Someone wants Shino to get all of the love lol. I approve.
Mild Enemies to Lovers.
You can’t tell me Shino chasing after Kankuro in the Konoha Crush and fighting him as penance for Kankuro dropping out of their Chunin exam’s battle wasn’t beautiful. Shino is a bitter, proud man and he was getting his fight whether Kankuro liked it or not.
They’re equal in fighting skills. Like, they legit knocked each other out. It was stunning. Perfection. Delightful.
Shino and Kankuro sharing their ‘weird’ Hobbies. Talking about how their chakra connects with their bugs/puppets.
Both smart in their own way. Both ruthless. What a TEAM.
I think Ino would find the bugs weird at first, but she also realizes pretty quickly that Shino is lonely and she reaches out to him without a thought.
They start hanging out and bonding, and Ino makes it her personal mission to ensure Shino is never forgotten by their friends again. How dare they forget such a sweet, kind dude.
Ino coming to love Shino’s bugs and always chatting his ear off about how good they are for plants. How yes sometimes they can destroy plants, but they also help polinate and grow them.
Shino falling just a little in love when he see’s Ino fish a beetle out of water and hold onto it so very gently while it recovers from its near death situation.
Ino getting on people’s cases for laughing at Shino when he gets upset about losing his beetles in battle.
Sweet heart pretty girl + sweetheart weird boy is a good enjoyable trope.
Genius + Ruthless smart boy.
Shikamaru doesn’t want to fight and Shino is ok with that. Shino will take a plan and make it work flawlessly without compliant. He actually likes showing off a bit.
Shino would get on Shikamaru’s case about training though, and remind him of the importance of keeping in shape and ready for battle, no matter how much he knows Shikamaru doesn’t really like fighting.
Shikamaru never forgets about Shino. He’d always come over and just sit and chat with him when he see’s him off to the side looking lonely. Shikamaru likes the quiet away from the crowd, and Shino likes the company.
Teammates to lovers trope
Hinata was always so sweet to Shino and just wanted to seem him smile, and Shino was so supportive of her in everything she did.
Hinata would support the f*** out of Shino becoming an Acadamy Sensei, and Shino would understand and support her desire to retire. He knows fighting was never something Hinata wanted to do, but what she was expected to do, and he happily accepts that. He’ll do the fighting for them.
Kiba would be their biggest fan, without a doubt.
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edai-crplpnk · 1 year
New Fic! 🦌🪲
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Flirting & Smut
That's all
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thedistortedfaces · 3 years
i live for the little sillies, the scrunkle funkles, those crack ships that are so obscure that you legitimately start shipping them
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ftcoye · 3 years
Could you write a shikamaru x shino drabble?
“Why are you staring at me?” Shikamaru asks.
“That is impressive,” Shino says. “Why? Because you have not opened your eyes.”
“I can always tell when you’re looking at me,” he says, because it will make Shino happy, and finally does open his eyes. The sky is darker now, not quite the vibrant blue it was when he fell asleep, but his spot on the grassy hill is still quite comfortable. Shino lays next to him, on his side, propped up and staring intently at Shikamaru’s face - his shadow doesn’t fall on him at all, which is probably especially why it was so impressive.
Shikamaru yawns, reaching up to rub at one eye, and Shino twitches. “What’s up?” he asks, because Shino’s gaze is on something specific.
“There is a ladybug on your eyebrow,” Shino says, after a moment.
“...Yeah,” Shikamaru says, when it’s clear he’s not going to offer anything else. “I know. Do you want it?”
Shikamaru has the distinct impression that Shino is blinking. Or something. Does Shino have eyelids? Or even eyes? He genuinely doesn’t know, not that it matters. “You have not brushed it away,” Shino says. “Why?”
It takes a second to realize that Shino isn’t going to fill in the answer himself and actually needs Shikamaru to explain. Ugh. “It’s not hurting anything,” he says. “It can take a nap, too.”
It’s quiet for a few moments, and Shikamaru almost thinks it’s over and he can pass back out, when his boyfriend speaks up. “I’m going to kiss you now,” Shino says. “Why? Because I am reminded of how much I like you.”
“Just don’t make me sit up,” Shikamaru says, and puckers his lips.
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spellcasterlight · 3 years
That other Anon got me thinking what are your most popular fics then?
Hi there Warm Wallaby Anon! 😊
Ya’ll are an inquisitive today! Must be that Friday feeling where you need your fanfiction fix! I know that feeling! 😂
Alright! I’ll do the same as last time and use my Ao3 hit counter!
To Prove Someone Cares -  [Shikamaru x Naruto]
"I'll stay; I'm not going anywhere Naruto. Don't ever worry about that." [Shikamaru x Naruto]
(Warnings: Mild swearing. Graphic sexual scene.)
Can be read here: [Ao3]
Bugs and Shadows and Fox Tongue -  [Shino x Shikamaru x Naruto]
An innocent answer to a dumb question. [Shino x Shikamaru x Naruto]
(Warnings: Swearing. Graphic Sexual Scenes. Three Way Relationship.)
Can be read here: [Ao3]
Lay It On Me -  [Shino x Reader]
"An ovipositor," the Aburame heir repeated. "It is a long; thin; tube for piercing; and laying eggs." You could feel an uncomfy laugh bubbling up in you; you always did that when you were nervous. "Sounds hot, can you do that?" [Shino x Reader]
(Warnings: Swearing. Oviposition Kink. Graphic Sexual Scene.)
Can be read here: [Ao3]
I Will Bite You -  [Kiba x Hinata]
"Hinata I'm in heat alright?!" He snapped and screamed at her making her eyes go wide. "And I have to tell you, you smell delicious! You need to leave before I do something dumb! You smell fantastic and I bet you taste even-no."
Kiba slammed his forehead hard into the wall to remove that mental image by force making Hinata gasp loudly. [Kiba x Hinata]
Naruto Smut Monday – February Prompts: Sweet as Candy & Love Bites
(Warnings: Swearing. Mild Major Character Injury. Rough Sex. Oral Sex. Biting. Graphic Sexual Scene.)
Can be read here: [Ao3]
Thank you for the ask! ✨
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veryhiddenreki · 4 years
Hm... my assumption about you is that if you had to choose between walking 5 km or driving the same 5 km with a car (assuming you have a driver’s license) you‘d choose to walk. Am I correct?
And if I understood correctly then I’m allowed to choose a pallet and one of my favourite ships. So I wanted to ask for a Shino x Shikamaru one with Aurora Borealis...
And lastly, congratulations on your anniversary and I hope you continue with the same enthusiasm and determination you showed so far, especially with how you don’t give up on animation! I really look forward to how your artstyle will develope :)
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You know me well! While I do have my drivers license I would most definitely walk, its one of my favorite passtimes! And here you go! Theyre out on a little date night 🌹
Also thank you so much!
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permetscore · 7 years
shikamarus sapiosexual so hes prob kinda into shinos weird elusive shit. he cant handle his bugdick tho
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edai-crplpnk · 1 year
Don't set your hopes too high cause I'm working a lot of stuff at once these days but I am in on some ShikaShino 👀
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spellcasterlight · 3 years
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Hi there Impressive Irish Doodle Anon! 😊
I’m not too proud to say I had zero ideas for this story for far too long until I woke up at 3 am randomly with one 😂
Hope you like it! ✨
Terrible Timing - [Shikamaru x Shino]
@badthingshappenbingo - Tile 3: Taking The Blame
Warnings: Feelings of Guilt. Minor Character Death. Mild Kiss Scene.
Story Link: [Ao3🔗]
Ao3 ✨ |Story Request Bingo Cards 📖 | WIP Game Always Open ✒️| Hot Chocolate ☕
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spellcasterlight · 3 years
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All tiles now [Claimed]!
Surrender: Tough But Fair - Chapter 2 - [Tumblr🔗]
Bounty on Their Head: A Little Slice of Hell - [Rasa x Karura] - [Tumblr🔗]
Non-Consensual Touching: The Bittersweet Apple - [Obito x Mei] - [Tumblr🔗]
Damaged Wing(s): Feather Caresses - [Shino x Tenten]  - [Tumblr🔗]
Roaring Rampage of Rescue: Duty Above Everything - [Shino x Tenten] - [Tumblr🔗]
Locked In a Cage: Shining Key - [Neji x Fū]  - [Tumblr🔗]
Sadistic Choice: [Claimed]
Taking the Blame: Terrible Timing - [Shikamaru x Shino] - [Tumblr🔗]
Put Down Your Gun and Step Away: Suffer For Your Art - [Sasori x Konan] - [Tumblr🔗]
Corporal Punishment: A Little Harder - [Shino x Tenten] - [Tumblr🔗]
Theft: Wait For You - [Shino x Tenten] - [Tumblr🔗]
Gave Up Too Soon: Who’s Truly Lost? - [Shino x Tenten] - [Tumblr🔗]
Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms: By A Thread - [Lee x Sakura] - [Tumblr🔗]
Bloodied Knuckles: Lots To Learn - [Shikamaru x Hinata] - [Tumblr🔗]
Will Not Be A Victim: Feather Caresses - [Shino x Tenten] - [Tumblr🔗]
Hysterical Strength: Slipping Through His Fingers - [Shikamaru x Hinata] - [Tumblr🔗]
Be Careful What You Wish For: Slipping Through His Fingers - [Shikamaru x Hinata] - [Tumblr🔗]
Mistaken Identity: Always Be Yourself - [Lee x Sakura] - [Tumblr🔗]
Working Through the Cold: Caring Kiss - [Shino x Tenten] - [Tumblr🔗]
Isolation: Whatever You Want - [Shino x Tenten] - [Tumblr🔗]
Hiding an Illness: Should Have Been Me - [Shino x Tenten] - [Tumblr🔗]
Bridal Carry: In One Second - [Darui x C] - [Tumblr🔗]
Severed Artery: Freely Given - [Lee x Karin] - [Tumblr🔗]
Pushed From a Moving Vehicle: [Claimed]
Tied To a Chair: Give Me Your Worst - [Shikamaru x Hinata] - [Tumblr🔗]
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spellcasterlight · 4 years
ShikaTenShino - Morning Beverage Choices Are Telling.
Tenten: "Morning losers!"
Shikamaru: Too tired to correct.
Shino: Too polite to correct
Tenten: "Here's you coffee Shika!"
Shikamaru: Starts downing his mugs contents as soon as its in his hands.
Tenten: "And here's your tea Shino."
Shino: "Thank you Tenten," takes a polite sip. "And what have you decided on; this morning?"
Tenten: Happily takes a sip from her cup, hugging it happily in her hands. "The blood of my enemies."
Shino: Is silently concerned. Looks to Shikamaru for help.
Shikamaru: Yawning loudly. "What a drag, I'm too tired, as long it's not my blood I honestly couldn't care."
Shino: Silently panics about both his partners.
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spellcasterlight · 3 years
can i ask what gay couples you write for/ do you take story requests?
Hi there Loyal Lhasapoo Anon! 🐕
I’m not actually taking story requests right now as I have quite a full queue and lots of events coming up! Sorry about that! ❤️
If it’s okay I’m just going to make links to all my pairings that relate to your question (I included bisexual as well!) because if I listed every story this post would actually be so loooooong! 😂
[Shino x Shikamaru x Naruto] – One story: [Ao3]
[Shikamaru x Shino] – Three stories: [Ao3]
[Shikamaru x Naruto] – One story: [Ao3]
[Shikamaru x Tenten x Shino] – Nine stories: [Ao3]
[Shino x Tenten x Ino x Shikamaru] – One story: [Ao3]
[Tenten x Hinata] – Four stories: [Ao3]
[Ino x Sakura] -Three stories: [Ao3]
[Kakashi x Gai] – One story: [Ao3]
[Tenten x Karin] - One story: [Ao3]
[Sakura x Hinata] – One story: [Ao3]
This took me so long omw! 😂 I hope this answers your question!
Thanks for the ask! ✨
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spellcasterlight · 4 years
ShikaShino - The Silent Type
Shikamaru: “Shino, you're really quiet.”
Shino: “...”
Shikamaru: “You're probably not the type to just start yelling right?”
Shino: “...”
Shikamaru: “And I've seen you in the bathhouse you're good looking.”
Shino: “...?”
Shikamaru: “You wanna go out sometime?”
Shino: “?!”
Shikamaru: “I'll take your silence as a yes.”
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spellcasterlight · 3 years
WIP Game - WIP Folder Dumpster Fire Drop 🔥
I got tagged by the brilliant and talented @lotusfartstwice ! ❤️
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!  And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I am tagging: @fictionalquacker @babybottlepop96 @thespookymoth​
“All the files in your WIP folder.”
“All the files in your WIP folder.”
I did not need this call out!
I have to tell ya @lotusfartstwice ​ I did not make a pretty face when I read this 🤣
I’m not going to post everything, only my main folders, not the other pairing stories, multi pairing stories, reader inserts or no pairing stories because I would actually be here for years.
I had to take screenshots because I couldn’t type all the titles, I just couldn’t! 😂
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Ohhh a good choice
Shikamaru and Shino like to play shogi at least once a week when possible, though they don’t tell many people that they do this. They prefer to have the time alone with each other to test their skills.
The first time they play, Shikamaru is quite surprised by Shino’s tacticle thinking. He’s quick on his feet and can counter Shikamaru’s tactics quite effectively, although of course Shikamaru has multipul plans going at once.
They espeshally love it because neither of them are big talkers, so they just get to enjoy each other’s company and focus on the game in front of them
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