#Sisterhood is powerful
the-land-of-women · 2 years
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aclaywrites · 9 months
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My sister @gossipaboutpeopleyoudontknow
She’s been there for me since I came out to her in 1988. She’s marched in pride parades and gone to Oscar parties with me, consoled me when I couldn’t find a date, or when the dates I did have were super shit and I was miserable. She’s been my best friend and podcast partner and comrade in bitchery, we’ve obsessed about so many things and had so many late night conversations about shit like the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire or the curse of the Von Erichs or why this or that boy isn’t worth her time. I don’t know what I’d do without her and I hope not to ever find out. Someday we’ll be like Whatever Happened to Baby Jane except we’re both Bette Davis. I love you sis!!
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veryslowreader · 2 years
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Sisterhood Is Powerful
Charlie Says
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deepgreenrad · 2 years
I have worked at this restaurant for seven years. It’s owned by the most difficult man I’ve ever met in my life, and the server that works there every day is a man. Shockingly, the men of this establishment have been disrespectful and abusive towards the three women that work there for years. But we finally said “enough” and all decided to quit at the same time. Good luck running the restaurant with three people! 
Amazing what solidarity can give you. Sisterhood is powerful!
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lacangri21 · 2 months
“In the spiritual world, I take shelter in everything.  I don’t ponder whether I take from the Catholic or from the African, because my foundation is the Mother Earth.  I dream about something, and I do my ceremony to it.  Nobody tells me what to do.”
-Cacique Panchito Ramirez
Spirituality can be shared and syncretized. If something speaks to you, use it respectfully. Fuck people who whine that it's "not your lane."
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where-dreams-dwell · 7 months
*spoilers for One Day*
For people saying ‘it’s tragic, Dex and Em only got 3 years together’ no. They got 15 years together.
Glossing over the span of their life together to sum it up as ‘only 3 years together’ misses all the love and time they had together that wasn’t solely romantic.
Why is their relationship only ‘important’ or ‘counts’ when it’s a romantic one? Maybe there was always romantic love buried in there or growing steadily but there was a whole lot of platonic love there too.
For 15 years they were the most important person in the world to one another, they described each other as their ‘best friend’ and the person they reached out to at every high and low moment. And for the last 3 of those years they were also a couple.
There are loads of examples of Dex reaching out to Em when he’s at his lowest: the last birthday with his mum, then he’s reeling from his divorce, when he’s scared people will hate him on TV. And you *could* read that as pathetic and Em being his emotional crutch, with Dex latching into her. But you could *also* see that as when you’re struggling and low, you just want your best friend. Because they *get* you. And part of being a best friend is being there in those low moments.
And Em has done the same with Dex, just in different ways. That first year out of uni Em had no idea what she was doing; in a job she couldn’t wait to leave, a relationship that didn’t make her happy, not sure where she was going in life or what she was doing. Em writes to Dex often, and doesn’t need him to reply to her, just to read her letters and be *her* emotional crutch and person to vent to.
Even at that breakup-dinner, Em has things she ‘needs to talk about’ and she’s reached out to Dex to do it. We don’t see her discussing it with Tilly, we see her trying to talk about it with Dex. She’s at arguably her lowest moment (hates her job, hates her partner, hates her home) and she wants her best friend to listen to her. Just like he did when she was 24 and thinking about giving up and leaving London, and Dex convinced her to stay and keep going.
So they are emotional crutches *to one another*. That’s also part of being someone’s best friend.
And for all the low moments Dex also wanted to share his best moments with her too: when he’s excited about the TV pilot he calls Em to say ‘the only person I want to share this with is you’, and begs Em to find a way to be there. Yes this is also him dismissing and ignoring her achievements, yes this is self absorbed and rude and at the height of his egomania, but in that moment of triumph he only wants his best friend there with him.
When they see one another again at Tilly’s wedding Em is brave and self assured when she reveals she’s ‘thought of you every day, missed you every day’, and that even though they are friends again now the fact that Dex will have a wife and child ‘feels a bit like loosing you all over again. Because people with families have different priorities…’ That’s how close they were before.
The sentiment that ‘we grew up together’ is really true, for the both of them. They were very different people throughout their lives, and if they had tried to be a romantic couple earlier there is no guarantee that version of them would have lasted the course.
Would Emma have stayed with a peak-of-his-tv-fame Dex, partying and living life ‘to the full’? Or would they have explosively ended and decided they were too different for one another for it to ever work?
Would Dex have even tried for a career in TV or a full year of travelling if he’d become a couple with Emma after Uni? Or would he have done something else but grown resentful of what-could-have-been?
If they had sorted out their issues and apologised after their fight and Em had left Ian, would Em have found the strength to turn rock bottom into a spring board and finally write her book? Would she have even hit that bottom at all? Or would the hook have remained a pipe dream while she continued as a teacher, happy with Dex but professionally unfulfilled?
We will never know what could have been, and that doesn’t necessarily make those alternatives the ‘better’ option that they ‘missed out on’.
Maybe they would only ever have had 3 years together as a couple and getting it in their mid 30’s the way they did was their most mature and peaceful version.
So yes at times their relationship feels like it’s moving toward the inevitable conclusion of a romantic partnership. But the time before they get there wasn’t wasted or unimportant or unnecessary. And they were always together.
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lilacsupernova · 1 year
Feminism has fought no wars.
It has killed no opponents.
It has set up no concentration camps, starved no enemies, practised no cruelties.
Its battles have been for education, the vote, for better working conditions,
for safety in the streets, for child care, for social welfare, for rape crisis centres, women's refuges, reforms in the law.
If someone says, "Oh, I'm not a feminist,"
I ask, "Why? What's your problem?"
– Dale Spender: Man Made Language
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alrightstartingscene · 10 months
This may be a controversial opinion but we need to normalize and have more “bitchy” girls in media who aren’t complete assholes but labeled bitchy by everyone else because they have a rougher attitude than most people. We need more girls who don’t have to become nice by the end of the story to get their happy ending.
I don’t owe anyone niceness. I owe them respect and decency. Those things do not equate to niceness. Maybe it’s the depression talking but I cannot be upbeat and happy all the time. I shouldn’t be expected to greet everyone with a hello and a smile at my workplace. But especially in retail if you so much as say hi with a straight face you’ve got attitude or are being mean. Take it from a childhood people pleaser, I lost my sense of self trying to be nice and perfect for everyone. Doing so was one of the reasons I got so burnt out at my last job. We don’t owe you niceness.
The few girls in media I can think of off the top of my head who fit this:
Kat in 10 Things I Hate About You
Tibby from Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Paris Geller in Gilmore Girls (I haven’t finished this show and while Paris is irrevocably horrible to people in some instances she still isn’t made to be nice to everyone and people accept her even when she’s not happy).
Julie Powers from Scott Pilgrim
April Ludgate from Parks and Rec
Wednesday Addams from The Addams Family/Wednesday
Edit: MAEVE WHITMAN from Sex Education also!
Any recommendations people have with women who fit this as main/sub protagonists would be greatly appreciated!
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The Power of Black Women Supporting Each Other: United We Win 👑
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(Black Women in Hollywood, Essence. 2024)
In a world where black women have historically been marginalized and pitted against each other, it is crucial now more than ever for us to stand united and support one another. The notion that there is only room for a few at the top is a fallacy that has perpetuated division and hindered our collective progress. It is time to recognize that there is an abundance of talent, brilliance, and strength within our community, and by lifting each other up, we can shatter barriers, redefine success, and create a new narrative of solidarity and empowerment. Together, we can break through the glass ceiling and rise to new heights, leaving no black woman behind.
🪄 The Magic Behind Supporting Each Other Includes:
👑 Embracing Sisterhood:
As black women, we understand the struggles and challenges we face in various aspects of life. By supporting each other, we foster a sense of sisterhood that allows us to connect on a deeper level. Through embracing the concept of sisterhood, we find common ground and create a safe space where we can share our triumphs, challenges, and knowledge. Together, we uplift and empower one another, ensuring that no one is left behind.
👑 Breaking Stereotypes:
When black women succeed, we shatter preconceived notions and pave the way for future generations. Our collective achievements inspire others to pursue their passions, regardless of societal limitations.i
👑 Collaboration Over Competition:
Rather than viewing one another as competitors, we choose collaboration over competition. We recognize that our individual successes do not diminish the accomplishments of others. Instead, our achievements collectively contribute to a stronger, more vibrant community. From sharing techniques and experiences to supporting each other's businesses, we foster an environment where everyone can thrive.
👑 Leading By Example:
When we support one another, we become beacons of inspiration for young black girls and women who aspire to become successful in all areas of life . By showcasing our unity, we demonstrate the power of collective success. We encourage future generations to embrace their talents, chase their dreams, and support their fellow black women in their respective endeavors.
As we stitch our efforts together, we have the chance to showcase the power and harmony of black women upliftng one another. By celebrating each other's victories, we reinforce the belief that there is more than enough room at the top for all of us. Let us continue to uplift, empower, and inspire one another, for when one of us wins, we all do.
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shisasan · 4 months
I love this current era of women discovering their divine worth and recognizing their true value, creating a culture of mutual support and empowerment, all while honoring men and their sacred power.
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acourtofquestions · 6 months
There is something powerful to the fact that the “I love you” of A Court of Silver Flames is not Cassian & instead is the Archeron sisters.
… That the first person who replies, "I love you too” to Nesta; a person who has never been able to say I love you, be allowed to love or be safe in that. Let alone have it reciprocated, without being immediately followed by their death (or destruction of some sort). And that that person is her sister; who loved her before & will love her after, who would fight to keep her safe & actually take care of her.
And Feyre finally gets to hear that from her big sister; from the family she thought she never had. It gives a full circle from how she left; feeling out of place among the human world, to end up in Prythian in the first place, she thought she was alone & left out to dry (or more likely freeze to death). To then in her almost end for the family she did find, she is saved by the sister she always had; the one who followed her to the edge of the wall, fought for her & spent days trying to rip into Prythian; to save her no matter the cost, and when the time came she “gave it all back” to pay it.
Feyre loved her, even when Nesta thought she wasn't worthy of it. Nesta loved her even when Feyre thought her sister hated her. And they both finally get to hear it, say it, see it, feel it, know it. They are worthy & they are loved regardless, they have an unconditional family of relatives & found loves. Their story enters a new world, one that is no longer alone. And there's something powerful in THAT as the choice, “I love you”.
+ We all know Cassian LOVES Nesta, even Nesta knows CASSIAN LOVES NESTA!!! It's been shown, thought, practically said (just got cut off)… it would’ve been nice, but it's already known. It didn't need assurance like they did.
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cptrs · 6 months
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nickysfacts · 8 months
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Lottie the Body brought class and acceptance to burlesque shows!
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therosegoldbourdoir · 11 months
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helenvader · 4 months
Another entry for Characters. This time dedicated to Halbrand/Sauron.
Three animated logos, for Human Halbrand Defense Squad, Poor Little Meow Meow Appreciation Sisterhood and Sauron Appreciation Society. The last one appeared in one of my vids, but I added sound and made it longer.
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letoscrawls · 2 years
shuffles up to you cagily in a trench coat and a fedora pulled low over my face
have you ever drawn… helen
omg sorry for taking so long to reply but yes i have but i forgot how batshit crazy she is in dune messiah???? she really said
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oh paul was fed up with that hag and i can't blame him
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