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racheldoinstuff · 1 year ago
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Incredible trip to Takamatsu to see the Shishimai Okoku festival! So many groups performed the Shishimai dance and in very different styles.
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I had never seen the Rikyuu (Okinawan) style Shishimai before, so I’m not sure if the group I saw at Takamatsu performs in a typical Okinawan or their own unique style, but their performance was fantastic. I loved seeing them walk around and join (invade?) others later on too.
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footballmanageraddict · 10 months ago
Pentagon Pursuit | Part 47 | The End Of Pentagon Pursuit
#FM24 #PentagonPursuit Part 47: The End Of Pentagon Pursuit. Having wrapped up all five trophies on his #PentagonChallenge, we look back at the storied 23-year career of Japan's greatest ever #FootballManager Robaato Rasamu. Read here:
Robaato Rasamu had achieved a task that seemed almost impossible 23 years ago. The Japanese manager had gone from total obscurity to lifting all five major continental trophies in Europe, South America, North America, Asia and Africa. After a few weeks of rest and, of course, many nights of partying with his adoring Stuttgart fans, Rasamu began to reflect on what he’d achieved over the last 23…
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falseandrealultravival · 2 years ago
Coffee udon (today's lunch)
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Boil the dried Sanuki udon noodles for 12 minutes. Put butter and chili oil in a frying pan and fry Add udon Add cheese Add instant coffee Add mayonnaise Remove from frying pan Enter "Yukari".
Rei Morishita
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summary-cooking · 1 year ago
料理トリビアのまとめ #0022
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cooking256 · 1 year ago
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讃岐焼きそば 香川の料理
讃岐焼きそばは、香川県を代表する郷土料理であり、讃岐地方で親しまれています。讃岐うどん同様、香川県の食文化を象徴する料理の一つです。 1. 太い麺 讃岐うどん同様、太い麺が特徴です。うどんの麺と同様にモチモチとした食感が楽しめますが、焼きそば用に加工された太麺が使用されます。 2. 特製のソース 独特の甘みとコクのある特製のソースが使われます。ソースは他の地域の焼きそばとは異なり、讃岐独自の味付けがされています。 3. 具材 一般的には豚肉やキャベツ、ニンジン、ネギなどの具材が使われます。他にも地域やお店によって異なる具材の組み合わせがあります。 4. 製法 鉄板で炒められた麺と具材に、特製のソースが絡み合い、香ばしさとコクのある味わいが楽しめます。
Sanuki Yakisoba Kagawa cuisine
Sanuki Yakisoba is a local dish representing Kagawa Prefecture and is popular in the Sanuki region. Like Sanuki udon, it is one of the dishes that symbolizes the food culture of Kagawa Prefecture. 1. Thick noodles Like Sanuki udon, it is characterized by thick noodles. You can enjoy the same chewy texture as udon noodles, but the thick noodles used are made for yakisoba. 2. Special sauce A special sauce with a unique sweetness and richness is used. Unlike yakisoba from other regions, the sauce is seasoned uniquely to Sanuki. 3. Ingredients Generally, ingredients such as pork, cabbage, carrots, and green onions are used. There are also different combinations of ingredients depending on the region and store. 4. Production method The noodles and ingredients stir-fried on an iron plate are mixed with a special sauce, giving you a savory and rich flavor.
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aers-radio · 8 months ago
Sanuki udon was THE local dish I was told to try if I went to Takamatsu, Shikoku (which I did, and I did try). Great texture and thickness!
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Udon was the first Japanese food I got really, really into. In the last few years, I've become kind of a ramen person and kind of forgotten how wonderful and satisfying udon can be!
Finally ventured into this Sanuki udon place, which I'd wanted to try for ages, and it was wonderful. The vibes were impeccable, the texture and flavor were perfect, and it was so cheap (just ¥630, with TWO big pieces of maitake mushroom tempura), and—unlike ramen—you don't walk away uncomfortably full and sleepy. Also, look how THICK!
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whencyclopedia · 5 months ago
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Kukai or Kobo Daishi (774-835 CE) was a scholar, poet, and monk who founded Shingon Buddhism in Japan. The monk became the country's most important Buddhist saint and has been credited with all manner of minor miracles. Noted as a gifted sculptor and the inventor of Japanese writing, he also created the most important pilgrimage route still followed by believers today.
Early Life
Kukai was born in 774 CE to a family by the name of Saeki in Sanuki Province, Shikoku which had been exiled from the capital Heiankyo (Kyoto). He adopted the name Kukai, meaning 'air-sea' when he joined, still a youth, a Buddhist monastery. When just seven years old, he was said to have climbed a mountain and, at the summit, declared, "If I am destined to serve the Law, let me be saved, otherwise let me die" (Ashkenazi, 202). He then threw himself off the cliff but was indeed saved by a group of heavenly beings who caught the boy and gently lowered him to safety. In another legend, when he was performing an austere ritual the morning star descended and jumped into his mouth, a sign that Kukai was a saint and destined for great things.
In a more historically reliable account of Kukai's early life, he was taught the Chinese classics and poetry by his uncle and entered into a Confucian college in the capital in 791 CE. There he encountered a monk who first raised his interest in Buddhism by revealing a technique of repetition to better remember texts. The young man decided to join the priesthood, and his deliberations on the merits of the three main schools of thought - Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism - are set out in his Indications, a fictional discussion, written c. 798 CE, between three men, each one representing one of the three branches of philosophy. Needless to say, the Buddhist is the more convincing of the three.
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the-cricket-chirps · 1 year ago
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Utagawa Kuniyoshi, Tiger Shark, Tametomo and Tengu, Originally Edo era, this edition was made at an unknown date
Utagawa Kuniyoshi, Triptych: The Former Emperor [Sutokul, from Sanuki Sends His Retainers to Rescue Tametomo (Sanuki no in kenzoku o shite Tametomo o sukuu zu)
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matchart-travel · 9 months ago
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Seaside Shrine / Naoshima 🇯🇵
The stone monument: “100 views of Sanuki”
©️ matchart.tumblr.com
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footballmanageraddict · 1 year ago
Pentagon Pursuit | Part 5 | By The Power Of Greyskull!
#FM24 #PentagonPusuit Part 5: By The Power Of Greyskull! @kamatama_kouhou find themselves top of #J3League powered by the goals of Himan "He-Man"! Morimoto. But could they keep their good form going to wrap up an unexpected promotion? Read here:
Football management was supposed to be a really challenging job, but Robaato Rasamu was absolutely loving life as manager of Japanese J3 League side Kamatamare Sanuki. His first half-season had been a bit of a challenge, but season two had been a flying success to date. Sanuki found themselves defying the odds to be top of the league at the halfway point of J3 League 2024, with a six-point…
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udonangya · 1 year ago
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Soup udon noodles, Kakiage vegetable tempura, and Inari sushi at Sanuki Yasubei of Meitetsu Kanayama station in Nagoya city.
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summary-cooking · 1 year ago
料理トリビアのまとめ #0021
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cooking256 · 1 year ago
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讃岐うどん 香川の料理
讃岐うどんは、香川県を代表する郷土料理であり、日本全国でも有名です。以下は讃岐うどんについての詳細です。 - 太い麺 手延べされた太い麺が特徴的で、つるっとした食感があります。 - ツルツル感とコシ 麺が伸びずモチモチしたコシがあるのが特徴で、そのツルツルした食感が楽しめます。 - 澄んだ出汁 煮干しや昆布から取った澄んだ出汁が、うどんの味を引き立てます。 - さまざまなバリエーション かけうどん(出汁をかけたもの)、ざるうどん(出汁を添えて提供される)、湯切りうどん(茹で上げた後、湯を切って提供される)などのバリエーションがあります。 - お店によって独自の製法や出汁の工夫があり、それぞれの店舗で味わいが異なります。 - 讃岐うどんは手打ちが一般的で、その製法や手間が美味しさにつながっています。 - 讃岐うどんは日本国内外で高い評価を受け、多くの観光客が香川県を訪れてこの名物を楽しんでいます。
Sanuki udon Kagawa cuisine
Sanuki udon is a local dish representing Kagawa Prefecture, and is also famous throughout Japan. Below are details about Sanuki Udon. - Thick noodles The thick, hand-stretched noodles are characteristic and have a smooth texture. - Smooth and chewy texture The noodles are characterized by their chewy texture, which allows you to enjoy the smooth texture. - Clear dashi stock The clear dashi stock made from dried sardines and kelp brings out the flavor of udon. - Various variations Kake udon (served with dashi soup), Zaru udon (served with dashi soup), Yugiri udon (served after boiling) There are variations such as - Each store has its own method of making and making soup stock, and each store has a different taste. - Sanuki udon is generally made by hand, and the process and effort involved are what make it so delicious. - Sanuki udon has received high praise both in Japan and abroad, and many tourists visit Kagawa Prefecture to enjoy this specialty.
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thekimonogallery · 2 years ago
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Hasui Kawase (川瀬巴水, 1883–1957)
「旅みやげ第二集」より『さぬきの高松城』 Takamatsu Castle in Sanuki (Sanuki no Takamatsu-jō), from the series Souvenirs of Travel II (Tabi miyage dai nishū)
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shoku-and-awe · 8 months ago
Hi!! I'm going to Tokyo very soon, and I love your qualité posts, so I'd love to get recommendations if you want to! So, is there a personal favorite among kinds of foods one can get in Tokyo? Or even a personal favorite among places to visit?
Thanks anyways, and sending lots of pets to Iggy!
Ooh, this time of year, I hope you can get some nice soldam plums and maybe early Asian pears!
For under-rated foods, I would say you can't go wrong with: (1) okonomiyaki, (2) a nice yakitori place, and (3) some nice Sanuki udon, with the really thick noodles.
Where will you be staying? I'll recommend a place if I'm able (but the city is huge 😅).
Also, the heat here has been really, really bad this summer, so please be prepared and take care of yourself so you don't melt like Iggy!
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I know it's been bad everywhere, but it's hard to overstate how brutally hot Tokyo feels. The humidity is over 80% so sweat doesn't evaporate, plus everything is concrete and most public areas don't have shade or green cover...... just be forewarned and be careful, especially in mid-day!
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posthumanwanderings · 5 months ago
Chill Nintendo 64 Music for Studying & Working
tracklist: 0:00 Atlantis Realm Level 3 - Glover 3:31 Moon Mountains - Harvest Moon 5:47 Replay - Pilotwings 64 8:17 Sanuki Kompira Mountain - Mystical Ninja 10:04 Options - Pokemon Snap 11:37 Stepping - Ogre Battle 64 12:20 Mutsu Mt Fear - Mystical Ninja 14:37 DB - 1080 Snowboarding 15:06 Roger Meets Flossy - Space Station Silicon Valley 16:06 Let the Game Begin - Mario Party 2 16:39 Replay - Excitebike 64 18:13 Ugo Stone Circle - Mystical Ninja 20:16 File Select - Chameleon Twist 2 21:50 Winter Morning - Ogre Battle 64 22:53 Linda’s Castle - Snowboard Kids 2 26:09 Preparation for Adventure - Mario Party 3 27:05 Folkypoke Village - Mystical Ninja 28:21 Jungle Adventure - Mario Party 30:13 Snow Joke - Space Station Silicon Valley 32:20 Doc’s Cave Part 2 - Tonic Trouble 34:57 Boss of Kids Land - Chameleon Twist 35:58 Round ’n Round Forest - Mario Party 3 39:30 Ghost Toys Castle Part 1 - Mystical Ninja 40:47 Free Play Room - Mario Party 3 42:14 Stage 1 Sky Land - Chameleon Twist 2 45:47 Give It To Me - 1080 Snowboarding 46:29 Zazen Town - Mystical Ninja 48:00 Over the World - Ogre Battle 64 49:39 Ending Credits - Chameleon Twist 2 52:45 Player and Game Selection - Snowboard Kids 53:37 Theme of Princess Yuki - Mystical Ninja 54:15 Starlift - Mario Party 3 55:43 A Winner Is Me - Mario Party 3 58:00 Stage 2 Carnival Land - Chameleon Twist 2 1:00:56 Pokemon Album - Pokemon Snap 1:02:09 Credits - Mario Party 2
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