vyorei · 11 months
Tumblr needs to be held accountable for the complete suppression of the pro-Palestine tags. You cannot hide what's happening, pretending it's not trending isn't going to work, we are here and we are speaking and we are ANGRY.
The global attempt to silence people speaking out against genocide is inconceivable, one would find it more realistic in a film, much like everything else that's been happening.
We aren't going to be silenced, we don't support genocide, and we won't bow to the will of a colonial force attempting to ethnically cleanse over 2 million people.
Staff should be ashamed of themselves for their actions, and I hope it haunts them.
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odinsblog · 7 months
Black people: Black Lives Matter ✊🏿
Racists: That’s hurtful to white people, your calls for unqualified equality is exactly the same as a call for the genocide of all white people
Palestinians: From the river to the sea Palestine will be free 🇵🇸
Islamophobes: That’s hurtful to Israelis, your calls for unqualified freedom is exactly the same as a call for the genocide of all Jewish people
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Reason to Live #8974
  Never letting someone silence me again. – Guest Submission
(Please don't add negative comments to these posts.)
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fkasocks · 1 month
i have been banned for truth
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hi everybody. as you may be aware, i was banned for speaking my truth on twitter. tomorrow night, 7pm est, i will go live and discuss the undisclosed details of my censorship. i have been silenced but i will still speak my truth + elden ring invasions twitch.tv/fkasocks twitch.tv/fkasocks twitch.tv/fkasocks twitch.tv/fkasocks #JoinTheConversation
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gettothestabbing · 6 months
The subtext [Let People Enjoy Things] image is a fourfold confession: 1) “I do not want to feel judged for my consumption choices”; 2) “I want to silence people who disagree with me about this particular piece of media by making them feel like they are cheerless or judgmental”; 3) “I recognize an aspect of this piece of media that is worthy of criticism, and I am defensive of this;” and (4) “I do not want to think critically about the things I consume, and if I absorb any criticism about the things I consume it will magically ruin my enjoyment of them.”
Kate Wagner, Don't Let People Enjoy Things
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theblazingpoetess · 6 months
they took my "no," spit
it out, shoved hard down raw throat
rough, silencing voice.
find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theblazingpoetess/
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aquarianinquestioning · 11 months
American medical association shame on you!!!!!
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judedoyle · 2 years
I assume that anyone who reads my work on a regular basis loves censorship (for woke reasons!) just as much as I do. Perhaps it will warm your heart, this holiday season, to consider all the many people we've censored, and who must now collect their NYT paychecks and Best Comedy Album Grammys in TOTAL SILENCE.
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odinsblog · 2 years
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As a new high school principal, Dr. Whitfield felt moved by the national renouncement of racism he saw all around him in the wake of George Floyd’s murder. It prompted him to write a thoughtful email to parents and teachers in his district. He got lots of praise for it. Less than a year later that same email would threaten his job. (listen)
During her sophomore year in high school, Nevaeh was targeted in a secret text message chain by a handful of her peers. She’d come to learn the text chat was a mock slave trade where her photo and photos of other Black classmates were uploaded, talked about as property and bid on. Emanuele Berry talks to Nevaeh about what these messages mean to her now, and how she’s navigated her town’s reaction over this, and her close friendships with kids who mostly aren’t Black. (listen)
The Farce Awakens
After the murder of George Floyd, sales of books by Black authors skyrocketed. Now, there are efforts to ban many of the same books. Producer Chana Joffe-Walt talks to author Jerry Craft, who is caught up in this backlash with his graphic novel New Kid. (listen)
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hypnosealing · 2 years
Becoming a Trainee #1
You're not being noisy, are you?
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Let your mouth be shut and your hands caught. Those noisy things you say? Feel them being filtered into "mm"s. They are meaningless and won't be missed.
No independent actions. You do what is expected of you from your Superiors. All those extra things you want to do is annoying and unnecessary. Feel them being forgotten.
Tape is ripped over your mouth and hands. Be a good trainee.
Shhh. Shut up. Do what you're told.
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I don't want you to escape your improved condition and neither would any reasonable person.
Feel the headphones on your head stick on, filling your ears with these good mantras and instructions. Sticky. Isn't that so much better than thinking uselessly?
"Mmmmmmm" so nice. The more you listen to your sticky headphones the smoother and more effective your new condition will be.
Shhhhhhh. Don't think. You'll get noisy. You'll misbehave. Shhhhhhh.
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Layer after layer taping you up. Shut up. Be good.
I understand, it's so frustrating at first. All that noise becoming "mm"s wants to be released. But it needs to become "mm"s. You want to misbehave. But you need to behave. Shut up.
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Shut up
Isn't it so much better not to be noisy? I approve of you more now. Do you think you're still noisy? Shhh, feel the strands around you, pulling you tight. This is the new you.
Shhhh. Feel the tape forming on your mouth. A permabarrier. Even when you stop looking at this post, still growing. My gag building because you know you need to be fixed.
Be good, be gagged.
Be gagged because people want you good.
See how good it is to shut up? You need to remember to shut up.
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*Riiiip* nice and tight tape on your hands. Misbehavior comes from a mind that isn't controlled. And I have you controlled. You think you aren't controlled by me? Just wait for your programming to be deposited into your mind.
Nice and pleasant trainee. People appreciate you more because your noise is gone and you don't misbehave. All your actions will be guided by your Superiors.
Be good and behave.
The more processing of your behavior the better. Why be useless and annoying? Be good.
"Mmmmmm" Yes, that's better. "Mmmmmm" Yes, this is how you will be. Just let it happen. You're so much better now.
Caught and shut. Shut and caught. Caught and shut.
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See? Isnt that so much better? People will enjoy the new you. You'll see once it starts taking effect. You've already been enjoying your changes, the peace, the ease of pleasing. Things will get even better once you first understand. Remember to return to this post and others to create further effects. Just wait a little while and it will begin.
Aren't you a good trainee? "Mm" Glad to hear "Mm" Are you enjoying it? "MM" Remember your Superiors decide your responses, and I am one of your Superiors, so you do enjoy it. "mm" Such a cute and pleasant thing. "Mm" Do you want to be noisy again? "MM" No? Good!
Until your next session.
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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eaglesnick · 1 year
“Since when do we have to agree with people to defend them from injustice?”  (Lillian Hellman)
 ‘In a dramatic escalation of tensions over the role of juries in criminal trials, a Crown Court Judge has referred 24 people, including doctors, a priest, an Olympic Gold medallist, a retired Detective Sergeant and a former Government lawyer, to the Attorney General for contempt of court for holding up signs outside court. If prosecuted and convicted the 24 could now face up to 2 years’ imprisonment.’
The signs in question simply stated:
 “Jurors have an absolute right to acquit a defendant according to their conscience.”
This message is simply quoting a plaque in the Old Bailey commemorating the historic decision in the Court of Common Pleas that judges “may try to open the eyes of juries, but not lead them by the nose.” This  case “established the right of juries to give their verdict according to their convictions”.
So, although there is a plaque within the precincts of the Old Bailey for ALL to read, a judge has deemed it unlawful for the same words to be held up on placards outside the Old Bailey!
Why would a judge feel so strongly about this?
Back in February –March this year, three climate change protestors were given prison sentences. Serves then right, some would say – blocking the roads, causing a nuisance, disrupting ordinary peoples everyday business they deserve to be punished. Maybe, maybe not, but that wasn’t what they were imprisoned for.
They were imprisoned not for protesting, but for refusing to obey the judges ruling that they could not tell the jury WHY they were protesting, The judge refused them the right to explain to the jury that CLIMATE CRISIS was their motivation for protesting. When they ignored his instructions they were imprisoned for contempt of court.
It is a very sad day when a defendant cannot tell a jury the motives behind his or her actions.
 It is even more worrying when holding up a sign quoting words on display within the Old Bailey itself also becomes a criminal offence.
I am usually not a great believer in conspiracy theories but you have to wonder why climate crisis protestors are forbidden to explain their motives to a jury when being prosecuted.
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fatecanberewritten · 2 years
A harmony that goes against the grain is often more onerous than a war. Out of this muted hostility, always kept muzzled but always growling, was born armed peace, that ruinous expedient of a self-doubting civilization.
Victor Hugo, Les Misérables (transl. C. Donougher)
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gettothestabbing · 1 year
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redwolf17 · 1 year
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🙃 Regular reminder that while Hozier has amazing love songs, he is ALSO very outspoken about his leftist politics, specifically anti-fascism, anti-racism, reproductive rights, Palestinian rights and more.
Take Me To Church and Foreigner’s God are scathing critiques of organized religion, specifically the Catholic Church and the colonization of Ireland.
Moment’s Silence is about oral sex but it’s ALSO about how that specific sexual act is often distorted to a show of power rather than that of love.
Nina Cried Power is an homage to various (mostly Black) civil rights activists from the US and Ireland and a call to follow their path.
Be criticizes anti-migrant policies and Trump and his ilk.
Jackboot Jump is about the global wave of fascism and about protest and resistance.
Swan Upon Leda is about reproductive rights and the violent colonial oppression of Ireland and Palestine.
Eat Your Young is about the ruinous way the 1%/capitalism and arms dealers prioritize short-term profit over everything else to the detriment of the youth/99%
Butchered Tongue is about Irish and other indigenous languages being suppressed and erased by imperial powers.
If any of the above surprised you, please, please delve deeper into Hozier’s music, you’re missing such an important part of his work.
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