#Sensitivity Training
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djkerr · 5 months ago
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Come on. Sensitivity training. Let's be sensitive.
Ah, you know what? I think Howard planted those diapers, so we would have to do this.
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Now I want everyone to walk And do something simple like tie your shoes. This is what it's like to be 80 years old.
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I'm sorry I take naps, but now you know why. All... all day, it hurts.
I think Howard could use all of your support right now.
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This is not happening.
TGW 07x05 Payback
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the-zapped-part-timer · 3 months ago
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shewhoworshipscarlin · 11 months ago
And speaking of tough guys, I’m getting a little tired of hearing that after 6 policemen get arrested for shoving a floor lamp up some black guy’s ass and ripping his intestines out, the police department announces they’re gonna have sensitivity training. I say “hey, if you need special training to be told not to jam a large cumbersome object up someone else’s asshole, maybe you’re too fucked up to be on the police force in the first place huh?” --George Carlin
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Autoreactive T cells have to take a weeklong sensitivity training course.
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tielt · 3 months ago
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cirimotas · 10 months ago
Dr. Danilo Nomaba and His Required Sensitivity Talk About 'The Religion'
Someone in the department received an email. Another request was made from the lab for sensitivity training about “the religion”. A few of the lab assistants had upset another group of workers. The words “It all sounds like the same thing” was followed by cringes and groans and sneers, and now somebody needed to clean up and clarify the different sects. Again.
The department had a list of Ibapuso faculty and staff that could “educate.” It was one of Ida Kane’s proactive moves when she took her new position as the Human Resources administrator. The issue was constantly returning to the supervisor’s office, and the chore of education was monitored haphazardly. The list was supposed to be egalitarian. Everyone who was capable of doing it was placed on the list. For the most part, it was working. It was fair.
So now who was it going to be? Ida flipped through her spreadsheets and was relieved. The next name on the list was Dr. Danilo Nomaba. She didn’t know him, but his last name seemed to follow the name conventions of…the religion? (Which sect? She had no clue.) She checked his location. Fantastic. Dr. Nomaba worked at the very lab. Why hadn’t they approached him before looping the home office? Who cared… He was next.
Ida typed up an email.
"Good evening,
I hope this email finds you well. We have received a request from your lab for someone to speak about your culture. Based on my records, you have yet to give a talk, so you’re up next! You don’t need any materials. You can just speak from the heart and your lived experiences. Be as authentic as you deem necessary. 
Please give your talk by the end of the week.
para sa para sa espiritu ng pamilya at bunga ng buhay salamat opo
I hope I wrote that okay. 
Thank you.
Kind regards, 
Ida Kane"
Ida felt good about this one. She sent the email and included his supervisor Dr. Tanning.
Not even five minutes later, she received an email from Dr. Tanning.
"Dammit, Ida. Your email gave me hemorrhoids. Why didn’t you ask me first? He is not equipped for this. Please find someone else.
Jim Tanning"
The audacity. 
"Jim, thank you for your email. For fair division of work, Dr. Nomaba will need to participate. It wil be a good way to make him and everyone else feel like they are part of a team. This will be an excellent way to improve our work culture.
If Dr. Nomaba is not equipped, I will create a presentation outline and slides. They will be ready for him to use tomorrow. I will be present to make sure everything goes smoothly and that he is set up for success.
See you tomorrow morning.
That’ll show him.
Then another email popped into her inbox. From Dr. Nomaba.
It read:
will try regards, D
Terse. Not entirely professional. Despite that, Ida smirked and forwarded the email to Dr. Tanning with a single statement. 
See you tomorrow.
When Ida arrived at the lab the next day, she was greeted by strange looks. Most of the employees seemed to be in the middle of certain tasks that required space. She made sure to respect that. She clutched her bag closer to herself to ensure she took up as little space as possible in the busy halls. Still, it didn’t hurt to catch a glimpse of what sort of work they were doing through the windows. One room, a chemist lab. The next, a clean room with different devices and full body suits. She had no clue what was going on.
Ida needed to focus. She could ask questions later. She directed herself to Dr. Tanning’s office, a room with the door ajar in a tight hallway. She knocked on the doorframe and then let herself in.
Eyes were quickly on her. Dr. Tanning, of course, with his large and drooping eyes. Then, a blank stare with bags under the eyes from a tired looking younger gentleman.
With a quick nod, Ida said, “Good morning, Jim. Is this Dr. Nomaba?”
The younger gentleman yawned a big yawn. He was waiting for Dr. Tanning to say something. His fingers were twisting and turning around each other. His outfit generally disheveled. It wasn’t necessarily what she though of when she thought a doctor in a lab.
Dr. Tanning finally spoke after a long sigh. He gestured to the gentleman. “Yes, yes. This is Dr. Nomaba.”
“Excellent,” Ida said. She directed her attention to Dr. Nomaba and extended a hand to shake. “It’s very nice to meet you.”
Dr. Nomaba blinked at her and then looked down at her extended hand. He cocked his head—one direction, then another—as if he were scrutizing her hand with great care. Finally, he gave her hand a quick, firm shake. 
“Let’s get this done then,” he said.
“Yes, the conference room is already set up. All you have to do is set up your computer, Ida. I’ll round up the ‘heathens,’” Dr. Tanning announced. 
Interaction between herself and Dr. Nomaba was minimal. As they had walked to the conference room, his eyes were glued to a digital tablet. A green hue illuminated his face. He remained stoic, even through her own noisy puttering around the conference room. 
A slow line of employees entered the room. Several of them stared, almost in shock, at the sight of Dr. Nomaba’s presence. Ida wasn’t sure what that meant, but she grew nervous when she realized the doctor wasn’t even regarding the people in any way or even engaging with her about the presentation. No matter… It was an easy presentation unless he didn’t know anything. 
Ida finished connecting her computer and pulled the white screen over the board. She turned to Dr. Nomaba. His face was still green. His eyes were still intently looking at the tablet display. How could anyone see him as a authority figure looking like that? She loudly cleared her throat. Everyone except the doctor gave their attention to her. 
Ida placed herself directly next to him. No response. She tapped his shoulder. He jumped and finally looked at her.
A tight smile pulled across her face when Dr. Tanning walked into the room. He sat in the back with his arms crossed.
“Okay, Dr. Nomaba. The presentation is ready for you.”
“Okay,” was his response. He put his tablet down and went to the board.
This was incredibly easy. It was an insult to the doctor to claim he couldn’t do this. Ida made a mental note to write a report about Dr. Tanning’s discriminatory behavior toward Dr. Nomaba.
Ida watched him scan his surroundings and then to the computer screen. Her heart dropped to her stomach when she saw him sneer. She glanced back at Dr. Tanning. The man looked satisfied with himself. For a moment. Ida tried to stay hopeful. She gave a supportive smile and a thumbs up to Dr. Nomaba. It seemed to go unnoticed.
Dr. Nomaba scrolled through something on her computer and then sighed. He slapped a button and the opening page of Ida’s presentation glowed onto the screen. His sneer seemed to worsen.
“So I guess I’m talking about this?” His voice dripped with disbelief.
Had he not read the email?
“Is it really that important?” A huff. “Fine.”
The first set of text was simply the title: The Religion.
Instead of jumping into the talk, Dr. Nomaba directed his attention to the screen. “The religion. What religion? The Resurgence? The New Resurgence? The New Revivalists—no, no…they’re the cult… yeah… Maybe the True Beginning? No. That’s not relevant anymore. People don’t practice that anymore. Not here anyway. Excuse me, Ms. um…”
“Yes?” Ida sat up. Maybe she could give him a little more direction. 
The doctor gestured a finger at the screen. “What is this?”
“Well, um. We’ve had a complaint about insensitive remarks about…this?”
“What about it? Which ‘this’?”
A small voice from the group said, “What’s the difference between all the sects? They seem…”
“Stupid? Irrelevant? Unimportant? Nonexistent?”
Oh no. Ida piped up. “I think what she meant was—”
“No. I know what she meant.” Dr. Nomaba gave the screen a good long look. More disgust. He grabbed a marker, and behind everyone, Dr. Tanning made a protesting, strangled sound. 
“This ‘religion’ has many sects, yes? But there is basically no difference between them and anyone who says otherwise is an idiot and should reevaluate their confidence in their critical thinking skills. Now,” Dr. Nomaba started, popping the top off the marker with his teeth, “I did say there’s no difference, but that’s technically not true.”
Ida’s eyes went wide, her jaw dropped as he began writing on the screen. She looked back at Dr. Tanning. The man pressed a palm on one of his temples. She could have sworn she heard him say, “That’s a permanent…marker…” The workers maintained calm demeanors. As though this wasn’t surprising behavior.
On the screen was a list of names with a sect jotted next to them. “The major difference is that each sect has a different charismatic narcissist claiming that their interpretation of the scripture is different. But they read and interpret the same thing, with the same conclusions… but with varying volumes of their voices during their sermons.”
Dr. Nomaba wrote down a list on the screen, an outline of the sects. 
It made her list look incomplete.
This new outline became a flow chart. 
"The Original Great Beginning
The True Beginning
The Great Beginning
The Great Surge
The Original Surge
The New Surge
The Original Resurgence
The Resurgence
The New Resurgence
The Revival
The New Revivalists"
“They all occur in different parts of history. Possibly due to some historical event, but there isn’t much literature on the earlier iterations. But…” Dr. Nomaba took a dry eraser and tried to erase the list of names from the earlier sects. Nothing happened. He looked from the screen to the eraser and then back to the screen.
“Huh…” Dr. Nomaba sighed heavily, almost in frustration. Maybe with himself. He gave a quick shake of the head and then…he…continued…writing… on the screen. Writing with a certain intensity that only someone thinking ‘fuck it’ would say. Almost angry, even. He tossed the marker in the trash when he was done writing. It was only then that Ida noticed that there were notes written on the whiteboard. 
‘Danilo, do not use markers.’
‘Dr. Nomaba, please use screen for presentations.’
‘These markers are permanent. Don’t use.’
Why? Why have permanent markers in the room? She had no clue why. That was a separate issue. Her eyes lifted from the marker in the trash to Dr. Nomaba’s face. His face had a healthy spackling of ink from the marker.
“Look at the names of these sects. They mean absolutely nothing. The Great Surge is the first sect to have a date of establishment mentioned. It was, of course, listed at Year Zero, which is our Year 325. I think. It’s obviously arbitrary and it sets the year things were established back to Zero. Every. Single. Sect. That is seven resets for each and  every one of them. And it all means nothing. Absolutely nothing. So if someone asks what the difference is there is none except for dates and names which can easily be researched. If someone gets upset when you suggest there’s no difference, then they are ignorant and not worth your time with this particular conversation and you should refuse to continue a conversation about the ‘religion’ until they stop being so damned sensitive.”
Dr. Nomaba suddenly set a glare at Ida. She felt a shiver overcome her.
“Is that it?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Can I leave now?” he asked. He was already grabbing his tablet and heading toward the door. He gave an absent wave to the people in the room and said, “Ask Dr. Elamoni for any further questions.”
Ida watched him disappear. Maybe he was a bit too familiar with ‘the religion’. Or maybe he was being a bit too authentic.
She looked at Dr. Tanning, who had just stepped in front of the ruined screen. He shook his head.
“I need to add another screen to the order list.” He gumbled. “Third time this quarter…”
Maybe Ida would need to add some notes for the list. And maybe set up a one-on-one with Dr. Nomaba. Or a sensitivity training.
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lifewithaview · 2 years ago
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Justin Chambers and Jerry Kernion in Grey's Anatomy (2005– ) How Insensitive
Bailey preps the team with mandatory sensitivity training prior to admitting a 700-pound patient with compounded medical issues, and the case proves to be challenging. Meanwhile Derek has to come face to face with a former patient's husband in a wrongful death deposition, and spending time with a heart patient's daughter opens up some old wounds for Cristina.
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visenyaism · 5 months ago
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revisiting daenerys chapters
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burgersdayoff · 8 months ago
im sorry i struck a nerve with the last one dungeon meshi fandom. dont worry guys i got rid of the bad man let me back in please
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just kidding btw. get help
+ bonus
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megamindsupremacy · 3 months ago
So like, y'all know that popular Star Wars fic trope of Time Traveling Obi-Wan Kenobi where he dies and then wakes up in his 11ish year old body back in the Jedi Temple? You know how usually he wakes up, has a few minutes/hours of confusion, and then goes about trying to act like he was at age 11 while slowly fixing everything wrong with the Jedi Order? Personally I think he would not do that.
I think that Ben "Lived As A Wizard Hermit For Two Decades On Tattooine, Left, And Then Died Immediately" Kenobi would wake up as an eleven-year-old, have a panic attack, attack the nearest adult Jedi while accusing them of Doing Weird Sith Shit To His Brain, fucking flee, only then realize he has time traveled, steal someone's ship, go flying out of the temple to god knows where, continue panicking, crash into a random moon while distracted, nearly die, build a survival camp out of his broken ass ship and eat whatever bugs he can find, get kidnapped by pirates, overthrow said pirates, steal their ship, and then very calmly return to the Jedi temple like nothing happened.
Then and only then do I think he would start trying to act like a normal human person (while also dodging questions such as "what the fuck was that" and "where were you" and "is that a pirate's ship?"), except he'd be bad at it due to having lived as an Insane Wizard Desert Hermit for the past twenty years who has experienced enough trauma and time that he doesn't super well remember the details of his childhood, what with all of the wars and death and wars and such.
His acting convinces nobody, but nobody is sure what exactly to do about All Of That so he's for the most part left alone (after very vehemently refusing sptherapy), all the way up until he catches a glimpse of palpatine out of the corner of his eye and then its On Sight
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the-zapped-part-timer · 2 months ago
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autumndragon · 2 months ago
i'm rewatching the night and the fury because it's one of my favorite dagur-related episodes, and,
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the look on dagur's face when he declares hiccup his enemy and hiccup accepts it without hesitation, lowkey hurts me.
i mean
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his expression changes from anger to surprise to upset.
it makes me think some part of dagur was hoping for hiccup to object to it, to say they were still brothers or something like that, and that it pained him to hear hiccup didn't actually care.
dagur made such a big deal out of them being brothers, and I think he expected hiccup to feel the same, which probably made the "betrayal" worse for him, fueling his anger and need for revenge. in his eyes, hiccup didn't even fight for their brotherhood, picking a dragon over him with no hesitation, and it enraged him.
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howtodrawyourdragon · 2 months ago
Does Berk think Hiccup is frivolous in Httyd 1? Maybe a little bit aloof?
Stoick tells him to stop joking around in the opening scene of the movie, after the dagons have left. "This isn't a joke, Hiccup!" He tells him. And he tells him that after his rant about how he has things to worry about, like making sure the village doesn't starve in the coming winter, Hiccup answers to with a sassy "the village could do with a little less feeding, don't you think?" Which really only manages to make Stoick even more mad.
After their first lesson in dragon training, Gobber asks the class "where did Hiccup go wrong?" and Astrid's response is "he's never where he should be." I think she means it literally. Why is Hiccup, of all people, in dragon training? Ruffnut and Tuffnut make sense. Snotlout makes sense. Even Fishlegs makes sense. (especially since Fishlegs has already shown effort by memorizing the Book of Dragons, effort Astrid clearly approves of given her shock at the twins and Snotlout disregarding Gobber's order to read the book.)
But Hiccup? Hiccup McSassyPants? Who gets told that his village could starve in the winter and answers with "well maybe they should eat less"? Who steps outside during a raid and actually causes more damage than the dragons pretending he's capturing a Night Fury? What is he doing in dragon training? That class literally ended with Hiccup almost losing his life to a Gronckle.
This is further backed up when after she has to protect both herself and Hiccup from a Deadly Nadder, which happened because Hiccup wasn't paying attention the whole time, getting them both in trouble. (Which is because he's fixating on figuring out a certain Night Fury, but they don't know that. To them, it just looks like he's annoying Gobber with meaningless questions. Why are you asking about the Night Fury? The one dragon who's single instruction is "hide and pray it doesn't find you"?) She explicitly asks him "Is this some kind of a joke to you?"
Followed up by "Our parent's war is about to become ours. Figure out which side you're on."
Once again someone questions Hiccup about how serious he takes things. But it's more than that, she's trying to give him a wake up call! Wake up, Hiccup, our parents are actually fighting a genuine war here and someday it'll be your turn! Stop making everything a joke before you get yourself or someone else killed!
Astrid actually isn't as much against Hiccup at this point as people often believe. There are actually a few points in which she eithers feels sorry for him or tries to help him in her own Astrid-y way. (And if the deleted scene hadn't been deleted, there would've been an almost friendly conversation had between the two before dragon training even starts)
Let's also not forget Hiccup's and Stoick's talk before dragon training even starts. When Stoick shows some actual vulnerability by laying his son's life in his son's and Gobber's hands when he decides to give in and let Hiccup go to dragon training while he's off on a voyage.
Hiccup tells his father "I don't wanna fight dragons!" in a tone that is rather pleading. To which is father chuckles and says to him "come on, yes you do!"
Remember in the opening, Hiccup practically makes the claim that he lives and breathes to kill dragon, it's "who he is." And now he suddenly claims he doesn't want to fight dragons at all? Can't fight them?
Stoick keeps his tone light, telling his son that he will fight dragons, don't you worry about that, Hiccup. With Hiccup doubling down that he's very extra-sure that he can't fight dragons, which makes Stoick double down in return, his levity disappearing.
"Can you not hear me?" Hiccup asks, desperate to be heard.
"This is serious, son!" Says Stoick. Which makes this three times that Hiccup is explicitly told to take something serious. (And you can just see the disbelieve or realization in Hiccup's eyes as he's once again not being listened to.)
(Followed by Stoick telling him to act like everyone else and to stop being Hiccup, which gets him, you guessed it, a sarcastic remark from Hiccup.)
We know that Hiccup changed his mind about participating in dragon training because he found out he couldn't kill Toothless. (or rather, he can't kill the scared and the defenseless, as the Red Death would later show) But Stoick doesn't know that. Berk actually seems to know very little about Hiccup and that's why they think that he's joking around at all times.
I'm willing to bet that the "disasters" he causes "every time he steps outside" aren't much of a help either. (and I wonder how many of these are actually Hiccup's fault or if Hiccup happened to be involved, so the blame is just automatically put on him.)
And this isn't a post to bash Hiccup. I love him to death, I love his sass as much as any other fan. And I am very much of the opinion that Hiccup's sass is a defense mechanism.
His feelings get hurt, so he tries to hurt someone else's back. Like when he probably feels guilty about his father worrying about the village getting through the winter, so he makes that comment about how the village could eat less to offset that guilt. (Which again, only makes Stoick angrier.) And I think the proof is in the rest of the franchise.
Hiccup sasses the most when he's 15-16, a.k.a from Httyd 1 to DoB. But by the time we see him again in RttE (chronologically) he sasses a little less and in a friendlier and more playful context, but he has also matured to deal with his negative feelings differently. RttE is, chronologically, when Stoick actually begins to consider if his son is ready to be chief. He can see how much Hiccup has matured, especially when there's such physicaly distance between them. It's the equivalent of not seeing someone over summer break or watching someone go traveling and see how much they've changed when you reunite with them.
(also, he can knock Snotlout unconscious with a single punch, I bet that helps as well.)
But it is the way Hiccup chooses to defend himself, giving sassy comments (think "Thanks, I was trying!" to Snotlout's comment about the mess he made) to either painful comments about him or actual serious statements like the ones Stoick makes that still gets him in the feels that make him seem so shallow and unserious in the eyes of Berk.
Then there is his apparent history of crying wolf. When he actually does manage to shoot down a Night Fury, his father doesn't believe him and Hiccup explicitly says "this isn't like the last few times, I mean I really actually hit it! It went down!"
When you combine all of this, you get a teenager who doesn't appear to take anybody serious, including the lives of himself and others. Terrible traits to have as a person, let alone when you're the chief's son.
Somehow, a narrative of frivolity and aloofness was build around Hiccup that he just could not escape no matter how much he tried to crawl out of it. At some point, Berk put him in a box, marked it "jokester" and Hiccup's efforts to get out of that box only grew and grew. When his efforts failed, whenever he sassed back, Berk just pushed him even deeper into that box. Not looking further into what Hiccup actually needed or was trying to say.
Do I think Berk was right? Not at all, because this is all surface-level, things Hiccup legitimately says and does to protect himself and nobody realizes this.
Toothless doesn't speak a single word to him during the Forbidden Friendship scene, yet he can get across exactly what he expects from Hiccup (mainly "keep your distance, I don't trust you enough") without being mean about it. He doesn't snap, he doesn't bare his teeth. He just gives him faces that Hiccup understands. Only growling or hissing when Hiccup passes a boundary Toothless very clearly isn't comfortable with. (or, let's say, when his feelings are hurt, like when Hiccup steps on toothless' first drawing.)
And it's because he's not mean about it that he actually makes more progress with Hiccup in half a day than Berk does his entire 15 years.
And that's sad. That's what this post is about. About how sad it is that Berk takes Hiccup at a very shallow level and decides that must be his entire self as a person.
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kopykunoichi · 11 months ago
Refresher for the people still confused about this...
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In a galaxy far, far away, EVERYONE has midi-chlorians in their blood. The Force resides in all living things. It binds the whole galaxy together. Midi-chlorians are what allow beings to commune with the Force. The more midi-chlorians you have, the more potential you have to RESPOND TO and WIELD the Force. But notice that Asajj couches her statement with the line that those with a higher m-count were "believed" to be more capable of wielding the Force. There's a correlation, but it's not necessarily the only factor (see Sabine Wren).
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This is the moment where the clones literally become stand-ins for the fans.
"What? If you can use the Force, you're a Jedi!"
No. If you can use the Force, you can use the Force. To use it as a Jedi uses it, you have to train as a Jedi. To use it as a Sith uses it, you have to train as a Sith. To use it like a Nightsister, you have to train as a Nightsister. Or you can get some rudimentary instruction and decide how you want to use it.
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Jango Fett didn't have a high m-count, so his clones didn't either. But Omega and the rest of the Batch were special cases. As Cut said, the Kaminoans create with a purpose. Their deviations were intentional. Hunters abilities have always suggested he had a higher m-count than the others. But Omega's ability to perceive things before they happen (her bad feelings are nearly always spot on) and her affinity with animals have always been hints that her m-count is a little higher.
(Will update with screen grabs when I get them)
At the end of the episode, Omega asks Ventress if she has a high m-count.
Ventress: *looking at her nails* From what I've seen...no.
Omega: Then why is the Empire after me?
Ventress: Believe it or not, I don't know everything. But seeing as how a high m-count would make you a target, consider yourself lucky.
Omega: But I'm already a target.
Wrecker: Don't worry about it, kid. We'll figure it out. C'mon, let's get some chow.
Omega: *sigh* Thanks for trying.
Once they're out of earshot...
Crosshair: You're lying.
Ventress: About which part?
Hunter: You tell us.
Ventress: If Omega did have that potential, she'd have to be trained. Which would mean leaving you behind.
Hunter: That's not happening.
Ventress: What you want is irrelevant. The fact is, the Empire is after her, and they won't stop. If I were you, I'd leave this place. You're not as safe as you think you are. Our business is done.
Crosshair: I still can't figure out which side you're on.
Ventress: My own.
Okay, so Ventress is clearly not telling the truth about the m-count, which we know, because we've already seen Omega's charts. I really don't understand why people keep taking Ventress at her word here. We know better, and so do Crosshair and Hunter. My guess is that she's trying to protect Omega because she knows firsthand what it's like to be taken from your family and trained as a young girl.
We know that when Omega was at Tantiss, she was receiving transfusions of blood with midi-chlorians the same as all the other clones (harvested from the dead Jedi they're undoubtedly holding in the vault). They were taking her blood samples, but Nala Se kept throwing them away because she knew Omega would retain the higher midi-chlorian levels and she didn't want Hemlock to know that. The Emperor needs a clone that will maintain a high m-count so he can eventually get himself a new body. We know he does get that body, but not for decades - presumably because a) he never gets Omega, and b) the Batch is gonna take the fight to them at Tantiss and blow up their entire supply of midi-chlorian donors. Think about it - they're still working on Project Necromancer in The Mandalorian (24 years after The Bad Batch), but their resources are severely limited. The Empire has been all but wiped out, the Emperor is hiding out on Exegol, Dr. Pershing is clearly no Hemlock since he keeps killing his test subjects, and Grogu seems to be the only m-count donor they can get their hands on. The Emperor's cloned body is also deteriorating rapidly in TRoS, which suggests that even 25 years after The Mandalorian, he STILL hasn't figured out the right formula for cloning himself (which is good news for Grogu and Omega).
Which brings us back to the question, "Is Omega Force sensitive?"
The answer is, "yes", she is sensitive to the Force due to her elevated m-count. We've seen this all along. Hunter most likely is, too, and maybe some of the other Bad Batchers, to varying degrees. Tech could riot race, which takes incredible reflexes. Hemlock said that Crosshair didn't have a high m-count, and we don't know where Wrecker's abilities stem from. Omega can't wield the Force because she is untrained, but the potential is there. A person's aptitude to wield the Force seems to be strongly correlated to their m-count, but we've seen others with low aptitude eventually open the door to the Force with years of training and a decent dose of impending doom (we see this clearly with Sabine in Ahsoka, but it was also a topic in Legends).
Omega being Force sensitive doesn't mean that she has to leave her brothers. She can choose to pursue her training or not. She'd also have to find someone willing to train her. I'm not convinced Ventress is looking to take on any apprentices at the moment, but she could possibly connect Omega to Quinlan Voss (imagine the trouble those two would get up to).
But I don't think Omega will choose that path. One, it would just make her a bigger target. Two, I don't see her prioritizing power over family. She's a clone, and clones are ALL about family. They're Mando coded, not Jedi coded. Screw the space Buddhist lifestyle - clones parade their attachments around like trophies. Omega goes around collecting attachments like most kids collect rocks..."Hello, stranger trying to kill me, let's be besties."
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flock-of-cassowaries · 1 month ago
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fyllophobia · 2 months ago
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cheep cheep
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