#September 26 1952
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fallouttboy · 1 year ago
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Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (1952) // Out Magazine (August 2008) photographed by David Roemer // Pete's Blog [thisismynewperspective](September 2009) // Pavlove by Fall Out Boy (2008) // Pete's Blog myheartisbetweenmyknees - archived (September 1, 2006) // Pete's Blog [insincerelypete] (December 21, 2013) // The Kids Aren't Alright by Fall Out Boy (2013) // Pete's falloutboyrocks blog - archived (December 20, 2006) // Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (1952) // Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (1952) // Pete's Fueled By Ramen blog - archived (September 18, 2006) // Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (1952) // Out Magazine (August 2008) photographed by David Roemer // Pete's Fueled By Ramen blog - archived (May 26, 2005) // Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (1952) // Black and Blue as performed by Louis Armstrong // Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (1952) // Gray by Pete Wentz (2013) // The Boy with the Thorn in His Side by Pete Wentz (2005) // Pavlove by Fall Out Boy (2008)
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kaijuno · 1 year ago
In light of Fall Out Boy’s GARBAGE cover of the song. Let’s learn about the original. Notice how they’re actually in chronological order instead of just random references 😒😒😒😒
Harry Truman was inaugurated as U.S. president after being elected in 1948 to his own term; previously he was sworn in following the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. He authorized the use of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan during World War II, on August 6 and August 9, 1945, respectively.
Doris Day enters the public spotlight with the films My Dream Is Yours and It’s a Great Feeling as well as popular songs like “It’s Magic”; divorces her second husband.
Red China: The Communist Party of China wins the Chinese Civil War, establishing the People’s Republic of China.
Johnnie Ray signs his first recording contract with Okeh Records, although he would not become popular for another two years.
South Pacific, the prize-winning musical, opens on Broadway on April 7.
Walter Winchell is an aggressive radio and newspaper journalist credited with inventing the gossip column.
Joe DiMaggio and the New York Yankees go to the World Series five times in the 1940s, winning four of them.
Joe McCarthy, the US Senator, gains national attention and begins his anti-communist crusade with his Lincoln Day speech.
Richard Nixon is first elected to the United States Senate.
Studebaker, a popular car company, begins its financial downfall.
Television is becoming widespread throughout Europe and North America.
North Korea and South Korea declare war after Northern forces stream south on June 25.
Marilyn Monroe soars in popularity with five new movies, including The Asphalt Jungle and All About Eve, and attempts suicide after the death of friend Johnny Hyde who asked to marry her several times, but she refused respectfully. Monroe would later (1954) be married for a brief time to Joe DiMaggio (mentioned in the previous verse).
The Rosenbergs, Ethel and Julius, were convicted on March 29 for espionage.
H-Bomb is in the middle of its development as a nuclear weapon, announced in early 1950 and first tested in late 1952.
Sugar Ray Robinson, a champion welterweight boxer.
Panmunjom, the border village in Korea, is the location of truce talks between the parties of the Korean War.
Marlon Brando is nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role in A Streetcar Named Desire.
The King and I, musical, opens on Broadway on March 29.
The Catcher in the Rye, a controversial novel by J. D. Salinger, is published.
Dwight D. Eisenhower is first elected as U.S. president, winning by a landslide margin of 442 to 89 electoral votes.
The vaccine for polio is privately tested by Jonas Salk.
England’s got a new queen: Queen Elizabeth II succeeds to the throne upon the death of her father, George VI, and is crowned the next year.
Rocky Marciano defeats Jersey Joe Walcott, becoming the world Heavyweight champion.
Liberace has a popular 1950s television show for his musical entertainment.
Santayana goodbye: George Santayana, philosopher, essayist, poet, and novelist, dies on September 26.
Joseph Stalin dies on March 5, yielding his position as leader of the Soviet Union.
Georgy Maksimilianovich Malenkov succeeds Stalin for six months following his death. Malenkov had presided over Stalin’s purges of party “enemies”, but would be spared a similar fate by Nikita Khrushchev mentioned later in verse.
Gamal Abdel Nasser acts as the true power behind the new Egyptian nation as Muhammad Naguib’s minister of the interior.
Sergei Prokofiev, the composer, dies on March 5, the same day as Stalin.
Winthrop Rockefeller and his wife Barbara are involved in a highly publicized divorce, culminating in 1954 with a record-breaking $5.5 million settlement.
Roy Campanella, an African-American baseball catcher for the Brooklyn Dodgers, receives the National League’s Most Valuable Player award for the second time.
Communist bloc is a group of communist nations dominated by the Soviet Union at this time. Probably a reference to the Uprising of 1953 in East Germany.
Roy Cohn resigns as Joseph McCarthy’s chief counsel and enters private practice with the fall of McCarthy. He also worked to prosecute the Rosenbergs, mentioned earlier.
Juan Perón spends his last full year as President of Argentina before a September 1955 coup.
Arturo Toscanini is at the height of his fame as a conductor, performing regularly with the NBC Symphony Orchestra on national radio.
Dacron is an early artificial fiber made from the same plastic as polyester.
Dien Bien Phu falls. A village in North Vietnam falls to Viet Minh forces under Vo Nguyen Giap, leading to the creation of North Vietnam and South Vietnam as separate states.
“Rock Around the Clock” is a hit single released by Bill Haley & His Comets in May, spurring worldwide interest in rock and roll music.
Albert Einstein dies on April 18 at the age of 76.
James Dean achieves success with East of Eden and Rebel Without a Cause, gets nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor, and dies in a car accident on September 30 at the age of 24.
Brooklyn’s got a winning team: The Brooklyn Dodgers win the World Series for the only time before their move to Los Angeles.
Davy Crockett is a Disney television miniseries about the legendary frontiersman of the same name. The show was a huge hit with young boys and inspired a short-lived “coonskin cap” craze.
Peter Pan is broadcast on TV live and in color from the 1954 version of the stage musical starring Mary Martin on March 7. Disney released an animated version the previous year.
Elvis Presley signs with RCA Records on November 21, beginning his pop career.
Disneyland opens on July 17, 1955 as Walt Disney’s first theme park.
Brigitte Bardot appears in her first mainstream film And God Created Woman and establishes an international reputation as a French “sex kitten”.
Budapest is the capital city of Hungary and site of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.
Alabama is the site of the Montgomery Bus Boycott which ultimately led to the removal of the last race laws in the USA. Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr figure prominently.
Nikita Khrushchev makes his famous Secret Speech denouncing Stalin’s “cult of personality” on February 25.
Princess Grace Kelly releases her last film, High Society, and marries Prince Rainier III of Monaco.
Peyton Place, the best-selling novel by Grace Metalious, is published. Though mild compared to today’s prime time, it shocked the reserved values of the 1950s.
Trouble in the Suez: The Suez Crisis boils as Egypt nationalizes the Suez Canal on October 29.
Little Rock, Arkansas is the site of an anti-integration standoff, as Governor Orval Faubus stops the Little Rock Nine from attending Little Rock Central High School and President Dwight D. Eisenhower deploys the 101st Airborne Division to counteract him.
Boris Pasternak, the Russian author, publishes his famous novel Doctor Zhivago.
Mickey Mantle is in the middle of his career as a famous New York Yankees outfielder and American League All-Star for the sixth year in a row.
Jack Kerouac publishes his first novel in seven years, On the Road.
Sputnik becomes the first artificial satellite, launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, marking the start of the space race.
Chou En-Lai, Premier of the People’s Republic of China, survives an assassination attempt on the charter airliner Kashmir Princess.
Bridge on the River Kwai is released as a film adaptation of the 1954 novel and receives seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture.
Lebanon is engulfed in a political and religious crisis that eventually involves U.S. intervention.
Charles de Gaulle is elected first president of the French Fifth Republic following the Algerian Crisis.
California baseball begins as the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants move to California and become the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Francisco Giants. They are the first major league teams west of Kansas City.
Charles Starkweather Homicide captures the attention of Americans, in which he kills eleven people between January 25 and 29 before being caught in a massive manhunt in Douglas, Wyoming.
Children of Thalidomide: Mothers taking the drug Thalidomide had children born with congenital birth defects caused by the sleeping aid and antiemetic, which was also used at times to treat morning sickness.
Buddy Holly dies in a plane crash on February 3 with Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper, in a day that had a devastating impact on the country and youth culture. Joel prefaces the lyric with a Holly signature vocal hiccup: “Uh-huh, uh-huh.”
Ben-Hur, a film based around the New Testament starring Charlton Heston, wins eleven Academy Awards, including Best Picture.
Space Monkey: Able and Miss Baker return to Earth from space aboard the flight Jupiter AM-18.
The Mafia are the center of attention for the FBI and public attention builds to this organized crime society with a historically Sicilian-American origin.
Hula hoops reach 100 million in sales as the latest toy fad.
Fidel Castro comes to power after a revolution in Cuba and visits the United States later that year on an unofficial twelve-day tour.
Edsel is a no-go: Production of this car marque ends after only three years due to poor sales.
U-2: An American U-2 spy plane piloted by Francis Gary Powers was shot down over the Soviet Union, causing the U-2 Crisis of 1960.
Syngman Rhee was rescued by the CIA after being forced to resign as leader of South Korea for allegedly fixing an election and embezzling more than US $20 million.
Payola, illegal payments for radio broadcasting of songs, was publicized due to Dick Clark’s testimony before Congress and Alan Freed’s public disgrace.
John F. Kennedy beats Richard Nixon in the November 8 general election.
Chubby Checker popularizes the dance The Twist with his cover of the song of the same name.
Psycho: An Alfred Hitchcock thriller, based on a pulp novel by Robert Bloch and adapted by Joseph Stefano, which becomes a landmark in graphic violence and cinema sensationalism. The screeching violins heard briefly in the background of the song are a trademark of the film’s soundtrack.
Belgians in the Congo: The Republic of the Congo (Leopoldville) was declared independent of Belgium on June 30, with Joseph Kasavubu as President and Patrice Lumumba as Prime Minister.
Ernest Hemingway commits suicide on July 2 after a long battle with depression.
Adolf Eichmann, a “most wanted” Nazi war criminal, is traced to Argentina and captured by Mossad agents. He is covertly taken to Israel where he is put on trial for crimes against humanityin Germany during World War II, convicted, and hanged.
Stranger in a Strange Land, written by Robert A. Heinlein, is a breakthrough best-seller with themes of sexual freedom and liberation.
Bob Dylan is signed to Columbia Records after a New York Times review by critic Robert Shelton.
Berlin is separated into West Berlin and East Berlin, and from the rest of East Germany, when the Berlin Wall is erected on August 13 to prevent citizens escaping to the West.
The Bay of Pigs Invasion fails, an attempt by United States-trained Cuban exiles to invade Cuba and overthrow Fidel Castro.
Lawrence of Arabia: The Academy Award-winning film based on the life of T. E. Lawrence starring Peter O’Toole premieres in America on December 16.
British Beatlemania: The Beatles, a British rock group, gain Ringo Starr as drummer and Brian Epstein as manager, and join the EMI’s Parlophone label. They soon become the world’s most famous rock band, with the word “Beatlemania” adopted by the press for their fans’ unprecedented enthusiasm. It also began the British Invasion in the United States.
Ole’ Miss: James Meredith integrates the University of Mississippi
John Glenn: Flew the first American manned orbital mission termed “Friendship 7” on February 20.
Liston beats Patterson: Sonny Liston and Floyd Patterson fight for the world heavyweight championship on September 25, ending in a first-round knockout. This match marked the first time Patterson had ever been knocked out and one of only eight losses in his 20-year professional career.
Pope Paul VI: Cardinal Giovanni Montini is elected to the papacy and takes the papal name of Paul VI.
Malcolm X makes his infamous statement “The chickens have come home to roost” about the Kennedy assassination, thus causing the Nation of Islam to censor him.
British politician sex: The British Secretary of State for War, John Profumo, has a relationship with a showgirl, and then lies when questioned about it before the House of Commons. When the truth came out, it led to his own resignation and undermined the credibility of the Prime Minister.
JFK blown away: President John F. Kennedy is assassinated on November 22 while riding in an open convertible through Dallas.
Birth control: In the early 1960s, oral contraceptives, popularly known as “the pill”, first go on the market and are extremely popular. Griswold v. Connecticut in 1965 challenged a Connecticut law prohibiting contraceptives. In 1968, Pope Paul VI released a papal encyclical entitled Humanae Vitae which declared artificial birth control a sin.
Ho Chi Minh: A Vietnamese communist, who served as President of Vietnam from 1954–1969. March 2 Operation Rolling Thunder begins bombing of the Ho Chi Minh Trail supply line from North Vietnam to the Vietcong rebels in the south. On March 8, the first U.S. combat troops, 3,500 marines, land in South Vietnam.
Richard Nixon back again: Former Vice President Nixon is elected President in 1968.
Moonshot: Apollo 11, the first manned lunar landing, successfully lands on the moon.
Woodstock: Famous rock and roll festival of 1969 that came to be the epitome of the counterculture movement.
Watergate: Political scandal that began when the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, DC was broken into. After the break-in, word began to spread that President Richard Nixon (a Republican) may have known about the break-in, and tried to cover it up. The scandal would ultimately result in the resignation of President Nixon, and to date, this remains the only time that anyone has ever resigned the United States Presidency.
Punk rock: The Ramones form, with the Sex Pistols following in 1975, bringing in the punk era.
(An item from 1977 comes before three items from 1976 to make the song scan.)
Menachem Begin becomes Prime Minister of Israel in 1977 and negotiates the Camp David Accords with Egypt’s president in 1978.
Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United States in 1980, but he first attempted to run for the position in 1976.
Palestine: a United Nations resolution that calls for an independent Palestinian state and to end the Israeli occupation.
Terror on the airline: Numerous aircraft hijackings take place, specifically, the Palestinian hijack of Air France Flight 139 and the subsequent Operation Entebbe in Uganda.
Ayatollah’s in Iran: During the Iranian Revolution of 1979, the West-backed and secular Shah is overthrown as the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini gains power after years in exile and forces Islamic law.
Russians in Afghanistan: Following their move into Afghanistan, Soviet forces fight a ten-year war, from 1979 to 1989.
Wheel of Fortune: A hit television game show which has been TV’s highest-rated syndicated program since 1983.
Sally Ride: In 1983 she becomes the first American woman in space. Ride’s quip from space “Better than an E-ticket”, harkens back to the opening of Disneyland mentioned earlier, with the E-ticket purchase needed for the best rides.
Heavy metal suicide: In the 1980s Ozzy Osbourne and the bands Judas Priest and Metallica were brought to court by parents who accused the musicians of hiding subliminal pro-suicide messages in their music.
Foreign debts: Persistent U.S. trade deficits
Homeless vets: Veterans of the Vietnam War, including many disabled ex-military, are reported to be left homeless and impoverished.
AIDS: A collection of symptoms and infections in humans resulting from the specific damage to the immune system caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It is first detected and recognized in the 1980s, and was on its way to becoming a pandemic.
Crack cocaine use surged in the mid-to-late 1980s.
Bernie Goetz: On December 22, Goetz shot four young men who he said were threatening him on a New York City subway. Goetz was charged with attempted murder but was acquitted of the charges, though convicted of carrying an unlicensed gun.
Hypodermics on the shore: Medical waste was found washed up on beaches in New Jersey after being illegally dumped at sea. Before this event, waste dumped in the oceans was an “out of sight, out of mind” affair. This has been cited as one of the crucial turning points in popular opinion on environmentalism.
China’s under martial law: On May 20, China declares martial law, enabling them to use force of arms against protesting students to end the Tiananmen Square protests.
Rock-and-roller cola wars: Soft drink giants Coke and Pepsi each run marketing campaigns using rock & roll and popular music stars to reach the teenage and young adult demographic.
Short summaries of all 119 references mentioned in the song, you’re welcome.
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bitter69uk · 16 days ago
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“(Anna Magnani was) an ordinary Roman who was anything but ordinary. Magnani was a volcano, a tempest, a devastating performer who seemed to live and breathe her art and whose best performances would rank among the most vivid and immediate and emotion-rich ever filmed. She was born in Rome in 1908 (and would die there in 1973), and she was a living symbol of the city: its she-wolf, its spirit goddess, the voice of its streets, the face and body of its native population … The piazzas of Rome may have been filled with women like Magnani but on screen, particularly among leading ladies, there was nobody to compare. She would never be mistaken for a beauty pageant contestant or some producer’s girl on the side: she was full-bodied, shaggy-maned, often slightly disheveled, with a long nose and a tendency to sport bags under her eyes. She projected no vanity and few pretenses. But she had a raw, titanic talent, especially for screen acting, where the camera could get close in on her and reveal her wondrous ability to channel the disparate emotions of a moment.”
/ From Dolce Vita Confidential: Fellini, Loren, Pucci, Paparazzi and the Swinging High Life of 1950s Rome (2017) by Shawn Levy /
Born on this day: the fiercely sensual, temperamental and magnetic earth mother of Italian cinema and paragon of Mediterranean womanhood, Anna Magnani (7 March 1908 - 26 September 1973). I particularly treasure Magnani’s force-of-nature performances in L’Amore (1948), The Golden Coach (1952), Bellissima (1952), Wild is the Wind (1957), The Fugitive Kind (1960) and Mamma Roma (1962). Anna Magnani was a torrent of raw emotion! As John Waters concludes, “She was earthy. God knows she was earthy!”
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citizenscreen · 6 months ago
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At a party in his honor on September 26, 1952, George Raft is joined by Lou Costello before cutting the cake.
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officiallordvetinari · 6 months ago
Below are 10 biographical articles from Wikipedia's featured articles list, and then a poll. Which article sounds the most interesting to you?
Cai Lun (c. 50–62 – 121 CE) was a Chinese eunuch court official of the Eastern Han dynasty.
Eunice Newton Foote (July 17, 1819 – September 30, 1888) was an American scientist, inventor, and women's rights campaigner.
Georges Bizet (25 October 1838 – 3 June 1875) was a French composer of the Romantic era.
Gregor MacGregor (24 December 1786 – 4 December 1845) was a Scottish soldier, adventurer, and confidence trickster who attempted from 1821 to 1837 to draw British and French investors and settlers to "Poyais", a fictional Central American territory that he claimed to rule as "Cazique".
Hasan al-Kharrat (1861 – 25 December 1925) was one of the principal Syrian rebel commanders of the Great Syrian Revolt against the French Mandate.
Olive Morris (26 June 1952 – 12 July 1979) was a Jamaican-born British-based community leader and activist in the feminist, black nationalist, and squatters' rights campaigns of the 1970s.
Osbert Lancaster (4 August 1908 – 27 July 1986) was an English cartoonist, architectural historian, stage designer and author.
Tom Driberg (22 May 1905 – 12 August 1976) was a British journalist, politician, High Anglican churchman and possible Soviet spy, who served as a Member of Parliament (MP) from 1942 to 1955, and again from 1959 to 1974.
William Howard Taft (September 15, 1857 – March 8, 1930) was an American politician and lawyer who was the 27th president of the United States, serving from 1909 to 1913, and the tenth chief justice of the United States, serving from 1921 to 1930, the only person to have held both offices.
Wulfhere (died 675) was King of Mercia from 658 until 675 AD.
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starchaseriseverything · 1 year ago
Birthdays (bc I can)
I put my own fancasts and my headcannon b-day'
Euphemia Braithewaite-Potter - January 4, 1907
Walburga Irma-Black - April 17, 1907
Fleamont Potter - May 15, 1909
Charlus Potter (Monty' brother) - August 19, 1900
Lucretia Black (Orion' sister) - August 3, 1914
Orion Black - September 30, 1920
Druella Rosier (Axel' sister) - December 31, 1928
Axel Rosier (Rosier twins dad) - November 14, 1930
Cygnus Black (Black sisters dad) - July 30, 1938
Adele Jacob-Rosier (Rosier twins mom) - June 7, 1938
Alphard Black - June 26, 1925
Rodolphus Lestrange - October 19, 1952
Rabastan Lestrange- September 21, 1954
Lucius Malfoy - July 1, 1954
Enid Pettigrew (Peter' sister) - January 30, 1962
Mason McKinnon (Marlene' brother) - December 20, 1952
Mitchell McKinnon (Marlene' brother) - June 25, 1955
Matthew McKinnon (Marlene' brother) - November 7, 1958
Maxwell McKinnon (Marlene' brother) - February 29, 1962
Petunia Evans-Dursley - January 10, 1958
Mavan Rosier (Rosier twins brother) - March 14, 1965
Annabella Rosier (Rosier twins sister) - April 16, 1968
Elizabeth Meadows (Dorcas' sister) - May 1, 1965
Fabian Prewett - September 30, 1958
Gideon Prewett - September 30, 1958
Molly Prewett-Weasley - October 30, 1949
Billius Weasley (Arthur' brother) - May 26, 1952
Arthur Weasley - February 6, 1950
James Potter - March 27, 1960
Remus Lupin - March 10, 1960
Sirius Black - November 3, 1960
Peter Pettigrew - August 31, 1960
Lily Evans-Potter - January 30, 1960
Mary Macdonald - September 16, 1959
Marlene McKinnon - August 1, 1960
Dorcas Meadows - April 2, 1960
Bartemius Crouch Jr. - July 9, 1961
Evan Rosier - June 20, 1961
Pandora Rosier - June 20, 1961
Regulus Black - December 31, 1961
Alice Fortescue-Longbottom - August 14, 1960
Frank Longbottom - September 14, 1959
Ted Tonks - March 20, 1953
Emmeline Vance - July 18, 1957
Rita Skeeter - December 19, 1951
Ophelia Zabini - January 15, 1951
Emma Vanity - February 28, 1960
Andromeda Black - October 10, 1953
Narcissa Black - July 19, 1955
Bellatrix Black - May 2, 1991
Tom Riddle Jr. - February 19, 1979
Mattheo Riddle - January 20, 1980
Aliana Riddle - January 20, 1980
Mandy Lestrange - March 13, 1985
Cara Lestrange - May 23, 1986
Delphini Riddle - August 16, 1987
Lorenzo Berkshire - December 17, 1996
Nymphadora Tonks - October 8, 1973
Nina Tonks (Nymphadora' sister) - June 13, 1978
Lucas Rosier (Rosekiller child) - July 21, 1985
Nicholas Rosier (Rosekiller child) - July 1, 1987
Draco Malfoy - June 5, 1980
Lila Malfoy (Draco' sister) - June 5, 1980
Artemis McKinnon (Dorlene child) - September 13, 1981
Aries McKinnon (Dorlene child) - October 17, 1982
Jack McKinnon (Dorlene child) - January 23, 1987
Harry Potter - July 31, 1980
Lillian Potter (Harry' sister) - July 31, 1980
Rose Potter (Harry' sister) - May 24, 1981
Leo Potter (Harry' brother) - February 16, 1983
Pansy Parkinson - August 1, 1980
Blaise Zabini - November 1, 1980
Teddy Lupin - April 11, 1985
Neville Longbottom - July 30, 1980
Juliana Longbottom (Neville' sister) - October 15, 1986
Nicky Longbottom (Neville' brother) - October 15, 1986
Penelope Vance (Emmary child) - November 12, 1988
Hermione Granger - September 19, 1980
Violet Granger (Hermione' sister) - May 14, 1979
Bill Weasley - November 29, 1970
Charlie Weasley - December 12, 1972
Percy Weasley - August 22, 1976
Fred Weasley - April 1, 1978
George Weasley - April 1, 1978
Ron Weasley - March 1, 1980
Ginevra Weasley - August 11, 1981
Luna Lovegood - February 13, 1981
Eclipse Rosier (Pandalily child or Luna' sister) - January 11, 1985
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celticcrossanon · 2 years ago
Coronation Timings
Queen Victoria
Ascended the throne: 20 June 1837.
Coronation: 28 June 1838.
Crowned 12 months after her ascension to the throne.
Edward VII
Ascended the throne: 22 January 1901.
Coronation: 9 August 1902, planned for 26 June 1902 but deferred because the King had appendicitis.
Crowned 19 months after his ascension to the throne. The coronation was originally planned for 17 months after ascension.
George V
Ascended the throne: 6 May 1910.
Coronation: 22 June 1911.
Crowned 13 months after his ascension to the throne.
Edward VIII
Ascended the throne: 20 January 1936.
Coronation: Never happened; he abdicated on 11 December 1936.
George VI
Ascended the throne: 11 December 1936.
Coronation: 12 May 1937.
Crowned 5 months after his ascension; the coronation was planned for his brother Edward VIII and was held 16 months after the death of George V.
Elizabeth II
Ascended the throne: 6 February 1952
Coronation: 2 June 1953
Crowned 16 months after her ascension to the throne.
Charles III
Ascended the throne: 8 September 2022.
Coronation: 6 May 2023.
Crowned 8 months after his ascension to the throne.
He just can't wait to be king crowned.
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queenoffishingandcookies · 1 year ago
Random list of Umineko character ages as of 1986:
- this is mostly headcanon. By this, I mean the ages for the adults - we don’t have canon years or birth for anyone but the cousins, this is just my estimation. That's why the year next to their names are in italics - I don't actually know what they are.
- I’m less surprised at the age difference between the siblings, and more so at Kinzo’s fertility. He was in his early fifties (at the most) when Rosa was born, possibly younger. He had to be around adulthood (18-21) by the time the Kanto Earthquake (1923) happens - so at his oldest he’s born in 1899/1900 and at his youngest, he’d be born in 1905.
- also, I’m working off the assumption that Kumasawa, Nanjo, Genji, and Kinzo are relatively in the same age range (their eighties).
The Adults:
Kinzo: 87 (Aug 17, 1899)
Krauss: 55 (Feb 26, 1931)
Natsuhi: 50 (Jul 30th, 1936)
Eva: 52, turning 53 (Oct 21st, 1933).
Hideyoshi: 56, turning 57 (November 25th, 1929)
Rudolf: 45 (September 4, 1941)
Kyrie: 44, turning 45 (November 8th, 1941)
Rosa: 34 (June 3rd, 1952)
The Cousins:
George: 23 (March 16th, 1963), works with Hideyoshi as an aide
Battler: 18 (July 15th, 1968), 3rd Year High School
Jessica: 18 (August 25th, 1968), 3rd Year High School
Maria: 9 (March 29th, 1977), Fourth Grade, Elementary
Ange: 6 (June 17th, 1980), Starts Elementary next year
The Staff:
Genji: 85 (June 10, 1901), head butler of the Ushiromiya Mansion
Nanjo: 84 (April 5th 1902), Kinzo's physician
Kumasawa: 83 (July 19th, 1903), servant
Shannon: 16 (May 25th, 1970), servant
Kanon: 15, turning 16 (October 6th, 1970), servant
Gohda: 49, turning 50 (December 10th, 1936), Cook
*I placed Kanon at age fifteen, because I'm working off the assumption that Jessica is rounding his age a little bit when introducing him to Battler. His birthday is literally two days away, it would be easier to just say sixteen. There's always the possibility that he's turning seventeen, but wouldn't Jessica have said they were a year apart, then?
*also, Kanon calls Shannon 'nee-san'. Though it's mentioned by Shannon they aren't blood-related and Kanon does so out of respect towards Shannon, again I'm operating under the idea that he's actually a few months younger than her.
*Considering Gohda was initially meant to have an affair with Natsuhi before the concept was scrapped, I'm putting him around the same age as her.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year ago
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Alaska Highway, CDN (No. 5)
Rerouting continues, expected to continue in the Yukon through 2009, with the Haines Junction-Beaver Creek section covered by the Canada-U.S. Shakwak Agreement. The new Donjek River bridge was opened September 26, 2007, replacing a 1952 bridge. Under Shakwak, U.S. federal highway money is spent for work done by Canadian contractors who win tenders issued by the Yukon government. The Shakwak Project completed the Haines Highway upgrades in the 1980s between Haines Junction and the Alaska Panhandle, then funding was stalled by Congress for several years.
The Milepost shows the Canadian section of the highway now to be about 1,187 miles (1,910 km), but the first milepost inside Alaska is 1222. The actual length of the highway inside Alaska is no longer clear because rerouting, as in Canada, has shortened the route, but unlike Canada, mileposts in Alaska are not recalibrated. The BC and Yukon governments and Public Works Canada have recalibrated kilometre posts. The latest BC recalibration was carried out in 1990; using its end-point at the border at Historic Mile 630, the Yukon government has recalibrated in three stages: in 2002, from Mile 630 to the west end of the Champagne revision; in fall 2005, to a point just at the southeast shore of Kluane Lake, and in fall 2008, to the border with Alaska.
There are historical mileposts along the B.C. and Yukon sections of the highway, installed in 1992, that note specific locations, although the posts no longer represent accurate driving distance. There are 80 mileposts in B.C., 70 in Yukon and 16 in Alaska with a simple number marker of the original mile distance. There are 31 "historic signs" in B.C., 22 in Yukon and 5 in Alaska, identifying the significance of the location. There are 18 interpretive panels in B.C., 14 in Yukon and 5 in Alaska which give detailed text information at a turn-off parking area.
The portion of the Alaska Highway in Alaska is designated Alaska Route 2. In Yukon, it is Highway 1 (designated in 1968) and in British Columbia, Highway 97. The portion of the Alaska Highway in Alaska is also unsigned Interstate A-1 and unsigned Interstate A-2.
Source: Wikipedia
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flashsidewayss · 1 year ago
i got tired of trying to figure out when things happened in lockwood & co
so i made a timeline with "years" that could technically be shifted in any direction but were put there to a) make the math make sense and show how long things have been and b) i think its HILARIOUS to place the series 2012-2014. hilarious series of years
anyway i wrote a fic that was supposed to be short and simply explore the universe and this timeline and then it spiraled. this is posted here so people can use this as a reference for the fic but it's also for the general enjoyment of the People. sorry
May 7
Marissa Fittes born
Marissa meets Ezekiel (age 6)
Marissa meets Tom Rotwell (age 14)
October 28
Margaret Fittes born (Marissa age 15)
Mud Lane Phantom (Marissa age 15)
Late May
Highgate Terror (Marissa age 16)
Problem officially recognized
Marissa leaves Tom for good (age 19)
Marissa forms Fittes Agency (age 19)
Rotwell forms Rotwell Agency (Marissa age 20)
January 20
Penelope Fittes born (Marissa age 34)
November 3
Law passed letting children have legal rights to their autonomy from age 14 (drinking age is still 18, age of consent is still 18 unless with someone under age of 18)
April 17
Marissa Fittes “dies” (age 43)
April 1
Margaret Fittes dies (age 32)
Penelope Fittes (Marissa) takes control of Fittes Agency (age 14)
July 8
Jessica Lockwood born
July 25
Anthony Lockwood born
December 3
Flo Bones born
May 18
George Cubbins/Karim born
October 31
Lucy Carlyle born
Murton Colliery Horror
July 15
Celia and Donald Lockwood die
July 16
Flo Bonnard’s mother dies, she beings working with Sinclair and Soanes (age 7)
November 12
Jessica Lockwood dies (age 15) (Lockwood age 9)
Flo Bones and Anthony Lockwood meet at dueling competition (both age 11) 
Anthony Lockwood meets George Cubbins/Karim during a case with Sykes and Fittes Agency (ages 12 and 11 respectively)
George is fired from Fittes Agency (age 12)
July 26
Anthony Lockwood founds Lockwood & Co. (age 14)
Flo Bones leaves her agency after the death of Sinclair and Soanes (age 13)
Lucy joins Lockwood & Co. (age 13, Lockwood age 14, George 13)
Combe Carey Hall (LC 14, AL 15, GC/K 14)
Bone Glass Incident (LC 14, AL 15, GC/K 15)
Chelsea Outbreak (LC 15, AL 16, GC/K 15)
Beginning of Black Winter
Lucy Carlyle leaves Lockwood & Co.
Lucy rejoins Lockwood & Co. (LC 15, AL 16, GC/K 15)
Storming of Fittes Hall (LC 15, AL 17, GC/K 16)
anyway. i think jonathan stroud didn't put years so no one could understand how deeply fucked the math is. sorry marissa and margaret fittes you both have children as teenagers and even then the math BARELY works.
also the world has to be different for it to work the age of like Personal Autonomy is 14 now bc of kids working as agents. you still have to be an adult to do stuff like drink and vote (though i'm sure that's a political argument in this universe) but children can be in charge of businesses and gain custody in special cases (like the lockwoods) at 14.
hope this is entertaining!
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lboogie1906 · 6 months ago
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Dr. Meredith Charles “Flash” Gourdine (September 26, 1929 - November 20, 1998) was an athlete, engineer, and physicist.
He earned a BS in Engineering Physics from Cornell University, where he was selected for membership in the Quill and Dagger Society. He earned a Ph.D. in Engineering Physics from the California Institute of Technology while working as a Senior Research Scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
He was an expert in Electrogasdynamics, the generation of electrical energy based on the conversion of the kinetic energy contained in a high-pressure, ionized, moving combustion gas. He specialized in devising applications, including electric precipitator systems. He invented the Focus Flow Heat Sink, used to cool computer chips.
He was granted a total of over 30 US patents.
At the 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki, he won a silver medal in the long jump. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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fundieshaderoom · 3 months ago
Fundie Families and Adjacents I Follow: Graham (Gigi)
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William Franklin Graham Jr. "Billy"- November 7, 1918; d. February 21, 2018
Ruth McCue Bell- June 10, 1920; d. June 14, 2007
Billy and Ruth married in 1943 and were married until Ruth's death. They shared 5 children.
Virginia Leftwich "Gigi"- September 21, 1945
Anne Morrow- 1948
Ruth- 1950
William Franklin Graham III "Franklin"- 1952
Nelson Edman "Ned"- 1958
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Gigi married Stephan Berdj Tchividjian (July 29, 1939) in 1962. They divorced but shared 7 children, 6 children-in-law, 14 grandchildren, 9 grandchildren-in-law, and 13 great-grandchildren. She remarried Jim Wilson in 2012.
Stephan Nelson- 1964
Virginia Berje "Berdjette"- 1965
Basyle Johnathan "Boz"- 1968
William Graham Tullian "Tullian"- 1972
Aram Franklin- 1975
Jerushah Ruth-1978
Graham Antony "Antony"- 1983
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Stephan married Lisa West (1964) in 1986. They share 5 children, 4 children-in-law, and 8 grandchildren.
Stephan Nelson- November 12, 1987
Hope Elizabeth- 1990
Charlotte Virginia "Charlee"- March 1991
Blesi Bell- 1997
Zumarie Grace "Zulu"- 2007ish; adopted
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Stephan married Angeles Burke in 2022. They share 1 daughter. Stephan has two children from a prior relationship.
Kendall Rose- December 2023 / January 2024
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Hope married Stephen "Steve" Saliba in 2013. They share 4 children.
Leon- August 26, 2015
Caden- 2018ish
Luca James- September 2020
Judah- August 2024
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Charlee married Matt Sherry on July 11, 2014. They share 2 sons.
Jacob Matthew- July 28, 2015; adopted
Levi- December 15, 2017
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Blesi is engaged to Garry Tichy.
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Berdjette married David Knox Barker (1962). They share 3 children, 1 daughter-in-law, and a grandson.
Seth Lemuel- 1992
Clayton Stephan- 1994
Virginia Isabella "Isabella"- 1998
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Clayton married CrysAne. They share 1 child.
Ara Knox- 2022
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Boz married Lydia Ruth (1968) in 1990. They share 3 daughters and 3 sons-in-law.
Hannah Ruth- 1995
Adalie Julia- September 29, 1997
Charlotte Faith- July 24, 2000
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Hannah married Brian Davidson on August 10, 2019.
Adalie married Alex Campbell
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Charlotte married Dayton Ingersoll in October 2024.
Tullian married Kim in 1994. They shared 3 children and 3 grandsons and then divorced in 2015. Tullian married Stacie Phillips in 2016. Stacie has two sons from a previous marriage.
Gabriel Tullian "Gabe"- 1995
Nathaniel Stefan "Nate"- 1997
Genna Ruth- 2001
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Gabe dated Jamie Warsager. They share two sons. Gabe dated Arianna Payan. They share a son.
Luka Gabriel- June 21, 2022
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Aram married Julie Claire Temple (1976). They share 3 children but are now divorced.
Riley W- 2000
Lily Claire- 2002
Jerushah married Christopher Alan Armfield. They share 2 children and 1 son-in-law. She married Kyle Duford in 2019.
Anabelle Ruth- 2001ish
William Christopher "Lee"- 2004ish
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Anabelle married Isaac Arnold in 2022.
Lee is in a relationship with a woman named Della Driver.
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Antony married Christina Martin (1982) on August 12, 2023.
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jedivoodoochile · 2 years ago
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Norma Jeane to Marilyn Monroe 1926 - 1962. (Scroll down for 1926 - 1962)💋
June 1: Birth at Los Angeles General Hospital.
June 13: Taken to live with the foster family, the Bolenders.
Fall: Mother Gladys Baker takes Norma Jeane to live with her.
February: Gladys Baker taken to an institution.
June 1: Grace McKee becomes legal guardian.
September 13: Norma Jeane is left at the orphanage.
June 26: Grace McKee takes her away from the orphanage.
November: Goes to live with 'Aunt' Ana Lower.
June 19: Marries James E. Dougherty.
April: Norma Jeane starts work at the Radio Plane Munitions Factory.
April: First National Magazine cover, in 'Family Circle'.
June 26: Photographed by David Conover for 'Yank' magazine.
July 19: First Screen-Test, for 20th Century Fox.
July 23: First Six Months studio contract, renewed in January.
July 29: First mention in a Hollywood gossip Column (Hedda Hopper).
August 2: Norma Jeane Dougherty applies to join the 'Blue Book Modeling Agency'.
September 13: Divorce granted from James E. Dougherty.
August 25: Fox Contract not renewed for a second time.
February: Marilyn befriends mogul Joseph M. Schenck.
March 9: Contract with Columbia Pictures.
September 8: Dropped by Columbia.
December 31: Meets agent Johnny Hyde, who indicates himself to promote her.
May 27: Poses for photographer Tom Kelley - the nude Calendar shots.
July 24: First interview with Earl Wilson.
August 15: Starts shooting 'A Ticket To Tomahawk'.
October: Sings contract with MGM for the breakthrough role in 'The Asphalt Jungle'.
January 5: Starts shooting 'The Fireball'.
April: Lands small but perfectly formed part in 'All About Eve'.
December 18: Johnny Hyde dies.
March 29: Presents an Oscar at the Academy Awards ceremony.
April 18: Shooting starts on 'Love Nest'.
May 11: Latest six months contract and Fox converted to seven-year deal.
September 8: First full length national magazine feature in 'Colliers'.
March: Marilyn and Joe DiMaggio go out on a first date.
March 13: Nude calendar story broken to public.
April 7: First 'Life' cover snapped by Phillipe Halsman.
June 1: On her birthday leans she is to be Lorelei Lee in 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes'.
August 31: Live radio debut.
September 2: Grand marshal at the Miss America pageant.
January, 21: She becomes a star when 'Niagara' is released.
January, 26: Marilyn and Jane Russell put their hand and feet prints in wet cement. At Graumann's Chinese Theater.
September, 13: TV debut at the 'Jack Benny Show'.
November, 4: Premier of 'How To Marry a Millionaire'.
December 15: Doesn't appear for shooting of 'The Girl in Pink Tights'.
January, 4: Suspended by Fox.
January, 14: Marriage with Joe Dimaggio in San Francisco.
February, 2: They arrive at Tokyo Airport.
February, 16: Marilyn gives 10 concert's for the American soldiers in Korea.
September, 15: The shooting for the blowing skirt scene, included in the movie 'The Seven Year Itch'.
October, 5: Marilyn divorces Joe DiMaggio.
November, 6: Hollywood party in honor of Marilyn.
January, 7: Press conference for 'Marilyn Monroe Productions Inc.'.
January, 15: Marilyn moves to the East coast, she is also suspended by Fox.
February: She met Lee Strasberg, and joins 'The Actor Studio'.
March, 31: She appears on a pink elephant on a benefit evening in 'Madison Square Garden'.
April, 8: Live in TV program of 'Person2Person' with Edward R. Murrow.
June, 1: Premier of 'The Seven Year Itch'.
January, 4: A new contract between Fox and MM Productions.
February, 9: Marilyn and Sir Laurence Olivier announce that they will work together in 'The Sleeping Prince'.
June, 29: She marries Arthur Miller.
July, 14: She travels to London to begin with the shooting of 'The Prince And The Showgirl'.
August: Her first miscarriage.
October, 29: She meets Queen Elizabeth.
June, 13: Premier of 'TPATS'.
August, 1: Another miscarriage.
August, 4: The shooting of 'Some Like It Hot' begins, until November.
December, 17: Another miscarriage.
March, 29: Premier of 'Some Like It Hot'.
March, 8: Golden Globe award for 'Best Actress in a Comedy', in 'Some Like It Hot'.
June, 18: The shooting of 'The Misfits' begins.
August, 26: Marilyn is admitted in the hospital, some say in was a suicide attempt.
November, 11: Marilyn announce she divorces Arthur Miller.
November, 16: Clark Gable (who worked with in 'The Misfits') died of an heart attack.
January, 20: Divorce of Arthur Miller.
January, 31: Premier 'The Misfits'.
February, 7: She is admitted to the 'Payne Whitney Clinic' in New York.
February, 11: She is admitted to 'Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center'.
October: Meets Robert Kennedy.
November: Meets John. F. Kennedy.
February: Moves back to Los Angeles, in Brentwood.
March, 5: She get's a Gold Globe Award for 'World Film Favorite'.
April, 23: Shooting begins for 'Something's Got To Give'.
May, 19: Sings 'Happy Birthday' to JFK in 'Madison Square Garden'.
June, 1: Last workday at Fox.
June, 7: fired by Fox.
June, 23: Rehired by Fox.
July, 20: Admitted to the 'Cedars of Lebanon Hospital'.
August, 3: She appears on the cover of 'Life'.
August, 4: The last day Marilyn Monroe was alive.
August, 5: Marilyn Monroe is found dead in bed, autopsy reveals suicide. (possible)
August, 8: Funeral in 'Westwood Memorial Park Cemetery' 🙏💐🌸⚘️💐🌸⚘️
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officiallordvetinari · 1 year ago
I know you've all been waiting eagerly for it, and here it is: the first Wikipedia poll of the new year! Links and summaries below the cut as always.
On 29 September 1940, a mid-air collision occurred over Brocklesby, New South Wales, Australia. The accident was unusual in that the aircraft involved, two Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Avro Ansons of No. 2 Service Flying Training School, remained locked together after colliding, and then landed safely.
On 11 May 1812, at about 5:15 pm, Spencer Perceval, the prime minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, was shot dead in the lobby of the House of Commons by John Bellingham, a Liverpool merchant with a grievance against the government. Bellingham was detained; four days after the murder, he was tried, convicted and sentenced to death.
The Dorset Ooser (/ˈoʊsər/) is a wooden head that featured in the 19th-century folk culture of Melbury Osmond, a village in the southwestern English county of Dorset. The head was hollow, thus perhaps serving as a mask, and included a humanoid face with horns, a beard, and a hinged jaw which allowed the mouth to open and close.
The Ediacaran (/ˌiːdiˈækərən/; formerly Vendian) biota is a taxonomic period classification that consists of all life forms that were present on Earth during the Ediacaran Period (c. 635–538.8 Mya). These were enigmatic tubular and frond-shaped, mostly sessile, organisms. Trace fossils of these organisms have been found worldwide, and represent the earliest known complex multicellular organisms.
John Rykener, also known as Eleanor, was a 14th-century sex worker arrested in December 1394 for performing a sex act with John Britby, a man who was a former chaplain of the St Margaret Pattens church, in London's Cheapside while wearing female attire. Although historians tentatively link Rykener, who was male, to a prisoner of the same name, the only known facts of the sex worker's life come from an interrogation made by the mayor of London.
Norwich Market (also known as Norwich Provision Market) is an outdoor market consisting of around 200 stalls in central Norwich, England. Founded in the latter part of the 11th century to supply Norman merchants and settlers moving to the area following the Norman conquest of England, it replaced an earlier market a short distance away. It has been in operation on the present site for over 900 years.
Olive Elaine Morris (26 June 1952 – 12 July 1979) was a Jamaican-born British-based community leader and activist in the feminist, black nationalist, and squatters' rights campaigns of the 1970s. At the age of 17, she claimed she was assaulted by Metropolitan Police officers following an incident involving a Nigerian diplomat in Brixton, South London. She joined the British Black Panthers, becoming a Marxist–Leninist communist and a radical feminist.
Paul Palaiologos Tagaris (Greek: Παῦλος Παλαιολόγος Τάγαρις, c. 1320/1340 – after 1394) was a Byzantine Greek monk and impostor. A scion of the Tagaris family, Paul also claimed a somewhat dubious connection with the Palaiologos dynasty that ruled the Byzantine Empire at the time. He fled his marriage as a teenager and became a monk, but soon his fraudulent practices embroiled him in scandal.
The Royal baccarat scandal, also known as the Tranby Croft affair, was a British gambling scandal of the late 19th century involving the Prince of Wales—the future King Edward VII. The scandal started during a house party in September 1890, when Sir William Gordon-Cumming, a lieutenant colonel in the Scots Guards, was accused of cheating at baccarat.
In a protracted conflict during the Spanish colonization of the Americas, Spanish colonisers gradually incorporated the territory that became the modern country of Guatemala into the colonial Viceroyalty of New Spain. Before the conquest, this territory contained a number of competing Mesoamerican kingdoms, the majority of which were Maya.
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kwebtv · 10 months ago
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Character Actress
Carol Thurston (born Betty Lou Thurston; September 27, 1920 – December 31, 1969)  Film and television actress who played the fictitious Emma Clanton in eight episodes (1959-1961) of the ABC/Desilu western television series The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp.
In 1949–1950, she was cast in two episodes, "Finders Keepers" and "Masked Deputy," of the western series, The Lone Ranger. In 1952–1953, she performed in six episodes in different roles of The Adventures of Kit Carson. In 1954, she appeared in the episode "Sequoia" on the syndicated Death Valley Days, a western anthology series. In 1955–1956, she was cast as Mrs. Cora McGill in "Paper Gunman" and as Annie Brayer in "The Salt War" of another western anthology series, Frontier, on NBC.
Thurston had other guest roles in the 1950s on such series as Sky King, Soldiers of Fortune, The Rough Riders, 26 Men, Behind Closed Doors, Highway Patrol, Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse, and The Man and the Challenge. She was cast twice on the Richard Boone series, Have Gun - Will Travel, and once on CBS's Rawhide as Waneea in the 1959 episode, "Incident of the Power and the Plow".
Other than The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp, her last television role was as Jenny Larson in the episode "Murder Plays it Cool" in the syndicated legal drama series, Lock-Up, starring Macdonald Carey.  (Wikipedia)
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avatarskywalker78 · 11 months ago
OC Birthdays so far!
Inspired by @daughter-of-melpomene's list because it's a very good ideas! A few of these just have the year because I haven't decided exactly when they're born, but you get the idea!
Steph Taylor (The Flash) - 12th of March 1986
Brianna Thawne (Legends of Tomorrow) - 18th of September 2165 (26 at the start of the story)
Nicky Connors (Miyagi-verse) - 10th of July 1967
Gemma Laura McKinney (Cobra Kai) - 18th of March 1997
Elaine Barnes (Cobra Kai) - 4th of September 2001
Leah Barnes (Cobra Kai) - 1970
Eliana Kent (Supergirl) - 28th of February 1995
Ashley Tanner (Krypton) - 10th of February 1995
Maia Curry (DCEU Aquaman) - 3rd of May 2003
Theodore Edward Thawne (The Flash) - 5th of February 2019 (21 at the start of the story)
Sophia Reynolds (Firefly) - 18th of July 2499
Sarah Thompson (Agent Carter) - 1922 (25 at the start of the story)
Alex Thompson (MCU) - 1977
Hannah Edwards (MCU) - 12th of October 1999
Kate Simons (MCU) - 1986 (28 at the start of the story)
Emma Johnson (Inhumans) - 1989
Caitlin Sherwood (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) - 30th of September 1976
Teri Merlyn (Arrow - Earth-2) - 13th of January 1978 (35 at the start of the story)
Mel Hathaway (Star Trek TOS) - 10th of November 2226
Niamh Cassidy (Once Upon a Time) - 16th of January 2005
Sophie Sloan (Diagnosis Murder) - 1983 (10 at the start of the story)
Áine an Tordarroch (The Witcher) - 1230 (Arc 1 spans from ages 18 to 33)
Joanna Mayfield (Uncharted) - 10th of March 1993
Marie Douglas (The Professionals) - 18th of October 1952
Brianna Louise Wilson (NCIS) - 17th of January 1977 (33 at the start of the story)
Lexa Sullivan (The Old Guard) - 1988
Sheridan Ó Séaghdha (Thunderbirds TOS) - 2040 (25 at the start of the story)
Tiana Everton (Thunderbirds TOS) - 2042 (23 at the start of the story)
Devon Avery (Moonfall) - 12th of April 1980
Tagging (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @shrinkthisviolet @starstruckpurpledragon @vexic929 @negative-speedforce @dream-beyond-the-fantasy @lady-of-the-spirit @fezwearingjellybananas @far-shores
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