#Science Education Specialist
in-sightpublishing · 2 months
"Only a Theory Revisited"
Publisher: In-Sight Publishing Publisher Founding: September 1, 2014 Publisher Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada Publication: Critical Science Newswire Original Link: https://ncse.ngo/only-theory-revisited Publication Date: July 16, 2024 Organization: National Center for Science Education Organization Description: The National Center for Science…
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cienie-isengardu · 2 years
Sha'kajir meant sitting down for a meal, and had come to refer to a truce or cease-fire. Skirata found that remarkably apt in this case. Everything could be resolved over a meal, the neutral territory where you said what you had to say and everyone was treated as kin, at least until the meal was over. He was still negotiating his cease-fire with Uthan. Vau managed a smile. "Mij'ika seems like a new man since he's found someone to discuss bacteriology and congenital urethral obstruction with him. If only everyone was so easy to please." "Not at the table, I hope." "It's all big words, Kal. You won't understand the really stomach-churning medical detail." Skirata ignored the jibe without even trying. A year ago, maybe less, it would have started the old fight going again, but they both found their differences weren't worth the effort now.
Imperial Commando: 501st
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hob28 · 2 months
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srisiddivinayaka · 10 months
Famous Kannada Jyothisham in Bangalore
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Welcome to Jyothishalayam, your one-stop shop for all things astrological. Our knowledgeable astrologers employ the age-old Jyothisham science to make precise predictions and offer solutions to any of your concerns.
We provide a wide range of services, including horoscope readings, palmistry, numerology, gemmology, and Vastu Shastra, and are conveniently located close to you. You may be sure that you will get the best guidance and solutions because our astrologers have years of expertise and are knowledgeable about the nuances of Jyothisham.
We provide a comprehensive choice of astrological merchandise, including gemstones, yantras, rudraksha, and other puja materials, in addition to our astrological services. You can choose the best goods for your needs with the assistance of our team of specialists.
Visit Jyothishalayam Near Me today if you're looking for trustworthy and precise astrological guidance. You can easily handle life's ups and downs with the assistance of our knowledgeable astrologers. Visit Jyothishalayam to witness Jyothisham's power.
No matter if you are having personal or professional issues, our astrologers will use their knowledge to provide you the direction you need to get through any challenge. We also provide answers to problems relating to dating, business and career possibilities, education, and health.
For more information:
Location: 29, 17th A Main Rd, HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560008, India.
Phone: +91 7349557581
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acemyonlineclass · 2 years
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intersectionalpraxis · 9 months
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"Almost all the universities in Gaza destroyed or damaged. A huge amount of students and academic staff killed. The erasure of Palestinian higher education is part of the genocide and does not stop. Universities abroad must act and cut their ties with Israeli academic institutions [@/ PeruginiNic on X. 12/31/23.]" "🚨Breaking: Dr. Said Al-Zubda, the president of the University College of Applied Sciences in #Gaza, along with his wife and children, killed by an Israeli airstrike targeting their home. #Gaza_Genocide [@/ NourNaim88.]"
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"With heavy hearts, we regret to inform you that Dr. Mohammed Mattar, an orthopedic specialist at Indonesi Hospital in Jabalia, was tragically murdered by Israeli military along with his 3 children in Gaza city. The account from his surviving wife is truly heartbreaking. 3 days ago, an Israeli infantry unit operates in Saftawi area, in Gaza city." "His house was bombed by tank shells & fired bullets upon. The soldiers then raid his house. He & his 3 children were murdered. His wife is in Gaza city, whilst 2 other remaining children Fatima (5yo). and Ahmed (10yo) were taken hostage by the Israeli military and subsequently handed over to the Red Cross. The children managed to reach Deir Balah governmental hospital where they are receiving medical treatment. [@/ ytirawi on X. 12/31/23.]"
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ms-demeanor · 7 months
Hi! My employer's workplace wellness program was recently revamped, and I'm trying to assess whether it's slid into the nonsense side of wellness-world. Specifically, there's a webinar being offered by a guy named Abra Pappa on using an "anti-inflammatory diet" to "battle against chronic diseases… including heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and even certain cancers." This sounds… sketchy to me, but I know you have both expertise in nutrition and a strong bullshit detector, so wanted to ask what you make of it.
Okay long story short never trust anyone who got their degree from a university that started off as a school for chiropractors.
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Abra Pappa got her MS in Functional Medicine and Human Nutrition after getting a BA in Theater; I checked the requirements for that degree and the school's whole catalogue is throwing red flags but what's throwing the most red flags for me is that if I wanted to get a degree in nutrition from an ACEND accredited program I'd need to take a hell of a lot more than one bio class, one anatomy OR one physiology class, one medical terminology class, one nutrition class, and one biochemistry class in order to get into a master's program.
It's funny because she went from a BA in theater arts to an MS in Functional Nutrition and Human Nutrition and I've been trying to go from a BA in Theater Arts to an MS in nutrition and *aside* from the whole private school costs thing one of the major barriers is that I'd basically need to re-do all of my undergrad to get in a lot of chemistry, some calculus, and MANY nutrition classes before I qualified for a Master's program. But based on the program she took I'm only one medical terminology and one biochemistry class away from a Master's program instead of more like ten to fifteen classes (primarily in nutrition, chemistry, and physiology) away.
Anyway she says she's a Licensed Dietician Nutritionist. There are some states that allow LDN certification, New York is one of those states. *BUT* to be an LDN in New York you have to
Complete a program in dietetics-nutrition that culminates in a bachelor’s degree that qualifies for certification in dietetics-nutrition or has been accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Dietetics Education (CADE).[Note: CADE is now ACEND] The program must include at least 45 semester hours of coursework in dietetics/nutrition and must include at least 20 semester hours of coursework in the area of human biological sciences and social and behavioral sciences
Pappa went to the University of Western States in Oregon, and the only ACEND accredited school in Oregon is at OSU, so if she's an LDN it's from someplace that isn't New York, where she lives and works.
She also claims to be a CNS, a Certified Nutrition Specialist, but in order to qualify for THAT you need to have an MS with some pretty rigorous coursework
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And this is what the school required for her MS program:
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And given that she didn't have a science degree for undergrad it seems pretty likely that she wasn't doing anything close to what an undergrad nutrition program looks like:
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For the record, here are the MS requirements for an MS in nutrition with a health and wellness emphasis at that same school:
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In order to get accepted to the MS in nutrition program in that school you either need to have a BS in nutrition or a BS in biology or chemistry and take all the undergrad level nutrition requirements ON TOP OF that BS.
I don't think that a theater degree and an MS from a woo-y correspondence school really count, even if you do pay $45k for your diploma.
If you go look at the requirements for any ACEND accredited school and compare them to the MS program from University of Western States it leaves UWS looking pretty shitty in comparison. Like, nowhere in her requirements is there a statistics class! Stats is required even for an associate transfer certificate in nutrition! EVEN AT THE 2-YEAR LEVEL FOR REAL NUTRITION DEGREES YOU HAVE TO DO STATS AND SHE DIDN'T HAVE TO TAKE A SINGLE STATS CLASS FOR HER MS. You will note that the cal poly MS program has one entire MS-Level class on vitamin metabolism and one entire MS-Level class on mineral metabolism for any of the three MS in Nutrition emphasis courses; her school required neither.
This shit makes me want to climb the walls.
I'm just going to start calling myself a nutritionist. California will let anyone call themselves a nutritionist, there are absolutely zero protections on that term and I can get myself a piece of paper for like three hundred dollars from a diploma mill that has some kind of bullshit accreditation.
Here are the programmatic accreditations her school has:
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Compare with the Cal Poly programmatic accreditations (I cite cal poly a bunch because it was the program I was hoping to get into eventually so I researched it the most; that's where I got my BA, go broncos):
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Note that the website for her school is listed with the department of education as wschiro.com because it was called Western States Chiropractic College until 2010.
Every time i dig into something like this it makes me want to stare into space for hours. No wonder college students are getting fucked on their loans and going to bullshit schools. No wonder everything is a scam these days. People bitch about credentialism but you know what maybe this lady is a CNS; sure, for some people that requires passing board certification tests, getting 1000 hours of clinical supervision, and becoming a Nurse Practitioner with real actual nutrition study from a solid program, but for other people it requires zero understanding of statistics, a theater degree, and three *whole* units of anatomy. Maybe she clears the bar on that one! She doesn't have the qualifications for an LDN in New York, she's not an RDN because she sure as fuck didn't take the classes required for a *VERY SERIOUSLY* protected title, but maybe you can be a CNS with an online diploma from the western states chiropractic college.
I fucking hate everything.
You know the whole reason I wanted to get a degree in nutrition was to yell about shit like this online, but fuck it. Fuck it, I'm a nutrition-isht because i live in california and I can say I am and who's going to check? Who's going to look up whether I took classes in public health or anatomy or the metabolism of micronutrients before they hire me to do corporate seminars on healing your relationship to food? I am legally allowed to do that so I might as well, right? If all I have to do is be charismatic and convincing I'm pretty sure I've got that down, actually, so who's going to check?
Nobody! Nobody is going to check and everything is a scam and I hate everything.
The relationship between nutrition and inflammation and the relationship between chronic disease and inflammation are two different, complicated things that are difficult to point at and say definitively what the connections are.
I am of the opinion that any time you're getting deep into things like an anti-inflammatory, ketogenic, or PH-Balancing diet without a specific condition that calls for the avoidance of certain foods for very clearly scientifically reported reasons, you're dealing with a woo-woo biohacker who's looking to sell a diet plan.
The thing about nutrition science is that it seems like for most people the "answers" are pretty basic: eat enough food, get enough macro and micronutrients, eat a variety of food, avoid processed meats, try to eat more fruits and vegetables, get enough water, and stay as active as possible NOT for weight loss reasons but for metabolic health and joint/muscle maintenance. It's really, really, hard to sell that though, which is how you get people like Abra Pappa in 2013 writing out this bugfuck "Food and mood" handout with a midday snack that is so bonkers in the way the calories are distributed that I'm sitting down and doing math about it (it looks like about a third of the calories that day are supposed to come from the mid afternoon spinach, mint, cocoa nib, and coconut milk smoothie which is, as I said, bugfuck nuts).
It's hard to sell "please eat more fruits and vegetables, which is difficult because actually most places don't grow enough vegetables for the population's nutrition needs and it's cheaper to eat grains and industrially produced meat than it is to eat five cups of vegetables that you need to prepare daily and also maybe skip the bacon" but it's much easier to sell "five anti-inflammatory superfood milkshakes that will fill your belly and fight cancer" because it's packaging nutrition as a product and not as a massive systemic issue that happens to have very specific requirements for a large number of individuals who *do* happen to have disorders that are based on nutrition and inflammation (celiac disease! I've got one of them! Eating the wrong foods definitely causes inflammation in my body as the result of an autoimmune disorder! but that doesn't mean that the things that are inflammatory for me are inflammatory for everyone!)
Anyway I think like about 97% of workplace wellness programs are largely bullshit based, or at least import bullshit a lot of the time, and nutrition is a science that has, just, so much bullshit in and around it.
So I would take anything they say with a grain of salt, and hopefully less than 255% of your RDV of saturated fat (seriously that meal plan is ludicrous).
Side note: there is a subset of nutrition people who looked at the way that we got fat wrong in the 80s and flipped it and reversed it and went "actually you can have as much fat of any kind that you want as long as it is natural and you will have no issues" and this is how you end up with people on 100% natural clean keto diets who have cholesterol levels over 600. Abra Pappa recommends "clean/natural" eating and has taken continuing education on keto and has a recipe for a single-serving smoothie that calls for 8oz of coconut milk I think she's very much in the "'good' fat truther" camp (or at least she was in 2013 which is maybe why New York has a requirement for people to have some kind of nutrition certification for giving out nutrition advice and maybe she should have done that because she didn't even go to her bullshit "grad school" until 2017).
(We DID get fat wrong in the 80s and total avoidance of all fats is bad for you and there are 'good' fats that you should eat and everybody needs to eat some level of fat for proper nutrient absorption but even if you're only getting fat from nuts and avocados that's not going to prevent your arteries from forming plaques if you're having nearly triple the recommended daily value of saturated fat as part of your afternoon snack)
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marticoresims · 9 days
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Custom career - Psychologist!
I edited LientebollemeiS2I's Psychologist career, changing nearly everything about it. What stayed are links to uni majors, the icon (which is also a uni major) and some inspiration for chance cards. IMO this career has a strong Maxis vibe, with "start from nothing" first levels, NPC references and silly chance cards.
Each level title has a number added to it, like in this mod.
The 4 skills required for this job are: Logic, Charisma, Cleaning and Creativity.
IMPORTANT EDIT: With LientebollemeiS2I's guidance, I also edited the GUID of the career and changed PTO (paid time off) back to default. Now you can use both our careers at the same time! The GUID is: 0xC6A05A9D. In case you need to check if you have something that uses the same one (it was generated, so might repeat).
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List of levels with descriptions:
Psychology Books Enjoyer Lvl 1 You'll take any book that has anything to do with the topic of psychology and devour it instantly, hoping this knowledge will be useful some day.
Internet Mental Health Advisor Lvl 2 You dive into web forums to find the most interesting psychological cases and comment on them. Your aspirations are high, but you don't have the skills or degrees yet to become a real therapist. One can dream, though!
Social Bunny Lvl 3 You've actually made it to a real mental health institution, and not as a patient, but as an assistant… sort of. Don't forget to be the fluffiest bunny out there because what you're doing here is really helping other Sims. And all you ever wanted was to help others, right?
Therapist in Training Lvl 4 It's been hard, but you've made it to an actual psychology path. Just stay strong and you'll definitely open your own private practice office one day.
Social Worker Lvl 5 Whether it's leaving children home alone for too long, starving them or not dressing them appropriately to the weather… you'll be there to collect them and find more responsible families for them. It's a tough job, but it's something you have to get through in your training.
Private Counselor Lvl 6 You've finally made it! You're officially a therapist and working in your private office. Now, your mission is to care for your clients in the best way that you can. So don't stop educating yourself!
Psychology Researcher Lvl 7 Your passion for psychology is never-ending. You've decided to take it to the next level and do important research to contribute to the science. Good job!
Personality Specialist Lvl 8 During your research, you've grown very interested in the depths of Sims' personality. What can change it? To what extent is it genetic? What's that thing about werewolves?
Clinical Psychologist Lvl 9 Regular therapy practice and deep research were not quite enough for you. Now it's time to make real diagnoses, assist psychiatrists in their work, and make the world a better place. Keep on learning and you might become the ultimate Therapist.
Therapist NPC Lvl 10 It's time to deal with the real Wretched Outcasts and Doddering Deadbeats. In order to do it, you needed to learn teleportation, hypnosis and partial invisibility. If someone is in crisis, you're the Sim they'll always turn to.
As for clothes and cars (or lack thereof 👀), you'll have to see for yourself in game 😎
Hope you like it! I've always wanted a therapist-like career in The Sims 2.
Made with Bidou's Career Editor (now part of SimPE).
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astroismypassion · 2 months
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
You feel the most abundant when you have Aries and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via marketing or work in dynamic and fast-paced industries, via coaching, sports management, fitness entrepreneurship, coaching and mentoring services in connection with career development, leadership skills, personal empowerment, via work in innovation management, technology development, product development, especially emerging industries. You find abundance when you are bold, take risks, focus on ambitious goals, cultivate independence, build a strong public image and when you embrace leadership qualities.
You feel the most abundant when you have Taurus and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work in finance, banking, investment, wealth management. Or via working as a realtor, property manager, real estate developer, via curating, selling or managing art collections, working as a chef, restaurateur or food critic. You find abundance in work in hospitality (managing hotels, resorts, spas), via work in landscape architecture or gardening, interior design, or as a performer, producer or manager, through farming, agricultural management or sustainable food production or creating an eco-friendly business. You feel abundant when you are focused on stability, value quality, when you are patient and persistent.
You feel the most abundant when you have Gemini and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work as a journalist, writer, editor, public relations, marketing, working as PR specialist, brand manager, social media strategist, work as a teacher, lecturer, educational content creator, via writing content for blogs, websites or online platforms connected with technology, lifestyle, business. You find abundance when you write books (fiction or non-fiction), via work in technology sector, via technical writing, UX writing or product management, via event planning and work as a sales representative, account manager or business strategist. You feel abundant when you network actively, when you keep learning and embrace versatility.
You feel the most abundant when you have Cancer and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work in healthcare as a nurse, doctor or therapist, work in interior design or home décor, helping others create comfortable and nurturing spaces, work as a chef, baker or food critic, via handmade furniture, textiles or pottery, engaging in childcare, daycare management or family support services, via work in real estate, helping families find their ideal home. You feel abundant when you use emotional intelligence, emphasize nurturing and care.
You feel the most abundant when you have Leo and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via pursuing a career in acting on stage, in film or on television, working as a musician, singer or performer, via directing or producing theatrical productions, films or TV shows, work in television, radio or digital broadcasting, you could work as a host, anchor or presenter, designer, stylist, model, painter, sculptor or graphic designer.
You feel the most abundant when you have Virgo and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via offering personalized health and wellness service. You can offer remote fitness coaching, such as offering personalized fitness plans and virtual training sessions. You could work in mental health professions, like counselling or psychology, work as a nutritionist, dietitian, work as a proofreader or editor, work with biology, chemistry, environmental science, mathematics or with language or having an IT role (system analysis, IT support or cybersecurity). You feel abundant when you develop organizational skills, use analytical skills and when you seek structured environments.
You feel the most abundant when you have Libra and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via offering dance classes, via work in art curation, gallery management or the fines arts, helping to showcase and promote artists and their work, via a career in human resources, focusing on employee relations, conflict resolution, via talent management, recruitment or career coaching. You feel abundant when you work in fashion design, graphic design, visual arts, brand management and marketing. You feel abundant when you aim for balance and harmony, emphasize fairness and justice.
You feel the most abundant when you have Scorpio and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via forensic accounting, crisis counselling or support services, via a career in scientific research, forensic science, medical research, psychology, surgery, oncology, energy healing, finance, technology or wellness, via art therapy and filmmaking. You feel abundant when you embrace transformation, healing, use psychological insight, when you pursue authority and expertise.
You feel the most abundant when you have Sagittarius and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via travel blogging, vlogging or becoming a travel consultant. You find abundance via academic research, publishing, by becoming a travel consultant, tour guide, work in the tourism industry, work connected with educational, human rights and cultural exchange, via career as a spiritual teacher, counsellor, life coach, via theological or philosophical work, writing or teaching. You feel abundant when you cultivate optimism or enthusiasm, seek global or cultural perspectives, pursue knowledge or education and embrace exploration and travel.
You feel the most abundant when you have Capricorn Sun people in your life. You find abundance via work as a financial advisor or analyst, accounting, as a property developer, manager or investor, via work in property management, overseeing rental properties, commercial spaces or large residential complexes, via civil engineering, work in educational administration (school or college management). You feel abundant when you focus on long-term goals and value pragmatism and responsibility.
You feel the most abundant when you have Aquarius and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via buying and selling collectibles (stamps, coins, vintage items), creating eco-friendly products or services (zero-waste goods, sustainable fashion). You may also find abundance in esports coaching by offering coaching services for aspiring professional gamers. You feel abundant via work in scientific research, in fields like physics, astronomy, biotechnology and environmental science, work in roles focused on research and development, via digital marketing. You feel abundant when you are pursuing unconventional paths, via networking with like-minded individuals and align with social causes.
You feel the most abundant when you have Pisces and Capricorn Sun people in your life. You can earn money via work in music as a composer, musician or performer, via a career in painting, illustration, sculpture or other visual arts, via hospice work, via work in non-profit sector, focusing on causes related to humanitarian aid, environmental conservation or social justice, work in hospitality, such as hotel management or event planning, via cultural exchange, guided tours or spiritual retreats. You feel abundant when you embrace your creative talents, cultivate compassion and empathy, when you explore spiritual and esoteric interests and when you focus on meaningful impact.
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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idonthaveanyurlideas · 5 months
How The Fuck Do Classes At Aguefort Work
AKA Brennan gave me a number of students for this school and I am going to use my expert knowledge of being a teacher in real life to extrapolate things
(disclaimer: i am australian and thus my knowledge is limited to the australian school system of how things are arranged, number of students in each class, etc. this is basically how I would organise aguefort if it were up to me)
aguefort has approximately 500 students split across four year levels, making for about 125 per year level, which you could easily split into 5 'homeroom' classes of about 25 students each. Or 31-32 if you wanted to squish them into 4.
But the thing is, we have all the DND Classes to think about, with each class having its own dedicated teacher and specialist class. There are 12 standard dnd subclasses, plus we know that artificer is also an option, making 13.
It's unlikely that any particular year level has all of its students evenly split between those classes (it would be an average of 9-10 per class if they did, which is quite small for a single class, but not unheard of for (using a real life example) elective subjects like business or design tech)
ADDITIONALLY, we do know that 'regular' classes exist at aguefort, like history and home ec, so I'm assuming other typical subjects like maths, english, science (perhaps broken down into chem/bio/physics, maybe not), maybe PE as well for students that aren't part of one of the martial classes, among other things.
Most likely, the school day is arranged so that each student (assuming this student has a typical workload, AKA nothing absolutely bonkers like what the bad kids are doing in junior year) has at least one Class-Specific class per day, and then some general education ones as well, and then perhaps some more adventuring-focused classes like survival + archery or arcana.
That way each class-specific teacher should be able to fit one lesson with each year level a day, because those classes are probably considered far more important than like. Modern History.
DND-Class classes are likely much smaller and more individualised, and then general ed classes would be with a far bigger group.
I also think Aguefort has a lot of composite classes! Particularly for the less popular Dnd-Classes. Freshman+Sophomores together and then Juniors+Seniors together is probably the most common.
I think sorcery classes are often composites, partly because its one that students Literally have to be born to be able to do, so its not one that other students can multiclass Into, so its numbers probably fluctuate a bunch depending on the cohort.
More technical classes like artificer are probably also composites! Simply because I bet they're less popular than things like Fighters, Rogues, so on.
Bards are also absolutely composites, because they are already split within themselves with multiple teachers depending on the students particular focus (like we did with a separate Music class and Dance class with different bard teachers). So I wouldn't be surprised if some bard classes contain freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors all within the one class and still only have like, ten students total because they're that specialised.
I think combined classes also probably happen on a fairly regular basis. Esp if like, teachers call in sick. The fighters will go join the barbarians for a day, or the clerics will join the paladins.
And then of course they don't actually give a shit if you show up to your classes or not so theres probably some poor admin staff out there who painstakingly arranges every schedule at the start of each semester and then 80% of students ignore half of it anyway
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lexosaurus · 9 months
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January 2, 2024
@vladco-tech-official Amity Park, IL
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing to express my enthusiastic interest in the Ghost Researcher position at Vladco Technologies. With a Bachelor's degree in Dissecc and a strong background in Ecton Science, coupled with my experience at Ecton AU and Dalv Co, I am confident in my ability to become the Casper-friendly researcher you've been waiting for.
In my current role as an Ecton Scientist for the Ecton AU, I played a pivotal role in the creation of a scientific paper published on AO3 discussing how ecton fusion generates energy for ecto-entities. This research has equipped me with a deep understanding of ecto-technologies and a passion for exploring the intersection between the supernatural and earthly scientific realms. As for Everything Was White on AO3, I've been crafting a very family-friendly wholesome fic that proves ghosts have complex emotions that go beyond just skin-deep.
My previous stint as a Ghost Researcher at Dalv Co, before the rebrand, involved daily tasks such as performing ghostly rituals, wielding my trusty Danno on a stick, and conducting experiments with scalpels left in jello molds. This experience has honed my ability to balance the scientific and spiritual aspects of ghost research, making me a valuable asset to Vladco Technologies.
Apart from my formal education and professional experiences, I have a track record of creative endeavors in the ghostly domain. As the writer and producer of the song "Dissecc," I showcased my ability to blend humor and knowledge in the realm of ghostly activities. Additionally, my leadership role in creating world peace as the Leader of Riots demonstrates my capacity to navigate challenging situations and foster unity.
In addition to my technical skills in Photoshop, I possess a keen eye for detail, as demonstrated by my ability to spell "vinella" and "raison" correctly sometimes on command. My proficiency with spelling, combined with my experience in creating quality content on Tuuuble dot ru, further contributes to my well-rounded skill set.
Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to bring my skills, experiences, and enthusiasm to Vladco Technologies. I look forward to discussing how I can contribute to your organization as your next spectral specialist.
Looking forward to the possibility of haunting your labs soon!
Boo-raciously Yours,
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Tugnlr User Lexosaurus
p.s. plz hire me kthxbye
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lalluviadeanoche · 15 days
This was sitting in my drafts for idk how long and I don’t remember where I was going with it but here is it anyway:)
I had a cute little idea of Merlin throughout the years having several degrees and professions in all sorts of things. Once he feels he’s mastered one field he goes on to start a career in said field then move on to the next. Every now and then he’ll go back to refresh and update his knowledge bc everything continues evolve so much since when he first started.
Imagine post Camlann Merlin taking a greater interest in medicine bc had he known just a little more, been a little better.. then maybe that, mixed with his magic, would’ve been enough to save Arthur. And he just goes on for a few years learning everything and then taking up after Gaius once he passes. Then further down when Camelot is long gone he leaves and becomes a dr/physician somewhere else that needs it and that leads to him teaching someone else. All of a sudden he has quite a few ppl eager to have Merlin as a teacher, which sparks his career in education.
He learns of schools and specialists of who are more than okay with sharing their time and knowledge of their life’s work. He studies and learns and experiences and experiments. His nose constantly in a new book and writing out papers. Once he’s deemed himself good enough he goes off to wherever his new found knowledge leads him. Over the years he has grown his skills and knowledge in all sorts of things. Science, literature, arts, philosophy, history (which he excels at the most considering he’s lived through it all), architecture, phycology, linguistics.
Now imagine he’s in our modern day working in a museum. He’s specifically looking over the mythology section and of course that means hyper focusing on Arthurian mythology. Some of the things here are different than what he remembers, which is only natural after so many years, and others he remembers clearly as if time hadn’t touched either of them. For instance, they just so happened to have the very sword Sir Leon used to wield.. huh, he’s actually been looking for that for some time now (he’d have to ask his friend how he managed to lose track of it for this long).
If I happen to remember where this was heading I’ll continue it but this is it for now😅
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uwmspeccoll · 6 months
Milestone Monday
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The King's Hares, from Norway
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The Princess with the Twelve Pair of Golden Shoes, from Denmark
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Queen Crane, from Sweden
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The Rooster, the Hand Mill and the Swarm of Hornets, from Sweden
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Ti-Tirit-Ti, from Italy
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The Adventures of Bona and Nello, from Italy
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The Hedgehog Who Became a Prince, from Poland
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The Flight, from Poland
April 1st is the birthday of American librarian and storyteller Augusta Braxton Baker (1911-1998). Born to two schoolteachers in Baltimore, Baker was a voracious student who read at a young age and careened through elementary and high school. With advocacy support from Eleanor Roosevelt, Baker was admitted to the Albany Teacher’s College and in 1934 earned a B. A. in Education and a B. S. in Library Science making her the first African American to earn a librarianship degree from the college.  
In 1939, Baker went on to work as the children’s librarian at New York Public Library’s Harlem branch, founding the James Weldon Johnson Memorial Collection of Children’s Books to showcase representation of Black children and life in books, and beginning a lifelong career with children’s literature and the New York Public Library (NYPL). In 1953, she was appointed Storytelling Specialist and Assistant Coordinator of Children’s Services, quickly moving into the Coordinator of Children’s Services position years later and becoming the first African American to hold an administrative position with NYPL. Throughout her career, Baker was active with the American Library Association, and chaired committees for the Newbery Medal and Caldecott Medal recognizing excellence in children’s literature. 
In celebration of Baker’s birthday, we’re sharing The Golden Lynx and Other Tales, a collection of international folk tales compiled by Baker and illustrated by Austrian artist Johannes Troyer (1902-1969). This is the first edition of the book published in 1960 by J. B. Lippincott and is signed by Baker, who writes in the introduction, “No story has been included in this collection that has not stood the supreme test of the children’s interest and approval”. 
Read other Milestone Monday posts here! 
View more posts on children's books here.
– Jenna, Special Collections Graduate Intern 
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hob28 · 2 months
AI Deep Learning Online Course: Mastering Advanced Techniques
Embarking on an AI deep learning online course is a transformative journey for students and professionals alike. Deep learning, a subset of artificial intelligence (AI), focuses on training algorithms to learn from data and make intelligent decisions, mimicking the human brain's neural networks. This guide explores the importance of deep learning education, key concepts covered, choosing the right course, popular platforms, and career opportunities in this dynamic field.
1. Introduction to AI Deep Learning Online Course
Diving into the realm of deep learning through an online course provides a structured pathway for individuals keen on mastering advanced AI techniques. These courses offer comprehensive insights into neural networks, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and generative adversarial networks (GANs), among other cutting-edge technologies shaping AI innovation.
2. Importance of Learning AI Deep Learning
Deep learning plays a pivotal role in modern AI applications, from image and speech recognition to autonomous vehicles and healthcare diagnostics. Understanding and applying deep learning principles are essential for driving innovation and solving complex problems across various industries, making specialized education in this field highly valuable.
3. Key Concepts Covered in AI Deep Learning Courses
AI deep learning courses typically cover fundamental and advanced concepts:
Neural Networks: Building blocks of deep learning models that mimic the human brain's structure.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): Specialized for image and video analysis, enabling tasks like object detection and image classification.
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs): Effective for sequential data processing, used in natural language processing and time series prediction.
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): Used for generating new data instances, enhancing images, and creating realistic simulations.
4. Choosing the Right AI Deep Learning Course
Selecting the right AI deep learning course involves considering several factors:
Course Structure: Evaluate the course outline, modules, and learning objectives to ensure they align with your learning goals.
Instructor Expertise: Choose courses led by experienced professionals with practical industry experience in deep learning.
Platform Credibility: Opt for reputable online learning platforms like Coursera, edX, Udacity, and specialized AI academies known for their high-quality courses.
Hands-On Projects: Look for courses that offer hands-on projects and practical exercises to reinforce theoretical concepts and enhance learning outcomes.
Student Reviews: Read reviews and testimonials from past learners to gauge the course's effectiveness and relevance.
5. Popular Platforms for AI Deep Learning Courses
Explore leading platforms offering AI deep learning courses:
Coursera: Offers courses from top universities and industry experts, including deep learning specializations.
edX: Provides courses in collaboration with prestigious institutions like MIT and Microsoft, focusing on AI and machine learning.
Udacity: Known for nanodegree programs that combine theoretical knowledge with hands-on projects mentored by industry professionals.
6. Course Curriculum and Learning Objectives
A typical AI deep learning course curriculum includes:
Introduction to Deep Learning: Basics of neural networks and deep learning frameworks.
Advanced Topics: CNNs, RNNs, GANs, and their applications in image recognition, natural language processing, and more.
Practical Applications: Hands-on projects to implement deep learning algorithms and analyze real-world datasets.
7. Hands-On Projects and Practical Exercises
Hands-on experience is crucial for mastering AI deep learning techniques:
Image Classification: Implementing CNNs to classify images and improve accuracy.
Natural Language Processing: Building RNN models for sentiment analysis and language generation.
GANs Projects: Creating realistic images or videos using generative adversarial networks.
8. Career Opportunities in AI Deep Learning
AI deep learning expertise opens doors to diverse career paths:
Data Scientist: Analyzing large datasets and developing predictive models using deep learning techniques.
Machine Learning Engineer: Designing and deploying machine learning systems for automated decision-making.
AI Researcher: Conducting groundbreaking research in neural networks and advancing AI technologies.
AI Specialist: Consulting on AI projects and implementing solutions across industries.
9. Student Success Stories and Testimonials
Real-life examples of students benefiting from AI deep learning courses:
Career Advancement: Securing roles at leading tech companies and research institutions.
Skill Enhancement: Applying deep learning knowledge to solve complex problems and innovate in AI applications.
Networking Opportunities: Connecting with industry experts and peers through course communities and events.
10. Conclusion
Enrolling in an AI deep learning online course equips you with the knowledge and skills to thrive in the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence. By choosing a reputable course, engaging in hands-on projects, and leveraging practical experience, you can accelerate your career growth and contribute to cutting-edge AI innovations.
Closing Thoughts
Investing in AI deep learning education is an investment in your future, empowering you to tackle global challenges and drive technological advancements. Start your journey today by exploring AI deep learning courses that align with your goals and aspirations, and embark on a fulfilling career in artificial intelligence.
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Mae Carol Jemison
(born October 17, 1956) is an American engineer, physician, and former NASA astronaut.
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She became the first African-American woman to travel into space when she served as a mission specialist aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour in 1992.
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Jemison joined NASA's astronaut corps in 1987 and was selected to serve for the STS-47 mission, during which the Endeavour orbited the Earth for nearly eight days on September 12–20, 1992.
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She was chosen out of roughly 2,000 applicants for 15 slots in NASA Astronaut Group 12, the first selected after Challenger.
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The Associated Press covered her as the "first black woman astronaut" in 1987.
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In 1993, Jemison appeared as Lieutenant Palmer in "Second Chances", an episode of the science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, becoming the first real astronaut to appear on Star Trek.
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Jemison served on the board of directors of the World Sickle Cell Foundation from 1990 to 1992.
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Jemison continues to advocate strongly in favor of science education and getting minority students interested in science.
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Read more about her here!
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liminsendhelp · 6 months
Don't pet the flea cat
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Tags: slight description of reader (chubby, muscular, strong, denying gender as a concept), possibly slightly sociopathic/autistic reader, profanity, denial of authority, evil scientist on the way to becoming.
I don't speak English. I didn't proofread the text.
Part 1. Part 2.
You're quiet in bed. For real. Without the pretenses and masks of a woman subordinate to someone else's dominance, when you're not alive enough, not human enough. When the beast of animal desire inside makes you dig your nails into your palms. When you want to put out cigarettes on yourself to block out the unbridled power of the urge for sex.
It's always been a problem. People have crumpled their gut. They put on layer upon layer of approval and expectation.
Your essence was causing the thin material of socialization to fray at the seams.
To top it all off, you're easily obsessed.
Your blood boils at the sight of beauty.
He's ugly. Like everyone else.
Yet you can't name a single time you've looked at Price without wanting to rip his face off.
He says, in that quiet and understanding tone of his, in those chuckles and snickers of his.
You're not even a nurse. You're a researcher in a tiny development lab. You have no education whatsoever (except for art), taken in by acquaintances to help you out, before asking you to finish some psychiatry courses just to make sure. Science dragged you down so that you were up to your ears in philosophy, psychology, old treatises and other crap.
So there you are, cleaning animal cages, helping out with easy experiments, coaching timid grad students on how to interact with small rodents. And then, at one point, you're set up as a lab technician. And you're not dumb, you have ideas, you have a desire to understand the workings of the brain. straighten it out, twist it back up and straighten it out again.
Of all the specialists, you're a little more interested in behaviorism, a little more obsessed with crime.
Brain cutting brain.
You're quiet, calm, frighteningly cold. Your gaze is dark, like a constantly dissecting blade. So what? You're better than those idiots, even without a proper education. You're smarter, more thoughtful, thorough, workaholic. Those above you - senior researchers, PhDs and postdocs - know you're good. Good enough to keep you around.
The institute is a restricted facility. It's not weird that they moved the labs to an outhouse inside the fucking military base, is it? No. After the incident, half the staff went on paid leave. Understaffed, overworked, stressed out. Neuropsych, cognitive-behavioral, experimental, psychiatric, chemical-pharmacology and blah, blah, blah labs downsized in limited space.
Each department used to have animals to do research on. Now your work is all theory and documentation. This problem was soon promised to be solved, but no one really hoped for a super secret lab with experimental subjects for every taste. From mouse to human.
They have unwanted prisoners, don't they?
You were transported to the base after a small-- Terrorist attack at your institute. Again, pathos on an all-cosmic scale, nothing of the sort happened, but "national brains and serious research" must be saved, come on.
No one was hurt.
Not even injured.
And now it's not like you're severely stung for budget and space, despite the relatively small footprint of the allotted space.
The most significant downside here at the base is that even while trying to stay out of the allotted space as much as possible, you see extra people. Military.
They're all killers. They're killers, and you have a taste problem. They want to clean up the developments for the good of the military, and you imagine the horror they're going to be in when, under interrogation, people break their teeth on each other while overdosing.
They walk under your windows, stand against the opposite wall when you go out for a late night smoke, show up in the lab to stick their noses where they'll get their balls bitten off and shoved up their asses.
The military are no more welcome than they should be, after all, the scientists here have only themselves to thank on the heads of the fucked up officials who decided it would be a good idea to sign you all up for this cohabitation.
And doors slam, eyes scrutinizing your white coats and circles under your eyes, hands reaching for developments, noses poking into all your dirty laundry.
But they shouldn't be anywhere near it.
You're in your second month of work, trying to function as you're used to - mechanically. But today your senior's not here, Dr. Moon's away at a useless security conference. Usually she'd be kind enough to bring you a bunch of food from the cafeteria.
You're not a little girl. You can't live on a stash of sweets and coffee without worsening your already obvious gastritis. And you need a normal amount of food to keep your body functioning. You've always been meaty, no match for thin, slim, graceful girls, some of whom had the superpower to survive on a lettuce leaf (not taking into account goddess nymphs with healthy appetites and excellent metabolisms, such creatures were a myth in the flesh).
But, you don't want to go out to this mess of heads and dirty mouths.
You clench your hands into fists, pressing your nails into your skin. You're going to have to do this anyway. You're perfectly capable of not eating for a week, thanks to your unhealthy relationship with food, but you're not going to torture yourself. After all, you've been on the wrong side of self-loathing for a long time now.
Now what went inward is actively being broadcast to those around you.
So you put on your coldest mask, clench your teeth tightly, and pretend not to notice the scrutinizing stares from all sides. You're stared at by your coworkers because you never go out into the light. The soldiers stare at you because you look like a pathetic mound of snow among their dusty greenery.
You think you're perfectly capable of eating alone because your coworkers are permanent idiots in their surprised stares and whispers.
But when you sit down at the table, with seemingly as disinterested in each other as possible eaters, both soldiers and medics begin to stare even more intensely. Like little kids. Are those some marshal generals of all the earth at your table?
How's your diplomacy going over there?
"Can I sit here?" You ask evenly, almost forgetting to give your voice a questioning tone.
"Of course, miss." The voice is deep and soft.
You definitely sat down with the wrong people.
"Thank you, I won't take long."
You don't look at them. No need to. Dr. Moon is coming tomorrow and you won't have to crawl out of the sink anymore.
You eat fast, two minutes for the whole meal. The military must realize that's possible, right? They used to mock you for that ability. Now, you unconsciously take it personally when they laugh at you from afar. That's why you hate the school system. Cafeteria, really? Just give us each a bag of dog food.
You rise from your seat to escape into your reports, hypotheses, and research.
"What's your name?"
No. You didn't hear that question.
It's probably rude, since they're high-ranking.
You'll be out of here faster than they can take offense.
Will you fucking calm down, you idiot?
"Run me through the database." You almost growl, speaking in lower case.
Stupid. Startled, you look up.
The blue-eyed freak, so appealing, puffing with calm control, seems amused rather than pissed off.
Thank the Goddess, thank any Force that covered your ass and you were taken as entertainment.
Blue eyes make the dry semblance of shame in your chest scrape sandpaper across your ribs.
"I can already tell by you that you're a bitch." It sounds from behind you. Expectedly. You can clearly see from the face of the man in front of you that he's unimpressed by this outburst. The burning blue melts you from the inside out with two heartbeats, and you dare to interrupt the deafening silence of judgment around you.
You drop the apology and carry your body back to your lair. You only exhale as you lock the door from the inside with the key. As if that will save you. People won't forget.
Dr. Moon reprimands you from the doorstep the next day. You fell asleep at your desk again. She shoves you onto the small couch in her office. While she shreds the mail, you sleep peacefully for a couple hours.
"Honey? Come here."
Oh, that tone. Are you in trouble because of last night?
They couldn't be more touchy, which one of those mutts snitched on you--
"Your initiative has been approved."
You find yourself on your feet, your hair tousled, your clothes askew, but all your attention is on the screen.
Confirmation letter… authorization to conduct data analysis… for detection… with command support… attachment to teams… supervised access to files….
You blink, then reread it again.
"What's that?"
"You didn't think they'd let you play spy, did you?"
There was hope. But no, it's the other thing that's weird.
"I only asked for an archive. Ideally to observe from afar and interview recruits."
"You and I both know, darling, you're just waiting for a chance to sit your ass down and duck your head into papers. You wanted the internship, go get it." Dr. Moon sits back as contented as can be. She was the force that kept pushing you, wanting to create a diamond.
You wished you were more like hydrogen. To be present everywhere so that you couldn't be seen anywhere.
"And what am I supposed to do?"
"One team is available. Someone from the local legends. But they've agreed to work with you."
No! You let out a low scream. Then you squeeze out a loud sob.
"Can I say no?"
"I'll put laxatives in your next meal."
You sigh.
"Acting like a child, Doc." The good-natured, acerbic face in front of you contorted for a second. She hated being called that.
"That's not for you to tell me, sweetheart. Get your work plan in here, we'll review it. You go to work tomorrow."
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