#AI masterclass online
hob28 · 2 months
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kajmasterclass · 6 months
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Product Review: Kids Story Video Masterclass
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thisworldisablackhole · 3 months
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Endymion, by Dan Simmons - 4.2/5
This book surprised the hell out of me. The general consensus online and amongst people I know who have read Hyperion, is that Endymion and The Rise of Endymion are not as good. A majority of people don't even bother reading them. Those people are missing out, and I don't put that lightly. Luckily for me, I bought all 4 books in the Cantos without looking up any ratings or reviews, so my choice became; read all of them, or waste your money. I was hesitant to start this one, and it did honestly have a bit of a rough start, but I was head over heels for it by the mid way point.
Endymion is a masterclass in world building, if nothing else. It takes place 274 years after the fall of the Hegemony, and the destruction of the TechnoCore and it's network of farcaster portals which connected the web worlds with instantaneous travel. Simmons did an amazing job at evolving his universe over this enormous gap in time. Planets became isolated from each other, terraforming projects failed and mother nature returned these worlds back to their natural state, billions died of starvation and war, or simply by getting stuck on the wrong side of a portal after the fall. During this dark age, The Church harvested the cruciform parasites from the labyrinth of Hyperion and harnessed the power of immortality to colonize former web worlds and essentially create their own version of a religious hegemony. The irony here is that despite harvesting the cruciforms which were created by the TechnoCore, the Church admonishes artificial intelligence and has banned the manufacture or use of AI tech. This distrust of AI permeates culture so much that there are even points during the story where the main characters straight up decline vital help or knowledge from the Consul's old ship and comlog device, claiming it's useless and essentially telling it to shut up. A small but humorous detail. With the power of immortality in hand, the Church was also able to create a new kind of space craft which was unconstrained by the limits of the human body's ability to withstand extreme g-forces. These new space crafts could travel anywhere almost just as fast as they could have by using a farcaster portal, with the understanding that the occupants of the craft would die immediately, and be resurrected upon arrival to their destination. It's truly fascinating stuff, and it proves that Simmons' unique and borderline outlandish ideas didn't die with The Fall of Hyperion. He clearly had some juice left in the tank for this one.
The book has some great characters too, just maybe not who you would suspect. The main character, for example, is simply a vessel for us to watch the story unfold. Raul is a typical commoner-thrust-into-heroism type character with seemingly little in the way of personality or flaws, save for a smidge of overconfidence. This is not to say he is unlikeable, he is just a little too perfect and predictable to be interesting. Aenea was not that interesting either, apart from the fact that she is the hybrid child of a human and AI cybrid, who can contact the assumed-dead TechnoCore through her mind and activate old farcaster portals on the River Tethys.
Who are the good characters, you ask? A. Bettik and Father Captain Frederico de Soya. A. Bettik is an android servant who Raul recruited from under the care of Martin Silenus to aid in his quest to protect Aenea. He is cool, calm, collected, largely impassive, and sports an unintentionally humorous deadpan delivery. Despite his cold android personality, I was constantly surprised by his displays of courage and humanity. He was the rock that held the group together, and I honestly almost cried when he lost his arm and almost died near the end of the book. Father de Soya on the other hand is the Pax officer and Catholic priest who is tasked with capturing Aenea. Throughout the journey, he displays surprising complexity as he undergoes a hundred deaths and resurrections that slowly drives him mad. Despite being solely responsible for Aenea's capture, de Soya is not the bad guy. Yes, he is faithful and obedient to the Church, but he's also smart enough to know when the truth is being manipulated, and can make decisions based on his own judgement. He ends up being possibly the best written character in the entire series.
The main story arc of Endymion is essentially just an interplanetary manhunt. It's a much simpler and more linear tale than Hyperion, but I'd argue that it's also more fun. Being taken on a wild ride down the River Tethys, revisiting all of these planets and finding out how much they have changed since The Fall, all the while being relentlessly pursued by someone who is dying over and over and over again to fulfill his duty to the Church... it's all so fascinating and exciting. By the time I was 3/4 of the way through the book, I was finishing every single chapter with an audible string of "holy shit, oh my god, what the fuck". If you have read the two Hyperion books and were unsure of whether or not Endymion is worth your time, I promise you it is. If you love the world that Simmons created, then there is more than enough here to satisfy your thirst. Time for me to jump into the finale.
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ashimkumar · 2 years
ChatGPT for Internet Marketers (PLR) Review 2023
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ChatGPT for Internet Marketers PLR OTO – Make More Money With AI is WONDERFUL. We’ve created a masterclass teaching internet marketers how to use ChatGPT to increase their productivity and make more money online. You can download that course from this page today. AND. Better yet… we’re including full Private Label Rights, so you can also SELL this course as your own product and keep all the profits. 
ChatGPT for Internet Marketers PLR OTO – Make More Money With AI. In a nutshell, ChatGPT is the Hottest Topic on the Entire Internet Right Now… Here’s Your Chance to Cash In by Selling This ChatGPT Course as Your Own Product. We’ve created a masterclass teaching internet marketers how to use ChatGPT to increase their productivity and make more money online. You can download that course from this page today. AND. Better yet… we’re including full Private Label Rights, so you can also SELL this course as your own product and keep all the profits.
With hundreds of millions of people looking for this information right NOW, this is the perfect way for you to cash in on this trend ; Here’s what you’ll be getting… 20 Step by step tutorial videos showing how to use ChatGPT in your business, 20 Audio files from those videos, 20 text transcripts, Graphics for this package, and more. Yes, we’re even including a copy of this very sales page, so you can sell this package with Private Label Rights, just like we’re doing. Some of the things you can do with this package include.
Here’s what you’ll be getting…
20 Step by step tutorial videos showing how to use ChatGPT in your business.
20 Audio files from those videos.
20 text transcripts.
Graphics for this package.
Promo tools. (Emails, banners, basic sales page)
A lead magnet (report) with a squeeze page and download page.
A copy of this sales page, plus a download page!
For More Details Information:
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optimagain · 19 hours
🤯 Ever felt like you wanted to learn something new but the cost of courses was a barrier? 🤔
Well, guess what? Coursera just threw open the doors to a treasure trove of free courses from top-tier universities like Stanford and Yale! 🎉
Imagine learning: 🧠
Machine Learning from Stanford! 🤖
The Science of Well-Being from Yale! 😌
Python Programming from the University of Michigan! 💻
And that's just scratching the surface! 🤩 There's a course for every interest, from tech to personal development.
While free is awesome, there are some things to remember:
No certificates unless you pay. 💰
Some interactive features are limited. 😔
Content quality can vary. 😕
But don't let that discourage you! 💪 Here's how to make the most of Coursera's free courses:
Set a study schedule. 🗓️
Take notes and practice. ✍️
Connect with other learners in forums. 💬
Apply your knowledge in real-world situations. 🌎
Pro Tip: 🏆 Consider combining courses with your existing knowledge, building a personalized learning path, and taking advantage of other resources like coding platforms and tutorial videos.
In the end, it's about gaining valuable knowledge and skills, not just certificates. 📚 Coursera's free courses are a game-changer, making learning accessible and flexible for anyone who wants to level up! 🚀
Additional Resources:
For more insights on online learning and course creation, check out Zam Man Optimagain's Course Creation Masterclass. Learn how to leverage AI tools to develop mini-courses and monetize your expertise efficiently.
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ailogomakerr · 30 days
Target Acquired: Bullseye on the Success of Target’s Logo
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The iconic red bullseye. It’s an emblem woven into the fabric of our shopping experiences, instantly recognized across the globe. It evokes a sense of treasure hunt, promising aisles overflowing with stylish finds at affordable prices. But have you ever stopped to consider the design genius behind Target’s logo? In this expansive exploration, we’ll delve into the factors that make Target’s logo a masterpiece of graphic design, and we’ll unlock the potential of AI logo creation tools to empower you to craft your own design bullseye. The Anatomy of a Bullseye: Simplicity Reigns Supreme Target’s logo is a masterclass in minimalist design. The bullseye itself is a powerful emblem, conveying a sense of accuracy, focus, and achieving a goal — all perfectly aligned with the branding’s mission of providing a seamless shopping experience where customers can find exactly what they need. The two interlocking circles create a sense of movement and dynamism, while the red and white color palette is bold, memorable, and easily adaptable across different mediums. From Archer’s Target to Modern Bullseye: A Design Evolution
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The logo we know today is the result of a meticulous design process. The original 1962 design, crafted by Stephen Perkins, featured a bullseye with an archer’s target surrounding it. While the bullseye itself was a strong element, the additional target element felt cluttered and lacked the modern appeal Target was striving for. This highlights the importance of iteration and refinement in logo creation. Great logos, like Target’s, often go through multiple revisions before reaching their final, iconic form. In 1967, Landor Associates, a renowned design firm, streamlined the logo. They removed the extraneous elements, leaving just the core bullseye with the two interlocking circles. This evolution transformed the logo from a cluttered emblem to a masterpiece of minimalist design. It’s a testament to the power of simplicity and the importance of focusing on the core message a logo aims to convey. Democratizing Design: AI Logo Creation in the Target Zone
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Target’s logo is a shining example of the power of great graphic design. It elevates branding, fosters recognition, and creates a lasting impression. But what if you’re not a seasoned designer yourself? In the age of artificial intelligence (AI), a new frontier emerges: AI logo makers. These online tools empower anyone to explore their creative vision and craft a logo that reflects their branding or personal identity. AI logo creation tools can be your bullseye in several ways: Accessibility: Unlike traditional graphic design software, AI logo makers are typically web-based or app-driven, making them readily available to anyone with an internet connection. No expensive software licenses or design courses are needed. This democratizes the logo design process, allowing anyone to create a professional-looking logo without significant financial investment. Inspiration: Even experienced designers can hit creative roadblocks. AI makers can spark new ideas and help visualize concepts in unexpected ways. Experiment with different shapes, colors, and layouts to find a design that resonates with you. Many AI logo makers allow you to input keywords and style preferences. Imagine crafting a logo inspired by your favorite branding, just like Target’s bullseye evokes a sense of shopping excitement. You can explore minimalist styles, incorporate geometric shapes, or play with vibrant colors to create a logo that reflects your unique vision. Customization: AI logo makers offer a high degree of customization. You can refine the logo generated by the AI by adjusting fonts, colors, and layouts. This empowers you to take control of the design process and ensure your logo aligns perfectly with your branding identity. Beyond the Logo: Building Your Visual Branding Identity Your AI-generated logo is just the first step in building a strong visual branding identity. Here are some ways to leverage your new design: Brand Consistency: Use your logo consistently across all your platforms — website, social media profiles, marketing materials, and even physical merchandise — to create a cohesive and recognizable branding identity. Consistent logo usage reinforces branding recognition and helps customers easily identify your branding in a crowded marketplace. Targeted Marketing (Pun Intended): When crafting marketing materials, brochures, or social media posts, ensure your logo is prominently displayed. This reinforces branding recognition and helps customers associate your logo with the positive experiences and value proposition you offer. Community Building: If you have a business or online community, your logo can act as an emblem of unity and shared values. Use your logo on merchandise like t-shirts, mugs, or tote bags to create a sense of belonging and foster a community around your branding. Fans who wear or display your logo become branding ambassadors, spreading branding awareness organically. The Power of Storytelling: Weaving a Narrative with Your Logo Consider how you can weave a narrative into your AI-generated logo. What story do you want your logo to tell about your branding or personal identity? Is it about creativity? Innovation? Reliability? Choose colors, shapes, and fonts that evoke the emotions you want to associate with your branding. Beyond the Bullseye: The Future of Logo Design
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As AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more sophisticated logo creation tools. Imagine AI that seamlessly integrates with existing platforms. Perhaps one day, you could design your own personalized avatar logo within your favorite game or social media platform. So, take aim at your creative potential. Leverage the power of AI logo creation tools, embrace the lessons learned from Target’s iconic design, and craft a logo that becomes the bullseye of your branding identity. After all, a logo is not just an image; it’s a visual representation of your branding’s story, ready to be discovered by the world.This blog is from Ailogomakerr.com
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hob28 · 2 months
AI Deep Learning Online Course: Mastering Advanced Techniques
Embarking on an AI deep learning online course is a transformative journey for students and professionals alike. Deep learning, a subset of artificial intelligence (AI), focuses on training algorithms to learn from data and make intelligent decisions, mimicking the human brain's neural networks. This guide explores the importance of deep learning education, key concepts covered, choosing the right course, popular platforms, and career opportunities in this dynamic field.
1. Introduction to AI Deep Learning Online Course
Diving into the realm of deep learning through an online course provides a structured pathway for individuals keen on mastering advanced AI techniques. These courses offer comprehensive insights into neural networks, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and generative adversarial networks (GANs), among other cutting-edge technologies shaping AI innovation.
2. Importance of Learning AI Deep Learning
Deep learning plays a pivotal role in modern AI applications, from image and speech recognition to autonomous vehicles and healthcare diagnostics. Understanding and applying deep learning principles are essential for driving innovation and solving complex problems across various industries, making specialized education in this field highly valuable.
3. Key Concepts Covered in AI Deep Learning Courses
AI deep learning courses typically cover fundamental and advanced concepts:
Neural Networks: Building blocks of deep learning models that mimic the human brain's structure.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): Specialized for image and video analysis, enabling tasks like object detection and image classification.
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs): Effective for sequential data processing, used in natural language processing and time series prediction.
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): Used for generating new data instances, enhancing images, and creating realistic simulations.
4. Choosing the Right AI Deep Learning Course
Selecting the right AI deep learning course involves considering several factors:
Course Structure: Evaluate the course outline, modules, and learning objectives to ensure they align with your learning goals.
Instructor Expertise: Choose courses led by experienced professionals with practical industry experience in deep learning.
Platform Credibility: Opt for reputable online learning platforms like Coursera, edX, Udacity, and specialized AI academies known for their high-quality courses.
Hands-On Projects: Look for courses that offer hands-on projects and practical exercises to reinforce theoretical concepts and enhance learning outcomes.
Student Reviews: Read reviews and testimonials from past learners to gauge the course's effectiveness and relevance.
5. Popular Platforms for AI Deep Learning Courses
Explore leading platforms offering AI deep learning courses:
Coursera: Offers courses from top universities and industry experts, including deep learning specializations.
edX: Provides courses in collaboration with prestigious institutions like MIT and Microsoft, focusing on AI and machine learning.
Udacity: Known for nanodegree programs that combine theoretical knowledge with hands-on projects mentored by industry professionals.
6. Course Curriculum and Learning Objectives
A typical AI deep learning course curriculum includes:
Introduction to Deep Learning: Basics of neural networks and deep learning frameworks.
Advanced Topics: CNNs, RNNs, GANs, and their applications in image recognition, natural language processing, and more.
Practical Applications: Hands-on projects to implement deep learning algorithms and analyze real-world datasets.
7. Hands-On Projects and Practical Exercises
Hands-on experience is crucial for mastering AI deep learning techniques:
Image Classification: Implementing CNNs to classify images and improve accuracy.
Natural Language Processing: Building RNN models for sentiment analysis and language generation.
GANs Projects: Creating realistic images or videos using generative adversarial networks.
8. Career Opportunities in AI Deep Learning
AI deep learning expertise opens doors to diverse career paths:
Data Scientist: Analyzing large datasets and developing predictive models using deep learning techniques.
Machine Learning Engineer: Designing and deploying machine learning systems for automated decision-making.
AI Researcher: Conducting groundbreaking research in neural networks and advancing AI technologies.
AI Specialist: Consulting on AI projects and implementing solutions across industries.
9. Student Success Stories and Testimonials
Real-life examples of students benefiting from AI deep learning courses:
Career Advancement: Securing roles at leading tech companies and research institutions.
Skill Enhancement: Applying deep learning knowledge to solve complex problems and innovate in AI applications.
Networking Opportunities: Connecting with industry experts and peers through course communities and events.
10. Conclusion
Enrolling in an AI deep learning online course equips you with the knowledge and skills to thrive in the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence. By choosing a reputable course, engaging in hands-on projects, and leveraging practical experience, you can accelerate your career growth and contribute to cutting-edge AI innovations.
Closing Thoughts
Investing in AI deep learning education is an investment in your future, empowering you to tackle global challenges and drive technological advancements. Start your journey today by exploring AI deep learning courses that align with your goals and aspirations, and embark on a fulfilling career in artificial intelligence.
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study-buddies · 1 month
ISB Executive Education Launches Comprehensive Product Management Programs
The Indian School of Business (ISB) Executive Education has launched two new product management programs in collaboration with Emeritus, catering to a diverse range of professionals. These programs are designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the dynamic field of product management.
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Program Details and Fees
The first program, a 16-week online course, is set to commence on August 13, 2024. Priced at Rs 1,50,000 plus applicable taxes, this course focuses on enabling participants to ideate, test, and launch products that resonate with customers. The curriculum is designed by industry experts and includes a live masterclass on AI and Generative AI, application-based case studies on top Indian startups, and access to essential product management tools. A capstone project will also be a key component of the program, ensuring that participants gain hands-on experience in product management.
For those seeking a more in-depth exploration of the field, ISB is also offering a 28-week online certificate course on professional product management. Beginning on September 30, 2024, and available for Rs 2,40,000 plus applicable taxes, this program is tailored for mid-career professionals, aspiring product managers, business heads, and entrepreneurs. The course is particularly beneficial for individuals transitioning into product management or those looking to deepen their expertise and lead product strategies within their organizations.
Certification and Success Criteria
Participants who successfully complete the programs with a minimum score of 70 percent will be awarded a certificate by ISB Executive Education, a credential that signifies their expertise and readiness to tackle the challenges of product management.
Target Audience
The programs are specifically curated to meet the needs of various professionals, including those transitioning into product management, mid and senior-level managers, business heads, and entrepreneurs. By offering cutting-edge modules on AI and Generative AI, these programs aim to keep participants at the forefront of industry trends, helping them to stay competitive in an ever-evolving market.
Enrollment and Further Information
Interested individuals can learn more and enroll by visiting the official ISB website at isb.edu. These programs provide a unique opportunity for professionals to advance their careers by gaining practical knowledge and skills from one of the leading business schools in India.
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emmaameliamiaava · 1 month
Sign up for the AI for Ecommerce Masterclass to learn how AI can improve your online store. Get practical tips & expert advice to take your business to the next level.
https://www.engati.com/masterclass?utm_source=backlink direct&utm_medium=masterclass&utm_campaign=outsource
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internationalnewz · 2 months
IIT Guwahati and E&ICT Academy Launch Data Analytics and Generative AI Programme
IIT Guwahati, in collaboration with E&ICT Academy and Simplilearn, has launched new professional certificate programs in Data Analytics and Generative AI. These online courses aim to equip candidates with essential skills to meet the growing demand for data analytics and AI professionals.
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Program Overview
The courses are designed to accommodate candidates from diverse educational backgrounds. Interested students can apply for the programs on Simplilearn's official website by July 21. The admission fee for the Generative AI for Data Analytics program is Rs 1,19,900, which includes taxes and all applicable charges.
Course Features
Participants will benefit from live online classes conducted by industry experts and masterclasses by IIT Guwahati faculty and IBM experts. The program includes:
Over 25 hands-on projects
Campus immersion at IIT Guwahati
"Ask Me Anything" sessions hosted by IBM
Key concepts covered include:
Programming fundamentals
Mathematical and statistical computing
Data visualization with Tableau
Generative AI
Prompt engineering
Additional Benefits
Candidates will also earn executive alumni status from IIT Guwahati and E&ICT Academy and gain access to Simplilearn's JobAssist service.
Industry Insights
Anand Narayanan, Chief Product Officer of Simplilearn, emphasized the rising demand for data analytics and AI professionals. According to McKinsey, the need for skilled professionals in these fields is increasing by 50% annually, underscoring the critical demand for qualified talent.
Eligibility Criteria
A bachelor's degree
A minimum 50% score in their graduation
No prior work experience is required, though it is encouraged
Candidates without coding experience or specific technology backgrounds are also welcome to apply
These new certificate programs by IIT Guwahati and E&ICT Academy are designed to meet the increasing demand for skilled professionals in data analytics and AI, making them accessible to candidates with diverse educational backgrounds.
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optimagain · 2 days
💡 Level Up Your Skills Without Breaking the Bank! 💡
Tired of seeing those shiny Coursera certificates but feeling the sting of their price tag? 💸 Stop! 🙌
Good news: Coursera is making world-class learning accessible to everyone with their FREE online courses. 🎉 Yep, you read that right - FREE!
🚀 Think of it as a gateway to knowledge. 🚀
Want to dive into the world of Machine Learning? Maybe you're craving some tips on how to negotiate like a pro, or maybe you're just dying to learn Python. Whatever your ambition, Coursera's got your back!
Here's the real deal:
✅ FREE access to course materials: Video lectures, readings, quizzes, and more - all at your fingertips! 🙌 ✅ World-class instructors: Learn from experts at top universities like Stanford, Yale, and the University of Michigan. 🤯 ✅ Learn from home: Unleash your inner student at your own pace, in your own time.
Ready for some inspiration? 🔥 Check out these top-rated free courses:
🔭 Machine Learning (Stanford University) �� The Science of Well-Being (Yale University) 🐍 Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) (University of Michigan) 🤑 Financial Markets (Yale University) 🤝 Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills (University of Michigan)
But wait, there's more! 🧠
I'm not saying their paid courses are bad, but let's be real: free is always good! 😎
Here's the catch (and there's always a catch, right?):
❌ No certificates unless you pay (but who says you can't get a killer new skillset without a fancy diploma?) ❌ Some courses have limited access to discussion forums or interactive features. (But hey, you can always find a study buddy!). ❌ Quality might vary (because let's face it, not all professors are created equal!).
Want to maximize your free learning experience? 💯
✨ Here's the magic formula: ✨
Create a study schedule: Treat your learning time like a commitment.
Take notes and actively engage: Practice those skills you're picking up!
Seek out study groups: A little collaboration can make all the difference.
Apply your learning: Remember, real-world application is key! 😎
Ready to start your free learning journey? 🤩
Head to Coursera and explore their free catalog. 👉 Coursera's free course catalog
Go on, you've got this! 💪 Happy learning!
Additional Resources:
For more insights on online learning and course creation, check out Zam Man Optimagain's Course Creation Masterclass. Learn how to leverage AI tools to develop mini-courses and monetize your expertise efficiently.
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bradyoil · 2 months
From Passion to Production: EP Scott Dodoro's Journey Launching Local Boy Productions.
Executive Producer Scott Dodoro shares how his passion for film led to starting Local Boy Productions after over a decade working for another company. Local Boy, by the way, is a full service production company in Detroit, built for the future. He discusses building his roster of directors and tackling big projects for Buick, Cadillac and GMC> Golly we even talk about using AI in spots. Scott offers inspiration for following creative dreams and taking risks to start your own business. We've done a few successful gigs together and I'm happy to call him my friend.
Our 3rd annual Filmmaker Retreat Joshua Tree is Thursday, September 26th – Sunday, September 29th, 2024. I always use the word "transformational" in describing the past two years - because our tribe of like-minded filmmakers express that the retreat truly changed their lives. Both professionally and personally. Reserve your spot before the end of the year to take advantage of that last minute 2023 write-off. Limit 20 Filmmakers.
Use the link plus code JB20 when you try https://www.magicmind.com/jordanbrady chug it daily after your coffee. If you follow me on Instagram you know my geniune endorsment of this mighty mind power juice.
Check out my Masterclass or Commercial Directing Shadow online courses. (Note this link to the Shadow course is the one I mention in the show.) All my courses come with a free 1:1 mentorship call with yours truly. Taking the Shadow course is the only way to win a chance to shadow me on a real shoot! DM for details.
How To Pitch Ad Agencies and Director’s Treatments Unmasked are now bundled together with a free filmmaker consultation call, just like my other courses. Serious about making spots? The Commercial Director Mega Bundle for serious one-on-one mentoring and career growth.
Here's the Lbb Director's Playbook article sharing my pitch secrets. And my follow up that came out this week, How To Write Winning Treatments. 
I've uploaded more raw behind-the-scenes, with dailies, agency interaction, directing top talent and collaborating with my crew, all at Commercial Directing Masterclass. And you'll wanna check out the new courses, like Behind The Beard and Winning Director Treatments.
Thanks to our editor Jake Brady We could not do the show without him and love this guy behind words. Need your pod spruced up? Check out his Podcast Wax.
This episode is just about 54 minutes.
My cult classic mockumentary, “Dill Scallion” is online so I’m giving 100% of the money to St. Jude Children’s Hospital. I’ve decided to donate the LIFETIME earnings every December, so the donation will grow and grow. Thank you.
Respect The Process podcast is brought to you by Commercial Directing FIlm School and True Gentleman Industries, Inc. in partnership with Brady Oil Entertainment, Inc.
Check out this episode!
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henryatharvk · 3 months
GamPAL: Is It Worth To Buy Now?
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Introduction GamPAL Review:
Welcome to GamPAL Review: I'm Riddhish, an affiliate marketer in this industry for the last 5 years.
Seun Ogundele is a creator of GamPAL!
GamPAL helps you easily make money online in 2024 without hard work. This site required less knowledge but proficient skills to reach success.
Product Overview:
✅Front End Price: $17
✅Recommendation: Highly Recommended
✅My Product Rating: 9/10
✅Official Website: >> VISIT HERE <<
Why is GamPAL Recommended?
You will get the following things in GamPal:-
Cognitive Enhancement: GamPAL games are designed to stimulate cognitive functions, such as memory, attention, and problem-solving skills.
Physical Activity: Some GamPAL games include physical components that encourage movement and exercise.
Social Engagement: GamPAL games often have a social aspect, encouraging players to interact with others.
Emotional Well-being: By providing a fun and engaging way to spend time, GamPAL can improve mood and emotional health.
Learning Opportunities: GamPAL promotes lifelong learning by introducing new concepts and challenges that require players to learn and adapt.
Personalized Experiences: Many GamPAL games are customizable to fit the individual needs and preferences of players. This personalization ensures that the games are enjoyable and appropriate for a wide range of abilities and interests.
And many more
How Does GamPAL Work?
Here’s an overview of how GamPal works:
User-Friendly Interface: The AI Games Site Builder offers a user-friendly interface that allows users, even those with limited technical skills, to easily create and customize their gaming sites.
AI-Powered Customization: Leveraging AI technology, the platform provides personalized recommendations for game content, site layout, and design elements based on user preferences and target audience needs.
Game Library Integration: The site builder includes a comprehensive library of games designed for cognitive enhancement, physical activity, and social engagement.
Content Management: Users can manage all aspects of their site’s content through a centralized dashboard.
Accessibility Features: The AI Games Site Builder ensures that all games and site features are accessible to users with varying levels of physical and cognitive abilities.
GamPAL Benefits:
✔️Effortless AI Games Website Creation
✔️Easy To Use Interface
✔️Centralized Dashboard To Manage All Your Games
✔️AI Game Site Builder
✔️Stunning, Sleek Templates To Create Any Type Of Game Website In Any Niche
✔️1,200,000 Done For You Games
✔️Website Branding/ Customization
✔️Category Management
✔️Advanced Games Management
✔️SEO-Friendly Game Website
What Will You Get Inside In Gamepal?
You will get the following things inside GamPal:-
A diverse selection of games specifically designed for cognitive enhancement, physical activity, and social engagement.
Personalized recommendations for game content based on user preferences and target audience needs.
Drag-and-drop functionality for easy site creation and customization.
A centralized dashboard to manage all aspects of the site’s content.
Integrated chat functions and forums to promote social interaction and community building.
And many more...
GamPAL Funnel Information:
To maintain optimal server performance, we must cap the number of individuals who can seize this incredible discount…Upon reaching full capacity, our doors will close, and if we reopen, this offer won't be available at the same time. We will return to our initial pricing of $497 one-time, or $197 per month... And just to be clear, this is genuine scarcity. We don't engage in artificial scarcity tactics. So heed this warning...
GamPAL Bonuses:
BONUS#1 GamPAL Exclusive Game Packs
BONUS#2 GamPAL Premium Theme Bundle
BONUS#3 GamPAL Advanced Marketing Guide
BONUS#4 GamPAL Monetization Masterclass
BONUS#5 GamPAL Monthly Updates
First 100 Smart Action Takers Get Access To GamPAL Unlimited Commercial License
GamPAL Final Opinion
GamPAL is a very good platform for people who want to earn money with fewer skills, knowledge, and experience. This platform is more famous among youngsters than other age groups. GamPAL provides you with many famous games that you buy at a lesser cost and can earn money through gaming.
FAQs about GamPAL
What is GamPAL? GamPAL (Games for Positive Aging and Learning) is a platform designed to create and manage engaging game-based websites aimed at promoting cognitive enhancement, physical activity, and social engagement for older adults.
Who can use GamPAL? GamPAL is intended for use by caregivers, healthcare providers, senior living communities, and anyone interested in supporting the well-being of older adults through game-based activities.
What types of games are included in GamPAL? The platform includes a variety of games designed to improve cognitive functions (memory, attention, problem-solving), encourage physical activity, and promote social interaction. These games are tailored to suit the abilities and interests of older adults.
Affiliate Disclosure: Affiliate links are used in this content. I will receive a little commission if you purchase any product using one of the links in this post. But there are no additional costs for you.
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intelekt2001 · 3 months
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cloudwine9 · 4 months
Amphora Revolution, 7 e 8 giugno alle Gallerie Mercatali di Verona. Walk around tasting, panel scientifici e di ricerca, tavole rotonde e masterclass.
AMPHORA REVOLUTION, IL 7 E 8 GIUGNO ALLE GALLERIE MERCATALI DI VERONA: L’EVENTO DEDICATO AI VINI IN ANFORA, TRA WALK AROUND TASTING, PANEL SCIENTIFICI E DI RICERCA, TAVOLE ROTONDE E MASTERCLASS Presentata oggi in una conferenza stampa online con Helmuth Köcher, The WineHunter – Merano WineFestival, Maurizio Danese e Raul Barbieri, rispettivamente amministratore delegato e direttore commerciale…
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