#Sinister War
badger-with-a-boa 1 year
Issue 4 of Sinister War blessed me with this page
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And this specific panel
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This man is not used to being praised in any way. He's been so hurt I can't 馃ゲ like- please let me give him a hug
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ungoliantschilde 1 year
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Sinister War, Vol. 1 # 1 by Mark Bagley, with Inks by John Dell, and Colors by Brian Reber.
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thefailurecult 2 years
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O Espetacular Homem-Aranha n潞 36
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Nesta edi莽茫o de O Espetacular Homem-Aranha ocorre a conclus茫o da Saga do Condenado com os eventos finais da Guerra Sinistra. O volume come莽a com o escalador de paredes em uma situa莽茫o complicada, seis sextetos sinistros ainda est茫o tentando acabar de vez com ele, a mando (ou influencia) do Condenado.
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Quando tudo parece estar perdido, Peter recebe ajuda de uma pessoa improv谩vel, e assim, parte para o derradeiro confronto com o Condenado.
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No local do confronto, as pe莽as se alinham. Est茫o presentes todos que de certa forma foram manipulados desde o come莽o; Peter Parker, Mary Jane, os Osborn, al茅m do arquiteto de todo o plano, o Condenado, que a prop贸sito, tem a sua identidade finalmente revelada.
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No final, Peter tem que lidar com as consequ锚ncias disso tudo em sua vida, porque mais uma vez, as perdas podem ser grandes demais.
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A edi莽茫o em quest茫o 茅 a de formato f铆sico, publicada originalmente em Mar莽o de 2022 pela editora Panini com 104 p谩ginas coloridas, reunindo os cap铆tulos de: Sinister War (2021) #4; Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #73-74 I.
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theravenzzz 3 months
Little doodle of Mark and the main two alterate Marks that we see hehehehe..
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pinkthick 2 years
Hot toys just revealed what Doctor Strange would have looked like in Tony Stark鈥檚 suit in Infinity War
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We were robbed馃槶
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frostbitebakery 2 months
Username Song Game
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag that many people.
I got tagged by the lovely, lovely @elismor 馃挏
F Flower by Moby
R Requins by Worakles
O Outsider (Apocalypse Remix) by a perfect circle
S Song 2 by Blur
T Teardrop by Massive Attack
B Breathe by The Prodigy
I In a spiral by Phantogram
T Toxic by 2WEI
E Empire by Hybrid
B Burn your village by Kiki Rockwell
A Angel by Massive Attack
K Kill your idols by Static-X
E Earthquake by Rachel K Collier
R Runnin by Debbie Friday
Y ????
Fifteen people?? Alright ok. Who鈥檚 got the longest usernames around here.
@slutaciouslestat @stevebuckythyla @other-peoples-coats @chiligerlofe @lttrsfrmlnrrgby @sleepingsun501 @wanderingjedihistorian @snowywinterevenings @jedi-enthusiast @hawthornsword @hawkeykirsah @ifonlyweknewwhatiwasdoing @merlyn-bane @ominouspuff @lothcatthree
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sinisterexaggerator 1 year
POV when characters are allowed to be vulgar and curse in Star Wars part 2:
The Bad Batch version:
Crosshair: Could this go聽any聽fucking slower.
Tech: I am going as fast as I fucking can.
Echo:聽*quietly*聽For fuck鈥檚 sake.
Hunter: *Stern voice* Watch your fucking mouths!
Omega: Stealth, Wrecker! Remember? Fuck!
Part 1聽(Maul / Savage)
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movietimegirl 3 months
Happy Bad Batch and X-Men 97 eve!
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wayward-persephone 2 years
Ok, Ethan characters and breeding kink and / or their personal fave kink pls?
I love writing for these 馃ゴ
The Grabber/Albert Shaw
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Primal Play. He's definitely into the power imbalance between you two and he gets a total head rush after chasing you down. He always ends up catching you, no matter how fast or far you run, and he falls on you like a wild animal. There has been plenty of time where he's taken you on the ground immediately after catching you. Keeping you on your hands and knees while he mounts you from behind. If he catches you somewhere that won't conceal him fucking your brains out then he'll simply haul you into the back of his van and fuck you there. Either way, with his adrenaline pumping after a good chase, he's going to spend the next few hours enjoying his spoils.
Arthur Harrow
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Would totally be into Body Worship. Would love to have you spread out underneath him, all soft and pliant, and would spend hours if he could kissing and licking and nibbling every inch of you. Would whisper words of praise and adoration against your skin the entire time. He would give you as many orgasms as he dims fit, eating you out like a man enjoying his last meal, and you are often left completely boneless and slightly incoherent afterwards.
Edward Dalton
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Blood play (obviously 馃ゴ) would purposely nick you or bite just hard enough to draw a little blood and the added taste and warmth of your blood in his mouth makes him almost feral. Anytime he gets a chance to taste you will inevitably end up with him fucking you. His eyes practically glowing and his fangs bared as he takes you, one hand on your throat to feel your fluttering pulse, and you absolutely have trouble walking the next day.
Troy Dyer
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Dirty Talk is his immediate go-to. He likes getting a rise out of you, enjoys seeing you get flustered, and loves how you whimper and whine for him when he murmurs in your ear while rolling his hips slow and deep into you. He wants to look you in the eyes while he talks and what makes his words so impactful is that he means every single one. He's not one to willing offer up compliments, prefers showing you how he feels instead, but this is the one time he allows himself to be vulnerable. Of course, he also uses it to tease you. Especially if you two are out in public.
Goodnight Robicheaux
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Praise Kink. This man has so many demons in his head that he's constantly trying to drown out. He feels like a horrible human for all the death he's caused so you use your intimate moments to shower him with love and affection. Telling him how good he feels inside you, how his kisses are like an aphrodisiac, and how his touch makes your blood heat in your veins. Once you start this, he would absolutely urge you to keep talking during sex, and you stammer and moan through your words as he looks at you like you hung the moon and stars
Ellison Oswalt
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Cock Warming. Loves having you sitting underneath his desk, your mouth wrapped around his cock, while he works. Whenever he's stuck or gets too aroused he will lean back and grip the back of your neck while he fucks into your mouth until he's satisfied enough to continue working. Even if he spills down your throat he would grunt and murmur soft words until you swallow it all and then he makes you continue to warm him. Same goes for you warming him with your pussy. Usually it's when you two are lounging around and he just simply unbuckles his jeans or pull down his sweatpants and guide your body over his until he's buried inside you to the hilt.
King Aurvandil War-Raven
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Exhibition/Public sex. Loves showing you off, loves showing you off to his people knowing they can't touch you, and loves for his people to know how good you are for him. He will sit in front of his people during a celebration, probably after a good raid or fresh from a journey, and will have you on his lap bouncing on his cock. He probably let's you keep some clothes on, not wanting everybody to see you completely exposed, and would growl and groan his pleasure loud enough to hear over the booming laughter and cheers of his men partying.
James Sandin
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Lingerie/Dress Up. He would absolutely adore showering you with gifts and would especially love to see you in a pretty lacy lingerie set he bought for you. He loves the contrast between the soft silk and your skin, would want you to model every single piece for him, and will go wild if you surprise him with a new set. He just loves spoiling you and gets off on it too.
Russell Millings
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Breeding/Cuddlefucking. This man is so touch-starved and pent up that it's borderline painful to witness. He absolutely lives for any type of skin contact and loves when your cuddling turns into something less innocent. He's becomes almost desperate for your touch and would often pin your body against his while he chases his pleasure inside your body. His desire to fill you to the brim and breed you slips out by accident, so lost in euphoria that he just started babbling, but the sudden intense orgasm from you both quickly eased any worries he had.
Travis Conrad
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Quickies. He absolutely loves quickies and has a mental list of all the places he's dragged you to for a quick fuck. Like the bathroom of your favorite diner or in the alley beside the local bar or even in his car parked behind the grocery store. He has a very active libido and his quick refractory period leaves you in awe most times. So he's always raring to go and can immediately tell by the glint in his eyes that you are about to be squished in the nearest closet/bathroom stall as he drills into you at a brutal pace that leaves you both breathless and high on endorphins.
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hildechainx 6 months
my friends dont understand the non binary swagger of Maul and it's making me very upset like, what's not clicking???
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tacagen 7 months
xenophobic fucker my beloved. who else would take a reasonable and even noble 'we must prepare to face any alien threat and prevent whatever happened to me from happening to others' takeaway from his traumatic life events and somewhere along the way straight up make it into 'I HAVE TO MAKE A SUPERIOR HUMAN RACE BASED ON MUTATED RAT GENES AND MY APPEARANCE, INFILTRATE THEM INTO THE HUMANKIND AND IF THEY KILL 57% OF IT WHILE SEARCHING FOR MUTANTS/ALIENS IN HIDE THEN SO BE IT, THAT WOULD ACTUALLY BE A HEALTHY OUTCOME FOR EARTH.'
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gillionslimestrider 4 months
waiting for the next tf2 comic update feels like being a delusional housewife waiting for her husband to return from war. my friends and family gather around me. they tell me, the armistice was signed four years ago. he's not coming back, mae. i shake my head insistently. no, he said he'd come home to me. he has to.
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thefailurecult 2 years
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O espetacular Homem-Aranha n潞 35
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Neste volume, acompanhamos a continua莽茫o da Saga Guerra Sinistra, onde diversos grupos de vil玫es do amig茫o da vizinhan莽a lutam entre si e tamb茅m contra o o pr贸prio Homem-Aranha, tudo isso supostamente a mando do Condenado, em uma tentativa de acabar de vez com Peter Parker.
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Come莽amos a entender qual o objetivo final de todo este plano, como o condenado fez para trazer diversos vil玫es do aranha para seu lado e tamb茅m acompanhamos um pouco mais do desdobramento da hist贸ria dos Osborn.
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A edi莽茫o em quest茫o 茅 a de formato f铆sico, publicada originalmente em Fevereiro de 2022 pela Editora Panini com 96 paginas coloridas, reunindo os cap铆tulos de: Amazing Spider-Man (2018) 71-72; Amazing Spider-Man (2018) 73 (II) e Sinister War 2-3.
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theravenzzz 3 months
Sinister Mark doodle that I did earlier today 馃構
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