#Scruffy Constantine
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a2remedy · 7 days ago
DPXDC Prompt# 5- War between Warlocks
-A dichotomy I love has always been hard worker vs natural talent, so let's take this running.
Constantine spent the day lying on his couch. A new pack of beer and smokes are beside him while he's watching one of Z's performances while she's off world. A usual partly cloudy in Liverpool.
It was nice....
-Or it would've been nice if he couldn't recall who he saw. Correction, who he thought he saw. Because there was no bloody way that magic-wielding bastard survived. ...
Shut up.
It wasn't real. It couldn't have been real.
But karma was a bitch and it was making itself known.
For once in his life, John's phone was still.
Nobody has reached out to him to exorcise anything for a week and he was slowly losing his shit. Looks like he has to go out and find out for himself. ---
Danny couldn't help but laugh.
That marks his 10th exorcism this week, and he could already see the con man pulling his hair out when he just chose to take a little weight off an old 'friend's' shoulders while he's on his vacation from ghost king business.
He must be pissed.
It couldn't be helped. Danny's natural disposition made magic a breeze. He's one of the most occult things there is, after all. If he can't dodge it all, he might as well embrace it. Who could've guessed it would come with the scruffiest blonde with a fun accent getting on his case? John Constantine. A delight to watch work and in bed. That's all in the past now, anyways. Sometimes, he just needed to take a minute to remind himself that he's human, too. What better way to do than to fuck with the one person he's felt most like that with?
He felt horrible thinking his last moment with John was going to be looking at the desperation and fear written all over his face. No need for that now. The spark of a locator spell flickered off his barrier on the rooftop. He cackled as he heard John's "I BLOODY KNEW IT!" through the streets. The phone in his pocket buzzed again. John really was such a busy man. He ensured the non-teleportation tattoo he made last time hadn't faded before hopping to the next roof and answering. "This is Hex speaking. I've stolen John's phone, but I can assure you I can get the job done ten times easier than he can." Making his way out of a portal on the roof he left, "I can hear you, cheeky bastard!" "That's the point, dipshit!" Danny stuck out his tongue and kept moving. Tsk. Barely 5 minutes to catch up. Looks like he's getting rusty. Oh well, nothing a little refresher and practice can't fix.
Thus began the reunion between a king and a con man.
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mustasekittens · 1 month ago
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just when you think youve hit rock bottom, you wanna fuck a blond guy
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johnconstanbean · 3 months ago
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Hellblazer summed up in one photo
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 24 days ago
Just remembered your Bryce White story, and anted to know if you'd do a DCxDP au of it. I would love to know what kind of spin you'd give it.
Bryce had her hand over her eyes, not bothering to hide the sheer exhaustion in her body.
“Mom?” Damian asked nervously, holding the hand of his twin brother.
“I’m alright,” Bryce sighed as she removed her hand.
“Are you trans to?” Danny asked. Danny Fenton aka Danny Phantom, a cartoon from her past life.
Just like she was in the Batman comics from her past life.
She needed to hit something or eat a lot of sugar.
“No, your mother decided that I was a man, specifically she believed me to be my elder brother who’d hidden himself,” Bryce said bluntly. “I’m Thomas Wayne’s bastard kid.”
“So she lied about your love affair,” Danny nodded with a shrug.
“Talia is a beautiful woman,” Bryce said. “I however have no interest in her.”
“Your interest is in scruffy detectives,” Damian remarked, looking more at ease. Bryce rolled her eyes at her son.
“John is a lovely man,” Bryce said.
“Constantine?!?” Danny asked in horror.
Bryce sighed. Here they go.
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vladimirsangel · 11 days ago
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It's scruffy, but I had fun! Loved seeing so many of these today in my feed.
Starting top left, characters who inspired Aurik:
Raziel, Soul Reaver video game series
Constantine, a vampire from Robin McKinley's novel Sunshine
Oswald Cobblepot, Gotham TV series
Fiver, Watership Down
Erik, the Phantom of the Opera
David, from the movie A1: Artificial Intelligence.
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chaoticallyfluffy · 10 months ago
I read about John Constantine in fanfics before I ever saw what he looked like and when I first saw him I was so confused because… why is he an attractive young man?? Where’s the scruffy, messily shaven facial hair? Where’s the shoulder length hair that’s never brushed? Where’s the rumpled trench coat and fedora that’s slightly askew? The tired eyes? The slouch? I don’t think he was ever described this way literally anywhere but that’s thems the vibes and I cannot comprehend the animated version. Why’d they yassify him???
I did some quick drawings to prove my point:
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Idk what to tell you, this is literally him. He looks a bit too much like a cowboy in the second one and I don’t think I fully captured the vibes but STILL! Let him be a stinky middle aged man who has never looked in a mirror in his life!! Cowards!!
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callsign-mimic · 5 months ago
So here's the first chapter of a Crossover fic that I have been working on when inspirations strikes. Once again borrowing Captain Castle Alistair from the lovely @charliemwrites
Content Warnings: Dresden and Constantine are likely going to be a bit out of character, not edited, not beta read, mentions of alcohol and Constantine being an ass, abrupt ending
A series of concerning reports had Mimic once again working alongside Captain Castle Alistair. The pair were on a mission in Chicago to gather intel and try to piece together why the reports all seemed so inconsistent, contradicting each other in ways that obfuscated the facts of the threat. If there even was one.
Mimic didn't like being in Chicago at the best of times. There was a reason the house she owned was in the middle of the woods in Wisconsin. Castle, ever the extrovert, was completely in his element as they walked through the crowded streets together. He had his arm around her waist, keeping her tight to his side as they headed to the first source of the strange reports.
McAnally's Pub was fairly detached from the main bar scene. It was one of those places that would have been easy to miss if you weren't deliberately looking for it. Mimic quickly glanced around the bar when they walked in, seeing only two other patrons as she and Castle quietly sat at the far end of the bar. The bartender greets them with a nod as he places an unlabeled bottle of beer in front of an exhausted looking, scruffy blonde man in a tan trench coat.
"Mac?" Mimic asks, her soft voice drawing the dark eyes of the tall man slouched at the other end of the bar. Castle noticed the blonde man shift from the corner of his eye, how his sharp blue eyes became alert and calculating as he studies Mimic. He looked almost like a predator sizing up his prey, deciding if she would be worth the hunt.
Castle finds himself slightly relieved when Mac nods and leads Mimic to a back room to speak privately. He doesn't miss how the tall man with dark eyes seems to perk up at the sight. This one seems more curious about her interaction with the bartender more than anything, though he does give her an appraising once over. Castle keeps both of these men in his periphery as he waits for his partner to return.
"Oi, that pretty bird yours, mate?" The blonde asks, looking over at Castle with a cocky smirk. Castle eyes the man, sizing him up, but the dark-eyed man cuts in before he can respond.
"How does she know Mac?" The curiosity in his voice is genuine, almost as if he's excited to know the answer.
"Mim knows a lot of people." Castle says vaguely, his own dark eyes locking onto those of the other man.
"Fair enough." He responds with a laugh, putting his hands up in a placating gesture as Castle notices the sharpness in the blonde man's gaze.
"Mim, eh?" The blonde asks, raising an eyebrow. "Strange name for a pretty little thing..."
Mimic walks back into the bar a step behind Mac and takes her place at Castle's side. She smiles at Mac and nods a silent thanks as he sets an unmarked glass bottle of soda in front of her. Castle wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her tightly against his side as he gives the blonde man a warning look. The blonde only chuckles, setting money on the bar and standing as he finishes the last dredges of his ale.
Castle and the dark-eyed man both watch him go, their attention turning back to their respective drinks once he's out the door.
"Apparently we should get into contact with a local private investigator named Harry Dresden." Mimic tells Castle, her voice soft enough to not be overheard. "I guess whatever's been going on in this city is right up his alley. And it would be beneficial to have a local help us get around."
"You're looking for Harry Dresden?" The dark-eyed man asks, perking up once again.
"Might be. You know him?" Castle asks in response, narrowing his eyes at the man. He knew Mimic had spoken quietly enough that she shouldn't have been heard from across the bar. Not unless the man had already been straining to listen.
"I am him." The man replies, a crooked smile appearing on his face that both Castle and Mimic find endearing. "Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden, Chicago P.I." He gets up and walks over to them, pulling a card out of an inner pocket in his duster with a flourish and offering it to Mimic with a wink. "At your service."
She takes the card, looking it over curiously while Castle keeps his eyes on Harry. The P.I was tall, probably between 6'8" and 6'9", with a fairly lean build. He looked to be quick on his feet in a fight, and the .500 Smith & Wesson hidden under his duster was nothing to sneeze at. For a brief moment, Castle wondered what it would be like to run his fingers through the shaggy mop of dark hair nearly covering Harry's eyes, then shook the thought away. Maybe he would find out later, maybe not. Right now, he needed to focus on the mission.
"Wizard?" Mimic asks, looking up at Harry with a slight tilt to her head. Harry rubs the back of his neck, his crooked smile becoming a sheepish grin.
"Ah... Yeah, wizard." He says, looking slightly embarrassed for a moment. He clears his throat in an attempt to regain his composure. "Harry Dresden, Private Investigator and Wizard for Hire. The only wizard you'll find in the phonebook, too."
The way Mimic giggles at his response had Harry swallowing hard. The sound was light and melodic, like the tinkling of notes played on an angelic instrument. Castle relaxes a bit, not realizing just how tense he had been for the whole interaction so far. Seeing the tall "wizard" so easily flustered by the sound of Mimic's amusement sits better with him than the predatory look on the blonde man's face from earlier. And Castle couldn't blame Harry for being caught off-guard. After all, what person in their right mind would be able to resist the sound of Mimic's laughter? He grins at the faint blush that dusts Harry's cheeks, and gives Mimic an affectionate squeeze.
"Mac said you work with the Chicago PD, is that true?" Mimic asks, feeling the way Castle relaxes next to her. "Are supernatural incidents really that prominent here?"
"Kind of..." Harry admits. "They have a unit for especially strange and unexplainable cases. I work as a consultant for them from time to time." He sticks his hands in the pockets of his duster, another crooked smile adorning his lips. "I am very curious as to what you're looking for that would have Mac referring you to me."
Castle and Mimic exchange a glance for a moment before they both look back up at Harry.
"We're special forces operators with the U.S. military." Castle answers, his dark eyes meeting Harry's. "There have been some concerning rumors about potential terrorist activity in the city. Our higher ups sent us to investigate."
Harry whistles, his eyebrows raising in surprise as he looks between the two of them.
"Spec ops, huh? Well damn." He chuckles, pulling a hand from his pocket to run it through his hair. "The uh... The work will be compensated, yeah?"
"Of course." Mimic replies, her bright smile making Harry's heart skip a beat. If he wasn't behind on rent again, he would just ask for a date with her instead. Though he assumes that wouldn't happen, given how tightly her partner still has her held against his side.
"Then I'll be happy to help." He says, grinning and putting his hand back into his pocket. "Any ideas on where you want to start?"
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constantinetwins · 8 days ago
He didn't know what, exactly, he expected with the questions. To understand how the multiverse worked? Solve his depression and massive imposter syndrome? Maybe he just wanted to see how fucking low he could sink.
By all the posts, photos, interactions... many other John's had a worse life than he did. He should be grateful.
He just felt more miserable.
"Are you going to sulk all night, then?"
John huffs, not bothering to look up as his twin wandered in, sharp eyes on the merchandise, hair artfully pulled on a bun.
Refined, polished. A whole word away from John's scruffy appearance.
"Don't you have better stuff to do?"
Jon wrinkles his nose, delicate fingers tracing the ward John was working on. He almost wished it was something dangerous, then maybe the git would mind his own business.
"Just here to deliver this." He says, putting a Tupperware with food on the counter. "And you skipped family dinner."
John almost never went, not if Jon was present. They'd just fight, and Gemma had enough of the both of them being menaces.
"Well, not that I expected you to show to a proper meal. The cur likes scraps, doesn't he?"
John grits his teeth, not falling for the bait. He'd normally be shouting by now, mad as all hell, but he just... didn't have it in himself, today.
No other Constantine had a twin. He didn't know what to think, that he was the exception.
"Mhm. You errant boy, now?" He asks, idle, presents not to see how Jon bristles.
"Ugh, see if I ever do her a favor again. You're the worst to deal with when you're hangover."
Huh, so he looked that bad. Well. As long as it worked.
Jon left, not saying anything else. John opened his phone again. He had so much research to do.
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milfzatannaz · 1 month ago
I thought Joanna didn’t work bc she was too clean, too proper. Like part of Constantine’s charm (and an essential part of his character and themes) is that he’s scruffy and working class.
Jenna simply doesn’t have the range. She couldn’t add the actual sardonic asshole vibes that John exudes. She was vaguely misguided and rude but her delivery had no bite to it
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w1ng3dw01f · 1 year ago
Characters Who Are Scrungly (or Scrunkly)
Scrungly/Scrunkly: cute in a quirky, scruffy, or disheveled way
Like a wet cat, a tired ferret, or perhaps even a feral raccoon
Loki (when they want to be) (Marvel)
Bucky Barnes (Marvel)
Din Djarin (Star Wars)
Jason Todd (DC Comics)
John Constantine (DC Comics)
Dream/Morpheus (Sandman)
Ben Solo (Star Wars)
Jyn Erso (Star Wars)
Grover the Muppet 
Silco (Arcane)
Viktor (Arcane)
Jinx (Arcane)
Bunny (Pulp Fiction)
Matt Murdock (Marvel, specifically season 3 Daredevil)
Ballister (Nimona)
Sayid Jarrah (Lost)
Desmond Hume (Lost)
Benjamin Linus (Lost)
So, my friends and I started making this list. Does anyone have any additions or would like to argue against some of the existing characters being here?
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tiger-in-the-flightdeck · 1 year ago
D, I and O
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom?AhahahHAHAHAHA!!! Oh man, it was this. Something that I'm 100% sure is older than a lot of my followers. I can't even confirm exactly how old it is, because the website that I originally posted it on doesn't exist anymore.
I: Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? So, once upon a time, in the days of yore, while I was still a total novice at this whole Fandom thing, I picked up a DVD from the library. What's this?? I thought. Someone made a modern version of my favourite literary characters??? Wow, I wonder if anyone else thinks these two guys are in love. I should check online! And in my naivete, I did. And for a while, it was great! Sure, I created my blog in the midst of the 'You shouldn't bite someone's dick without permission' discourse, and sure I was accused of appropriating my own culture because I didn't agree with the sentiment that an AU about the characters as cavemen(I think? Fuck it's been forever) was being maliciously racist, and sure I received dozens of death threats when I cited examples that suggested one of the characters was recovering from an ED, and SURE I eventually stopped writing for years after being repeatedly harassed and misgendered and threatened by readers when I asked them to stop speaking to me offensively. And SU- Sorry. Where was I going with this? Oh right! Eventually, the thing that put me off entirely was when a fandom divide cropped up and they started fighting over whether or not there was a Conspiracy involved with the writers/directors/media/actors/actors' wives/the fucking queen, i don't know. I figured it was just silly fun, and said I didn't buy into said Conspiracy. Hoo, boy. The flood of hate was epic. So when 'that side' started chirping on about how they were so sweet and kind and generous compared to their Enemies, I said 'Uh, and what about this message I got? And this one? And this other? And these thirty more?' which got a response of 'Oh, those are obviously from people on your side sending you those messages pretending to be True Believers, to make us look bad. Or you probably sent them to yourself.' At which point, I blocked about a hundred people, added a crap ton of stuff to my blacklist, disabled anon, and noped the fuck outta there. Kept the beloved friends I made, though!
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of? This one reminds me of TimKon. Specifically 100 Failed Cloning Attempts TimKon.
And this one isn't exactly random(and warning for lots of flashing lights), but it gives me of Constantine/First of the Fallen vibes.
Specifically from the First's point of view...
With young, scruffy punk John.
Which I definitely haven't written.... *CoughDevil'sMusicCough*
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ratblazer · 1 year ago
Hey! I've been wanting to say for a very long time that it gives me great joy whenever your art shows up the #johnconstantine tag. I love that you gave him a dad bod that feels true to his character, and I love that you draw him sorta dishevelled yet managing to have this sort of suave charm. Appreciate your constantine contributions!
Aww thank you so much! I'm glad to hear I balance the scruffiness and charm well, it's important to me that he has both. Even if I tend to draw him on the more.. scrunkly side, I do intend for him to be somewhat attractive too djdhdj
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baublecoded · 1 year ago
“Foxe would delight Henry by showing him a 110-page Latin dossier explaining the ‘true difference between royal and ecclesiastical power’. A momentous document whose scruffy, uninviting appearance belies its significance, it is headed ‘Ex sacris scripturis et authoribus Catholicis’ (‘Compiled from Holy Scriptures and Catholic Authors’) and known today as the ‘Collectanea satis copiosa’ (‘Sufficiently plentiful collections’). Evolving from the ‘King’s Book’ and then marshalling new sources culled from biblical texts, the Church Fathers, the decrees of Church Councils, Roman law, Anglo-Saxon laws and national histories and chronicles, it made the bold argument that the pope was merely the Bishop of Rome. As such, his jurisdiction did not extend beyond his own diocese, whereas the King of England was the ‘Vicar of Christ’ in his kingdom. According to the dossier, Henry’s ‘lawful’ powers were just as ‘imperial’ as those of the early Byzantine emperors, notably Constantine the Great and Justinian, or the Old Testament rulers David and Solomon (Henry’s favourite kings were David and Solomon, and he could quote verbatim from the Old Testament and the Code and Institutes of Justinian). Should he choose to reappropriate his regal powers, he might appoint his own bishops instead of merely nominating candidates to the pope, and he could reform the monasteries. He might then also empower the Archbishop of Canterbury, or else a panel of bishops, to investigate and reach a verdict on his ‘scruples of conscience’, with no appeal allowed. None of this, Foxe argued, would make Henry schismatic like Luther. He would merely be ‘restoring’ to himself legitimate royal rights which, historically, Anglo-Saxon and Norman kings had exercised, and which the papacy had usurped. (Some of the dossier’s claims were true, although their historical contexts could be misunderstood; others were twisted to prove what its compilers wanted the king to believe.) Only Henry II in late 1169 at the height of his quarrel with Archbishop Thomas Becket had dared to make claims like these, and he had been forced to make amends after the appalling scandal of Becket’s murder.”
— John Guy & Julia Fox, Hunting the Falcon: Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn and the Marriage That Shook Europe
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firespirited · 2 years ago
Whole internet : more Anakin more!
Me: Christensen as an unassuming court assigned group therapist with his own issues who also does vigilante stuff on the side and skips to a new town and look every 5 episodes, dissociates vivid imagery that he takes as cosmic guidance, produced by CBC. As scruffy or as polished, as charming or as dangerous as the story requires, urban-rural gothic but no blue or grey filter. Rust Cohle meets Constantine meets Poker Face. Just putting that out there, can you imagine the rest?
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cantillat-moved · 2 years ago
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anonymous: I know you haven’t been on that profile in a month but I love your Big Bad Wolf page (Bigby) I’d love to know more about him and write with him. do you write big bad wolf here? I always loved that blog when I found it. I’d love to know more about him and learn about his history.
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Wow, that’s certainly a blast from the past. It has been… 5 years since that blog I believe ? And honestly, I do miss writing the chainsmoker scruffy wolf at times but the Fables rpc was never too big and the TWAU turned into something that left a bad taste in my mouth. I’m forever grateful for meeting people like Kay (another Bigby rper whom is a wonderful writer and an amazing person) and actually talk to some of the people involved in the comic adaptation of TWAU. Maybe I should pick him up again, he was so much fun to write – and, of course, have him open to all sorts of fairy tales and his modern verse.
Bigby comes from a comic book series called Fables, part of the Vertigo printing line that belongs to DC Comics, the same that published Sandman and Constantine originally. The comic series got many accolades throughout the years, winning fourteen Eisner Awards (with best new series in 2003 and serialized stories in 2003, 2005 and 2006) and was also nominated for three Hugo Awards for Best Graphic Story. Eventually it got a video game prequel by Telltale Games (the same as the Walking Dead and Minecraft Story Mode) called The Wolf Among Us. It also got a novel, 3 spin-offs and some graphic novels along the way. Fun fact : at the time there was a lowkey talk about the ABC's series Once Upon a Time plagiarizing Fables but it was never confirmed or denied, it was just speculation as they are very similar in some aspects and the timing certainly feel suspicious.
Bigby is the Big Bad Wolf of the fairy tales, the rut of the litter between a she-wolf and the North Wind, meaning that he is half-elemental and that’s why he was so unusual. His father abandoned his mother and his older brothers were bullies, so he swore to get a larger prey every day until he became the biggest and strongest beast of all the lands. “Bigby” was supposed to be an ironic name given to him by his brothers. All the evil wolves from fairy tales ? Yes, that was him. The one from the Three Little Pigs ? The one from Red Riding Hood ? That’s all him.
The fairy tale world … Think of something similar to Kingdom Hearts: there are many interconnected worlds that they call Homelands. Each Homelands are separated, but it is possible to travel along them if you know how to pull that off. And despite all the monsters and evil witches everything was more or less “chill” until a tyrant known as “The Adversary” started conquering all the lands and ravaging every simple place that tried to rise against them. In order to escape The Adversary and his forces, the inhabitants of the Homelands found a world without magic – our world. So they traveled across to our world and settled in New York City back when it was first funded and they live in a hub they call “Fabletown”, trying to blend in with human society. When they were trying to escape, Bigby was actually attacking the camps of the Adversary’s troops and rescuing the prisoners, taking them to the portals. One of the people that he helped was Snow White. Eventually he too was overwhelmed by the army and had to flee, hiding in a Carpathian forest for a while (and chilling with Dracula) when Snow came to him and invited him to join the other exiled people. Of course that a 5-7 foot tall wolf isn’t exactly “discreet” and she brought a cursed dagger that turns men into wolves so maybe the reverse would work ? And it did. Because he was very strong and heal very fast he became the “sheriff” and the one who had to keep everybody safe. Of course a lot happens during the series, we learn for example that he trained Cinderella to be pretty much a female James Bond to go around the world in missions; that he went to WWII to maul a few Nazis (and he also fought Frankenstein’s creature. In his own words “it was epic”) and many other things. He is also in love with Snow White but wouldn’t tell her (although I also ship him with the Little Mermaid that appears in the game).
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They recently confirmed the Season 2 of The Wolf Among Us after so many years and it was postponed. I wish the best for the team, I don't mind it being delayed if that means they'll have a good time making it. There was also the god-awful spin-off Bigby vs Batman that belongs in the trash (with certain Fables storylines that I'm not going to go into detail) and there is a new volume that started... In 2021 I think ?
tl;dr I still love the grumpy wolf and I'd love to write him again sometime. Maybe I should revive him here.
If anyone is curious, the url was @bigbybxdwolf
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dhampiravidi · 1 year ago
you see a scruffy blond guy in fanart. he's about 6 feet (2 meters) tall.
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