#Homestuck fanauthor coalition
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homestuck-book-club · 5 months ago
Interlude time! At the request of one of our members, we will be taking a short interlude to read the fanworks of the homestuck fanauthor coalition for their monsterstuck competition, of which one of our members is a part of! We will then vote for which one we like the best! Find the stories here in the order in which we'll read them: https://www.tumblr.com/homestuck-fanauthor-coalition/762080100282990592/bitches-its-spooky-season
26th September (Thursday) - 1-3 27th September (Friday) - 4-5 28th September (Saturday) - 6-9 29th September (Sunday) - 10-12
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orangestorapples · 9 months ago
Hey guys! I'm gonna start trying to transition from posting my fic updates here to posting them at @homestuck-fanauthor-coalition and reblogging them here so I recommend you give us a follow! We've got a TON of kickass members who are actively posting on ao3, I guarantee you you'll find more fics you like! Here's our collection!
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myusernameisstolen · 1 year ago
The Skaian Pantheon (official promo post)
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What if, after they achieved their victory, the kids decided not to skip forward five thousand years?
Not a very original concept on its own (I know that now) but let me put it another way: What if they embraced their roles as gods, terrifying though it might be?
What if, at the end of the old worlds and the beginning of a new one, there was a single city, and three species to inhabit it? What if the unique burdens of a race created to start civilizations were explored? What if there were fourteen survivors, all young adults struggling with terrible responsibility and traumatic events? What if they leaned on one another for support?
You get a timeline specifically catered to me, is what. Apparently other people enjoy it too, if you're inclined to give it a read.
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orangestorapples · 10 days ago
A friend of mine actually drew it! I think she deleted her tumblr a bit ago, but yeah!
Edit: i was thinking of someone else its cheatzapizza ^^
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Okay, 1) Why did wikipedia decide to feature this as one of todays fun facts and 2) whose tumblr ass art is this isnt this a homestuck characterOkay yeah i looked it up it's homestuck. Homestuck mpreg on wikipedia good job everyone
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utopianparadoxist · 5 months ago
And Ascended to Ultimate Jake English holds the reins on all of reality. A mysterious demon holds the reins of Jake English. And as Ultimate Dirk and Rose come to grips with the fates they've been doomed to walk, a star draws closer... In the shape of a betrayed, angry dog girl with too broken a heart. What lies inside the W(I)LD Heart of the Meat timeline's Jade Harley?
Finally posted Chapter 1 of the next part of Pumpkin Track. Hope whoever reads it enjoys!
Thanks to @madam-melon-meow and @classpectpokerap for editing help, along with folks in the @homestuck-fanauthor-coalition in general! A bunch of other people have also made edit/comments on the first pass too over the years--I don't remember everyone, but off the top of my head, @betweengenesisfrogs and @aslanzounder for sure.
If you want to be included and feel I forgot, please reach out! I'll be updating my list on Ao3 and on here.
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ghostedglitch · 2 months ago
I'm now allowed to say this: My fic for the @homestuck-fanauthor-coalition November Competition was Sotto Voce!
(pronounced soh-toh voh-chay, it's a music term, so it's italian)
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Cue absolutely no one being surprised that this one was mine. I told y'all I was not subtle!
This is my longest oneshot to date! Please feel free to leave comments on it and you can even ask me questions about it I love to ramble about my thoughts while writing :)
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myusernameisstolen · 12 days ago
My thesis:
These panels of Vriska stopping Rose’s prediction, of preventing the woman who just blew up her life from escaping into a coma?
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= a spiritual successor to this. To Vriska preventing Rose from blowing up her life and slipping away into a soporific stupor.
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tehstripe · 5 months ago
Dave wakes up to the sound of singing birds, the scent of fresh herbs, and a sharp pain that radiates across his entire body the second he tries to sit up and move. He groans a little, his head throbbing as he tries to place where the hell he is. It's definitely not the barracks - the bed is too soft, and it smells far too nice - but he doesn't remember checking into an inn. Last he remembered, he'd been out on a regular patrol of the woods, had heard a strange noise... "Oh, are you awake?" Dave's eyes snap open to the sound of an unfamiliar voice, and he swears that a literal angel is looking down over him, just for a second. But no - she isn't actually glowing, it's just the way that the sun catches her curls of hair, causing the dark locks to look a warm golden brown under the light. He blinks a few times, then tries to sit up again; she places a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Don't do that!" she urges gently. "You're very hurt."
Read Cottage In the Woods on AO3
Authors are finally revealed, so I can post about my fic for the Homestuck Fanauthor Coalition's August Competition! The theme was Monsterstuck, so I wrote a little Dave/Jade medieval fantasy fic wherein Dave is attacked by a monster in the woods. It also won awards for BEST IN ROMANCE and BEST FIGHT SCENE so I can now officially call myself an award winning fic writer. (:
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grimme-and-specs · 4 months ago
If you are looking for beta readers and want to be among fellow homestuck fanfic authors, come over to @homestuck-fanauthor-coalition and join the discord link in the pinned post. We are dedicated to helping fellow authors make their homestuck drafts come to fruition.
Oh thank you so much! I will take you up on that then :)
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ambrosianlullaby · 5 months ago
To everyone who guessed and was right... Yep! I wrote Do Robots Dream of Eternal Sleep? for the @homestuck-fanauthor-coalition August Competition. I tried to make myself less clockable right off the bat and withheld myself from embedding the song the work is titled after, so... Do Robots Dream of Eternal Sleep? - Heaven Pierce Her Chapters: 1/1 Rating: M Category: Gen Fandom: Homestuck Characters: Dave's Bro | Beta Dirk Strider, Dave Strider, Dirk's Bro | Alpha Dave Strider, Dirk Strider, Auto Responder | Lil Hal Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Robots & Androids, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Existentialism, Existential Angst, Alternate Universe - Apocalypse, Species Swap, Mental Instability, Fear of Death Fic Graphic:
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It ended up winning Most Subversive Interpretation of "Monster"!
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 6 months ago
Any chance you can ping me or my writing club @homestuck-fanauthor-coalition when the submissions reopen? We’d appreciate it
Consider thyself pinged
Submissions are open!
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Coalition Pinned Post: About Us, How to Join, Important Links.
What is the Coalition?
This is the home of the Homestuck Fanauthor Coalition, a discord-based writing club for fanauthors of all things Homestuck! Any current or aspiring author of Homestuck fanfic is encouraged to join, with the caveat that they understand this is a place for those who have a commitment to bolstering creativity in the Homestuck fandom. We provide a space for brainstorming, proofreading, beta-reading, co-writing, and all other forms of collaboration you can think of! We uplift each-other's works and encourage each-other to keep creating. We are mostly AO3-based authors, but several of us also write MSPFAs, and a few of us even write fangames! So whatever your homestuck writing project, you can find a place among us.
As part of this, we have two AO3 Collections.
Homestuck FanAuthor Coalition Fic and Recommendations is broken into two sub-collections: Our Stuff, which attempts to catalog ever member's works, and Our Recommendations, through which we suggest fic we've read to each-other, mostly written by those not in the Coalition.
Homestuck Fanauthor Coalition Writing Competitions is where we host our competition fics! We all vote together on a prompt, then write our works anonymously, submitting them to a hidden subcollection. Once the works are due, they are revealed, and everyone (not just the participants) gets to read the fics. We then vote on a series of "best in" genres, leave a compliment, and try to guess the identity of the author. At the end, the “best in” can get a digital medal! It's good fun.
Our Identities, with Ao3 & Tumblr links [below the cut for length]:
Since it's pretty darn hard for the layman to find at a glance, here is our member list. We'll try to keep this up-to-date. This section is under construction, members will likely want to edit their blurbs. Right now we are trying to re-order in the order of joining us!
@thegoodthebadthealternative @madam-melon-meow / Madam_Melon_Meow on Ao3: the founder of the Coalition, M^3 has been a Homestuck fan since 2014, but only started writing fic herself in 2023, alongside her fiance Celery! It is her firm belief that fanfic is the lifeblood of fandom, and she wanted to create a space where authors and editors could meet on equal footing, rather than gather in servers dedicated to one author's fanfic, or servers generally dedicated to Homestuck itself. She saw an empty niche and decided to fill it.
@thegoodthebadthealternative @arealpeople / sarcasticcelery on Ao3: an admin of the Coalition, Celery has been in fandom since late 2018, and was 75% through Homestuck proper when the epilogues came out, so he had an interesting introduction to the community. He is of the opinion that no work of media should be left deconstructed, and that all art should be shared- especially the ugly stuff. He hopes the coalition will facilitate this in the rich seedbed that is Homestuck.
@taglineguerrillawriter @orangestorapples / orangestorapples on Ao3: Orange is one of the bot wranglers for the Coalition discord, and they started writing fic WAAAAAAY back in 2015 on WATTPAD of all things! (I know, they're old 💀) They didn't join the homestuck fandom until 2019. Orange shares the same belief as M^3, about fanfic being an important facet of keeping fandom alive, and come hell or high water they're gonna contribute.
Mykros: [pending]
@unda-dsk / Unda on Ao3: They/them. Writing homestuck stuff since 2014 but properly committed to it with my first big work MC Escher That's My Favourite MC, and currently working on the multi-art work in the same universe: EMC2. Currently getting into art, music, animation and more, as well as writing far too many words. Has zero concept of doing things in moderation, is a rainbow menace.
rko on Ao3: Unda's beta, a writer and editor of many things, synthesizer enthusist, and professional copy wrangler.
@classpectpokerap / EtchJetty on Ao3: Cowriter of the fanventure Nepetaquest 2022 and author of A Bunch Of Shit On Ao3 And Also Mspfa, EtchJetty has been most recently occupied writing Pesterquest Rewritten (@pesterquestrewritten on Tumblr). catch her stuff whenever she makes More Things!!!
@thegodshavehorns @wmb-salticidae / Callmesalticidae on Ao3: [pending]
@thegodshavehorns @shadow-wasser / shadow_wasserson on Ao3 / Shadow Wasserson on FFN : Shadow has written fanfiction since 2004, first read Homestuck in 2013, and has been co-writing *The Gods Have Horns* since 2015. Gen. Darkfic. Plotting.
Atralux @astralix13 / Astralic on Ao3: they also like MLP. Fun fact, they have 15 animals!
Ponderskeletons: [pending]
@ocean-stars-mspfa @horsesbones / GlubbyGlub on MSPFA / timaeusTestifying & HorseFingers on Ao3: Ocean Man first read Homestuck in 2011. Terminally ill about Dirk Strider. Squiddle obsession. Favorite type of fanfictions to write are cognitohazards; peruse at your own risk.
reticulating Attorney aka @diddleydont / Diddleydont on Ao3: [pending]
@utopianparadoxist / optimisticDuelist (lasciviousWildheart) on Ao3: author of the Pumpkin Path [bio pending]
silvenainRose: [pending]
kolbietheninja: [pending]
@sylvris / ryuo_zen on Ao3 : [pending]
@mostlycyanide / mostlycyanide on Ao3: [pending]
gues / larceny: [pending]
@meowloudly15 @the-hs-etaverse / meowloudly15 on Ao3: meowloudly15 first started writing fanfiction in 2018. She first read Homestuck in 2019. Her favorite fic subgenres to write about include Women's Wrongs, throwaway lines and characters taken far too seriously, highly self-indulgent meta BS, absurdism (both flavors), and Apocalypse Yuri.
@askaniritual / tasteoflemons on Ao3: Jordan writes meta on her tumblr blog! [more bio pending].
@manifestmerlin / ManifestMerlin on Ao3: author of a fairystuck fic! [more bio pending]
vapor: [pending]
@vriskabot / araneae_cobalti on Ao3: a big fan of DaVris, [bio pending]
CeramicOrange: a beta reader / editer, [bio pending]
Kimi / quixxotique aka crownlessliestheking on Ao3: she is a Dirk Strider and Midnight Crew enjoyer! [more bio pending]
@greg-is-cool / gregiscool on MSPFA / gregiscool on Ao3: one of our younger members, he got into hoemstuck through XKCD. [more bio pending]
Siben @teamsieben / StarlightSieben on Ao3: Sieben has been writing fanfic on-and-off since they were too young to be on the internet, and recently got into Homestuck in 2023. They write for themselves and they most enjoy exploring what makes characters tick. They also love classpecting, and their classpect is Page of Blood.
Autumn1185 / @aspen1185 / AspenDrake on ao3 : [pending]
The Lukemeister @herestoanotherweirdo / terminalLoquacity on ao3: Luke writes fanfic and mspfas, and is one of Tetra's collaborators on pesterquest re-written! [more bio pending]
wes / fae / peri: [pending]
@timelessambivalence / Eris_Luuvan on Ao3 : 'She/Her, known as Timeless, TA, or Dez. Big time Ancestor enjoyer, Godstuck advocate, scifi consumer, and an infinite abyss of headcanons. Constantly has a pile of things to finish on her desk, an amount of caffine in her blood somewhere between 'not enough' and 'discovering new colours', and is trying her best. Been in and out of homestuck for a couple years but has come back around to try and leave her mark with vague angst, ancestors, and gross overstatements of trolls' inhuman nature.'
Flora @pr0atcrastination / ProAtCrastination on Ao3: author of Appearification, a Dirk Strider fanfic! [more bio pending]
@dave2olkat / ToBurnAllTheEmpires on Ao3: a writer and an artist, he is a big fan of... well, I'm sure you can guess! Author of Gold Pilot, a timeloop fanfic!
@ambrosianlullaby / ambrosianLullaby on Ao3: they are the head of animation of Guidestuck^2 . They/Them and known as Ambrosia, Al, or infectious, is an author who's been writing since they were able to read. Boasting a nearly full Google drive of fanfiction, they joined the Homestuck fandom in early 2020 only to leave before the summer of the same year; but you can't fight the Homestuck, so they're back for round 2.
@june-egbert-official / GinAndJuniper on Ao3 : she loves writing homestuck, and is a big june fan! she also writes stuff involving her and her wife's OCs, which is super cute! [more bio / ao3 link pending].
T4Tavros / CatBoyGhost on Ao3 : he is an aspiring storyboard and comics artist who writes on the side. current projects include a spideman fancomic called "The Magical Spider Man" and a hs au fic called "Oh Hello".
@bralsradoesfanfiction / Bralsra on Ao3 : a new fanauthor and an aspiring fangame coder, she only read homestuck last year but is super excited to get involved in fandom! [more pending]
@rose-icosahedron / Rose_Icosahedron : a fanfic and mspfa author new to homestuck but old to fanfiction, she is writing a homestuck horror fic that she hopes to release soon!
Topher / smellydotcom on wattpad / smellydotcom on Ao3: [bio pending]
@eridan-amporaa / auspiciousAuthor on Ao3: currently writting a johndave fic and planning an mspfa. has many ideas!
Thingy / egregiousBass on Ao3: got into homestuck in 2010 and is now writing fanfic!
@davekatgnocchi / Davekatgnocchi on Ao3: a bit Davekat obsessed, she considers homestuck to be very near and dear to her heart. current cowriting a fic with ambrosian lullaby!
@glubtier / glubtier on Ao3 : "i like to write smooching and I also play a lot of Minecraft"
@jonayariley / JonayaRiley on Ao3 /Jonaya's personal website : Jonaya has been in the fandom since 2019 and writing fic in the fandom since January 2020. You might know her as the director and lead writer for Friendsim 2; as the director for Stuck at Home Con; or as a producer for What Pumpkin's Hiveswap: Act 3!
@sg-s3c / sg on MSPFA : this individual got into homestuck way back in 2011 and has been getting sucked back into it every few years ever since. Sg is currently working on the fandaventure John Ruins a Wedding, and would like to get involved in more stuff!
@tehstripe / Stripe on Ao3 : Stripe has been writing homestuck fanfiction since 2011. She is a nerd and a teacher, and is currently trying to get back into writing her davejade superhero AU, The Thrilling Adventures of Coolkid and Kiddo Eclipse
parrotintexas on Ao3 : [pending]
MysticDreamer aka PHDreamer on Ao3: [pending]
absent architect aka Insipid on Ao3: [pending]
@theartvoid / theartvoid on MSPFA: Ellie is a fancomic autor who is also into various games like undertale, stardew valley, and fallen london.
@starlit-bawka / StarlitBawka on Ao3: this author is just getting back into writing homestuck fanfic, but also writes for a scattering of other fandoms. Fun fact, he also makes puppets!
Asche aka 2uriiviing on Ao3 : He's into book binding! [more bio pending]
Legacy Members [list of former members. assume they left the server in good will, and we are still proud to promote their works]:
tHunkdt on Ao3: [pending]
Bre / BreezefulSkies on Ao3: author of Reallocated, a time travel fix-it fic featuring Hal!
@flaringk / FlaringK on Ao3 / FlaringK on MSPFA / FlaringK's personal website : the creator of the HS5+ formating and the website designer of SAHcon !
Virgil / Danny: a homestuck fan who is in the process of co-writing a not-yet-released project with orangestorapples
Appearing in our header image [left to right, high to low]:
Bre, @0staranon0, Ciara, @jellysmudge, Bralsra, @aeroargonic, @eridan-amporaa, @toxicchamomile, @taglineguerrillawriter, @dave2olkat, @ambrosianlullaby, @arealpeople, @meowloudly15, @madam-melon-meow, @myusernameisstolen, @saberinblue, @thoughts-of-a-scoundrel, Davey/Achilles, archaeo, @unda-dsk, @grimme-and-specs, @greg-is-cool, tHunkdt, @shadow-wasser
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myusernameisstolen · 2 months ago
hey strilondeswap fans come get yall juice
i've never found myself schilling for someone else before, but the fantastic Sam Gabriel (@saberinblue) voiced my fic, come listen to it here:
Or, even better - come listen to it as part of the podcast feed for the all the Homestuck Fanauthor Coalition's podfics, bc that way you can listen to so many more wonderful fics written by the Coalition's talented authors and all voiced by Sam Gabriel (did I mention what a talented actress she is its insane)
And if you want to listen to more of her work or commission her to voice your story or someone else's, check out her website:
(the wonderful little cherry on top is that she also does all her own cover art, seriously it's amazing - check out her other stuff after you listen to her pod of Strilondeswap)
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askaniritual · 1 year ago
or so the saying goes
words: 3k
pairing: vash/wolfwood
summary: You’ve never seen a psionic with two red eyes before. They match his coat
v v excited to finally share the homestuck au fic i wrote for the homestuck fanauthor coalition monthly competition! i was so excited when i came up with this concept it was hard to keep it to myself but i've been so glad to hear from people that they thought it was working.
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madam-melon-meow · 1 year ago
Looking for Homestuck Ficlets? My homestuck fanauthor coalition has a few!
This past month, four members of the server wrote a fic to fulfill the prompt “Off screen scene”: write a scene that fits canon that has been alluded to or described, but has not been seen in detail. Here’s what we got:
Fuckin pain in the ass maps: how did Dave Strider acquire the maps for the Furthest Ring? 1,646 words
Shattered Glass: Vriska Serket felt the need to slap the booze out of Rose Lalonde’s hand. Why? 2,535 words
Something Happened: doomed!Rose Lalonde and the soon-to-be Davesprite share a moment in LOHAC a bit after the death of their two friends and split into the doomed timeline. 777 words
Buns Out of The Oven: John Egbert’s Dad is not an ectobaby. Therefore, he had to be born. 1,704 words
All of these fics are no longer anonymous, but our next round of the competition starts soon. We invite you, dear Homestuck, not only to read the stories from this round, but to participate in our competition’s next round! On Dec 31, 2023, the works for the prompt Extremely Rare Crossover will become visible. You can read the rules and write something yourself to submit, as long as I get a DM about your participation. But anyone can, once those works are visible, read and vote in the google form that will be embedded in the collection. You can choose best in genre, personal favorite, write a completely, and guess who wrote what. We encourage you to check it out!
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orangestorapples · 9 months ago
Friendly reminder, if you're into Homestuck Fanfics you should follow the Homestuck Fanauthor Coalition Blog! I really gotta remember to post there more often :\ whoopsies
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