#since giving rock white or red flowers with zero context out of embarrassment would be best for such a misunderstanding
treepan0 · 1 month
MMBN Giving Megaman Tulips
so silly idea I had: have a character Give Megaman.exe tulips. for a ship it could be red, but there's always pink for platonic, and white for apologies, but my reasoning for tulips specifically is more amusing:
there's three meanings for tulips: Deep love whether romantic or platonic, Charity... but more importantly tulips can also mean rebirth, due to blooming in the spring they're seen as life coming back from winter, this is why many urns would have tulips on them.
so imagine this: Megaman getting tulips from someone for whatever reason unrelated to his origins, but megaman looks up what they mean, ends up reading the connections of rebirth and is kind of scared that this person is pretty much saying: "I know you were once Hub Hikari..."
I dunno I thought it was funny, I actually use it as symbolism for my own oc because he's a kind, caring and cheerful character so I often use yellow tulips for him.
But I also knew the meaning of rebirth and was like "hey, wouldn't it be funny if someone who didn't actually know the Hub Hikari situation, gave Megaman.exe tulips?"
(Fun fact the meanings behind them are part of why they're my favorite flowers.)
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