#Ship: Spider Lilies
stardust-3saders · 1 year
I'm working on a few things but!
I wanted to show you all this gorgeous work of Au!Lia and Shuten I got from the lovely @theschneckenhouse !!!
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Just look at them!!!! They're so CUTE 🥺🥺 I haven't been able to stop looking at them (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
Please, if you can, consider commissioning her, her art is really lovely, you won't regret it!
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 6 months
Do you guys think Finn x Lucien would work? I can see Finn messing up a spell and summoning Lucien bc he cut himself on some scissors.
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shopwitchvamp · 5 months
Preview's up for tomorrow's restock!
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These & more will go live 4/25 at 5pm CT 🖤witchvamp.com🖤
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vulncrables · 6 months
hey    ,    all    !    just    going    to    creep    in    here    &    just    ,    hello    !    i’m    dizzy    &    i’ve    recently    been    writing    on    wattpad    under    @vulncrables    &    i’ve    finally    decided    to    absolutely    throw    myself    into    more    writing    now    that    my    lifes    gone    a    little    pear    shaped    !    i    write    for    all    this    harry    potter    ,    stranger    things        ,    heartbreak    high        &    possibly    more    ,    i’d    love    some    requests    ,    you    can    check    out    my    writing    on    wattpad    but    i    don’t    know    where    to    start    here    ,    so    i    thought    i’d    throw    out    the    offer    of    requests    !    this    blog    will    be    for    mature    audiences    (    with    canons    aged    up    )    ,    so    smut    requests    are    always    welcome    !
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xxlady-lunaxx · 11 months
Orange Spider lily | {KokuZan}
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Theme: Angst
Kokushibo and Muzan were secretly dating. Well, 'secretly' is a term that they use but isn't actually true. It would be secret if it weren't for their horrible skills of secrecy. Unfortunately keeping their relationship within the two of them was out of their hands, though they had somehow hidden their existence from most humans for centuries. Which made it so stupid. But.. neither of the two cared, at this point, because it's not like it would be harmful for anyone to know.
Muzan often visited Kokushibo, because of their relationship or so he said. Today was different though. Today he'd discovered something. And so, this time when he went running to Kokushibo, he was smiling. Something quite curious to the Uppermoon, given that he'd never seen a smile quite that big on his Master's face.
"Kokushibo! Look, look I found something," Muzan said, almost like a small child finding a particularily pretty rock. 
"What is it?" Kokushibo inquired.
"This." Muzan thrust out a bag that held two beautiful flowers. They looked quite like spider lilies, only they were orange.
"Orange spider lilies?" Kokushibo asked, confused. "Did the color seep out from the sun?"
"No, no, they've been like this for a while now! I was looking through some red spider lilies and I found these!! It might be the key to the blue ones! I'm going to use some for experimenting. I'll try it and see if it'll make me be able to go in the sun. I'll use it first though. If it works you can use the other spider lily for yourself," Muzan explained, clearly having thought this out before.
"Oh? How interesting," Kokushibo agreed, inspecting the flowers closely.
Muzan nodded and took them back carefully. "I'm going to try to make something that I can easily drink, alright?"
"Okay, I'll wait here." Kokushibo watched as Muzan excitedly went to his working desk where he instantly pulled out several drawers filled with liquids of all variations.
Over the next few weeks, Muzan experimented with the flower and the different assortments of htings he'd made over the centuries. The whole time, Kokushibo stood by, retrieving what Muzan needed and always there for whatever happened. Eventually, Muzan decided he would try his concoction, saying if it didn't work that would be alright since he was a demon, and if it did, well, he had it all memorized and he would make it again for Kokushibo.
So, that day, Muzan downed half the flask and then waited. He felt nothing so he told Kokushibo to cut off his arm and put it somewhere where sunlight would shine soon. The two demons watched the hand from the safety of inside while it sat there, Muzan's arm had long since regenerated. Then the sun came by and burned it to crisp. Muzan sighed. "Maybe it just needs some time?" he suggested. Kokushibo agreed.
The two went back to Muzan's work room and talked. After a while, Muzan fell asleep and Kokushibo put him in a comfortable place, deciding it had just been from the amount of work his Master had been doing recently.
The next day, Muzan awoke with a headache. He complained that he felt dizzy and was a little wobbly standing up. But that would wear off eventually. The same as the day before, they cut off Muzan's hand and put it in the sun, watching it burn, yet again. 
"How long would it take to set in?" Kokushibo asked, confused.
"If this continues through the week, maybe I should just try again," Muzan grumbled. "I still have one and a half orange spider lily flowers left."
"Won't they rot?" the Uppermoon pointed out.
"No, I froze them so they'll be contained fresh until I need them." Muzan placed his hand on his hips in an almost proud manner. "I've thought of everything!"
Kokushibo laughed and nodded. "Yes, yes you have."
The day seemed to pass by rather slowly for Muzan for he was very tired. Eventually he went to sleep again, hoping he would feel perfectly fine when he woke up. Unfortunately for him, when he woke up he felt considerably worse, the headache being stronger and the dizzyness that had previously disappeared for a couple hours, had come back fully. Only a couple steps could lead him to nearly tipping over and Kokushibo had to help him walk, which was extremely frustrating given he felt so useless like this. So weak and foolish. 
Two days went by, and he didn't seem to be getting better. Each day they would cut off part of Muzan's arm, though each day they resorted to cutting off less and less, because Muzan's condition made him have to focus all his strength on fighting whatever this illness was, and not on regeneration. Each day they took the piece of flesh and put it in the sun, only to watch it burn.
(Why did it take me so long to figure out how to write that paragraph 💀)
Muzan's illness only grew which was starting to bring back memories. The constant help he needed from Kokushibo, to fetch him some food, to take him simply to the other side of the room, it was frustrating and he was starting to actually get worried. 
By the end of the week he could not only barely stand but his regeneration was nearly twenty times slower then his normal rate. He hated this. He was trying to convince himself this was all a before affect of the spider lily but it really, he didn't actually believe it. As much as he wanted to, it was becoming obvious that he needed to stop this. And soon. 
But how? He didn't know how. Didn't even think there really was a way. He felt hopeless. 
Kokushibo tried keeping him going, but it was hard when he himself shared these worries. He constantly fretted over Muzan and tried keeping him at bay. 
Days went by as he continued getting worse and worse. And then weeks flitted past and Muzan's condition was as shit as ever. More so, if that was possible. A month passed into this, and Kokushibo told Muzan that if he didn't somehow get better soon, he might die. And when they came to this conclusion, Muzan felt absolute dread. He couldn't believe that this would happen. He couldn't. Fucking. Believe it. 
He didn't want to believe it. He didn't want to die. It sounded childish, of course, but death was his biggest fear. He merely feared Yoriichi because Yoriichi could bring him death. He feared the sun simply because it could kill him. He couldn't bear the fact he might die.
So, he asked Kokushibo for something. One night, one more unbearable night of pain, he'd been laying down in the silence, uncomfortable. Then, casually, he said, "Kokushibo? I may have been thinking and..."
Kokushibo shook his head. "If this is another 'I think this is just an effect,' then I don't want to hear it."
"No, I was thinking something. Maybe you could turn me into a demon or something? Like, I can make you into the demon king and you can give me your blood and turn me into a demon? I mean, give me your blood for more strength? As I've done for you and the other 12 kizuki?" Muzan suggested.
Kokushibo nodded slowly. "It could work.. but it would be painful for the both of us, no?"
"Would you mind? It'll go away fast. And I've been in pain these past few weeks, I honestly don't care about myself," Muzan said, sighing. 
"True. Alright then. I'll get you some food first, though."
When Kokushibo came back, the two demons ate in silence, both absorbed in their own thoughts. When they finished, they didn't do anything, unsure where to go from here. Then, quietly, Kokushibo said, "Can I.."—he hesitated for a beat—"kiss you? In case this doesn't work.. I don't want.. I want to be with you, actually, and not just worried and getting you things to help you with your sickness. I want to do this before anything happens. In case anything happens. If anything happens. You understand?"
Muzan nodded, definitely understanding. "Of course. But you better lean down here because I don't want this 'moment' to be me dying in pain."
Kokushibo chuckled softly, though it wasn't particularily funny. "I will." He leaned down, peppering Muzan's face and neck with kisses until the smaller demon was a whimpering mess. 
He stopped, eventually, letting Muzan breathe for a minute. "Kokushibo?"
"Yes?" he hummed, caressing his Master's face.
"I know I'm shit at affectionate things, but I love you, you know that, right?" Muzan murmured, leaning into Kokushibo's touch. 
"Mhm," his boyfriend smiled. "I love you too." 
Muzan flushed, still not used to any of this. "Thank you. For taking care of me."
Kokushibo nodded. "I wouldn't leave you even if my life depended on staying away."
They were silent, the comfort of each other spreading through their bodies. Eventually, Muzan said, "How do you want me to transfer my blood to you?"
"What will hurt least for you?"
"Probably if you use my finger. Or.." Muzan paused, a sly smile creeping up his face. "From my neck or my lip?" 
Kokushibo laughed. "Alright. So I'll kiss you while taking your blood like a vampire?" he said, amused.
"Sure, why not?" the demon lord said. 
"Okay, okay." Kokushibo paused, brushing Muzan's hair away from his forehead. "Love you, Muzan," he mumbled. 
"Love you too," Muzan said, sighing. 
The Uppermoon pressed his lips to Muzan's neck, carefully biting slowly down, making sure to make only a thin line which would be easier to regenerate. Muzan closed his eyes, concentrating on making sure Kokushibo got through with this. 
When Kokushibo moved up, feeling that that was all he needed to take in, he noticed how pale Muzan looked. But before he could ask if he was alright, pain shot through his body and he doubled over. He clutched his arms around himself, his mouth wide in a silent scream. 
But then the pain was over and he was panting heavily, sweating. He looked up to see Muzan still lying there, looking more sick than before. 
Kokushibo felt the opposite Muzan did, though. He felt alive. Powerful. Like he could do anything.
But instead, he leaned down closer to his lover and whispered urgently, "Are you okay?"
"Kokushibo," Muzan said, his voice like sandpaper. "Blood. Give me.. some of your blood."
"Right, right," Kokushibo murmured, panicking. He used his fingernail to slice his palm and he dripped some of his blood in Muzan's mouth carefully.
He watched his boyfriend swallow, and waited. The waiting was painstakingly slow and fear pressed Kokushibo's insides into a tight ball. His body felt like lead as he watched and waited. Nothing happened.
This wasn't what was supposed to happen, was it? When you were given blood, usually the effects started immediately. What had gone wrong? Kokushibo tried again, slipping more of his blood into Muzan's mouth. 
"Please, please work," he said, his mind and heart racing. He must've done something wrong. What had he done wrong?!
Muzan shook his head wearily. "Koku..shi.. Koku.. I don't think it's going to work," he mumbled, growing paler (is that a word?) by the second. 
"It will work! It has to work," Kokushibo insisted. As much as he'd known that it might not, he had hoped with all his might that it would. 
Muzan shook his head. "No, I can feel it.." He coughed rather violently, blood spilling from his mouth. "Kokushibo.. You'll be the demon.. lord now.. Continue on.. the work I've done.. Don't let it go to waste," he said, his eyes meeting the Uppermoon's. No, the demon king's. Kokushibo was the demon lord now. 
Kokushibo nodded weakly. "I will. But please don't die. Not yet. Please," he begged. 
"It's not my choice.. anymore," Muzan mumbled, closing his eyes. 
"No, no! Don't close your eyes, no, wait," Kokushibo said urgently, putting his hands onto Muzan's chest. What was it humans did? Something about chest compressions?? But this was different, no? All that could save Muzan was regeneration.. 
He desperately tried again to get his blood into Muzan, trying, and failing, to save him. Muzan coughed again, blood staining his clothes. 
"Kokushibo, it's no use," he said, his eyes still closed. 
"It has to work!" Kokushibo insisted. 
"It won't." 
The words were harsh and cut into Kokushibo like a knife. He knew it wouldn't, but the fact that Muzan had lost all hope made him feel suddenly hopeless as well. The words were so certain, so clear, and true. Unbearably true.
Kokushibo's hands left Muzan's chest and went to cup his face. "Fine," he said, all desperation drained from him. "Then.. goodbye, Muzan."
Muzan nodded slowly, painfully. "Yes, goodbye." 
"I still love you," Kokushibo murmured. "I won't stop."
Muzan's mouth twitched into a smile. "Such a flirt," he said, sighing deeply. "I won't stop loving you either, I promise."
And then he was gone. His chest stopped moving in it's uneven sort of breaths and the pale gradiant of his skin slowly went deathly white. Kokushibo didn't know how long he sat there, holding Muzan's face in his hands, but it was long enough for the touch of his fallen lover to become cold. Ice cold. 
He retracted himself when he realized that and stared at the body. Then, he realized, it was starting to disintigrate. He wondered, for a split second, why it hadn't disintigrated earlier. This was as Muzan had died first as a human then left the earth as a demon. Kokushibo's hand clutched the slowly disintigrating arm of Muzan's, until there was nothing but cloth in his grip.
He held onto it tightly, fearing that if he let this go, it would turn to dust as well and he would have nothing left of him. Kokushibo's upper body shook in sharp, shuddery breaths. He was trying not to cry. But try as he might, tears rolled down his cheeks.
He hadn't cried in a long time. Centuries. He never had a reason to. He'd never felt pain that lasted, never pitied anyone to the point of tears. In fact, he'd never felt much emotion since he became a demon. And then Muzan came along and made him feel. Feel happy, for once. 
Made him cry. Ugly, shaky sobs that ripped through his body. He buried his face in his hands and screamed. How could the world take Muzan from him? How could it take the one person who had ever made him feel? 
The floor trembled and he looked up. Then, he realized with a start, it was himself who was trembling. From fear, anger, and sadness. Sorrow. He'd never felt that before. When his mother died, he had been disappointed. But he'd never really been close to her. To anyone. 
When Yoriichi died, he'd felt only powerful. And powerless. But never grief. Never anything like this. He'd never felt this sort of internal pain that teared him from inside out. His hands, still clutching tightly the bloody cloth Muzan had worn the day he died. Today. 
The day Kokushibo became the demon lord, failed to save the previous one, and lost his lover all at once. The day he felt. Felt nothing but pain. 
He looked at the clothes and buried his face into it, uncaring it was covered in blood. The blood would disappear soon. Gone with Muzan. Gone. 
The word vibrated inside his mind, bouncing off the walls in his head and repeating over and over and over. Gone. Muzan was gone. Forever.
And it was all Kokushibo's fault. He had failed his master, his boyfriend, the person dearest to him. He had failed and Muzan had died and it was all. His. Fault.
{Word count: 2600}
Well now that lightheartening oneshot is done 😊
(pt. 2 here)
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liroyalty · 4 months
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I know, You've Suffered. But I, Don't want you to Hide.
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jpriest85-blog · 1 year
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Some cross-over art for the Accursed and Harbinger Crack ship from @justpked Fell Star and Beyond the Spider Lilies. It's a redraw of a Parks and Recs meme, where my Harbinger Thuban is playfully teasing Aris for having such a big fanboy crush on her, even though she and Aris are married now and even raising two kids together.
Thuban: Aww darling...You had a crush on me...That's embarrassing.
Aris: We're married...
Thuban: Still...
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gorging-boat · 2 years
Sapphic women and sharps play
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treepan0 · 1 month
MMBN Giving Megaman Tulips
so silly idea I had: have a character Give Megaman.exe tulips. for a ship it could be red, but there's always pink for platonic, and white for apologies, but my reasoning for tulips specifically is more amusing:
there's three meanings for tulips: Deep love whether romantic or platonic, Charity... but more importantly tulips can also mean rebirth, due to blooming in the spring they're seen as life coming back from winter, this is why many urns would have tulips on them.
so imagine this: Megaman getting tulips from someone for whatever reason unrelated to his origins, but megaman looks up what they mean, ends up reading the connections of rebirth and is kind of scared that this person is pretty much saying: "I know you were once Hub Hikari..."
I dunno I thought it was funny, I actually use it as symbolism for my own oc because he's a kind, caring and cheerful character so I often use yellow tulips for him.
But I also knew the meaning of rebirth and was like "hey, wouldn't it be funny if someone who didn't actually know the Hub Hikari situation, gave Megaman.exe tulips?"
(Fun fact the meanings behind them are part of why they're my favorite flowers.)
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white-nolse · 3 months
How am I not supposed to get obsessed with LiaTen when he's well aware that she's his in another reality, when he knows part of her soul still has that love and dedication towards him, resting and waiting to be awakened by his devotion...
But she's someone else's in this reality, and as much as he longs to have her at his side, he wouldn't dare to rip her away from her happiness and her loved ones; because he wouldn't dare to bring her pain.
So he's just waiting. It doesn't matter that he'll have to wait for a lifetime, nor that years go faster in Hell compared to the human world, making the wait longer.
But he already waited more than centuries to be whole again, so waiting for her to finally be his, no matter how long it'll take, will be worth it.
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stardust-3saders · 1 year
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CW: Mentions of suicide, death, slavery, murder, humans being eaten (?).
After losing both Noriaki and Kira, Lia finds herself drowned in despair, lost, and without knowing whether living was still worth. Unknowingly, these strong emotions and negativity make her accidentally lure a bunch of Yokais that end up dragging her to hell to sell her as slave/meat.
Still, she doesn't give up on her life there, doing her best to escape her captors, getting the attention of the legendary Oni Shuten Doji... And the rest is history.
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If you're reading this, then it means you're actually interested in this new Au, and I love you for that 💜 akdkksks/p
As a little rundown (?):
This Au was born pretty unexpectedly thanks to some friends on discord. We all liked 4Lia a bit too much, but since I didn't have a clear plan for her after DiU (since this Au follows canon events that we all now aren't exactly happy ends), I had planned on her ending her life, as some sort of end to her character.
However, after exploring a few things on a RP, curiosity took the best of us and this Au was born, mostly as a way to have her be happy and have some kind of a "happy ending" in a pretty unexpected place and with equally unexpected company.
(I currently have a fic in progress for this Au, but I'm not entirely sure if I'll post it here, somewhere else, or I'll even do it since I'm sure it'll be long).
But yeah... For those who were wondering who the [******] person was on the few posts I've reblogged on my main, it was Shuten.
Oh! Btw, the version of Shuten we used is from the game Onmyoji:
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(Yes, I'm aware that that's actually Ibaraki with another skin, but shhhhh)
Anyway! Thank you for reading this far if you did, I know it's kind of a silly idea and possibly a silly ship, but I love it already and my friends giving me ideas and brainrot doesn't help (but I love them too much as to tell them to stop akdkkddk).
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stuffgoeswrong · 2 years
Yes i 100% agree with you on what you said about soukoku but now i MUST ask you to talk about odazai as well if you're up for it because i love them too. They are so important to me
Yes, absolutely! Sorry I didn't get to this sooner, it was past midnight last night and I've had classes all day. Odazai has become my OTP to end all OTPs, like it is unfathomable how much I love them. I could literally talk about them all day, so I'm sorry this got so long. I'm so happy you're a chill member of the fandom and love them too! By the way, I wanted to say I totally agree with your opinions on Kousano and respect your Chuuaku ones too! Kousano very much feels like a "these two are cool, put them together" kind of ship without a lot of concern for their development and similarities. While I do love Kouyou as a character, I don't have fond feelings for her when she's presented just by herself (as opposed to her other canon relationships like with Kyouka), and liking both parties of a ship is pretty much a requirement for me. Luckily, this happened with Odazai!
In general I do view this ship through a Dazai heavy lens because I relate to him hardcore and it's hard for me to understand/get attached to stoic characters like Oda. This is weird because I'm probably more like him irl than Dazai lol. I always feel like I'm not looking as deeply into Oda's character as I could be, and I try to be conscious of not lessening his role in comparison to Dazai's, but keep that in mind and judge me if you want as you read this lol.
What made you ship it?
The fact that Dazai showed the most emotion I've ever seen on his face and in his voice (amazing job by Miyano Mamoru) around Oda and the later realization that Dazai was Oda's first and one of his only friends. Not to say other characters *coughcoughchuuyacough* haven't made a significant impact on Dazai. I try not to compare these two ships a lot cause they are both meaningful in their own ways to the story and the characters. But anyway, I cried like a little bitch before Oda's big fight/death scene even happened, when Dazai just is begging him not to go throw away his life and trying to relate to him on a deeply personal level to get him to stay. That really showed to me how much he cared for Oda and how different that relationship was to him whether he knew it or not. Someone also edited the Dead Apple scene beautifully to be more shippy and I can never forget it. Also, Scarlet Sky playing every time Oda is talked about or Dark Era is referenced in the main storyline got me sobbing. I guess what truly made me ship Odazai is just the abundance of a suggested romantic connection (very obvious on Dazai's part). Dark Era (confronting Mori about this massive betrayal and leaving the mafia feels like "you have destroyed everything that was ever important to me, bye"), how Oda thinks of Dazai, not Ango or the orphans, when he believes he's dying after getting poisoned, Dazai literally ruining peoples' lives that he holds dear in the present just so Oda can live and be happy even without him in Beast, Dear Prince (a love song) playing when Dazai recalls that moment in Dead Apple and in the flashback later on, "Was it someone you loved?" and dodging the question LIKE HOW OBVIOUS can you get!!
2. As I fell further into the rabbit hole. . .
So I joined an Odazai discord server around a year ago, love it there, everyone's so creative and lovely, here if interested: https://discord.gg/tnA3mzyB. There's also a lot of analyses on Odazai on Tumblr that make sense! This post about Oda and Dazai being each other's regrets (from Dark Era light novel, Oda says, "Ango and I could stay by Dazai's side because we can understand the loneliness that revolves around Dazai. Even though we are by his side, we would never step within. But now, I'm a little regretful that I never stepped into that loneliness impolitely." Oda just say you wanna hold his hand lol), this whole post about them filling each other's unmet childhood needs, this which basically puts all Odazai moments and mentions together, I absolutely love this theory that there's a physical change in Dazai's ability after he meets Oda, there's just so much to love about them.
3. What I don't like:
Putting this here cause I don't want to end on this note. This ain't even about Oda and Dazai, it's just about the fandom. I don't think any of us who like this ship like the people who complain about the 5 year age difference. It's not a lot at all, especially when you take literally everything else about their relationship into account and the fact that it's fictional and fun. But since side A and B have come out (which I haven't read) I've seen people kind of using it as further evidence that the age gap is a problem and let it cloud their judgement on Oda and Dazai's respective personalities and boundary abiding tendencies. In addition to that I always see the, "but Oda calls him a child and views him like that in the novel" argument, which I don't really get. I watched some YouTube video a while ago that was like, why do partners call each other baby or babe? It's because those words represent a yearning to take care of the other and foster a better, more committed relationship or something like that. Saying your friend has a hurt expression like a lost kid doesn't necessarily mean you think of them as significantly younger or immature compared to you. This especially applies in fictional writing where it can just be used as a helpful visual for something that will be adapted to a screen. I don't have a problem with fans who dislike Odazai romantically, but I do when they completely deny their equal footing. Come on, Oda mixes up his fairytales and Dazai is insanely smart, their relationship would never be abusive on an age basis. Anyway.
4.. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Well for one, I'm a sucker for angst and pain and two, I love childhood friends/best friends to lovers so so so much. Add in the possibility of enemies to lovers in Beast and they have it all. I guess I like the ambiguity and flow of how their relationship could go too. Like, they both would think moving in with each other is totally natural friend behavior, and then there'll be this phase of realization and it'll just pass by like yeah, we're married now. From Dark Era, we get that Oda, Dazai, and Ango can all be friends outside their different ranking mafia positions because they all feel that they think similarly and understand each other. They're all on equal ground, so Dazai and Oda having a profound connection built off that is something I think can be an accurate reflection of real life. At their cores, both want the best for each other. Oda wants Dazai to have a life meaningful to him and suggests that path through what he knows, Dazai wants Oda to live out his dream, helping him to do that in whatever way possible. They are separated by time and space, yet so closely linked by what they've found with each other it hurts. There's literally already a family there with the kiddos too! These two seem to get dumber in each other's presence like SSKK also does and I find that amusing lol. I appreciate that Oda is serious about the people he cares about and doesn't take Dazai's suicide obsession as lightly as a lot of other characters, as some shippers speculate because he has also had depression at one point or another. I love that in several peoples' minds, Odazai would only have conflict when they're upset the other isn't taking care of themself properly. I love that Oda is such an oblivious himbo. I love that people speculate Dazai's bolo tie reminds him of Oda's eyes and that he picked the spot for the grave that overlooks a beautiful view even if he didn't know Oda loved the ocean. I love that they both realize they care about each other when it's too late, that they will meet in the afterlife.
I have many feelings and thoughts. Thank you so much if you listened to me rant and read this whole thing!
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shopwitchvamp · 5 months
I would like to apologize for yet again underestimating how quickly Mystic Flame Skaters will get snapped up when they're ready-to-ship. I think they're gonna be the first thing from this set to run out, so if you end up missing your size pls know that I'll add them to the next round of preorders for sure!! (And then order *more* extras next time..)
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Is it to late for tricks and treats? For any of our ships I don't care lay it on me
Send ‘Trick or Treat! 🎃’ to my inbox and I’ll give you a treat!
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“When did you feel life for the first time?” Hecate asked, curious. “After Hades and I…” she didn’t need to finish her sentence. “Hmm.” The Goddess of Magic tapped her chin. “I think, perhaps, the God of the Dead has created life within you.”
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reallyrandomtj · 3 months
Me: Should be working on NSFW headcanons Also me: Brain Rot over a potential HSR verse for Kujou Sara Also me: SNORTS at the potential for having her as a member of the CLOUD KNIGHTS of the Xianzhou Laofu
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Sara: "Stop... 'shipping' me with the GENERAL?!"
Also Sara: 'Just because you see him with birds... doesn't automatically mean a Tengu like myself has to be shipped with him?'
Me: That is usually how it starts, Sara. X)
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Sara: "..." Goes back to work.
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fisshbones · 13 days
Hcs of some Hoyoverse characters!!
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ft!! Heizou, Sunday, Scaramouche/Wanderer, Furina, Sampo, Xiao, & Pela
Genre: fluff/crack!! No warnings that I can think of besides of being mildly ooc and some being shorter than others. Could be read as platonic. Modern Au Gn! Reader.
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Heizou ->
Has thousands and thousands of screenshots, pictures, and videos saved on his phone. Refuses to delete them because “you never know, they might come in use later.” Once in a VERY LONG while does his habit actually pay off. He’s paying for the cloud subscription service 1000% If he doesn’t his phone is borderline useless. If you go through it you’ll wonder how he finds jack sh*t in that phone, there’s no organization on/in that thing. That being said he doesn’t need to put things in separate albums because he had absolutely no issues with finding what he needs. (he’s literally me)
Sunday ->
Sunday likes to tend to his multiple gardens back where he lives. There’s two green houses back at his home. One is his and one belongs to his dear sister. If you want one too, he’ll gladly make some plans for yours next. When him or Robin can’t tend to the flowers, he has a gardener come tend to them in the meantime. While all of them brings joy to him he has a special soft spot for (white) calla lilies and spider mums.
Scaramouche/Wanderer ->
The definition of an annoying menace. He’ll put sticky notes with (sometimes with writing) on your back without you knowing. He used to do this to Childe too, only when it was Childe it would be way meaner. One fool read the ‘kick me’ note on his back and actually did it. Poor idiot guy learned a lesson that day. The worst he’s put on your back was a note with a stupid face on it. And if someone makes fun of you for it, he’ll give them a black eye! He’s the only one allowed to be an ass to you. :)
Furina ->
Does catwalk struts in her mirror when no one is home. She gets wayyyyy too into it. She’ll start on one side of the house and when she gets to her mirror she’ll strike a pose. One time you walked into her standing in front of the mirror doing pose 28. She couldn’t look into your eyes for a week afterwards. If you ask her to give her a lil show, she’ll do it but don’t laugh cause she might cry. lol. (she’s so me coded)
Sampo ->
He plays those driving games with the steering wheel and all. Sampo started streaming it too to make some hot cash$$ This man is DEDICATED to the act he preforms while streaming this game. If he gets into an accident in the game he makes it look like it happened irl too. He’s given himself whiplash from how fast and hard he slammed himself in his chair. think this.
BIG CONCERT FAN!!! Hates the crowds so much though (T ^ T) He’s so not a people person. Always manages to get great seats for you guys. He’s willing to see any performer if it’s for you, even if it’s not someone he likes. I personally see him as liking every genre of music, so there’s a fat chance he’ll still like the music being played. Xiao would put you on his shoulders if you ask him too. But I can’t guarantee you’ll be able to see any better this way because of how short he is.
Pela ->
Pela makes a crap ton of edits and fanfics. Any where between thirst edits and angst edits of anime characters. She’s got over 50k followers just waiting for her to drop the newest robin or satosugu edit. She’s also got of followers on the platform she posts her fanfics on. She’s big on x readers AND ship fics. That girl puts in work making sure both her edits and fics are absolutely perfect.
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