#School stakeholders
centi-pedve · 1 year
the agony of people finally seeing your point of view but in an inherently flawed and misinformed manner and you can't correct them because you're going to be the first to be targeted if someone against the idea sees and the people who initially agreed will likely drop their support if you offend their dainty sensibilities
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pepprs · 2 years
cosmo wanda i fucking wish students understood that universities have limited reach and that public silence does not automatically mean no action is being taken internally and that the decisions of collectives / institutions do not reflect the decisions of all of the people within them (e.g. all faculty staff and administrators within an institution) etc etc. god DAMN it to hell. you people (not anyone reading this im saying this as if im talking to the student body at my school) look so fucking stupid @ing the social media accounts of distinct departments like that’s actually going to do anything. you think they ARENT doing anyrhing????? that’s probably ALL they’re focusing on rn and they’re spending days carefully gathering information so they can share it. and shit is hitting the fan in MULTIPLE areas rn if you haven’t noticed and also it’s winter fucking break so no one is even supposed to be working anyway. so what is wrong with you. why are you fucking making demands. getting a college to finally post an update about something is not the same as cancelling someone on twitter and the fact that so many of you think it is is indicative of how SICK our society has become. PLEASE calm down.
#purrs#literally about to start screaming. people have been so fucking stupid this year. that is all i am going to say.#and ik this bears a weight being a staff member here now but i was a student 6 months ago and years ago i used to do the same stupid shit an#and then i went to the retreat and learned that universities are communities made of people and that i can change the world by talking to#stakeholders and being strategic and patient and having civic courage and building relationships. and now i spend my life trying to teach#other ppl how to do that. so seeing students WHO I KNOW ARE AWARE THAT THIS ISNT THE WAY doing this makes me want to start SCREAMING. like#it was all for nothing. the HOURS of workshops you went through learning how to actually make change and ‘demand’ change and now you’re#engaging in this edgy bullshit. i want to curl up in a ball and/or jump out the window rn. sorry#delete later#work tag 2#this is literally the 5th or 6th incident in 2022 and i know it’s more complicated than that and yes there are genuine wrongdoings the#school / depts and individuals within it have committed. but also the knee jerk reaction of students to instantly turn into a mob and start#saying u*** does nothing u*** doesn’t care about it’s students is like are you KIDDING MEEEEEEEEE. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. how about you talk to#x person who i know firsthand is trying to navigate this issue and suppprt students. how about you join x committee that just made progress#in this area. how about you get offline and go touch grass and realize your COMMUNITY isn’t out to get you!!!!#institutions are not inherently bad lol. institutions are communities. communities are POWER. if i could send one message to everyone on the#planet i think it would be that or at least include that bc i would also want to say stuff abt how we are real and human and alive together#etc etc. but that is like. something so many ppl do not see. being part of a university is POWER. being a student is POWER. so use it for#good!!!!! join committees! set up meetings with admin!!!!! join student gov!! this learned helplessness of @ing the school is NOT THE WAY#not when you have tools and relationships at your disposal to actually make a sustainable long term difference. what are you waiting for! th#the whole world is yours!! it’s at your fingertips! do you feel it? do you see it?
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scottishcommune · 1 year
SISTER (Stroud in Internationalist Solidarity Together for Earth Repairs) have reclaimed the space as the ‘SISTER Summer School’ and declared their intention to squat the empty Old County Library in Stroud Town Centre. SISTER states that empty buildings are unjustifiable during these cost-of-living, housing and rental, energy, climate, and ecological crises. UK public services have been and continue to be systematically underfunded, dismantled, and privatised whilst CEOs hand out record profits to stakeholders, while the education system is failing to equip young people and communities with practical tools to solve our problems...
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Don’t Be Evil
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Tonight (November 22), I'll be joined by Vass Bednar at the Toronto Metro Reference Library for a talk about my new novel, The Lost Cause, a preapocalyptic tale of hope in the climate emergency.
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My latest Locus Magazine column is "Don't Be Evil," a consideration of the forces that led to the Great Enshittening, the dizzying, rapid transformation of formerly useful services went from indispensable to unusable to actively harmful:
While some services have fallen harder and/or faster, they're all falling. When a whole cohort of services all turn sour in the same way, at the same time, it's obvious that something is happening systemically.
After all, these companies are still being led by the same people. The leaders who presided over a period in which these companies made good and useful services are also presiding over these services' decay. What factors are leading to a pandemic of rapid-onset enshittification?
Recall that enshittification is a three-stage process: first surpluses are allocated to users until they are locked in. Then they are withdrawn and given to business-customers until they are locked in. Then all the value is harvested for the company's shareholders, leaving just enough residual value in the service to keep both end-users and business-customers glued to the platform.
We can think of each step in that enshittification process as the outcome of an argument. At some product planning meeting, one person will propose doing something to materially worsen the service to the company's advantage, and at the expense of end-users or business-customers.
Think of Youtube's decay. Over the past year, Google has:
Dramatically increased the cost of ad-free Youtube subscriptions;
Dramatically increased the number of ads shown to non-subscribers;
Dramatically decreased the amount of money paid to Youtube creators;
Added aggressive anti-adblock;
Then, this week, Google started adding a five-second blanking interval for non-Chrome users who have adblockers installed:
These all smack of Jenga blocks that different product managers are removing in pursuit of their "key performance indicators" (KPIs):
We can think of each of these steps as the outcome of an argument. Someone proposes a Youtube subscription price-hike, and other internal stakeholders object. These objections fall into two categories:
We shouldn't do this because it will make the product worse; and/or
We shouldn't do this because it will reduce the company's earnings.
Lots of googlers sincerely care about product quality. People like doing a good job, and they take pride in making good things. Many have sacrificed something that mattered in the service of making the product better. It's bad enough to miss your kid's school play so you can meet a work deadline – but imagine making that sacrifice and then having the excellent work you put in deliberately degraded.
I have been around Google's orbit since its early days, going to the odd company Christmas party in the early 2000s and giving talks at Google offices in cities all over the world. I've known hundreds of skilled googlers who passionately cared about making the best products they could.
For most of Google's history, those googlers won the argument. But they didn't do so merely by appealing to their colleagues' professional pride in a job well-done. For most of Google's history, the winning argument was a combination of "doing this bad thing would make me sad," and "doing this bad thing will make Google poorer."
Companies are disciplined by three forces:
Competition (the fear of losing business to a rival);
Regulation (the fear of legal penalties that would exceed the expected profits from a given course of action);
Self-help (the fear that customers or users will change their behavior, say, by installing an ad-blocker).
The ability of googlers to win enshittification arguments by appealing to the company's bottom line was a function of one or more of these three disciplining factors. The weakening of each of these factors is the reason that every tech company is sliding into enshittification at once.
For example, when Google contemplates raising the price of a Youtube subscription, the dissent might say, "Well, this will reduce viewership and might shift viewers to rivals like Tiktok" (competition). But the price-hiking side can counter, "No, because we have a giant archive, we control 90% of searches, we are embedded in the workflow of vloggers and other creators who automatically stream and archive to Youtube, and Youtube comes pre-installed on every Android device." Even if the company leaks a few viewers to Tiktok, it will still make more money in aggregate. Prices go up.
When Google contemplates increasing the number of ads shown to nonsubscribers, the dissent might say, "This will incentivize more users to install ad-blockers, and then we'll see no ad-revenue from them." The pro-ad side can counter, "No, because most Youtube viewing is in-app, and reverse-engineering the Youtube app to add an ad-blocker is a felony under Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. As to non-app viewers: we control the majority of browser installations and have Chrome progressively less hospitable to ad-blocking."
When Google contemplates adding anti-adblock to its web viewers, the dissent might say, "Processing users' data in order to ad-block them will violate Europe's GDPR." The anti-adblock side can counter, "But we maintain the fiction that our EU corporate headquarters is in the corporate crime-haven of Ireland, where the privacy regulator systematically underenforces the GDPR. We can expect a very long tenure of anti-adblock before we are investigated, and we might win the investigation. Even if we are punished, the expected fine is less than the additional ad-revenue we stand to make."
When Google contemplates stealing performers' wages through opaque reshufflings of its revenue-sharing system, the dissent might say, "Our best performers have options, they can go to Twitch or Tiktok." To which the pro-wage-theft side can counter, "But they have no way of taking their viewers with them. There's no way for them to offer their viewers on Youtube a tool that alerts them whenever they post a new video to a rival platform. Their archives are on Youtube, and if they move them to another platform, there's no way redirect users searching for those videos to their new homes. What's more, any attempt to unilaterally extract their users' contact info, or redirect searchers or create a multiplatform client, violates some mix of our terms of service, our rights under DMCA 1201, etc."
It's not just Google. For every giant platform, the threats of competition, regulation and self-help have been in steady decline for years, as acquisitions, underenforcement of privacy/labor/consumer law, and an increase in IP protection for incumbents have all mounted:
When internal factions at tech companies argue about whether to make their services worse, there's a heavy weight tilting the scales towards enshittification. The lack of competition, an increase in switching costs for users and business-customers, and broad powers to prevent users from modifying the service for themselves all mean that even when a product gets worse, profits can still go up.
This is the culprit: monopoly, and its handmaiden, regulatory capture. That's why today's antimonopoly movement – and the cases against all the tech giants – are so important. The old, good internet was built by flawed tech companies whose internal ranks included the same amoral enshittifiers who are gobbling up the platforms' seed corn today. The thing that stood in their way before wasn't merely the moral character of colleagues who shrank away from these cynical maneuvers: it was the economic penalties that befell those who enshittified too rashly.
Incentives matter. Money talks and bullshit walks. Enshittification isn't due to the moral failings of individuals in tech companies. It's possible to have a good internet run by flawed people. But to get that new, good internet, we have to support technologists of good will and character by terrorizing their venal and cynical colleagues by hitting them where they live: in their paychecks.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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lovetei · 1 year
I have an AU and I enjoy sharing so. Gift, from a (semi-?) writer to writer I suppose
but Swapped Obey me Au
where the brothers and side characters are humans- here’s the dynamic simplification;
Humans (Solomon / MC) : Cryptids
Demons (The Brothers / Diavolo / Barbatos) - humans/humanoids
Angels (Luke / Simeon) - Monster hunters
Maybe a modernish Victorian era, with castles and monster stories and that fun stuff + technology. Prince Diavolo starts a school to hopefully make peace between the three tribes of being.
So Solomon the Land siren (maybe a Lamia/Naga?) and MC the Mutt sheep cryptid. Where invited to the human school,
I can go on for hours- but hope this helps with ideas! I’d love to hear ya take. I love the way you write Obey me so yeah!
I'm so sorry this took so long, I need to create a visual in my head first and it takes long to write an AU :')
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Swapped Alternate Universe
Swapped Universe: Introduction
Links: Masterlist
You were just going around the forests beside fields, feeding on whatever there is
But all of a sudden
An entitled prince, randomly sent you a letter saying you're invited into this type of program
But it's suspicious
The incentives favors the participants way too much...
What could possibly be the catch?
ROLES: Cryptids
TYPE: Cryptid (Mutt sheep)
It is rumored that the "Mutt-Sheep" cryptids are a cross between lambs and canines, and are known to be found in areas with dense forests. Some describe them as a cross between a sheep and a dog, with a thick sheep-like coat covering their body, large claws on their paws for digging in the forest floor, and a canine's nose and teeth for hunting small animals. However, the exact origin and nature of the Mutt-Sheep cryptids are still unknown and shrouded in mystery. Despite this, sightings of these creatures have been reported by people who claim to have seen them lurking in the forest.
TYPE: Cryptid (Naga)
They are described as having a human upper body, often with arms and chest, and from the waist down, they have the tail and scales of a snake. The Naga are said to be intelligent and powerful beings, capable of controlling the elements of nature and using their powers to influence the world around them. Many people believe that the Naga possess magical abilities that they use to protect their territory and the creatures that live there.
ROLE: Humans
JOB: President of RLD
The Royal Lab of Diavolo (RLD) is a highly advanced underground research facility with top-notch equipment and state-of-the-art technology. The lab is focused on developing peace between different races, such as humans, humanoid, cryptids, and monster hunters. The primary goal of the lab is to find ways to bridge the gap between the different races, and to create an environment where all beings can live together in harmony. The lab is led by a team of highly skilled scientists and researchers who work tirelessly around the clock to advance their research and find solutions to the world's problems.
JOB: Vice president of RLD
The vice president of the Royal Lab of Diavolo is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the lab, including the management of staff, the supervision of research projects, and the coordination of activities with external partners and stakeholders. The vice president also plays a key role in managing the lab's finances and ensuring that resources are being used effectively and efficiently. Additionally, they may be involved in developing and implementing strategic plans for the lab's long-term growth and success. Therefore, the vice president plays an important role in the lab's success and helps to ensure that its mission of promoting peace and unity among different beings is achieved.
JOB: Chief Fiance Officer (CFO)
The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is a high-level executive position that is responsible for overseeing the financial operations and strategy of an organization. He works for the government and is supporting the current king.
JOB: Actor
He is the most famous actor out there starring in every genre whether it may be romance, comedy, action or adventure. He also stars in his own TV show series that broke multiple records and nominated multiple times on award show as well as receiving hundreds of awards.
JOB: Programmer and Developer
A famous IT that works for the government and helps maintain government systems and Technologies, being one of the most trusted and talented worker in this field he has access to everything that can be found online.
JOB: Proffesor
The youngest and top proffesor of one of the best schools found in the world, being the charming and mysterious proffesor whose world seems to revolve around books and his well known addiction, cats.
JOB: Model
The jewel of the human world, modeling for every possible brands to exist. He's known for his unforgettable face and his unmatched charm that helped him rise to the top of the world of fashion.
JOB: Chef
A world-class chef that cooks for the king, known for his unique skills and for his beautiful physique. A man that made multiple woman swoon because of his looks and cooking skills.
JOB: Doctor
A mysterious Doctor who seems to enjoy cutting things up and inventing antidotes or medicines against viruses and diseases that does not have a cure yet. He seems to be passionate about his job but the reason why he entered this field is still unknown.
ROLE: Hunters
A Rank A monster hunter is one of the best, most skilled and experienced monster hunters out there. They have exceptional abilities and skill in fighting and defeating monsters, as well as an in-depth knowledge of different types of monsters and how to defeat them.
Rank A Monster hunters are highly skilled and experienced in the art of hunting monsters. They are sought after for their exceptional abilities and knowledge. Their skill and experience have earned them a reputation as some of the finest monster hunters in the world.
A Rank C monster hunter is considered an entry-level monster hunter. They are relatively new to the field and are still developing their skills and gaining experience. While they may have some basic knowledge of monster hunting techniques, they lack the advanced abilities and knowledge of higher-ranked Hunters. Nonetheless, they can still be an asset to a team and can perform certain tasks with supervision and guidance.
Overall, Rank C monster hunters are still learning and gaining experience. They are not always ready to handle high-level or dangerous missions, and are often assigned tasks and roles under the supervision and guidance of
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Biden's Title IX proposal would make broad, transgender sports bans illegal : NPR
the Thursday announcement, U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said, "Every student should be able to have the full experience of attending school in America, including participating in athletics, free from discrimination."
Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images
On Thursday, the U.S. Education Department announced a proposed change to Title IX, which prohibits sex-based discrimination in federally funded education programs. The proposal would make it illegal for schools to broadly ban transgender students from sports teams that align with their gender identity, rather than their assigned sex at birth.
The department says the move comes after two years of outreach to stakeholders across the country, and the changes still give schools some flexibility to ban transgender athletes depending on age and sport.
"Every student should be able to have the full experience of attending school in America, including participating in athletics, free from discrimination," said U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona. "Being on a sports team is an important part of the school experience for students of all ages."
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rainbowsky · 7 months
I haven’t had any questions lately but love your blog and your insights. In a video of the group photo at Milan fashion week, GG is sitting next to the older man and they are talking. I figure in some videos when GG is talking to others he has translators but it does not look like anyone from his staff is around and I was wondering if they were speaking in English or what other languages he might speak. Love to hear your insights and hope you are doing well.
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Hi coyote! Thanks so much, I'm glad you're enjoying my blog! 😊
The man he's seen talking with a lot is Diego Della Valle, the CEO of Tod's. GG has a fantastic relationship with him, and he even referred to him as yeye (grandpa) in his Vogue interview from the show.
Last time GG was in Milan Della Valle took GG on a tour of some beautiful sites around Italy - including the Colloseum in Rome -and some sites significant to the brand (the workshop, the flagship store, etc.). GG got to spend a lot of time with him, so they had plenty of opportunity to build a strong relationship.
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You can tell just by his entire demeanour around GG that Della Valle adores GG. Which makes absolute sense given how cute, gracious and charming GG is. When GG arrived at the Tod's show this year Della Valle lit up like a Christmas tree.
They sat together last year at the Tod's show as well (those who missed out on last year's trip can check out my 'gg milan fashion week 2023' tag).
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Anyway, you weren't asking about Della Valle, you were asking about how GG is able to communicate with him. The simple answer is that GG does have some English!
Many students in China learn English in school, although they sometimes don't get as much opportunity to speak it, so it's probably kind of like my French - I understand quite well to hear, read and write it, but my accent and pronunciation are a bit rough around the edges (that's putting it mildly 😅).
With the international travel he's done and all the elbow-rubbing he's had to do with foreign celebrities and brand stakeholders I think GG has had a lot more opportunity than the average person to exercise his language skills, so I've no doubt he's improving all the time.
He's also a huge music lover and has many times been seen singing English songs from Avril Lavigne, Ellie Goulding, Sam Smith and many more. A couple of English performances he's done in the past:
Starts at 3:22 (I'll never get over hockey player GG 🥲).
It also seems clear that GG has a general interest in languages. He knows a fair bit of Korean and he and DD are seen in The Untamed BTS speaking various languages and dialects, including English. This is also a common feature of LRLG rumors.
There are many clips to be found online of GG speaking English for ads, occasionally a few lines for drama roles, throwing in English phrases into interviews, etc. Just based those alone I think one can tell that he's got pretty good English. His pronunciation is quite good.
If you watch some of the vlogs he's posted from the international events, and some of the clips shared by brands and magazines, you can catch moments of GG having English interactions with many people at those events. One of my absolute favorites is when he's replying to a bodyguard in a vlog when he was in Florence last year (starts at 4:08).
The bodyguard is trying to teach him how to roll his r to pronounce Florence in Italian ('Firenze') and GG says, "I can't do it." The way he says it is so damn cute, I almost died when I heard it.
Anyway, so to answer your question, GG speaks in English with Della Valle and others at those events!
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yutahoes · 1 month
(Part Eleven)
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characters: stripper! Yuta x female! wealthy! Y/N genre: chaptered, smut, angst, fluff word count: 3.1k words summary: Y/N has everything in her bitter life, not until she meets a sweet-looking stripper. warnings: matured theme, stripper au!, third person POV, flashback, accidental murder(?) (please see past chapters), mentions of death and killing, running away taglist: @cherrymotodude @tenjyucat @justsomekpopstuff @ilhoonseyeballs @whyme11 @a-bts-world @amazinggraxia a/n: I'm sorry if this took some time to post and it felt nothing. Classes already started and the last two weeks had been so busy. I plan to make this end in just fifteen chapters but I haven't come up with the ending just yet. Thank you for being patient and for waiting for this next chapter.
Part Ten
President Y/N Y/L/N. 
It was a designation she had always wanted all the time. A position she had yearned for. Now that it’s in her reach, why isn’t she ecstatic about it? 
This is everything she had wanted all along. Is it possible that she wanted something else now? Can her dreams change in an instant? 
It was planned all along, Y/N discovered. When Jaehyun agreed to this engagement, in the first place, he suggested that Y/N would take over her father’s position in the company. He reasoned out that she deserved it. She had been working hard for the company so she should take the position. However, although she had the highest position in the company, she will still be working under Jaehyun’s management. 
She thought nothing would benefit their company with this merging but the stakeholders all agreed that this would strengthen both companies. The Jungs with their local standing and the Kims with their global reach. 
A powerful female in a male-dominated environment isn’t a good look to a well-established company. She had done a lot of things for the company, and even Jaehyun - the future chairman- thought that she deserved this. So why can’t the board of directors accept the decision? What more should she do for them to warm up to her? And it stressed the hell out of Y/N. 
Junyoung was wide-eyed seeing his sister outside his school. Immediately, he ran to her as if they hadn’t seen each other that morning. “Why are you here?” he asked. “You’re not that busy in the office?” 
The girl only giggled, taking his backpack and then opening the backseat door for him. “I want to have ice cream with you.” The younger boy grinned widely. 
Y/N was just staring at her brother, smearing his face with the banana split he ordered just for himself. A smile escaped her lips because of his childishness. Junyoung is so innocent, it is endearing. A contrast to her wicked world. 
She’s relieved Junyoung came into her life. 
The best ploy her mom had ever done. 
She can’t wait to see Junyoung grow up and be an amazing man. Will she still be a part of him at that time? “Junyoung,” she called quietly. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” There was a phase in his life when he wanted to be a model like Jungwoo and then a musical actor like Doyoung. He even wanted to be a fireman and a doctor. But what exactly does her brother want to be in life? Is it too early to ask that question? 
The younger smeared ice cream on his face which made her chuckle, reaching some tissues to wipe the chocolate off his lips. “My dream is to be like you.” She stopped what she was doing. Junyoung grinned, his chubby cheeks evident. “I’ll take over the company so you can rest and travel abroad like Jungwoo and Doyoung hyung.” 
Her younger brother pushed the bowl of ice cream in front of her, “You should eat some ice cream.” He even handed her his spoon. “Coffee is bad for you, especially those dark ones you always drink.” Y/N had to stare at her coffee cup, dark coffee with a hint of caramel. Just how she liked it. “Ice cream would make you feel good.” 
“I feel good,” she chimed in but Junyoung shook his head. “Why? Do I look bad?” 
Once again Junyoung shook his head. “You’re still the prettiest.” She giggled. “But you look better when you still weren't Jaehyun’s wife.” She badly wanted to correct him. She isn’t Jung Jaehyun’s wife just yet. They’re just engaged to be married. 
But those words startled her. First, why isn’t Junyoung calling Jaehyun hyung? Second, what does he mean by that? 
“You look happier with Yuta hyung.” He claimed while munching a spoonful of ice cream. 
She stared at him blankly then at the warm coffee cup in her hands. She had underestimated Junyoung’s innocence. How did he know these things? Caramel. Making her lighter. A boost of serotonin.
She misses him. 
Maybe Junyoung’s words stuck in her mind that she doesn’t feel ecstatic even if the party was about her and Jaehyun. How could both their mothers organize this kind of party? Although there are familiar faces, she can’t seem to find the courage to greet them. “Are you alright?” Jungwoo asked, handing her a glass of champagne. 
Even a small sip of champagne doesn’t sit well with her. “I’m fine, I’m just tired.” She leaned on her brother’s shoulder, feeling her knees weak. “I want to leave already.” 
“This is your party.” The girl rolled her eyes in annoyance, making Jungwoo chuckle. He drank the contents of the champagne glass she was holding earlier. “I invited the guys from the club. Did you know that it was shut down?” 
Y/N stood up to look at her brother in surprise. She didn’t know that. The club had shut down? Why? And they’re here? Her eyes started wandering around and as if her eyes cleared up saw Johnny’s tall frame. “Ten explained that a rich woman bought the club,” The way Jungwoo said those words confused Y/N. She quickly spotted Ten and then Taeyong. “And ever since that, they had never seen Yuta.”  Her eyes turned to Jungwoo in surprise. What?
She felt chills all over her body and she visibly shivered. Goosebumps appeared on her skin as her eyes focused on one person, a woman in a purple dress smirking her way. Nothing bad happened to Yuta, right? She didn’t do anything to him, right? Y/N’s feet were dragging her to where she was, loud clanging of glass and small yelps could be heard as she kept on bumping to some of the guests. “Y/N,” someone called holding her arm. She wanted to call his name. Then maybe, just maybe, he could appear before her. “What’s wrong?” He’ll assure her that he’s fine. That she didn’t harm him. 
That she isn’t the reason why something bad happened to him. 
"Y/N," the voice called once again. In her teary vision, she could see Doyoung looking at her in concern. "Let's get you out of here."
The room was dark and freezing. The sound of pouring rain and the thunderstorm rang in Y/N’s ears. Loud voices can be heard echoing from outside the house but it was muffled by her hand on both her ears. Tears sprang from her eyes as her lips pleaded for everything to stop. She could see her teardrops on the floor in the faint shade of red—her older brother’s blood. 
“This is an accident!” a male booming voice can be heard. “We cannot put our own daughter in jail. She’s still young.” 
“Then we should just get rid of her.” 
“Are you even hearing yourself? We still have a child left. This is a tragedy but shouldn’t we just focus now on taking care of Y/N?” 
“How would I take care of a monster? A murderer?” 
“If you don’t want to take care of her, I’ll take her away from here.” A small light can be seen as the door opens, “I wouldn’t let you hurt my daughter. I’ll take her away from you.” 
The small glimpse of light was immediately changed to red and blue blinking lights, an ear-piercing siren sound blaring in the rainy night. 
Even at a young age, Y/N knew she could not escape her. That running away meant hurting the people she loved. 
If she wanted to know if Yuta was safe, she needed to obey her. If she becomes the official president of the company, she’ll have all the resources to look for him. Then maybe, just maybe, she could run away from all of this. 
An idea that sounds so incredulous now that she’s wearing her bridal dress. 
This should be a joyous event but she felt as if all the weight of the world was on her shoulders. A gentle knock on the door can be heard and she breathed heavily before telling the person to come in. Her stepdad was wearing a crisp tuxedo, looking really dashing, with a wide grin on his face. “You’re very lovely.” Y/N returned the same smile, thanking him for the compliment, as he gestured if he could sit beside her. “If your dad was here, he’d probably cry seeing his little girl wearing a wedding gown.” The thought only added weight to her shoulders. She was the reason why he was brought to jail. She was the cause of his death. “I knew I would,” He then sniffled a little. “I think I will.” 
Y/N gave him a soft smile, taking some tissues to hand it to the older who had tears in his eyes. “Dad, thank you for taking care of me and mom.” He shook his head, “Thank you for accepting me as your daughter and letting me experience how to have a dad.” The tears flowed non-stop which made her giggle, “In my next life, I hope you’re my real dad.”
“Your dad will hate me but I’m glad you became my daughter in a short time.” He laughed lightly, wiping the tears from his eyes. “I hope you’ll find happiness with Jaehyun.” And she wished the same. 
Once she goes out of that door and into the event hall, she’ll be a Jung. Not a Y/L/N, not a Kim. She’ll be a daughter-in-law of a wealthy family. Not a Kim stepdaughter and especially not her mother’s daughter. This is her only chance to run away and live a new life. She cannot just run away right now. “Dad,” she called, “Can you walk me down the aisle?” 
It was a sure way for her to reach the end of the wedding aisle. Even if her mother was staring evilly at her for her impulsive decision, she held onto her stepfather’s arm tight. She cannot let go right now. 
She will obey her for the last time. And her life will be better.
Jaehyun looks really handsome in his tailor-made suit. The initial impression of him looking like a prince didn’t leave Y/N even if they grew up together. She used to think that the girl he loved would be the luckiest in the world. And she still thinks that will be the case. Except the idea of taking away that experience by marrying him feels like a heavy burden to her. Jaehyun should be waiting on the altar for the girl he loves. He should be getting married to the love of his life. Not to her.  
And she wished this could be like the movies where a young man would come in to stop the wedding. A young man with a bright smile and sweet scent. But even if the person in charge of the wedding paused to give time for anyone to stop the wedding, silence deafened the crowd. Y/N had lost her hope to see Yuta again. 
“Y/N Y/L/N, do you take Jung Jaehyun to be your lawfully wedded husband…?” The other words became too blurry. She can’t. She shouldn’t. But she must. “I do.” 
“Do you, Jung Jaehyun, take…?” All the chances are now gone. 
She heard the gasps of the crowd before Jaehyun’s words registered in her ears. “I’m sorry, Y/N.” Her eyes went to Jaehyun then to the other older person in front of them who asked the younger what he meant. The man in front of her held her hand, “I hate to do this when you’re this pretty, Y/N.” She was confused. Do what? “But we can’t get married.” What? She was more confused. What? Why? 
From her peripheral vision, she saw how Jaehyun’s parents stood up at what the younger man claimed. Her mom even called his name, “Mom, Dad, could you please ask everyone to leave?” There was confusion in everyone’s face. Is this really happening?
Y/N’s head was pounding at what was happening. Are they getting married or not? Why did Jaehyun stop the wedding? She needed to calm her mind. She wanted to sit down. 
But someone had other things in mind. 
Y/N felt a hard slap on her cheek and was about to tumble to the ground if not for someone holding her shoulder. “What the hell did you do?” Her mom shouted loud enough for her voice to echo in the halls of the event place. 
“Auntie, this is my decision. Y/N had nothing…” She heard the man holding her say. 
“This is about that guy, isn’t it?” The older asked making Y/N look at her. Although she doesn’t say anything, she knows what she means. “I should have gotten rid of him.” She hissed under her breath that startled Y/N.
Her mind was clouded and her knees felt weak but Y/N lunged forward to at least look taller than her mom. “What did you do to Yuta?” The older woman smirked. She was confused, tired, and just utterly confused. If this continues, she knows she’ll do something drastic. “Why, Mom?” She cried, tears streaming down her face. “Why do you hate me so much?” 
A loud cackle can be heard, maniacally chilling that Junyoung even held onto his eldest brother’s hand in fright. “I always wished that it was you who died that night.” The older woman’s name was called by the loud stern voice of Y/N’s stepdad. “You have always caused me pain, Y/N.” 
Her knees weakened at those words. She had always known that. Always felt that hatred. But hearing it now, coming from her own mother’s mouth made it more painful. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, not knowing what to say. She just wanted this pain to go away. She doesn’t want to cry anymore. Not in front of her stepbrothers, not in front of her real brother who looks up at her. She just wanted everything to stop. “What should I do for you to forgive me?” 
“Leave. Kill yourself,” There was a gasp then a tight hold on Y/N’s forearm, “You’re not even a daughter to me.” 
Y/N could do that. If that was what makes her happy. 
That is her job as her daughter, isn’t it? 
She felt her hand being held before being dragged out of the hall. The tears from her eyes aren’t giving her a clear image of the person and she wanted to trick herself into believing that this is Yuta. When the door of a black car was opened, she felt her hand shaking. “Get in, Y/N. I’m going to take you away from here.” 
“I could just die.” 
Jaehyun’s hold on her was so tight that it started to sting. “That’s not what you want, Y/N. Do not listen to your mom or anyone else.” He shouted. In the years that she had known Jaehyun, this was the first time that she saw anger in his eyes. He had always been so calm and serious but not angry at all. Not to her, at least. “What do you want to do, Y/N?” 
Her voice hitched in her throat. It was a question that she had never asked herself. A question she doesn’t know how to answer. “Yuta,” she whispered. “I want to see Yuta.” 
The dimple on Jaehyun’s cheek can be seen as he smiled warmly at her, asking her to get inside the car. “We’ll go to his place then look for him there. I’ll ask help from an investigator I know so we could locate him, if ever.” He explained while driving the car away from the place. “I’ll make sure you can have a fresh start with him. Away from your mom and all of this.” Y/N was just staring at him. How did Jaehyun think about those things? Did he plan these beforehand? “About the company, I’ll make sure that the stocks would remain in your name even if you decide to leave.” 
“Because you deserve this, Y/N.” 
The girl shook her head. “I mean, why are you doing this Jaehyun? We can get married and…” 
“But that is not what you want.” He claimed without looking at her. “I’m not the person you love, Y/N. I knew that the first time I saw you looking at Yuta. Why would I make you suffer? I don’t want you to be unhappy because of me.”    
Jaehyun had grown up so much. That was the thought running through Y/N’s mind as she watched him driving to get her away from the place bringing her pain. He used to be so quiet, so meek. He would always hide behind her whenever he’s asking something from his father. Now, he stood up for her. Not just in front of his parents, but in front of hers. 
She could run away. That is the only option she has right now. Run away with Yuta. 
But what if he wasn’t there? What if something bad happened to him? At least she had an ounce of hope that he wasn’t dead based on what her mom claimed. But will she ever get to see him again? 
She probably should just run away alone. That would lessen her pain and expectations. 
Maybe that would stop her from causing harm to another person involved with her. 
“Jaehyun, can you lend me some money?” The guy nodded although confused. “I’ll go abroad.” The guy had to stop the car to look at her, the first time he did during the whole car ride. “You could go back and tell them I ran away with Yuta.”   
“Where would you go?” 
“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “But I know I can’t take you with me. I don’t want you to be in trouble, Jae.” 
Jaehyun just stared. Confusion was written on his face before breathing a heavy sigh. He returned to driving, “Just remember that if you ever feel hopeless or if you need anything, please run to me Y/N.” 
She smiled at her childhood friend. He really did grew up well. The person marrying him would be the luckiest in the world and she’s just glad that she didn’t take away that chance for anyone. “I will, Jae. Thank you.” 
But Y/N knew that would hardly happen. This is all on her now. She cannot just run to Jaehyun and bother his life.
Her hand grazed her stomach, the material of her wedding dress soft against her skin.   
At least for them, she knew she could not. 
Part Twelve
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odinsblog · 9 months
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“All this happening at once is really startling,” said Joseph Schwieterman, a DePaul University professor who researches intercity bus travel and directs the university’s Chaddick Institute for Metropolitan Development. “You’re taking mobility away from disproportionately low-income and mobility-challenged citizens who don’t have other options.”
Roughly three-quarters of intercity bus riders have annual incomes of less than $40,000. More than a quarter would not make their trip if bus service was not available, according to surveys by Midwestern governments reviewed by DePaul University.
Intercity bus riders are also disproportionately minorities, people with disabilities, and unemployed travelers.
A spokesperson for Greyhound, which is now owned by German company FlixMobility, said it strives to offer customers the most options for connections, but has “encountered challenges in some instances.” The spokesperson also said they “actively engage with local stakeholders to emphasize the importance of supporting affordable and equitable intercity bus travel.”
The terminal closures have been accelerating as Greyhound, the largest carrier, sells its valuable terminals to investors, including investment firm Alden Global Capital.
Last year, Alden subsidiary Twenty Lake Holdings purchased 33 Greyhound stations for $140 million. Alden is best known for buying up local newspapers like The Chicago Tribune, New York Daily News and The Baltimore Sun, cutting staff, and selling some of the iconic downtown buildings.
Alden has started to sell the Greyhound depots to real estate developers, speeding up the timetable for closures.
“I don’t know the specific details of each building, but it is clear what is happening here: an important piece of transit infrastructure is being sacrificed in the name of higher profits,” said Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, a professor of real estate at Columbia Business School.
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“The public sector has turned a cold shoulder to buses,” DePaul’s Schwieterman said. “We subsidize public transit abundantly, but we don’t see this as an extension of our transit system. Few governments view it as their mandate.”
Bus terminals are costly for companies to operate, maintain and pay property taxes on. Many have deteriorated over the years, becoming blighted properties struggling with homelessness, crime and other issues.
But terminal closures cause a ripple effect of problems.
Travelers can’t use the bathroom, stay out of the harsh weather or get something to eat while they wait. People transferring late at night or early in the morning, sometimes with long layovers, have no place to safely wait or sleep. It’s worse in the cold, rain, snow or extreme heat.
Bus carriers often try to switch to curbside service when a terminal closes, but curbside bus service can clog up city streets with passengers and their luggage, snarl traffic, increase pollution, and frustrate local business owners. In Philadelphia, a Greyhound terminal closure and switch to curbside service after its lease ended turned into a “humanitarian disaster” and “municipal disgrace” with people waiting on street corners.
(continue reading)
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rjzimmerman · 3 months
Excerpt from this story from EcoWatch:
A new report has found that climate lawsuits being filed against companies are on the rise all over the world, and most of them have been successful.
The report by the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) — Global trends in climate change litigation: 2024 snapshot — said that roughly 230 climate cases have been brought against trade associations and corporations since 2015, more than two-thirds of which have been filed since 2020.
“Climate litigation… has become an undeniably significant trend in how stakeholders are seeking to advance climate action and accountability,” said Andy Raine, the United Nations Environment Programme’s deputy director of law division, as The Guardian reported.
One of the fastest growing types of litigation concerns “climate washing.” According to the report, 47 of these lawsuits were filed against governments and companies last year.
The report stated that there had been “more than 140 such cases filed to date on climate washing, making this one of the most rapidly expanding areas of litigation,” a press release from LSE said.
Of the almost 140 climate-washing cases between 2016 and 2023, 77 had reached official decisions, with 54 being found in favor of the claimant.
Most climate cases that have been filed in the past have been against governments. In the United States, 15 percent of climate cases filed in 2023 were against companies, while 40 percent of cases in the rest of the world involved companies.
In 2023, more than 30 “polluter pays” lawsuits filed worldwide sought to hold corporations accountable for climate harms allegedly stemming from their production of greenhouse gas emissions.
Six “turning off the taps” lawsuits challenging the funding of activities and projects not in line with climate action were identified in the report.
The report’s analysis was based on more than 2,600 climate cases compiled by Columbia Law School’s Sabin Center for Climate Change. Approximately 70 percent of these lawsuits have been filed since the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015, with 233 having been filed in 2023.
Climate lawsuits have been brought in 55 total countries, with cases having been filed in Portugal and Panama for the first time.
The authors of the study confirmed that climate litigation has been increasing in the Global South, noting that “over 200 climate cases from these countries are recorded in the Global database, comprising around 8% of all cases.”
The U.S. had the most climate litigation cases filed last year with 129. The United Kingdom had the second highest number with 24, followed by Brazil with 10, Germany with seven and Australia with six.
The U.S. also had the most documented climate cases with a total of 1,745. Australia has had 132 overall, with just six filed in 2023.
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driftward · 11 days
Title: FFXIV Write 2024 - 13. Butte Characters: Solita Grey, Thancred Waters Rating: Teen Summary: Naturalists, man. What a pain in the- Notes: Weird Wild West AU - A Desertwalkers story
The Cat's Eye Cabaret was the center of cultured entertainment in Stonewood, attracting would-be stakeholders, investors, up and comers, and all manner of classy individual hoping to make their mark at the beginning of a new era.
Solita had no such lofty goals herself, but there was good coin to be made in catering to the tastes of those who did. And being known as a cultured consultant and companion herself put her in a good position to overhear rumours, gather information, and be at the forefront of certain types of troubles before they became problems. Her sharp wit, keen intelligence, and clever tongue were well known and well sought after.
Tonight was no different. She was idling on the edge of the cabaret, keeping an eye on her current client who seemed intent to ply the barkeep's wares into nonexistence. She was weighing the benefits of interceding against the value of letting them learn a lesson when a man slid out of the shadows and gently hooked his arm around her elbow.
"I am glad I thought to check. I thought your dance card would be full, but it would seem you've a moment. May I?"
"Thancred," she said, with a smile, grateful for the interruption in her musings. "Please and kindly. I am rather afraid my current client is proving a bit of a boor."
Thancred began to lead them towards a table, where they took their seats. "Oh, is she? All the better to nudge her during those negotiations tomorrow, I would think."
Solita rested her head in her hands, looking at Thancred over the elegant candle centerpiece. "I would prefer her sober for such, that I may be more certain my advice might -land- rather than be addled by her impairment. And I had rather hoped for some entertainment this evening, but I believe I shall be left to my own self, and her to her inebriation."
"Our dear lady Grey, has she perhaps judged poorly?"
"I do make mistakes, Thancred," she said, grimacing. "There is no fault in admitting so, and she may very well be one. Just as well. She is a touch handsier than I care for, and slow to be dissuaded from such."
"And those business developments she wishes to forward?"
"Harmless, upon consultation. She would prefer trade with the local Hhetsaro, rather than attempt to establish her own concerns."
"Ah, well, that does make our job easier, doesn't it? Hardly need to get involved."
Solita nodded, retrieving a flute of wine from a passing server.
"And how are matters between you and the school mistress? To hear Ryne tell the tale, you two are getting along rather well."
Thancred rubbed the back of his head. "Ask me later. I was hoping to speak to you more on the subject of troublesome clients. Specifically, where is our naturalist just now? Off on her second survey yet?"
Solita harrumphed, sipping her wine. "Indeed. She is down by the southern buttes, gathering... Weave readings, apparently."
"That's a fairly magically active place," said Thancred. He leaned forward, looking at Solita carefully. "Your sight would have been helpful there, whatever her task. She is still one of your clients, yes?"
"She is," said Solita, primly. "However, she did not ask for anything other than information, so I offered naught more than that."
Thancred looked at her flatly for a moment, then shrugged.
"Might be just as well. I ask because I looked into her, just as you requested."
"And what, pray tell, did you discover?"
"Zoissette Vauban," said Thancred, allowing for an unnecessarily dramatic pause, "does not exist."
Solita's ears went up just a bit, and she set down her wine.
"Well, do not leave me in suspense. Go on."
Thancred settled back into his seat, turning his gaze to the dancers filing onto the cabaret stage, though he was not watching them, not really. "Near as anyone can tell, she arrived from over the ocean - with the cargo. Registered under the Gorgagne Trade Company, which tells us nothing of use, as they provide shipping for a number of concerns. Most notably Kraken Arms, but they also do work for a variety of industrial concerns from out that way."
Solita frowned. "Former sailor escaping their past, mayhaps?"
Thancred shook his head. "The way she carries herself? Unlikely. I believe her to be of the gentry. Which, to be honest, to be a successful naturalist she almost needs to be, or to be sponsored. But my contacts overseas could find no note of anyone with her name in any journals. In fact, outside of her contributions to our own local library, I'm not at all convinced she's published at all."
"That says little," said Solita, idly. "I often do not bother myself to submit mine own findings."
"A terrible oversight I sorely wish you'd stop allowing yourself to indulge in. But nevermind that."
"So, unpublished. You said you thought she was of a high social class, however?"
"Likely. But none of the families over there boast the name Vauban amongst their number... other than a very old, very small family far in Gridania."
"Might this be another Aurelia sort of situation? I recall she also claimed to be a naturalist, only for us to find out her brother Alistair was the actual naturalist, and she was more of a ... venture opportunist."
"I doubt it there is any connection whatsoever. Vauban is an older family which has no eligible children as of now. Just an old patriarch who apparently is more than happy to act as a kindly historian, recounting his ancestor's role from the time of the Autumn War. So, historically significant name... but not currently."
"So a name borrowed, then. Perhaps for ill? Might it be worth looking into seeing if anyone is attempting to gain profit from such deception."
"No profit to be gained. Again, the name is only of historical interest, and the old man, from what my latest message tells me, lives in comfort, but not in great wealth."
"So that leaves us where we started," said Solita, thoughtfully. "A woman with no history and a name that seems at best to only borrowed." She crossed her arms, and sat back.
Thancred turned his attention to her, and watched her carefully.
"You yourself mentioned her first survey was of little interest. Simply doing exactly as she claimed - learning local knowledge, tall tales and facts alike, and verifying the veracity or lack thereof of such." He shrugged. "You might continue to keep an eye on her if you like, but other than her charming habit of stabbing the occasional blundering idiot who fails to heed her warnings when she tries to warn them off, she seems almost endearingly, eccentrically harmless."
"So did that Hemet fool, until he disrupted the Rroneek migration and got gored for his trouble," groused Solita.
"Ah, but I believe we all saw that little misadventure coming. And he was no client of yours, so you have no claim to blame, if that's what you're concerned about."
"You well know I am not. My clients heed my advice or not, and that reflects upon their judgement, not mine."
"Still affects your reputation."
"My reputation for honesty exceeds all."
"And for bluntness."
She glared at him, her ears going back just a little. "Is this conversation to be a criticism of how I handle my affairs, then?"
Thancred held his hands up slowly with a grin. "No, no. Just making conversation. I'd like to go to bed with my tatters unsinged, if it's all the same to you."
Solita shifted her weight and took a sip of her wine, her eyes narrow and ears back, but only for a few moments longer before she settled, apparently deciding to let the matter go.
"Well, I thank you for looking into the matter," she said.
"My pleasure."
The two watched the activity of the Cat's Eye, a companionable silence between them as the cabaret continued about its business.
"Well, I suppose I am obligated to child sit for a while longer, then," Solita said at last, beginning to stand.
"Are you referring to your current client, who I believe I see currently trying to balance the floor, or our eccentric enigmatic errant errand woman?"
Solita rolled her eyes at his wordplay. "Good night, Thancred."
"Have fun," he said cheerfully as she wandered off. He watched as Solita approached the well-to-do debutante, and began to try to steer her away from the bartender. Even at this distance, he could see the annoyance in her expression and in her bearing, ears back and tail thrashing something terrible.
In the meanwhile, he considered the naturalist once more. It had been some time since one of her clients had taken up so much of her attention.
He took her abandoned wine and thoughtfully took a sip. Perhaps he should head out to the southern buttes, and take the measure of this naturalist himself.
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coochiequeens · 4 months
She had a child trough surrogacy at 68. The average life span for Spainish women is 83. Meaning she could be dead before the kid is 18. And even if she does live to see her second kid reach adult hood. She's going to be handling an elementary school age kid in her 70s, and 86 when she's 18 and old enough to try for her drivers license.
Spanish Actress Ana Obregón Faces Backlash for Surrogacy Decision
May 25, 2024 F. Salau
Renowned Spanish actress Ana Obregón has ignited a firestorm of criticism after revealing that she welcomed a daughter through surrogacy in the United States at the age of 68.
The revelation has sparked debate and raised questions about the legality and morality of surrogacy in Spain.
A Respected Actress
Ana Obregón is widely known for her roles in various Spanish comedies, earning her a place in the hearts of audiences across the country.
However, her decision to pursue surrogacy has drawn both admiration and condemnation from the public and political figures alike.
A Tragic Loss
Obregón’s decision to pursue surrogacy comes in the wake of a devastating personal tragedy.
In 2020, she tragically lost her only son to cancer at the young age of 27. Since then, she has been candid about her grief and her determination to find hope and joy amidst the pain.
Surrogacy in Spain
Spain has strict laws regarding surrogacy, prohibiting all forms of the practice within its borders.
However, parents who undergo surrogacy abroad can legally adopt the child upon their return to the country. This legal loophole has sparked debate and controversy in recent years.
The Ethics of Surrogacy
Surrogacy, the practice of a woman carrying and giving birth to a child for another person or couple, is a complex and controversial issue.
While it can bring joy and fulfillment to those unable to conceive naturally, it also raises ethical questions about exploitation, commodification of women’s bodies, and the rights of the child.
Ana Obregón’s Revelation
Ana Obregón’s decision to share her surrogacy journey publicly has ignited a fierce debate in Spain.
Her appearance on the cover of Hola! magazine, cradling her newborn daughter outside a Florida hospital, has drawn both praise and condemnation from various quarters.
A Divisive Response
Obregón’s Instagram post, in which she expressed gratitude for the “loving light” that entered her life, has divided opinion on social media.
While some have praised her courage and resilience, others have criticized her decision as morally questionable and socially irresponsible.
Political Reactions
Politicians in Spain have also weighed in on the controversy, with members of the left-wing administration condemning Obregón’s actions.
Minister of Education Pilar Alegra likened her departure from the hospital to a descent into hell, while Minister of Equality Irene Montero characterized surrogacy as a form of aggression against women.
Legal and Moral Implications
The debate surrounding surrogacy in Spain touches upon complex legal, moral, and ethical issues.
While some advocate for stricter regulations and outright bans, others argue for a more nuanced approach that balances the rights of intended parents, surrogate mothers, and children born through surrogacy.
Conclusion: A Call for Dialogue
As the debate over surrogacy continues to unfold in Spain, it is clear that there are no easy answers to the complex questions it raises.
What is needed is a thoughtful and respectful dialogue that takes into account the perspectives of all stakeholders involved.
Only through open and honest discussion can Spain hope to navigate the challenges posed by surrogacy in the modern world.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 6 months
By  Kassy Dillon
The Executive Board of Harvard Law School’s Alliance for Israel (AFI) slammed the student government for holding the unannounced emergency meeting, and failing to give them notice so they could voice opposition.
“We are deeply disappointed that Alliance for Israel, as an important stakeholder in the community, was not informed about this meeting, nor invited to speak,” the group wrote in a letter, adding that the student government failed to pass any resolution condemning antisemitic attacks on campus or Hamas’s October 7 massacre and rape of Israeli civilians.
“Even if the student government had done all of these things, this resolution would still be wildly inappropriate,” the letter added. “The fact that it has done none of these things makes matters all the worse.”
Shabbos Kestenbaum, a Harvard Divinity School student who is suing Harvard over claims of enabling anti-Semitism, took issue with the representatives seeing anonymity to avoid accountability.
“It is simply unacceptable to be an elected student representative on a hotly contentious issue whilst expecting zero accountability for how you vote,” he told The Daily Wire. “If these students, who believe that Israel is an apartheid regime conducting ethnic cleansing, are our future policymakers, Supreme Court justices, and lawyers, then our country is in serious danger.”
The resolution accuses Israel of conducting a “genocidal campaign in Gaza,” ethnically cleansing Palestinians, and occupying “Palestine.”
“Furthermore, claims of an ‘ongoing illegal occupation of Palestine’ implies Israel has no right to exist and threatens its legitimacy,” the AFI letter states. “This resolution, compounded by the student government’s failure to address antisemitism on campus and the violence and suffering Hamas caused Israelis, sends a message to Jews and Israelis that they are not welcome at HLS.”
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vermillioncrown · 1 year
an actual AU snippet: a number of different selves
bc @rozaceous and i keep teehee-ing about 'folie a deux' and aaaaall the au's we have for our dc-siocs
money where the mouth is: bonus snippet + concept for followers
(it'll prob just be like my longer mdzs au's with one written part and the rest is just back and forth)
impetus: roz and i saw a shitpost where someone laughed at "bruce wayne x reader divorce" and said "he's already going through it and people are really inserting themselves in the narrative just to divorce him lmao"
which we then joked "damn we'd be set. he could have whatever mistress he wants as long as we could have financial support and leave us alone. we'll play his trophy wife"
and then we both realized that there would be things we couldn't let go if we ever caught wind of it. like it would drive us insane to abide by it. and thus...a version of our si's w bruce (yeah you heard me, both of us)
so here's a thing, bonus only for tumblr🙂
“I put you two in that meeting to clear up any hard feelings,” Lucius stares dead-on at his screen. He tries very hard not to pinch the bridge of his nose—composure needs to be maintained. “It can’t have gone that poorly.”
“Time is a finite resource for us lowly mortals and I’m not getting that hour back,” Vivienne grits out. “A fucking PA—where does he get off on his high horse? I hope he explodes.”
“—know how many people work here, Lucius? Let alone just my division? And you’re wasting everyone’s time with each dead-on-arrival concept that gets shuffled into our portfolio and then ‘mysteriously’ yanked when it’s just good enough to Frankenstein into whatever high school science project that’s hiding in some Gotham sewer tunnel.” Her tirade is caustic and not hidden behind the typical red lipstick smiles. “Morale is dipping. There’s only so much you can pay to keep mouths shut and stop turnover.”
Vivienne makes very good points—the fact she has the acumen even three years ago was why WanyeTech moved to fund her PhD and fast-tracked her as a technical director upon entering the workforce. She caught on very quickly—too quickly—that there were private uses of certain advanced concepts within R&D, and she cared. Fortunately for WayneTech, her diligence meant increase in efficiency for the company; they’ve won several bids that have extended their reach into two new industries.
(Fortunately, WayneTech is privately held and not subject to public shareholder scrutiny.)
Unfortunately for the Batman, it meant additional roadblocks for his tools and supplies. It was by God’s grace, or something, that Vivienne didn’t decide to either blackmail them or whistle-blow. What she argued for was more oversight and appropriate man-hours and billing for certain projects that went towards a ‘private use case.’ The willingness to help (out of logistical fury) took a load off Lucius’s shoulders, but it put two new headaches in his skull: one next to each ear every time Vivienne or Bruce complained about each other peripherally.
“Does His Dark Grace think he’s not subject to g-forces?”
“Lucius. I asked for four different configurations. It should be able to fit.”
“Love his idealism—of course we have the manufacturing tolerances of an ant colony!”
“This is over-redundant and unnecessary. It gets in the way of visibility. I need a design change by two weeks.”
...and so on, so forth. So Lucius decided to cut himself out as the middleman and make the two talk to each other. A direct stakeholder meeting to capture requirements and fulfill proposals, so to speak in company terms. As both Bruce’s long-standing friend and Vivienne’s superior for her tenure at the company, he’s in the unique position to see the similarities in their personalities and (perhaps foolishly) believed they would get along after candid discussion.
And somehow, it all went to hell in a hand basket. That’s probably on Lucius for forgetting that adults were equally susceptible to playground scrapping as his six-year-old son. Thankfully, there’s less physical dirt involved or impromptu weapons, even if Vivienne looks ready to rip her stiletto heels off to use as a real stiletto.
“Vi, what do you need me to give?” Lucius straightens and prepares to negotiate. The greatest vulnerability of adding good talent is having more people in the know. Loose ends. It’d be a blow to lose Vivienne, but as long as she doesn’t talk—
“He’s lucky he’s a net good,” she snarls, now pacing in front of his desk. “He’s fucking lucky city statistics are on his side.”
She stops mid-rant. “What.”
“Are you terminating our agreement?”
Vivienne takes a few calming breaths before rearranging her stance into something more office-appropriate rather than riled up before taking part in an illicit cage match. “No, Chief Fox. I am not,” she answers with a placid smile, tone light and even.
“Then, what would make your life easier?” Lucius does understand that she’s doing them a huge favor at an equally huge cost from herself. There’s a lot of duties that are more effort and well-beyond what someone her pay grade should need to touch; the delicate situation requires her to be equal parts every role for end-to-end conceptual design to manufacturing.
When Lucius scouted Vivienne Yang from her undergrad in Gotham University, it was by chance—there were technical managers scouting and giving PR for various capstone projects, and he decided to tag along. There, as he was browsing various posters, is where he found her. The work done by her team wasn’t novel (just par for the course with undergraduate engineers), but it was the polish that caught his eye. A methodical approach to answering the prompts given by the capstone courses, justified scope, and structured analysis and design choices that made her team’s final concept (proposed electric car design) stand out. Their value proposition considered necessary support infrastructure and manufacturing as part of their considerations.
He called them ‘her team’ because it was clear that, despite being barely 5’6” with pointed choice of footwear and surrounded by young men over a head taller with the typical engineers’ mannerisms to boot, she called the shots. Oh, of course, her teammates contributed to the questions he asked (”Andy,” young-Vivienne barked, and Team Member Andy jumped in to answer about the drivetrain sizing), but she was the systems integrator.
This was the type of skill that took years to build—usually, years of practical experience on the job—and she had it as intuition. And when Lucius corrected certain assumptions on their design, she didn't take it personally but was instead able to promptly speculate how that would shift their design point.
Thus, he put out an immediate sponsorship for her to grab an advanced degree (or two), school of her choice, research topic to be approved by whatever technical manager in WayneTech that acted as her liaison, and would jump into a stable job with a salary and employee benefits other grad students could only dream of.
Landing something as prestigious as Director of Advanced Concepts, slated for Chief Technology Officer by her 30s, in a Fortune 500 company? Barring the fact that the work was based in Gotham, crime capital of the United States, it would be something like pure fantasy to any aspiring engineer.
She took the sponsorship offer, and Lucius learns over the years that she financially supports her family living out-of-state and genuinely enjoys the various industries that intersect within WayneTech’s R&D. She likes a job well done, is practical and professional (if not overly enthused) when defense-related bids come across their table, and disdains many of the big research or tech conglomerates that make the news for various crimes or “waste of brain cells and human effort.”
Her morals aren’t obvious, but Vivienne’s choice to support Lucius’s efforts to protect Bruce in his uphill crusade is her character vouching for the Batman, even if she dislikes the actual man behind the mask and his design requirements. That she considers it still of worth is something that Lucius needs to compensate her for.
Lord knows had Bruce actually gone through with that projectile design, he’d have already lost an eye. If Vivienne says his proposed ‘Batplane’ design will vibrate into smithereens, he’s inclined to trust her on that.
“I’m going to start calling him an idiot and vetoing stupid requirements,” Vivienne declares, one eyebrow raised like she’s daring him to object.
“You mean you haven’t been doing that already?”
“Lucius, I have been nothing but polite to him. You have the CCs,” she refutes, looking at him incredulously.
He’s not sure by whose standards her scathing emails can be considered ‘polite’, but of course she can be worse. He needs to smooth this out, redo the first meeting ASAP. His hairline can’t take more of this.
“Fine, alright. Just—let’s try to set up another discussion. I’ll attend this time.”
Vivienne actually snorts. “Guess I’m never beating the PA allegations.” She looks down at her watch. “Fuck. Should have just written you an angry email. How am I going to make it five blocks in ten minutes?” She mutters and just as suddenly as she invaded his office, she strides out with a distracted, “Okay thanks, I’ll continue this later.”
He’d rather she not, but it seems she’s sticking around the Wayne Enterprises HQ building to call into her upcoming meeting; he hears her requesting a fresh notepad, a hot cup of coffee, and a private conference room and everyone outside honors those requests immediately.
That’ll give Lucius about two hours to process Vivienne’s rant, track down Bruce for his side of the story, and figure out how to smooth things out. It shouldn’t be unreasonable.
His phone call to Bruce shatters his expectations.
“You called Director Yang my what?”
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izicodes · 2 years
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Cut to the chase, this will be a very long post because of the amount of information the people presenting gave us! So much! Anyhoo, the 1.5-hour Zoom meeting was a bunch of representatives from mostly tech companies giving out advice for CVs/Resumes, practical career advice, interviews, and technical interviews. Though this is targeted towards tech people, anything can find the information given to be somewhat helpful!
The Sections
CV/Resume Advice focused
Preparing for first round Interview
How to Stand Out on LinkedIn
Technical Interviews and how to stand out to the Tech Hiring Manager
Career and CV/Resume tips for Tech Graduates
Warning Signs from An Interview
Section 1 - CV / Resume Advice 💻📑
Employers only read your CV in 30 seconds - make the information they are going to read count. 
Make it personal to you AND relevant to the role you are applying for
Make sure the content on your CV is concise - don't ramble on forever
The layout should be easy on the eye - not all stuck together in terms of text but not too colorful and in your face
Formatting - The most important and relevant information at the top. 
Create a punchy Bio summary at the top - Three-four sentences about who you are and what you do - what you are passionate about
It’s okay to have a 2-page CV/Resume IF the information is all relevant. If not, keep it to 1 page.
Skills - Technical skills and soft skills listed
Your experience ✨
Don’t copy the job descriptive
Talk about YOUR achievements
Don’t use too much “I did this… I am this…”
Your education 🏫
Include everything relevant like bootcamps, apprenticeships in the area you are applying for 
Keep high school information minimal if not relevant
Hobbies and Interests 🎮🎲
Share hobbies that show a skill
Think about what the company does e.g. A gaming company and you're a gamer
Share you’re creative - an eye for colour, design, and creative thinking
Know how to destress - you like yoga and mindfulness
Don’t include hobbies that are more lifestyle e.g. shopping and eating out
Include awards you have gotten that would be relevant to the job you are applying to.
Section 2 - Preparing for first round Interview 👩‍💻
❌ Don't ❌
Do not speak negatively of your previous company/employees - it has a bad look on you and might jeopardize your employment stage if you get the job when they talk to your previous manager
Do not appear to be disengaged/uninterested when interviewed - body language can be assessed also
Do not give false information - about your skill set, don't lie saying you know a language when you don't, and be transparent
✅ Do ✅
 Do ask for clarification if you are unsure about anything. Could be about the job description, or want them to expand on things, do ask questions 💯
Do active listening and respond 👂 - ensure that you are present in the moment
Do ensure you sell your strength/have a positive attitude - sell yourself so that they can pick you
What is the typical interview process? 🎬
Phone/Video Screening with the hiring manager/someone from the company
1st interview -  Face-to-Face / Remote with the hiring manager/member of the team via Teams / Zoom etc
2nd Interview
Stakeholder/Hiring Manager
Might do a presentation or a task (technical interview if for a tech role)
Give yourself enough time to complete the task
Key Tips to succeed in the interview 🔑
Preparation - ensure you look up who the attendees are for the interview (e.g. via Linkedin)
Research - Look up the company information/Statistics/Glassdoor reviews/Social media content. See how they are online, what the company’s culture is like, pros and cons
Questions - Do not be afraid to have a list of questions for your potential employer / take a notepad with you, to prompt this / take responses down.
Review - Study the job descriptions to identify the pros and cons of the job.
Structure your answers - STAR approach - Situation, Task, Action, Approach
Time management - If you have multiple interviews to prepare for, schedule allocated time in your day to prepare for each process
Rest - Ensure to have a good night's rest prior to the day. Allow yourself no distractions in the last 15 mins leading up to your interview!
Section 3 - How to Stand Out on LinkedIn 🙌
Going through each section of your LinkedIn profile and tips on how to improve it!
Having a banner is best, don’t leave it empty.
Make it related to your desired role - a techy image for tech people, the image of the city’s business sector for business people
Profile picture
Have a profile picture to have an idea of who you are
Have the “Looking for work” banner on 
The headline: Be passionate about who you are. Have key elements of who you are.
Have your name and pronouns
It's okay to use emojis in your profile - shows personality
Featured Section
Use the featured section to show off who you are
Show pieces of work you’ve done
Have certificates? Show them here
You can have up to 5 pieces in the featured section so choose wisely
It shows the employer how active you are in the community for tech people
Write posts every so often
Use hashtags (only 4-5 at most) to make your post reach more
Use hashtags that have a lot of followers (search in on LinkedIn to find out how many followers the hashtag has)
If you have recently been let go, make a post about it, with the hashtag, and people will repost or comment to help you
Another part where you can talk about yourself
Make it really personal
Be specific - not just a long paragraph about yourself
Key skills - programming languages, even things you are currently working to learn
Talk about your strong areas
Add a GitHub, Replit, GitLab, etc
If you have worked somewhere else, have an ex-coworker make a recommendation for you - employers love to see how other people who have interacted with you have to say about you
Talking to Hiring people - Not a section but a to-do
It can be scary but it’s okay to message the hiring individual to say “Hey I have recently applied, is it okay to look out for my application” and go on more about why you would be a good candidate.
The hiring managers have to look at so many applications and CVs/Reumes and they find it difficult to see people’s values and personalities so giving them a message will prompt them to search for your application and read through it.
Section 4 - Technical Interviews and Standing out to the Hiring manager in one 🚀🤘
Each company is different and will be doing it in a different way - e.g. one company tests your C# skills and another might test your PHP skills
Prepare by asking questions about what it would involve - most employers tell you what languages will be involved, if they don’t, ASK!
Coding exercises and Take-Home challenges are the most common
Understand what platform and what format will it be in e.g. what programming language you will use
Ask questions if you don’t understand something! - You don’t understand one part of the coding exercise, ask. It’s not weak to ask questions, you don’t want to do the exercise completely wrong.
Use Google - It's okay to Google to refresh your knowledge you've forgotten a bit. Googling is a skill in itself.
Use the STAR technique
Be honest and be yourself - don’t lie, be honest if you completely don’t understand something
Be confident in what you CAN do
How to Impress a Tech employer 👀
Ask questions 🤔
The relevant question to the job role
Ask about the team, company, culture, responsibilities, and career path, and even ask the Hiring Manger why they like their job also!
Don’t wing it
Highlight additional learning
Coding bootcamps, open source contributions, online free learning
Showcase your previous work
GitHub, GitLab, Projects, Presentations, etc.
Section 6 - Warning Signs from An Interview 😰❌
Not every company knows how to hire and interview well - making the whole process even worse. Here are some things to watch out for...
Structure ❌
No structure to the interview
No intro to set expectations
Not being able to articulate what the company does not get you excited about the work they do
Or it’s like they asked to do an interview with 10 minutes notice…
The Interviews 😨
Whenever you ask how long the interview process / how many rounds there will be and they don’t give you a concrete answer… start to worry…
Rule of 4 interviews - having so many rounds wastes your time and the company’s time. 4 interview rounds at most!
Quality ❌
It might be structured but they might be asking shit questions that have no relevance to the job role at all
E.g. “How many golf balls can you fit in a mini car?” Why are you asking me that when I’m applying for a C# Developer role?
Power to the people!!! 🤘💯
Leave reviews on Google, Glassdoor, or anywhere else if the interview process was terrible.
Let other people know what the company is really like!
Call them out and make them improve their interviewing process.
┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
Well, that's all! I hope some or all of the information I collected help you! If you think any of the information is incorrect or false, take it to the companies because I just copied what they presented on their slideshows 😋
Have a nice day/night and happy programming 👍🏾💗
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
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centrally-unplanned · 9 months
Some follow-up Harvard/Claudine Gay Discourse Thought
- So there is a common refrain being heard along the lines of "how could Harvard's leadership be this bad? Don't they know how to crisis manage?" And it parallels a wider critique of campus leadership, "why don't they fight their students or staff on their ideas? Why do they seem to kowtow so much? How has the leadership of such an elite institution decayed so badly?"
This is of course a lot of rhetoric (orgs fuck up sometimes), but there is a core illusion at the heart of this - when has the leadership of a university ever been accomplished? Name another president of Harvard University beyond Claudine Gay. It was probably either no one, or Larry Summers, who you know for also being fired from that job. Universities have never had stellar leadership because that is not how they operate; on the education front they are *receptacles* of status and prestige, they don't generate it themselves (and on the research front that work is done by individual faculty & the centers/teams they build). Expecting brilliant leadership from university presidents is like expecting brilliant leadership from junior members of the House of Representatives, that isn't their job.
- What their job is relates to a second point; Bill Ackman, the leader of the push to get Claudine Gay fired, posted a manifesto recently on Twitter, where he makes an off-hand comment about why don't schools hire more presidents from businesses or other outside orgs? Academics seem to be a poor fit for the job of executive leadership, its not their skillset. Well for one, this is a trend in higher ed - more schools have been willing to hire outside presidents for over a decade now. But its still uncommon and, to be honest, primarily happening at lower-ranked schools. That is because their job is to be not a leader, but a stakeholder negotiator. Universities have that split job of being 'prestige holders', certifying the meritocracy; but their staff is not primarily concerned with that job at all! It happens somewhat automatically. And faculty are not employees, to be ordered around by leadership; they are essentially co-owners of the university, who expect it to cater to their desires. Obviously it gets really complex at the granular level but at the fundamentals university presidents are academics because their job is to focus on academics first; by being an academic they can be trusted to have their priorities straight.
You can see how that focus is quite at odds with the idea that would be societal leaders making friends with Congressmen!
- And a final, minor point - right now I definitely see a lot of "hypocrisy of the left" chants going on, around the idea that Harvard wouldn't punish Gay for her plagiarism. But...she resigned? She was forced out, she was punished. The fact that that process took time, and had dissenting voices, and messy back-and-forths, is called "reality" and is how it works every single time. Its a very common internet-trend; because people are able to get a ton of info very quickly, and idiots post twitter manifestos drawing lines in the sand, that discourse gets confused with the actuality of how orgs move and function. Harvard turned out to care about ~left ideology~ a good deal less than its critics believed (though they still care of course).
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