Ask The Signless
4 posts
Ask The Signless anything you can think of. I should respond to someone at least once a day, and I hope you keep them respectful.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
askthesignless · 2 months ago
I've lost the image I used, so I'll be a while before I can answer any asks
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askthesignless · 6 months ago
omnipotentBeast [OB]: HellO, FroM a FelloW CancerS, it is GooD to SeE ThaT SomewherE TherE is AnotheR TrolL LikE MyselF. In ThE SensE ThaT YoU ArE a...WelL, YoU GeT ThE IdeA. I SupposE ThaT I ShoulD AsK a QuestioN. So, WhaT is it LikE BeinG a CanceR LikE MyselF, AnD do YoU ThinK TherE ArE MorE LikE us? - FroM PitbuR HekreT, a FelloW CanceR TrolL
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Nice of you to open up and ask this question, Pitbur! It amazes me that there are fellow cancer trolls like myself out there! To answer the first question, I feel about the same as any other troll in the world. To answer the second question, I believe that somewhere out in the world, there are more like us that have yet to speak up.
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askthesignless · 6 months ago
Yo Signless, your cloak bro. What's the deal? Is it made of leather or something? Why's it tattered? Give the deets man - Dirk Strider
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The cloak? Umm, it's made of cloth, sewn by hand by Mater Dolorosa. As for the reason why it's tattered, I have had to walk everywhere, and it's only really torn by the feet, so we never saw a reason too fix it.
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askthesignless · 6 months ago
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Text in case the image doesn't load: Hello. As you all know, my title is the Signless. I have been given the idea to make this ask page by a couple of my friends and I decided why not, after all, I'm sure you all have some questions, so ask away!
Yes, I know these are the distantquest sprites
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