my-ffanfiction-archive · 10 months
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Kathryn Hahn as Agatha Harkness and Joe Locke as "Teen" in the first look at "Agatha" spinoff.
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my-ffanfiction-archive · 10 months
if you don't like a certain ship or media do not interact with the posts catered to that ship or media! don't be a bitch and leave bullshit salty tags on the post from op, simply block the tags of this ship or media because tumblr has this awesome feature where you can prevent things from showing up on your dash by blocking specific tags.
"#hur dur not to be a bitch but my ship is better than yours because they have this in canon hur dur" "#hur dur not to be a bitch but x series is better than y series because they have z trope hur dur"
i don't care! the op doesn't care! make your own post about your ship or media of preference and leave other people alone.
that's it, thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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my-ffanfiction-archive · 10 months
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It looks like Connor's first time in a men's strip club.
Markus: Hey, you at the bar. Come on stage with us?
Connor: Hey... Who? Me?
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my-ffanfiction-archive · 11 months
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Sam & Steve in LEGO Marvel Avengers: Code Red trailer
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my-ffanfiction-archive · 11 months
Tell me you're a married couple without telling me you're a married couple
Tom: they are in passionate disagreement, they kinda bicker, tease, and provoke each other.
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my-ffanfiction-archive · 11 months
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Securitywaiter height comparison :]
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my-ffanfiction-archive · 11 months
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Ness HC’s of the day:
-he and Mike met at the diner
-he has a true crime podcast where he mainly has been talking about the murders that have taken place in town in relation to the pizzeria
-He and Abby get along really well and often Ness will baby sit for Mike when he has work
-In fact Ness always gives her extra crayons at the diner if she forgets her own
-Ness is the king of infodumping and thankfully Mike is a good listener
I’m just thinking about domestic Mike and Ness okay?
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my-ffanfiction-archive · 11 months
Guess who drew Ness. ME
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I love him so so much
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my-ffanfiction-archive · 11 months
I'm doing something evil again
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my-ffanfiction-archive · 11 months
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Couple shirts doodle
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my-ffanfiction-archive · 11 months
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Loki 1.06 // For All Time. Always.
Loki 2.05 // Science/Fiction
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my-ffanfiction-archive · 11 months
my only friend who watches Loki is homophobic and the others think it's cringe so I need to scream about these two men or just about this one men and his gender fluid god to everyone
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my-ffanfiction-archive · 11 months
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my-ffanfiction-archive · 11 months
god I love descendants so let’s mix mix that shii with securitywaiter because i love them
song: One Kiss
rated: e for everyone B)
AAAAAA anyways
TW: The word vomiting? (it only shows up once but i’m adding this just in case) also passing out (again just in case!)
No swear words!! Hopefully that helps someone out :D
also, FIRST POST!! yeahyeah🤩
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“NESS!!” Abby screamed. She rushed into the diner as the sky grew dark. Vanessa followed her in pursuit. The waiter, now known as Ness, stopped cleaning and waved at them.
“Hey guys! You here for some food or-” Before Ness could finish, he took notice of the short man being carried in Vanessa’s arms. “Oh. Oh no.” He rushed over to the two, the counter he was cleaning now being long forgotten.
“We- We were just at the pizzeria and- and-” Abby stuttered out while Vanessa laid Mike down in an unused booth near the trio. Ness looked over to Mike before rushing to Abby to comfort her.
Ness pondered what she meant by pizzeria, but decided to go with a statement first rather than a stress inducing question. “Hey hey! It’s alright. I’m sure whatever happened was in NO means your fault.” He ushered. Bending down to be her height and resting a hand on Abby’s shoulder to ground her. Ness swears he could see her smile sadly before quickly going back to a worried expression.
Vanessa walked over to the two and asked Ness something. “Hey do you by anyyyyy chance. Know a pizzeria by the name Freddy’s…?” Ness stared at Vanessa like he had been waiting for a question like this to be asked to him for his entire life. He immediately stood back up before responding.
“DO I know Freddy’s!? DO I?! Vanessa. I’ve been making theories about that place longer than Abby has probably been alive. Trust me. I know that place like the back of my hand.” Ness said with assurance.
Vanessa looked at him. “Well. Mike happens to work as a security guard there and… As you can tell something… Bad… Happened.” She grimaced at the memory as Ness looked at her in confusion.
“I uhm… understand that place doesn’t really have a good history but what in HELL happened there for you two to show up in front of Sparky’s?!” He stood back to get another glance at Mike before adding, “Sorry. The three of you.”
“Ness. I know it might seem strange but seriously it’s better if we just don’t explain it to you-…” Abby then cut off Vanessa before she could finish what she was saying.
“Me Vanessa Mike and all my friends were having some fun when all of a sudden my friends froze up and shut down. I get all upset because what the heck!! Anyways. Next thing I know they are like- vomiting smoke from their mouths?? Mike tells me and Vanessa to run for some reason and so we do obviously and Vanessa shuts the door. She opens it a second later though and Mike is on the ground passed out!! Also all my friends are gone so that sucks.” She frowned as she finished her long info-dump.
Ness stared at the younger Schmidt in absolute shock. Vanessa shared a similar look on her face. “So… Abby… you're telling me ‘your friends’ drugged mike..?” Ness tried his best to control himself so he doesn’t seem like he’s yelling in front of Abby.
Abby shook her head to signify a ‘yes’ as Ness sighed. “I mean… she is telling the truth.” Vanessa said bluntly. Hoping to make the situation less awkward. Her efforts didn’t really help though. So she tried something else. Humor. “Hey! Maybe you could try kissing him!”
Ness stared at her in absolute confusion. His face seemed to be blushing but only Abby really noticed. “…You know… True love’s kiss and all..?” Ness’s face grew a brighter red color as he thought about it.
“Isn’t that severely impractical…!?” Abby laughed at Ness’s blushing. Ness got more embarrassed when Vanessa even decided to join in on Abby’s loud giggling.
“C’mon I see you blushing like an idiot! Have some fun. It’s not like it’s gonna work? But if you chicken out just kiss him lightly on the cheek or something…” The waiter looked at Vanessa in disbelief.
“I have NEVER ‘chickened out.’” He said with fake anger before adding. “But uh- Maybe I will. Tonight.” Vanessa groaned as Abby laughed at her action. Repeating it with a more exaggerated feel.
“Anyway. I’m gonna go rob your company's fridge now. Wanna come Abb’s?” Vanessa felt her pockets to make sure she had everything with her before looking over to Abby to see what her answer was.
She found Abby aggressively nodding. “Yes please!” Vanessa smiled as she took Abby’s hand gently into hers for safety before leading her out into the Sparky’s storage room.
“WAIT YOU DON’T EVEN-” The pair walked off before Ness could finish. He still continued to add. “-Know… Where it is…” The waiter sighed as he turned over to the booth Mike was sleeping near. Ness became completely entranced by how soft Mike seemed. Almost, at peace. In a sense.
Ness breathed in and out. ‘Maybe… One try couldn’t hurt? Right?’ He thought as he straightened his uniform and brushed off his shoulders for any dust particles that might have fallen on him.
Vanessa and Abby peered from the doorway of the storage room. Vanessa pointed it out to Abby while whispering “Plan G: Get Ness to finally own up to his crush on Mike is a go!” Abby smiled as she watched the scene play out.
See, Abby and Vanessa KNOW they could’ve just brought Mike to a hospital and BOOM. But, Vanessa examined Mike for any wounds and came to the realization that nothing had really happened. Mike had just passed out from the gas. Her and Abby decided to use this hurdle as an advancement in their end goal. Ness and Mike FINALLY getting together. Mike and Ness together and ready for Plan G. Though, Vanessa and Abby would have NEVER expected Ness singing to be part of their plan!
“Don't freak out, it's okay
'Cause true love can save the day
And I think we feel the same
But I don't know..”
Ness danced around the room as he sang, and Vanessa and Abby watched in complete surprise. They knew Ness was a little bit of a theater kid but- They never knew it was THIS BAD.
“When we met, it was sweet
He was oh so into me
Seems like things are meant to be
But I don't know.”
Ness took off his apron he had been using to save his uniform from the substances he used to clean. He placed it on the other end of the booth and looked down on Mike. His face flushing just by the sight of him. He quickly broke the gaze and continued.
“Does he love me?
Or does he love me not?
Do I love him?
And is it strong enough?”
Abby and Vanessa shared a quick and quiet high-five as they saw Ness. Sharing their victory even though it may have been too early to celebrate.
“One kiss, one kiss It all comes down to this
One kiss, one kiss… Ooh!
One kiss, one kiss
This moment could be it
I, I, I wanna know
So here I go…”
The waiter hesitated as he tried to plant a soft kiss on the security guards lips. He tried, really! He did. Yet he couldn’t bring himself to fully commit to the idea. Vanessa and Abby groaned as they saw the hesitation.
“Keep it cool, keep it calm
Think he's loved me all along
But maybe I got it wrong
So I don't know…
He's so good, got my back
But maybe I'm just too bad
Could we be a perfect match?
Now, I don't know…”
“Oh I wish I had a camera right now…” Vanessa whispered to Abby as she nodded. Whispering back a quick “Me too” To the police officer before continuing to look at Ness.
“Does he love me?
Or does he love me not?
Do I love him?
And is it strong enough?!
One kiss, one kiss
It all comes down to this
One kiss, one kiss. Ooh!”
Ness continued to sing like no one was watching. In his head, he was thankful none of his coworkers could work late tonight, or else he’d have a LOT to explain. Or maybe he wouldn’t. His coworkers were kinda used to it at this point.
“One kiss, one kiss
This moment could be it
I, I, I wanna know
So here I go…”
Vanessa and Abby muttered a quick ‘Go.’ Rushing Ness to hurry up and just kiss that dude already!!
“Yeah, here I go…
I feel my heartbeat beating saying, ‘It's gonna work’
But if I'm dream-dream-dreaming, this is gonna hurt
Either I will or I won't
What if I do and he don't?
Is he my Romeo?
Oh, there's only one, one way to really know”
To get his mind off of Mike, and also to prepare himself for what he was about to convince himself to do, Ness finished cleaning the diner. Putting back on his apron for a second before finally getting it over with putting everything away. Of course he still hit some dance moves while he was getting ready.
“HEYYYYY one kiss, one kiss
It all comes down to this
One kiss, one kiss
Ooh One kiss, one kiss
This moment could be it
I, I, I wanna know
So here I go”
Ness leaned back down to Mike once again, Vanessa and Abby muttering another ‘Go!’ To encourage from afar. Mike immediately moved in his sleep, causing Ness to jump back.
“…Here I go…”
Ness went back in to try a second time, they always say second time's the charm- right? But while doing so Mike moves again. Ness quickly grew frustrated.
“Here I go!
Here I go…”
The Sparky’s waiter slowly put his lips ever so softly onto Mike’s. Vanessa and Abby cheered (for real this time) as Ness had finally done it. After a few seconds, he let go and rose back up. Feeling kind of stupid at the fact he sort of expected something to happen.
Suddenly, as if god had heard what Ness was thinking, Mike woke up in a cold sweat. He looked up and stared at Ness. Who stared back with just the same amount of shock. Even Vanessa had a surprised expression that had situated itself on her face.
Abby was smiling while Vanessa gazed in awe. She knew the kiss would work the whole time. After all, fairytales never lie! Everyone should know that.
“What… What happened.” Mike asked with fear, lacing his voice. He didn’t get an answer though. Just a few more minutes of panic induced silence before Ness yelled.
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