#Shop Drawing Company London
siliconecuk · 8 months
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kateksmallcuteowl · 3 months
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June 29: Single Parents/Uncles AU for an event by @bagginshieldweek24
I deeply regret that the challenge is a day late! Exams are merciless to me, and even though I started drawing in advance, I still couldn’t handle the deadline 😅 I promise to catch up with feedback tomorrow, after passing bioinformatics exam.
More headcanons and details under the cut>>
— It’s an alternative Middle-earth universe with hobbits, humans, dwarves, and elves, but set in modern times.
— Thorin grew up in Erebor in a royal family (which makes sense), is accustomed to good coffee, can distinguish different types, and knows which brewing devices are best. Now he has moved to London for work and discovered that both dwarf and human coffee shops would often use cheap beans or bad coffee machines, or they grind the beans incorrectly, or even set the wrong amount of grams of coffee per espresso shot. In general, they save money wherever they can, mostly selling the vibe and relying on the fact that taste isn’t important to most of the customers. Elves occupy the niche of coffee connoisseurs, but Thorin would rather drink filter coffee from a kettle on the roadside than go to elves. And then he discovers that hobbits, little hedonists, love good food and GOOD COFFEE! Of course, in hobbit cafes, he has to sit on low chairs and by the small tables, and at first, the other patrons looked at the dwarf in their company strangely, but it’s worth it. Thorin is willing to sit with a bent back if he gets a quiet and cozy atmosphere, excellent Wi-Fi, and delicious coffee (an office in London is good, but sometimes you need to get out of the four walls to not get nuts).
— Thorin rarely drinks pure espresso, preferring softer variations. He also has a sweet-tooth.
— Bilbo is a children’s book writer, mainly known for a series of fantasy novels about a brave hobbit who traveled over and under the mountains, rode in barrels, and played riddles in the dark (Bilbo, in canon, wrote his memoirs, which all hobbits except Merry and Frodo knew primarily for Hobbiton children, so I think he would primarily write for little hobbit kids).
— It’s not a real feather he uses, but a ballpoint pen with attached feathers, like those sold in souvenir shops. Bilbo bought it after a tour to the Tower of London. He likes the ✨vibe✨ and the fact that he can twirl the feather part around his lips when he’s thinking. (It’s literally an instruction on how to seduce Thorin)
— Mr. Baggins only drinks doppio. The cup is big compared to him because it’s hobbit ceramics, and the portion sizes for hobbits, who love treats, are no smaller than human ones.
— Bilbo has taken care of Frodo since his parents drowned in an accident. Frodo is about 8-9 years old here.
— I love the headcanon that hobbits’ ears react to their emotions, so the fact that Frodo doesn’t lower them when Bilbo scolds him is a good sign. Bilbo is a good uncle.
— Thorin and Bilbo have seen each other several times on Wednesdays. Usually, they don’t care about other patrons, but barista keept trying to serve a doppio to the stern scowling dwarf in black leather jacket, and a cappuccino with whipped cream to the little curly hobbit in a plaid sweater. They’ve had to swap their drinks several times.
— Thorin read Mr. Baggins’ books to his nephews in Erebor and quickly figured out who always sits at the table near the window in his favorite cafe. Thorin likes Bilbo’s books but doesn’t know if he’s married because he keeps his personal life private. Seeing Frodo, he immediately assumed he was Bilbo’s son, considering how the little hobbit looks at him.
— Bilbo immediately noticed the stern ( handsome) dwarf sitting with his eyes glued to his phone, but he always felt too awkward to speak with him. How do you even start a conversation with a stranger, especially from another race? So when Frodo, rather bluntly, commented on his appearance, of course, Bilbo was embarrassed. No, he absolutely agrees with Frodo. The exotic braids, unusual for short-haired hobbits, look amazing on the tall dwarf, and the iron clips highlight his blue eyes perfectly, but isn’t that a bit rude to point that out? Wouldn’t a dwarf decide that he is trying to mock his culture?
— Bilbo saw that while he was scolding Frodo, Thorin turned away and for some reason tugged angrily at his braid, so he decided to muster the courage and compliment him himself to ease the awkwardness and not seem rude (not at all because he would gladly say what Frodo did himself and not because Mr. Dwarf has much more attractive features he’d also like to make a comment on, not at all, what are you talking about, no-no-no).
— The dwarf didn’t seem offended at all.
— They started talking and found out that Thorin’s nephews love Bilbo’s books (Bilbo was flattered by this news. He’s still surprised when his books are read by anyone other than hobbits. (Gandalf didn’t tell him that his books are popular among all races. Mostly because for other races they play the role of kids books where main protagonist is a cute mice)).
— And in the end, as we see, they exchanged numbers 🌚🌝
— They will meet again, but without Frodo and not just for coffee.
— The end✨✨✨
I’m still experimenting with a flat-color style and lineart so I’ll be glad to know what do you think about it. Hope the comic was enjoyable!
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pairing: dad!bucky barnes x au pair!reader
warnings: age gap (reader is 10 years younger than bucky), smut (18+, dni if under 18)
author’s note: here it is! enjoy xx
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he says everything i need to hear, and it's like i couldn't ask for anything better. he opens up my door and i get into his car and he says, "you look beautiful tonight" and i feel perfectly fine
Y/N had never met Steve. She knew of him, she knew he was Bucky's best friend who had joined the ad company in New York when Bucky was first assembling it. From what she had heard from other people, he was the only person Bucky really trusted, so much that when the ad company set up shop in London, it was Steve who Bucky sent to manage the whole operation. However, Y/N had always found it somewhat odd that Steve and Bucky were best friends as apparently they were completely different people - at least according to Sam.
Steve was reliable, a goody two shoes who followed the rules and was universally liked by everyone and anyone that came into contact with him - a poster child. He was also married to someone he had known since he was 15, the two had bought a house, picket fence and all, and were carefully considering when to have children. Bucky, on the other hand, was either liked or hatred but always respected. Marriage seemed like something he didn't particularly consider anymore and had had a kid without even wanting one. It didn't make sense the two were close, yet agin opposites attract. Nevertheless, Y/N was yet to meet him. Sadie appeared to like him, or at least liked him enough to include her in her drawings.
Since she was not the one to pick up Sadie up, she had plenty of time to spend wallowing over her PhD thesis and nit pick at every single word by wondering if she used the word 'comparison' too many times. She sighed, burying her hands in her hair and almost hitting her head against the keyboard of her laptop.
      -Hi. - she looked up to see Chris sitting next to her, still wearing his suit and holding his briefcase. - How are you?
      -Chris. - she smiled. It was nice seeing him. - Got off work earlier?
      -Sergeant Barnes dismissed me early today. He was in a mood.
      -He's always in a mood. It's Bucky, after all.
      -He lets you call him that? - he asked and Y/N shrugged. - He doesn't even let us call him James and that's his name.
      -Well, I do sleep in his place and watch over his daughter. I have perks. - she joked. - I'm sorry I had to leave early this morning. I was worried about Sadie.
      -Since you left early, I was wondering if you'd like to maybe spend the night with me again. - he kissed her shoulder. - I'll do the thing you like and then bake you pancakes in the morning.
Y/N smiled. She'd had a wonderful date with Chris and he'd been nothing but charming the whole time; however, she didn't like to leave Sadie by herself. She was little, she didn't understand if Y/N wasn't there to sing her a lullaby or read a Dr. Seuss book or make the buttered noddles the way she liked it.
      -I'm sorry but I need to go home and watch Sadie.
      -I thought Steve Rodgers was in town. - Chris closed Y/N's laptop as it went onto standby. - He usually parades Sadie Barnes around town, so I'm sure Sergeant Barnes wouldn't mind.
      -Yes but Sadie is 2 and she gets nervous around new people.
      -She's not your daughter, Y/N. She's Bucky's and you can't get her used to having you by her side all the time. I mean, you're finishing your PhD soon.
Y/N forced a smile. She knew that, Bucky had told her that, she knew Sadie wasn't hers, she knew that. She moved her laptop to her tote bag, getting up and throwing her hair to the side before making it to the exit. Chris followed after her with a sheepish look.
      -Y/N, I didn't mean it like that. - he apologised, following behind her as she closed and crossed door after door.
      -I know what you meant, Christopher.
      -I just don't want you to get hurt when you eventually leave. It's not like Sergeant Barnes will let you visit Sadie. He's only nice to those who can do something for him.
      -I really would enjoy it if you didn't butt into my work. I don't mess with yours so don't mess with mine.
      -Okay, I'm sorry. - he rushed in front of her, raising his hands up in surrender. - I'm so sorry, Y/N. I just worry about you.
      -I don't need you worrying about me, I can handle myself just fine.
      -I know, Y/N, I know. - he lowered his hands. - I just feel overprotective over you. I've known Barnes for a while and he can be an idiot, I just don't want you to experience that.
      -I've known Bucky for a while too, Chris. I don't need to be protected.
      -I'm sorry. We'll hang out another day when you're not busy with Sadie. Sounds good?
      -I'll think about it.
      -Think about it while I drive you back home?
Chris was nice, Y/N liked him. She told herself that she liked him because she did. He was stunning, he was smart, he had a PhD, what else could she possibly want? The trouble became when he started talking about what would come after her graduation - if she graduated which at this point she didn't believe. But when she did, he was right, it wasn't as if Bucky, being the stubborn man he was, would allow her to continue seeing Sadie. Maybe she shouldn't have gotten this close to Sadie, maybe she should start to distance herself from her. Yet, as she approached the front door and saw the little yellow rubber boots Sadie had begged and begged Bucky for and were still a bit too big for her, she was certain it would be very hard for her to forget the little girl.
She put the key on the keyhole and turned around. Chris smiled at her, leaning down to kiss her before pushing the door open. She was expecting an empty house, instead she turned around to see Sam and the much discussed Steve holding Sadie.
      -Hm, I'll pick you up tomorrow for breakfast, Y/N. - Chris waved her goodbye leaving her now in the very awkward situation with Sam and Steve.
Sam chuckled to himself before taking a gulp of coffee. His eyes searched for Steve with a hint of "told you so".
      -Bucky gave you the day off? - Y/N asked as she took off her scarf and coat.
      -Bucky is not the boss of me. - Sam replied. - So ... Chris Davis?
      -Mind your business, Wilson.
      -What? It just explains a lot doesn't it? - Sam continued on teasing, mostly talking to Steve than Y/N. - Oh, this is Steve by the way. A weirdly tall blonde stranger isn't holding Sadie.
      -I know Steve from the photos. - Y/N poured herself a cup of coffee, pointing towards one of the many frames with photos of Steve. - I'm Y/N.
      -The heartbreaker, I know. - he extended his hand towards her. Y/N furrowed her brows, what was that supposed to mean? Luckily for her, Steve corrected himself as Sam discretly elbowed him on the side. - I meant rule breaker. Sam said you rode Bucky quite hard.
      -Maybe not, based on how much of a bitch he was today. - Sam chuckled mostly to himself.
      -Don't swear in front of the 3 year old, please.
      -Sorry, Y/N, I don't know what's the Bluey equivalent of a massive pain in the ass Bucky Barnes.
Y/N rolled her eyes, moving to the kitchen to start making dinner. Yet before, she could, Sadie hugged her leg demanding attention. The au pair smiled, leaning down to pick her up and kiss her cheek countless times getting a few good giggles from the 2 year old. Sam and Steve mostly kept to themselves, sitting in the living room while gossiping (although they would never admit to it) about Bucky and his many, many shenanigans. Y/N tried not to pay much mind to it, not wanting to know about Bucky's sexual escapades and trying to ensure Sadie didn't hear any of it.
Bucky came home, as per usual as of lately, very late. He came in like a hurricane, dropping his jacket and briefcase and making a direct bee line to grab himself a drink. He barely acknowledged her existence, still somewhat stirring in his passive aggressive behaviour, instead going to greet Sam and Steve.
Dinner had gone by pretty uneventful, most of it being Steve and Bucky reminiscing about their teenage years and early 20s as well as Steve posing Y/N the occasional question about her career and studies. She'd finished her evening by putting Sadie to bed and going herself to bed leaving Bucky and Steve by themselves to tidy up the plates and the kitchen - something Steve had told Y/N not to do.
      -So, why are you here? - Bucky asked as he loaded the dishwasher.
      -Can't I come see my best friend and work colleague?
      -Without your wife? No, something's up.
      -Believe it or not me and my wife don't come as a package deal.
      -Cut it off, Steve. You don't visit unannounced and you don't go anywhere without your wife specially when you're trying for a baby. Why are you here, Rogers?
      -I heard about you and Anna. - the blonde sighed. - That was stupid.
      -Who told you?
Bucky stopped loading the dishwasher, a rare look of surprise on his face. Anna? Why would Anna be talking to Steve?
      -Why the fuck would you be talking to Anna? - he said in a silent tone, ponctuated by deep breathes as he attempted to ground himself and not get angry.
      -I never stopped talking to Anna, Bucky. - Steve felt uneasy as he said this.
      -What? - Bucky shut his eyes. - You've been talking to the mother of my child, the same child who is your godchild, the same child who got abandoned by her mother at my doorstep right after she was born?
      -We've known Anna since she was 6, Bucky. I wasn't gonna drop her, not when she needed help.
      -What help did she need? Abandoning more children?
      -You know that's not fair, Bucky. - Steve crossed his arms. - Just because she doesn't want to be a mother, doesn't mean leaving Sadie was less hard.
      -So what, Steve? What are you here for? You're here to come ask me to be kinder to Anna? What the fuck are you here for?
      -I'm here because you keep trying to make something work that won't work! Bucky, she doesn't want to be a mother, stop it. Stop trying to make Anna a mother to Sadie, she doesn't want that.
      -I'm not trying to make anyone into a mother.
      -Oh sure, you're just trying to find Sadie a mother but because you're too chicken to introduce her to any of the girlfriends you've had, you always pick Anna, trying to make her something she isn't.
      -Oh shut up, Steve. Sadie is my priority, she's my daughter, I'm not gonna introduce her to women who are not a fixture in my life!
      -And what's even going on between you and your au pair?
      -What is that supposed to mean?
      -You're feuding with her boyfriend.
      -He's not her boyfriend.
      -You're feuding with Chris Davis. Chris Davis? And for what?
      -I don't owe you any explanation on how I run my company that you work for.
      -You're playing the CEO card, Barnes? Is that it?
      -Chris Davis is not the man for Y/N.
      -What and you are? You're quitting trying to make Anna the mother and moving on to Y/N?
      -So that's the only reason I like women as of late? They can be mothers to my child?
      -You're being self destructive. Stop bullying Chris Davis before she figures it out and quits or he gets annoyed enough and breaks up with her. She has a boyfriend, let it be.
      -Coming from the guy who broke someone's engagement?
      -I didn't go around trying to actually break it, Bucky. Just because she's good with Sadie does not mean it's right for you.
      -And what would you know?
      -I know you. You're gonna date a postgraduate student? You're gonna expect someone who is yet to start her life to settle down and play wife and mother?
      -No, of course not. I would never ask that of her.
      -Then what? Is it because she hasn't slept with you and your fantasies have gotten out of control?
      -I love her.
taglist : @talesofadragon @themermaidscales82 @winters1917 @vladsgirlxx @stinkerbelle007 @maybefoxysouls @unaxv
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emeritusemeritus · 7 months
HIII im so happy your requests are open you’re one of my favorite writers on here!!! i’ve been craving more twins x reader content and i’ve always wanted to see them pining after an oblivious customer at the shop like literally spelling it out for her and just her being a bit dense thinking that she’s just a valued customer 😀 love your work and hope you have a great week!!
Thank you so much!! This was an absolute pleasure to write, I really hope it’s okay for you! 🖤
Warnings: None? Mentions of implied kissing, reader is completely oblivious. Fred is as charming as ever and George is a sweetheart.
Word count: 1.8k
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Paying Customers.
Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes had quickly become your favourite spot in all of Diagon Alley. It was vibrant and exciting, a draw for many witches and wizards without any hint of discrimination and it didn't hurt that the two owners were two of the most handsome men you'd ever seen, not that you'd dream of telling them that.
Your first visit to the shop has been an accident really, hunting down a perfect gift for your nephew who was just about to start his first year at Hogwarts. One of the owners, who you found out to be Fred had helped you find the most perfect gift that had been an overwhelming success with your nephew. The second time, he was slightly different than you remembered and you'd convinced yourself that you had just remembered him differently until the very man you'd been secretly thinking about since your first time at the shop walked out and greeted you with a big smile. That was the first time you met George, and unceremoniously found out that they were identical twins.
Since then you'd been back numerous times, sometimes for gifts, sometimes for more personal reasons and has even started dropping in on your lunch break just to chat to the twins as your friendship grew. They were abundantly friendly and chatty, so naturally funny and charming that it was easy to talk with them and they always made you feel incredibly welcome. Fred had invited you to the shop to share your lunch break together multiple times and you'd even found yourself hanging around as the store closed around you because George wanted company.
"I'm so excited!" Valerie, one of your best friends says enthusiastically as you step into Diagon Alley. She was from France and was educated at Beauxbatons, missing the cut off for the Triwizard Tournament by one year, something she was still peeved about. She was visiting you in London and she'd made you promise to take her to the place you kept mentioning in your letters.
You laugh along, seeing her excited face as you round the corner, walking past Ollivanders until the figurehead of the twins appeared up ahead, the brilliantly vibrant orange building standing out against the muted palettes of the other shops.
"Afternoon ladies," you hear from beside you, waking a grin spread across your face. Fred.
"Hi Freddie," you smile up at him, seeing his broad grin already stretched out across his face. His gaze flashes to Val and you briefly introduce them until your attention is pulled away by George who appears on your other side, already eagerly talking to you about the new product he'd been working on, the same one you'd offered to help with only the other night, pausing briefly to introduce himself to Val.
"Right Georgie, reckon we best get back to the paying customers," Fred says with a wink in your direction, pulling his brother away as they go back to assisting the other customers in the shop. George touches your shoulder gently as he squeezes past and gives you a sweet smile before heading off, immediately going over to a little boy and his mum who are looking at the Pygmy puffs. Your eyes trail towards Fred who's lingering around the love potion stand, trying to flog them to a group of witches who look to be around their third year. When he spots you looking, he gives you a little smirk and another wink, gesturing towards the love potions with a wiggle of his eyebrows. You can't help but smile, giggling a little before you look away, turning back to Val.
Her eyebrow is raised at you and her face holds a knowing smirk, already implying something.
"So what did they mean 'paying customers', are you not one?"
You give a little shrug, "they give me a discount, sometimes they let me test things, it's nothing really."
Her face says everything she isn't saying, she's delighted but judgy, as if she doesn't believe a single thing you were saying. You laugh and nudge her gently, "really, we're friends."
"Very friendly friends?" She teases with a wiggle of her eyebrows but you nudge her again and tell her to behave, not wanting to get into it, especially in a place that created and sold extendable ears, nothing was safe from the Weasley Twins.
She walks over to the Peruvian instant darkness powder, picking up a crystal and examining it in her hands with a smile on her face.
"So how can you tell them apart? You knew straight away," she says, casting her gaze over to you as she puts down the crystal and moves across to the next shelf, the display of wonderwitch products; carefully avoiding the puking pastilles on the way.
"Oh I don't know, they don't look that similar to me anymore. I suppose it's mannerisms mainly, Fred usually talks first and George is better at explaining things," you explain, stopping your eyes from wandering back to the owners.
"Hmm," she says with a smirk, still holding back what she was going to say.
Suddenly, the rolling ladder appears from the side with George clutching on to the steps, his smile splayed across his face as he appears.
"Pimple vanisher, yeah it really works," George says nodding his head, "tried it myself, well on Ron anyway. Ten seconds and your spots are gone."
"But how?" Val says, beguiled by the magic behind it. You stand back and watch, enjoying seeing George so effortlessly charming, showing what he'd created.
"Course, some of us don't need it do we y/n?" He says, looking up to you with a sweet smile, "must be good genetics."
"Or maybe I'm an avid Wheezes tester with a very rigid skincare routine," you play along, holding up the little pot of vanisher.
"That's a good sale!" He says with excitement, "want a job? Could do with prettying up the employees."
"Pretty sure you and Fred were trying to work out who was more handsome last night, I think you know you're pretty enough," you smirk, earning a chuckle from George.
"Clearly I won," he adds, flashing a grin at Val.
"What are everlasting eyelashes?" She says, picking at the pink and black box.
"Exactly what they say on the box," George flashes her a teasing smirk before pulling you closer to him by the hand, displaying you. "Want lashes like these? Make the boys really notice your beautiful eyes? Just need this box and your dreams will come true."
"You think she has beautiful eyes?" Val teases, goading George but it doesn't work, he bites back almost instantly, nodding enthusiastically.
"Wanted to put her photo on the box but she wouldn't let me," he chuckles with a little shrug before pausing for a moment and reaching up high for the little package of flirting fancies.
"Make any man fall at your feet with these, just one bite and they'll be smitten," he says, handing the neatly wrapped box to Val.
"Think you might have accidentally ingested one," she mutters, just quiet enough for only you to hear and covering it with a smile as she looks over the box. You subtly nudge her and she relents, but not before shooting you a wicked look.
"Anything you want, on the house," George smiles, flashing you one last look before rolling away and starting anew with his next customer.
"Right tell me honestly, how many of these have you given him?"
"Val! I told you we're friends," you say with a roll of your eyes.
"You might want to tell him that," she quips, nodding her head towards the space behind you. As soon as you turn, you're met with the rather solid chest of Fred Weasley.
"Ladies," he smirks with a dramatic bow of his head, his hand reaching up to touch your shoulder gently.
"You give all your customers this much attention?" Val asks with raised but playful brows, completely ignoring your glare.
"Only the prettiest ones," Fred replies, reaching out to grab the little pot beside the love potions. Val shoots you another knowing look with her eyes and you wordlessly tell her to shut up with your own, doubling down on the harsh glare.
"Kissing concoction," he says, holding up the little pot of almost clear liquid, "makes the drinker become longingly infatuated with the giver, just long enough to ensure only the best kisses will be shared. Made with real pearl dust as well."
"Maybe I could try it on you?" Val asks, suddenly getting flirty with Fred, "prove that it really works."
You don't miss the way his tongue slips out to meet his lips as he clears his throat, fidgeting somewhat uncomfortably.
"No can do I'm afraid, store policy," he smirks, recovering quickly with the banter.
"But if y/n asked?" Val says sweetly, smiling devilishly between the two of you, making you have to fight to stop your eyes rolling at her insinuation.
"Well she is a valued customer," he says with a pause, pretending to think, finger tapping on his chin, "but rules are rules and who am I to ever break them?"
You can't help but snort out a little laugh, knowing exactly how Fred Weasley felt about rules but you don't say anything, knowing it would only fuel the fire. He looks at you with a teasing smirk but you look away, feeling Val's gaze flicking between the both of you.
"You're so oblivious aren't you," she says whilst walking around the shop, keeping the Pygmy puff she’d painstakingly picked out tucked protectively under one arm.
“What do you mean?” You ask, frowning in her direction, pausing to grab a trick wand for your nephew from the basket near the till.
She shoots you a look, showing her disbelief, “let me think, they give you a discount, one of them has said in no complex way that you had beautiful eyes and perfect skin.”
“George was just,” you interrupt, only for her to look at you with a mild glare, not open to listening to your excuses.
“The other said he’d kiss you and that you were pretty, they clearly like you!”
“I just come in a lot, they’re good businessmen, you know flattery gets your everywhere right? You’re not gonna be rude to a valued customer,” you argue.
“You don’t have to be that friendly either,” she retorts with a sarcastic smile, checking out the pyro display in front of her, dropping the subject.
Your attention drifts away and you subtly turn to your left, feeling eyes upon you. There’s a brief moment where you realise that both Fred and George are watching you from the middle landing on the stairs, both leaning on the rail, before they notice that you’re watching them. As soon as you turn further, they instantly spring into action, pretending they weren’t watching you and spring into action helping the customers, almost comically so.
Your gaze shifts back to Val and you begin to wonder, could she be right?
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elisedonut · 2 months
all the numbers
1. Which one is the better cook
Percy I know I've seen Oliver used pretty often but I like the idea of Percy helping Molly in the kitchen as a kid and so he's just always known more or less how to cook While Oliver is more focused on making food that's good for Quidditch vs like tasty food so can he cook? yes. will it be bland as hell? also yes
2. What their love letters look like
I think the war fucked them up when it comes to letters so even years later anything they write to each other is very to the point and at times even like coded? Like they still sign as From instead of love even years later
3. Which one outlives the other, and how they cope
dfshgfhsgf I feel like this could go either way. But if i had to pick I think Oliver would die first because if they are together Oliver would make sure Percy's taking care of himself but no one not even Percy could keep Oliver off the Quidditch pitch and that's just one accident away from dying I think regardless of how it went down that Percy would blame himself like crazy over it because he'll always find something that he thinks now that he could have done even when its not true
4.What they do on date night
What do you even do on a date night uh ok I think a normal date for them is staying home and doing their own things but just with company maybe maybe they visit Muggle london occasionally and go shopping or something or go out to eat Not the Movies though the dark space and loud noise mix freaks Percy out even though he tries to hide it
5. How many kids they’ll have
Typically for Any Percy ship when I think about kids I do like four? Molly and Lucy then one from the partners last partner In Oliver's case I typically call him Cypress and one that they either adopt or have together a couple years after getting together Who I typically call Leon regardless of pairing because in most situations he's a Gryffindor because I like giving Percy a full set of Hogwarts house kids and i think its funny
6. How they decorated their bedroom
Cluttered but not like super cluttered like it's not a Lovewater bedroom like two desks that always have something going on on top of them I think Oliver has a whiteboard and they have a rug that's soft enough to sit on for when they need to like spread work on the floor I also think none of the other rooms in the house are as cluttered and they spend more time in there then like the living room
7 Which one is the worse driver
Oliver Unpopular choice I know but every time he drives he just gets annoyed he's not flying and that makes him drive worse
8. What they argue about
Either Weasley Drama or one of them not taking care of themself
9. Which one swears more
Percy but if you asked anyone but Oliver they would say Oliver because Percy mostly swears at home or in the presence of friends
10. What TV shows they watch together, and which ones they hide from the other
I think they listen to Quidditch games together I have no idea what was airing around the 2000s so my brains drawing a blank I like the idea of Percy watching cartoons because their simple to turn his brain off to
11. What their first impression was of each other
I like the idea that they meet later on the first day vs on the train because Bill and Charlie had Percy sit with them so by the time they meet Oliver already knows Charlie Weasley is the Quidditch captain so his first thought is just more about Charlie then Percy Percy thought he was loud
12. What they do for their anniversary
Dinner at home honestly maybe they just don't leave the house all day in an attempt to the other relax typically this fails
13. Which makes a bigger deal of birthdays
about their own? they make more of a deal about one another's Percy doesn't really think much of his own and Oliver loses sight of the date of his pretty much every year
14. What nicknames they call each other
Ollie + Perce it's basic but i love it every time
15. What they would change about each other
I think would both want the other to rest more but would be very >:c no if they heard the other say that
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reasonsforhope · 10 months
Catherine Borowski has always had an active imagination. As a child, she dreamed that the car park on her north London council estate would be transformed into a garden. The reality was quite different. “No one had a car, so it was empty, grey and depressing,” she says. Now a sculptor and event producer, Borowski has made it her mission to fill unloved urban spaces with flowers – albeit virtual ones. 
She and her partner Lee Baker are the founders of Graphic Rewilding, a project to install huge nature-inspired artworks into the urban landscape. “Where real rewilding isn’t possible, our goal is to inject the colour and diversity of nature into rundown spaces, urging people to notice – and find joy in – the world around them,” says Baker.   
The pair believe that flowers possess serious powers, even when they’re not real. “We know that spending time in nature is good for us, but studies show that even pictures of plants have a positive effect on the mind,” says Baker. He cites research published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, which found that imagery of plants in hospital waiting rooms can help reduce feelings of stress in patients. 
Baker, a painter and music producer, has long understood the benefits of biophilic design. Having suffered a breakdown 10 years ago, he found that drawing flowers was the only way to soothe his buzzy brain. “I would set out to draw dystopian landscapes, representative of my state of mind, but I’d always end up drawing flowers, which uplifted me,” he says.
It was around this time that Baker met Borowski, joining her production company as creative director. The pair have collaborated ever since, launching Graphic Rewilding in 2021. Since then, they’ve installed floral murals at locations including Earl’s Court station, Lewes Castle and Westfield Shopping Centre in Shepherd’s Bush – all hand drawn by Baker. “We love galleries, but we focus on public art,” he says. “This way, our work is out there for everyone to enjoy.”
This year the pair have grand plans to create a series of stained glass pavilions (think greenhouses with colourful floral-themed panels), which they hope might find homes at Kew Gardens and the Eden Project. “The way light shines through the glass is magical,” says Borowski.  
Even so, they concede that art is no match for Mother Nature. “Some people have suggested that our project detracts from real rewilding efforts. But both can co-exist,” says Borowski. “Of course we want more green spaces.” adds Baker. “But we aren’t gardeners. We’re artists. In the absence of nature, we want to create inspiring spaces through art.”
Overall, the response has been hugely positive. “The joy that these artworks bring is palpable,” says Baker, highlighting an early project in Crawley, West Sussex. “Many people in the town were employed by Gatwick airport and Covid had taken its toll,” he recalls. In a bid to spread some joy, the duo painted brick walls, billboards, benches and even bins with their signature floral flair. “Peoples’ reactions were heartwarming. There were so many smiling faces,” he says.
Elsewhere, in Earl’s Court, the pair transformed “a ratty piece of tarmac” into a modern-day pleasure garden, which is now often filled with children dancing and doing cartwheels on the way home from school. “Putting art into a place that previously felt unloved feels like cultivating joy where there was none,” reflects Borowski. “If something like this had been installed on my estate when I was a kid, it would have been a dream come true.”
-via Positive.News, November 6, 2023
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caspianthegeek · 5 months
Nightingale May Prompt One: Night We Met
As Furfur disappeared, Crowley deflated on the sofa curling in on himself. Aziraphale’s heart stuttered in his chest at the look of defeat on the demon’s face.
“I should make myself scarce, they’ll be here soon…” he trailed off, not daring to meet Aziraphale’s gaze.
He didn’t know. That was excellent, it meant there was a chance the other demon hadn’t noticed his switch, either. If it all played out, he could keep Crowley safe. “Come to the Bookshop with me.”
“Not painting a target on your back, angel,” the demon bit out.
With a frustrated huff, Aziraphale crossed the room to take Crowley’s hand, startling the demon into facing him. He couldn’t say anything outright, they weren’t safe here and Furfur could figure out the truth at any moment. He tried to give weight to his words as he spoke, “There is nowhere I’d rather be this evening than in your company.”
The demon’s head bobbed slightly as he swallowed. Aziraphale couldn’t feel the terror rolling off him, but it was plain as day. It had only been a matter of hours since Crowley had waltzed back into his life, and he would keep him safe no matter the cost. This night was theirs and he wasn’t going to let some upstart demon vying for a promotion ruin it.
“Please,” Aziraphale added softly.
That was enough, Crowley was on his feet and leading the angel from the theater. By the time they made it to the Bentley, she’d thrown his door open as if understanding her owner was in a rush.
If he’d thought the earlier mad dash through London had been worrisome, it was a gentle stroll compared to how the car tore through the streets now. “Don’t want them to find us here,” was all Crowley offered as an explanation.
There was an actual screech as they stopped in front of the shop and a heartbeat later, Crowley opened Aziraphale’s door. He paused until Aziraphale held out his hand, almost demandingly. The demon helped him from the car and Aziraphale took the lead to the shop.
Clumsy fingers fumbled with the keys distracted by the nervous tension in his partner at his side. He could feel the protection swirl around them for an instant as they both stepped over the threshold.
Home it seemed to echo to the pair. Still, he took the time to draw the curtains before placing out some candles and wine. As Crowley sank into the chair and Aziraphale poured the glasses, the moment was set for his reveal.
The relief was palpable when Crowley saw the photo.
Shades of grey echoed through Crowley’s thoughts. As if thousands of years could be reduced to one monochromatic tone. Aziraphale’s eyes glinted grey, then green, then blue never able to rest. His beautiful angelic rainbow, hidden in plain sight.
“We should destroy the evidence, you know.”
“It’d be a shame, though. Evidence that I performed at the West End!”
Aziraphale’s smile calmed his heart and soothed his soul. He still hadn’t quite given up on retaliation coming for him, but he knew they were protected here and now and that was what mattered most. Well, that Aziraphale was safe here with him at any rate.
The angel stood, taking the photograph with him. He pulled a battered journal from the shelf and slid the precious souvenir between the pages before returning it to its rightful place. No one would be able to find it again besides Aziraphale, of that he was certain.
Crowley tossed his glasses to the table and fiddled with the radio until he found gentle music. Something about a nightingale song. He’d been so focused he hadn’t realized Aziraphale was beside him until the angel once more took his hand.
“You came with me, even though you thought it was your last night on Earth,” Aziraphale said softly.
“‘Course,” Crowley grumbled out. “Not like I’d spend it with anyone else.”
The angel was close. Almost too close. “I am relieved it won’t be. We’ve only just met again. Is there… that is…” he took a steadying breath. “Is there anything you would have liked from this night?”
You. Crowley didn’t say aloud. Instead, he only leaned closer one hand raising to cup Aziraphale’s cheek before he froze. The angel understood and closed the distance between them, bringing their lips together in a soft and chaste kiss.
It was everything he’d always wanted. The song warbled in the background about dreams and truths, and all Crowley knew was that he’d cling to this moment for the rest of his existence.
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xwingsandohs · 1 year
did anyone say good omens fanfic x cupid!reader ?!?!?
good evening tumblr. i have many thoughts for the ineffable fandom. can’t get out of my head a cupid!reader that crowley hangs out with now that azi is gone?!?? broken heart crowley?!?! crowley x reader smut ?!? gender neutral reader?!?!? gender bending crowley?!?!? sex shop running cupid ?!?!?!??! 🫣🤔🤭🪽
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I wrote a drabble. Please send thoughts. May write a fic 🫣 XOXO, xwingsandohs.
Angels and demons have always been assigned their roles on earth to protect peace and create chaos, but it’s in the 15th century (or so) that the Almighty notices that humans have evolved themselves beyond simple procreation. And so God creates the Cupids, not necessarily a legion of angels and definitely not demonic, but a collection of holy beings powered by Earthly love to bring happiness and prosperity to humanity in new ways.
Where Aziraphale was defined by white hair and golden clothes, Crowley recognised by fiery red locks and sleek suits; this particular Cupid is defined by a rainbow of colours, patterns and flowers for every occasion.
It’s been three months since Aziraphale left for Heaven’s gates, or escalators to be more accurate, and your attempts to foster and create love in London has suffered thanks to a certain lonely demon moping around. Crowley can’t admit he just needs the company.
“Coffee?” You ask, Crowley hums positively. “What would you like?”
“Something strong.” He’s sitting on a lovely green couch in the back room of your shop, sprawled in all his comfort. It’s decorated with a variety of silly cushions, one particular eye-catching one being bright blue with orange tassels.
The room is littered with beige boxes of spare stock and new deliveries, but you still keep it looking bright with a mis-matched collection of hanging prints and printed wallpaper. You keep it on theme with what you stock.
“I know that, silly.” You shake your head and smile as always, you both do this routine most mornings. The coffee bean grinder grunts loudly and you pick out two big mugs from the cupboard. “What shall I try draw in your coffee with the milk? You know I’ve been practising.”
You have been practising. Despite coffee not being the main draw of your high street shop, you have a vision of giving out free drinks to customers if you can master the art of the latte. You’re getting better, actually.
“A leaf.” Your friend responds, standing up and heading towards you.
“You say that every time!”
Crowley picks up the yellow striped mug you’d taken out for his drink.
“I like the leaf.”
He’s nonchalant. He puts the mug back and looks around for the one he wants.
“But it’s easy and I’d like a challenge. Something silly.”
You grin up at him with a little humour, and he looks back to you with a raised brow.
He can’t find the mug.
You look up and find the mug immediately. It’s completely plain and black, with a slightly lighter shade of grey on the inside. He bought it and gave it to you especially for his drinks. You always fight back.
“Fine.” Crowley says with exasperation. “How about….” He looks around for inspiration in your decor, finding little that he wishes to ask for. “A tree?”
“Oh, I know!” You almost cut him off, exclaiming. He doesn’t know why you bother asking, again, this is your routine. His eyes roll and you can sense it without even seeing. “I’ve just remembered something I saw online the other day and I’d like to try it out.”
“Sure.” He rubs across his face with his hands then spins on the spot to head back to a seat on the couch. The milk steamer screeches and he considers it his cue.
“Could you do me a quick favour before I unlock the doors?” He stops, seconds away from reclaiming comfort on the velvet. He’s not your assistant, but you tend to always ask for these little things.
“I know you’re not my assistant, but there’s a pile of online orders printed out that I need to put together. Could you grab that pile from upstairs for me? It’s next to the-“
“The computer.” He finishes. Routinely.
You finish the coffee.
By the time he’s brought down the pile of paper and placed it where you like it behind the till incase of a quiet moment, you’re skipping over to unlock the door and flip the sign to ‘Open!’ Before it hits 9:01.
Then you rush back to grab the two mugs.
Crowley looks around at the shelves and pegs that hold the stock and shakes his head at everything he sees, humans and their rubbish. He does however appreciate the collection of green plants that have found a place amongst the shelves since he’d been spending lots of time here. They perhaps even look happier than his own, or maybe the colourful shelves really bring out their green.
“I wonder what lovely people will walk through our doors today?” You say with a smile, taking your first sip of coffee and smearing the pattern. Your hand holds out the other cup to Crowley.
He shrugs, takes the coffee from your hand and looks down at the pattern. “It’s a…”
“-A seahorse!” He wouldn’t have guessed it really, but when you point it out he notices. It’s definitely an animal of some sort.
“I like it.” He doesn’t really care for it, but you seem to like the labour, he understands that care. “Although it’s a little…”
He’s not going to say the word.
You’re still grinning, you know the word.
“A little…?” You ask.
“You know, it’s…” He doesn’t say.
“Phallic?” You say it. He doesn’t look away from the coffee.
“Phallic.” He confirms with an unsurprising demeanour .
“I know!” You giggle, he shakes his head.
“You really do take this all very seriously, don’t you?” Crowley chuffs as he leans back against the counter and takes his first sip.
“You could say it’s all about passion in this business.”
Well…. What else would a Cupid sell? The bell above the door rings.
“Good morning.” You call to the first two customers that come through the door. They respond politely back. “Welcome to Sugar ‘n’ Spice, let us know if we can help with anything.”
“Actually, we were looking for some bondage gear?” The lady says as her partner shrinks slightly behind her.
“Of course! Let me introduce you to our selection and then I’ll leave you to shop on your own.”
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quietlyimplode · 2 months
Black Widow Fest - Day One
the letter be
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ao3 link (pls note that the fic starts below and finishes on ao3 - i know how annoying it is to start on one platform only to have it finish on another)
Natasha and Clint are split up and communicate through letters. Fluff, missions and a little bit of saving.
Word count: 2956
Warnings: warnings for domestic violence
It starts with a cat.  
At least that’s what Natasha thinks. 
Clint would say it started with the mission to Antwerp, but really, Natasha thinks that it’s starts with the cat in the window. 
With Clint’s leg broken, he was so bored, she’d suggested letters; emails were easily tracked and she supposed; so could mail, but the postal service still seemed to have more protections than an email Al carrier. 
Clint had agreed and the time for a letter to get from Antwerp to New York wasn’t as long as she thought. 
It was different to a mission report. Something that that actually had to put thought into, but actually something that over the six weeks, she came to enjoy.  
Even the search in the stationary shop, for letter writing stationary and envelopes. 
She can’t remember if she’d ever sent a letter.  
Not when it hadn’t been coded, and so when she sat down to write the first one, she stared at the paper and then got up and left it there.  
She came back with a glass of water and an iced coffee  
Staring again, she hears the cat at the back window and stands again. 
Natasha looks into the darkness and whispers to the cat to come in, clinking a spoon against the saucer of milk and waiting.  
This, she thinks, this is where she started. 
Don’t laugh. There’s a cat here. I’ve named him Liho, for obvious reasons. Remember? He sits with me at night. In fact, if you find fur attached to this letter it’s likely his. Did you know that Antwerp has a stray cat problem? I’m sure there’s more out there, but he’s been the bravest and I think, well, he might be coming back with me. 
All is boring here, there’s not much to report on just yet. I’m sure more going on than there though. 
How is the leg?  
Are you doing the exercises Richard gave you? Follow them, please, otherwise they’ll be on my back to get you to do them.  
The house here is quiet, no neighbours; like most of our houses. It makes the nights long.  
The previous owners must have been just as bored because there’s some 1000 piece puzzles - I’ve started one. I’m enjoying it. It’s of London buses - a whole scene of the square. I’ll probably have it finished in a day or two. 
Perdy and Pongo - the contrived meetings have been nice and easy. Another one tomorrow, all going well. 
It’s nearing one in the morning.  
I’ll send this off. 
Miss you terribly.  
Liho the cat sounds like a keeper. I’ve looked into it, and your apartment has a no animal policy, but the good news is mine doesn’t.  
Draw a picture of the cat? I’ve added what I think he looks like below, but you might have better luck in the drawing department.  
Glad that all seems to be going well Pongo and Perdy, has anything changed?  
The leg. 
I’m doing the exercises. Honest. 
It’s just shit.  
I’m bored, and your not here to keep me company.  
We really gotta train others in Russian because you being the only one speaking it fluently, seems actually ridiculous. It’s like, why am I the only one to speak Persian Arabic? It pigeonholes us and sets us up for really specific… holidays. Anyway. Food for thought. 
Puzzles sounds like a good way to pass the time.  
Coulson has taught me crochet. He said it’s a good way to keep my mind busy, and do maths. 
I can crochet a straight line. I’m aiming for a blanket.  
Here’s my picture of a cat. 
Miss you terribly. 
Continued on ao3...
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caterpillarinacave · 1 year
The Post TLH Children:
Zachary Carstairs:
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Zachary is kind of living his best life.
He’s got a great brother, great sister, plenty of adults who love him, some really weird friends, some normal friends, a world to live in that he loves, and an entire universe to experience.
He gets along pretty well with most people, obviously loves him family a bunch. In his opinion, his brother is the coolest (though he’d never say it out loud.)
He’s got this deadpan sort of humor that not everyone catches onto, but genuinely means well, and when needed turns the sarcasm off for people he cares about. He’s very perky and optimistic, if not somewhat distractable. 
He thought about going into politics, decided that would be too boring. He fully intends to move to Paris, Chicago, Rome or something of the like, and do something INTERESTING. Maybe be a reporter, a designer, or better yet, a food critic. 
Mismatched socks, purple curtains, watching the sun set on a balcony, standing in solidarity with a crowd, sweet air, great skin, falling in love with life, city apartments, satin shirts, grinning to yourself, coffee with plenty of cream, the taste of grapes, golden handkerchiefs, being proud of your family, smelling like fresh linen, warm hazelnut and eau de cologne. 
Alexander Lightwood:
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He’s honestly just a pretty nice guy. 
Blue eyed boy, straight black hair, pretty casual. Very loyal, very protective. He also is a music guy. He prefers band, specializing in brass, specifically tuba. You think the tuba doesnt give him rizz? Wrong, it does. So does the trumpet, but it doesn’t spark the same joy as the massive hunk of metal the size of a small child. 
 He can also sing, but doesnt pour his heart into it the way he does for instrument. 
He really, genuinely, adores Peter, swearing to be his friend when he met him as a tiny little baby. He probably didn’t expect to become parabatai, but pretty quickly realized that he got along with Peter better than he got along with anyone else, and enjoys his company like no other. All deeper meanings aside, they just really mesh well. 
Alexander doesn’t have the same obsessiveness Peter does, but he’ll come over to the Fairchild house for hours nonetheless. He’s content to sit in the room and read, draw, study, ect ect while Peter plays the same song thirty eight times. 
He starts a marching band. A street band, and a pretty damn good one. Peter, much as he isnt a band kid, helps him as much as he can. 
He runs around London a lot, usually with Peter. Botanical gardens, old graveyards, ancient churches, quaint coffee shops, patches of woods or flowers, he wants to poke around them. 
He’s really big on the natural, forest academia type of vibe.
He’s also got his own anxieties, and some survivors’ guilt.
He really wants to protect everyone. He never knew Christopher, but he sees how much everyone misses him and is terrified he’s gonna lose someone he loves. When he was little he started having dreams of Peter dying, and they’ve continued for years. Even though Peters is pretty much fine on his own, he’s deathly afraid Peters is gonna get bored of him, or he’s gonna go and get killed.
He’s still got a scar on his chest from Tatiana; and while it’s never caused him a problem, at times it feels like he survived when he shouldn’t have. 
 Everyone older than him went through all this trauma but he just barely slipped past.  What did he do that made him any better? Why did he deserve better? Why did he survive when his bother didn’t? Would it have been better if he died? If he had died, would they miss him as much?
Also he’s got a potty mouth. Considering how laid back and friendly he is, it’s a little jarring, but he walks into the room with his friends and swears like a sailor on a hot day.
Promises between friends, steel swords, creeks in the forest, misting rain running off of building, overgrown indoor plants, blueberry skins in your teeth, the scent of wool, protect those you love, falling asleep on your best friends shoulder, taking the stairs, swimming in lakes, walking around when the world is asleep, sharing your soul with one person, missing something you can't remember, running when you could walk, parades, the cacophony of a band, spit on your shoes, oil stains on your jeans, the perfect weight of a broadsword, stone sharpening a blade, warm milk, the scent of the forest, coffee, and wood, hundreds of voices mingling together in public until they are one with the world as the wind.
Peter Fairchild:
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He was the last of the triplets to be born, and a surprise to end all surprises. With all the chaos Belials attack on London , Charlotte prenatal visits were mostly just “yep, no one’s dead in there”! So in a twist of fate that could only happen to the London Shadowhunters, bam, screaming baby boy. 
  Peter is super easy going, and joined at the hip with Alexander Lightwood. They’ve been besties literally since Peter was born. They bounce off each other well, and have spent multiple summers laying in the woods, swimming in lakes, and agonizing over music. They’ll end up teaching together in a music school eventually. 
Building on that, the kid is a musical masterpiece. Probably because music is all he does.
Adding on that memory rune, he’s Mozart on steroids. His big three are singing, piano and composing.
His voice is amazing, three octave range, most comfortable in as a low bass. Genuine talent, genuine passion. 
Piano was his first love, and he started it with Alexander. 
 His goal is composing, which he will eventually get to, and absolutely kick ass at.
All three of the triplets are the spitting image of their dad, it’s basically mini Henry 1# 2# and 3#. They inherited the red hair, freckles, eyes, and autism..  Peter is friendly, casual, so-so social skills, but he does try his best.
 He’s got plenty of curls himself, but he doesn’t like to mess with his hair, so he just goes with hats. Particularly herringbone caps, which he wears regardless of being inside or outside.
Also, he really doesn’t like getting his clothes wet. He likes to swim, doesn’t mind bathing, ect, but he hates the feeling of wet cloth on his skin.
Tweed jackets, flocks of songbirds going up, summer night air, leather shoelaces, piles and piles of sheet music, blinding heat of stage lamps, clapping of a crowd you can not see, the familiarity of piano keys, chopin and mozart, carnations, lapel pins, august days with your best friend, conductors baton slipped up your sleeve, the scent of rosin, valve oil, and pen ink under the smell of almond cologne.
Thelma Fairchild:
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She’s trying, bless her.
She is dripping with that special brand of autism. She doesn’t realize when people are being mean to her, and doesn’t know how to tell them to leave her alone. She’s just as weird and exuberant as Henry, so she’s a prime target for the asshats of the shadowhunter world. She’s honestly very friendly, but just as lonely. 
Her poison of choice is dance.
When she was something like five, her mother took her to see a production of the Alice in Wonderland ballet and she fell in love. She’s tall for a ballerina, but the height standard for shadow hunter ballerinas is way higher than for mundane ones. The idea is seeing someone whose six foot tall dance en pointe is much more impressive than it is for someone a foot shorter do the same. 
Thelma, weird as she may be, is a genuinely brilliant dancer. She’s downright ethereal, totally willing to work at it 24/7 at it, great musicality, excellent actor, and an amazing storyteller. She’s a student at a ballet academy in Idris- arguably the best school in the world, and certainly one of the most challenging. 
She doesn’t love staying one her own, so she usually stays at the family residence in Idris as opposed to in the dorms at her academy.  
She loves the color yellow, loves her family, is definitely a lesbian and is hopelessly enthralled with life.
Sunlight streaming over wood floors, snow on the steps of massive stone libraries, books and candles, beating in pointe shoes, bobby pins in every drawer, dancing on your own, golden hour, freckles on your arms, standing on a balcony during a thunderstorm, sun faded furniture, poetry, reciting shakespeare to yourself, watching your shadow move, yards and yards of fabric, nooks and crannies, hidden corners, being loved by your family, “You’re just like your father”, blisters on your ankles, bruises on your knees, bones and angles, alone in a crowd, sweet candies, twirling in flowery courtyards, costumes and dresses, yellow everything, carefully polished jewelry, secrets whispered in candlelight, falling asleep on the floor, the satiny scent of a ballet studio over the scent of beeswax, and something warm and orangey, like wassail or mulled wine, loving the world despite everything it throws at you. 
Marigold Fairchild:
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Mary, Goldie, Mary-goldie, whatever you call her, Marigold is the oldest of the triplets. 
Her thing is carving. Particularly, marble carving.
 She’s as obsessive as everyone else in her family and is really good at what she does. Probably because that’s all she does. She paints her statues, the same way ancient Romans did, though much updated. 
  She uses warlock pigments, fae powders, paints from every corner of the universe, and every piece of art is amazingly realistic. A fully finished statue is identical to an actual person. 
Her carving studio is a particularly large garden shed, renovated. Originally, it was supposed to be for all the triplets to play in but she took it over. Good luck getting it back.
She likes blue. A lot. When she isn’t carving, she looks for color. She loves the ocean, and likes to wander around the coast, the more wild the better. Scotland, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, ect. Her favorite by far is Ireland. The only thing she may like as much as carving or preparing to carve, is probably staring at the Irish coast. The color, the feeling you get, the greenness of it all, what she would give to live under those waves, stand in the surf during a storm, see that color, experience it, live in it.  Carving is the closest she gets to that type of living though, you know? It’s creating a person, freeing a form from its stone prison. Once you finish a carving you’re as familiar with that carving as you could be with any person in the world.
As an artist, she smokes a hookah recreationally. She’s the only one of the triplets to smoke, and none of them drink.
 She’s got a dog, an English setter, named Mary Shelly, Shelly for short. They figured since Matthew named a dog after an author they might as well keep the theme going (It was Matthew’s idea).
Shelly was her sixth birthday gift, for her first rune. Peter got a nice piano (and the old one moved to his room) , Thelma got one of the spare rooms redone to work as a ballet studio. 
 She takes very careful care of her curls. All the triplets have lovely hair, Marigold just uses product, lets it grow, covers it at night, ect. It’s waist length, 3a, excellent volume, and lowkey intimidating. 
Cold rain, paint on your forearms, pockets full of things, oversized clothes, nicks on your fingers, heather on the coast,  bare feet covered in grass stains, sleet in the morning, tons of cardamom tea, dyed fingertips, sketchbooks, drawing on yourself, callused fingers, sore arms, marble dust sticking on your hair, watching the stars with your one true love, shopping the shadow market searching for new pigments, bitten lips, dog hair stuck on your pants, and the scent of sea salt and stone with an undertone of wildness.
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siliconecuk · 7 months
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sweetdreamsjeff · 1 year
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Needed to share this with the fans because Jeff too was a fan of music. Things go into the past and I'm here to carry them on, even if it is through the aether.
If you want to see Jeff Buckley's handwriting, his scrawl's there ("Love is rebellion - Rough Trade I miss you already," he writes "too early in the day, March '94").
Alex Marshall
Tue 3 Jul 2007 07.42 EDT
With Fopp gone, Rough Trade is the last bastion of the record shop
Rough Trade is replacing its Covent Garden shop with a megastore in east London. But is this a good thing, or merely a last hurrah?
Sonic Youth are among the seminal acts that have played at Rough Trade in Covent Garden since it opened in 1987
There was only one topic discussed by students last week: the closure of Fopp - the UK's largest independent record store chain.
When it was announced, you could hear the crying on every campus - and rightly so, as where else could you buy the new Queens of the Stone Age record and still have change? But newspapers also did their fair share. It marked the end of the record shop, they said - everyone will have to buy their music either online or at the supermarket.
But if you thought Fopp's demise was a bad sign, later this month Rough Trade in Neal's Yard, Covent Garden, will also shut up shop. And it'll be taking two decades worth of history with it.
The teeny space - it fits about a dozen people, uncomfortably - down a stairwell at the back of a skateboard shop, is the lesser heralded of the two Rough Trades. Largely because no one can find it. But since opening in 1987, it's seen everyone from Sonic Youth to Lily Allen play gigs there while shoved in a corner. They've all signed the ceiling too, turning the shop into a veritable museum of indie.
If you want to see Jeff Buckley's handwriting, his scrawl's there ("Love is rebellion - Rough Trade I miss you already," he writes "too early in the day, March '94"). So is that of Fall frontman Mark E Smith (signed "Mark E Sonic", for God knows what reason). And then there are Guardian favourites like LCD Soundsystem and the Gossip ("Kleenex 4 ever", Beth Ditto's written, referring to the pioneering female punk band).
There are also loads of pictures of cocks, proving that if you give any male a marker pen - be it a thirteen-year-old or a thirtysomething rock star - there's one thing they're going to draw.
Most of the bands who have played there, though, are of a much smaller stature, reflecting the rather (ahem!) distinct tastes of the shop's staff. Appropriately enough the final gig last Thursday was played by The Young Republic, an eight-piece country-pop band from Boston, Massachusetts, featuring pedal steel guitar, upright bass and violin. Although there were only six of them on that occasion for space reasons.
Rough Trade is replacing the shop with a 5,000-square foot megastore off Brick Lane in east London. The site is little more than an empty warehouse at the moment, but by the time it opens on 20 July, it'll feature a proper stage with a proper sound system and a "snug area with free wireless connection" (please don't mean a coffee shop).
Rough Trade is portraying the move as a brave one, showing the potential independent record shops still have. But in light of Fopp's demise it seems more like a last hurrah - the company chasing the "cool kids" to east London rather than believing the records it sells are enough to entice the cool kids to them. With such a large area to fill, there's also the likelihood it'll have to adopt a soulless "pile it high, sell it cheap" approach to record selling - something which goes against the ethos of the shop and which clearly didn't work for Fopp.
Here's hoping I'm wrong and the new store thrives, bringing bands like Mika Miko (current Neal's Yard favourites) to wider attention. But what do you think? Can independent record stores still flourish, or should they finally give in to the Amazons and Tescos? Does Rough Trade's history make it immune to market trends - or is it just as vulnerable as Fopp was?
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“When he played the Rough Trade shop in Covent Garden, I made sure I got in. I stood on the stairs six foot away from him at eye level. He did Boy With the Thorn in His Side and he smiled all the way through. Afterwards we talked about The Smiths and The Pretenders. I’ve met so many tossers in music, but he was a lovely guy, the most talented person I’ve ever met, but also the nicest.”-Bernard Butler, Suede, Mojo, August, 1997 (I believe both the pic and Bernard seeing him there happened on this day)
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siliconec · 2 years
Precast Panel Detailing CAD Services Provider in USA
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Silicon Engineering Consultant Pvt. Ltd. gives good services of Precast Panel Detailing CAD Services. Our Precast Panel Detailing involves creating drawings and plans that show the dimensions, specifications, and placement of each precast panel. precast panel detailing, some companies also offer Precast Panel Engineering Services. This involves analyzing the structural requirements of the panels and designing them to meet those requirements. If you have to require any Precast Panel Detailing Design and Drafting project work then Connected with US.
Precast Panel Detailing Engineering Services include:
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We provide Precast Panel Detailing Services in USA major cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, San Diego, Dallas, San Jose, San Antonio, San Francisco, Boston, Dallas, Seattle, Washington
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sarandipitywrites · 7 days
Character Profile Tag
thanks for the tag, @mundanemoongirl! go meet her OC, Naomi, here
i'll fill this out for a character i haven't really introduced yet: Paris, from Spark Signature!
Full Name: Paris Arkadian
Age: 23
Sex: male
Species: gryphon (bipedal winged lion with feathers and an eagle's head)
Appearance: cream white feathers with dark streaks; black primary feathers; yellow beak with black hooked tip; amber eyes
Occupation: bartender/bouncer
Family: lives with his mother, Scylla. His father, Sean, moved to Dallas when he was 15. The youngest of 3 brothers (London, 28, and Dresden, 32)
Pets: the corn snake his mother let him buy after his parents' divorce. Elliot is 4 feet long and enjoys freeze-dried salmon treats and djent.
Best friend: Rune
Describe his room: largely unchanged from when he was in high school; most of the room is taken up by his bed and Elliot's terrarium, with every square inch of the walls papered in posters from local metal shows
Items in his bag/purse: snacks (prefers salty snacks, like crackers or dried seaweed snacks); a vial of Vy's specialty pick-me-up potion (does wonders for hangovers); portable amplifier (a small device the size of a dime that he can stick to the inside of his beak to amplify his voice)
Hobbies: karaoke; clubbing; thrift shopping; music festivals (will travel a considerable distance to attend one he really wants to go to; once caught a flight from Seatac to Berlin for a three-day festival. then he flew back and went to work that evening); Sails & Shackles (the tabletop RPG he plays with his coworkers)
Favorite sports: has tried most sports at least once, but his favorites are hockey and quadball. plays in an amateur league for both
Abilities/Talents/Powers: incanter (casts spells vocally); flight; excellent memory for drink orders; extremely personable
Relationships: tries to divide his time more or less evenly between his friend groups (work friends; sports friends; party friends), but feels most relaxed around Rune. close with his brothers (Dresden became something of a surrogate parent to Paris and London early in Paris's life), less close with his mother. sees his dad every other year or so. not currently looking for a romantic relationship (this will draw the attention of his mother. he does not want this)
Fears: that his mother will try to force him to take an active role with her company; live rodents (the frozen ones he feeds to Elliot don't bother him); that his mother will kick him out of their apartment; public embarrassment of any kind
Faults: naive; self-conscious; overconfident; nosy; flakey
Good points: generous; friendly; brave; easygoing; charming
What he wants more than anything else: to catch his 'big break' the way his brothers did, so that he can be financially independent from Scylla
this was fun! tagging @somethingclevermahogony, @ahungeringknife, @televisionjester, and an open tag if anyone else wants to fill this out for their characters (check under the read more for the blank sheet)
Full Name:
Best friend:
Describe his room:
Items in his bag/purse:
Favorite sports:
Good points:
What he wants more than anything else:
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zoezoegr · 20 days
About me!
Hi! I'm Zoë and I'm many, many things. Sometimes people ask me how I do it all and the truth is, I just love making stuff more than anything in the world!
First and foremost, I'm an independent filmmaker (of the writer/director variety) :
I've made a whole bunch of short films (We Are Bleach (2022, 23 min.), Inevitability (2021, 23 min.), Please Be Kind (2024, 4 min), etc.). These films have been on the festival circuit and have won a lot of awards and I'm really, really, really proud of that (like everyone else on tumblr, I did not win anything growing up lol). I've also written a bunch of feature screenplays that have won a lot of awards as well, including Top 10 in Francis Ford Coppola's American Zoetrope (that's my favorite because everything about Mr. Coppola inspires me and I genuinely can't believe this happened for me). I have three features currently in development, so if you're interested in getting involved in producing an epic debut feature, get in touch with me :) my projects are The Weather Just Got Sexy, Hanging Gardens of the Sea and Sky, and My World At Night.
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I'm also a singer/songwriter --
--mainly doing old-school rock music but I hate being pigeonholed into a single genre. So far, I have out a punk song called Platonic Fun, a disco/alt rock song called Free, an rnb/soul/alt rock song called I Want My Time With You, and a 50s lounge jazz/soft bop song called I Adore You. I'll be coming out with my first album soon! All my songs are on Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, Youtube, whatever you use. Here's a music video for my song Free and here's the last live set I played in London shot by Lou Smith :)
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Obviously, this page is mainly about my visual art,
which is how I got started. I went to uni in Japan at Kyoto Seika University where I studied writing and drawing manga in Japanese! I also used to run the now defunct but still I am told iconic tumblr blog from the heyday of this site, fehyesvintagemanga
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As an artist, I sometimes write and draw comics still when the mood strikes me - now they're kind of a hybrid between manga and western comics like this. Some of my favorite manga I wrote in Japanese are up on my site as well like this BL manga about two designers and a llama from the moon, or this one where I reimagined The Breakfast Club to be about what are essentially yandere weeaboos.
I make a lot of fine art at this point and there's a ton of it on my website. For instance, this larger than life watercolor of Taron Egerton and Hugh Jackman covered in Japanese and Chinese song lyrics. Or this series of watercolor/mixed media pieces inspired by (mainly) British films and comedy and also Doctor Zhivago.
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I LOVE doing b&w art that lives in the borderland between illustration and fine art that could go either way depending on context like this.
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I'm also a photographer,
my specialty is portraits and fashion. Here are some cool photos I've taken this year. And here are some more!
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If you want to buy something/hire me...
I'm based between Paris and London and I'm always happy to sell originals or prints, so let me know if there's something you like :) I'm also open to commissions - come at me with your budget and I'll see what I can do. And, of course, that goes for photography sessions as well! This is my print shop which I'll be adding to regularly This is my new music Instagram for anyone who's still on Insta and I'm actually on TikTok too My hp My production company's hp My photography website
For easy links, here's my tree
Nice to meet you!
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The Role of AI in E-commerce: Improving Customer Experiences
When talking about e-commerce website development services, AI has become a revolutionary power throughout businesses. As innovation advances, artificial intelligence changes how we shop online by further developing personalisation, working on activities, and enhancing user experience. 
From intelligent product suggestions and virtual assistants to stock management and fraud detection, AI-powered arrangements empower associations to give smooth, customised experiences while driving advancement in the competitive e-commerce sector. Let us look at how AI is reshaping the entire e-commerce landscape in detail. 
How Are Businesses Using AI in E-commerce?
If you are planning on hiring an e-commerce website development agency for your e-commerce store, let us first look at how other firms use AI for their businesses. Below are some of the ways companies use AI in e-commerce: 
E-commerce sites can utilise AI to tailor their clients' shopping experiences based on their buying history, tastes, and behaviour. It further develops client faithfulness. Yet, it likewise improves the probability of acquiring extra exchanges. AI can also examine web index searches to attract new clients.
Improved Customer Service
Chatbots fueled by AI are brilliant devices for e-commerce stores to convey 24/7 customer support. Chatbots and virtual assistants can assist with robotising client care requests, purchasing, and answering questions. It also decreases customer service professionals' stress and provides consumers a more simplified experience. 
Price Optimisation
Like perfecting the sales processes, AI may optimise pricing to ensure that firms earn the highest possible sales margins. Seasonal fluctuations in some products, as well as supply chain concerns, may have an impact on product prices. Artificial Intelligence might represent all this, taking into account real-time dynamic pricing.
Improve Consumer Segmentation
Artificial Intelligence can assess many information points to convey knowledge about the most unsurprising customer propensities, buying conduct, and inclinations for every classification. It empowers e-commerce retailers to adapt marketing messages and advancements for each divided group, bringing about more sales and revenue - and a more customised shopping experience. 
Better Logistics 
AI can work on every part of the supply network and satisfaction process. From stock management to adjustable delivery choices to computerised request satisfaction, e-commerce stores use Artificial Intelligence to diminish waste and get items to clients. 
More Precise Predicting 
Forecasting - whether for deals, requests, item expenses, or something different can become a challenge. What can improve prediction is information, which Artificial Intelligence can use to get better knowledge. 
How to Implement AI for Online Stores?
Before investing in e commerce website development london , knowing how to implement them for an e-commerce store is essential. Below are the steps to implement AI for web-based stores.
Determine Specific Use Cases
Before deploying AI, e-commerce organisations should check their business needs and determine how the innovation could help. By laying out the organisation's needs, owners might verify that the AI system they pick relates to their objectives.  
Use Third-Party Expertise 
Try not to enter into this venture. To avoid regular blunders, draw on the experience of the people who have gone before you. Execution, integration, and optimisation are tough, so employing experts might be prudent for this outcome in better navigation.  
Use Internal Supporters 
Utilising Artificial Intelligence — or any innovation — is more viable when your workers acknowledge it. Distinguish internal supporters who will get the news out about how this will help the organisation and workers to increment buy-in. 
Why Should Organisations Consider the Use of Artificial Intelligence? 
Below are the reasons why firms should use AI for web-based stores: 
Improved Targeting in Marketing and Advertising
Artificial Intelligence can mine information to figure out which sort of client you're focusing on and how to best draw in with them. Better buyer personas can further develop advertising, item depictions, and deals. 
Customer Engagement
AI can assist firms with better comprehension of online buyers and what persuades them to make a move. It will likewise impact how the organisation contacts its existing consumers later on. Consumer support and satisfaction are normal regions where AI helps online shops and further develops client experience.  
Enhanced Automation 
Executing automation involves boosting your business. Distinguishing normal tasks that should be possible by a digital solution empowers employees to zero in on more impactful work that helps the association. AI can likewise open up new automation methods, helping with unmanageable jobs.  
What Are Some Examples of Using AI in E-commerce?
Below mentioned are some examples of using AI in e-commerce: 
The Shopify ecommerce platform utilises AI technology to work on the skills of its users, permitting them to make better store encounters while improving backend processes. Shopify experts developers  can leverage the platform's advanced AI generative tool for creating enthralling item descriptions and a variety of AI plug-ins that offer consumers customized purchasing recommendations.  
This platform offers AI solutions that work on the skill of tasks for purchasers and dealers. eBay uses Artificial Intelligence to assist with item classification by using text and picture models, which considers item labelling for increased accessibility. This procedure permits sellers to list their items in the appropriate segments, guaranteeing that customers can find what they need. 
Alibaba's ecosystem has an incredible number of active users worldwide, which necessitates the employment of advanced AI technologies such as ML and cloud AI functions to improve the shopping experience. 
As a result, Alibaba has executed the Recommendation System Framework (RSF). Alibaba's Recommendation System Framework (RSF) is a cutting-edge artificial intelligence system that optimises traffic flow and makes individualised product recommendations to customers. The RSF monitors client action and makes tailored suggestions in no time, guaranteeing that buyers see the most applicable and needed items at the time of contact.
To sum up, the usage of e-commerce website development services in the e-commerce industry has changed how organisations approach design and promotion. AI procedures and calculations have empowered predictive analytics, successful client segmentation, and modified marketing strategies. This tool allows organisations to develop consumer loyalty, increment transformations, and maximise marketing spending. 
Artificial Intelligence will continue to grow in e-commerce as innovation accelerates, offering new opportunities for businesses seeking to prosper online. Thus, if organisations desire to stay serious and provide excellent consumer experiences, they can use AI for their e-commerce store.
Author Bio : - 
Pritesh is the Director of Sales for the US, UK and European markets for Magneto IT Solutions. He advises clients on their technology strategy, providing insights into the future of digital commerce for B2C and b2b commerce solution and mid-market and enterprise accounts. He has significant experience in the jewellery and luxury goods industry and enjoys consulting on digital transformation projects. He has over 15 years experience performing various roles from consulting through to delivery.
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