#Sanitisation Tunnel
euroblastme01 · 2 years
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Cleaning and Sanitation
We are a recognized supplier of cleaning and sanitization equipment in the Dubai, UAE. There are variety of tools and equipments available that can be used for cleaning and sanitizing surfaces and objects.
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icarryitin · 3 months
Trade Deal
spencer reid/gn!reader
i started this bc i was ill and feeling sorry for myself and it turned into a very not to me not if it’s you kind of vibe, mostly bc i frankensteined a couple of my favourite translations of That Scene so they could have their own version🥰🥰
series masterlist
word count: 1.5k // warnings: reader has a cold and all the grossness that comes with it, spencer is so Cute™️ it causes me physical pain
summary: In which Spencer Reid, known germaphobe, pretends he doesn’t know exactly how many pathogens have made their home in your sinuses.
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It starts with a scratchy throat on a Tuesday morning.
You don’t think much of it, blame it on seasonal allergies, knock back a multivitamin - you’re not about to be bested by a cough of all things. That is, until it gets to Friday afternoon. You’re trying, you really are. Your immune system has other plans.
“You stay right there, Patient Zero.”
Rossi’s comment would be funny if you didn’t think that laughing might trigger a coughing fit that could very well be the end of you, right there in the doorway of Hotch’s office. That’d be one hell of an epitaph - too stubborn to take a sick day, choked to death in boss’s office. Hotch, at least, already seems to know why you’re hovering.
“Going home, I hope.” He interrupts you with all the fondness of a concerned father. You don’t have the energy to argue, or to hold up an unaffected front. The men standing by the window soften a little as they watch you visibly deflate. Dave promises to send you his Nonna’s minestrone recipe, there’s nothing it can’t cure; right now, though, you’re only thinking about your bed.
The well wishes follow you through the bullpen, old wives tales and family cures that have never failed. JJ tells you to sweeten your tea with honey, Derek swears that a hot water bottle on your back will work magic. Even Emily pipes up from behind her germ shield, the folder held across her face so you can only see her eyes, and tells you to take a hot shower first thing in the morning - the steam will clear you out for the day. There’s a chorus of agreement, or disagreement you’re not sure. It’s a struggle to hear much over the cotton wool in your ears.
“We’ll see, with any luck I’ll die in my sleep. Love you!” You sniffle as you back out of the office, feeling all kinds of sorry for yourself, and determined to make it as far as you can without touching anything. Lest you actually start the next plague.
Spencer watches you go, shuffling backwards out of the office and turning towards the elevators. He’d elected not to add his own suggestions to the plethora of options supplied by the rest of the team. Unable to focus on much beyond just how tired you look. You’ve been fighting this thing all week, he’d passed over his own supply of hand sanitiser only that morning when you ran out. Ultimately, you put up a good fight, but there’s no cure for a virus. It just has to run its course. Just like his own feelings.
Okay, maybe he shouldn’t be comparing a virus to whatever it is he feels for you. Has felt, will feel - if there’s an end to this tunnel, he can’t see it yet.
“What about you, Spence?”
JJ’s voice pulls him from his thoughts before he can start spiralling down that particular hole. It takes him a moment to recall what they’d been chattering about before your long overdue exit - drinks, right. Yeah, that’s not happening.
“I’m busy, actually.” He shrugs, content to miss out on one night in favour of the plan currently coming to fruition in his mind. They won’t miss him too much.
“Busy? You weren’t busy when we talked about it last week.” Emily makes no effort to conceal her surprise. To be fair to them, it’s not like him to blow them off. There’s just something that’s come up, something decidedly you shaped, that’s far more important.
“Yeah, I forgot. Sorry.”
Spencer doesn’t miss the look that JJ and Emily share, he doesn’t miss the eyebrow that Derek raises in his direction. He simply chooses to ignore them.
At least the walk to your apartment is short, there’s still heat leeching from the plastic bag around Spencer’s wrist as he fumbles with his keys. You’d given him a bright pink key cap, so he’d know which one was yours, as if he wouldn’t know anyway. Eidetic or not, that’s one he would have committed to memory. The excuse had been because he was helping you out whilst you were down an arm, takedown gone wrong, you’d dislocated your shoulder. And then you’d insisted he keep it, because someone should have your spare key, and he’s the least likely of the lot of you to lose it.
He thinks you might be asleep at first, open plan living area lit only by a salt lamp and a set of fairy lights draped over your kitchen window, it’s cosy. And then you appear in the bedroom doorway, wrapped in a jewel toned blanket. The low light is forgiving, but Spencer would be able to spot the bags under your eyes from a mile away. Without his glasses.
“I brought noodles.” He says as he turns back to set the steaming bag on your kitchen counter.
“I’m so gross right now.” As if to demonstrate your point, another cough racks your body. You just about manage to catch it under the swathes of blanket clutched in your fingers, but at least he can’t claim you’re not truly disgusting in this moment.
“I don’t mind.”
You’re so set on denying him entry that you don’t even really register what he said - Spencer Reid doesn’t mind that you’re ill. He doesn’t mind. A younger, healthier version of you would swoon. You might anyway, although that’s probably the vertigo talking.
“You’ll get sick.” Your rebuttal is weak, resolve crumbling. Warm noodles do sound pretty good right now.
“Will you let me help you, please?” It’s the firmest he’s ever been with you. No room for argument, doctor’s orders. So you have to relent. Not that you have much of a choice, he’s already pottering about in your kitchen in search of bowls. As if he doesn’t remember where they are.
“Did you get me a number three?” Your voice is brighter than he’s heard it all week.
“With extra toppings, of course.”
And those extra toppings go down a treat, of course they do.
Spencer watches you carefully as you eat - usually he’d be a little more subtle about it, but there’s not a lot that could pull your attention away from the bowl in your hands. You’re cross legged on the couch, blanket bunched around your middle, happy as a clam. Something his mother would say. He wonders what else she might say, what she might think about the abandonment of his germaphobia. Convenient, probably. Diana would say it with a raised eyebrow and a sly smile, the one that’s just for him. She has always liked you.
He promises he’ll be back tomorrow, once dishes are washed and leftovers are tucked neatly in your fridge, to make sure you get that hot shower Emily mentioned. The steam will definitely help, he’s read about it. Arguing with him would be pointless. You don’t have the energy, he’d only show up anyway, and it’s kind of nice to feel looked after. Spencer’s never failed to make you feel like that. You’re far too delirious to start thinking about that, not while he’s still standing in front of you at least. So you let him tuck you into bed, let him leave a glass of water on the table, let him dote. Pretending is a comfort when you feel as awful as you do. You’re already drifting off before he’s even ready to leave, content enough in your bed with the sound of him in the other room. Just, tinkering.
The sound of your front door opening rouses you the next morning, just about. Just enough to raise your head from your pillow and witness the sorry sight in your bedroom doorway.
Spencer’s trying - key word, trying - to suppress his sniffles, but the red rimmed eyes and tissue clutched in his fist give him away. It’s impossible to keep the sad little smile off of your face.
“Oh no.” You reach out a tired arm to pat the space beside you. There’s enough room for the two of you in amongst the blankets, and Spencer’s so far gone that he doesn’t even argue. His shoes and bag find a home at the foot of your bed as he lets himself collapse into the nest you’ve built. Tension leeches out of his body the moment he hits the mattress.
You have to lean across him to get your phone, right arm outstretched over his back - you can feel the heat rising off of him through his sweater and yours. Fever, that’s day two. Which means he spent yesterday evening taking care of you whilst he began to feel worse and worse. Softie.
“Egg or no egg?”
There’s an affirmative grunt from where his face is buried in your blankets. Egg it is, then. You dial the number mostly from memory, elbow still resting on his shoulder blade when you put the phone to your ear. You feel a little better than you did, but dragging yourself to the front door is still probably all you’ll be capable of today. At least you won’t be suffering alone. The line rings for a moment, then clicks, and a grainy hello sounds from the other side.
“Hi, can I place a breakfast order for delivery, please?”
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i’m stuck on which chapter to work on next, do we want angst or yearning or fun flirty activities????🧡
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s3thwrit3sstuff · 1 year
❝ Say yes to heaven (say yes to me) ❞
Michael Myers x gn!reader x Corey Cunningham | dating drabble | graphic description of violence, mentions of nsfw things |
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req: I’ve been absolutely obsessed with Michael and Corey recently and was wondering if we could get some Michael x Reader x Corey action going here? Just general headcanons of how that relationship would go!! <;33
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Your boyfriends are truly on opposite ends on nearly every spectrum.
Not just in age — which, let's discuss before anything else.
Michael is in his 60's while Corey is in his 20's — by themselves? They make a pretty unlikely couple, but they're also clearly deranged, so no one can comment on that.
Throwing you in the picture? Chaos erupts.
Despite his age, Michael's impulse control is something that's held together by a stringy shoelace and tape. Don't get me wrong, Corey's just as awful but somehow it's slightly better than Michael's.
All this to say, if you're just as awful at controlling your impulses? The devil himself will need to leash all three of you before Haddonfield is plunged into total destruction.
The sewers aren't an ideal living space but it brings Michael a smidge of comfort, so when Corey's parents mysteriously 'disappear' he works on making an underground tunnel of sorts so Michael can come and go as he pleases.
Corey and you joke it's basically your boyfriends' doggy door and Michael death-glared from where he stood.
Michael is a tough nut to crack — but his weakness has been and will always be acts of service.
A warm meal, a warm bath, getting bloodstains off his clothes...
Helping him shave.
He is truly spoiled by Corey and you because now when he tries to shave he finds himself inexplicably frustrated it's not your fingers tilting his head back or Corey's deadly hands carefully going along the grain.
You've walked into the bathroom and yelled in shock when the lights switch on to reveal Michael standing near the sink with his razor blade, a frown oh-so-prominent on his face.
"...Do you need some help, babe?" Michael's scruffy face that glowers at you is all the answer you need.
Though a man of few words, the little things he does is more than telling of how much he cares about his lovers.
The daily pouches/bags/backpacks/etc Corey and you use are always filled with your necessities. Whether it be hand sanitiser, wet wipes, or mints — he even makes sure to slip your phones, wallets and keys in before you two leave. Michael doesn't engage in these mundane things but he knows they're important to you so he assists anyways.
Corey fills Michael's silence with his voice. Once he gets to talk about something that interests him, he could talk for hours on end and Michael is a great listener (even if he looks as though he's not paying attention).
Corey's a big fan of physical touch. He loves making it known that you're his in public and adores it just as much when you return the gesture — he turns red when Michael and you hold him between your bodies.
When your murderous partners are off to fulfil their homicidal needs, they tread carefully on their way to the bathroom once they're home. You've laid out a tarp to ease their journey, please keep the crime scene contained, boys.
Michael and Corey stalk you and each other — it can't be helped. They just need to make sure their lovers are safe.
Michael will steal for both of you. If any of you eye something for more than 10 seconds in a store, not 24 hours later it's vanished and 'somehow' appeared in your shared bedroom.
Date nights are comfortable and chaotic. Corey is sweet, his plans involve someplace hidden where the three of you can just be. Michaels' are more unconventional in a way that's endearing because he's an old man and an infamous killer.
Sewers are his go-to transportation and then when the three of you pop out he monotonously gestures to a beautiful home that's almost bordering a mansion. He opens the doors, meanders to the lavish dining room and there's the grand feast the couple he'd just slaughtered were going to eat.
"Thank you, Michael" Corey's grin is impossibly crooked and bright while you press a kiss to Michael's masked cheek — Michael's old heart squeezes with adoration.
Oftentimes, Michael experiences cuteness aggression. He has to hold himself back from physically grabbing you and Corey by your necks and shaking you around.
Peepaw appreciates all your music tastes. As long as you like it, he'll like it.
You're always in the centre when you three cuddle up. It's hot, they run hot — don't recommend it during summer nights.
Your boyfriends are velcro boyfriends though, good luck.
This is a bit silly, but Corey taught Michael about his job (he talked about the ins and outs of vehicles and Michael listened as he watched Corey work on his bike).
Michael can't be trusted on or in vehicles but there was one occasion where a victim had both you and Corey put in a tough spot and Michael had mowed them down on Corey's bike.
Corey picks you up from work but sometimes, an older man dressed in a rugged leather jacket and motorcycle helmet pops up and your coworkers whisper about you allegedly "cheating" on Corey.
("Cheating?" your coworker nods. They had bumped into Corey in a coffee shop and caught the mechanic, their guilt too strong to keep it a secret. To their surprise, Corey laughs as they describe the mysterious older gentleman with scarred hands. "No, no, (Y/N)'s not cheating — that's our boyfriend", your coworkers could not look you in the eye for a few days after that, much too embarrassed.)
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Michael is a fan of watching. He's quite content with it, getting off on watching his beautiful lovers writhing in pleasure.
Corey's just pumped full of stamina — so much energy pent up in his body that quickies are rarely ever quick when it comes to Corey.
When Michael joins though? It's one hell of a ride for everyone.
The reason your bedframe is reinforced and your mattress is huge is so clear when your entire body is covered in teeth marks, bruises, scratches and stained with sweat, tears, blood and cum.
Corey's such an eager puppy. Obedient but so stupid when he's drunk on your taste.
Michael's grunts and growls always have you and Corey whining. His hands are just so big that when they cover your mouth you can barely breathe.
The thrill you get knowing the hands that worship and claim you are the same hands that have slaughtered and murdered countless of people? Indescribable.
Sometimes, when they reach the bedroom before they wash up after a kill they all but pounce on you.
"I'll clean it later" Corey mumbles as he rips your sleeping garments away, Michael holds you firmly to his chest — his raging hardon pressed on your ass as you squirm.
"Couldn't stop thinking about you, just, just needed this" Corey's lips are smeared with blood and spit and when you're on all fours with your face against Michael's crotch you know why. Those bloody streaks on his curved cock belonged to Corey whose fucking the air out of your lungs.
Michael has the best head game, lmao. The old man can deep-throat dick like a professional — Corey came so fast when Michael first did it to him and the both of you could not stop pestering Michael on where he learned how to do that.
He teaches both of you his tricks. Refuses to indulge in how he knows it.
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charms-cat · 8 months
Is it a good idea to remove the more bloody parts when adapting from book-to-movie?
I know it's a problem when movies show unnecessarily violent scenes; too many of that and I think an audience would get kinda numb to the cruelty displayed
but in cases of book-to-movie adaptations, would the standard be the same? the book(s) already exists; there's already a (semi) graphic description literally written out. so do you think the movie should keep the violence?
imo movies tend to sanitise/lessen the bad parts which kinda presents a false image to the movie-only audience since they're unaware of just how bad this character/group/organisation is
it doesn't help when the violence is completely removed. not even an equally damning (but less bloody) scene to take its place. so movie-only fans don't have a "full" understanding of the character since they don't know how mean/cruel/atrocious they actually are (or were meant to be)
Non-spoiler example would be something like if Organisation B, in the book, was a group that murdered kids and desecrated their corpses; but in the movie, B is alluded to committing atrocities, but nothing actually happens onscreen (at least not explicitly)
TLDR: do you think adaptations should keep the original violence from the books? should there be a balance? or should adaptations sanitise (or straight up remove) any atrocities from the books?
SPOILER examples forThe Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials, The Hunger Games, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes below (I'll be doing the examples in order so just scroll fast if you wanna read one spoiler but not the other):
The Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials
admittedly, the movies kinda went off the rails starting from TST but imo it wasn't in a good way. my main gripe is that WICKED seems... nicer
(it's been a while since I fully read the books so I might mix up some events)
in the books, the Gladers were left alone for a few/several days before Janson showed up and explained the Trials to them. then on the first day of the Trial(?), the Gladers were shocked by multiple bodies hanging from the ceiling. then they had to travel through a dark tunnel where they got attacked by metal balls that literally swallowed your head. this is all before they actually step onto the Scorch! WICKED prepared that for them! all this to obtain the Killzone data
but in the movies, WICKED was keeping them in the facility before harvesting them. it's cruel to treat these kids like that, yes, but it's still nowhere near the level of fucked up of book!WICKED planning lethal traps just to see how their test subjects react and adapt.
PLUS, book!WICKED forced the Gladers to enter the Scorch by promising that there would be a safe haven(?) after they travelled 100 miles; they do this without ever preparing the Gladers for the harsh desert environment, the Cranks, etc.
yet in the movies, the Gladers escape to the Scorch of their own volition. WICKED had no part in their harsh environment or any traumatic event the Gladers experience
the final Trial in the book was orchestrated by WICKED; the Gladers and Icers had to fend off violent lightbulb monsters while lightning struck all around them; WICKED only picked them up at the designated time (I think they were supposed to reach the 100-mile mark at a certain time?)
there's no real Scorch Trials in the movie literally called "The Scorch Trials". WICKED never gave them a trial, never forced them to the Scorch; they disappeared until the very final scene. compare this to the fact that book!WICKED was a looming threat (the constant reminder that they had to reach a certain location in limited time, the mysterious messages painted on the walls of city buildings, the Gladers literally being labelled on their collarbones, etc.)
The Hunger Games
THG has probably one of the better, if not one of the best, adaptations. I'll admit that this gripe is ultimately something minor
but I'm still a lil disappointed that the movie changed a psychological tactic from the Gamemakers - the dog mutts
the dog mutts are still scary in the movie, but, in the books, the mutts were also said to resemble the dead tributes. the Gamemakers had even made Rue's mutt wear a grass necklace, similar to how Rue wore a grass necklace as her tribute token.
as I said before, this is an admittedly minor issue but it's still one of the instances where we see that the Gamemakers are definitely aiming to attack the tributes psychologically as well as physically. the psychological attacks happen in the next books too - the voices of tortured loved ones from the jabberjays (Catching Fire), the lizard mutts hissing Katniss's name (Mockingjay)
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (this movie should've been a two-parter)
I understand that they only had two hours to cram everything in, but it doesn't change the fact that, in the process, they also had to cut out all of the Capitol's atrocities
it's been a while since I fully read the book, but there is one horrifying cruelty that I can remember: Arachne's funeral
specifically, the way that the Capitol paraded the surviving tributes down the road. the tributes were chained up and crammed together on one truckbed(?) while the corpse of another tribute (Brandy) swung above them. not only did the Capitol chain up the kids like animals, but they also disrespected Brandy's corpse. yes, Brandy had murdered Arachne, but Brandy was already brutally shot by the Peacekeepers after being starved by them for days, she was already suffering and she doesn't get any respect even in death
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pestcontrolperth · 1 year
Effective Rodent Baiting Perth
Rodents are a serious nuisance and pose numerous threats to your health, food and property. Rodents are known carriers of diseases such as tapeworm, salmonella and a variety of fevers. They can also cause damage to building structures and insulation, gnaw through electrical wires and create fire hazards. They are excellent climbers and can gain entry into secluded spaces like roof voids, sheds and behind walls and cupboards. They leave droppings and gnaw on surfaces, furniture, doors, floor joists and the insulation in your home.
Rodent pests are also a significant nuisance to your garden, causing damage by chewing on vegetables, plants and fruit trees, digging holes and burrowing tunnels in the soil. They can contaminate your crops with their droppings and urine, and trigger allergic reactions in people.
At Swatapest we offer expert rat control Perth, using quality products and procedures to eliminate the problem. Whether it is a house mouse, brown rat or roof rat infestation it is important to address the issue as soon as you notice any signs.
A professional Rodent baiting Perth inspection is the best way to assess the scale of a rodent infestation. Our Pesti technicians will use their years of experience to evaluate your situation and recommend the most appropriate treatment. Some of the signs to look for include brown rub marks on ceiling plaster, gnawing or scratching noises in the walls and cupboards, stale smells in particular areas and the sound of rats running in your ceiling at night.
The most commonly used rodent bait in Australia is Contrac Soft Bait, a high-quality pellet bait containing the highly effective active ingredient bromadiolone. It has been tested and used by thousands of professional pest managers worldwide and is trusted to protect some of the world’s most iconic buildings and public spaces. It is highly palatable and attractive to rodents, even in difficult to treat situations, including when other baits are not successful. It is used alongside a range of tamper-proof and lockable bait stations that are designed to keep the bait inaccessible to pets, children and non-target species.
It is also recommended to remove potential sources of food for rodents, by storing rubbish and pet foods in closed containers and clearing the garden regularly. It is also advisable to cut back the overhanging vegetation on your property and sanitise garbage containers, as rodents will hide in the bushes and undergrowth. Regular rat bait stations should be checked and the bait replenished, as needed. These rodent bait stations are tamper proof, require a key to open and have internal sensors that monitor temperature and humidity, as well as providing an indication of the remaining bait. The sensor is a great tool to help you gauge how long unconsumed bait will remain in the station before it goes mouldy and becomes ineffective. This is a common issue with over-the-counter rodent baits. Ideally only rodent bait supplied by licenced manufacturers and wholesalers/distributors will be used. This is to ensure the safety of people, pets and native wildlife.
Half Price Pest Control will take care of everything your needs in Pest Control Services in Australia. Call our team today to book and Half Price Pest Control will help you to combat these creatures with speed, efficiency and at a cost that is the lowest in the business.
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nintendont2502 · 2 years
God I feel like Life After Football would work so well for a Sburb focused lyricstuck - like focusing on the damage it caused (physically/emotionally)
Too bad I cannot focus on one project to save my life
I couldn't see a thing but I could hear destruction in the dark
Corrugated iron and timber rip and wrench my roof apart
As each tree fell, it felt like the earth was trying to catch its breath
Tunnels of wind whipped through the hills and kicked the forest half to death
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Everything was already falling, it's just falling faster now
The power lines frantic like cut snakes in the wind that brought them down
My shady lane was torn to shreds, a mess of dirty, brown and green
I threw my bag over my head, headed where I said I'd try to be
Once in a lifetime you get days like these
There's sure been a lot of once in a lifetimes lately
You rescued me on the main road, up near the footy ground
Now I'm masked up and sanitised in a hotel in my hometown
The army established a post on Ballan-Daylesford Road
It was a couple days of hope, til I knew if I still had a home
My hide out deep among the trees, it had nearly flattened me
I still hear the wind whip through the clearing when I'm trying to fall asleep
The last few weeks the world felt fast what I'm learning to understand
If you tread water for so long, your feet feel unstable on land
Once in a lifetime you get days like these
There's sure been a lot of once in a lifetimes lately
Once in a lifetime you get days like these
There's sure been a lot of once in a lifetimes
Nobody thinks about life after football
Everyone swears they live in the future
I didn't know we were moving the goalposts
Much less tearing them down forever
Nobody thinks about life after football
Everyone swears they live in the future
I didn't know we were moving the goalposts
Much less tearing them down forever
You told us we were invincible
You showed us you didn't care
(Nobody thinks about life after football)
You told us we were invincible
You showed us you didn't care
(Nobody thinks about life after football)
Nobody thinks about life after football (You told us we were invincible)
Everyone swears they live in the future (You showed us you didn't care)
I didn't know we were moving the goalposts (You told us we were invincible)
Much less tearing them down forever
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treatresortib · 2 years
Luxury Resorts Near Mumbai For A Weekend Escape
Taking proper care and safety, a few short distance trips as part of a weekend getaway are possible even in these testing times.
New year is here. It is a new ray of hope. It is also a new dawn of possibilities. Last year was marked by such loss and grief, that being skeptical about this year is definitely true. Since the pandemic is not over yet, it is true. We can easily say that the fight is still on. Last year was different in so many ways. One major change was travel. From small distance travel to school and office, to a long distance journey, both had a major setback. Many holiday leaves of service class people went wasted without any new trip or vacation.
But now, there is yet another change in the calendar. Which means that there are another set of weekends and weekdays. A whole new set of leaves will be available to be used. After staying at home for so long due to social guidelines and lockdown rules, many might be longing for a break. Some might have already started venturing out. With the relaxation of travel rules and guidelines on social gathering, some small travel plans will become possible.
For the citizens of Mumbai, this is a welcome relief. Mumbai is surrounded by beautiful, scenic, natural and peaceful beaches and mountains. Many people love to travel to these weekend getaway near Mumbai locations. Since these places are easily accessible from Mumbai, Pune, Surat, Ahmedabad, etc, they are people's favourite. And since the travel time is less and the locations have nothing much to explore, they form the ideal opportunity for a short break on the weekend.
There are many weekend getaway spots around Mumbai. This is because Mumbai has ocean on one end and the western ghats on the other. Panchgani, Alibaug, Matheran, Lonavala, Khandala, Silvassa, Karjat, Gholvad, etc are all so beautiful. They are natural beauty scenic locations, lying in close proximity to the capital city of Maharashtra. The travel time to these locations ranges from two to five hours by road. And the road trip itself is the beginning of the vacation. This is because the roads traverse through mountains and valleys. Therefore, they have natural beauty and lovely weather all around. Plus, there is so much thrill passing through a bend, a narrow curve or a tunnel. Sometimes there are waterfalls too on the road side!
A holiday on the weekend is the need of the hour. Long distance travel is still risky, getting tickets is still cumbersome. And going to another state means stepping into an unknown surrounding and exposing oneself unnecessarily to the bad situation. Therefore, a weekend holiday checks the boxes. One box for a vacation and the other one for safety. A short trip can happen easily with an own car, or even with a rented one, albeit, which is well sanitised.
Everything said and done, safety should be the primary concern for travel during the pandemic situation. A short trip means less luggage, who mostly. But in any case, a few essentials should always be present in the packed items. A pair is masks, a pair of hand gloves and a bottle of sanitiser per person are a must. Then, face shield could also be used by some. Proper medications for cold and cough, thermometer to check temperature, and some vitamin C pills are also smart travel plans. Have a safe, happy, relaxing, scenic and rejuvenating trip.
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SC asks Centre to challenge instructions on banning use of disinfection tunnels, fumigation on people Image Source : PTI SC asks Centre to challenge instructions on banning use of disinfection tunnels, fumigation on people…
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awesometeennews · 4 years
Wipro leverages deep-tech startup Wesense.ai to launch product to tackle Covid-19
Wipro leverages deep-tech startup Wesense.ai to launch product to tackle Covid-19
Wipro Infrastructure Engineering has leveraged Bengaluru-based deep-tech startup Wesense.ai to launch Clear Health, a product that ensures safety and protection from coronavirus.
WIN Automation, the company’s industrial automation wing, has introduced Clear Health, a device with a sensor to check body temperature, automatically dispense sanitizer, video camera for face recognition with…
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coralhawk · 4 years
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For @disinfection #sanitisation chamber or #tunnel available for #corona #viruse. It's good for disinfection of employee in organisation. With one year warranty #covid19 #coronavirus #india #doctors #safetyfirst #hospital #coronawarriors #government #pmo #honestmotherhood #ngo #govtofindia #passion #lockdown2020 #mask #dancechallenge #entrepreneur #alcohol #ship #gloves #sports #rent #rwa #manager #facebook #instagood #followme #govtoffice #police #loveyourself #mummy #stayhome #staysafe #school (at Noida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_cTZ1-AdfN/?igshid=iwmavlq27z93
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euroblastme01 · 2 years
Chemical Sanitizers
Chemical sanitizers use chemicals to kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, mould, or mildew that are present on an object. Most products for cleaning, sanitising, and disinfecting are made up from the mix of chemicals. Sanitizing is done through chemical compounds that can kill bacteria that can cause disease. Iodine, chlorine (bleach), and quaternary ammonium are all common sanitizers. In the food service industry, chemical sanitizers are widely used.
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TEKTRONIX TECHNOLOGY Company builds a tunnel to spray disinfectant tunnel on staff before they begin work in bid to prevent coronavirus outbreak People walk through a ‘sanitizing gate’ spraying disinfectans tunnel gate spry against coronavirus before entering into a mall shopping mall, government office, Schools, A company in the UAE DUBAI has built a tunnel to spray employees at an industrial complex with disinfection spray the gate before they begin work. For all GCC MENA ALL DUBAI ALL EMIRATES
SANITARY GATE – Together we face a serious world health emergency. We have decided to make available our company’s wealth of experience by creating a solution that can be of public value.
sanitization office gate , sanitization Spray gate Construction site sanitization Spray gate Construction  abu dhabi ,disinfection tunnel gate disinfection  spray tunnel construction site ,disinfection  tunnel constrution site abu dhabi ,disinfection spray tunnel office ,disinfection spray tunnel shopping mall,disinfection spray tunnel goverment office ,sanitization office  tunnel gate,sanitization office  tunnel gate,sanitization spray tunnel gategoverment office , #disinfectantconstructionspraygatedubai  #sterilizationgate #constructanspraygatedubai     #disinfectiongate #disinfectiongatetunnel    #sanitization spray tunnel
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srbachchan · 3 years
DAY 4966
Jalsa, Mumbai                 Sept 30/Oct 1,  2021               Thu/Fri 12:52 AM 
Birthday - EF Shubhi Jha Kansal ..  Bushra Ef Algeria .. October 1 .. all the wishes for our Ef and the love of care and protection .. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️  
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.. traditional attire for the festive season of Navratri ..
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... and the camouflage shoes for the fractured toe .. socks like wearing but indeed a shoe .. soft protection for the toe that has been damaged and broken .. but still the joi de vivre (?) spell check .. and more .. a rewarding journey to the end of times whatever they be ..
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.. through the tunnel for the sanitiser .. and on to work  
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.. the broken toe, fractured at the base and in the pain of excruciating .. the despondency of the space do never be put in plaster .. for there is no discovered method yet .. so a soft efficient job done known in common tongue as ‘buddy taping’ .. buddy, because the broken finger is given sympathy by the one next door , joined together in some unison and taped for 4-5 weeks ..
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.. and on to the next avatar ..
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.. ok dosing off , dropping the head on the screen .. so its GN
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Amitabh Bachchan
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chloebeale · 4 years
i tested positive for covid in october last year. i stayed home, if i did go out because i absolutely had to i always wore a mask, but my dad is classed as an essential worker so he has been working throughout and his job requires him to be in contact with a lot of people every day, which is where we assume our whole household got it. it sucks but it’s just one of those things.
anyway, it’s almost march now and i am still sick with one thing or another every single day. i developed parosmia and phantosmia (thank you @mcrololo who was incredible and found some possible treatments for this for me, but unfortunately none of those have worked so far) because of the virus, which also impacted my taste sense and now there are only a handful of foods i can actually eat without throwing up because of the replacement taste/smell.
my life is genuinely not the same as it was before covid. i’m so down constantly because of all of the resulting health issues. i try to stay inside even now when i can help it, but when i was walking my dog the other day i saw stickers plastered everywhere saying “covid is a lie, the media is the virus” and honestly it was just so so sickening. the amount of people not wearing masks, not taking it seriously, is just so disgusting.
i’m mostly just making this post to complain because i really am just feeling so defeated and downtrodden thanks to all of this, but if anyone does happen to see this and is still under the impression that covid doesn’t exist, or that you don’t need to wear a mask to protect yourself and others, then you really need to rethink your views. my dad wears his mask every day, he sanitises his hands and his truck between each delivery he makes, and he still managed to catch it likely because others didn’t care to protect him.
please, seriously, if you don’t care about yourself and your own health then that’s your deal, but do not put other people through this. i can’t explain how hellish these last almost five months have been and i don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel yet. do not put someone else in my position, i’m literally begging.
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etheralisi · 4 years
ᴛᴇ ɪɴᴠᴏᴄᴏ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪʀᴛ ɪs ɢᴏɴᴇ
Perhaps she has hit the unlucky jackpot with getting Tamara as her roommate. What kind of reality did she wake up in to have to come home to a summoning circle?
 They were low on flour. 
 And it’s not as if they necessarily need it, per se. Not really, because hey, there’s a few snacks laying around, and their neighbor Marla’s built up a reputation from giving stuff out from bottomless pockets of sweets and chocolates that fits the picture book description of every five year old’s dreamscape to a t. 
 But Anthea’s hands are itching to do something, anything that isn’t homework, and as always, she’s drawn back into memories of large and steady palms pressing hers into dough, and the scent rising yeast in the oven — the furnace she’ll endearingly label as home. Even now, away on her studies, away from that little country kitchen, it’s that little piece of her past that’s trailing after her through the shopping aisle, Anthea mulling over the brands they have available.
 “You’re going shopping?” Her roommate had shouted from the couch when Anthea’s foot was half out of the door, holding it in place as she turned exasperatedly towards the other girl. “ Can you get me anything? Like, I dunno, gummy worms or something. Maybe some crisps. Oh, oh! See if they have any of those-” She snapped her fingers, a disappointed pout forming as she made a vagueish gesture. “Ah, you know. Those things.”
 “Sure, sure. Very helpful,” Anthea had said in drawl, fairly sure there are at least five possible contenders for what ‘those things’ may be from her past purchasing habits and, chances are, she’ll end up purchasing the wrong thing. So. You know. Helpful. “I’ll see what I can find, Tam. Pay me back later.”
 She’s gotten Tamara a good few bargains, and if she were any less of a person, Anthea would charge her full price for them and pocket a little extra cash. Like a certain someone — not naming names, but Tamara — had done a few months back in her ploy to ‘get rich quick’ after taking inspiration from a few life hack videos guaranteeing her ways to save money, though not as borderline fraudulent as she put into practice.
 So. Yes. What a wonderful roommate Anthea’s been blessed with. Truly an inspiration.
 (And to think that once upon so long ago, Anthea had been a sidestep and a jump from a breakdown, worrying if she’d be considered the weird roommate. The one people grumble about to friends over the phone.)
 After staring at the prices the flour is selling at — long enough she swears barcodes and prices are burned into her retinas, thin black lines and all — Anthea pulls out her phone, just long enough to send a text or two to Tamara. Just checking in, is all. Reminding Tamara of her half of the chores, and praying to every entity out there that she's not going to have to come back to their shared living space surrounded by firefighters because of a science project gone wrong. 
 (“Hey, I was just pulling apart my Magiorb to see how it ticked! I couldn’t have foreseen the fire. Or how couches aren’t fireproof. Uhh, what’s the cheapest fireproof furniture selling right now?”)
 Needless to say, there’s a very low bar in the terms of her expectations for her return. Very low bar. ‘World’s best limbo dancer can’t even hope to cross’ kind.
 Still. Somehow Tamara manages to bring a spade and tunnel right under this metaphorical bar until she reaches hell’s gates, because, well, Anthea’s pretty sure that everything you can find in a ‘ cultists starter kit to summoning demonic entities’ has been strewn across the room to the point that rather than baking, her hands are screaming for her to grab a fire extinguisher before house fire electric boogaloo can make a comeback. 
 Candles. So. Many. Candles. Over that little couch, over her bed. Why are they over her bed?
 Multiple pressing questions bulldoze their way down the fast-pass lane to the forefront of her mind, so pressing they may as well be full on slaps to the face like this whole nonsensical scene displayed out in front of her. Anthea hardly registers dropping the shopping bag, slipping from numb fingers now completely useless for pinching her awake from this living nightmare. 
  ‘Life hacks,' okay. Guess this extends to hacking away at their own lifespans too. It’s flashing before her eyes, disco party style, as they speak.
 “Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor?” Anthea says with this tired sort of calm calm. Like the anger and frustration and fear are too big for her body and physically unable to manifest themselves into her tone. It’s just. Too much.
 “Your text told me to satanize the kitchen before you returned, and the other rooms if I could. Don’t worry, I did the kitchen too,” Tamara says like it’s a perfectly normal request and every bit entirely in character of Anthea to say, and not in the least worrisome to the point that Anthea doesn’t so much as want to think about the state of the kitchen. She knows the text. She knows what she sent. And yeah, pulling out her phone, Anthea’s now doubly sure that her request wasn’t nearly as demonic as Tamara has taken it.
 “I wrote sanitise, Tamara,” She corrects with not nearly enough stress on the name as she is feeling right now. Not even close. “Sanitise . And here you are with… with this pentagram…”
 “Summoning circle.” 
 “Oh, I’m sorry.” Anthea wants to laugh, really laugh, but she’s afraid she won’t be able to stomach something so bitter. “And how is that any better?”
 “I mean, it’s not the Satan on the line. I couldn’t get a hold of him.” And is it her, or does the slight pout of Tamara’s bottom lip make her look — dare she say it — disappointed. Demonic flames are no way to sanitise a home. Insta-cook it? Yes. But she just wants to bake. Not recreate hell’s kitchen.
 Anthea pinches or nose and lets loose a long, drawn out sigh as she tries to recall what optimism sounds like again when her half full glass has been shattered against a wall repetitively. 
 “Well that’s clear. If you had, I’d be coming back to nothing but the circle. Thank the stars you didn’t manage to summon him.”
 And by him, she means whatever alternative demon Tamara had turned to after her temporary setback. Anthea never really studied demons above the mandatory lessons where the overall takeaway was ‘ stay the heck away from demons unless you have a death wish for both you and your entire neighbourhood .’ And good old Mr Rivera had a knack for making even the most entertaining of things about as interesting as witnessing fifty coats of paint dry, the sound of his voice alone giving insomniacs the well needed rest they deserve, his droning on a magical cure-all. But she swears that the patterns ring some incredibly distant alarm bells amongst the fog of memories.
 “Ehhh…” Tamara hand wanders to the back of her neck, sheepish. “I mean...”
 Her stomach drops. Ten, twenty floors of an office building and into the plummeting void of ever present worry and why ever did she think leaving to buy flour would be a safe activity?
 “What,” Anthea says, fire encased in a cage of ice for a tone, “Did you do?”
 As if on queue — and perhaps so, because stage queues and flair have been attributed to their species for years — the answer makes itself known as the Dreambender himself, materialising into existence with a faint pop and waft of pine needles to mask the smoke.
  What the-
 “Oh, y̤͈̣̭̝͎̹o͖̝̻̲̤̪͇u͖͉̥͙’̥͖̟̗͍̮͡r̼̩̣̻e̞͔̝̜̹ ͔̺̘͈̰͎b̞̦͍͔͡a͖͜c͇̘k̛̮̙?̹̼͓̖͖̳̝ ” He grins, too many teeth. Far too many teeth. “And you’ve brought my gummy worms! Thanks!”
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The Potions Book
This is for @approved-by-dentists Writing Challenge. 
Prompts for my Sirius Black x Slytherin!reader.
#22 “It doesn’t have to be this way.” “It doesn’t, but you’re not giving me much choice.”
#35 “You have ten.” “Ten what? Hours? Days?” “Nine.” “Oh shit-”
The prompts will be in bold.
You and Sirius were rivals. Always were, always will be. Especially today. No, today was going to be more than a heated exchange of insults. Today was going to be fucking murder. And murder was the reason why you are currently hurtling through the corridors 15 minutes before your potions class, screaming like a madwoman.
And there he was. About 50 metres in front of you standing there chatting up a girl with your prized potion book tucked under his arm. They were laughing like a right pair of fools. ‘Not for long.’ you think, a smirk twisting your mouth as you marched up to him.
“SIRIUS. ORION. BLACK.” you say, emphasising each word with a loud stomp. The girl looks over at you as you steam like an erupting volcano. You glare at her, willing her to leave. She takes the hint and scampers off.
Sirius rolls back his head and groans “Did you have to scare her off? She was my Slug Club date!” “To hell with your date! Give me my book back you… PRICK!” You yell, jumping to grab it as he suddenly holds it out of your reach.
He smirks at you and holds it up higher. “This? You want this? If you can reach it, shortstack!” Your eyes narrowed into slits of anger. “I swear if you don’t-” “Now, why would I want to give it back to you?” he says cutting you off. “Look at all these notes you made, they can definitely get me through my potions exam.” He looks at you, silently goading with his eyes.
Giving into your anger, you whip out your wand and hold it against his throat making him back up into a tapestry of three giggling ladies.
“Give it to me now!” You spit into his face. “No” he says, maintaining his cocky smile. “You have ten.” “Ten what? Hours? Days?” “Nine.” “Oh shit-” a look of unease crossed his face before his smile returned. He cheekily kissed your forehead - effectively shocking you - and proceeded to rip back the tapestry, jump through it and disappear.
“Oh, for FUCKS SAKE!!” you scream, throwing your hands in the air. “Well, if I want my book back, I’m gonna have to go too…” Biting your lip and summoning courage, you follow him.
You march through, like a woman on a mission (which you were). You were going to get that book back, ace this test and rub the results in his face… after you found him of course.
The tunnel behind the tapestry was damp and gloomy. It had an eerie, foreboding feeling that really didn’t help your nerves. It also smelt disgusting. You held one hand over your nose trying to block out the smell. “This clearly hasn’t been used in a long time!” You say talking to yourself, to distract you from the rising panic in your throat. “I mean, I would’ve at least sanitised this every few years!”
“You can always take Filch’s job, he’d probably be grateful.” A voice whispers in your ear. You whip around, sacred shitless, coming face to face with Sirius and “MY POTION BOOK!!” you scream trying to grab it off him. “Honestly!” He groans “Do you have a one track mind?” “Yes! Now, Give. It!” You yank hard on the book, succeeding in tugging it from his grasp all the while accidentally taking some of his hair with you. You didn’t realise you did until he face was a few centimetres away from yours. A small smirk crosses his lips as he leans in making you blush. He was about to say something (undoubtedly cheeky) when your common sense kicked in, you pushed him away effectively cutting him off and proceeded to laugh and gloat to him.
“Looks like the famous Sirius Black is starting to lose his touch eh?” You smiled up at him for the first time, feeling no hate. But his face was unreadable. Blank. “Sirius?..” you ask tentatively. An evil smile crosses across his face which makes you back up a few steps. Then as quick as lightning he lashes out and rips the book off you. “I’m not losing my touch love, just biding my time.” He says another smirk coming onto his face as you stand there gaping like a fish.
As you came to, you groan at your mistake. Deciding to beat him at his own game, you prepare the fake tears. Hanging your head, you start to cry. “B-but if I fail this test my parents w-will kill me!” You wipe away tears and sneak a glance upwards to see him looking extremely awkward. ‘Hah, take that you bitch’ looking down again, you sigh “Us slytherins aren’t all the same. We’re not robots you know.” Now that was the truth. A truth he didn’t realise. ‘And for the icing on the cake…’. You think. Leaning towards him, you rest your head on his chest and sob, really loud.
As expected, he awkwardly reached out an hand and patted you on your shoulder. Taking this opportunity, you slam him against the wall and hold your wand under his throat. “Look,” he says, holding his hands up in surrender. “It doesn’t have to be this way.” “It doesn’t, but you’re not giving me much choice.” you reply going to grab the book off him. “How about I just hand you the book before you start drooling over my body” he winks at you. You roll your eyes “Get your mind out of the gutter Black, and I’ve been trying to get this book off of you for the last 10 minutes!”
“Coulda just asked nicely and I would’ve given it to you.” You look at him in disbelief, momentarily stopping to banter with him. “Yeah, because that would’ve worked on you. You hate me!” “I don’t hate you...” he mumbles. You falter. “What?!” He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “Look, how about I just show you...” and slammed his lips on his yours.    
 You shove him away and stare at him in shock. “What the fuck Black?” “Just shut up and kiss me.” He groans. You lean back into him and he wraps his arms around you kissing you again and again.    
You never did get to class to complete that potions test.
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