Soft n Dark
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MHA fic ideas, headcannons, scenes/dialog, and more.
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present-head · 1 year ago
I fully support the HC that there are rumors around UA and the underground about Aizawa that are similar to the 'Chuck Noris can..' series.
Eraserhead once punched a villain into another dimension.
Aizawa once ordered a steak in a restaurant... the steak did as it was told.
At night, the Boogie man checks his closet for eraserhead.
Mr. Aizawa uses a stunt double, but only when he needs to show emotions.
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present-head · 1 year ago
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present-head · 1 year ago
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present-head · 1 year ago
It might be the seasonal depression begging for pain. But I really want to read full throttle angst Erasermic. Mainly a hanahaki special.
I want it to go one of 2 ways.
1) Reunion. A few years after graduating U.A Shouta reconnects with Nemuri and decides to apply for a job at U.A. He's got a good footing in his underground career and has made great leaps in his grief over Oboro. He's excited to reconnect with Hizashi. However when he greets the blond with an awkward 'I missed you' the blond is confused. A week goes by where Shouta is sure that Hizashi is just being dramatic and stubborn in pretending not to know him out of spite. Then Nemuri comes back from her mission and explains that Hizashi had to have surgery after a villain fight and lost a bunch of his memories. The secret is the surgery was Hanahaki removal, only approved without Hizashi’s concent because he was so severely injured during said villain attack. Que the slow relearning to trust and know one another and the triggering of Hizashi’s Hanahaki before a confession.
2) Flowers for Who? Shouta develops Hanahaki after Oboro’s death and Hizashi finds out. Hizashi is there every step of the way, offering help and collecting petals and flowers to press into a memorial book he makes for Shouta. All the flowers Shouta coughs up pressed with pictures of Oboro, the boy that brought on the flowers. With medication and grief counseling Shoutas symptoms are receding and it's looking good. He tries to thank Hizashi for all the help, only to wonder how the blond knew what to do and how to help. Also why had Hizashi left once he was getting better? Turns out Hizashi developed Hanahaki back in first year, when Shouta and Oboro started to develop feelings for one another. Hizashi helped his crush through his grief and was now checked in to a late treatment facility on in the guise of being on a mission.
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present-head · 1 year ago
Everyone knows that Hizashi has to feed his husband. Shouta CAN cook but finds it too much effort, so he prefers the jelly meal replacements. I HC that (similar to Nedzu) Hizashi has a need to make sure that the people he loves get fed because growing up, he had food issues. Muzzled as a kid in foster care, he didn't have easy access to food, and therefore food became a form of love affirmation. It's why he gives Izuku and Hitoshi snacks whenever he sees them in the halls.
What most don't know is that what Hizashi is with food Shouta is with sleep. His husband works three full jobs, volunteers, and has a slue of commissioned design work he does under a pseudonym. The man is busy with a capital B. Often, Shouta has to force the blond to sleep. Which he does with love, because sleep is a form of trust and safety. This is also why Shouta will not wake up a student that falls asleep in his class. He was once a scared foster kid that could only sleep where he felt safe. It's also a bad kept secret that Shouta will stay up to lul students back to sleep after nightmares.
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present-head · 1 year ago
Hizashi Yamada (pro hero Present Mic) has a mustache for any or all of the following reasons.
> To hide scars. Acne can be brutal. (angst/ sewn mouth/ muzzle)
> To make up for his lacking eyebrows. Teeny eye hats= tiny expressions, add some mouth hair to help the face talk.
> Trans Hizashi wanted to relish in finally being able to grow face hair, but beards were too much hassle.
>To twirl mischievously whenever he could.
> In an attempt to keep his hero life and home life separate. The mustache is fake, he takes it off at night when he lets his hair down. He was inspired by those ridiculous glasses with the nose and mustache.
>ANGST/CRACK: It was his way of trying to confess to being a traitor. He grew it out when his life went off the rails, and he became "evil" Mic.
> It was a quirk accident. He tried shaving it off only for it to regrow immediately. He was going to get it fixed, but Shota complimented it, and now it's forever.
> He had a full goatee while interning in Canada. It was an attempt to keep some warmth on his face in the cold winter. When he came back to Japan he felt naked without SOMETHING so he kept the mustache.
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present-head · 1 year ago
Technically... Present Mic is just a reverse Jonny Bravo.
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I have spoken.
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present-head · 1 year ago
JUST ONCE, I'd like to see/read about Present Mic using his hair as a storage unit. Like there are a Bazillion mentions of Eraserhead Using his capture weapon as a means of mysteriously storing random tools. (Commonly adoption forms and kittens).
Someone, please bless me with the image of Present Mic's mom purse of a pompadour. Just picture it, "Need a pencil lil listener? 'rustles in hair' here yah go!"
What else is in Hizashi' he-hive? Well,
Eye drops for Shouta
Pain meds for Midoriya
Ear plugs for Jiro
Fidgets for Denki
I could go on. But really, it's just like the college ladies' bra of a storage container. Down to the clinking of forgotten change/items falling out every night when he takes his hair down.
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present-head · 1 year ago
Shouta & Souls
"I don't believe in soulmates." Shouta whispered, staring at the bond mark in the mirror. The teen had personally seen fate destroy just as often as it brought joy.
"I don't need soulmates." Shouta reminded himself as the tingle of a connected bond shivered down his spine when he finally made contact with his new friends.
"I don't need soulmates." He repeats, reminds himself when he feels one of those new bonds being ripped away all to soon.
"I don't believe in soulmates." Shouta almost whispers years later, finally looking into green eyes brimming with tears. Eyes reeling with pain and hurt. "I don't believe in soulmates..." He says louder, clearer for both of their sakes. "I don't, but..." A hand brushes blond hair from lime green eyes, "I believe in you."
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present-head · 2 years ago
There's so much Dadzawa out there, but I'm a suckered from Dadmic. So Imma make some shorts to put up here.
Dadmic 1: Tenya Iida
Hizashi was still a teen when he first felt fatherly affection. He'd seen little Tenya grow up, babysat for Tensei when the teen went on dates, was there when Tenya grew out his calve engines, chased the toddler when he activated his quirk by accident.
He was there for the brothers when they realized that their parents were not just busy but actively neglectful. What mother misses her toddler's birthday three years in a row? What father denies their son opportunities because they are responsible for their little brother? What sort of parents don't check in on their kids when their close friend dies?
Tensei was raising Tenya, and as his friends it meant that Nemuri, Shouta, and himself were helping raise the tyke too. He was so proud to help grow the little speedster.
Today was especially exciting because Hizashi had gotten his first paycheck as a sidekick, and had enough money to order something special for the boy.
So here the blond sat, Shouta to his left and Tensei on his right, laughing and arguing and throwing Allen keys as the built. The house was big and empty, but today they were adding personality. They would change this deserted house into a home for Tenya, one piece at a time if necessary.
Three hours and a snack break later, they were done and it was time to show the kid the fruits of their work.
There would never be such a rewarding sight as the smile that lit up the child's face when he came into his room to find a bright blue car bed.
"For me?" Tenya questioned, not used to such childish gifts.
"So that you can go just as fast in your dreams," Hizashi exclaimed. Elated to see childlike woner in his little nephews eyes.
It was a first step to healing both brothers' inner children. Hizashi was proud to be a part of it.
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present-head · 2 years ago
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present-head · 2 years ago
Disaster relief training camp, 3am:
Is that an earthquake, or is Present Mic snoring in the neighboring tent?
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present-head · 2 years ago
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present-head · 2 years ago
Ok so controversial headcannon. Sick Aizawa is quiet in public but at home he becomes clingy and doesn't want to be alone. He's still self sufficient, just doesn't want to be alone. To the point that if Hizashi isn't available he'll beg his other friends to come 'hang out'. They turn it into sick parties.
Meanwhile, despite his dramatic hero persona Hizashi is a silent self isolated sicky. He goes so far as to take quirk suppressants while sick because his sneezes and coughs can be lethal if not completely controlled. It's to the point that he gets mad if Shouta tries to come into wherever the blond has bunker down.
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present-head · 2 years ago
One Strange Cat: 1
As Hizashi made eye contact with the round emerald eyes, two thoughts trailed through his head simultaneously. The first thought was one of pity, sympathy brought out by matted fur on a starved tiny body.
His first emotional instinct was to help the kitten, brought out of the pure innocent want to save the tiny baby. The second thought was admitedly more selfish. His second thought was more of a memory that snowballed into an idea. The memory of his crush holding a kitten when they were much smaller before life showed its true nature. A memory of sweet affection for a man he hadn't seen in nearly two months. Shouta always loved cats.
Maybe if he took in this kitten he could convince the tired underground hero to come around more often. They could restore their friendship while helping this poor little kitten.
It was a terrible reason to take in an animal, but life had been lonely in the penthouse he'd just leased. He had more downtime now that Present Mic's popularity had taken off and even with two jobs he spent to much time feeling alone. He missed his friends and his new place had so much more room to fit in a cat or two.
Point was Hizashi wanted to not feel so alone and this kitten needed a home and love.
A match made in heaven.
So the voice hero took off his jacket and scooped up the tiny ball of ratty fur, cooing when the tiny head peeped out to mew at him. He was surprised the stray hadn't resisted being handled. Maybe they had been a pet at one point.
What a heartbreaking relization that was, something so tiny being abandoned by people who were supposed to care for and love them. Hizashi took a deep breath to supress the voice in his head drawing parallels to his own childhood.
"OK tiny listener, how 'bout we get you home and washed up tonight, then we can get a vet check tomorrow and go from there."
The kitten nodded and mewed, settling down in his jacket as the hero started towards his home.
It wouldn't be long before Hizashi would be so glad that this tinny kitten came running out of the alley mewing for him.
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present-head · 2 years ago
Contrary to popular belief, Hizashi Yamada gets quiet when faced with extreme emotions. Present Mic does not, but when his guard is down Hizashi will go silent, partially due to his fear of losing control of his quirk, mostly an ingraned behavior from being muzzled and abused as a kid.
The most extreme example of this and his herosona disconnect happened in highschool. In a training accident before Shouta was fully open to being friends with anyone. Present Mic was leading a team against Vlad King and got injured and lost the match. Vlad was a little cruel in his taunts as the losing team left. Present Mic played it all off and encouraged his team to learn and grow. Fifteen minutes later Shouta finds Hizashi silently crying as he tries to relocate his own shoulder. Not making any noise as he hides in the locker room. Shouta starts to see the Hizashi behind the Mic.
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present-head · 2 years ago
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