#Sent on a cute boat date
this-is-ris · 6 months
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Come on in, sweethearts- the water is serene and so are we ♡
ft. My wonderful friend's OCs @justatheo and @qara-wen
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alessiathepirate · 1 year
Hannibal NBC
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Summary: She liked watching Will do things he actually liked to do. Watching him sit on the floor working on those boat motors was the sight she wanted to see everyday.
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I made while I wrote this short story.
So- I actually looked up an article about boat motors and about how to repair them, so I can describe it in a close-enough way, but in reality I've never seen a single boat motor in my life. So if it isn't desribed like it should be described - I'm sorry.
Warnings: references to Will's work, but surprisingly nothing more
She liked watching Will do things he actually liked to do. The things that made him relaxed, but entertained in a good way.
It didn't only give Will a peace of mind, it also made her feel a certain kind of calmness and safety she's never felt when Will was out working on a case, trying to get into people's minds.
Watching him sit on the floor working on those boat motors as the muscles around his eyes and mouth tensed up from concentration was the sight she wanted to see everyday. When he isn't thinking about anything gruesome, when he isn't scared of nightmares or for her safety, when he is home doing what he likes with all his dogs around him being lazy - that was the sight she liked, those were the happiest moments she had about Will.
It felt domestic. It felt normal.
It felt like something they should have everyday.
The simplicity of it was the thing what made it so special - because otherwise nothing about their relationship was simple.
She was lying on her stomach in their shared bed, keeping herself up on her elbows. She was supposed to be reading, so she can finally finish the book she has started months ago but couldn't find the time to finish because of all the crazy, abnormal things that had been going on. This was the only normal evening they've had in months, the only truly relaxing one, yet the book isn't the real entertainment.
Will on the other hand certainly is.
"It's not very nice to stare."
His voice is truly entertaining too, especially when it's calm, relaxed and slightly teasing.
"I never said I was a nice person." she said, not even trying to hide her smile.
"Really? I thought was dating a nice person." he didn't look up from his work, his hands were still moving the screwdriver he was holding, trying to get a stuck screw out.
"I can be nice." she started, feeling her heart flutter as she noticed how Will's curls were messier than usual - God, he looked cute. "Just not when I have such a handsome boyfriend to look at."
That made Will look up, finding her gaze and making eye contact, abandoning his work for a while. She almost giggled at how his cheeks turned into a slight pink shade at her compliment. She rarely saw Will blush, very rarely.
"Such a charmer."
"I try my best." she smirked. " 'Everything alright with the motor?"
"Yeah, the screw's stuck but it'll be fine." he looked down at the boat motor, then back at her. "So, you abandoned the book again."
"Yes." she answered shortly and then continued: "I found something much more entertaining."
"That's a very nice book." Will voice carried a teasing edge.
"Yeah, well I just decided to enjoy the moment." she lost the smirk and the teasing, and used a sincere smile and honesty instead. "We rarely have a calm evening these days. I'd rather spend it watch- admiring you and talking to you, than look at words my mind can't comprehend right now anyway."
Will lost the smirk too and the small, happy smile he sent her way was truly the cutest thing she's seen him do so far. It wasn't anything big, sure. It wasn't a surprise date, it wasn't a gift she wouldn't need anyway - it was something she really wanted to see: a honest smile. A smile what told her everything and a smile what didn't hold anything back. He was comfortable, well rested and happy - the only thing she wanted.
"Come here." he said those two words softly, there was nothing rude or demanding about it.
She got off the bed and walked toward him. When he patted the floor next to where he was sitting, she understood what he wanted. She sat down next to him and crossed her legs.
"Would you like to help me?"
It was rare that he asked for help - no matter the context.
He trusted her, he loved her - she was sure of that. For a second she was too scared to open her mouth and speak, not wanting to ruin the softness of the moment.
"Of course." she swallowed; she was unable to hold back a smile. "What are we doing?"
"We'll try to remove the propeller so we can replace it with a new one. Then we'll try to find out why the battery is dead and if the spark plug needs to be changed." he explained it slowly and patiently, taking a look at her face here and there, making sure she understands what he's saying. "Sounds good?"
"Yeah. How can I help?"
"If you could get this screw out so we can take the propeller off, that'd be awesome."
"I can try."
She took the screwdriver from him as he turned the boat motor towards her so she can get to work. The first time tried to remove it the screw didn't move at all. That's why the second time she tried it she used more force - and to her surprise the screw moved.
She looked up at Will for a second with a grin. "It looks like that's something only women can do."
"Right. Thanks." she could hear that he was smiling, his pride wasn't hurt like any other man's would be.
"What now?" she asked as she took off the propeller.
"Now we'll take a look at the spark plug..."
And Will started to explain everything. He told her how to take the spark plug out, he explained what the most common problems are that can kill the battery in seconds. He spoke and then let her do the work, praising her when she did something right and chuckling when she messed something up. He corrected her and then watched her work with a smile.
She had a feeling that he likes to explain it to her, he likes the thought that he can teach her something new what isn't criminal profiling or basic self defense stuff.
By the time the motor was taken apart her fingers felt numb and she felt herself getting tired. Will must've felt it too, because he took the wrench she had in her hand.
"Is that all?" she asked.
"No, but I think for today you've done enough."
"Enough good stuff?"
"You've done a wonderful job with this for a rookie." Will's smile was genuine - so was hers.
"Yeah, no surprise you're a teacher. You can explain how everything works really well." she rested her head on his shoulder and even if Will tensed up a little from the sudden affection, he didn't push her away - he pressed a soft, barely even a real kiss to the top of her head.
"I think you should go ahead and lie down. I'll join you in a second."
"No. I'll wait here with you."
And she waited.
She waited until he put the new propeller on. She watched as he checked on the oil. She watched as he started to clean up the mess - putting different tools into the toolbox and cleaning the floor with the rag he had close by.
At some point they changed their position. Maybe it was because of Will moving and turning while trying to not move to far away from her - she didn't know for sure. But she was hugging his shoulders from behind while she rested her chin in the crook of his neck and her legs were wrapped around his waist.
It was a comfortable position for her - and must have been a pretty uncomfortable one for Will.
But he didn't complain. Sometimes he brushed his hand along her shin or knee, or took one of her hands and held it. And it was Heaven.
She couldn't really believe in anything good in this world, not after she saw what the world is like and how bad it actually is. She saw it all through Will's work and night terrors - but one thing was for sure, in that moment she felt like they were both in Heaven. They were home, they were close, the dogs were lazily lying on the rug around them.
It felt safe.
It felt normal.
It felt nice.
"Sweetheart?" she was half asleep when Will finally spoke up, his voice wasn't more than a whisper.
"Let's go to bed, okay?"
"Sure." she answered, but stayed still for a moment. "Will?"
He hummed and she felt the noise go through his whole body.
"I like these evenings. The calm ones."
Will didn't say anything. He didn't have to. She knew he felt the same way. She knew it because he took her hand and pressed a kiss on it. She knew it because he carried her to bed. She knew it because that night he didn't wake up from a night terror.
She liked watching Will do things he actually liked to do. But she liked it more when he slept calmly.
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eoieopda · 2 years
Hi Jade! Could I request a cute, fluffy Jungkook drabble where his girlfriend meets Bam for the first time and they instantly become besties?
sure thing, sweet bean!
i saw this pic while i was looking through pinterest for possible banners and it sent me, then it inspired this nonsense 🤪
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The first few weeks of dating anyone new are a certifiable mindfuck. Underneath the warm wave of infatuation, there’s a maelstrom brewing; and if you’re too short-sighted, you might drown.
To keep afloat, you spend more time than ever preening — making damn sure that your appearance and personality are at their most palatable. You wear carefully coordinated underwear; you wash your hair on a regular schedule for once; and you try to keep that persistently doubtful inner monologue of yours locked in the vault at the back of your brain.
Meanwhile, outside of presenting yourself as the prettiest of all packages, you have to — somehow — keep an eye out for the other person’s red flags. Sure, you’re a firework whenever their texts light up your inbox, but are they good for your mental health? What if you take off the rose-colored glasses and find that your little love boat is actually trash barge; and — surprise! — that trash barge has been on fire this entire time, with you none the wiser?
If you successfully cross that minefield and survive long enough meet who you’re really dealing with, the introductions don’t stop there. They meet your friends, you meet theirs. Then come parents, then the hidden flaws that are no longer waiting in the wings, then the final arbiter.
If their pet doesn’t like your vibe? Game over.
It’s with a weak jolt of panic that you stand on Jungkook’s doorstep, poised to knock. Before your knuckles can hit the wood, you hear a muffled call from inside: “It’s open!”
You inhale as you turn the knob and push it open — and the second you lay eyes on him, it leaves you in a wheezing, entirely and embarrassingly authentic laugh. The very laugh you’ve nearly fainted trying to suppress, which prompts you to immediately slap your hand over your mouth.
Sitting cross-legged on the floor is the bad boy your friends all warned you about — donning a face mask that looks like marshmallow fluff against his tan skin — with a dog wiggling excitedly in front of him, and a toothbrush in hand. Both of them look up at you like everything’s normal, and you swear they’re both smiling.
“Hi,” Jungkook chirps, grinning carefully so as to not disturb his mask. He speaks at his usual quick pace like his body contains more energy than he knows what to do with, “I’m almost done with his teeth. Are you hungry?”
You blink, absolutely dumbfounded, and then you ask, “Did — did you forget I was coming over?”
Jungkook furrows his brows— which are, for the record, hidden under bright, white clay — and now you feel like an absolute asshole for making assumptions. If the roles were reversed, you wouldn’t be caught dead in this state. Not this early into the relationship, when he might not be invested enough in you to see past it.
Yet here he was with all his cards on the table, leaving it up to you to take them or leave them.
“No, I didn’t. I’ve actually been looking forward to this all day,” he admits with a sheepish smile, suddenly shy. Then, Jungkook glances down at the dog, whose wiggling only intensifies as you toe off your shoes and begin your approach. “So has Bam.”
You join them both on the floor, legs outstretched and crossed at the ankle. With your weight propped up on one arm, you tilt your head and muse, “He’s really well trained. Normally, dogs are all over you the second you walk in a room, you know?”
You really should’ve known better than to bait Jungkook like that. There’s barely time to process the look he exchanges with Bam — as if they’re plotting telepathically — because there’s a quick nod in your direction, and then there’s a doberman bowling you over onto your back.
It’s impossible to tell who’s laughing louder: Jungkook, whose watering eyes might leave streaks in his face mask; or you, hugging forty kilograms of unadulterated bliss. One thing is clear: Jungkook is over the moon. So much so that he coos, “Aww, look who made a friend!”
You’re not sure if he’s referring to Bam or to you.
“Best friend, obviously,” You peep, “No one has ever been this excited to see me before in my life.” You have to squeeze your eyes shut to avoid the tongue lapping lovingly over your cheeks. Turning your head abruptly to the side, you snort, “God, he even kisses like you!”
“I sure as fuck do not kiss you like that,” Jungkook huffs with a pout you just barely catch a glimpse of. He’s up on his knees in a heartbeat, carefully removing Bam from you just to take his place. He narrows his eyes playfully as he settles with one hand on either side of your face; and the wicked glint in them isn’t lost on you. “One of us bites, doll. The other one was trained not to.”
You flex an eyebrow and it’s more of a dare than a reaction, “Is that so?”
Jungkook tucks a renegade strand of hair behind your ear. “Definitely,” he hums as he does the same to the other side. “Pretty thing. Know what you’re missing, though?”
You’re scared to ask, so you let your widening eyes do the talking.
“Bit of skincare!” He declares with a wolfish grin.
Within a split second, Jungkook cups your face in his hands and you realize exactly why he bothered to push your hair out of your face. His is pressed to yours as he kisses you deep, right through your startled gasp. Jungkook makes sure to smear the goop from his chin and cheeks onto yours in the process. You can feel his smile as he does.
There’s a teasing nip at your bottom lip when he eventually pulls back, gently tugging what he’s captured with him for a millimeter or two before releasing you. Gazing down at his messy masterpiece, his brows crinkle under the weight of his thoughts. Wordlessly, he drops one hand from your jaw; drags the pad of his thumb down his nose; then swipes the excess along the bridge of yours. He taps the button of your nose gently, looking pleased as fucking punch.
Now, it would seem that you’ve rocketed straight through the awkward, not-quite-yourself phase of dating and ended up crash-landing on the other side.
“That better?” You pant, knowing full well that it really, really is.
Jungkook leans down again to kiss you much more sweetly than before. With his lips still pressed to yours, he smirks, “Much.”
Then, he drops onto the rug next to so you can sit upright again. “And I think you’ve been greenlit, but I won’t presume to speak on Bam’s behalf.”
You both turn to Bam — the final boss — for his verdict. When he lets out a quick boof, it sounds like a sneeze, but it says everything you need to know.
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spooky-bunnys · 8 months
Title: The (Last Name)'s
Fandom: Stardew Valley
Pairing: Sebastian x M.R x Sam
Warnings: None
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Everything was normal in Pelican Town. Well, until the new farmer moved into Pelican Town. Everyone was confused on why someone from the big city would move to their small town. Especially considering someone people wanted to leave the small town to the big city! They just didn't understand why.
Until they met the new farmer that is. According to Robin, the new farmer was Old (Last Name)'s grandson who had gotten tired of the big city, and wanted to finally wanted to settle down away from the nose and people. Everyone had many expectations and thoughts on how the new farmer would be. Although they were pleasantly surprised when they finally met him.
It didn't take long for (Name) to quickly become the biggest bachelor of Pelican Town. Everyone who was single wanted to be with (Name). They loved how sweet, generous, kind-hearted, and over all his bubbly and helpful personality quickly mad him the town favorite. (Name) was always willing to lend a helping hand to whoever needed it.
He even helped remodel the Pelican Town Community Center. Which ultimately sent the Joja Company packing. Saving Pierre's business from Bankruptcy. He also helped Willy fix his boat, that originally belonged to Willy's grandfather. So you can imagine how happy he was when it was fixed.
Since the boat was fixed the people of Pelican Town was even able to start going to Ginger Island. Where (Name) found the sweetest little boy. That he later adopted with the permission and help of Mayor Louis. When Leo was comfortable enough he moved into (Name)'s farm house.
Although he had a tree house beside Linus's tent in the mountains. Leo also visited the Island some days. Luckily due to all the hard work, (Name) also has a farm and house on the Island. So they went to the Island quite often together.
Something nobody expected was for Sebastian and Sam to end up with the new farmer. It came to a huge surprise to the town people when the trouple got together. They had seen (Name) was close to them, but to think they were all three technically dating? It was something else honestly. They didn't mean anything bad about it.
They'd just haven't had something like this happen in Pelican Town before. But everyone saw how happy they were whenever they were all together. Especially (Name)'s best friend Abigail. She was even their best woman at their wedding. Which was honestly hard to do since you usually can't marry more then one person.
But Mayor Louis made it happen. (Name) had become something of a grandchild to Mayor Louis. Seeing how much happier Pelican Town has become thanks to (Name). He did all he could to help the boys dream to come true. The wedding was small but beautiful.
In a matter of month the new (Last Name) family had three parents and three children. Leo was extremely excited to be an older brother to a pair of twins that the trio adopted. They'd found the twins after one of the bands concerts in the city. There was a boy with blonde hair and (eye color) eyes, and a girl with (hair color) hair and brown eyes.
They were greatly surprised on how they looked like the trouple. It warmed their hearts. They thank Yoda everyday for the life they're living. Because they wouldn't change any of it for the world. Although they maybe wish Leo would stop teaching the twins how to speak bird. Becausenit was cute at first, but who wants to hear that being screamed into your ear at six in the morning.
Not them at least.
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absgay · 1 year
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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ “You love to play hard to get. Get you like it was an accident. You like me more when I just don’t give a shit. You’re hard to get, hard to get.” ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
words count: 1.8k
“You want me to want you, want me to watch you and need you."
warnings: 18+ minors dni, grammar, f*buddy!abby, college!abby, some jealousy, abby is an asshole and idk, i’m not good at this, smut.
first part here: fetish.
Abby was miserable. It’s been twelve days, twelve fuckin’ days. You haven’t talked to her in almost two weeks, dammit. No texts, no nudes, no calls, nothing. But, you guys weren’t together, which means it shouldn’t even bother her, right?
She looked at you from across the room as you walked in class and sat down by the window, distancing yourself from the blond.
“Hey!” It was some girl named Nancy or Nathalie, Abby wasn’t even sure. She glanced at the redhead as she sat down next to her and frowned. “You don’t mind? I don’t wanna be alone.” Abby shrugged.
She regretted it as the redhead talked, talked, talked and talked, the entire time. Abby wasn’t listening to be honest, humming and nodding from time to time as she remained focused on the only thing that truly mattered to her: you. But, the redhead was clearly interested in Abby. She was touchy and very flirty, which caught your attention as you stared at them with an annoyed face. You looked back at the teacher as soon as Abby caught you in the act, the blond smirking as she pulled out her cellphone.
“what are you doing tonight, do you have any plans?” she texted. Abby waited and looked back at you as you clicked on the notification and started typing. God, she was anxious. Is this how people usually feels whenever they text someone? It sucked. “party at jessica’s.” you sent. “who the fuck is jessica?” Abby texted back, staring at the screen with disappointment as you didn’t respond.
She sighed and laid back against the chair. “Yeah— Sorry to interrupt but do you know anyone named Jessica?” Abby asked the redhead.
Nathalie or something nodded. “I do.” she responded. “We’re both Kappa members and there’s a party at our house tonight.” Abby hummed, intrigued. “Do you wanna be my date?”
She shouldn’t use this random woman, but it’s such a nice coincidence, and she’s an asshole after all. “Sure.” she responded. “Here’s my phone, you should add your number, it’ll be easier.” A great way to get somebody’s actual name.
Turns out the redhead’s name was, in fact, Nancy. And she was nice, enthusiastic and still too talkative. Abby felt uncomfortable, she didn’t even know what to say, they didn’t have much in common. A few months back, she would've skipped the whole conversation and dragged the redhead straight to bed. Anyway, she doesn’t wanna do that anymore, for some reason. She could tell the redhead wanted more than a conversation though: commenting on her athletic skills, appearance and obsessing over the blond’s arms.
“Do you want something to drink?” Nancy asked. “I’m thirsty.” Abby hummed, embarrassed as Nancy winked at her. “I’ll get us something, wait here.”
It’s been two hours and you weren’t anywhere to be seen, not in the living room, not in the kitchen, not in the garden, not upstairs and definitely not in Nancy’s bedroom. Abby had looked everywhere, you weren’t at the party. She decided it was time to leave after an embarrassing altercation with the redhead.
Abby walked back to the dorms, defeated. She looked at your room from down the hallway as she stepped in the building and decided to try it. She stopped at the door and knocked once, twice, an anxious bubble overwhelming her stomach.
“Oh— Hey, Abby!” your roommate said, all smiles and energetic. The room smelled like alcohol and weed. Abby glanced at the man sitting on the brunette’s bed and chuckled. “What’s up? We were about to rock the boat in there.”
Abby laughed at your roommate’s honesty. “Yeah— I can see that. I’m looking for someone, stubborn, annoying, cute. I think she lives with you.”
The brunette nodded. “She offered to leave, since we needed the room. She’s supposed to be at the library.” Abby thanked her and headed back outside.
Of course the library was dead silent at this hour. And there you were, seated at some random table by yourself, studying under the dim lighting. You heard the blond’s footsteps as she approached and smirked.
“So— Jessica’s party.” Abby started. “Well— I’m not an expert when it comes to addresses around the campus but I’m pretty sure this isn’t the Kappa’s house, sweetheart.”
You hummed and looked back at your notes. “I never said I’d be there. You wanted plans, I gave you some.” Abby scoffed as she sat down next to you. “Shit— I’m really, really sorry." you said with an exaggerated tone. "Did you expect to see me at this party?”
Abby chuckled softly. “Wow— Someone’s in a silly mood.” She looked at you attentively as you read, then sighed. “We haven’t talked in days. Come on—” Abby leaned in towards you, elbows resting on her knees and hands clasped as she continued. “You wanna tell me what happened since our last conversation?”
You hadn’t expected the blond woman to be so direct. You cleared your throat and shrugged. “I told you, I’m seeing someone.”
“Yeah, right— Is someone here? In the room, with us?” Abby asked with an amused tone. “If you were actually seeing someone, you wouldn’t be alone at the library on a Friday night.” she continued. "Listen, I know you wanted to piss me off the other night with this story and congratulations, it fuckin’ worked.”
Well, technically you weren’t lying and deep down, Abby knew it. But it couldn’t be serious though, not after what happened the other night, right? She hoped so.
“How was your date with Nancy?” you asked. “She seemed very interested in you. I mean— She was all over you in class and wouldn’t stopped talking about you at lunch.” Abby smirked. “Did something happen?”
“Let me think…” Abby said. “There were so many women all over me tonight I— I need a minute to collect my thoughts.” She hummed as you rolled your eyes. “Actually— Now that I’m thinking about it, it’s none of your business.”
You snorted and threw your pen at the blond as she used your own words against you. “You’re a dick.”
“You know— You don’t have to stay here. It’s late, you could come with me and sleep at mine.” Abby offered. “I’m just saying— Your room is gonna be messy, it smelled like the 80s in there.”
“You’re so generous.” Abby winked. “God— That’s not what I meant!” you whined as she laughed. “I can’t believe she told you about the library. So, what? You’re stalking me now? That’s your new thing?”
“Yes.” Abby confirmed. “I’m obsessed with you.” you blushed as the words left the blond’s mouth innocently. “Does it turn you on?” You laughed and slapped her arm. “Come on— Don’t be shy. It’d be understandable, I’d be a really hot stalker.”
Abby’s frustration was highly noticeable as she stared at you deeply, waiting for something, anything to happen. She looked so good, it wasn’t fair. She was magnificent, a temptation, your own forbidden fruit. And yet you still managed to stay away from her for twelve days, almost two weeks, an eternity. It was pretty impressive. You couldn’t fuck it all up now, no matter how bad you wanted to.
“Abby.” you said. “We are not gonna have sex tonight.”
She frowned. “Excuse me— Sex? Dammit. Who said anything about sex? What makes you think I wanna have sex with you?” Abby asked. “Pervert.”
“Bitch.” you snapped back. The woman’s eyebrows raised as she grabbed your chair and pulled it closer to hers, effortlessly. “Come on— Abby. You’re distracting me.”
You blinked and swallowed hard, the blond’s head leaning dangerously close to yours as she smiled. God, she wanted you so much it was ridiculous.
“We’re just having a conversation.” Abby said as she looked at your mouth with desperation. “A nice conversation.”
The room remained quiet as your own heartbeat got too loud. You felt self-conscious and wondered if Abby could hear it and feel it too. Fuck, someone could’ve grabbed and touched the tension between you two; an invisible strength, vibrations between bodies and souls, created by intense glances and unspoken thoughts.
“I have an important test on monday.” you murmured which wasn’t even true, an attempt to run away. Possessed by impatience and lust, Abby impulsively grabbed the papers off your hands and threw them away.
You were meant to fall into each other’s arms. It needed to happen somehow, you both believed it was written at this point. One, two, three… Time stopped as your inner voice encouraged it and silenced your heart’s complaints: do it.
You sighed and grabbed the blond’s neck. Mouth collapsed and moans were shared as you both dived into the heat, letting it consume you entirely. Happily, Abby guided you as you moved and sat down in her lap throughout the kiss, chest heavy and cheeks warm. The woman’s rough hands wandered across your body, one sliding under your skirt to hold your thigh, the other travelling from your back to your neck as she deepened the kiss.
Abby pulled away breathless then cursed quietly. She hummed in delight, head falling backwards as you grinded against the blond’s clothed crotch in the nastiest way possible. You yelped as she suddenly slammed your body against the table, eyes filled with desire.
“Wait, Abby." you breathed as she stood between your legs. “We could get caught—”
She interrupted you with another kiss as she bent over the table. “Which is why you’re gonna have to be quiet.” She stepped back and stared at you, pulling your underwear down your legs.
You sighed in anticipation as she kneeled between your thighs and lifted your skirt outrageously slowly. Abby’s hands went to your hips and held them firmly as your legs were hanging over her broad shoulders. You hummed in satisfaction, the blond’s nose pressed against your clit, mouth wandering along your crotch with an undeniable eagerness. She listened carefully to each one of your short breaths, moans, whines, murmurs and almost came as you bucked against her mouth, shouting her name in pure bliss.
You looked down at the gorgeous woman between your legs and sat down on the wooden table as she breathed heavily, eyes bright and lips swollen. She stood and looked at you with admiration, all sweaty and breathless, all hers.
You didn’t think twice before grabbing the blond’s collar. “Abby— I need you.” you admitted. She groaned at your words, forehead pressed against yours and mouth dropping as you unzipped her pants.
(twelves days, huh?)
next part: heaven.
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webslingingslasher · 10 months
subway meet cute?? 🥰
there had to be a convention in town. maybe the bridge was shut down. you've never seen the subway this packed. groups of bodies, shoulder to shoulder, huddled around yellow lines waiting to be picked up.
'a line is down.' your confusion must be all over your face, a stranger read it on you. 'everyone has to train hop now.'
you slowly nod, you understand the crowd better. people trying to get to work, frantic now knowing they'll be late. 'makes...' you trail, the pattern of words in your mind vanishes.
a quick glance at the stranger had you speechless, the first thing you noticed were his eyes. brown with a honey golden ring, the second was his light smile. proof he was just a naturally happy person.
plain clothes and a backpack on his shoulder, he doesn't like to stand out. headphones hanging out the collar of his shirt tells you he also doesn't like being bothered.
a quirk in his eyebrow when you take too long, you feel an urge to rub your thumb across the surface. his hair caught your attention, brown tuffs with a hint of a curl.
he was drop dead gorgeous. handsome, even. dare you say pretty?
his smile grows, just the hint of pearly white. your brain stutters, it jumps to life. '....sense. makes sense.'
'took you a minute to get there.'
you blink at him, it would be too cliche to say you were lost in his beauty. 'lost my train of thought for a second, no pun intended.' you nibble at your bottom lip before introducing yourself to him, smiling when he tells you his.
'nice to meet you, peter.' you can't stop looking at his face. 'nice to meet you too.' you gesture towards his bag, 'are you in school?' peter nods, 'empire state.' your jaw drops, 'no way, me too!'
'what year?'
'second.' peter laughs at the response, you know what he's about to say. 'yeah, me too.' you're not sure how you haven't crossed paths, but you're glad you are now.
the next train arrives, there's no use in fighting, you'll get the next one. peter's in the same boat.
'i'm sorry your a line went down.' you didn't sound sorry at all, in fact, you're not sure you would've ever met him if it hadn't. 'i'm not. i got to talk to a pretty girl this morning, that's the best start to any day.'
everything in you screams, for once, you've been rewarded.
'i have to agree with you. if your line didn't go down i wouldn't have a date with the most handsome guy on the platform.' peter has an instant blush, you want to bombard him with a million more compliments, it's clear he doesn't get them enough.
'i'm sorry, did you just ask me out? isn't that my job?'
you shrug, 'you took too long, i had to take matters into my own hands.' peter gives credit where credit is due, 'fine with me. i'll wear my best dress.'
you can't hold it back, it's an explosive smile. he's everything you could ever want, it's not fair to call someone perfect, but you swear he is and you've only known him for five minutes. what's the saying? when you know you know?
'i'll buy the corsage.' 
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ns-imagines · 1 year
What they drive
141 Guys x domestic/everyday life
SFW | Word Count: 1.4k | Headcannons
**Long post with lots of pictures!
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A/N: I dunno much about cars but I always wonder what the boys would be driving. See what they’re picking me up in for date night… this is just for fun and highlights the modern life they have outside of missions. Also the gif of Soap falling on the car took me out lmao. Not requested. -Kiv
John Price
A man who takes pride in his vehicles. He has two Chevy trucks. A nice truck for everyday use and a project truck. The perfect person to talk to if you are thinking of purchasing a car or truck. Price has got the “dealership scam” game down. You'll be leaving the lot with a good deal.
The project car being a 1985 Chevy C10. Price is always going on about how “this is every man's dream car to work on”. He says it everytime he opens the garage. Without fail! It's got a classic blue color with a few rust spots but, nothing a good layer of paint can't fix. Its the 90s car from the movies. Nothing else to say about it!
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Ahh the project car. Price works on it when he can. Set up a lawn chair, get a glass of lemonade, and just watch that man work. Sometimes hell even explain to you what he’s doing. That is if you can even pay attention. There’s something so attractive about a man talking about what he’s passionate about all sweaty with a nice pump. HEY, wipe that drool off your face.
Price’s personal truck is nice. It gets him from point A to B. Everything on it is stock. He’ll always tell you hes gonna sell it once his project car has been fixed. But there’s still quite a lot to do on the project car. Its a 2012 Chevy Silverado in cherry black with a covered bed. Good on gas and can pull a trailer or boat! He doesn’t invest money in it for other than maintenance costs.
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It smells specifically like “Lakeside Morning” from Bath and Body works car scents. The packaging is what got him. It was honestly super cute when he read the package out loud. “Smells like: Cool, Sweet, Fresh, and alone time on the dock” followed by a shrug and him throwing it into his cart. Does he even fish?
Oh, whenever he turns a corner in the Silverado theres a thud coming from the bed. Its a cooler that has been there FOREVER. He swears he’s going to take it out. Price brought it when 141 met for a cook out and some beers a few months ago.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Don’t ask about the APR please. Kyle is going to use this bad girl till it breaks. Its his dream car. Price took him away from base to get a better rate for it! Its fast its speedy its a 2015 Ford Shelby GT350. Oh yeah racing stripes and all. He got it wrapped in a matte ocean blue. Im talking leather seats, tinted windows, and custom wheel.
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Kyle loves this car and will always offer to pick you up. Ur always going to be passenger princess. Kyle always drives up reallll slow, rev the engine a little, and rolls down the window to smile big at you. He gets the door for you when you are both approaching the car. Don’t test him. He will literally sprint to get the door for you. An actual cutiepie
Hes so damn cute when it comes to long drives. Hand on your thigh and singing to the music together. Expect spontaneous trips!! He doesn’t even know where you guys are headed today.
Loves to speed up when there no cars in front of him. That feeling of the car pushing into you the sear is his favorite. Kyle is definitely the type to lightly bang on the steering wheel and go “Wooooooo” when returning to the normal speed limit. Hehe. Hope it didn’t freak you out too much. You will without a doubt get a few reassuring thigh squeezes.
Classic Black Ice scent. Cant go wrong with it! Its his car’s signature sent if you ask him. Kyle keeps his car clean. Theres a few half empty water bottles in the back but never straight up trash. He makes sure to buy the premium wipes for the interior. Like I said that car is his baby. Ugh did i mention the sound system?! Its absolutely amazing. You can feel the bass in your bones. Literally sounds like you’re in an air pod pro.
John “Soap” Mactavish
His car is the hangout car. Like if were going out with boys were taking Soaps car. He drives a pearl colored 2020 Honda Accord. He ordered the under the seat lights and everything. Its actually a vibe in there. The music changes the lights or he has an app on his phone to change the color. Another amazing sound system tbh.
Similar to Gaz the glovebox in the car is yours. He even puts stuff in there for you as a surprise :,). Sweet baby Johnny. Like one time you got in the car like usual and opened the glovebox to grab chapstick or some perfume/cologne and sitting on the car instruction manual was a bag/box of ur favorite snack. When you looked back over, Johnny was looking back at you with a big derpy smile.
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Since his car is the hangout car it can get messy pretty easily. He has to do “trash runs” to empty the random things people leave in his car. Dont get it wrong, It isnt nasty with random food left behind!! Soap has tried those like little trash cans on Amazon but they always end up lost under the back seats.
Johnny always goes with New Car Smell. He doesn’t have a specific brand he likes he just gets whatever’s at the gas station at the time. He also has the bad habit of never locking his car. Soap swears he always forgets to but you think its just a habit at this point.
CEO of spontaneous trips. You would never believe how much camping stuff his car can hold. Soap will give him car encouraging words as it struggles to go up the hills to the hike or camping site. He always keeps an emergency box under the passenger seat. Its shaped like tackle box. It has a first aid kit, some portable batteries with chargers, flares, and an emergency flash light. Last time you both went camping he was so excited to show you the random hatchet he bought. He keeps it in the trunk for no reason. I mean, he cant have it in the barracks so you suppose it makes sense.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Simon currently owns two bikes. Hes in the process of selling his old one. Which is a chameleon purple painted 2006 Suzuki GSXR600 with 750 cc. It gave him a good year and half off rides. He took care of it and rode it to its top speeds. It has a scuff on the side from when he tried to do a wheelie but, he was going to slow and had to jump off before it fell to its side. Your heart sunk when it happened. Ghost was super embarrassed because he thought he had it down. He’ll never tell you though.
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After a long deployment where he was getting quite a big of hazard pay (extra pay when you’re in a dangerous location) he saved it all up. As soon as he got back he bought a black 2021 Honda Rebel 1100 DCT. This bike is fast but it’s more for cursing. Trust that he’ll ride it to its max speed at least once for the adrenaline rush.
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Bought you a matching jacket. He wont say anything about it being matching but you noticed almost after putting it on. Best part about riding is when you get to wrap your arms around his waist. Simon always makes sure to take it slow especially if you get nervous on bikes. Don’t even try to do your hair. He wont move the bike unless you have the right gear on. Ghost doesn’t wanna lose you from an accident.
You are probably wondering what he does when it rains… or maybe you already knew he chooses to ride anyway. I promise though that after a ride in the rain he will slightly complain about how wet the road was. It makes you worry because so much could happen with one slip. Simon will always reassure you that he’s an experienced rider. If you pick him up in your car he won’t be upset. Definitely wont say no to a free and dry ride!
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sweetsmalldog · 7 days
Svsss Characters as Games I’ve played
Luo Binghe: Cult of the Lamb
Binghe gets CotL because while it has a beautiful and cute art design it’s also fucked as hell. The Lamb is actively slaughtering gods in revenge, sacrificing their cultists like nothing, and making said cultists do things like cannibalism and killing each other in ritual death matches. It’s both adorable and fucked up which makes it perfect for Binghe.
Shen Yuan: Cozy Grove
Cozy Grove is a day by day game where you do quests for ghosts so they can get the memories back and they can cross over into the afterlife but none of that has anything to do with why I picked it for Shen Yuan. Why I picked it for Shen Yuan is that the main character who’s a child scout get accidentally sent to the island they aren’t suppose to send scouts too because they never come back and accidentally forgets to tie their boat up and gets stranded and is totally unfazed. There are skulls on sticks and they are unfazed. You half to dig through piles of bones for some quests and guess what they are unfazed. This is the closest level of “yeah I’m totally fine in a new world no longer able to see my loved ones” to Shen Yuan’s I’ve ever seen and that’s why I picked it.
Shang Qinghua: Monster Prom
Liu Mingyan: Also Monster Prom
I’m explaining these two together because it’s the same game and I’ve picked it for similar reasons. Out of the trio of games in this series Monster Prom is arguably the most tropey, it’s about getting a prom date but everyone is a monster. And I felt they both had to be dating sims as the only other options I could see I haven’t personally played which are Office Sim and Fighting Game respectively.
Tianlang-Jun: Monster Road Trip
Similar reasoning as above but I went with Monster Road Trip because I think he’d enjoy the exploration aspect of it.
Zhuzhi-Lang: Monster Camp
The final dating sim of the list I went with Monster Camp because I genuinely think he’d enjoy it. In a depressing “not enough affection” way though.
Liu Qingge: I think he’d burst into flames if he touched a video game I’m going to be so honest
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Night in Velaris Pt. 2
Azriel x Reader
Summary: While going for the first time to a ball in Velaris, you met Azriel, with whom you feel an instant connection.
a/n. Hi! Someone asked me for a second part of my last fic, so here it is :)! It made me so happy! I would really appreciate if you tell me if you liked and your opinions about it! I hope I don't dissapoint anyone! Any advice would be appreciated. University is really stressing me, so I cannot write as much as I would want to.💔​
And please, remember English is not my first language.
Part 1 here
You were nervous as hell. You’ve met the Shadowsinger not knowing who he was, and now you had a date with him. In two hours. You’d told him where you were staying so he was going to pick you up at your place. Your friends from the Court were there with you, helping you decide what to wear, you didn’t know where he was taking you so you didn’t know if you should dress casual or elegant. You decided something in the middle, cute but not too much.
At 6pm you heard a knock on your door and you start panicking. What if he was there to tell you that it was a bad idea? Or worse, what if he had sent someone to tell you he didn’t want to see you again? He wouldn’t do that? Would he? You took a deep breath and opened your door, not before fixing your dress and your hair for the fifteenth time.
It’s in that moment when you realized how dumb you were. How didn’t you notice his shadows the previous day? The dark aura he had? Wow, you were so blind. But he was the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen and that was what you thought again since you first saw him.
“Hi.” That’s all you could say? Really? You were out of words.
Azriel was looking at you in a way you couldn’t decipher. You couldn’t help the blushing on your cheeks. “You look stunning, Y/N.” You shyly chuckled. “You think so? You don’t look too bad yourself.” It was Azriel’s time to blush. He was wearing a full black outfit, which made his syphons stand out, as with his hazel eyes. You realized then that you were wearing a dress that matched his cobalt blue syphones, you’d have to thank later your friends for that. Did he notice that too? He sure did, though you didn’t know. He was obsessed with how that colour fit you. He was thinking how perfect you were for him.
“Are you ready?” You nodded, feeling calmer now that he was there, looking at you like that. 
“Where are we going?” He smirked before looking at you as you walked side by side to god knows where. “It’s a surprise.” You loved surprises and you couldn’t wait to see what he had prepared so you kept insisting. “Please, please, pleeeease?? Not even a little hint?” Azriel loved your insistence. Well, to be fair, he was starting to love everything about you.
You walked for a bit, talking and laughing all the time. You confessed you didn’t know who he was until your friends told you. “I guess I was lucky you didn’t know or you wouldn’t have come to talk to me, am I wrong?” You thought about it.
“I’m not sure, but you would’ve ended up being the one talking to me! I could feel your stare all night!” He laughs as you accuse him. “Maybe you’re right, but you looked absolutely beautiful. Well, you still do know.”
“Oh, shut up.” A blush coloured your cheeks. “I won’t stop, I like making you blush. By the way, we’re almost there.”
“Can I know now? Please?” You try your best to convince him, using your best puppy eyes. “Well… Since we’re almost there… We’re going on a boat ride across the Sidra.” You look at him, shocked. 
“Are you joking?” Azriel started to panic. Was that a bad idea? What if you don’t like boats? Or maybe you get sick on them? “I’m sorry, I thought you may like it and since it’s your first time on Velaris you might want to see it from a different perspective, but we can change the plan if you -”
“Azriel.” You don’t let him finish. “I love the idea. It’s awesome, really! I’ve never been on a boat! I’m so excited.” You laugh. Azriel can help but laugh at your excitement, feeling better about his idea. “Okay, let’s go then.”
The boat ride was incredible. You had the best time of your life, being excited about everything you saw. In between chats about yourselves and your shared interests, Azriel explained to you some of the places you saw from the boat. It was night and everything was even more beautiful. He even had some snacks to eat during the date. You couldn’t ask for anything else. It was all laughs and smiles, and by each second that passed you were more into the Ilyrian who was with you. 
After that lovely boat ride, it was already late and the time for you to go separate ways. Azriel insisted on walking you home, but you were both sad to say goodbye to each other that the walk was quiet. Not uncomfortable but silent.
When you arrived at your place, you both started talking at the same time. “Sorry, Az. What  were you gonna say?” You laughed softly. 
“I was gonna say that I had an amazing time today, Y/N. And I’m happy you decided to spend this day with me, knowing that you’re leaving Velaris soon. You know, because of your dream of seeing all Prythian, I wish you could stay here. So thank you, I feel honoured.” You looked at him, not believing what you were hearing. He wanted you to stay.
“Actually…” He looked at you with hope in his eyes. “I might stay here for a while.” You took the decision while you were on the boat, but you didn’t tell him until that moment.
The male in front of you laughed with relief. “Are you serious, Y/N?” You giggled. “Completely serious, Azriel. This place has grown on me.” The place… and a few more things, like him.
“Only the place?” It was like he read your mind. He moved closer. 
“Well… I have some new friends… and there’s this cute male I think I’m interested in.” Your face grew warm at the admission and his closeness. 
“Interesting.” With that, he leaned down and kissed you. 
Oh, you definitely were going to stay in Velaris for a long time.
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fictarian · 1 year
Could i request Hobie w/ reader who struggles with expressing their emotions?🫶
𝐇𝐢𝐦 <𝟑 . ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 𝐏𝐭. 𝟖
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ღ I’m not gonna lie, I had such a hard time thinking of how I would portray the reader since there are multiple reasons as to why someone would struggle with expressing themselves, but I ultimately decided on making the reader reclusive, quiet, and VERY awkward. Shout out to my introverted and socially awkward followers, we’re in the same sinking boat 🔥
ღ This kind of strayed from the original request so that’s MY BAD (me when ADHD)
ღ Also, here’s the update on the votes for the next series— It’s currently tied between Miles (both 1610 and 42) and Pavitr Prabhakar, BUT, Spider Noir is currently in the lead. The voting ends when I post part 10 of ‘Him’, and that’s when I’ll choose the winner. So if you haven’t already, go ahead and vote here
ღ Good lord i’m running out of banners, maybe this is my sign to do another profile theme change
ღ Pervious part can be found here !
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• It’s a mystery to everyone as to how you and Hobie started dating, given that you both are polar opposites. And to be honest, you have no idea how you managed to bag him either LMFAO.
• You probably met him at the local record store while you were browsing through some of your favorite albums when Hobie suddenly came up to you, asking if you knew where a certain artist was. You didn’t respond to his question for a good couple of minutes, since you were still trying to comprehend the fact that a fine ass, 6’3, punk lover was actually talking to you and you weren’t dreaming.
• When you did respond, your answer came out in a jumble of loud incoherent words (y/n ahh 😭). Of course he didn’t understand what you were saying, so you repeated yourself MUCH quieter, and that didn’t help at all.
• In the end, you just pointed to where the albums Hobie wanted were located before hastily turning around while cursing yourself for fumbling so badly.
• I like to think that Hobie often hangs out with loud and extroverted people, so seeing someone that was the complete opposite of that was refreshing for him (no matter how awkward the situation was). And honestly, Hobie found it cute that he made you react like that from just him talking to you.
• So when you were at the counter paying for your albums, best believe that Hobie came up and payed for your shit as a way to engage in conversation. You did NOT know how to react to that, especially when Hobie only winked and slid you the receipt. He turned it over, which revealed a collection of numbers in messy hand writing.
• “Go head and add my number f’me, love” Your jaw dropped, causing Hobie to chuckle before he pushed himself off the counter waving goodbye to you before exiting the store.
• It took you awhile to actually message him, since you had no clue what to say. But talking to him on phone was much easier in your book, since you didn’t have to rely on your voice much and the thoughts that usually ran through your head in public were slowed.
• You started out with a simple hey and a thank you, and the conversation started from there. Since it was over text, you became a lot more at ease and relaxed while talking with Hobie. However, some (if not all) of the texts he sent made you giggle and kick your feet like a school girl 💀.
• At one point Hobie began flirting and soon, you became daring enough to flirt back.
• ‘Daring now, aren’t we? I bet you wouldn’t say all of this face to face ;)’ ‘Watch me’
• You eat those words when you two set up a place to meet up, and Hobie starts teasing you about the texts you sent NONSTOP. His teasing only makes you act worse and public, and somehow increases your stuttering x10.
• And even when he isn’t teasing you, every single thing Hobie says still makes you trip. For example, when you’re talking, and then he asks you in his deep and gritty voice ‘Speak up f’me, love. I can barley ‘ere a word that comes outta yer pretty mouth’
• 🧍
• Despite your differences and how easily it was for Hobie to make your brain rot, you two grew quite close over a short period of time.
• He’d always push you to do more things and meet more people, and even if it doesn’t work out, Hobie would always praise you for trying and getting out of your comfort zone.
• Hobie would he very supportive and patient with you, since he knows how difficult it is for you to properly get your words out. But even then, he still LOVES teasing you and seeing just how easily he effects you.
• Overall, Hobie would be your #1 hypeman and biggest supporter while also managing to be the reason of your demise
tag list ! @zalayni @luvstarrstruck @jrrantss @pixqlsin @kairiscorner @k4tsu3 @asmobeuses @maxoloqy @miirene
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redheadspark · 5 months
Helloo I Just read your new Oliver Wood fic and loved it♥️ so I thought maybe you could do 3. with Oliver Wood...? Pretty please
A/N - I love this for Oliver! Thanks for requesting this, friend!
Strong and Brave
Summary - After receiving a letter from your daughter, you and Oliver reminisce about your time at Hogwarts as 1st years
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Warnings - Just fluff!
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“How is she doing there?”
“From what she wrote, she’s having a good time, Oli,”
Oliver hummed as he was polishing his broomstick, which was perched over his knees and thighs as you were in the armchair by the open window, reading your daughters first letter from Hogwarts.  Seeing her familiar writing made your heart soar, reading how she was describing her first day at the Wizarding school and being sorted into Gyrffindor House.  All you could remember was seeing her being sent off on the Hogwarts Express a week prior, her smiling face beaming amongst the steam of the railroad and her hand waving in anticipation.
To hear from her made those restless nights drift away finally.
“She loves being in Gryffindor, already making a few friends in her House.  She even has a bed right by the window with a view of The Black Lake, she loves that,”  You said aloud as you were reading another paragraph, seeing Oliver out of the corner of your eye smile, “So far she likes her classes, but Potions is gonna be tough for her,”
“She’s lucky she’s never had to deal with Snape,” Oliver grumbled as he moved his rag to another part of the broom, “You said she’s making friends?”
“Yes, two of them already.  They eat together at meals and are study buddies: Elena and Harper.  I’m glad she has friends,” You hummed, looking up from the letter over to your husband, “I wanna write to her tonight and send it tomorrow for her,”
Oliver placed his broom, which was now shining and pristine, down on the ground as you got up from the armchair to sit next to him on the couch.  Feeling him wrap an arm around your shoulders to tuck you in, you both were looking over the handwriting of your daughter, trying to picture it all in your head.  Seeing her in crimson robes, walking along the Hogwarts hallways with her friends, it must have been thrilling for her. 
You and Oliver were dreaming of the day she would be off to Hogwarts and make her own memories.  With her inquisitive mind and curious intuition, along with her tender and empathetic heart, Poppy was going to have an amazing time within the Scotland Highlands.  You did miss her around the house, helping you tend to the garden with the herbs, or learning how to fly on her training broom with Oliver watching her closely.  Even seeing her tucked in her favorite nook with her book in her lap, Poppy was part of this home.  
You remembered bringing her home from St. Mungos as a baby, making more space for her in those four walls.  Her energy was needed in that little house, her laughter was etched along the walls and her bright eyes almost illuminated like the sun rays to bring lightness in the night.  Poppy was the best blessing you and Oliver would ever need, especially after barely surviving the Second Wizard War at Hogwarts.  
“She’s a strong one, like her mum,” Oliver explained as he looked from the letter to you, making you blush as you placed the letter on the coffee table in front of you swiftly.
“And she’s quite brave, like her Da,” You added, Oliver rolling his eyes as you poked his side, “Don’t tell me you weren’t brave as a 1st year there.”
“I wasn’t brave! I was petrified goin’ over in those boats and seein’ the castle!” Oliver exclaimed, though you were giggling as he gestured with his hands, “I didn’t know what it was goin’ to be like,”
“None of us did as kids,” You reasoned with him, nudging him in the shoulder, “I remember seeing you looking like a lost puppy when Macgonagall called your name in the Great Hall.  A cute lost puppy actually,”
Oliver blushed as he kissed the top of your head as you kept talking, “Who would have thought I would be dating that lost puppy some time later, then marrying him years and years later.  I consider myself one lucky lady,”
That alone made Oliver peer down at you with the biggest smile on his face, “Did I tell ya I love ya today already?”
“At least twice,” You replied in a giggle, Oliver giving you a sweet kiss while you curled into him. Thinking of all the memories you two shared together, both as friends and then as a couple.  You love every moment with had with Oliver, both the good and the bad.  Your foundation in return was solid and strong, the cracks that would come along were fixed with talks and moments of comfort.  There would be no one else in your life that would fill your heart to the brim, only Oliver.  And now the child you created with him helped in filling your heart even more.  
“I love ya,” He hummed against your lips.
“I love you too, Oli,” You replied, giving him one more peck on the lips before moving out of his hold and grasping the letter quickly, “Now, we need to write back to her!”
“Now?” Oliver asked in amusement as you got up from the couch quickly.
“Of course now!  Time is wasting and we have plenty to tell her!” You explained, Oliver chuckled as he got up from the couch too to follow you back to your small office next to the bedroom.  It was the start of several letters that you would write to your daughter throughout her first year:  telling her about her father winning a  major game in October, gushing in excitement to see her for the Christmas Holiday Break.
Even breaking the news that she’ll be a big sister come next September.
The End.
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April Prompt Session
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strayheartless · 10 months
its been a hot minute since I wrote any Soriku so here have some cute headcanons about my boys:
Riku is silently obsessed with the fact that Sora is smaller than him. if there is an opportunity to put his chin on Sora's head he will do it.
Sora starts struggling with insomnia after Ven, Roxas and Xion vacate his heart, but he is always more than happy to cuddle up with Riku while the other sleeps. A sure fire way to get Sora to relax enough to sleep however is for Riku to play with his hair.
Riku and Sora are the PDA couple. They have boundries obviously, but little kisses; hugs from behind, cuddling, hand holding, pet names; if its cute in a nausiating kind of vau (Roxas' and Kairis words) they will do it.
Sora cooks, Riku... doe not. you'd think Riku is the one to be trusted more in the kitchen but you'd be wrong. Riku has one speciality dish and that is frozen waffles. Sora could cook before meeting Remy but since cooking and baking at the Bistro, he has become pretty damn good.
Riku is the one that deals with technology and machinary. Sora looks at a computer wrong and it brakes. Riku is pretty good with things like coding, and trouble shooting etc. this is because he asked Leon to show him. He didn't really need Cid to teach him how to Fix the gummy ship because he grew up helping his grandad fix motor boats, but he does enjoy talking shop with Cid when they visit Radiant Gardens.
Date nights are usually somewhere fun where they can goof around and not have to worry about fighting. Riku's favorite date however, was when Sora took him to Corona during the festival of lights and they danced the day away and then sent their lanterns flying from the top of a building.
Sora's favorite date was taking Riku to the pride lands and tumbled around the paradice falls for hours just play fighting and curling up to snooze in the sun.
When they do fall asleep together -because of Riku's dream eater power- they usually share a dream scape. most of the time dreams are pretty chill, but sometimes Sora has really weird dreams that Riku would actually think were drug induced had he not spent the entire day with his boyfriend.
Speaking of dream eater Riku, he has a creature form (fight me) that sometimes gets triggered while he's awake and Sora's not. There has been quite a few times Terra has nearly shit himself after hearing a scuttling noise and looked up only to find dream eater Riku scurrying across the cieling like Stitch.
Sora knows exactly the spot under Riku's jaw (both in dream eater form and a s a human) to scritch that has Riku melting into a puddle of Keyblade master.
there! some nice fluffy stuff!
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allthingsfangirl101 · 17 days
Negotiation – Timothy McGee
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The team has been following a drug cartel focusing on selling to sailors. The cartel recently murdered a Navy Lieutenant who saw a drug deal go down.
Tension was high at NCIS as Gibbs sent Y/L/N and DiNozzo to stake out the cartel's hiding spot.
"Where the hell is Y/L/N and DiNozzo?!" Gibbs asked as he stormed into the squad room.
"I don't know," McGee stuttered. "They haven't answered my last three calls."
"Well, call again," Gibbs ordered. He sighed before changing his mind, "I'll call them."
Gibbs sat at his desk and called DiNozzo. When he didn't answer, he called Y/L/N.
"Where the hell are they?" Gibbs sighed as he slammed his phone back onto the receiver. Just then the elevator doors opened.
"What the. . ." McGee stuttered. Gibbs turned around to see a battered DiNozzo hanging onto the doors.
"Call Ducky!" Gibbs jumped up and ran to DiNozzo's side. He wrapped DiNozzo's arm around his shoulders and half-carried him to his desk. He gently sat him in his chair.
"DiNozzo," he said, "what happened?"
"They discovered us," DiNozzo said, his voice soft.
"Where's Y/L/N?" Gibbs asked.
"I tried. . . But I couldn't. . . I'm sorry, boss," DiNozzo finally got out.
"Tony," McGee said slowly. "Where is she?"
"I protected her as long as I could," DiNozzo finally explained. "They were in the process of moving us. I escaped but I didn't get to her in time."
"Y/N's still with the cartel?" McGee asked.
"I'm sorry," DiNozzo whispered. "Boss, I tried. . ."
"It's okay," Gibbs said softly. "We'll get her back."
* * * * *
Gibbs sent a team to where DiNozzo escaped from but the cartel was already gone by the time they got there. He and McGee continued looking for leads on the cartel as Ducky checked out DiNozzo. The one thing they did find out from DiNozzo and their research was the name of the head of the cartel; Antonio Mendez.
"Any luck?" DiNozzo asked as he limped into the squad room.
"No," McGee sighed. "Nothing. We've tracked down every known associate of the cartel and each lead has led us nowhere. We have no idea where Y/N is."
"We're not going to give up until we find her," Gibbs said as he walked back from Vance's office. They thought nothing of it when Gibbs's phone rang.
"Gibbs," he answered automatically. When the voice on the other end spoke up, his breath got stuck in his throat. He instantly put it on speaker.
"Missing something, Agent Gibbs?"
"Who is this?" Gibbs demanded.
"The man who has your precious Agent Y/L/N."
It felt like the air was sucked out of the room. DiNozzo and McGee stepped closer to Gibbs.
"I want proof of life."
"How cute," Antonio mocked. "Boss man is worried about you, Agent Y/L/N. Anything you want to say to him?"
The three men held their breaths as they waited for Y/N to say something. When she didn't, Gibbs did.
"Y/L/N?" He spoke up. "Talk to me, kid."
"Come on, Agent Y/L/N," Antonio teased. "Tell Agent Daddy that you're okay."
The tension in the room got worse when they heard Y/N let out a pained gasp as the terrorist slapped her.
"Your little agent is one strong bitch, Agent Gibbs," he chuckled.
"I trained her to be," Gibbs said through his teeth.
"Well, you should feel good, Agent Gibbs," Antonio laughed. "I haven't been able to break her."
"And you won't be able to," Gibbs said.
"I have an idea," Antonio laughed. "How about a visual proof of life?"
"McGee, MTAC. Now."
Gibbs and DiNozzo ran upstairs as McGee forwarded the call to MTAC. They ran into the room and waited for the screen to show Y/N. When it did, she looked worse than they were hoping.
"Y/N," Gibbs softly said her first name.
"Hey, boss," she said weakly. "You finish building your boat yet?"
"No," he chuckled lightheartedly. "Not yet."
"How'd the date with the girl from the grocery store go, DiNozzo?" Y/N asked.
"I canceled."
"She really likes you, Tony," Y/N said weakly. "You should reschedule."
"Not until we get you home," DiNozzo said firmly.
McGee ran into the room, freezing when he saw Y/N. "There's my favorite geek," she said, her voice breaking.
"Y/N," he said her name under his breath as he stepped up next to DiNozzo. "You okay?"
"I'm okay." She looked at the men around her before adding, "For now."
"You have your proof of life," Antonio said as he moved so he was blocking Y/N from their view. "If you want me not to kill her, you are going to do exactly what I say."
The last thing the three of them saw before the video disappeared was the look of fear on Y/N's face.
* * * * *
It's been almost two days since their proof of life. Antonio Mendez asked for one thing and one thing only; money. He gave them 48 hours.
"We're running out of time!" Gibbs yelled.
"SECNAV doesn't want. . ." Director Vance started.
"I don't care what SECNAV wants," Gibbs snapped. "He killed a Navy Lieutenant and now he's got a member of my team. He's got Y/N, Leon."
"I understand that, Gibbs," Vance said calmly. "I don't want to see Y/N hurt any more than you do, but SECNAV has ordered us not to comply."
"If we don't," Gibbs said, his anger still boiling, "Mendez will kill her."
"I'm sorry, Jethro. Truly, I am. Y/N is a wonderful agent. But so are you. Find her."
Gibbs stormed into the squad room and threw the case file on his desk.
"Vance not going to let us send the ransom?" DiNozzo asked, already knowing the answer.
"No," Gibbs said through his teeth. "Where are we on finding this son of a bitch?"
"We still haven't gotten a hit on facial recognition from the snapshots we took during the proof of life video," DiNozzo sighed.
"I may have gotten a location though," McGee said. Ever since that video, McGee has been glued to his computer trying to find any lead on where they're keeping Y/N or the group that has her.
"Before I went up to MTAC, I started tracing the video," McGee continued to explain. "I got a hit. It's an abandoned building at the port."
"Let's go."
They grabbed their gear but froze when Gibbs's phone started to ring.
"Is that. . ." McGee didn't finish.
"Trace it," Gibbs ordered.
"You're out of time," Antonio said sing-songy right as Gibbs answered.
"I've got your money."
McGee and DiNozzo shared a look.
"Where would you like to meet?" Gibbs asked the guy.
"Thanks to your lovely Agent Y/L/N," Antonio sneered, "I've been keeping track of you and your team."
"I'm sorry, boss," came Y/N's voice. She sounded weaker than she did two days ago.
"It's alright, Agent Y/L/N," Gibbs said gently. "You did what you had to do to stay alive."
"He didn't threaten me," she said, her voice breaking. "He threatened all of you. I was just trying to. . ."
She let out a small scream that made Gibbs's blood boil. "Don't you dare hurt her," he warned.
"Little late for that, Agent Gibbs," Antonio laughed. The team froze when a gunshot went off. The room was silent until Mendez spoke up.
"Negotiation over."
Part 2
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zaynes-nieve · 5 days
Zayne: Moonlit Spoilers below!
Memory Reaction!
Okay so we gave a Jade, and it's freaky.
Oh were going on a trip with Zayne fun
Wait. What do you mean that tunnel wasn't there before 😭.
Ain't no way we isekaied. WE DID. AINT NO WAY WE TIME TRAVELED. What in the fanifc. What in the a03!
Oooh yeah get that bag sis. Though how much is 5 cents in this world.
How does this job work tho like without the evol as a History Major now I'm curious 🤔
Oh shit we got separated. Damn how we lose my man so quickly 🙏🏾 😭
Wait. Sick Girl.... Doctor? *Brain making that connection immediately* Awww fuck yeah my boo is around here somewhere
Also how he already get a boat????
Zaynnnnne 💙 ❄️ *fan girl rolling*
AWWWW HE WAS LOOKING FOR MEEEE. Also did he think I would still be in my modern clothes 😭 (He has no faith in us)
Why I think your v neck would be higher until the Kindled. Like I don't mind the view but old century propriety got thrown out ig
NOT THE DOCTOR RP AGAIN, we wild for this one.
New goal find pendant gotcha.
Awwww he carried us! Not the wet shoes tho.
Damn not us walking out the shop. This game got a little too real with that one. I be mad embarrassed
LOL old man is blind as a bat! Or did Zayne inhabit a past life's body????
Zayne the Roleplayer/Con Artist
He is getting a little to good at this
Lol he took one look at me and decided he didn't want to know
"So you elope", LMFAO get this Old man's VA a raise XD
Awwe the domestic life. Going to pick up the hubby from work
Benno is a cute kid/and a gossip
Aww he got hurt. Art is pain or sum shit
Damn a time travel date, here we go!!!!
He is talking a little too smart for me
"Look at Me" Homie you don't need to tell me. I haven't looked away from your chest once
Carving project date commence
Oooh pretty moon
He is out like a light
Let's mess with him den ig
Damn I will be buying this man lipgloss when we get back
Were you ever alseep???
Yall ain't gonna be carving nunthing.
Mc and Zayne are the most horny on main-
Damn we got sent flying. Did the boat rock that badly?
Ooh I'm the Moon! Love that for me. But also I don't like the imagery associated with in Chinese culture 😭 . That Chang'e movie that came out (Over the Moon) psychically hurts me
Yeah nothing is getting done tonight
Now Kiss (not the cutaway, we back to that????)
Awww not him "nervously" why they put that in air quotes? Idk? waiting for the Jade judgement
YEAH BE EMBARRASSED For two people who aren't into PDA yall be throwing it in people's faces (....maybe they are into pda now that I think about it)
Lol we went back and bought that poor man's bracelet. Happy ending for him
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prismozo · 1 year
You Fell First!
Tumblr media
☆Warnings: None
☆Genre: Friends to lovers
☆Character(s)/Person: Eijiro Kirishima & Katsuki Bakugo
☆Pls Enjoy!! This is my first time actually writing for a fandom i’m not active in anymore!
You never fully understood how you felt towards your friends I mean.. they're your friends? but somewhere in your heart you knew these weren't friendly feelings.. going out of your way to hold Kirishima's hand or purposely annoying Bakugo because you thought the face he made was cute.
You ignored those feeling you had because it didn't make sense?? You didn't like them both, you just loved them a lot like a best friend would.. right?
Even if you ignored those feelings and pushed them away everyone else noticed..
Midoriya noticed the instant smile on your face just hearing their voices or just seeing them around.
Kaminari noticed how you eventually became more touchy and always found a way to be close to them no matter what.
Mina noticed the sparkle in your eyes just at the mention of one of them.. you were oblivious to all these things and so were Kirishima and Bakugo but everyone knew you were in love.
Without realizing it you became concerned with your looks and what you wore around them, even simple movie night had you throwing around clothes and putting on the slightest of make up so you looked presentable.. odd isn't it?
While you were concerned with your own feelings you failed to noticed the change in Kirishima's behavior.. he went out of his way to buy you gifts or to hang out with you, even as far as calling you late at night because he "couldn't sleep without talking to you first".. It was so painfully for everyone involved to watch all three of you be oblivious to your feelings for each other but they still never said anything even though they noticed the big changes especially with Bakugo.
Midoriya immediately noticed the change in Bakugo's behavior, He had a small but apparent smile always sitting on his lips whenever he was around you two. It was almost scary watching him act like this.. he was so gentle when he would mess up your hair or slightly tug on your backpack when you walked in front of him in the hall.
The changes were frightening to everyone on the outside but it seemed like normal Bakugo to you and Kiri.
You three love struck idiots still continued to have slight changes in your behavior around each other all the way up to graduation and into your hero careers. Any sane person would assume you three were dating or something but no.. so even as it got so painfully obvious to all of your friends that you all liked each other no one made a move.
Well till your camping trip, your parents had reached out and mentioned your grandfathers cabin that you used to go to when you were younger which led to you asking if they had any plans to go there.. they said no and sent you the spare key which ended up in you asking your best friends if they could get a couple days off and take a trip with you.
They both were able to get four days off which is surprising especially since they're both in the top 10, either way the trip was set and Kiri called being the driver so it seemed like you and Bakugo would be fighting over the aux until someone fell asleep.
You sat in the huge king size bed that could fit like six people as Bakugo stood in the doorway "No fuckin way we all have to share a bed" It was right of you and Kiri to assume he was serious but eventually you both found out he wasn't.
Day one of the trip was calm, you all went to the lake and swam around for a while before Bakugo went inside to prepare dinner while you and Kiri got a fire started outside.
Day two was a lot between all the stuff they both wanted to do, you all ended up swimming, catching fish, sailing out on your grandparents boat, and cooking dinner together.
Day three was boring.. for you, the sun for the first two days ended up being a lot for you so you had to sit out and rest on day three so you don't really know what the boys did.
Day four.. it was almost like you were in a movie, you were all super touchy with Kiri like you been the whole trip on the morning hike Bakugo insisted you all did and he just blew a fuse, he went off on a rant of you two making him a third wheel and doing all the touchy stuff behind his back.
"Katsuki wait!" It was raining hard and you could barely see which direction he ran of to down the mountain but he was probably headed for the cabin right? You and Kiri frantically called his name at the top of yours lungs trying to be louder then the pouring rain.
The rain had lightened up making it easier to find Bakugo, you and Kiri had spilt up to cover more ground and you ended up wondering off the trail only to find him on a bench soaked in rain water "Oh my goodness Katsuki you scared the shit out of us" You walk over the rocks and sit next to him on the bench "Fuck off I don't wanna be bothered" Almost like clock work Kiri found you both before you could call out to him "Jesus man you had us worried what are you doing out here" He's now standing in front of you two causing Bakugo to stand to his feet "I'm heading back to the cabin".
You reach out to grab him but Kiri beats you to it "Before you do I want to say something first" He only mumbles to himself before sitting down "Hurry it up" Your ears perk as Kiri opens his mouth to speak "I'm just going to get straight to the point" You nod as he looks between you both "I'm in love with both of you, I don't know how or why but it started near the end of our first year at UA... I realized that the feelings I thought were friendly weren't and I didn't understand how I could feel the exact same about two people at the same time. I wish I said something earlier because I've been holding this in for so long but I was afraid of how you both would react and I didn't wanna lose the most important people to me" Tears well up in your eyes but it's hard to tell because of you bein soaked in rain but you felt relieved knowing you weren't alone dealing with confusing feelings..
You opened your mouth to reply but nothing came out and before you could even try again Bakugo speaks up "I feel the same.. my feelings started developing around the same time and confused me so much" Smiling like an idiot you rub you eyes before attempting to lighten up the mood "Well mine started developing exactly a month into our friendship in our first year so I win because I fell first!" They both laugh as Bakugo turns to hit you softly in your shoulder "It's not a competition dumbass" Laughing you punch him back before Kiri interrupts "I hate to be a party pooper but we should probably get out this rain before we get sick" You and Bakugo agree and get up to make your way back towards the trail.
Back at the cabin you all sit under the blankets in your dry and warm pajamas "With the rain picking back up along with the wind getting harsher I think it's best if we leave tomorrow" Everyone agrees with your words as you grab your phone to email your sidekick.
With the extra day because of the weather you all talked through your feelings and how your relationship would be along with other things such as boundaries.
You all felt comfortable with this arrangement so the rest just came naturally so like dates, plans with friends, and even different work schedules were easy to work around as time went on.
You fell first but they fell harder.. but you still won because you fell first duh.
Jeez this was a lot i started writing this at 12:38 am and finished at 2:33 am.. i have school but i really wanted to get this out my brain!!
i didn’t proof read this so i apologize for any mistakes!
the whole camping trip is inspired by my favorite Youtube VA Yuzuya!!
if you would like to hear that part of the story told a little differently in a x listener audio
click here ➡︎ Yuzuya Summer Series
Tysm for reading and if you would more Kiribaku x reader from me lmk!! I don’t write much but i will about my fav ship :3!
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Canon MDZS couples and how they spend Valentine's Day:
WangXian: isn't every day Valentine's for them? Even if they always do romantic things for one another, they're doing the most today: flowers, chocolates, cute dates, thoughtful gifts, love letters, champagne/wine, several broken bathtubs - the whole experience! They recreate some of their most beloved memories, such as the first time Lan Zhan got drunk and partook in theft - but Lan Zhan insists to be sober this time and steals chickens and loquats for Wei Ying, shameless and straight-faced. Wei Ying loves him so much. They rent a boat and cruise around the waters of Caiyi Town, having dinner and some drinks under the moonlight. They almost capsize the boat with how much they're rocking it after. Nothing gets done today but each other. It is strictly forbidden to come within 50 meters of the jingshi in all directions during Feb 14th and everyone embarrassingly knows why.
XuanLi: Jin Zixuan is so lost but he's trying so hard. He gets Yanli a ton of gifts because that's what you're supposed to do, right? She now has more jewelry, accesories and makeup than she would need in 3 lifetimes. Jinlintai is full of candy and flowers for the next two months. Zixuan takes her on a romantic date on whatever the mdzs equivalent of a rooftop restaurant is and then flies her on his sword to look at the stars. Yanli gets him a set of very fine brushes and some fancy jewelry he'd been wanting, and wears something really nice underneath her robes for him. A-Ling may or may not have been conceived today.
Wei Changze & Cangse Sanren: Cangse drags him every place where there's something Valentine's related going on. She gets him every heart shaped thing money can buy. Wei Changze has to sneak around to buy her something too - she's too excited to buy her man gifts to care about herself! Every one of her sentences either begins or starts with I love you. Wei Changze is very flustered about it. They get each other a beautiful set of expensive silk robes and delight into some wine and various marital activities after.
MianMian and her husband: they have a small child and babysitting is especially difficult to find on Valentine's Day, so they have a nice dinner somewhere they'd been wanting to go and exchange some small gifts. MianMian's husband also writes her several heartfelt poems. When they get home, they make it a point to bring their little one some heart shaped chocolates.
Madam Yu and Jiang Fengmian: JFM has a beautiful bouquet of flowers sent to the madam's chambers alongside a small gift. Madam Yu scoffs about it but she's slightly less wrathful that day. Only slightly. She doesn't get JFM anything but that's expected. He's more than happy that she yells at him less.
Madam Jin and Jin Guangshan: JGS tells JGY to deal with it and just sign his name on the card or something. He's celebrating in his own... manner. Madam Jin knows JGS had absolutely nothing to do with the beautiful gift and the fine flowers, which makes her especially bitter when JGY delivers them.
Jin Guangyao and Qin Su: JGY hates Valentine's Day so much because he's expected to celebrate it with his wife... and he can't. He makes himself especially busy and plans trips to nowhere in particular just to have an excuse not to be in Jinlintai, but he does have gifts delivered for Qin Su and writes her a letter apologizing he couldn't celebrate with her. She believes the excuses at first, but it happens every year and she sort of... expects it. He's stopped being loving and affectionate to her when A-Song was born, and even more so when he died. At least he had a good bottle of wine delivered for her too...
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