took him over to meet her friend and former costar who shyly but sweetly listened to Feinstein fanboy over him. 
Astaire and Rogers remained good friends throughout their lives, with him sending her a very sweet note that she cherished about her performance in Kitty Foyle (for which she won an Oscar) and also gifting her with an ornate travel watch at one point (as mentioned in the “feather dress” section of my Top Hat post). She said he was one of the few men she knew who was an excellent dancer off-camera as well as on. Their affection for one another is evident in their films and it’s one of the many reasons I come back to their movies again and again. 
Thanks for joining me for this rewatch! I’ve gotten notes from a few of you and that’s been so kind and also a huge surprise. I was almost certain no one would read these posts lol
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writing-with-olive · 4 years
A starting place for self-editing your novel
I wrote this in a reblog to one of @boy-who-can-fly​‘s posts, but as I couldn’t add any tags to that that would make it findable to more than just my followers, I figured I’d make the same content in an original post because YAY TAGS!
Without further ado...
1) Take a break.
Some authors have suggested taking a break for six or so weeks, but I find anything longer than three makes me too distanced from my story, and I have to work a lot harder to get back into my protagonist’s head. During this break, don’t so much as look at your story. Instead, focus on something else. Maybe growing your author platform, planning or developing another wip, or researching the publishing industry if publishing is the end goal for your book (this goes for both traditional and self pub). The point of this is that without some distance, it’s going to be a lot harder to see larger developmental flaws.
(this is a very long post, so the rest of the steps are below the break)
2) The first read-through.
After your break has ended, and you’ve got to be a little stern with yourself not to extend it farther than what you set, or else you’ll never return to it, do a readthrough. This means either just reading it off you’re computer or kindle, or going to somewhere like staples and getting it printed and spiral bound (this costs money, but I found it helpful down the line). Two rules: 1) no editing. 2) look at the first rule. This read-through is going to help give you a general sense of what is and isn’t working in your book; the problems you notice here are likely going to be the biggest ones. (if you want, you can combine this step with step three, but I found it more helpful to keep them seperate)
3) Outline.
It doesn’t matter whether you outlined before, or whether you decided to pants it. By the time you get to editing, you need to have an outline that’s reflective of what you actually put on the page. Go through your story, chapter by chapter, and for each new scene write down
what is your character’s goal in this scene
what is standing in their way
what is the outcome of the scene.
This list should not go into depth; one short sentece per point, MAX. That being said, make sure to keep things specific, so “MC wants to convice X to go with them to Y.” is going to be a lot more useful to you later on than “MC tries to convince them to go.” This outline is going to help you objectively look at your story structure, as you can see a lot more of what’s happening at once, without being quite so overwhelmed by the sheer mass of the words you wrote. Yes, this step can be a bit tedious, but it is so, so worth it.
4) Sort out what you need to fix, aka start making a game plan for your edits.
Now that you’ve read through your wip at least once through, and probably twice, you probably have a pretty good idea of what you need to fix. The key here is that right now, you want to be fixing on the global edits - the things that span beyond just a single scene or chapter. The reason why is that you don’t want to be spending hours perfecting a scene that you’re just going to need to cut later because it doesn’t advance the plot.
In a new document or spreadsheet (whatever you think will work better for you, I liked using a google doc), write issues you see with:
Each of your main cast (regarding character development, motivations voice, etc)
Setting/s (consistancy, realism for your world)
General worldbuilding (consistancy, things poorly explained/set up)
Main plot (following a given plot structure, building tension, etc)
Each subplot (how it intertwines with the main plot, plot structure, building tension, etc)
Other major things you noticed during your readthroughs
These things tend to be larger scope, and generally are worth addressing first.
5) Picking your edit.
Look at the list of edits, and see which one is going to cause the most ripples through your story. This is going to be the first thing you look at to fix. If there are more than one edits that will all have major impacts on the story, think about which edit would make the other ones easier.
For example, in my wip, Project Toxin, my plot was, well, a trainwreck and a dumpster fire’s love child. But my characterization for my MC was also a wreck. Still, getting the overall plot more in order would make it easier for me to edit my MC, so I chose plot first.
6) Make a game plan for your edit.
Before diving in and ripping through your first draft, come up with a game plan. Brainstorm possible solutions to the edit you’ve chosen, and look at what ripples it would cause. You want to make sure that what route you take isn’t going to upset something major or crucial to your story. Most likely whatever solution you choose will cause some other upsets, so just make sure to think through what makes most sense for your story.
For example, when working on my story, I was fixing plot first. Figuring out my game plan meant looking at my scene list and moving things around/adding/cutting content until I had a plot that was much more satisfactory, and that was, in my mind, not a wreck.
Possible game plans for different types of edits:
1. Plot:
Look at your scene list. What helps to advance the plot? What is dragging the pacing. Are there any elements that you are adding or cutting in your overall story that need to be accounted for? With this in mind, cross out scenes that you want to cut, move scenes around that need to come in a different order, add scenes that need to be added, and mark scenes that need to be combined into one.
2. Characters:
For each of your characters, look at their character development. It’s going to be hard to make them come to life better on the page unless you’ve got a grasp of who they are, even if you didn’t plan them out originally. If you have not, consider listing in a spreadsheet or google doc what their backstory is, what their goals are, why they want those goals, and what a few of their strengths and weaknesses are. Also think about their voice: what words do they use more often? Sentence structures? What do they sound like when they’re talking? Stuff like that. If your character is inconsistant, pick one version of them that you want to follow (knowing that they will likely change over the course of the story), and look at what parts of them you will need to change to accomodate that.
3. Setting/Worldbuilding:
I’ve put these together here as they’re somewhat similar. For poorly explained aspects of worldbuilding, look at where you might add in little details so you can better set that foundation (this is not usually a global edit). If things are inconsistant, look at what makes the most sense for your story, and like what we talked about with characters, alter the rest to accomodate that.
7) Making edits.
This is where you really get to dig in and really move things around. Using the edit you’ve picked and the game plan you’ve developed, go through scene by scene and make the changes. I strongly recommend having a seperate doc from your rough draft to store your second draft in. Currently, my process is to have both open at the same time, and if a scene is already fine, I’ll just copy/paste it over. At least for me, however, it’s usually not, and I’ll either make tweaks to fix it up, or, more often at this early stage, I’ll rewrite it. As an added bonus, I also find that rewriting it makes my prose a lot stronger, since I’ve grown so much as a writer since I originally wrote the scene.
Since you know your story better, you may find other elements that you want to change are improving as you edit. If not though, don’t worry - they’ll get their own editing pass.
8) Repeat steps 5-7
You made a list of edits you needed to make back in step four. Now, follow steps 5-7 to make all of those edits and changes.
9) Repeat steps 2-8
Two steps telling you to repeat in a row? Yes. The deal now is that you want to make sure you’ve cleaned up any global edits before moving on to anything smaller. If you’ve been thourough thus far, this will be a very fast step. If not, think of this step as a safety net. There may have been ripples that you didn’t notice earlier on, and it’s a good thing you’re catching them now.
10) Chapter edits
At this point, we’ve cleaned up all the big edits. Now we’re going to look at each chapter. Within each chapter, there needs to be a mini-arc. A beginning, middle, and end. This is the time to really focus on that. Also focus on things like tightening up prose, combining or compressing paragraphs, making sure you’ve adequately set the scene, etc. If you’re over the word count limit regarding your genre, also focus on cutting a certain number of words from each chapter to put your story back within those limits.
11) The little things
This is about combing through your wip to find all of the little errors that have made their way through edits. Typos, weird or incorrect grammar, useless adverbs, things like that. At this point, everything is on a more superficial level.
Beta Readers
Given that this has gotten quite long, I’m not going to go in depth about beta readers here, but around step 10/11, you’re going to start recruiting beta readers (you’re going to want to try and have multiple rounds of somewhere around 10 betas each, which is why having a good author platform is useful: recruiting is easier). Between each round, you’re going to look at their feedback and make the necessary edits. After several rounds of beta readers, you’re going to look it over a few more times, and then if you’re going the traditional publishing route, you’re going to query agents. If you’re going the self-pub route you’re going to look to hire a professional editor. If you’re not looking to publish, this may be the end of the line.
Good luck editing!
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eerythingisshaka · 4 years
Weeding It Out
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[Groundskeeper!Chris Evans x Reader]
Word Count: 2.3K
Warnings: just a roll in the hay
Your patience wore thin as you sat in your backyard.  The goal before summer set was to get your vegetables planted and sprouting by fall but nothing could be done with the yard overrun by a thicket of poison ivy.  Your mother had already gotten her steroid shot after showing you where the best area is to start growing, unbeknownst to her that she waded through a gnarly amount of poison ivy.  You saw the blisters form on her arms and neck, you weren’t risking it.
You could use a nap though, feeling your head jerk backwards under the weight of sleep as the afternoon warmth lulls you.  But the gardener was supposed to be here an hour ago to spray the necessary elements that kill the weed.  If you weren’t so desperate to get it over with you would’ve cancelled long ago but luckily you cleared your afternoon for this.
Your phone dings with a message:
Your groundskeeper, Chris, will be arriving shortly.  Please remember to have someone 18 years of age or older present on the property while the maintenance is performed.
“Finally.”  You get up and make your way to your front door, noticing a truck parked outside.
You squint through the living room and notice the company name on the side.  What he was doing, you couldn’t tell, but you are more than ready to get this show on the road.
You walk towards the truck and knock hard on the passenger window.  The burly looking white dude peers over at you and rolls down the window.
“Ma’am?”  he asks.
“Yeah, are you Chris?  Supposed to have been here an hour ago?”
His face freezes in slow motion, looking at a notebook in his passenger seat and back to you.
“Yeah, sorry about that.  The last job-”
“Ok, it’s fine!  Long as you come on, I don’t have all day.”  You stand outside his truck waiting on him.
Chris squints, anxiously biting his lip.  “Ma’am, I gotta do some paperwork first, then I’ll be right with you.”
You bend into the window.  “You had over an hour of time to do paperwork.  And as a PAYING customer, I expect timely service or I can just find a manager who can serve me better.”
Chris rolls his window up and gets out of the car.  This comment may have struck a nerve in him, but you don’t care.  He struck your nerve first, why be polite when the rudeness arrived on time by being late.
He goes to the bed of his truck digging out a tool box and some hose contraption.  
“You have big arms for a gardener,”  you say matter-of-factly to him, lingering your gaze along sculpted mounds that make up his biceps.  Of course gardeners lug bags of soil and work with tools and heavy machinery sometimes, but dude was cut.
He closes the back of his truck, stopping short in front of you.  “What is that supposed to even mean?  You think I just pick flowers all day?”
You raise your hands in surrender.  “Isn’t that a compliment in the end?  You’re giving this attitude that I cannot be receptive to, despite how pretty you are.”
He scoffs, looking off toward your house.  His jawline is strong underneath the chestnut collared beard, it’s so obvious he is fine with or without it.  Quite the unicorn.  Even his odd length locks give off a vibe that tempted you to pull it back and give those baby blues more spotlight.
“Is the problem this way?” he asks, pointing to the gate leading to the backyard.  You nod and follow behind his perky behind.
Entering the backyard, Chris lets out a whistle. 
“And remind me how much work I’m doing in this jungle today?”  He walks slowly around the overgrown parts, shouldering his way past some vines.
You stammer past your embarrassment.  “I have added plants for aesthetic, thank you!  All I need is the poison ivy knocked out in that corner.  I can’t have that shit turning me into a mess.”
Chris looks back at you sarcastically.  “Right, that'll do it.  And these are all just weeds-”
“No opinions!  Get to work!”  You command, sitting back on your wicker seat to watch him work.  Chris sets down his box and pulls out gloves, a solution bottle, some handheld clippers, and a mask.  Putting it on, he looks toward the corner you pointed out and meanders over there carefully.  You can tell he lifts something other than flowers with a wide back like his and shoulders giving you more views than the nature surrounding him.  
The ivy falls to the ground as he snips away at it.  You sigh happily feeling your ancestors pride at the white man tilling your grounds.  
As he pulls out his bottle of solution, hooking it up to a hose he says, “You may want to step inside.  This isn’t safe to inhale and any wind could blow it on you.”
You shrug, getting up cheerily.  “Fine with me.  I needed a drink anyway!  Like I said, just don’t get into my other plants please.”
In your fridge you pull out a pitcher of lemonade you made fresh from powder.  You pour a glass for yourself and walk back to the sliding glass door to check out his handiwork.  Chris certainly came off as a professional, spraying only the necessary amount on certain parts of the plant.  His brow furrowed as he kept track of each misting of his equipment, working deeper into the brush.  
You hadn’t seen a man of his pedigree in a while.  Fit, fine, and fixes shit?  That checks your most important boxes of what stirs your pot in a partner.  You take a slow sip of the semi sweet drink and let the chill liquid do its work on cooling your thirst as Chris walks back out from the poison ivy area to take his shirt off.
You almost spat all over your glass as you stood further to one side so you weren’t fully visible.  As he peels his shirt off, you got the behind the scenes look of what he had to work with.  His pants ride low on his hips, exposing the dips in his hips that naturally lead your eyes to what his zipper hides.  The feathering of hair that outlines his pecs and down the middle of his stomach forced you to bite your fingernails to keep from reaching through the glass.  He folds his shirt hastily in a ball form and tosses it on his toolbox, resting his hands on his hips until he looks over at the other side of your yard.  He struts over to some of your vines, showing off his back end some more, giving them a once over before getting down on his knees taking off his gloves and pulling at the roots.
Your instincts jump into action as your set aside your drink and rush over to him.  
“Hey!  I said no!”  When you reach him he is still pulling at the ground.  You feel like it’s a trap to tap him on the shoulder since his skin is exposed and you weren’t shy about how you thought he looked earlier, but to hell with it.
Tap Tap.  “Chris!  You’re ruining my flower bed.”
Chris stops with a huff before looking at your and pulling you by the hand down next to him.
“You haven’t done anything to this ground, have you?”  He asks, digging his hands deep into the soil.  
You smack off the excess dirt he got on you.  “I spread some seeds once a while back,”
He chuckles, stopping to look at you like a lecturing parent.  “If that’s how the world worked, it would look a lot like your backyard.”
“My yard is fine!  And what do you mean, it’s growing,” you say with a pout.
“No, it’s suffocating.  That’s why you need to weed all this, it will overpower what you want to grow and kill it.  Look…”  he firmly grasps your hand and sticks it in the soil, making you snicker.
“See how dry the top layer is?  And I even see some seeds that barely sprouted and aren’t worth growing.  But dig a little deeper and you see those roots that are thick and long?  Those are weeds.  They survive on almost nothing because they parasite off of anything.”
You feel the cool soft soil he dug up, squishing it in your fingers.  “That really is nice soil.”
Chris scratches his neck.  “Yeah, it’s just bad when you don’t treat it right.  I can come back and show you if you want?  Make up for the trouble of being late.”
“Thanks, I would like that.”
You both sit in silence a minute, digging around the dirt for weeds and things, running across a snail shell.
“Ooh!  Look!”  He crawl on your knees toward him holding the delicate artifact.  “I loved finding these when I was a kid.”  You took his hand and dropped the shell in his palm.  “But Lord forbid if I ran across a snail in one, I flipped my wig!”
Chris holds it between his thumb and index finger, looking at you inquisitively.  “They don’t bite, you know.”
“I know, they were just slimy and gross.  Keep that one, I’ll find another I’m sure.”  You get back to tearing into the ground.
“Why did you laugh earlier when I pulled you down?  I thought you would snap my head off for putting you in the dirt,” he asks.
“Well I was startled at best, but it reminded me of how my Grandmother taught me about yard work and her flowerbed and shit.  I wouldn’t get near it if she wasn’t dragging me to it.”
“And how would she feel about your yard now?”  Chris asks with a slight smirk.  
“WOW!  Yeah she is rolling over in her grave, thanks Chris!”’ You say in a serious tone but smile the whole way through it, bringing out his laugh.  “And put your shirt back on, you ain’t that hot out here.  I mean, it’s not that hot out here.”
Chris shakes his head.  “I didn’t take it off for you...poison ivy can affect you if you touch anything that touched it, hence my shirt.”
You give a guttural laugh.  “Uh huh, likely story.”
Chris smacks the dirt off his hands, resolving himself.  “Then go get the damn shirt if you’re so confident.  See what pops up in the next morning or two.”
You cross your arms indignantly.  “I ain’t doing shit for you.  You work for me!  Think you so cute, probably pull shit like this on old white women but I ain’t-”
Chris pulls you closer to him by your wrists, saying in a tone coming from the depths,  “You’re a little stuck up for my taste.”
This sudden change in his demeanor triggered your fight response.  You wrangle your wrists free and start to get up but trip on a hole in the dirt, falling partially on Chris as he tries to catch you.  You knock some wind out of him as he lets out an oof.  
“Ow, shit.  Are you ok?”  You ask with a wince.
Chris holds you in his arms staring up at you with a wide eyed wonder.  You feel his heartbeat under your hands thumping hard.
You look down at his hairy chest and paw at its texture curiously.
“What do you want to do?”  he asks.  
You plant your lips on his right pec, feeling him inhale against your mouth.  You let out a deep satisfied moan for having achieved one desire.
Chris’ hands feel down your back and across your shorts, pulling your upward.
“Take them off,” he commands, helping you with the button and zipper.
You stand over him, pulling down your shorts and panties.  “I have wanted to put your face in the dirt since you came here.”  
Chris looks up at you with one hand behind his head, smiling.  “Oh yeah?”
“But this seems like a better idea, just don’t get cocky about it.”  You hover yourself over him before settling knees, sitting your pussy right on his mouth, beard tickling the inner softness of your thighs.  You rode your lips over his, using his hair as your reins.  His hands grip your cheeks sturdily as he works his tongue over your labia liberally, then finding your center to tongue fuck your walls.  
You sit up, resting yours hands on his chest behind you.  “If you don’t suck my clit, I swear to God.”
His eyes smile at your before your lips surround your clit and put in the work you required all this time.  So much for not getting cocky.  You buck against his mouth, fighting your body’s desire to flee from the over stimulation but Chris’ forearms lock your thighs down to keep you in place.  Your climax ran over him several times as you shrieked to the sun without a care of who heard.  
Before you knew it, Chris rudely flips you off of him, turning you over in the dirt.
“Just so you know the feeling is mutual.”  His hand lifts you ass up as you sputter weed clippings from your mouth.  
“I knew you weren’t shit,”  you say, looking back at his to see him having pulled down his pants, stroking his fully ready member and headed straight for you-
Your phone rings, waking you up from a deep nap.  
“Shit!  What the fuck!”  You curse in confusion as you drunkenly reach for your phone that fell off into the grass.
“Hello!”  you say loudly.
“Yeah, sorry for the late arrival, but I am at your front door.  This is Chris with the grounds keeping company.”
You almost drop the phone and run to the door.  How was that dream so vivid to not be real?  
You peek through the front door but the guy is facing away, so you open it reluctantly.
“Sorry, I dozed off there,” you say meekly.
The deja vu you feel when he turns around almost knocks you backwards.  The same hair, beard, wide shoulders.  But this time he was a lot more smiley on introduction.
“Hi I’m Chris.  You needed help with your back garden?”  he asks.
You lick your lips, put on a smile and ask, “Yes.  But how about a drink first?”
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soldouthaz · 4 years
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hi!! these past few months i’ve gotten several asks about all different parts of my writing process and i thought i’d go ahead and make a full post that i can refer people back to in the future! with the fests coming up as well hopefully it may help someone because i know i always love reading about author’s processes! feel free to let me know if i’ve forgotten anything :) 
DISCLAIMER: this is MY writing process. these are my own opinions and maybe not methods that will work blanketly for everyone. writing is different for every person and you should always do what works best for you personally! 
this post will be split into four parts - before, during, after, and other tips and things to remember :)
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inspiration & idea 
this is typically either the easiest or the absolute most difficult part of writing a fic. sometimes you begin with an exact idea and other times you want to write but have no idea where to start. personally i tend to draw inspiration from a few places in particular. writing prompt and dialogue blogs, although sometimes a bit cliche, are a huge help when trying to come up with ideas for scenes and outlines. these are some good ones – here, here, and here if you need some inspiration! pinterest and weheartit are also great places to search for inspiration both before or after you’ve settled on an idea. find an aesthetic you like and base the characters around it, do some world-building, create folders for your characters - this is a good place to reference back to while you’re writing! at this point i just try to pick something that i feel like ‘calls to me’ and leave the rest for later. the last avenue that i use to think of fic ideas is real life. i think of small things that have happened to me or to someone i know and make them much more dramatic and layered. add in some fluff or angst or whatever aspect fits and usually a storyline begins to carve itself!
once you have an idea, making an outline can help you figure out if it’s going to work for you or not. nailing down the important details and plot points before you begin writing is crucial so that you have a purpose to your scenes, so that things don’t feel repetitive or pointless. when i outline i tend to organize by word count. for instance, by the 5k mark let’s say i’d like to already have established what character A does for a living and some of their interests, and i’d like character B to be vaguely introduced. by 10k i’d like the characters to have formed a friendship and for the conflict to have been introduced, so on and so forth. the plot spacing may differ based on the goal word count for a fic (do things happen quickly or is it a slow burn? etc.). 
next I make a tentative timeline for the fic. I have to give myself sufficient time to plan and to write without rushing myself, but also make it reasonable enough that i can still look forward to it! writing takes different amounts of time for different people, but the more you write the more you’ll be able to estimate how long a certain word count is going to take you to complete. also, as far as advice goes, decide if you’re going to write everything and publish at once or if you’re going to upload weekly chapters, etc. i strongly recommend publishing a full work at once. typically people shy away from unfinished works and it can be very disheartening when there are almost no reads. publishing all at once will raise the chances of your fic being read and shared and will also help you as a writer not to make mistakes because you are able to go back and fix/edit certain plot points as you write. 
if you have more than one wip at a time, it can be really helpful to have some sort of organization in place. i write primarily in google docs, so i have one master doc with all of my wip information inside of it. i use a numbered chart (the docs themselves are titled with numbers only and correspond to the number in the chart) that has the tentative title, the goal word count, the current word count, which pov i plan to write from, and an estimated posting date. you can also limit the number of wips you have this way.once a work is published i move it from my wip list to my completed list, with the title, the final word count, and a link to the posted story. this part is optional, it just helps me to be able to see all of it in one place. i’ve found this method to be much more helpful than just making random notes on my phone that i forget about within the hour!
depending on the topic of your fic and the setting, you may need to do some research beforehand. if it’s historical, I brush up on the history of it and watch some films or read some books about the time period to get a feel for the vernacular and style, etc.. if the protagonist has a job i’m unfamiliar with I search up what they do, how much they make, where they work, and things like that. it’s unlikely that someone is going to fact check every little thing, but accuracy when it comes to these topics is very admirable and i feel like it really adds a lot of depth and authenticity to a fic. 
another fun activity for this portion of planning is designing the characters. i try to do this for a lot of mine and experiment with personality traits, quirks, and appearances, and to create a character that feels layered as opposed to just surface level. it’s fun for me to figure out their morals and motives and opinions and to play around with those and see if they can be changed throughout the course of the story. an interesting activity here is to take personality tests from what you think they would answer about themselves! then, even if only subconsciously, your character now has interests and hobbies and feels more real, which will definitely show through when you write. there are some for you to take here, here, here, and here, and this is also a good resource.
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(meaning in real life, not the setting of a fic). i tend to produce what i feel is my best work at night, after dinner when i have nothing else to do for the day and i can just relax. having a designated time and space to write really helps with motivation and focus, and can be the difference in accomplishing your time goals for the fic. feel free to try different things like adding music while you write (i write with headphones in and music blasting!) and adjust your surroundings to your liking. put on noise cancelling headphones, stop the clock that keeps ticking in the background or turn up the floor fan to drown other things out, or play some ambience videos from youtube to help you focus. whatever works! sometimes i also create playlists for my fics that i listen to while writing them which can add some more depth to the story too! being comfortable and not distracted are my two main requirements. also, unless it’s for music or research purposes, i would suggest distancing a bit from your phone as well!
word vomit 
this is one of the most frustrating parts of writing but i can’t explain how many times it’s helped me, especially when i’m trying to reach a certain word count. i like to do an exercise when i don’t know what to write or i just have a vague idea where i sit down and just write. i don’t let myself backspace anything (unless it’s a small typo or something minor like that) and i just see where i end up. the reason why this is so helpful is because a lot of times subconsciously our brains already have some kind of idea of a direction to go in or what should be included. though this rough draft almost never makes it into my final piece and frankly doesn’t make much sense, i’m able to go back and read over it and think oh! that’s a good point, i can also write about [random plot point] here! as i think of it.
the very first part of a scene that i write is the dialogue. personally i find it the easiest, and it helps me make a skeleton of a scene where i only have to fill in the descriptions in between. most of the time getting the dialogue written can help to visualize a scene and make conversation flow easily when you aren’t distracted with everything else going on in the scene. a lot of times if you’re focused on what a background character is doing the actual speaking may end up choppy or not make sense when you’re finished with it, which is usually my issue. this method is a good idea to use if you find yourself stuck on a scene or if you don’t know what you want the setting to be yet. if the dialogue you wrote doesn’t fit just right once you’ve added in the rest of the scene, you can always alter it to your liking.
taking breaks 
this is the key to staying motivated for me. if i push myself too hard or write for too long i get frustrated and struggle to keep the flow going. it’s important to take a break when that happens because it becomes very obvious in your writing when you aren’t inspired. you’re more likely to take the easy way out of conflicts and dialogue and it could completely change the tone of the fic. by this i don’t mean procrastinate writing, but definitely make sure not to over-write. writing should be fun, not stressful.
similar fics 
this step is 100% optional, but i find that it really helps me. when i read other author’s fics and i get inspired, the scene really sticks in my brain. to avoid accidentally copying someone’s ideas from their own fic, if i know that i’m writing something similar, i avoid reading any fic with a similar premise during the entire writing process. even if i think i won’t, often times i’ll subconsciously mirror a scene or a piece of dialogue from another fic without meaning to. this is definitely something to look for when you’re reading it back over!
balanced elements 
this step really just depends on the type of fic i’m going for, but i’ve found that fics with some balance to them tend to do better than others. by this i mean fics that have a little of each important element like angst, fluff, smut, etc.. of course, this differs from fic to fic depending on the plot. if it’s a pwp, obviously the main element will be smut. if it’s got some heavy topics in it it may be primarily angst, or a holiday fic might be just fluff. all of these are okay on their own but it’s super easy to mix them together to create more realistic scenes and meaningful emotion in the dialogue. in a pwp i try to add some back story into it, something a little angsty or that gives the smut more meaning than just surface level (unless of course that’s what you’re going for!). on the flip side, you could take a really fluffy fic and at some smutty elements that enhance the love-y feelings from the fluff. even fluff/angst might be fun to explore! my point is that realistically we feel many emotions at once, all the time. when i write one alone my writing often feels like it falls flat and my message/theme doesn’t come across the way that i want it to.
there is a list of resources and links at the bottom of this post that may help during the writing process! they are ones that I have saved to look back at when I get stuck!
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read it over 
this is my least favorite step. at this point, once i’ve finished the fic, i just want to post it as-is. i don’t feel like reading it over or doing edits - i just want to be finished with it. the benefits outweigh my dislike of it though, so i make myself do it anyway. it’s necessary (for me) to take a short break between when i finish it and when i read it over so that i can look at it with fresh eyes, just a day or two at least. the most important advice that i can give here would probably be not to delete anything you don’t like immediately. almost 100% of the time something can be re-written without being deleted, so if you don’t like the way a sentence is structured or the way a character speaks in a certain scene, don’t delete it! just see if you can rewrite it to model what you’re going for better. this step helps me to stay above my goal word count and not to let my insecurity get the best of me. everybody is their own worst critic, but usually there’s a reason you wrote something down, so give it every chance before you get rid of it altogether. i wrote about this here as well.
i’m going to link to another post i answered about betas here!
choosing a title 
when it’s time to choose a title for a fic i usually pick from one of four places. the first is a catchphrase from the fic. if there’s a recurring theme or nickname or description, it may be a good idea to title it the same thing so that readers will connect the title with that detail and remember it more easily in the future. the second place is from a song. there’s a lyric for nearly every different message and emotion, so there’s a high chance of being able to find one that goes hand-in-hand with a fic. the third place i look is in poems. i’m personally a big fan of lang leav, michael faudet, and bukowski, among others, and poetry usually also features a wide range of themes to choose from. the last idea i resort to when i can’t come up with anything else, which is to take a word that you feel represents the fic and translate it into another language like french or spanish, among others, or pick a word that has a meaning that corresponds with the fic. although there are no right or wrong titles, i would suggest to try not to pick a title that’s been used a lot already, or one that you think might be easily forgettable. even if you think it might be odd or not typical, people are going to remember it much more than if it’d just been a regular title.
choosing a summary 
this step is also kind of hit or miss for me! either i know from the beginning what i want my summary to be or i struggle up until the last second trying to come up with one. there isn’t really a right or wrong summary – except for one. my advice here is please, please don’t just put ‘i suck at summaries! just read it!’. people tend to gravitate toward fics if the author seems confident in their own abilities as opposed to someone quite literally pleading with them to read. other than that, there are several types of summaries that i see a lot of. personally i like to use a snippet from my fics in italics, so that people can get a feel of what my writing style is like beforehand. when i write drabbles though, i usually come up with a quick, occasionally witty tidbit of a summary to grab people’s attention. for example: 
a longer fic summary
Harry Styles takes his time coming out to greet them. Louis only knows what he’s seen on file and what he’s heard them talking about, but he fully lives up to the image he had inside of his head. 
He saunters down the front steps of the farmhouse in his Levi’s, brown snakeskin boots curving out from underneath the denim Louis’ sure he had specially made. He’s got on a plaid button-down tucked into the jeans because of course he does, curls spilling out from either side of his cowboy hat around his sunglasses and country-tan skin. 
“Harry Styles,” he drawls, extending a hand to Louis’ manager, “Pleased to meet ya’ll.” 
(from my fic baby blue)
a shorter fic summary
there is little harry hates more than truth or dare. 
and louis. 
(from my fic like it’s a game)
and sometimes people use both as well, like this one from @falsegoodnight​ ‘s fic, before we knew – 
“C’mon Lou,” says Zayn after a moment, He sounds even more exasperated than before. Louis sort of has a knack for exasperating people, especially people like Zayn who aren’t usually bothered by his brattiness. “Can’t you give this guy a chance? Harry Styles? Aren’t you curious about him at all?” 
Despite his best efforts, Louis still flinches at the name. He really shouldn’t be so affected after all these years. He’s seen the name printed down the curve of his waist in obnoxiously and uncommonly large loopy letters every single day since his sixteenth birthday eight years ago. He’s very familiar with the name Harry Styles. It sounds pretentious and Louis hates it. He hates everything about his supposed soulmate. He hates his large handwriting that stands out like a claim on his skin whenever he’s walking around shirtless. He hates his pretentious name. And now he hates his supposed curls and green eyes and dimples. 
Or Louis has been skeptical of soulmates for years so it seems like fate when he finally bumps into the owner of the obnoxiously large signature printed into his skin since age sixteen: Harry Styles, a human rights attorney who is firmly against soulmates.
and this link has some other ideas and tips for writing summaries that I found to be very helpful! 
posting a fic 
as far as tags and ratings go, THIS PART IS IMPORTANT! all of the steps are in one way or another, but this one is crucial that it’s done correctly. warnings and tags can absolutely make or break a fic. people tend to have very strong preferences when it comes to fics so i try to be as specific as possible without giving the entire story away in the tags. if you’re afraid of doing that, you can always put the full warnings in the note before the fic and tell people to check there before reading. i won’t list all of the possible triggers here but be sure to look those up if you are unfamiliar with some of the common ones. when it comes to tags, you’re always better safe than sorry! i like to tell people they’re free to message me and ask about something if they’re uncomfortable as well, so i can explain the trigger to them and why i tagged it that way and they can decide if they’d like to read based on a more informed basis. tagging correctly saves many people from being blindsided by something they didn’t want to see, and it also protects the author from some very angry messages about warnings.
archive of our own has an extensive support page with all of the info you could need about posting a work on their site including tags, ratings, warnings, co-authors, translations, HTML, and more. you can find it here.
as far as wattpad goes, i am definitely not as familiar with it. i have only a couple of my fics over there and a few translations that people have done for me, so my knowledge is very limited. this link seems to have some good resources for posting with them.
moodboards, graphics, covers 
i feel like the writing does most of the work itself, but a graphic can really help when it comes to the next part of the process, posting on social media. some people like to do moodboards, some people commission artists to draw for them, and some like to create their own graphics completely from scratch. like most aspects of fic, there isn’t really a right or wrong way to do this. i usually make moodboards for mine! i try to stick to an aesthetic or theme, and pick a cohesive amount of pictures to use (typically three, six, or nine so they line up nicely). the pictures i use are almost always from tumblr, pinterest, or weheartit. i put them together using an app and then put a blanket filter over all of it so that it all looks unified. if you used pinterest or weheartit to create concept boards for your idea in the beginning, now is a good time to use those photos and media as well! if you’re curious, the apps i use to create graphics, moodboards, and covers are as follows:
canva (mobile app & website) 
tons of templates to choose from as well as patterns and fonts! some things are locked unless you’re a member but most elements are free! easy to download and share and lots of options to customize and play around with. i strongly recommend the website on desktop or laptop as opposed to the mobile app so that the features are more easily accessible.
picsart (mobile app) 
when i need to make one quickly and i’m not near my laptop (or just need something simple) i use picsart to make a quick collage and put a filter over them. there are some limited text options as well but they are not as advanced as some of the others mentioned here.
photoshop express (mobile & desktop app) 
a step up from picsart, but slightly different elements. photoshop allows you to control a lot more once you know how to use it. there are some nice moodboard layouts here, as well as text and fonts, borders, and color controls. my favorite tool on here is the style transfer option under ‘effects’. a very quick and easy way to make your pictures look very cohesive!
vsco (mobile app) 
perfect for adding filters and things like vignette, grain, and fade. it also has some color controls to customize those. this is typically the last step before i post. and you can save custom presets that you like to use again!
and there are many others as well – almost all photo editing apps and software have a function that will allow you to make a collage or add text to a graphic! i know wattpad also requires a cover for their stories and I believe they have an app for that too!
here are some lovely graphics that have been made for my fics by @lovelylou​, @behisoneandonly​, @tomlinvelvet-ao3​​ and @brickredtoe​  as some examples :) 
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and one that I've made as well: 
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social media 
once i have a moodboard or graphic, i post the link to my fic on twitter and tumblr. in these posts i always make sure to include the title, the word count, and the summary. i try to make it as visually appealing as possibly by organizing the post accordingly and using fonts occasionally to catch people’s eye. this is the app i use for those on mobile! 
i think about the sizing as well – twitter has set dimensions for its photos and is known for displaying the photos awkwardly. tumblr on the other hand will let you upload up to ten photos of any size, and will display them fully without any cropping. according to this link a single photo on twitter should be 16:9. this page also has some good tips. and as far as i can tell if you’re using two or four photos, i would stick to the square images as that is what’s worked for me personally. i believe canva also has a template for a twitter post too.
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write for yourself 
i think everyone knows this on some level but i tend to need to be reminded pretty frequently. if you’re heavily involved in social media and fic discourse, it can be very easy to get attached to what you know people want to see. writing should be a balance though, and you should always write for yourself before anyone else. we’re all free to write whatever we want and, even if it’s difficult, you shouldn’t ever let someone make you feel guilty for doing so. writing is an escape and a safe space but it can very quickly become something that causes stress and anxiety if you aren’t doing it for the right reasons.
don’t stress 
easier said than done, I know, but like I mentioned earlier, writing should be fun. a lot of people here don’t do it as their job and no one gets paid to write fics. these are projects that authors take on on their own time even while they work and handle everything else in their lives and those things should come first and foremost, as well as your mental health. this circles back into my earlier point – don’t let people make you feel guilty about anything like not finishing a fic on time or not writing exactly how they wanted it. authors are real people with real lives too and if things get to be too heavy or too stressful, they’re entitled to a break or to leave if that’s what’s best for them.
don’t be afraid to ask for help / validation 
there are tons of lovely writers in this community and others that would be more than happy to answer questions and give advice. if you’re struggling with something, there’s always somewhere to go to get help! 
however, the concept of validation is a bit trickier than the others. there’s a fine line ;) between asking for validation for a little boost, or relying completely on it. posting snippets and sneak peeks is a great way to get people excited about your work and to get yourself motivated if you’re feeling down, but i would suggest not to post one with the sole purpose of fishing for compliments. if you do, it can be very disheartening if you don’t receive any or the ones that you were looking to hear. in my opinion you need to be at least somewhat confident in your own abilities before you can expect other people to be. posting a snippet is more beneficial for when you’ve got a mental block or are stuck in a scene as opposed to just searching for validation for the sake of getting it.
cliche vs. copying 
there’s also two sides to this argument! you shouldn’t be afraid to write what you want, even if it seems like it’s a common trope or cliche topic. everybody writes in different styles and has different ideas and therefore may provide an entirely different view on what’s been poised as a ‘common’ theme. i think i could read a thousand of the ‘there was only one bed’ trope or the college au’s or the other popular plotlines. they’re popular for a reason and you shouldn’t be afraid to explore your own take on it! no one author ‘owns’ a specific trope. 
BUT there is a clear difference in doing your own take on something versus just copying what someone else has written exactly. the lines can get blurry here but it’s obvious to readers when something has been repeated word for word from another fic or when one too many elements are the same. to be on the safe side, always check to make sure that the specifics of your idea haven’t been done exactly before. 
+ masterpost of some resources 
+ how to keep readers engaged 
+ helpful tips 
+ 100 words for facial expressions 
+ how to write good villains 
+ good advice  
+ synonyms for commonly used words 
+ using metaphors and references 
+ more helpful tips 
+ descriptions
+ synonyms for ‘beautiful’ 
+ tips for dialogue 
+ writing enemies to lovers 
+ other helpful tips 
+ writing friends to lovers 
+ dystopian writing 
+ writing a realistic argument 
+ ways to cut word count 
+ how to write smut 01 * tw for body descriptions etc.  
+ how to write smut 02 
+ SUPER helpful smut vocab
+ how to write flirting 
+ how to write about grief 
+ even more helpful tips
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Loki Smutt
Warning: R 18+ material is restricted to adults. Such material may contain elements such as sex scenes that are high in impact. Some material in R18+ may be offensive to sections of the adult community.
Within the palace of Asgard, a well known royal Asgardian descendants family who have resigned in Midgard in a place known as; The Hidden Kingdom of Camelot. (Name) and her family were visiting the King and Queen of Asgard for common courtesy between the Royals. It had been about two months that (Name) and her family had been visiting Asgard; where she and her family had gotten to know the King and Queen; Odin, Frigga, and the young princes, Thor and Loki.
Loki and (Name) never really got along with one another and this didn't sit well with their families. Neither of the two could or would agree on the same things like; Hunting or training, the only thing they could agree on was literature. Obviously this was a problem when they went on trips to the market, Hunting, or just simple errands; Usually, Loki and (Name) were partnered together while Thor was off training, defending a village nearby with the warrior three or he was looking after (Name)'s older sister. Often the two would argue and just ended up going their separate ways and would help each other due to their pride, it would usually end with their Parents scolding them.
It was Christmas -within Midgard terms- and (Name) was helping make the jól feast for the Banquet with the servants much to Odin and (Name)'s fathers' disapproval. Loki, Thor, and the warrior three were out hunting to retrieve food for the feast "Can we go home now... your loudness is frightening the wildlife within a mile or two radius... I'm sure we have some meat for the feast back home" Loki sighed "Brother, where is your festive spirit! It is a tradition. Father will be so proud if we bring back a mighty beast for the feast" Thor smiled patting Loki's back. At some point, the two young princes began to speak of their guests. Thor was baffled by the young princesses' attitude towards certain things "Lady (Name) is a strange one...She is Asgardian however she seems more Midgardian than anything" Thor commented "Well she has lived most of her life on Midgard brother, you can't be so shocked as it's only natural" Loki sighed at his brother's comment "But she mingles with the servants, she should be sitting back with Mother planning the decorations and sitting back to relax" Thor shook his head with a smile "Well, at least she isn't being useless..." Loki muttered "Why do you and Lady (Name) argue to no ends? It seems that there is always an argument between you two. It is very rare to see you both converse on civil terms brother" Thor asked and stated his observation "She is easy to get a reaction from, but she is infuriating... she always has the last say, she believes she knows everything" Loki growled out "Now, now brother. Some of her reasoning is that of truth, you just don't like being wrong. Loki, Lady (Name) is the only one who is brave enough to go head-on with you in your spills of anger.  Not to mention her quick wit that is up to your standard brother" Thor laughed smacking Loki's back "And what are you implying you oaf" the younger prince glared "We are not blind. You'd have to be blind not to see the way you give her glances when you think no one is watching" Lady Sif commented riding up next to them. Loki stared at her with a harsh glare as Thor agreed with a bright smile as the other warrior three joined in with the slight teasing "You are all being imbeciles. I feel nothing for that woman-" "Do you deny the fact that she is intelligent than the average woman on Asgard or Midgard?" Lady Sif asked "No, I do not deny the fact she has intelligence" Loki grumbled "Do you disagree with the idea of her being a very attractive princess?" Fandral commented with a smirk "Finding someone attractive is subjective-" "Don't divert the question brother," Thor said with amusement "Just go find a beastly animal to slay so we can go home" Loki scoffed. As he reached his patents Thor took the others to catch the beast as Loki lingered behind lost in his thoughts and feeling over (Name).
Food had been set for the Animals that both Thor, Loki, and his friends had killed were roasted and in the center of the long table. (Name) was helping the servants plate everything up and smiling and laughing with them as they talked and joked amongst themselves. Most of the servants that worked in the palace were very fond of the young princess, she truly was kind and compassionate and would make an exceptional Queen. Frigga watched how (Name) would act not only with her sons but with the common people and it made her smile, Odin knew she was headstrong and he was well aware of her maturity and strategic strategies; he had faith she would make a powerful Queen. Odin would be lying if he said he didn't want (Name) to marry one of his sons. (Name) had taken a seat by the servants "Lady (Name) please sit with us on the main table" Frigga smiled. With a small nod (Name) bid farewell to the servants and sat by her mother and sister "Honestly (Name)....you need to stop mingling with the servants, you make our family look bad and ill-mannered" snapped her older sister "Maybe if you weren't so superficial like Father then perhaps I would be more likely to speak to you and others of our status with more respect and enjoy their presence" (Name) glared "(Name), don't speak to your sister like that" her Father snapped. Frigga did not comment on their family bickering neither did Odin however Loki chimed in to stir the cauldron "Your sister is right Lady (Name). A princess should know her place and stay in her place" smirked the young prince "Loki-" Frigga started "I would appreciate that a young prince like yourself would stay out of other families' feuds. Know your place and stay out of the discussion, Loki Odinson" (Name) said calmly. Loki could feel his blood boil, he scoffed "While you are in my Palace I shall do as I please and get involved in anything I please-" "Loki enough. While I am still alive and breathing this is my palace. When I pass it will be Thor's, so stay out of the (Last name) family business" Odin said cutting in.
The jól feast continued through the night; from her understanding jól would last three days of drinking, eating, joking, singing, dancing, and gift-giving. (Name) wasn't used to it but she was growing tired of the drunk and loud people, and thus decided to retire early for the first night of jól. (Name) and Loki had their heated arguments now and then, but the truth is told, she liked him. Not because of his looks but his personality to an extent; not the one he chose to show when he is blinded by his anger, or his cold demeanor or his jealousy, but rather his loving one, that he only showed a glimpse of in rare moments. He was funny, and he really understood her from time to time. But their common flaw was that the two were far too guarded with their emotions and would often hide their feelings; so others wouldn't get hurt or hate them for who you really are.
(Name) was making her way to chambers; lost in thought momentarily. She had walked through the tremendous hallways in the palace so many times that she already knew her way around the place. Walking to her chambers, which was across from Loki's room (unfortunately). She lingered as she stared at his door; with an arm outstretched she was ready to knock on his door-
A crash came from her room as the door slammed open and there stood Loki disheveled in his casual attire of green and dark brown that he had worn to the jól feast. "Loki! By all the good in Valhalla, what on earth are you doing in my room?" she said with a sigh. Loki stared at her for a moment then scoffed, pushing past her. She was attempting not to lock eyes with him but his messy black hair; his pale skin and his eyes,  his piercing green eyes that held so many secrets. Although he did not answer her she snapped at him, as if time slowed down as she made her way into her room. Loki grabbed a hold of her arm with a firm grip, he held a sinister smile as he looked down at her slightly; turn her so she was facing him, (Name) was now mostly in her room while Loki stood in the doorway with her arm in a firm grip "I would be careful when speaking to me. I stand by what I said today, now your place (Name)" She snatched her arm back and sized up to him "You either tell me what in Valhalla were you doing in my room or I suggest you head back to your room, Loki" she spoke bitterly. He just smiled although it seemed like he was hurt by her harsh tone, (Name) kept her glare at the floor. Loki sighed softly, his hurt smile leaving and replacing it with a frown. His lack of response unsettled the foreign Asgardian, she grabbed the door and began to close it "You don't understand, (Name). I really need to tell you something" his voice quietly cracked. He stopped the door with his foot. The quiet voice crack grabbed her attention immediately.
Loki decided that she probably didn't want to talk to him. In honesty, the only reason he was in her room where he was debating on leaving her a note explaining some stirring feelings he had for her, but the room was dark and he had stumbled into a corner of her dresser. He turned to his room once he realized (Name)'s stillness and unwillingness to open her door to let him in. (Name) heard his door slam shut. She heaved out a sigh 'by the god...please don't make me regret this' she thought as she closed her outdoor as she walked over to his shut door. Opening the door she saw Loki sitting on the corner of his bed with his head in his hands. She frowned slowly closing the door behind her as she made her way to him "What do you want" he called out bitterly "Don't be such a woman. What's wrong with you? You're not usually, like this" she said gesturing towards him "....Why would you care" he snapped glaring at her "Loki..." her voice was soft as she sat next to him "I care because...well... I really do see you as someone I am close to" "You mean like friends?" he sounded disgusted "...Don't sound so disgusted and I wouldn't go that far. We aren't friends" she smiled slightly "More like, strangers that are closer than the common stranger" Loki stayed quiet. Collecting his thought and letting her words sink in- "Loki... tell me what's wrong?" "I genuinely enjoy your company, even if you do get on my nerves sometimes. I find you frustratingly intelligent yet somewhat dense when you have your 'Thor' moments" he chuckled lightly "What I'm trying to say is... when you head back to Midgard, I will miss you. You truly make this Palace lively...and tolerable-" "And you said I wasn't your friend" she chuckled bumping his shoulder with hers "...But I don't want that... I want more than just your friendship. I really do like you (Name) (Last name)." he explained.
(Name) stared at him in disbelief 'did he really say those words?' She thought to herself thinking she had heard wrong, or perhaps she was sleep-deprived, she was in a daze trying to process his words "Pardon me, I dazed out... what?" she asked in pure shock. A frown was imminent on his face as he repeated himself. He was now facing her as he stared at her. The large window and the light of the moon shined through giving them a pale glow. (Name) blinked as he grabbed her hand with a cold hand. He was embarrassed to repeat his words; leaning in he used his free hand to softly grab the back of her neck bringing her in as he kissed her. The kiss was so soft and light, closing her eyes in bliss relaxing to his touch; once comfortable it left when he pulled back. She opened her eyes and watched him as she slowly leaned in for another kiss; it was soft yet an underlying feeling of hungry lust. She placed a delicate hand on his cheek as she kissed him, she could feel his hesitant hand reach her side as he leaned her back on the bed; their lips finding each other every time and moving as one. "Loki" she huffed pulling back "(Name) I want you in body, mind, and soul. You have to believe me" he spoke softly as he held her cheek "I know...But-" she mumbled, sitting up a little. "Not the answer I was looking for," he said in a joking way to hide the pain he felt. She saw how he pulled back to get off her as she sat up. She panicked a little and grabbed his hand. She cast her eyes down as she got nervous "Loki...I really do like you, but how can I believe you? We go through this so many times, one minute we are civil and the next we are at each other's throats. I live in Midgard... I don't compare to the true Asgardians here... I don't what nor will I be one of your playthings" (Name) said truthfully hating the idea of being played, by him, of all people. "(Name) you are like me in so many ways and I will wholeheartedly trust you, I may not talk to you much but...somehow when I'm upset you always make me smile, you know when I am bothered you, on rare occasions you stand up for me when clearly I am in the wrong." he chuckled softly as he kneeled in front of her holding her hands "And by gods and by the Alfather I love you, (Name); till the day I die, till my last breath, I will always love you." He spoke seriously
The clothes were off; (Name) was under him, her hair fanned out under her. Loki kissed her tenderly, his hand running down her thigh to hook it around his waist; feeling him grind on her softly had her aching for more. Trailing kisses down her neck to her chest, leaving marks now and then as he made sure to give her pure bliss. (Name) hooked her arm under his arm grabbing his shoulder while the other hand grabbed his hair. He slowly eased himself into her, the pain unbearable despite the fact he had prepared her before entering himself in her. Letting out a small noise of discomfort Loki slowed himself down for her sake to adjust to him. He whispered sweet words in her ear.  She would have thought that he would say dirty things, but he didn't. Perhaps for the first time together, he wanted to make sure she felt nothing but love, and maybe the next time he was willing to show and teach her a thing or two. His trusts were controlled and paced, but soon the young prince was growing needier to hear (Name) moans; aside from the erotic breathy gasps and soft moans he wanted her to say his name. He had lifted her hips slightly to change the angle, so he had a deeper penetration. The new feeling had caused (Name)'s eyes to shut and a somewhat loud moan came out from her. Her leg pulling him closer to her but her body was shaking "Are you okay?" He asked in worry as she hid her face in his shoulder "Sorry... I'm fine, Just do that again please" she begged quietly "Say my name" he growled in her ears giving a slow thrust "L-Loki!" she called in surprise. Smirking he did as told. She tightened around his shaft; he grunted from the sudden tightness but what drove him on edge a little were the moans she made when he would move in her. Grabbing one of her legs, throwing it over his shoulder as he was getting a deeper penetration making her go wild.
The constant motion of him moving in and out of her vaginal area caused her to arch her back as she grabbed his forearms. The sound of skin slapping together, their body covered in a coat of thin sweat from their passionate activity. The way he filled her up and the way he moved skillfully hitting each spot that caused her body to overdrive, she thought he couldn't get any better-Loki had moved a hand over to her clit and began to rub in a circular motion sending her in the shivering mess. 8,000 of her nerves began to tingle and boil in ecstasy from his skillful stimulation, he thrust in her in rhythmic movements but would vary from slow and hard to fast; giving her pure bliss. She had reached her limit giving out a loud moan that she knew she couldn't suppress, she called out his name; her back arched before lying exhausted on the bed. Loki too lets out a loud moan; grunting out 'fuck' following it with her name in bliss as he released himself in her. Finally, the two were done and exhausted. laying next to her; the two panting heavily. He turned to her laying form and embraced her in a protective hug, kissing her forehead tenderly, she soon fell into a deep peaceful slumber Loki following soon after.
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