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satisfactionlevel · 2 days ago
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Drawing this CLASSIC EXCHANGE because they’re definitely like that 💅
Two days after the Gingerbread Scorbus™ incident, Albus makes an announcement to his family. Absolutely no one is even slightly surprised by it.
Lily and Rose are chuffed to bits because THEIR PLAN WORKED; James is like, “why are you interrupting my video game to tell me something I already know?”
Meanwhile, Albus and Scorpius are having a joint existential crisis. They feel their cheeks BURNING, and their clasped hands are all of a sudden hot and sweaty. Despite this, they refuse to let go of each other’s hand, obviously.
Also, when Albus and Scorpius tell the rest of their family and friends, everybody basically reacts in some small variations of this. It makes them question their entire life (while holding hands).
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satisfactionlevel · 6 days ago
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OK I KNOW IT IS MARCH, but here is a Christmas drawing🎄
Fifth year Christmas, Scorpius is invited to spend it with the Potter-Weasleys.
At this point, Albus is literally the only person that doesn't realise he and Scorpius have basically been dating for months. The air feels more charged each time they hug, and they hold hands all the time, but to Albus, this is just the way Scorpius is, so he just chooses to pine in silence.
Lily and Rose have been rolling their eyes at them whenever they see them walking hand in hand around school. Rose comes up with the name "Scorbus" and they have been running with it ever since
It is painfully obvious to literally everyone else that Albus's feelings are not one-sided. So on Boxing Day, Lily and Rose try to help Albus confront these big emotions by baking Gingerbread Scorbus™.
Heck, even Scorpius is trying to help Albus by saying what he says.
But Albus? All he wants to do right now is to plot Lily's murder. (He will absolutely lose his mind moments later, when Scorpius's words hit him at last.)
(Scorpius gets a Weasley jumper obviously, he and Albus swap their jumpers in this post.)
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satisfactionlevel · 8 days ago
i bought my first ever harry potter blind box today, and i got snape and luna! if they have albus and scorpius, i would literally be buying the entire stock at the shop until i get to have lil scorbus clutching on my laptop screen😭 (while i read / write the most unhinged headcanons and fics about them lol)
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satisfactionlevel · 8 days ago
being normal is cool, but have you tried silently sobbing while writing your angsty scorbus fic after waking up at 4 am from jet lag???
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satisfactionlevel · 10 days ago
seeing Albus everywhere. WHAT IS THE UNIVERSE DOING TO ME?!?!
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satisfactionlevel · 11 days ago
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books - sometimes you read them, sometimes you get consumed by them. my most recent devouring / being devoured. i wanted to highlight everything shon faye wrote. and I BEG EVERYONE to read strange beach. if you read one poetry book this year, read this one.
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satisfactionlevel · 12 days ago
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omg an ALBUS BOOK!!!
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satisfactionlevel · 14 days ago
this is a bit wild, but i think the deeper reason i connected with the cursed child so intensely is the unresolved exploration into my own queerness. as a bi cis women that was in a long-term hetero-presenting relationship for basically all my adult life, i admit i had been guilty in conforming to heteronormity.
also perhaps using that as a protection against my own vulnerability, against the pain of the knowledge that my family might never see or accept me as who i am as a queer woman. that it has been safer, easier to ignore that part of myself, the convenience of being in a hetero-presenting relationship.
and i saw hpcc again, just as i was coming out of said relationship. i felt like i was 16 again, i felt like i was experiencing 'coming-of-age' as a queer person again - but this time with a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me, with a sure knowledge of queer joy, because when i was 16 and living in a country with a government that oppressed the lgbtq+ community, i thought being queer is the same as being a forever outcast, being forever in sadness, in the margins, the sidenotes, the dispossessed. but now, almost 10 years later, i know that queerness is so much more than that. queerness is joy, it is community where communities in general are under systemic destruction by totalitarian capitalism, it is love and acceptance and friendships, it is also rage, it is anger, it is a lineage of courage, it is still about the fight for liberation, it is about social change, it is hope in this shit world of darkness.
but again, queer joy, despite it all.
but again, scorbus.
scorbus is a reminder of that joy, that hope.
and it is a beautiful reminder for myself -
they are a beautiful reminder.
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satisfactionlevel · 18 days ago
i've got an interview with my dream school on friday, im so nervous i wanna throw up:( !!!!
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satisfactionlevel · 23 days ago
continuing from this: I never noticed it, but this cafe is literally 10 mins away from my house lol
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(idk maybe james would blast this song out on speaker to wind albus up, and it will work every time😭)
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satisfactionlevel · 27 days ago
nearly done with my angsty slow burn scorbus fic! so excited to share a piece of my unhinged mind with the world soon lol
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satisfactionlevel · 1 month ago
i was on the tube just now, a young family with two children were sitting opposite me. the mum whisked out a thick book from her bag, and started reading to the kids. it was the deathly hallows.
the girl was so excited, she was like “oh we can finish it today!!” (there must still be 100 pages left from what I could see.) they had to switch seat so mum could sit between them, the tube was too loud.
it’s so nice to be reminded of the simple joy of it all. it was the most wholesome thing I’ve seen all day.🥹
(also I think I’ll literally be like her when/if I have kids. oh no they won’t be on their ipad for the tube journey, i’ll be reading from a thick book to them for sure)
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satisfactionlevel · 1 month ago
more hpcc performance notes of west end year 8⚡️(12/2/25)
I SAW IT AGAIN. I swear every I see the show I notice something different. Here goes my absolute feral thoughts:
🚂act 1: 
Albus gave Ron a very weak thumbs up after Ron’s magic trick lol 
Harry ruffled Albus’s hair on the platform when he told him to remember to enjoy himself, and Albus’s hair is COMPLETELY sticking up on the side, and then as Albus was going on the train Harry tried to smooth it down.🆘
Polly’s mean girl bully energy is DIVINE. 
Lily looking for her potions book in Albus’s room??? It literally never clicked for me before, but the reason she’s searching there is probably because she’s been studying in Albus’s room during the summer holiday?? Maybe even with Albus helping her with homework?? it’s so cute I cantttt! and the way Albus smiles at her when she said her wings are fluttery😭WE NEED MORE LILY AND ALBUS MOMENTS 
Fourth year train scene, Scorpius literally was just smiling and gazing out of the window as he waited for Albus to join him in their compartment. (As a contrast to how he buried himself in a book while looking ill at ease with himself in the first year train journey.) MY CINNAMON BUN NEEDS TO BE PROTECTED AT ALL COST, I WILL COMMIT MURDER FOR HIM
and OH BOY Albus and Scorpius were standing SO CLOSE on the train when Albus was telling Scorpius about his plan to save Cedric. (There is a thing called personal space. Albus makes a point about it with literally everyone else, but he forgets it exists when he’s with Scorpius.)
and that curtesy Scorpius did to Albus as he’s told he’s an enormous geek?? peak neurospicy behaviour
Scorpius fails to climb up the train on his first try, Albus gets in front of him and whispers “watch this” as he climbed 
THE WAY SCORPIUS GRABBED ALBUS in the Amos scene, when Amos took out his wand. It’s full-on man handling.
Scorpius/Harry touching Albus/Ron’s face when they first transfigured, and the literally pushing Albus/Ron’s face as he said “go to your room”. I AM NOT OKAY
Albus/Ron adjusting his voice to sound deeper lol 
Scorpius/Harry sounded so hurt when he asked Albus/Ron why he didn’t tell him about his argument with Harry 
Albus/Ron exclaimed at something as they were searching the bookcase in the ministry. Scorpius/Harry immediately screamed back without even knowing what it was about😭They’re both actually feral
OH AND THE WAY Albus/Ron growled at Harry as he was leaving the ministry?? I mean I think it’s a bit ooc for Albus, but boy it was so funny!
Ginny and Ron play fighting like kids lol they’re so silly 
the way Scorpius is so NOT ON BOARD with Albus’s whole stealing-the-time-turner plan, the way he’s anxious and scared as hell, but STILL FOLLOWED along with Albus? That’s true devotion and love. 
🚂act 2:
Albus staring at Scorpius when he was talking about how he longed to go to Hogwarts. Albus literally had stars in his eyes. HE’S SO IN LOVE. HE DOESN’T EVEN REALISE IT BUT WE ALL DO.
The intensity of their eye contact after Scorpius said “you’re my best friend”???? Hello?????
Tri wiz task 1, as Harry was being introduced, Jake as a slytherin student said to Jayden as another slygherin student “You’re not supposed to cheer, you’re supposed to boo him!”
“hOw mAnY owLs hAs hE sEnt yOu nOw??” Oh boy Scorpius was so jealous at Delphi. I’m cracking uppppp 
And also just how genuinely concerned Scorpius was when Delphi told him she was ill as a child. Scorpius has a heart of gold. He’s the most precious character in the entire HP universe, I accept no second opinion.
Library scene, the way Polly shushed Albus and Scorpius while holding up her book high in the air, she was sassy for real. THE AUDACITY of them to speak loud in a library?
*The audience gasping when Albus said “I wasn’t a loser until I met you.” * 
THE SCORPIUS LIBRARY MONOLOGUE hit like a freight train today. literally. so so good. I think I died about 6 times at this scene alone. (Harry Acklowe’s Scorpius is pure perfection.)
Draco literally was like “hehe” when Ginny said harry does most of the cooking. He’s so unserious!!
The way Myrtle pointed at Albus and death stared him down when Albus interrupted her crying?? Girl, literally same. 
And Scorpius’s nervous, awkward laugh when Myrtle was blocking him from entering the bathroom tunnel with HER LEG??😭
Oh the writing on the board in Hermione as DADA professor’s class is in mirror image. Never noticed it before!
🚂act 3:
“For Valerie Voldemort” - literally what is going on in Scorpius’s head for him to come up with that??? 
I’m probably completely deranged but someone needs to write a fic about a Scorpius and Craig ship in the Dark AU. (Dark AU Craig shares the same sincere, dorky and awkward energy with Scorpius.) (you can see the vision, right?!)
Snape pausing to process the fact that Harry named his child after him😭
“Have you been eating too many sweets again?” This line is so underrated! Emphasis on AGAIN. Just imagine all the sugar rushes Albus had to watch Scorpius go through before. 
The way Albus held on to Scorpius’s waist as he hugged him in the lake??? Hello???
When Scorpius was shrieking his head off at seeing everyone again in the lake, Professor McGonnagal actually pointed her wand at him. Honestly, I would too (lovingly)
The delivery of “Scorpius matters to me” was perfection. Ellis’s Albus is so, so good.
And the way Albus rolled his eyes at Scorpius in the dorm scene, when Scorpius was talking about how fearless and unanxious he’s become? So real. I would roll my eyes (lovingly) at Scorpius for that too bestie.
After Delphi said Albus’s weakness is love, Albus stared at the ground, then very slowly raised his gaze to meet Scorpius’s. OH GOD the sheer vulnerability in his eyes. 
After Scorpius got the first Crucio curse, Albus, without a wand and with his hands bound, was running towards Delphi head first. Was he trying to HEADBUTT Delphi💀
oh boy the little tremble in Albus’s voice in the maze when he said “She’s threatened to kill you” - I am unwell. 
Albus saying he’ll get an augurey tattoo too - well obviously he’s not gonna get one of that now, but imagine what tattoo he’ll be actually getting? WILL IT BE SOMETHING ABOUT SCORPIUS? 
Also Harry and Draco were both way too mean to Amos!!! I mean I understand it, but still. 
🚂act 4:
WHAT ABOUT THAT BREATHING EXERCISE THING?? It feels like Albus has done that for/with Scorpius hundreds of times before, because let’s be honest, Scorpius probably has an anxiety / sensory / information overload meltdown three times a week, and Albus would just co-regulate with him by doing breathing exercises every time. 
I need to read a fic about their 40 years hiding in a hole together. (does it exist already?? should I write it???)
Draco is so right with his enthusiasm for thatched roofs and farmer’s market, I love them too.
The way Albus buried his face in Ginny’s shoulder. Their bond is so beautiful to watch. 
“tHeRe’s pLeNty yOu’Re gOod aT, Albus!” Harry really tried😭
honestly act 4 is my least favourite?? is this controversial?? it just feels really rushed. they’re so many plot holes in this act too.
The way Rose giggled after the staircase scene in the end. SHE SHIPS SCORBUS FOR REAL.
Albus be retching at “I think it’s a bonding thing”, then ten minutes later he be saying “Scorpius is the most important person in my life”. Ah, the duality of mind. He’s so real for that.
What about a fic where Albus does become a professional pigeon racer?!?! WHAT THEN?!?!
This part is short because my concentration is just GONE at the end 
That’s it for the notes<3 I was low key hoping to see Scorbus covers as it was a mid week performance. But honestly? Harry and Ellis’s Scorbus is gonna be hard to surpass. It was my first time seeing Alex as Ron and Sabina as Hermione, they bring such a different energy to it!
Here’s the cast board:
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satisfactionlevel · 1 month ago
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(idk maybe james would blast this song out on speaker to wind albus up, and it will work every time😭)
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satisfactionlevel · 1 month ago
I’ve been writing an angsty af scorbus fic, because i love pain🌀hopefully I’ll be posting it soon!!!
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satisfactionlevel · 2 months ago
“this and this and this.”
i would literally die right now.
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satisfactionlevel · 2 months ago
didn’t know this about you, karl jenkins
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