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aburamefag · 23 days ago
Shino x Shikamaru insanity…. I love them too much
Shikamaru unconsciously being drawn to shino because his bugs swarns look like clouds….
Shikamaru listening to shino talk about his bugs and his bug research and being mindblown about how shino made bugs that were immune to torunes poison when they were in the academy
Shino talking to shikamaru about his teaching work and shikamaru talking about how shinos taught him more about bugs and biology than he would have known without him being so good at teaching things
The nara clan and the aburame clan making medicine together for the wildlife
Shikamaru listening to the white noise of shinos bugs in his body to sleep like how some people listen to their partners heart beat
Shino looking at bugs outside while shikamaru looks at clouds
Shino and shikamaru both being super knowledgeable and still learning more topics while they are around eachother
Shino growing out his hair because shikamarus is grown out
Shikamaru giving shino hair care tips
Shikamarus cigarette smoke calming down shinos bugs like how people smoke bees
Shino being the perfect person for shikamaru to rant to about being surrounded by DUMB PEOPLE because shinos also smart
Shino giving shikamarus brain a slight break from analyzing social queues by being so blunt with his words
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plumpoppies · 2 years ago
At their sensei’s wedding I think
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edai-crplpnk · 1 year ago
New Fic! 🦌🪲
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Flirting & Smut
That's all
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kiyoshi-02 · 13 days ago
Omg im so sorry to ask this when u have so many rqs… but can u draw shino x shikamaru or fem shino….. my life would be COMPLETE 😭🙏
Hello hello!!! Don't be sorry I'm very happy to receive more requests!! So long as y'all don't mind waiting then I'm still open to them! 🫶
Also ofc I can draw Shino x Shikamaru! Also Fem Shino sounds so fun to draw heheheheh soooooo I'd like to do that too lol 😚
These requests have been so fun to do since I haven't been able to work on fanart is such a long time, everything I've been drawing had been manga related so it's really nice to be able to take a break and just draw all these characters that I love!! 🥰
Anywhooo thank you for the request!! 🫰🫰
I'm also very excited to get to draw Shikamaru lol I've been really itching to recently!!
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kankuroplease · 1 year ago
Some Shino ships I like are shikashino, sakushino, inoshino, narutoshino, hinashino and saishino
Very nice ✨
I’m being treated with some rarepairs today; I’ve never heard of or thought of SaiShino. Like I can see it actually working really well!
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spellcasterlight · 4 years ago
That other Anon got me thinking what are your most popular fics then?
Hi there Warm Wallaby Anon! 😊
Ya’ll are an inquisitive today! Must be that Friday feeling where you need your fanfiction fix! I know that feeling! 😂
Alright! I’ll do the same as last time and use my Ao3 hit counter!
To Prove Someone Cares -  [Shikamaru x Naruto]
"I'll stay; I'm not going anywhere Naruto. Don't ever worry about that." [Shikamaru x Naruto]
(Warnings: Mild swearing. Graphic sexual scene.)
Can be read here: [Ao3]
Bugs and Shadows and Fox Tongue -  [Shino x Shikamaru x Naruto]
An innocent answer to a dumb question. [Shino x Shikamaru x Naruto]
(Warnings: Swearing. Graphic Sexual Scenes. Three Way Relationship.)
Can be read here: [Ao3]
Lay It On Me -  [Shino x Reader]
"An ovipositor," the Aburame heir repeated. "It is a long; thin; tube for piercing; and laying eggs." You could feel an uncomfy laugh bubbling up in you; you always did that when you were nervous. "Sounds hot, can you do that?" [Shino x Reader]
(Warnings: Swearing. Oviposition Kink. Graphic Sexual Scene.)
Can be read here: [Ao3]
I Will Bite You -  [Kiba x Hinata]
"Hinata I'm in heat alright?!" He snapped and screamed at her making her eyes go wide. "And I have to tell you, you smell delicious! You need to leave before I do something dumb! You smell fantastic and I bet you taste even-no."
Kiba slammed his forehead hard into the wall to remove that mental image by force making Hinata gasp loudly. [Kiba x Hinata]
Naruto Smut Monday – February Prompts: Sweet as Candy & Love Bites
(Warnings: Swearing. Mild Major Character Injury. Rough Sex. Oral Sex. Biting. Graphic Sexual Scene.)
Can be read here: [Ao3]
Thank you for the ask! ✨
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ftcoye · 3 years ago
Could you write a shikamaru x shino drabble?
“Why are you staring at me?” Shikamaru asks.
“That is impressive,” Shino says. “Why? Because you have not opened your eyes.”
“I can always tell when you’re looking at me,” he says, because it will make Shino happy, and finally does open his eyes. The sky is darker now, not quite the vibrant blue it was when he fell asleep, but his spot on the grassy hill is still quite comfortable. Shino lays next to him, on his side, propped up and staring intently at Shikamaru’s face - his shadow doesn’t fall on him at all, which is probably especially why it was so impressive.
Shikamaru yawns, reaching up to rub at one eye, and Shino twitches. “What’s up?” he asks, because Shino’s gaze is on something specific.
“There is a ladybug on your eyebrow,” Shino says, after a moment.
“...Yeah,” Shikamaru says, when it’s clear he’s not going to offer anything else. “I know. Do you want it?”
Shikamaru has the distinct impression that Shino is blinking. Or something. Does Shino have eyelids? Or even eyes? He genuinely doesn’t know, not that it matters. “You have not brushed it away,” Shino says. “Why?”
It takes a second to realize that Shino isn’t going to fill in the answer himself and actually needs Shikamaru to explain. Ugh. “It’s not hurting anything,” he says. “It can take a nap, too.”
It’s quiet for a few moments, and Shikamaru almost thinks it’s over and he can pass back out, when his boyfriend speaks up. “I’m going to kiss you now,” Shino says. “Why? Because I am reminded of how much I like you.”
“Just don’t make me sit up,” Shikamaru says, and puckers his lips.
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sloaners · 4 years ago
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shikashino ko-fi thank you for @bluefire2287!
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lexpressobean · 3 years ago
tbh the best Shino Aburame ships are the ones where Person B annoys him and/or feels dissed by him in some kind of way in regards to something so they end up challenging him over whatever thing they were dissed about to prove him wrong and he just deals with it as it comes even if it wasn't supposed to be that deep.
Shino was just stating a fact, but if Person B is going to make a big thing about it, challenge accepted.
However, the more Person B actually spends time with/on Shino, the more he ends up growing on Person B as their challenge/mood continues. It's only after the competitiveness/spite fades away that Person B realizes they feel a new found friendliness around and even a fondness for Shino that developed unwittingly. It's even more of a trip when they realize the feeling seems to be mutual on Shino's end as well.
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depressedhatakekakashi · 4 years ago
Shikashino and sakushino
· Shogi is actually a game that Shino doesn’t enjoy that much, but recognizing that it’s something that helps to calm Shikamaru and helps him focus he chooses to take up the game with him. It’s also a nice opportunity for the two of them to just chat, as Shikamaru is more open and talkative when playing Shogi.
· Sometimes, while Shino is training, Shikamaru likes to nap under a tree nearby. He always situates himself so that he can watch Shino as he works, but also always manages to fall asleep. Which is fine in his opinion, because waking up to see Shino’s face hovering over him is always a treat he looks forward to.
· While Shikamaru might not be the biggest fan of bugs, he does appreciate Shino’s love for the little creatures. Watching him list off the names of every little creature is adorable, and he could honestly lay there all day listening to shino. Vice versa, Shino thinks it’s it’s an absolute treat to go into the Nara compound and watch Shikamaru interacting with the deer. For a man as lazy as him, he’ll sure do anything he can to keep the deer happy, and Shino loves it.
· Conversations about Poisons are numerous and detailed between these two. Sakura loves talking about all of the different kinds of potions that she has learned from Shizune and other sources, and the ways she can find to heal them. Shino loves talking about the ways he can come up with to protect himself from getting poisoned. How he breeds bugs with immunity so that he can use them as shields. How some of his bugs are able to eat away at the poison that tries to get into his systems, saving him.
· The two of them train together every afternoon, not just focusing on their own growth but also trying to create combo attacks that fit both of their fighting styles and compliment each other. The favorite they have come up with so far, is Shino sending out his bugs towards an enemy in a mess attack. As they get close to the enemy though, the bugs part out of the way to reveal Sakura directly behind them/surrounded by them, and before the Enemy can adjust their guard to block the attack they find themselves taking Sakura’s fist to the face.
· Sakura loves watching Shino teach. Seeing him in his element, helping to mold future shinobi and prepare them for their future, is one of her favourite shows. He always looks so soft and kind when he’s teaching. Attentive to his students needs and different learning styles. Once in a while she’ll help him with a class so that he can focus on kids who might need a bit extra help with a certain topic, and seeing how soft his face gets when they ask him questions and he supports them in every new attempt they make is beautiful. She falls in love with him all over again every time.
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mallml · 4 years ago
Shikashino in pose 7 or 1
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edai-crplpnk · 2 years ago
Don't set your hopes too high cause I'm working a lot of stuff at once these days but I am in on some ShikaShino 👀
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veryhiddenreki · 4 years ago
Hm... my assumption about you is that if you had to choose between walking 5 km or driving the same 5 km with a car (assuming you have a driver’s license) you‘d choose to walk. Am I correct?
And if I understood correctly then I’m allowed to choose a pallet and one of my favourite ships. So I wanted to ask for a Shino x Shikamaru one with Aurora Borealis...
And lastly, congratulations on your anniversary and I hope you continue with the same enthusiasm and determination you showed so far, especially with how you don’t give up on animation! I really look forward to how your artstyle will develope :)
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You know me well! While I do have my drivers license I would most definitely walk, its one of my favorite passtimes! And here you go! Theyre out on a little date night 🌹
Also thank you so much!
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raendown · 4 years ago
The next follower milestone gift fic is for an anon who asked for the prompt word obdurate.
Pairing: ShinoShikamaru Word count: 845 Rated: G Summary: Even if Shino protested that he didn't need them, Shikamaru knew his gifts were appreciated.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info in the header!
A Gift in the Giving
The thing about Shino was that he was a stubborn guy. Not, of course, that most people seemed to notice. It sort of burned Shikamaru the way most people’s eyes passed over the man like he was little more than a piece of furniture, one more tree in the forest, though Shino himself had never seemed to mind. He was a good person like that. From his friends he asked for little and from others he asked nothing. The fact that he never asked only made Shikamaru want to give all the more. 
Ironically enough that’s where his tendencies towards being stubborn came in most often. Shino didn’t want nice things. No matter how many times Shikamaru showed up with flowers, takeout, the heads of their enemies, any gift at all always got the same reaction, a furrowing of the eyebrows and very sincere words.
“You should not have.”
Worse than the words was the tone, that slightly scolding lilt with a hint of sadness like Shikamaru had brought him a jar full of dead beetles instead of that new book he’d been eyeing for several weeks. 
“Come on, you weren’t going to buy it yourself.” With a grin Shikamaru tossed his gift, trusting it would be easily caught, and bulled his way in to the tiny little apartment he hoped to soon be moving in to. If only he could convince his beloved they both deserved nice things. 
“That does not mean you should have bought it instead,” Shino told him. 
“It wasn’t even expensive.” Inviting himself in to the kitchen, Shikamaru nodded to see the remnants of a hearty breakfast. Good. It always made him feel good to know that even when he wasn’t around Shino was taking care of himself. Not spoiling himself but taking care. If not the most ideal situation it was at least good enough that he would survive and be healthy until the next time Shikamaru could come here and smother him under all the love and affection he so obviously deserved. 
Not that Shino ever made it easy. “I do not value gifts by their price tag. Nor do I have need of them at all.” 
“Doesn’t mean you don't deserve them. Do you want coffee? I’m gonna put on some coffee.” 
“If you are tired I have just changed the sheets-”
“Nah, I’m good. If anything I’d rather fall asleep with my head in your lap.” 
The two of them traded a soft look and for a moment the book was forgotten. The world had a way of fading out entirely when their eyes met like this and everything between them seemed to ride there in the divots of their skin, open and clear for the world to see except it was just the two of them here. Shikamaru’s mouth had to twist in to a wry smile when the moment was broken, Shino’s nose poking itself up in to the air. 
“If you wished to give me gifts then that was all you needed,” he said. “Your presence is gift enough.”
“Oh we’re smooth talking our way out of an argument, are we?”
The glint of laughter in Shino’s eyes was just ever so slightly mischievous. “Is it working?”
“Not in the slightest,” Shikamaru told him.
While the coffee burbled away the two of them traded soft words back and forth, their own quiet version of fond bickering. After pouring out the cups they moved to collapse over Shino’s wonderfully plush couch together and lean in until the line between one body and another blurred at the edges. It was a wonderfully peaceful way to spend the afternoon - until one of them flicked the television on and the first commercial that played seemed to catch Shino’s eye, a set of jars that were actually meant for kitchen storage but he seemed to think would make lovely homes for the beetles he allowed in to fly around his apartment. Shikamaru had sort of insisted they have designated spaces to rest after the first time he accidentally sat down on one. 
All it took was one glance between them for Shino’s eyes to narrow, realizing the mistake he’d made in showing any interest. 
“If I tell you not to buy me those will you listen?”
“Only if you buy them for yourself first,” Shikamaru replied with a grin.
“They would be very pleasant to have but I do not require them.”
“Yeah. I’m getting them. There’s a shop on the east end of the marketplace that should have them, I’ll swing by tomorrow.”
Shino pinched his lips. “You are a most obdurate man, do you know that?”
“And you’re any different? I’m not gonna stop buying you things even if you think you don’t need them.”
“I do not. I will continue to protest.”
“Well that’s just fine. Agree to disagree?”
For a couple of heartbeats Shino only looked at him consideringly. “Yes. That is a disagreement I can agree to.” 
Shino was a stubborn and often ridiculous man - and Shikamaru wouldn’t change him for the world. 
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