#Shocking take: incest is bad guys!
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ironunderstands · 1 year ago
The problem with the fuck around and find out method on ao3 is that you get graced with some of the most insane fucking shit ever written when you don’t want to see it, even moreso if the character you are searching for is super popular. I love fics about Childe however I am too lazy to sort through every tag I don’t like so I really have nobody else to blame but myself for when a Childe X Tonia fic or something equally horrifying appears onscreen. Like it’s my bad for witnessing this stuff obviously but the shock from seeing stuff like that is funny enough to erase how upsetting that kind of thing is (for reference Childe and Tonia are siblings and Childe is an adult and Tonia is a child)
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partentts · 9 months ago
detective conan really has it all:
- bad writing
- somewhat cheap plot twists for shock factor
- girls with so so many issues that will never be addressed
- unintentional gay people
- extremely interesting plot threads that aren't nearly expanded on enough
- kudou shinichi (and his one million clones)
- same face syndrome
- one thousand million ways of killing your loved ones
- police force that honestly kind of suck (just like in real life!)
- some guy who isn't even from this series
- three thousand million ways of killing your boss
- unintentional gay people again (lesbians this time)
- three 6 year olds running around murder cases (plus two teenagers)
- unintentional neglectful and/or abusive parents
- an unexplained drug that serves as the driving force for the entire premise of the story
- curry
- one million secret identies
- a thousand secret agents
- incest
- will-they-won't-they romance in favor of actual relationship development
- incest again (now plot relevant)
- Beika murder town
- walking death magnet (call that a shini-chi-kami)
- accidental trans allegory
- some morals that you really shouldn't take to heart
- autistic guys who tries to emulate sherlock holmes due to their special interests
- yuri
- my favouritest girl ever (shiho)
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fireater · 2 months ago
hello i’m here..
i would love if u wrote something about this. there is a very particular cruelty to reinforcing trauma and somehow making something already horrific worse cause it’s guided and patronising… & cause of that i need it really bad..
HELLO HANNAH THIS TOOK SO FUCKING LONG AND IM SO SO RUSTY W WRITING!!! but ily.. thank u for sending me this ily UGH!! tw for past rape and incest and references to underage abuse - post in question btw!! link is old bc I changed my user
Jimmy picks you up on a street corner, leering out the window of his pick-up truck like you’re a two-dollar whore.
“Oh.” You press your cheek into your raised shoulder. Coy and playful. Like he’s flirting with you. Jimmy would like to make it clear that he is doing anything but that, he’s harassing you. He is ogling you. You are a slutty piece of meat. “I’m not for sale mister.”
“Why you dressed like that then?”
He takes a good look at your face. You’re young—Younger than he has ever looked. Eyes that swallow up your whole entire face, fringed by feathery lashes, that sweet little girl pout.
In the sunlight he sees you in fresco.
When he takes you home he sees you for who you are. This sad little girl with a daddy-shaped hole in her heart.
It makes him like you even more.
You’re splayed flat on his mattress, blinking up at him with big, sad eyes. You know, those kind of eyes. The eyes that girls who end up on the side of milk cartons have. The eyes that foster children and teenage girls on suicide watch have.
“C’mon.” Jimmy cocks his head to the side, he’s got you all figured out. “What’s going on at home?” He squeezes your cheeks until your lips are forced into a pink pout.
“Whath d’yu meanth?” It comes out muffled but he understands well enough.
“I mean, sweetheart, what is it about me—“ Jimmy’s free hand works on unbuckling his belt, you flinch with each clink. Oh, poor thing. He wonders if daddy used it on your tits or cunt. “—That reminds you of daddy?” He lets go of your face to watch it scrunch up in protest and then fall a moment later.
Shyly, quietly, peeking at him through your lashes—“You smell like him.”
“Oh, do I?” Jimmy bumps your nose with his, your eyes are so big there are barely any whites. Your heart is beating so fast he feels it beneath your skin.
“You do…” You trace your fingers along the bridge of his nose. “And you have his nose.” Jimmy’s nose is a pretty regular fucking nose, a little crooked from punches thrown his way.
He hums with this nasty smile on his face, giving you a once over before he asks the nitty-gritty questions. “Where did daddy touch you?”
When you don’t respond, blinking at him stupidly like you are oh-so shocked, Jimmy sighs and slips a hand up your dress. He pushes your thong to the side, plucking your clit so hard you whimper. “Did daddy touch you here?”
You stare at him, bottom lip trembling, unable to move.
“No?” He moves on, hand travelling further up your dress to one of your nice tits. “Was it here? Did daddy touch you like this?” He asks, giving it a firm squeeze, like he’s checking a fruit ripeness.
You are still fucking looking at him with those big, sad eyes. It’s like you want him to feel bad for you. But Jimmy does not care if you have been touched here, there or everywhere.
Jimmy pushes his fingers into your mouth. You don’t bite down because you have done this before. He wets your puffy asshole. “I guess daddy liked to touch you here, huh?” One finger makes it in and you whine deep in the back of your throat. “Don’t blame the guy.”
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leonkennedybreedingkink · 8 months ago
leon kennedy x fem!reader.
warnings: emotional incest (daddy-daughter), dead parent, Leon’s ooc and kind of a pervert and a very unreliable narrator, reader is just a little bit too.
tumblr shadowbans posts that use nsfw tags, ergo the only tags I will use are in the post. content is below the read more and you’re responsible for your own media consumption. read at your own risk.
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Your dad isn’t a bad guy. He’s, you know, inept in the way sitcom dads are. He has to ask you how the dishwasher runs when he sees you do it and it takes a couple times, but he figures it out in the end. Same thing with the washer and not having to separate out your reds and whites so you don’t make pink.
Leon’s just… he’s just a bit lonely. Mom died a decade back and now he walks around with half his heart in his hands and stares at you a little too long ‘cause you look just like her.
He tried dating but every woman he went out with could see his broken heart from a mile away and it was like seeing a dilapidated house, nobody wants a fixer-upper.
It’s no surprise to you when he starts hanging off you when you’re cooking for the two of you, big arms wrapped around your waist and cheek on your shoulder. Mom always said he was so clingy and would laugh every time she said that as he pressed his mouth to every place he could reach.
That was another thing too, she’d get playfully annoyed when she was wearing a strappy dress for some sort of work function and he’d damn near glue himself to her—body and mouth. She could never take it when he’d give her that kicked puppy look and reluctantly let go either.
Like mother, like daughter, you guess. You don’t shove him off or squirm free when he clings to you like a barnacle on a ship and you don’t complain because you damn well need the comfort too, even if you guys end up sharing a bed more often than not.
Your dad wasn’t very touchy when you were little, save for when you two were wrestling and he’d go a little too hard and wouldn’t let you up. You’d scream and cry when he wouldn’t let you out from under him and more often than not went crying to mom when she’d walk in.
But, anyway, he has that awkward demeanor of a guy who never got a hug from mommy when he was little. Hence why you never went to him when you wanted comfort, and mom was softer anyway, except for maybe a handful of times.
He told you once that he liked when you were sick because it meant you’d want his comfort, which stuck with you for a long while, but you’re past that, you’re a grown girl now.
Well, okay, it gets a little strange one day when he wraps himself around you like a vine from behind, fresh out of the shower. You get a whiff of him and pause, the wooden spatula freezing in the pan. He feels you stiffen up and lifts his head up, about to ask what’s wrong when you ask, “Is that my body wash?” sounding extremely scandalized and shocked.
Fuck, he never likes it when you’re shocked or angry or anything but happy with him. “Maybe.” Leon replies elusively, tightening his hold on you.
“Okay, what the fuck, dad?” You try to turn around but he holds tight. You stir faster, some rice slopping over the sides of the pan to burn on the electric burner. “Did you run out of yours, or something?”
“No.” Leon shakes his head, nose dragging across your clothed shoulder. “I just like the way yours smells.”
You make a face, unsure how to really respond to that. “Weirdo.” You decide after a while, shaking more soy sauce into the rice and stirring it around.
“Your mom never minded.” He huffs, pressing his nose to the crook of your neck and fighting a smile when your shoulders jump.
Your brows furrow and you turn off the burner with a click. “I’m not mom.” Comes out harsh, the spatula banging on the side of the pan to get the stray rice off.
Leon frowns, pressing his mouth to your shoulder for a moment. “I know, sweetheart.” He mumbles, straightening up and loosening his hold on you when you reach for the plates.
You frown too, lips pressing into a line as you dish out the food for yourself. He can damn well serve himself, he’s a grown ass man.
Dinner is a stiff affair, but he’s nice enough to do the damn dishes for his number one girl. “C’mere.” He tells you when he’s done, holding his arms out. You come over, of course, cheek squishing against his shoulder as you sag against him. You can never stay mad at that old oaf for long. “I miss her.” Dad murmurs by your ear, pretending not to notice the way your arms flare with goosebumps. Sensitive ears, you got that from him.
“I know, dad.” You mumble back, nose invaded by the orange scent of your body wash on him and his sharp-smelling aftershave. “I miss her too.” Enough time’s gone by that your voice doesn’t crack when you say that, but your throat aches all the same.
He squeezes you closer, resting his cheek on the top of your head, kissing it before laying his cheek back on your head.
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Leon’s not a bad guy. You’re just the closest thing he’s got to a wife. And he really needs to get a fucking grip because he can’t keep walking around at half-mast because you called him dad. Like, what the hell else are you supposed to call him? Leon? Fuck no. You’re his kid and kids don’t call their parents by their first names, except for that creepy kid in The Ring, but that’s fake.
God, there’s something wrong with him, he’s got a couple screws loose or something that makes him react this way. He made you. He remembers going to all the ultrasound appointments and buying the prenatals and the damn cravings. He remembers holding you when your mother finally pushed you out, kissing her sweaty temple when you opened your little mouth and started crying because the world was too loud compared to the comfort of the womb.
And he remembers when little thirteen-year-old you dragged his sorry ass into the house after he collapsed on the lawn in a drunken stupor. He was in and out for a bit after you finally lugged him inside onto the couch and had to chase after the cat for good measure and bring her silly ass back in.
When he woke up, it was six in the morning and he had one of the worst hangovers of his life. There was already a little bowl on his blanketed lap in case he puked and you were curled up in a ball on the furthest side of the couch, snoozing away.
He let you stay home for the day and had an intervention with himself as you played nurse. Maybe that’s when shit got fucked up and lines got blurred. Somewhere along the way, some wires got crossed and you started sitting where your mom did, in addition to sleeping in their bed too.
He remains awake as you snore contentedly with your back to him, his chest firmly against your spine and hips against his. See, that’s another thing you got from him, those hips and perky ass. The more he thinks about it, you’re all him in all the best and worst ways.
Best ways: hips. Ass. Definitely legs too. You got his nose and his dimples and smile. And that little spring to your step that reminds him of the days before he transferred to the RCPD and came out of Raccoon City worse for wear. You make the same faces he does—got that nearly permanent furrow in your brow that he smooths out with his thumb and warns you that you’re too young for wrinkles. Sensitive ears too.
Worst ways: clingy. It was worse when you were young and always wanted to be around him. Jeez, he gets that you were a kid and all, but wow. Is it normal for kids to cling onto their dad’s calves and tell them not to go to work? Another thing, you’re so damn sensitive. Just one comment will throw you off and he’ll be begging for you to get back to normal. One time when you were twelve, he tried to spank you and he got the silent treatment for the rest of the night after you wiggled your way free, tears streaming down your little face. He slept on the couch because he felt so bad.
There is one thing though… Leon can pat himself on the back for making the perfect girl for him. You just share half his DNA, which makes things a little sticky.
You shift a little in your sleep, your ass pressing against his dick and he has to damn near bite his tongue bloody so he doesn’t make a noise because you’re asleep. More often than not, he has to go rub one out in the bathroom and feel guilty because all that can get him off is thoughts of you.
He tries out dating apps again a couple days after that. “Honey?” He calls out as you’re in the kitchen putting the dishes away.
“What?” Ugh, he hates that, you should just come over here when he calls out for you. When he doesn’t respond, you groan so loudly he can hear you from two rooms over, walking over to where he sits on the couch with those bifocals. “What, dad?”
“Can you help me set up my Tinder profile?” He has to hold in a smirk when you do a double take and shift your weight between your feet, gaze falling down to your bare legs because you decided to torment him and wear those stupid bike shorts before he trains his eyes back on your face.
“Aren’t you… aren’t you a little old for that?”
You don’t mean any harm, but he winces a little for show, his hand over his heart. “Ouch, honey, that hurts. I’m your old man, you should be nice to me.”
You huff at him and plop down next to him on the couch, leaning so close he can smell your coconut body butter you insist on slathering yourself in after a shower. Just take them a little colder, you don’t need to boil alive to get clean. “What do you have?” You ask him, scratching the tip of your nose.
He hands his phone over to you and you hold it carefully, swiping through his pictures catalogue before you look up at him, distinctly unimpressed in the way only hot college girls can be. He finds himself asking more than a little defensively, “What?”
“You need better pictures.” And to not set your age limits at a grandma’s age and a college girl’s age. “Hang on, I have some good ones of you.”
“Did your mom take them?” He leans over to watch you swipe through your gallery.
You shake your head, selecting a couple pictures from a folder named ‘dad’ and texting them to him. “No, I caught a couple candids of you maybe a couple weeks back. And Aunt Claire always sends some to me when all you older folk go out.”
Leon gasps in mock scandal, notching his sharp chin on your shoulder. “I could sue you for that. Unlawful surveillance. What are you doing taking pictures of me without my knowledge anyway?”
You freeze before you go back to selecting the right pictures for his Tinder carousel. “Scrapbooking.” You answer quietly after a long, uncomfortable pause, your eyes on his phone screen. “I don’t have much of mom, so I take as many of you as I can.”
Oh, sweetheart. He wraps an arm around you and squeezes you tight as you help him finish setting upon his profile. See, a couple good ones: him holding a bass as big as his arms put together, one of him smiling unguardedly with Auntie Claire’s German shepherd mix on his lap insisting on pets—he’s smiling so wide his dimples are showing, his fingers buried in the long fur—another of him taking a picture of you taking a picture of him, maybe he can add more when he feels like it.
He squints at the screen, maybe he should up his prescription, “What the hell’s a bio?”
You snort, halfway amused and halfway bewildered. “Like, biography, dad.”
“Why don’t they just say that?” He says to watch you turn to look at him, your noses just this far apart.
You turn back around, face warming. “Because it was meant to be shorthand.”
You show the phone to him. It’s got his Zodiac—Scorpio—in a tab along with his height and weight, marital status, whether he drinks or smokes or is ‘420 friendly’—which you tell him means whether he’s okay with weed, he says no and you change that—whether he’s a cat or dog person, all the really important things to consider in a potential partner. He adds that he has you, then hedges on whether he should mention the dead wife.
You veto mentioning it, so he leaves it out, then saves his profile.
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A bit after you help your dad set up his tinder profile—apparently, DILFs are in—you get asked out on a date. Which, normally, would be cause for celebration.
You just feel anxious at the thought of telling your dad that you’re going out. Like, how is he going to respond? He was never overprotective, and isn’t really now, but you really dislike the idea of leaving him alone for a while. You keep it a secret until you come downstairs and he’s making dinner. He turns around when he hears your feet on the creaky stairs, eyebrows raising as he lets out a low whistle at your outfit.
Your face warms all the way up to your ears.
“Where are you going?” He asks, managing to not sound sleazy as he turns back around to stir the sauce in the pot, the only thing betraying his true feelings being how jerky his movements are.
“Out on a date.” You reply reticently, shifting from foot to foot at the bottom of the stairs.
“Okay.” He says after a tense pause. Then he glances back over his shoulder, waggling his eyebrows at you. “Play safe.”
“Ew, dad.” You say as you go get your shoes and pull them on where you sit on the stairs. “Not happening.”
He hums, eyeing you surreptitiously. Aw, blue underpants this time, not red or black. “Good. At least wait until the third date.”
“I’m going now.” You tell him emphatically, wrapping your arms around him from behind before you walk out, keys in your bag. Leon’s stomach flips when your hand lands on his stomach, body betraying him once again. He curses under his breath and hangs his head, willing himself to calm down and kill that jealousy rising in the back of his throat as he watches you pull out of the driveway and go on your date.
Well, you come home thirty minutes later, guilt eating at you for daring to go out on a date. Nevermind the fact that you’re a fully grown adult and can do whatever you want because you’re young and hot.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He’s at the table, eating by himself and painting a very sad picture of bachelorhood. “Did it not go so well?”
“Yeah.” You lie, getting yourself a plate and serving yourself some spaghetti and meatballs. You didn’t even make it to the restaurant before you took a u-turn and went home, making up something about an emergency coming up. “Didn’t like the guy, gave me bad vibes.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, sweetheart.” He gets up and scoops you into a hug, hiding his glee successfully. “Other fish in the sea.” He says blithely when you’re both sitting down.
You slurp up the last of your spaghetti before giving him a smile. “Yeah. Other fishes.”
Neither of you mean a word you say.
A month later, he gets to go out on a date with someone else. He tells you the day of, the very same way you did a month prior.
Turnabout’s fair play but your stomach still complains and you’re still jealous of this woman.
He tuts and flicks your nose when you’re silent for a little too long, grinning when you scowl at him and jab him in the stomach. He grunts and doubles over and gets you back, this little play-fight going on for a few minutes because neither of you matured past the age of twelve.
Eventually, you get away and watch him adjust his clothes that you helped pick him out, your arms folding as you pout and sulk on the inside. “Don’t pout at me, babygirl.” He tells you, giving you a wink that traitorously makes your stomach flip-flop. “I’ll be back around nine, you can bring the hammer down if I’m out past curfew.”
You still don’t smile, you feel a little like you’re being replaced. Then again, this mystery woman isn’t the one who gets to have him clinging onto her as she cooks or while you sleep in the same bed or on the couch watching a movie you picked out because Leon’s a big softie and can never say no to his favorite girl.
But she might, and you revolt at the thought of having a stepmother at your big age. You two made it a decade without a replacement, you certainly don’t need one, and lately, you’re not so sure dad needs one either. You’re a wife figure all on your own.
He leaves with a big hug and a kiss dropped on the top of your head, the door shutting behind him. You watch him reverse out of the driveway before you start on dinner and sulk the entire way through the oven cooking your chicken nuggets.
Leon comes home an hour later and scoops you into a hug, rousing you from sleep in your shared bed.
“What’s up, dad?” You sleepily nose at him, head tucked into his neck. “Did you not like her?”
“Nah. I didn’t even see her, I told her something came up.” He pets your head and you snuffle, one arm wrapping around his waist.
“How come?”
“Bad vibes.” He knows you know he’s lying. “Besides,” he shifts, scooping you onto his lap, “I’ve got my number one girl right here.”
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penguwastaken · 10 months ago
Nobody Understands Mukuro Ikusaba (aka Mukuro Character Analysis)
...except for the people that do (lol).
But first I want to clarify what I mean by this title and why I even wrote this thread in the first place. Mukuro is my second favorite Danganronpa character, only beaten out by Kyoko. There's a lot of reasons why I really like Mukuro, but one of them is her writing.
I think she's one of the best written characters in the series. But unfortunately, she also happens to be one of the most misunderstood characters as well. Not even by the people who don't like her, but also by her own fans.
"Mukuro has incestuous feelings for Junko" "Danganronpa 3 retconned her character" "Mukuro was just a plot device" These are all claims that baffle me because simply just consuming the media will say otherwise.
To many, Mukuro is either a one note incest freak or a pure innocent cinnamon roll who did nothing wrong and both of those interpretations are wildly incorrect. I've been meaning to write this post for a while, but we're finally here.
Nobody understands Mukuro Ikusaba (a ""🧵"") (Spoiler warning for the entire series)
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Story Overview
We don't actually know too much about Mukuro's backstory aside from the fact that at a young age, she was separated from her younger twin sister Junko. Before being taken away, she claims that she was homeless and after she was taken she was forced to become a member of the military group Fenrir.
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So clearly Mukuro never really had the chance to have a normal life, and more importantly: never had a chance to feel the care of another person.
Her sister, who Mukuro had not seen in years, suddenly got in contact with her and called Mukuro over to participate in her plan to overthrow Hope's Peak Academy (and the world). Mukuro, who already felt bad for losing her sister and was desperate for any kind of affection, accepted and began working for Junko.
Junko took advantage of Mukuro's desperation and had her basically work as a servant to her plans. She started by having Mukuro wipe out the entirety of a middle school in order to prove Mukuro's skills and how far Mukuro would go for her.
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With that out of her way, Junko made Mukuro obey like her servant in order to overthrow Hope's Peak and cause the tragedy. Mukuro did so without batting an eye and disregarding any second thoughts she might have had, all while facing Junko's abuse.
During her time attending Hope's Peak, Mukuro met Makoto Naegi. Unlike most of her classmates, Makoto was friendly to her and showed her compassion. This confused her as we already established that Mukuro wasn't used to affection. Because of this and her tendency to latch onto anyone who shows her even an ounce of care, she began to develop feelings for Makoto (that even Junko acknowledged).
"In the past two years, Ikusaba had gained an interest in the world beyond her sister. And in that world, Makoto Naegi--the first person who smiled at her and bridged the gap between her and the world--had become like a sapling of sincerity taking root in her heart." -Danganronpa IF confirming Mukuro's feelings for Makoto
"Upupupu… I wonder what kind of fun you were having in the infirmary? Did you take care of your rival in love, or did you wish them a happy marriage? Either way, don't you think our nice guy Naegi standing side-by-side with Kirigiri makes for a wonderful picture? If this were a thriller, they'd be the last surviving couple!" "Upupupupu… Or how about just killing all of the others? If everyone but you and Naegi die, then the two of you can spend the rest of your student lives together! After all, we can't even hold a trial if there's only two people left. Maybe it'll be best if you just hole up here, safe in the building forever!" "And what're you going to do once he goes back to his old self? It's not as if you were dating Naegi, right? You were just watching him from afar all this time! Now this is a shock. You can shoot right through people's heads and hearts without even blinking, but you can't even steal away some skinny little boy's heart! You want me to tell you who Naegi had a crush on before his memories were erased? Upupupupu…" -Junko teasing Mukuro about her feelings as she aids Makoto in Danganronpa IF
Once the tragedy occured, Mukuro was locked inside of Hope's Peak with Junko and the rest of their classmates and she helped orchestrate the killing game. She disguised herself as Junko, under the impression that Junko would fake her death and they could spend the rest of the game together.
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This is when the seeds of doubt began to sprout inside of Mukuro. I wouldn't say that she necessarily began to go against her sister, but she definitely was starting to get a little more hesitant.
"It was only recently that she began to question her mindset. Hearing about this plan from Junko and watching the world burn at the hands of people in Monobear masks did nothing to sway her, but when she heard that Junko was intending to plunge Naegi and the others into a game of murder, something within her began to move. The seed of doubt soon took root, sprouting into a thorny vine that twisted around her feet. And the moment she met her friends for the first time under the identity of Junko Enoshima and realized their memories were truly gone, the vines quickly tightened around her ankles." -Danganronpa IF describing Mukuro's feelings when the killing game began
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To Makoto and the player who are under the impression that this is Junko, they assume that she's referring to not wanting to be a model anymore. But given her backstory of never being able to live a normal life and always having to fend for herself or follow the orders of others, we can infer what she actually means. She expresses disappointment in the fact that she never really had a chance to do what she wanted.
This all culminates in the moment where Junko was supposed to fake the death of Mukuro, but that isn't what happened. Instead, Junko killed Mukuro and betrayed her. To say that Junko felt no remorse from this action would be a lie, however. Junko only did this because she knew it would hurt both of them.
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...but what if that wasn't what happened? What if Mukuro wasn't killed? What would happen then? That brings us to:
Danganronpa IF
Danganronpa IF answers the hypothetical question of what if Mukuro survived Junko's attack. Of course this means it isn't canon, but due to Kodaka being involved with its creation and its existence as an event that hypothetically could have happened, it is canon compliant. This means that while the events didn't happen in canon, they could have and things like characterization are all accurate. Think of it like an extended free time event. While the events themselves aren't canon, the things they say and imply are. I'll also be referencing Danganronpa IF a lot because since it's told from Mukuro's perspective, it gives a lot of insight on her thought process.
After regaining his memories, Makoto recognizes and rescues Mukuro seconds before her would-be death and he gets impaled by one of the spears. Mukuro rushes to save him, abandoning her disguise and goal.
During this time, Mukuro does a lot of thinking. Why did Junko try to kill her? For all the time they've been working together, Mukuro always assumed that her job was to prop Junko up and help her achieve despair.
It turns out that Junko didn't want Mukuro to obey Junko's every order, Junko wanted Mukuro to retaliate. She didn't want Mukuro to submit to her, but instead to fight back.
With this Mukuro changes her mind, choosing to fight Junko instead of assisting her. Not because she's on the side of hope, she never cared about hope or despair, but because she only wants what's best for the only person in her life who cared for her.
"'That's why… I'll take responsibility. I'll make you happy, Junko . I'll make youdespair. I'll save Naegi-kun… I'll make sure none of our friends die. I'll get them all out of here. And I'll kill every last one of the ones on the outside. You planned this for years and killed so many people to make this work… so I'll destroy every last trace of it.' She was not driven by resentment at the sister who abandoned her. Ikusaba would do all this for her sister's sake." -Mukuro changing her approach to making Junko happy in Danganronpa IF
Who is Mukuro Ikusaba?
Now this is the part where I finally exit the synopsis phase and finally get into the character analysis, explaining why Mukuro acts the way she does in all entries.
Now, I want to begin with a common critique of Mukuro's character, specifically one that's attributed to Danganronpa 3. The one that says that Mukuro's behavior is not only out of character, but also claims that she has romantic feelings for her sister.
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First point out of the way, Mukuro's blushy and flustered attitude is nothing new when it comes to her character. It's been an aspect of her since the very beginning of her characterization.
"'I don’t know if… she attracts despair, or despair attracts her, but… she’s lived her whole life with despair by her side. She lived while immersed in despair. That’s why she began looking for despair in others; she began to enjoy pushing people into despair. But you know… that’s normal. It’s no different than someone cursed by misfortune falling into hatred for those who are better off than them. But what’s special about her was that… she learned to enjoy inflicting despair upon herself. That’s how the link to despair began: as she chased down despair, she pushed it onto others along the way. Doing so caused her to crave falling into despair even more… and because of that chain to despair, the Ultimate Despair was born.' While she spoke, it was like she fell into a fever; the expressions on her face slowly turned into ecstasy. It was so completely absurd that it would have been difficult for anybody to think of it as anything but a joke, but I could tell that this was real. It might have been the hazy memories of Junko Enoshima inside me that led to that conclusion. 'You don’t get it right? That’s fair, I don’t think anybody could… But you know, only I can understand it…' Consumed by ecstasy, even Ikusaba’s breathing had begun to turn ragged." -Mukuro describing Junko in Danganronpa Zero
The second (and more important) point to address is the one that Mukuro holds some kind of romantic feelings for her sister. Now, in all honestly, I can't hold this against anyone for thinking this even if I think it's a wild misinterpretation of her behavior. Danganronpa has a track record of using incest for comedic effect (to always poor results). However, Mukuro's relationship with Junko is not used to comedic effect and it's portrayed in a negative light. Not only that, we know that Mukuro does not enjoy behaving that way.
"'She hoped that, perhaps her sister on the screen would say something like 'Not! You seriously thought I'd say something that sappy? Jeez, you're annoying! Can't you just disappear forever or something?'. She hoped that Junko might criticizeher and call her useless. Ikusaba was no masochist, but she would have preferred to hear scornful laughter and be shot at rather than continue to endure this pain." -Danganronpa IF explaining Mukuro's "masochism"
Mukuro doesn't behave the way she does because she has feelings for Junko, she does so because she believes that's how Junko wants her to behave. Danganronpa Zero and IF makes it clear that Mukuro was wrong about how Junko wanted her to behave.
“'You don’t get it right? That’s fair, I don’t think anybody could… But you know, only I can understand it…' Consumed by ecstasy, even Ikusaba’s breathing had begun to turn ragged. 'Only I’m able to understand her… That’s why she needs me. She still hasn’t realized it, but… maybe she’s only pretending not to. Ufu… It’s because she’s so shy. Ufufufu…'” -Mukuro explaining that Junko needs her in Danganronpa Zero
"Ikusaba knew that not even she herself was her own ally. After all, despite the fact that Junko had betrayed her and very nearly killed her, Ikusaba still believed that she was the only one who could understand her little sister. And that was why she felt that she had to protect her. That's right… you were just being you, Junko. You just wanted despair, right? It's because you love me. You wanted to kill me and fall into despair. That must have been it" -Mukuro in denial in Danganronpa IF
"Ikusaba believed that she alone could understand the despair known as Junko Enoshima. It was a ludicrous notion. The moment Junko said, 'I love you', Ikusaba realized--to her agony--that she never truly understood her sister. Only now had she come to realize Junko's feelings." -Mukuro realizing that she didn't understand Junko in Danganronpa IF
Because of Mukuro's incorrect interpretation of understanding Junko, Mukuro believes that Junko expects her to respond to her abuse with acceptance and masochism. Even if she was uncomfortable to, as long as it made Junko happy, that's what mattered. Of course, we learn that Junko wanted Mukuro to respond her abuse with retaliation, and as soon as Mukuro realizes that her behavior immediately shifts. Mukuro holds a great deal of admiration for Junko, so much so that she only wants to do what would please Junko the most.
She does not have romantic feelings for her sister and to say so misses the point entirely. She isn't behaving that way because she's a masochist, she behaves that way because she believes it's how she's expected to, even if she's visibly uncomfortable. Once she learns this isn't what's expected, she immediately changes course.
Danganronpa 3 also has official relationship charts that depict the relationship between characters. In this chart, crushes or explicitly shown romantic feelings are labeled with a heart (as seen with Kazuichi's attraction to Sonia or Toko's attraction to Byakuya). Mukuro's relationship does NOT feature this heart. You would think that if Mukuro's very obvious admiration towards Junko was romantic it would have a heart, but it doesn't because it isn't. If what I said before didn't convince you, I think this itself is proof enough.
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Mukuro's admiration doesn't extend to just Junko though. Due to her unfortunate upbringing, Mukuro has a tendency to get attached to anyone who shows her the affection she's desperate for. So much so that her behavior changes completely around the people she cares about.
"The mass of monochrome spun round and round, making it look as though they were projecting a hypnotic image from three directions, but Ikusaba remained expressionless. In fact, the bizarre sight unfolding before her compelled the Super High School Level Soldier to regain her focus. She was an entirely different person from the girl who had panicked at Naegi's injury in the gymnasium." -Mukuro while fighting in Danganronpa IF, behaving completely differently from when she panicked over Makoto's injury
"Not only that, if anyone who knew her as the Super High School Level Soldier and mercenary were to see her now, the difference in her attitude might even make her look like another person altogether. And Monobear continued to drive the girl into a corner." -Mukuro panicking over Makoto's injury in Danganronpa IF
"The mask of ice she wore around others was entirely unlike the face she showed her sister, making it almost seem as though she had multiple personalities." -Danganronpa IF explaining that Mukuro's behavior around Junko is different from her typical icey expression
This is why around most people, Mukuro has a pretty blank expression. However when she's around Makoto or Junko, the two people who she cares about, she displays a much more soft and emotional side.
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That being said, an often overlooked aspect of Mukuro is that she actually has a slight ego and is proud of her skill. This is especially obvious in her fight with Peko in Danganronpa 3. Of course, if I spent years in the military without getting a single scratch, I'd probably have an ego too.
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Mukuro is also capable of turning off her feelings and going into a "killing machine mode" whenever the situation demands it, mostly when she's carrying out some mission. It's not because she doesn't feel bad for what she's doing or isn't having any second thoughts, it's that she pushes any doubts to the side to focus on getting the job done.
"In battlefields, where she made her home, her main mission was to kill and survive. And in that setting Ikusaba was invincible. She could put her own emotions on a leash in order to become a killing machine." -Danganronpa IF explaining how Mukuro is capable of ignoring her own feelings
"With a single whisper that was drowned out by the sound of gunfire, Ikusaba went completely silent. Thanks to her status as a member of Super High School Level Despair, her heart was filling with joy. And as if to offset the sudden surge of emotions, the sparkle in her eyes disappeared." -Mukuro turning her emotions off while fighting in Danganronpa IF
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So Basically...
Due to her upbringing Mukuro is someone who gets attached to people easily, particularly those who give her attention. Junko took advantage of this to make Mukuro essentially act as her servant. Believing that Junko expected her to return the abuse she faced with enjoyment, she forced herself to do just that. Even if it made her uncomfortable, making her sister happy at her own expense is better than being alone. She's capable of turning off and ignoring her emotions to following orders when necessary and is generally a proud and skilled soldier, though she has a softer side that she only shows to people who she cares for.
That is who Mukuro Ikusaba is.
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There's a lot of reasons I really like Mukuro. I think she's silly and cute and I like her singing voice. But I also think her characterization is really good in all of her appearances. I think a lot of the critiques made towards her (especially towards her appearance in Danganronpa 3) are misguided or just a result of her being misunderstood.
She's not a plot device or a character exclusively there to act as an extension of Junko. She's filled to the brim with character depth and interesting writing and has plenty of characterization on her own. I'll admit that her presence in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc is a bit limited, however she doesn't just become an important character in four other entries without getting some kind of development.
Many think her characterization is inconsistent or different across entries, but I honestly think it couldn't be any MORE consistent. The only times where I'd say she acts out of character is in the comic anthologies, but those are non-canon media that's kinda known for flanderizing characters for the sake of comedy.
Basically, I like Mukuro. I hope I managed to change some minds or shed a new light on her to anyone who didn't before. And if you already liked her, I hope maybe I could make you appreciate her a bit more or just help you explain her in some way.
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anyways follow me on twitter cough cough
Also special thanks to Twitter user @LKSixtyfour for their tweets about Mukuro's characterization, many helped me organize my thoughts to form the thread that you just read.
Edit: didn't make any changes to the post, just fixed some typos
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dax-enfinity · 10 months ago
hello my friend
i came across your hot takes regarding a certain ship involving the ghost boi nico di angelo which shocked me
because I AGREE.
literally everyone keeps kissing the feet of solangelo is so fucking annoying FUCK SOLANGELO!!!
I swear, the PJO/HOO fandom has a HUGE problem with a lot of people not accepting the fact that people like to ship non-canon ships!
Those people can’t understand that people have been shipping Nico with other people for MORE than a DECADE
And no, Rick Riordan is NOT the king of diversity just because “S/o/l/a/n/g/e/l/o is canon!” The ship is bland it SUCKS honestly I’m not gonna deny it
Plus the ship has no development whatsoever because what do you mean Nico started dating this random Apollo kid 8 months after Blood Of Olympus and suddenly by Trials Of Apollo he’s magically comfortable dating this random guy
Did Riordan and the fandom forget the fact that Nico was FORCED to come out and admit his crush on Percy in front of Jason back in House Of Hades…??
What the hell happened during those 8 months that made Nico so comfortable being openly out at camp, not to mention 99% of the camp is scared of him due to being a Hades kid!
Those shippers make Nico out to be some “uwu soft gay boi who can’t be protected and needs Will’s help when he gets hurt!!”
He’s the son of HADES
And Will before his random appearance at the END of Blood Of Olympus got MENTIONED 5 times AT BEST
S/o/l/a/n/g/e/l/o shippers then act like shipping Nico with either Percy or Jason is bad because it’s apparently “incest” and the three of them are “sibling coded” when Nico had a CRUSH ON PERCY SINCE HE WAS 10
Make it make sense, c’mon now!
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maddyguru · 24 days ago
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tw: incest, dark content, dubcon? noncon? (you guys decide) nagumo's little sis is a journalist and knows nothing about his assassin life, yandere! nagumo, nagumo is secretly in love with his sis, kissing, little bit of knife play, all characters are 18+, MINORS AND ANTIS DON'T INTERACT
follow @maddygurus if anything happens!
nagumo who has a baby sis way younger than him, just graduated from college that he pays for. The little girl is all grown up with a real adult job, getting out of her shell.
He's proud of his imouto, really. But his heart aches everytime he thinks that someday you will fly away from niisan. And your job... he doesn't like it; the idea of you snooping for scoops that can get your life in danger, and even the possibility of knowing his true identity... Nagumo dislike that.
His parents barely care about them, and eversince they were younger, he has been taking care of his baby girl since you were younger, and he never complained- instead, he loves his job in being your caretaker.
But because he loved taking care of you so much, that's why he hates it when you decided to chase your passion in being an investigative journalist. But in the end after you pleaded so good to him with your beautiful eyes, one he also possessed, he doubled over and let you chase your passion. After you graduated, it became a different story, though.
"Are you sure, baby girl?" "do you really have to be a journalist, baby?" "why?" "you know you don't need to get that far, baby. I got all my money and it's enough to get you everything you want."
He tried persuading you, but you just wouldn't listen.
Fine, he lets you become what you want. And after awhile, you got accepted into a famous press. He knows he got to keep his profile down abit. And afew months later, he got a job to assassinate the president himself, and you got in the way of his job.
You live with him. And he listens to everything you told him- how tiring it is to keep an eye out, and how you're hunting down the possible killer of the president, and that you think you're getting close to your clue.
"I will be the one to tell the story, niisan." you say with so much confidence.
He smiled sweetly, and reminded you of the danger of getting involved. "Baby, sometimes, it is best if you don't get involved with these things."
You pouted, "niisan, you should be more supportive of me-" He jumped out of the couch that you were lying on with him.
"The less you know, the better, baby."
Which leads to the situation right now, where you're tied down in front of him, with your expression so confused, and looking at him for answers. You struggled a bit, calling out for him. But he just... eerily smiled at you, his baby sis.
You're not supposed to be near his working ground, but here you are; it's your fault, and not his. He couldn't help you with this situation, and it's your own stupidity that brought you here. Now you get to see the real him. The big, bad. Nagumo Yoichi. Not oniichan.
"ah, ah, ah, baby girl. It's nagumo for you." His tattooed finger landed on your lips, and he was so damn close. His lips moved closer to your lips, and suddenly niisan is kissing you passionately, with his other hand reaching out to your tied ones above your head and intertwining your hands alongside his together, caressing your palm with so much gentleness.
"niisan..!" he knows you must be shocked that your own brother has kissed you. "Baby, you should just quit, but now here you are,"
"foolish younger sister," he bites back, and brought his small knife to your flawless skin, making your breath hitched, and he pressed down a bit until you drew a bit of blood.
He brought his lips closer to your ears, and whispered, "I am the killer my baby."
"You're surprised, aren't you. Well, baby, I have been an assassin since forever. Since you were in college, I was already working. How do you think I can make so much money on my own? do you really think working as a "lawyer" a believable answer?"
He laughed at you, remembering how he showed a fake lawyer licences. He made it so believable too, for you. What can he say? his job is always clean.
"niisan, you...?"
"this assassin money feed you, baby girl. Paid your college fees and spoils you rotten. My love for you shows no bounds." He paused, kissing you once more.
"And now, I wanna stuff your mouth full of my cock, take this pussy that I've been caring for since forever, and have you under my skin until we both die."
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11queensupreme11 · 2 months ago
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Merry Christmas queen, wishing you all the nice gifts under that tree 😘
i stop a war from happening in the most dramatic way possible
What the fuck are you doing pretty girl? You even know what you doing our just you're falling while screaming.
Oh, I'm nervous and that was only the title
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! NOOOO! NOOOOOO!" THE SOUND of Persephone's gut-wrenching screams
Whoa whoa whoa
I know we kinda didn't like her because of all that drug thing but like, we went from 0 to 10000 really quick, what happened?
Oh, it´s my daddy, never mind, she surely deserves it ❤️😊
There was a sickening crunch sound as Zagreus' body instantly flattened, his body imploding from the underwater pressure. In a nanosecond his body was reduced to nothing, every bit and piece of him just mere atoms. His aquatic prison quickly filled with ichor.
(Also, fuck Pershephone, like, girl, that was quick. I know it was trauma but, GIRL IT WAS QUICK)
(There wasn't an episode in Rick and Morty where Morty's moon chose her daughter over Morty? No more TV for you queen, it's clearly giving you some bad ideas)
✨What the fuck?✨
I´m not shocked, I'm just disappointed in myself that I didn't see his psychotic outbreak coming before.
I genuinely thought the worst was past and the way was up until arch 2
The tags were right there, and I chose to ignore them.
Karma was them hitting my face really hard.
Also, I'm not victim-blaming here, but knowing all of Poseidon's history, why would you choose to mess with him? Girl, just stay far away and be blind, and then maybe he won´t see you.
"When my daughter ascends, she will take Demeter's place," he demanded firmly. "She would make a far better Olympian than that piece of trash anyway." "Hmmm," Zeus stroked his sad excuse of a beard before letting out a boisterous laugh. "Alright! I like it! No worries, brother, it'll be done!"
It's givin´ nepo baby, it's givin' my daddy's going to hear about this
Percy, when she gives up and accepts her destiny:
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Yeah, Percy, you're finally getting some child manutention, good for you girl
Oh Apollo
You're quickly ascending, your madness and lack of self-control have created a space in my heart dedicated to laughing about you.
Also, that guy isn't surviving, Apollo is going to kill at first sight, no asking just death (yeah, I don't learn his name to stop myself from liking him, I'm self-aware, thanks)
Ra's eyes hardened at that. He already had an inkling that Anubis would be planning this, and he dreaded it because he was right. There was no consent needed for a mating mark—it was permanent and could never be removed. Ever. 
This is so omegaverse, I loveeeeeeeeee it. Have you read Kiss Me Liar? Cause the omega forced the alpha to only be able to have him as an omega but he COULD have more alphas
I love Annubis, make him suffer and comfort him in the sheets, pretty please
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A CHAPTER WITH ALL (actual) YANDERE????????'
"I need help," his words would've shocked everyone if they weren't equally as afraid as he was. He looked around, his pupils dilated with fear and panic. Nobody moved. "I NEED HELP!" He screamed at them, anger and desperation laced in his voice. "Somebody do something! Don't just stand there, you fools! My daughter is... is...!" He didn't dare finish the sentence.
This actually so sad, why am I smiling? knowing (a little) what's going to happen next...
Anyway, I personally know one more dramatic way to stop a war.
Can I introduce you to our lord and savior Shen Yuan and his act of (literally) dying for dick?
I stan an icon
One of them might piss some of you off ngl lmao
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I'm totally not worried
You give my anxiety and half the time it isn't because of Nico
Don't worry queen, we are strong (?) and we love the fic so yeah, I can deal with all of this
Anyway, checking my to-do list, the only thing remaining is telling you how nice Nico looks when suffering, almost as cute as Percy 😘 give me time and I'll come with more ships, I just need more time, don't kill him too soon, a chance please🥹
Bye queen, enjoy Christmas and hope you get some nice updates from that thing you were expecting (an RoR update I think?)
i really love all these nepo baby allegations (not really allegations tho cuz they're all TRUE) cuz like......... percy started off as some poor loser from new york and here is she is now.... married to yan gods with a spot amongst the 12 olympians secured just for her once she ascends like that is the ULTIMATE nepo baby right there, i fear nothing's beating her 😭😭😭😭
not even "rags to riches" fit this, it's more like.... "rags to godhood"???? 😂
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adamnablelittledevil · 7 months ago
Reacting to The Vampire Lestat - Part III (with a bit of spoilers)
I like Gabrielle.
I'm not sure I love her, but I really like her.
I feel wrong using feminine pronouns with her, though. I feel like Gabrielle is whispering in my ear that is they/them. Like, I've never had a headcanon so strong before? I don't know about labels, but for me those are the pronouns Gabrielle would use. It's just so clear to me.
I won't use them because the book doesn't do it, the fandom doesn't do it, which I'm not criticizing because it isn't exactly 'official', so it wouldn't be real canon to... But I feel like if the books were released today, it would be. And I hope the show changes that and we can gradually adjust too.
I hope that when they write season 3, they show signs of her gender dysphoria even before she says something explicit like the "you're the man in me" conversation. I want lines that imply that, I want a look in her eyes and expressions on her face whenever she gets gender envious of guys or has to do something "feminine". The book doesn't do a lot of that because Lestat is the narrator and he is away from her, so we barely see her before the transformation/'transition' but the show has the opportunity to explore more of it and I hope they use it.
Gabrielle was born to be a vampire. I think she would nail it even without Lestat's counseling. It's just second nature for her. You go, bruh!
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Gabrielle actually seems to be more fun and even affectionate than I expected? I was worried that she'd might be too confident, powerful, badass, empowered etc that she would feel cold and emotionless, because that's usually what happens with characters like these and I hate that... But so far it hasn't been the case.
She really blossomed with vampirism. Feels like she is finally getting the opportunity to have the life she was meant to live.
The only downside is the hair. That moment with the hair was so visceral. I feel bad for her. Imagine being stuck with a hair you hate and gives you body dysphoria forever. I hope the show lets her hair be short. Like, maybe her illness affected her hair or something. Or at least give her hairstyles that make it look shorter than it really is. Or make her cut it every day. I don't care. Let the dude have short hair! Period.
Lestat's reaction to all this is like... Mixed feelings. He doesn't love it. Which, I get it, all his life he knew her as a "woman". It can be weird adjusting to that, it may feel like you're losing someone. But there are these gentle moments when he separates accessories (if I remember it correctly, rings) that are masculine for her because he figures she would prefer them and when he says he'll cut her hair every night if she wants to, so it's more of unlearning and grieving what/who he thought was 'real' and adapting to a new reality. It's not an "okay, let's go!" reaction as if nothing happened, specially for the time being (1700s), it's complicated, but he seems to be open. I can't speak for everyone who is trans and/or under the non-binary umbrella, but it was human to me and I have no problems with it.
Alright, so whether it was incestuous before or not, now it clearly is. I do hope it started now and not when they were human, though.
She was my mother, my fledgling, my child (sort of), my roommate, basically the only friend I had and my lover. I mean, not exactly, but I thought the joke was funny.
I feel like if I talk about the incest, it has to be on another post because it would probably take too long. There are way too many things to talk about and I'm still approaching the middle of the book.
Let's just say it sort of makes works with how the book, the characters, this species and universe are written. I can sort of get it, at least for now. Is it necessary? No. Would the show suffer if they don't do the incest? Not all. Is it random, irrelevant, only for shock value and because "let's get nasty freaky and controversial these are vampires and this is gothic horror grow up cupcakes deal with it hahaha"? Also no! It has some kind of logic. But I feel like Lestat and Gabrielle are already layered enough with their parent/child/maker/fledgling/sort of envious of each other (including the fact they're both gender nonconforming to some extent) dynamic on its own, that there's plenty to cover here without incest. Still, if the show goes there (and I'm afraid they will), I also expect it to make sense and not be just for the sake of being seual, weird and controversial. I believe Rolin is too good to write something that mediocre and poor. So, I can live without it, but I'm also trusting the show to do whatever their thing is. Let's see, I guess.
Also, at least at the moment, it's not as big as people make it out to be. Again, to talk about this properly I'd need another post, but it's not like they sleep together, they're head over heels in love with each other or anything. Like I said, there's some logic that is kind of complicated to explain here, but it's not that radical and it's not that often. Sometimes I even genuinely and wholeheartedly forget about it. Fortunately, there are way too many other (and more) interesting things going on to focus on.
Gabrielle learning about her powers is really fun too, maybe even more fun than Lestat since she's such a natural at this whole thing.
And their maker/fledgling dynamic is entertaining as well.
She's like, climbing walls, jumping from roofs etc like a cat, just having the time of her life and while Lestat gets pretty adventurous and experimental with his powers too, it's not as much? Gabrielle takes it to the next level (good for her).
Like, sometimes he has to stop Gabrielle like a father with his kid, like "CAN WE PLEASE JUST GO HOME WE CAN DO MORE TOMORROW" and it's simply hilarious.
Stop it, Lestat, let Gabrielle HAVE FUN!
Gabrielle just gives major Cat Woman vibes. Now I need Cat Woman-esque scenes on the show with her climbing and jumping between buildings etc. WE HAVE SO MUCH POTENTIAL AND THE VISION IS CO CLEAR. Do it, Rolin!
It's cool that Lestat finally has some real company and someone with whom he can be open about being a vampire.
Loneliness is the biggest thing for him on the show and I have a feeling it's the same thing on the books. And it's even worse here, because there are moments where he is completely alone and in so much pain (and we haven't seen that on the show yet). Having Gabrielle around made things better for him and he hasn't cried in a little while (and he was crying A LOT on those first two chapters, for very understandable reasons), so this was a nice turn for him and the story.
I also think he enjoys being her mentor, like it gives him a sense of purpose and pride. Reminds me of how he talked about the way he felt at the monastery. And it's sweet to see him teaching Gabrielle stuff.
And sometimes he feels like an old and tired single dad and it's just funny. Like, Gabrielle is ready to create the vampire Olympics and win gold for every single sport and he just wants to sleep. Lestat is too much and loves playing around, but Gabrielle is too much even for HIM. Imagine having more energy than the actual ADHD child. What a legend. They're hilarious. A lot of room to play with humor with these two and I hope they use it.
P.S. Nothing is permanent, opinions might change and this is based on Lestat’s narration, which can be unreliable. I’m reading the books so I can find out more about the characters, what potential events might happen in the show, what I can expect etc. This is my favorite show in the universe, so I want to be as informed as possible. I have no idea if I’ll become a legit fan of the books or not, but so far I’m enjoying it. I’m posting these comments only for fun.
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facewithoutheart · 21 days ago
Oh hey, wanna read about the dream I had last night where, in writing this synopsis, I realize the whole thing was a Jonah and the whale retelling where the end message is: be angry at god?
So many content warnings you guys but it was literally all just a dream so remember that when I list these: tornadoes, torture, death, miscarriage, chronic illness, severe injuries, kaiju attacks, plot holes, bad advice about what to do in case of a tornado, unreliable narrator (my brain)
It started out following this guy who had lost his parents, running into a family at a hardware store (I really need to buy a ladder so I guess that’s where my brain was). Anyway, there was a tornado and let’s just say traumatizing things happened. There was a lot of lying on the ground feeling the tornado trying to lift your body and hoping that it doesn’t. Let’s not focus on that too much.
So now the oldest girl from that family earlier is an orphan as well and the guy is feeling kinda guilty about how glad he is that they’re the same but even so they decide to go off and raise her little brother together (apparently this is also the apocalypse so there’s no foster care system). It’s very Blue Lagoon without the incest. These two kids are like … 14-16 somewhere in there.
So! Cut forward to them being older, married. They have a second kid now plus one on the way. They’re trying to get to some house they want to occupy because a) it’s unoccupied due to apocalypse and b) it’s a really cool house. But then there’s a lightning storm! Only nothing happens, it’s just a big scary something making the hair on the back of my neck prick up which would be fine except my dream’s MCs run into some form of fancy futuristic space cop who decides to play torture party with these two lovebirds. Also now she’s not pregnant anymore and we don’t ever really talk about her brother or born kid again. Dream plotholes. Rude. So evil space cops take the lovebirds because it’s so much more entertaining when you can be evil with an audience. One of the guys is kinda ok, it’s a low bar, but the lovebirds are nice people so it matters to them.
Oh and wouldn’t you know it: ANOTHER tornado is coming. Somehow the nicer evil cop gets thrown out space cop car (it’s like a hovercar mixed with a helicopter with room for medical experimentation apparently. also it’s orange and red, like, who picked that? my subconscious I guess GROSS) and the two lovebirds go after him to keep him safe from the tornado. Apparently we’ve evolved from just lying on the ground and hoping the tornado doesn’t get us; now we’re bicycling our legs so we can just kick the debris coming at us. Please do not try this at home.
Also this whole time the male lovebird’s leg is bleeding because of torture reasons. This becomes relevant later.
So they hide from/kick away the tornado. Evil space cop with mid-evil (heh heh) space cop comes back and they are PISSED that the lovebirds are helping least evil space cop. Which, are they also secretly torturing least evil space cop by giving him moral quandaries? Are they real-life trolley testing him? How far up does the torture go? These people are for real on some next shit, and by people I mean myself bc wtf brain?
Okay more tornado time, it’s scary, but everyone survives. Afterward the space cops leave??? I guess?? It’s less important than the male lovebird picking out clothes for his family. There are lots of very nice t-shirts. My dream spends a shocking amount of time on this. Also there’s some mention in his head about getting shirts for their kids so I guess he remembers but only when shopping for cute clothes. A mood. There’s also some nonsense about having to steal these clothes and snacks and getting caught and running away. I dunno I wasn’t super paying attention.
And then, a complete genre shift. Now we are in some fancy futuristic prison with kaiju that look more like the cute monsters from Arcane. So, adorable monsters that will kill you, so like, polar bears. Anyway the monsters aren’t actually in the prison but for some reason being in the prison means you have to help study them? What is this, college? Whatever so the lovebirds are still together (my dream really ships them; sometimes these people change and merge but nope we are still fighting for these plucky orphans). Somehow the girl gets electrocuted by one of the kaiju and it is NOT good. It seriously wrecks her; she almost dies. Her husband is PISSED at that kaiju because it/he can communicate telepathically and basically said “then perish” before it electrocuted her, so it feels very pointed but not at her; somehow it was more about the prison guard than her but she took the brunt.
The dream gets confusing for awhile. I’m actually thinking this is when the girl loses the baby because there are references to her later not being able to conceive but it’s not super clear in the dream what is happening other than, again, she really got her shit wrecked by this kaiju.
Some more flash forwards. We’re sitting at some prison cafeteria and the lovebirds have this fancy pill package for all their ailments. I mean, they’ve been through several tornadoes, some weird lightning storm, torture, and a kaiju attacks so I do love my dream’s consistency with keeping their injuries plot-relevant. Oh also I forgot that the guy’s bleeding leg has turned into a limp that gets progressively worse as the dream goes along. Serious top tier dream character details. Except for the shitty pregnancy timeline and forgetting about their kids. Anyway, someone else at the table basically points out that hey maybe the prison guard that got your girlfriend’s shit wrecked by that kaiju is not a good guy and somehow this is revelatory?!?! Oh, sweet summer child. How are these lovebirds so sweet and naive?
And then. You guys. EVIL SPACE COP COMES BACK! This time he’s on a futuristic HOVERTRAIN! It had a really cool name too but I forgot it … something French-adjacent that sounded like freedom? So he sees his archnemesis, aka two people he tortured, and is like: oh hi I would like to torture you both some more. So it’s pretty convenient that they’re in a prison. He’s very excited.
So now they are going on a space cruise. Don’t ask me; apparently this dream is really into various forms of travel. We have leveled up though, and we’ve gone from walking to space car to space train to space boat, so that’s fun.
Somehow the girl gets “chosen” for some special kaiju experience. Apparently sometimes they are nice and it’s very relaxing to soak in hot tubs with smaller, more friendly, rich kaiju. In my dream I am heavily questioning this, like: wait some kaiju are fun? But don’t worry my dream is going somewhere.
But the guy is pissed because it was supposed to be him for some reason (not that he thinks he deserves a spa day more than his severely chronically ill wife, but that he’s really suspicious of this “prize” because THANK FUCK this guy is starting to question people’s motives). But sus-prison guard is like, no no it has to be her and honestly by this point the male lovebird is barely able to walk. Somehow despite taking like 40 pills an hour and having nearly been electrocuted to death, the girl is in better health. Women.
So she goes on this cruise and at first she thinks everything is normal until her guide starts literally salting and buttering her and then FINALLY she’s like “oh I don’t think this person has my best interests at heart” and literally the guide is like, “thank god I thought you’d never catch on. Yeah I’m evil. You’re fucked. Get ready.”
And our heroine, finally clued into her impending death, starts seeking out advice from people about how to stay alive. Which, bless her, but the advice ends up being don’t inhale the water when the kaiju drags you into the ocean. Yeah. Thanks. Super helpful. But she’s way more kind about it than I would be. Seriously.
(I am having the sudden realization that this whole fucking dream is a Jonah and the whale retelling which makes this next part super fucking meta.)
So the girl gets her fancy spa treatments and the rich kaiju ooo and ahhh over her. She gets her picture taken, etc, and now it’s time for her “surprise” kaiju attack which is super heavily foreshadowed and by the time a big orange and red (a theme???) tentacle snatches her out of the space cruise ship she’s actually kind of looking forward to it all being over.
(Ok also I’m adding this in later but there’s also two other things that happen in this dream: some wistful staring at an Icelandic island which my dream retrofits as the lovebirds home country. It’s SO WISTFUL. They have plans to jump into the ocean and swim toward home if only the plot will stop getting in the way. This feels kind of sad on reflection because the health of my dreams MC’s is so poor; there’s no way they would have made it but maybe the goal was enough to keep them holding on despite it all.)
(Also, re: orange and red theme, the night before our heroine goes into battle with the kaiju, there is this unbelievable sunset combined with the kaiju’s own magnificent coloring, and our heroine is so struck by their beauty despite their deadliness, and also just so so grateful for the beautiful sunset. Guys, she’s so lovely, I can’t believe my brain invented someone so pure.)
Aaaand back to the obligatory battle sequence which is admittedly dumb. She’s like, fighting a tentacle attached to a whole creature?? How is this meant to be effective? Also why are they just wrestling in the hallways of a cruise ship? This does not feel like the best use of the kaiju’s water-based biological advantage.
Except! Shock! They are in the hallways because the KAIJU wants something being kept on the ship. (I am so so so sorry I do not know what; the dream never reveals this to me.) but! In the midst of this, the heroine suddenly realizes: she and the kaiju are alike. It turns out that the kaiju’s mate was killed by the heroine’s husband (apparently he went on some revenge kaiju killing spree after the heroine got her shit wrecked) but in this realization the heroine finds out that they’ve all been played. That the kaiju and the lovebirds have all just been pawns in a bigger game.
There’s a really sweet moment where the heroine presses her and the kaiju’s foreheads together and they both cry and the heroine says, over and over, “I’m so sorry; we didn’t know. We didn’t know; I’m so sorry.” It’s very emotional.
And then I woke up.
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fandomwave · 1 year ago
"No Guys I Swear You Have To Go Out Of Your Way To Find It!" And why I don't love this take
This is about the Ha Ha funny Coffin Game which includes but isn't limited to topics of: Cannibalism, Murder, and the core topic of this little rant, Incest.
feel totally free to skip this if that's a hard pass from you! No shame in knowing what you're about including things you'd rather not engage with.
"I know what I'm about"
Good! So this entire little rant? Vent? Observation? Comes from the recent uptick I've seen of posts in the Tcoaal tag where people come in to defend the game with more or less this argument:
"No no guys the incest is really easy to avoid. You have to go out of your way to find it. The game even WARNS you that this is a bad route. Its nowhere in any part of the game beyond this. Honestly it's just not there actually"
And I get the want to defend the game as being more than 'The funny Incest Game'. I agree that The Coffin Of Andy and Leyley is WAY MORE than just the funny incest game. To reduce the game down to that would be a disservice to the writing that went into this game. Andrew and Ashley deserve way more and Numlie themselves deserves better credit than that.
h o w e v e r
However, I think it's also doing more harm than good to try and sweep their dynamic under the rug as something that is 'easily avoidable' and 'totally optional' I hate to break the news but Andrew's romantic inclinations towards Ashley are pretty obvious in Chapter 1. They certainly aren't as obvious as they are in Chapter 2, I'll give everyone that. But they are there, and to act like they aren't... Not to mention the defense EVERYONE gives so readily is that 'The Game Warns You This Is A Bad Thing To Do' is a lot more complicated than it might appear on first blush. First and foremost the 'narrator' is the one to say: "Somehow it seems like a highly questionable idea to take this route"
which imho is a far cry from "This is the bad end" "This has incest" "you are probably a bad person for taking this ending" that some seem to argue is the 'warning' you get. Secondly we should remember it isn't 'you' the narrator is talking to here. Effectively it's still Ashley first and foremost. When Ashley responds 'I know what I'm about' that is also the game showing us that Ashley knows what this means and still wants it.
Enthusiastic consent if you will
So what's the point to this little post eh?
Well I think it's doing a little more harm than good to both the story but also anyone interested in checking the game out who might actually be genuinely triggered by such topics. Tcoaal has the siblings romantic inclinations laced into the story from point A to B. It's impossible to avoid actually. You can go the entire game ignoring any acts of kindness towards Andrew as Ashley or Ashley as Andrew, and you'll always get the scenes of Andrew playing with Ashley's hair. You will always get the text informing the player that Andrew fakes panic attacks to share a bed with Ashley. You will always get the CG of Andrew's hand in Ashley's belt loops. You will always hear the voicemail 'You think you're better than me because you can fuck him and I can't' from Ashley concerning Andrew. You will always get the hints from Mrs Graves that she knows they are too close but did nothing to curb that behavior.
It is wholly unavoidable no matter what route you take. Burial, Decay, Questionable or not.
I think to argue that it's just a silly little ending you can get does a disservice to people who might genuinely be upset by that, and I think more than anything a game that is at the very least talking about incest rather brazenly deserves the warnings it earns!
I love this game to bits, anyone who's been within ear shot of me has had to deal with me talking their fucking ear off about the Sibling Abuse Simulator. I've gone on in excruciating detail how I think Tcoaal's writing has been done dirty by saying that Andrew and Ashley's romance is just a 'ha ha shock ending', comparing it to the siblings ending in something like Corpse Party (a game where the incest ending is 100% totally avoidable, and the story has exactly nothing to do with incest as a topic, and is only brought up if you trigger that ending. One where I agree with the argument that it's just there for shock value)
Anyways I see where people are coming from, I can understand the want to defend the game as more than the sum of it's parts and I agree that it does suck that this seems to be the thing everyone is hyper-focusing on in terms of it's breach of containment. I get it man, I really do. It deserves so much better than being reduced down the way it has by the greater internet.
But to say it's avoidable.. I dunno it's like taking the dragons out of Game of Thrones. The story as a whole about so much more than the dragons.. However you'd have a fundamentally different story if they weren't there, wouldn't you?
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im-out-of-it · 2 months ago
part 17 of season 2, episode 14 continued “the fair folk”
200. wow I didn’t see that coming! the dude Alec and Raphael have had bad vibes of is actually bad! wow how could that be? I’m so shocked! the dude who randomly showed up and saved Izzy and when a prince of hell appears is up to no good!!!!!! how could that be? (I hope everyone knows how sarcastic I’m being)
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201. I was reading through the contents of this episode and people thought it was jace here and fuck I wish it was. I hoped so many times that Sebastian would kill him off for good. let the worthless fucker die already lmaooo
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202. let me make sure I didn’t forget anything PAUSE I probably posted these but look at our angels 🥹
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203. I’m actually proud of myself- I remember everything!!!!!
204. let’s wrap it up so what I like about this episode- Alec is finally in charge. I love seeing how confident he is and how much he wants to change everything up. it’s refreshing to see a shadowhunter leader who isn’t afraid of taking risks and actually wants to help downworlders.
Magnus- even though it surprises Magnus that Alec wants him there as a warlock, I love seeing their bond and watching them attempt to be professional. seeing Magnus start to talk about his trauma is beautiful to witness. Raphael and Magnus is 10/10. I love watching their father and son relationship. Alec and Magnus are top tier and my favorite part of this episode. there isn’t anything toxic about them and they are always growing. watching Magnus watch Alec in shadowhunter mode and how proud he is of Alec is everything. I just love how proud and supportive they are of one another
believe it or not- I do like the lightly flirty scenes with Simon and jace. I think if the writers were bold and brave enough to cut out clace and change it up, this relationship could have been interesting
also a big fan of Izzy and Raphael and sad they didn’t continue that. that also could have been interesting to develop
Maryse and her growth is wonderful to see. her growth could have started back on 2x08 and I slightly do agree but it feels it starts more now. her growth with Alec seems like it’s behind the scenes but it’s nice to see her bond with Izzy. a mother daughter relationship can be fragile and Maryse put so much pain and pressure on Izzy. it’s great to see that being addressed
205. what I don’t like- obviously the clace shit. that didn’t need to happen. all the incest book fans can go home for all I care. I don’t like how it’s developed. seelies are known for manipulating and twisting but when you see clary start to see jace more as she did in season one, the development itself doesn’t feel at its potential. they find out they aren’t related a couple episodes ago and they don’t bond but randomly now they share a kiss? I don’t see any chemistry with them. it’s not there.
I think what annoys me the most about this is that since jace found out he wasn’t related to Clary, it was basically open season for clary. like Alec said before you think you’ll get her just like that????? I do think that jace thinks clary would take him back within a second. he thinks because she kissed him at the court that she will dump Simon for him asap. I don’t mind cocky behavior but never on guys like jace. (Or will for any book fans) (honestly do book fans read my shit?) (I’d imagine they would stay clear of me lmao)
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I feel for Simon the most here because he genuinely loves clary. but I really hate clary trying to rush Simon into talking and then almost being a hypocrite and telling jace no. you realize you need space from jace so think how Simon feels. I hate that jace is almost acting like they’ll get together asap. maybe clary does love Simon but I don’t believe she really loves him. as a friend? perhaps but not as a serious committed partner. they aren’t good together. Clary doesn’t understand Simon and almost their whole relationship is on clary’s terms and it’s about her. the only thing that finally wasn’t about clary was Simon refusing to give her his dna
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I can’t stand romantic relationships where it’s not half and half. I don’t want to watch a relationship where its always based on one persons terms while the other has to settle. I feel like if she stayed with Simon longer or if it were maybe developed better, maybe clary could have gotten some development for her character. but what I think she really needs is to be alone and take time to process her grief and actually attempt to be a better person. the more she’s with Jace, the more she resorts to being selfish and toxic
also I know we should hate Sebastian but I love him. he is conniving but he’s also intelligent. I love absolutely love villains I can relate to. (TVD has the best villains) I need someone I can root for. and while yes he is evil, he was abandoned while jace got a better life. fuck I’d be mad too. I’m not saying I would turn into Sebastian but I can understand his reasonings. and Will Tudor is so handsome and pretty to look at. AND THAT ACCENT!!!!!!
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so I would probably rate this episode a 7.5. THANK FUCK FOR MALEC IZZY RAPHAEL FOR MAKING IT BETTER
205 is the number, and that’s it for episode 14. I didn’t expect it to be long, I’m really trying to cut back but whatever. thank you for joining Malec is being professional and jace is creepy and we hate him discussion post. I’m so psyched for the next one. we finally get to see Magnus and some of his childhood!!!!! I love to see Alec being worried about him. honestly I can’t remember what else happens but I’m only really here for Malec. so I’ll see y’all soon 🥹
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how are south park fans so viscerally hated by the rest of the internet that we end up on dni criteria and are told we have centrist brainrot when there are so many objectively worse things to be a fan of. the reasons they use for south park being “problematic” aren’t even exclusive to south park. why is it more shameful to be a south park fan than it is to be a fan of idk, family guy? a show that uses casual racism and antisemitism as a joke without providing any nuance or overarching message? rick and morty, a show where a minor is often put in sexual situations and incest is played for laughs and was literally created by a groomer? i like rick and morty fine (roiland can eat shit though) i’m just trying to point out the double standard. why aren’t those fans just as widely hated? someone said on here that south park antis are the outraged 90s moms from the movie and they were so right. not to sound like that one reddit copypasta, but i really do think some people hate south park so much because they are unable to think critically and just see shocking taboo thing being portrayed on tv = bad. people talk about south park+matt and trey as if they’re this plight on society that have created a generation of centrists that think it’s lame to care about stuff and that bigotry is funny and it is fucking crazy! they’re just two goofy dudes that built careers on making each other laugh. say what you will about some of their bad takes, at least they keep to their damn selves and don’t have a million allegations of gross misconduct against them like so many male celebrities do. there is a reason south park is one of the longest running cartoons of all time, and to view every person who enjoys it (and dare i say understands the commentary that is being made) as racist/homophobic/all the other ists and phobics is absurd on every level.
TLDR: “To be fair, you actually have to have a very high IQ to understand south park…” but unironically
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csuitebitches · 1 year ago
I hope you're doing well!
May I ask you a few pieces of advice, please? Reading through your blog, I've discovered that you're Asian with Asian ancestry, and after some thoughts I've come to the conclusion you're the best person to ask. I'm Slavic woman (Eastern European) married to an Asian man (Chinese), exactly how you described, in Asia it's more a marriage between two families, meanwhile me and my husband married for love. In fact, his parents "consented" to our union, only because 1) I'm a good-looking woman 2) he was so stubborn in his feelings and argued whenever someone had something bad to say 3) I'm respectful, accommodating, and listen to my husband 4) good at cleaning, it's important to his father since he's traditional.
But sometimes, drama happens, mostly from his mother-in-law (his father's second wife), always manipulating and saying stuff as, it was better if he married a wealthy Chinese woman, someone who's good at running a business etc.
How can I stand up for myself or just manage these kinds of situations? The only solution seems to be to just take the risk, and do business, so they could finally stop finding faults. Furthermore they don't know, but I come from a wealthy family, but got disinherited by my mother for saying no to an arranged marriage.
Thank you in advance for your time, help and insight, I'm really grateful. Have a wonderful day and take care of yourself!
Hi there love. I’m sorry to read this. Asian families can truly be both a boon and a curse.
the reality is that your in laws will have an issue regardless of what you do. You could start a business, they could still have 10 horrible things to say to you. You could choose to look after your husband and your home, and they’ll still say awful things to you.
here’s what you should do in my opinion. And this advice comes straight from my mother.
my mother came from a middle class family. My father is a self made man, who made a fortune. They had an arranged marriage. My grandmother (my father’s mother) was really awful to my mother. She wouldn’t even let her touch the cutlery in the house. She had a problem with everything my mother did - with the way she raised her kids, what her career was, everything. She would bitch about my mother in front of us kids, she would say nasty things to my extended family. She told my maternal grandmother (my mum’s mum) that she was sure that if she was on her deathbed, my mother would never care for her. Maternal grandmother was SHOCKED and snapped and told her that her daughter was raised with better values.
my grandfather on the other hand, loves loves loves my mother, as though she was his own daughter. Praises her everywhere he goes. But that’s beside the point.
here’s what my mother learned.
She cannot control her mother in law. MIL is stubborn, ruthless, cunning. It all boils down to one thing - insecurity. Insecurity of never being good enough, smart enough, never was able to control my father (he left home because issues with her), and my father gave my mother the attention she deserved.
MIL was very possessive of my father. Asian Mums 90% of the time have a weird incest relationship with their sons. They cannot let their sons be happy with anyone. Your husband seems like a great guy, standing up for his wife. The support may not heal your hurt, but I’m sure it does a lot of good by having him on your side.
regardless of what she did, she knew she would be criticised anyway. So she did what she liked. She was a stay at home mom till I went to school, then she got two masters degrees, got herself involved in a business, has her own clients, has her own name. Even when she became successful, MIL still bitched about her. But you know what else happened? People began coming up to my grandparents and telling them what a wonderful person my mother is. MIL obviously couldn’t bear the criticism but FIL loved it and cherished her even more. She won her FIL’s respect. To this day he sings her praises even to me.
some fights are not worth it. MIL would sometimes antagonise her over small things, just to provoke her. My mother would simply stay calm. Eventually even the extended family realised that my mother had gone through a lot.
she remained emotionally detached with MIL, but she took care of her when she had cancer. She looked after her, proving MIL’s words (“she’ll never take care of me on my deathbed) absolutely wrong. And she did that out of kindness. She did that because SHE was a nice person, not because MIL deserved it.
do what your heart wants to do. The more you live life to gain approval from someone else - someone who may never give it to you - your life will be miserable. The only way to fight these horrible MILs is by standing up straight, being decisive, being able to say no and hold your ground. She has to respect you as her DIL, regardless of what you do. You will not earn her respect by trying to be someone you’re not.
If your FIL is more accepting towards than her - Build a relationship with the FIL. Forget about the MIL, she’s going to be jealous and awful, and I highly doubt such women ever change. Half the time, they behave in this way because that’s how THEIR MIL’s treated them. MIL’s MIL treated her awfully as well - the former was scared shitless of the latter. She repeated the same pattern with my mother, but my mum was too strong to let MIL bring her down.
If you want to be on good terms with your in laws, focus on the father. Be the daughter he never had (even if he has daughters). But do it because you WANT to, not because you HAVE to.
Such women are simply insecure. Insecure to a point where they must hurt other women because it genuinely gives them joy. Do not let her words affect you whatsoever. And do not live your life by her terms. Focus on being a good person to yourself and your husband.
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lesboygamzee · 5 months ago
Not trying to be a stupid Idiot here I’m the most tone deaf autistic guy ever SO PLEASE DON’T TAKE THIS AS ME BEING A DICK but what is all this incest mention stuff about I Just Can’t grasp your opinion on it
i like to explore fucked up shit through fiction for the same reasons i like to watch horror movies or thrillers . i do not think incest should be excluded from ' fucked up shit that is acceptable to explore ' because if anything it is one of the most poorly understood and portrayed possible subjects in fiction ; chances are if you think of ' examples of incest in media ' youre thinking of examples that are either treated as attractive / desirable or played exclusively for shock / laughs with little thought put into it . i do not like this and think more people should actually do something with it as it spawns some uniquely codependant or otherwise toxic dynamics that would make for some really good and complex darkfic imo . i do not like it portrayed as something never to be discussed OR as something that only exists to be porn
^ hopefully this explains something unless you were asking another question in which case you need to specify i am bad at answering vague stuff .. !
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k-martins · 1 year ago
May i rant?
The way Gege implies that Naoya and Mei were pedos and then never properly addresses it is really disappointing. Why bring up a horrific issue like that? It serves no purpose. He already made Naoya a total dick with a murderous streak and Mei a greedy bitch without regard for people. They were already obviously terrible people without the additional child predator label.
Like if he’s gonna write characters that way then have them face consequences or if he wants them to get away with it at least write more about the victims so the audience can see how tragic their situations are
Better yet he shouldn’t write that at all and just focus on more character development for the main cast
Ah, little anon, I understand that feeling. Mei Mei and Naoya are two annoying little shits and the way Gege wrote them creates this feeling of "these horrible people are always getting away with it, when will justice be served?". It's frustrating, disgusting and unnecessary. After all, as you said, they've already been presented as nasty people, so why add the list of sins to "child predator"?
Actually, this is a very serious question and I'm just a profile that talks nonsense about ITFS.
But I'll do my best to explain my point of view and why I think Gege is doing an interesting job with his manga.
Well, I'm going to talk about Mei Mei because her situation is much more complicated.
She is a jujutsu sorceress who only cares about her own personal gain, not caring much about the situation if it is sending money into her pocket. So far, we have the character established and, although it is a somewhat altruistic attitude, it is not all bad. She's still there doing her job, still exorcising curses, still giving Yuji a choice between facing a high-grade curse or the humans transfigured by Mahito. Mei Mei is a greedy bitch, but a greedy bitch who does her job at the end of the day (which is expected). Until this moment, we can only consider her an eccentric character.
The issue becomes complicated when we observe her relationship with her younger brother, Ui Ui, a 12-year-old child who is subjected to her sister's technique which consists of suicide, from what I understand. It's a strange relationship, uncomfortable to watch and irritating (Yuji's face is the reaction of all of us seeing it). There IS something strange about these two.
Then we have the Malaysian scene.
I have my own opinions about this scene, but let's move on to what most people think happened. Mei Mei is naked next to her brother suggesting they sleep together. If incest doesn't shock, pedophilia does. And it makes it even worse because this scene takes place after Nanamin says how he would like to go to Malaysia and then he dies. It is at this moment that her question comes:
"Why bring up a horrible issue like this?"
Yes, why Sensei Akutami?
Why put in this horrible scene while we're still dealing with Nanami's death?
Why give Mei Mei, the greedy bitch, Nanami's dream and dirty it with this horrible, heavy-handed insinuation?
Why do I have to watch someone horrible live while a good person dies? … Oh.
Well, this is the point.
In JJK, the world is unequal. Megumi said that herself.
Good people like Nanami, Nobara and Yuji are killed and destroyed while horrible people like Mei Mei, Naoya and Sukuna get what they want. Therefore, their depravities have no consequences. That's why Mei Mei went to Malaysia, that's why Naoya didn't take any more damage, that's why Sukuna beat Satoru.
Gege is laying his cards on the table and saying "Good can lose and evil can win. Nanami's die while Mei Mei's enjoy peace."
This is one of the reasons I believe that even though JJK is a shonen, there is a possibility for Sukuna and Kenjaku to prevail. There's this not-so-small chance that we'll see our good guys blowing up while the bad guys rest in a hotel in Malaysia.
Who knows.
Gege Akutami is unpredictable and there are more names to cross out in his Death Note.
So, to recap, Gege is purposely making bad people with terrible morals "win" to show how unequal and unfair this world is. Good doesn't always win.
It is revolting? For sure.
Would you like justice to prevail? Obvious.
Think this could happen? Perhaps. I dream of this moment.
Well, I hope I made my point clear.
I'm not good at writing analysis or playing characters. But that's more or less how I see Gege's script choices.
Sorry if I didn't talk much about Naoya. I don't remember much about his character other than that he was a misogynistic piece of shit and wanted to kill Megs. I need to reread the manga.
Thanks for the question, little Anon! I had fun writing it! :D
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