#fanfic advertisement
seytazen · 23 days
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When a Prime Falls
Ambition is the deadliest of poisons. It’s an unspoken fact. Codex Prime, one of the most beloved rulers in the history of Iacon, mysteriously falls victim to an assassin’s blade. The killer and their motives remained unknown, but they’ve unknowingly set destiny into motion. Rebels and propaganda are creating a perfect storm to rise up in the wake of the tragedy. The threat to those of noble standings are higher than ever, but they are determined to keep the status quo intact. As long as they keep Codex’s secrets hidden, they’ll be untouchable. Unfortunately, such is much easier said than done.
Orion had already accepted his predetermined fate as an ill-fit heir to the Matrix when his world came crashing down. A new destiny is unfolding for the entirety of Cybertron, and he will find himself at the head of it one day. He has much to learn before he is capable of holding such a burden, but he is determined to find the right path. Along the way, he’ll find twisted truths, buried histories, and pieces of himself he didn’t know existed.
Transformers— All Media Types
Royalty AU, Maximum High-stakes Drama, Romance, Viva la Revolution, Class Differences, Religious Trauma, Abuse of all types, Mutual pining, Unrequited Love, Infedelity, Regicide, Murder, Political Thriller, Sticky Sexual Interfacing, Orion is disabled and is a main character, No he doesn’t become magically “fixed” at the end, Yes it gets in his way sometimes and effects his everyday life, Eventual happy MegaOp, IronOp, ShockOP (one sided), Arranged Marriage, Unhealthy Relationships, Finding Healthy relationships, Infedelity, Unethical relationships, Betrayals, Back-Stabbing, Mommy issues, Daddy issues, Omniscient 3rd POV, Unreliable Narrator, Sexual Assault, Rape, Dead Dove: Do not Eat in places, Lots of Plot Twists, Inheriting the Throne, Assassination, Heavy on the World building, Step-mommy is a creep, SLOW BURN, VERY VERY SLOW BURN, heart break, break ups, slooooooooow burn, Sexual frustration, Trauma, Sexual Taboo (Not extreme), Pent up feelings, Orion is repressed as fuck, Megatron is obnoxious, childhood friends romance dynamic, protector/protected romance dynamic, Gentle Sex, Reunion Sex, Oh my god we didn’t die sex, Sleeping with a superior officer, Sleeping around for power, Blood sports, Dark pasts, coup de ta, suicidal thoughts, Trigger Warnings, Painfully oblivious, multiple relationships, everyone loves Optimus Prime kind of, angst, fluff, family drama, mystery, politics, Continuity Soup
Royal!Orion Pax, Disabled!Orion Pax, Megatronus, Optimus Prime, Megatron, Soundwave, Senator Shockwave, Shockwave, Elita One, OCified!Onyx, ooc Vector Prime, Alpha Trion, Ironhide, Bumblebee, Kup, Caretaker!Ratchet, Drift, Swindle, Rodimus/Hot Rod, Codex, OCified!Nova Storm, Mafia Boss!Dai Atlas, Wing, ooc Halogen
Optimus Prime/Megatron, Orion Pax/Megatronus, Drift/Ratchet, Senator Shockwave/Orion Pax, Ironhide/Orion Pax, eventual Dai Atlas/Wing, OC/Ultra Magnus, Chromia/Ironhide
Coming Soon!
Hello everyone, long time since I’ve written anything! I’ve got several unfinished works, but I am determined to finish this one. I’ve been gone for a while for a variety of reasons, mainly because of my home life and because I’ve been busy trying to earn my BA in Creative Writing! I’m an aspiring author, but I know I need more practice writing for an audience and marketing and such if I want to be successful in the publishing industry. Fanfiction is an awesome way for me to practice without any additional costs to myself! This isn’t a first draft for a book that I’m wanting to publish, but if I do publish something you’ll find some similarities lol. I’m going to be releasing the entire fic at once with a few sneak peeks for you guys here and there, just like I would a real book, so stay tuned!
To those who are interested in following me in this endeavor, I’m grateful for your support ❤️
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demonfox38 · 29 days
Oh, hey. I actually wrote something for once. It's a story about time passing and losing people you barely knew. I'm certain that's not relevant...
Lupin's deflated sigh vented his disappointment. "Tell you what. Why don't we take five? Get our heads straightened out. Smoke. Order a pizza." Jigen agreed. "I'll smoke. You order that pizza." "Do not let him order the pizza," the shadow at their side protested. "He does not pick reasonable toppings." Lupin snapped himself away from Jigen's chair. "And just what do you know about making a good pizza, samurai?" It was lucky for Lupin that Goemon decided to defend himself with his mouth and not his sword. "I know better than to put durian fruit on one." Oh, boy. Here came the fight. "I watched you put raw squid on a pizza!" "Squid is just as valid of an ingredient as tuna or anchovies." "Not all at once! And not rolled up like some kind of cheese and marinara sushi tube!" "What of the time you poured chocolate syrup and candy on a pizza? How was that remotely authentic cuisine, never-the-less edible?" "You're going to lecture me on what authentic pizza is?" Lupin huffed. "I was eating actual, factual, true to the source pizza on the beaches of Naples when I was still in short pants! You didn't have so much as a single slice of mozzarella before you hit puberty!" Goemon's glare cut across the living room. "If you know how to properly make a pizza, then why do you continue to defile them with your atrocious sense of taste?" That was just the Molotov cocktail to toast their little dinner party. "Who in the hell are you to talk to me about taste, Bathrobe Boy?" "At least I know how to color-coordinate fabrics!" "At least I know how to close my shirt!"
Click above to read.
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ayphyx · 4 months
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Fanart for @skelavender’s lovely fanfic series Fall into Place :3 (you can read it here on tumblr btw)
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mags2theythem · 3 months
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I drew my version of the kfc group with @akanemnon versions
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matthewmurdockswife · 6 months
Texts with Bf! Matt sturniolo
Tw: swearing and thats it
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@dwntwn-strnlo @fenoy7 @oneirophobic
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enkimesh-truther · 1 month
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image via @ xelarale on twitter / @xelarale on tumblr
I’m literally never active on twitter but my friend sent me this picture and… omg! I wrote a fic just like this!
Here is the link if you’d like to read it :)
Happy pride month to all t4t relationships!
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kipkoh · 8 months
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Effortlessly My Baby by Kohpon on AO3
The boy behind the mask did not exist. He was nothing but a shell, a pawn to be used in a cruel man’s dangerous game. That was the only reason he was alive, the only reason he was allowed to take up space in a world that otherwise would refuse him, discarding him as if he were nothing more than a broken toy. The boy behind the mask was not worth anyone’s attention, worth anyone’s love, and he had been conditioned to believe that as fact since the day he was born.
And yet it wasn’t true. Despite all odds, there would always be at least one person in the world who considered him more than deserving of their love, whose heart he had burrowed himself so far into that it would be impossible to disentangle himself. No matter how long it took, how difficult of a task it would be, Darius would make sure to change his mind because even if no one else in the world loved him, Darius would. That was the only fact Hunter needed to believe.
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duskyashe · 5 months
Because apparently this is my fault, I'm posting this Miraculous Ladybug X DC prompt for anyone to use, but more specifically for @the-coffee-fandom 😉😂
Roy Harper has a secret, one he keeps from Oliver, from the old Titans, even from his fellow Outlaws. Roy likes to sew. Now, he can't exactly follow a pattern, and he definitely doesn't know the difference between a dart or a pleat, but his baby girl doesn't care about that. She's just happy that her princess dresses and superhero costumes look so much more like the real things than the store bought, mass produced things her classmates have to wear. But when he bumps into a five foot nothing young woman in the only fabric store in town open past 8pm, well. Maybe it's about time he finally learns the difference between front stitching and chain stitching, yeah?
TLDR, Roy Harper is a self taught hobbyist seamster who meets Marinette Dupein-Cheng in a fabric store.
If you decide to fill this prompt, please drop a link in the comments or reblog this post so I can read it!
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arms-full-of-hyacinths · 11 months
More Than Horses
Pairing: Allan x Ken
Summary: Ken has no idea who he is without Barbie. Beach Ken? Mojo Dojo Casa House Ken? Sad, Lonely Nothing Ken? Luckily, he has a good buddy (who fits into all his clothes) to help him figure it out.
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Allan found Ken sprawled across the shoreline, blonde hair damp and crusted in sand. His muscles glistened unrealistically in the sunlight. Allan averted his gaze from Ken’s abs and knelt down next to him.
“Hey, Ken. What’s going on?”
Ken spat out an invisible stream of seawater and groaned.
Allan bit down on a smile. “Did you try to surf again? I thought you learned your lesson last month.”
With a long sigh, Ken rolled onto his side, facing out towards the water. “Barbie said it couldn’t be Barbie and Ken anymore. Am I just Beach Ken now?”
“I don’t think that’s what she meant. Maybe you need to redefine yourself by recognizing that you are a person whose worth is inherent, not based on external markers like—”
He cut himself off. Ken had rolled back over to fix him with a cartoonishly wide-eyed stare of confusion.
“Sorry. I’ve been hanging out with Weird Barbie more lately. Um, I guess what I’m trying to say is, you need to figure out who Ken is. To you. Not to Barbie, or to anyone else.” He repeated himself to make sure Ken was following along. “Who is Ken to you?”
Ken shrugged, which flexed his pecs somehow.
“And you need to figure out how to love Ken for who he is, and not for what he does or who he spends time with. You have to learn to love yourself just for being you.”
Ken’s face fell. For a second, Allan thought he’d lost him, but then he sighed again. “How am I supposed to love Ken when even Barbie doesn’t love Ken? If I can’t be Barbie and Ken or Beach Ken or Mojo Dojo Casa House Ken, am I even anything? Nobody loves nothing.”
Allan’s chest hurt. He’d always known Barbie didn’t love Ken. Ken was made to suit her, not the other way around. There was a doll Mattel made for Ken. It was just that nobody—even Ken—ever seemed to remember that. And Allan didn’t really feel like reminding him. Instead, he settled on: “People do love you, Ken. And you aren’t nothing.”
Face twisted in a deep pout, Ken splayed out on his back. “Then what am I? Not Nothing Ken?”
“I’m not sure. But maybe I could help you find out?”
Ken sat up and the sand stuck to his face disappeared. A suggestion of his signature grin took its place. “Seriously? How?”
Allan wasn’t sure how to help someone on a journey of self-discovery. Still, this was the best opportunity he’d ever had to spend quality time with Ken that didn’t involve Barbie, and he was not going to waste it. He thought about some of the many things he liked about Ken. If Ken could just see himself the way Allan saw him, he was sure Ken would love himself too. And maybe—just maybe—he’d be grateful enough for Allan’s help to remember that they were buddies. That would be enough.
Read the rest on AO3 💖
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onnahu · 1 month
''I may have accidentaly create a big company and a crime empire in one and involve a shit tone of civilians in it.''
''Accidentaly,'' Tim repeated, all deadpan.
How a teenager with murder tendencies can become the best boss ever, and how he can later explain it to his family.
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octazumi · 8 months
I love how whenever @quartzztwst reblogs anything of mine it immediately blows up
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demonfox38 · 28 days
Alright. Here's Part 2.
He reached a single arm out, pointing at the apartment like it was some distant constellation. "There." Lupin and Goemon traced the angle of his fingertip. This time, it was Lupin that spotted Jigen's problem first. "That apartment?" "Yeah." Crinkles marred Goemon's face. "Who lived there?" Wasn't that the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question? "I…didn't know her name. But I liked her." Something evil curled in Lupin's smile. "Go on." "Not like that." That pervert always had to…well. Pervert things. "I just liked seeing her. She took good care of stuff. Plants. Her cat. Herself. She just…always looked happy, you know? I liked that." A somber weight sank through Goemon. "She is not there now." "No," Jigen confirmed. "Something bad happened there. A fire, I think. That apartment, it's been abandoned for a long time. Long enough that dickheads got into there. Started breaking in and getting high and doing who knows what else. I just…I just don't know what happened to her. And thinking that she's gone—maybe gone forever…" He didn't have to end that sentence.
Click above to read.
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magicwhiskers29 · 6 months
So... I wrote my take on a Nine takes Shadow hostage au... Enjoy!
Nine fishes Shadow out of that trench and finds a better use for him. Sonic seems to care for him, he reasons, so who better to use as bait? Unable to fight back directly, Shadow has to take a different approach, and hope that Nine's plan never comes to fruition.
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mags2theythem · 5 months
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 2 months
so this is basically just a fic advertisement blog at this point huh
So it was basically never much of anything else <3
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aiedraws · 2 months
“Another part of her, the childish part that never gets too far from her, desperately wants to answer her call, to ask her why she never loved her. Why everything was so difficult. Why when she had woken up in the middle of the night out of fear for monsters under her bed, she hadn’t let her crawl into bed with her.”
Fanart for the catradora fanfic What I’ve Done
Read on AO3
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