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lavenderarts · 4 years ago
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My two pieces for @narutaleseries WLW zine! I really enjoyed working on these back in May ;w;
Leftover sales will start soon, so if you missed your chance to get a copy of the zine, stick around for one more opportunity!!
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spellcasterlight · 4 years ago
can i ask what gay couples you write for/ do you take story requests?
Hi there Loyal Lhasapoo Anon! 🐕
I’m not actually taking story requests right now as I have quite a full queue and lots of events coming up! Sorry about that! ❤️
If it’s okay I’m just going to make links to all my pairings that relate to your question (I included bisexual as well!) because if I listed every story this post would actually be so loooooong! 😂
[Shino x Shikamaru x Naruto] – One story: [Ao3]
[Shikamaru x Shino] – Three stories: [Ao3]
[Shikamaru x Naruto] – One story: [Ao3]
[Shikamaru x Tenten x Shino] – Nine stories: [Ao3]
[Shino x Tenten x Ino x Shikamaru] – One story: [Ao3]
[Tenten x Hinata] – Four stories: [Ao3]
[Ino x Sakura] -Three stories: [Ao3]
[Kakashi x Gai] – One story: [Ao3]
[Tenten x Karin] - One story: [Ao3]
[Sakura x Hinata] – One story: [Ao3]
This took me so long omw! 😂 I hope this answers your question!
Thanks for the ask! ✨
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ftcoye · 4 years ago
The ultimate rarepair bcuz its only other fic is also one i requested from you: karui/tenten. Karin with either of them i think would also be interesting! Basically im love karin
[Ao3 Link.]
Karin rolls over with a groan and gropes sleepily for whoever is to her right. She doesn’t bother to open her eyes, just scooting foreward until she plasters herself against her girlfriend’s back, whichever one it is, and kisses her shoulder. Karin is perfectly willing to fall back asleep this way, perfectly content, when there’s a whine from behind her.
“Karinnn,” whines Tenten, which Karin guesses answers her question of which girlfriend is in front of her. “I’m cooold why did you goooo.” Tenten scoots foreward and plasters herself against Karin’s back, so they’re a little smooshed together line of bodies.
For a split second, its nice. And then it starts getting way too hot. “Get off,” Karin whispers, lifting her head to glance back at Tenten. “I’m too hot, you’re like, a fucking furnace.”
“I’m freezing, I’m not going anywhere,” Tenten hisses right back. “You two stole all the blankets!”
“Karui was the one who stole all the blankets!” Karin snarks. “I was just going to the warmth!”
“I’m the warmth!”
“You’re too warm!”
“Are you two seriously fucking fighting at 3 am?” Karui says, sitting up and blinking sleeping and a little annoyed down at the two of them. 
“…You stole all the blankets,” Tenten says after a moment, stubborn - which they all are.
Karui rolls her eyes. “Budge up, ‘ten,” she says, and the girl makes a face but finally rolls away from Karin, thank god.
Before Karin can bask in it, Karui climbs over, only barely managing to not hit Karin in the gut with her knee, and plops herself right in between them. “There,” she says, a little smug. “Me and my blankets and my medium heat. Now go the fuck to sleep.”
And, appeased, they snuggle up to her and pass out.
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konohagakureship · 6 years ago
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TenKarin commission for the lovely @pain-somnia !!
Commission info
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chadsuke · 6 years ago
could you do drabble with karin and tenten? i feel like theyre just a good couple of gals who were both screwed over big time by canon
[Ao3 Link.]
For @narutofemslashevent‘s Free Day.
“Oy,” says Karin, stalking up to Tenten on the traininggrounds. “You’re that weapons chick, right?”
Tenten tosses one more kunai, hitting her sixth bullseye ina row, and turns to look at the redhead, brow raised and hands on her hips. “Yes,Karin, I am. I know you know my name.” Even from Naruto’s cousin, she won’t putup with that.
Karin rolls her eyes. “Tenten,” she says. “Will you teach mehow to fight?”
Okay, that stumps her. “You don’t know how?”
The girl’s cheeks darken, and she glances away. “No. They…wanted me for other reasons, in Kusa and Oto. Fighting wasn’t ever really onthe table for me.”
That’s just sad.
Everyone shouldget a chance to learn how to fight. How to use weapons! Weapons!!!
Oh, my god, she gets to help Karin find the weapons best for her.
Tenten’s eyes light up, and she surveys Karin like she’s anew puzzle, a new interesting mystery to solve. “You don’t have your ownweapon, right? Nothing specific you use?”
“Uh… no?” says Karin, taken aback and kind of wary.
“Great!” She turns, heading over to start pulling her kunaiout of the target. “I’ve got my tarot cards on me – if you treat me to a dateof dumplings, we can get cracking and start figuring out what works best foryou.”
“Tarot cards? Dumplings?” Karin looks a little overwhelmed. “Wait,a date?”
Tenten glances back, a kunai in her teeth, and spits it out.“Yeah, you’re cute. What, you don’t want to? It doesn’t have to be a date, dumplings are just my thinkingfood.”
“No, no, um-“ Karin smiles a little, adjusting her glasses. “Adate’s fine. I’m cool with a date.”
“Awesome,” says Tenten, and she turns back to yanking outher kunai and putting them away.
It’s a few minutes of silence before Karin speaks up. “So…why tarot cards? Those will help you figure out what weapon I should use?”
Tenten laughs. “I’m glad you asked! You see, by looking atthe cards you draw, I can…”
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moonandblossoms · 4 years ago
@erumai-maadu @tamale104
TenKarin 1B?
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got a few requests for this pose, but i think tenkarin fits it best
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radarbanten · 7 years ago
Bunga Bangkai Tumbuh di Makam Buyut Karintem Kopo
Bunga Bangkai Tumbuh di Makam Buyut Karintem Kopo
SERANG – Bunga bangkai jenis amorphophallus gigas tumbuh di Permakaman Umum Buyut Karinten, Kampung Mandung, Rt 04 Rw 03, Desa Kopo, Kecamatan Kopo, Kabupaten Serang.
Ada tiga bunga yang tumbuh. Dua bunga sudah mekar dan masih kuncup tumbuh di atas makam milik salah satu warga. Satu bunga lainnya berada di luar, tak jauh dari Makam Buyut Karinten.
Diketahui, Buyut Karinten adalah leluhur warga…
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spellcasterlight · 4 years ago
hey!! ❤ would you be able to write tenten x karin on a road trip? maybe to somewhere fun, like the beach! any rating is fine! :)
Hi there @something-like-air 😁
Ya'll know me by now, a rare pair request and I am on it like a car bonnet! 🚙
This is my first time writing Karin so that was cool! Also @something-like-air I wrote 'Karen' instead of 'Karin' so many times I swear 😂
I hope you like! ✨
Also counts as my Naruto FemSlash Week - Day 7 Prompt: Free Day entry; scoreeeee 👍
In The Stars - [Tenten x Karin]
Warnings: Alternative Universe. Mild Swearing.
Story Links: [Ao3]
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ftcoye · 4 years ago
[snippets of stories - Ao3 Link.]
“So,” Tenten says, and she passes her water flask to Karin. The other girl was clearly unprepared for the kind of workout Tenten was going to throw at her today - so it’s a good thing that Tenten kind of figured that, and came overprepared. “How are you adjusting?”
Uzumaki Karin is an interesting girl, an interesting situation if Tenten does say so herself. She’s pretty used to weird family situations - there’s her and Genma, of course, who are siblings despite not an ounce of blood between them, and people sometimes take that kind of weird. There’s Neji and everything with his whole family. There’s Lee and the fact that Gai-sensei has basically adopted him at this point. She never met Naruto before the exams, but she did ask Genma about him later.
“Kid’s been dealt a hard hand in life,” he had said. “No family here in Konoha. Didn’t really expect him to have family outside of it...”
As far as Tenten knows - though she’s never really been a history buff - clans and family tend to very much stick together, so she’s not sure why Karin’s in a whole ‘nother village. Or. Was.
“It’s... a lot,” Karin says, and she stares down at the water clasped between her hands. “But everyone’s really nice here.”
“Why wouldn’t we be?” Tenten asks. Sure, there’s some assholes in Konoha - no place is perfect - but...
“Not everyone’s nice,” Karin says simply, simple enough that Tenten knows better than the press.
Instead, she tips her head back, blinking up at the sky. “Well, glad we are here, then,” she says. “So what are you going to do?” She looks back down, meets Karin’s eyes. “Lee says you’re not sure if you want to stay a ninja or not.”
Karin... hesitates. Presses her lips together in a thin line and looks away. “No,” she says. “I’m really not sure.”
“Okay,” says Tenten, because even if it’s a bizarre life choice it’s still her life choice to make. “Why are you training, then?”
“I’m already behind,” Karin says, and her voice is firm. She meets Tenten’s eyes, determination etched in her gaze. “If I do choose to stay a ninja, I need to catch up.”
Tenten grins, and takes her water back. “Sounds like a plan,” she says, and downs some. “C’mon - enough of a break, let’s spar.”
As Karin looks pained and pushes herself to her feet, Tenten bounces eagerly from foot to foot, ready. Uzumaki Karin is interesting, she thinks.
And she’s a member of Team Gai. Best way for her to get to know someone? Is beat them up.
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asacchi · 8 years ago
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when you are in too deep with a crackship ;w;
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asacchi · 8 years ago
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sobs.. i need help..
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asacchi · 8 years ago
pls...tenten and karin wearing each others clothes
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anon, please… spare me…..!
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asacchi · 8 years ago
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 how the comic was actually supposed to go <3
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asacchi · 8 years ago
TenKarin 1B?
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got a few requests for this pose, but i think tenkarin fits it best
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