#Shan bu
cosmicellis · 9 months
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Lets go from thin fabulous ghosts, to buff mumph people from warcraft Brain wah... Anyway. I did a small re-design\interpretation of kings\emperors, because all of them have default standart model (Aside from Lei Shen, he's just "chef kiss") Qiang - I think the toughest one, cause he is tad bit bland. He was very strict king. Thank you, like all mogu emperors pretty much. So he would stay looking as that boy next door. Meng - Mmmmm, yeee Meng. The most Majestic of mighty monarchs. One of my favorite ones. Gotta give him that majestic look... and scars that are mostly self inflicted because he is not all here. Zian - I would say Zian the edge lord. What pisses me off -he and Meng has identical model, while having copletely different character. Meng is a loon, Zian is nightmare incarnated. Will come to spook your sleep paralysis demon. I gave him new robes, because come on, he is a sorcerer. Subetai - Oh my, this one. He sure oozes personality, by saying all his lines half laughing. And again, he is also blue like Ziana nd Meng. Blizz, seriously you have other colours, why u do this to me? ;w; Well, I gave him that "smug and confident" thing going on Xin - Jumped straight from loreal commercial. He is quite ... fluffy. Would pet, even if it cost my hand... Lei shen - Gave him hair. I really didn't wanted to change anyhting. Was tempted to remove that crown of his, cause ... Lets say this is torture. Shan Bu - The only mogu that has a sin stone as far as I know. Imagine being worse that Thunder king. GJ Shan Bu, that's quite an achievement. Gave him a little more of that loreal hair, because, guess what: he joins the "blue mogu" brigade again.
Kinda planning to work on Stormspeaker Qian, but must not make him look like Xin, because, oh no, same model.
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hello dynasty warriors fans. are these anything
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kitausuret · 1 year
Having specific thoughts about 90s BettyFlash this fine day. 🎉
This is one of my favorite moments from one of my favorite eras for them (post-Clone Saga, Spectacular Spider-Man #257).
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It's a weird era for Flash because he's literally working for Norman Osborn but he's also getting help for himself which is so nice and awesome to see... he repairs things with Betty... he is weirdly thriving but I wish he'd had a different boss LOL
But he and Betty are cute and playful and I loved this time for them.
What's meaningful to me though is Flash's motivation to better himself just prior to this. Betty very understandably says that she doesn't want to put herself through more heartache and lies and Flash recognizing that she deserves better than that is just so, so, so good. It's growth! He's trying!
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(Spectacular Spider-Man #251)
Flash being absolutely smitten with Betty is also just very good in general. Get you someone who looks at you like this.
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I don't know if I would want to see them get back together, but I miss their dynamic and I would love to see them being friends again... I want them to talk now that he's back. I want Betty to get upset that she had to throw together a funeral for him really fast and she worked so hard and he owes her big time!!!!
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expertnuerodiver · 2 months
I finished BAB book 1 and started Yuwu and a new danmei release...
Case File Compendium, BAB, left me in interest to read more from Meatbun. Sense I already read a few chapters of 2ha and learned that Yuwu, in the historical context of the book series, came first, I decided to hold off on 2ha and start Remnants of Filth.
One of my book friends told me that The Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish, or CBDZYC, released in book stores and I got so happy. I have heard about it before, so today I went to get it.
In case you were wondering, that means that this is my book reading list right now.
MDZS book 5
TGCF book 4
Yuwu book 1 (Have book 2 ready)
CBDZYC book 1
I cannot wait for BAB book 2 to release in June. I will post a review of CBDZYC after I read a bit of it.
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kdram-chjh · 1 year
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Cdrama: Catch Up My Prince (2023)
Gifs of Intro of cdrama “Catch Up My Prince”  
【ENG SUB】 Catch Up My Prince EP01 | Liu Yi Chang, Xu Ruo Han | Interning Doctor Found Love in VR Game
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cv61EZXLus
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jeysbvck · 2 years
i'm not saying watching joe in the stranger things bloopers made everything i went through this week better, but im not not saying that either.
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steviesays · 1 year
Look at expert rock climber John Doggett
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19dayz · 11 days
Mo Guan Shan: Hey Tian can I ask you something?
He Tian: Yeah, sure anything for you?
Mo Guan Shan: Do you think your brother can make someone disappear for me?
He Tian: Please say it’s She Li.
Mo Guan Shan: No, the bus drive called my mom sweetheart……and she giggled. He must die.
He Tian: ……Aren’t you overreacting.
Mo Guan Shan: This is how I always react to things so no.
He Tian: Riiiight. Uhmmm. I’ll bring it up to him when I see him.
Mo Guan Shan: Good. But make sure you tell him the reason, I don’t want him to think I’m crazy. Hahahaha
He Tian: *Awkwardly* Ha ha ha. Yeeeeah. Wouldn’t want anyone to think that.
He Cheng: I’ll do it.
He Tian: WHAT?!
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yourmaidsp · 3 months
East Park ideas dump #3
(some sot contents)
–some East Park's SOT characters + weapon list:
Kyle = Liu Bei 刘备 (twin swords)
Stan = Guan Yu 关羽 (glaive)
Tolkien = Zhang Fei 张飞 (spear)
Wendy = Zhuge Liang 诸葛亮 (feathered fan + guzheng)
Cartman = Cao Cao 曹操 (sword)
Butters = Xiahou Dun 夏侯惇(long sword)
Kenny = Sun Quan 孙权 (six swords)
Jimmy = Lv Bu 吕布 (halberd)
Timmy = Zhao Yun 赵云 (spear)
Ike = Liu Shan 刘禅
Craig = Zhang Jiao 张角
Tweek = Meng Huo 孟获
Clyde = Sima Yi 司马懿
the Goths = Nanman crowds
(o boy I'll have hell of a ride designing these)
–The whole vibe of East Park would feel like this edit of early Chinese tiktok
- Butters might be super badass in this bc Xiahou Dun is well known for fighting fierce w only one eye.
- Also Wendy would craft delicate n powerful defense mecha (according to history) that almost scared Clyde to death.
Genuine, hilarious, absurd n absolutely beautiful.
ngl I really like this.
-Craig goes to work( to his temple) on a crappy cranked bicycle, his theme would be this:
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web-novel-polls · 3 months
Priest (Author) Character Tournament
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[“Anti-propaganda” is not allowed. Please only give reasons to vote FOR a character, and please be courteous in the notes.]
Chang An from Bestial Blade / Shou Cong Zhi Dao 
Just a little guy with a big fuck-off saber. Was sickly from childhood (later in the book it's discovered to be a heart condition), but did not let that stop him from studying the blade. Sleeps a lot when he is not fighting. Beat his boyfriend with a stick that one time (was absolutely in the right).
Image Link (from cover of thai edition)
Chu Huan from Of Mountains and Rivers / Shan He Biao Li 
His vibes are insane. A character pipi made by putting Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu in a jar and shaking, and then wrapping the result in the most unassuming shell possible. That one post that went like "perfectly normal man that has something seriously wrong with him" might as well have been made about him. Kills like 20 ppl in his introduction scene, falls off a cliff, gets on a bus, and agrees to become a teacher for those random guys he met because one of them is hot. Speaking of, his bi awakening and accepting it happens in a span of like, one second. *Sees a hot guy* welp, homosexual attraction is not a sin! Also, somehow has perfect tumblr shitposter vibes. Was asked what's a word for "good brother" in his language and after careful consideration said "bitch". Did I mention he's insane? "Play me a tune, and I'll go along with your BDSM play." Or that time he woke up after being clinically dead for a bit (saw his deceased loved ones asking him to go into the light and all) and to his bf's frantic questioning of "Does it hurt?" immediately went "Yes. It hurts a lot. You have to kiss it better." like bestie your priorities.... Anyway yeah what a guy.
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lurkingshan · 9 months
Shan! One of the things that I’ve loved learning during my Old GMMTV Challenge project is discovering filmmakers and watching through their project lists. Do you follow specific directors or screenwriters for Asian dramas? If so, who are they, and why? And which dramas of their do you recommend?
A fun one, and an area where I know we actually differ in our approach. In short, my answer to your first question is yes, but also no. :)
By which I mean, I generally do pay attention to who creates the shows I watch, because when I am impressed or infuriated by a drama I like to know who is behind it so I can look into their other work, either to pursue or avoid it. Sometimes I have to go looking for that information, but there are some creators who have such an obvious style that it sets them apart and makes it near impossible to miss the connections between their shows (Kim Eun Sook in kdrama, Aof Noppharnach and Jojo Tichakorn in tbl, Hwang Da Seul in kbl, Lin Pei Yu in twbl, etc). With those I might start something unknowingly and then be like wait a minute is this X’s work? I do maintain awareness and keep creators’ other works in mind when I watch something new because it's fun to look for themes across a body of work, and frankly, to know where the pitfalls are likely to come in.
That said, I do not feel any need to be a completist about any one auteur's resume, I don’t intentionally sit down to watch a creator's work in an organized way, and I actually prefer not to know that much about their personal lives, because I like to focus on the fictional stories without too much real world gunk getting in the way and clouding my reads. I am a "let the art speak for itself" girlie; I'm less interested in authorial intent than in allowing stories breathing room to be interpreted by the audience. I do believe in the Death of the Author school of thought and I don't think it's great when creators try to do too much to control how their work is perceived. One of my current beefs with the Only Friends watch experience is that there is so much real world gunk (branded pairs, shipping and actor stanning, creators posting on social media with context that is not included in the actual canon) getting in the way and messing with interpretations of the show.
Once you get into a fandom at all you will inevitably be exposed to a ton of this kind of thing whether you like it or not. And it comes up a lot in bl because so many shows are adapted from pre-existing source material and rely on known actor pairs, which inevitably affects discourse because people come to these shows with a lot of baggage even before they begin. But I am always interested in story first. I dove into I Feel You Linger in the Air and Absolute Zero with zero hesitation because timey wimey soulmate shit is my jam, not because these shows were made by Tee Bundit and New Siwaj (in fact that would be more of a deterrent than anything if I let it dictate my viewing choices).
So while I am interested in the undercurrent of melancholy across Aof's works, and Jojo's devotion to messy ensemble pieces where everyone is a little bit of an asshole, and Kim Eun Sook's uncanny ability to tap into the zeitgeist and create banger after banger across a range of genres, I don't need to know too much about why their areas of focus are important to them or how it relates to their personal experiences. I prefer not to use fiction as a means to psychoanalyze the real people who create it; instead I just try to engage with and appreciate their art as art and afford them respect as creative geniuses without making assumptions about how each work is meant to reflect their real experiences. Understanding some basic demographics about creators (as in, do they have the appropriate lived experiences to be telling the stories they choose) is about as far as my curiosity goes.
Question 1 TL;DR: I do like to pay attention to who creates the shows I watch so that I can follow the themes in their work, but I am not interested in following the creators themselves closely.
Question 2: who are the creators I recommend following? I have mentioned a lot of them above, and my overall recommendation is that if you are invested in a show, you should look to see who writes and directs it, not just who stars in it. Actors are of course important but usually it's the creative team behind them that really makes or breaks a drama, because they are the ones ultimately in control of the story. Having that grounding can be really helpful for setting expectations and in interpreting and processing what you watch, and also just for helping you find more of the kind of thing you will probably like. I’m extremely glad, for instance, that I watched Gay OK Bangkok before Only Friends, because it gave me a framework for understanding the themes they were likely to dig into. I also just finished watching Rainless Love in a Godless Land, which I was interested in due in large part to it sharing the same screenwriter as my all time favorite Taiwanese drama, Someday or One Day, and being able to pull out the similar themes and ideas across the two projects made it all the more interesting for me.
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sradlightstab1 · 1 year
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so heres a redraw of dkred and baby shan im pretty happy with it
au bu @purble-turble
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reinaka42 · 6 months
Wang Chuan Feng Hua Lu (忘川风华录) Masterpost
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Wang Chuan Feng Hua Lu (忘川风华录) is a Vocal synth (Vocaloid and SynthV) music project. It consists of songs themed around different figures throughout Chinese history. The project is a collaboration between different artists and creatives, with music and videos featuring prominent traditional Chinese elements. The project's title translates to "The Records of Magnificence of the Wangchuan" - In Chinese mythology, "Wangchuan" (or River of Forgetting) is a river in the Underworld that can rid one of their past life's memories, similar to the river Lethe.
A mobile game adaptation has also been developed by NetEast. Unfortunately, I haven't played it so I can't give much insight on it. However, I assume that its premise is similar to that of the idea behind the project as a whole: all these historical figures meeting each other in the Underworld after they died. Maybe.
You can find all the songs on Bilibili. The official Weibo can be found here. The game's website, which includes all characters appearing so far in the game, can be found here, and its Weibo can be found here.
(If you prefer YouTube, I've also put together a handy playlist. Please know that most of these videos are reposts though, so please watch the original Bilibili MVs if you can!)
This blog is where I will be posting everything I feel like I need to say about the songs in this project. A lot of it is lifted from my Twitter account but will be in much more detail. Note that I probably won't touch collab songs, or songs that don't focus solely on the project's own characters.
Disclaimer: I do not speak Chinese, nor am I an expert on Chinese history. Therefore, I cannot reliably translate the lyrics to these songs, nor my words should be taken as gospel. I am merely a nerd gushing about my hyperfixation.
多情岸 【Duo Qing An】 ➼ B link
洛阳怀 【Luo Yang Huai】 ➼ B link
易水诀 【Yi Shui Jue】 ➼ B link
山河令 【Shan He Ling】 ➼ B link
簪花人间 【Zhan Hua Ren Jian】 ➼ B link
栖凰 【Qi Huang】 ➼ B link
心上秋 【Xin Shang Qiu】 ➼ B link
祖龙吟 【Zu Long Yin】 ➼ B link
如见青山 【Ru Jian Qing Shan】 ➼ B link
竹林间 【Zhu Lin Jian】 ➼ B link
天下局 【Tian Xia Ju】 ➼ B link
青鸟衔风 【Qing Niao Xian Feng】 ➼ B link
木兰行 【Mu Lan Xing】 ➼ B link
好字唯之 【Hao Zi Wei Zhi】 ➼ B link
不可道 【Bu Ke Dao】 ➼ B link
水叙湖风 【Shui Xu Hu Feng】 (collab) ➼ B link
是非 【Shi Fei】 ➼ B link
风起甘露 【Feng Qi Gan Lu】 (collab) ➼ B link
谓剑 【Wei Jian】 ➼ B link
万象霜天 【Wan Xiang Shuang Tian】 (New Year event song) ➼ B link
千秋梦 【Qian Qiu Meng】 ➼ B link
易安难安 【Yi An Nan An】 ➼ B link
惊鹊 【Jing Que】 ➼ B link
高歌破阵 【Gao Ge Po Zhen】 (collab) ➼ B link
不赴 【Bu Fu】 ➼ B link
西行 【Xi Xing】 ➼ B link
大航海家 【Da Hang Hai Jia】 ➼ B link
牡丹乱 【Mu Dan Luan】 (collab) ➼ B link
倾国 【Qing Guo】 (collab) ➼ B link
相虎 【Xiang Hu】 ➼ B link
补天裂 【Bu Tian Lie】 ➼ B link
此期盈期 【Ci Qi Ying Qi】 (1st anniversary song) ➼ B link
破云来 【Po Yun Lai】 ➼ B link
归钓吟 【Gui Diao Yin】 ➼ B link
始见千秋 【Shi Jian Qian Qiu】 ➼ B link
临川浮梦 【Lin Chuan Fu Meng】 ➼ B link
将军行 【Jiang Jun Xing】 ➼ B link
妄语人间 【Wang Yu Ren Jian】 ➼ B link
���风流 【Shu Feng Liu】 (2nd anniversary song) ➼ B link
问剑春秋 【Wen Jian Chun Qiu】 ➼ B link
起战令 【Qi Zhan Ling】 ➼ B link
人间应又雪 【Ren Jian Ying You Xue】 ➼ B link
旷古回响 【Kuang Gu Hui Xiang】 ➼ B link
墨隐侠声 【Mo Yin Xia Sheng】 ➼ B link
桃源故人 【Tao Yuan Gu Ren】 (3rd anniversary song) ➼ B link
*Note: The anniversary songs are probably for the game's anniversaries, as the project itself is more than 5 years old.
Vol 1: 溯洄 【Su Hui】 Includes character songs from Duo Qing An to Zhu Lin Jian. Features human vocals.
Vol 2: 踏浪 【Ta Lang】 Includes character songs from Tian Xia Ju to Jing Que.
Vol 3: 数风流 【Shu Feng Liu】 Includes character songs from Bu Fu to Wang Yu Ren Jian, an unreleased song titled 燕双归 【Yan Shuang Gui】, and the two anniversary songs.
Visual character guide:
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A remake of Mulan (1998) where the main character is Ping, a trans man who discovers his true gender while disguising himself as a man to take his father’s place in the war.
In this version, he and his captain, Li Shang, develop feelings for each other but resist them due to internalized homophobia and Ping not wanting to be caught.
At some point somebody bullies one of the other soldiers who is weaker about actually being a woman pretending to be a man, and in the ensuing conversation, one of the soldiers said he’s heard of people like that, which catches Ping’s attention. Another soldier gets angry about this discussion and when pressed reveals that he has a trans brother back home. This is how Ping starts to wonder if he might be a man.
Events are a little reordered in this version, as just as they start to get closer and overcome the barriers preventing their relationship, Shang discovers Ping’s secret and says Ping must leave first thing in the morning. But during the night, the person on guard duty sees the Hun Army approaching.
This is where Ping uses the rocket to cause an avalanche, and in the ensuing chaos, Ping and Shang are separated from the other troops, lost out in the cold with almost no supplies.
As they work together and save each other’s lives many times, they overcome their animosity towards each other and their relationship finally blossoms.
In the meantime, the other soldiers reported back that the Huns have been defeated. They arrive at the capital, and things seem to be back to peace times. But now faced with the pressures of society, Shang says he can’t be with Ping unless he hides who he is and lives as a woman. He does this from a perspective of not understanding the pain, rather than maliciously, but still knowingly being selfish about wanting to accept the promotion he received on returning a hero and live a very public life.
They argue, and someone overhears. Word gets out and in order to save his public image, Shang throws Ping under the bus and outs him as gay (not as trans). Ping is now ostracized and mad at Shang, so he leaves the city. But on his way home, he discovers that Shan Yu and some of his elite soldiers survived and plan on attacking the capital, so he goes back.
Nobody believes him, and Shang won’t see him. The final battle is somewhat similar to the original, but played a little more seriously.
In the end, after narrowly avoiding death, Ping and Shang run into each other’s arms and kiss. This shocks all the onlookers and Shang’s father confronts him along with Chi-Fu (who is not a comic relief character in this version and actually exerts power). His father demands that Shang blame Ping to maintain his status and Chi-Fu makes it clear that he will lose his rank and be discharged if he does not do so.
This time Shang stands with Ping and they leave the city to live a quiet life together in the countryside. Ping’s family is so relieved to have him back that they immediately accept him as is.
They have a wedding, and Shang’s father shows up and apologizes to his son saying he has realized that his son’s happiness is far more important than the family’s public image. He reveals that he has given up his rank to be captain of the local subdivision of the military (I’m not sure what the name of that sized group would be), and while they’re not technically allowed to hold rank, he would love if Shang and Ping would help with training new recruits.
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I went into more detail towards the end because the beginning is more similar to the original and probably features the same or very similar songs, but also more time would be given to that section in this version as it does a lot more in this version.
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shookethdev · 1 year
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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kdram-chjh · 1 year
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Cdrama: Catch Up My Prince (2023)
Gifs of Ending of cdrama “Catch Up My Prince”  
【ENG SUB】 Catch Up My Prince EP01 | Liu Yi Chang, Xu Ruo Han | Interning Doctor Found Love in VR Game
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cv61EZXLus
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