#Skaian Pantheon
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myusernameisstolen · 5 months ago
There is a a fic I've been working on for a long time, and I'm extremely proud to finally share it with the world:
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myusernameisstolen · 2 years ago
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Broken Swords (And Cycles)
Broken Swords (And Cycles) (1274 words) by Liyuna_Bass Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Homestuck Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Dave Strider Additional Tags: Earth C (Homestuck), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV Second Person, POV Dave Strider, Time Travel, Trauma, Short & Sweet, Implied Relationships, Heart-to-Heart Series: Part 5 of The Skaian Pantheon Summary: Many people fantasize about going back in time to meet their past self, and reassuring them it'll all be okay, one day. Dave Strider just has the ability to actually do so. (Set in the Skaian Pantheon AU, where the kids didn't skip forward 5000 years, but can be read and understood on its own technically. Set 2 years Post-Landing. Younger/Past Dave POV)
this was written when @myusernameisstolen was still a member. posting for archival purposes. direct all queries to their blog!
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solarianradiance · 7 years ago
Oh Sir Skaia, How many great stories do you have prepared for us? ~~
Prepared? Not many.
Musing over and planning?
Quite many!
Here are the following.
“Heartsick” (in progress)
“Nexus” (on hold)
“The Various Ventures and Practical Passions of Colonel Sassacre”OR“The Tale Of Colonel Sassacre”
Beta Troll Game Session Shenanigans, as in, various stories about the Beta Trolls during their game session between its beginning and end that we didnt really get to see.
“Skaian Pantheon”
Possible videosgames of the RPG/Adventure Variety if I get enough support.
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myusernameisstolen · 12 days ago
My thesis:
These panels of Vriska stopping Rose’s prediction, of preventing the woman who just blew up her life from escaping into a coma?
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= a spiritual successor to this. To Vriska preventing Rose from blowing up her life and slipping away into a soporific stupor.
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calamitycons · 8 years ago
Someone please remind me to go back and fill in the placeholder brackets
Derse’s Royal Family, Nobility, and Caste System (with approximate translations), in descending order.
a. Family Midnight, the absolute monarchs of Derse, supreme governors and lawmakers of all Dersite Territory. Called the Deradō’a (emperors) and the Dotdolora (grand princes).
b. Family Daylight, the governors of the moon itself, interpreting civil law in every district. Equal in power to the Family Twilight. Called the [] (Daylight kings) and the [] (Daylight archdukes).
c. Family Twilight, the governors of all planetary territory of Derse, interpreting civil law on all homeworld fiefs. Equal in power to the Family Daylight. Called the [] (Twilight kings) and the [] (Twilight archdukes).
d. Family Pious, the ecclesiastical leaders whose bloodline is bound to the supreme god of the Derse pantheon. Called the [] (popes) and the [] (cardinals).
e. Family Militant, the military generals and strategists who direct the Dersite military and enforce civil law in all jurisdictions. Called the [] (Royal marshals) and the [] (Royal generals).
2. THE ROYAL GUARD, the entirety of the Dersite military, navy, space marines, and air force.
a. Family [], the governors of intellect, who direct scientific study and public education. Called the [] (Royal professors) and the [] (Royal doctors).
b. Family [], the governors of construction, deconstruction, and architecture. Called the [] (Royal architects) and the [] (their children).
c. Family [], governors of media, music, comedy, and entertainment. Called the [] (Royal composers) and the [] (their children).
d. Family [], the governors of food and the hunt, who determine what, where, when, and how meat makes it to the moon.
e. The Lunar Priesthood, people selected via religious ceremony to preach, educate, and perform religious services on the moon.
f. The Authority Regulators of Derse, cloned public servants who perform arrests and personally enforce civil law upon Lunar civilians.
g. The Lords of the Lunar Districts, Royal families that control the 16 Districts of Derse
a. The Skaian Priesthood, people selected via religious ceremony to preach, educate, and perform religious services on the homeworld.
b. The Authority Regulators of Skaia, cloned public servants
c. The Lords of the Skaian Fiefs, Royal families in control of the 400-413 (it’s contested) planetary territories of Derse.
d. The Public Services, people chosen randomly by the Lords of their territory to enforce Dersite law until Authority Regulators can be installed.
6. LUNAR CIVILIANS, who tend to be much wealthier than planetary civilians
a. SLAVE HIERARCHY, of which ranks a slave can climb up through diligence, productivity, and fidelity.  
                         i.   The Archagent, slaves to the Family Midnight
                       ii.   The Penultimagent, slaves to the other Sovereign Families
                     iii.   The Agent, slaves to the Lunar Nobility
                       iv.   The Skaian Agent, slaves to the Planetary Nobility
                         v.   The Common Agent, slaves to the wealthy civilian
                       vi.   The Military Agent, foot solders of the military
                     vii.   The Public Agent, slaves with no master but are still forced to work as enforced by the Authority Regulators
                         i.   Career Slaves, became slaves after being sold into it by their family members
                       ii.   Blood Slaves, became slaves because their parents were slaves
                     iii.   Criminal Slaves, became slaves after being arrested for serious crime
                       iv.   War Slaves, became slaves after being kidnapped in an act of war
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myusernameisstolen · 1 year ago
The Skaian Pantheon (official promo post)
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What if, after they achieved their victory, the kids decided not to skip forward five thousand years?
Not a very original concept on its own (I know that now) but let me put it another way: What if they embraced their roles as gods, terrifying though it might be?
What if, at the end of the old worlds and the beginning of a new one, there was a single city, and three species to inhabit it? What if the unique burdens of a race created to start civilizations were explored? What if there were fourteen survivors, all young adults struggling with terrible responsibility and traumatic events? What if they leaned on one another for support?
You get a timeline specifically catered to me, is what. Apparently other people enjoy it too, if you're inclined to give it a read.
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myusernameisstolen · 1 year ago
With the Year Ending, I Just Wanted to Remind Y'all I've Kept Writing the Skaian Pantheon
and that since i started in march, I've reached over 200,000 words! I'm going to write this forever, so hopefully one day I'll breach one million!
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For those not among the unfortunately select few not to have heard of this, the Skaian Pantheon is my self-indulgent Homestuck fan project - an anthology series with every (hopefully) self-contained story set in the same timeline, with a deceptively simple premise:
Instead of skipping forward five thousands years and forcing their creations to form civilization without them, the young gods accept the responsibility that has been handed to them, and settle together in the same first city founded by their carapacian followers to assist in the building of a new world. These are the many little stories that make up that grand journey.
Please, check it out. It's very detailed, loaded with worldbuilding and speculative biology and just oh-so-juicy angst and hurt/comfort. This is quite possibly the best thing i've ever written. God, that's sad. But you know what would be even sadder? if i got to one million words without ever going semi-viral. I beg of you, homestuck fans, to make my life worthwhile.
here's some of the art i have made to go with a few of the stories under the cut, in case it piques your interest:
Included in what I'm told is my best work, John Is Fine:
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A couple sneak peeks at future updates! ;)
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and some fanart i've made of my own timeline, bc i have brainrot
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In conclusion, pls read? 🥺
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myusernameisstolen · 2 years ago
everyone reblog with your Hal designs!
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for the canon box i was about to do a drawing of his sprite but then i realized this was 100x funnier
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myusernameisstolen · 2 years ago
The Skaian Pantheon Fanfiction Updates
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So. Here's how this is going to work.
I'm making this to keep myself accountable to write at an acceptable pace, because if people can see it, that means I have incentive to write every day. Even if there are, like, two people that care. This'll help me. If you don't care about my homestuck fanfiction, feel free to ignore this post, or block the tag: #Skaian Pantheon Upd8
So, for every new fic I start, I'll begin a new reblog chain from this post, detailing the chapter numbers, word counts, and when I've published. I've made it a rule to only start publishing chapters when I'm halfway through a fic, and only publish a chapter if the one following is finished. I have a wordcount goal for each chapter as a minimum before it can be counted as finished. I'll detail how it's tailored for each story in its reblog chain.
I'm going to be updating these every day. I write 2-3 fics at a time, meaning I'll be reblogging at least one thread. Hope that makes sense.
Here we go:
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myusernameisstolen · 2 years ago
Luna's Sandbox Earth C has been renamed
my Sandbox's provisional name is no more - behold:
Its more epic than it deserves, but I'm glad that I don't have to keep calling it something so clunky ♥️🪷
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myusernameisstolen · 2 years ago
Have my special ship for 413!!!!!
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(Karkat's wearing a shirt that's like Dave's, and a little string for Calliope, because I ship CherryLimeTime as my ot3)
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myusernameisstolen · 2 years ago
Finished a Skaian Pantheon oneshot in time for 413!!!!!! It's a fun romp with a saturday morning cartoon villains, but more violence and wish-fulfilling power fantasy - our heroes, having won against universe-spanning threats, prove that they thoroughly outclass any motherfucker who wants to mess with their planet. 😤
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myusernameisstolen · 2 years ago
have some terrible fanart:
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Sandbox Earth C has expanded
Hey y’all. It’s your favorite gremlin.
I’ve written more in my “they didn’t time travel five thousand years ahead” AU! Link to the series:
And the recent shit is below! Karkat may be done Fucking Around, but I’m not done Finding Out. This AU will eclipse the sun one day, I swear to gog.
Here’s a fic about John, ten years after they landed:
And heres an anthology series about the carapacians living in the City:
check it, meowtherfuckers. >:33 our boi John is dying.
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myusernameisstolen · 11 months ago
The Skaian Pantheon now has a Discord server!!!! Are YOU a beloved reader of the Skaian Pantheon?! Do YOU want to come hang with me and my friends to talk about Homestuck (and Skpan)??! Do YOU want to be aware of updates, art, and much much more?! Do you want a chance at dropped hints of what is to come?? You do want to read your friends' first reactions to stuff you've already read?!?!? DO YOU HAVE FANART OR OCS YOU WANNA SHARE GIVE IT TO ME I WANNANADSEEEEE ITTTTTTT
@orangestorapples @madam-melon-meow @meowloudly15
The Skaian Pantheon (official promo post)
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What if, after they achieved their victory, the kids decided not to skip forward five thousand years?
Not a very original concept on its own (I know that now) but let me put it another way: What if they embraced their roles as gods, terrifying though it might be?
What if, at the end of the old worlds and the beginning of a new one, there was a single city, and three species to inhabit it? What if the unique burdens of a race created to start civilizations were explored? What if there were fourteen survivors, all young adults struggling with terrible responsibility and traumatic events? What if they leaned on one another for support?
You get a timeline specifically catered to me, is what. Apparently other people enjoy it too, if you're inclined to give it a read.
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myusernameisstolen · 2 years ago
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Soul of Silicon (SoS) - a Hal Strider fanfic: a post-ARquius Hal reckons with past trauma and achieving independence from Dirk.
Chapter goal: 1/8 chapters (publication goal: 4 chapters)
Chapter 2 word count: 10k out of 17k minimum
Date: April 11, 2023
The Skaian Pantheon Fanfiction Updates
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So. Here's how this is going to work.
I'm making this to keep myself accountable to write at an acceptable pace, because if people can see it, that means I have incentive to write every day. Even if there are, like, two people that care. This'll help me. If you don't care about my homestuck fanfiction, feel free to ignore this post, or block the tag: #Skaian Pantheon Upd8
So, for every new fic I start, I'll begin a new reblog chain from this post, detailing the chapter numbers, word counts, and when I've published. I've made it a rule to only start publishing chapters when I'm halfway through a fic, and only publish a chapter if the one following is finished. I have a wordcount goal for each chapter as a minimum before it can be counted as finished. I'll detail how it's tailored for each story in its reblog chain.
I'm going to be updating these every day. I write 2-3 fics at a time, meaning I'll be reblogging at least one thread. Hope that makes sense.
Here we go:
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