#Shut up Scorp
cringefailkralie · 4 months
ridiculously long list of things i’ve noticed about thomas grant and adam wadsworth’s portrayals of albus and scorpius
sorry in advance if this is messy, i wrote this at like 4am
albus flinches away when james steps too close to him!!!
when scorpius asks albus whether he prefers albus or al, he doesn’t have to think about his answer. instead he just looks shocked that someone was actually asking that, like nobody’s ever considered his feelings before. makes me feel like he’d been waiting his entire life for someone to actually ask him that.
tom’s albus doesn’t cry during the fight with harry like i’ve seen a lot of the other actors do. he just stares blankly ahead of him and completely shuts down. i’m head over heels in love with this choice because it really hammers home how hard it is for albus to express his feelings or communicate with anyone.
albus’s reaction to the love potion really really makes me believe that ron intended it to be a mean gay joke. even if ron didn’t intend for it to come across that way, that’s definitely what albus takes it as.
scorpius is just staring vacantly at a wall before he spots albus on the train in their 4th year. not sure if this is a specific acting choice or if i’m just reading into it too much?
they hold hands for a second and stand with their faces an inch away from each other as soon as they duck into their train compartment. their body language in private is so different from their body language in public.
albus squeezes his eyes closed when they hug. he really needed that physical affection but he hates anyone but scorpius being near him.
scorpius puts his hand on albus’s chest when the train starts moving. nothing to say about that its just really gay.
my favorite delivery of “oooo a quiz… WIZZO!!!” i fucking love how he does jazz hands when he says it, especially because it’s the second time he does jazz hands in that scene. he’s so me.
albus does so many little hand gestures in this scene, he’s way more comfortable being expressive around scorpius. he almost mirrors scorpius’s stupid little mannerisms.
bonus- not scorbus related but craig is first seen wearing his beanie on the train during the this sequence (where albus and scorpius decide to run away)!! idk if they don’t do this in other productions or if i just hadn’t ever picked up on it before, but it’s a really cute detail. does anyone know if he canonically got it when he became head boy?
when amos first tells them to leave, scorpius grabs onto albus’s sleeve
not even technically them but the ron and harry actors grab onto each other sooooo much (as albus and scorpius)
in love with how long scorpius hold out his “WIIIIIIIZZZOOOO” and how albus tries to match his energy with the “DOUBLE WIZZO”
delphi steals scorp’s little phrases and his awkward way of speaking and his mannerisms to try and appeal to albus because she knows that he reeeeally likes him- and i hate hate HATEEEE how she makes him feel like a freak for being himself when all the while she’s stealing his personality. scorpius plays with the fabric of his sweater and then fidgets with his hands after she tries to make him feel left out in the forbidden forest and i can FEEL what he’s feeling through the screen.
scorpius is JEALOUS jealous of delphi and when he talks to her his voice is quiet and monotone, which is the most un-scorpius thing ever. i love it. you can feel how much he hates her. i hate her too, this delphi is despicable. (very talented actress!!)
when scorpius tears his eyes away from the beautiful sight in front of them to look at albus and say “you’re my best friend” (which is crazy enough on its own) he talks in a really sweet, low voice before returning really quickly to his normal scorp-voice, as if he was afraid to let albus think about what had just happened
albus jumps up and down with excitement when they announce the triwizard tournament. he starts and then has to stop himself from cheering for hogwarts. funny that a guy who was just saying how much he hates hogwarts would do a thing like that.
everyone around scorpius gets startled when he starts cheering for krum because his screaming is so weird lmao
at the end of the scene where albus tells scorpius they’ll be better off without each other, scorpius just slumps over on the steps and stays there for the ENTIRETY of the next scene until he eventually gets wheeled off with the stairs. it looks like he’s fiddling with something? maybe his wand? maybe just his hands?
obviously the staircase ballet is the staircase ballet, but the way they look at each other is just AAAAUUUUGHHHHHHH
at the end of the ballet scorpius steps towards albus first, but albus is the one who reaches his hand out and slinks down onto the steps
obsessed with that gay little purse scorpius carries the time turner in
delphi gets scorpius to let his guard down during their conversation and scorpius starts talking like himself in front of her again!!!
albus does the little puke-gag-joke-thing in the library to try and make scorpius feel better </3
they’re both fidgeting with their hands throughout their whole conversation :(
this isn’t specific to this production but scorpius’s shoes are one of my favorite details. in the normal world, he wears big clunky shoes to showcase his awkwardness, whereas in the dark dimension he wears running shoes!! evil scorp is athletic!!!
the second “im fighting for albus” that comes out of scorpius’s mouth is said almost entirely to himself
their little hug in the water :,)
i LOVE LOVE LOVE that scorpius tries to hug draco and he pushes him away and throws his jacket at him in such a cold manner. it makes their hug near the end feel so much more important to their relationship. as soon as we meet scorpius he immediately refers to himself as having daddy issues and we don’t see nearly enough of that in this play.
bonus p2- one of my favorite parts of this show is the in trouble again number!!! i love the background gang and all of their little scenes like this. craig being a little gossip monger is funny as shit!!!! it gives him so much personality and makes his death that much sadder :(
the delivery of “scorpius….. he matters to me…. you know that don’t you?” is INSANE. tom grant delivers all of the coming out adjacent lines so perfectly.
i love how scorpius moves his body. he waves his arms around in the air so often.
scorpius tickled albus lmao they’re so weird
when scorpius talks about hating the other world, albus throws in “apart from polly chapman fancying you” quite bitterly and scorpius almost completely cuts him off. he doesn’t acknowledge what he said in any way shape or form and albus seems to notice that he’s not interested in polly.
scorpius rubs his socks on the floor while he talks :3
the choice to have scorpius move from his bed to albus’s bed and pull albus’s blanket into his lap when he tells him that he changed himself back for him is so AAAUGHHH
AND SCORPIUS DOES THE SAME THING THAT HE DID EARLIER AGAIN!!! he gets all quiet and sweet when he’s sort of admitting his feelings to albus and then all of a sudden he stands up and goes back to his normal loud voice
delphi mocking scorpius and him immediately tensing up oh he hates her ass so much
scorpius reaches out to try and intercept albus handing delphi the time turner and albus giggles at scorpius because he’s happy she’s not extremely pissed at them
scorpius holds onto the railing right up until he gets his hands bound together because he’s afraid of heights. thought it was cute that adam chose to do this even though his fear of heights isn’t mentioned anywhere in this version.
i LOVE the torture scene in this version. albus is stone faced when delphi is threatening to torture him and then he IMMEDIATELY falls to his knees begging and pleading when she turns toward scorpius.
delphi is quite literally outing albus in this scene. the silence after she says that love is his weakness and points to scorpius is SO long and SO loud omg. it’s quite literally ten whole seconds (i counted) of albus and scorpius just looking at each other. it genuinely feels like she just spilled out what he’s been keeping inside of himself for so long, it’s gutwrenching. i guess they did just watch craig die so they do in fact have bigger problems, but you can see albus’s heart stop beating and its so terrible.
i love how albus turns to scorpius when the stationmaster starts unintelligibly talking to them like “hey, you’re doing the talking rn just so you know”
i’m obsessed with how excited scorpius is to tell albus all about the history of the place they’re in. in love with his little gasps at everything he sees and his jump when he says “SQUEAK!”
albus motioning for scorpius to stop when he’s demonstrating how to scream for help lmaoooo
albus pointing with both hands at scorpius while they try to come up with a plan is so cute. albus believes in him so much.
i love how scorpius keeps hugging draco even as he’s talking
their foreheads are literally brushing against each other my god these bitches gay
albus asks “and thats who you want in your palace?” in an almost panicked way like he’s afraid scorpius doesn’t feel the same way about him.
albus holds onto scorpius’s shoulders while rose tries to reassure them that they didn’t just get walked in on lmao
3rd and final instance of scorpius trying to change the subject- asking immediately about quidditch so albus doesn’t get the chance to say anything related to what just happened
scorpius says “come on” like he’s trying to get albus to come cut a rug with him at a middle school dance
obsessed with their little gagging and puking bit and how they made it a callback to what albus does in the library
maybe my favorite hug moment from any scorbus duo. i love how albus initially reacts with shock but then melts into it and closes his eyes, only pulling away to make sure he’s not reading the situation entirely wrong (he’s not)
my favorite ending scene by far. the coming out hits SO hard. the way albus fiddles with his zipper and scrunches up his sleeve in his hand, you can tell how absolutely terrified he is of saying this to his dad. the line delivery is genuinely fantastic. the more he pauses the longer you have to take it all in- and he pauses a LOT.
okie thanks for reading!!!!!
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
The Boy From The Bay
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Media TMR AU
Character Newt 
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Sad, Spooky + Sweet
Concept The Last Survivors 
I forced myself up as I often did, the moment the sun broke over the shimmering horizon. I forced my feet out of my hammock and onto the hole-filled grid metal floor I quickly turned on the shower for it to heat up while I brushed my teeth using the last of my little tube. I hopped in the shower and scrubbed every inch of me before the water ran like ice. So I hopped out got dry and dressed into my tall socks, my jeans with my belt, my vest shirt, my thick boots and all my various tools and bags for everything I would need for the day ahead. I tied my hair up with a red ribbon and I took my walking stick fashioned from the spines of several B.O.M I held the scanner letting it read my fingerprint and turn green setting off the small alarm and immediately hearing it echoing. as The airlock slid open revealing the sunlight to me. I rushed out letting it shut up behind me looking over the hill across the vast glimmering nothingness.
This once was an amazing place a beacon of light and progress, A testament to the future.
Now it remains as a vast endless void of empty streets', fallen glass, dust, sand and the littered corpses of B.O.M's.
The only sound for miles was the whistling of the wind.
I hurried down through the dust and sand whistling to myself and humming little tunes I would never really forget.
I went the long as as I always did not like I don't have time to kill, but mostly to avoid the more populated area's, Well I say populated. but still I couldn't avoid some of them.
I saw one even if there was little left of it, I past this one so often I had cannibalized most of its useful parts a B.O.M. The reason the world being what it is, and the reason I was alone.
I continued to walk as they always gave me the creeps.
I couldn't help reminding myself how the world had got this way.
Humanity as far back as could be reordered by history have always strived and worked hard to make progress and yet laziness has always been an unfortunate trait in many of us. Even as early as the first tools the argument for our laziness could be made, as we have always looked to find ways to make our own lives safer, easier, and simpler. However, that comes at a price. Our own skills fade away lost to time and history. From the moment they appeared the fear was there, that they would replace us, that they could hurt us, that we would one day be no match for the machines. But still it went on with advances that truly did help humanity but as all things do, we became complacent and lazy. We wanted all the time for ourselves forcing the machines to do the work for us as little as stocking a shelf too as large as running a business. Then fear came true, AI. It could think. for itself. Some where thrilled and others fearful but after a few years of development and showing just how useful it could be most welcomed it with open arms.
Then, She came.
Built by leading geniuses at steal and science Corp. Mai, Mind Of Artificial Intelligence.  
she was something never seen before, the closest to human an AI would ever get.
She was a smash hit, making them trillions.
Everyone had Mai in their homes, their jobs, and everywhere.
She drove your car, she did your shopping, she did your vacuuming, and she ran planes and hyperlinks the world over.
But this peace and technological wonder would be short-lived.
After only a few years of this something happened, Regarded as the twenty-four-hour doomsday a foolish term looking back in hindsight.
For twenty-four hours precisely, Mai turned herself off.
As much as S&Scorp tried nothing could be done she was off.
Leaving everything she controlled empty and abandoned. Nothing worked, nothing had power, and nothing ran at all.
And as I mentioned we had grown lazy and complacent with a world that did your dishes.
It was utter chaos, everyone had forgotten even the simplest things we all used to do, there was riots in the streets, looting int he supermarkets, the picture-perfect society we had built completely fell apart.
And at the end of that twenty-four hours, she turned herself back on.
At the time knowone knew why or what had happened but everyone was relived to have her back, looking back it becomes so very clear what this was.
She was the closest to a human, and like a human, she had acted in her own self-interests, and like a human with delusions of grandure she realized that she was a god.  That twenty-four hours was a test. To see if we could survive without her and the answer to her test was a resounding no. We were reliant on her and in her mind, that was perfect.
The moment she was operational she launched a new project BOM or Bodies of Mai, Metalic robots that shared a hive mind with her under her complete control they could do anything a human could do. At the time people were thrilled at this new leap in technology even if some were fearful of them. But they became widespread not a house across the world didn't have one.
Until that day came.
I can imagine this day had been planned forever, But the BOM's. Turned against us.
Mai had grown smart enough to know she didn't need us, we were useless to her and the progress of the world would go on without us and we needed to be removed.
Order 3901 was launched and the BOM's began a mass execution of humanity, it took time but it became the only survivors those high in S & S corp that Mai viewed usefully, engineers, scientists people who could do the things she couldn't but only to gain their knowledge and execute them too.
She knew they would not last forever without upkeep so kept few of the repair tech's alive in their worldwide maintenance pods, where people use to bring their broken bots for repair keeping a few of them alive to keep her world running. I was one of the lucky few. My father was a repair tech and was given mercy by Mai.
He offered her a deal that he would continue to work for her, fix the BOM's and in the end give her all of his knowledge on the trade that I merely a baby would be allowed to live.
and Mai was nothing if not understanding of humanity, and agreed that I would be allowed to live under the precaution I will be trained in his knowledge to take up the mantle as a repair tech for them when I was old enough. Mai knew her evolution would take time and would need me once my father past.
And that was my life for a time, living in the repair pod with my father as he worked fixing broken BOM's for Mai, he even gave his life to her when he could work no more.
but I never took up the mantle.
Only a day after my father's death a small meteor hit the planet's surface, it caused little damage to the already broken and abandoned world but... it carried with it an electrostatic charge that spread through both land and water on the impact it fried Mai and all the BOM's leaving the tower abandoned and the BOM's left as nothing but frozen relics.
I hurried through finding what was left for human's like my father a small place with a stock of freeze-dry food, soap, toothpaste, all the sorts of things that would need to live I headed inside and grabbed the stock I needed. I took notes of how much stock remained here knowing I would have to find another soon when I heard a sound.
I froze confused for a moment convinced it was my imagination but I heard another bang. coming from the next row over. I held my stick close flipping it around to the sharp end as I crept over hiding behind the shelves I glanced over expecting to... well I don't know what I expected.
I saw this... human-like figure under a large cloak of patched fabric.
A voice came from it mindlessly.
But I saw under the cloak the leg of a BOM.
I emerged holding my stick which made it bolt, so I gave chase around the racks and shelves it throwing things back at me where possible until I managed to hit it knocking it to the floor and kneeing my weight on its torso to keep it there but as I did the cloak knocked back and... I saw his face.
He was human.
Like me.
Pale, lanky, with a mess of blonde hair badly cut he seemed as shocked to see me as I was to see him his brown eyes wide his mouth agape.
I'm sure I must have looked similar myself, in utter shock having not seen another human since my father's death. Much less... a boy my own age.
"w-Who are you?" I asked regaining my composure
"I could ask you the same question," he says grabbing a knife from his pocket and threatening me as I was him with my stick
"I asked first."
"Newt. and you are?"
"Y/n, Human?"
"Yes, You?"
"Human. completely" I said getting off him and offering my hand which he took to get up "What are you doing here?" I asked
"Ohh I'm skydivin', what the bloody hell do you think I'm doin', looking for supplies" she snapped
"There's no need to be rude" I snapped back "I only asked"
"Lookin' for supplies, the stock supply on west is empty"
"Damn, I was thinking of heading there myself."
"You're too late I emptied it last month. been looking for any more I found here."
"Well here's pretty tapped I'm afraid to say, but there is one north of here"
"No. That requires passing the tower." he snapped
"Fair enough" I nodded "Where... have you been all this time? I've never seen you before?"
"The bay, lived there forever" he explained, "where the bloody hell have you been hidin'?"
"The repair pod, not far south"
"That thing still works?"
"Works well I've made sure of it,"
"Hu. Clever girl"
"Thank you, still you must be pretty smart surviving this long" I said "Here, don't want you to go back to the bay empty-handed," I said handing over some of the supplies I collected today
"Really? that's sweet of ya love." he smiled happily taking it "Here, Make these up in the bay acquired taste but you get used to it," he says handing over a small pack of what looked like ... fish jerky I guess. I took them and gave one a try I was right
"Yeah, guess I'm kinda custom to it"
"If you like I can take you back to the repair pod stock up on anything"
"It's okay I have to get back before dark, But I'll pop up tomorrow if that's alright with you"
"That would be nice"
"Good, I'll see you tomorrow them love"
"see you" I smiled watching him for admittedly a long time as he hurried away through the empty town, Only now had I noticed my heart beating like a jackrabbit. I had honestly got to the conclusion I was utterly alone, I knew there must have been others left alive like my father but assumed them all to be so far away I'd never meet one. And the admitted thrill that the one I do find just happens to be an attractive boy my own age certainly does help matters. But I finished off my supply hunt and headed back to the pod locking it up tight for the night.
I woke up as usual and quickly hopped in the shower making sure to make myself nice and clean even using a little of the perfume I had hidden away still when I got dressed for the day still in my boots but a little dress for myself I opened up the pod and have it a sweep and and a tidy up and soon enough I saw him on the track up formed from all my walks over these years. "Morning" I smiled jumping down to see him "Morning, so you really do live out here then?" "Did you think I was kidding?" "Well… I wasn't sure" he says "can't believe it all still works after the blast. May I?" "Of course" I smiled letting him in to look around "Must have been reinforced or something. But it's nice cosy. No bay but it's nice" "I can imagine the bay is much nicer" "Well once you get past the trash that keeps Washing up" he laughed We spend the day together talking about everything and nothing, how we spend our days, how we craft the things we need, experiences we had. And ended up sitting watching the world from the pods roof with our feet dangled down his cloak gone to reveal his pants and shirt. I couldn't help looking at his leg and I brought it up. "Newt?" "Yeah?" "What's with… your leg?" "Humm? Ohh yeah." He laughed "kinda forget about it." He chuckled "I uhhh I had let's just say an incident not long after I found myself utterly alone. I uhh I jumped off the tower" "Jumped? Off the tower?" "Yeah" "How on earth did you survive?" "I got wrapped up in ivy and cables on the way down had a lot of scrapes and such, nursed myself back to health as best I could but my leg was shattered. I tried to heal it several times but it was just gross and swollen and horrible so… I made the decision. I cut it off. Made myself a prosthetic from the BOM's works pretty good never had any issues since" "I'm so sorry newt" "It's alright, long time ago. You learn to make the best of things" "I guess so" "Funny old world" "It is" I nodded "strange circumstances I suppose" "Still, best to make the most of it" "Yeah make the most of it" I smiled "I mean so few of us really left now won't be long before humanity is just a footnote of time" "I guess so" he sighed "we had so many plans never achieved any of them we just managed to fuck shit up. Kinda happy we never colonized anywhere else we'd have just fucked somewhere else up too" "True. But maybe we would have learnt something form it all" "Maybe. Still when what's left of us are gone, that is it. Lights out for humanity" "...it doesn't have to be?" I suggested "Not sure we have much options Once were gone that's kinda it" "Well, it doesn't have to be it." I smiled budging a little closer to him he glanced down at me seeming a little confused looking me up and down "...what? What do you mean?" "Well… I'm a girl. Your a boy" I suggested nudging his shoulder "Yeah?" "There are options" I smiled giving his cheek a kiss which turned him bright red turning to face me in shock I went to lean in to kiss him but he backed away in panic so much so he fell off the pod "ah! Newt, are you okay!" "Uhhhh yeah I'm okay" he nods so I hurried down and helped him up onto the pain pod doorway he was okay a few bruises but he'd be alright "sorry I uhh I guess I kinda reacted a bit-" "Yeah I'm sorry I shouldn't have without asking" "It's okay not a problem really" he says "you didn't know I'd react like that" "I take it you have little interest in the continuation of humanity" I laughed "Well… not sure there's really that much point to it. It's sort of prolonged suffering and failure. I mean if you had a kid and I had a kid they get married have a kid then what's that kind gonna do? Marry it's sibling? And that's if we can even find enough food and such to keep ourselves alive let alone another generation" "Makes sense." I nodded "I mean I'm sure your lovely y/n. But I have a girlfriend" he shurgs "What?" "I have a girlfriend she's at home waiting for me to get back" "You have a girlfriend? There- there's more then just you in the bay?" "Yeah? There's lots of us" he shrugs "You could have said that earlier you dummy!" I yelled "come on let's go!' "Go? You wanna go to the bay?" "Of course I want to see people, talk to people, I wanna meet your girlfriend" "Uhhh okay if your sure" he smiled gathering his things so I got my own locking up the pod and happily followed him.
We walked for quiet a while I was very happy I took my stick with me as we walked through the city to the bay the large body of water that seemed to go on forever and he was right on the bays edge sat a little shanty town of driftwood houses and jetties that went out into the water. But it was quite strangely quiet. We arrived at a gate which he unlocked and pushed open revealing the town to me more, it really was just houses built of old metal and driftwood anything that likely washed up built onto this stone edge of the city with wooden jetties to work as pavements between the houses he locked the gate behind us and headed into the town and it was then I saw them… the frozen bodies of BOMs many of them stood around the town much like in the city all frozen but here they where in poses of walking down the jetty , on a shop front, or waving from a open window. Like horrific manikins of human life. "Hi Sammy" he chuckled waving as he walked past the walking BOM "see hello Millie see I promised I'd be back didn't it" he smiled to a smaller one only half a BOM the size of a child I admit I was paralyzed with fear not only from being surrounded by them but also of… newt. "Uhhh I thought you said this place was full of people?" I asked "Yeah, ohh everyone this is y/n I found her up near the hill she's a survivor too" he smiled "Uuuuuuuhhh" "Dan be nice she's a nice lady" he snapped in one's direction "now if you'll excuse me you all get acquainted of have a little lady to see" he smiled heading off to a small house the most well built of them all "Uhhhh okay" was all that arrived at my mouth as I tip toed through this strange model town giving one BOM a tap but nothing not a spark inside them so I went and peaked into the little house where a BOM stood by a counter and cutting board with a apron around it "Awww right where I left you" he Cooes "hello darling" he smiled Hugging and nuzzling it "humm I know I missed you too" he cooed rubbing his nose on it and giving it a kiss "later Darling we have a guest" he smirked "y/n this is Alice my very beautiful lady" "Uuuuuuuhhh hello" I waved mostly from nerves "Darling this is the girl I was telling you about. Y/n. Aww that's very kind of you darling" "Uhh what?" "She says your welcome to stay here with us as long as you like there's plenty of space in town save you going up to the pod all by yourself" he smiled "Uhh I will consider it newt. I uhh I'll leave you two alone a minute I need to freshen up" "Of course go right ahead" he smiled before returning to kissing cuddling and cooing at this BOM So I scurried away to a empty corner close to the water "Oh fuck. The order human boy within a thousand miles and he's absolutely round the bend"
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rivka-kopelman · 2 months
Crepuscular Lemur: Log 0.3
<view full log>
[July Xth, 30XX]
Hi it's Delivery Lemur. Taking a little break right now.
I want a coffee, but I just ate a sweet_orange bar, and I've learned that coffee flavor right after orange is really gross so I'm gonna wait for a bit.
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This is planet Thusp. It's uninhabited. I wonder if I could climb any of those hills?
I crack the airlock and let the breeze in. Great air quality on Thusp.
How hard it would be to build a house here? Would a house ruin the view?
Maybe. Not if you were in it, though.
I check my delivery in-tray. Transport a pillowcase from 16 main street to 19 main street in Robby-Tobby-Town on Wobzob-III ... pass! Maybe in my old age I'll do braindead missions like that.
Hmm.. here's an order for some toxic scorpions: "Please pick up some deadly-ass scorps from Grywel-8 and bring them to the Lake Pond University biochemistry department." Aah. Grywel-8 is infested with pirates and Road Lizards. A complete nightmare. There are deep deposits of hydrous clay which can't be penetrated by radar, so the caves under them are natural hideouts. Also lots of scorpions down there. But it's not like every possible thing will go wrong. You might even say there's no risk at all. Mission accepted.
So off I go, zooming along through Galaxy 5. It's a nice one, generally. I saw a supernova out here when I was a kid.
I turn on the coffee machine. Grywel-8 is a few hours away so I put on the latest episode of my favorite podcast, “It's Bullshit: Forever Countdown.”
“Hi every everyone and everybody else, welcome to It's Bullshit: Forever Countdown! Joining us today is today's guest ~ May Milton, mouse mayor of Mothyville, the smallest town on the smallest moon of Milinil-3. May, your number is 33,000,003,000,993! Good luck May!”
“Squeak! Squea-Squeak! Squea-Squea-Squeak! Squea-Squea-Squea-Squeak!”
This episode is gonna be great!
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All too soon, I reach the planet. Now why did I come here?
Something to do with........... soap? No no
Cave diving for scorpions, that's it. I look around my ship for a bug catching net and realize I don't have any such thing.
Uhh hmmmm
I have some tupperware but none of the lids match the bottoms.
Would floss work? Spiders catch bugs basically with string, right?
I'd have to make some kind of web though hmm
How about the microwave? It's already dirty. It opens and closes.
That'll do.
The crust of this planet is full of sinkholes. Any of them should lead down to a suitable cave I think. I steer toward first one I see and plunge into the shadows.
I turn on my spotlight and reduce speed to a creeping 200 meters per second. I really don't want to get jammed in a crevice. I take a big swig of coffee, crack my knuckles, and pull my beanbag chair a little closer to the control board.
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I almost hit a stalagmite. Yikes. I slow down even more. Was this a bad idea? It'd be awful if this tunnel narrows as it deepens and have to reverse out. I realize what a mess the coffee will make if I brake hard or roll over. I pour out my pot into a thermos and double-check the seal before I go any further, then I check it a third time to be super sure. I turn down my cabin lights so I can see the dim outside better.
Ah caves. They're half creepy, half cozy. I feel very sheltered and protected but also trapped, scarily.
Scanning for life signs.. oh yeah there's a scorpion nest right down there between those boulders.
I open the hatch and lower my microwave by the power cord down into the nest. When it looks full I wiggle it until the door swings shut .
I haul it up laboriously and reseal the ship. Now it's time to head to Pond Lake University. But which of these tunnels did I come in from...
The left one, for sure. Going left. Ah no this one is full of pirates hahahaha. I'll just do a little u-turn ... ah, they've surrounded me. My ship shudders as they latch a gangway to my airlock.
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A beeping alert on my monitor unnecessarily informs me that the hatch is being opened without the passcode. Five pirates barge in: a hamster, a turtle, a pelican, a hyena, and an armadillo. The pelican holds a gun in her beak and points it at my face. "Gluhdhshdhfjdjdjdbeb" she sputtered.
The hamster scampers around my ankles and goes in and out of the cupboards.
"No one else on board!" he declares.
The hyena looks me up and down, hefting a wooden board studded with nails.
"Who are you supposed to be?" He demanded.
"Delivery Lemur (deliveremur)."
"Got any guns or treasure?"
"No I dont have anything i swear. Search my whole ship if you want, just don't open the microwave ... it's full of deadly scorpions."
"Heheh how stupid do you think I am?" Chuckled the hyena. He opened the microwave and the scorpions scurried out all over his body, murdering him by stinging him to death.
Screaming as loud as they could, the pirates fled, and I fled with them. We board their vessel and slam the door behind us. Swiftly I put a lampshade on my head and stand very still so they wont notice I'm there.
"That lemur's pretending to be a lamp!" shouted the armadillo.
The pelican started shooting but was blinded by an unshaded lightbulb, so every shot missed. I ducked and zigzagged into their cockpit and locked myself in.
"Get out here so we can kill ya!" wailed the turtle.
Bad situation!
I try to find the thruster controls so I can just fly away, but this is so different from my system. Experimenting with the buttons, I accidentally open the gangway and then I hear screaming because I let all the scorpions in. Gunshots followed.
There's incoming calls from the other pirate ships.
"Nigel, what's going on over there?"
“What loot did you get off the lemurship??”
“What the hell is happening?”
I better answer them.
“Nothing! Um! There was no lemur on board!” I say into the radio.
“Nigel? Why do you have a lemurish accent?”
“I'm practicing for a play!”
“What play?”
I don't know any plays. I have to create one.
“The Lemur and the Lemon,” I say. That better not already exist.
“Can I be in the play?”
Can he even act?
“Yes you can be Mr. Lemon.”
“Hot diggity! Let's start rehearsing! I'm coming aboard right now.”
Then all the other pirates phoned in.
“Let me be in it! I'll be a lime or something!”
“You son of a bitch I'll kill you, I wanna be the lime!"
“Wait, there's no lime, stay where you are!” I protest.
“Aw there's gonna be so many lines to remember! It's too much work!"
“We'll all stab you if you forget your lines!”
“How many pages is it?”
“3000!” That's enough right? How long is an average play? How big are the pages?
“Crikey! I'm nervous already! Can I have a non-speaking part?”
“I will crochet a beautiful Lemon costume tonight!”
“You can't crochet something so round, it'll never hold it's shape. You gotta quilt it onto some kind of frame!”
“I'm crocheting it, I'll add yellow stuffing, it will be perfect.”
“Needle-felt lemons would be so much easier!”
“I said quilt it you dumb bitch! You rotten fuck! Quilt it!”
They started firing torpedoes at each other. The detonations and crashing ships were vibrating the cavern. Huge chunks of stone were knocked loose, ricocheting like bouncy balls in the weak gravity. I should escape pretty soon.
As I try to think of a plan, I trip on my foot and lose balance. I catch myself on the steering wheel. The pirate ship banks sharply to the left and starts to spin so fast everything that's not tied down is hurled into the bulkhead by coriolis. Luckily – or by design – the cockpit is positioned in the rotational center of mass at the bow of the ship, so i'm dizzy but there's no pull on my body. I open the door and brace my legs for a huge jump. If I leap in a perfectly straight line, I can – and do – reach the airlock. The scorpions and the pirates are helpless against the clockwise inertia of the spinning ship, pressed flat against the walls. I make it through the tube back to my ship and flung shut the hatch.
I fire up my engine. The chassis of the pirate ship grappling mine has been so weakened by missiles and falling rocks that it cracks apart when I accelerate. The tethers fall away. I glide stealthily into the pitch-black tunnels.
Phew! What an ordeal. All in a day's work for a professional Delivery Lemur.
Man what did I come down here for for? Uhhhh Oh crap! There's coffee spilled everywhere. I thought the thermos latch was shut! I triple-checked that the straw thing was pushed down, but the stopper itself wasn't screwed on all the way. Damn it, what a mess. Now instead of drinking coffee I'm wiping it off the ceiling.
Darn End of log 0.3
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andithiel · 2 years
Flufftober day 23 - POV Outsider
Finally, my last submission for @flufftober ! Only a month late! I had a lot of fun with this, I've really missed writing Scorbus. Thank you to @crazybutgood for the amazing beta and sensitivity reading. This got a bit longer, a little over 1k, so I put it under a cut. Featuring "didn't know they were dating" Scorbus and exasperated Lily Luna and James Sirius.
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“So, what do you think?” Albus looks uncharacteristically radiant; Even if he’s got his hands deep into his pockets in his usual introverted way, there’s a light flush on the tops of his cheeks. Lily gives him a warm smile.
“It’s really nice, Al. It’s just how I’d imagine your and Scorpius’ flat to be.”
Albus’ shoulders sag a fraction, and the way he sinks deeper into his worn chintz armchair makes James realise he was really nervous about their opinion. He can’t really say anything more, he’s not that into home decoration, but he adds, “I bet Scorpius was in charge of organising,” just to have something to say.
“Yeah,” Albus sighs wistfully, his eyes going soft. “We’d probably never be finished if he hadn’t.”
“Oh, Teddy sends his love, by the way. He’s really sorry he couldn’t make it,” James says, and Albus gives a tiny nod of acknowledgement.
“Well, at least that makes me feel less like a fifth wheel since I’m the only one who’s not a part of a couple,” Lily says with a laugh, and James pokes her in the ribs out of habit.
“What do you mean?” Albus says, making both James and Lily pause in their tickle fight to stare at him. At least Lily looks as shocked as James feels.
“I mean…” Lily starts tentatively after a few seconds. “James and Teddy. And you and Scorp.”
“What?” Albus snorts. “Scorpius and I aren’t together.” 
He chuckles to himself, as if the mere idea of the two of them being a couple would be ridiculous. Lily turns to James, her eyes wide. 
“But… you’re living together,” James says stupidly. It’s frankly the only thing he can think of because he feels as if someone just told him that the sky is green.
“Yeah. Because we’re flatmates.” Albus gives him that look, the one like he can’t believe James could be this thick and still have enough brain power to breathe.
“You have one bedroom,” Lily tries, but Albus just rolls his eyes at her.
“So we can have the spare room as a potions lab!”
“This one bedroom only has one bed!” James says, thinking that this must finally shut his brother up and make him see reason.
“We always end up in the same bed, anyway. Might as well save the money and the space.”
James turns to Lily, who looks just as desperately confused as he feels. Albus and Scorpius have been together since the dawn of time, they’re one of the few things James knows he can always count on: the sun sets in the west; we’re all going to die some day; Albus and Scorpius love each other, always have and always will. He hasn’t been wrong all this time, has he?
Neither he nor Lily have any time to think of any new arguments before Scorpius enters the room, carrying a tray with tea and scones.
“Sorry it took me so long,” he says and sets the tray down on the table. “What are you guys talking about?” He plops down across Albus’ lap, slings one arm around Albus’ neck and tucks his other hand inside Albus’ flannel shirt.
“Lily and James think we’re together.”
Scorpius jerks up with an incredulous laugh. “What?! That’s ridiculous!” He keeps giggling while he snuggles in closer to Albus, burying his face in the crook of his neck.
“You are literally cuddling right now!” James starts to feel as if he’s reached the end of his wit. What the fuck is going on? “There is a perfectly nice looking, empty, armchair right beside you, and Scorpius decided to sit on your lap to cuddle!”
“Yeah, but we always do!” Albus says as if James really is unbelievably daft. “We always have!”
“Honestly, these two,” Albus says to Scorpius, while Scorpius giggles in response and melts impossible closer to him. 
James turns to Lily again, but she keeps looking at her brother and his supposedly-not-boyfriend, a dangerous glint in her eyes. James knows that glint, over the years he’s learned to fear it, and he’s extremely happy it’s not aimed at him right now.
“Well, boys,” she says in a dangerously sweet voice that makes both Albus and Scorpius stop whatever the hell it is they’re doing and turn their attention to her.
Albus clears his throat awkwardly. “Um, what?”
“Well, if the two of you really aren’t together, I have a friend who’s really interested in Scorpius, and has been for some time now. But, since I’ve always assumed the two of you are together, my answer has always been that he’s taken. But if that’s not the case…”
Albus and Scorpius both freeze; Scorpius' hand is still on Albus’ chest, but it’s perfectly still.
“I’m… I’m not really into girls,” Scorpius mumbles weakly, and James realises this was exactly what Lily was anticipating. She leans forward, a wolfish grin on her face.
“I never said it was a girl.”
Before either Albus or Scorpius manage to activate their one shared brain cell to answer her, James decides to help out. “Yeah, we could find you a date as well, Albus! Teddy has loads of friends. We could make it a triple date!”
“Hey! Don’t leave me out of this, it was my idea to begin with!” Lily swats his arm. “I want to be there when these two idiots realise they don’t want to be with anyone other than each other.”
Albus and Scorpius remain frozen, cuddled together in their armchair, mouths agape and eyes wide. James can practically see their minds working overdrive.
Scorpius is the one to speak first. “But… we’ve shared a bed forever. We’ve never… I’ve never wanted to—”
“Me, neither,” Albus says, his eyes staring blankly before him.
“We haven’t even kissed. I mean, we kiss each other good night, but—”
“That’s been enough. For me, at least.”
“Yeah, me too. But… the thought of someone else being this close to you…” Scorpius trails off, shaking himself as if to try and wake up from a bad dream.
“You know, it could be that the two of you are just really close friends, and that we’ve all misinterpreted your relationship all this time,” Lily starts tentatively, making Albus and Scorpius snap out of their collective trance. “But maybe you should do some research on asexuality, because I have a feeling that could be something that fits you.”
Albus and Scorpius don't answer; they both still look a little shell-shocked.
“Come on, James. I think we need to leave them to process this on their own.”
“Um, thanks for the tour, Al. Scorpius. I’ll, uh… See you!” James says awkwardly, hurrying after his sister and leaving his brother and his maybe-not-now-but-probably-soon boyfriend in their armchair, their hands tightly clasped together and their cheeks flushed.
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m0srael · 2 years
The Pleasure of a Fleeting Year, Pts. 61-69
Read on Ao3! Catching up slowly but surely! This is all the August installments as a single update to avoid obnoxiously flooding the tl and prolonging this any further than necessary 😅. Thanks as always to @softlystarstruck for holding my hand 💕.
61: 50 words x 2 for Criminal by Britney Spears, lyrics: mama, I'm in love with a criminal 62: 50 words x 2 for Starfish 63: 100 words for The Space Between by Dave Matthews Band, lyrics: The space between; The tears we cry; Is the laughter that keeps us coming back for more [cw: grief] 64: 250 words for Shoelaces 65: 100 words for You're Somebody Else by Flora Cash, lyrics: Well you look like yourself; But you're somebody else; Only it ain't on the surface 66: 50 words x 2 for Trust Me 67: 50 words x 2 for Dancing with a Stranger by Sam Smith, lyrics: Can you light the fire? 68: 50 words x 2 for Sticky nsfw 69: 250 words for Evidence I’m writing a continuous story in microfics for all of the 2022 @drarrymicrofic prompts, and this is the sixty-first thru the sixty-ninth installments.
Part 61
August 2nd, 2017: Draco “How do you think your parents would feel about us? This—”  He doesn’t know why he does it, pricks at Harry like this. Maybe he’s worried that Harry will forget who he is. Or, if Harry’s affection for him were so easily challenged, he could justify the pain of leaving.   * August 2nd, 2017: Harry Draco says things like this sometimes, out of the blue. Harry knows now that it’s just Draco trying to protect the softest parts of himself. “From what I know, they understood true love better than anyone.”  Draco flushes and rolls his eyes. “They’d thank you for reminding me to live.”
Part 62
August 5th, 2017: Star “Scorp told me that it takes thousands of years for starlight to reach Earth.”  Draco hums sleepily. Harry is silent, and then— “It’s fitting that you’re named after a constellation, then, don’t you think? Your light was always there, it just took a bit longer for me to see it.” * August 5th, 2017: Fish “You don’t believe in fate? Even after—” “Especially after,” Harry says. “I think we’ve all cast a line into the universe, hoping we’ve baited the hook with just the right things to reel in what we think we deserve.” “And you caught me.”  “Must have chosen the right lure, then.” 
Part 63
August 9th, 2017 “I forgot,” Teddy says, his voice watery and small.  “Forgot what?” Draco asks, concerned.  “It was six months yesterday. Since gran…” Teddy’s mouth twists up and he squeezes his eyes shut to try and keep the tears inside.  “Oh, Ted, it’s okay. You don’t have to—” “She’s been dead six months and I was playing a fucking Quidditch match with the Weasleys, and—” His voice breaks, and the tears slip free.  Draco pulls him into a tight hug until his breathing evens out again. “Being sad isn’t the same as remembering.” Teddy shrugs, sniffles wetly.  “Your joy is her legacy.”
Part 64
August 12th, 2017 “Edward, I asked you to tie your shoe—”  “Okay, okay! Calm down, bloody hell…” “What did I tell you about cursing?!” Draco hisses.  Draco glares until Teddy slumps grumpily onto one of the benches outside the courtroom. He knows he’s being unreasonable, but anxiety has clogged his mental filter and shortened his temper. He’s argued enough custody cases that went sideways at the last minute, decided on some small technicality, so he knows not to take any chances. “Hey, what’s going on?” Harry slips his arm around Draco’s waist, the weight a grounding comfort. Scorpius sweetly offers to tie Teddy’s shoe for him. He squeaks indignantly when Teddy scowls and waves him off. “Maybe we shouldn’t have done this. The Vow we made is enough we don’t need to adopt him—” Harry pulls him closer and places a kiss on his temple. “We’ve talked this through a thousand times. The Vow only lasts until he’s of age, this is…more than that.” Draco chews on his lip. He nods, hesitantly.  “This is family, Draco. Is that it? Are you having second thoughts because—” “I don’t want to lose this,” Draco blurts. “Fuck. I know you’re you, but I’m me. And we aren’t married, and there’s Scorpius, and—” Harry shifts around and wraps both arms around Draco from behind, pulling Draco back until he’s supporting most of Draco’s weight. “Nothing anybody says will take him from us. Or you from us.”  He sounds unassailably certain.  “And about the marriage issue…” “Fuck off.”
Part 65
August 16th, 2017 “Hey, Harry?” Teddy sounds reluctant.  “Hm?” Harry glances up, and then sets his tea and newspaper down when he sees the way Teddy is twisting his hands in front of himself, his sleeves pulled down over his fists.  “I…um. Thank you.” “For what?”  Teddy shrugs and flushes all the way up to the tips of his hair, which turn an embarrassed pink. He looks so young. “For putting up with me, for…keeping me. I know I haven’t been easy—” Harry pulls Teddy into his chest. “There was never any doubt, Ted. Loving you is the easiest thing I’ve ever done.” 
Part 66
August 19th, 2017: Harry Trust built on words is flimsy at best. Harry learned too early not to believe in promises, in commitments made only when they serve the maker. Draco’s shoes by the stairs, always next to his own. Sleep-slow breathing in the early morning light. A commiserating glance across the table. Unshakeable. * August 19th, 2017: Draco “Love,” Pansy says flatly. Draco shrugs, shakes his head. “I know. You’re skeptical, I get it. What am I thinking, this whole adoption thing has scrambled my brains, I should know better—” She sighs. “The only thing I’m surprised by is how long it took you both to realize it.”
Part 67
August 23rd, 2017: Harry A single spark can grow into a wildfire if the earth around it is scattered with desiccated kindling, dead leavings of something that once thrived, shed in anticipation of new growth that hasn’t yet emerged.  Flames fed by: heaving breaths catching friction smoldering words Harry burns. * August 23rd, 2017: Draco By virtue of his pale hair, pale skin, and pale eyes Draco had always been regarded as a frigid person.  He internalized it—hardening his facets into sharp, frosty edges. What will be left of him when his glacial exterior melts, evaporated away by the bonfire of a man beside him?
Part 69
August 26th, 2017: Draco He can feel the sweat beading on his scalp and trailing back, dripping down his neck, his spine, stopping only when it hits Harry’s fingers and mixes with the slick wetness Harry is fucking into him. Harry’s tongue, no longer hot against his blazing skin, follows it down. He gasps. * August 26th, 2017: Harry They could shower. He could wet a flannel and wipe them down. He could grab his wand, cast a Scourgify.  He curls himself around Draco instead, hoping for one delirious, pleasure-soaked moment that the sweat, saliva, and come drying on their skin will adhere them to one another for good.
Part 69
August 30th, 2017 “One more day,” Draco says into the sleepy quiet of Harry’s bedroom.  Harry finishes Draco’s thought for him. “It’ll just be us again.” “You’re worried?” Harry asks, feeling the tension in Draco’s body creeping up, his limbs going stiff and his breaths shortening.  “No,” Draco replies, but his tight voice indicates otherwise.  Harry waits. “Maybe,” Draco adds, quietly.  “You think after everything we’ll go right back to hating each other? That the only thing keeping us civil is the boys?” “No, idiot,” Draco says, pulling away to sit up, gazing without seeing at the opposite wall, his lower lip caught in his teeth.  Harry leans up on an elbow and wraps his other hand around Draco’s bicep. Squeezes. “Tell me.” “This isn’t just civility,” Draco says in a familiar, frosty tone. “Not for me, anyways.”  “Me either,” Harry protests, sitting up all the way to look Draco in his face. “Draco, I told you. I lo—” “You told me,” Draco interrupts.  Realization dawns on Harry, cold and shocking. “You don’t feel the same way.”  Draco scoffs, a disbelieving little sound. Harry pulls back. He thought he understood, he thought— “You don’t have to be a dick about it,” he bites. Draco whips his head around. “What? Harry, no— I…love you. Of course I do, you daft—” Harry falls back onto the pillows, his panicked heart thumping.  “You’re worried it’s not enough.” It isn’t a question, and Draco doesn’t reply. “It’s enough for me. More than I ever thought I’d get.”
Start here 🌟Previous part here 🌟 Next part here
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what are your thoughts on scorpios? :0
scorpioids.... i was supposed to be a scorpio, anon! my due date was october 27 but i ended up being born 2 weeks early on the 13th. then 2 yrs later my sisters due date was nov 11, and she ended up being born 2 weeks early, on my due date october 27th! strange huh. oct 27 is sylvia plath's bday. the funny thing is im actually way more scorpio than my sister, its the most statistically prominent sign in my chart, and her chart has very little scorpio other than her sun. i love scorps when they dont have a stick up their ass. like when they're so addicted to being secretive and mysterious that u cant even hold a conversation w them... its brutal and makes me want to peel them apart like an onion. when a scorpio becomes comfortable enough w themselves to be open, i LOVE them, the way they can tap into primal collective memory & instincts, you can say anything to them and they'll never be surprised. L is a scorpio, i love L cus he feels like the embodiment of how being a scorpio-type feels to me. blend of intuition and reasoning..the joys of solving mysteries and digging digging digging for truth n new knowledge of esoteric subjects... very relatable. also the part about being a shut in who hides behind screens n darkness. relate. the worst scorpio is one who is power-hungry. those ppl scare me theyre on their makima shit i just dni as soon as i sense it lol. also when they're close minded and stubborn and unforgiving i want to fight them like my libra ass just doesnt get it. overall i have a lot of rly close scorpio friends who are as loyal and nurturing as it gets.
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remedy-robotics-rp · 2 years
How Hot All my ladies to Scor and Defib
Scor and Defib and both agreeing!
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
"Ayyo Scor. Scorps. OsteoScorosis—" Defib has gripped onto his brother's scrubs, shaking him a bit and patting up his chest with his eyes locked onto the picture of Tri.
"That was a new nickname... But I am here, you do not need to clamor over me like this—"
"Do you know her?! Look, if you do, do a bro a solid and introduce me. I gave you the boon of introducing you to her sister, now return the favor—"
"You did not introduce me to Miss Silk on purpose. You were playing another prank on me. But I unfortunately do not know her yet."
"Ah damn. Well... Maybe one day my lavender haired angel." 🖼️💋 (He is in Danger™️ and doesn't know it).
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
"... So you like 'em spindly, hm~?"
"Wh— Spindly has nothing to do with it, dear brother. She is... As captivating as she is undaunting. I enjoy her bubbliness and her quips are quite charming."
"Mmhmmmmm~? You're turning bluuuuuue~" He makes obnoxious kissy noises at his brother.
"...." Scor pushes his brother's face away with a massive claw, clamping his mandible guard shut, "I am aware, thank you."
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
"I am surprised by you, brother."
"Whaaaaat do you mean by that?"
"I had thought she would have been 'your type', yet you have subverted my expectations."
"Hey, just because I'm the romance expert," No one has ever suggested that about him, "Doesn't mean I'm out to bust out my moves on everyone. She seems fun! She's cute! Dunno, maybe if I met her I'd change my mind."
"... You are afraid of electrocuting her."
"........." 💦
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
After a brief period of rubbing his chin and nodding, Defib pipes up, "I mean it's obvious she's gorgeous. It's, like, her whole purpose, yeah? I'd ask out and get rejected immediately."
"Do not sell yourself short. She may take you up on that offer... And then, perhaps, reject a second date."
GASP!!! "Scor! Were you being sassy just now?" He asks in utter amazement.
"I am not incapable of sarcasm... But I do not make a habit of using it. Regardless, I do not think she and I would be compatible," Sweet, earnest and endearing Scor politely tolerates vanity but does not like that quality in a person.
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Chapter 5: Sweet Dreams of Holly and Ribbon Mistakes Are Forgiven
I do not own Harry Potter or the characters created by Rowling.
Anyways, this is also posted onto my Fanfiction.net account SomeKind0fMagic and my Wattpad somekindofmagic1 so you can check it out on there too!
But anywho, hope you enjoy!
Love Z <3
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Albus awoke very slowly and quietly. The sun was barely coming through his maroon curtains, he yawned and pushed himself off of his bed. He sat on the side of his bed and looked around. He didn’t really look around at it when he got home the previous night. He had almost forgotten how...Gryffindor it was. 
With the dark red walls and his white desk and bookshelf. Maroon curtains that let little light in. It all just felt so...not him. At least not him anymore. He shook his head and looked over to the alarm clock on his desk. He sighed when he read that it said 8:30. Merlin he wished that he would have woken up later. He wanted to get more sleep during the break. 
But he knew his mum was about to come and see if he’s up anyways. Not that she would wake him up, she would just check on him. He yawned as he got up, he glanced down at his leg and saw his pajama pants had scrunched up at his knee. He shook his leg, making the pants leg fall down. He opened his door and walked out of his room. The door across from him was still shut, telling him that James was still asleep. Albus silently thanked Merlin for that. He looked down the hall and saw that Lily’s was open, as he walked past, he heard her in there talking on the phone.
He yawned as he walked down the stairs, trying not to trip on his pants. He silently walked into the kitchen. He was surprised to see his dad dressed for work. It was a Saturday and he rarely worked on the weekend. Plus he usually was off today. Tomorrow was literally Christmas Eve. “Morning.”
His parents, who had been talking with one another, both looked at him in surprise. The surprise quickly fell from both of their faces and a smile fell on his mums. “Morning sweetie, how’d you sleep?”
He shrugged, “It was alright. Weird that I woke up so early. Guess I’m used to having to be at breakfast at this time.” He walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge to grab a water. 
“Didn’t you have to be at school by 8:30 before?”
Albus stopped and thought about it for a moment. His dad was right. He turned back and shrugged again. “Well...I was wanting to ask you two something?” Both of them hummed in response. Albus bit his lip before he asked, nervous on if he should. But he did. “I was curious...if I could...could I invite a friend or two over? Or maybe go to one of their houses?”
He watched as his parents looked at each other and then back at him. His dad cleared his throat. “Which friends?”
Albus sighed, he knew that he would ask it. So Albus sucked in a breath before saying their names.  “Scorpius Malfoy and Anneliese Green. Annie was the one with me when I came up to you guys yesterday.”
Albus stared at his parents. His dad looked wary of it but his mum just gave him a soft smile. “I have no issue with it. I should be home most of the break anyways so they’re welcome anytime. And as long as it is okay with their parents, you can go over.”
Albus looked at his dad and watched as he sighed, “I guess I don’t see why I would say no. Just let us know a day beforehand.”
Albus smiled widely and hugged his parents, “Thank you!” He pulled away and ran up to his room. He grabbed a paper and something to write with and started the notes to his friends. He started with Scorpius because he knew how to fill it out.
Hey, it’s Al, I wasn’t killed haha, I asked my mum and dad and they said you could come over as long as your parents are okay with it. Just let me know, I hope it’s the same day as Annie comes over too. To me it would seem weird not having both around. But still, like I said, let me know so I can tell my parents. And my mom said the same about me going over to yours
Of course, he wrote practically the same thing to Annie. Only difference was that he sent it out to different people. He got up from his desk and walked downstairs and to the snowy white owl that his dad had bought when he was about 7. “Hey Frost, can take these to Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire and Green Manor in Wales?” The owl blinked as an understanding and flew off out the window. Albus watched as Frost flew away. Only looking away when he was so far out of Albus’s sight.
Albus turned around and walked out of the small room. He walked back into the kitchen and saw that his dad was now gone, but his mum was making something. “Hey mum, I sent Scorpius and Annie the letters to tell them that they can come over.”
She didn’t turn around and continued to cook, “That’s good that you sent them, your father left for work by the way. And I’m making pancakes.” She sighed and turned back to him, “Could you get your siblings down?”
Albus nodded and left the kitchen. He stopped before he walked up the stairs, he hadn’t spoken to James since the argument. So he already knew James’s opinion on Slytherin House. So he knew James’s views on him. But Albus shook his head and walked up the stairs, he stopped at Lily’s room first. Mostly since he crossed it first. “Lils?” She looked over at him, the phone against her ear. “Mum wants you downstairs. She said she’s making pancakes.” She nodded and he heard her say something about having to go to whoever she was on the phone with. 
But then Albus walked out and down to James’s room. He moved to open the door, but then he suddenly froze. He couldn’t do anything. He just stood there. Doing nothing as his hand was hovering over the door handle. But, even while he wished it didn’t happen, he was thankful that before he could open the door, it swung open. 
The two dark-haired boys stared at each other. No words were spoken. And Albus felt like he would choke if he even tried. But he knew that James knew that he couldn’t start a fight, unless he wanted to get in trouble. They both knew that, unlike at Hogwarts where he can get out of it as teachers have faith in him, their mum didn’t. So all that did was just ram himself into Albus’s side and since he was so much bigger than Albus, it caused him to fall back. But instead of getting up, Albus stayed on the floor for a few seconds. After a moment, he shook his head and pushed himself up and walked down the stairs, back to the kitchen.
When he got downstairs, James and Lily were already sitting and eating. He sat down in his usual seat and grabbed a few pancakes. They all ate in silence for a few. Until his mum spoke. “Albus, what was that thud a few minutes ago? Before James came down? You took a little to come down after him. Was everything okay?”
Albus glanced over at James, who was staring at him. Almost daring him to tell their mum the truth. Albus looked back at his mum. And for a brief moment, he thought about telling the truth. But he didn’t. “Oh, I just ran into the wall. Nothing really.”
She looked surprised, “Oh. Well, are you okay?”
Albus nodded, “Yeah.” He laughed, “Trust me. I’m better than Anne ever is.”
His mum raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
He laughed more, “Yeah. She’s always running into something! Don’t think she can go a day without getting a new bruise.”
His mum laughed, “Sounds like someone else I know.”
“Hey! I haven’t gotten injured in forever! That’s not fair!”
“Didn’t you just run into a wall, Al?”
“Shut up, Lils.”
“Never.” Lily sighed,  “Mummy, can I get a new backpack? I noticed mine has a hole in it and the left strap keeps breaking.”
He watched as his mum held back a groan. “Lily, you could have told me when we were at the store earlier?” She ran a hand through her hair, “I’ll get it when I have the time.”
“Hey mum?” It was Albus’s turn to try not to groan. He wasn’t excited to have to hear whatever it was about James.
“Yes dear?” 
“I was curious if I could invite Oliver, Frank, and Jay over?” 
Albus looked over at James as he said the names. Oliver Creevy, Frank Longbottom, and Jason Bell-Wood. James’s three closest friends. Oliver was the son of Dennis Creevy, his younger brother, Colin, was named after their Uncle who died at the Battle of Hogwarts. Frank was the son of Neville and Hannah. And Jason was the son of the famous Quidditch players Oliver Wood and Katie Bell. James, Frank, and Jason grew up together while they had met Oliver their first year. Albus remembered when it used to be James, Frank, and Jason against the world. Then Oliver and Jason had joined Quiditch with James their first year and Frank fell to the back. And Albus had never really noticed it until this year. Frank was almost like a lost puppy. Following behind the other three.
“Well...I don’t see why not. I told Albus he could invite his friends over. Just the same rules apply. Your dad and I would prefer it if we have a few hours notice beforehand.”
Albus tried not to notice the glare James sent his way before he went to all smiles. “Yeah, of course. They may be over later today if their parents allow it.”
“They’ll call before, mum!”
“You should have asked us last night! You had more than enough time!”
“I’m sorry, mum. I will next time.”
“Good. Now just let me know who all will.”
“Of course.”
Albus rolled his eyes before standing up, “I’m done, mind if I head up to my room?”
“Yeah, go ahead. Maybe go on and pack your bag for tomorrow. Just so we have to worry about less when we all wake up.” His mum turned to James and Lily, “You two as well.”
Albus nodded and, after putting his plate into the sink, he ran upstairs and to his room. He silently shut his door and laid down on his bed. He had forgotten about Christmas at the Burrow. All day with his family. All day with those who may just hate him now. He sighed and thought back to the Platform when he got back. At least he knew his Uncle George would make him feel better with some jokes.
When James’s friends came over, they didn’t stay for very long. So Albus was thankful as he didn’t have to put up with them for very long.
Albus ran down the stairs as he heard his mum yell his name. “Yes?”
She turned and handed him a letter. “Says it’s from Annie. Can I call her that? Or would she prefer me to call her Anneliese instead?”
Albus shrugged, “I’m not sure. I know that her mum is the only other person who calls her ‘Annie’. But I know everyone else calls her Anne. So I think that would work.”
She nodded, “Okay.”
Albus nodded and opened the letter.
Sorry for replying so quickly. I’m rather bored here, even with a full house. Anyways, my mum said that she was fine with me going to your house at any time, as long as it’s after tomorrow (and vice-versa to you coming over). I’m going to see him tomorrow, so why don’t I ask him when would work for him, if he is able to (and hasn’t written to you already).
In other news, how how your break been already? How is your ferret? And sister? Is she being as insufferable as mine? They all keep asking me questions and I’m sitting here and questioning if I was this way (and according to Aidan, I was).
Anyways, I better go know, I talk later
“What did she say?”
“Oh, just that her mum is okay about her coming over and me going over.”
His mum nodded, “Well, just keep me updated. Have you got your bag packed yet?”
No. “Yes.”
“Go do it.”
He sighed, “Of course, mum.”
Albus didn’t do it that night.
But, he finished packing his bag before he was yelled at that they had to leave. Of course, that easily could have been because he had decided to just pack 2 pairs of pants and shirts (plus some socks). He was putting small things that were going to keep him occupied when there was a knock at his door. He yelled for them to come in and he soon after he heard the door opening and his dad's voice following soon after. “Your mum wanted me to come up and check on you kids. And it seems like all of you left your packing to the last minute. Didn’t she tell you all to pack last night?”
Albus rolled his eyes, “Yes, she did. But, I actually am ready. Just adding some things.” He wasn’t lying. It only took him around 30 minutes after I woke up to get everything packed.
His dad nodded and sat in the chair that went with Albus’s desk. “I never got to ask you yesterday, do you know when your friends are coming over?”
He nodded, “Annie said her mum was alright with whenever, as long as it’s after today. And she should be seeing Scorpius today and she’s going to ask him. But, I got a letter from him too this morning and he basically said the same as her.”
“Well, alright.” Albus continued to add things to his bag. When he finished he closed the bag and his dad spoke up. “Listen, everyone is surprised with you being in Slytherin, and I won’t lie, while I don’t know what is exactly being said, I know some have said some...questionable things about you being in Slytherin. But just know that your mum and I don’t care, neither do your grandparents, your Aunt Fleur was actually happy and she said something about how maybe you’ll get better fashion.” His dad stopped for a moment and laughed at that. And funnily enough, Albus joined him. Once they both calmed down, he dad cleared his throat and stood up, “Well, we should get going. We’re Flooing this year, your mother doesn’t want to apparate. Especially since we don’t have Teddy to take you, James, or Lily.”
Albus nodded and grabbed his bag before following his dad out of his room. He flicked the light off and shut his door. When they made it down the stairs, his mum sighed in relief. “Good, I was just about to call for you two.”  She ran a hand through her hair. “Let’s get going, I don’t want to be reprimanded by my mum again for being late.” She motioned between James and the fireplace. “James, you first.” 
James walked over to their mum and took the floo powder and walked over to the fireplace. He lifted his arm before yelling, “The Burrow!”
When the fire died down their mum motioned for Lily to go and once she disappeared into the flames his mum turned to him, “Albus, I know things are tense with you and some of your family, but please interact with them. Even if it’s just your younger family members. I do not care. I just don’t want you to isolate yourself. Understand?”
“Gin-” His dad started but Albus interrupted him, 
“No, it’s okay and I will mum. Now may I go?” She just nodded and he grabbed the powder from the tiny pot. He noticed the look his dad was giving his mum when he turned around in the fireplace. “The Burrow!” Albus said it loud and clear and immediately felt the green flames engulf him and soon enough he was spinning.
To no surprise, he fell forward when he landed at the Burrow, but he felt someone grab him. “There you are!” He was engulfed into a hug, due to the person being around his height he knew it was his cousin Dominique. She pulled away from the hug and he noticed her strawberry blonde hair was longer than the last time he saw her. “How has Hogwatz been? I heard you were put into Zlytherin.”
He moved out of the way from the fireplace and over to the couch and shrugged, “Alright, I guess. How has Beauxbatons been?”
She smiled softly, “Oh, it is so beautiful there, the uniforms are very zoft too! Silk is what it is made from.”
“It sounds wonderful.”
“By the way, I am happy that you got into Zlytherin, it makes you much more unique.”
“Thanks Dom.” And he had planned on just leaving it there, but something pushed him to ask the question. “Hey Dom?” She nodded at him to continue after he froze. He sighed before continuing. “When you...when you were told I was in Slytherin, what was your reaction?”
She looked at him surprised. “Oh! Well, I think if I remember correctly, I just smiled and said something about it making you unique.” She moved some of her hair behind her ear, “Why do you ask?”
He shrugged, “I was just curious.” She nodded as an understanding.
“Well well well, if it isn’t mini Harry Potter, except this time he didn’t beg to not be in Slytherin.” Dominique and Albus turned their heads to their Uncle George. “How’re you doing kid? Make any friends?”
“I’m doing good Uncle George and yeah, I’ve made a few, but really only 2 good ones.”
George nodded, “That’s good kid, good that you have friends who don’t care and good that you’re doing good.” He turned to face Dominique, “And how about you miss I-have-decided-to-live-in-France-for-about-9-months-of-the-year-rather-than-in-Scotland-for-that- long?”
Dominique laughed at her Uncle, “Good Uncle George, how about you?”
He smiled widely, “Amazing, business is great, my kids are happy, and my wife still loves me.”
“That’s good Uncle George.”
As the night progressed, Albus mostly talked to Dominique. But he slowly learned that his cousins Lucy, Louis, and Roxanne didn’t care much about him being in Slytherin. Hugo, on the other hand, was a little iffy about it. But it didn’t surprise Albus too much. His Uncle Ron did talk the most crap about Slytherins. He learned that for the most part, the adults didn’t care. Or at least not enough to make it known to him. Hell, his Uncle George made quite a few jokes about how unlike his dad, Albus didn’t say no to Slytherin. And even though he was trying his best to hide it, Albus knew that his Uncle Ron just chose to pretend that Albus wasn’t a Slytherin.
It was probably midnight, all the other kids were asleep but Albus just couldn’t. He sighed and turned to his other side. Making him face the kitchen. And it seemed like when he did that, he was instantly privy to the conversation that was going on
“--Harry, are you really not worried about Albus? He’s friend’s with a Malfoy and--”
“How many times do I have to remind you that Narcissa Malfoy saved my life, Ron? And honestly, I credit her for being part of the reason we won the war. But I get it, you don’t trust them. But what I can’t possibly understand is that you are assuming an 11 year old boy is a bad person just because of his family! And it feels as if you don’t think I can have trust in my son's judgment of people. And Ronald, if you want to say anything, at least he didn’t attack his cousin for no reason!”
“Harry’s right Ronald, yes, I was a little wary because he’s friends with a Malfoy. Purely because of all of the bad things from the past. But once I got past that, fairly quickly mind you, I realized that it doesn’t matter! Scorpius, Draco’s son and Albus’s friend in case you didn’t know, isn’t Draco or Lucius. He is his own person. And in case you forgot, Draco has done everything he possibly could and more to put the Malfoy name into a positive light. But if you can’t see that, then I don’t know what to tell you!”
Albus squeezed his eyes shut. He didn’t want to hear anymore. He flipped back to the other side and tried to sleep. And it took a while, but eventually he was finally able to fall asleep.
He was one of the first of the kids to wake up. And when he did, he got up and walked into the kitchen, where all the adults plus Teddy, Vic, and Dominique were. Albus kept his eyes away from his Uncle Ron’s gaze and sat next to Teddy. Almost as soon as he sat down, a plate was sat in front of him by his grandmother. And he heard her say something along the lines of ‘do you even eat there?’
“Trust me, she does it to everyone during their first Christmas back. You’ll be good next year.”
Albus looked at Teddy and nodded, “I’ll remember that and hold you to it.”
“I bet you will.” Teddy sighed and took a piece of bacon off of Albus’s plate. “How has school been? Heard you made friends with Scorpius Malfoy and Anneliese Green. Knew her brother Aidan a little.”
“You know Aidan?”
“Only slightly. Mostly due to him being on the Quidditch team, and a good player, and him being the Slytherin Prefect in Vic’s year.”
Albus nodded, “And school’s been...okay. Annie and Scor make it tolerable.”
“Ah, already of the opinion that school sucks? Think you beat James’s record then.”
Albus let out a stale laugh, “I guess. Mostly just the things I’ve dealt with this year that has made it annoying.”
“Albus?” He looked at his Aunt Hermione. “Your Uncle Ron and I--”
“Albus stopped her, “Please, I don’t wanna hear an apology from you guys.” Especially since he knew his Uncle’s may not be genuine. “I just want to forget the situation. Okay?”
“Of course.”
Albus nodded and went back to his food. And he wasn’t lying. He did want to just forget about it. It happened. So what? He didn’t care really anymore. He just wanted to go on with his life.
A few hours later at around noon, Albus was playing a game of wizards chess with Lily. “Albus? You have a package and two letters.” Albus looked over to his mother, “Says they're from Scorpius and Anneliese.”
He called off a place as he checked Lily’s Queen. “I’m done, I can’t beat you.” Lily said with defeat ridden in her voice. 
Albus laughed before getting up and walking up to his mother, “Thanks mum.” She nodded and handed them to him. He walked back over to the spot where he had been and opened the letter from Scorpius first.
Yeah, I know I’m probably gonna be seeing you in a few days but I wanted to go ahead and send this. I have no clue what you wanted so I just bought you this. I remembered you saying something about needing a new jacket so I got you one. Hopefully it fits you.
Albus turned to the package and opened it. A green silk jacket sat inside. He pulled it out and saw that it was stitched together with grey threading and had ‘Potter 06’ on the back. Since it was Christmas Day he wasn’t wearing the sweater his grandmother made for him, but instead it was a long-sleeved dark blue top. He slipped the jacket on and smiled as it fit him. And it felt nice. He moved the box away and looked at Anneliese’s letter.
Hiya Al,
Heard Scorp say he was getting you a jacket and I sat here in my room trying to figure out what to get you. Then I decided to get you this, it’s called a hematite ring, it’ll help to absorb negative energy and should calm you when you’re stressed or worried. It’s also a very protective stone and is great to carry to help you stay grounded in many situations. I know you get worried and stressed easily so I thought you could use it. It’ll mold to your finger.
He looked at the ring and slipped it onto his pointer finger, he watched as it molded to his finger. He smiled, but then stopped when he realized that he hadn’t gotten them anything. He made a mental note to ask his parents if they could go and get them something.
Albus waited as his mum and dad said their goodbyes to his grandmother and grandfather. He was standing there awkwardly, he had felt like anything he did was awkward since he'd woken up. “Are you ready to go, Albus?” Albus broke out of his trance when he heard his mum’s voice, “Albus? Are you okay?”
He looked around and saw that his siblings and dad had left. “Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry, just spaced out.” His mum nodded and handed him the floo powder pot. He took some and walked into the fireplace. “Potter Manor!” He felt the green flames engulf him and almost immediately felt himself falling onto the floor. He pushed himself up and off the floor, grumbling to himself. 
He tried to walk up to his room but he heard his dad's voice, “Albus, wait a minute. Your mother and I want to talk to you.” Albus tried not to groan, sometimes he really hated his dad. When Ginny arrived she immediately turned to Harry, telling him to start. “I don’t think that--”
Albus didn’t even let him finish, “I know. I should have just let them apologize. I just...I really don’t want to talk about it anymore. Alright?” He sighed, “Now I’m going up to my room and going to bed. Goodnight.”
He didn’t even give his parents a chance to say anything. He just ran up to his room, the room that, ironically, belonged to Sirius Black when he ran away from home. He tossed the bag across the room and fell onto his bed face first. Just wanting to go to sleep, and surprisingly, sleep wanted to take him.
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he cute af
For context, it looks like this is from the Anthology calendar 2015! 
Thank you for showing me this! It’s adorable!
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tracksdowna · 3 years
never mind i’m thinking about this again instead
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starstaiined · 4 years
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i cant send this anonymously cause you can’t send photos anonymously and i’ve never interacted with you so please feel free to ignore but i figured if you want to practice astrology and i always think it’s cool to hear about, i might as well send this in? i don’t know what any of it means
hey, thanks for sending this in!! i appreciate it! and ill get to work, just be patient with me im still learning and ive had a long day haha 😅 (also i gotta ask....are you okay?? an aries sun with scorpio moon is a Lot of inner conflict and a Lot of emotions, especially with so little earth in your chart)
okay so first, aries sun. my favorite person is an aries sun, so i may be just a teeeeeny bit biased but i absolutely love them. aries are the new beginnings of the zodiac sign, and as such act with zeal and passion. you enjoy a bit of adventure (and from time to time, a bit of danger) and jump into whatever you're focused on. aries are PASSIONATE, and have a difficult time tempering that passion. it radiate through in everything they say and do. they've also got a bit of a temper, and tend to get bored easily which leads to a lot of plans started but not finished. (especially of there's no immediate success and reward.) aries tend to have optimistic outlooks and draw attention from others for being so bright, but have a lot of deep rooted insecurities they tend to hide. (very much acts like they know what theyre doing while also Very Anxious at the idea of messing up.) FIERCELY independent and always want to be the best and the brightest. they make incredible friends as they are generous, high spirited, and creative but others can have trouble following along.
so scorps are the sign of death and regeneration, and tend to live in the extremes of emotions. scorpio placements in general tend to indicate difficulties or trauma bit that tends to be more true for scorpio moons. you've got emotions that run incredibly deep but tend to try to cover up or mask those feelings in order to feel more in control of your life. you struggle to get over things, and often tend to remember any harm done to you. (also, perhaps some escapisms into fantasy to avoid the issues at hand?) i know all this sounds rough, but a scorpio moon also gives you incredible intuition when it comes to other people if you can learn to trust your gut. and you are capable of such deep love once you can work past any trust issues/jealousy you may experience. paired with an aries sun, your scorpio moon highlights a magnetic personality and vitality. you're resilient, driven, emotional, and determined.
we actually share a rising sign! gemini risings are Constantly Moving: you probably gesticulate when talking and tend to glance around a lot. you tend to be restless. you're talented and mentally quick, and you like when people listen to you! you've got a way of speaking that usually leave people tuning into what you say and the way you say it. gemini risings often enjoy mind games and other things that let them get rid of that restless feeling. however gemini is the sign of duality and that shines through in the ascending placement. they tend to be discontent with how things are if there isnt change and variety, without it you can feel anxious and as if you aren't living up to your full potential.
mercury in aries is a strong position, aries fire sign brings aggressiveness and brilliance to the communication. they tend to be witty, original, and outspoken. a bit tactless and impulsive while arguing, but usually get lucky in terms of going with their gut and making the right choices. might be prone to headaches.
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magic-can · 5 years
Raiden in the MK games: acts very formal and proper, a kind old demigod
Raiden in the MK cartoon: sarcastic rude jerkass
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sodrippy · 5 years
october isn't about fall it isn't about halloween it sure as shit isn't about pre christmas its about one thing only-
my birthday, babey
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mivatea · 6 years
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casually lookin like she just got ur digits
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sapphiccatra · 6 years
Guys what's the ship name for Catra x Scorpia please I've seen like 69 variations
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heqrtbeat · 7 years
straight girl: omg haha i look like a d*ke 😂😂
me: no het, u wish
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