Gottestod Writes
88 posts
Side blog for all things writing. I follow back from @g0ttest0d
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
gottestod-writes · 10 months ago
do y'all ever get 'head full of the wip but no concrete thoughts' –itis where you can't leave it alone until you get something out but you keep going onto the document and immediately experiencing an absolute blankness
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gottestod-writes · 10 months ago
Writing share game
Tagged by @kaylinalexanderbooks
Rules: share some writing!
Mixing things up a little. Here is a snippet from one of the stories in Dreamspinnings
(CW: characters going on hunger strike, and self-inflicted injuries)
The four siblings felt ashamed for their actions. They gave back the gifts they stole, and afterwards, they scattered to the winds seeking atonement. It was said that one traveled south into the great deserts. Meditating beneath what little shade there was, his fur faded to the pale yellows and browns of the sand, and his ears grew large, so that he could always hear Al-Gia. Meanwhile, the second sibling headed north to the frozen waste. She stood still through blizzards until her fur became as white as snow.
The last to remain in the forest were the twins Renerd and Floki. Their paths would be the hardest. Floki took to burning great fires, and walking over the hot coals, day in and day out. The smoke and the heat of the fire eventually charred his fur black. Meanwhile, Renerd had taken to lying in thorn bushes, nettles, and brambles until they tore his skin, and his fur was stained red from all the blood lost. All the while, none of the four took any sustenance. All were on the verge of death when they were stopped.
“Enough!” Al-Gia spoke to the siblings. “You have gone far enough. You need not continue on these paths of self-destruction. My forgiveness, I grant unto you.”
The four siblings felt a warmth inside of them. It was like the summer sun. As it faded, the four foxes found that they were returned to full health, though their appearances remained as they were.
“Let your forms always be a reminder of your actions.” The great deity declared. “Never forget to stay humble, for the world will stand against you. But I shall not forsake you. I approve the gifts of swiftness and cunning. Others may be stronger, some may match your fleetness, but none shall match your intelligence. Remain quick on your feet, and quick of thought, and you and your descendants shall prosper.”
Phew! That was a long one. (I must be mad, for this is from a spinoff book and I am still working on the main story. )
Tagging @late-to-the-fandom @splashinkling @jay-avian @theeccentricraven @poethill @whatwewrotepodcast @winterandwords @the-ellia-west @illarian-rambling @mk-writes-stuff @somethingclevermahogony @gottestod-writes and open tag for anyone who wants to jump in.
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gottestod-writes · 10 months ago
Change a single letter and change the word game
I want to play a game with you all.
You have to make a new word by changing only one letter of the last word.
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gottestod-writes · 10 months ago
People of writeblr, what's your favourite thing about your current, most active WIP?
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gottestod-writes · 10 months ago
People of writeblr, what's your favourite thing about your current, most active WIP?
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gottestod-writes · 11 months ago
I assume magicians are still the guys that do little tricks in the streets to distract you while someone pickpockets you
How I define terms used to refer to magic users
Mage: since magic in this setting is based around understanding how stuff works, a mage is defined as someone who is very knowledgeable. Wizards, witches, and clerics are considered mages because they can do magic and being capable of spellcasting is evidence of your own understanding of the world. Someone might also be considered a mage if they're a very skilled artisan. Like a blacksmith who makes incredible swords or a stonemason who manages to build houses that never fall down even centuries later. Songwriters are also considered mages because music is inherently a form of magic.
Wizard: someone with a wizarding degree. Mages attend schools where they learn about how the world works and collaborate to acquire more knowledge. They graduate and become wizards when they can demonstrate their own knowledge by casting spells. The focus is actually on knowledge for it's own sake rather than magic. Wizard school graduates receive a special set of robes, staff, and a hat to mark their wizardly status.
Witch: someone who practices witchcraft OR a derogatory term for a woman who can cast spells. Witchcraft is a spiritual practice grounded in service to the community. Witches' magical studies focus strongly on the body, mind, and spirit. They also advise farmers, deal with blight and disease, and take care of sick animals.
Sorcerer: usually derogatory term for a man who casts spells. It implies that he is not skilled enough to be a wizard and/or that he is powerful and dangerous. In some places where it's more acceptable to be a non-cleric non-wizard mage you might hear the term used positively - but usually if someone wants to be respectful they would use the term 'mage'. Doesn't refer to any specific magical practice.
Cleric: nowadays almost exclusively refers to the war clerics. Unlike wizards and witches who study a broad spectrum of magic, war clerics pretty much only know fire. They are indoctrinated as children and kept very isolated from anyone outside the church because their magic requires unwavering faith. It's also important to keep them isolated because it can sometimes only take a few words to render a war cleric permanently useless. It's a quirk of their magical practice that allows them to be trained more quickly.
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gottestod-writes · 11 months ago
You don't happen to have any book recommendations on bronze age civilization in East Asia?
Hello my friends I am in the reading experimental archeology papers phase of worldbuilding
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gottestod-writes · 11 months ago
Find the word
Thanks @eccaiia for the tag!
Rules: find the words given to you in your WIPs! Synonyms are welcome. Then tag people with new words!
My words: sight, sound, smell, taste
Your words: strap, small, scratch, study
Softly tagging @mk-writes-stuff @monstrouswrites @blind-the-winds @little-peril-stories @buffythevampirelover @mysticstarlightduck @jezifster @jessicagailwrites @gottestod-writes @willtheweaver @theeccentricraven @digital-chance @moonandris + anyone else!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites - soft tag
Keep reading for:
Lexi and Ash arrive at the Gateway
William makes a breakthrough
Ash uses the probes (no!)
Noelle is hurt oh no
Sight - from The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
“It seems weird,” I said looking at her as I turned around the corner of the school. “Like—ah!” My boot got caught on the grass, causing my feet to slip. I tumbled onto the ground and dropped my violin, the “oof!” that followed indicating Ash tripped over the sturdy case. It was eerily quiet and the smell of the exhaust was gone. I became hyper-aware of the grass I lay in and shot up to a seated position, jumping when I realized nothing was in sight but a dizzyingly-clear horizon. Ash groaned beside me. “Since when does Falcon have grass—” She cut herself off as she pushed herself upright, taking in the sudden new scenery. We sat in the middle of a seemingly endless field. The grass that stretched in each direction appeared freshly mowed, though it lacked the smell that usually came with it. Instead, a chillingly sterile air hit my nose. “Ash,” I asked, low-key freaking out, “where are we?” Ash looked around. “Where did—how did we get here? Where’s the school?” I couldn’t answer. The sun that had been burning in the late afternoon was no longer casting a deathly heat paired with Houston humidity. In fact, looking up, the burning mass seemed to be missing, despite the sky being a soft periwinkle. “Okay…” Ash said after a moment, standing slowly. “Maybe if we go back the way we came, we’ll return to the school.” “Right,” I said, rising to join her. “That—that makes sense.” We retrieved our stuff and tried to retrace our steps. We walked a couple yards, but nothing happened. “We could’ve gotten turned around,” Ash pointed out. “Maybe there’s one specific spot we have to step in to get back.” She sighed, setting her stuff on the ground and sitting beside it. “Give me a second to think.” “Think about what?” I asked, joining her. “A way out? A way back? What the hell is happening? “Maybe we’re dreaming?” “Isn’t that cliche?” “Then we’re hallucinating!” “More cliche!” “Well, you think of something!” We were both silent.
This passage used smell twice lol
Sound - from The Secret Portal Part One
“I was wondering when you were coming back to bed.” “No time soon,” William told his wife. “What are you doing up?” Atsila paused before saying, “I could ask you the same thing.” “You know I have to work,” said William. “You don’t miss me, do you?” Atsila laughed on the other end. “Not at all. I just want an estimate so you didn’t catch me doing anything embarrassing.” William chuckled. “Now, don’t joke like that.” “Who said I was joking?” William sighed, not understanding his wife’s sense of humor. “I’ll work another hour, and then I’ll come to bed.” “Let me know when.” “Will do.” “I love you.” “Love you, too.” Atsila hung up and William turned back to the bubbling chemicals. He jumped in his seat. “No way….” He grabbed the flask and examined it closer. Suddenly giddy, he turned to the snakefly behind him. Gingerly, he tilted the flask and allowed a drop of the chemical to drop on the insect’s wings. William opened the tablet and began recording. The snakefly’s wings continued to rapidly beat together, then slowed as if stuck in treacle. It froze midair, dropping to the ground by the forces of gravity. William let out a sound that would have caused him to flush if anyone was around to witness as he abruptly shot out of his seat. He cleared his throat, though still vibrating from excitement, then called his wife on the comm. “Atsila! Atsila! I did it!” “What is it, Will? You coming early? Do I have to clean up all this mess in five minutes?” she joked in response to his jubilant celebration. “I’m not coming to bed, hon. I’m sorry.” “What—” “I’ve reached a breakthrough.” “Good to kn—” William turned off the comm and continued his work.
Smell - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Ash POV)
Hannah closed the door behind us as I slowly sat on my bed. “I don’t remember pushing Amanda.” “You did,” said Hannah. “Just psychically. So, I told the truth. I think you were overwhelmed by being in that corner go. Just decompress here, kay? You have your phone?” I looked at where I’d tossed it on the bed earlier and nodded. “Text me when you’re ready to come out.” She shut the door behind her. I sat on my bed for a while, not moving. Trying to process everything. I felt a familiar tug from under the bed. I hadn’t gotten the telepathic devices out since my birthday. But I felt them every night. I remembered how they helped me wake everyone up. Maybe they could help me better control my powers. Or at least, make me feel better after the meltdown. I slipped off the bed onto the floor. I crawled underneath the bed and pulled out the puzzle box I’d put the devices in. I opened the box up. There they were. Coin-shaped. Small. Black but glowing a light purple. I placed them on my temples and gasped as a shudder raced through me. The room seemed to swell. Light up. Like I could taste every molecule. I could see everything… I could see their thoughts. Feel them from outside. Smell them, almost. I felt a small pressure on my brain. Spinning. The feeling of being on a rollercoaster. Falling… falling… until everything suddenly was still and quiet.
And this one had taste!
Taste - from The Secret Portal Part One (Maddie POV)
My tongue scraped my braces as I willed Noelle to stir. I caught a glimpse of Kelsey holding her neck, likely in pain from the ticking that had been aggravated. Still scratching my tongue, squeezing Wilfredo with my right hand, I placed the other one on Kelsey’s shoulder and squeezed it. She put her free hand on mine. Eventually, though, Noelle groaned and opened her eyes. We all let out an audible sigh. “What happened?” she muttered. “You hit your head when you came out of the portal,” Gwen explained softly, still applying pressure to the wound but putting her hand on Noelle’s forearm. “You may have a concussion. Can you stand?” “I don’t wanna try,” Noelle groaned. “I’m not getting reception,” Rose said, looking down at her phone. “We need to find civilization,” Gwen pointed out, eyes fixed on Noelle. “She needs a legit doctor, and that wound could get infected.” “How?” Rose asked, rubbing her nose. “Guys!” Kelsey said from a standing position. She pointed off to her left. We all turned to see that we weren’t too deep into the forest, as a neighborhood peeked through the trees. “Is it safe to move her?” Rose asked, standing. Gwen shrugged. “Not sure. Besides, no offense, I don’t think we can support her.” “None taken,” Noelle muttered. “Maybe y’all three could go off and see who you can find that could get her help. I’ll stay here.” I was surprised at how well Gwen composed herself in this situation, whereas I was so nervous, I’d run my tongue over my braces so many times that the strong taste of my own blood began to fill my mouth.
People love giving me prompts with taste. I feel like I've exhausted them lol.
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gottestod-writes · 11 months ago
Even if no one likes my stories, I'm happy I write them. They're first and foremost for me
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gottestod-writes · 11 months ago
Incorrect quotes
Thanks to both @the-stray-storyteller here and @gottestod-writes here!
Rules: generate incorrect quotes for your OCs here!
Carmen: Things will get better!
The Squad:
Carmen: Okay, maybe they won’t.
Carmen: But they will be terrible in new and interesting ways!
Jedi: You've been given a new job to do, but I'm worried it might make you angry.
Carmen: Just say it quick, like ripping off a band-aid.
Jedi: You have to teach Rose how to drive.
Carmen: ...put the band-aid back on.
Noelle: *watching the squad's shenanigans with concern* Do you feel like this has gotten out of hand?
Carmen: I don't know. Feels normal enough for a group that's on 911's blocked callers list.
Carmen: I’ve come to a point in my life where I need a stronger word than fuck.
Robbie, throwing a pokeball at Ash: Ash, I choose you!
Ash, not looking up from her book and catching it: You need an Ultra ball to catch this Legendary Pokémon.
Lexi: What do you call disobeying the law?
The Squad: A hobby.
Lexi: *crosses arms*
The Squad: That we do not engage in.
Maddie: We need to distract these guys.
Akash: Leave it to me.
Akash: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Robbie & Lexi: *immediately begin arguing*
Gwen: What's wrong with you?
Noelle: Off the top of my head, I'd say low self-esteem, a lack of paternal affection, and a genetic predisposition for anxiety and depression.
Jedi: Remember what I told you.
Carmen: Don’t be a cunt.
Robbie: “I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy” I would. Pussy.
Robbie: “I’m not gonna sink to their level” I will. Coward.
Robbie: “I’m the bigger person” I’m 150cm tall give me the gun bitch.
Maddie: Okay. Hypothetically speaking, how mad would you be if I burned a hot pocket so badly it could probably fall off a ten-story building and be completely fine?
Ash: Maddie, what did you do?
Maddie: Take a guess.
Carmen: What makes a bigger memory than a passionate kiss?
Carmen: A stab wound.
Jedi: So, you’ve finally arrived-
Jedi: Here to save prince-
Jedi: I’ve been waiting for this day-
Jedi: Stop skipping my dialogue-
Jedi: Seriously, stop-
Rose: "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."
Kelsey: ...
Kelsey: What a stupid fucking quote.
Kelsey: I'm killing way more than two people, idiot.
Kelsey: Guys, there’s a monster under my bed and it’s really ugly.
Carmen, on the bottom bunk: Honestly, fuck you.
Carmen: You can take away my rights, but can you take away my lefts?
These are too accurate omg
Also why does this generator love using Carmen so much
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
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gottestod-writes · 11 months ago
i wear women’s deodorant and men’s cologne i mix pink and blue to match my birthstone amethyst, creating a synthesis a dialectic speaking my singleness womanly chivalry and masculine grace a twist of the wrist that turns on its face bending borders into a threshold equal parts silver and gold i lead and i follow a solo in parts it’s hard pill to swallow if you’re scared of the arts i’ve never been more one than my two perhaps this will give you a breakthrough— the illusion that arose of oil and of water proves that opposition serves those opposed to the other as for me, i’ll keep my duality it beats a boxed-in, binary, banality
                                       – bigender means
Poetry Taglist (Check out my Google form to get added): @elegant-paper-collection​ @polyphonetic @qelizhus @liv-is @maxdamax @auroblaze
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gottestod-writes · 11 months ago
Character voice tag
Shoutout to @the-ellia-west for the tag. Always fun to try these.
(Remember, you are to rewrite the given phrase in the voice of your characters)
My phrase was: Fine, I’ll do it. But this is a really bad idea.
Characters from A Feather in the Forest
[\___/] (.•o •. \———————————————————
Fen: You sure? Remember what happened last time?
Playa: I’m afraid your confidence in me is misplaced.
Rail: You really want to meet Al-Gia this badly, huh?
Ivy: I’ll give it a go…but don’t be surprised if this backfires in the most spectacular way.
Nettle: Me? I’m more likely to make things worse.
Quill: We must be really screwed if you are entrusting this to me.
No pressure tag @smudged-red-ink @indecentpause @theeccentricraven @athenswrites @bard-coded @spitefulbull @gottestod-writes @blind-the-winds @winterandwords @illarian-rambling and anyone else who wants to join in.
Your phrase is: Shall we do it one last time?
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gottestod-writes · 11 months ago
Out of context line
Thank you for the tag @kaylinalexanderbooks
Rules: post a line out of context.
This is for War in Heaven:
“Have some, no ants included.” She handed him a piece.
tagging (no pressure) @dyrewrites @spitefulbull
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gottestod-writes · 11 months ago
Out of context line
Thanks for the tags @mk-writes-stuff here, @willtheweaver here, and @awritingcaitlin here!
Rules: post a line out of context.
I've done TSP before and think I won the game with Akash's line #8 (can't find the original post curse the search feature). Time for SOTL.
From School of the Legends Year One
He was an old man with a farmer’s tan due to being, well, a farmer who was also old.
Not sure if this is as effective as an out of context line but this is the humor of SOTL.
Softly tagging @gracehosborn @illarian-rambling @blind-the-winds @little-peril-stories @buffythevampirelover @eccaiia @dyrewrites @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @stesierra @mysticstarlightduck @garthcelyn @gottestod-writes @herrmannhalsteadproduction @cowboybrunch @theelfauthor @televisionjester or anyone who wants to hop on!
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gottestod-writes · 11 months ago
Incorrect Quotes Game
I know it's been a while, but thank you for the tag @spitefulbull here.
Rules: generate some incorrect quotes here for your OCs.
I'm doing it for my WIP memento morisn't.
*The gang responding to being stabbed by a sword*  Fern: Rude.  Darling : That's fair.  Lively: Not again.  Dr Fifthchild: Are you gonna want this back or can I keep it?
Vitality: If I'm extra sarcastic with you it probably means I'm flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can't handle your crap... have fun figuring out which one.
Pride: *nudges Darling at 3am* Pretty fucked up that we depict the moon as a girl and the sun as a boy. They're just floating rocks in space. Darling? Wake up, Darling! Listen! They're sexless!  Darling: The sun isn't a rock, go back to sleep.
No pressure tags: @kaylinalexanderbooks @kyofsonder @aseriesofsmallthings
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gottestod-writes · 1 year ago
Character Voice Tag Game
Thank youuuuu for the tag @kaylinalexanderbooks.
Rules: rewrite a given line of dialogue in your OC's voice - then tag people and give them a new line
My line: I don't like you Your line: I got a headache, so can you please be quiet?
Tagging @kaylinalexanderbooks (yes, I'm tagging you right back, sorry if that's illegal) @theeccentricraven @bargainbincheese or whoever is in the mood for it
Doing this for my WIP memento morisn't (character voices are still very fresh right now, so they may change in the future)
Darling: "I'm sure you're a right sweetheart." She looked past his head and scanned the crowd for a familiar face. "And I appreciate you taking the time, but I believe I had better find my friend."
Vitality: "No, I absolutely don't mind if you sit with me. You know what? Take my seat. No, it's fine. Actually, I insist. I'll simply sit over there." She pointed to a table at the other end of the near-empty library.
Pride: "Let me take off the glasses, so that I don't need to see you."
Dr Fifthchild: "There may be irreconcilable differences in our approaches and personalities that would needlessly strain any potential work relationship, so I suggest we part ways rather sooner than later."
Fern: "I'm assuming you prefer likeminded company, so don't let me waste your time."
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gottestod-writes · 1 year ago
Hello my friends I am in the reading experimental archeology papers phase of worldbuilding
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