#Scars of Xavier
crowcaws · 10 months
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minyardapologist · 5 months
All these bitches gay and/or trans omfg😭
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st-just · 2 years
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Ehawee by Xavier Beaudlet
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caluski · 2 years
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revamping (hehe) nathaniel! not that im going back to writing vampire town i just felt like drawing him and i never really settled on his looks anyway so......
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ofhowlingxs · 3 months
closed for, @traegics
She's standing behind a bar, stifling through a few bottles before her gaze shifts to the other. Brows raised, and her attention is amused for the moment. "Where do you think they keep the good stuff?" A low hum exhales passed brims in the form of a sigh. "I know Klaus-" A pause, fingertips drumming on the bottle. "He has better taste than this."
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scarletfish · 5 months
god. nora's done it again. I'm in love with the way she writes small domestic moments:
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things like cat helping jean heal through cooking:
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the small quirks and habits you pick up on when you live with someone:
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it's just such smart writing. in a series heavy with violence and trauma, the way nora describes these casual day-to-day interactions is so natural and beautiful.
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digital-chance · 7 months
A question! Do any of your characters want kids?
Good question!! Sorry for taking ages to respond.
Nova Futurum
(MC) Rowan Reyes: No, because they live in Nova Futurum and they don't want to bring a kid into that city's fucked up system. Plus they're transmasc, so hosting a child would give them body dysmorphia Henry, Rowan's partner: Yes, because he doesn't mind taking care of kids and likes seeing them happy.
Scars of Duty
(MC) Lucian: He recently immigrated from a different planet and hasn't been around kids since childhood. He wouldn't know what to expect from Earth babies, but might like it? Dunno for sure, he's too busy saving the world (literally) Theodore: Nah. Too noisy for them plus they'd get in the way when they're planning Evil Shit (this is a lie, they'd be a great loving parent. they just like lying to themselves)
Xavier and Finn don't want kids because they just recently got together. The other reason is that Finn's rich snobby parents want them to continue on their "good" heritage/lineage and they don't want kids only for that reason.
Thanks for the ask!!
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asexualsandbox · 2 years
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Made my own OC Character charts! I was up SUUUUPER late last night cause my brain just told me to figure out one of my ocs whole backstory. Turned out good tho, I will give my incredibly sleep deprived brain that
Here's the story of,
Xavier Alexander
TW for Mentions of Abuse, Scars, Eating Disorders, Extreme Violence
Born on Wednesday, March 7, 1973
Zodiac Sign: Pisces ♓️
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Cisgender Male
Pronouns: he/him
Nicknames: Curse-Breaker (Used by Andre, Skye and Rakepick), Pip (Used by Jacob), Hero (used by Penny), My Prince (Talbott)
Likes: Reading, Tea, Learning, Crystals, his friends, his boyfriend, Adventure, Playing and/or listening to Music, Storms, Quidditch, Alone Time
Dislikes: Mess, his Scars, Arguing, Gossip, Flashing lights, Queerbaiting, Overhearing something you can’t unhear
Phobias: Achluophobia: Fear of darkness, Aichmophobia: Fear of needles or pointed objects, Angrophobia: Fear of anger, Ataxophobia: Fear of disorder or untidiness, Ecophobia: Fear of the home, Encavmaphobia: Fear of getting burned, Nyctophobia: Fear of the dark, Fear of adults (can't find a specific name for this one)
Home Life
Xavier's home life is very poor. For all his life his mother, Hanna, has been crazy and abusive. Before his disappearance in 1979, Xavier's father Harris took the brunt of his wife's abuse for the sake of his children. After he vanished Hanna began taking her anger out on her two children. When Jacob was at school Xavier unfortunately was left by himself to deal with his mothers rage. After Jacob's disappearance in 1981 his mother became more cruel and violent. Hanna suffers from mild cognitive impairment or MCI and psychopathy. Due to her psychotic nature and her MCI she tends to either overfeed or starve her son, either on accident or on purpose. Xavier has an extremely unhealthy relationship with food due to his mothers abuse. Early after he was left alone with her the abuse tended to be more verbal than physical. In later years she became increasingly violent with Xavier leaving him with many scars. Most are small and have faded but 2 stand out. One on his right hand, a straight long scar on the top and palm of his hand, caused by a knife being jammed through. The injury left permanent damage to his ligaments and tendons, leaving him with limited mobility. He always wears a fingerless glove on that hand. The other is a large burn on his right shoulder blade caused by an electric steam clothing iron. These incidents left him with phobias of sharp and hot objects. One day his life completely changed. After his forth year, during his summer vacation his mother became extremely enraged and brutally beats Xavier. He is left with multiple broken bones, including 3 ribs and his left ankle, a broken nose, black eye, and lacerations and brusing all over his body. Despite the immense pain he was in he managed to hobble away from home. He walked, or more hobbled, 2 miles to a bridge nearby that got little traffic. His plan was to end his life. He was tired of the abuse. Tired of being scared. Tired of living a life where he only felt safe at school. Next to the ledge the boy broke down and sobbed on the ground. The pause gave him just enough time though. Luckily for Xavier, three of his friends were hanging out that day. Those friends were Penny Haywood, Tulip Karasu and Liz Tuttle. They spotted him on the bridge and quickly rushed over. Penny knelt down in front of him and managed to calm him down enough to get him to look at her. At that moment she noticed his black eye and quickly pressed him for details. It took some time and convincing but he eventually told them what had happened, he never did tell them why he came to the bridge. They got a hold of Penny's mom who had dropped off the girls earlier to come get them as fast as possible to get Xavier to the hospital. There they called the Ministry of Magic and they sent people from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement (DMLE). After they spoke with him they opened an investigation on his mother. She quickly fled and the DMLE has yet to find her. Xavier, with no living relatives he's aware of, stays with Penny and her family as they come up with a permanent household to place him in. He has currently started his Fifth year at Hogwarts. The only people who know of what happened are the friends who found him and Albus Dumbledore. He lives in constant fear of his mother showing up at school. Dumbledore has people all over Hogwarts looking out for Hanna in case she ever shows up. He is doing his best to focus on finding his brother and learning about the Cursed Vaults. He keeps his mind occupied with school and his friends which helps. He struggles with night terrors while he's alone so he tends to stay with his boyfriend, Talbott. CPS checks in with him regularly.
School Life
Xavier's school life is much better than his home. He adore attending Hogwarts and throws himself into his studies. Other than learning spells and what not, he spends his days searching for his brother Jacob. He heard whispers from other students that Jacob has been seen. The secret to finding him is to break curses that took over the school due to his brother meddling with the Cursed Vaults. Every year he has been tasked with finding these Vaults and breaking the curse. As strenuous as the task is, he is happy to do it. Not only for his own sense of adventure, but to make sure Jacob is alright. He also spends his time mingling with his many friends. His closest friends being Rowan, Penny and Talbott. He's often seen in the Great Hall surrounded by his friends, eating sandwiches and sharing stories or testing each others knowledge. You may also find him in the courtyard either playing a heated game of Gobstones or sharing a quiet romantic picnic with Talbott. He's also known to frequent the Three Broomsticks, throwing back a few rounds of Butterbeer! As for his studies, loves spending his free time learning. He tends to always be in the Potions Room, mixing Potions he's learned or experimenting with what Snape allows. Speaking of Snape! Xavier is a huge fan of the grouch, despite his bad reputation. Well at first he wasn't. He was terrified of the man at first, so were most students. But after showing such an interest in mixing Potions and than excelling in the subject, Snape grew quite fond of him, slowly. Very slowly. He started treating Xavier a bit better than his other students. Praising him more often than not. Xavier often stays long after class and the two spend time mixing and experimenting with potions together. Snape has become somewhat of a mentor to Xavier. And, though he'd never admit it, a father figure. Along side his studies, Xavier is also a talented Quidditch player. He's new to the team but has already shown incredible skill on the field. He currently is playing as a chaser but is willing to learn every position.
Attended Hogwarts on Saturday September 1, 1984
Set to Graduate on Wednesday, June 12, 1991
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Head of House: Filius Flitwick
Favorite Subject: Potions
Favorite Teacher: Serverus Snape
Least Favorite Subject: Transfiguration
Least Favorite Teacher: Cuthbert Binns
Mother: Hanna Alexander
Born Sunday, November 16, 1941
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio ♏️
Relationship: Abusive
Hanna's School Life
Attended Hogwarts on Monday, September 1, 1952
Graduated Hogwarts on Friday, June 12, 1959
Father: Peregrine Alexander
Born on , Wednesday December 6, 1939
Dissappeared on Monday, April 2, 1979
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius ♐️
Relationship: Positive but strained
Peregrine's School Life
Attended Hogwarts on Friday, September 1, 1950
Graduated Hogwarts on Wednesday, June 12, 1957
Brother: Jacob Alexander
Born on Thursday, April, 11 1963
Zodiac Sign: Aries ♈️
Relationship: Positive
Jacob's School Life
Attended Hogwarts on Sunday, September 1, 1974
Expelled and Dissappeared on Friday, March 6, 1981
Boyfriend: Talbott Winger
Born on Friday, September 1, 1972
Zodiac Sign: Virgo ♍️
Relationship: Very Positive
Talbott's School Life
Attended Hogwarts on Saturday September 1, 1984
Set to Graduate on Wednesday, June 12, 1991
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Head of House: Filius Flitwick
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jonogueirawrites · 2 years
The seer of life and death.
Chapter 7
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It had been months since the last time you had seen Xavier. You changed your name, phone number, address and disappeared in the world. And although everything had changed, one constant remained. You couldn’t take him out of your mind.
Your parents were always by your side, offering any kind of help they could give. But they also saw the toll it all was taking on you. The shining eyes you had despite the hardships life threw at you long gone. The energy and spirit you showed the whole world waning with every new dawn. They watched until one day, they decided no longer to just watch but act as well.
After hours and hours of training, you were able to control some of your powers. Still, the spell they had cast prevented you from tapping into your true potential. Thinking about it and trying to come up with excuses to stop thinking about Xavier, you felt the cold touch of your mother’s hand.
“We could check on him for you.”
“I don’t think it would be wise. Let the past rest. He is safe, and that’s what’s important.”
“Even if it’s killing you inside?”
Too tired to answer her, you excused yourself and went to the toilet. Examining the reflection in the mirror, you caressed the dark circles under your eyes. Leaning against the windowsill, you watched the trees pass by you. Wishing time could go back and feel his lips on yours. The touch of his long fingers on your skin.
Shooing the tears away, you splashed some water on your face. The cold from the liquid managing to give you some energy. Looking up at the mirror, you saw a reflection that made your skin crawl.
Without turning or blinking, you asked the question plaguing your soul, “Is he okay?” The look his mother gave you all the information you needed.
You opened the door with way more force than you needed. Without looking at your parents, you took your backpack and asked the driver to stop the bus. He was about to deny your request, but he obeyed without a word once he saw the look you gave him.
After many rides and days on the road, you finally faced the university gates. You had no student id, no invitation, and no fucks to give. You marched inside and prayed no one would stop you because you feared for the soul of whoever did it.
The creators were on your side. You knew it because the first person you saw was Ajax. Giving the man no time for questions, you pushed him against the wall and asked where Xavier was.
“He was arrested. Jericho’s police station.”
“Thank you,” you said, but Ajax barely heard your voice since you turned at the end of the hall.
Getting into the first car you could, you tried to start it. But in your haste to see Xavier, you forgot you didn’t know how to drive. Moving to the passenger’s seat, you gave way to your father. Now in a corporeal state, he turned the car on and drove off to Jericho.
It wasn’t difficult to bypass all the police with the help of some ghosts. You went down a flight of stairs and found Xavier sitting alone in his cell. His head rested on his shoulder, and things didn’t look too good. The chains around his limbs not helping you get some sense of control.
You approached with quiet steps. In your mind, a million ways the conversation could flow. None of them sounded good to you.
“I told you to leave, Wednesday.”
The harsh tone in his voice made you close your eyes. Standing in front of the cell’s door, you wished things could be different. You opened your mouth to ask him a question, but there were so many things you wanted to know, so you decided on the simplest of things.
“I’m sorry.” At first, you thought he hadn’t heard you. He had barely moved when you whispered your apology.
Then, out of nowhere, he laughed. His whole body shook, and he threw his head back. His eyes remained closed when he took his hair from his face. “Is this some cosmic joke?” he looked at you, and all you saw was sorrow in his eyes.
Swallowing dry, you stared at him. He was tired, vulnerable, and unbelievably gloomy. He nodded as if answering his own question.
“Just go. Leave me alone.” He rested his head against the bars and stared at the ceiling.
You closed your eyes and summoned a ghost capable enough to open the cell’s door. All that power usage was making you exhausted. You knew you were about to faint, but it didn't matter. You walked inside and stopped in front of him because he was all that mattered.
“Xavier. I am sorry I had to leave the way I did.” He refused to acknowledge your presence. Kneeling, you rested your hands on his knees. “I know you don’t believe me. I wouldn’t.” You almost tasted blood when you bit your lower lip. “Are you harmed? Did anyone hurt you?”
“You mean besides you?” His eyes. You never forgot their warm brown hue of them. He glanced at you when he answered, but you wish he hadn’t done it. Too much resentment in them.
You sat across from him on his bed. You knew someone could come any minute. “Your mother called me here. There must be something I can do.”
Xavier didn’t speak. He lifted his hand and pointed to the door. A clear demand for you to leave.
“I will leave when you answer my question.”
“I’ll answer yours if you answer mine. Did you feel anything? Was there even a tiny bit of something you felt for me?” He got up. His whole body trembling.
“Will my answer make any difference?”
He closed his eyes and shook his head. “Answer the question.”
“You are the only reason I keep going on.” You stood as well. Placing yourself in front of him. “Remembering you is the only thing keeping me sane.” Your hand reached for his cheek, but he avoided your touch. “Xavier, I am so, so sorry for the pain I caused you. You must believe I would have stayed if I could. Leaving was the only way back then. But I’m stronger now. I can…” You lost your words when you saw the scars on his neck. “What happened?”
You were all over him. When he shielded his neck from you, you pressed on, taking his hand away. When you touched his skin, electricity ran through both of your bodies. Taking a deep breath, you caressed the lines with your thumb and waited until he looked at you.
“It’s nothing.”
“It’s definitely something. It’s why your mother contacted me after so long.” You rested your hands on his chest. Searching his face. “I can help you. Please let me help you.”
He traced your arms up to your wrists. “You wanna help me? Leave.”
You blinked. You cried. You didn’t know you had been holding the tears back. Nodding, you walked out of the place and closed the door behind you. Before you went up the stairs and disappeared from his life again, you had to tell him something. Something you said to yourself every day.
“I love you, Xavier.”
You didn’t look over your shoulder, so you didn’t see his eyes widen.
Nor heard his confession.
“I love you too.”
I hope you liked.
Likes and reblogs are super appreciated!
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anxiousxeph · 1 year
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(WIP?) one day he will have a full body ref :D  (if you dont know, this is Xavier)
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gainesha · 2 years
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same energies
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scarthefangirl · 2 years
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he is so fiiiinnnneeee
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jinwoosungs · 1 month
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08/13/24; 06:35pm
{ 18+ headcanons / drabbles }
[ morning sex with them ]
featuring: sylus, zayne, xavier, rafayel
[ warnings: somnophilia for xavier’s ]
[ minors don’t interact; by choosing to interact with this content, you have consented to viewing something n-fw despite the warnings. ]
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when morning came, you could feel the sunlight streaming through the curtains, painting your bedroom in brilliant hues of color. yet it wasn't the bright intensity of the light that ends up rousing you from your slumber, oh no-
it was the sensation of sylus's cock felt rutting against your inner thighs, his morning wood already straining against the front of his boxers. you end up moaning in response to such an intimate friction, eyes going blurry as you tried to meet with his gaze.
“morning, sweetie.” his voice becomes thicker with passion, feeling the way he moves his large hands to the back of your thighs, spreading your legs wide open for him. he hums, playing with the edge of your panties before sliding a thick finger within your entrance, earning a gasp from you.
“again?” you whine, recalling the sheer amount of times he had taken you last night. you were already burying your face within the plush pillows as sylus worked on thrusting his finger in and out of your slick heat, preparing you for what was to come.
“what can i say, kitten… you bring out the beast in me.” sylus proceeds to remove his fingers from your wet heat, pulling your body closer to him. he continues to hold you against his broad chest, playing the big spoon all while slowly sliding down the waistband of his boxers, allowing his cock to spring free before sliding his erection up and down your silky thighs. while giving your ass a hard slap!, he manages to find your opening before thrusting his cock deep inside of you.
your loud moans echo throughout the room, with the bed creaking in response to his passionate movements against you, making you lose all train of thought as you allowed sylus to fill you over and over again.
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dawn had barely set across the skies when you woke up from a startling dream. in it, zayne had let you act out all of your deepest fantasies on him, and although you couldn’t remember each specific detail-
you still felt the ache between your legs, serving as the sole evidence of your heated dreams.
biting down on your bottom lip, your throat becomes dry the moment you trail your eyes to see zayne still sleeping peacefully next to you. the sheets were barely hanging on to his form as you could see the hard line of muscles and faint scars that decorate his pale skin.
letting out a deep breath, you inch yourself closer to him, purposely laying across his body. your lips were already latched onto him, pressing butterfly kisses all across his skin. your gentle touches manages to rouse him from his slumber as he opens his eyes to look at you. your name was spoken from his parted lips in a reverent whisper, saying your name like it was some well kept secret that was meant to be cherished.
swallowing your dignity, you slowly shimmy your way out of your now drenched panties, placing the palm of your hand against his half-hardened cock settled beneath the sheets. “i need you… so… may i take you?”
a sleepy chuckle was heard coming from zayne. “ask… and you shall receive.”
your lover allows you to slide the sheets off of his body, revealing the entirety of his nakedness to you, his cock already standing at full attention. biting back a moan, you slowly got on top of him, purposely straddling his cock as you ran your cunt up and down the length of his erection.
zayne’s soft grunts and groans of your name pushes you over the edge, with you lifting yourself off of him as you grabbed a hold of his cock. giving it another stroke, you held it within your grip before sliding down on him, not stopping until he was fully sheathed inside of you.
“hng!” just hearing zayne’s grunts was enough to get your blood boiling as you proceeded to bounce up and down his length, never once stopping until you were drunk off the sheer amount of pleasure he had given you.
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xavier was relentless this morning, unable to contain himself when he saw the way you were resting so peacefully while dressed in nothing but a sheer nightie.
wanting nothing more than to have you wake up with the sensation of his mouth on your cunt, xavier plants himself between your thighs, spreading them wider on the bed for him. noticing the way your panties already had a dark stain against them makes the young hunter let out a guttural groan in response.
pushing up the skirt of your nightgown, xavier grips at the waistband of your panties and slides it off of you in, one swift motion. with your slick heat bare for only his eyes to see, xavier wastes no time when he surges forward and places his lips over the entirety of your sex. his tongue laps up your honeyed arousal, devouring you like a man starved. as if addicted to there mere taste of you, he buries himself even deeper inside of you, tongue tracing at your pussy lips before working on drinking up all that you had to offer.
you finally woke up the moment he makes you cum into his mouth, making xavier feel the onslaught of your arousal coating at his lips. hearing you gasp, you finally open your eyes and place your hands within his golden strands of hair.
“oh my god… i thought i was having a sweet dream… fuck-“
xavier smirks against your slick heat, placing one last kiss against it before leaning up. he lights a trail of heated kisses up your body and gazes at you with dilated eyes. xavier states your name in a gruff manner before grabbing at your chin, leaning down to give you a searing kiss all while whispering, “be prepared, since your dreams are about to get so much sweeter.”
with those words serving as his final warning, xavier shifts the fabric of his boxers, revealing his cock briefly before thrusting himself into you, sheathing himself to the hilt as he desperately pistons his hips in and out of you, taking complete control of all your senses.
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when rafayel had convinced you to enjoy a nice and warm morning bath with him, you had every intention of simply relaxing with him-
yet the sounds of skin meeting with skin coupled along with the squelching sounds that served as evidence of your copulation was anything but relaxing. your body was felt burning up with pleasure, your hips slamming down on rafayel’s cock as he met you with his own upward thrusts. both of your movements were filled with an urgency of two lovers who needed to reach their completion together.
“you fit me… so well… almost too well.” rafayel admits to you in a grunt, feeling your hips rolling against his, trapping his cock within your sweet walls. the sensation of your slick heat being wrapped so tightly around him was enough to make the artist slump back against the tub. he was unable to speak any further, losing all of his senses as he watches you bouncing up and down on his cock with a hazy expression.
not even caring about the water that spills over the porcelain tub, and you began to whine when you felt your release quickly approaching. “r-rafe… i’m so close… sosososososo close…!”
hearing the desperation in your voice, he surges forward, hands already wrapping themselves around your naked waist as he helped with speeding up your bounces up and down his length. “come on, my love, let yourself go for me… surround me in your heat so that i may forever burn this moment into my memories.”
letting out a high pitched moan, you dig your nails into rafayel’s shoulders, spilling yourself down the length of his cock as you came. stars fill your vision when the lemurian stills his hips and remains completely buried within your searing heat, spilling his seed deep inside of you as you land against his chest in response.
your breathing was heavy, and you were unable to move due to how intense your lovemaking was with rafayel. the bath water had long since gone lukewarm, yet neither one of you seemed to care. with your naked breasts still pressed against his chest, rafayel wraps his arms around your back, pressing you even closer to him.
“let’s just rest… for a moment…” you hear your lover let out a yawn, and you could only manage a hum in agreement. allowing the exhaustion to take over, you shut your eyes and let the memory of the pleasure you experienced just moments ago to serve as a gateway to the land of sweet dreams…
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end notes: i’ve been feeling thirsty for all the lads men and decided to write a drabble for all of them (⺣◡⺣)��
all stories are written by rei; please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works!!
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blaire-apricity · 2 months
ʟᴀᴅs ʙᴏʏs x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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ᯓ❅ ┆ 𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴 ┆ : 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘓𝘈𝘋𝘚 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴?
ᯓ❅ ┆ 𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘴 ┆ : 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘵 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵, 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵, & 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘖𝘖𝘊
─────────────── ˗ˏˋ ❅。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽ ˎˊ˗ ────────────────
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Xavier is unraveling. He refuses to accept the brutal reality of your absence, his mind rejecting the notion that you’re gone. Every day he clings to the desperate hope of finding you, even if it means chasing an illusion. Jeremiah pleads with him to let go, to find rest, but Xavier hasn’t slept a single night since you disappeared. The world insists you’re gone forever, but he can’t believe that. Somewhere, he convinces himself, you must still exist. He’s willing to turn the world upside down to see you again, despite the gnawing certainty deep inside him that you’re lost to him forever. He will never stop, not until his body collapses from exhaustion. Losing you once was unbearable; he won’t let it happen again, no matter the cost.
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Zayne appears composed, his emotions meticulously controlled, his expression unchanged. But the mere mention of your name sends ripples through his calm facade. When alone in his office, the dam breaks. Tears fall freely as memories of your smile flood his mind, shattering his composure. Your disappearance haunts him, and he blames himself for not protecting you, for not being there when you needed him. It takes years for him to begin moving on, and even then, the wound never truly heals. He will always carry the pain of losing the one person who mattered most to him, a scar that time can never erase.
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Rafayel descends into despair, his mind a tangled mess, his heart shattered beyond repair. The thought of you forgetting him pales in comparison to the agony of losing you completely. He was content just being near you, even if you couldn’t remember. Now, faced with a life without you, he breaks down, collapsing to the ground as sobs wrack his body. He retreats from the world, locking himself away in his studio, which becomes a prison of his own making. What good is anything if it’s only half? That’s how his heart feels—torn without you, the other half of his soul.
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Sylus explodes with rage. Always the controlled one, he now finds himself consumed by a fury he can’t contain. You were his unexpected source of gentleness and warmth, and now you’re gone, ripped away from him. The news of your disappearance drives him to violent outbursts. He flips tables, shatters glass, and destroys furniture, his shouts of frustration echoing through the mansion. Luke and Kieran keep their distance, knowing better than to approach him in this state. The loss of you makes him question everything. What’s the point of keeping the peace, of holding back? If he’s lost his world, he might as well set fire to the entire world in his grief and anger.
·❆   ❆ ❅    •    .     ❆❆•  · .   ❅
𝐴𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟'𝑠 𝑁𝑜𝑡𝑒: 𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝐼 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑎𝑠𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑦 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑎-𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑘𝑖𝑚 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑐𝑘 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟𝑠, 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑠𝑎𝑦 𝑤𝑎𝑠; "𝐼 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑦𝑜𝑢'𝑣𝑒 𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑎 𝑙𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑛 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑋𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑆𝑦𝑙𝑢𝑠." 𝐼𝑇 𝑊𝐴𝑆𝑁'𝑇 𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑁 𝐼𝑁𝑇𝐸𝑁𝑇𝐼𝑂𝑁𝐴𝐿, 𝐼 𝑆𝑊𝐸𝐴𝑅 𝐴𝑆𝐾𝐷𝐻𝐾𝐴𝑆.
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beneathashadytree · 2 months
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Warnings : autistic!Zayne with his autistic daughter, all of them are girl dads here (except for Xavier who has twins), cuteness-aggression bites, one mention of a gun (no one is harmed!), no mentions of pregnancy (their kids can be interpreted as biological or adopted), this isn’t proof-read, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : so much domestic fluff ☹️🫶🏽
Word count : 2.3K words (holy shit???)
Additional notes : This is a combination of two asks I’d received a month or two ago about the LNDS men as dads while their partner is away, and Zayne in particular struggling with his own autism vs his child’s autism. The brain rot was real in this one😭 To anyone else reading this, my requests are still closed!! These are just old requests I had in my inbox🫶🏽
Tip jar!
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“She went down without much of a fuss,” Zayne said, slowly closing the bedroom door behind him as he set his phone on the dresser and got ready for bed over the video call, despite the time zone differences. He’d tried to convince them to just let themself rest instead of staying up past 3 AM, but they’d paid him no mind and insisted on seeing him last thing before bed.
They hummed, watching him slip out of his button up through their screen with a fond gaze. “She is really quiet compared to what I’ve heard about kids her age.”
In the midst of folding his shirt, he paused, a slight crease between his eyebrows. “A little too quiet.” At his concerned face, they straightened up in their seat and leaned in closer to their phone. “I think… she has difficulty connecting with me.”
Their expression was unsure at that. “I don’t know, Zayne. You know she loves you…”
“I do,” was his swift answer, pausing as he pulled his pyjama shirt over his head, then popping out with his hair adorably mussed. “But maybe she feels like I wouldn’t understand her.”
No matter how much he wanted to seem stoic and unaffected by the prospect, there was no hiding the conflicted emotions swimming in his eyes. With an almost sad smile, they asked him, “Even though anyone that sees you two says you have so much in common?”
With a slight flush (was it out of embarrassment as he noticed his messy hair, or was it a twinge of pride in being so connected to his daughter?) he began to apply his minimal skincare that he’d grown used to with them, scarred skin deftly being cared for after years of neglect.
“Autistic girls have different experiences than autistic boys, and their struggles are often overlooked because of these differences. Maybe she subconsciously feels that we can’t bridge that gap.”
Resting their head against their hand, keen eyes bore through him. Zayne would never go unheard as long as they were there. “Do you feel that gap?”
He shrugged, swallowing thickly as he wiped the excess off on his hand towel. “It’s not about me. Studies show that—”
Shaking their head, they sighed a little in affectionate exasperation. “It doesn’t matter what studies say. You’re overthinking it because you want things to be perfect. It’s sweet, just… not very realistic.”
“Mm. I know,” he softly conceded, combing through his hair with a distant glimmer in his eyes. It wasn’t so easy, navigating the emotions and ideas of a child that one already struggled with for decades.
They apologetically smiled at him, then added, “She trusts you with her life because she knows how hard you try to understand her, no matter how difficult that may be sometimes. You give her the space to be able to communicate her needs properly, and that’s why she loves you beyond measure, Zayne.”
He looked away for a few beats, but that was enough time for them to see the misty-eyed wonder in his eyes as he looked at the crooked drawing on his bedside table that she’d made of him holding her in his arms.
His sweet daughter who carried a piece of his heart everywhere she went.
“Then she’s just like you. Very open with her affections.” Huffing out an impossibly tender laugh, he picked up his phone once again and began to climb into bed, his shoulders sagging with relief; like he needed that reassurance to be able to nestle his body into the mattress, cold as it was without his lover. “Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve it from you both…”
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“You’re gonna get sick like that, and guess who’ll be cleaning up that mess?” Rafayel frowned, grabbing his daughter by the scruff of her neck and carrying her off before she got her pretty dress drenched by the wave that came crashing down where she’d been standing.
“I can’t get sick from water, daddy, and you know it,” came the reply between giggles, her eyes closed as she relished in the spray of seawater.
With a grunt, he fumbled with his phone a little as he switched to carrying her against his hip with one arm, before turning back to the ongoing video call. “Holding down the fort?” they teasingly asked, arching their brow at their daughter’s windswept hair and inevitably sandy fists curled up against Rafayel’s chest.
“She likes to bully me.” He pouted as he saw two pairs of mischievous eyes looking at him. “No guesses as to where she picked that up from.”
“Are you sure that your six year old daughter—who, mind you, is as cute as a button—is bullying you?”
“Daddy’s just silly, Lemurians are fine with water,” his daughter tried to reason with what she felt was perfectly logical. “He just doesn’t want to wash my clothes again if I get them wet.”
“And why should I?” he indignantly huffed out at the grin that showed she was definitely up to no good. “They’ll get dirty ten seconds later anyways. It’s such a pain.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t leave paint buckets everywhere, then I wouldn’t be on my fourth dress of the day.” Her sassy mutter under her breath was the last straw, and then his instincts took over and—
His teeth nibbled on her round little cheeks, cuteness aggression washing away any possible annoyance (which he’d been feigning, anyways) at the prospect of having to do the laundry all over again. She cried out in protest, though her shreaks of laughter and tighter hold on him gave away the fact that—not unlike his partner—she loved every bit of it.
“You got my face all dirty,” she whined, wiping her cheek against his silk shirt as he walked them back up to the house, much to his dismay.
A chuckle came from his screen, and he flushed under the sweet gaze and the grin he missed so much. “There goes another round in the washing machine. Y’know, Raf, it’s not the smartest move around to wear your favorite clothes around your kid.”
“No kidding,” he grumbled, though there was no bite behind his words. In fact, the tender look in his gem-like eyes only spoke volumes of the adoration he held inside. And maybe his little girl felt it, and decided it would be the perfect moment to press a kiss to where she could reach, right over his heart.
“I don’t mind the paint, daddy. You always make the prettiest things with it, pretty just like you,” she softly said, her tiny index finger toying with the pearlescent button on his blouse.
How much more did she want to squeeze his heart in his chest? He didn’t think he could possibly love her any more than he already did, and yet here she was, proving over and over again that she was the greatest gift he could ever be blessed with after all these years. Walking into their home with sandy feet and salty skin was no longer a dream, but a part of his quaint little life.
“Even if you did ruin my favorite dress and sandals.”
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“Papa’s been asleep for three hours now,” she whined in a low voice, her bottom lip jutted out as she looked back at Xavier curled up in a ball in the middle of the unmade bed, legs tangled in the messy sheets. She then turned back to the videocall at hand. “Can’t you wake him up, please?”
Her twin brother popped up from behind her and patted her shoulders in what he hoped was a soothing manner. “He’s tired after he played with us. Let’s leave him for a bit.”
With a downcast gaze, she reluctantly nodded and walked out with him, the phone shaking as it was a little too big for her small hands.
Now out in the living room, they could finally raise their voices a little. “Papa cleaned up in the morning too. We probably shouldn’t have asked him to play with us.” He looked a little forlorn as he fiddled with his fingers. Painfully shy, it often showed when he was doubting himself. “We tried to help him after lunch, but—”
“That’s okay, what matters is that you both tried to lend him a hand,” they sweetly reassured them as they smiled through the screen. “And I’m sure if he was too tired to play with you guys, he wouldn’t have offered it in the first place.”
Their daughter gasped, eyes shining in awe at that. “How did you know that Papa was the one who came up with the game?”
“Because he waits for playtime every day, just to spend time with you guys. He’s always so excited, y’know?”
With matching grins (though one was more bashful than the other), the two seven year-olds looked significantly lighter than they had been when the call had first started. The precious moment was soon interrupted by a yawn from behind and a tuft of blonde hair taking up half the background.
“Did you two sneak off to have them all to yourself?” came Xavier’s sleep-addled voice, as he shuffled to pull them onto his lap and readjust the camera. “Cheeky, taking advantage of my nap.”
His daughter laughed, her hands going to loop around his neck. “We weren’t! Promise.”
Her brother reached up to pat down Xavier’s bedhead, gently combing through the soft locks. “You looked tired, Papa. We didn’t want to wake you up with our voices.”
At that, Xavier couldn’t help the upwards quirk of his lips, all the love one could contain threatening to burst through as he held his world between his fingertips—and the best part of him miles away but no further from the heart.
“You’re sweet, just like a certain someone we all miss,” he said, before kissing their foreheads and ruffling their hair, earning little grumbles of protest. Turning his attention back to the videocall, Xavier’s eyes softened. “How long until we can take naps together on the couch again?”
His partner sighed, glancing at the calender on the wall for a moment. “Should be three days. It’s hell without you guys. Maybe I’ve gotten used to waking you all up for an hour in the mornings.”
“Hey, it’s all because of Papa!”
“He does sleep in twice as long as us…”
“And it’s gotten even worse now that you’re gone.”
He chuckled at their sulking feeding off each other, and the collective agreement that things just weren’t the same when his lover wasn’t beside him where they belonged. “Then maybe this should be enough to convince them to hurry back to us so we can get up early every day, hmm?”
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“Tell me why Luke and Kieran frantically called me up and told me stop you from endangering our one year old girl. Now.”
“Well, hello to you too, sweetie.” Sylus rolled his eyes at the clearly enthusiastic greeting. “I’ve missed you too. I’m doing good without you for two weeks. Thanks for asking.”
“Yeah, yeah, don’t give me that crap. You’ll live.” Scoffing, they crossed their arms in front of their chest. “Less avoiding the topic, more explaining why your seconds in command are treating you like a ticking bomb.”
“They’re more like lackeys, you know.” A hint of irritation climbed up his spine. Luke and Kieran were more like lost puppies that would be a danger to themselves—and society—if they were left to their whims. That’s all that they were (or so he tried to convince himself).
They waved him off, knowing that his half-assed words weren’t to be taken seriously. “I beg to differ. Now, where is she and what happened?”
Silence settled for a few moments, but then he realized it wasn’t in his favor to not quickly come clean. “She was playing around with me in bed, then seemed fascinated by my left pocket. Said pocket… may or may not have had a gun.”
Leaning in close to the camera, they sighed heavily, and pinched the bridge of their nose. “And I’m assuming her magic little fingers found the trigger.”
“More or less yes,” he mumbled under his breath, swallowing thickly as he met their dead-eyed stare. “Had to whip it out and fling it across the room… which may or may not have caused it to slam into the new bookcase and send it toppling.”
It didn’t matter how many people he’d managed to fearlessly face down; pinned underneath his partner’s disapproval, he found himself unable to move. “And that’s where they came in?”
Sylus hummed, flipping the camera and showing them the fractured remains on the floor. “Sorry about that, sweetie. Didn’t have the time to clean it up, what with feeding her and getting her ready for bed.”
“It’s fine, I can build another one.” Their quick dismissal was followed by the furrowing of their eyebrows. “What matters is that you prioritized her safety first.”
“Of course,” he was quick to reply, turning the camera back to himself, before he chuckled a little, sweetness seeping through his voice, “Though I do admit, seeing her have no self-preservation instincts really did make her strikingly similar to you in that regard.”
“Really flattering, hearing you praise her brashness and compare it to mine.” Their expression then grew more serious, and they worried their bottom lip between their teeth. “But… please. Don’t keep any weapons in the same room as her. She’s naturally curious.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice,” he murmured, having had his dose of sheer panic at her tiny hands. He couldn’t remember a moment in his life when he’d been as terrified as he was earlier, his blood turning to ice at the thought of endangering her because of his own fast-paced life.
“I know you’ll be more careful. You’re so good to her—and me,” they quietly mused, a grateful look on their face as they admired him—tired ruby eyes, unruly silver hair, and all.
And Sylus had no control over his own lovesick stare, perfectly content with dancing in their palm for the rest of their lives. After all, he’d found the only two people in this world he could forfeit his life for. There was no shame in admitting it—and so he did, ever so softly. “I suppose you can take pride in knowing that you both have me wrapped around your fingers.”
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lynk-zee · 5 months
As Lovers…
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Rafayel is a passionate lover through and through. There’s nothing short of electricity in his movements, his hips languidly slamming into yours as he holds your hands above your head. He’s so sensual…And LOUD! Someone shut this man up please!! He’s the type where location doesn’t matter. Your fire just has to match his and it’s go time baby. Beach sex is a must, Rafayel has scarred his fish friends too many times with how much he’s fucked you in the ocean. Whenever he wants to initiate, he puts on this pouty look, saying that he’s having an art block, and needs inspiration through your body.
Rafayel: The passions of the human body is the rawest form of art, you know…
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Zayne is a strict lover. If you let him be. His default of course is some good old vanilla, but if you let him, he’ll really indulge in his fantasies. He’s a hard worker, he deserves to let loose sometimes. Some days if you visit him during lunch, he’ll pin you down onto his desk, venting out his frustrations with every slam of his hips. Other days he’ll lean back in his chair, watching your every move as you follow his orders, correcting you when necessary.
Zayne: Ah-ah… Slower… Move your hips more… Good…
He always pockets your panties afterwards, much to your chagrin. But what else is going to get him through the day?
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Xavier is a kinky motherfucker.
Xavier is a quick learner. If anything, your body is his favorite book to read. He always takes the time to analyze your reactions, dissect the meaning behind every moan and writhe whenever his lips graze your skin. And when he’s fully familiarized himself with your body, all hell breaks loose. Because he wants more. More of your moans, your whines, your cries. He wants to see how far he can push you to get what he wants. And then he wants to push you more. There’s always something he wants to try, something he read in a book and wants to reenact. Sometimes you wonder where he gets all this material from. Little did you know he studies all those trashy romance novels for ideas on how to please you. Because he’s doing this for you. Your pleasure is just the reward he craves.
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