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renegadeurbanmediasource · 20 days ago
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Uh-oh! Here we go "blaming" others for our "problems"
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pelajarkehidupan · 23 days ago
"Semoga kita tidak pernah lupa untuk pertama-tama menyisakan ruang di hati tentang pertolongan dari Allah di saat kita sedang kecewa sebesar-besarnya karena sesuatu yang kita sudah usahakan sebenar-benarnya"
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nonnienautskie · 4 months ago
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⏰Through the Window of Time🕰️ (19 years ago) [onlyfans.com/nonnie_40dd]
The window I look through, framed by the past, A glimpse of the journey, how time moves so fast. Where once there was wonder, now wisdom remains, The lessons I've gathered, the joy, and the pains.
The woman at the window, she’s still part of me, But stronger, more certain, of what she can be. We peer through the window of all we have known, Reflect on the seeds that our choices have sown.
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celestialpath · 25 days ago
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"If you went back and fixed all the mistakes you've ever made, you would erase yourself."
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unxicxtig · 1 month ago
"Sie sagen, alles wird besser, aber niemand erklärt, wie man die Tage überlebt, bis es soweit ist."
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sappy-witch · 2 years ago
🗓️ Organizing Your Witchy Rituals 🌙✨
Hello darlings 🥰
It is easy to feel overwhelmed by all the witchy things you’d like to do, so creating a schedule for your witchy rituals can bring structure and balance to your practice. Here's a suggested weekly timetable to inspire you:
🌕 Monday: Moon Magic On Mondays, align your practice with the energy of the moon. Perform rituals for manifestation, divination, or connecting with your intuition. Charge and cleanse your crystals under the moonlight.
🌿 Tuesday: Herb and Plant Magic Dedicate Tuesdays to working with herbs and plants. This can involve creating herbal remedies, growing your magical herb garden, or connecting with the spirit of plants through meditation and nature walks.
🔥 Wednesday: Elemental Magic Explore the power of the elements on Wednesdays. Work with fire for transformation, air for communication and clarity, water for emotions and intuition, and earth for grounding and stability. Incorporate rituals that honor and connect with each element.
🔮 Thursday: Divination and Spellcasting On Thursdays, focus on divination and spellcasting. Use tarot cards, oracle decks, or other divination tools to gain insight and guidance. Perform spellwork to manifest your desires and bring positive change into your life.
✨ Friday: Self-Care and Enchantment Fridays are dedicated to self-care and enchantment. Take time to pamper yourself with magical baths, create sacred spaces, or explore beauty rituals that enhance your inner and outer radiance. Practice self-love and self-empowerment spells.
🌟 Saturday: Spirituality and Connection Saturdays are perfect for deepening your spiritual practice and connecting with the divine. Engage in meditation, explore different spiritual traditions, work on your energy healing techniques, or perform rituals to connect with your spirit guides or ancestors.
📚 Sunday: Study and Reflection Use Sundays for studying and reflecting on your magical path. Dive into books, online resources, or courses that expand your knowledge of witchcraft, spirituality, or esoteric subjects. Journal about your experiences, insights, and personal growth.
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A healthy and effective schedule will always be unique to you, but I hope this guideline will inspire you to take more control of your time as a practicing witch 🥰✨ 
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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elysianwing · 5 months ago
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If I could just reach my worn and shaky hands back through time, and tear open my chest to steal back the fire of my heart, like Prometheus; to give myself the gift of hot-blooded gusto and set the world ablaze with nothing more than my passions, piss, and vinegar. I could conquer the world today, if I only had a sliver of the stamina I had yesterday. Maybe tomorrow then. I could douse myself in gasoline and ignite once more to shine as a bright beacon of hope, that any one of us on any day, can be beautiful and brilliant... mighty and magnificent... careening through our concrete fates, like a mad car crashing through the guard rails, driving hot and hard and fast, for as far and as long as the fuel will take us. Except...who can afford the gas these days? Maybe tomorrow...never comes, what then? Then tonight I must remind the stars that we streaked and stormed among them long ago, like cracks of lightning chasing after comets while God was crafting all of creation. We were the fucking light meant to cut the dark in half and blind the envious eyes of angels and eternity. We still are... I just forget how to do it from time to time.
written 9/14/2024@1:55am by Alexander Learmont https://www.patreon.com/Elysianwing
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im-madam-baby · 1 year ago
If there were an option to turn back time, I wouldn't rewind it. I like where I am now, and I appreciate all the struggles I've gone through to reach this point.
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anderperrylover · 4 months ago
CONTENT Warning - emotional traumas and childhood trauama - based on true experiences
I never thought I'd write this - but I wanted to write this because I thought it might be helpful...
So, this is a bit of a personal thing but ever since I sat down and watched DPS something struck me. I had denied it on my first watch but I couldn't ignore it when I rewatched it. My life in many ways mirrors Neil's. Mr. Perry's words gave me a sense of deja vu - because my dad had used the words on me too - Like you have more opportunities than I ever had - this acting business (writing for me) - - You can do anything after college (when you're on your own)
It took me a while to understand and fully grasp the toxicity of the relationship. Then I started looking back - and I saw things from a new light. I was a child and I thought that it came out of love (maybe it did - but I doubt that now - no child deserves emotional or physical trauma like that). I think that is the reason I constantly keep apologising for everything (even when I did nothing wrong)
The confrontation Neil has with his father hurts me but I am also numbed now - I am in a pit (following what my father told me to do) - I feel suffocated and sometimes I feel nothing and sometimes I feel everything - Honestly it hurts and guts me - I can understand where my dad is coming from but it still hurts - because they don't seem to understand anything about me - They want me to look at it from their perspective and they want me to be grateful - but they never look at things through my perspective.
If you've been through a similar experience - reach out. Find a friend to talk to. Find someonoe who you can trust - don't look for temporary distractions. Find your place and find your strength there - And if possible find distance (that has helped me big time - the distance allows me to maintain a better mind-set) - Meditate and keep fighting for the things you love. Find love and take a chance and seize the day (start with small things - like writing a blog or reading or listening to music).
Know that you're not alone; know that there are people you can talk to and know that you are enough. There are people that love you and understand you and they will be your family (believe me family is not about blood - sounds cliched now but trust me - FAMILY IS FOUND AND FAMILY REACHES OUT TO ONE ANOTHER - THEY UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER AND THEY TRY TO LEARN FROM MISTAKES - THEY TRY TO HELP EACH OTHER)
Love, that is a place to start. Love yourself - love the little things in life and try to do something new (I started playing Pool it's something I wasn't encouraged to do because everyone kept on telling me that I'll tear the fabric - and I reconnected with theatre which is something I fell out of due to personal reasons - I didn't go for one audition because I had cousins coming over and I didn't want to inconvenience anyone - then they treated us badly and everyone blamed me for a breakdown - when I told them that I gave up for a reason a relative asked what and then they gaslit me when I said no one came to my defence when I had the breakdown by telling me that they always defended me)
I am eternally grateful for this film because it made me realise the extent of emotional trauma I had. It helped me see my strengths and find my own courage. It's never easy - Believe me it isn't, but you have to keep on fighting. You're incredible and talented and bold - find your courage and love yourself.
So, Neil Perry, thank you. You made me see the truth and love myself. Update - things have improved but they have a long way to go - I am still apologetic and my parents act like nothing happened - It is hard but at least there is temporary relief - It's not enough but for now - It's all I need
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pelajarkehidupan · 24 days ago
Semoga di sela-sela pikiranmu yang berlebihan tumbuh setitik "Allahu Akbar" yang meski kecil tapi ia tertanam secara mendalam dan merambat hingga mampu menutupi retak retak kegelisahanmu akan masalah hidup ini.
Karena dalam sholat Allahu Akbar berkali-kali diucap untuk terus mengingatkan kita bahwa dibalik masalah hidup yang menurut kita besar/berat ada Allah yang Maha Besar..
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echoesofphilip · 4 months ago
Sometimes, it takes a good fall to know where you stand.
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mfaizs · 1 year ago
To Do List dan Kalender Digital.
Sejak bekerja di sebuah perusahaan Swasta di Jakarta dulu, salah seorang mentorku mengenalkanku dengan fitur kalender outlook. Ia terbiasa memasukkan semua jadwalnya dan to do list harian ke dalam outlooknya.
Dari situpun aku belajar bagaimana agar dalam sehari benar-benar produktif. Setiap bulan target2 itu akan di review sekaligus schedule bulan selanjutnya.
Bahkan, atasanku rata-rata memasukkan jadwal mereka ke dalam kalender yang kesemuanya telah terintegrasi, sehingga kami sebagai bawahan pun mengetahui jadwal beliau.
Aku pun masih ingat saat melanjutkan studi di Swedia dulu, termasuk saat training di Inggris, kalender professorku rata-rata dapat diakses, sehingga kita bisa tahu availabilitas beliau tanpa harus mengonfirmasi manual. Termasuk booking meeting dengan beliau pun semua sudah melalui kalender tsb, dan tersinkronisasi dengan semua device selama kita login akun tersebut. Saat kita ingin membooking study room pun juga sudah terconnect melalui platform digital, dan setiap orang memiliki batas maksimum waktu utk menggunakanya. Hal yang aku impikan semoga suatu saat digitalisasi ini benar benar menyeluruh di tempatku sekarang.
Hingga saat ini aku masih membiasakan diri mencatat segala to do list dan jadwal melalui outlook calendar dan microsoft to do list. Untuk mengurangi whatsapp mahasiswa keperluan konsultasi aku menggunakan microsoft booking form yang juga tersinkron di kalenderku. Sengaja kubuat link kalenderku visible ke para mahasiswa agar mereka dapat mengetahui availabilitasku. Rasanya begitu puas saat mengetahui to do list itu tercentang satu per satu.
Sayangnya barangkali tidak semua orang familiar dengan fitur fitur seperti ini. Undangan rapat bahkan mengirim file skripsi kadang masih lewat wa, yang membuat memori hp mudah sekali penuh (apa wktunya ganti hp wkwk). Kadang aku berpikir padahal untuk berlangganan fasilitas seperti ini, sudah pasti institusi membayar mahal, namun sayangnya belum terutilisasi secara maksimal. Akhirnya digitalisasi tak ubahnya seperti hal-hal manual yang dilakukan secara digital.
Apakah kamu merasakan hal yang sama?
#30haribercerita #30hbc2404
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unxicxtig · 1 month ago
"Ich habe aufgehört, um Hilfe zu bitten, als ich gemerkt habe, dass niemand wirklich zuhört."
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sappy-witch · 2 years ago
Journaling for Spiritual Growth 📝✨
Hello darlings 🥰
Writing down your thoughts and experiences is a powerful tool for spiritual growth! Keeping a journal can help you to track your progress, clarify your goals, and connect with your inner self. 
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Here are some tips to get started:
🔮 Set aside some dedicated time each day to journal. Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can focus without distractions.
🔮 Start by writing down your goals and intentions for your spiritual practice. What do you hope to achieve? What areas do you want to focus on?
🔮 Reflect on your experiences and emotions. Write down any insights or realisations that come up. Don't worry about being perfect or having all the answers - the point is to explore and grow.
🔮 Use prompts to inspire your writing. Some examples include: "What am I grateful for today?", "What is causing me stress and how can I address it?", or "What lesson did I learn from a recent challenge?".
🔮 Experiment with different styles of journaling. You can try writing in a free-flowing, stream-of-consciousness style, or use structured prompts and exercises.
🔮 Consider incorporating other tools into your journaling practice, such as tarot or oracle cards, affirmations, or visualisations.
Remember, there is no right or wrong way to journal. The most important thing is to show up for yourself and be open to the process. Happy writing! 🥰✍🏽
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🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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