#Seizing Opportunities
harmonyhealinghub · 1 year
Embracing Life's Journey: Bloom Where You're Planted
Shaina Tranquilino
September 28, 2023
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Life is an unpredictable journey, full of twists and turns that often lead us to unexpected destinations. While it may be tempting to constantly yearn for greener pastures or dwell on what could have been, there is great value in learning to bloom where you're planted. This simple yet profound philosophy encourages us to make the most of our current circumstances, embrace the opportunities they present, and cultivate growth and fulfillment wherever we find ourselves.
1. Acceptance:
The first step towards blooming where you're planted lies in accepting your current situation. Life rarely goes exactly as planned, but resisting or denying reality only fuels frustration and discontentment. Instead, acknowledge your present circumstances without judgment or comparisons. By accepting things as they are, you can free up energy to focus on making the best of your situation.
2. Cultivate a positive mindset:
A positive mindset can work wonders when it comes to thriving in any environment. Remember that happiness largely stems from within and is not solely determined by external factors. Even in challenging situations, seek out the silver linings and adopt an attitude of gratitude. Look for opportunities for personal growth and cultivate resilience by focusing on lessons learned rather than dwelling on setbacks.
3. Embrace new experiences:
Bloomers understand that life is an ever-evolving adventure filled with countless opportunities for growth and discovery. Embrace new experiences wholeheartedly, even if they seem unfamiliar or outside your comfort zone. Each experience has the potential to teach valuable lessons and broaden your perspectives, ultimately helping you blossom into a more well-rounded individual.
4. Nurture meaningful connections:
One crucial aspect of blooming where you're planted involves nurturing meaningful relationships with those around you. Connect with like-minded individuals who share similar interests or aspirations, supporting each other's ambitions while offering genuine companionship along the way. Building strong bonds creates a sense of belonging and community, allowing you to thrive in your current environment.
5. Set achievable goals:
Setting achievable goals helps direct your energy towards personal growth and progress. Reflect on your passions, talents, and aspirations, then set realistic objectives that align with your present circumstances. Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps to maintain motivation and celebrate incremental achievements. By constantly challenging yourself to reach new heights, you'll continue blooming wherever life takes you.
6. Practice self-care:
Taking care of oneself is essential for blooming where you're planted. Prioritize self-care activities that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Engage in regular exercise, eat balanced meals, get enough sleep, and allocate time for hobbies or relaxation. Remember that investing in self-care not only benefits you but also enhances your ability to navigate any challenges that come your way.
Life may not always unfold as we imagine it will be; however, adopting the mindset to bloom where you're planted empowers us to find joy and fulfillment regardless of our circumstances. By accepting reality, cultivating a positive mindset, embracing new experiences, nurturing meaningful connections, setting achievable goals, and practicing self-care, we can transform every situation into an opportunity for growth and happiness. So let go of what could have been or might be and focus on flourishing right where you are planted - for there lies the beauty of life's journey!
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wickedzeevyln · 24 days
Destination Anywhere
We need to be somewhere soon. That’s dear old Jack’s favorite line. He once blurted it out on our way back to Calgary. He was in his eighties, still going, and he wouldn’t let me drive. It’s what kept him like an Energizer bunny. “I don’t know where I’m headed, but I’m going anyway.” Sometimes, with reasons undefined, we really just have to go. His take reflects a perspective that embraces the…
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tmarshconnors · 1 year
"He who fears death will never do anything worth of a man who is alive."
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Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger, usually known mononymously as Seneca, was a Stoic philosopher of Ancient Rome, a statesman, dramatist, and in one work, satirist, from the post-Augustan age of Latin literature.
Born: Córdoba, Spain
Died: 65 AD, Rome, Italy
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michele7962 · 1 year
Seizing Opportunities
Do you have a scarcity or an abundant mindset? What are you doing when opportunities are right in front of you? Do you believe in yourself? Do you know you can make a difference? Or do you even think about it at all? Are you missing out on opportunities because they have risks? Join me to help you work through these answers and more. Please visit my website at openpagespublishing.com.
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jester-step · 5 months
“yay the bad kids can spend all their downtime doing mystery and relaxation rolls now that academics are out of the way!!” all i’m hearing is that murph has the opportunity to make riz’s arc this season even more heartbreaking as he continues to pour all his energy into mystery and helping his friends bc he simply cannot let himself relax or he’ll Die
also i have a feeling that murph is saving that rage token for a juicy plot/character moment and part of me hopes the npc he’ll mess up his relationship with is jawbone :) can you imagine jawbone finding out riz stole klck’s file from his office and, not realising that riz is this 👌 close to snapping, (rightfully) gets a little mad at him and riz bites back WAY too hard? and jawbone has to deal with the fact that, even though he had a right to be angry, he’s screwed up his chances of helping the one kid he’s been having so much trouble reaching?
the only thing worse than this to me would be riz snapping at his mom (unthinkable) or one of the bad kids (life ruining)
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fanning-the-flames · 1 year
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Shen Qingqiu (Shen Yuan) in Sargent’s Repose. I imagine this is how White Lotus disciple Luo Binghe sees his Shizun while in reality, the Peak Lord is drooling, hair a mess, and has crumbs on his robes.
Now for a close-up:
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And the sketch I posted earlier is linked here. Hope this ended up meeting expectations!
Your Easter Egg for this year is this view of what the scene looks like without the Shizun goggles.
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DIHWYF Incorrect Quotes but it's mild Carmine sisters chaos
Because ✨sisters ✨
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Clara, staring at newly adopted Vaggie: Um...want a beer?
Odette: She's like...five!
Odette, whispering into her phone: Uh, hi- we locked our baby sister in the car and people are judging us.
Clara, now running around looking for a rock: I SWEAR TO GOD I'M GONNA BREAK IT!
Odette: But if you keep making up words, no one will understand you.
Young Vaggie: Clara will. Watch. *tugs on Clara's arm*
Clara: Yeah, squirt?
Vaggie: *complete gibberish*
Clara, immediately playing along: Whoa, are you serious?
Vaggie: *more gibberish*
Clara: I'd never considered that before!
Vaggie: *very serious gibberish*
Clara, patting her head: This changes everything.
Odette, facepalming: You're both crazy.
*Odette, spotting Vaggie trying to sneak out of her bedroom: Oh, not again. Come on, go back to bed before Mamá sees you.
Vaggie: But I don't want to go to bed!
Odette: Too bad, manita.
Vaggie, pouting: Why do I have to go to sleep? Why can't I just stay awake all night?
Odette, sighing and getting up to walk her back bed: Because that's the way the world is.
Vaggie: Well I'm going to make it so that's not how the world is!
Odette, tucking her in: That sounds like a big job. You're gonna need a full night's sleep for that.
Vaggie: Yeah, I will! *triumphantly snuggles in*
Vaggie, ten minutes later: Hey, wait a second-
Vaggie, curled up in front of the fridge: :(
Clara, spotting her: You alright, hermana?
Vaggie, sadly: I just miss Odette**.
Clara, sitting down next to her: Aw, I know.
Vaggie: And the fridge doesn't like me :(
Clara: I...know?
*Odette: Bed. Sleep. Now.
Vaggie, trying to hide behind Clara: But I'm not tired!
Clara: Yeah, 'Dette, she's not tired!
*they're both asleep in Clara's bed in ten minutes later*
Clara, snuggling lil' Vaggie: Big sister's going to drop-kick anyone that touches you 🥰
Odette, without missing a beat: And bigger sister's going to bail big sister out of jail.
Carmilla, cuddling Vaggie after she tripped and fell: I know it's tough, mija. But hey, how many times have you bumped your head or gotten a bruise while you're playing with your sisters?
Vaggie, holding an ice pack on her knee: Um...lots.
Carmilla: Right. And what do they always tell you?
Vaggie: ...don't tell Mamá?
Carmilla, who was fully expecting a different answer: What?!
Clara, who'd walked into the room to check on her little sister: Uh...I'll maybe come back later?
Clara, holding an ice pack to her sister's head: How much do you remember?
Teenage Vaggie, who'd just gotten into her first fight: Just the ambulance ride to the hospital, I think.
Odette: That wasn't an ambulance ride, I drove you.
Vaggie: But I heard sirens?
Clara: That was your girlfriend.
Charlie, clutching the largest teddy bear the hospital sold***: I got nervous!
Charlie, fresh into their relationship: If something happened to Vaggie, I...I couldn't live with myself.
Odette, completely straight faced: You wouldn't have to. Clara and I would kill you.
Vaggie, trying to sneak off with Charlie at a party: Guys, I need your help.
Clara: Oooh, ok. I have an idea.
Odette: Is it a bad idea?
Clara: *darts off in Velvette's direction*
Odette, jumping up to chase after her: CLARA, IS IT A BAD IDEA-****
Vaggie, walking by with a teapot:
Clara: Whatcha doing?
Vaggie: It's for Zestial. I'm planning on making some bad choices tonight and I want him on my side when Mom finds out.
Clara: Oooh, smart. I'll have to remember that.
Odette, not looking up from her laptop: I never realized the forethought that went into raising our mother's blood pressure.
Carmilla, trying to calm Lucifer down after he came to her for advice about Charlie: Look, I've raised three fully functional, well adjusted children and-
Luci, sniffling: You have three kids I don't know about?
Carmilla: ...
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Here's a link to the AU!
*these exchanges definitely took place less than an hour apart.
**Odette is fine, she's just on a business trip and her sisters are sad.
***That bear is not for Vaggie. She has a different one for Vaggie. The older Carmines got her that so she would calm the fuck down
****is this a hint as to how Charlie and Vaggie meet? 🤫
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everchased · 25 days
every time i get insecure about giving a trope or ability i like to one of my ttrpg characters i'm gonna think about how jake wysocki goes super saiyan every chance he gets
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binary-moons · 2 years
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acti-nerdington · 1 year
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thatsbelievable · 6 months
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temeyes · 8 months
Timaeus, random 5am question because I said so
Is your pfp a self portrait or just Simon because I seriously can't tell atp
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Also, in exchange for making you lose braincells I give you this horrible drawing I did in the top of a chicken express box. If you can't tell it's just Graves with his nasty roblox face looking smirk ^^
thank u for the roblox graves dood!! (looks super cute LOL!!) i will put it alongside my other trinkets, ehe
but as much as i'd like to say yes, but nah. my pfp's Simon/Ghost!
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it's kinda hard to differentiate us, but i doodled us real quick so you can see!! sorry, we just Twinning so hard 😔😔
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sexylittleslutsls · 5 months
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”A wise man knows his limitations but a bold man seizes opportunities” ….
Tom Clancy
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secondbeatsongs · 9 months
so I'm convinced - like, I can't prove it, but I'm convinced this is the case - that whenever I go too long without updating my computer, windows forces a crash on me so it can go "whoopsie daisy! :) since you're already fucked, might as well make you sit here for ten minutes while we install all those updates you said you didn't want! :) won't that be nice?"
like. I had an SSD bricked once by a windows update, so now I push them off for a while, because I know that microsoft pushes glitchy updates. I'm onto them, and I don't want to be their guinea pig.
but! it doesn't matter what my settings are, or for how long I tell windows update to shut up! because eventually, I'll get a bluescreen or a crash or something, and be forced to restart, and when I do windows very cheerfully shoves updates at me without my consent
I think this is intentional. and I fucking hate it.
anyway, this is my conspiracy theory, and my theory is that microsoft sucks
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da-janela-lateral · 4 months
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Unstoppable force meets immovable object, more known as "absurdly long and complex music liker" meets "won't listen to any music".
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cupid-tune · 1 year
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Clowns and Corsets are a great combination
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