#Selfish Love
asamitaka2003 · 2 months
"You can call me selfish cause most of the things I do, are for myself."
- By liking this post it makes you selfish too.
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painterlad71 · 1 year
the difference between linton and heathcliff is that linton is content with walking to catherine's grave and heathcliff has to dig her up.
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selenagomezz · 9 months
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By Unknown for Selfish Love - 2021
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coye · 19 days
“I don’t want to be someone second choice to their dead lover.” - Inspired by Attack On Titan
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You will always be seen as a replacement brought in to fill the void left by their one true love's passing. My romantic love is inherently selfish and possessive. I want my partner's romantic love to be mine and mine alone, not divided between myself and the memory of a lost love. After all, they technically never even had the chance to break up with each other. Their relationship was cruelly cut short by the cold grip of death. People should be free to seek out a partner who does not have the shadow of a past relationship hanging over them, one that was ended prematurely. I'm not saying they shouldn't ever find happiness again, but it certainly won't be with me. There are plenty of people in this world who don't have a dead lover in their past so why on earth would I ever choose to settle for someone who does? I deserve someone whose heart is fully and unequivocally mine, not someone who will always have a piece of it trapped in the past. This is an uncompromising position, and I refuse to budge on it. My needs and desires in a relationship come first, and I won't accept anything less than total, exclusive devotion.
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motsenvractmblr · 1 month
*An excerpt from our love story that exists only in my imagination*
Dear Kristian.
As a sort of love, I'd be the one who enjoys watching your features while you're sleeping, tracing the soft lines of your face with my eyes, memorizing the way your lips curl into the faintest smile even in dreams. I'd be the first one to kiss you in the morning, gently brushing my lips against yours, waking you with a tender touch that speaks of my endless devotion. _"I’d be the one who enjoys gazing at those beautiful eyes of yours"._ I'd be the one to enjoy being your partner in everything, the one who walks beside you through the mundane and the magical, finding joy in simply being by your side.
I'd cherish the moments when we’d laugh together over the smallest things, our shared glances becoming secret codes only we understand. I'd love the way your hand feels in mine, a perfect fit, as if the universe conspired to bring us together. I'd enjoy doing and sharing every detail in my day with you, from the first sip of coffee in the morning to the quiet moments before sleep, where our conversations would weave together the fabric of our life.
I’d take delight in the little things—like the way you absentmindedly hum your favourite tune or the way your eyes light up when you talk about something you love. And in the silent moments, when words are no longer needed, I’d hold you close, feeling the steady rhythm of your heartbeat as if it were the only sound that mattered in the world.
In this imagined love story, I'd be yours completely, giving you all of me, not because I have to, but because I want to, because loving you would be the greatest joy of my life. And in my dreams, I'd hope that somehow, in some way, you'd feel the same, that this love, though it exists only in my imagination, would one day find its way into reality, where we could live out this story together, forever entwined in each other's hearts.
Dear blue kris,
I love you. I'm deeply in love with your eyes; they hold the entire universe within them, and every time I look into them, I lose myself. I want to keep you away from the eyes of the world, to shelter you from anything that might take you away from me. I'd take you away from everyone, hide you away in a place where only we exist, just to keep you mine, just to ensure that nothing ever comes between us. You are my everything, and all I want is to you. Kristian. 💙
- By: mots en vrac / H.H.B -
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abyssofanart · 10 months
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sinxerlyri · 1 year
They say to love is to be free. But, what if to let go is to be free. For when you love, you are held back and compromised by your circumstances.
_ Raconteur's Muse
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leaving-no-shadow · 2 years
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Citizen Kane, 1941 Orson Wells 
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p1325 · 8 months
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from6yearstosingle · 7 months
Red flag…. Selfish sexting… if they only want to know what naughty things you would do to them, they are probably going to be a selfish lover.
#selfishlover #sexting #redflag
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One day, they'll look back and wonder how they missed all the signs. They'll be angry that you are gone, but won't want to take responsibility for always finding an excuse to not listen. They'll blame you for leaving despite knowing they failed to ask you to stay. They'll slowly, over time, begin to recognize all the moments you reached out only to be brushed aside. They'll make excuses, tell themselves you didn't try hard enough, that you made the decision, not them. But deep inside They'll know that they ignored every call, only text because they were too busy, just forgot to call back, didn't think it was that important.
Then, one day, they will forget you are gone and try to reach out. But then, when they realize you are no longer there, it will hit like a sledgehammer. It'll be at that moment that they see how you were always there when they were in need. How you always called just to see how they were or just to listen to them vent. How no matter what time, where you were or how long the conversation lasted... you were always there. Then when you needed someone to talk you off that ledge because life just got to be too much... they just turned away so they didn't have to witness you fall. That's the moment when they get to see what they lost in the silence.
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themerrytroll · 2 years
If it makes you feel better about yourself, call it selfish love.
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thepeacefulgarden · 11 months
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mariajdcm · 2 days
no matter how much i pray and wait, and hope for you to be mine,
no matter how selfishly i wanted to be with you,
i just can't bear the thought of you getting hurt so just my dream will become true,
to be with you.
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ophanim-vesper · 1 year
obsessed with how the entire movie is just this
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abyssofanart · 9 months
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