#Sierra Robinson
waterdeepweave · 9 months
I don't care if there's only 5 people and a shoelace in the Wyll fandom I need everyone to listen to One Step Closer from The Little Mermaid on Broadway and agree that THIS IS WYLL AND TAV IN THIS. LIKE THIS SONG IS SO WYLL-CODED I'M CRYING SO HARD?
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Accidentally falling asleep together and one washing the other’s hair for John and Robin, reading a book together for John and Emma (you know what book lol), and patching up a wound and/or caring for the other when they’re sick (possibly blood or bite withdrawals) for Sierra and Shane (why is this happening? How did this end up as anyone’s best option? Up to you!)
Thank you! 💚
Thanks for the asks! These got pretty long so I'm gonna stick them under a cut. Hope you enjoy the results!
Stakeouts are some hunters' least favorite parts of the job, but John doesn't mind them. Not as long as he has a stash of cayenne pepper beef jerky and a good partner to wait out the night with. Being put up in an air conditioned motel room is preferable to sitting in the car, and less conspicuous. Especially when they're keeping tabs on a Red Cross blood donation center across the street that's been hit by vamp thieves three times in the past four months. The enhanced alarm system the agency installed last week (which in itself is part of what they're monitoring, vampire-detecting alarms are the latest hot commodity on the market and every company wants agencies testing theirs so they can put that on their promotions) is programmed to alert his and Robin's phones if it catches anything suspicious. But in John's opinion, there's still nothing like the good old human eye. He hears halting footsteps, and smells chicory and coffee, and then a warm mug is tapped against his shoulder. Robin joins him at the window, pulling up a chair and handing John his mug before curling in over his own. His broken foot is healing, but John wishes the accident hadn't happened in the first place. Being on stakeouts is much less enjoyable when the reason for them is having a partner on medical reassignment. Because God forbid Robin take actual time off like a normal human being to heal. John chuckles at that thought, earning him a confused look from Robin. "Is the coffee bad again?" "No. Just...thinking." "Should I be worried?" "Hey!" John says, cheerfully. "I'll have you know, my thinking has gotten me out of at least as much trouble as it's gotten me into." Robin chuckles, then takes a sip from his mug, hunching over it. John leans over to turn down the chattering AC unit under the window. It feels fine to him, better than the sweltering humidity outside, but Robin has never done well with cold. Not since Arion. John scoots his own chair a little closer to Robin's, and Robin leans in to rest against his shoulder, soaking up the body heat. John puts his free arm around him and continues sipping his coffee. At some point, Robin's breaths even and slow, and John sets down his own empty mug on the windowsill so he can gently take Robin's now-cold one before it falls and wakes the kid up. When the relief team appears at four am, John waves them over to the other side of the room, then closes his eyes. The only thing waiting for him back at the agency is a pile of unfinished paperwork and Maira's death glare. he's perfectly happy to wait here till sunrise.
"What is this stuff?" John asks, holding up a gummed together chunk of Robin's hair. "Pine sap." Robin shrugs. "There was a kitten stuck up there." "I'm surprised it's not stuck in your hair now. Half the rest of the tree is." John shakes his head. "How do I get this out?" "Try with the oil," Robin says, nodding slightly toward the kitchen cabinet the Rowan is opening. "If that doesn't get it, you could use alcohol." "So much for that bottle of whiskey I was planning on taking home, I guess." "Not that kind of alcohol!" Robin laughs. "I have rubbing alcohol in the house." John takes the olive oil bottle a branch of the Rowan is holding out to him. "Okay, well, we'll try this first." John works some of the oil into the most matted strands of Robin's hair. It works better than he expected.  The kitten responsible for the whole mess wanders into the kitchen, rubbing itself around John's legs and complaining at being ignored. "I'm working here," John says, shaking his head, but stops long enough to sort of awkwardly scoop the little pest up with his forearm to avoid covering it in oil, and set it in Robin's lap. The kitten settles into his legs, purring and kneading energetically. John winces, but Robin seems immune to the claws digging into his thigh. John shakes his head and continues working on the sap, until Robin stops petting the cat and looks up. "Um...he's got some sap in his fur too..." "Oh no. I draw the line at cats who try to bite my hand off when I touch them. He's all yours."
"Your great-great-whatever uncle was ridiculous," Emma says, absentmindedly petting Mr. Prickles where he's sitting on the arm of the couch. "Did he not think about the fact that there were people on the other side of that window?" "I mean, that side of my family does tend toward impulse decisions," John says, closing his battered, first edition, signed copy of Dracula and replacing it on the side table.  "Like letting a vampire stay in your apartment while her club-which-doubles-as-apartment is getting repaired from fire damage? Which, I might add, is indirectly your fault." "It wasn't even Robin this time!" "My insurance company is already upset about the last time." Emma allows Mr. Prickles to crawl up her arm and snuggle under her chin. "At least this time most of the damage was water after the sprinklers kicked in." John flips the book open again. "Funny story, I was reading this as a kid and left it outside on the porch rail overnight, and I thought Dad was going to tan my hide for letting the dew get it. Probably would have if it was our good copy. This was just an early training manual, more or less. Already had blood on it." "So what you're saying is, water damage is inevitable with you." "Pretty much," John grins. "So, where did I leave us?" "Your great-great-great uncle at the height of human stupidity firing his gun through a window to the inside, because he saw a bat." "If you still think that is the height of human stupidity, I guess I haven't been doing my job right." "Okay. The height of human stupidity is setting a vampire's club on fire on three separate occasions. And then inviting her to live in your apartment." "Yeah, you're probably right." John flips the page over. "Okay, here it is, the second stupidest moment in human history..."
"This su..." "Don't say it." Shay grumbles, curled in on himself in the corner of the cabin.  "Right." Sierra tugs the oversized sweatshirt sleeves down over her hands and clenches her fists in them so she's not tempted to scratch at the pinprick marks on her wrists.  She doesn't regret it. They had a cover to maintain. Getting the information they needed to take down the people behind an underground vamp-fighting ring was worth it.  That doesn't mean they're not both paying the price.  And maybe it's only fair that if Shay has to fight through blood withdrawals out here, she has to handle the bite version. She's chilled from the blood loss, but the vampire saliva in her blood is burning like a fever. She wants more, she needs that fiery high. She's heard that vamp venom makes most people feel blissed out and docile, but however it mixed with the adrenaline from the escape made her feel kind of like the world was slowing down and moving at a different pace. It felt good.  Now, it feels anything but. Shay makes a muffled sound from the other side of the room, and Sierra turns to see him with his face buried in a pillow. "You okay?" "Wh-oo-nk?" She doesn't need to hear the words to catch his meaning from his incredulous expression. "Sorry, stupid question." That seems to be the core of whatever it is they are. Stupid questions, questionable decisions, and messy aftermath.  She takes a step toward the window and then stumbles, catching herself on the back of a chair. The dizziness is kicking in in earnest. "Need the bed?" Shay asks. Apparently whatever urge to bite possessed him is gone, because he doesn't sound like there's a pillow in his mouth. "No, you will in a minute." This might be Sierra's first time dealing with a bite, but it's far from Shay's first experience of withdrawals. They'd discussed what he'd be likely to start feeling on the way out. And if he's right about timing, he's about to get hit with the worst of it. Which is going to be a serious problem. She needs synth-blood for him. Which they don't have.  Once she kicks her own withdrawals enough to drive safely, she can get somewhere with a signal and call for extraction. Pete's got to be worried sick, and he's probably already combing the Oregon wilderness for them. But until she feels like she's not going to swerve their stolen jeep into the nearest tree, they're stuck. "Then share." Shay pats the edge of the bed. "I've been sitting on it for an hour and it hasn't fallen apart. Can't say the same for that chair." Sierra looks down. She doesn't see anything wrong with the wicker-seated furniture, but Shay's hearing is dialed in well above hers. Any minor creak in the structure, and he'll know. "I don't think that's a good idea." He wants blood, she wants a bite. That close, they'll drive each other crazy.  "Nothing about us is ever a good idea." Sometimes she hates how perceptive and honest he is. She had to get partnered with an infuriatingly emotionally intelligent vampire who can also be as dumb as a rock.  "Fine. I guess if you bite me you can drive us to someplace with a signal." "That's the spirit." Shay smiles, a weak imitation of his usual one, which tells her how much pain he's already in, but he's trying. "Not that that's what I'm going to do." She wouldn't hate it. In fact, she'd appreciate it. But it would only be putting off the inevitable.  She sits down on the edge of the bed, hands clenched white-knuckled around the edge of the mattress, her pinky finger brushing up against his.  Sooner rather than later, he's going to get worse. But for now, she can offer this much. At least they can be miserable together.
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bones-n-bookles · 1 year
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The High Sierra: A Love Story, by Kim Stanley Robinson, 2022
A gift from @petrichorpaws! Nonfiction with a mix of personal stories, historical stories, and straight information about the Sierra Nevada mountain range. I honestly am not the biggest fan of the author's writing style and am struggling to read this despite my absolute adoration of the Sierras and desire to consume the information within this book.
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twooftaboo · 2 years
Good News, Willet Shippers
Breaking news: we've been planning to release our music this summer, and to start it out with a promotional EP. So we ask you to be on the lookout.
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L'architecte Douglas « Doug » Roberts revient à San Francisco pour l'inauguration du plus grand gratte-ciel du monde qu'il a lui-même conçu, la « Tour de verre » , un édifice d'une taille record avec près de 515 mètres de haut et 138 étages.
Au cours de l'inauguration, un court-circuit se produit dans un local technique au 81e étage, résultant d'un échauffement de câbles électriques non isolés et dont la cause est une installation électrique sous-dimensionnée pour un tel bâtiment (économie d'argent sur la construction par le promoteur, sans tenir compte des recommandations de l'architecte).
Bientôt, un incendie se déclare dans le local technique, au moment même où la cérémonie d'inauguration bat son plein au 135e étage de l'immeuble. Alors que le feu se propage, détruisant tout sur son passage, Michael O'Hallorhan, un colonel du San Francisco Fire Department, arrive sur les lieux et organise le sauvetage des trois cents invités qui se sont retrouvés piégés par les flammes, avec l'aide de l'architecte Doug Roberts.
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prettyhennytea · 3 months
🎶💔 Get Ready for More Drama: Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Returns with Explosive Feuds and New Relationships! 💥💋
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Mark your calendars and grab your popcorn, because “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta” is back later this month, and the tea is hotter than ever! As the new season kicks off, we dive headfirst into the tangled web of relationships and rivalries that define this iconic cast.
Scrappy and Bambi’s split send shockwaves through the group, with Bambi diving into a new romance while Scrappy navigates the complexities of co-parenting. The tension escalates when legal battles and accusations come to light, adding fuel to the fiery drama that follows their every move. Will they find a way to coexist peacefully, or are more fireworks on the horizon?
Meanwhile, Kendra Robinson and Yung Joc’s tumultuous relationship takes center stage, as unresolved issues and ultimatums threaten to tear them apart. Emotions run high, and tough decisions loom as they confront the harsh realities of their troubled romance. Will love conquer all, or are they destined for heartbreak?
The return of Rasheeda and Kirk Frost brings fresh challenges to their marriage, with old wounds resurfacing and new accusations testing the limits of their bond. And as Spice introduces a game-changing proposal for a cast album, tensions rise as alliances are tested and egos clash. Will the music unite them, or will it be another source of discord?
With Sierra Gates and others vying for a coveted spot on the album, egos clash and loyalties are tested in a battle for recognition and success. As alliances shift and secrets unravel, the stage is set for a season of twists, turns and jaw dropping revelations that will keep you on the edge of your seat. 
Don’t miss the explosive premiere of “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta” on July 23rd at 8/7c on MTV, where the drama never stops and the stakes are higher than ever. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of emotions, scandals, and surprises that will leave you craving more! 🌟🔥🎥 #LHHATL #DramaAlert #RealityTVRedefined 🍿💔💄
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nevinslibrary · 2 years
Totally Random Non-Fiction Tuesday
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You may know the name of this author from his novels like the [Color] Mars series, or New York 2140, and more. This is not fiction though, this is a non-fiction book about the Sierra Nevada mountains.
I mean, I totally disagree that the Sierra Nevadas are the very best mountains. I have a soft spot for the White Mountains, and the Appalachian Mountains. I mean, the Presidential Range is pretty darn amazing. But, after reading Robinson’s book, the Sierra Nevadas aren’t too bad either. He first went there in 1973 and was awed. Since then he’s been to them for more than 100 trips, and (as most writers are wont to do), has collected a ton ton ton of info all about them. Hence the book.
It was such a great read. In every word I could tell that this wasn’t some ‘go write about this’, and that Robinson truly loved the Sierra Nevadas. And hearing about the adventures that he’s had on them were just all so fun to read about too.
You may like this book If you Liked: The Savage Frontier by Matthew Carr, Early Days in the Range of Light by Daniel Arnold, or Miracle Country by Kendra Atleework
The High Sierra: A Love Story by Kim Stanley Robinson
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kyoukamybeloved · 1 year
”In other words, the suicidal maniac wants to live. Is that it?”
“I’ve come to think it’s worth trying.”
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"You used Corruption, believing in me? How beautiful."
skk webweaves: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
//strange gods - Roxane Gay// the portrait of a lady - Henry James// art from @/_mwk19_ on Twitter// say yes to heaven - Lana del Rey// the grudge - Olivia Rodrigo// litany in which certain things are crossed out - Richard Siken// art from @/suya1414 on Twitter// Kyoto - Phoebe Bridgers// we’re in love - boygenius// writings prompts for the broken-hearted - Eden Robinson// anyway - Richard Siken// art from @/AB0to on Twitter// things I never give myself permission to say - Chelsea Dingman// art from @/ssmi_0215 on Twitter// the whetting of teeth - Jamaal May// no light, no light - Florence + the machine// cosmic love - Florence + the machine// letters to Felice - Franz Kafka// art from @/rokkyun1 on Twitter// the sorrow festival - Erin Slaughter// norman fucking rockwell - lana del rey// remember my name - mitski// art by @bananana2217// townie - mitski// misheard lyrics - car seat headrest// you couldn’t just leave - Trista Mateer// art from @/T__rate on Twitter// your love finds it’s way back - Sierra DeMulder// a pearl - mitski// humpty - mitski// art by @yuyonyu// abandon me - Melissa Febos// where did you go - Hishaam Siddiqi// I should hate you - Gracie Abrams// art from @/qmthtdy on Twitter// killer - Phoebe Bridgers// a poem for Haruko 10/29 - June Jordan// crush - Richard Siken// pandemonium - Lauren Oliver// art from @/1110yu_ku_si on Twitter// catalog of unabashed gratitude - Ross Gay// steamboat - Adrianne Lenker//
hey remember when I said last part would be the final one? yeah uh about that, turns out I still have some inspiration yippee. hope you liked it :)
@dinosaur-mayonnaise @philzokman @amagami-hime @nnavia @homuncvlus @vinylbiohazard @bunglegaydogs @zamxii @ghostsinacoat @slug-behaviour @vivid-vices @atsuwushi @gorotic @pendragonstar @ricelover888 @oatmilkbasic @thou-shalt-cha-cha-real-smooth @the-gayest-sky-kid @lotus-reblogs @whiteapplesandblackblood @dazaiyuri @evermorehypewoman
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911bts · 4 months
(link to official post from IATSE's twitter account)
IATSE's Area Standards Locals Pen Joint Letter as ASA Negotiations with AMPTP Begin:
Dear members, Today, the 23 Area Standards Agreement (ASA) Locals begin negotiations with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) in Los Angeles, with the ASA Bargaining Committee presenting an initial package of members' demands.
For nearly a year, we have surveyed and listened to you, our members, and worked with our Local bargaining committees to define your priorities.
Partnering with the International bargaining team, we've crafted formal proposals that reflect your feedback.
Over the next two weeks, our goal is to enhance the working conditions and economic standards of every member working under the Area Standards Agreement.
Our proposals include: - Significant wage increases - Uniform benefit rate for all jurisdictions with significant increases - Protections against AI - Improving rest periods and increasing penalties - Overtime improvements - Additional holidays - Revising and/or eliminating specific sideletters - Sick leave enhancements. - Improved safety and specialized work provisions
Our goal is to build on the foundation we started three years ago by continuing to improve working conditions in the ASA.
We are committed to securing substantial contributions into the National Benefit Funds to replenish the fund's reserves and your individual CAPP accounts to pay for your health insurance. We are also deeply aware of our members' desire to improve annuity and pension contributions to help secure your future retirement.
Together, we are stronger. We remain united and committed to securing a tentative agreement that all 23 Locals will be pleased to ratify. We will continue to keep you updated throughout this process.
In solidarity, Joseph Miller, Business Agent Local 38 Simonette Berry, Business Agent Local 478 Melissa Purcell, Business Agent Local 488 Gordon Hayman, Business Manager Local 493 Robert Morales, Business Representative Local 122 Mike Akins, Business Agent Local 479 Sierra Robinson, Business Agent Local 488 Luis Neftaly Nieves, Business Agent Local 494 Cynthia O'Rourke, Business Agent Local 161 Bryan Evans, Business Representative Local 480 Mike (Bubba) Matesic, Business Agent Local 489 Irish Barber, Business Agent Local 665 James Butler, Business Agent Local 209 Chris O'Donnell, Business Manager Local 481 Kellie Larson, Business Agent Local 490 Apple Thorne, Business Representative Local 720 Pam Boyd, Recording Secretary Local 336 Laura King, Business Manager Local 484 Darla McGlamery, Business Agent Local 491 Rosemarie Levy, Business Representative Local 798 Jimmy Roberts, Business Manager Local 477 David O'Ferrall, Business Agent Local 487 Peter Kurland, Business Agent Local 492 Carl Mulert, National Business Agent USA829
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deputyrook · 5 months
I *need* Cooper Howard to learn that Dean Domino is still alive and is also a ghoul. it would be so funny. what do you mean I’m not the only pre-war celebrity to become a ghoul. that asshole who called me a hack and spilled wine on my wife at Robinson’s Christmas party is a ghoul now???
I’m just picturing Courier Six talking to him like “oh yeah, back at the Sierra Madre Dean Domino told me that the before the bombs fell-” and Cooper’s like. excuse me? hm? what did you say? repeat that?
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calliemity · 4 months
OOOO okay so lsoh
Which production/s do you think have the best Audrey II puppet? Or which one is your favourite?
ooooo this is a good one!!!! also ty for the ask!!!!!! :D
im personally a Massive fan of the original twoey puppets from the very first production, theyre so wonderful!!!! i love its pointy little nose so much, and the og yellow color scheme is fun imo!! makes it feel a little more alien!!!
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^^^ audrey ii's creator, marty robinson, with all the puppets he made :]
i think my all-time favorite (besides the movie's obviously. that thing is glorious) is the twoey from AMTSJ's production from 2008. its also a pointy-schnozed twoey (i might have a type) but it has the modern green color scheme and its So impressively made imo. that production's my go-to when i wanna watch the stage version honestly!
^^^^ my favorite clip from the production. heres a link btw hehe
id also like to mention the twoey puppet from the production i saw live recently, sierra rep theater's production! it was one of the most creatively designed puppets ive seen imo, but unfortunately it loses some points for not being able to move very well, didnt seem to be well articulated (also their twoey voice was. uhmmm. imagine someone doing a really really bad robin williams' genie impression.)
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it had these iridescent orbs on the top of the head that, to me at least, looked like spider eyes. and i think thats So awesome
and finally, a special shoutout to all the really badly made twoeys out there. the baggy looking ones where its so clearly just a guy in a suit are my favorites. i love live theater So much and theres a special charm to productions that arent as "glamorous" as the big budget ones. peace and love
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catboybiologist · 6 months
sierra do you have a specific song that turns you into a sopping wet ball of tears?
bcs i just listened to mine and uhh... yeahg,,,
"Everything Goes On" by Porter Robinson started auto playing as a recommended track the night after I attended a funeral. It was helpful and cathartic, but... I was a mess.
"Concerning Hobbits", the Shire theme from LOTR with the flute, also gets me crying, and I don't particularly know why. I think the feeling of simplicity and a content life overwhelms me sometimes when it feels unattainable.
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thethistlegirlwrites · 8 months
15 for all of them?
15: Is your character dangerous? Do they think they are? ...for the squad!
Thank you so much for the ask!!!!
--- Compass
Sierra - Yes and yes. Sierra was a vigilante vampire hunter before she was recruited by an agency, and she is the sort of person to shoot first and ask questions later. She's honed her skills and is well aware of what she's capable of.
Pete - More than he thinks he is, actually. Pete doesn't see the results of his work as often, given he's on the forensic accounting side of the hunting process, but he's capable of unleashing a lot of chaos on an organization if he finds the right financial pressure points.
Shay - Yes, but he's LESS dangerous than he believes himself to be. Like most vampires who are not turned hunters, Shay doesn't really know what vampire un-life is like, and thinks that he will remain in the bloodthirsty fledgling phase permanently. Thus, his lack of resistance at being taken to what is basically a death sentence.
Saanvi - Saanvi is dangerous if cornered, and she doesn't always realize that until the time comes. She reacts in a moment, without a lot of planning as to her responses to danger.
Wren - Wren is very dangerous, but occasionally overestimates her intimidation factor, which is how she sometimes ends up on medical leave. She's a master manipulator, though, and doesn't often need to rely on her brute strength.
Joey - Joey thinks she is much more dangerous than she actually is, with the caveat that if you are a threat to her family or the people she considers family, she is the shadow you don't see coming until it's too late. But in terms of how dangerous her vampirism makes her, Joey is much like Shay in that she doesn't fully understand how being a vampire can progress and how it can be controlled.
Nico - Nico is dangerous, but keeps it under control. He was a hunter before he turned, and working with a bit of a rogue type of agency besides, so he has a skill set from that as well as his vampire powers. And never, ever, underestimate a threat from the cleaning crew. They KNOW how to sanitize a crime scene.
--- Magic & Silver
Robin - Robin's opinion of how dangerous he is shifts over time. Sometimes, he feels like his fae powers are a curse, and he's wondered if he's in some way responsible for his mother's death, but for the most part, he understands his spot in the natural order and where he falls on a 'food chain'.
John - John is dangerous and definitely knows that. He's been trained since he was a child to know how to hunt and kill vampires, and he likes his dangerous side, actively pointing it out whenever possible.
Kira - Kira made herself dangerous. She taught herself to kill vampires, and gained a reputation as a vigilante before being folded into an agency. She's a force to be reckoned with because she's never let anything slow her down, and as a black Deaf woman she's had plenty of things standing in her way.
Emma - Emma is dangerous and proud of it. It's an asset in her line of work. She's got more morals, and more of a soft side, than she shows the world, but she actively projects the image of a heartless, power-hungry vampire to everyone but her closest friends.
Cody - Cody is probably the least actively dangerous to anyone but himself member of the M&S crew. He's been known to make snap decisions and to trust people without a lot of reason given, but that's also how he and Robin met, so it's worked out okay for him.
Maira - Maira is a master of political manipulation. She doesn't need to be physically dangerous to be intimidating. She's good at reading people and using their secrets against them at the right time. Thankfully, she uses her powers for good.
--- Scrapbook
Lina - Lina is dangerous if you do something to make her see you as a threat. She's a journalist, so she's good at playing the long game, but once you are in her books as a villain, it would take a lot to get you back in her good graces, and she WILL dedicate herself to taking you DOWN for good.
Matti - Matti is technically dangerous by nature of what he is, but he's grown up knowing what he is and how to control it. He's like a big dog, looking scary but really just wanting to be friends, even if sometimes that means you get a bit squashed.
Jim - Jim is potentially dangerous, because he has fae magic he doesn't even know he has, much less how to control, but for the most part it's benign stuff like glamours and plant affinities that the danger is in knowing how to use and actively manipulating. He doesn't want to hurt anyone with any of it, so unless it was defending his life, even his lack of control won't do much more than cause some weird looks. If he's put in mortal danger, or one of his friends is, though, there's every chance the magic will break free on its own.
From this ask game
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sixcostumerefs · 1 year
Pulled the numbers on what colleges were most common for the US/Can actors. This is mostly taken from the Wiki. May be missing some actors/colleges. I generally tried to only count it when an actor actually got a degree in the performing arts, but it's possible that some of these still went to college for something else. I'll probably do this for the UK eventually, too.
5 University of Michigan (Bre Jackson, Storm Lever, Zan Berube, Cydney Clark, Aline Mayagoitia) AMDA (Gabbi Mack, Brittney Mack, Didi Romero, Joy N Woods, Brennyn Lark. Leandra Ellis-Gaston also attended AMDA LA, but that's a different program)
4 Cal State - Fullerton (Ellie Wyman, Abigail Sparrow, Lauren Mariasoosay, Taylor Sage Evans) Columbia College (Courtney Mack, Megan Leung, Mallory Maedke, Shantel Cribbs) Sheridan College (Julia Pulo, Elysia Cruz, Hailey Alexis Lewis, Julia McLellan)
3 Belmont (Wesley Carpenter, Sierra Fermin, Carlina Parker) Boston Conservatory at Berklee (Kennedy Monica Carsterns, Gabriela Francesca Carrillo, Aryn Bohannon. Honorary mention of Hien, from the non-replica Hungarian cast) Ithaca College (Olivia Donalson, Sydney Parra, Audrey Fisher) Montclair State University (Gianna Grosso, Amaya White, Kristina Walz) NYU (Gerianne Pérez, Princess Victomé, Guilia Marolda) Penn State (Jasmine Forsberg, Amina Faye, Jessie Davidson) TXST (Bella Coppola, Anna Uzele, Adriana Scalice)
2 Ball State University (Terica Marie, Keirsten Hodgens) Baldwin Wallace University (Keri Rene Fuller, Shelby Griswold) BYU (Emily Rose Lyons, Channing Weir) Emerson College (Kathryn Kilger, Erin Ramirez) Elon University (Ruby Gibbs, Nasia Thomas) Fullerton College (Haley Izurieta, Lauren Mariasoosay) Indiana University (Abby Mueller, Caroline Siegrist) Pace University (Aja Simone Baitey, Aubrey Matalon) Rider University (Casey Esbin, Jessie Bodner) Shenandoah University (Kelsee Kimmel, Willow Dougherty) Temple University (Alana M Robinson, Chelsea Lorraine Wargo)
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sleepnoises · 2 years
books i read this month !
Everything I Need I Get from You: How Fangirls Created the Internet as We Know It by Kaitlyn Tiffany it was fine! i think she doesn't fully flesh out her greater points and instead allocates that space to bonkers one direction fandom anecdotes, which is okay, i like reading them. was DELIGHTED she cited barbara ehrenriech, who it turns out has written about beatlemania.
Dawn & Adulthood Rites by Octavia Butler woman wakes up in a room. there is an alien there. situation develops. unpredictable worldbuilding, deeply respect ms. butler's ability to Get Weird With It, do think i wish this one was just a smidge less heterosexual, thematically. it's already not that heterosexual (there is an alien there). still haven't read the third one!
The Murders of Molly Southbourne and sequels (novellas) by Tade Thompson becca posted about this i believe. every time molly southbourne bleeds, a molly springs up from her blood and tries to kill her. grimy! compelling! does get a little overexplained at the end. also it's been said but it's such a plot hole that her parents didn't have a contingency plan for her starting her period
Ducks by Kate Beaton graphic novel memoir of her time in the albertan oil sands working to pay off her student loans. hhhhhhholy shit. my dumb ass read all these reviews about how it "captures pervasive misogyny" and still went in like :) i liked the excerpts with animols :). really stunningly empathetic and evenhanded. that misogyny sure can viscerally haunt !
Women's Work: The First 20,000 Years: Women, Cloth, and Society in Early Times by Elizabeth Wayland Barber kinda skimmed through the last third of this because it was overdue & read the rest of it in nov-dec but i liked it a lot! especially her bits about reconstructing textile history from things that don't rot as easily, like loom weights or language. also the bits where neolithic people made fancy patterned cloth just because they wanted it to be nice
Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo gotta get a guy out of hell. horny!!!! (demon pun)
Readme.txt by Chelsea Manning memoir of growing up, being very online, joining the army, leaking classified data, receiving the full (& at the time unprecedented for whistleblowers) force of hatred of the us federal govt. oh jeez. oh boy. i was on a reading about plane crashes kick last week and this kind of hit as a similar exhaustively detailed negative extreme of human experience. it's also inescapably a period piece of the back half of the 2000s, and as someone who was a stupid teenager in the back half of the 2000s, it's good(?) to come back to it as history? glad she's OUT
also read half of The High Sierra: A Love Story by Kim Stanley Robinson and now i want to be in the sierras.... but it is under so much snow right now....... Alas!
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lewysstone · 1 month
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— ❝ 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆, 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝒊𝒕 𝒇𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 ❞
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• full name: lewys arthur stone
• nicknames: lou (by almost everyone he knows)
• gender: cis male
• pronouns: he/him
• age: 52
• date of birth: 12th november 1971
• zodiac sign: scorpio
• sexuality: heterosexual
• place of birth: austin, texas, usa
• nationality: american
• occupation: novelist & screenwriter
• residence: a two bedroom apartment in cardinal hill (currently renting)
• aesthetics: rainy nights, whisky on the rocks, music playing loud, flannel shirts, crime podcasts playing in the background, midnight snacks, leather jackets, neatly organised books shelves, foggy mornings, tapping of laptop keys
• faceclaim: ethan hawke
• height: 5’ 11”
• build: average ; a little skinny
• eyes: blue
• hair: medium brown with a lot of grey
• piercings: none
• tattoos: tbd
• style:
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• positive traits: kind, caring, creative, intelligent, considerate, passionate, patient
• negative traits: reserved, stubborn, people pleaser, indecisive, avoids conflict
• mbti: infp - the mediator
• likes: music, art, literature, films, sweet foods, going for walks, staying up late, baseball, parties
• dislikes: extreme temperatures, waking up early, bullying, running, disloyalty
• phobias: arachnophobia ; entomophobia ; trypanophobia ; trypophobia
• hobbies: reading, listening to music, playing the guitar, watching films, collecting film memorabilia
• skills: ambidextrous (but favours his right hand), guitarist (for 44 years), expert typist
• pet peeves: tardiness, misogyny, prejudice, being interrupted, being undermined and ignored, loud talkers
• mother: vivian agnes stone (née whittaker)
• father: lionel stanley stone
• siblings: jordyn alexander stone (older brother by three years) ; sylvia ariana stone (younger sister by three years)
• first ex-wife: sierra louise robinson
• second ex-wife: valletta rose cambridge
• food: tangy cheese doritos
• drink: cherry coke
• time of the day: evening
• weather: dry and warm
• colours: blue, red
• music genres: alternative rock ; indie ; film scores
(tw: death, toxic relationships, alcoholism)
— lewys was born on 12th november 1971 at 2:02pm in austin, texas, to lionel stone (an air traffic controller) and his wife vivian (a seamstress). he has an older brother named jordyn and a younger sister named sylvia.
— lewys was always the quieter of the three siblings. whilst his brother was always in some kind of sports club and his sister taking up both ballet and singing, lewys found solace in reading and writing. he also picked up the guitar and piano and liked watching baseball with his dad (the one sport his brother never go into) as well as sitting with his mother, writing whilst she worked, in her sewing room.
— lewys was bullied at school for being a ‘teacher’s pet’. he hated that term. just because he was the only one willing to learn and be a dedicated student did not mean he was a teacher’s pet. despite this, he persisted and eventually ended up with three close friends who looked out for him and for each other and the four of them are close, even now. lewys also graduated with top marks and went on to college, studying at columbia university in new york city. it was a life changing experience for him, meeting new people, learning new ways to write, and finding inspiration in every corner of the city.
— lewys returned home to texas after graduation, getting a job at his father’s favourite local bar to earn some money whilst he spent his free time building a writing portfolio and planning a screenplay he was inspired to write when he was still in nyc.
— when lewys’s father died, four years after graduation, and it hit the family hard. but he left each of his children a share of his life savings and with both the money and his mother’s encouragement he moved back to nyc, permanently. he briefly shared an apartment with an old college friend before finding his own in brooklyn. it was small, but more than enough for just him, his books, and other essentials. he also got a part time job in a bookshop, which he absolutely loved.
— after seeing an advert in a local newspaper about a short film script writing competition, lewys knew he had to submit an entry. he spent every moment of his free time on writing a script based off of his relationship with his father and about the importance of young boys having a positive male role model in their lives. after almost giving up on it a number of times, lewys submitted the script the day of the deadline and, to his complete surprise, was contacted a few weeks later and told he’d won, that his script was being turned into a short film. he couldn’t believe it. there was no way he had been this lucky. the film was shot around the city over eight weeks and lewys got an insight into the process by following the crew around and having a fair amount of input.
— with a newfound confidence and inspiration, lewys returned to his daily life after the quiet success of the film and began to really focus on his novel: a crime fiction set in 1920s nyc with elements of magical realism. he didn’t expect much to come of it, but six years later, when he was 31, he sent off the manuscript and had a literary agent quickly contact him about wanting to publish it. within the year, ‘honour and ashes’ had become quite the success and lewys spent the next few months on a book tour around the states.
— he returned to nyc, quit his day job, and decided to focus more on scripts, particularly for film, but also dabbling in television scripts. he wrote many things, but his best was ‘thorns and roses’: a feature length film set in modern day nyc that followed the story of two estranged sisters being forced to get along for the sake of their aging mother and discovering that life had more meaning that petty feuds and selfish gains. he spoke of it at a party he attended in manhattan, having been invited by a friend as their plus one, and was overheard by a film producer, who had seen lewys’s short film and its script and offered his contact details to talk more about it. the two later met and after a lengthy conversation, the script was to be made into a film.
— upon the commencement of filming, lewys visited the set to meet the cast, unintentionally and quickly falling in love with the actress playing the eldest sister: sierra robinson. she was gorgeous, sultry, talented, and had such a magnetic personality, and was only a few months younger than lewys. never did he think she’d fall for him too. he visited the set when he could and got to know more of sierra, with the two of them officiating their relationship just before the premiere of the film at the newly established tribeca film festival.
— it was only onwards and upwards from then on. lewys found more writing jobs, mostly solo but also collaborating with others, and his career kicked off. he found immense joy in creating something for others to immerse themselves in and getting across important social messages through his characters. he also tried to get back into being a novelist, too, but found little time for it.
— when lewys was 35, having been with sierra for four years, he proposed to her whilst they were on holiday in the carribbean. she didn’t hesitate to say yes and both were thrilled to finally be engaged. her career was taking off, too, so they believed that nothing could stop them and that they’d be the envy of their social groups. the wedding took place 18 months later on the same beach they got engaged on in front of a small gathering of friends and family, and they took their honeymoon to southern europe, visiting italy, monaco, and france, lapping up the sun and their love for each other. they went back to nyc with the intention of finally getting their own apartment in manhattan.
— lewys went on to write and eventually produce many films and thoroughly enjoyed success and the lavish lifestyle that came with it. he rubbed shoulders with the best actors and directors, attending parties and events, and was amazed that his dreams came true. that was, until, his world came crashing down when he was 42. work was hard to come by, with each of his scripts being scrutinised and rejected time after time and lewys couldn’t figure out why. he also couldn’t muster the imagination and creativity needed to start a new novel. not only that, but sierra realised she wanted children- something lewys was totally against- and now that time was catching up with them decisions had to be made. lewys’s insistence on being child free irked sierra, who begged and pleaded with him to change his mind.
— his dry spell of work began to get longer and wasn’t able to sell any kind of script or even a singular idea. he was trying his hardest, often becoming irritable and depressed at the prospect of his fame and money fading away, but it wasn’t good enough for sierra, who was often away working, but when she was home they would just fight and sometimes it would get a little too heated. sierra turned from the kind and attentive woman lewys knew so well into a belittling and screaming monster. but lewys didn’t have a single nasty bone in his body and despised conflict, and would only go so far in an argument before agreeing with sierra or storming off to be alone. eventually she gave him the silent treatment most of the time and they slept in separate rooms. she was always feeling angry, disappointed, and having her husband go from famous writer to being forgotten and discarded was a kick in the gut. she didn’t view lewys as the same person anymore and constantly turned her back to him and he realised that maybe she didn’t love him for who he was after all. the idea of him being rich and famous was obviously more appealing.
— but they did try everything to make their marriage work by going through months of therapy, but fixing their problems was like trying to stop a dam from overflowing by using a plaster. eventually lewys had enough of being ignored and treated as something disposable and filed for divorced. after everything had been finalised, he moved as far as he could from sierra to the opposite coast and found a new home in los angeles.
— lewys took a menial job in a restaurant, pulling pints and mixing cocktails for wealthier clientele. he only got the job because he was desperate and the manager who led the interview felt sorry for him. he was always down in the dumps and frustrated once he’d get home from late shifts, too tired to do anything, and would sleep in until midday almost every day. he lost his love for writing- his first love- and every time he thought about what he had let slip away it made him feel worse. he turned to drinking just to numb the pain of losing his wife, his job, and his friends, and felt worthless for the first time in his life.
— this sorry state of affairs went on until he was 46. in the meantime, he’d had visits from his siblings and mother, all offering him a place to stay back in austin, but he politely declined, wanting to be alone and not a burden to anyone. his siblings were leading happy lives and didn’t want to bring them down. lewys had gotten himself into this mess and he wouldn’t get himself out of it.
— his luck finally began to turn when, after visiting the store to pick up some whisky, lewys bought a lottery ticket just for fun and was shocked to find it had turned him back into a millionaire. but this time it would be different. he was going to be smart with his money, invest with it, save it, to make sure he wouldn’t end up at rock bottom again. lewys was also grateful for the relief extra financial support brought and after a few days his inspiration for writing started to return.
— two weeks later, on the night he promised himself he would stop drinking so heavily, he met valletta cambridge at a bar in the city. she was beautiful, charming, held herself with such confidence, and seemed genuinely interested in him. but she was considerably younger than he was. it was off-putting, but he loved being with her and loved having someone understand him and smile at his jokes.
— the two were only together for a few months before lewys got down on one knee and proposed. he’d never felt so sure about anything before and wanted to spend the rest of his life with valletta, got married the following summer, in july 2019, and lived together in a city apartment. he had never been happier and thought he was finally getting a real chance in life, but once again everything came crashing down four and a half years later in january 2024 when lewys found out that valletta had seduced him and married him purely because he’d won the lottery and wanted eventually take his money and run. he was devastated. in fact, devastated was an understatement. he thought he’d finally found the one- the one woman who loved him for who he was and not for his money or social status. everything about valletta was a lie and lewys wanted to rip out his heart, not wanting to be able to feel live anymore.
— naturally, a divorce followed and lewys became bitter. he hated that he’d become so hostile so quickly towards valletta. he kicked her out of the apartment and found his life had become empty and lonely once more. maybe he was just destined to be alone, or maybe he should just return to his relationship with alcohol and call it quits.
— after getting in the right headspace, however, lewys came to blue harbour in early august 2024 in search of valletta after tracking her down, to get the answers he deserved. she owed him that much. but deep, deep down, below all that anger and bitterness, he still loves her and wants to be able to make some kind of amendment.
wanted connections
— tbd
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