#Sirius is joey
nettedtangible · 1 year
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Need someone to draw this but it's James and Sirius.
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bowiesversion · 2 months
if you don't think of Barty and Dorcas while listening to The Baddest by Joey Valence and Brae who are you??
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emmawithtwoms · 6 months
Remus Lupin would dress like Chandler, Sirius Black would dress like Joey. I will not elaborate
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hufflepuffstookmylife · 10 months
Mauraders in Full House
Guys hear me out. Full House is just mauraders in our universe. Danny is Remus. Remus married Tonks right? Sirius was her cousin so techincally his sister. Right? So that makes Jesse Sirius. I mean c'mon I don't really need to elaborate. And James was an only child so is Joey. No one needs the rat anyway.
So Without all the supernatural magic shit Mauraders would be living like in Full house.
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nikolai-alexi · 1 year
James: look, as a reasonable, adult, and well-functioning member of society—
Regulus: a what? I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard you correctly, run that one by me again. Reasonable? Adult? Functioning?
James: *ignoring him* —I understand logically that the different Froot Loop colours are just dyes, but I’m telling you, in my heart and in my mouth, they’re different flavours
Barty: *busting down the door* THATS WHAT IVE BEEN SAYING
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Marauders go travelling
Remus: You got your passport?
James: Yeah! In my third drawer on my dresser. You don’t want to lose that
Remus (stares at James, eyebrow raised):
James (running to get his passport): OHH!!!
Remus: There it is
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heaven4lostgirls · 1 year
imagine a full house au
danny is james
uncle jesse is sirius
joey is peter
becky is remus
baby harry is stephanie
baby teddy is michelle
regulus (adopted by sirius) is d.j (kimmy is barty)
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cybercupidwrites · 1 year
Hi!! I want to start writing for different characters in my free time, so i guess this will be my request page just leave a comment (OR advice about writing. That would be so helpful too!)
I will NOT be writing smut because I’m terrible at it! So thats just a warning.
These are characters i could write about
Marvel (the avengers mainly):
Bucky barnes
Tony stark
Steve rodgers
Peter parker
Natasha romanoff
Bruce banner
Thor odinson
Loki laufeyson
Wanda maximoff
Pietro maximoff
Steven grant
Marc spector
Jake lockley
Scott lang
Criminal minds:
Spencer reid
Aaron hotchner
Derek morgan
Penelope garcia
Emily prentiss
Jennifer jareau
Elle greenway
The maruraders:
Remus lupin
Sirius black
James potter
Glimore girls:
Luke danes
Jess mariano
Dean forester
Tristan dugray
Dave rygalski
Lorelai gilmore
Rory gilmore
Sookie st. James
Lane kim
Joey tribbiani
Ross geller
Chandler bing
Rachel green
Monica geller
Phoebe buffay
Mike hannigan
Teen wolf:
Stiles stilinski
Scott mccall
Issac lahey
Derek hale
Theo reaken
Liam dunbar
Malia tate
Lydia martin
Allison argent
Kira yukimura
Other characters:
Nick miller
Carl gallagher
Steve harrington
Robin buckley
Damian wayne
Dick grayson
Bruce wayne
Jason todd
Clark kent
Peeta mellark
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rivnedell · 3 months
10 character, 10 fandoms ✨
Thank you so much for the tag @autistook
Tagging : @thegreatwicked @splitt-spectrumm @rebeljyn @mirkwood @remusjohnslupin @elvenkiing @joelmillerisapunk @guess-my-next-obsession
No pressure of course !
1. Galadriel, the Mother of my Soul 🤍 (It's a tight with the next one tho)
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2. Obi-Wan Kenobi, do I need to say anything ? 💙
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3. Sirius Black 🐺 I will always cry watching the Order of the Phoenix
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4. Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean ❤️
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5. Aslan, Narnia 🦁
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6. Furiosa, Mad Max 🖤 (I love Anya Taylor Joy's performance, but my heart will remain with Charlize Theron)
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7. Maleficent, Disney 💚 (Both Animated and Live Action version)
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8. Haymitch Abernathy, The Hunger Games 💛
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9. Joel Miller, the Last of Us Series (Newly wed 🩶 This man is killing me..) and let's be honest, all Pedro's characters. I think we could consider them as a single Fandom..
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10. Tony Stark, Marvel 💔 I will love him forever
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Wow, it was so hard to choose and honestly I'm sad for sooo many characters but I'll go with them !
Din Djarin !! And Joey Tribbiani my boys, why do Tumblr not allow to upload more than 10 pictures... 🥲
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mrkeatingsblazer · 1 year
Lots of yous will hate me for this but Remus is obviously Ross out of the guys in Friends
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johnobamasblog · 2 months
back to work
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shelfinthedark · 6 months
joey lynch from boys of tommen 🤝 marauders era sirius black
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graycious-tea · 2 years
I’m gonna pull a Joey and put CR in the freezer
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This is me
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adnihilumm · 1 year
Head canon: Remus is sad/annoyed and Sirius sits down beside him and starts doing this shit to make him crack up
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addsalwayssick · 8 months
@wolfstarmicrofic February 26- Day 26- Suitor. Word count: 536
“If neither of us are married when we’re 25 we’ll get married.” Sirius told Remus.
Remus stuck out his hand for Sirius to shake. “Deal.”
And so Remus vowed to not even be a relationship ship until he was 25. He prayed that Sirius and his unlucky stars would not find a suitor between then and now.
But of course, that didn’t happen. 20 years old, had a year long relationship with a nice lady named Tara. 21, a 2 year long relationship with a man named Joey. 23, he had a 6 month relationship with a man named Ralph. And then he was 24, in the middle of a seemingly perfect relationship.
This girl he was dating, was almost another copy of Sirius. With black hair, and dark eyes, a rockstar personality, Remus knew. Remus knew that he was doomed.
And he knew, on the eve before Remus’s 25th birthday, that he would be without a boyfriend. He knew when Sirius’s girlfriend went into Sirius’s bedroom of their shared flat. He knew when he heard crying. He’d heard crying many nights before, and Remus didn’t really want to know what was happening. Though he did ask one time, and Sirius gave him a smirk and a wink. He never asked again.
And so here he was, sitting on his sofa, watching a rom com with ice-cream as he heard the door open.
What he was not expecting, was Sirius walking out looking tired, and his girlfriend having a red face and puffy eyes.
As he walked past, Sirius gave Remus a small smile before retreating to his room for the rest of the night.
The morning of Remus’s 25th birthday was greeted with Sirius’s smile and a large kiss on his forehead.
“Good morning to you too.” Remus groaned. He stretched, his long arms raised over his head. Remus closed his eyes again, hoping to get a few minutes of shut eye before he had to face the sad day.
Sirius cleared his throat. When Remus opened an eye, Sirius was significantly shorter than he had been moments ago. No, he was on his knees. No, he was on one knee. Sirius was flushed, and his hair was a bit of a mess, but his eyes were bright and so was his smile.
“Remus John Lupin, you’re now twenty five, will you be my husband?” Sirius asked.
Remus gaped at him as he started sputtering, “I- wha-sorry?”
“Unless you have a girlfriend or something, im sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed-“ Sirius rushed.
“No, no. Don’t you have a girlfriend?” Remus asked.
Sirius went red. “I broke up with her last night.” He said.
Remus smiled. “Did you break up with her…so you could ask me to get married?” Remus asked.
Sirius hesitated, then started nodding. “I’m sorry, I just wanted to have you, any way I could. Even if it was just as a secondary husband.”
Remus grinned, dropping down to his own knees to kiss Sirius deeply.
Years later, when they became old and gray, when Sirius recounts the story of how they came to be, Sirius would say, “It all started when I told James my crush, and he gave me an idea…”
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patrophthia · 1 year
say the word and i’m down | james potter
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⇢ now playing ‘get up’: track 2
pairing: james potter x fem!reader
wc: 4.5k (finally a decent word count on my fics!)
genre: fluff, domestic fluff 🤢🤢, friends to lovers, best friend to lovers (?), mutual pining, james is so incredibly in love with reader, tiny bit of angst (so slight dw about it), reader has a love interest, mention of alcohol (reader drinking)
note: finally james part is done! sirius has a love interest in this (named meerkat), you can read about them in the first part for get up!
“I lied?” James asked, sounding disappointed in himself. “To you?”
“Yeah,” you tell him softly, so soft that he had to lean in just to hear you. “You told me you were already up when I called you. Why would you say that when I clearly woke you up?”
“Because there’s something’s that are more important than sleep,” he says as he helps you into the car, then with putting your seatbelt on —it’s more of him praying the seat belt from your clumsy grip and putting it on rather than you actively making an effort to do so but he finds your attempt cute nonetheless.
“There is?” You ask him.
“Mhmm.” There’s that hum again.
“What is it?” You ask, and Remus starts the car. The radio playing a familiar tune you couldn’t place a finger on. “Tell me.”
It’s dark in the car and though there’s enough space to accommodate you both; you still press yourself close to James, your thighs touching as you did so.
Smiling at you too brightly, James Potter confesses to your drunken state to remember self: “you.”
or your boyfriend is a dick but your best friend james always has your back so maybe, maybe it was time you ended things with him
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James does not like your new boyfriend and —to be fair here, neither does Remus, Sirius, Peter, and Lily but he supposed that maybe their opinion on your new boyfriend (what was his name again? Joshua or something?) could be a little bit biassed seeing as they knew of his not so little crush on you. 
But he regresses, you're your own person who is more than just perfectly capable of dating whoever you wanted; even if the person who you were dating (Jake? Was that his name?) was wasting your precious time nor was he even deserving of it in the first place. 
He's not going to do anything about it though, he was your friend first —and someone who had fancied you for the longest time, second— so if you were to frown at him when he'd expressed his concern about Joey? (James truly can't remember, he just knew the guy's name began with a J) then he knew to just leave you be. 
Sirius thinks otherwise though. "Where are you going, sweetheart?" The gryffindor asks as you pass by their friend group, you're dressed up; that's what James noticed. You're too pretty for your own good and he hates it. 
"To see Jay," you answered and when you push your hair away from your face, James finds himself fiddling with the hair tie around his wrist. "I'll be back by dinner, though." 
Jay? That was his name, huh. If you liked guys with names beginning with J so much maybe you should add James to your radar. Godric knows he'll treat you better than Jay ever will. You could say anything, ask for anything and he'd get it for you. He was so sure that he'd be down for anything so long as you said the word. 
"Again?" Sirius asks. "You're still going out with that dickhead?" 
"He has a name, Pads," you murmur with a slight frown; their dislike towards your boyfriend wasn't new to you, you've known about their disdain towards him for a while now. "And I am, I like him. Can't we just leave it at that?" 
"I don't like him." Sirius offers his opinion, then he shrugs. "Merlin, none of us do, sweetheart. Surely, you ought to find someone better than him." 
The group —Remus, James, Peter, Lily, and even Marlene's eyes widen as large as saucers, not expecting to be dragged into the conversation. Peter's hands raise up defensively, as if he was afraid you'd do something about his hatred towards your boyfriend. "I— I like Jay." 
Widened eyes turn to glares; the group snickering at Peter's sudden change up. "I'm sure you do, Peter." You knew, of course you knew that the rat was lying. "Still, it doesn't matter if you lots like him or not, I do. And I'm the one dating him, so leave me alone. I don't go around judging you for who you date, do I?" 
You don't; James agrees. You really don't, you didn't judge James —nor did you Lily, when the two went out for a few months before deciding that it'd be better for them to stay as just friends. You didn't judge Sirius when he began dating his partner (Meerkat, that’s what he called them with reason being meerkats are shy animals, just like them) who was quite literally the opposite of him, they say opposite attracts and you were more than just supportive of them for it. 
You've never judged any of them for their past partners before so why should they judge you now? It's not fair for you, is it? 
The group relents, biting back any remarks they might have as you pat yourself down. Getting slightly frustrated when your hair falls in front of your face as you lean down to tie up your shoelace. 
You're frustrated, he can tell. You're frustrated by your straying hair, your judging friends, and your stupid stupid shoe laces. You push your hair back aggressively, scoffing to yourself as you let your thoughts consume you. 
What if your friends were right? Maybe Jay really wasn't worth your time. Should you just not go? This date —nay, meet up with Jay was not a date, sure he was your boyfriend but he never specifically said that this was a date. So if you were to ditch him and spend time with your friends instead, it wouldn't be that big of a deal right? 
But then again, if you were to not go then you've gotten dressed up; all nice and —maybe not so— pretty, for nothing. You'd only prove your friends right by wasting your time because of Jay once again. So maybe you should go, maybe you should go on this not date and try not to think about whether your friends were right about him all along. Maybe you should —Merlin, this piece of hair just won't fucking leave you alone. 
"Here." From the corner of your eyes, you spot a black rubber band. You take it with a small 'thanks', your hands moving away from your laces to tie at your hair instead. A hand swats at yours when they return to their place by your sneakers, it being replaced with ones belonging to certain glasses clad Quidditch players instead. "Here, let me." 
"I double knotted it," James says, tying up your left laces before moving to the right ones. "Just in case." He pats at your feet once he finishes, flashing a bright smile up at you. You can't help but return it, James' smiles had always been infectious. "Have fun with Jay, Yn."
Lily spares a glance at James once she was sure you were far enough to not overhear what they might say; she doesn't bother beating around the bush. "You never carried a hair tie when we were together," she says first; not unkindly —just merely stating an observation of hers. "When did you start doing that?" 
James knows where she wants this conversation to go, he's smart enough to understand the words left unsaid. But he, unlike Lily, quite enjoys beating around the bush. "When Pads decided to grow his hair out." 
Lily's green eyes turn to Sirius now, grey ones widening as if he was only now learning about this. "So it's for Pads?" 
"Technically," James says. "Pads, and anyone who might need it." James failed to mention that he was totally lying though. "Now, about that party?" 
Lily doesn't push for what she desperately wants to know; she's played matchmaker for Sirius once and though she wants to do it again for her ex boyfriend —she knew better than to push James on this. So she lets the four boys (and Marlene) go back to what the conversation was about before you passed by them; a party of sorts. She couldn't have cared less, not when it didn't really involve her. 
It might involve you though, maybe that's why she started listening into the conversation once more. 
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James had it bad didn't he? Everyone could see it, even he himself could see just how down bad he was for you. It's as clear as days when it's in broad daylight and he just wouldn't tear his eyes away from you. And it's even clearer now, in the middle of the night, when Sirius was suddenly woken up by James —his glasses askew, groggily telling him about how you'd called him sounding distraught— that it's as clear as ever. 
It's summer, James' back home with Peter, Remus, and Sirius spending the summer with him. In another life time you'd also be spending this summer with them as well —which you technically are, seeing as you've been living a door down from the Potters his entire life time— but he'd hope that you'd be spending the summer with them in a different sense (a romantic sense, he wants to say).
He grabs his dad’s car keys, and extra pair of slippers while Sirius wakes up the other two of their friend group. He tries not to think about you too much as he makes his way over, though all attempts of doing so are to no avail when Remus asks him to recall what you said over the phone. 
It’s late into the night when you stumble out of the bathroom and out of the dance floor. Your words are slightly slurred from the alcohol you’ve had earlier tonight but you’re still sober enough to tell Jay where you’re headed. He only nodded at your words, not bothering to follow after you to make sure you’re okay. 
If you’re reminded of how James would always follow after you whenever you’re headed to the powder room, you don’t let yourself dwell over it. James is James, Jay is Jay. And you like Jay, not James; so it’s best if you didn’t compare the two of them to one another, right? 
You take a glance at a mirror, your blush has faded over the night, your lipstick the slightest tint of what it once was, your under eyes are darkened from the residue of your mascara, your feet are sore and you’re tired. But you’re here with your boyfriend, and Jay doesn’t seem like he wants to leave anytime so you touch up your make up and take a deep breath. 
You need to sacrifice some things if you want your relationship to work out, even if you were starting to doubt just how much you actually want things to work out with Jay. 
Taking a final breath in, you prepare yourself for blasting music just outside the door. You’ve gone partying before so clubbing shouldn’t be anything new to you —although, it’s different this time around. This time, unlike the other times you’ve been out this late at night, Lily isn’t with you —neither is Marlene, nor is James and if you were being quite honest, it’s less fun without James. 
Albeit it could be because James always had Sirius, Remus, and Peter with him so now that you’re without him, you’re also without them. Maybe it’s not fun because you miss your friends, or maybe, it’s not fun because you miss James. 
But you try not think about it, turning on your heels as you scan the club for Jay. He’s not where you left him on the dance floor, now finding himself by the bar with a Blond girl by his side. She’s pretty, you note; her hand presses against his chest as an advance at him and he makes no move in rejecting her, basking in her attention. 
You're hesitant when you move towards them, considering whether you should just leave him and them be or try to defend your own honour of being his girlfriend. You went with the latter, continuing slowly towards them; picking up their conversation little by little. 
“Should we get out of here?” She asks, twisting at the ends of her hair. The rhinestone on her cheeks glimmers under the club lighting —and if you’re being honest, you’d understand Jay if he decides to leave with her. 
Jay cranes his head backwards though, as if he was searching for something —someone, before he shakes his head. “Can’t,” he says with a disappointed sigh, “I came here with my friend. Maybe next time?” 
The blond pouts prettily, “next time? How will I find you next time?” 
“I’ll be here next Friday,” he tells her, his voice is louder now as you stand just a few steps behind them. “I’ll be here, same time.” He then leans in, his lips close to her ears as he makes an empty promise with her. 
He pulls back and she giggles, her hand dropping as she goes on her way, bumping into you slightly as you approach Jay. “Who was that?” You asked. 
Jay smiles at you brightly, expertly masking his surprise at your sudden appearance. “No one,” he tells you reassuringly, an arm finding its way onto your shoulders, “just a friend.” 
The thing about boys (you realise this now) is that, if given the chance they will lie. And although some are better liars than others, Jay was absolutely not one of them. You purse your lips; “really?” 
“Mhmm,” he hums at you. And when he places a wet kiss on your cheek, you decide that you’ve had enough as you shrug his arms off your shoulders. 
“I’m going home,” you say all too aggressively and you don’t miss the confusion —or maybe, the look of realisation that took over his expression. “Have fun with your friend.” 
He doesn’t follow you when you storm out and you’re too frustrated to care; digging into your purse for a few cents as you make your way towards the nearest telephone booth you could find. The line rings twice before a sleepy voice picks up. “Hello?” 
“Hey, Prongs,” you say first. “Are you up? Can you pick me up? I’m tired, and I just want to go home.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” There’s rustling on the other end of the phone. “I’m up, where are you?” 
“Outside the club by Sirius’ new flat,” you tell him vaguely but James is smart enough to figure it out on his own. “You know the one with the Pur—”
“Purple door?” James finishes, and the rustling finally stops; seemingly have put his coat on. “Let me grab the other and I’ll be there.” 
“You’ll be here?” 
“Mhmm,” he hums. And you know you can trust James to be here when you hear it, you know you can trust James because his tone is different from Jay’s, because James is different. “I’ll be there right now, if Jay’s with you then lose him.” 
A bitter laugh slips out of you, leaning against the booth wall. “He’s not,” you tell him. “Just be here okay?” 
“I will,” James promised. “Stay safe for me.” 
“I will.” 
When James arrives, fifteen minutes later with the other two Marauders in his dad’s car (Peter tried to be there, he really did —but fell back asleep with one leg through his pants; and honestly you don’t blame him for it, it’s one A.M in the morning for shit’s sake), his hair is a mess, round glasses slipping at the speed of which he’s turning to find you —did you realise that James had been totally lying. 
Remus waves at you as he gets out from the back and into the driver’s seat —Sirius smiling at you from the passenger side. There’s a pair of slippers in James hand, and when he finally gets to you, he hurriedly leans down as he eases your feet out of your heels and into his a-few-sizes-too-big-for-you slippers. “Why are you out here alone?”
Your explanation is simple, and your voice so slurred that it makes him laugh. “It stinks in there.” 
“Really?” He teases you, standing up with your purse and heels in one arm while the other finds its way around your waist as he helps you over to the car. “Then what have you been doing all night long?” 
“Wondering why boys always lie,” you tell him, taking in his Pyjamas under his coat, “even you.” 
“I lied?” James asked, sounding disappointed in himself. “To you?” 
“Yeah,” you tell him softly, so softly that he had to lean in just to hear you. “You told me you were already up when I called you. Why would you say that when I clearly woke you up?” 
“Because there’s something’s that are more important than sleep,” he says as he helps you into the car, then with putting your seatbelt on —it’s more of him prying the seat belt from your clumsy grip and putting it on rather than you actively making an effort to do so but he finds your attempt cute nonetheless. 
“There is?” You ask him. 
“Mhmm.” There’s that hum again. 
“What is it?” You ask, and Remus starts the car. The radio playing a familiar tune you couldn’t place a finger on. “Tell me.”
It’s dark in the car and though there’s enough space to accommodate you both; you still press yourself close to James, your thighs touching as you did so. 
Smiling at you too brightly, James Potter confesses to your too drunken state to remember self: “you.” 
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It’s when you’re about to board the Hogwarts Express that you decided that you’ve had enough. Jay is dressed to nines, for what you didn’t know —well at least not at first you didn’t. Not until the Blond from the club you went to a few weeks back came to see him off did you know why. 
He’s put on extra cologne, hair styled in a way that you’ve always insisted looked good on him but just wasn’t his taste. He doesn’t see you when you spot them, she’s tucked into him; clutching onto him desperately with a frown on her face as she tries to see him off. He’s smiling down at her, a smile he’s never once shown you in the last few months you’ve been together. 
“Are you ready?” James asks, coming up behind you; your own baggage placed with his as he carried them besides him. Platform nine and three-quarters a few steps in front of you and your friend group. “We should go now if we want good seats.” 
“Yeah,” you say, nodding too distractedly for him to not notice. “Just give me a second.” 
James turns to Lily, his eyes wide as he looks at her confusingly. And when Lily flails her arm towards Jay’s direction, James follows it to find Jay and his new companion. 
He doesn’t say anything, letting you process this moment in yourself. And you think to yourself: 
Your friends don’t like Jay. You don’t like Jay —at least, not anymore. And James, James doesn’t like Jay. James doesn’t like Jay, and neither do you. 
You turn to your friends, softly telling them: “go ahead, I’ll be there in a minute.” They’re hesitant to do what they’re told and you understand them, you wouldn’t leave your friend if they were in your situation. “Just need a second to break up with someone.”
Sirius doesn’t bother to hide his smile, looking as proud of you as ever. “Take your time, sweetheart.” He tells you, canines peeking through his grin. “I’ll buy you a treat as a reward too.” 
You roll your eyes at him, a small smile present. “Do I really need to be rewarded for that?” 
“Not really.” Sirius shrugs. ���I just really hate the guy so finally losing him is an event worth celebrating to me.” 
“Huh?” You sounded out. “Well aren’t you going to leave me to it?” 
“Like hell we are,” Lily murmurs, “go break up with him, we’ll wait for you here.” 
You do as you told, turning once, twice to look at the glazed look on James’ face and Peter’s encouraging thumbs up and awkward smile. You go through the motions then, approaching Jay with a smile as he scrambled to get the Blond off of his arms. 
There’s a gasp, then slap —not from you, or to you, but from the Blond and onto the ‘cheating scum’s’ (her words, not yours) face. The blond  apologises to you after you successfully end things with Jay, walking with you back to your friends. 
She tells you how she would’ve never even touched Jay with a three hundred meters pole if she had known he had a girlfriend and apologised again. And when her eyes land on Sirius, clearly interested; Sirius is quick enough to shut her down. 
“I’m married.” He tells her, and when his (normally) super shy of a partner, hits his arm playfully at his words; all he does is take them into his arms. 
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On the train ride over —with James, Lily, and Remus on head boy, head girl, and prefect duties; you make a terrifying discovery on why you don’t feel sad (not even the slightest bit so) over your break up. 
And it was because, for the longest time, your heart has been preoccupied with another J name guy who lied to you just as much. Except where one J name guy ended his name at just three letters, the one who has been running through your mind way too often ended with five. 
And where one would lie about how he was flirting with another girl, the other would lie about how much sleep he’s gotten just so he could be by your side. 
You like James Potter. So fervently that it makes you feel sick. James was your friend for so many years that it feels almost wrong to like him as much as you do. Almost, that’s the keyword here. 
“I like James,” you muttered suddenly, so sudden that it startled Sirius’ partner who was slowly falling asleep to a story he was telling them. “Oh fuck, I like James.” 
Sirius turns his attention away from his lover and over to you, his smile as charming as ever. “Good news to you doll, James likes you too.” 
You look at him for a second, not believing him. Of course you don’t. Again, boys, when given the chance, will absolutely lie to you straight through their teeth, so you don’t believe him. And you don’t let yourself think about it, even if Meerkat also agrees with him. 
It’s after dinner, when Lily, Marlene, Meerkat —which you find out then, happened to be their Patronus as well— make their way towards the common room and Lily starts up the conversation, did you realise your feelings might just be requited. 
“You like James?” Lily says happily. And when you glance at Meerkat with a small frown, all they do is smile at you bashfully. You’re not upset at them for it, you too tell your best friend everything. “You know he fancies you too right?” 
And this time, unlike when you heard Sirius say it earlier this morning. You actually believe her. “Really?”
“Mhmm,” she hums. “Always did I think,” she tells you, there’s no hidden tone of bitterness in her voice, only girls to girls advice. “Even before we went out.” 
“She was secretly rooting for the two of you even when she had a crush on James,” Marlene interferes and Lily swats her for it. “We all were.” 
Meerkat nods in agreement. “We still are,” they say timidly. “Especially now with Jay gone,” they added. “You deserve better than him.” 
“And you three think that James is better than him?” 
Lily is slow, her tone is kind and warm when she asks you. “Is he not?” 
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James Potter is better than Jay. By Kilometres, he is. But it’s hard having a crush on someone you’ve known your entire life. And no matter how much you try to convince yourself that he likes you back nothing actually makes you believe that he does. 
Even if he tucks your straying hair back behind your ear, or carries an extra jacket around just in case you need one, or sneaks into the kitchen to cook you your favourite meals in the middle of the night (“I learnt them from mum just for you!” He’d tell you excitedly once) or look for you after. every. quidditch. game he played, and your weekly hang outs starts feeling a little too much like dates —maybe that’s why he’s been bringing Remus and Peter to your one on one hangs out nowadays. 
Maybe he did like you back just as much as you did him. And if he did like you back, why hasn’t made the move to ask you out yet? 
“I know that look,” Remus says, sitting down beside you, staring up at the Gryffindor’s quidditch team practising just above us. “It’s because you just broke up with Jay. It’s wrong if he just asks you out right away.” 
You don’t question how Remus knew it straight away, Remus just knows things sometimes and at this point you don’t see the point in questioning him anymore. “But I broke up with Jay two months ago.”
“Okay,” Remus says, one eye closed as his hand goes up to shield his face, “would you ask me out if I ended things with someone just two months back?” 
“No,” you say, “I don’t like you like that.” 
Remus snickers with a small laugh, finding your attitude amusing. “Of course you don’t. You like Prongs like that.” 
“I like Prongs like that,” You repeated after him. “And I don’t know what to do about it.” 
He turns to you now, mousy brown hair turning blonde under the sunlight. “How about you take the initiative? Ask him out.” 
“You want me to ask James out?” 
“Why not?” Remus shrugs. “It’s not like he’d say no.” 
James had asked for you to wait for him by the stands after his practice, something about wanting your approval on an upcoming prank of theirs. And seeing as he was the captain of the team, he’d immediately taken off to get changed the second he spotted you. Even if his estimated time of arrival for you were dead wrong. 
James grins at you, then at Remus as he approaches you both by the stand, his gear in hand. “Hi,” he says. “Should we get going?” 
“Mhmm.” You hum before adding. “Actually Remus, would you give us a second?” 
Remus tucks his hands into his pockets, a sweet smile on his face as you leave you two. “ ‘course.” 
James’ eyes follow Remus' figure before it circled back to you. “Hi?” He says again, this time much more confused and hesitant. 
There’s no point in beating around the bush, you’ve never liked beating around the bush anyways. “Go out with me.” 
James' smile is sly. Unfortunately for you, James, unlike you, loves beating around the bush. “Why?” 
“I will throw you off this stand,” you say with a roll of your eyes, your tone is playful and he knows you’re feigning annoyance. “You know why, James.” 
“Is it because you like me?” You nod. “Like I Like you?” His smile brightens when you shut your eyes in embarrassment. “I do tend to have that effect on people.” 
“You know what,” you scoff, opening your eyes to look at him. “Never mind.” 
“Ahhh! no take backs.” He’s quick to grab onto your wrist when you turn to leave. “Doesn’t work that way unfortunately.” 
“Unfortunately,” you parrot him. 
“Unfortunately,” he repeats after himself with a small nod. “Now where should we go?” 
“For our first date,” he says, his voice as soft as ever. “Where else?” 
“I dunno,” you murmur, “where do you want to go?” 
“Anywhere,” he tells you. “I’ll be happy anywhere we go so long as I’m with you, just say the word and I’m down.” 
You doubt he’d be very happy going to an Orthodontist where his dentist was a clown but then again, all boys do is lie. And maybe you like this boy too much (and know him too well) to be bothered by his lies so you let it slide. At least for now.
“Okay,” you tell him. “Let’s just go anywhere.”
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— from bee: whew! this is was so fun to write, it’s been a while since i wrote james and he’s so so lovely i love writing him so much, i hope you like this!!
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