doverstar · 1 year
I want to sit down and talk about how Grant Gustin, on the Flash, in the course of 9 seasons and almost 10 years, displayed the ability to perfectly act out *deep inhale* Barry Allen, an evil version of Barry Allen, a nerdy wimp version of Barry Allen, three of the Big Bads, Harry Wells inside Barry's body, H.R. Wells inside Barry's body, Sherloque Wells inside Barry's body, basically every Wells inside Barry's body, Barry Allen as the lead in a spontaneous superpowered musical, Barry pretending to be a hacker, Barry pretending to be a crime lord, Barry being infected/possessed by a Big Bad, and Barry Allen as a really dorky drunk guy (more than once)-
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blue-sadie · 11 months
New Day Has Dawned
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Being the only one savitar has ever truly communicated to and being the only one to talk him down from causing trouble, getting him not to hurt iris and confuses you so one day you go to him alone without backup and ask him why.
"You were the only one who ever treated me as a human being a person who has ideas the rest they only used me and they took you from me and now they can't because I won't let them I'll show them what it's like to be ignored and watch everything you love get taken from you"
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msanonships · 1 year
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Ugh. The message from future Barry that just fucks with the arrowverse timeline even more💀
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vexic929 · 3 months
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it's dooooooone!!!
as usual, David freaking killed it, he saw my vision so perfectly!
@negative-speedforce come get your girl and her boys! <3333
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The thing that really gets me about the camping trip (on top of everything else I mentioned), is that Max was going to leave regardless.
It didn't matter what Bart did. Max had already made up his mind. He just needed an excuse.
Play through the scenario with me for a second. Imagine Bart had passed Max's tests with flying colors. What then?
Well, if Bart had passed then Max would've been thrilled! Max's job would've been done. Bart would have been done his training and Max would have left.
You have to remember that Max wasn't there to raise a child. He wasn't there to be a father and watch Bart grow up and go off to university.
Max was there to train the next Flash. That was it. The second that job was done, Max was gone.
If Bart failed Max's tests then Max would've written Bart off as untrainable and left. If Bart passed Max's tests then Max would've given him his stamp of approval and left.
Max was so frustrated because Bart was so close to passing. Max wanted it to be done then and there, he didn't want to stick around to push Bart that extra little bit. And then Max had the big realization (I explain that in the previous post) and Max left.
But there was no situation in which he would have stayed.
Max didn't want to be a mentor. He didn't train speedsters out of love or because he enjoyed teaching. Max did it out of necessity.
See, Max knew that Savitar would return one day. Max needed fully trained and capable speedsters ready for when he did. Max is very clear about that.
When Max felt Savitar gearing up to escape the speedforce the first time, he immediately went out to find the speedsters of the time. Max trained a young Johnny Quick and a young Jay Garrick so that Max would have backup.
But Johnny was too bull-headed to listen to Max, too caught up in science to believe what Max was saying about the speedforce. And Jay had the skill and the drive but he didn't have enough power to face Savitar.
There's a reason why Max was so invested in Johnny and Jay in their 20's (when Savitar was returning), and then fucked off for literal decades (when Savitar wasn't a concern), and then was suddenly all over training Wally, Jesse and Bart (when Savitar was returning again).
I'm sorry to be blunt about it because I know it really hurts to think about it but Max wasn't doing this out of the kindness of his heart. He wanted an army.
Max was training Wally and Jesse but he was running into the same problems as before. Wally 'I was raised by science loving Barry Allen and I don't believe in magic' West had the raw power but wouldn't listen to Max at all about the speedforce. Jesse was more than willing to listen but she didn't have enough power to be a contender.
So suddenly Max is in the same position as before. He has a Flash and Quick, one too stubborn and one with too weak of a connection.
He couldn't go back to Johnny and Jay because they were senior citizens, so he just had to keep at it with Wally and Jesse and hope that they'd be able to do it.
Enter Bart stage left.
Suddenly there's a speedster with enough sheer raw power to take on Savitar. One with zero preconceptions about magic (or anything, really). A speedster that Max could train and mold into the perfect warrior. A weapon of mass destruction to take down Savitar once and for all.
So Max started really focusing on Bart. Bart was his plan B for if Wally and Jesse failed.
And you know what? Savitar came back. Wally actually managed to pull his head out of his ass and he had managed to figure out some speedforce tricks. Jesse's speedforce connection was a moot point because she didn't need her speed at all, Jesse kicked ass with her other meta powers. Jay became the epitome of 'an old dog can learn new tricks' and he was able to hold his own. Johnny actually listened to Max for once in his life and ran without his formula, relying on the speedforce instead. Also, Jenni showed up and was their surprise wild card.
And Bart? Bart wasn't plan B. Bart was center stage. Bart was there, Bart was capable and Bart was ready.
Max had been categorically wrong about everything. People could change with love and support, people could grow and learn and thrive. This was a family of people who cared about each other. They would move heaven and earth for each other. They made the impossible possible. And Max just wasn't used to that. He was used to holding people at a distance and not getting attached.
It should be noted that the camping trip happened after the fight with Savitar.
Max was really only there for his daughter. And once Helen wasn't interested? Max was gone.
He didn't really need to train Bart anymore. He certainly wasn't his father. In Max's mind Bart was better off with someone else entirely.
I really do think that Max had to leave though. Narratively speaking. Because when he came back? He came back for Bart. He came back to parent Bart.
From then on Bart's wellbeing always came first. Bart wanted to quit being a hero? If that made him happy then Max supported him. Dogs were good for children's development? Max got Bart a dog.
Max made the decision to stay for Bart. Max kept making the decision to stay for Bart. His desire to run didn't just disappear after that, but he stayed. Because from that point on Bart came first. From that point on Max was a dad.
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hardwiredweird · 10 months
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I've been mostly working in my sketchbook lately on solidifying some fundamentals, but yesterday I thought I'd see how all of that translates to digital.
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aphrosephone119 · 4 months
this is an account just for me to post my fic links so that they can go around further :)
I write whump mostly but occasionally do angst and comfort fics too :D
if you have any requests, please email them to the email below:
➡️ [email protected] ⬅️
some included so far are:
- Irondad + Spiderson fics
- Barry Allen fics (taking requests rn)
- Sam and Colby fics
- Smallville fic
- Shadow hunters fic
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nunnimushka · 1 year
Call me Savitar, Lenny)
I suddenly decided to make a video on tiktok😶
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 5 months
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Which male characters from the third season of Flash is your favourite?
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doverstar · 1 year
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Look, you don't have to worry. ....How do you know? How do you know this isn't some kind of permanent damage? I hear you're good with permanent damage.
Songs For My Fics: Chasing the Light/Heartbreak Warfare by John Mayer
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reginakc-edits · 2 months
Iris & her crazy a$$ exes
Savitar x Iris X Cobalt Blue
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kathrahender · 2 days
Villain-Hero Relationships in Fiction
When a villain betrays a hero, a hero betrays a villain, a villain and a hero stop being allies after something happens or they decide not to ally at the last minute.
Me: Nonononono please not this thing again. Seriously I'm tired of this :/ Why can't you just stop betraying the heroes when they're loyal to you/when you have their hearts in the palm of your hands? Why can't you just stop betraying the villains when they were honest with the "I want to help you" thing? Why can't you just stop with the "You and I being allies was a one-time thing" stuff? Why can't you just stop with the "It's better if we do not ally" thing?
Honestly like I'm the only one who thinks they're better together, working in the same team? I'm the only one who thinks how great they would be if they were in the same side?
I'm the only one who thinks heroes should give the villains a second chance (or more chances, but real chances. I do not accept heroes offering villains to change sides and them not fighting to actually get villain's change of heart) and villains should being more sympathetic with the hero? (I don't know, but I think a hero would be more willing to join a villain/help a villain/understand a villain if they treated them with kindness and compassion instead of hurting them/trying to kill them or hurting/trying to kill their loved ones).
I'm the only one who thinks they should try to understand each other instead of fighting? I'm the only one who thinks the villain should be more human with the hero? (mostly because some of them went through the same things as the heroes and the villains would be hurting the only ones who can understand their pain-). I'm the only one who thinks they're the only ones who can ease each other's pain?
Please tell me I'm not the only one who wants them to recognize how similar they are, to realize they're two sides of the same coin. Tell me I'm not the only one who wants them to realize how both of them are suffering. Tell me I'm not the only one who wants them to be by each other's side and want them to be friends or family (and lovers in Cherik's and Lawrusso's case)
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“Savitar kidnaps and impersonates Barry”? 👀👀
@shrinkthisviolet inflicted this AU on me and now it’s a wip.
Whelp, pretty self explanatory with the title. Savitar doesn’t have his scar in this AU (since it really served no purpose other than distinguishing the two Barry’s and we don’t even know how he got it).
Tbh, I’m still working out the details for this {that’s a lie. I’m still working out the entire plot.} so I’ll just share a tiny snippet that should stay the way it is
“It’s been a week and they don’t suspect a thing. Makes me wonder if your team ever cared about you at all.” Barry just glared at him, it was all he could do from inside his prison.
Gonna be lots of taunts and mocking from Savitar and that’s fun for me :)
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onlylonelylatino · 1 year
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All the speedsters by Phil Jimenez
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flower1622 · 8 months
Sometimes a villain is not always a villain:
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Sometimes a hero is not always a hero:
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