amalesurgery1things · 5 years
Male Breast Reduction
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Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction)
What is a Male Breast Reduction? It is estimated that up to 40 percent of men have gynecomastia- a Greek term that means "woman-like breasts." The cause can be anything from simple heredity to reactions to certain medications, but the result is the same. The patient suffers from over-developed breasts due to enlarged glandular tissues, fat, and possibly excess skin.
A male breast reduction is a surgical procedure for correcting gynecomastia. It involves the use of liposuction to remove excess fat, as well as the removal of excess skin and glandular tissue. If necessary, the surgeon can also change the size and position of the areola and nipple, to give it a more masculine appearance.
Why Get a Male Breast Reduction? Men who suffer from gynecomastia may be self-conscious about their chest. It can affect their self-image and their confidence levels. Some patients are embarrassed to be seen without a shirt on, and will even avoid certain social situation where attention might be called to his situation.
There is no reason to live with gynecomastia. A male breast reduction will give your chest a firmer, more masculine contour that better suits your proportions and body type. If you are already active and your chest has been unresponsive to diet and exercise because of heredity, the procedure will give you the body you've already earned with your hard work.
Who is A Good Candidate for a Male Breast Reduction? A good candidate for male breast reduction will have a positive outlook and realistic expectations of the outcome of the procedure. He will be undergoing laser skin resurfacing for personal reasons, and not to satisfy anyone else.
There is no "right" age for a male breast reduction patient, but he should have skin with enough elastin that it will contour well to the chest's new shape. Older patients have sometimes lost elasticity in their skin, so their results won't be as satisfactory as a younger patient's. 
Patients who drink excessive amounts of alcohol, smoke marijuana, or use anabolic steroids are not good candidates for the surgery because consumption of those substances has been linked to the development of gynecomastia. If you are suffering from the condition, first stop using those substances to see if the problem resolves itself.My site 남성수술
A good candidate for male breast reduction should be as close to his ideal weight as possible. Being overweight can contribute to gynecomastia, so try to lose the weight with diet and exercise before you pursue surgery. Also, non-smokers are better candidates than smokers because smoking interferes with the healing process. If you smoke, you will need to quit at least six weeks before surgery.
What Happens During My Consultation for Gynecomastia? During your consultation for gynecomastia, your surgeon will review your medical history, including all medications you are taking. He will perform a detailed physical exam of your breasts and nipples, and might take pre-operative photographs. The surgeon will use your medical history, lifestyle, and possibly some additional lab work to help you find the cause of your gynecomastia.
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amalesurgery1things · 5 years
남성중점 치료병원, 여유증, 여유증수술, 조루, 조루증, 조루수술, 귀두확대, 음경확대, 성기확대수술, 남자지방흡입, 여성형유방증, 발기부전수술
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amalesurgery1things · 5 years
Cosmetic Surgery Enhancement For Men
These days plastic surgery has become quite common for men; it's not limited to just women anymore. The options for male cosmetic surgery are not limited in any way whatsoever; whether you're looking for a face lift, lip reduction or even liposuction. Plastic surgery options are not just about being vain either, some address health problems that are specific to you.
Two of the most popular male plastic surgery procedures are breast reduction and rhinoplasty. The word rhinoplasty is medical jargon for nose job; the goal of a rhinoplasty is fixing structural problems to the nose or decreasing or increasing the size of the nose for aesthetic or medical purposes. Large breasts that have developed from a hormonal imbalance, gynaecomastia or obesity can be dealt with by means of a breast reduction surgery.
Cosmetic surgeries that are popular with men are:
Liposuction: more popular than ever with males; after the liposuction process you'll have stubborn fatty deposits removed that could not be removed by exercise and diet. Men tend to treat areas such as the abs, calves, arms, thighs and double chins.My site 남성수술
Male tummy tuck (abdominoplasty): This is one-up from liposuction in that, along with the removal of excessive fat, is the removal of excessive skin, as well as the suturing of the abdominal muscles to make the whole abdominal area tighter. A less evasive procedure would be the mini abdominoplasty which is faster and easier than a full blown procedure. 
Breast reduction: a common procedure with men who have lost considerable amounts of weight and are unable to firm up the chest area with exercise alone. The condition known as gynaecomastia is a hormonal imbalance that causes you to grow large breasts and by having a breast reduction performed you're able to remove glandular tissue and excessive fat.
Penis surgery: By having a male penis cosmetic surgery performed you're able to add width and length to your penis. The penis can typically be enlarged by an inch in length and about 30 percent circumference. Innovative and new operations can also allow the head of the penis to be enlarged also.
Reconstructive facial surgery
Facelift: A rather simple cosmetic surgery in which the excess skin is trimmed from your stretched out face. Wrinkles are removed with this process and it has the effect of taking several years off most people. To have even less scarring you can have a cosmetic surgery known as a mini facelift performed. To enhance a facelift even more people tend to have brow lifts, eyelid correction and eye bag removal procedures performed.
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